SOP of Cash Receipts - Jacksonville




• Policy

• General Standards

• Procedures

Cash Registered Sales

Credit/Debit Cards


Returned Checks

• Where to Go For Help

• Flowchart


Introduction 3


A. Goal 4

B. Responsibility 4

C. Scope 4

D. Risk Assessment Analysis on Cash Receipts 4


A. Safeguarding Assets 5

B. Limited access 5

C. Training 5

D. Documentation of Cash Receipts 6

F. Cash Registered Sales 6

G. Credit and Debit Cards 7

H. Checks 8

I. Offenses 9


A. Cash Registered Sales 10

B. Credit and Debit Cards 11

C. Checks 11

D. Special Services 13

E. Returned Checks 14



A. Flowchart of Cash Receipts 18

B. Flowchart for Returned Checks 19

C. Flowchart for Credit Card Rejects and Charge-Backs 20

D. Security Agreement Form 21

E. Request to Establish Credit/Debit Card Terminal 22

F. Request Change to Credit/Debit Card Contact Information 23

City of Jacksonville, FL

Standard Operating Policy & Procedures

Division: Accounting Division

Section: Accounts Receivable

Task: Cash Receipts Procedures

Updated: 6/22/2005

Last Updated: 8/05/2008


The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to provide guidelines for establishing controls[1] and procedures of cash receipts and deposit of money. The information contained in this document supersedes any previous policies and procedures regarding cash handling followed within the City and within departments. These are the minimum standards that need to be followed. The information included is Cash Receipt Policy, General Standards, Procedures and Where to Go for Help. Each agency within the City of Jacksonville has the authority to add specific procedures that relate to their own business, as long as they do not contradict those that follow. Any deviation from these procedures must be approved, in writing by the Director of Administration and Finance [2] prior to the implementation. The Director of Administration and Finance reserves the right to make interpretation and exception to the policy contained in this document. This policy listed below has been promulgated by the City Comptroller under the direction of the Director of Administration and Finance and in accordance with the provision of the City’s Ordinance Code, Chapter 24. As used in this SOP, money refers to cash, currency, checks, money orders, travelers’ checks, any other negotiable instruments, and credit/debit card transactions. The only exceptions in these procedures are the revenue received by the Treasury Division through Electronic Transfer[3], Time Deposits[4], and Wire Transfer[5], in accordance with Section 110.203 (d) (e) and 110.206(b) (1), which are monitored on a daily basis. Also excluded from this document are any procedures used for issuing debt for the City of Jacksonville. Procedures for Imprest/Petty Cash Funds, Stop Payments, Forged Endorsements, Stale-dated Checks, Accounts Payable Checks and Payroll Checks can be found at under the Treasury Division.

1 Part I : POLICY

This statement of the Accounting Division policy establishes standards and controls for the cash receipts, deposits, and record keeping of all monies received by the City of Jacksonville. These documented policies and procedures must be maintained in order to guarantee consistency, and enable any employee to perform job duties properly.

A. Goal - The goal of the City’s cash receipt function is to receive, receipt and process monies collected at various locations throughout the City while protecting financial integrity and safeguarding resources. This includes payments that are received at the activity’s office by mail or in person and processed manually, through cash registers located at collection sites, or by the Tax Collector via mail or direct remittances.

B. Responsibility - The promulgation of this policy and procedure is the responsibility of the Director of Administration and Finance Department.

1. Department Directors and Division Chiefs are accountable and responsible for internal controls, mitigating risk exposure, and for the collection, monitoring, protection, and safeguarding of all revenues. Every Department Director and Division Chief will establish specific duties and clearly defined responsibilities for their staff and ensure proper training is provided. It is the responsibility of the Department Directors and Division Chiefs to insure compliance with these policies and procedures.

2. Managers and Supervisors are accountable and responsible for maintaining and implementing Standard Operating Procedures within their respective departments. Managers and Supervisors will also assist Department Directors and Division Chiefs in coordinating appropriate training and overseeing the safekeeping of monies received and daily deposits to the Tax Collector.

