Success Stories in Mathematics

The Success Stories in Mathematics initiative aims to collect photos and stories from a wide range of people involved in a wide range of mathematical careers, including careers in statistics and OR.  The photos and stories collected will be curated and used to produce both online and print resources with the goal of promoting wide views of the types of careers open to mathematicians, the motivations for undertaking a career in mathematics, and the measures for success in mathematics careers.   

|Name: | |

|Current workplace or university: | |

|Email (for future contact if willing): | |

|Current role: | |

|My mathematical success story is… (This can be | |

|short or long, and could involve a wide variety | |

|of things — what you like about what you do, how | |

|you have got to where you are, what you aspire | |

|to, your life outside mathematics, what you do | |

|well--anything you are proud of!) | |

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|Please indicate what categories are appropriate |( Women in mathematics |

|for your story. These will be used to create |( Racial diversity |

|search options on the website. |( LGBT |

| |( Alternative career paths |

| |( Disability |

| |( Caring responsibilities (including children) |

| |( Two body problem |

| |( Immigration/working and living internationally |

| |( Diverse socioeconomic backgrounds |

| | |

| |( Other ____________________________________________ |

|I am willing for my name, photo and story to be | |

|published online and in print: | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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