Das 16 - Guildmusic

GLCD 5231 – 100 Greatest American Light Orchestras - Vol. 2

|Guild’s tribute to the Greatest American Light Orchestras continues with another selection of well-known names leavened with some of the equally |

|good but less familiar ones. Thus, among the 25 orchestras featured here, we find Xavier Cugat and Leroy Anderson rubbing shoulders with Walter |

|Scharf and Frank Hunter. The music is equally varied, ranging from Percy Faith’s amazing virtuoso performance of La Cucaracha to The New York |

|Philhamonic Pops playing Skitch Henderson’s majestic arrangement of Charles Trenet’s La Mer. |

|Tr. |Title |Composer |Artist |Label |Time |ISRC |

|1 |La Cucaracha (The Mexican|Traditional, arr. |PERCY FAITH & HIS ORCHESTRA |Columbia CS 8038 1957 |2:55 |CH6631553101 |

| |Cockroach Song) |Percy Faith | | | | |

|2 |The Milkman Cometh |Harry Revel |HUGO PERRETTI & HIS ORCHESTRA |Mercury MG 20179 1957 |2:13 |CH6631553102 |

|3 |The Girl That I Marry |Irving Berlin |GLENN OSSER & HIS ORCHESTRA |Kapp KL 1022 1956 |2:27 |CH6631553103 |

|4 |We Kiss In A Shadow (from|Richard Rodgers, arr. |THE PITTSBURGH STRINGS conducted |Capitol T 890 1957 |2:11 |CH6631553104 |

| |“The King And I”) |Richard Jones |by RICHARD JONES | | | |

|5 |In Old Madrid |George Siravo |GEORGE SIRAVO & HIS ORCHESTRA |Decca DL 8464 1956 |2:10 |CH6631553105 |

|6 |The Carioca (from “Flying|Vincent Youmans |XAVIER CUGAT & HIS ORCHESTRA |RCA LSP 1882 1958 |2:32 |CH6631553106 |

| |Down To Rio”) | | | | | |

|7 |Polly Wolly Doodle |Traditional arr. |GEORGE TZIPINE & HIS SALON |Capitol LC 6518 1951 |2:09 |CH6631553107 |

| | |Glykson |ORCHESTRA | | | |

|8 |American Caprice |Morton Gould |MEREDITH WILLSON & HIS ORCHESTRA |Decca DL 8026 1949 |4:23 |CH6631553108 |

|9 |Gay |Richard Shores |RICHARD SHORES & HIS ORCHESTRA |Mercury MG 20130 1955 |2:25 |CH6631553109 |

|10 |Easy Street |Alan Rankin Jones |FELIX SLATKIN & HIS ORCHESTRA |Liberty LSS 14008 1961 |2:45 |CH6631553110 |

|11 |La Mer |Charles Trenet |NEW YORK PHILHARMONIC POPS |Columbia MS 6381 1962 |2:56 |CH6631553111 |

| | | |conducted by SKIP MARTIN | | | |

|12 |Always The Sea |Jerry Bock |ACQUAVIVA & HIS ORCHESTRA |MGM E 3696 1958 |3:41 |CH6631553112 |

|13 |Laramie |Cyril J Mockridge |AL CAIOLA & HIS ORCHESTRA |United Artists UAS 6161 |3:08 |CH6631553113 |

| | | | |1961 | | |

|14 |Katsumi Love Theme |Franz Waxman |FRANK HUNTER & HIS ORCHESTRA |Kapp KS 3005 1959 |2:49 |CH6631553114 |

|15 |For All We Know |John Frederick Coots |PETE KING & HIS ORCHESTRA |Warner Brothers W 1294 |2:32 |CH6631553115 |

| | | | |1959 | | |

|16 |Carmela |Ernesto de Curtis |RICHARD MALTBY & HIS ORCHESTRA |VIK LX 1074 1957 |3:03 |CH6631553116 |

|17 |Patricia |Walter Scharf |WALTER SCHARF & HIS ORCHESTRA |Jubilee JLP 1033 1957 |2:13 |CH6631553117 |

|18 |Sweet And Lovely |Gus Arnheim, Charles |RALPH MARTERIE & HIS ORCHESTRA |United Artists WWS 8506 |3:24 |CH6631553118 |

| | |Daniels, Harry Tobias | |1961 | | |

|19 |Embraceable You |George Gershwin |MITCHELL AYRES & HIS ORCHESTRA |Everest LPBR-5016 1958 |3:45 |CH6631553119 |

|20 |Pigalle |Georges Ulmer, arr. |HAL MOONEY & HIS ORCHESTRA |Time-Oriole OTS 2042 |2:07 |CH6631553120 |

| | |Hal Mooney | |1960 | | |

|21 |Any Time (You’re Feeling |Herbert Happy Lawson |RALPH CARMICHAEL & HIS ORCHESTRA |Capitol ST 1819 1962 |2:30 |CH6631553121 |

| |Lonely) | | | | | |

|22 |Three Galleons (Les Tres |Augusto Algueró |LEROY HOLMES & HIS ORCHESTRA |MGM E 3378 1956 |2:56 |CH6631553122 |

| |Carabelas) | | | | | |

|23 |Double Gaited |George Cates, Dave |GEORGE CATES & HIS ORCHESTRA |Coral CRL 57220 1958 |2:18 |CH6631553123 |

| | |Coleman | | | | |

|24 |Green Up Time (from “Love|Kurt Weill |THE WARNER BROTHERS ORCHESTRA |Warner Brothers WS 1313 |2:44 |CH6631553124 |

| |Life”) | |conducted by MAURICE LEVINE |1959 | | |

|25 |Serenata |Leroy Anderson |LEROY ANDERSON & HIS CONCERT |Decca DL 78954 1959 |3:57 |CH6631553125 |

| | | |ORCHESTRA | | | |

Bar Code: 795754523126 - Total Time: 71:32 – Stereo: Track 1, 6, 10-11, 13-15, 18-21, 24-25, rest mono


