THIS AGREEMENT made this ___ day of ____________, by and between the apartment complex, Acorn Village Apartments, herein called "Landlord,"

and (name of each and every Tenant/Resident and children):


Name Date Rent Payer?


Name Date Rent Payer?


Name Date Rent Payer?


Name Date Rent Payer?

The above are Herein called "Tenant/Resident(s)."

Move In Date__________________________ Date Keys Taken by Renter ________________

Month / Day / Year Month / Day / year

Initial Accounting (amount paid and / or owed):

Rent amount $___________________________ For month of ___________________________


Prorated Rent amount $____________________ For month of ___________________________


Deposit amount $ _________________________

Other amount $ ___________________________ Explanation ___________________________

Total amount Due $ ________________________

Total amount Paid $ ________________________

Balance due $ _____________________________ Date promise to pay ___________________

Address of Apartment: ___________________________________________________________

Street Apartment # City / State / Zip

Year / Make / Model Color License Place State

Automobile: ___________________________________________________________________

Year / Make / Model Color License Place State

Landlord hereby agrees to rent to Tenant/Resident the real property located in the City of Concordia, State of Kansas described as follows: 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom (no storage areas), Commencing on the 1st day of ____________ (month / year) and monthly thereafter until the _____ (day) of ___________ (month / year), at which time this agreement is terminated. Maximum lease term of 12 months, unless there is a written approval for a longer lease by owner or owner’s representative. There will be an automatic increase in rent at end of the lease-term to bring rents up to market current levels, on the first day of the next month. Unless a new lease is signed, rents will automatically adjust upwards monthly to remain constant with the market level. Landlord rents the designated premises to Tenant/Resident on the following terms and conditions:

1. Rent INITIALS: Landlord__________/Tenant___________

Tenant/Resident agrees to pay Landlord as base rent the sum of $_________ per month, due and payable monthly in advance on the first day of each month during the term of this agreement (Exception date noted here: _________). Rent must be received by 5:00 P.M. If the rent has not been received by 5:00 P.M. on the fifth of the month, or first business thereafter in case the 5th is a National holiday or Sunday, then a three - (3) or five (5) day notice may will be posted by landlord’s agent. Note following clauses regarding late fees, evictions, and possible legal actions. Non- or late-payment of rent is considered a major violation of the lease and will result in forfeiture of security deposit, among other actions listed in this lease.

2. Payment of Rent INITIALS: Landlord__________/Tenant___________

Monthly rent payments may be paid by check until the first check is dishonored and returned unpaid. Time is of the essence and no excuses will be accepted. Rent shall be made payable to Acorn Village Apartments (the apartment complex name) and hand delivered (or sent by mail at Tenant/Resident's risk) to Landlord at Manager’s Office. Any rents lost in the mail will be treated as if unpaid until received by Landlord. All Tenants/Residents will contribute equally in the payment of rent and only one single payment will be accepted. If any Tenant/Resident withdraws from the lease, for any reason, the remaining Tenant/Residents will be responsible for making up the difference in rent. If only one Tenant/Resident remains, that Tenant/Resident will be responsible for all the rent. Bad accounts will be turned over to legal authorities, collection agencies, and other appropriate agencies. Never put CASH in the mail slot. Non-or late-payment of rent is considered a major violation of the lease.

3. Furnace and Air Conditioning Units INITIALS: Landlord_________/Tenant__________

Apartments will not replace Central furnaces and or air conditioning units if costs are prohibitive to landlord. Tenants will be furnished with window units for cooling and/or plug-in heaters upon request. All units come equipped with baseboard floor heaters throughout. Both the window air units as well as baseboard heaters will adequately keep your unit at standard heating and cooling temperatures by law.

4. Appliances INITIALS: Landlord__________/Tenant___________

The apartment is rented with the following appliances: Refrigerator and Stove. Other appliances may be included in the rental property, which are the sole responsibility of the Tenant/Resident to upkeep. The landlord will not be responsible for the upkeep of these appliances and does not warrant the condition of these appliances, which may include dishwasher, microwave, toaster/oven, garbage disposal, etc. The above rental payment specifically EXCLUDES any appliances other than the refrigerator and stove. Such appliances as are in the property are there solely at the convenience of the Landlord, who assumes no responsibility for their operation. Resident will pay to repair non-included appliances. Landlord agrees to remove appliances at the request of Tenant/Resident. Any personal property remaining on the Premises may be used by the Tenant/Resident, however the Tenant/Resident assumes sole responsibility to keep said personal property in working and/or operating condition, and agrees to return said personal property to the Landlord at the termination of this Lease Agreement in the same or better condition, reasonable wear excepted.

