Barn Close Surgery

Barn Close Surgery

Patient Participation Group Report – 2013.14

Barn Close Surgery patient participation group (PPG) was formed in October 2011 and originally consisted of 17 patients. Once again they were very involved in collating the views of our patients by assisting the practice in our recent patient survey.

The PPG now has 14 members and the demographics are as follows:

2 patients are in the age range 15 – 30 years = Female x 2

3 patients are in the age range 31 – 59 years = Female x 2 / Male x 1

3 patients are in the age range 60 – 70 years = Female x 2 / Male x 1

4 patients are in the age range 71 – 80 years = Female x 3 / Male x 1

2 patients are in the age range 81 – 90 years = Female x 1 /Male x 1

The main function of the PPG is to act as a channel of communication between patients and the practice, and to suggest ways in which processes and practices used by the patients to access the services might be improved and / or added to. It has no involvement in any medical matters. It meets at the surgery once every 6 weeks.

The PPG is very keen to ensure that they do have a truly representative view and are always trying to ensure that patients are made aware of its existence and purpose. We use our website to promote our patient group and have a dedicated notice board in the surgery.

One of the areas identified in the 2012.13 survey was the frustration for patients not being able to get through on the telephone to make an appointment. We did try to resolve this but unfortunately, due to the constraints of the building and its functionality our options were limited. We thought we had agreed a way forward but once we discussed our option with the Worcestershire Primary Care Trust we were informed that we could not pursue it further as they identified that it would provide a ‘two tier’ service to our patients which was not acceptable. Our 2013.14 patient survey is still reporting the frustrations of the patients when trying to make an appointment via the telephone. Our contract with our telephone provider is coming to an end and we expect to meet with telephone suppliers towards the end of 2014 to discuss our options. We are hopeful that as telecommunications is an area of constant advancement and change there will be a more suitable option available to us to help improve our telephone access.

We still continue to have more staff available to answer the telephones at the busiest times i.e.: on a Monday morning, after a bank holiday etc., and feedback about this has been positive.

The PPG members have also been very involved in the new NHS South Worcestershire Clinical Commissioning Group of which there are three locality groups and we are part of the South Worcestershire PPG Forum within the Commissioning Group. We are very fortunate that our chairman, Professor Ron Amey is one of the representatives selected to represent us at these meetings.

The purpose of the South Worcestershire Forum is to:

• Share and promote best practice and experience between Patient Participation Groups (PPGs)

• Provide peer support for patients involved in their PPG

• Enable two-way communication between the Clinical Commissioning Group and the PPG

• Enable the formation of a collective patient voice across South Worcestershire

• Influence discussions on the Patient Stakeholder Advisory Group through

their representatives

These meetings will be held bi-monthly for 6 months then revert to quarterly.

It was agreed with the PPG that we would use one of the Patient Experience Surveys offered to us via our website supplier. We printed out surveys to be handed to patients when they came to the surgery and any patient who used our website to order their repeat prescription was provided with an information slip inviting them to complete the survey on our website when they collected their prescription from the surgery.

Once again, representatives of the PPG came to the surgery to help with the Patient Survey for 2013.14. The survey was handed to patients when they attended the surgery for their appointment. This also gave an opportunity to the PPG representatives to raise awareness of the PPG.

In total we collected 405 completed questionnaires which equates to 5.56% of our current patient population.

Completed Questionnaires

The questionnaires have been analysed using the My Surgery Website tool and the full set of results is attached at Appendix 1 and the survey comments is attached at Appendix 2. The results are very encouraging about the surgery, the doctors, staff and the services we provide. Figures are very similar to previous surveys.

The results of the completed survey was shared with the PPG members at our meeting on Tuesday 18th March 2014 with the aim of getting their comments and views on what areas the practice should address and what help the PPG members can provide to the practice to ensure we achieve this.

