Tumwater School District

Written Student Learning PlanCollege and Career PreparationStudent:?Student NumberGradeCertificated Teacher: Beginning DateEnding Date√Course Meets State & District graduation requirements Curriculum Master Code:1PXCCP Course Code:CAPCedars Course Code:22151Minimum Hours per week of Learning Activities Required: 5Estimate provided by:Rebecca HalbertCertificated Staff signature & DateStudent signature & DateWeekly Contact: Students are required to maintain weekly direct personal contact with their teacher and that contact shall be for the purposes of instruction, review of assignments, testing, inquiries on progress, or other learning activities. All meetings between certificated teacher and student will be done one on one weekly through class attendance, email, phone, face-to-face and/or instant messaging. Monthly Progress Evaluation: Student monthly progress is at the discretion of the certificated teacher based on weekly evaluations and the student’s ability to complete the required learning activities for that month. If a student fails to make progress all weeks, then monthly progress is unsatisfactory and the student will be placed on an intervention plan. If, after three consecutive calendar months, the intervention plan has been unsuccessful, the certificated teacher may recommend removal of the student from the alternative learning experience and enrollment in another educational program offered by the school district. Monthly progress will be documented on the monthly progress report.Instructional Materials & Fees: All learning activity resources and folders are contained within the student online course. Online course is accessed via login and password emailed directly to student upon enrollment. Course website: . No additional textbooks or materials. There are no fees associated with this course.Course Syllabus: Available upon request.Credits AwardedTitle (Brief) Course Code Credits Grade Date Instructor Initial______________________ ________________ ______________ _____ ____________ _____________________Alternative Learning ExperienceCredit: ____ one semester (.5) ____ two semesters (1) When a student successfully completes one semester, they can receive .5 credits even if full course is not completed. Estimate of hours per week engaged in learning activities:5 hours of class work per week, until student demonstrates mastery of all College and Career Preparation essential academic learning standardsPrerequisites and/or recommended preparation: none for Semester 1, College and Career Preparation I required for College and Career Preparation IICourse Overview: Semester I: In College and Career Preparation I, students obtain a deeper understanding of what it means to be ready for college. Students are informed about the importance of high school performance in college admissions and how to prepare for college testing. They know the types of schools and degrees they may choose to pursue after high school and gain wide exposure to the financial resources available that make college attainable.Career readiness is also a focus. Students connect the link between interests, college majors, and future careers by analyzing career clusters. Students come away from this course understanding how smart preparation and skill development in high school can lead into expansive career opportunities after they have completed their education and are ready for the working world.Semester II: College and Career Preparation II builds on the lessons and skills in College and Career Preparation I. The course provides a step-by-step guide to choosing a college. It walks students through the process of filling out an application, including opportunities to practice, and takes an in-depth look at the various college-admission tests and assessments, as well financial aid options.College and Career Preparation II also instructs students in interviewing techniques and provides career guidance. Students explore valuable opportunities such as job shadowing and internships when preparing for a career. Students who complete this course obtain a deeper understanding of college and career readiness through informative, interactive critical thinking and analysis activities while sharpening their time management, organization, and learning skills that they learned in College and Career Preparation I.Units Included in Semester I:Unit 1: Prepare for College in High SchoolUnit 2: College KnowledgeUnit 3: Testing and AssessmentsUnit 4: Financial AidUnit 5: Career OpportunitiesUnit 6: College and Career Preparation Wrap-upUnits Included in Semester II:Unit 1: Preparing for CollegeUnit 2: College KnowledgeUnit 3: Testing and AssessmentsUnit 4: Financial AidUnit 5: CareersUnit 6: College and Career Preparation Wrap-upLearning Goals:Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:Verbally express what the value of education means to themDescribe the habits of highly successful high school studentsList the types of colleges and academic programs available that interest themDemonstrate knowledge of the standardized tests required for college admissionShare information regarding the financial aid processSelf-assess a career cluster or degree program of interest to themAll coursework is aligned with the Washington