Oakgrove School

Oakgrove School


Careers and Teaching School Administrator Admin HR Manager Grade 3 37 hours 39 (Term Time)


To support the Careers Leader and Careers Adviser to deliver a successful careers programme throughout the school. To support the Teaching School with administration and activities for CPD.

PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES Resource materials to deliver tutorial & assembly curriculum as required. Compile and analyse student questionnaire returns as appropriate. Identify possible additional extra-curricular opportunities to promote enrichment in the Sixth Form. Promote opportunities and keep records of students involved in volunteering activities. Support Sixth form students in logging their volunteering hours in order to achieve volunteering awards. Sixth form work experience ? tracking, arranging and promoting so 100% students have something across Year 12/13 in order to meet Gatsby benchmark. Help plan and organise the KS4/5 trip to National Apprenticeship show each March and any other careers related trips. Update and maintain school careers website Maintain and update careers displays around school including posters about events. To organise and manage the Work-Out 50 scheme including organising resources, attending the events and meeting visitors involved. Administer student produced careers action plans and share with parents Year 7-11 action plans Upload student information to BeReady platform, oversee student accounts, troubleshoot login issues, pull off student activity reports as required Create and maintain careers activity record (in conjunction with careers leader) for each student in Year 7-13 To support careers leader in building relationships with employers, alumni, FE and HE To meet regularly with Careers leader, Careers adviser and careers related stakeholders To support Careers leader with planning and running V&E and careers related enrichment activities including KS3 shuffle day. Assist with production of termly careers newsletter. Assist with compiling evidence required for the school to achieve and maintain the Careers quality mark. Research and update Post 16 and Post 18 destination tracking. Collate data from surveys/ feedback forms following CPD events Update the Innovate website with adverts Send emails out to schools with upcoming courses Follow up emails to delegates Update Teaching Schools Social Media accounts Prepare for training events (prepare register, lanyards for visitors, printing off resources e.g worksheets, power point slides to put in a 'training wallet' Meet and greet delegates as required Organise relevant refreshments at training events Attend and take minutes at teaching school meetings (fortnightly after school) Any other reasonable task as required

All Trust employees are also expected to: o Work effectively as part of the whole school team, support other colleagues in their roles and participate in relevant training and professional development. o Ensure health and safety and good behaviour of students at all times. o Ensure that safety guidelines are followed and report any defects or damaged equipment and environment. o Demonstrate and assist others in safe and effective use of specialist equipment/materials. o Be aware of, and comply with, policies and procedures relating to child protection, health and safety and security and confidentiality, reporting all concerns to an appropriate person. o Contribute to the overall ethos and aims of the school.

Conditions of Service Candidates are required to give details of any convictions on their application form and are expected to disclose such information at the appointment interview. Any convictions/cautions acquired during employment with Kingsbridge Educational Trust must be reported to the Headteacher. Kingsbridge Educational Trust and Oakgrove School are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. All employees and volunteers are expected to share this commitment, to follow the School's safeguarding policies and procedures and to behave appropriately towards children and young people at all times.

I am in agreement with this job description, dated ____________________________

Signed by Post Holder: _________________________________________________

Signed by Line Manager: _______________________________________________


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