At the PPG meeting held on 18th March 2014 a copy of the Patient Report and Patient Comments were handed out to each of the members and it was agreed that the survey results were very positive once again this year. An area that has improved is patient’s perception of how the appointment system works and this was one of the actions identified last year as a priority. It was agreed that we should continue with the campaign of informing patients of how the appointment system works as the 2013.14 survey is still reporting that some patients are still confused about the fact that they can book up to four weeks ahead. We changed our computer system in July 2013 and we were keen to move forward with the new function of providing an ‘on line’ appointment booking service for our patients. However, it became very clear that the new appointment system was not as good or flexible as the one it replaced so after three months the doctors decided to revert back to the previous appointment system which provides much more functionality. We are currently in discussions with the appointment supplier to help us provide an ‘on line’ appointment booking and text alert service.’


It was agreed with the PPG members that we should continue to inform patients on how the appointment system works. The PPG members and practice staff will continue to work together during 2014 to ensure patients are fully informed of how the appointment system works. Discussions are in place with the GPs about providing a ‘useful information card’ to be sent to each household explaining how the appointment system works.

Continue to move forward with the ‘on line’ booking of appointments and patient texting with the appointment supplier. The PPG chairman, the GPs and the Practice Manager will have the responsibility of implementing this new service to patients.

Meet with telecommunication providers in the summer of 2014 with the aim of identifying a solution to our telephone system as our contract is due for renewal.


| |  |

|Surgery Opening Hours | |

|Monday to Friday |8.00 until 18.30 |

|Weekend |Closed |


|Dispensary Hours |  |

|Monday to Friday |08.45 until 13.00 |

| |& 14.00 until 18.30 |

|Weekend |Closed |

|Monday to Friday |Mornings |Afternoons |

|Appointment surgeries |08.40 until 11.00 |15.00 until 17.30 |

|Weekend |Closed |Closed |


We operate a mixture of pre-bookable up to 4 weeks in advance and on the day appointments which are released at 8.30am each morning.

The original split of the appointments was 15% pre bookable and 85% on the day, in an effort to improve access we changed this to 25% pre bookable and 75% on the day. We have noticed that this has made it easier for you to telephone for a non urgent appointment with the doctor of your choice.

You can call the surgery on the following telephone numbers:

01386 853651

01386 853809

01386 858136 and select Option 2 for appointments.

If you are seeing a particular doctor for a problem it is best for continuity to book an appointment with the same doctor each time rather than seeing a different one. By offering both same day and pre-bookable appointments we should be able to accommodate you.

If you need to see a doctor on the same day it is best to ring early, our appointment telephone lines open at 8.30am. It is worth noting that Mondays are usually very busy!


Most of our appointments are booked in advance but there are always appointments available for booking on the day with our on duty practice nurse.

Please ask at reception if you would like any further information on the appointments system


If you need to speak to a doctor or are requesting a test result we ask that you call the surgery after 9.00am to do so.

Home visits are for those patients who are housebound, disabled or too ill to come to the surgery and should be requested, whenever possible, before 10.45 am. On average visiting you at home takes four times as long as a surgery consultation, so please try and get to the surgery if at all possible.

You can call the surgery on the following telephone numbers:

01386 853651

01386 853809

01386 858136 and select Option 5 for general enquiries


Please bring, email, fax or post your repeat prescription slip to the surgery ticking those items you wish to order. We regret that telephone requests are not possible as mistakes are too easily made. Please allow FOUR WORKING DAYS after ordering it. (Please see the table below for further explanation)



Dear Patient,

We are having to make a change to the repeat prescription service we currently offer to our patients. Due to the constraints of our dispensary it is no longer possible to cope with the demand to provide prescriptions within 48 hours of you placing your order. It has therefore been decided that from Monday 1st July 2013 we will require 4 working days to process your repeat prescription order. Any requests ordered while the surgery is closed i.e. weekends and Bank Holidays will be treated as if received on the first subsequent working day.

