Good morning Glenn

individual vs. the peoples

Proposed constitutional amendment to wit;

I….an individual….not a gang….. Declare by way of this proposed constitutional amendment that it’s immoral for “me” to sponsor what I feel, think or believe is wrong.

Freedom to choose along my highest and best moral and ethical judgment from the present menu of government services how my own tax money is spent is an essential ingredient of my own freedom and humanity…….for me anything less is slavery and dictatorship of the gangs, by the gangs, and for the gangs.

To ask someone to see their time, money, effort, pain and tears…. (Through taxation) (162 days out of the year) Go not to those programs they want to help is cruel and unusual punishment. To have any part of an individuals life go to sponsor those types of behavior which that individual believes to be bad or evil is to ask that individual to be inhuman, unconscionable, and guilty of sponsoring tyranny, religious madmen or other non-productive political siphons here and abroad.

That’s the complete amendment.

I sent this book, by snail mail, to each of the 526 members of congress, pres and vice pres, supreme court,..............also rush Limbaugh, libertarian party and Cato institute in 1990?(before george bush sr.saved quate for the monarchs.....with your kids and your money....The head of the ethics committee wrote me a letter and said he “would” see me. I saw him on TV and I liked him a lot but I didn’t go. In his letter he said america had become like a mobocracy. I laughed and appreciated that so....... But now I wish I had gone to see him. Maybe I could have stopped the insanity that america has become by actually getting the individuals right to not support bad stuff. No guts I guess. Certainly no faith in individuals against legalized gangsters in america. Wish someone would pursue this worldwide conscientious objector status for tax payers funding bad things and supporting what they don’t approve of; and to support good things only with your individually created compassion revenues. ( your tax bill) that you want to be helpful with.

Individual v the peoples

My musings at that time, in the language of the time, is as follows:

If you want to give your tax revenues to one party only, then of course that’s exactly what this amendment would allow you to do.

If you thought one congressional representative or another could best determine the most effective dispensation of your funds, then the amendment, I believe is not too much to ask for, considering the hard work, effort and time away from loved ones that went into creating that money.

Of course, for those individuals who feel strongly about their money going only to the poor or to the military or not going to the military they should be allowed their moral and ethical judgment to fully function. If that is all they asked for, to be allowed to believe they are an effective part of the once greatest bastion of individual freedom on the face of the earth and their hard earned money isn’t being wasted but was really helping what was important to them, then I don’t think signing this amendment is too much to ask.

If the language of the proposed amendment does not fit your sentiments, then by all means, change it, cross certain things out, add what you feel is appropriate. One lady signed the amendment but crossed out “anything less is slavery.” I thought that was great. She said; “I signed your declaration, but in good faith I had to delete the sentence regarding slavery and dictatorship. I do not feel we live under a dictatorship. We can vote and change our leaders. I understand your feelings of nothing being done and having your tax money going for things you don’t want to contribute to. It seems our income tax forms could have boxes to mark say 25% for schooling, 25% for underprivileged and 25% for roads. Our legislators managed to put a box for $1.00 as contribution to their elections. Doesn’t seem that was too difficult.” That’s exactly what she wants and that’s exactly what I think she should get... That is not too much to ask for. If I might speak for her: “to eliminate unproductive frustration”

Although by most, this proposed amendment will be considered political in fact it is not. It is a public…..moral and ethical debate on the fundamental right of the individual to not have to sponsor, or do things, which that individual thinks, feels or believes is wrong.” If the individual isn’t qualified to determine how his own tax money is spent…. Then why is he qualified to tell other’s how to spend their money? …………It is not only your right to decide,….but in the my opinion; “It is a fundamental, moral and ethical necessity, without which you or I am to blame for everything done in your name….with your money….that you feel, think or believe is wrong.

Let me try to explain the inherent value of your individual judgment to your fellow men using an analogy of the wheat story. The true collective intelligence of wheat, and all other species, is represented by the individual wheat seed. In Washington there is an entire building to house the world’s genetic diversity representing just wheat. Each seed the world over has a genius for survival and prospering in tremendously adverse conditions. Drought, too much water, mold, insects, disease, predators of all kinds, low nutrient levels, too many nutrients, rock, too much sun, not enough sun, high altitude, low altitude, snow, mud, flood, etc. etc. etc. extreme and immediate variations of these and more. In the diversity and ability of each seed to promote its own growth and sponsor what it knows is appropriate in the face of adversity, is the true and sum total of that populations intelligence and ability of the species to survive and flourish. It is analogous to the human species. For the true collective intelligence (compassion, insight, genius) of men to flourish each individual must consult his highest and best judgment. Force, fraud, and lying, destroys the encyclopedia of human insights. If everyone in the u.s, and someday the world got to decide where to spend their individually created compassionate revenues (taxes). From the menu of government services, they would exercise, if allowed to, that kind of genius, compassion, and insight of intelligence, which is the real and sum total of mankind’s knowledge. Individuals wouldn’t spend their hard earned money, effort, property, pain, tears, and time, to the sum of 162 days per year on things they abhor. They will spend their own tax liability on things their compassion and insights lead them to want to and be motivated to support. They won’t spend their own money (not for long anyway) on programs that don’t work. They will insist (if allowed to) that their money be spent as their highest and best judgment proscribes, thereby truly capitalizing on the seed of genius, compassion and intelligence of each individual.

If he is wrong, then he is wrong with his life only, as opposed to sponsoring contagious folly. If he wants to support the communist manifesto, the democratic german socialist republic or any of the other pretty sounding, far out, half baked, intellectual clap trap from state certified populist acanemic philosophers, willing to dispose their lives for someone else’s ideals then who cares if its on the menu as long as what I call his disease doesn’t infect you or me. What the heck. He may be partially right or all wrong but who cares if it’s with his own life and money.

Please Sign it…get your friends to sign it or maybe they would explain to you why your life, judgment, money, wife and children can be mortgaged and conscripted by your moral superiors to sponsor things that you don’t approve of. There was no income tax in the u.s. before 1913. I believe this or a similar amendment is long overdue in the name of the men who formed the principles of self rule in the Constitutional Republic of America.

I’m just one guy trying to stop the lawyers in congress financial time bomb from going off in my children’s future…..(44,000.00 at birth in 1992) If I could get control of how my own tax money is spent, then……. I would feel good about paying my taxes!...and I’m sure you would make your money count, for good things you cared about too.

The following excerpts are from: NEW HOPE FOR FREEDOM: “Fully informed jurors by Don Doig. In the words of John Adams: “The right of the jury to decide questions of law is widely recognized in the colonies. A juror should ignore a judge’s (lawyers) instructions of the law if it violates fundamental principles: it is not only the juror’s right, but his duty, in that case, to find the verdict according to his own best understanding, judgment, and conscience, though in direct opposition to the direction of the courts. Thomas Jefferson said in a letter to Thomas Paine in 1789: “ I consider trial by jury as the only anchor ever imagined by men, by which a government can be held to the principals of it’s constitutional intent” What do you think the men who signed the constitution of America would think about america today? Do you think they would sign this proposed amendment guaranteeing each and every individual the right to act morally and ethically, which of course, must include what they sponsor? These principles date back to the Magna Carta in 1215. Since then, they have been under attack by gangs of lawyers in gov’t. In 1670, William Penn was arrested for breaking the law of England by preaching a quaker sermon. Jurors refused to convict him, and were held without food, tobacco or toilet facilities for nine weeks. When they were finally released by court order, the decision established that jurors could no longer be punished for their verdicts. This helped establish freedom from and of religion, the right to a trial by jury of one’s peers, and a jury free from gov’t coercion.

There are many people angels I think the spooks call them, who will not do what they think is wrong and will stand up for what they think is right. I think the majority of judges and lawyers who every day courageously put their good lives at risk to confront very bad and evil men, no matter what bribes and threats they experience they do the right thing. I believe in good, brave, strong, tough guys like that and am proud to be human because of these incorruptible hero’s and are the reason for me to enjoy having been alive... My dad was a nice tough guy too. It ain’t yous I’m talking about in the rest of the book

Lawyers in congress should be eliminated. Private, mutually bound litigation or dispute resolutions can best handle force, fraud or breach of contract hereinafter known as ffbc. Most judges and lawyers would be reemployed by individuals who would mutually submit to their judgment. There would be a high degree of specialization enabling an increase in their understanding of various material regarding mutually bound, voluntary, contractual obligations, fraud or force and violence. They of course, without the power of guns, must inevitably go out of business if someone can do a better job for less. Lawyer or not. Lawyers today employ the coercive powers of the state. Most behavior, the first 100 years was, and still should be self determined, provided there is no criminal hurting and stealing. ffbc, Some 80 to 95% of all laws today deal with the mandatory compliance of activist judges with their own self appraised superior, conscriptionist, non-voluntary, socialist engineering mandates i.e. (demand for individuals to act and sponsor, in a proscribed way, without regard, to the wealth of information, compassion, judgment, economics, ethical or moral considerations of the individual, implied by that demand_.....The concept of the people at the time of the constitutional signing, referred to individuals exclusively. At that time, it was inconceivable that the concept of the people could be turned by linguistic fraud and domestic terrorism into a concept which represented gangs, with inalienable rights to dispose of unorganized, unrepresented individuals. As a country of immigrants our forefathers were all escaping from the certified, ordained, mandated, or self appraised moral supremacists willing to dispose of our lives for their ideals. Our system of laws have been perverted by these subverters of individual integrity. Our founding fathers planned a jury of 12 peers who would eliminate the advance of misguided, statist, gun sponsored, genocidal and generational cannibalism. congressLawyerjudges with a monopoly on defining law and order have turned into a self proclaimed mighty brotherhood. This original and most powerful union, which licenses all other unions, state, local etc have worked it out so the jurors aren’t supposed to comment on the defendants right to behave consistent with his integrity and compassion, (provided force, fraud or breach of contract is used) and ask , only, whether he believes he didn’t pay enough taxes (without the ability to decide what that money is specifically used for) or shot enough gooks and that could mean anyone who didn’t sign on any dotted line. .

Nazi’s couldn’t have succeeded without their lawyers stealing and financially ruining the jews or anyone else not in the german catholic society. In the misguided concept of the germans god, the “good germans” murdered jews; and the inappropriate, deafening, popes silence, for years cause they knew what was going on and did nothing. SAID NOTHING! That pope subsequently apologized, kinda, for what that’s worth.... In the germans unshakable faith in their country, Not the individual, the good germans murdered jews and every other individual who exercised their best moral judgment. In America, they don’t talk about right or just or moral or conscientious responsibility to behave as the individual may see fit as is his right, granted by the constitution and documented by the first 150 years experiment with self rule, but on the mindless subordinating obedience to their newly formed precedence which date back all of 1 to 40 years. America’s proliferation of obedience to anyone’s collective opinion but your own is sponsored by this effectively parasitic class of people. Their fees from the productive gross national product are raised by their own union bar association, congress, by 35 billion with a 15% self raise every year.

Lawyers don’t make anything. They don’t make cars, food, clothing, houses, nothing. (I said that around a lawyer one time and he said they did make something. I asked him what and he said that they make the laws.) I disagree. The law is no force, no fraud, and no breach of contract without just compensation. They are non productive, or counter productive and have to confiscate your tools and cannibalize your life and dreams as clearly they think it is their right. They’re debaters, professionally trained liars who put pressure on the intestines of the once great bastion of individual freedom and integrity (not gang rights) known as America. In effect they increase the world’s misery and poverty; producing nothing and further guaranteeing an ever increasing claim on productive individuals by generating laws and legalese which are effective to them in direct relationship with their incomprehensibility. Poverty, misery, unemployment can only be alleviated through an increase in production, not redistribution or the theft of ones tools and ability to produce. All lawyers in relation to production are a disease on the solution of poverty and misery.

To write laws so confusing that only one profession (lawyers) can argue equally convincingly on both sides of an issue reminds me of doctors who used to write prescriptions in Latin so no one would know what they were taking or talking about. It added to their mystic.

Doctors and their certified government approved methods of treatment decreased the patient’s survival for other than the last 50 years. As dictated by their collective society, brotherhood, union, monopoly or gang of what does and what does not help have succeeded in decreasing the patient’s survival throughout the ages. There is a place in England that the blood is 40 feet deep on acres of ground from bloodletting that was proscribed for everything. Unproductive and counterproductive parasitic lawyers today make more from the health profession than do the doctors! Doctor’s are anathema to today’s disease on the productive known as lawyers. Doctors are totally productive, total free choice and voluntary. If they are not considered worth it then no one is there to force anyone to procure their services. It’s strange to me to have people who can’t quit smoking or rectify the simplest of health precaution in their own life believing they are qualified to tell doctors how much they are worth to other and only willing individuals. Doctors gamble for years to learn to be effective in helping people so they may then subject themselves and their families to diseased hurting individuals at all times of the day or night for a price, for which they certainly do not have very much control, considering their investment is in the range of 300,000 which partially includes equipment costs, bank loans, time etc. Health care solution? Abolish American medical association which limits the number of doctors. Double the number of doctors. Set fees limits for doctors screwing up. Eliminate alllll the lawyers!!!..... Duh.

In Russia anyone who knew that if he saved his money and bought a cow some day that the day after he bought it the cow would produce milk and after he saved his family from starving and wanted to change or ad variety to their and his neighbors diet, he could trade with the family who was raising wheat for some milk; was called a capitalist. All capitalists, in the name of the people, (by their lawyers) were exterminated, eliminated, disposed of, and silenced. 40,000,000 farmers and small business owners were murdered by their own countrymen so their time effort, money and property could be reclaimed “for the people” The Russian people clubbed and cut the heads off their damn rich people. Now today, in america, a man knows that if he saves his money up, invests his and his family’s life into a community business,(voluntary and mutually beneficial enterprise to DREAM ON, alleviate misery) he also will be called a damn rich person. If a man, like doctors today, becomes rich without using ffbc i.e. Voluntarily, then both people walked away thinking they got the better deal or they wouldn’t have completed the transaction. Nobody got a gun to their head so they could say no. Wealth was created for both of them. Rich is free.

Contempt for the bar association and lawyers stealing the supreme court and both houses of congress and the states and the local gov'ts does not begin to describe their values of unproductive or counter productive behavior. Ones obligation and joy is to decide to live ones life according to ones individual highest and best judgment, provided your don’t lie cheat and steal kill. Ffbc. To the extent that lawyers, judges, congressional fascist, appropriations thugs would ask someone to violate ones own moral and ethical judgment system based against force, is the exact extent to which they should be ignored as unethical, morally bankrupt, pretentious, gun wielding furors. Good luck though…….most people in Washington are lawyers and 95% in congress are lawyers. They use the federal social experimenter’s non-voluntary technology to steal the dreams and true, effective, moral, ethical and productive intelligence from all Americans. They should not be allowed to pilfer the life and morality out of the once greatest and only bastion for individual freedom on the face of this earth. I know how reasonable and marvelous many of these individuals are. The rest and their children should not be allowed to destroy the true collective intelligence of the species. How reasonable is it to remain silent while their mutual admiration society turns this country into an act of civil war against the first 150 years of American history and won. Let’s get rid of them all and retrain them to defend the individual against the conscriptive, misguided gangsters they are, and are representing.

In my opinion the supreme court of the u.s.a. is a person’s highest and best judgment. Individuals, not judges, appointed sycophants, tribunals, politburo’s, shamans, fraternal orders, voodoo princesses or heavily armed palm readers were for the first 150 years of America history and still should be the ultimate authors of their own behaviors provided they aren’t liars thieves or killers. I shouldn’t have to and don’t care what the supreme court says the constitution means when, not if, they are wrong. Or the 250,000,000 russians when their out of their collective minds. Or the billion, by their self appraised superior, certified gun wielders who force the Chinese to be on their knees unless we are all ordered to put our integrity between our legs and bow to the unquestionably superior members of a secret society by subordinating our individual judgment, in which case whatever you say maaaaaaster. Obedience without question! Ach tung! Schnell! It is a fact, that the freedoms of decisions or lack of it by the federal government, documented and allowed to the individual the first 150 years of jurisprudence is a better indication of what that document means than by the present day cannibalistic social engineers of individual integrity. These men and women can never be the centralized authors and dictators of what really matters.