5. Rental Collection Charge INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant__________

Tenant/Resident hereby acknowledges that late payment will cause Landlord to incur costs not contemplated by this Rental Agreement, the exact amount of which will be extremely difficult to ascertain. In the event rent is not received prior to 5:00 P.M. on the 5th of the month, regardless of cause including dishonored checks, Tenant/Resident further agrees to pay a late charge to Landlord equal to thirty-five dollars a mandatory minimum of ($35) immediately, and in extreme cases 10% of rent, whichever is greater, before application of money paid to rent. Additionally, a $3.00 fee will be added per day, from the 6th day of month, until rent is paid in full. Late fees will be paid in advance of rent for any money paid to and accepted by landlord. Neither ill health, loss of job, financial emergency or other excuse will be accepted for late payment. On the 5th late day, or shortly thereafter, landlord may file eviction. Eviction costs will be added to amount due to landlord. All non-rent items or charges must be paid prior to covering rent due. Bad accounts will be turned over to legal authorities, collection agencies, and other appropriate agencies.

6. Bad-Check Servicing Charge INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant________

In the event Tenant/Resident's check is dishonored and returned for any reason to Landlord, Tenant/Resident agrees to pay as additional fee, the sum equal to FIFTY dollars ($50.00) for each occurrence. This amount shall be in addition to all late fees, if check is not paid prior to the first of the month. If for any reason a check is returned or dishonored, all future rent payments will be cash or money order. Bad accounts will be turned over to legal authorities, collection agencies, and other appropriate agencies. Violation of this article is considered a major violation of lease. Never put any CASH in the mail slot.

7. Use INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant________

The Tenant/Resident agrees to use the premises only as a residence for self and those persons identified in tenant/resident and children section above.

By no means may Tenant/Resident allow any additional persons to occupy premise beyond limit proposed by the law, which is 2 persons per bedroom. Tenant/Resident agrees to assume all responsibility for actions taken by any person entering the property, including visitors to resident that the resident does not welcome or invite to the property, but who come to the property for the purpose of interacting with the tenant/resident. Landlord will hold Tenant/Resident solely responsible for all damages to property or for violations against this rental agreement. Visitors staying more than 48 hours per month must register with office. Violation of this article is considered a major violation of lease.


Note that this item is so important that a separate, special page asking for your honorable word, in writing, that you guarantee to never allow an animal in the apartment, or on the property, ever and at any time. THIS is considered a major violation of the lease and will result in forfeiture of security deposit, among other actions listed in this lease.

8. NO Pets Policy (IMPORTANT!) INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant________


No pet or animal shall be brought onto the Premises (even temporarily) without the express written permission of the Landlord. If a pet has been in, or around the Premises at any time before, during, or after the Tenant/Resident's occupancy (with or without the Landlord's consent), a charge WILL be made for de-fleaing, deodorizing, and/or shampooing, and/or damages occasioned by the pet inside or outside the apartment. Any animals on the property not registered under this Rental Agreement will be presumed to be strays and will be disposed of according to law, at the option of the Landlord.

In the event that landlord does allow a pet to live on the property, there will be a MINIMUM $250 to $755.00 pet deposit levied, depending on manager’s assessment of value of apartment and potential for damage. A urine analysis will be made of the carpet, etc., at end of contract, and deposit will be used to correct or replace the items damaged.

I PROMISE TO HAVE NO ANIMAL OVER 45 POUNDS, OR OF A RECOGNIZED DANGEROUS BREED, VARIETY, OR DISPOSITION. I HAVE A (ONE) (describe animal) ___________________________________ AND WILL PAY $_____________________ AS A DEPOSIT.

RENTERS SIGNATURE: ____________________________DATE ___________

No animal over the weight of 45 pounds will be allowed. No animal will be allowed in any apartment with new carpet or flooring. No dangerous animals, potentially dangerous animals, or known dangerous breeds, such as (but not limited to) Dobermans, Pit bulls, Rottweilers, Boxers, Akitas, venomous creatures, etc., are ever allowed on the property, under threat of immediate eviction and notice to police department.

Resident or resident’s visitor will be held fully responsible for any damage, injuries, filth, complaints, legal fees and any and all other costs that will or may be incurred by the offending animal. RESIDENT AGREES TO PAY THESE CHARGES BEFORE RENT BY SIGNING BELOW!


