Career Research


You will be choosing your dream career for your future. When choosing your career, think about what do you want to do for the rest of your life? What I am passionate about? What do I need to do to get this awesome career? Is there going to be a job for me when I graduate? We will be completing different activities to find out these answers. When selecting a career, you may not choose to research are professional athlete, singer, dancer, musician, model, movie or music producer. (sorry)

It is necessary to use various internet sources in order to complete the career research activities. Keep all work in your Career folder (neat and organized). The folder will have your directions, essay, career PowerPoint and media folder. Create a new media folder inside the career folder to store the projects various clipart, pictures, gif’s and career video. You are responsible for keeping track of it.

Activity #1

Visit the to find out the basic information of the career you would like to pursue. When looking over the material, go to the upper right hand corner -Click on PDF. Copy the PDF into your career folder.



Click the disk to save – choose file location which is Save to your career folder –

Please Save it as career name (example accountant and auditors).

After you save the document, read the information to complete activity 2.

Activity #2 –

Write a detailed essay about you ideal career. WRITTEN IN YOUR OWN WORDS!!!!! Do not copy and paste. (There should be tons of factual data)


One full page typed (minimum 250 words) in 12 font, 1.5 spacing, standard font, 1” margins with header and title of assignment. Title of the assignment “ name of the career” 14 point in bold

Areas to cover:

1. Job Description – What a person would do on a day to day basis in this particular career.

2. Yearly Salary – The average amount of money a person would earn in one year.

3. Education – Any education that a person would need in this particular career.

4. Career Outlook – Are there going to be any jobs in the future? Are job openings in this particular career field going to increase or decrease in the future?

Save the essay in the career folder as name of the career Essay. You may use Kuder for more information as well. (Remember you only have one class period)

Activity #3 – This is handwritten activity

Find corresponding information to complete the worksheet. This will help you complete the PowerPoint portion of the project. This worksheet is the outline for the slide. Use your savvy internet skills, site and sources, and BE DETAILED. We will create a website log in a word document. Please copy and paste the various websites as you research your career.

Activity #4 –

Create a slide show on your chosen career. See handout.

Activity#5 –

Evaluation Activity-


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