The chart below will help you decide when to order and collect your prescriptions.

| | | | | | |

|Ordered your prescription|Saturday, Sunday or| | | | |

|on |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| | | | | | |

|Collect your prescription| | | | | |

|the following |Friday |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |

For those who are not allowed to use the dispensary, if you wish to have your prescription posted to you, a stamped addressed envelope must be included with your request.


Patients living more than one mile from a chemist may have their prescriptions dispensed from our dispensary. The dispensary is closed between 1.00pm and 2.00pm each day.


Since February 2004 emergency night-time and weekend medical cover is provided by the Worcester County Out of Hours Service. When our surgery is closed a recorded message will give the contact number for the new NHS 111 call centre. Calls to the NHS 111 service are free from both landlines and mobiles

The number to ring is 111

Monday to Friday 6.30pm to 8am

All Weekend

[pic][pic][pic][pic]Appendix 1

lose Surgery

Patient Experience Survey 2013

 Excel Report (click here for full dataset)Number of Responses: 405

Dear Patient,

Many thanks for agreeing to take this short survey to help our practice understand how our appointment system can be improved, if at all.

Please answer all of the questions and click 'Send Survey' when you are done.

Q1. How easy do you find getting into the building at the surgery ?

Very easy  63%

Fairly easy  25%

Not very easy  8%

Not at all easy  1%

No response  3%


Q2. How clean is the GP surgery ?

Very clean  81%

Fairly clean  15%

Not very clean  0%

Not at all clean  0%

Don’t know  1%

No response  3%


Q3. In the Reception Area, can other patients overhear what you say to the receptionist?

Yes, but don’t mind  74%

Yes and am not happy about it  16%

No, other patients can’t overhear  2%

Don’t know  5%

No response  3%


Q4. How helpful do you find the receptionists at the surgery ?

Very  73%

Fairly  23%

Not very  1%

Not at all  0%

No response  3%


Q5. How long after your appointment time do you normally wait to be seen?

I don’t normally have appointments at a specific time  1%

I am normally seen on time  16%

Less than 5 minutes 5 to 15 minutes  62%

15-30 minutes  14%

More than 30 minutes  2%

Can’t remember  1%

No response  4%


Q6. How do you feel about how long you normally have to wait ?

I don’t normally have to wait long  73%

I have to wait a bit too long  18%

I have to wait far too long  2%

No opinion/doesn’t apply  4%

No response  3%


Q7. Would you recommend your GP surgery to someone who has just moved to your local area?

Yes, definitely  80%

Yes, probably  17%

No, probably not  1%

No, definitely not  0%

No response  2%



To help us analyse your answers please tell us a few things about yourself:

Are you male or female?

Male  39%

Female  56%

No response  5%


What age are you?

Under 16  1%

17 - 24  5%

25 - 34  6%

35 - 44  9%

45 - 54  11%

55 - 64  13%

65 - 74  29%

75 - 84  14%

Over 84  4%

No response  8%


What is the ethnic background with which you most identify?

White British  94%

White Irish  0%

Mixed White & Black Caribbean  0%

Mixed White & Black African  0%

Mixed White & Black Asian  0%

Indian  0%

Pakistani  0%

Bangladeshi  0%

Black Caribbean  0%

Black African  0%

Chinese  0%

Other  1%

No response  5%


Finally, please add any other comments you would like to make about your GP practice:

Many thanks for your time in answering the questions on this survey.


Appendix 2


>> American - I love this place! > I would really like to comment on the lack of parking spaces available and sometimes difficulty in making an appointment with a specific Doctor. > a great asset to the local area. > A most efficient friendly and professional surgery > Absolutely excellent! My family & I have received such a good standard of care & attention over 26 years. Always given an appointment quickly if the problem cannot wait. I feel our community is very fortunate to have Barn Close. Re Q3 If patients needed to discuss anything confidentially in the reception area, I feel this would be picked up & sorted by the reception staff & a private area found. > Absolutely great! > Access is awful. Parking is a nightmare, especially with so many reserved staff places. Generally the attitude to customers (and that is what we are) is poor, e.g. stop serving prescriptions and leave reception for 15 minutes for a leaving presentation is attrocious. Pharmacy area is too small


