Your career pathway

Your career pathwayThe purpose of the worksheet is to develop your action plan for your career. In this worksheet you will:write down your career goal (i.e. the goal you developed in weeks 1 and 2) identify requirements, pre-requisites and activities that you need perform to fulfil your career goal.The first step in planning your career is evaluating and understanding your aspirations, strengths, interests, and drivers. You did this in week 1. To set a direction for your career, it is important to know yourself and who you want to be. Sometimes this is difficult to discover, and often knowing your interests and passions takes work. However, starting with a good idea is a positive and productive start to consciously guiding your life and career in the way that fulfils you.To complete this worksheet, you need to do some research on the requirements and prerequisites that you need. I have included a short primer on BABOK? business analysis competencies and knowledge areas which will provide a starting point for identifying areas for development (to fulfil your goal).What is your career goal?Restate your career goal and target date below. You can write it as an affirmation if you like. It is important to read, write and say out loud your career goal as often as possible.What skills and competencies do you require to fulfil your career goals?Against your primary goal, identify the core skills, competencies and experience that you require to meet your career goal. Enter this information in column 1. Next to each skill/competency/experience identify:whether you currently possess it or not (yes/no)whether it exists as direct or indirect experience in the workplacewhether it exists as a qualification via study whether it does not exist via work or study and is a true gap opportunities for development that could be exploited via a workplace prospect, further study or job change (brainstorm ideas)Ensure that you write down everything that you have including existing skills and competencies so that you have a complete list. It is important that the things you identify are in line with your goal no matter how easy or difficult it may seem to achieve. Skill/competency/experienceExisting (yes/no)Experience – work (direct/indirect)Qualification – study (yes/no)Gap (yes/no)Opportunities for developmentWhat is your action plan?In week 2 you started your action plan for achieving your primary goal and you identified some general steps that are required. Now that you have done more research into the skills, competencies and experience needed to meet your career goals, it is time to go in to more detail. In the table below, write down next to each skill/competency/experience:the method that you intend to use to gain the skill/competency/experience (e.g. on the job experience, formal/informal seminars/courses, coaching/mentoring, etc)who will provide the skill/competency/experience (e.g. job experience/employer, workplace educator, university, coach/mentor, etc)the specific action steps that will need to be performed (e.g. enrol, complete application, contact agency)the target date for fulfilling the required skill/competency/experience.Skill/competency/experience MethodProviderSpecific stepsTarget date ................

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