Q 1 - Sample Assignment


China Vs the World; whose technology is it?

Question 1

Do you think that China will prosper in the global environment? How might the business environment in China change over next 10 years?


The story of prosperity is continuous and prosperous for those nations who are struggling every step to move on at the greater pace than its competitors while maintaining the nation’s or the country’s sovereignty. In case of China, its internal base is so strong economically, technologically and in case of business that it is impossible to even assume that whether it would be prosperous in standing globally in the global environment or not.

China and the international Enterprises

China has been a very intelligent host towards the foreign businesses and enterprises that are standing in the China. The Chinese policies renders the possibility of two way interest in which foreigner earns the checked profits and the Chinese government uplifts its own state at the higher level of prosperity every time they negotiate. In China the best thing is that the foreigners are not entirely free to move rather there is a proper check and balance to render them proceed in the favor of the country in which they are moving. The keen interest of the country is to fully grasp the technologies of other states and develop their research and development to that extent that there would be no chance of a set back; in the whole story of success of being the second largest economy and emerging super power, as systematic line of action always works more than just the political approach. China’s approach of hybridization of private or foreign sector is extremely commendable and earns the unchallengeable sovereignty for the country.

Global prosperity of China

The economic uplift of the country through the extreme economic growth of 9 % in the past years is a proof that China is in the least possibility to fall a victim to global recession. China claiming to be the biggest manufacturer moves its way to over ride the America’s position of being a super power. In fact the industrial revolution that over took Britain over China in1850’s has now turned the other side to support China’s prosperity that it has been enjoying being the biggest manufacturer for one and a half century before that revolution.

The global prosperity of China is obvious as it has been opening a new chapter of development since past few years by sharpening the average technology to the unbeatable one by forcing the western manufacturers, entrepreneurs and businesses to share their technologies with the governmental sector of China to make them strong not merely economically but technologically as well. This condition for working in the China often fuels the socialists and capitalists but the adversities are of mild extent as the foreign investors feel more feasible to share technology rather packing up and with drawing their share from such a big economic monster.

The prosperity of China in the global environment is quite safe because America which is biggest rival of China is receiving more than 1600 percent imports from there and is in turn exporting 415 percent of the materials to China. So, when there is a security in the export market then it is obvious that the global prosperity is also obvious. The poverty rate in china is declining by 100 percent each decade proving the people of China to be inhabitants of the world’s strongest economy.

The business in China is at an extreme uplift and its industrial production has been extremely associated with China being responsible for rising gas prices as well, because it ranks second among the world manufacturers for the consumption of energy being the top third oil importer in the world. The economic stability of the country is also because of its accumulated wealth mainly dollars. Globally China is extremely prosperous because of its intelligent moves in every required areas, may it be technology, business or the politics.

Business in China in the Next Decade

China has been spending the huge amount of its GDP on research and development to make its business and technology unbeatable. The China industrial and economic rivals America has been subsequently cutting down the research and development expenditure for the past few years and the trend is still continued. The continuity of this trend will definitely equalize China to America in different spheres of business and technology. Owing to the desire of world’s biggest economy China is touching those spheres of development that are sensitive enough to aside and threaten the rival. The policies regarding this matter are changing continuously and demand the foreign entrepreneurs to

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