>> All staff from receptionist, pharmacy & nurses to the doctors are friendly & efficient > Although it is a good practice, the system you operate is NOT very good when you ring for a appointment. > Although somewhat improved, actually getting an appointment remains difficult at times. The impression is that an extra doctor could be useful. The pharmacy operation is now much improved after the earlier chaos – thanks to Linda and her team. > Always able to get an appointment when needed. Very happy with service. > Always most offering staff,speedy referrals and most importantly seem to have TIME for patients. > Appointment making is difficult > Appointment system needs reviewing.If you cannot get through by 9a. nothing left, same day in day our. > Appointments often made with dr Karen Bloch rarely run to time as quite often she has not arrived promptly...One negative experience I was kept waiting for 45mins with no update she was not running to schedule. Overall my patient experience is otherwise positive... > Appointments with nurses always very prompt, with doctors very variable. > As a fairly new patient to the Practice, I am so pleased to be registered with you - particularly in comparison to the last Practice I was registered with. I find everyone so helpful and have trust in you all. > As a family with 3 children we are very pleased with the service provided at the Surgery. Only problem is sometimes difficult to get an appointment! (and my 11 year old son requests more comfortable seats).:)waiting times to see Dr this depends but have never felt have to wait excessively long. > Barn Close are great > Barn Close is the best surgery I have ever been registered with, it could easily be used as a "flagship" of best practice. > Better telephone service, very difficult to get through daily > Brilliant > Car parking > Car parking is normally an issue > Car parking, insufficient spaces. > Comments - Q6 I have to wait far too long on some ocassions. Q7 - Barn Close Surgery is the only GP surgery in Broadway. > Comments- Receptionists- very helpful "except for one". More reading books difficult to get appointment phones constantly engaged. > Comments - WHITE ENGLISH. Everyone very friendly and helpful > Could be easier to make an appointment - have to try many times phones always engaged. > Could the practice use Skype/Face Time? or emails? > Dieticians have been very good. > Difficult to get an appointment > Dispensary is inefficient, makes too many errors and wastes our time > Dispensary is muddled, inefficient and disorganized. Repeat prescriptions are rarely ready on time and can even be wrongly dispensed. > Do not come very often (annually) so am not best placed to comment - but always had excellent attention for my late husband. > Doctors and nurses ok but the systems needs some work. > Don't like the background music. > Everyone is delightful and helpful > excellent help and advice > Excellent > Excellent care from the GP for myself and my daughter. However patients can hear the conversations in the consulting rooms upstairs. > Excellent doctors would not change them > Excellent service to the community > Fairly good all round > Feel very fortunate to be in such a good practice - Dispensary staff are exceptional > Find all staff very helpful and plesant at all times > First rate service, friendliness from the nurses, dispensary staff doctors and district nurses. > Friendly & efficient. No complaints but would benefit from moving to a purpose-built building!! > From comments I have heard about other GP practices I think we have an excellent practice. Don't change anything. Thank you. > Generally pretty good but the receptionists can be unhelpful when making appointments > Generally V good keep up the good work. > Generally very good > Generally very satisfied > Getting through on the phone line can be very difficult, somtimes 20 calls to get through, only to find that surgery fully booked. It took weeks for me to finally get an appointment today & that was an 'emergency' add on - all the same , great doctors and surgery > Great dosctors > Have been helpful in getting appointments to suit me around school. > Have moved house several times and this is by far the best practice I have ever had > Having just recently moved to the area I have found the staff at Barn Close surgery to be helpful and informative, my experience with the Doctor I saw was excellent, it wasn't rushed, was very thorough he was friendly approachable and made me feel at ease and had time to listen and advised on the best way to order my repeat prescription online, which I have since done and found it an extremely easy and efficient process. I also had to have a hospital referral, the appointment was made and confirmed there and then and the reception staff were also very helpful- overall an excellent experience 10 out of 10! > helpful > Highly satisfied > Hopefully patients like us from