
I’m sure you were as stunned as I was at the change in property assessments this year. Wow. Despite the slowing market, all around us are signs of growth in property values—houses in Bay Lake Pines being purchased for good money and then torn down to build McMansions, development up and down Shore Drive, etc.

Our neighborhood retains its same look and feel, per the restrictive covenants that attach to every deed in Aeries…except for some units with rotting wood, foggy windows, off-color, peeling, or nonexistent paint, fences leaning over, etc. A home is the single largest investment for many people, and since most of us have houses whose value is far more than what we paid for it, we need to do all we can to take care of that investment.

As a Board, we’re doing a few things: first, a neighborhood home audit. Every unit is being reviewed by a member of the Board, member of the Architectural Standards Committee and Block Captain or another person. We’ll give you information on problem areas so you’re aware. Secondly, we’re developing a list of reliable contractors that neighbors have used. If you know of painters, plumbers, carpenters, etc. who have done a good job, drop an e-mail to Charlie Aydlette cyberca@. Finally, we’ve formed an Absentee Owner Committee to focus on the folks we don’t get to see, who may have issues they aren’t aware of.

It takes everyone’s effort to maintain our community. Do your part and get involved!

Please join your neighbors for a pre-holiday party on June 30th at 6pm in the park adjacent to the beach access on Rookery Way. Bring an hors d’ouvre, whatever you want to drink, and a festive mood! If you are able to loan and help transport tables, please call Jeanne Hansen at 962-1225 if you can help.

President’s Corner

June 30th: Independence Day Warm-Up Party

Celebrate July 4th (early) with your neighbors!

Inside This Issue


3 New AOTB Volunteers

3 Dues Reminder

4 Dump the Dump Trucks?

June 2007

News around

our Nest

For our April 21 Clean-up Day we had three yard waste bins (Rookery and Aeries, Purple Martin, and Wood Ibis) and one large trash bin (Purple Martin). The community filled all three yard bins and threw away so much trash that the trash bin was mounded so high, the hauler was unable to load the bin. (To those neighbors that loaded it up, what were you thinking??) The company brought a second bin and Gary Broome offloaded the first bin into the second (good man). Call it a success but we’ll use smaller trash bins with lids (harder to overload) next time.

Welcome New AOTB Volunteers!

Bryan Ramsey, a new resident of Aeries, and a landscape architect, has agreed to serve as a Director on the Aeries Board of Directors—thanks Bryan! He will also take the Aeries seat on the Board of the Ocean Park Civic League formerly held by Jill Broome (who travels way too much now). Way to step up! Also, Mark Courrier and Bill Wiggins have agreed to serve on the Architectural Standards Committee (thank you!), and Bill is working with Katherine Wachter on an absentee owner committee to contact our non-resident owners about out-of-compliance units—a needed effort. We also have two new block captains: Sally and Danny Merrifield on Hermit Thrush and Bill Wiggins on Wood Ibis. Thank you for completing our block captain roster! With the imminent departure of Victoria Kubu Cannizzo to Georgia, we will soon have another Board vacancy, so don’t hold back—raise your hand now for some good work with a great group of people. Contact Jill Broome at 757-460-3251 if you’re interested.

Community Contributions

We received a nice thank-you letter from Our House Families—an organization that helps homeless families get back on their feet. Aeries on the Bay donated a wonderful gift basket (thanks Jeanne Hansen!) which raised $50.00 for this operation.

Dues are still Due!

Even though payment of dues is no longer a requirement to vote, it’s a nice sign of support for the Civic League and does help defray the costs of, for example, this newsletter. To those 30 households that have submitted dues, thanks. To the other 210, we’d love to have your $10. Send a check addressed to “Aeries on the Bay” to Chris Graft, Treasurer at 2309 Rookery Way. And thanks in advance!

Community Contributions

We received a nice thank-you letter from Our House Families—an organization that helps homeless families get back on their feet. Aeries on the Bay donated a wonderful gift basket (thanks Jeanne Hansen!) which raised $50.00 for this operation.


Summer’s here and so is the (mostly) slow crawl of cars through the neighborhood. No Parking signs are posted at critical corners. If you see anyone parking where they shouldn’t, please call the non-emergency policy number 385-5000.

The City is planning to dredge the western branch of the Lynnhaven River. They are proposing to offload the watercraft containing the dredged materials using the City boat ramp at the Lesner Bridge—40-50 dump trucks per day for 6+ months (transporting to a spoils site Whitehurst Disposal Pit off Ocean Boulevard. During that time the City ramp will be closed. The proposal also would have the same ramp be used for future private dredging projects. The City is just at the beginning of the permitting process for this. Think this is reasonable? Ocean Park Civic League will go on record as opposing. This issue is not about the dredging itself (although that has its own impact). This is about use of the boat ramp. If you would like to voice your thoughts, contact Shana Conley (City) at 385-4167 or sjconley@.

Social Survey Results

Thanks to those (few) who provided feedback to our social committee. Here’s what you are most interested in: holiday caroling party, wine tasting, block parties and a July 4th party. Interested in helping plan these events? Please contact Jeannie Hansen at 962-ese events? Please contact Jeannie Hansen at 962-1225.

Aeries on the Bay Civic League Newsletter ∙

For the latest updates, visit

Offloading Dredging Waste @ Lesner City Boat Ramp?


On May 21, the Wetlands Board denied the Sandler application to build a 1063 unit Indigo Dunes development on the land across Shore Dr. from our neighborhood (formerly known as Pleasure House Point). The next step for the developer will be to either appeal to the VMRC or to submit a new plan via a Joint Permit Application to the Wetlands Board.

This disapproval of this plan would not have been possible without the overwhelming community involvement. The residents of Shore Drive and those that treasure the environment should be commended on a job well done. The following is just a few examples of the broad range of opposition actions that were required to help make this decision happen.

✓ 150 emails sent in opposition to the project.

✓ 120 residents attended the Wetland Board hearing to show their opposition (among them, Lela Mullins, Jeanne Hansen and Gary Lakin from Aeries).

✓ Over 20 Cape Henry Collegiate students attend the Wetlands Board hearing in opposition.

✓ Over 20 residents spoke in opposition at the hearing.

✓ Presentation, discussion and rebuttal required over 5 hours at the hearing before a vote was taken.

✓ Environmental groups expressed their opposition at the hearing.

✓ Professor from Virginia Wesleyan expressed opposition via a letter read at the hearing.

✓ A bus was chartered to take attendees to and from City Hall.

✓ Thousands of dollars have been collected and are still being pledged to help defeat this project.

We Clean Up Well!

First-Round WIN vs. Indigo Dunes

Many thanks to our volunteers!

Jill Broome, Civic League President

Don’t forget to pay your dues… only $10 per year!

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News around our Nest

News around our Nest

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