Your WebQuest Name Here

Finding the Ideal Job

A Journey from School to Work

English 11.1, 11.4, 12.1, & 12.4

Designed by

Sheila P. Holmes


Introduction Task Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Credits & References



WOW, graduating from high school! What an exciting time in your life. And now, you are about to step into a new world of excitement and adventure. Finding a job! In order to be successful on a job, you want to enjoy going to work and the work you do. On this journey, you will discover your interests, skills, values, and abilities to land the ideal job.

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You will need to complete a survey about your interests, values, personality, skills, and abilities. After finding your ideal job, you will fill out an application and go on an interview. You will then present orally the process of getting the ideal job. Good Luck!


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[pic] [pic] [pic]

You will need to complete a survey determining your interests, personality, skills, values, and abilities. You will then, explore several web pages to complete the journey of finding the ideal job. You will find out everything you need to know about the job and go on an interview. After your interview, you will present orally your experience about the process.

The challenge, if you choose to take it:

Step 1 The Survey.

Complete which jobs interest you and what do you like to do. What are your abilities?

How do you see yourself and what do you value? Print the results of your survey.

Step 2

Look at the results of the survey and explore several web pages to choose two jobs to consider.

Step 3

Find information about two jobs and make your decision.

Step 4

Now, select one job.

Step 5

Print and fill out a job application.

Step 6

The next step is to go on an interview.

Step 7

Give a presentation about your experience of finding the ideal job.

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Click here to go to the Internet for resources that will take you through the journey of finding the ideal job.

Career Explorer

Career Key


North Carolina State University Career Key

Teacher’s Resources

Career Interest Quiz

Fill Out Job Applications

Mock Interviews


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Process evaluation.

|Circle Appropriate Circle |4 |3 |2 |1 |


|Completed all work on time|All work completed and on |75% of all work completed.|50% of all work completed.|Unacceptable |

| |time. | | |25% of work completed. |

|Stayed on task |Stayed on task. |Stayed on task most of the|Stayed on task with |Didn’t stay on task. |

| | |time. |assistance. | |

|Used computer and other |Used computer and other |Used computer and no other|Used computer with |Needed assistance to use the|

|resources |resources. |resources. |assistance. |computer. |

|Documented sources |All sources are |Most of the sources are |Half of the sources are |Some of the sources are |

| |documented. |documented. |documented. |documented. |

|Wrote clear, coherent, and|All written material was |Most of the written |Written material was not |Some of the information was |

|detailed information |clear, coherent, and |material was clear, and |clear, and the information|written, but the information|

| |detailed. |detailed. |was scattered. |was not organized. |

|Total------ | | | | |

Teacher’s Comments:

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Congratulations! You have completed the journey of finding the ideal job. Through this WebQuest you have learned and experienced the process of taking a survey, choosing a job, filling out an application, and going on an interview. You have gained a greater understanding about the process of finding the ideal job. Good luck in the future when you go out and find a “real” job. Practice, practice, practice. This will help the process go smoothly.


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Developing WebQuest Rubics

Guidelines for Rubric Development


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Based on a template from the WebQuest Page. Updated Spring 2004


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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