3. Employees will be accountable and responsible for performing specific SOPs in their respective departments with attention to accuracy, quality and efficiency while providing excellent customer service. They are also expected to safeguard City funds against loss and theft.

C. Scope - This policy and procedure applies to all Department/Divisions that have activities related to: cash receipts, deposits, and record keeping of monies received by the City of Jacksonville. All Department/Divisions will follow the appropriate accounting principles, as established by the Comptroller, in the process of cash receipts, deposit, and record keeping of all monies of the City.

2 D. Risk Assessment Analysis on Cash (money) Receipts

1. Purpose - To document appropriate control over Departments and Divisions of risk related to the cash (money) receipts process.

2. Objective - To assure that control over cash (money) management process is operating effectively and efficiently.

3. Risk - To mitigate the following types of risk but not all inclusive of all risks associated with Cash (Money) Receipts, such as cash (money) not properly safeguarded against theft, fraud, misappropriation, loss and abuse, and cash transactions that are not properly authorized, recorded and classified.


A. Safeguarding Assets:

1. Money should be locked in a safe or cash box with adequate security when the cash (money) handler has to leave the collection area.

2. The safe combination must be changed or key[s] collected whenever an individual with access to the safe or drawer leaves the organization or is reassigned. Persons responsible for cash (money) shall be instructed to maintain confidentiality of safe combination and complete a Security Agreement biennially (see Appendix). This form will be filed in Personnel file.

3. Financial records will be kept up to date, and be used to track the movement of assets.

4. No deposit should be put through the City Hall mail services.

5. Special services such as Armored Car Service or Lock Box Service are provided by the City for safeguarding assets. Please refer to specific procedures on page 13.

6. All employees handling cash (money) or cash (money) records must take one continuous week intermission from duties where a stand-in performs the duties of cash (money) handling during such absence. Also, it is recommended to annually shift employees to another unrelated position, temporarily, to detect or prevent collusion.

7. All City employees go through fingerprinting and background checks upon hiring.

8. All employees are covered by the City’s blanket Employee Dishonesty Bond. Contact Risk Management for specifics.

9. All employees who have suspicion that misconduct and/or theft has taken place or any other activity that is inappropriate in regards to cash handling and billing and collections shall notify their appropriate Supervisor or Manager for necessary action to be taken.

B. Limited access:

1. Access to money is limited to those who have proper authority, and this authority, must be restricted to those whose job requires access.

2. A segregation of duties has to be established to avoid the same employee receiving, receipting, maintaining custody, and reconciling the cash receipts. (i.e. Checks received in the mail must be opened by a person, other than the person preparing the daily deposit, and handling cash receipts.)

C. Training:

1. Departments must ensure that employees assigned cash handling responsibilities receive appropriate training, and are familiar with the department’s policies and procedures. Responsibility for handling cash must be clearly documented and defined.

2. Each area of operation should have a backup employee trained to prepare the deposit and to ensure deposits are made.

D. Documentation of Cash Receipts:

1. Receipt of assets must be properly recorded and documentation must be created at the time of receipt. The receipt of money should be documented by receipts, cash receipt tapes, invoices, or other appropriate correspondence. Receipts must be pre-numbered and consist of three parts: customer copy, deposit copy and file copy.

2. All receipts of money through the mail have to be recorded, and checks restrictively endorsed. These records should be traced to the deposit slips by Supervisor or Manager monthly or as approved by Director of Administration and Finance.

E. Cash Registered Sales:

1. It is required that purchases of cash register or receipts producing equipment be discussed with approved by the Treasury Division prior to placing the order. Departmental management must ensure that a balancing worksheet, cash balances procedures, and spot audit procedures are established. The Division must determine, in advance, how the program will balance and how the recordkeeping process will be accomplished.

2. The cash register will provide:

a. Transaction amount that can not be altered once accepted

b. Printed receipt of transaction for the customer’s examination

c. A safe place for holding a change fund and any receipts to be deposited

d. Assurance that the grand total cannot be reset to zero or any other number.

3. All transactions must be recorded through the cash register with a journal tape.

4. Separate accountability over sales proceeds must be maintained. Only one individual assigned to a cash register.

5. Monies must not be commingled between cash drawers. Each employee works only from one’s own cash register.

6. Overage and shortage must be fully explained. Overage and shortage dollar limits and frequency of occurrence must be established, and corrective action must be taken if the limits are exceeded.

