Explain the objectives of DECA.

1. General information

a. DECA is a career and technical student organization designed to attract students into marketing careers.

b. DECA encourages the understanding of free enterprise.

c. DECA encourages civic responsibility.

d. DECA maintains a series of competitive events.

e. DECA offers awards and recognition.

f. DECA maintains a scholarship program.

g. DECA helps develop leaders in marketing, management and entrepreneurship.

h. DECA is one of the three integral parts of the Sports and Entertainment Marketing course. The other two are classroom instruction and work-based learning.

2. Purposes of DECA

a. To develop leadership in the field of marketing that is competitive, aggressive, self-reliant and cooperative.

b. To develop a sense of individual responsibility.

c. To promote opportunities for intelligent career choices in the field of marketing.

d. To allow practical application of the principles of marketing through competitive activities.

e. To encourage the use of ethical practices in business.

f. To develop respect for education in marketing that will contribute to vocational competence.

g. To encourage an understanding of, and an appreciation for, our free, competitive enterprise system and social obligations of those engaged in marketing.

h. To serve as a means of identifying the instructional program for business persons, faculty, parents and students.

3. Benefits of DECA

a. Sense of belonging

b. Group participation

c. Motivational involvement

d. Competitive involvement

e. Personal growth and development

A. Explain basic facts concerning DECA.

1. Basic facts

a. Name–DECA, an Association of Marketing Students.

b. Publications

i. National DECA–DECA Dimensions

ii. NC DECA–DECA Connections

c. Colors–Blue, which stands for sincerity, and gold, which stands for success.

d. Emblem–The DECA Diamond

i. Vocational understanding

ii. Civic consciousness

iii. Social intelligence

iv. Leadership development

e. Tagline–Developing Future Leaders in Marketing, Management, and Entrepreneurship.

2. Organization

a. Divisions of DECA

i. High School

ii. Delta Epsilon Chi

iii. Collegiate

iv. Alumni

v. Professional

b. Levels of DECA

i. Local–local high school chapters

ii. District–North Carolina is divided into districts and regions: Blue Ridge, Cornucopia, Dixie Pines, Metrolina, and Triad.

iii. State– the North Carolina headquarters for DECA is in Raleigh, North Carolina.

iv. National–the National headquarters for DECA is in Reston, Virginia. There are four regions at the national level: North Atlantic, Southern, Central, and Western. North Carolina is in the Southern Region.

3. Governance

a. Professional staff

b. Leadership council

c. Student leadership

4. Dues structure–membership in DECA requires that each member pay dues on the state and national level.

5. North Carolina Career and Technical Student Organizations

a. DECA–Marketing Education

b. FBLA–Business and Information Technology Education

c. FCCLA–Family and Consumer Sciences Education

d. FFA–Agricultural Education

e. HOSA–Health Occupations Education

f. TSA–Technology Education

g. SkillsUSA–VICA–Trade and Industrial Education

B. Explain opportunities available to students through participation in DECA conferences and activities.

1. Conferences

a. Marketing Leadership Conference (MLC)

b. Southern Region Leadership Development Conference

c. Marketing Competitive Events Conference (MCEC)

d. NC DECA State Leadership Conference (SLC)

e. NC DECA State Career Development Conference (NC CDC)

f. International Career Development Conference (ICDC)

2. Competency Based Competitive Events–See the current DECA Guide provided by National DECA for complete details on all competitive events.

a. Apparel & Accessories Marketing Series, Associate Level (AAAL)

b. Apparel & Accessories Marketing Series, Management Level (AAML)

c. Business Services Marketing Series (National DECA Only) (BSM)

d. Employability Skills Associate Level (NC only) (ESAL)

e. Food Marketing Series, Associate Level (FMAL)

f. Food Marketing Series, Management Level (FMML)

g. Full Service Restaurant Management Series (FSRM)

h. Marketing Management Series (National DECA Only) (MMS)

i. Quick Serve Restaurant Management Series (QSRM)

j. Retail Merchandising Series, Associate Level (RMAL)

k. Retail Merchandising Series, Management Level (RMML)

l. Vehicle and Petroleum Marketing Series (VPM)

3. Management Team Decision Making Events–See the current DECA Guide provided by National DECA for complete details on all competitive events.

a. E-commerce Management Team Decision Making Pilot Event

b. Financial Services Management Team Decision Making Event

c. Hospitality Services Management Team Decision Making Event

d. Sports and Entertainment Marketing Management Team Decision Making Event

e. Travel and Tourism Marketing Management Team Decision Making Event

4. Marketing Research Events–See the current DECA Guide provided by National DECA for complete details on all competitive events.

a. Business and Financial Services Marketing Research Event

b. Food Marketing Research Event

c. General Marketing Research Event

d. Hospitality and Recreation Marketing Research Event

e. Retail Marketing Research Event

5. Chapter Team Events–See the current DECA Guide provided by National DECA for complete details on all competitive events.

a. Civic Consciousness Project

b. Creative Marketing Project

c. Free Enterprise Project

d. Learn and Earn Project

e. Public Relations Project

6. Business Management and Entrepreneurship Events–See the current DECA Guide provided by National DECA for complete details on all competitive events.

a. E-Commerce Business Plan Event

b. Entrepreneurship Participating Event

c. Entrepreneurship Written Event

d. International Business Plan Event

7. Marketing Representative Events–See the current DECA Guide provided by National DECA for complete details on all competitive events.

a. Advertising Campaign Event

b. Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan

c. Technical Sales Event

8. Special Activities–See the current DECA Guide provided by National DECA for complete details on all competitive events.

a. 7-Up Challenge

b. Virtual Business Challenge

c. DECA Quiz Bowl

C. Identify dates of DECA conferences/activities.

1. Marketing Leadership Conference (MLC)

2. Southern Region Leadership Development Conference

3. Marketing Competitive Events Conference (MCEC)

4. NC DECA State Leadership Conference (SLC)

5. NC DECA State Career Development Conference (NC CDC)

6. International Career Development Conference (ICDC)


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