KTEC | Kootenai Technical Education Campus





Coeur d’Alene School District #271

Lakeland School District #272

Post Falls School District #273

Kootenai County Patrons & Businessmen

6838 W. Lancaster Rd, Rathdrum ID 83858

Main Office Phone: (208) 712-4733 Office Fax: (208) 712-4006

AM Session - 8:00am–10:30am / PM Session - 11:30am–2:00pm





|2019-2020 CALENDAR |5 |
















Our Mission

KTEC’s commitment is providing industry standard training, skills for positive employment, college credit opportunities and to personally assist all students in a pathway to a successful career.

Welcome to Kootenai Technical Education Campus (KTEC), a facility that is recognized for its unique and specialized educational programs. One of only a handful of professional-technical training centers in Idaho, KTEC serves approximately 450 juniors and seniors from area high schools. KTEC serves as a branch campus for area high schools, allowing high schools to offer a broader variety of courses, college credits, and certifications.

The information contained in this handbook describes the responsibilities and expectations at KTEC.

All KTEC students and staff members are expected to:

▪ Respect themselves and others and personal or public property.

▪ Arrive at class on time prepared to work.

▪ Contribute to a positive learning environment.

▪ Check individual behavior by asking themselves “What would my employer say?”. Behavior expectations revolve around an employment theme.

▪ Follow instructions, directions and performance standards of the class at all times.

▪ Work to achieve quality and work ethically.

▪ Follow Program expectations, policies, and procedures developed as part of each class or program. Because KTEC programs simulate business as closely as possible, the expectations, policies, and procedures mirror industry standards and include rules and regulations over and beyond the student’s sending high school.


The Kootenai Technical Education Campus (KTEC) offers the following professional technical programs:

• Automotive Technology

• Construction Trades

• Computer Repair and Networking

• Diesel Technology

• Health Professions

• Collision Repair

• Media Tech and Graphics (Venture)

• Automated Manufacturing Engineering

• Industrial Welding & Fabrication

• The Resort Academy

• Industrial Mechanics Millwright

• Sports Medicine/PT Aide (@ Lakeland School)


KTEC’s objective is to

• Prepare students with job/career specific skills.

• Prepare students for lifelong learning.

• Assist students in making educational and career choices.

• Prepare students for initial and continued employment.

• Assist students in developing decision-making, communication, and problem solving, leadership, and citizenship skills.

• Provide a defined pathway to post-secondary educational institutions.

KTEC’s classes are an extension of the student's home high school. Grades and credits earned at KTEC are recorded at the student’s home high school. Additionally, all rules, policies, procedures and contracts applicable at the home high school also apply at KTEC’s off-campus site locations, including travel to and from these site locations.

The Career and Technical Education* staff has high expectations of helping to develop responsible and caring citizens. This handbook covers many of the more obvious expectations of performance, dress, and behavior. All possible situations cannot be noted. Judgments will need to be made on an individual basis and some adjustments may need to be made in given situations.

* Career and Technical Education will be referred to as CTE throughout the rest of the handbook.



All Teachers Return August 26

Labor Day (No School) September 2

First Day with Students September 3

State-Wide In-Service Day (No School for students) October 4

End of First Quarter (No School for students) November 1

Conferences (No School for students) November 25

Thanksgiving Break (No School) November 26-29

Christmas Break (No School) Dec 23 – Jan 3

Martin Luther King Day (No School) January 20

End of 1st Semester Workday (No School for students) January 24

President’s Day (No School) February 17

End of Third Quarter (No School for students) March 27

Spring Break (No School) Mar 30 – Apr 3

Memorial Day (No School) May 25

End of 2nd Semester/Last Day with Students June 5

Last Day for Teachers June 8


If your student will be absent from KTEC please call the KTEC campus

at (208) 712-4733 or send an email to christine@ or jody@. All absences must be excused within 2 school days.

 KTEC has implemented the Skyward Student Management System. One of the features is Family Access. Family Access provides parents or guardians with access to real-time student information. Parents are able to check grades, monitor attendance, update contacts and email teachers.

Session Schedule

KTEC Main Campus

• First Session 8:00-10:30 AM

• Second Session 11:30 AM-2:00 PM

Off Campus Locations

If the student’s KTEC program is held off campus the schedule may vary.