(write, in your hand, the following words) I DO PROMISE. (write) YOUR SIGNATURE (write) DATE

9. Non-assignment of Rental Agreement INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant________

Resident agrees not to assign this agreement, nor to Sub-Let any part of the property, nor to allow any other person to live therein without first requesting permission from the Owner and paying the appropriate surcharge, including $10.00 per week water usage fee. Further, that covenants contained in this Rental Agreement, once breached, cannot afterward be performed; and that unlawful detainer proceedings may be commenced. Violation of this article is considered a major violation of lease.

10. Legal Obligations INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant________

Tenant/Resident hereby acknowledges that they have a legal obligation to pay their rent on time each and every month regardless of any other debts or responsibilities they may have. They agree that they will be fully liable for any back rent owed. They also acknowledge that defaulting on this Rental Agreement could result in a judgment being filed against them and a lien being filed against their current and future assets and/or earnings, account will be turned over to a collection agency, and resident will lose security deposit.

11. Attorney's Cost INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant________

If court action is sought by either party to enforce the provisions of the Rental agreement, attorney's fees and costs may be awarded to the prevailing party in the court action. Accounts will be turned over to legal counsel and a collection agency, among other possible actions being taken.

12. Repair policy INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant________

The Tenant/Resident shall use customary diligence in care of the Premises. The Tenant/Resident is encouraged to treat this as their home, in that all minor repairs are expected to be performed by or at the direction of the Tenant/Resident, at the sole responsibility of the Tenant/Resident. Any and all repairs made at the direction of the Tenant/Resident shall be done by the landlord, a competent professional, or by the Tenant/Resident providing that the Tenant/Resident is capable and qualified to make said repairs. All repairs shall be done in compliance with all applicable codes and regulations. Any repair that is estimated to cost more than fifty dollars ($50) must receive permission of the Landlord prior to being made. Under no circumstances will Landlord be responsible for any improvements or repairs costing more that $50 unless the Tenant/Resident is given written authorization to make repairs or improvements in advance. The Tenant/Resident acknowledges responsibility for any damages caused by their negligence and that of their guests or invitees. Landlord will be responsible for water, electrical, and appliance problems, unless the problem was caused directly by the tenant/resident (such as flushing incorrect items down toilets: ask if you are unsure about what you can flush. Generally, only a few pieces of toilet paper and what you have consumed first can safely do down a toilet! If you have large bowel movements, then flush after your BM, and then wipe yourself and flush the toilet paper down afterwards with a new flush.).

13. Occupancy INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant________

Tenant/Resident to Maintain dwelling unit as follows:

1. Comply with all obligations primarily imposed upon Tenant/Resident by applicable provisions of building codes materially affecting health and safety.

2. Keep that part of the premises that he occupies and uses clean and safe. You are responsible for your safety and the safety of your guests. The apartments are never responsible for your safety or safety of your possessions.

3. Dispose from residents dwelling unit all rubbish, garbage, and other waste in a clean and safe manner, not in the hallway or outside even temporarily or for just a moment, ever.

4. Keep all plumbing fixtures in a dwelling unit or used by the Tenant/Resident clean, accessible, and in good working order.

5. Use in a reasonable manner all electrical, plumbing, sanitary, heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, and other facilities and appliances including elevators in the premises.

6. Not deliberately or negligently destroy, deface (including rubbing or pounding shoes or clothes, etc. on surfaces), damage, impair, or remove any part of the premises or knowingly permit any person to do so.

7. Conduct himself and require other persons on the premises to conduct themselves in a manner that will not disturb his neighbor's peaceful enjoyment of the premises.

8. Nothing is to be stored outside of the apartment. A SINGLE chair may be placed outside the front door if there is room. Permission must be granted in advance for any other item. Fines will be applied for non-compliance to this provision of $35 and doubled for refusal to remove such items in timely fashion.

9.) White miniblinds or white drapes must be visible, unbent, uncut, and in good condition from the outside of the apartment(s). No blankets, colored drapes, sheets, towels, or other items may be on display. The only exception is traditional seasonal items pre-approved by management. Said items are to be removed after the holiday.

10.) Installation of DISH notice. No mounts on roof or shingles. Dishes must be under eves and wires hidden against striping.

Resident warrants that he/she will meet above conditions in every respect, and acknowledges that failure to perform the obligations herein stipulated will be considered grounds for termination of this agreement and loss of any or all deposits. Violation of this article is considered a major violation of lease.