7. The cash (money) drawer must never be left open unless a transaction is being processed.

8. The cashier must not have access to a supervisor’s password.

9. The cashier must not have the ability to void and refund without the supervisor’s approval.

10. The cash register must be closed out and balanced on a daily basis.

11. Prepare deposit tickets for cash receipts in accordance with procedures in Part III, Section A10.

12. Supervisors or Managers must periodically perform unannounced cash reconciliations of cash register.

1 13. When counting money, the following standards must be maintained:

a. Money must be counted daily, during business operations.

b. Money is to be counted in a secure location. It should be counted in a locked room whose interior is not visible to the outside. (Blinds, shades, or drapes should be used to prevent outsiders from observing the cash being counted.)

c. The cash bank (starting cash in cash drawer, register, etc.) should be maintained at a specified amount.

1) This amount should be kept separate from the amount being counted to determine the daily receipts.

2) The cash bank must be counted daily.

3) The cash bank must be audited monthly by someone other than the person counting the money.

4) The cash bank must be protected and locked in a secure location when not in use.

d. If the quantity is sufficient, bills should be banded, and coins should be wrapped. Mechanical aids or a coin counting machine should be used to wrap coins.

e. Appropriate documentation of money count must be maintained (See page 10 for details).

14. Split or partial payments received from a combination of cash, money order, credit/debit card and/or checks are allowed with approval from Supervisor. The department/division must have a written procedure in place along with employee training.

F. Credit and Debit Cards:

1. Credit and debit card transactions are monetary transactions and subject to the same controls and reconciliation policies as cash transactions. A daily accounting of receipts from sales must be balanced against these electronic transactions as well as with the total currency, coins, and checks deposited with the Tax Collector. All units authorized to accept credit and debit card payments must exercise reasonable care in screening transactions to reduce card misuse and loss of funds.

2. To receive payments through Visa, Master Card, and debit cards, you must request authorization from the Treasury Division. An approval form from the Treasurer must be received before implementing this service (see Appendix form CDC REQ). A contact person for the bank and Treasury Division will be required.

3. The Treasury Division will make the necessary arrangements with the designated bank to establish a credit/debit terminal(s) and issue merchant number(s).

4. The designated bank will provide instructions on the use of the terminal, report generating, and procedures for handling disputed transactions for credit and debit cards.

5. Any changes in contact information must be submitted to Treasury Division (see Appendix for form CDC CHG).

6. Division Chiefs will be responsible for submitting a yearly report to the Treasurer on all terminal locations and any changes made during the fiscal year.

7. A customer must be present to make the debit or credit transaction.

8. Any Refunds allowed for Debit / Credit cards will be done via a refund check until such time the city’s system can accommodate refunds or credits being applied directly against the debit / credit card. Once systems are modified to electronically accept refunds for a debit / credit card, the refund will be place directly against the debit / credit card. In no case will CASH be given as a refund for debit / credit card transactions.

9. Split or partial payments received from a combination of cash, money order, credit/debit card and/or checks are allowed with approval from Supervisor. The department/division must have a written procedure in place along with employee training

10. Supervisors and/or Managers should perform weekly audits of refunds to detect any problems.

G. Checks:

1. All checks must be made payable to the “City of Jacksonville”, “Tax Collector”, “Clerk of Court”, “Supervisor of Elections” or ” the Sheriff’s Office”.

2. Do not accept post-dated checks or checks that are more than 30 days old.

3. Do not accept checks when the customer requests you to hold the check before depositing.

4. Do not accept checks from an individual or business that has previously written a worthless check.

5. Checks should be complete and accurate. Refer to SOPs on page 11 for specific details.

6. Do not cash checks.

7. Do not accept third party checks.

8. Split or partial payments received from a combination of cash, money order, credit/debit card and/or checks are allowed with approval from Supervisor. The department/division must have a written procedure in place along with employee training

9. Do not accept checks with conditions without verifying department procedures.

10. A business check should only be accepted as payment of that business’ liability. Do not accept a business check as payment of a personal debt, or a debt of a company other than the maker of the check.