It is considered a privilege for a student to attend KTEC. A student must be enrolled at least part time at a KTEC member high school. In order to enroll or maintain enrollment at KTEC students must agree to and follow all procedures and policy in the student handbook or as directed by a staff member. Grades and credits earned at KTEC are recorded at the student’s home high school.

Any student who withdraws from his/her home high school and enrolls in another member high school while enrolled in a KTEC program will have his/her attendance, tardy and discipline records that pertain to their KTEC class transferred to that school. All of the student’s records while attending KTEC will transfer with the student. It is the student’s responsibility to update the KTEC attendance profile based on the home high school records and notify the KTEC office of their new home school.


KTEC follows an attendance policy similar to business and industry in that a student is considered an employee or a professional and is expected to be in full daily attendance in order to assure that maximum learning and productivity are achieved.

All program instructors maintain the standards and attendance expectations for their programs. These standards teach what employers expect of their employees:

▪ Being dependable – Students are expected to be at school/work every day.

▪ Being on time - Students are expected to be on time and ready to work.

▪ Doing a full day's work – Students are expected to stay on task, not leaving early or stopping work early, but completing what is expected and putting materials away.

Programs at KTEC include numerous hands-on skills which can be attained only by being in attendance. After the instructor presents and demonstrates a skill, students are given the opportunity to practice the skill. The skill application and practice in the shop or lab setting is critical to skill competency. The more the student is in attendance, the more they will learn and gain from the program.

Consequences for absences and tardiness range from classroom discipline to suspension and loss of credit.

KTEC’s programs are delivered in a ½ day format (2.5 hours) each day, so when a student is absent it is the equivalent of missing 2 or 3 class periods in a traditional high school setting.

Students enrolling in KTEC programs are expected to make a commitment to be in class each day. Due to differences in participating school district calendars, it is possible that a student’s high school may be out of school on a day in which students are expected to be in attendance in their CTE program. On these days, buses will still be running from the high school to the CTE programs and back, however, buses may not be available from the student’s home to the high school. Please keep your transportation needs in mind when registering for a KTEC course.

We realize that students periodically need to be absent from class, so the following attendance guidelines have been developed:

• When a student exceeds nine (9) absences in any class during a semester they must appeal for credit. In this process, the student must present documentation of absences and a letter of explanation to the attendance committee. It will be the student’s responsibility to maintain such documentation and submit it. Appeals may be made on the basis of doctor verified illnesses, school sponsored sports/leadership activities, funerals, court appearance, or other extenuating circumstances. The attendance committee will rule on the appeal and notify the concerned parties. Upon notification that a student will need to appeal for credit due to attendance, a student may remain in the class until a decision has been reached by the appeals committee. If a student receives notification from the appeals committee that their appeal for credit was denied, they may remain in the class without receiving credit, with the approval of the teacher, their home school principal and the KTEC Administrator. Factors determining whether a student may or may not remain in class include: total days absent, disciplinary record, attitude and any safety violations.

• At the fifth (5th) absence, a letter will be sent via email to the parent or guardian outlining the attendance policy along with notification that their student has accumulated five (5) absences.

• A student who accrues ten (10) or more absences, unexcused tardies or truancies in any class may lose credit for the semester.

Absence from class for any reason, including illness and family convenience, shall be counted when the hours of attendance and consequent eligibility for credit is calculated.

If a student is not present for more than 50% of a class regardless of the reasons, he/she shall be counted as absent for the entire class period.

• Parents/Guardians: Always call or email BOTH KTEC and the home high school when your student is absent or tardy.


A student is tardy to class if he/she is not in his/her assigned class when class begins. A student who is fifteen (15) or more minutes late to a class is considered ½ day absence.

• (3) Tardies will result in (1) unexcused absence.

• All students who are tardy need to check and sign in at the main office or may be considered absent.

Students will be considered tardy if they are not in their seats with appropriate books and materials when the tardy bell rings. Tardies from oversleeping, car trouble, traffic, snowy roads, etc. will not be excused, even if a parent calls in to verify the tardy.

Tardies will be cumulative throughout the semester. Excessive tardies will result in appropriate disciplinary action.


When/if a student misses the bus from his/her home high school to KTEC he/she is to report and sign-in at his/her home high school attendance office.


All truancies are considered major disciplinary violations. Truancy is an unexcused absence from school. If a student leaves school without permission, this is also considered truancy. Truancy will also be issued if a student is not in his/her assigned class/area and under the supervision of the assigned teacher while on KTEC campus. Example: students may not be in the parking lot, another shop area, another class or hallway without approval from their classroom teacher for that specific period.

