Forensic Science Career Project

Name: ___________________ Period: ___ Date: _____________ Career: _________________________

Please turn in this paper to receive a grade along with your powerpoint project.

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|Forensic Science Career Project |

|  |[pic][pic][pic][pic]Excellent |[pic][pic][pic][pic]Good |[pic][pic][pic][pic]Fair |[pic][pic][pic][pic]Poor| |

| |10 pts |8 pts |4 pts |2 pts | |

|Education Information [pic][pic] |Excellent |Good |Fair |Poor | |

| | | | | | |

| |The following information is |One criterion is missing. |Two criteria missing. |Three or more criteria | |

| |noted: Type of college major or |[pic][pic] |[pic][pic] |missing. | |

| |occupational training. | | | | |

| |Length of educational training. | | | | |

| |Colleges/universities or trade | | | | |

| |schools that provide this | | | | |

| |education. Types of certification| | | | |

| |or license required for this | | | | |

| |field. Types of exams needed for | | | | |

| |certification or | | | | |

| |license.[pic][pic] | | | | |

|  |[pic][pic][pic][pic]Excellent |[pic][pic][pic][pic]Good |[pic][pic][pic][pic]Fair |[pic][pic][pic][pic]Poor| |

| |5 pts |4 pts |2 pts |1pts | |

|Pictures [pic][pic] |Excellent |Good |Fair |Poor | |

| |5- 6 pictures that are relevant |3 - 4 pictures related to the |2 relevant picture is |No relevant pictures. | |

| |to the career are included. |career are included. |provided. [pic][pic] | | |

| |[pic][pic] |[pic][pic] | | | |

|Work Cited [pic][pic] |Excellent |Good |Fair |Poor | |

| |Work cited in MLA or APA format. |Work cited but with a few |Work cited, but with several |No work cited. | |

| |[pic][pic] |formatting errors. [pic][pic] |formatting errors. [pic][pic] |Search engine is | |

| | | | |mentioned as a work | |

| | | | |cited. | |

|Format [pic][pic] |Excellent |Good |Fair |Poor | |

| | | | | | |

| |Overall project appearance is |Project looks attractive. |Project is plain but picture |Project is lacking in | |

| |neat and attractive. Pictures |Pictures are neatly affixed or|are present. More than two |appearance. Pictures | |

| |enhance the slide. All words are |drawn. One or two spelling |spelling errors and grammar |not present and multiple| |

| |spelled correctly and standard |errors. [pic][pic] |errors.[pic][pic] |spelling errors and | |

| |English used.[pic][pic] | | |cross-outs. | |

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Total Score : _________

Forensic Science Career Project

You will be creating a photo-story about a career involving forensic science. In choosing your career, your textbook can be a great resource.

You need to include the following information:

a. Description of the career (be detailed)

- What tools/technology would you use in this career field?

b. Years of school and degree required and/or other training/qualifications

- include at least two universities that offer a major in that field and the cost of tuition

c. Salary, job outlook

- include at least two companies that will offer a job

- Where do you do most of your work? (lab, at the crime scene, etc)

d. Is this a career you would like to do? Why or why not?

e. Any interesting facts or information you find in your research

You need to have 12 slides (6 with words and 6 pictures) – Powerpoint or Prezi

Make sure you cite all of your sources properly. Handout will be passed out. You can either use MLA or APA format.

Also look at the rubric for other requirements.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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