Now the gov’t is lawyers and judges are lawyers bankers are lawyers because they all have been granted special rights to steal your stuff and they have screwed things up so much that you got to hire one lawyer to tell you what the other one said, neither one making any promises of course, being but professionally trained debaters who obfuscate with one hand what the other one is doing in some form of pig Latin, no less. The whole gun toting, bunch of financial buddies can’t change the direction of gravity nor can they do other than pretend to embody the absolute and sum total of mankind’s knowledge and true compassion. Let us regard with extreme skepticism all the fascist violence they pretend it’s their right to sponsor. Freedom of speech is dead or at least those who practice it for long. We can threaten their children, some of the more fanatic representatives of these gangs laugh about. Who isn’t being gagged by the silent and not silent threats of coercion, intimidation, guns, jail, bankruptcy to not follow their highest and best judgment provided they don’t use ffbc. To defend yourself as you know would cost you everything and they wont sue each other. There have been more people murdered by their own government for all their stated good ‘’reasons of the people’’ in this century than in all the wars throughout history. I’m proud to say I don’t have one dime for their wallets. Superiority based on productive, mutually beneficial and voluntary transactions, for other and only willing individuals is the only superiority I recognize as having any effect on mankind’s bloody history of self appraised, certified, mandated by the majority or ordained clubs and unions willing to dispose of your life for their ideals from the beginning of time. If we could get control of how our individually created taxes are spent then the real representatives of the alleviation of misery on the planet would quickly turn this world into the wonderful place it could be. I would suspect Christ or whoever would not want the money stolen by force from anyone anyway. Do you think jesus or allah or yawa or budda or any real inspirational or rational leader would approve of force, fraud, or killing? Some who have been blinded by misguided religious spokesmen will say yes. What do you think? Some feel or mistakenly believe that as long as it was taken from people who were going to hell anyway, The not us’s, the other gang, the unchosen, the ununionized, the scabs or the non certified that it’s ok. Your moral and ethical pretensive political priests, do daily, proclaim there are many good reasons to lie, cheat, steal and use your vote as a club against other unarmed civilians. The unquestionably superior who? Who should we all mindlessly follow?

Freedom is not a luxury, it’s a requirement to act according to your highest and best guess or judgment. Freedom to precisely direct what kinds of behaviors you sponsor and the freedom to not be apart of brain dead Harvard schemes. Hopefully people get to oversee exactly what there own money sponsors. Let’s promise that hitler’s germany and the lame excuse of the germans that they didn’t really know their money was sponsoring genocide. Let’s try to stop the “real” americans, in your name, with your money, with your kids, from dropping 4 times the number of bombs on Cambodia, as the total amount of bombs dropped in World War 2 on people we were not at war with, who once loved America. Let’s stop everyone from pretending, in the name of “freedom” and “peace” and “love” and “the children” and “housing” blab bla bla that they have rights and claims and responsibilities to direct with a gun, how others may decide to spend their own time, energy, money and property.


I’ve seen pictures of raped dead babies on piles of dead bodies in german concentration camps and toothless victims after having the gold removed from their teeth like the taxes removed from your life. They were just doing their job. They were just doing it for the people. These are the moral equivalants of the irs agents when, not if, they are wrong. The concept of I’m just doing my job, is the siren song of genocidalists everywhere. These people could have easily worked at Dachau gas chambers as in your local irs board. They will do anything they are told to do; to anyone they are told to do it to, for anybody who signs their checks and pretend that 1. Their doing it for america, and 2. They’re not responsible because it’s the law. It’s not my fault. I don’t write the laws. Ill do whatever they say. Its not taxes. it’s not conscription. Its not intergenerational financial slavery to gangsters,.........Its appropriations. like appropriate see?

Everyone has an encyclopedia of insights in them. Admittedly, unfortunately, most are composed of ineffective concepts placed in your head for the unproductive, self sacrificing principles of people who would enslave you for their own misguided and limited ends. I admire the part of you, and that part is a part of everyone that does things well or produces something of value that others aren’t forced to buy from you. Those principles that allow you to do well in one area are the same fundamental building blocks which will allow you to produce or do anything well. Don’t listen to others, or yourself, ever tell you that you can’t have one of the greatest and most productive lives in the history of the world without stealing, lying and cheating. As Joseph Cossman says in his “How to become a millionare without much money” “Press on! Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence: talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent: Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb: Education will not; the world is full of educated ‘derilicts: Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. Far better it is to dare mighty triumphs, even though checkered with failure than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much, nor suffer much, because they live in the grey twilight that knows not victory nor defeat. When you get what you want in your struggle for self and when the world makes you king for a day, just go to the mirror and look at yourself and see what that an has to say. For it isn’t your father or mother or wife, whose judgment upon you must pass, the fellow whose verdict counts most in your life is the man looking back from the glass. Some people might think you’re a straight-shootin chum and call you a wonderful guy, but the man in the glass say’s you’re only a bum if you can’t look him straight in the eye. He’s the fellow to please, never mind all the rest, for if he’s with you clear to the end, then you’ve passed your most dangerous test, if the guy in the glass is your friend. Though you may fool the whole world down the pathway of years, and pats on the back as you pass, your final reward will be heartache and tears if you’ve cheated the man in the glass. Change and success doesn’t come fast. How long does it take before a dream or a product is conceived until it’s available for purchase? Longer that you may think. Here are some examples. Antibiotics? 30 years. Automatic transmissions? 16 years. Cellophane? 12 years. Dry soup mixes? 19 years. Florescent lights> 33 years. Frozen foods? 15 years. Instant coffee? 22 years. Instant rice? 18 years. Nylon? 12 years. Photography? 56 years. Radio? 24 years. Television? 63 years. Zippers? 30 years. A right to decide how exactly my tax dollars are spent? Next election I hope.

Every individual has tremendous compassion, and insights. Genius is a part of our entire genetic heritage; that’s why all men want to be helpful to children and helpless women and others who sometimes just pretend to be helpless. They just don’t want to admit that doing or producing something of value without force, fraud or breach of contract is the only legitimate proof of their individual self worth that is provable or productive. besides enjoying your life and following your joy! So they make up stories; (based on their own ignorance of words, and productive values, led by the extremely useless, unproductive, or counter productive advocates of front line, gun wise, social justice. All people, as individuals, experience the sweetest, most tender, heart felt compassion for all their fellow men almost all the time. It’s just it’s hard to talk to people who get their self image on other than producing something of worth that no one is forced to buy. The non-productive and counter productive individuals are used to extracting, by force, in a cloud of self expelled poisonous gas, what they want from the truly compassionate productive individuals in every society, while depreciating the values that the productive extol.

Would jesus have agreed to sponsor lying stealing or beating people up if they didn’t do what he demanded? Would allah? Would Yawa? Zen’s Buddha’s god or Kaleal Gibran? The truth of these men unfortunately have been obscured by some misguided men in organized religions effective campaign to keep the word and lose the meaning, as the truth of the sum total of man’s knowledge has been obscured by the pro force choices, in the name of self government, provided by men and women who consider themselves your moral superior. These legalese, linguistic terrorists steal the meaning out of every word and leave the meaningless shell of pretension, pomp, and if that fails, saying: it’s the law: as if reason, (not stealing and killing people) isn’t all productive individuals foundation and heritage but a moral works factory, they pretend to all be production supervisors at. I at one time believed there couldn’t be a god, because if there was, I’m sure he would have shut all his terrorizing practitioners up. God and his unifying principle of diversity is rational, cause and effect, fact, logical, mathamatically exact and reproducable. . Allowing each to enter the kingdom of the compassionate productive, the truly and only curious mind of the individual, hard working human being. God is the best and most heartfelt loving life and for all your fellow men. God is what you love. Your god. nobody else’s to tell you what you love.... Inter religious hatreds have nothing to do with god as far as I know. I'm sorry those who sponsor superiority without content, would twist your heart, into believing your destiny is not in your own hands, but in those, who would have you mindlessly obey the use of force, by subordinating your highest and best judgment to them by faith or lawerror.

Let’s get results for our compassion revenues (taxes). Don’t let the pretensive lawyers i.e. congress) not take credit for screwing up what you really want to be nice to someone about. I know you. you are sensational and intimately kind and infinitely generous (if allowed to be), if only with the hard truth, learned by the hard lessons in life on the job of making something, which voluntarily other’s decide to buy, with money, effort, time, blood, sweat and tears or not. Don’t’ do anything wrong just because a lawyer or their judas Iscariot pretend it’s the law. The law in the us requires a trial by jury or did. If you didn’t do anything wrong to anybody then how could you be breaking the law? If you don’t use force, fraud or break your voluntary oath what business is it of theirs anyway?? Besides their litigation fees and putting their condo’s and European vacations in jeopardy.

I can’t imagine why godallayawa? would disagree with no force, no fraud, no lying. I don’t think he wants the money that has been taken for him that way. I can’t imagine why he would enjoy sponsoring that kind of interpersonal violence. He has had a bloody history full of it already. I’m sure he wants no part of it. If I saw people only at the good times I’m sure I would love them too. I wish they would expand on that instead of adding to the problems by voting for one lawyer led gang or other lawyerled gang who advocates force. Let’s get individual. Let’s get free to pursue and produce a better world for all individuals. Were all from the same family anyway. Let’s have a revolution of compassion in between our ears, behind our eyes. Let’s do it for the guy who stood in front of the line of tanks in china’s Tiananmen Square. let's do it for the Romanian general who was shot in the face dead, for not opening fire upon a freedom gathering cause he knew it was wrong to keep people away from the freedom to be effective in their concerns, not just going through the motions, throwing other peoples money at problems, misleading them as to how productive people increase the value of living for everyone. Let’s do it for the Russian solder who, surrounded by a group of fat women and hard line communists military and ex kgb who wanted stalin to come back and take charge so their continued subsidy could be extended indefinatly. He was shot in the face later for saying stalin was a bad person and no. he didn’t want, what stalin represented, back.

They have divided us individuals into a thousand points of envy and hate, which have nothing to do with the best any human may become. These politicians, approved by law, to represent and advocate one ridiculous, superficial, supercilious, inane classification of the values of humanity or another are political bigot’s. They honestly believe we are too stupid or too busy polishing their unproductive boots, to see through their politically sick, historic franchise of accumulating power, over unarmed and unorganized hard working families. While you work, perspire, and struggle to uncover your own ignorance to do a better job, and get some money 12 hours a day, they work 24 hours a day to get it from you and to prove you’re ignorant. We the individuals have fought their wars, built their houses. Paid for their kids 'right’’, i.e politically connected schools'' suffered their inane and criminal use of force fraud and breach of contract, in the name of whatever your adoptive gang is supposed to hate too long, White man still speaks with forked tongue and will continue to do bad, in goods name with a gun. Their ugly divisions of people being other than individuals, (which the concept of the people formerly meant) can be changed by simply allowing each individual to determine exactly what his taxes does go to support. We and I do, refuse to cannibalize other individuals lives, lest we unleash their historically terrible and ugly power on us all. Not in my name they don’t. The best individuals in the world have come from anywhere. From all religions. All continents. All languages. All sexes. All races All nations. These splintered, fractional, Ridiculous classifications of the values of being human, other than individuals are extremely objectionable, designed to be confusing to most. Those who pretend to be superior, not by their productive, which are provable, productive, marketable or salable to other and only willing individuals, but by their associations with their self appraised superior gangs are simple, quarter smiling, psychopathic bigot’s. The government today is a collection of hate groups which daily invite you to hate along with the rest of the gangs, for all the best “sounding reasons. The government is the major cause of your unproductive frustration because you can’t do anything about them. For freedom, your hands have been effectively tied. They say: “If those damn rich people would just pay their share of this circus of slavery….Whoooooooo! If you took all the money from everyone who make $50,000 or more you could run the government for three days. None of us need any unproductive frustration for the rest of our lives. If the individual gets to decide which programs he is motivated to sponsor and not sponsor from the present menu of government services. I realize, today, without a gang, you would be left alone, without a “friend” in government, without representation. Without the ability to get back just some of what has already been taken by force from you. If people who make and interpret the law and their communist style sycophants can make that kind of money for producing nothing, and much worse, I sure as heck, am going to get some “economic justice”. So you hire these hoods, and now they think you're one of them. I don’t. I’ll bet you’ll drop the whole stinking, putrefied reasons to use violence in a heartbeat and send this aristocracy of the new american class system packing back to Europe where they all want to be accepted as the american style, kings and queens, dukes and earls of coercion; Regulators of the all new, american, completely enforced, and certified, “class” caste system. Like david duremburger the great congressman or senator from I could care less. He’s walking out of a meeting with some Japanese guy and was bragging, like the camera was off, telling this guy that I bet he would wish to raise 16 billion for his constituents like he did for a half hours work in congress. His constituents in his state? What happened to you or me? Do I have to lick his unproductive boots to get my kids shoes back? Or just turn off the TV, look at my wife and kids and be grateful. Knowing it could be soooo much worse, unfortunately, that proof is on the way. The Japanese man just looked at him…..Didn’t say one thing. Didn’t move a muscle in his face. I don't know what he thought. I know what I think him and his presumed prestige which he violently confiscated from unarmed hard working civilians. Or the two distinguished “looking” older gentlemen next to me at the Toledo museum of art, who. Talking in a voice to be overheard, said to the other; “I gave these two Renoir’s to the museum”. The other man said: “OH, I didn’t know you ever even owned them?” To which his reply was: “I didn’t. Libby used to own them. He was just the vehicle. We worked it out so he had to”. What happened to I worked it out so he had to, or we gave it to the museum???? Another example of the conscripted credit taken from another productive individuals willing gift? Mr. Crosby was a Man who lived in Toledo and let anybody who wanted to use some acreage he owned for themselves and their families. Neighbors, artists, Friends and well meaning individuals started planting flower bulbs, putting in playground equipment, and improving the park unasked. He eventually deeded it to the city upon his death. His uncoersed, magnanimous desire to be a big man and of benefit to the community got him the city’s renaming Crosby park to the toledo botanical gardens. Yea Right…….For sure…. His gift, not the cities has been reclaimed “for the people”. It will be nice for the kids who feel they owe and must now sacrifice to the city instead of the realization that Crosby wanted to do it. Like I say, its mostly lawyers who pretend to be intellectually superior cause of their useless lives, don’t swear, don’t raise their voices and don’t get upset because “educated people don’t do that, in concert with the 5th estate (the govt’s approved university state certified communications majors ooooooo Biiiig deal! which never represents any other opportunity to deal with problems with other than force or linguistic fraud. What should “we” the people, do about everything, they ask. A or B. Not c through z times 50 million. A or B. Should force be used to implement a? Or should force be used to implement b. Implying that the gang should use force. They imply, to get their awards, that there are good, historic, pretty sounding reasons to enslave other unarmed peaceful and productive citizens. Now we are asked to mortgage or enslave our children’s, children. They already get 75 cents out of every dollar to pay themselves and their class privileged salaries I.e., their real reasons for force. And 80% of what they do spend it on is totally unproductive or counter productive, Ridiculous expenditures designed to continue “government by crisis: Like the federal reserve screwing up the money supply in the 20’s which caused the great depression, then starting hate groups against business and other productive people which the federal government now admit the depression was government fdic tampering exclusively. Completely at fault. Think of the hardships created. For what? So they would have to step in with their guns and pretend they were helping. They are the problem, not the solution. They stand in the way of thousands of solutions which their centralized authority with their pretentious’ “we’re” the solution to all your problems if you would just give us everything you have, your children have and their children have you selfish greedy me generation people”. Greedy? In 1990 75% of the people in the u.s. gave an average of 738 dollars each in uncoerced voluntary charity. I don’t call that greedy. I call that the most generous people on the face of the earth, despite all the high sounding, most nobley stated intentions of either communism, socialism, or fascism, Like the beautifully worded constitution to the peoples republic of china. Or the wonderful, noble, most laudable sounding programs in Russia. I don’t call Americans greedy. I call them frustrated. Before 1925 as a %,there was more given voluntarily that is taken today, and these politician lawyers spend 75% just on themselves collecting and redistributing the money to their college educated, certified to dispose of your life, Secret fraternal order BUDDIES.”

I call this for what it is; a cruel, mafias like con game, solving nothing but the continuation of infinite litigation, holding the tools of productive solutions to problems hostage, cause then “we” the lawyers would be out of a job. Come on. This lawyer, self infatuation news pundits of what “we” should do about everything is driving me nuts. (short drive my friends say) Please sign this and let me get back into business, and you on with your productive lives. Let’s clean the barnacles off your unproductive, ineffective, unrepresentative, gun wise humanivors. I promise, I know who we are, Business, (the productive and voluntary) pays for everything anyway. Government doesn’t produce one single thing. Let’s make it legal to get rid of this bloated, poor excuse for implanting out compassionate aims, and let private enterprise and 95% of the nicest people in the world help those people we all would like to help without your money being eaten up on the way to their bank accounts.