Evesham who have used the Surgery all our lives are not going to be removed from the list just because Broadway is filling up with newly retired people that can afford to live in Broadway. We are born and bred Childswickham and Sedgeberrow, having been brought into this world by Dr Juckes Snr and Dr Houghton. > I always find all departments at the surgery very helpful, friendly and polite and nothing seems to be to much trouble. > I always find the staff in Reception and Prescriptions very helpful. Would prefer NO taped music etc in waiting area it really is annoying. > I am completely satisfied with the Practice > I am grateful to your surgery for helpful and courterous attention. > I am new to the practice and am absolutely amazed at how friendly and helpful everyone is. Having the ability to get my prescriptions at the surgery is a fantastic plus. From my new experience I can tell that this is a very well managed surgery, the doctors and staff are a credit to the NHS? > I am very happy > I am very happy about every contact I have had with my doctors since moving here in 2011. On one ocassion I phoned for an appointment at 8.30 and was back home, having seen the doctor and collected by medicine by 9.00am!! > I appreciate that waiting times are affected by appointments with other patients taking longer than the allotted time allowed but my experience is that the waiting time is far to long, and I am sure if I were to be half an hour late for my appointment I would lose my space. Perhaps it would be possible to manage patients expectations if a doctor is running late as I am sure we all have other things we might be able to do in that time instead of sitting in the surgery. > I consider this surgery the very best of what the National Health has to offer and we are as a family very satisfied. > I dislike the appointments system. You cannot make appointments in advance, only for the day you ring so if all the appointments are taken, after one finally manages to get through first thing in the morning, then you are told to go through the whole phone lottery again next day. Ridiculous. > I dont like it that the file carousels are in view right at the front of paper office. It seems someone could look at them when reception desk is unattended. I am very glad Lloyds is organising repeat prescriptions because Barn close staff fail to deliver them at least 40% of the time. > I don't normally have to wait much beyond the appointement tiem when seeing a nurse. Its only when I see a doctor that there is often a delay. > I dont think all patients realise how hard you work to give the excellent service you do - Well done > I feel I get exceptional service. > I feel so very grateful to have such excellent and very caring doctors. Cannot be praised enough > I feel we are very privilaged to have such a good surgery & doctors & staff. > I find I am unable to pre book appointments and then am told I can only see a dr if it is an emergency when I ring on the day! Most receptionists are very helpful , however on several occasions one particular receptionist has been anything but and positively rude.i appreciate it is a difficult task to fit people in but there is always the choice to be polite. > I find it difficult to get an early appointment or late appointment because they seem to be taken up with old people! This is not acceptable when you work. It is not always possible to get an appointment with my own doctor (Dr Billings) > I find it very difficult to book a specific Doctor on a specific day with Reception asking all sorts of questions, to try and put you off. As I work away a fair bit during the week, it can be sometimes difficult for me to drop in ad hoc or book in the morning. > I find the doctors at the surgery very helpful. I have been treated very well by my doctor (Doctor Billings) who has been very helpful and understanding whenever I have needed to see her. Thank you. > I find the facility to order repeat prescriptions over the internet very useful and easy to use. > I find the surgery covers all my requirements > I have a bad back & the seats are very uncomfortable.Also sports injury clinic is upstairs and can cause a bit of a problem. Parking could be better but otherwise a very nice practice with a friendly & helpful atmosphere. > I have always been very happy with the attention I have received at the surgery but most of my appointments are with the nursing staff rather than the doctors. > I have been a patient here since I was 4 years old. Only problems I find is parking and getting thro on the phone to make an appointment. I usually drive in at 8.30 and wait in reception to make a appointment, otherwise I am very happy with Doctors and Surgery. > I have been with this go since born, I find them always helpful & reliable. > I have been with this practice for many years and have never had cause to complain about the service i receive. > I have used Doctors in