Use any possible resources to answer these questions about your career choices. You will need to complete this three times (one for each of your top career choices from last week).

Title of Career: _________________________________________________________________

1. Description of the occupation including main duties and responsibilities.

Architectural engineers deal with the structure of buildings including design of heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and electrical systems. They tend to deal in teams to make sure their work is perfect or close to it.

2. What are the education and training requirements for the occupation?

Required to get your Bachelor’s degree in architectural engineering and have taken courses in math, science, English, social studies, humanities, and computer technology.

3. List other required qualifications such as licensing, certifications, etc.

You must be a licensed engineer.

4. What is the average wage or salary for this occupation? What is the starting salary for this occupation?

$67,000 is the average for this field of work. $51,166 is the starting salary for most engineers in this field.

5. What is the employment outlook (the future of your career) for this occupation?

This field will always keep growing because if you look around in each city, you will see that buildings are always growing around us, such as sky scrapers and bridge.

6. List the places where people in this occupation might work.

These kinds of engineers work in big name cities around the United States and across the world.

7. What are the opportunities for advancement (promotion)?

They can promote to construction engineers that would be able to go overseas and do some jobs.

8. List other occupations that are similar or related.

Electrical engineers and Architects are the closes

9. Is this occupation available in your area? List companies or other places of employment in your area in which this occupation is located. If you are planning to move out of the area, is your occupation located in the area you desire to move to?

In my area, it’s not a huge field of these engineers but there is a couple of them around Fayetteville. I plan to move to either Florida or Georgia, and they have a huge field of architectural engineers.

10. What school subjects or courses would help you to prepare for this occupation?

Any math and science classes I can take and some computer technology could help me a lot in this field.

11. Does this occupation deal mainly with people, data, things, or ideas?

This occupation deals with mainly people and data.

12. Do you think you have the aptitude (potential ability) for this occupation?

I think I would be able to do a good job in this kind of field.

13. This occupation interests you because:

Because I love to see tall buildings and bridges and I believe it would be even more cooler to build them personally and say to people, “Hey, that’s my work and I helped build it.”

14. List 3 resources (books, magazines, computerized information, etc.) used for this research.



15. List the name and title of a person(s) that helped you locate this information.

No one

16. List the name of a person(s) you know (or know of) who is in this occupation.

No one

17. List any other information that you have found related to your career that is interesting to know.

I had already done a research about this occupation before so I already knew about almost everything.


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