




Career clusters and career majors are the central focus for developing the Individual Learning Plan, selecting high level academic and career-related courses, and identifying standard and work-based learning experiences that prepare students for transition to postsecondary education, work, or the military. Additional career majors may be identified by secondary schools or postsecondary institutions other than those listed in this document. Students identify career clusters they would like to explore, beginning at the middle school level. Such exploration should assist students in selecting a career major.


|Agriculture |Prepare and support individuals for careers, build awareness, and develop leadership for the food, |

| |fiber, and natural resource systems. |

| | |

|Arts & Humanities |Prepare individuals for creating, performing, and conducting literary, artistic, entertaining, and |

| |sporting activities, or to explore man and his culture through the study of philosophy, religion, |

| |literature, or language. |

| | |

|Business & Marketing |Prepare individuals to perform managerial, research, and technical support functions of business and |

| |prepare individuals to plan and execute the buying, selling, promotion, and distribution of ideas, |

| |goods, and services. |

| | |

|Communications |Prepare individual to apply technical knowledge and skills to effectively communicate ideas and |

| |information. |

| | |

|Construction |Prepare individuals to apply technical knowledge and skills in the constructing, inspecting, and |

| |maintaining of structures and related properties. |

| | |

|Education |Prepare individuals for the practice of learning and teaching, and related research, administrative |

| |and support services. |

| | |

|Health |Prepare individuals to apply technical knowledge and skills for maintenance of health, prevention of |

| |illness, and care of the ill. |

| | |

|Human Services |Prepare individuals for employment in occupations that relate to families and human needs. |

| | |

|Information Technology |Prepare individuals to apply technical knowledge and skills in the rapidly growing occupational |

| |fields of computer networking, programming, digital media, support services and e-commerce/web |

| |design. |

| | |

|Manufacturing |Prepare individuals to apply technical knowledge and skills in the production, maintenance, assembly,|

| |or repair of products. |

| | |

|Public Services |Prepare individuals to analyze, manage, and deliver public service programs including protective |

| |services such as police, fire and safety, postal services, and public utilities. |

|Science & Mathematics |Prepare individuals to apply scientific principles and mathematical knowledge and technical skills to|

| |research and development. |

| | |

|Social Sciences |Prepare individuals to study people and the culture in which they live, and to conduct research into |

| |human behavior including abnormal behavior politics language, lifestyle, and work. |

| | |

|Transportation |Prepare individuals to apply technical knowledge and skills to maintain and repair aircraft, land |

| |vehicles, marine vessels, construction equipment and portable power equipment, and to provide other |

| |services for transporting people or materials. |

Choosing a Career Major

Choosing a career major involves several steps: assessing interests and skills through the ILP process and other surveys, discussing academic and career interests with advisors, adding transferable academic skills through class selections, and preparing for a specific occupation and/or a major of study for post-secondary education.

To assist in the selection of a career major incoming ACHS students and their parents should gather and carefully consider information about several topics. Among them are the following:

1. Self-Assessment – Students learn about themselves by finding out about interests (recreation, sports, academic, etc.), aptitudes, learning styles, and work and life values. Personal preferences also play an important part in choosing a career cluster or career major.

2. Characteristics of Career Clusters – Learning about and comparing the basic features of career clusters will enable students to narrow the choices available. Resources that may be helpful in the process include: printed descriptions, videos, software programs, internet and firsthand experiences (job shadowing, career days/fairs, mentors). Answers to numerous questions such as, “What does it mean to have a job in this career cluster?”, may also be provided.

3. Trends in the Workforce – Students should become aware of the nature of the economy (e.g., reductions in industries such as mining and agriculture and increases in service industries) and the changing structures of business and industry (e.g., the shift to part-time workforce, project-oriented groups, just-in-time production). Knowledge about projections of demand for employees in comparison with the number of workers available in occupations should also be part of selection process.

4. Educational Requirements – For career majors that require education beyond the secondary level, students should be aware of postsecondary programs (technical and community college, university) providing the education which matches specific occupational requirements. Students also need to know which occupations have state or national licensing requirements.

