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(since 2000)

David Ortiz Jr.

Associate Professor of History

University of Arizona

Email: davido@u.arizona.edu

Phone: 520-626-8419

Fax: 520-621-2422


Bachelor of Arts – History – University of Colorado at Colorado Springs – Degree Awarded – 1987

Master of Arts – History – University of California at San Diego – Degree Awarded – 1990

Candidate in Philosophy – History – University of California at San Diego – Degree Awarded – 1990

Doctorate of Philosophy – History – University of California at San Diego – Degree Awarded - 1995

Publications – refereed books and articles

Paper Liberals: Press and Politics in Restoration Spain. Contributions to the Study of

World History, no. 73. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc., October 2000.

“Leopaldo Alas.” In Spanish Writers on Gay and Lesbian Themes: A Bio-Bibliographical Sourcebook. Edited by David William Foster. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc., 1999. (Invited)

“Spain, Modern 1808-the present.” In Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing. Edited by Kelly Boyd. London, U.K: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers,1999. (Invited)

“Redefining Public Education: Contestation, the Press, and Education in Regency Spain,

1885-1902.” in The Journal of Social History, Vol. 35:1, Fall 2001.

“The American Presidency: Template for Executive Leadership?” in Espacio, Tiempo, y Forma, Madrid, Spain: U.N.E.D., Serie V Historia Contemporánea, t. 16, 2004, 13-66.

“Spain since 1750” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World. Edited by Peter Stearns. London, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 2008.

Other scholarly activities

(Note: this is a partial list dating to 2000 only)

Review of “The Political Specialization of Print Media in 19th-Century Spain” for publication in Decimononica, requested by Editor, Luis Alvarez-Castro. The review was blind, name of author not revealed. I completed the review with comments on the article manuscript and a completed evaluation form (revise and resubmit) on 26 December 2017. I can provide a copy of the evaluation form upon request.

Review of Living Anarchism: José Peirats and the Spanish Anarcho-Syndicalist Movement, for the Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, volume 41, issue 1, article 17, December 2016.

Review of Crime at El Escorial: The 1892 Child Murder, the Press, and the Jury, second, revised edition, by D.J. Walker, in Bulletin of Spanish Studies, May 2017.

Review of Modern Spain, 1814 to the Present, by Pamela B. Radcliff, for publication by Wiley-Blackwell. The book debuted May 2017.

Review of “An uncanny honeymoon: Spanish anarchism and the Bolshevik dictatorship, 1917-1922” for publication in International Labor and Working-Class History, requested by Natasha Pesaran, Editorial Office. The review was blind, name of author not revealed. I completed the review with comments on the article manuscript (revise and resubmit) on 19 January 2017. I can provide a copy of the evaluation upon request.

Review of A History of Spain, proposed third edition, by Simon Barton for Palgrave Macmillan to determine whether or not PM would publish the new manuscript. Solicited and paid when I submitted my finished review on February 7, 2015.

Review of “The Doctor and His Competitors: Medicine, Religion, and Caciquismo in the Literature of Restoration Spain” for the Bulletin of Hispanic Studies. Review to determine if article was publishable or not. My review was submitted November 12, 2014.

Review of The Agony of Spanish Liberalism: From Revolution to Dictatorship, 1913–23 by Francisco J. Romero Salvado and Angel Smith, eds., in The European Legacy, vol. 19, no. 2, 2014.

Review of The Rise of Middle-Class Culture in Nineteenth-Century Spain by Jesus Cruz, in Bulletin of Spanish Studies: in vol. XC:7 (November 2013), University of Glasgow.

Review of Preaching Spanish Nationalism across the Hispanic Atlantic, 1759-1823 by Scott Eastman, in Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies: Vol. 37: Iss. 1, Article 29, 2012.

Review of Impurity of Blood: Defining Race in Spain, 1870-1930 by Joshua Goode, in Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies: Vol. 35: Iss. 1, Article 18, 2011.

Review of Catalonia’s Advocates: Lawyers, Society, and Politics in Barcelona 1759-1900 by Stephen Jacobson, forthcoming in the Bulletin of Spanish Studies, vol. LXXXVIII:3 (May 2011), University of Glasgow.

Review of El declive demografico by Fernando Collantes in Agricultural History, Vol. 81, no. 3, Summer 2007.