Cheltenham and Winchcombe and have found this surgery far superior. > I like the fact youi can ring at 8.30 and get an appointment the same day. My only wish is that there was more & easier parking options. > I love all my doctors especially Dr Billings > I moved to this practice after finding the Evesham Doctors Surgeries are not upto the task but this one has helped diagnose my back complaint and help manage the pain. > I recently had to get some information from my records and the practice manager was extremely helpful. She not only sorted out the information I needed but left it out in reception within a couple of hours for me to collect. I have always found this practice to be very helpful and it is probably due to good management. Keep up the good work everyone you are a credit to the doctors. > I recognise that a doctor has to sign off each prescription however I would prefer that prescriptions were available within 24/48 hours. Four days I think is too long and encourages patients to "stock up" on medication. > I think Broadway is very lucky to have the medical practice it does. > I think the doctors are very good. I don't like the Dispensary reading out my name and address where so many people cqan hear - as other people know you are collecting a personla prescription. the Dispensary are friendly and helpful though. > I think the service you provide is great, especially when I compare it to the service my parents recieve in their surgury in Grantham. I can always get an appointment with one of my preferred doctors when I need one. Often my parents have to wait up to a week for an appointment. The appointments team is exeptional, I can't praise them enough for how helpful they are. I would say the whole surgery is efficiently and professionally run. > I think we are lucky to have such a good surgery and hope it is maintained > I think we are very fortunate with our practice. we have very good doctors and nursing staff, the receptionist are always helpful. > I use a drop box for delivering medicines. However does not always happen despite using correct pull down menu on web. Sometimes fridge items are missed out. > I would be very upset if I had to go to Evesham Doctors because of catchmanet issues. > I would think it is one of the best Surgery in this area > Issues - Parking. Hard to get appointments. Appointment system is a joke as are a couple of the doctors (wrong diagnosis). > It is 1st class - I feel very lucky to be a patient here. I have had a very serious illness and have always got the best treatment.Q6. I dont mind waiting. Q7. I have recommended the surgery. > It is generally an excellent practice. I am lucky enough bot to have on going health problems but when I need an urgent appointments, I always get one. a year ago we moved elderly parents to Willersey. the care they received was exceptional. > It is often difficult to obtain a same day appointment, or at least one at a convenient time. I have discovered that this is because of the selfish old folk clogging up reception as soon as surgery opens - they have all day to do their thing but instead spoil the system for people who work all day. Couple of plaudits though: repeat prescriptions online is very good and works well, the staff in the dispensary are always cheerful and helpful. > It is sometimes difficult to get an appointment getting through to the surgery sometimes a long wait. Also prescriptions are a long wait. > It is sometimes difficult to get an appointment, getting through to Surgery sometimes a long wait. Also prescriptions now are a long wait. > It is very difficult to get throughon the ohoen at or after 8.30 if you need to see a Doctor that day. > It would be helpful to make more appointments in advance. We find if difficult at times to make appointments in the morning because the phone is engaged. > It would help the doctors', script receptionist's and dispensary workload if repeat prescriptions for stable long term conditions eg stable hypertension, thyroid etc, were to be for 56 days instead of 28. This would almost halve the existing workload and lead to a smoother repeat service that has been poor of late. > It's just very good - pure & simple. > It's not always easy to make appointments in advance. > Listening to other comments in different areas plus the press this GP surgery is good > Lovely surgery - nice atmosphere excellent care > Making an appointment with a specfic Doctor is now more difficult. > More flexibility on pre bookable appts given that a high percentage of these people work the method used for pre bookable appts is restrictive - option to book pre bookables every day would be an option as now only available on certain days of the week to back when diary available? > My only complaint is the phone in the morning trying to male an appointment. Everything e,se is pretty good. Why not have a system whre you know where you are in the queue. > NO > NO