Students make their first choice of a career cluster or career major by assessing the information gathered from topics 1 through 4. This process can be repeated and revised as students gain more information, experience, and insight in career planning.


Career Cluster: AGRICULTURE

Career Majors: Horticulture & Plant Science Systems, Animal Science Systems, Agricultural Power, Structural, & Technical Systems, and Environmental Science & Natural Resources Systems

These majors are for students who are interested in a career or postsecondary study in Agriculture. To complete a career major, students must earn four career related credits (8 trimester courses) within the major and complete the current required credits for graduation. Three credits must come from recommended courses.

|Horticulture & Plant Science Systems |Animal Science Systems |Agricultural Power, Structural, & Technical |Environmental Science & Natural Resources |

| | |Systems |Systems |

|Recommended Courses |Credit |Recommended Courses |

|Recommended Courses |Credit |Recommended Courses |Credit |Recommended Courses |Credit |

|Art I A Drawing |.5 |Band A,B,C |1.5/yr. |General Chorus (2 trim) |1/yr. |

| | |(3 trimesters each year for 4 years) | | | |

|Art I B Color Study |.5 |Percussion Ensemble B,C |1/yr. |Concert Choir (1 trim) |.5/yr. |

|Art II Advanced Art A |.5 |Vocal Solo and Ensemble B, C |1/yr. |A Cappella Choir A and B (2 |1/yr. |

| | | | |trimesters) | |

|Advanced Drawing |.5 | | |Men’s Chorus (1 trim) |.5/yr. |

|Advanced Painting |.5 | | |Women’s Chorus (1 trim) |.5/yr. |

|Ceramics I |.5 | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Elective Courses | |Elective Courses | |Elective Courses | |

|AP Studio Art A, B, C |1.5 |Piano lab |.5 to 2 |Piano Lab |.5 to 4 |

|Ceramics II |.5 |AP Music Theory A,B, C |1.5 |Vocal Solo and Ensemble |.5 to 2 |

| | | | | | |


|Recommended Courses |Credit |Recommended Courses |Credit | | |

|Drama: Modern Theater |.5 to 2 |1 Chorus class |.5 | | |

|Drama: Roots of Theater |.5 to 2 |1 Instrumental Music class |.5 | | |

|Drama: Technical Theater |.5 to 2 |Art I A & B |1 | | |

|Public Speaking |.5 to 2 |1 Drama class |.5 | | |

| | |Public speaking |.5 | | |

| | |Humanities: Music/Dance |.5 | | |

| | |Humanities: Art/Drama |.5 | | |

|Elective Courses | |Elective Courses | | | |

|Journalism |.5 to 3 | | | | |

|Debate |.5 to 2 | | | | |

|Independent Theater |.5 | | | | |


|Recommended Courses |Credit |Recommended Courses |Credit |

|French IA |.5 |Spanish IA |.5 |

|French IB |.5 |Spanish IB |.5 |

|French IIA |.5 |Spanish IIA |.5 |

|French IIB |.5 |Spanish IIB |.5 |

|Honors French IIIA |.5 |Honors Spanish IIIA |.5 |

|Honors French IIIB |.5 |Honors Spanish IIIB |.5 |

|Honors French IV |.5 |Honors Spanish IV |.5 |

|AP French A, B |1 |AP Spanish A, B |1 |

| | | | |

Career Cluster: Education

Career Major: English

This major is for students who wish to pursue a career involving the teaching of English or a professional career in writing. To complete a career major, students must earn four career related credits (8 trimester courses) within the major and complete the current required credits for graduation and the pre-college curriculum. Three credits must come from recommended courses.


|Recommended Courses |Credit |

|English I Literature |.5 |

|English I Composition |.5 |

|English II Literature |.5 |

|English II Composition |.5 |

|AP English Language A,B,C |1.5 |

|AP English Literature A,B, C |1.5 |

|  | |

|Elective Courses | |

|Creative Writing |.5 |

|Contemporary Fiction |.5 |

|Journalism I News Writing |.5 |

|Journalism I Production |1 |

| Journalism II |1.5 |

Career Clusters: Communications

Career Majors: Visual Communication Art, Multimedia Technology, and Communications

These majors are for students who are interested in careers that deal with technology and computers or various forms of communication.