14. Security Deposit INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant________

The Tenant/Resident has deposited with, and the Landlord acknowledges receipt of, $ _________ as a Security Deposit. This Security Deposit is to guarantee the return of the Premises to the Landlord in the same or better condition as when accepted by the Tenant/Resident, and to satisfy any obligations of the Tenant/Resident unfulfilled at the termination of this Lease Agreement, as specified herein. Satisfactory compliance with this section includes removing all trash and belongings of the Tenant/Resident. If any provision of this Lease Agreement is violated, the Security Deposit is forfeited.

The Security Deposit is to indemnify the Landlord against damage and/or loss of value as a result of the Tenant/Resident's action, mistake, or inaction during the term of occupancy. The Security Deposit may not be applied by the Tenant/Resident as and for payment of any rent, fines or penalties due to the Landlord, even if the tenant/resident defaults on the contract. In event of resident defaulting on the lease, the security deposit is forfeited. Should the Tenant/Resident be responsible for damage and/or loss of value to the Premises greater than the value of the Security Deposit, the Tenant/Resident hereby agrees to reimburse the Landlord for such loss immediately upon the presentation of a bill for said damage and/or loss.

The Landlord shall return the balance of said Security Deposit, if any, to the Tenant/Resident at the Tenant/Resident's forwarding address, upon vacating, return of keys to the Landlord and termination of this contract according to other terms herein agreed. The Tenant/Resident will notify, in writing, the landlord at least 30 days or more from expected time of moving out or Tenant/Resident will face loss of security deposit. The deposit will be returned no earlier than thirty (30) days after the Tenant/Resident vacates the Premises, along with an itemized statement as to the deductions, if any, from said Security Deposit. The Security Deposit must be paid in full prior to Tenant/Residents moving into building. Non completion of lease will be grounds to lose security deposit. Leases less than 6 months in length will always surrender the security deposit due to short term of contract. Management will levy a fee to hire outside contractors to cover time, labor, office and coordination expenses. There is no cooling off period. Rent and security deposit(s) will not be returned if resident has only occupied unit for a short period of time, or never moved in (due to expenses to and loss of potential rent to landlord). Violation of this article is considered a major violation of lease. Never put CASH in the mail slot.

15. Cleaning Fee INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant________

Tenant/Resident hereby agrees to accept the property in its present state of cleanliness. They agree to return the property in the same condition or better, or pay a minimum $250 cleaning fee to cover Landlord costs for having the property professionally cleaned. If the Landlord notifies Tenant/Resident to clean up the property at any time, and the Tenant/Resident neglects to do so, the Landlord will charge the Tenant/Resident a minimum $250 cleaning fee. If any smoking has occurred in the apartment, there will be a significant repainting fee, which may exceed the security deposit alone: tenant/resident will be responsible for paying excess costs after termination of lease. Violation of this article is considered a major violation of lease. Never put CASH in the mail slot.

16. Plumbing and Electricity INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant________

Tenant/Resident agrees not to put or pour any debris, grease, paper towels, Q-tips, tampons, newspaper, food, or any other matter in the sink drain or toilets. Tenant/Resident agrees to pay the ENTIRE AMOUNT on bills for all sewer cleaning services resulting from clogged pipes/sewer back-up. Tenant/Resident must not overload electrical circuits.

Only two electrically operated items may be plugged in any electrical receptacle. Tenant/Resident agrees to pay the ENTIRE AMOUNT on bills for all electrical services resulting from their misuse of the electrical system.

17. Tenant/Resident Cooperation INITIALS: Landlord_____/Tenant______

Tenant/Resident agrees to cooperate with Owner/agent in showing property to prospective Tenant/Resident, prior to termination of occupancy.

18. Removal of Landlord's Property INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant________

If anyone removes any property belonging to Landlord without the express written consent of Landlord, this will constitute abandonment and surrender of the premises by Tenant/Resident and termination by Tenant/Resident of this Rental Agreement. Landlord may also take further legal action. Violation of this article is considered a major violation of lease.

19. Tenant/Resident Insurance INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant________

No rights of storage are given by this Lease Agreement. The Tenant/Resident agrees to hold the Landlord harmless from any liability by reason of personal injury to any person and / or for property damage occurring on or about or connected with the Premises or resulting from the Tenant/Resident or visitor(s) use thereof. The Tenant/Resident hereby acknowledges this and agrees to make no such claims for any losses or damages against the Landlord. The Tenant/Resident agrees to purchase Renter's Insurance at their own expense, sufficient to cover themselves, guests, visitors, and their property from damage or injury caused by fire, theft, burglary, breakage, electrical connections, any other causes, and hereby relieves the Landlord of all risks that may be insured there-under. They acknowledge that if they fail to procure such insurance, it is their responsibility and they alone shall bear the consequences. Resident and applicants acknowledge and agree that apartments are not responsible for strikes, riots, civil commotions, acts of god, government actions, weather, ice, snow, rain, animals, or any other items, conditions or actions.


