Career Research Paper Outline

English 9- Mrs. Boggio Name: ____________________

Career Research Project

Career Research Paper Requirements

Using at least Two Internet Resources, you will gather information about a career that you are interested in pursuing. Try to address as many of the following outline points as possible, at the end of your paper, include a reference to the sources you used in correct MLA format.

Use these Internet sites for accurate information:

Occupational Outlook Handbook:

Notes are worth: 25 points (This packet filled out and attached to the back of your essay)

Essay is worth: 50 points- Turn these notes into your 5 paragraph/typed essay

Due Date: __________________________________________________

Career Research Paper: NOTES

I. Name of Career and reasons for studying this particular career.

Write your INTRO BELOW: Five- Seven Sentences. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



II. Job Outlook

Notes and Source:

| |Information |Source |

|A |How many people are employed- provide date (Under job outlook) | |

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|B |Trends | |

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III. What they do and their work environment and special qualities

Notes and Source:

| |Information |Source |

|A |Duties | |

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|B |Hours of work (under Work Environment) | |

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|C |Explain schedule (anything unusual?) | |

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|D |Qualities (Under how to become…) | |

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IV Education Planning

Notes and Source:

| |Information |Source |

|A |Education (explain) | |

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|B |Do you need a license? Explain process and type if YES | |

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|C |Is there an apprenticeship, internship or on the job training? | |

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|D |Similar Careers (under similar occupations) | |

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V Earnings

a. How much can you expect to make from this career?

1. Beginning salary?

2. Average Salary?

3. Exceptional Salary?

b. What expenses might you have to meet in following this career? (Example would be Union Dues, or license fees, etc.

Notes and Source:

| |Information |Source |

|A |Beginning Salary | |

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|B |Average Salary | |

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|C |Exceptional Salary | |

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|D |What expenses might you have to meet in following this career? (Example would be Union Dues, or | |

| |license fees, etc) | |

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VI. Reflection

After studying this career in depth, state why you would or would not be interested in making this your own career objective.

Write the conclusion to your paper on the lines below.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




Tom Smith Smith 1

Mrs. Boggio

Accelerated English 12

11 March 2016

Title –Example Essay to help you with the process

I chose to go into the field of education. I was raised around several teachers. My mother, grandmother and two of my uncles were teachers. I never thought about another career, so education seemed appropriate.

Careers in the field of education are plentiful as many college students are avoiding the career for many reasons including politics and financial reasons. “The job outlook projected to grow 6 percent from 2014 to 2024, about as fast as the average for all occupations” (OOH). “Employment growth will vary by region”(OOH). Classroom sizes, however, are projected to increase, which may lead many away from the field.

High school teachers “ plan lessons in the subjects they teach, assess students to evaluate their abilities, strengths, and weaknesses, teach students in full class settings or in small groups, adapt lessons to any changes in class size, grade students’ assignments and exams to monitor progress, communicate with parents about students’ progress, work with individual students to challenge them, to improve their abilities, and to work on their weaknesses, prepare students for standardized tests required by the state, develop and enforce classroom rules and administrative policies, supervise students outside of the classroom” (OOH). Secondary teachers work schedules vary from state to state and district to district, but many work a traditional 10-month schedule and have a 2-month break during summer. Many teachers spend their evenings and weekends grading papers and their summers working second jobs or summer school.

In order to be a teacher I would need to be patient. Children come to school with all types of baggage, both academically and personally and I would need to be adaptable (OOH). List more than one skill

Education: There are three schools that are known for their education program in Michigan. They are Central, Eastern and Wayne State University. Their contact information follows.

Works Cited

Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2016-17

Edition, High School Teachers, on the Internet at



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