11. Do not accept non-personalized checks.

12. Only accept a check for the exact amount of the liability. Cash is not allowed to be returned when payment is more than obligation to City. Cash should not be given back as change to a customer for a personal check, company check or cashiers check

13. Foreign checks and travelers checks must not be accepted unless the words “U.S. Funds” appear on the check.


14. Checks or money orders that require research before daily deposit must be copied and original check/money order secured in lock box or safe until deposit can be made. The Division Chief will designate only one (1) person to be responsible for the safekeeping of the original check(s)/money order(s). The employee designated for this responsibility will need to keep a daily list of all items to be researched with the following information:

a. Date of check or money order

b. Amount of check or money order

c. Name of company issuing check or person presenting money order

d. Date received

e. Name of person researching check or money order.

The researcher will attempt to resolve unidentified funds within 24 hours, but not to exceed 5 business days. The Division Chief will review this pending list of checks/money orders being researched, obtain updates and allow for any extensions on a weekly basis.

H. Offenses: The following is a list of serious offenses, but not all inclusive, that may result in discharge from employment:

1. Cashing checks from the City deposit

2. Borrowing cash for personal use

3. Lapping receipts to cover shortage of cash receipts

4. Withholding checks for deposit in order to float checks

5. Commingling of personal and the City monies

6. Modification of cash records


A. Cash Registered Sales:

1. Cashier enters dollar amount of the transaction(s) on the keypad of the terminal and totals.

2. Enter dollar amount collected from customer.

3. If applicable, return change to customer.

4. A receipt is given to customer.

5. All corrections must be made through the cash register and the journal tape must be marked to indicate action taken. Management must review and approve all corrections to journal tape.

6. All register totals must be balanced at the change of a shift and/or end of the day.

7. Money must be counted according to general standards defined on page 7.

a. A cash count sheet must be used which records the total quantity, and dollar value of each denomination.

b. The individuals counting and verifying the count must sign the count sheet.

c. Count sheet must be reconciled to the receipt record (cash register tape, adding machine tape total of receipts per Receipt Book, etc.).

1) The reconciliation should reflect any overages or shortages between actual and calculated cash.

a) If known, an explanation of the overage or shortage amount must be recorded.

b) All overages or shortages must be recorded on a specified register. This register should document amounts by each person responsible for overage or shortage.

c) Management must monitor this register at least on a weekly basis. Managers are required to document, initial and date this inspection.

8. Daily cash (money) must be sealed in an envelope or appropriate locking deposit bag and stored in the safe while awaiting deposit.

9. Deposit amounts must be totaled, by account number, subobject and entered into appropriate accounting system daily. Any exception to a standard daily deposit must be requested in writing and approved by the Director of Administration and Finance.

10. A copy of the deposit form must be put with the money in a deposit envelope or appropriate locking deposit bag and deposited with the Tax Collector.

11. A monthly report of receipts must be prepared and reconciled with the accounting system. This report will be a summarization of the daily and/or weekly reports on receipts, and will specify the accounts credited as well as the amount of deposits. Any differences must be reported immediately to the proper supervisor for investigation. Reconciliation should not be made by those handling cash or keeping records. It must be done by a third party.

B. Credit and Debit Cards:

1. Check that the expiration date of the credit or debit card has not expired.

2. Make sure credit or debit card is signed by the customer using it for the transaction.

7. Enter dollar amount of the transaction on the keypad of the terminal.

8. Run the card through terminal to enter the transaction. If the transaction is not accepted refer to Quick Reference Guide for terminal being used and follow instructions.

9. If payment can not be completed, void transaction.

10. If payment is processed, wait for printer to print receipt and have customer sign.

11. Give customer the yellow copy of the transaction and cash register receipt.

12. Put white copy in drawer (be sure to keep all copies together).

13. All credit card refunds must be approved and initialed by a manager.

14. A Batch Settlement Report consisting of an Audit List and Card Summary report must be printed and filed at the end of each day.