20. Abandonment INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant________

If Tenant/Resident leaves the premises unoccupied for 5 days without paying rent in advance for that month, or while owing any back rent from previous months which has remained unpaid, the Landlord and/or his representatives have the right to take immediate possession of the property and to bar the Resident from returning. Landlord will also have the right to remove any property that the Residents have left behind and store it at Tenant/Resident's expense. Violation of this article is considered a major violation of lease. THERE WILL BE A MINIMUM STORAGE FEE OF $100.00.

I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE TO THE ABOVE: ______________________________________

21. Lock Policy INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant________

No additional or different locks will be installed on any door without the written permission of Landlord. Landlord will immediately be given duplicate keys for all locks so installed at the Tenant/Resident's expense, before locks, etc. are installed. Violation of this article is considered a major violation of lease.

22. Condition of Premises INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant________

By accepting keys, the Tenant/Resident acknowledges that the said property is in good condition. If there is anything about the condition of the property that is not good, resident agrees to report it to Landlord within 3 days of taking possession of the property. Resident agrees that failure to file any written notice of defects will be legally binding proof that the property is in good condition at the time of occupancy.

Tenant/Resident has visually inspected and tested Smoke Detectors and confirms they work. Tenant/Resident will immediately inform management if smoke detectors don’t work. Tenant/Residents are responsible to keep working batteries installed in smoke detectors at all times.

Landlord may enter apartment on routine basis to inspect Smoke Detectors, plumbing, electrical and other Health or Safety items and concerns.

Tenant/Resident will not hang clothing, laundry, or materials outside of the apartment.

Tenant/Resident will keep white mini-blinds or white drapes installed in all windows viewable to outside of the building. All trash will be kept inside the apartment, or immediately put in the trash cans: never being ‘temporarily’ put in hallway, utility room, or porch. A substantial fine will be applied of at least $35.00 per first incidence, doubling for any future occurrence. Installation of DISH notice (hidden as existing Dishes). No mounts on roof or shingles. Dishes must be under eves and wires hidden against wood striping, NOT on wood striping. Violation of this article is considered a major violation of the lease.


This is such an important item, that it has been moved to the following page to allow it full room to be read and understood by the renter.

A fine or penalty will be accessed for failure to abide by this rule. Mini-blinds must be kept in undamaged and clean condition at all times.

22b. MINIBLINDS REGULATIONS! INITIALS: Landlord____/Tenant_______


By noting this separate item regarding window coverings, Resident will understand the HIGH IMPORTANCE of keeping the windows covered with white miniblinds.

White miniblinds or white DRAPES are the only window coverings that are allowed to be viewable from the outside of the building.

No coverings such as blankets, rugs, or other items not designed to be used expressly as a window covering and sold as such will be allowed to be used as a window covering. Resident is never to put any coverings directly against the glass or the windows. This includes, but is not limited to: foil or metal of any kind, plastic, aluminum, tin, rugs, towels, laminates, rubber, or any other material. No item may be installed between the miniblinds and the glass or window.

If another window covering is installed on the inside of the apartment, meaning the side of the miniblinds which face towards the inside of the apartment, this MANAGEMENT-PREAPPROVED drape, curtain, roller or other suitable item must be safe. If the miniblinds are at any time left ‘up’ or open, the next item viewable from the outside of the building must be white. No other color is allowed.

If resident fails to keep miniblinds in good order, UNDAMAGED AND CLEAN, then management may enter the apartment with 24 hour written notice, and replace the miniblinds. Minimum cost to replace a single mini blind is $35.00. The resident agrees to this expense, even if it is on a regular basis.



(write) I DO PROMISE. (write) YOUR SIGNATURE (write) DATE

23. Inventory and Inspection Record INITIALS: Landlord____/Tenant_______

Tenant/Resident's is to provide a written request for any repairs. Only after this has been filed, will the Owner take any action to complete the necessary repairs. Landlord warrants that all major systems will be functional and in good repair at time of possession. Light switches, wall plugs, doors, windows, faucets, drains, locks, toilets, sinks, heater, etc., will either be in working order or will be repaired. Tenant/Resident is encouraged to report any necessary repairs, no matter how slight, in writing, but they are hereby advised the Landlord does not normally repair or replace nonfunctional items such as paint, carpets, etc., every time a property changes possession. Those items are scheduled for repair/replacement at regular intervals regardless of Tenant/Resident turnover.

