Unit - Helbling

Jahresplanung Playway 1Unit Textsorten und Aktivit?ten Wortschatz, Phrasen und Strukturen Integration in den Gesamtunterricht Zeitrahmen 1 Hello ? I’m Max (Cartoon Story), Einklebebilder (Listen and stick in the pictures.)? Minidialoge? What’s your name? (Song)? Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit (Picture Cards), Wortschatzspiele? Stand up (Action Story), Anweisungen imitieren und ausführen. Bilder nummerieren (Listen and point. Fill in the numbers.)? Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit (Picture Cards)? Give me red (Chant)? Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit (Picture Card)? H?rübung (Listen and point.)? Wortschatzspiel in Partnerarbeit (Work in pairs. Look and speak.)? Wortschatzeinführung und -wiederholung (Picture Cards)? Rhyme (Listen and colour. Speak.)? Wortschatzeinführung (Picture Card)? Rhyme selbst ?verfassen“ – Step to creativity (Colour and speak.)? Good morning; Hello, I’m Max/...; What’s your name?? Hello to you? one; two; three; four? Nur rezeptiv: Stand up; Stretch; Shout ‘Hooray’; Sit down? red; yellow; green; blue; black; white; Give me red/…; Here you are; Yeah, all right; Yes; NoRezeptiv: What is it?? brownWortschatzwiederholung: Farben? bike; Wortschatzwiederholung: Farben und ZahlenA red/… bike for Linda/…/me!? boat Musikerziehung Sachunterricht Mathematik Bildnerische Erziehung Bewegung und Sport ca. 2-3 Wochen 2 School ? Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit (Picture Cards)? Baby face (Chant)? Close your eyes (Action Story), Anweisungen imitieren und ausführen. Bilder nummerieren (Listen and point. Fill in the numbers.)? R?tsel (Colour and speak.)? H?rübung (Listen and tick. Speak.)? Partnerarbeit: Wortschatzspiel (Stick in the pictures. Work in pairs. Speak.)? The painting (Cartoon Story), Einklebebilder (Listen and stick in the pictures.), Erz?hlen der Geschichte (Story Cards), Rollenspiel? Partnerarbeit (Work in pairs. Speak.)? pencil; book; glue; scissors; pencil case; schoolbag? Baby face! Sit down!? Nur rezeptiv: Stand up; Close your eyes; Touch your nose; Open your eyes and smile? a book/…Nur rezeptiv: What has Benny/… got?; What have you got?? The pen and the glue/...Nur rezeptiv: Can I have ...; Here you are; Thank you; That’s OK; What does Benny/... want?? Wortschatzwiederholung: school thingsVorwiegend rezeptiv: The painting; Come on, Max!; OK; Blue and green/red/yellow; It’s not good; It’s very good; Oh, no!; I’m sorry; That’s OK, Linda/Benny; I hate my picture; Fantastic; Congratulations!; Thank you.? The glue, please; Here you are; Thank you.Musikerziehung Sachunterricht Mathematik Bildnerische Erziehung Bewegung und Sport ca. 2-3 Wochen 3 Fruit ? Hello! (Mr Matt Sketch)? H?rübung (Listen and fill in the numbers.)? I’m Danny! I’m Daisy! (Song)? Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit (Picture Cards)? H?rübung (Listen and point.), Partnerarbeit? Mengen einkreisen (Think and draw.)? Give me more! (Chant)? Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit (Picture Cards)? The plum (Action Story), Anweisungen imitieren und ausführen. Bilder nummerieren (Listen and point. Fill in the numbers.)? The greedy monster (Cartoon Story), Einklebebilder (Listen and stick in the pictures.), Erz?hlen der Geschichte (Story Cards)? Minidialoge/Rollenspiel? Vorwiegend rezeptiv: This is my boy, Danny; Say hello; Hello!; Where are they?; I’m Mr Matt; Here we are, Dad!? I’m Danny/Daisy; And I’m Mr Matt!; Oh, no! Stop saying that!; OK; You’re Daisy/Danny; Hooray!? apple; banana; plum; pear; What is it?; Yes; No; two apples/bananas/plums/pears? Nur rezeptiv: How many bananas/… are there?? One apple, two apples, three apples, four/…; Give me more, give me more!; No way; OK.? five; six? Vorwiegend rezeptiv: Say hello to your mum; You’re hungry; Your mum shows you some plums, Open a plum; Show the plum to your mum; Your mum says ‘Eek!’