Loss of Credit

School officials shall warn a student and his/her parents/guardians by e-mail of an impending loss of credit due to excessive absences. School officials shall notify a student and his/her parents by e-mail when credit in class has been denied.

The attendance committee will consider a student’s attendance record as a whole in making their decisions. “Extraordinary cases” are generally understood to be those in which a student’s absences were due to circumstances beyond the control of the student, parent, and/or the school. Because a student is considered to be in control of his/her own actions, truancy or any suspension from school or class for discipline purposes will not be considered an extraordinary circumstance.

The following “extraordinary” criteria may be considered when reviewing petitions for waiver of the attendance policy.

a. Documented illness or emergency medical treatment.

b. Death in the immediate family.

c. Activities involving state or national recognition.

d. Requirement to appear for legal proceedings.

e. Documented family crisis or emergency.

f. Other unusual circumstances judged by the attendance committee as “extraordinary” on the individual merits of the case.

Attendance Appeals

The attendance committee will be made up of the KTEC instructional staff and an administrator.

Petition’s for credit consists of a typed personal letter from the student explaining why they should receive credit and appropriate documentation of absences. (Dr. Notes, athletic schedules, etc)


• 9 absences – maximum

• 10th absence – loss of credit

• 3 tardies = 1 unexcused absence

• No appeal without documentation of



Once a student reports to class, the only time he/she may leave KTEC is with permission from their parent/guardian.


As a general guideline, make-up work and assignments for students with an excused absence will be provided. The classroom teacher will provide make-up material for classes missed, for legitimate reasons, as follows:

1. Information relative to the assignment of special projects required of all students.

2. A copy of all handout materials that were given to students present in the class. Papers, assignments, tests, etc., that were announced while the student was in attendance prior to the absence are due to be submitted or completed on the day the student returns to school. A student will be allowed two (2) days for each day of excused absence to make up new material presented during the absence. Make-up time normally does not exceed six (6) school days from the time a student returns to school following an absence, however additional time may be granted at the teacher's discretion under extenuating circumstances.

3. When a student is absent the student or parent/guardian may email the instructor to request assignments. The instructor can only accept phone calls before or after regular class hours (prior to 8 am and after 2 pm).

Note: Shop work may not be able to be made up. Therefore, a student may be assigned makeup shop work before or after class, subject to instructor’s availability.


The following are examples (not inclusive) of major disciplinary violations.

1. Truancy.

2. Insubordination toward or non-compliance with an instructor’s or staff member’s directions.

3. Unauthorized entry, theft, and/or vandalizing of school property or property of school employees, students, and/or visitors.

4. Verbal or physical abuse (hazing, fighting) of other students, school employees or visitors.

5. Possession, use, sale, distribution and/or intent to distribute any illegal or controlled mood-altering chemical, medication, look-alike drug, or abuse chemical on school property, at school-sponsored events or on school buses. Individuals under-the-influence of such chemicals on school property, at school-sponsored events or on school buses shall be in violation of this policy.

6. Use and/or possession of tobacco on school property, at school-sponsored events or on school buses shall be in violation of this policy.

7. Possession of firearms or other objects that might be considered weapons.

8. Possession or ignition of fireworks or other explosives.

9. Making bomb threats or activating the school fire alarm without appropriate cause.

10. Refusal of students to identify themselves to school personnel upon request.

11. Violation of school parking and safe driving regulations.

12. Inappropriate or unauthorized use of school computers or equipment.

13. Violation of dress code/industry standard attire.

Whenever a student is found to be in violation of any of the above, any or all of the following proceedings may be initiated:

• Behavior contract

• Withdrawn from KTEC and referral back to the student’s home high school.

• Referral to the student’s home high school for possible suspension and/or expulsion.

• Referral to the proper law enforcement authority.

Note: If a student is removed from KTEC for any reason, and wishes to return the following semester period, a behavior/attendance contract will be implemented. The contract must be signed by both student and parent/guardian in order for the student to regain the privilege of attending classes at KTEC.

The KTEC Director will collaborate with each student’s home school principal regarding student disciplinary actions, which may include suspension or expulsion in accordance with School District Policy.

All disciplinary action, which may result in a special education student being removed from their educational programs, requires involvement of special education supervisory staff, in accordance with IDEA.