State and District CCS’sSee Accompanying CCSS BelowCourse learning goals and objectives are met by successful completion of the learning activities are outlined for each unit.Objectives:Common Core StandardGrade Level ExpectationsPerformance Objective ExamplesMATHN-QReason quantitatively and use units to solve problems.Prepare a budgetBalance a checkbookF-LEConstruct and compare linear, quadratic, and exponential models and solve problemsAnalyze income tax ratesApply the rule of 72 to compare compound interest rate loansREADINGR-1Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in differentmedia or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words in order to address a question or solve a problemCompare compensation packagesEvaluate different college and career pathsWRITINGW-1Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts,using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.Defend your position on taxation based on calculations and readingW-9Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and researchDiscuss your approach to prioritizing expenses after preparing a personal budgetSPEAKING AND LISTENINGSL-2Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) in order to make informed decisions and solve problems, evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source and noting any discrepancies among the data.Choose your ideal college based on admissions and financial requirementsL-6Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level; demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expressionWrite your personal action plan using academic vocabulary.Types of Learning ActivitiesDirect InstructionIndirect InstructionExperiential LearningIndependent StudyInteractive Instruction__√__Structured Overview ____Mini presentation____Drill & Practice____Demonstrations____Other (List) ____Problem-based___Case Studies ____Inquiry __√__Reflective Practice ____Project____Paper____Concept Mapping____Other (List)__√__ Virt. Field Trip ____Experiments ___√_Simulations ____Games ____Field Observ. ___Role-playing ____Model Bldg. ____Surveys____Other (List)____Essays __√_Self-paced computer__√__Journals ____Learning Logs ____Reports ____Directed Study ____Research Projects____Other (List) ____Discussion ____Debates ___Role Playing____Panels ____Peer Partner Learning ____Project team____Laboratory Groups ____Think, Pair, Share ____Cooperative Learning ____Tutorial Groups ____Interviewing __√__Conferencing ____Other (List)Course Title Learning ActivitiesSemester I AssignmentsAll students need to complete the following: LINK Excel.SheetBinaryMacroEnabled.12 "C:\\Documents and Settings\\HP_Administrator\\Local Settings\\Temp\\report-1.xls" Sheet1!R5C2:R45C4 \a \f 4 \h Unit NameLesson NameActivity Name1. Goals and Career Planning1. The Need for Financial Literacy1.1.2 - Quiz: The Need for Financial Literacy1. Goals and Career Planning1. The Need for Financial Literacy1.1.3 - Journal: Assignment1. Goals and Career Planning2. Identifying Goals1.2.2 - Quiz: Identifying Goals1. Goals and Career Planning2. Identifying Goals1.2.3 - Journal: Assignment1. Goals and Career Planning3. Income and Career1.3.2 - Quiz: Income and Career1. Goals and Career Planning4. Establishing Career Goals1.4.2 - Quiz: Establishing Career Goals1. Goals and Career Planning4. Establishing Career Goals1.4.3 - Journal: Assignment1. Goals and Career Planning5. Achieving Career Goals1.5.2 - Quiz: Achieving Career Goals1. Goals and Career Planning6. Goals and Career Planning Wrap-Up1.6.2 - Test (CST): Goals and Career Planning1. Goals and Career Planning6. Goals and Career Planning Wrap-Up1.6.3 - Test (TST): Goals and Career Planning2. Income and Budgeting1. Types of Income2.1.2 - Quiz: Types of Income2. Income and Budgeting2. Compensation Packages2.2.2 - Quiz: Compensation Packages2. Income and Budgeting2. Compensation Packages2.2.3 - Journal: Assignment2. Income and Budgeting3. Required and Optional Deductions2.3.2 - Quiz: Required and Optional Deductions2. Income and Budgeting4. Taxation2.4.2 - Quiz: Taxation2. Income and Budgeting4. Taxation2.4.3 - Journal: Assignment2. Income and Budgeting5. Budgeting and Cost of Living2.5.2 - Quiz: Budgeting and Cost of Living2. Income and Budgeting5. Budgeting and Cost of Living2.5.3 - Journal: Assignment2. Income and Budgeting6. Inflation Deflation and Recession2.6.2 - Quiz: Inflation Deflation and Recession2. Income and Budgeting7. Income and Budgeting Wrap-Up2.7.2 - Test (CST): Income and Budgeting2. Income and Budgeting7. Income and Budgeting Wrap-Up2.7.3 - Test (TST): Income and Budgeting3. Banking1. Types of Banks3.1.2 - Quiz: Types of Banks3. Banking2. The Federal Reserve3.2.2 - Quiz: The Federal Reserve3. Banking3. Checking Accounts3.3.2 - Quiz: Checking Accounts3. Banking3. Checking Accounts3.3.3 - Journal: Assignment3. Banking4. Balancing Your Checkbook3.4.2 - Quiz: Balancing Your Checkbook3. Banking4. Balancing Your Checkbook3.4.3 - Journal: Assignment3. Banking5. Comparing Checking Accounts3.5.2 - Quiz: Comparing Checking Accounts3. Banking5. Comparing Checking Accounts3.5.3 - Journal: Assignment3. Banking6. Electronic Banking3.6.2 - Quiz: Electronic Banking3. Banking7. Banking Wrap-Up3.7.2 - Test (CST): Banking3. Banking7. Banking Wrap-Up3.7.3 - Test (TST): Banking4. Savings and Investment1. Interest4.1.2 - Quiz: Interest4. Savings and Investment2. The Rule of 724.2.2 - Quiz: The Rule of 724. Savings and Investment2. The Rule of 724.2.3 - Journal: Assignment4. Savings and Investment3. Savings Accounts4.3.2 - Quiz: Savings Accounts4. Savings and Investment4. Comparing Savings Accounts4.4.2 - Quiz: Comparing Savings Accounts4. Savings and Investment5. Investment4.5.2 - Quiz: Investment4. Savings and Investment5. Investment4.5.3 - Journal: Assignment4. Savings and Investment6. Stocks and Brokers4.6.2 - Quiz: Stocks and BrokersSemester II AssignmentsAll students need to complete the following:Unit NameLesson NameActivity Name1. Preparing for College1. Habits of a Successful Student1.1.1 - Discuss: Getting to Know You1. Preparing for College1. Habits of a Successful Student1.1.4 - Quiz: Assess Your Learning1. Preparing for College1. Habits of a Successful Student1.1.7 - Quiz: Assess Your Learning1. Preparing for College2. Learning Skills1.2.4 - Quiz: Assess Your Learning1. Preparing for College2. Learning Skills1.2.5 - Practice: Sharing Your Skills1. Preparing for College3. Support Circle1.3.3 - Quiz: Assess Your Learning1. Preparing for College3. Support Circle1.3.4 - Journal: Personal Action Plan1. Preparing for College4. Earning College Credit in High School1.4.2 - Quiz: Assess Your Learning1. Preparing for College4. Earning College Credit in High School1.4.3 - Practice: Getting Credit1. Preparing for College5. Preparing for College Wrap-Up1.5.2 - Test (CST): Preparing for College1. Preparing for College5. Preparing for College Wrap-Up1.5.3 - Test (TST): Preparing for College2. College Knowledge1. My Ideal College2.1.2 - Quiz: Assess Your Learning2. College Knowledge1. My Ideal College2.1.3 - Practice: Looking at Colleges Online2. College Knowledge2. College Fairs and Visits2.2.3 - Quiz: Assess Your Learning2. College Knowledge2. College Fairs and Visits2.2.4 - Discuss: Questions Before You Go2. College Knowledge3. College Admissions2.3.2 - Quiz: Assess Your Learning2. College Knowledge3. College Admissions2.3.3 - Journal: Am I Ready?2. College Knowledge4. College Applications2.4.4 - Quiz: Assess Your Learning2. College Knowledge4. College Applications2.4.5 - Practice: Writing a Personal Essay2. College Knowledge5. College Knowledge Wrap-Up2.5.2 - Test (CST): College Knowledge2. College Knowledge5. College Knowledge Wrap-Up2.5.3 - Test (TST): College Knowledge3. Testing and Assessments1. SAT3.1.2 - Quiz: Assess Your Learning3. Testing and Assessments1. SAT3.1.3 - Discuss: Preparing for the SAT3. Testing and Assessments2. ACT3.2.2 - Quiz: Assess Your Learning3. Testing and Assessments2. ACT3.2.3 - Practice: Gathering More Information on the ACT3. Testing and Assessments3. COMPASS and ACCUPLACER3.3.3 - Quiz: Assess Your Learning3. Testing and Assessments3. COMPASS and ACCUPLACER3.3.4 - Journal: What Assessments Mean to Me3. Testing and Assessments4. CLEP3.4.2 - Quiz: Assess Your Learning3. Testing and Assessments4. CLEP3.4.3 - Practice: Tests I'll Take3. Testing and Assessments5. Testing and Assessments Wrap-Up3.5.2 - Test (CST): Testing and Assessments3. Testing and Assessments5. Testing and Assessments Wrap-Up3.5.3 - Test (TST): Testing and Assessments4. Financial Aid1. FAFSA and CSS/PROFILE4.1.4 - Quiz: Assess Your Learning4. Financial Aid1. FAFSA and CSS/PROFILE4.1.5 - Discuss: Financial Aid 1014. Financial Aid2. Scholarships Grants and Work-Study4.2.4 - Quiz: Assess Your Learning4. Financial Aid2. Scholarships Grants and Work-Study4.2.5 - Practice: Find the Money4. Financial Aid3. Loans4.3.2 - Quiz: Assess Your Learning4. Financial Aid3. Loans4.3.3 - Journal: Thinking about Loans4. Financial Aid4. Financial Aid Wrap-Up4.4.2 - Test (CST): Financial Aid4. Financial Aid4. Financial Aid Wrap-Up4.4.3 - Test (TST): Financial Aid5. Careers1. My Career Portfolio5.1.3 - Quiz: Assess Your Learning5. Careers1. My Career Portfolio5.1.4 - Practice: Prepare a Résumé5. Careers2. Dress for Success5.2.3 - Quiz: Assess Your Learning5. Careers2. Dress for Success5.2.4 - Discuss: Interview Questions5. Careers3. Making the Most of Job Experience5.3.3 - Quiz: Assess Your Learning5. Careers3. Making the Most of Job Experience5.3.4 - Practice: Find a Job5. Careers4. Careers Wrap-Up5.4.2 - Test (CST): Careers5. Careers4. Careers Wrap-Up5.4.3 - Test (TST): Careers6. College and Career Preparation II Wrap-Up1. College and Career Preparation II Wrap-Up6.1.2 - Exam: College and Career Preparation II6. College and Career Preparation II Wrap-Up1. College and Career Preparation II Wrap-Up6.1.3 - Final Exam: College and Career Preparation IIClassroom Based Assessment All students must complete the CBA to gain credit in this course.HQT STATEMENT:This WSLP has been developed by a certificated teacher who is highly qualified in this subject matter. Adapted from Understanding by Design Template available online and the Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. References:Wiggins, G., & McTighe, J. (n.d.). Understanding by Design Exchange. Retrieved November 2, 2004 from , G., & McTighe, J. (2004). Understanding by design: Professional development workbook. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.) ................

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