? Vorwiegend rezeptiv: I’m thirsty; Here you are; I’m hungry; Give me more; Just a moment; Help! Musikerziehung Sachunterricht Mathematik Bildnerische Erziehung Bewegung und Sport ca. 2-3 Wochen 4 Pets ? Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit (Picture Cards)? H?rübung (Listen and point.), Wortschatzspiele, Ratespiel (Work in pairs.)? Partnerarbeit: logische Reihen (Think and draw.)? What’s this? (Chant), H?rübung (Listen and fill in the numbers.)? The mouse (Cartoon Story), Einklebebilder (Listen and stick in the pictures.), Erz?hlen der Geschichte (Story Cards)? Minidialoge, Rollenspiel? H?rübung (Listen and fill in the numbers.)? Minidialoge? Suchbild (Look and colour.), H?rübung (Listen and point.)? CLIL activity? cat; dog; hamster; mouse; duck; rabbit? Is it a cat/…?; No, sorry; Yes? What’s this?; miaow; woof; squeak; quack? Let’s play; No, go away!Vorwiegend rezeptiv: The mouse is (very) sad; The mouse goes away; Let’s go to the show; Wonderful; Abracadabra; Super!? Vorwiegend rezeptiv: Let’s play; Great; Wonderful?; Abracadabra; A ghost; Stop!? Nur rezeptiv: How many cats/… are there?; There are…Yes, it is; No, it isn’t; one mouse; two dogs; three cats; four rabbits; two hamsters; three ducks? Vorwiegend rezeptiv Sachunterricht Bildnerische Erziehung Bewegung und Sport Musikerziehung Mathematik ca. 3 Wochen Units 1-4Show what you can do ? Selbstevaluierung, H?rübung (Listen, take a colour and number.), Sprechübung (Colour and speak.)Wortschatzwiederholung zu den Themenbereichen: Hello, School, Fruit, Pets 5 Toys ? Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit (Picture Cards), Wortschatzspiele? My blue train (Rhyme)? Rhyme selbst ?verfassen“ – step to creativity (Colour and speak.)? The dog in your car (Action Story), H?rübung (Listen and colour.), Anweisungen imitieren und auch durcheinander ausführen, Bilder nummerieren (Listen and point. Fill in the numbers.)? My cool pets (Song)? Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit (Picture Cards)? H?rübung (Listen and fill in the numbers.), Auskunft über sich geben. (Draw, fill in the numbers and speak.)? Partnerarbeit (Work in pairs. Speak.)? CLIL activity? ball; car; plane; train; star; pink? My blue/… train/…? Vorwiegend rezeptiv: You’re in a car; There’s a dog; Stop the car and get out; The dog jumps into your car; The dog drives off. Vrooooom!; You run after the car.? I’ve got a cool, cool duck/dog/mouse/cat on a super bike, ting, ting/in a super car, vroom, vroom; in a super train, choo, choo; in a superplane, woo, woo; wheeeeeee!? doll? Wiederholung der Zahlen von 1 bis 6; doll; Hi, I’m Anna/…; I’ve got two/… cars, one train and six dolls/…? Nur rezeptiv: How many cars/… has Anna got?; How many … have you got?/I’ve got three/…? Vorwiegend rezeptiv Bewegung und Sport Sachunterricht Musikerziehung Bildnerische Erziehung ca. 3 Wochen 6 Winter ? Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit (Picture Cards)? It’s snowing (Action Story), Anweisungen imitieren und auch durcheinander ausführen, Bilder nummerieren (Listen and point. Fill in the numbers.)? This is my snowman (Song)? The snowman (Cartoon Story), Einklebebilder (Listen and stick in the pictures.), Erz?hlen der Geschichte (Story Cards), Rollenspiel? Snowman grow (Rhyme)? Bilderr?tsel (Look and speak.)? CLIL activity? eyes; nose; mouth; snowmanVorwiegend rezeptiv: It’s snowing; Go outside; Make three big balls: one, two, three!; Stick in two eyes; Stick in a nose and a mouth; What a wonderful snowman!? Eyes and mouth and nose; this is my snowman; what a big nose!? Vorwiegend rezeptiv: Listen!; Look! A rabbit; Sssshhhhh!; The rabbit’s hungry; What’s this?; Aaah! A snowman; What a big nose!; Got it!; Yummy.? Snow, snow; Snowman grow; Oh, the sun; Snowman run.? Vorwiegend rezeptivMusikerziehung Sachunterricht Bildnerische Erziehung Bewegung und Sport ca. 3 Wochen 7 Party ? Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit (Picture Cards), Wortschatzspiele? A party (Chant)? Logische Reihen (Think and fill in the numbers.)? Suchbild (Look and colour.), H?rübung (Listen and point.)? You’re a magician (Action Story), Anweisungen imitieren und auch durcheinander ausführen, Bilder nummerieren (Listen and point. Fill in the numbers.)? Multisensorische Wortschatzwiederholung und -erweiterung (Picture Cards)? I’m a magician (Song)? Einen eigenen Zauberspruch erfinden – Step to creativity (Draw and speak.)? bear; princess; sheriff; monster; ghost; frog; seven; eight; nineWortschatzwiederholung: Zahlen von 1 bis 6? A party for a princess; a sheriff and a dog; a bear, a cat, a monster; a ghost and a frog!? one princess; two clowns/…; orange; grey? Vorwiegend rezeptiv: You’re a magician; Get a piece of cake; A clown grabs your plate; Turn the clown into a bird; The bird flies away; Eat your piece of cake.? Wortschatzwiederholung: school things, toys; pets? crocodile; prince? Abracadabra, one, two, three!; I’m a magician; Look at me!; A ghost into a sheriff; a bear into a car; a prince into a crocodile; oh, I’m a superstar! Musikerziehung Mathematik Sachunterricht Bildnerische Erziehung Bewegung und Sport ca. 2-3 Wochen 8 Health ? Get out of bed (Action Story), Anweisungen imitieren und ausführen. Bilder nummerieren (Listen and point. Fill in the numbers.)? Get out of bed (Song)? Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit (Picture Cards)? At the dentist (Mr Matt Sketch), H?rübung (Listen and fill in the numbers.)? H?rübung (Listen and point.)? Vorwiegend rezeptiv: Get out of bed; Wash your face; Clean your teeth; Bend your knees – 1,2,3; Jump – 1,2,3; Have a glass of milk.? Get out of bed; Wash your face; Clean your teeth; Bend your knees; Jump; Let’s keep fit!? lemon; orange; apple; banana; chocolate; ice cream; mouth; tooth? Vorwiegend rezeptiv: I win, I think; No Dad; I win!; Have an apple/a banana, Dad; No thanks; I love chocolate/ice cream /lollies; Bananas, oranges, a lemon; Look! Mr Fruit Face; What?; I’m hungry; Oh dear… I know… a good walk; A big ice cream please; Here you are; Thank you; I thank you; What’s the matter, Dad?; My tooth hurts; Go to the dentist; The dentist… No… not the dentist; Don’t worry; Come on; OK; Next; Come in; Goodbye; Take a seat; The other way; Oh… Yes; Relax; Nice chair; Some music?; Yes please; Oh. Lovely; Where’s the dentist?; It’s me; Oh… It’s her; Open your mouth; Don’t worry. Open your mouth; Come on, Dad; Not today. An apple for me!? Vorwiegend rezeptiv: Three lollies, please; A big ice cream, please; Here you are; Thank you; Yummy; Tea’s ready; No, thank you, Dad; What’s the matter?; I feel sick. Musikerziehung Sachunterricht Bildnerische Erziehung Bewegung und Sport ca. 2-3 Wochen Units 5-8Show what you can do ? Selbstevaluierung, H?rübung (Listen, take a colour and number.), Sprechübung (Colour and speak.)Wortschatzwiederholung zu den Themenbereichen: Winter, Party, Health 9 Weather ? Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit (Picture Cards)? H?rübung (Listen and point.), Partnerarbeit (Work in pairs.)? A cap on a cat (Chant)? The little seed (Cartoon Story), Einklebebilder (Listen and stick in the pictures.), Erz?hlen der Geschichte (Story Cards)? Rollenspiel? It’s raining (Song)? Wetterberichte: H?rübung (Listen and point. Fill in the numbers.)? Kategorien bilden (Look and draw. Speak.)