15. The card terminal will electronically remit daily totals directly to the bank.

16. If a terminal is inoperative, charge and credit card sales must be done manually using an imprinter. When the terminal is back in service, any document transactions must be entered. Debit card transactions cannot be done manually and later entered in the card terminal because the customer must be present to enter his/her pin number.

17. Bank notifies Dept/Division of any rejects and charge-backs using the contact information provided to Treasurer. Dept/Division researches rejects and charge-backs and attempts to resolve problems before statement is charged.

18. If charges are credited to Tax Collectors statement, Dept/Division must issue check for amount charged.

C. Checks:

1. Verify check is made payable to the “City of Jacksonville”, “Tax Collector”, “Clerk of the Court”, Sheriff’s Office” or “Supervisor of Elections.”

2. Verify the check date. Do not accept post-dated checks or checks that are more than 30 days old.

3. Verify the check amount. The numerical amount should be legible and include a decimal. The numerical amount must match the written amount. The amount should match the total transaction amount.

4. Verify that the check has been signed and compares with the signature provided on the Driver’s License or government issued ID. Make sure that the person you are accepting a check from is the person on the photo ID.

5. Personal identifying information should appear on the check. If not, you should obtain a stamp with the standard information to be written on the check or use current technology that verifies the check information. This information will be required should you need to collect on a Worthless Check or file criminal charges. The following information specified in s.832.07(2)(b)(2) Florida Statute is required:

a. The presenter’s full name

b. Residence address

c. Home telephone number

d. Employer telephone number

e. Place of employment

f. Sex

g. Date of Birth

h. Height

i. Race (Required by Sheriff’s Office prior to warrant being served)

j. Driver’s License Number or State issued ID card

6. Use a Restrictive Endorsement (“FOR DEPOSIT ONLY”) stamp on the back of the check.

7. If check is received through the mail, mail handler is to use restrictive endorsement, verify check is completed properly and initial. Mail handlers also prepare prelist of all check receipts and obtain initials of person who prepares deposit receipts (CR) acknowledging verification of count and transfer.

8 A pre-numbered receipt that includes the name of the payee, date, amount, check number, purpose, and subobject must be issued to the payee in over-the-counter transactions.

9 Copies of all receipts, including voids, which will have the reason voided, must be kept and approved by the supervisor. The supervisor must investigate any unusual voided receipts. Refer to the Division Chief or Department Director, if necessary.

10. Prepare Deposit Receipt (CR) in Tax Collector system. This system allows Dept/Division to enter the accounts to be affected. This procedure must be performed by a person not handling cash receipts. Monies shall be deposited same day as received. If receipt of money is after deposit, then monies are locked in the safe or cash box. Any exception to a standard daily deposit must be requested in writing and approved by the Director of Administration and Finance.

11. Copy Check and file with copy of receipt (CR).

12. Send check(s) and copy of receipt to Tax Collector’s Office for deposit. The Tax Collector’s office provides daily pickup services for Treasury and Accounting Divisions for checks only (no cash).

13. Tax Collector’s Office will validate receipt, deposit check and system will post receipts

14. Watch for CR validation. If the CR is not validated, call the Tax Collector’s office and inquire. After CR is validated, file cash receipts list and validation for use in subsequent audits.

15. Reconcile the deposit slips with the prelist. This function must be performed by a different employee than the one handling cash receipts. The supervisor reviews the reconciliation and approves for deposit. Division Chief must investigate any variances, and if differences persist, report discrepancies to Comptroller.

16. A monthly reconciliation is performed between detailed schedules of daily receipts and the accounting system. This includes the deposit amounts, the account numbers, and the subobject numbers. Any differences must be reported immediately to the proper supervisor for investigation. Reconciliation should not be made by those handling cash or keeping records. It must be done by third party.

D. Special Services: Management needs to make an evaluation to determine if special services are necessary. These services are designed to reduce the mail and internal processing time delays before checks can be converted into usable funds as well as provide security for the transporting of City monies.

1. Armored Car Service – Employee safety, volume and amount of cash, should be primary factors to determining if Armored Car Services are required. Contact Procurement & Supply Department for specifics on the current authorized armored car service provided for the City.

a. Deposit placed in locking deposit bag, with copy of deposit slip (ACCASH document).

b. Document the following on the Deposit Manifest (Log):

1) Bag No. - The number on the locking deposit bag used.