To complete a career major, students must earn four career related credits (8 trimester courses) within the major and complete the current required credits for graduation.

Three credits must come from recommended courses.

|Visual Communication Art | |Multimedia Technology | |

|Recommended Courses |Credit |Recommended Courses |Credit |

|Computer Fundamentals |.5 |Computer Fundamentals |.5 |

|Computer Illustration: Animation 1 |.5 |Intro to Multimedia |.5 |

|Computer Illustration: Animation 2 |.5 |Intro to Audio and Video |.5 |

|Traditional Layout and Graphic Design |.5 |Multimedia Audio and Video (lab) |.5 |

|Computer Graphic Design/Digital Imaging |.5 |Computer Illustration: Animation 1 |.5 |

|Screen Printing (lab) |.5 |Computer Illustration: Animation 2 |.5 |

| | | | |

|Elective Courses | |Elective Courses | |

|Technology Education: Power & Energy, Transportation, and |.5 |Technology Education: Power & Energy, Transportation, and |.5 |

|Construction | |Construction | |

|Technology Education: Bio-related tech, Communication, and |5 |Technology Education: Bio-related tech, Communication, and |5 |

|Manufacturing | |Manufacturing | |

|Architectural AutoCAD |.5 |Architectural AutoCAD |.5 |


|Recommended Courses |Credit |

|Public Speaking |.5 |

|Drama: Modern Theater |.5 |

|Drama: Roots of Theater |.5 |

|Creative Writing |.5 |

|Contemporary Fiction |.5 |

| Introduction to Audio & Video |.5 |

|Introduction to Multimedia |.5 |

|Elective Courses | |

|Drama: Technical Theater |.5 |

|Journalism I News Writing/Production |.5 – 1.5 |

|Yearbook Marketing |.5 |

|Yearbook Production |.5 |

| Yearbook Publication |.5 |

Career Cluster: Human Services

Career Majors: Consumer & Family Management, Early Childhood Education, Family & Consumer Sciences Education, Culinary & Foods Services, and Fashion & Interior Design

These majors are for students who are interested in a career or post-secondary study in Family and Consumer Sciences. To complete a career major, students must earn four career related credits (8 trimester courses) within the major and complete the current required credits for graduation.

Three credits must come from recommended courses.

|Consumer & Family Management | |Early Childhood Education | |Family & Consumer Sciences Education | |

|Family Science |.5 |Parenting/Child Dev. 0-6 |.5 |Family Sciences |.5 |

|Consumer & Career Education |.5 |Parenting/Child Dev. 7-Adol. |.5 |Consumer & Career Edu. |.5 |

|Relationships | |Child Development Services I | |Parenting/Child Dev. 0-6 |.5 |

|Money Skills for Math |.5 |Child Development Services II |1 |Parenting/Child Dev. 7-Adol. |.5 |

|Foods & Nutrition I & II |.5 | | |Leadership Dynamics |.5 |

| |1 | |1 | | |

| | | | | | |

|Elective Courses | |Elective Courses | |Elective Courses | |

|Leadership Dynamics |.5 |Family Science |.5 |Fashion & Interior Design I |1 |

|Parenting/Child Dev. 0-6 |.5 |Consumer & Career Education |.5 |Money Skills for Math |.5 |

|Parenting/Child Dev. 7-Adol. |.5 |Relationships | |Relationships |.5 |

| | |Money Skills for Math |.5 |Foods & Nutrition I & II |1 |

| | | |.5 | | |

| | | | | | |

|Culinary & Foods Services | |Fashion & Interior Design | | | |

|Foods & Nutrition I | |Family Sciences | | | |

|Foods & Nutrition II | |Consumer & Career Education | | | |

|Culinary I | |Fashion & Interior Design I | | | |

|Culinary II | |Fashion & Interior Design II | | | |

|Elective Courses | |Elective Courses | | | |

|Relationships | | | | | |

|Money Skills for Math | |Money Skills for Math | | | |

| | |*CAD | | | |

| | |*Floral Design/Landscaping | | | |

|* Other courses directly related to career major. |

Career Cluster: Science and Math

Career Majors: Math – Medical, Math-Engineering, Science-Medical, Science-Engineering, and Biology

These majors are for outstanding math and/or science students who wish to go into a medical, engineering, or biological-related career field.