24. Tenant/Resident Responsibility INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant____

Good apartment keeping is expected of everyone. Tenant/Resident agrees to keep quarters clean and in sanitary condition. The Tenant/Resident agrees not to permit any deterioration or destruction to occur while they are occupying the property. They agree to maintain the walls, woodwork, floors, furnishings, fixtures and appliances (if any), windows, screens, doors, fences, plumbing, air-conditioning and heating, electrical and mechanical systems as well as the general structure and appearance of the property, will not use the premises to clean boots, clothing, tools, possessions, vehicles, or other items not listed, on or about the property. Tenant/Resident agrees to follow all Landlord instructions, posted or unposted.

Use of equipment, grounds, stairs, walkways, doorways, buildings, or any other parts of the property, etc., is at resident’s, and visitors, sole and full discretion and responsibility. Landlord is not responsible for any damage of any kind to any person or item on or about the property. This property is not to be considered a safe zone, or protection from acts of god, strikes, riots or civil commotion, forces of nature, weather conditions, ice, snow, rain, wind, hail, or dangerous conditions of any kind either listed or not listed herein. Resident agrees to not allow themselves, or others visiting them or associated with them, to venture into unsafe or potentially unsafe areas or conditions, and agrees to be fully responsible for themselves, visitors of any kind (wanted or not) and their associates, and for any damage to the property caused by themselves or any of said persons associated with renter. Violation of this article is considered a major violation of the lease.

25. Tenant/Resident Child Supervision and Responsibility INITIALS: Landlord_____/Tenant_____

To ensure the safely and respect to all property and its tenants, children under the age of 7 will be accompanied by or supervised by an adult at all times, whether they be residents’ children, grandchildren, visitors, etc. Non-compliance resulting in safety concerns, damage to property or disturbance to other tenants will be reported to proper authorities immediately.

26. Alterations INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant________

Tenant/Resident shall make no alterations, decorations, additions, changes in color, or ‘improvements’ in or to the premises without the Landlord's prior written consent, and then only by contractors or mechanics approved by Landlord. All alterations, additions, or improvements upon the premises, made by either party, shall become the property of Landlord and shall remain upon, and be surrendered with said premises, as a part thereof, at the end of the term hereof. There will be no monetary value to any changes or improvements made to the apartment.

The Tenant/Resident specifically agree that no large nails, screws, lags, etc., will be driven into the walls, nor will they be marred or torn by glue or tape. Commando strips properly adhered are okay. They also acknowledge that they will be responsible for and pay any damage done by rain, wind, hail, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc., if this damage is caused by leaving windows open, allowing stoppage and/or overflow or water and/or sewage pipes, broken windows or doors, torn screens, broken door and window locks, etc. or any damage caused while Tenant/Resident has occupancy, and does not take action, including notice to landlord or in landlords absence, maintenance manager, or calling contractors on the list of vendors for help. Violation of this article is considered a major violation of lease.

27. Maintenance of Lawns INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant________

Management is responsible for general care of lawns and grounds. If Tenant/resident causes damage to outside property, grass, trees, shrubs, etc., then tenant/resident will be responsible for cost of repairs. This includes damage caused by games, structures, toys, bikes, vehicles, chemicals, barbeques, or other items listed or not listed.

28. Vehicle Policy INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant________

The Tenant/Resident agrees TO NEVER park or store a motor home, camper, trailer, boat, or any sort of recreational vehicle on the premises and to park only automobiles only on the paved areas provided. Junk cars, cars on blocks, CARS WITH FLAT TIRES, non-functional vehicles, unsightly vehicles (including bad paint jobs), vehicles without hood or trunk coverings as well as without doors or unlicensed automobiles are not permitted on property. Removal will be WITHOUT WARNING at the expense of the Tenant/Resident. Tenant/Resident agrees that any vehicle parked on unpaved areas may be towed and stored at Tenant/Resident expense. Tenant/Resident agrees to pay for any fines resulting from a summons issued to Landlord resulting from improper parking. Tenant/Resident will be charged a three-hundred-fifty-dollar $350 court charge along with the cost of all other fines, if the Landlord is required to go to court.

The Tenant/Resident must follow rules and laws of the city Parking Department concerning parking. Tenant/Resident must obtain all necessary parking permits and information for himself and guests. Landlord is not responsible for Tenant/Resident’s parking needs. Off street parking is not provided by landlord, unless otherwise noted in this agreement.

