Career Research Project

AVID Career Research Project and Presentation

This career project is designed to teach you and your audience about your potential career interest. The Career Research Project allows you to choose your topic, take an active role in your research, and provide a record of your discovery process.

The Career Research Essay

Your essay must:

1. Be typed, double-spaced and with one-inch margins.

2. Use a variety of research sources, both primary sources (observation, interviews, letters, etc.) and secondary sources (books, magazines, reference materials, etc.). Your Career Research Project must contain at least one primary source from the following:

a) Bureau of Labor Statistics ()

b) O*Net Online ()

c) Interview with an expert

3. Include a Reference (Work Cited) page.

The Career Research Presentation

You will use PowerPoint/Prezi/etc. to create a slide show and 1-3-minute presentation that highlights the most important information on your topic.

Important Due Dates

To complete this project, it is important that you stay on task and complete your process work on time. Note the tasks you must complete, the point values, and the due dates.

|Item |Point |Due Date |

|Quick-Write and Research in class |50 |4/29 |

|Rough draft |100 |5/6 |

|Final Career Research essay |200 |5/13 |

|PowerPoint presentation |50 |5/20 |

|Presentation |100 |5/22 (finals) |

The Career Research Essay

Just like other essays that you have written, you’ll need an introduction, body, and conclusion. Write in paragraph form and use the pronoun “I.” The essay will need to include:

Introduction: What I Know, Assume, or Imagine

This section is guided by the following question: What do I already know about my topic and what do I want to know about it? Before conducting any formal research, do a quickwrite about what you already know, think, and assume about your topic. Include personal perspective like why you are interested in this topic or experiences that led you to want to investigate this topic.

Body Paragraphs: What I Discovered

This section is guided by the following question: What did I learn from my research about the degree to which this career would be an:

• Academic Fit for me? (What skills are required of this job? Do I currently have those skills? If not, does learning those skills sound appealing? Is my current academic performance (grades and course selection) going to help me or hinder me in pursuing this job? Am I willing to earn the required degrees/certifications to be considered for this job? What courses do I need to focus on in this educational pathway?)

• Social Fit for me? (Does the typical work environment of this career match my wish list in

relationship to work/life balance, core purpose, stress level, etc.)

• Financial Fit for me? (What would be the required wage for me to attain my desired standard of living? What is my wish list for financial compensation now? In 10 years? Does typical income for my chosen career field include additional financial compensation (a bonus, commission, overtime)? How does the forecasted demand for this job/competition for jobs in this career field compare to other jobs?)

It is the main body of your research project and contains all of the information that you discovered from your primary and secondary sources. Information either quoted or paraphrased in this section must be correctly cited. Be careful NOT to plagiarize information; use it, but cite it.

When pulling your research project together, think of Section II as the body of information that you have discovered and will share with the class.

Conclusion: The Reflection

This section is guided by the following questions: How did I find my information? What now? It is always important to reflect on how you came to know what you know (that’s how we become learners). The step-by-step process is important, but more important is what you think about what it is that you learned.

Reference/Works Cited

Include citations on the research and information you collected, using MLA format.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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