COMPLAINTS, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. > No complaints. > No Excellent doctors. Receptionists could be more cheerful > Normally I only come when I absolutely need to and generally get an appointment on the same day if I phone at 8.30am. > Not enough car parking space. Upstairs rooms difficult to access for disabled. > Not enough parking > Not enough space in car park. On numerous ocassions been told incorrect information on reception. - Made appointment for heard monitor fitting on a selected day and as I came in to get it, it wasn't available. > Not many parking spaces. > Not sure why I had to wait there was no one with the Dr when I arrived the person with earlier appointment was still sat in the waiting room. Dr did not apologise or offer any explanation for this lateness. > Often very difficult to get an appointment by phone and by the time you get through, sometimes by 0900, there are no appointments left. To guarantee a same day appointment I attend personally and join the queue which has already formed by 0830. What will happen once all the new housing is built in and around the village! > On the whole I think the staff do a very good job. > On the whole I would say its pretty good. > Online prescription service excellent, manner of all staff excellent, overall services excellent. > Only problem is the car park - Not large enough and I feel that the surgery could ask patients to park properly and within the white markings. Some selfish people take 2 spaces and this has happened twice this week (20th January) particularly 4x4's and people carriers. > Only problem,as with all, is getting an appointment on the days I would like. > Other - English. There does not always seem to be enough "on the day" appointments to be able to see your preferred GP. > Over all very good > Overall very happy > Parking a problem but we should be grateful to some free spaces unlike practices in Evesham who have to pay park > Parking can be a problem especially if the patient is unwell. Could it be possible to have a drop off point marked. > Parking can sometimes be an issue. > Parking could be better! > Parking for disabled people is really bad, not a big enough car park. > Parking is always a problem! > Parking is always an issue > Parking is an issue sometimes. > parking is poor > Parking is the only issue I have > Parking is very hard. > Parking is very limited and hard finding a space. > Parking not always easy.With Dr Townshend since june 1991 - excellent friendly man > Possibly another doctor making 5. > Practice can be slightly dificult to access with pushchairs as front door is quite heavy but other than that, Barn Close is best practice. > Practice is overcrowded, needs a larger facility. > Q.6 I know everyone is busy. Dont mind waiting as will be seen eventually. Brillant, just wish parking was easier > Q1 - Puddles on front path when it rains > Q1 Parking Q6 By coming early. You wait, you come to be able to park somewhere. Good service - pleasant staff all round. > Q1. I am 6ft tall & beams are very low Q5. Its acceptable & cant be helped., have no problem! Just occssionally the radio may be a bit loud but its not a problem, just an observation. > Q1. Pushchair access is a little limited. Better appointment system needed - often ringing at 8.30am still doesn't get you an appointment. Doctors are very friendly though. > Q1. With small child. Access to car doors & car seat impossible. Needs more parking especially child/parent friendly. > Q3 did not give enough choices. I had to choose "not happy" but what I really mean is it would sometimes be helpful if you were not overheard e.g. checking on Test results. But due to the nature of my employment, I have been registered with 9 or 10 practices at different places of residence in England for never less than 3 years in the past 60 years. And Barn Close is the most excellent in any survey category you could think of. > Q3 I dont always mind - depending on issue. > Q4 Helpful & Patient. Doctors & staff in my opinion are working under pressure as so many more people have moved into this area, and it is proposed many more houses are to bebuilt, infact I am not alone with the worry thoughts of how it will affect us all,as it has been discussed on many occaions by patients awaiting treatment/diagnosis. > Q4. I think this is improving. Q6. I like the fact that doctors spend the time required with individual patients. At peak times appointments are not easy to come by. Queues now form in the surgery to book appointments, this puts people in outlying villages at a disadvantage. Parking is a problem with little capacity for patients. > Q6. Dont mind. Usually have booked an appointment that morning, so thankful to get and see someone that day. Always polite, helpful and it seems a very friendly homely place. > Q6. I realise how busy the doctors are. I think Barn close is a brilliant surgery and we are lucky