Case Management/Services Coordination (Adult)

Case Management/Services Coordination (Adult)

Program Description


Case Management

Case management delivers continuous linkage, advocacy and referral to persons served with an emphasis on recovery. The case management department is the central hub of services for consumers of GCBHS. The majority of consumers at GCBHS are referred to a case manager as the clinician of record. After a consumer’s initial treatment plan is completed, the case manager is responsible for assisting and promoting the goals established through the treatment plan with consumers, as well as coordination of each consumer’s array of services.

Once a consumer has completed the assessment and developed an initial treatment plan, they are linked to a case manager. The case manager then works with the consumer (and the treatment advocate if designated) to develop the consumer’s subsequent treatment needs. All services available are explained to the consumer. The consumer chooses what services he or she wants to participate in, and the consumer works with their case manager to develop goals and objectives. The case manager coordinates the chosen services with other service providers to schedule appointments.

Services are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and some evenings depending on need. A 24-hour crisis line is available to assist persons in crisis after hours.


Community Support Programs services are delivered from a strengths-based perspective with an emphasis on recovery. Our aim is to focus on consumer strengths, rather than the limitations of their illness, in order to assist them in reaching their goals. Services are directed by consumers with guidance and support provided by staff to each the consumer’s goals. Treatment planning is a collaborative effort between both parties to develop the most effective plan for recovery. We believe that clinicians should not simply do for the clients, but for the clients to do for themselves.

Staff Criteria and Specialized Training Required

Staff members are able to provide behavioral health case management services (BHCM) after they have successfully passed case management certification through the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (ODMHSAS). Evidence of degree completion and certification will be located in their personnel file. All case management staff will successfully complete new employee orientation and shadow current employees to learn effective ways to link, refer, and/or advocate consumers to local resources.

Intensive case managers will receive specialized training through ODMHSAS to be certified as an intensive case manager (ICM). Evidence of training completion and certification will be located in their personnel file. These case mangers will have a smaller caseload, limited to 25 consumers, to provide more frequent case management and rehabilitation services to these identified consumers.

Integrated Services

Co-occurring services are essential for the recovery of some of our consumers. Successful integrated treatment is based on empathic, hopeful, integrated, and continuing relationships. We believe in providing opportunities for empowerment and choice, contact, and contingent learning. We strive to provide continuity of care and responsibility while allowing consumers to make their own decisions.

Trauma-informed organizations, programs, and services are based on an understanding of the vulnerabilities or triggers of trauma survivors so that services and programs can be more supportive and avoid re-traumatization, Trauma-informed services create an atmosphere that is respectful of survivor’s need for safety, respect and acceptance, emphasize a person’s strengths, highlighting adaptations over symptoms and resilience over pathology. We solicit consumer input and involve consumers in designing and evaluating services.

Culturally competent services will provide consumers with an atmosphere that welcomes various cultural, moral, religious, and/or spiritual beliefs. Staff will be trained annually to provide culturally competent services and to be sensitive towards others’ beliefs.

Admission criteria

Case management services are primarily intended for consumers that:

*have basic needs that include but are not limited to: food, clothing, shelter,

transportation, health care needs, and emergency services.

*have difficulty in obtaining these resources on their own and are able to receive

assistance with meeting their basis needs through a BHCM.

*Intensive case management services will be for those identified consumers who

are heavy users of the system, have several and frequent case management

needs, and are currently functioning at a level OOO, based on their treatment

plan CAR scores.

Exclusionary criteria

Consumers that have access to other resources are encouraged to access these resources independently from GCBHS. Consumers that have additional support from family and/or friends are encouraged to use these natural supports to obtain additional resources.


Persons served will not be limited to accessing services due to homelessness, his/her past or present mental health or co-occurring disorder issues, the presumption of their inability to benefit from treatment, any substances presently or historically used, or their level of success in prior treatment.


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