Chapter 2

The blood that runs through your veins represents an unbroken living chain of events that dates back to the beginnings of time. It is the same blood; with limited variation, that courses through all living things. Represented in this blood is a treasury of information and understandings brought to the present by your life. You can do or be anything you want to be. Your own judgment is the currency upon which the value of your life depends. If an individual produces some result for the benefit of anyone including himself then he knows something. Knowledge will always be a mans true wealth because it relates to action and production. As for whom of two people doing nothing is doing it better I don’t know. The production of results along the line of excellence is a problem, but like all problems, They can be broken down into smaller and smaller problems until each step becomes simple. No one or no thing can stop you from getting closer and closer and closer to your goals. In any accomplishment which might breathe passion or fire into your heart and mind, it is the number of attempts, and your ability to simplify that allows people like me, (not too smart, which is true) to do or be anything they wish or want. People exist over time. They have a past, present, and future, and over that time span they can do things that are amazing. As a building is built piece by piece, stone by stone over time there is nothing that can’t be done by you. You don’t have to be exciting to be amazing, If you can do simple things then you can do a collection of simple things and anything and everything is a collection of simple things. Worms are poor, fish are underprivileged, deer have it tough. People are all rich. They live in the premier biological equipment the world to date has devised. The quintessential Rolls Royce of biological transportation. We can do, be and plan things to an almost magical sense.

The primary tool a person needs is his or her integrity and an understanding of language. The primary liability a person pays when they are a liar is that to be good at it they have to believe in their own lies. When confronted with facts contradicting their beliefs, they will defend their ideas as animals defend their territory. They will protect and defend their own ignorance. Language is the foundation of their wealth as a human. Words are the spectacles of vision without which we would be blind. As an example Eskimos have 100 words for snow’ without which we do not see the distinctions. Americans have 6000 plus words for color, while other tribes in Africa see only the colors or light and dark. Color in a world of harsh survival is not seen or valued as important. There are no primitive languages. All are composed of between 16 to 46 different bits or pieces, which can be combined in an infinite number of ways to present any thought, blueprint, hypothesis or light sketch of a presumed reality. Although no language is primitive in the sense of not being able to communicate any thought, each language is predisposed to easily communicate certain things or values or visions of the world, Words, like tools are the key to survival and prosperity, but like all tools, if used improperly can lead to disastrous results and bizarre projections of reality. Linguists say that a relatively recent and worrisome addition to America’s language system is a fear of their own language. One major example coinciding with the rise of this fear or disease was when lyndon johnson; the pro peace candidate, in his political campaign held up a picture of barry goldwater behind a nuclear explosion and asked America “Do you trust this man to keep us out of the Vietnam War?” Subsequent to johnson's election and under his leadership the troop number went from 5000 advisors to 500,000 conscripted and unwilling, hamstrung children, The next 30 years was spent as a cover up of this fact by Washington and their licensed media with the eventual mistrust of both one’s language and government. Another modern example of this disease is George bush’s read my lips statement. Promised not to raise taxes. got elected and raised taxes. They both should have been thrown in jail. Now language, for most is an untrustworthy and virulent disease. Legally. Another change in America’s language system is the decline in the number of words or (perceptual tools) used per day from 1500 words 60 years ago to 750 (500 now),words used per day today; People today use one half the word tools they did 60 years ago and as a result are, in a broad based sense, unskilled and inarticulate, unfortunately, with a corresponding belief they are smarter.. They use words that mean so many things to so many people that their words become useless in communicating a specific idea or thought. These words say or mean so many things, to so many people, that they become linguistically meaningless or unintelligible. Words like love. Are there not as many definitions of love as there are stars in the universe? Words like god: many times makes the user feel and appear good. But these words aren’t generally intended to communicate something, but are used as a chant by people who wish to agree; shake their heads up and down and to subordinate their thoughts and particular judgment to faith and a willingness to believe. These words are meant to solicit agreement by setting the user in a morally superior state like trance, so the faithful may subordinate their minds to the tribe, club, holy jihad, inquisition, nation, the mob, the gang etc, etc but in fact, no one, for sure, , speaks for god but god. And no one really speaks for the individual but the individual. Let’s be real. If god can create the world in 7 days or whatever, he doesn’t necessarily need you, the pope, shoguns, shamans, witch doctors, imams, rabbi’s or voodoo princesses to do his talking and interpreting for him\her. In my highest and best judgment, he talks through results or the lack of them to each of us. How to do it, where to get it or who to ask, write it down and check it off and to keep trying and that’s it. My Grandpa was a methodist minister. His job was to teach other ministers how to minister to others hurts and hopes. He got one of the first PhD’s from northwestern university (28th I think) and he explained everything to me, everything in our entire relationship without using the word god to me once, as I remember. He believed that life makes sense, and that is another of god’s gifts. Once my mom asked him when she was a child: “Are the catholic’s, muslims or Jews right dad, or are we right?” My grandfather replied: “Well, I don’t know for sure Dorothy. They may be right”. Whoever is right: Would hesheit have given you a brain, integrity, feelings and particular life experiences, if it was expected that you throw your best judgment away for faith and a willingness to believe without question?

Unfortunately, for many good christians , muslims and jews, all the worst things in the world have been done in the name of god or love or nation or all the other meaningless amalgamation of words like the people which mean so many things to so many people as to become effectively meaningless, Whether it’s the Chinese peoples army, the Russian peoples revolution or the American people’s rights to the forced charity and subordination of others and all the meaningless amalgamations of the people is used as a triumph of the concept of faith and belief over the individual’s integrity and personal and particular judgment to decide for himself.

As language, once again, unfortunately, has been used to justify the slaughter of millions of Jews by Nazis and millions of Muslims by Christians and Christians by Muslims and Muslims by Jews and infidels of course by all of them, and to financially and otherwise enslave, by the gun, millions of non people, in the name of the real people (see america) none of this needs to touch the integrity of the individuals perceptual clarity. Language, coupled with integrity, is the single most important tool you have, and like all tools used by artists and craftsmen, by the majestic, the heroic, and the beautiful, words are the foundations of the quality of the best lives which have existed and will be the foundation of the greatest humans in the future.

With these simple principals and understandings, each individual has the tools and or skills to get the skills or tools lacking, to produce over time, any result they may desire, wish, dream about or yearn for. If only to want to turn work into fun or to get a dream of a future worth more than your weight in gold. Who needs to lie, cheat or steal? Not us. We like to be productive and voluntary................................................... tools to make tools to make tools.....Who knows what can be made with tools which have not yet been invented?

Chap 3

The difference or distance between who, where or what you want to be and who, where and what you are, is frustration. For us this frustration can be divided into motivation and passion and desire and intrigue and courage and character and effort etc. etc. problems of smaller and smaller complexity, dealt with over a longer and longer period of time until the desired end result is both........ assured by persistence........ and made enjoyable by the law of simplicity and ease (or by the way everything can be broken down into smaller and smaller skills) until each process in the act of being productive is both enjoyable and easy. Add to that the confidence and assurance of a man or woman who wishes to increase their ability to live and love and you have the ingredients of a human being, which is the finest the world will ever produce. We individuals, solve the difference between where we want to be, and where we are, by working, over time, up to our potential. We reduce the frustration of having goals and dreams and aspirations and yearnings by working up to our potential, by accomplishing our goals, by producing results in any area, along the lines of excellence.

With the accomplishment of our goals we will naturally wish to reset our goals. Tougher maybe, longer maybe, more interesting now for sure and with that process there is an increase in capabilities, vision and for lack of a better phrase, “individual depth of humanity”. At times there will accompany a feeling of regret or self castigation or disappointment with each new ability, (could have done better, type of feeling, now that I know what I know type of thing). Some say that since we don’t know for sure what we can’t do, we suspect a flaw for not being more of everything. As far as I know self doubt and disappointment increase at certain times with each new accomplishment Don’t be too hard on yourself, it goes with the territory. My dad told me that if your not making mistakes (failing) your probably not doing anything. This critical judgment, hand in hand with ones determination to put to the test producing something along the lines of excellence, is the simple stuff of which dreams are made.

Dogs got nothing. no credit cards, cant talk too good, no hands, houses or cars but their happy chasing after stuff.(dreams)....Learn and know what the three legged dog knows when he dives for the ball, goes tumbling into a buddy and down the creek laughing....... he gonna get it some year for sure if those other dogs miss a beat. 3 legs and cant be stopped. as far as humans go. Why hope? when you got you... to do anything you want to do... about anything.... any time you decide. We all start in the ditch. Its the getting up and going that you are.... and that is being alive. Don’t let em teach you that’s its not you who have decided to teach yourself something. (They are just enablers at most, if their not getting in your way, how it was for me.....They are teaching you bad to pretend its not fun to fall over and down in a hilarious attempt of anything you decide coming true. Feeble attempt... is my specialty! Don’t let them........... light fools the path to dusty death!...... shakesphere...... My dad would want me to tell you that every person has a decades long, love for somthin.. and it was his job to find out why they loved it so much. Smallest guys in the world felt like big shots around me for sure.....That’s how I tell who’s a big shot or not. If ya felt you could do it or try till ya die after talking to them then he was a very big shot to me. .......Not wait to follow the leader!..... or..... wait forever as your leaders say you cant do it without them or they might let you maybe, if, someday, whatever! need them like another hole in your head. My Dad loved putting his puzzle together of who he wanted himself to become. You would be another thread to the tapestry of his life and he would be a color of yours to see through what you both love in the rainbow of life we all dance on and to. You would have shared common loves, natural joys available to the poorest blissful creatures with my dad and my Mom who he will admit was better.

An inept way to reduce frustration of not being what you want to be is to lower your goals or worse yet get what you dream, yearn, wish or want, not through the voluntary participation of other willing individuals but through some federally mandated hostage service, gun to their head technique.

An equally ineffective way to reduce frustration is to take drugs. You have to use more and more and more to cause the same euphoria; and worse yet, it interferes with the bodies own ability to produce the endorphin (naturally produced morphine’s) which through exercise makes you feel soooooo good, with all good effects. It produces extra growth hormone that dr. wiel a harvard doctor in (spontanious healing says to think of it as a magical substance that fixes anything wrong with you. MAGIC HE SAYS!) When you take powerful drugs your body stops making the endorphins so you need it now! With drugs, you don’t do good you just temporally feel good, then worse. It’s like the difference between being happy and being successful. In a sense, happiness may pretend to imply what being successful means, You can be happy in many ways without being successful but you cannot be successful without being happy or meaningful. Therefore I believe true happiness is a by product of active success. Happiness, many times is used to pretend success as if the goal of life was to be happy without doing anything, instead of a fully functioning, Imagineering success, based on active, productive, mutually beneficial results along the lines of excellence for your pleasure. With drugs you can feel happy without producing or being anything.

Another way to get rid of your frustration is to get rid of your brain altogether. To substitute for your highest and best judgment, some inappropriate, ineffective or misguided, religious, political, national, ethnic, sexist or other collectivist equation. These misguided, seemingly kind hearted individuals will tell you its god’s will or the will of the people etc.etc. They wish to supplant reason with faith. They regurgitate and chant predigested bits of “were going to heaven, they’re going to hell= we’re the chosen- your not”. We’re superior, without producing or being anything cause of this or that or whatever and forget about the misguided, religious inquisitions and holy wars, the witch burning, the wholesale and bloody slaughter of the jews, moslems, Christians, Indians, Cambodians, blacks, yellows, whites, hard working people etc. etc by white people and each other, and concentrate on the pretty symbols, the high sounding words that have fooled these self appraised moral supremacists willing to dispose of your life for their ideals from the beginning of time.

There are an infinite number of ineffective ways to reduce frustration without producing anything. In any area, along no line of excellence’ and to do so you must first assassinate your highest and best judgment. And the way to tell who these people are from the knowledge they are presumed, ordained, certified, mandated by the majority or appraised by self to possess is they don’t make anything other’s pay for willingly without threat, force or fraud. In this regard there are three types of people. Productive, non-productive and counter-productive. The non-productive and counter-productive produce nothing. They must rely on the non-voluntary, coercive powers, of the soft toned, high sounding, gang banging, self appraised morally superior to you, cannibalization of the time, energy, decisions, property and money of productive, truly compassionate individuals. This cannibalization is a genocide.. They are dream eaters. Dreams are the blueprints of each individual’s potential or possibly good future. The dream itself is proof that you can accomplish your dreams. You can’t think or hope it possible without the ability to do it, that is; if you decide to work up to your potential. On the other hand, a man, unwilling or unable to work towards his dreams is a man without a future. That is one of the reasons I wrote this discourse. Without the ability to keep your tools and reach your potential, dreams can be just another cruel burden in an overworked man’s, already time strapped and at many times, miserable existence. No wonder America has a drug problem. The desire to substitute happiness for success, consumption for tools or project development, entertainment for the pursuit of excellence, and money for results along the line of excellence, in an infinitely expanding and fascinating universe, is becoming more “understandable” all the time. Success, like dreams to the dream eaters, are not considered important. Your future is a disposable item. Your children are a mortgable entity.

Chapter 111

Stalin said it best I think. “We must eliminate the cult of the individual once and for all. He said this after issuing an order for the extermination of 50,000 of his countrymen and of course their children forever. Cannibalization and genocide, although widespread, is most easily understood by the concept of Nazism. Germans now call it fascism. I call it Nazism. Always will!....... When one group eliminates by force, fraud or breach of contract the time, energy or money of a race, religion, ethnic, and value or insight system’ this is genocide. Nazism is the most widely understood example of genocide in the twentieth century, but’ it is so effective, and I might ad, the only means of survival by the non- productive and counter productive that 7 out of 10 people openly, mistakenly employ it today. Those who believe that the individual owes his or her existence to the group, gang, religion, nation, majority, ethnic clique, etc. Etc. and as a member of that group, gang, religion, nation, majority or ethnic clique, they are now entitled to the fruits or products, of the productive individuals blood, sweat and tears, are in a sense, and can be nazi-like genocidal maniacs. The costume of their language, the cosmetic, pretty face of mindless collectivism is marred only by the muted voices of those enslaved and deprived of their right to decide the disposition of their time, energy and money along the lines of their highest and best judgment.

The first 162 years of American history didn’t require the individual to presume “its” life was made possible because of the great society or collective. They were all escaping from the certified, ordained, mandated, or self appraised morally superior cannibals throughout the entire rest of the world. It was generally agreed the individual existed despite the myriad number of certified, ordained or self appointed club wielding spokesman for the genocidal claims against the individual, the non-ordained, the non-educated (non state certified), the non-chosen, the non-people, the infidels, the geek’s, the gooks, the chinks, the ingins, the scabs, the pollocks, and were allllll in one of them. The uninformed and misinformed, because “they” say so and it goes on today and will go on forever, until each man demands that his silence not be used as tacit agreement, for those who pretend to speak for him and demands or petitions, the right not to have to support and sponsor with his time, energy or money, those whom he believes are immoral, evil, genocidal, nazi-like cannibals.

Individuals are comprised of sets of values or visions (given rise by their language), tools with which they may train and explore the productive excellence of existence. Black, white, catholic, jew, moslem, indians, French american, young, old, male, female, and many others are all meaningless concepts when we talk about the best any human may become. These concepts themselves represent systems of thought which are ways to evaluate oneself, not by doing or making something of worth but by being a member of that supposed superior group. Self appraised moral supremacy entitles the gang member to the prestige which their individual lives can not demonstrate. Why? So they can cannibalize the rightful prestige of those individuals who do produce something. And along with the prestige’ they cannibalize, conscript, enslave, bloody and systematically destroy the time, energy, money and decisions of those not in the suit and tied, certified or otherwise costumed, pretty faced and bloody handed gang…in the name of the noblest sounding ideals of course which is “why” they have to use force, to sell it, by using the feds guns, taxes and courts to kill the dreams and steal the fruits of their neighbors efforts and concerns. Somehow, these, self appraised superior, “moral mechanics” believe you can’t makes a man pick cotton 12 hours a day, with no capacity to express his or her compassion, which insures his poor image of himself by lack of time for his aspirations or inspiration, but it’s ok to imprison and enslave him by making his decisions for him (without compensation) which keeps him at some miserable job or enslaves businessmen (producers of something) or others from wanting to be businessmen blah bla stealing his money, regulating his socks off and making everything cost so much dreams can’t survive, wives can’t stay home and raise the kid, husbands have no time to think, and kids, if you would listen, hate what is called “school” ‘ or is it a sign of maturity, to accept hating what you do when you grow up? I think not. I think your college licensed, “certifiably educated and unionized” state managers have taken over your life and your ability to be effective in your concerns. And his and your time is being spent in miserable, painful, (without the ability to realize your dreams), survival.