NOTE: Students that aggressively harm themselves, other students, staff, vehicles, equipment, or are considered a safety hazard are subject to removal.


Most employees do not lose their jobs from lack of ability and skill, but rather as a result of a lack of self-discipline and poor attitude. KTEC will help students to develop and reinforce self-control, orderliness, respect and efficiency necessary to maintain a positive attitude, self-discipline, and overall effectiveness as a future employee.

Each staff member at KTEC is committed to proactive involvement with students by anticipating needs and always treating individuals fairly, openly and honestly. In the event that disciplinary action is warranted a progressive process is followed. Individual staff has the right to remove any student from participating in the program for the day if that student’s behavior constitutes a disruption. Further progressive disciplinary action may result at administrative discretion to include permanent removal from the program if the behavior is determined to be disruptive to other students or to the educational process.

Prohibition of Gangs and Hate Groups:

Gangs, hate groups and similar organizations or groups which advocate hatred or discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin or disability are inconsistent with the fundamental values and educational environment of KTEC. The activities of such groups and their members are prohibited on school district property and at all school functions. Such prohibited activities include, but are not limited to: the congregation of members, the solicitation or recruitment of members, the intimidation of others, the advocacy of discrimination, and any other behavior, such as the wearing of gang colors or insignia and the use of language, codes, gestures that provoke violence or seek to advocate the purpose and objective of such groups. Disciplinary action may include suspension or expulsion.

Sexual Harassment:

It is the policy of KTEC to maintain a learning environment that is free from sexual harassment. Each student has the right to work in an atmosphere that promotes equal opportunities, free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered harassing, coercive or disruptive. It shall be a violation of this policy for any employee or student to harass through conduct or communication of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment is a form of misconduct that undermines a student's relationship with educators and with other students. No student, male or female, should be subject to unasked and unwelcome sexual overtures or conduct, verbal, written or physical. This behavior refers to sexual overtures or conduct that are not only unwelcome but that are personally offensive, that affect morale and that, therefore; interfere with a student's ability to study or participate in school activities or programs. Students who believe they are being harassed should report the situation to any of the following persons immediately: a) a guidance counselor; b) a teacher; c) KTEC Administrator.

Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, and Cyber Bullying

KTEC is committed to a safe and civil educational environment for all students, employees, parents/legal guardians, volunteer and patrons, that is free from harassment, intimidation, bullying, and cyber bullying. “Harassment, intimidation, bullying, or cyber bullying” means any written message or image, verbal, or physical act, including but not limited to one shown to be motivated by race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, mental, physical, sensory disability, or other distinguishing characteristics, when the act is intended to result in any of the following:

• Physically harms a student or damages the student’s property;

• Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s education;

• Is severe, persistent, or pervasive in that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment;

• Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.

Nothing in this policy requires the affected student to actually possess a characteristic that is a basis for the harassment, intimidation, bullying, or cyber bullying. “Other distinguishing characteristics” can include but are not limited to:

• Physical appearance, clothing or other apparel,

• Socioeconomic status,

• Marital status,

• Weight

Cyber bullying includes, but is not limited to, the following misuses of technology: harassing, teasing, intimidation, threatening, humiliating, or tormenting another student or staff member by way of any technological tool, such as sending or posting inappropriate or derogatory electronic mail (e-mail) messages, instant messages, text messages, digital pictures or images, or website postings (including social media) which has the effect of:

• Physically, emotionally, or mentally harming a student;

• Placing a student in reasonable fear of physical, emotional, or mental harm;

• Placing a student in reasonable fear of damages to or loss of personal property; or

• Creating an intimidating or hostile environment that substantially interferes with a student’s educational opportunities.

KTEC has no duty to regulate off-campus Internet messages, statements, postings, or acts. However, KTEC reserves the right to regulate, review, investigate, and discipline students for cyber bullying or for other disciplinary violations when such Internet statements, postings, or acts threaten violence against another student or otherwise disrupts the learning environment or orderly conduct of the schools, school business, or school activities. This applies to cyber bullying or other violations whether made off-campus with personal digital devices or made on any school campus, at any school-sponsored event, on school-provided transportation, at any official school bus stop, or using district communications systems or devices. KTEC’s reservation of rights does not impose on KTEC or any school, a duty to regulate or review off-campus Internet messages, statements, postings, or acts.

