Davidson County, TN Community Health Needs Assessment …

Davidson County, TN Community Health Needs Assessment


STH Logo

VUMC logo


Health Is: ? A state of complete physical, mental and social

well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity

? Source: World Health Organization

Why are we here?

? Assessments done separately in 2013 as requirement for STH and VUMC as non-profit hospitals

? ACA related requirement

? For new cycle, STH and VUMC came together in overlapping counties

? Review findings of most recent VUMC and STH health assessment

? Collectively identify needs for Davidson County


? Reviewed publically available community health data

? Interviewed key stakeholders ? Conducted listening sessions ? Convened today's summit to identify needs ? Special attention to underserved, low-income,

minority populations ? Hospitals post-summit: Review needs for

development of Implementation Strategies


? Opening remarks ? Review Findings

? Secondary Data ? Interviews ? Listening Sessions

? Exercise 1 : Identification of Health Needs ? Exercise 2 : Visioning, Goals and Resources ? Summary


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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