To ask people to see their money, go not to those things they want to support is cruel and unusual punishment. To have any essence of his life go to sponsor those types of behavior which he finds abhorrent, abominable, villainous, nefarious, monstrous, deplorable, lamentable, pitiful, sad, flagrant, scandalous, shameful or evil is to ask him to be a “good nazi”. Good being defined as doing exactly what you are told, killing exactly who you are told to kill, working at whatever bomb factory you are told, and, paying your taxes to whatever “peoples army” the human resource, i.e. your life is to be best spent. To the contrary. It is immoral to sponsor through your taxes behavior which you feel is treasonous to your humanity.

As president and ceo of the international society for the prevention of genocide I have no political affiliation. The international society for the prevention of genocide, is grounded in the belief that all humans have the right to not sponsor what they feel is genocidal or evil. We the individuals want the freedom to choose, guaranteed in the constitutions intent, which will express, the book of compassion, insight, and limited genius in all of us. The lesson of world war 1 and world war 2 being….. The german people supported the holocaust willingly. Their unquestionable pride in their country not the individual was unshakable. As a result of that war there should be a governmental mechanism that those who do not want to support bad things do not have to. The german concept of “pay your taxes or else death you is, was and always will be wrong. I’m intending to modify that cute little saying. The amended axiom being: Maybe the two things for sure in life are death and taxes but no one ever said you had to sponsor nazi’s. In America, if you sign this, from now on, you will be able to decide from the present menu of gov’t “services” where your individually created taxes are spent thereby insuring nothing bad and only good things happen with all your money.

I, like the libertarians, are grounded in the voluntary association of people. No one person or groups of one persons have together, rights they don’t have separately. Which is the ability (no matter the pretty sounding “reasons”) to tell another what to do with their time, energy, money and decisions, provided that individual uses no force, fraud, or breach of their oath, covenant, or contract. To do so is a cannibalization of that man’s life and a violation of his integrity, morality and highest and best judgment system without which this world issssssssss a legalistic sleazy nightmare. To the extent that you believe that you either individually or collectively have the right to tell others what to do with their time,, energy, money and decisions provided they aren’t criminals ffbc is the exact extent that you presume yourself to be superior, (by force), which is nazi-like when, not if your wrong. No one is right all the time but when an individual is wrong with his life, that individual pays. When force is used against an unarmed individual, the other individual pays for the nazi-like, gun if the face, tragic mistake. The international society for the preservation of individual intellectual wealth and the libertarians do not practice nazism and cannibalism. I intend to show and prove, that although we have been misrepresented as the minority party here and in all countries, we nevertheless are the true movement of all productive humanity. We’re the majority and rightful representatives of the human race.

Immorality is being disloyal to ones highest and best judgment. It is the act of behaving in a manner not consistent to your highest and best judgment. I.e. your idea may be wrong, but if you think and believe and feel at the time it is correct, then t is immoral not to act according to your best guess. Provided you don’t use force fraud or breach of your word. An example of how one might be considered immoral, disloyal or traitorous is the Romanian general who was shot in the face dead, for not opening fire on the Romanian freedom gathering, or the Chinese man who stood in front of the line of tanks in trainman square. They acted out of a sense of individual moral highest and best judgment. Freedom to decide how to spend ones time, energy and money is a necessary ingredient in the equation of acting morally. Not the american or politically licensed kind of freedom, which is free, as long as any other organized (by gun) gang, party or special interest (club) wants to assassinate (by mortgage) your born or unborn child’s dream. But free to spend or dispose of ones time, energy and property as one sees fit, provided of course there is no force, no fraud or breach of contract. But this freedom is not allowed in any country, anywhere. Freedom, to decide for others is what is fast becoming important. Freedom, to gain an advantage through the force, fraud or breach of the original constitution is what america’s lawyers now stand for. Not a republic with inalienable rights for individuals, but total majority determination of what is and is not real...............

Chapter 4


Blacks are an incorrect, ridiculous or meaningless categorization of individuals having nothing to do with values or highest and best judgment or results along the lines of excellence or the productive testing of the foundations of that knowledge, Or the best that any man may become! It is values, which impacts action, along the lines of excellence, to some productive benefit for other and only willing individuals that determines the uncoerced worth of an individual. It is further inane and insipid, insofar as, all people are blackancestry. Some 50,000+ years ago, humans took a particular turn in the genetic highway. They know this because of a particular black female. An archeological find with traceable genetic material, named lucy, passing on a particular genetic trait to all and only other females in her line. All women in the world today have this genetic trait. This means that the original mother of us all was, is and always will be black. Thomas Sowell (a black guy?????) was author of a book called the politics of race, among others. He studied the migration patterns and the success rates of values represented by different races, nationalities and ethnic groups. He found whatever country the germans migrated to, they were good and successful farmers. (good at getting paid not to plant crops in america (nazis) .) Their values of productive excellence were effective whether they went to brazil, america, argentina, eastern or western europe, africa et.etc.etc. They got a lot of discrimination. They talked funny and dressed funny and stayed to themselves and a lot of people didn’t like them and what are they doing here anyway? but it didn’t stop them. from the bottom of society to the top economic wrung of the ladder while a lot of people didn’t like them or help them. He followed the Chinese and found that wherever they migrated to with nothing but the values of hard work, productivity and free choice, they became successful regardless of the hardships they suffered at the hand of the host country. For example it was “thought” unfair to compete with them in California because they could live off the smell of an old oil rag. He followed the jews and their migrations to all other countries and found their values make them successful and their rise from the bottom of immigration status to the top of economic well being, independent, of the discrimination they faced. He found that although they, like many others were killed, hung, kicked out of the host countries and generally abused when they were immigrants and the same when they were at the top of the socioeconomic status and although they were massively discriminated against they rose to the top. he followed many other groups that were all discriminated against and were unstoppable. oh its such a good book and wonderful man.

He followed the irish, (I’m a mongrel half breed irish but its fun), like me and found they were mostly drunks in every country they went to. Hey, if I’m hand cuffed, bound and gagged get me a drink and set um up for the bar. If my brains are just a source of pain then hello bar gooooo bye dream. Anyway, when they drank they fought and in new york it was infinitely preferable to live in a black neighborhood than next to the “filthy irish”. Worse for half breeds like me probably! The irish's gift of gab made them rely on politics as a way to advance themselves and proved in every country to be one of the only ways to prevent a group from getting ahead. you deserve or cant make it without and they should help, I think i”ll wait is not the formula for success any of them employed.

Thomas Sowell’s POLITICS OF RACE proved, by historic, international, evidence and documentation, that’ discrimination……..although it does cause set backs, hurt, self image cancer, inspirational tuberculosis, extreme sadness, and hatred it does not prevent any group from rising to the top of the socioeconomic ladder over time if they don’t give up. He also proved that the only way to insure a group doesn’t rise is to help them politically in my opinion.

Genocide is the elimination of a race, religion, ethnic or value system (like individually sovereign self government) by force, fraud, or breach of contract. You can’t get much more force, fraud or briechier of contract that the gov’t assault on the first 100 years of the original contract granted to the unorganized individually sovereign people.


People over 50 own 3\4 of the wealth in the united states and command over 50% of the disposable income. There are 40,000,000 monthly socialist security payments.. The united states, once a statement of the single, unorganized worth of an individual, independent of the gangs which fight for his resources and prestige is now like all other governments. That is’ non-voluntary…gun in your face. For all the historically mass murdering reasons. In the seducing tones of brotherly love they are holding the American people, the productive, the guys who make the jobs hostage. Their socialist engineering mandates represent a claim upon the individual’s time, energy and money which is slavery from cradle to grave. The older generation bought their houses for 8 to 12 thousand dollars at 2% interest rate after ww 2, took the economy off the gold standard, inflated the money supply by the expansion or printing of worthless paper by some 50 times, called it monetary policy, blamed it on business men producers and employers of something, paid off their houses with this cheap money, mortgaged their children’s future, voted themselves pensions, created millions of nonproductive or counter productive jobs, (in the name of reducing unemployment) voted themselves higher salaries, cost of living increases, medicare, retirement benefits from social security, sold their homes for 100,000 to 500,000 , went along with an undeclared war to finance it, etc.etc.etc. all in the name of the great society fighting communism, germany’s nazi socialism and other mindless mandated gang slaughtering systems of other than self rule, retired to florida, pick up their checks off the backs of the younger (the less smart) and regularly call the baby boom generation, and below selfish…Who is the selfish one? You obviously didn’t make the world safe for self rule. You defended yourself from people just like yourselves today. The historically really grand, gang banging old party willing to dispose of our lives for your ideals, every day. The nazi’s. The national socialist Democratic party of the german republic.

The worst of them, get together, run the flag up and pretend they’re not draining the productive of their ability to be of any value to their community, let alone to their families. They say’ Its not really genocide of the young by the old. We don’t make em pick cotton for 14 hours a day with no ability for self esteem or to be of any help to anyone let alone their families. We don’t make them say ache tng. We ask em nice, before we tell the skinny and fat or perfectly conditioned downtown bar bully boys to sell his house, tools, business, and throw his family into the street, because we know that peoples time, energy, money and morality don’t matter if it’s for the right “reasons”. Mom and dad wouldn’t lie to us would they? They say” “if he would just have joined a gang with claims and rights over others he wouldn’t have those problems”. Put your life into your lawyers and their representatives in washington. Or else! Or else what? Or else you won’t be able to steal from your neighbor? God! Who wants that anyway? “We’ve given you the right to mortgage your children’s future and they will have the “right” guaranteed in the new constitution to do the same” WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT?

American women’s rights

Women are provably biologically superior. They live longer, have slower heart rates, are more dexterous, less addicted to drugs, more tolerant to pain and frustration, fewer genetically transferable diseases, etc. etc. These things can clearly be affirmed. But, as always, once again, without question, it is values, impacting action which produces something of value to only and other willing individuals that determine a person’s uncoerced productive humanity. It is not any of the other genocidal terms of race, age, sex, nationality or ethnicity. Its values of production and accomplishment along the lines of excellence which determines the uncoerced worth of individuals. So why talk about women’s rights, old people’s rights, homo rights, etc.etc.etc. Or the right of one people over 36 to tell 18 year individuals to go kill some conscript with a gun to his families head? Why talk about women, instead of individuals who are women? Because those who do, want to pretend to be something by association, not their accomplishments. Those who do, want to benefit, not as a result of efforts, results, productivity, sweat and the things we talked about but because of their supremacist claim and “rights” on the unearned time, energy or money of people they don’t know or care about, all with the pretensive compassion of phil donahue’s question” What should “weeeee” make others doooooo for ooooour ideals? Not what should I produce or, what amount of money am I gonna give? Or what should I do to make things better. No. How much should “we”, by force, fraud or outright theft, steal from someone else for “my” ideals, so “we” can appear to be anything, but the overweight, addle headed, bimbo, couch potatoes we are? After all, (sing it phil) this is the richest country in the world and Russia spends more on blab la bla or whatever, ad nausea ad infinitum. What should “we” make some other, already hard working, productive guy, girl or grandparent do, so “we” can pretend we are of any value at all. Like the black supremacists, white supremacists, old person supremacists, nationalist, ad naseum, feminists claim their right to cannibalize their unearned share through the congress, Forced charity! Like the germans before them they don’t want to know who must be gassed, whose dream must die and wither, whose tools and employment expansion must be stomped flat, and whose children must never come into existence. They don’t want to hear, see or believe that their gun toting gods or governments of the gangs, by the gangs, and for the gangs, don’t owe them, at the end of a gun one thing.

President lyndon Johnson, the pro peace candidate, dropped 8 million tons of bombs on Cambodia, with your money (making possible the indiscriminate extermination of the majority of the male population, allowing the camera rouge to tell the unarmed peasants (who once loved America)’ that America had declared war on them, (see the killing fields), four times the total bombs that were dropped in ww2 doesn’t make it our fault. Love it or leave it in a casket is what casto told his countryman. His obviously superior, (superior to individual moral judgment) right kind of people believe they own their own countryman,(slavery) and we are the right kind of people right? Zeke heil our gang

The inhumanity I’ve discussed has happened here, is happening here, and will happen here forever as a result of you not declaring your right and unwillingness to sponsor behavior which you find evil, objectionable, immoral, or unethical. Your silence, in not demanding, requesting or petitioning, specifically what your money goes to sponsor and what it does not go to sponsor has been the main weapon used against you, your family and your true, heartfelt compassion.

Day care, “education” union goon indoctrination centers, socialization for the new americans, what’s the difference? Some say “I just had kids to insure a husbands continued payments, with the help of my lawyer….pre school, birth leave, the feds official quota, forced on the backs of the productive, the communist manifesto, non-market “equal pay”, how gun wise ridiculous! Begging by demand, rights, rights, rights….demands of every special interest group and the claims begging to be satisfied fuel the excuse which sponsors the slavery of us all…You don’t have the right to tell people what they must do about anything providing they don’t lie cheat or steal. These are all things that germany believed in and whether or not you believe it, your claim on the efforts and dreams and tools of other hard working people are the same nazi-like genocidal, behavior of all throat slitting fascists (socialist supremacists).

Once again, the advocates desire to pillage and loot the lives of others, is a disease which paints itself with the pretty face of idealism, at the same time as enslaving others for their presumed, limited benefits. And look what you voted your men into. Everyone should have half of their lives to think, so when they work or produce, they can do it with inspiration and purpose until they fail or succeed. Take time out, think about what you wanted in the first place and go after it again. But no…You have no time to really be of help to anybody now that you’re paying 50% for taxes, that you voted for. They have you, your kids, your husband and your grandparents busy 24 hours a day. Like hamsters in a revolving wheel that the rpm’s are controlled in Washington. Turn up the juice on them and let’s spread this pain around of reducing “our” deficit. Hey! They elected us to govern and to lead! Reeeeeally? I’ll see you at the beach if I don’t get to decide exactly where my tax revenues go. Contrary to popular belief, What you call “our” work or “our” deficit, I call do it yourself without me getting the exact determination of what I do and do not sponsor. Unless, I have to, that is, in which case “whatever you say”, unquestionably, of course, who could, would or even ever should question your preeminent qualification on everything, let alone something of such trivial concern like freedom from your legal genocide of my life.

When people stop at stop signs they do so because it’s reasonable, compassionate behavior. If there were no police, whatsoever, the majority would stop and behave with respect to the principles of fairness, rationality and reasonableness’ not because they won’t get caught. Most people are really nice and kind, if only in intentions. Also, when people don’t rape, stalk and steal from women it’s because they respect these principles of civilized behavior i.e., no force, fraud or breach of your word. Each individual should be allowed to spend their time, energy and money as they see fit’ not because they may get caught and punished. Most people, as you know are good and kind and agree with all the principles of no force, no fraud, no breach of contract, If the bar association lawyers revolutionary council offers you a reward for participating in the violation of these principles, it may be legal, but most assuredly, it is wrong.

If someone takes one year of your life and forces you in a closet or, if they didn’t put you in a closet but stole your families money you made at extreme personal risk or hardships in that year, making you ineffective to help anyone and you go over to their house and get that money back, are you stealing? They took it from you; you’re just getting it back, aren’t you? Or wrong? The proper use of theft, force and breach of the original constitutions intent doesn’t exist. If I steal from someone and I give 25% of the money to charity or my lawyer to get me off, is it ok then? It is of course, not correct, although I can hear the shit lawyers laughing while pulling your teeth and cashing your checks. There are no reasons to steal, kill or lie. There is but simple defense or justified revenge when presented with these fog bound, human aberrations. Unless there are good reasons to use force, fraud or breach of your integrity, then we all should get to play by those rules instead of an individual’s integrity being a liability.

So, misguided democrips and misguided republiguns can steal your life or business or dreams and motivation. It really is hopeless if they use guns instead of reason when they print and borrow so much money and throw it down the non productive or counter productive intellectual sewers so that each kid would cost $168,000, 50% to 75% being taxes, with the average cost of a house, if you could get the loan now that you are paying for bank failures, would take 80 years to pay for it.