2) Date – The date the money was collected.

3) Deposit Amount – The exact amount of the deposit in the bag.

4) Signature – Cashier’s signature on the line of the deposit entry.

c. Complete armored car logbook.

d. If a cloth money bag is used instead of a locking deposit bag:

1) Locked deposit bag placed in cloth bag with original Deposit Manifest.

2) Seal cloth bag with lead seal.

e. When deposit is picked up by armored car service:

1) Verify identity of driver.

2) Obtain driver’s signature on armored car logbook.

2. Lock Box Services - This activity requires prior approval of the Tax Collector and Treasurer. Lock Box Services can be requested when remittance is in response to a formal billing/collection effort and some advice accompanies the remittance. Lock Box Service procedures are as follows:

a. A commercial bank (or other financial institution) rents a local post office box in Activity’s name.

b. Remittances are mailed to this specific P.O. Box rather than the City’s regular mailing address.

c. The commercial bank collects the remittances periodically during the day.

d. A bank staff person opens the remittances and sorts the payments and accompanying data.

e. Checks that agree with the enclosed bill, invoice, or other data are processed for deposit that day.

f. Exceptions (remittances with problems) may or may not, according to the activity’s instructions, be processed. Those remittances that are not processed must be turned over to the activity for action.

g. Copies of all processed remittances and accompanying data (invoice, parking tickets, etc) must be forwarded daily to the activity for its internal processing.

h. Monthly reconciliation must be performed between daily remittances and bank statements by the Tax Collector and any difference investigated.

E. Returned checks:

1. Check returned by bank to Tax Collector.

2. Tax Collector (Imprest Funds desk) opens up a receivable from the division that originally deposited the check for the amount of the check. A service charge authorized by s. 832.07(1)(a) Florida Statutes is assessed which is based upon the face amount of the check.

3. Tax Collector delivers the check, and notice of amount due, to the Division. Division signs a receipt for the check.

4. The Division shall calculate and collect the service charge to be assessed the writer of the returned check, specified under Florida Statutes §§ 125.0105, 166.251 and authorized in Ordinance Code, Section 112.112. Any waiver of this service charge must be a result of banking error and documented with a letter from the bank stating reason for error and approved by Division Chief or designee. Any other waivers must be requested in writing from the Director to Director of Administration and Finance. This service charge, which is based upon the face amount of the check is:

a. $25.00 if the face amount of the check does not exceed $50.00,

b. $30.00 if the face amount of the check is between $50.00 and $300.00

c. $40.00 if the face amount of the check exceeds $300.00, or an amount of up to 5% of the face amount, whichever is greater.

5. Division sends the following notice, specified in s. 832.07(1)(a) Florida Statute, by Certified Mail, to the maker of the check :

“You are hereby notified that a check, numbered ___, in the face amount of $___, issued by you on (date), drawn upon (name of bank), and payable to ___, has been dishonored. Pursuant to Florida law, you have seven (7) days from receipt of this notice to tender payment of the full amount of such check plus a service charge of $25. If the face value does not exceed $50, $30, if the face value exceeds $50, but does not exceed $300, $40, if the face value exceeds $300, or an amount of up to 5 percent of the face amount of the check, whichever is greater, the total amount due being $___ and __cents. Unless this amount is paid in full within the time specified above, the holder of such check may turn over the dishonored check and all other available information relating to this incident to the state attorney for criminal prosecution. You may be additionally liable in a civil action for triple the amount of the check, but in no case less than $50, together with the amount of the check, a service charge, court costs, reasonable attorney fees, and incurred bank fees, as provided in s. 68.065.”

6. Division shall collect amount due (the amount of the original check plus the NSF service charge, which is the amount calculated using the formula in the notification letter per step 5 above). Payment must be in the form of certified funds (cash, money order, cashier’s check).

a. Prepare Tax Collector deposit form.

1) The original check amount recorded the same as the original check.

2) The NSF fee should be recorded to subobject No. 34151G, Index Number same as original check.

b. Send certified funds and deposit form to the Tax Collector.