A student who intentionally commits, or conspires to commit, or aids or abets, an act of harassment, intimidation or bullying against another student or staff member through the use of a land line, cell phone, or electronic transmission (e.g. text messaging, e-mail, IM, blog, webpage, social networking) regardless of where it is initiated, whether at a residence, a public place or on school property, during school hours or outside the school day may be referred to law enforcement. (Idaho Code 18-917A). 


Harassment, intimidation, bullying, or cyber bullying can take many forms including but not limited to: slurs, rumors, jokes, innuendos, demeaning comments, drawing cartoons, pranks, gestures, physical attacks, threats, or other written, oral, physical, or electronically transmitted messages or images.

This policy is not intended to prohibit expression of religious, philosophical, or political views, provided that the expression does not substantially disrupt the education environment. Many behaviors that do not rise to the level of harassment, intimidation, bullying, or cyber bullying may still be prohibited by other district policies or building, classroom, or program rules.


Interventions are designed to remediate the impact on the targeted student(s) and others impacted by the violation, to change the behavior of the perpetrator, and to restore a positive school climate.

The district will consider the frequency of incidents, developmental age of the student, and severity of the conduct in determining intervention strategies. Interventions will range from counseling, correcting behavior and discipline, to law enforcement referrals.

Retaliation/False Allegations

Retaliation is prohibited and will result in appropriate discipline. It is a violation of this policy to threaten or harm someone for reporting harassment, intimidation, or bullying.

It is also a violation of district policy to knowingly report false allegations of harassment, intimidation, and bullying. Students or employees will not be disciplined for making a report in good faith. However, persons found to knowingly report or corroborate false allegations will be subject to appropriate discipline.

Prohibition of Weapons:

KTEC has "zero tolerance" for any student who brings to school weapons, look-alike weapons, or other objects/substances/chemical sprays, which are a threat to the health and safety of other students, staff members or visitors, or is a disruption to the educational process. Possession and/or use of these objects/substances at school or at any school-sponsored activity will result in formal suspension procedures and possible expulsion.

It is everyone's obligation to report anyone with a weapon at school. Students are encouraged to be mature in this serious responsibility to classmates and staff. KTEC is dedicated to working TOGETHER to make this a safe place to learn and to work. Students, staff, parents and administrators must make safety a number one priority.

If a student has knowledge of anyone with a weapon, report it to any teacher, counselor or Administration IMMEDIATELY. Students should move away from the endangered area without delay. Desks and lockers are school property and school authorities may make reasonable regulations regarding their use. Lockers are subject to inspection and search by school officials if it is determined there is reasonable suspicion.


Cell phones and any electronic device:

Student cell phone usage is NOT permitted in classroom or lab areas. Otherwise cell phones should be left in vehicle. This policy will also apply to new technologies that may be developed for similar purposes. Any portable communication and other electronic devices are strictly prohibited in the classroom.  Use of an electronic device to exchange information (i.e. text messaging), access wireless resources or the Internet during assessments will be considered cheating. The use of an electronic device for the purpose of cheating and/or plagiarism will result in a grade of zero for the questioned work and confiscation of the device. Repeated violations may result in removal from class, loss of credit, suspension and/or expulsion. No use of digital cameras or cell phone cameras will be permitted in the restrooms or locker room areas at any time. Students are responsible for the safety and security of their portable communication and other electronic devices. KTEC will assume no responsibility in any circumstance for the loss/destruction/damage or theft of portable communication and other electronic devices. Students will be responsible for locating such lost/stolen items. For the safety and security of students and to avoid disruption of the instructional process, students shall not display, use, or activate cellular communication device during the instructional day. For the purposes of this policy, the "instructional day" is defined as the moment a student enters the school building to the final dismissal bell. The "instructional day" includes, but is not limited to, independent study, breaks, class changes and any other structured or non-structured instructional activity that occurs during the normal school day. Students are responsible to ensure that their devices are turned off and out of sight during class time.


1. Cell Phone:

a. 1st Offense – Warning - Cell Phone is taken to the office and student can pick it up before leaving for the day.

b. 2nd Offense – Parent must pick it up

c. 3rd Offense – Conference with Parent and student and parent picks up phone.

d. 4th Offense - 1 Day Suspension

e. 5th Offense – Possible withdraw.

