Recovery Resources

Client Satisfaction SurveyWe administered the Client Satisfaction Survey in October 2013. There were 1445 active clients at RR in October, and we received 195 survey responses. Our survey response rate was 14%. Participants ranked each question on a scale from 1-5, or from bad; sometimes ok; ok; good; and great. Table 1. Recovery Resources Client Satisfaction Response Rates Dec-11Jul-12Dec-12Oct-13Sample Size 459391313195Active Clients 1312165114851445Response Rate35%24%21%14%The rating average for access questions are listed in Table 2. Clients are less satisfied with appointment availability in pharmacological services than with case management or counseling services.Table 2. Access QuestionsAccess Question ItemsRating AverageI can get an appointment with my case manager or counselor when I need it.4.07I can get an appointment with my psychiatrist/nurse practitioner when I need it.2.66I can get an appointment with my nurse when I need it.2.66When I have a problem I know whom I can call for help.4.18My appointments are in a convenient place.4.01My appointments are at a convenient time.4.05Table 3 lists question items related to satisfaction with staff. Clients are generally satisfied with staff, although they are less satisfied with help they receive with entitlement benefits.Table 3. Satisfaction with StaffSatisfaction with StaffRating AverageI get the services I need when I need them.3.91The services I get help me.4.20I get help with my entitlement benefits when I need it.3.17The staff treats me with respect.4.48The staff respects my confidentiality wishes.4.43I got information about my client rights.4.32Staff members understand and respect my culture.4.32Table 4 shows questions related to treatment participation. The average ratings for these questions are high, above a 4.0. Table 4. Treatment ParticipationTreatment ParticipationRating AverageI understand my treatment plan and goals.4.17I feel comfortable asking questions about my treatment plan and goals.4.42Staff members encourage me to take responsibility for how I live my life.4.37I am involved in creating my treatment plan and goals.4.35Table 5 shows the two physical health questions that were added to the October 2013 survey administration. Average ratings for these questions are lower than other clusters. Clients are less satisfied with how we link them to a primary care provider. This will be an area of focus in 2014.Table 5. Physical Health QuestionsPhysical Health ItemsRating AverageStaff members ask me about my physical health.3.97Recovery Resources helps me find a doctor for my physical health.2.98Table 6 shows an employment specific question which indicates clients are satisfied with their progress towards their employment goals.Table 6. EmploymentEmploymentRating AverageI made progress in reaching my employment goals.4.00Finally, Table 7 shows overall satisfaction questions. Clients are generally satisfied with Recovery Resources, although they are slightly less satisfied with how Recovery Resources improves their lives.Table 7. Satisfaction with Recovery ResourcesSatisfaction with Recovery ResourcesRating AverageI am able to help myself more now.4.01Recovery Resources has helped me improve my life.3.94I am satisfied with services at Recovery Resources.4.32I would recommend Recovery Resources to others.4.34 ................

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