You are going to transfer your portfolio into electronic form. You may want to bring a recent picture of yourself to scan in to include on your project or e-mail yourself a copy of the picture file to include.

Using PowerPoint, you will create links to each of your job documents. If you would like to keep it for future use, you may want to bring a disk or CD to save your portfolio and the links.

To create a link in PowerPoint:

Highlight the word (or pic) you want to be a link

➢ Insert

➢ Hyperlink

➢ Under Link to: make your choice, Current Folder

➢ Find the file you want to appear when you click on the link

➢ OK

➢ Your word (or pic) turns into a hyperlink (check it out)

➢ You can also link to another web page (just follow the directions on Insert, Hyperlink)

To create a link in PowerPoint to another slide:

Highlight the word you want to be a link

➢ Insert

➢ Hyperlink


➢ Choose the slide you want to link to, OK

➢ Run slide show to check your hyperlink

To create a link in Word:

Highlight the word you want to be a link

➢ Click on the hyperlink icon

➢ Under Link to: make your choice, Current Folder

➢ Find the file you want to appear when you click on the link

➢ OK

➢ Your word turns into a hyperlink (check it out)


□ Start by making sure all of your files are in ONE folder.

□ Add the text you want to use.

□ Create your links

□ Apply a design--You will want to use a design template (same one on all pages) for a professional look. By using one of the designs you will automatically use consistent colors, fonts, font sizes, etc.

Example of Slides for E-Portfolio

Examples of Work:

| |Electronic |

|Cover Page | |

| |Title slide |

|Table of Contents |Table of Contents with links to each section title slide Empl, Word, |

| |Excel, PP, DTP, HTML, Projects |

|Employment Section |Section Title Slide with links to resume, letter, Table of Contents |

| | |

|Resume | |

| | |

|Letter of Application | |

| | |

|Word Document |Section covers must link to document and TofC |

|Excel Document |Access may be left out of E-folio |

|DTP Documents | |

|Power Point Document (YTT) | |

|Projects | |

|Must have these: |Section Title Slide with links to all projects and table of contents |

|Computer Purchase | |

|DTP | |

|HTML | |

|Career Research | |

Electronic Portfolio Grade Sheet


Semester Test Grade

| | | |

| |Electronic Portfolio |Point Value/ |

| | |Points Earned |

|Title Slide |Title Slide |5 points for slide |

|Table of Contents |Table of Contents--links to each section: Emp, Word, Excel, DTP, PP, Projects|12 points for links |

| | |4 points for slide |

|Employment Cover |Employment Cover—link to resume and letter |6 points/links |

| |+ back to TofC |3 points for slide |

|Letter of App |Letter |4 points |

|Resume |Resume |4 points |

|Word Cover |Links to Word doc + TofC |4 points/links |

| | |3 points for slide |

|Word doc |1 doc |4 points |

|Excel Cover |Links to Excel doc + TofC |4 points/links |

| | |3 points for slide |

|Excel doc |1 doc |4 points |

|No Access | | |

|DTP Cover |Link to 2 docs + TofC |6 points/links |

| | |3 points for slide |

|DTP docs |2 documents |4 points |

|PowerPoint Cover |Link to presentation + back to TofC |4 points/links |

| | |3 points for slide |

|YTT doc | |4 points |

|Projects Cover |Links to all 4 projects and TofC |5 points/links |

| | |3 points for slide |

|Projects |4 docs: Purchase, DTP, HTML, Career |8 points |

| |2 point deduction for errors in e-portfolio | |

|Total Points | | /100 |



created in Microsoft Excel 2003

Identify spreadsheet with chart and formula (link)

Back to TofC

(title slide)

Electronic Portfolio



April 27, 2004

PowerPoint Documents

created in Microsoft PowerPoint 2003

Identify PowerPoint (link)

Back to TofC

Table of Contents

Employment Documents (link to Emp slide)

Word Documents (link to Word slide)

Excel Documents (link to Excel slide)

DTP Documents (link to DTP slide)

PowerPoint Documents (link to PP slide)

Projects (link to projects slide)

Employment Information

created in Microsoft Word 2003

Resume (link)

Letter of Application (link)

Back to TofC

Example of

Excel Doc

Example of

Word Doc


created in Microsoft Word 2003

Identify documents (letter, menu etc.)(link)

Back to TofC


Computer Purchase (Word 2003)

HTML Project (Notepad)

DTP (Word 2003)

Career Project (Word 2003)

Back to TofC

DTP Documents

created in Microsoft Word 2003

Identify DTP documents (link)

Back to Table of Contents

Access won’t allow links.

No need for a link on your docs. They can be closed or minimized.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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