1. Fighting: Any student responsible for instigating a fight and/or any aggressive form of physical contact (i.e. pushing, shoving, hitting, punching, choking, etc.) with another student will be subject to removal from class. The consequence will be dictated by the seriousness of the situation and at the discretion of the Administrator or designee. This includes any form of verbal or physical abuse.

NOTE: Fights or any other irresponsible behavior that occur off school grounds, during school hours, or while in transit to or from KTEC will be subject to disciplinary action. Discipline could include suspension, loss of driving privilege and/or mandatory bus transport.

2. Litter: It is the responsibility of the entire school community to keep the building and its premises clean. It is expected that students will pick up litter and place it in a proper receptacle. Students who litter may face disciplinary action.

3. Identification: Students are expected to identify themselves (name, class, and school) to any staff member when asked. A student will be considered insubordinate (Major Disciplinary Violation) if a truthful identification is not made.

Dress Code: Dress standards at KTEC are established in an effort to directly connect to the expectations in an employment setting. Therefore, several of the standards acceptable at the comprehensive high school level may not be deemed acceptable by KTEC employability standards. Dress standards are determined by industrial/programs and may be different from program to program. Grooming should be appropriate to the school and work setting and must not be a distraction or endangerment to themselves or other students' health or safety. Standards of dress do not deviate when attending math/science or by time of year.

The Director, in connection with the sponsor, coach, or other person in charge of an extracurricular activity, may regulate the dress and grooming of students who participate in the activity if the director/designee reasonably believes that the student’s dress or grooming does the following:

• Creates a hazard to the student’s safety or to the safety of others.

• Will prevent, interfere with or adversely affect the purpose, direction, or effort required for the activity to achieve its goals.

In order to maintain adherence to the student dress policy, students may not wear the following:

• Overly baggy clothing

• Overly tight clothing

• Shorts are not to be worn at KTEC

• Clothing that reveals the back or midriff, or through which skin and/or undergarment is visible, or when arms raised becomes visible. These may include, but are not limited to:

• Athletic/sweat pants

• Clothing or accessories with symbols or sayings that are offensive and/or inappropriate to the educational setting. These include, but are not limited to

|Boxers |Spaghetti straps |

|Sheer tops |Halter tops |

|Mesh tops |Tube tops |

|Overly large openings at the neck or arms |Swim tops |

|Off the shoulder tops |Clothing that exposes the midriff |

|Demeaning statements |open toed or heeled shoes |

|Violent statements |Sexual statements |

| |Racial statements |

← Attire or accessories which identify affiliation with movements, groups, or values inconsistent with or that detract from the academic environment including, but not limited to:

|Any gang affiliated clothing |Sexually provocative clothing |

|Extreme gothic clothing |Clothing with attached excessive chains, cords, straps, etc. (bondage |

| |clothing) |

• Clothing that advertises or promotes tobacco, alcohol or other drugs.

• Jewelry or accessories that could be used to cause harm or injury.

A good general policy regarding the dress code is: If there is ANY QUESTION about an item being inappropriate, DO NOT WEAR IT.

If the student’s dress or grooming is objectionable under these provisions, the director/designee shall request the student to make appropriate corrections. If the student refuses, the director/designee shall notify the parent/guardian and request assistance in guiding the student to make the necessary correction. If both the student and parent/guardian refuse, the director/designee shall take appropriate corrective action. Students may be suspended, if circumstances so warrant and students who violate provisions of the dress code relating to extracurricular activities may be removed or excluded from the extracurricular activity for such period as the director/designee may determine.

Public Display of Affection:

Excessive physical contact and public displays of affection are not acceptable on school grounds, school buses, at school activities, or work sites.

Tobacco Policy:

Students are not permitted to smoke or to chew tobacco on school grounds. Students are also not permitted to carry tobacco products on campus. Violation of this policy will be met with disciplinary action as outlined in the Substance Abuse Policy. Violations of this policy may be subject to referral to law enforcement. This includes vaporizers and e-cigs.


All students who wish to park their vehicles in the KTEC parking lot must park in the designated areas and display the KTEC parking pass on their front windshield. Students who park in unauthorized zones will lose driving privileges. KTEC does not assume responsibility for any vehicle parked on the grounds. Vehicles left in the parking lot overnight, without permission, may be towed at the owner’s expense. There is no loitering, sitting in vehicles or music playing in the parking lot.