Don’t be deceived, by “reasons” for genocide’ their cannibalization of a lesser life for a nobler ideal. Be aware that no matter the excuses it’s done for or in whose name they prey, they decided their better than you and closer to the source of real understanding that you are not qualified to think about properly, and they are also certified. so there! Just let them do with your money what they want and be a good citizen or else.

There are many charitable causes… Charity at the end of a gun isn’t charity, its extortion. Milton Freedman (a jew?????) in his book “free to choose’’ documented that the uncoerced public’s percent of voluntary contributions before 1925 exceeded that percent which is conscripted, taxed or stolen from them “in their name” today. Also 75% goes to the distributing organization and lawyer infested congress, whose schooling taught them not to question their new rights, and they learned that well, without question, to get their extended rights certificate over you. Indeed, in the name of people we would all like to help, politician and congressmen (lawyers) hold them up to get their paycheck at the expense of the very people they pretend to help. That’s sick. These ineffective, limousine liberals with their million dollar bank accounts, stolen from the truly handicapped. Let’s get these people out of the crippled people’s pockets. Let’s get the ability to give our charity (tax revenues) directly and exclusively to them. In fact, by their “reasoning: (force, guns, conscription on and on, We could make the congress and bar association and all who were responsible for the deficit pay for the deficits they voted for. There not 1%. We could work to make it legal, and wipe them out financially. They won’t sue each other, but we can (due it) through the jury system. Let’s work, to make it legal to clear out their bank accounts, sell their homes, stop paying for their kid’s ( the right kind of people) education and get them productive jobs, a job where others are not being forced to buy their product, to pay back the rest of the deficit. No matter how insignificant a productive job they get, (they laugh with their government certificate degrees at people who work at MacDonald’s), it is infinitely more reputable and honorable than the nonproductive or counter productive job they are doing against the producers of things and the people we all want to help. Let’s make it a law that their lives and their children’s lives are to be owned by the banks until their debts, that they voted for, which has solved nothing, are paid. Sound funny? Keep me away from the legal typewriter then, because I’d do it. Their smart comments: “you can’t get me because I had a robe on, or I had a uniform on, and besides someone else told me to do it, and anyway, I was doing it “for the people” our people, that is, or I didn’t do it…We did. These worthless and dangerous genocidal excuse’s to dispose of another’s life don’t work with me.

Isn’t defining a person on grounds, other than their productive value system racist or sexist? Isn’t if funny, that by fighting for their own sexist, libber rights they slander those in the way of their “finger on the trigger”, as sexist or racist? Whoooh ladies! What do you think? How do you think? How you feel and what you believe, may very well be effectively unproductive and parasitic. if you make nothing and grow nothing and fix nothing and build nothing ( my dad would want me to say sales cause he was and that is the best avocation vocation in the world), Am I a chauvinist by opinion or by fact? What do you know to be true? No lying cheating and stealing? I love ann. raynd and ester vilar author of the manipulated man and gene Kirkpatrick and dame edna and many or should I say all individual women whose values I find admirable and courageous. Always have. always will. Also I’d like to say thank you to those women who don’t stand up on the phillus Donahue circus, hysterically, stridently, demanding with their mealy mouthed pleadinghelpless childs voice imitation tone of voice” What do you feeeeel, Weeee should do about theeeem not doing everything we tell them to doooooo! And proclaim to the contrary, in their own fashion” I believe in the individuals, inalienable right to exercise their highest and best, fully functioning, moral and ethical judgment system, with no inherent “group rights”, to use force, fraud or breach of contract over anyone. To these women, I of course am grateful, thank you

My father told me that men are what women want. It’s true of many of all sexy species. Female selectivity (our abhorrence with the concept of rape) worked as a survival benefit in many species. Contrary to the survival of certain species, this mechanism has worked in the elimination of certain species. An appropriate example, in so far as it relates to our self assumed prestige (money only) of politician lawyers, is the peacock. The peacock at one time survived all over the world in extremely wide range of environments, conditions, food sources and predators, The female of that species decided it was an advantage to mate with male birds with longer and longer blingier looking feathers, After a very brief time the peacock had ,by female selective breeding, produced an animal that couldn’t fly but for very brief period of time, which became entangled in shrubs bushes trees. The female of that species were abe to insure in a very brief period of time the virtual elimination of her species. Today, peacocks are a ridiculous species, made so by their females. This wonderful power that you, as females possess, selectively worked to eliminate herself. You may feeeel that weeee, I mean yoooou should do something about it. You may, of course, do so. Isn’t it great to be alive? Our abhorrence with rape i.e. the females inherent right to decide who her breeding partner or partner’s,or herds are today,yuck further elucidated by the concept of love. As a scientist from another planet sent to discover what that concept, today means, he may wish to study the information which could be gleaned from popular radio stations. 1 song out of 10 would express the wonder and fulfillment of men and women who love life, each other, their kids, almost anything it seems, and want to feel as wonderful as this life can be. 4 out of 10, would be men who were proclaiming to the world that their frustration could be eliminated if only she would find him of worth, or visa versa. 3 out of 10 would be expressing such depression, hurt, agony, depth of drawn out misery and heartache, as to virtually render themselves immobile and finally, 2 of the remaining 10 would be the answer, to the question, “if weenies could sing, what would it sound like? Insofar as your species goes when I tune on the radio, I'll be thinking of you. It is interesting to note that of the total number of species which have existed there are but 3% remaining.

I am announcing my canadacy for DICTATOR OF EVERY MAN, WOMEN, AND CHILD ON THIS PLANET. Dicktator for eternity!....... unlike king tut who lost his rule.

My platform is as follows.

1. If elected, my first day in office all government officials will be made to wear official and appropriate military uniforms. Big gold shoulder epilates with Mexican generalissimo hats and Kaddafi robes maybe. Maybe socialist nazi helmets’ with the big wide pants and a riding crop or gavel to smack scabs like me in the mouth. Whatever, just as long as they can’t be confused with freedom for individuals, just freedom for gangs like they won’t dispute. To dress up in business suits, implying free choice is fraud. Business, The productive,........are all voluntary. (not todays corporate back door whore puppeteers)

2. free McDonalds on first Monday of every month for 24 hours for everyone!!!!!!. Don’t thank me...... thank them. their paying for it........... and pantyhose for everyone who wants them or neeeeeds!

3. In all elections in America, from now on there will be a “none of the above” box. If none of the above wins, then I guess will be out one more self appraised superior pundant from the right schools willing to use a gun, to “explain” to you and your family, exactly what to do with every waking moment of your lives.

4. I promise that I’ll spend a fortune of your money trying to inform people they should vote. I’ll say please! Vote for the commie left or the theocratic (neocon’s) right. Cause by law (the original constitution), were not allowed to slam the door of your jail sell unless we get your approval. Here take this money we got from somebody else for your new rights. Don’t worry how we got it. It doesn’t matter who you vote for because were from the same pro force party anyway. LEAGALLY! Exercise your rights over others. Vote and vote often.

4 If you vote for me and I’m elected I’ll pay you in cash $5,000. Between 50% and 60% of the country doesn’t wish to stick their fingers in the pie known as the (lawyer gun in your face, fed types, national elections), and if 25% of “the people” vote for one candidate or another it’s considered a landslide or mandate. I figure, since I can win with only 1 out of 4 or 5 people vote for me, I’ll just collect the $5,000 from those who didn’t. The 2 people out of every 4 who didn’t vote for me will be used to getting screwed to the wall, and the other 1 out of 4 who voted against me will be used to stealing it from the other 3 somehow soooo what the heck? $5,000 if you vote for me comrade.

5. There are very few people who would take 100,000 for one of their arms but if there were and they did then I would . the other non-idiots know that they have 200,000 dollars worth of arms on their shoulder that can do anything that any other arms have ever done with the right training. don’t know what the price is on hands now. it varies wildly.

6 If elected, all women, men, old people, blacks, whites, blues, greens, the homeless, farmers, homos, carpet munchers and every other superficial category which disregards the value that any human may become the best human that ever existed, will all get adequate housing, medical benefits, complete and comprehensive insurance, socialist security benefits, guaranteed income, day care for “our” children (our most important human resource (recourse?)), college education, a 20 hour work week, a “good” job and police protection from the people, we are, in your name going to have to steal it from. I get 10% though

8 Victims’ rights not criminal rights. 7% of the criminals commit 75% of the violent crime. I’ll chop off their nuts personally as your new dicktator and graft them to their ears permantley.......... My guess crime will go down.... Women who give birth to crack babies will be sterilized of course. They are not fit to have children ever. Obviously. There are 5,000 addicted crack babies born per month in new york city all with unbelievable permanent life hurts at a cost of 100,000 per kid. I'd make the other kind of criminals buy crime insurance along with their families. I.e. if they commit a crime then their insurance pays for his incarceration and then their premiums would go up, If they continued with their life of crime and after their families wealth was gone cause they couldn’t raise people just criminals..... and they couldn’t afford their criminal insurance I’d make a deal with mexico or someplace that will take care of them for 5.00 per day losing their citizenship of course. The bad news is that their country of crime will be no more. The good news is that they get to learn how to paraschute...... and to the pot heads that comprise the glut of the prisoner population?..... Dudes!........ Sorry about the prison sentence,........ your free to go.

9 Any body that gets a forced check from Americans will lose their right to vote. If you think you’re a monkey in a cage incapable of supporting yourself for whatever you call “reasons” like its someone else's responsibility to provide you with a job or nipple to help and hope and sit with you and not discriminate and deny them their rights to you by not getting you a job, (a good job! like ceo or something)....etc bla bla yr rights whatever. You will lose your right to vote........ If you can’t even manage your own life without cannibalizing others life why would your opinion about anything be of any value at all!!?

10 ....mult- million dollar best teacher cash award contest for each subject in the world you want...put on cd format to be sold for the best and least expensive education that could ever exist. That’s where my education dollars are going.....Ten times better than harvard education for 299 dollars only the best teachers gauged by fire in their eyes for the love of their subject and insured by the students discretionary payments to them, or not. Residuals until they are beaten by the next revolutionary love of life teacher for the love of applied knowledge.....and not that many of them at that........... I cant wait! Or mabe ill just give my money to steve jobs educational money. Yea thats it my money goes to support steve jobs education. hes got billions and othere people telling him how to spend his education money is definatly criminal.

11. As dicktater of the united states and of course the world I won’t pay more than 10 dollars a barrel for oil on a long term contract with any country who will sell it on those terms and not a dime if Americans would rather buy oil for 2 or 10 dollars a gallon from Texans or Canadians or Mexicans or Britons if all the extra money went to pay off their debt instead of paying militant religious madmen. I say one half the normal price, cause that’s business. In all businesses around the world if you have a major customer with triple AAA credit rating you give him the best deal or we’ll buy it all from someone else. The only reason that opuck could exist is because, starting with the carter administration and their desire to not interfere with other governments inalienable and sovereign right to stick it to us....... bla bla bla, cartel, monopoly, sheet and hedress monopoly goonions “the people”, bla bla gobly gook! Ridiculous! Our government works hard to insure the price of oil is sky high! It’s the biggest revenue producer there is. They love it sky high! There is no substitute for oil. We might be without oil for a short while but really, it’s got to be better than kissing fascist’s cartels asses, I mean unions. But then without crises, after crises, after crises, how can “we” pretend that they couldn’t do without “us”. Who would want one dime, no matter the inconvience or expense of not going to sponsor Middle East militant religious maniacs. I’ll ride my bike, someone else can have my oil if it’ll prevent a nuclear holocaust by, militant, oil rich with your money fanatical madmen!

12. There is a guy who controls 70% of the worlds morphine and heroin supply. He has been trying to get a plan going to stop the growing of the poppies for years. He believes it can be done in five years, by crop substitution and phasing out the growing of poppies. He doesn’t let any of the growers or anyone who will listen to him to take drugs. He doesn’t. He took over from a guy who was arrested in a deal with the usa. He say’s the cia, along with the american government won’t negotiate and keep trying to kill him. The usa did some years ago; decide this might be a good idea, considering the mark up from him to the city streets of new york is 46,000 times. They made arrangements to meet and buy it for 24 million dollars from this guy and when he showed up they had france arrest him. The drugs were never confiscated and no one knows what happened to them. It was surmised, by the program, that the solution to world’s drug problem, was the demise of a lot of men in high places who would be out a lot of money if drugs were made legal or decriminalized I should say,. The theocratic conservative purify, purify, purify our society for our rightious american causes.....not the individual..... in their quest to purify have made the taliban and alkida rich enough to start a war with them. They know that. now you know that”! So besides corrupting the judiciary in the us and having no impact on getting any drug you want in america, their war on drugs has failed but they still want the money from both ends of the conservative right to tell other people what to do in the name of our sheeple. . Ridiculous! Anyway….My idea would be to buy it from the Laos and Afghanistan farmers and give it to people who wanted to kill themselves with it, in a room, with a small pill that would end all their bad dreams by death at the time of their choosing. I, of course, you may have guessed it, don’t care what you think about your responsibility to take my money, to save him from himself. I’d give him as much drugs as he wants, until he throws up his heart and lungs on the floor. I’d videotape him doing it and show the tape to the other despiring potential idiots before i gave him the really good shit. Drugs are a medical problem. When they are made illegal the price of the drug goes up 46,000 times thereby turning a simple deadly addiction for one, into a violent habit which requires the addict to hurt, steal and rob and victimize, innocent, productive, families lives.......46,000 times more So this proposed world ruler platform will be that: you can commit suicide any way you want. Hurry up is my advise! ,,,,,,,NEXT!........... Give it away for free to do on premises and give em the good stuff till their gone........and the other drug dealers are instantly out of business and alkaida loses one of their only source of income.

13. Wars will no longer be fought with the conscripted and unwilling by and between men, not in the line of fire, bent on the genocidal claims of the most holy, the state certified, the moral majority. the mandated or “the” appraised by my mutual admiration society to be self superior. No longer would citizens be actively trained to throw their morality or integrity system away for the pretty sounding, cosmetic pieces of unquestioned disease represented by the words like “loyalty: (regardless of morality) in the name of “god” (regardless of who the new and unquestioned vicar of Christ, or allah, or yawa might pretend to be), or “nation” , (no matter what nation claims you as their property to dispose of as they see fit), or “duty” (regardless that your sacrifice is counter-productive or genocidal). Genocide is the elimination of an ethnic, religious, national, county, township, individual or other insight or value system by the systematic use of force, fraud or breach of contract. Since this is always done in somebody else’s name, like, in the name of allah or in the name of the Chinese people or in the name of the Cuban people and since all those who can push the button (as the expression goes) are in china one guy, and in cuba one guy and all the other historical examples can be limited to one or a few hundred guys at the top in their opinion then why not put bounties, or kaddaf like attacks on them and their families like his exclusively!......... and let the rest of us live in peace. Let’s just kill the maniacal leaders and let the rest of us behave morally without the millions of lives lost whose high sounding ideals are no more than reasons for murder, or tyranny of productive individual’s real desire to be helpful. Why should we, the individuals, pay the price, through being enslaved, from king tut and his grandiloquent toilet pyramid, to help flush his god king carcass into eternity, to hitler’s and mao’s great congresses. If deemed by an international panel of good guys to commit genocide then lets make it a law to be able to put increasing bounties on these child killers, these rapists, these murdering bloody maniacs and their families simultainoulsy!. That should take the wind out of their sails. So for manual noriaga instead of bush, having the only option to be involved with watching American soldiers die, plus their descendants and descendants descendants for eternity and 500 panamanian solders who would do what they were told no matter who was signing their checks, and 1200 to 2000 unarmed men, women and children, old people, civilians in unmarked graves at a cost of billions, why not offer a couple of hundred million increasing by a million dollars an day for his death or capture and a few of his buddies and be done with them. Turn war into business. Their used to getting personal results, not forming parades on our noble sacrifices. These maniacs will know this before they start their campaign for “their people” or soon will. Let’s eliminate these brainless, genocidal machines justly making them pay for their bloody, conscriptive decisions. Those and only those who command them won’t be able to trust their politicians or armies or doctors or friends or family or prostitutes. Goodbye castro.. Goodbye mao, goodbye ida amin, goodbye momar, good riddance adolph and all the genocidal bastards.