Review of Otto Weininger: Sex, Science and Self in Imperial Vienna by Chandak Sengoopta in Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 35, no. 3, June 2006.

Review of The Emergence of Mass Politics in Spain: Populist Demagoguery and Republican Culture, 1890-1910 by José Alvarez Junco in The American Historical Review, Vol. 109, no. 2, April 2004.

Review of Irrational Triumph: Cultural Despair, Military Nationalism, and the Ideological Origins of Franco’s Spain by Geoff Jensen in press in South European Society and Politics, Vol. 9, no. 3, Winter 2004.

Review of The Spanish Republic at War 1936-1939, by Helen Graham published in Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies, Winter 2003, vol. 7.

Manuscript Review of Revolutionary Europe, 1789-1989 by David Mason for Oxford University Press (invited and paid). This was a detailed questionnaire and accompanying review (10 pages in all) of Mason’s book for potential publication as a competitive volume with John Merriman’s recent A History of Modern Europe: From the French Revolution to Napoleon for release as a western civilizations core textbook.

Review of La perspectiva del progreso: Pensamiento políticoen la España del cambio del siglo (1890-1914), by Eric Storm published in The American Historical Review, February 2003, vol. 108, no. 1.

Review of Carnival and Culture: Sex, Symbol, and Status in Spain, by David D. Gilmore

published in Left History, Winter 2001, vol. 7, no. 2.

Review of A New History of Spanish Writing, by Chris Perriam, et al. published in

History: Reviews of New Books, Fall 2000, vol. 29, no. 1.

Review of Fascism in Spain, 1923-1977 by Stanley G. Payne published in History:

Reviews of New Books, Spring 2000, vol. 28, no. 3.

Review of Betrayal of the Innocents: Desire, Power, and the Catholic Church in Spain

by Timothy Mitchell published in Church History, Duke University, March 2000.

Review of Carnival and Culture: Sex, Symbol, and Status in Spain, by David D. Gilmore

published in Left History, Winter 2001, vol. 7, no. 2.

Review of A New History of Spanish Writing, by Chris Perriam, et al. published in

History: Reviews of New Books, Fall 2000, vol. 29, no. 1.

Review of Fascism in Spain, 1923-1977 by Stanley G. Payne published in History:

Reviews of New Books, Spring 2000, vol. 28, no. 3.

Review of Betrayal of the Innocents: Desire, Power, and the Catholic Church in Spain

by Timothy Mitchell published in Church History, Duke University, March 2000.

Paper and conference presentations

Paper Presentation and Comment, University of California, San Diego, Symposium for Spanish History, Chapter 3 of my book manuscript, A Renaissance Life in a Modern Age, “Everything Changed: Las Hurdes, 1922,” January, 17, 2015.

Paper/Public Lecture, University of Arizona Museum of Art, Kress Gallery, “Artistry, Barbarity, or Cultural Artifact: Reflections on the Significance of the Spanish Bullfight,” March 29, 2007.

Chair and paper presentation, Mediterranean Studies Association Annual Conference, May 29-June 1, 2002, Granada, Spain; panel session “Spanish Liberalism past and Present,” my paper titled “Marañón and the Second Republic – Frustrated Liberalism?” May 30, 2002.

Chair and comment, Society of Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies Annual meeting, April 11-14, 2002, Athens, Georgia; panel session “Strategies in Literary and Religious Expression in Nineteenth-Century Spain,” April 13, 2002.

Chair and comment, Society of Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies Annual meeting, April 19-22, 2001, Santa Fe, New Mexico; panel session “Hispanismos: Colonial and Postcolonial Histories,” April 21, 2001.

History Department Seminar Series, Michigan State University, March 2000, “Redefining Public Education: Contestation, the Press, and Education in Regency Spain, 1885-1902”.

Teaching awards and recognition

2000-2001 College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Most Distinguished Teacher Award in Upper-Division Undergraduate Courses.

1991-1992 Fulbright Fellowship for Doctoral Research in Spain.

Professional Associations – Service

General Secretary, The Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, April 2012 – June 2014.

Membership Secretary/Treasurer, The Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, April 2010-April 2012.

Member, The Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, 1995-present.

Member, Southwest Consortium of Spanish Historians, renamed Symposium for Spanish History, 1995-present.

Member, American Historical Association, intermittently,1995-present.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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