A locker is not provided to each student enrolled in KTEC. Some students will be assigned a locker for the safe keeping of books and personal articles. The school however, is not responsible for any articles that might be stolen from these lockers. Students must buy their own locks in order to secure their belongings. They are also encouraged NOT to leave valuables in the lockers and NOT to share locker combinations with others. Students will be held responsible and if necessary, assessed for any damage caused to a locker by neglect, vandalism or misuse. Lockers are subject to inspection and search by school officials if it is determined there is reasonable suspicion.


Students are to use appropriate language at ALL TIMES on campus. Use of inappropriate or offensive language is prohibited.


Theft, destruction of, writing on (keying), or intentional damage of any type to KTEC, vehicles, personal property, etc. will result in immediate disciplinary action and may result in a referral to law enforcement.


Anyone who steals or is in possession of a stolen item(s) may be referred to law enforcement. NOTE: It is a student’s responsibility to report any information concerning a theft, vandalism or an impending fight.


It is the utmost concern of the KTEC staff that each student learns and works in a safe, non-threatening educational environment. Teaching safety is our first priority. Safety habits and attitudes are among top concerns of any employer. Our staff strives to convey this idea. It is the student's responsibility to wear designated safety gear as instructed, the glasses, and to wear industry standard shoes. Any running, teasing, jabbing, sparring, or horseplay of any kind or by any other name will not be tolerated.


Any student who comes on the KTEC grounds or to any CTE activity on or off campus under the influence of or in possession of any drug (i.e. tobacco, alcohol, or any illegal substance) may be prosecuted (Idaho Code 33-210). Students may be remanded to the custody of the local Police Department. They may face suspension and possible expulsion from KTEC or other member school districts.


1. All visitors must check-in with the office.

2. Visitors may not use any equipment, work on vehicles, use materials, etc...

3. Students may not bring friends or other non-enrolled students to any KTEC facilities without prior approval from the KTEC Administration. Approval must be at least one day in advance.

4. To be on KTEC grounds at a time other than the student’s regular assigned time, a student must have permission from the KTEC Administrator.

TRANSPORTATION POLICIES AND PROCEDURES: BUS BEHAVIOR Safety is the most important factor in the school transportation program. When students conduct themselves well, safety hazards are greatly reduced. Students who do not respect the rights and safety of others and fail to observe proper bus conduct must expect to forfeit the privilege of riding the buses provided by the school district.

First Offense: Students will be warned by the director and a notification will be sent to parents. A possible suspension of privileges might occur.

Second Offense: Students will forfeit their privilege to ride the bus for one week (five school days). Students must be in attendance at school for the five days.

Third Offense: Students will be suspended from the bus for the balance of the semester or possibly for the remainder of the school year.


Bus transportation is provided to and from the home high schools and to off campus sites. Students are allowed to drive to the Tech Center with the understanding that it is a privilege, not a right. Students must fill out a parking permit form, display the permit in their front windshield and must follow the driving rules of both KTEC and their home high school. Students drive and park their vehicles at their own risk.

KTEC is not responsible for any damage or theft to a vehicle. If, in the opinion of a staff member, a student demonstrates any type of driving irresponsibility while on the site or to and from the site, he/she may lose their driving privileges and be required to ride the bus.

Any student vehicle parked in the campus parking lot is subject to search. This is especially true if a theft has been reported or if there is reasonable suspicion of illegal materials in the vehicle. Should a vehicle be parked in any place other than the designated student parking area and or does not display a KTEC parking permit it may be ticketed, towed, and/or student subject to disciplinary actions.

The following are examples of, but not limited to, incidents that are strictly forbidden and may result in revocation of the driving privilege, mandatory bus transportation, or traffic citation.

1. Improper parking

2. Blocking traffic or not yielding to school buses.

3. Riders in the bed of a pickup truck.

4. Dumping litter out of vehicle.

5. Spinning tires.

6. Excessive speed in parking lot and on the street.

NOTE: Speed limit in and around the parking lot is 5 mph.

7. Lack of valid driver’s license.

8. Lack of proof of insurance or registration.

9. Complaints from any local businesses or citizens.

10. Parking in non-student assigned areas or parking off campus.


KTEC does not provide student insurance coverage for any student accidents or injuries within or around the labs. Parents are advised to purchase health insurance for their student.


If students have an issue or concern that they need to voice, please follow the process listed below until the issue is resolved.

Student issues or concerns:

• Step 1 – Teacher conversation

• Step 2 – Director – Mr. Colby Mattila


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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