to have you! > Radio music in waiting room somewhat intrusive > re Ques 3 - When collecting a urine ssample bottle I had to tell the receptionist what it was for (meaning actual test) other people were inear shot. > Re Question 1 - Car park! Patients go shopping after appointment (apparently). > Re: Getting into Surgery Car parking can be difficult. Re: Receptionists: - (? Conv)& incident on phone was unacceptable. > Really happy with this practice. Friendly and helpful.Can always get an appointment as long as we phone at 8.30am. Thank you! > Recently couldn't get an appt in the future because "the Dr had not made any availalble." Appts in the future are a 'BIG' help to thosewith packed diaries at work. > Repeat prescriptions often not ready on time. Staff often appear muddled or confused. > Sometimes great difficulty in parking because there are no empty spaces. Some spaces very narrow. However, I can't imagine how you can improve this situation! > Sometimes hard to make an appointment > Staircase to Doctors rooms upstairs could be wider > Stairs difficult for elderly > Stairs difficult. Drs always helpful > Surgery open on Saturday mornings > Surgery open on Saturday mornings. > The appointments phone line is difficult to get through on the phone. > The dispensary have improved greatly from the problems they had in the summer, well done > The doctors are all incredibly professional, sympathetic and caring. They know their patients well and make you feel at ease. The reception staff go out of their way to help, and have endless patience. The pharmacy staff are fantastic and somehow manage to dispense a constant stream of prescriptions. The nurses are kind, gentle and knowledgeable. I really can't find fault with Barn Close. > The front path needs relaying it is hazardous > The only problem is the parking its when people park stupidly that ruin it for everyone else. > The practice is excellent. The care and attenetion that I receive is perfect > The Radio in the waiting area, perhaps Classic FM would be more appropriate or a soothing CD. The other day Chris Evans was shouting plus his music and we could not hear the Doctor calling our names > The stairs are hard when you have small childres doors are too narrow. Car park space. > Think being up stairs is hard with 3 children under 4 all young children should be seen downstairs in my opinion. > Think it takes too long from when a prescription is ordered on one for it to be ready - previous surgery 3 days. However it is helpful to have the dispensary in the surgery > This is definitely the best surgery I have ever been with. We are shortly moving house and we wish to remain in the Broadway catchment area because of the surgery. > This practice compares extremely well to friends experience in Cheltenham. > Too busy > Too difficult to get appointments Car park ribbish > Too long to obtain an appointment in advance. > Try and keep it as it is, for as long as possible. > Trying to get through at 8.30 for an appointment is difficult often re-dialling for up to 20 munites. Prescription by post Missed - most of the time I have to ring to chase everything. Dr Townshend excellent doctor who cares about his patients. > Very difficult getting a response to appointment line. Called 27 times from 8.00 -9.05AM. > Very fair.Good > Very friendly and helpful > Very good Practice > Very good. > Very happy and 9 times out of 10 I can get an appointment on same dayu which is great. > Very happy with practice & services offered > Very happy with practice and would not want to move > Very helpful & kind > Very helpful always > Very helpful and kind > Very helpful including our visitors who need emergency treatment. > Very pleasant practice > Very satisfied with quality of service and support - thanks to all the Barn Close team. > Very satisfied with the Practice especially the care and advice received from teh doctors. Nice ambience in the surgery. > We as a family are very happy with the service provided. the practice will always endeavour to accomodate, reception staff always very pleasant and helpful. No issue about waiting, its very difficult for practioners to see patients in the short time they have and its the nature of the business some cases take longer than others. Issue for people parking at the Practice. > We cannot speak too highly of the medicaland all the staff > We feel very happy with the practice,staff and all the facilities we have. > We have had excellent service for all our family for 11 years. New turn around time on on-line prescriptions is too long. > When I hear how other surgeries operate I think taht we are very lucky. > Wonderful > would like Saturday morning emergency surgeries as the Out of hours provision is now quite poor. > You can never get through on the phone, in the morning and when you have to get to wrk, it can be a pain. ................

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