14. I promise, I’ll make sure there are more cartoons. We’ll have the first cartoon news program in history maybe. Like during the viet nam war, oops! I mean police action. The hard hitting. Limp wristed reporting of the “truth”, allowed that undeclared slaughter to continue for 15 years. the reason for the war was proved to be false by documents clearly refuting that north vietnam attacked an american ship. That should have been enough to stop it. Individual integrity Daniel Elsburg at great risk provided the evidence. A president was elected who promised not to go to war. to keep the us out of vietnam. That’s why he was elected, cause they didn’t trust goldwater, not to win the war against tyranny, for individual free choice, by any means the individual minds of free men could conceive. He was too much like Ike and we all knew Ike would have turned it into a parking lot. The war once Johnson started it, (the country elected a pro peace candidate for crying out loud) is for me absolutely unforgivable. Under an individual determination of where to spend one’s taxes there could have been ten times the money over there (or none) for those poor guys on both sides, with ten times the men who were willing to fight it, from ten times the countries that knew there is only one reason to fight and that’s individual freedom, individual independence and justice for them. Not so they and their children could be mortgaged and be told what to do by a gang of paid for, acanemic, pencil necked lowboy’s, willing to legally dispose of your life for their ideals” Screw all your stinking orders in the name of the people, when they are evil, immoral, unethical or wrong, I’m a people. He’s a people; you’re just a people too! I can get that’ “obey or else”, under any fascist system of socialism or communism. Freedom? Freedom to what? To Kiss your gun? Oh yea, that’s worth fighting for all right. I sure want my kids to follow anybody with the right paperwork! I’d pay my troops with freedom of choice….without force fraud or breach of contract for the rest of their lives. I’d call it whatever I wanted to call it no matter what they called it, wherever it was. I’d promise them they wouldn’t pay any taxes or at least let them decide where it goes for the rest of their lives, if they, by hook or by crook won that war against slavery and dictatorship for freedom of the individual. They could do any thing they want to do, to any one, who didn’t think, they and their family should be free from gangster genocide. There could have been 10 times the number of ways to win it. For fighting that war the leaders of this country should never be forgiven! Amnesty? It’s the government, headed by Johnson which doesn’t deserve amnesty. The war could have been fought with an amendment like this one. If circulated and agreed on by anything approaching a majority a bloodless war would have been over or heads would have rolled. What is the real deal on not concentrating, by any means, on the heads of these genocidially maniacal machines exclusively? Not the noble way to fight a war? 58,000 American brains blown out of their skulls isn’t objectionable? 3,000,000 vietnamese dying for nothing is the American way? War is noble, but a bayonet, through an American soldier’s mouth coming out the back of his head is gross? We wouldn’t want to upset the viewers back home during dinner time believing that they are responsible for what their ax money sponsors. These cartoon news programs must report the truth, considering “we” should, be behind “our” boys in supporting “our” washington's version of “the truth”, with limited options, force, false flag operations, frauds and breach of contract for all, and with a flick of the typewriters wrist amend or breach the original constitutions intention forever! The president alone can decide to go to war. Don’t need congress anymore I guess now. Never needed to ask you!..... Those 58,000 that died and the 500,000 good men all don’t have the, the time, the stomach, or the cynicism to uncover the linguistic rape of America by the congressional bar association, like I did. Lyndon Jones town has set the tone, for the non responsibility, of those in office today. Peace with honor? Who? The dead guys don’t want the job finished here and abroad against fascism? BUUUULLLLL! The men who did come back aren’t concerned about the elimination of tyrannical genocidal maniacs that will always rear their ugly heads until all men are free to sponsor or do only things they think are right? Or the hard hitting issues discussed during all the subsequent election campaigns. Like, Vote yes for issue no! Vote for truth and justice. Our truth, our justice a or b. It says nothing about your highest and best judgment, or force, fraud and breach of americans constitution so we, your coercive paper rulers can hold any kind of puppet elections we want. With two pro force candidates run in the name of self government. Yaaaa right! You think you’re a lawyer or what? I don’t think c will be allowed. For c, all you have to do is get 750,000 signatures to get it to the ballot and by the time you do or do not get one law on or off the books, the volumes, libraries full of claims waiting to be disputed, we will have made a lot more. There are every year an additional 125,000 new laws on the books in the name of freedom. Laws for freedom! Vote yes for issue no! Vote no for proposition c guaranteeing yes for everyone! We will not talk about d, because it would take away from our bla bla bla. And the moral of the country bla bla bla presenting the news, as the media awards panel dictates, and the people are inherently not qualified to make their own decisions. I want a trophy for pretending I’m helpful. My Q rating (a measure of visceral pleasantness which all media personalities are rated by) would be in jeopardy. I want an award for my pretentious, platitudinous lip service so my girl will think I’m more important than “ordinary” hard working stiffs. I like cartoons. All the people do if they know what’s good for them. Ask not what you can do for your neighbors but what you can do for your lawyer congressman, I mean country. Help your superiors, force unarmed civilians to tow the party line. Let’s spread this pain around they elected us to lead, to govern! All the people should like cartoons, if they know what’s good for them. I’ll even have cartoon anchor persons and if they don’t report “our” I mean the truth, I’ll revoke their federal communication licenses. After all the airways are “for the people”. The real people not the non people or the un-people.

What eventually happened to Vietnam is they didn’t fall like communist dominos. In Vietnam, instead of joining china, Vietnam beat the Chinese back to their own border when invaded and then after a long time had to invade Cambodia to kill the kamere rouge party, for killing half of the male population, of their own country, killing fields they call it, and rouge in French means blood). mao was proud of the camere-rouge regime and Vietnam cleared em out of Cambodia! Then left again, back home, where they are now......................... presidential lawyer Lindumb jonestown!............ maybe all the centers for higher learning like harvard, at that time could have said something to lyndon........ or maybe they, just didn’t have a clue....................................... or of course,...............Their government grant sucking...... tenured, union goon college professors, were teaching their students to be stupid, .............................but very well connected which is the most important thing.

Conversation, in a back room, somewhere in Washington, where Mr. adams was finishing an address: “I thought we got rid of those individuals in the last campaign declaring the people supreme. How do they expect to be governed if each one expects to do what his best judgment dictates? Why that would be anarchy without lawyers, wouldn’t it? Yea, just like the first 150 years and we cant have that. Hell, before lawyer president lincoln, we couldn’t even kill our own citizens without the genius of his draft. How could we fight our wars without em? We could collect taxes, but what for, if it would all go to sponsor what the people who made the money thought was important, And think what that would do to the rest of our nipple fed socialist buddyocracies around the world! I couldn’t think of a less sophisticated use of their, I mean our money, (he’s got me going) with that my money, my life, my judgment, my choice, my wife, my kids. The me, me, me generation. They should think of other people instead of their greedy” “How am I going to meet the payroll this month, what are my kids going to eat, doctor bills, tax bills, lawyer bills, bank payments, parking tickets, insurance bills, property taxes, utility bills. Business, business, business, is that all they think about? How offensive! Don’t they care? Oh George, you’re so helpful with other people’s lives. You’re simply and positively generous with other people’s money as you can be. You’ve accomplished what hitlers social justice pograms would loved to have done to this country. Shut up!......... The way I see it, If we could xxxx him…we would be better right? You’d really have to talk to the Russians about that. What? Nothing I didn’t say anything. Freedom without force, fraud or breach of contract. Why who ever heard of such a thing. These pesky individuals certainly are confusing with all their talk about highest and best judgment and productive results and all that. Why it’s preposterous. How could they ever do without us? They need us to lead them and govern and tell them what to do, who to hire them, where and why to work. Without us they may not even have a reason to work. Why, If it weren’t for us, letting them in the first place, they wouldn’t even have their little lives to complain with. True George, too, too true, Why don’t’ you get his holiness no not that one you idiot, the new one, the one I, I mean we, elected to represent the god of us against them and get the head of the university and some of our boys on the business panel and find out if this guy knows what he’s talking about. Have someone find out if he knows what he’s talking about and if he upsets the boat have him xxxx. I certainly don’t want to hear any more, I’m sure it’s not good for the children to think they could do anything they wanted to do if they don’t give up. Who could we tell what to do without the force of our law? Naaaa the new laws not the old ones bone head. That would never do, he must be silenced. Wait! There he is again.

It will be said I am a subversive of some nature. Why? Because I have surgically itemized the effects, self unionized judges and lawyers who took over all the government houses designed for checks and balances and now claim it for the almighty AMERICAN BAR UNION who appraise themselves superior and mandate in the name of “the people” by the force of law, to have privileges that exceed my own for themselves and anyone willing to take part in the loot. That’s an enforced class system, the intent of which, is anathema, to the original concept of equality under the law. Equality and justice for them and their stupid multiple choice elections where they run one of their brotherhood against another brother with all other unions clamoring their way to the public trough where pain, tears, misery, and slavery are somehow magically transformed into high sounding mana for the privileged classes.

“That does it! That arrogant, self righteous freak!!!!! Free speech? Christ! If we let him go on he will upset the people so much that they may think that they can take their lives, I mean the law, into their own hands. Well they can, can’t they George? They made the constitution, I suppose that they can make the laws. no? NO! I won’t hear any more of this ethical and moral judgment, individual responsibility, no force, no fraud, no breach of contract garbage. I’m tired of him and I’m tired of him just making people upset. They don’t want to hear it either, that I’m sure. They don’t have time to think anymore anyway! They don’t have time, with the debt we got them, I mean they got! Doesn’t he know, we will never allow, their little, unorganized, stinking individuals to be free! Ever!!!!!!!!! Have you ever heard of such a thing, in your life? He’s got you upset now George. If didn’t know better I’d say he’s got you going. Wait a minute, I hear him again. Silence”!

They will say, I am, or have, in some way, broken our laws. I have broken none of your laws and more importantly none of my own. No one alive will say I lied, cheated or stole from them or hurt anyone, nor have I taken one penny from uncle brain dead sam. No man alive will say I didn’t fulfill all my contracts. No one in or outside this world will accuse me of violating my integrity, (sometimes I did bad to myself) and being other than a good, productive, entrepreneurial citizen. It will be said that I am sponsoring hate groups. I don’t recognize any legitimate group besides the individuals. As far as lawyers, through congress, or the other way around, enforcing equality because of their inherent belief in the inferiority of various groups or should I say “hierarchy at the public trough”. That’s bigotry. Yes, I certainly do and although it is completely out of my productive nature to hate, I am reviled because of the misguidance which the values of the non productive and counter productive extol. We are all and only individuals. If there ever was a minority, it’s the individuals. We’re abused by every other group’s bigots. Totally and willfully unrepresented in (gov’t by guns). I don’t feel there are any inherent inferiority’s in groups because I am an individual only and the best people came from every groups. Those people who pretend to speak “for the people” represent no one but their own ugly, unearned claims, no matter the pretentious, self serving, pretty sounding “reasons” to get their guns out while urging others to sign here for some expanded rights over others. These people who will pretend that I am sponsoring hate groups are themselves, guilty sponsorors of hate, superiority and inferiority without content, groups.

“Listen to this guy! Who does he think he is? Gonga din? If we let him go on maybe he’ll inform individuals, I mean the people (he’s got me doing it!) that they can contract the downfall of their enemy’s and their families even from the grave. I hate those scabs, Although it is true. No one should be allowed to think it, Right? Wait a minute! What the hell does downfall even from the grave crap mean? Look it up. Sure geor. Look it up! What George? Silence? No you bone head. Downfall, even from the grave crap mean? Sure George, I'll look it up for ya. Sure will George, look it up. Here it is George, I got it, I got it right here George. Ya don’t have to get mad, let’s see. Oh here we go Downfall, downfall, let me see… dippy, douche, dredge, dope, dweeb, here it is” downfall. A falling from a higher to a lower level (as of quality or character), or a sudden loss of wealth or rank, a fall of rain, especially a heavy or unexpected one. Well, I don’t think we can put him away for that, but check into it anyway. I’m tired of messing with this guy! xxxx him! No George not me this time. Get someone else to do it. If there is a heaven or hell a guy like that might come after me and mine for eternity. Maybe a guy like that could somehow turn into the wind, and every time there was a storm I wouldn’t be able to get that individual stuff out of my head. Are you completely nuts?! Don’t be ridiculous you moron! I don’t like the sound of this guy though. Something’s wrong here, Something’s very, wrong, Its just not right! Christ, maybe he wouldn’t find a distinction between me and the things I love, like we don’t let him distinguish the difference between the things he loves and we love, HE LOVES ONLY HIMSELF. It’s guys like him who make me realize why gorby, and mao have to do the things they did, I mean the system has to do. You know George, I don’t want to do it. You get rid of him, he’s creepy! Ahhhh xxx xxx! He’s just one more individual punk we “the people” own him. What if he holds us responsible for the chains, misery and pointless suffering, we have lashed on all the productive individuals throughout history????? Maybe, when we gave an order, they wouldn’t do it, just because it was wrong. These pesky individuals! They are more problem than they are worth. We will certainly have to do something about this one. What would we do if he looked us straight in the eyes and told us to just get out of the way and let the really compassionate productive individuals fix what we have bungled, like that john galt guy said in ann rands atlas shrugged, or that Francisco d’anaconia guy said when they didn’t get out of the way. YOU ASKED FOR IT BROTHER. Don’t be ridiculous! john kenneth gal=breath from the “right”university disproved that Ann Rand stuff a long time ago. I knew he would. You sure know what your doing George. I’ll say that much for you. Listen, I don’t care what you do just get rid of him. I don’t trust him not to keep his word and if he finds out what we know were finished. I heard he built 93% his house by himself, alone, manually. A manual labor jerk huh? Well he might be competent and a hard worker but I assure you he doesn’t know what’s good for him if you know what I mean. Sure George, I know what you mean. We all know what you mean now. What? Nothing. I understand ya. I do George. I’m with you all the way. But it’s just that I heard he plays the guitar and the flute, flunked 3rd grade, has a pilots license and he took drawing on the right side of the brain by Betty Edwards, a book for non artists, and he spent a million dollars a year for 10 years in the contracting business before he fired the federally guaranteed communist union goons and their mafia gov't hoods.. He said he wasn’t their suit and tied gang bangers slave or anybody else’s …Come what may… And he plays sports, has a real estate license in Colorado, gradated high school with a 1.6 grade average even though he was on the honor role in college when he worked real hard. A guy like that just can’t be trusted not to keep his solemn and eternal oath. It’s like it’s the most important thing he’s got or something. He may not be “smart” enough to know better! That’s a fact! Stop thinking! Shut up you intellectual slop bucket! Big deal! Think about it. Who cares. There so sick of this politics stuff, they’ll turn him off before page 3. Who cares? Were the ruling class aren’t we? If he flunked 3rd grade we’ll discredit him after he’s gone. We’ve got control of all the money don’t we? Right? I mean you haven’t heard anything have you? No George! I wouldn’t listen anyway, you know that! We own all the businesses right, hell we make em rent their own houses from themselves for “services for our people’’ so just shut up and take care of him before he gets people believing in themselves instead of ”the right legal gang experiment” authority. If they ever thought that this highest and best judgment stuff was right then they would question every penny we extracted for every little one of our noble and rightious expenses. I didn’t do nothing George. I didn’t say nothing. I just was going to say he doesn’t have a mortgage on his house and I heard he would burn it to the ground before he would support governmental domestic terrorist looters cannibalizing the money we steal, I mean appropriate from barnys appropriations committee. I mean, help other people with. Can you believe that? That’s what I heard George, Yup. That’s what I heard he said. Can ya figure George, can ya figure a guy like that? Principles?! ….Principles mean nothing to the starving man! We’ll just keep them poor, hungry and busy and they won’t have time to deal with these principles stuff. I want him taken care of now! Today! Just because he’s been a big help in terms of employment and helping and talking like everybody can do things and stuff. If he gets our people, not to hate the productive rich, were out the door jack, I mean were gone. Were talking downpour! They’ll never let us manage the programs when they know that we are the ones the programs are designed to help and not the SHUT UP, FOR THE LAST TIME SHUT UP!!!!!. Listen! Take care of him today! Today! No, you take care of him. If there is a heaven and hell, or even if there isn’t, I wouldn’t want him or his kind after me and mine. Ever, let alone forever! I don’t want any part in it! Hell, you know as well as I do we’re all just a phone call away................... Wait a minute. Maybe were getting ahead of ourselves. Maybe…… were jumping to conclusions. Maybe, but, that contracting from the grave gives me the willies or i think should. Enough talk of this insignificant miscreant. XXX him! We’ll do it for the people. Our people. Get the cia or atf to do it, there back from iran now. Make the call. Whoever does it, doesn’t have to know who he is, or wasn’t I mean, ever. Make it look like an accident, but do it. He’ll never know what hit him. Hey! Ya got to admit. We do it, for the people, every day!...........................................................................