? CLIL activity? rain; wind; clouds; sun; snow? A cap on a cat/…; Caps are always fun.? butterfly; bee; flower; a little seedVorwiegend rezeptiv: The little seed is asleep; Hello, Bee; Hi, Butterfly; Look at the clouds; I’ve got an umbrella; Come with me; Aah! This is good; The little seed grows and grows; The rain stops; Thanks for the umbrella; That’s OK. Careful!; Oh, dear!; Look. Here comes the sun; Fantastic!; A week later. The seed grows and grows. Look at the wonderful flower; Mmmmh, what a sweet smell; Bless you!? It’s raining; Come out; Oh, what a rainy day.? There are lots of clouds; There’s a strong wind; There’s lots of sun/rain.Nur rezeptiv: What’s the weather like today?? Wortschatzwiederholung zu den Wortfeldern: Fruit, Toys, Weather? Vorwiegend rezeptiv Musikerziehung Sachunterricht Bildnerische Erziehung Bewegung und Sport ca. 2-3 Wochen 10 Food ? Pizza, pizza (Chant)? Multisensorische Wortschatzwiederholung und -erweiterung (Picture Cards)? Einen eigenen Chant ?verfassen“ und sprechen – Step to creativity (Draw and speak.)? H?rübung (Listen and draw. Speak.)? Minidialoge? What’s for breakfast? (Mr Matt Sketch), H?rübung (Listen and fill in the numbers.)? Lots of spaghetti (Chant)? The spider (Action Story), Anweisungen imitieren und auch durcheinander ausführen, Bilder nummerieren (Listen and point. Fill in the numbers.)? Pizza; Yummy; I like pizza/cornflakes/apples; Mmmh!? Wortschatzwiederholung: apple; banana; plum; pear; orange; lemon; milk; cake? chicken; chips; spaghetti; cheese? I like…? Rezeptiv: What does Linda/Benny like?? I like chips/…? Vorwiegend rezeptiv: We’re hungry; What’s for breakfast, Dad?; Tea and toast?; Where’s our toast?; Just a minute; Sorry, no toast; But, Dad; A smoothie?; Yes. Yoghurt. Milk; Orange or banana?; Sorry, no smoothie; But, Dad, we’re hungry!; Eggs? Hey; Watch this!; Don’t worry; There are two more eggs.? Lots of spaghetti/chicken on a big, big plate; with butter and cheese/ketchup and chips; spaghetti/chicken is great? Nur rezeptiv: You’re hungry; Go into the kitchen; Take a plate of cheese; There’s a big spider on the cheese; Drop the plate; Run out of the kitchen. Musikerziehung Sachunterricht Bildnerische Erziehung Bewegung und Sport ca. 2 Wochen 11 Animals ? Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit (Picture Cards), Wortschatzspiele? The lion is ill (Cartoon Story), Einklebebilder (Listen and stick in the pictures.), Erz?hlen der Geschichte (Story Cards)? Rollenspiel? Listen to the animals (Song)? The thief (Mr Matt Sketch), H?rübung (Listen and fill in the numbers.)? lion; elephant; monkey; snake; hippo? Vorwiegend rezeptiv: The lion is ill; The elephant/… wants to help; Listen to my music; Stop it, please; Thank you for the wonderful music!? Listen to the animals; What a wonderful song; One, two, three!; Come on, sing and dance with me!? Vorwiegend rezeptiv: Dad?; Can I have a banana/an orange, please?; Here you are; Just a minute; It’s empty; That’s very/strange!; Can I have some crisps, please?; Come on, Danny! Let’s go!Musikerziehung Sachunterricht Mathematik Bildnerische Erziehung ca. 2-3 Wochen Units 9-11Show what you can do ? Selbstevaluierung, H?rübung (Listen, take a colour and number.), Sprechübung (Colour and speak.)Wortschatzwiederholung zu den Themenbereichen: Weather, Food, Animals Extra UnitChristmas ? Father Christmas (Cartoon Story), Einklebebilder (Listen and stick in the pictures.), Erz?hlen der Geschichte (Story Cards)? A Merry, Merry Christmas (Song)? Vorwiegend rezeptiv: It’s Christmas; Linda, Benny and Max are asleep; A book for Linda, a ball for Benny and a teddy bear for Max; What can I do?; Brrrrr; It’s cold.? A Merry Christmas to all of you! Musikerziehung Sachunterricht Bildnerische Erziehung Landeskunde ca. 1 Woche Extra UnitEaster ? Easter Bunny (Chant) ? Two long ears; Strong legs; Hop; Bring us eggs; Easter Bunny; Don’t stop. Musikerziehung Sachunterricht Landeskunde ca. 1 Woche ................

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