Rosemount Girls’ Soccer Booster Club

Rosemount Girls’ Soccer Booster Club

September 5, 2012 Booster Meeting Minutes

I. Welcome

Sandra Knott, President of the Booster Club, called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

Roll Call: Stefani Stuckey, Laurie Carr, Dawn Igoe, Angela Maxson, Teri Lemke, Diane Sowokinos, Beth Dean, Lori Mallory, Toni Jones, Sandra Knott, David Elliot, Gretchen Scheffel, Carla Grausnick, Greg Twaites, Deb Halterman

II. Review and Approval of August 1, 2012 meeting minutes

August 1, 2012 meeting minutes were reviewed and approved.

III. Treasurer’s Report

Karla reported that our account balance is around $14,000. She distributed an updated Treasurer’s Report.

IV. Captains’ Comments

Captains Parents mentioned the captains were wondering how to sell the water bottles. It was agreed to start putting them on list serve at $12.00 along with varsity posters for $5 and T-shirts for $10. Lori Mallory agreed to send a note to get these on list serve and up and running.

V. Coaches’ Comments

Kevin Adams was unable to attend tonight’s meeting.

VI. Committee Reports

Committee Chairs & Booster Club Positions:

• President – Sandra Knott

• Vice President – Greg Twaites

• Treasurer – Carla Grausnick

• Secretary – Kris Hanson

• Website – Stefani Stuckey

• Car Wash – Sandra Knott, Carla Grausnick, Kris Hanson

1. Sandra Knott is looking for someone to take over car wash committee next year.

2. Car was down this year with 50% participation.

• Program Sponsors – Sandra Knott, Stefani Stuckey

1. Sponsor totals are down about $200.00 this year.

• Community Night/Homecoming/Senior Night – Greg Twaites (assistant?)

o Homecoming is early this year: September 18th vs. Lakeville South

1. Anchor Bank declined to participate this year. So, we need to find another sponsor to keep our budget in line.

2. Burgers, Buns, Condiments are all ready Hamburger Buns were ordered through a vendor wonder uses and was cheaper than going through the school.

3. Greg Twaites meet with boys varsity parent Mr. Weiler and they are all good to go with coordinating the homecoming night with the girls game.

4. There will be a raffle set up, merchant table selling water bottles, t-shirts, varsity posters, and will hand out wristbands.

5. The varsity girls will be signing soccer balls at the next spaghetti dinner. Jana Elliot will be in charge of this. They will also be used at the homecoming game.

o Senior Night – Saturday, September 29th.

7 seniors will be honored. Flowers have been ordered. The seniors will be filling out a bio prior to the evening.

• Publicity/Street Signs – (Halterman, Newton and Hanson will place the signs out on game nights).

o Several yard signs were ordered and need to be sold. Price is $20 each.

o Greg Twaites motioned to have a publicity group. He will contact Nathan from Town Pages to try to get press contact in order to get publicity at more games other than varsity.

o Greg will write a proposal on how to send out press releases. He will look into this and talk more at future meetings if want to proceed.

• Game Banners for Varsity Games – Captains & Captains Parents

• Ball Girls – Gretchen Scheffel and Lori Mallory

1.Varsity felt the ball girls have been doing a great job so far. There is still a need for ball girls for the homecoming game and game against Hastings.

2. Snacks for ball girls are getting low. Stefani Stuckey mentioned using the $50.00 gift card we received from Sams Club to cover this expense. All agreed

• Leprechaun Days – was a success! Good job Girls!

• Clothing – Captains

1. Sweatpants ordered should be received in the next couple of weeks.

• Game Concessions & Varsity Scrimmage Concessions – Amy Billings

Concessions are going well. Football revamped concession area and has a new cash register. It was not determined how much money has been made yet. It was mentioned to many pizzas are being ordered and could maybe cut back on that.

• Wreath Sales – Carla Grausnick, Sandra Knott, Kris Hanson

o November 16th is delivery date

o November 17th is pick up date

o Location pick up Brenna Sullivans House.

• Alumni Game – Brian Fahey-Bleick

• Duluth Trip – Deb Halterman and Jason Hill

Was a great success! Jason Hill is looking for a new hotel for next year as The Inn will not be renewing our contract for next year. It was suggested to stay on Canal Park so the girls have a close place to walk.

• Teacher Appreciation Night – Lori Mallory and ?

1. Form has been given to varsity girls. Lori Mallory suggested the girls hand write a thank you to their chosen teacher instead of a certificate to make it more meaningful. All agreed.

2. Discussion on if teacher receives a picture or if it is up to the player to send one on their own.

3. Deb Halterman will check with Deb Johnson to see if she is available to take pictures that evening.

• Photographer – Deb Johnson with Brian Kuznia assisting

1. It was suggested that only one photographer would be needed next year as the photos went smoothly.

2. Mentioned was changing the date of pictures to another day in order to try to free up part of one of the last weekends of the summer. Along with the All Team meeting.

• Video Taping

o Brian Fahey-Bleick has been recording away games and uploading to HUDL

o Home games to be recorded by students – update from Lori Mallory

VII. Old Business

• Stefani and Greg will get together to look into storing prior year photos that are on our old website.

VIII. New Business

IX. Other

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm

Notes taken by Laurie Carr (filling in for Kris Hanson)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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