Alan Rankin Jones, Augusto Algueró, Charles Trenet, Cyril Mockridge, Ernesto de Curtis, Franz Waxman, George Cates Dave Coleman, George Gershwin, George Siravo, Georges Ulmer, Gus Arnheim, Charles Daniels, Harry Tobias, Harry Revel, Herbert Happy Lawson, Irving Berlin, Jerry Bock, John Frederick Coots, Kurt Weill, Leroy Anderson, Morton Gould, Richard Rodgers, Richard Shores, Vincent Youmans, Walter Scharf

Composer & Tracklist:

Traditional, arr. Percy Faith - La Cucaracha (The Mexican Cockroach Song); Harry Revel - The Milkman Cometh; Irving Berlin - The Girl That I Marry; Richard Rodgers, arr. Richard Jones - We Kiss In A Shadow (from “The King And I”); George Siravo - In Old Madrid; Vincent Youmans - The Carioca (from “Flying Down To Rio”); Traditional arr. Glykson - Polly Wolly Doodle; Morton Gould - American Caprice; Richard Shores - Gay; Alan Rankin Jones - Easy Street; Charles Trenet - La Mer; Jerry Bock - Always The Sea; Cyril J Mockridge - Laramie; Franz Waxman - Katsumi Love Theme; John Frederick Coots - For All We Know; Ernesto de Curtis - Carmela; Walter Scharf - Patricia; Gus Arnheim, Charles Daniels, Harry Tobias - Sweet And Lovely; George Gershwin - Embraceable You; Georges Ulmer, arr. Hal Mooney - Pigalle; Herbert Happy Lawson - Any Time (You’re Feeling Lonely); Augusto Algueró - Three Galleons (Les Tres Carabelas); George Cates, Dave Coleman - Double Gaited; Kurt Weill - Green Up Time (from “Love Life”); Leroy Anderson - Serenata;

Tracklist with Composer and Artists:

La Cucaracha (The Mexican Cockroach Song) - Traditional, arr. Percy Faith, PERCY FAITH & HIS ORCHESTRA; The Milkman Cometh - Harry Revel, HUGO PERRETTI & HIS ORCHESTRA; The Girl That I Marry - Irving Berlin, GLENN OSSER & HIS ORCHESTRA; We Kiss In A Shadow (from “The King And I”) - Richard Rodgers, arr. Richard Jones, THE PITTSBURGH STRINGS conducted by RICHARD JONES; In Old Madrid - George Siravo, GEORGE SIRAVO & HIS ORCHESTRA; The Carioca (from “Flying Down To Rio”) - Vincent Youmans, XAVIER CUGAT & HIS ORCHESTRA; Polly Wolly Doodle - Traditional arr. Glykson, GEORGE TZIPINE & HIS SALON ORCHESTRA; American Caprice - Morton Gould, MEREDITH WILLSON & HIS ORCHESTRA; Gay - Richard Shores, RICHARD SHORES & HIS ORCHESTRA; Easy Street - Alan Rankin Jones, FELIX SLATKIN & HIS ORCHESTRA; La Mer - Charles Trenet, NEW YORK PHILHARMONIC POPS conducted by SKIP MARTIN; Always The Sea - Jerry Bock, ACQUAVIVA & HIS ORCHESTRA; Laramie - Cyril J Mockridge, AL CAIOLA & HIS ORCHESTRA; Katsumi Love Theme - Franz Waxman, FRANK HUNTER & HIS ORCHESTRA; For All We Know - John Frederick Coots, PETE KING & HIS ORCHESTRA; Carmela - Ernesto de Curtis, RICHARD MALTBY & HIS ORCHESTRA; Patricia - Walter Scharf, WALTER SCHARF & HIS ORCHESTRA; Sweet And Lovely - Gus Arnheim, Charles Daniels, Harry Tobias, RALPH MARTERIE & HIS ORCHESTRA; Embraceable You - George Gershwin, MITCHELL AYRES & HIS ORCHESTRA; Pigalle - Georges Ulmer, arr. Hal Mooney, HAL MOONEY & HIS ORCHESTRA; Any Time (You’re Feeling Lonely) - Herbert Happy Lawson, RALPH CARMICHAEL & HIS ORCHESTRA; Three Galleons (Les Tres Carabelas) - Augusto Algueró, LEROY HOLMES & HIS ORCHESTRA; Double Gaited - George Cates, Dave Coleman, GEORGE CATES & HIS ORCHESTRA; Green Up Time (from “Love Life”) - Kurt Weill, THE WARNER BROTHERS ORCHESTRA conducted by MAURICE LEVINE; Serenata - Leroy Anderson, LEROY ANDERSON & HIS CONCERT ORCHESTRA;


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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