In “America” a country started to protect the single, unorganized individual from a myriad of gun and club wielding gangs, (political, religious, ethnic, state, federal, local, kings, imams, voodoo princesses. Heavily armed palm readers, gang bangers et. all) the individual is totally unrepresented…….He’s nothing but a stinking SCAB! Only gangs, clubs, brotherhoods, non individuals are important. Take a look at the paper. Groups, fighting groups, fighting groups. For what? For money, prestige and power which is not theirs. They are thieves, liar’s, murderers, drunk with groundless self infatuation, self appraised morally superior cannibals fighting to consume the time, energy and money and dreams of those whom they would financially or otherwise enslave. OR ELSE! Cannibalism at its finest. Humaniviors, Charity practiced with the blood sweat and tears of others. Misery created for their own bloody sick nazi-like agenda’s. All with historically pretty “sounding” legal reasons.

I’m asking each one of you, to catapult yourself, to the last day of your life, the last minute, your inevitable last breath.... Would you then sign the individual’s declaration to be able to act morally and ethically provided they didn’t use force, fraud or breach of contract? Would you then wish to set all men free, by allowing them to sponsor, from the menu of gov’t services only those things each one knows to be good? And not one penny to anywhere you don’t want it to go!? .........or.............................. brain dead not?

The end

Post Script: 2010 update

The American system really worked. I had a grievance and petitioned to redress the problem with this amendment and sent it to them all. The people who call themselves, my leaders. my congress. My Congressman though, (the head of the ethics committee) penned that he ‘’would’’ see me, but I didn’t go........I should have asked for his help instead of hoping he’d do it. I now think he would have helped me sponsor this amendment in some form, if I had made the effort to ask. If scabs like me don’t stand up, what can he do? I don’t neeeed people for help though.... I pay people gladly and thank them gratefully or do it myself and to hell with them. I should have taken my bad, stupid, dumb, mad, cause my girlfriend dumped me, attitude and put it right where it belonged. On me, for going most the way and not being able to see straight enough to move forward and get it done, just for me, would have been fine. my congressman I’m proud of. Whenever he talked on TV I was proud of him too. Very courageous and lovely man. I am stupid and dumb but not a criminal. I was granted a concealed weapons permit some 10 years after I copyrighted this book and sent it to them all, in ohio which, I, and you, should consider proof that I am not a criminal, or hurt people or threaten them or have any criminal record or vote for criminals to steal and kill for me. I didn’t publish this book on the web then; cause I didn’t want a (tim micvay, (close but no cigar) type), using anything in this book to hurt anybody ever. he really didn’t like his government using his bradly tank against his own countryman and flipped right flat fucking out! I think he didn’t like it when his government killed those 76 men women and burning children in waco texas predicted by senator byrd just a few days before and I don’t think he liked it when they killed randy weavers wife and kids at ruby ridge. Cover up and all that shit. I had that time magazine picture of him up at my place for 7 years looking straight into the eyes of america and, unappologitaclly, saying no. Not here tyrants! Not ever again! He took an oath to protect his countryman, not kill em. Not in his country they don’t. course, people would take my picture of him down but id put it up again, cause I wasn’t sure what should be done. and real men do what they think is right and good, no matter. Hell I like the atf. they caught the kadaffi heroined out freak and his blowing up the plane over lockerby and them fucking rag head muslim nazis bastards first world trade center bombing. In americas violent functions, acronyms, most all of those guys are good, healthy , strong, tough guys trying to do good and be right. I’m proud of them. The spooks call em angles I think. the others are cowboys, tyrants and philbys and can go fuck themselves. cowboys or philbys spies that are doing bad in goods name and the good guys don’t like them fuckers for a FACT.!. anyway ......they caught that kadaffideathasshole by sifting through the rubble of the explosion with microscopes. God I love em for that. when tyrants, cowboys, philbys, are exposed for the pieces of shit they are. Pieces of human shit. Me and tims and the atf and the other acronims is alllllllllllllll like that! I’m sure now of the way to go to try to get rid of all the tyrants in the pages of this book without hurting anybody as I never have. I’m productive and voluntary. That should say it all.

once the capital is surrounded by 5 to 20 million scabs a mile in all directions the union communists (the government workers, the people you see in other countries burning the buildings and beating people up!?.(its ok if you say it now or soon will be the fashion.............. communist unions.) out of government and schools. off the tv, and all the lawyers and their lawyers, come out with their hands up; (so they may be retrained to protect the individual against gang banging tyrants), then america will get back to being a friend to the little guy, not the little people who want a check from some other guy, given to him buy another guy, who gets it from another guy, then you, but the really little guy they all want the check from. The union guys will still be worth way more than me, but just a little less,......... so take it easy too, You can still strike but us scabs call it quitting and scabs ruled their own lives in America once, and will rule again. This I have foreseen!

My hope is someone will post this book in the web library of Alexandria so neros net neutrality wont burn down what one lone scab thinks about anything he wants. Put the few things that are salvageable of this document in an internet money making worldwide individual freedom from their own gov’ts tyrannies and make a fortune in freedom treasuries, money, and save the world. You don’t have to subscribe to the beliefs in this book or any of them to ask your congressman what they think about this book. I think you’ll find that you will get an automated response thanking you for your support, ...... like I got with everyone, except that nice, congressman of mine.

Cyber citizenship in the first completely non violent country where nobody steals or uses government violence against each other... passports that are accepted around the world because we aren’t criminals. no criminals allowed. multi level marketing so the person that sells the most freedom signatures on amendment or anything gets the most. Send this to whoever you want. Change it anyway you want but leave the part in where nobody is to hurt anybody ever and don’t capitalize the a in america until sanity is restored to the small guy who just wants to have a simple uncomplicated hard working, nice life. . Send it to each and every legally qualified self elected official to use criminal violence and appropriate, APPROPRIATIONS AGAINST YOUR life and family and friends...... CONGRESS!...... AND THE NOT SO SECRET SOCIETY OF LEGAL BAR REVOLUTIONARYS WHO TOOK OVER THE OLD AMERICA AND REVOLUTIONIZED FREEDOM FOR unionized GANGBANGING mafia inspired COMMUNISTFASCISTNAZISOCIALIST distributionists of your fucking life..........They may remember the book from 1992?`QZ. Same guys and gals, and perverts, though a few of em changed parties. surprise!.... Surprised their not in jail for lying. I sent it to them all. I wanted to tell them who they were and now I want to send it to who they still are worse: suit and tied appropriations nipple transfer clerks. Politburo thugs with some good looking pussy at home probably . HONERABLEESTEEMEDCOLEGUESGOODFRIENDHIGHLYRESPECTED SHIIIIIIIIITS . THE RIGHT PEOPLE WHO ARE QUALIFIED AND CERTIFIED BREAKERS’’ of the human OR SCAB principles of no force, fraud or breach of contract for any of the ‘right reasonsssssssssssssssss’’. Gangsters. Hoods! Well dressed, soft spoken, high q rated, fraternal brother college government goons from the ‘right schools’’ CRISSCROSSING BETWEEN BUSINESS AND GOVERNMENT and law firm and paulson and goldman gets a cut on each and every treasury of the united states of america! how’s that for patriotism, and greenbernanking and friends and nobel prize long term capatals times 2000 and the universities of higher than yours education. Your moral and intellectual superiors based on scientific studies which have been cooberated by independent double blind tests to have conclusively proven themselves legal and qualified to granting your stuff to somebody else. Harvard, the nations most prestigious and progressive center for higher learning got 500 million each and every year for 20 years, 20 years ago when a half a billion was huge!!!!!!!! from the unconsulted scab tax payersme. That’s what I call a union ya know, getting doe at the end of the governments gun progressives? You want to give em your money? Go right ahead. I aint given em shit!.

I am the 1992 copyrighted author of this book in the library of congress. The book is entitled; The Complete Book of Constitutional Amendments: thought of by me, as individual vs. ‘’the peoples’’.


My mother described herself as a spaghetti christian. She loved to go to church for the enjoyment of the food and friends and family and clinking of knives and forks and glasses and the kids giggling around, clean, dressed up and respectful people, good chance no perverts...... oh yes she definatly liked to go to church..........When she (slept at a friends house) was just a little child of 7 or 8 she was made to write down an oath and with all the other parishners standing around her on top of a mountain in Tennessee, to then burn that written covenant and oath which, if she breaks, her eternal soul will burn in the hellfire’s of eternity. she wrote it and held it up in the wind and knew for certain that if she violated that oath, (she wasn’t quite sure what it meant actually), but she would die millions of times by burning with her eyes being gouged out and much my methodist minister Grandfather would all go to church where he’d be giving his sermon and when it came to the, let us all bow our heads and prey, part.’....... she never could..... she didn’t understand why she felt that way at first, but she did!. and she couldn’t, wouldn’t and didn’t!........ she thought that they wanted her to bow down to whatever anybody said next I guess. My Grandfather was the kind of minister that didn’t mean it that way. He just meant that she should close her eyes, take a deep breath, then relax, smile and bow her head down and think of all the things she loved in this wonderful world of hers. her loves. her treasures of love,... not yours priest!........ and to follow her joy which is the central tenant of all good religions.............and you know the funny part is, my Grandfather, the methodist minister from naishville tennesse never made her, ever!, `even once bow down to something she didn’t understand too good or that frightened his church,........ and she never did bow her head, but went smiley often. He loved her so much, and she, loved him to death......they was always such real good I know my mother would tell you to follow your joy and go and enjoy life with your friends at your church, synagogue or mosque........ My advice to you is don’t walk away from your religion.... Run!

From the book: histories 100 greatest lies. and this small excerpt is from a story by burtram russel.

Who can defend teaching children,....... let alone adults,...... that there are such beings as witches and that it is our duty to kill them,...... or,.... that the entire universe was created and ruled by a tribal deity who was so shocked by the wickedness of the human race, that he himself created, that he sent a flood to drown it,... but, was persuaded to spare one family because its patriarch roasted a joint of beef to put under his nose..... Or.......... that a latter deity sent his only son to be crucified, tortured and slain to expatiate our sins. and, if you believe that: you will go to heaven!,... no matter what sins you may have committed. And if you do not; then you will be damned everlastingly!!!!!!!!,............... no matter how virtuously you may have lived.

The cmj’s. the christianmoslumsjews Why in gods name do they claim to be any different from each other or the things they hate????????????... they all come from the same no proof yet! dark ages mythstory. It is there’s to prove! Not yours to disprove!........... They all think that only them is going to heaven, the other groups of course going to hell, along with devil infidels to be purified by the fires of hell so lets all hold hands and celebrate another religious holiday and remember the righteous victory over the other cmjs, that day commemorates, or some historical suffering of death we can teach the children to avenge. and 2. if ya marry one of em and you don’t convert? .........they have an actual fucking funeral for your eternal soul. There are no cmj children!.....they are allll just defenseless children......... before they’re made to bow down back and forth chanting vicorly edictor script to some guy with a stick standing over them playing spooky dress up. Bow before the almighty and submit to his word! Bow down, before the glory that is the real and only true god! Shut up you medieval freaks!. I don’t call for anybody to bow or hurt anybody or any group is better than anybody!!!!!!!!. your cmj religions alllll are political in nature so you can purify, (I call it infect, confiscate and scarify your poor kids) and cleans the society your in and carry out his will on earth. fuck you and your bloody history of the cmj warssssssss, conscription and millions and millions of hacked and killed and your still parading around with your heads up your historically murderous and stealing asses.... your freaks and your the greatest union of all. Wherever the cmj freaks are and their temples, mosques or cathedrals of no real-estate taxes, govt money, assessments from you to them! power! No production! govt money for major utility improvements and worshiping your expensive gold idols on prime corner pieces of property that will give you the word on candidates that are following the real word of god to tame the wilderness and subdue unholy infidels, nonbelievers of the one and only true faith. You got to be kidding man. Defiantly go fuck yourselves. The way I see it... theys all just bloody, take your money, beat ya over the head with it and go kill the other group, then dress up and pretend that the new american fucks are the same as the good old americans and the new cmjs are just imitations of a bunch of crazies when nobody knew any better how its all turned out. Or the 10 to 20 thousand new cathlicks lawyers who graduate every single year and the fag lawyers and the 50000 or whatever jewish lawyers every year fighting to give somebody else’s money away and feel so smarmy good and superior that your helping the suffering with somebody else’s shiiit! And to assure them, they are victims like you........ shut. the. fuck. up!........ 55 fucking million people died in ww2 as a result of the dead jews not wanting to kill two nazi soldiers each and 90% of ya are the commie kibbutz democunt nazis yourself, and every year you parade around showing your own suffering and incredably don’t thank the other 40 million people that died, (and their unborn kids for eternity) for you, trying to make germany into another kibbutz like you’ve done to my america!!!!!!!. . democratcommunists can go fuck yourself. and of course go fuck your $1,896,000.00 dollars to Israel per day, every fucking day of my life and im 62. 30 billion in military (wonder why some people don’t like us)? huh?! or the 30 billion in humanitarian commitment every 10 years for the last 62 years. 60 billion dollars each and every 10 year period. And your new twist on your religious tenant of helping the disadvantaged is to do it with other peoples money!......... I want you............, to go fuck yourselves with that Idea! I aint paying you shit!!!!!. and the 10,000 dyke lawyers every year law graduates and now the rag head lawyers hearing the word of alla and his calling to fuck each and every one of your freak lawyers with axes to grind. Your criminals. That’s all! and the union lawyers and the lawyers lawyers. When i'm dictator of the world all your cmj donations in Americca will help pay for your groups, terror on earth, and the tax payers back for what you confiscate in your stealing gods name, with your guns, guts and glory... I wish there was a god! then he could come and apologize before me for every single one of the murders done in his holy fuckin names. How could god do without any of you speaking for him. I mean, if your in one of them groups, when you go to your church masque, synagogue what do you do? sign a pledge that you agree to each and every single killings and stealing of your blood bath history? oh how proud and righteous you all must be. ill definatley charge the catholics. god I hope they got some money left. I know the arch diocese of los Angeles paid one billion dollars for the pervert priests just there.. Ill have to check just how many religious wars and laws and programs and crucifixions and beheadings and tortures and bombings and witch burnings and of course the rape murder and plunder that has always inspired the righteous, faithful armies of the real and only one true gods. I mean, there was a couple of priests who were on TV who were incensed that people exactly like me would impune their dark ages bloody stupid matrix! SACRALIDGE! He said that only 3 percent of the priests were ever bad. (fucked the kids in the ass i guess.) only 3 percent. When you go to a restaurant and only 3 percent of the waiters fuck you in the ass is that a good thing? they just didn’t get it. fucking crazy. Yea I love my country for sure but who the fuck are you? In my country there is a separation from church and state and isrial and scabs like me know fuck head matrix unions like you got no business in government. plain and simple like that. u aint no better than infidel scab monkeys like me though you think you are.

If out of respect or fear your not completly comfortable openly ridiculing them like I am,(when they jump on me anyway) at least tell them the story of my mom so they may see themselves as human beings again............................... them...... they have ruined the world again!

filthy aberration murderingmuslumbinladin said you was fucking crusaders. What they know, that you don’t, is that when they think of crusaders, they think of the foreign christian army of gods invaders, the noble knights, that stole the gold, raped the women and left their sons and daughters to rot in maggot infested piles on the bloody and now sacred holy ground.................. You are fucking crusaders and you have invited this plague onto the shores of a once, mind your own business stick up for the little guy nation. and that throat slitting confiscation thug stealing for his people in venesuala that called bush and the us government a bunch of mafia hoods?................. You are mafia hoods just like him. Be proud!!!! your A STRONG MAN Gangster LIKE HIM AND ben slobin. Drop the hoaks pretense, affectation and cloak. Your one of them! Thugs in clothes playing dress up with money you have confiscated, while most people in their country and most people in my country don’t have time for anything other than working. oops. I forgot your stupid. Making something I mean . When I say work, I mean make something others aren’t forced to buy. So before you pop a vessel because of my unholy and devil sacrilege and call your deadly Fatah or worse for me, being quibbled to death, by your acljew, anti defamation league lawyer priests, always remember this. Its you that you hate. All the cmjs are the same. When i’m world dictator I will let you sponsor anything you want no ffbc! and live without me, telling you what to do for the rest of your lives which is more than you have ever done for me. Around me though your all just BLOODY FREAKS OF NATURE ..... that say they didn’t come from nature and then incredibly, you piss and shit, on anyone that tells you your good holy sacred ground books, may not mean exactly what the dress up in a sheet Looney down the road says it means. You people have got to be kidding me! Your threats and violence and conscription and child abuse have worked well throughout history.................................. Welcome to the 21th century.