Tenant/Resident(s) is/are NOT allowed to work on their vehicles on the property. This includes repairs, oil changes, tune-ups, etc. No leaking cars are allowed on the property. Vehicles leaking oil will be required to be moved until repaired. Damage to the street or parking lots caused by leaks will be assessed to the tenant/resident. THE COST OF THESE REPAIRS WILL BE AT LEAST $100.00.



(write) I DO PROMISE. (write) YOUR SIGNATURE (write) DATE

29. Utilities INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant________

Tenant/Resident will be responsible for payment of all utilities currently not paid under term of this lease by landlord, which may include; water and sewer charges, telephone, gas, electricity, or other bills incurred during their residency. Installation of DISH notice (hidden as existing Dishes). No mounts on roof or shingles. Dishes must be under eves and wires hidden against wood striping, NOT on wood striping. Tenant/Resident specifically authorizes Landlord to deduct amounts of unpaid bills from their Security Deposits in the event they remain unpaid after termination of this agreement. Landlord never pays for electricity. See section 3 for details on payment of certain utilities. Violation of this article is considered a major violation of lease.

30. Roof and Termite Alert INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant________

Tenant/Resident agrees to notify Landlord immediately if roof leaks, water spots appear on ceiling, or at the first sign of termite activity.

31. Non-Liability INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant________

The Tenant/Resident hereby states that any Apartment work or repairs that need to be done will be handled by competent professionals, unless Tenant/Resident is qualified and capable of doing the work themselves and doing it properly, in a safe manner that meets all federal, state, and local regulations. Tenant/Resident further state that they will be legally responsible for any mishap they either do themselves or hire others to do. Landlord will be held free from harm and liability along with his agents and representatives. In the event that needed repairs are beyond the Tenant/Resident capacity, they are urged to arrange for professional help. Violation of this article is considered a major violation of lease.

32. Disclosure of Landlord Agent INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant________

The Landlord may be represented at various times by contractors or agents, who will carry PROPER identification.

33. Validity of Lease Provisions INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant________

Any provision set forth in this Rental Agreement which is contrary to the state Residential Landlord and Tenant/Resident laws shall be treated by Landlord and Tenant/Resident as void and as if it were not set forth herein, but all other provision of the Rental Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

34. Phone INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant________

The Tenant/Resident agrees to provide a cell phone number, or phone installed in the premises as soon as possible. Landlord will be given all residents phone numbers, including work, cell, and emergency contact numbers, at lease signing, and will be notified within two working days of any future changes in the phone numbers. Violation of this article is considered a major violation of lease.

35. Access to Premises INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant________

The Owner reserves the right to enter the residence at reasonable times to inspect, make necessary repairs, supply services, check for leaks, check smoke detectors, check wiring, or show it to prospective residents, purchasers, mortgages, workmen, or contractors. Whenever practical, a 24-hour notice of the Owner's intent to enter shall be given to the Resident. The Owner may also display "for rent" and "for sale" signs on the building of which the rented residence is a part. In event of smoke, fire, water, strange noises, or other indicators, landlord WILL enter unit immediately after verbal declaration and knocking on door, or under request of police, health, fire department, or other government entities. USE OF unlawful DRUGS on property is completely forbidden: police and drug dogs will be allowed complete access at all times to investigate and pursue those who violate this provision. Resident, as allowed by law and by their initials and or signature on this document, will forfeit and give up their legal rights for this particular provision due to the heinous nature of the crime, and will allow full access to the premises at any time. Violation of this article is considered a major violation of lease.

36. Pest-Control Policy INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant________

Resident is responsible for any ongoing pest control service specific to resident’s needs, if the Resident desires such a service. Owner is not responsible for any damage done to the Resident's person, or property by such pests, or to the person or property of Resident's family or any other persons on the premises. However, landlord will maintain certain aspects of pest control at landlord’s discretion and expense, and reserves the right for entry for said pest control at any reasonable time. If resident refuses entry for pest control, apartments may contact city authorities to force entry for that treatment. This includes police, child health authorities, or other official parties as needed. Violation of this article is considered a major violation of lease.

37. Laundry Machines

All Tenants are responsible for properly installing their own washer and dryer. Dryer vents are mandatory as the exhaust will cause extensive damage to central air units. If assistance is needed pleas contact on site manager during regular business hours.