To complete a career major, students must earn four career related credits (8 trimester courses) within the major and complete the current required credits for graduation and the pre-college curriculum.

Three credits must come from recommended courses.

|Math Major |Math Major |

|For Medical Career |For Engineering Career |

|Recommended Courses |Credit |Recommended Courses |Credit |

|Pre-AP Geometry A & B |1 |Pre-AP Geometry A & B |1 |

|Pre-AP Data & Measurement |.5 |Pre-AP Data & Measurement |.5 |

|Pre-AP Algebra II A & B |1 |Pre-AP Algebra II A & B |1 |

|Pre-AP Pre-Calculus A & B |1 |Pre-AP Pre-Calculus A & B |1 |

|AP Calculus A, B, C |1.5 |AP Calculus A, B, C |1.5 |

| | | | |

|Elective Courses | |Elective Courses | |

|AP Biology A, B, C |1.5 |AP Physics A, B, C |1.5 |

|AP Statistics A, B, C |1.5 |AP Statistics A, B, C |1.5 |

| | | | |

|  | |  | |

|  | |  | |


|Biology | |Science Engineering or Chemistry | |Science Medical | |

|Pre-AP Earth |.5 |Pre-AP Earth |.5 |Pre-AP Earth |.5 |

|Pre-AP Space |.5 |Pre-AP Space |.5 |Pre-AP Space |.5 |

|Pre-AP Cell Biology |.5 |Pre-AP Cell Biology |.5 |Pre-AP Cell Biology |.5 |

|Pre-AP Ecology |.5 |Pre-AP Ecology |.5 |Pre-AP Ecology |.5 |

|Pre-AP Chemistry A & B |1 |Pre-AP Chemistry A & B |1 |Pre-AP Chemistry A & B |1 |

| | | | | | |

|Elective Courses | |Elective Courses | |Elective Courses | |

|AP Environmental A, B |1 | | |AP Chemistry |1.5 |

|AP Chemistry A, B, C |1.5 | | |Anatomy & Physiology I |.5 |

| | | | |Anatomy & Physiology II |.5 |

| | | | |Microbiology |.5 |

Career Cluster: Social Sciences

Career Major: Social Studies

This major is for students who have a strong interest in history and world events.

To complete a career major, students must earn four career related credits (8 trimester courses) within the major and complete the current required credits for graduation and the pre-college curriculum. Three credits must come from recommended courses.


|Recommended Courses |Credit |

|AP Human Geography |1 |

|AP World Civilization |1.5 |

|AP U.S. History |1.5 |

|Elective Courses | |

|History of Rock n Roll |.5 |

|Psychology |.5 |

|AP European History |1 |

|US Military History |.5 |

|AP Macro Economics |1 |

|AP Psychology |1 |

|Sociology |.5 |

|Criminal Law and Justice  |.5 |

|Sports in American History |.5 |

| | |


Harrodsburg Area Technical Center

Career Cluster: Construction

Career Major: Residential Commercial Electricity (2-Year Program)

This major is for students who wish to install, inspect and maintain electrical components in structures.

To complete a career major, students must earn the recommended career related credits within the major and complete the current required credits for graduation and the pre-college curriculum.

|Recommended Courses | |Recommended Courses | |Recommended Courses |

|11th Grade | |12th Grade | |Algebra II |

|Circuits I | |Electrical Motor Control | | |

|Circuits II | |Rotating Machinery | | |

|Electrical Construction I | |Electrical Construction II | | |

| | |  | |  |

| | |  | |  |

Career Cluster: Transportation

Career Major: Automotive Service Technology ( 2-year program)

This major is for students who wish to maintain and repair automobiles.