Stand up for yourselves scabs!,........................... dumb monkeys,..... and filthy, unclean, unholy, infidel, unsanctified, uneducated and ignorant, sacrilegious, devil scab monkeys like me. The whole world is waiting for the real little guy to make his appearance again. If not you, what chance do they have? They make what money they can without getting it stole from them by the next gang that takes their stuff for the most holy or mandated by the majority and hold a parade for themselves in their honor with your money. Give them some hope because free to choose, is what the american dollar and americans..... used to stand for. The little guy, who shouldn’t have to pay for your crazy shit, neo nazi progressivesfascistsocialistcommuniststheocraticsshits that are there now.. what’s the fucking difference between any of ya? Crazy violent union claims on the sons and daughters of people you don’t even know who gotta get or make a job, and make something or they cant survive. Fuck that aint my america.

l love my America! Small claims court for one. I sued key bank and won. Ya pay a 25 dollar, nonrefundable deposit to a clerk, to have a judge look it over and if he thinks it has some foundation he will supina for a court date against their team of lawyers and did.. suing for under 3 grand by yourself is easy. you can sue for up to 10 thousand with a little more trouble.(though your still gonna need someone nice to help you there and they are threatened with loosing their jobs by lawyers if they help. I’m so proud of that judge for standing up to a powerful organization like key bank let alone some of the horrible people hes dealt with I bet. I love him and my country for that! 2. I can say the shit I say and haven’t got killed yet. I love that not getting killed part. I do love My America. I love the Hubble space program and would definatly give my tax dollars there. To have lived in a time where men have made that telescope was a privilege, I love my america . Its mine now. I would definatly give my money to cruse missile tyrant and family disposal systems and I don’t tell no military man what to do nothing like i’m a king. Strap me on the first one like slim pickens if the other country objects to the killing of their leaders family. Here were sending you one of our own we can do without who don’t like tyrants one bit......Tell him all about it..... Id definatley pay my money to those poor kids that got duped into fighting any of the unnecessary neoconwars since ww2. They got more guts than ill ever have and they know it, I know it, its true. I love america. Its the new real americans that I cant stand.

I love America like Reagan loved america for the little guy and small government. Course the deficit did quadruple in his 8 years of him trying to shrink it. ...hard to believe the guy who said this or that and did the opposite well I enjoyed him trying to shut the government down anyway a lot, and firing them faa goonions choaking americas throat at the airport........................ . its ok though....... the new republican contract with america i’m sure is gonna work out there for the people. ... no new taxes read my lips george bush senior. president lyndon jonestone?. Daniel Ellsberg proved by great courage that the war was started by that piece of shit american lawyer president linden bains jonston of the united states of america; america said they were attacked by a vietnamese gun boat but it never happened and he proved it a year or so after he had the evidence. He said it was killing him all the time to know that his america lied and he aint told nobody for a year. then did! my man! and you know what the funniest part was? when americans..... on all the television stations and all the attorneys generals and the smartest and most respected and wealthiest and most religious and highly educated people did when they found out? ...........they did nothing!!!!!!!............. They let their kids rot! (or somebody eles kids so its ok and besides they are troops not kids and have boots on the ground so their not really people, just our rescourses),,,,, A one day news event and on to the next lie!!!!. Didn’t stop the war. Nobody got relieved of their finger on a trigger pointing at anyone their told. . They all should have been thrown in jail of course, no question. Murdering lies?..... jail! .............. god they’re good at protecting themselves from the truth and you. Daniel Ellsberg just came out in praise of wiki leaks for the courage to dump the secrets plans of you don’t know what or who, but it is your money that, you are sponsoring things you don’t know what or who?!!!!....... oooooooo.........kay...... how about not being enemies with anybody or not paying the motherfuckers anything either and getting the fuck out of their country and out of my mailboxfiscalfucking for all your gangsters shit. . . another lyndon johnston type lawyer president was bill clinton, arguably the best president china ever had. Transferred the technology and the manufacturing base of a free people to communist operatives. For nothing! I think it was a sophisticated computer or something like that started the ball rolling. Hey, maybe they could adapt the technology into carrier killing indefensible cruse missiles like they did develope just for the americans and it is not chinas policy, to reveal sales of any military hardware. Thanks bill you really do care and are a great american president in the eyes of the people you payed with someone elses money. don’t tell me. Let me guess? Does the 43 million of my neighbors on food stamps without a job for your china and them waiting for you! to get them a job or get some more money for them from somebody, somewhere they don’t care who or how, ring a bell? Oh thank you bill for helping me believe its your job not mine to get me a job so ill just wait here till you get me a job then. call me! and if you mistake the chinese government for the individual Chinese always remember this. the japs killed 500,000 Chinese looking for Doolittle’s raiders that pounded the snot out of tokyo and ditched their planes in china. The Chinese told the japs to go fuck themselves and never told em!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My people! coupled with bond sales at a tough time in the future with your money, that you think is in your banks and not in the hands of your superiors in both fiscal matters of importance and geopolitical considerations that all really educated people both here and abroad in the best universities and govt and private sector, which, all have been consulted and cooberated to be legal and very difficult to understand and now needs a lawyers retranslation, In light, of the new laws that were just passed!. And the definition of is, isssss? Oh yea, and I remember when he started his war and sent some of his expendable little people to kill other expendable little people who had guns to their families heads by their government,......... he said I am the president of all americans and its my decisions to send the troops wherever I decide. Not theirs. They will do what I tell them to do as your commander in chief. You remember that day? I was watching you real close on TV. Thought you was lyndumb johnson by the look in your eye for a second and will never forget it. Your definatly another fed dick with a high q rating for sure. I remember thinkin to myself. fuck that cocksucking commie shit nazi bastard thinking he can strip every man of his dignity in the god damn united states of america and the honor of a once peaceful!, mind their own business nation. Oh hell no bill hell no! It will all come back to you some day bill your fuck up war with bungloudin. yea it is your responsibility but not in the way you thoughtulated. when i’m dictator of the world i’m gonna see if shitholeMOSLUMbungladin will trade the guy they got captured who is there cause of clinton or guys like him for you!!! bill clinton. Hell, Ill throw in the 2 saudi oil bush ministers to read my lips bush republicans, then ill ask ya after a while. what do you think about your power over people now mr. not president. is it cigar fun like before? Bet you don’t parade around like you was the cock of the walk when you told me on TV you were everybody’s president and its your decision what to do with me what you decide. people like Yous who i’m talking about lying lyndon lawyer clintin. bet you shit your pants when he wips out his dick and you sucking it and not that poor kid whos over there now. you’ll know if I am electated to be dictator of the world its my right to tell you what to do and you are there because of your jewishchristiancommunistkabutsocialismcoalition campaign contributors. you know the isralies who just gave china another top secret technology that america is pissed at them cause of its tech edge to kill americans? your isrial not mine. If theys in america they should be more like americans, not stealing atomic bomb plans...... and teaching the blacks and women and fags and dykes how they have suffered at the hands of rotten fucking (non-jewish) white people, cause of your holy duty to take other peoples shit you don’t know and give it to others you don’t know who, besides some of your friends and pretend your so much better. clearly? We white people, (if you must!) have a long and honored tradition of telling other white people to go fuck themselves. wez all just people anyway and they all can go fuck themselves when their wrong. ....Think about it from an infidal scab monkeys like mez perspective bill. maybe Id like to help some things that was important to me with my own money and maybe I don’t like you taking my money and depriving me of my own humanity and ability to help what I thought was important, let alone count me in on your violence and telling people I sent ya and behind you all the way!. I say hell no!! noo!. I don’t tell you what to do. Now all my jewish Friends are going to be mad at me but I talk to them any way I want, like anybody else. I do not like being told by them, through government what to do. Get a gun and do it like a normal criminal. (jewish people I like) the most in fact. their current and funny scholarship banking and trade are the values that advanced themselves where ever they went. all voluntary activities that have made the world better wherever they went. I promise I like 99.9%of the ones I know.. I also have beautiful iranian friends, so nice to me, and I talk just like I talk any way I want and we both started talking any way we want and I swear to god he, new it all too, but we talked about other nice things. He said about his country what I said about my country exactly. they were so healthy and sweet and loved their baby so much and he was particularly bright eyed handsome, strong brave man and so kind and I liked them all so much and when I think of those poor innocent sweet people getting bombed by their own government and mine??????? I think of shit lawyer priests!!!!!!!!!........What in little (g) gods name is wrong with this world ever since king fucking tut? ........oh yea, now I remember , ........ so all you tyrants step aside!.......... You aint bill clinton the ruler of the world with other peoples money and good name..... When I get to be the diktater of the world like you and your people bill i’m gonna make the trade with porkladin. Leave us the fuck alone and ill give you bill clinton cause i’m the fucking ruler of the world huh bill? you gave an unimaginable technological fortune, the treasure of 250 years of a free peoples minds and loves, away, for free, to communist government operatives and stripped this country of its manufacturing base. We don’t need a manufacturing base we have knowledge based products, not like before you give it away bill. We have banking products and only need greater educated bankers who understand derivatives and betting the lives and families hopes and dreams and morality........That Don’t pay you nothing for it!........ Hell in Australia ubank right now! pays 5.86% interest and here, your lucky if its there.............. Here they give your sweat and worry to your educated bankers,......... all the big corporations have financed themselves for 30 years, 30 years, 30 years at 2% interest that was given to them as a result of political contributions to the real people, in my governments eyes. plus 1.3 trillion extra on a 14 trillion pack of lies if your counting on me! ......... for your millionaire bank executives fuck ups, to dress up and pretend to be of any value at all. And to expand our gross domestic product so that the miracle of more contributions to campaign hacks like you, or should I say piniocco brain dead govt operative payout symphony conductors, to who you think of as the realpeopleamericans, your stinking campaign contributors, with peoples money and kids and dreams of theirs, my friends, that you don’t even know. Oh yea I remember when you said it for sure bill. You were my president you said bill. and it was your responsibility to tell me what the fuck to do with my god damn anything you decide. Tell it to muslim mass murder fuckingassslamingmusladin!.......

.........and it will go on, and on, and on forever!....., till You stand up and petition for your right to decide which programs to sponsor and which programs make ya puke............ clintons no worse than the rest. better than some actually,..... by far!!!!!!!!!..... didn’t fuck up the country completely, like the bushpublicans. they make me puke when I hear em blaming oboma for the deficit! osama obama just went on to extend the Diseased Feds Dicks up your canals a lot more than they did....... alot further!..... surprise!............. The republicans, as was their solem, voluntary oath to protect people from foriegn and out of their individual minds.....banksters.............. and even to defend nobody shits like me, could have burned themselves like that Buddhist monk did in vietnam in the 70”s in the middle of the road, on a beautiful day, for the people he was representing. So don’t give me no shit you couldn’t have done something since I been alive. I seen all of ya and I seen enough. course, What’s any of em supposed to do with the mess they inherited???????? .But still they have all been dangerously stupid, lawyer politburo operatives who don’t know shit about business, don’t know fuck about freedom!, don’t know nothin bout dreams powered by sweat and blood which I find particularly unrepresentative, and never had to live within a budget that didn’t increase thanks to your shit. Never made nothing somebody wasn’t forced to buy! For me, For sure, that’s one sad motherfucking excuse for freedom and independence, for A once free and sovereign people, represented by a constitutional republic of america with limited government .

The most prosperous country selected by education, average income, life expectancy medical services is Norway for the last 4 years. one of the questions they ask is do you feel your fellow countryman treat you fairly and are honest. in Norway, its like 96 percent say yes their countryman aren’t liars and many other countries the figures are very high . in america its 36 percent of americans thinks their fellow countryman are honest. my guess is the people who said their fellow men were honest were either afraid to answer the question truthfully for fear of reprisal....... or were themselves liars of monumental, on the government dole, Stature....... an Australian told me that if the banksters in america did that in Australia there’d be a lot of bankers and the congressional thieves that sold your kids to the banksters in jail. He was very serious!.................... He said that austrailians would rather eat their dogs before they would miss a mortgage payment. nothing subprime about that. He told me a joke after I stopped laughing. he said; what’s the difference between american propaganda and russian propaganda? ‘The punch line? Americans believe it!


Approximately 30,000,000 people surrounded the whitehousecongressfederalreservesupremecourt buildings today. the throng and swirling mass of peaceful demonstrators was more than 6 miles thick in all direction demanding the right to self control their own tax dollars for the things they love about their country and not one penny to go to support anything that they; as individuals, abhor as evil, monstrous, horrific, viliouniuos, shams, against a once civilized, free and sovereign people!!!. The mobs composition was difficult to determine. many nonunion but also many union members. lot of white people but a substantial number of blacks. many christian moslems and jews also expressed their own deep feelings for their responsibility to do good works, not bad with their own money. . lesbians, fags and old people were there in great numbers to express their love for their freedoms to choose! Not any of you telling them what to do! the right thing scabs and don’t hurt anybody signs were everywhere........The White house press secretary...... . .after consulting with the military and their unwillingness to open fire on the unlawful demonstration it was reported on cnn that the attorney general for the united states American government said: and I quote. ..........................Were coming out with our legal typewriters and our hands up and out of your pockets and life and families lives and other countries lives. We were wrong........ Were sorry to have pretended that the law. (no lying , cheatin and killing and forcing, and threatening and hurting) was ours to pervert. We don’t make the law. Human law, scab law, individual law, international law is no force, no fraud, or breach of contract by you or by us. We get it now. Again, the united states lawyers union apologizes sincerely to each and every one of the separate branches of government designed to balance and Check................. the power of government, over you. And to you, who we thought, were insignificant, if we thought of you at all, We are sorry to have Forced YOU to participate in our immoral, illegal, and reprehensible..presidential lawyer lindon, I will hate him till i’m dead, bains, mind numbing, skull fucking, filthy motherfuckin american lawyer johnson’s....................................................................... , ponzi schems sorry.!

Any contract you ever made with a gun to your head is not a voluntary contract therefore null and void, therefore unenforceable in theory! LOL

i’m only going to pay 10% and 1% to china for getting bernanked and that’s all i’m going to do or none at all like the last 10 years. you decide. you should let people build up their wealth then they give it away when their out of the hole most of us start in, instead of waiting for them like vultures. heheheha!

sign the amendment. send it in to your congressman or wait for ww 3 which is a distinct possibility if you don’t find some adults who will do it for free when your paying fortunes for people who are serving their nationhohohohwhoes and sacrificing for their country and the duty they feel to slaughter your free to choosyness......they aint worth it when you can get someone better for nothing. lot of kind businessmen small guys, that had budgets they had to obey, who dream of helping For Free!!!!!!!! THEY LOVE AMERICA!. No salary because their nice old americans who want to help like crosby gardens guy. They wouldnt take a penny! and those other mobsters with their quarter million a year. Rediculious! Bet you everything I got! or had heheheheheheheheh !

Am I hopeful? yea. i’m hopeful......... I’m hopeful someone will kill me quick as possible, of course, just like in 1992, so I don’t have to listen to the officious, self delusional, gangbanging, geopolitical nazimouthpriestlawyersshit on TV! The people I talk to for my whole life mostly know it, if I ever talk about it, which I dont. usually, if I can help it,... hopefully!..., cause it makes me sick, to think, about what it was like when I was a kid and how it is now. All the old words have new definitions by smarmy well dressed smirking, oily knowledge nobility................ I was so proud of my country for helping those poor jews and stopping that nazi tyrant bastard hitler. I was so proud of the older generation and my dad for doing what they done. Those people were so tough and so kind.... So many brave American men................ Most people I talk to don’t say we this and we that........ they should and there should be a law and all that shit like americans doooo. theys just one peoples like me trying to get bye, best they can, in a mostly pretty nice world, without being fucked over by any of the different kinds of criminals out there to trap ya. They cant say what I say in the way I say it, but they all know........ alllllllllllll about it anyway..............Well?.......... i’m gonna go burn one, play my sweet, nylon stringed gweetar and disappear..... hopefully!,....... then I’m gonna go play tennis and dissolve into pure curiosity again until only the tennis ball exists. I can see the fuzz and the seams on the ball going a hundred miles an hour and see that spinning ball like it was standing still frozen in time. quark time I thunk....Its beautiful!!!!!!!!!.......................................hope yours is too.......


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