7. The Tax Collector is reimbursed for the original check that it had paid from its imprest fund by issuing a check request to the Accounting Division unless special arrangements have been made, between the Tax Collector and the Division, to directly reimburse the Tax Collector’s Imprest Desk.

8. If a returned check cannot be collected, the department shall refer to the State Attorney’s Procedures for Filing Criminal Charges in Worthless Check Cases. The information can be obtained at 10 West Adams Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202 or contact the Worthless Check Division at 904-351-0935. Please make sure to always obtain the most current package of information. It is mandatory that all worthless checks be submitted to the State Attorney for processing. If the Director believes a NFS check should not be turned over to the State Attorney’s Office, they must request in writing an exception from the Director of Administration and Finance.


Subject Contact Name Phone #

Tax Collector Cash Receipts Tax Collector – Mgr. of General Collections 630-2002

Accounting Accounting Division 630-1250

Cash Questions Treasury Division 630-1640

Returned Checks State Attorney –Worthless Check Division 351-0930


[pic] [pic]





I, _________________________________, hereby acknowledge that I understand the General Standards with reference to the safeguarding of assets documented in the Standard Operating Procedures for Cash Receipts. As an employee responsible for the handling and safeguarding cash, I understand that I must maintain complete confidentiality of any safe combination(s) and/or lock box key locations that are used as temporary storage for any monies not yet deposited.

Any violation or misuse of above information will result in disciplinary action deemed appropriate by my department head.

Signature: ___________________________________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________________________________________

Department: _________________________________________________________________________

Division: ____________________________________________________________________________


Security Agreement Form A Created 9/28/04

(To be signed biennially and filed in Personnel file)



To: Michael Givens, City Treasurer

Department of Administration and Finance – Treasury Division

From: (Department Head)


I, ___________________________________________________ am requesting

(Department Head)

authorization to establish a credit/debit card terminal(s) for:



Location of Terminal(s) Requested: ________________________________________

(Please attached additional sheets if needed)

I acknowledge that I have read and understand the Executive Order which provides guidance in Receipting of Monies for the City of Jacksonville and that I am responsible and accountable for compliance of these standards. I am also aware of the bank terms and conditions required to establish a credit/debit card terminal(s).

The individual assigned as the contact for the bank will be:

___________________________________________ _________________________

Employee Employee ID

_______________________ ____________________ ________________________

Work Number Fax Number E-mail Address

_____________________________________________ _______________________

(Department Head Signature) (Date)

_______________________ ____________________ ________________________

Work Number Fax Number E-mail Address

Approved By: __________________________________ _______________________

(City Treasurer) (Date)

Assigned Merchant Number(s): ____________________________________________

Form CDC REQ Created 10/1/04



To: Michael Givens, City Treasurer

Department of Administration and Finance – Treasury Division

From: (Department Head)


Please make the following changes to the contact information for Credit and Debit Card services.

______________________________________ ______________________________

Department/Division Merchant Number

The individual assigned as the contact for the bank will be:

_________________________________________ ___________________________

Employee Employee ID

________________________ _________________ __________________________

Work Number Fax Number E-mail Address

___________________________________________ _________________________

Department Head Signature Date

________________________ __________________ _________________________

Work Number Fax Number E-mail Address

Change Submitted to Bank By: _____________________________________________

Treasury Staff

______________________ _______________________ ____________________

Work Number Fax Number Date

Form CDC CHG Created 10/1/04


[1] Any action taken by management, the board, and other parties to enhance risk management and increase the likelihood that established objectives and goals will be achieved. Management plans, organizes, and directs the performance of sufficient actions to provide reasonable assurance that objectives and goals will be achieved.

[2] Sec. 24.103 Power and Duties of Director of Administration and Finance (b), (c), (d).

[3] EFT delivers money electronically through the banking system. It is established to receive payments from specified customers directly through a bank rather than mail services.

[4] Times Deposit shall include certificates of deposit, time deposit, and savings deposits as defined under applicable federal banking laws and regulations.

[5] Wire Transfers are monies that are transferred electronically from one financial institution to another.


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