38. City, County, or State Violations INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant________

Tenant/Resident is responsible for paying all violation fees issued against the apartment by the city, county or state for non-compliance to city, county or state laws. If the landlord is required to appear in court, Tenant/Resident shall pay an additional $350 fee to compensate landlord for his time in addition to other costs.

Note: The City, Department of Inspections, fire departments, etc., complete random neighborhood inspections each season. They FREQUENTLY issue violations for such items as “leaving garbage at curb on non-collection day”, “did not shovel snow within 24 hours of snow storm”. Resident will be responsible for paying fines directly attributable to them. It is the policy of the apartments to allow police and police dogs immediate and complete access to any apartments at any time of the police’s choosing. Violation of this article is considered a major violation of lease.

29. Waiver INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant________

All rights given to Landlord by this agreement shall be cumulative in addition to any laws that exist or might come into being. Any exercise of any rights by Landlord or failure to exercise any rights shall not act as a waiver of those or any other rights. No statement or promise by Landlord, its agents or employees, as to tenancy, repairs, amount of rent to be paid, or other terms and conditions shall be binding unless it is put in writing and made a specific part of this agreement.

40. Legal Binding INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant________

Tenant/Resident hereby states that they have the legal right to sign for any and all other residents residing in apartment detailed on page one, and to commit them to abide by this contract.

41. Terms INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant________

In this agreement the singular where used will include the plural, the masculine gender will include the feminine, the term Owner will include Landlord, Lessor; and the term Resident will include Tenant/Resident, Lessee.

42. Full Disclosure INITIALS: Landlord ______/Tenant________

The Tenant/Resident signing this Rental Contract hereby state that all questions about this Rental Agreement have been answered, that they fully understand all the provisions of the agreement and the obligations and responsibilities of each party, as spelled out herein. They further state that they agree to fulfill their obligations in every respect or suffer the full legal and financial consequences of their actions or lack of action in violation of this agreement. Signature by the Tenant/Resident on this Rental Agreement is acknowledgment and he/she has received a signed copy of the Rental Agreement. Violation of this article is considered a major violation of lease.

Please! Never Put Cash in the Mail Slot.

Accepted this ___ day of ____________________.

Each Party to write the following line, BY THEIR OWN HAND, then sign and date:


I did read, understand, and agree to all of the above.


Sign and date


I did read, understand, and agree to all of the above.

Tenant/Resident ___________________________________________________

Sign and date


I did read, understand, and agree to all of the above.

Tenant/Resident ___________________________________________________

Sign and date


I did read, understand, and agree to all of the above.

Tenant/Resident ___________________________________________________

Sign and date


I did read, understand, and agree to all of the above.


Sign and date

Please! Never Put Cash in the Mail Slot.


Add on:

1.) Landlord agreement for Electrical Release proving electric is in residents name.

2.) Installation of DISH notice (hidden as existing Dishes). No mounts on roof or shingles. Dishes must be under eves and wires hidden against wood striping, NOT on wood striping.

Rev: 02/2015

Official Acorn Village Apartments Penalty Notice

You are in VIOLATION of your Lease Agreement.

Resident Name: __________________________________ Apartment Number: __________

Today’s Date: ________________ Approximate Date of Violation: ____________________

Description of Violation (Lease Clause):



Dear Resident,

Please note that the above is a major violation of you lease. The lease is very clear. You indicated by your own hand that you did read, understand, and agree to all the provisions. Some items with your solemn promise.

It is very important that you immediately fix the problem. You have 24 hours (less if your violation constitutes a safety issue) to take care of the violation before Apartment Management is forced by the terms of your Lease to step in to solve the issue.

If the Manager does spend the money to resolve the problem, then you will have to pay the Manager as per the lease. It will be significant in cost. Money you pay the Manager to fix the issue will not apply to rent until this violation is paid in full.

Rent will still be due and payable in full, on time, as per your lease. Paying to fix your lease does not remove your responsibility to pay rent as you contracted. Possible costs to have the manager repair your violation are:

Estimated Materials to repair: $

Estimated Labor to repair: $

Indicated Violation fee to Manager: $

Total: $____________

Please take care of the violation by__________________________ (date) at 5:00 p.m. to avoid the above estimated costs.

Discuss complications of the repair with the manager immediately.

Ignoring the situation will result in escalated actions by manager. These may include legal or administrative actions, including eviction, wage garnishment, notifications to credit reporting agencies and Apartment Associations, significantly affecting your credit and housing status.

Thank you for your kind attention and prompt action in this matter.

Apartment management.

Please! Never Put Cash in the Mail Slot.


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