To complete a career major, students must earn the recommended career related credits within the major and complete the current required credits for graduation and the pre-college curriculum.

|Recommended Courses | |Recommended Courses | |Recommended Courses |

|Brake System | |Auto Electricity | |Algebra II |

|Suspension & Steering | |Basic Fuel & Ignition | |Physical Science |

|Practicum | |Engine Repair | |Physics |

| | | | | |

| | | | |  |

| | |  | |  |

Career Cluster: Construction

Career Major: Residential Commercial Carpentry (2 year program)

This major is for students who wish to construct, inspect and maintain structures.

To complete a career major, students must earn the recommended career related credits within the major and complete the current required credits for graduation and the pre-college curriculum.

|Recommended Courses | |Recommended Courses | |Recommended Courses |

|11th grade | |12th Grade | |Geometry |

|Introduction to Construction | |Site Layout | | |

|Floor & Wall Framing | |Ceiling & Roof Framing | | |

|Exterior & Interior Finishing | |Construction Prints | | |

| | | | |  |

Career Cluster: Manufacturing

Career Major: Welding (2-Year Program)

This major is for students who wish to pursue a job in the welding industry.

To complete a career major, students must earn the recommended career related credits within the major and complete the current required credits for graduation and the pre-college curriculum.


|Recommended Courses | |Recommended Courses | |Recommended Courses |

|11th grade | |12th Grade | |Algebra II |

|Oxy-Fuel Systems | |Gas Metal Arc | |Physical Science |

|Cutting Process | |SMAW Groove | |Physics |

|Basic Welding B | |Gas Tungsten Arc & Lab | | |

| | |  | |  |

| | |  | |  |

Career Cluster: Health Sciences

Career Major: Allied Health (2-year program)

This major is for students who wish to pursue careers involving the maintenance of health, prevention of illness and care of the ill.

To complete a career major, students must earn the recommended career related credits within the major and complete the current required credits for graduation and the pre-college curriculum.

|Recommended Courses | |Recommended Courses | |Recommended Courses |

|11th grade | |12th Grade | |Human Biology |

|Principles of Health Sciences | |Pharmacology | |Chemistry |

|Medical Terminology | |Human Growth & Development | |Nutritional & Food Service |

|Emergency Procedures | |Intro to Nursing | |Child Care/Human Development |

|Health Care Skills | | Co-op | |  |

Career Cluster: Health Sciences

Career Major: License Practitioner Nurse (2-year program)

This major is for students who wish to pursue careers involving the maintenance of health, prevention of illness and care of the ill.

To complete a career major, students must earn the recommended career related credits within the major and complete the current required credits for graduation and the pre-college curriculum.

|Recommended Courses | |Recommended Courses | |Recommended Courses |

|11th grade | |12th Grade | |Human Biology |

|Principles of Health Sciences | |Pharmacology | |Chemistry |

|Medical Terminology | |Human Growth & Development | |Nutritional & Food Service |

|Emergency Procedures | |Intro to Nursing | |Child Care/Human Development |

|Health Care Skills | | Developer of the Caregiver | |  |

| | | Practicum (Pharmacy) | |  |

Career Cluster: Information Technology

Career Majors: Networking (2-year program)

This major is for students who want a career in computer networking, programming and support services.

To complete a career major, students must earn the recommended career related credits within the major and complete the current required credits for graduation and the pre-college curriculum.

|Recommended Courses | |Recommended Courses | |Recommended Courses |

|1st year student | |2nd year student | |Physics |

|PC Essentials | |Visual basic | |Computer programming |

|Program Design | |Networking technology | | |

|PC Field Tech | |Intro to C++ | | |

| | | | |  |

| | |  | |  |

Career Cluster: Office Technology

Career Major: Web Designer (2-year program)

This major is for students who wish to pursue a career as an administrative assistant.

To complete a career major, students must the recommended career related credits within the major and complete the current required credits for graduation and the pre-college curriculum.


|Recommended Courses | |Recommended Courses | |Recommended Courses |

|1st year student | |2nd year student | |Computer Programming |

|Website design | |Special topics | |Adv. Computer Applications |

|Flash | |Multimedia Publishing | | |

|Adv. Web design | |HTML Web Design | | |

| | |  | |  |


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