Have Home, sell Auto

Agency Letter Templates

Account Round Letters

Account Round Letter 2

Have Auto, General Account Round 3

Have Auto, Sell Home 4

Have Auto, Sell Renters 5

Have Home, Sell Auto 6

Have Home or Auto, Sell Boat 7

Have Home and Auto, Sell Umbrella 8

Introduce Agency/CSR to Account Round 9

Have Auto and Home, Sell Full Account 10

Sell Umbrella 11

Account Round With Claims 12

Cross-sell CI to PI 13

Renewal Letters

First Renewal Letter 14

Generic Renewal Letter 15

Policy Review at Renewal 1 16

Policy Review at Renewal 2 17

Retention Letters

How Are We Doing Letter 18

Holiday Note 19

Thank You 20

Coverage Upgrade Letters

Upgrade Auto Limits at Renewal

Homeowners/Condominium Coverage Upgrade 22

Have Home, Sell PAF 23

Customer Acquisition Letters

Introductory Letter 24

New Homeowner 25

Homeowners/Auto New Business 26

Direct Response, Sell homeowners 27

Confirm Appointment 28

Proposal Cover Letter 29

Thank You for X Date 30

Follow Up on X Date 31

Win Back Letters

One Year Follow Up Quote 32

Follow Up After Rejection 33

Referral Letters

Thank you for referral 34

New Business Follow-Up 35

Claim Services Follow-up 36

Vacation letter 37

Wedding Letters

Customer Letter 38

Wedding Planner Letter 39

Venue Manager Letter 40

Account Round Letters

General Account Round Letter

Dear __________:

You may be able to save up to _____ on your existing ________ policy.

Reviewing your account, I noticed a discount opportunity I wanted to make you aware of. Currently, you have your ________ insurance with us, and the rest of your personal insurance with other agents. That means you are not taking advantage of certain discounts your ________insurance company offers, such as the multi-policy discounts they offer customers who purchase both home and auto insurance from them. In addition, you may even have overlapping coverages that could be costing you money.

When I coordinate all your coverages, I search for every available discount you’re entitled to, and eliminate any coverages that overlap. By doing that I can save you money, as well as provide you with the convenience of one-stop shopping.

Please call or e-mail me at ___________, and let’s see if we can find ways to reduce your insurance premiums. Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.


Have Auto, General Account Round

Dear _____________:

Thank you for the opportunity to provide you with your auto coverage. As you now have your auto insurance with Travelers, we wanted to let you know that Travelers offers multi-policy discounts to customers who purchase certain other coverages from them. Travelers offers homeowners, valuable items, boat and yacht, identity theft protection, and umbrella insurance.

By taking advantage of these multi-policy discounts, you could enjoy substantial savings. Please give me a call so we can determine if transferring any of your other coverages could save you money.

Again, thank you for choosing our agency.


Have Auto, sell Home

Dear _____________:

I noticed that you may be eligible for a significant savings opportunity that you may not be aware of, and wanted to bring it to your attention.

As you know, your automobile insurance is with Travelers. Travelers offers multi-policy discounts for policyholders of Travelers Home and Auto insurance. By moving your homeowners insurance to Travelers, you could receive a discount of up to ___% on each policy. That would be an annual savings of $_____ per year on your auto insurance.

If you would like to investigate this option, please call or e-mail me and I’ll provide you with a free, no-obligation quote for Travelers Homeowners insurance.

Thank you for your continued business.


Have Auto, Sell Renters

Dear _____________:

Thank you for your automobile insurance business.

We noticed that you are currently renting your home. We know that your possessions are worth a lot to you. So when you rent your home, you need insurance that covers you and your belongings in case of fire, theft, or even accidental discharge from a major system.

We wanted to let you know that we can offer you flexible, affordable renters insurance. Basic coverage can include:

• Protection for personal possessions, including furniture, clothing, appliances,

and electronics

• Covered items you take while traveling

• Additional living expenses if you have to relocate due to a covered loss

• Personal liability coverage

• Certain costs associated with defending you in a lawsuit related to a bodily injury or property damage

• Limited coverage if your credit cards, ATM cards, or checks are stolen or used without your permission

In addition, a variety of coverage upgrades are available that will let you tailor your coverage to your specific needs. And, as you have your automobile insurance with Travelers, you may be eligible for discounts on a renters policy and your existing auto policy if you purchase this coverage from Travelers.

Please give us a call if we can answer any questions for you about this valuable protection.


Have Home, sell Auto

Dear _____________:

You may be eligible for a significant savings opportunity!

As you know, your homeowners insurance is with Travelers. Travelers offers multi-policy discounts for policyholders of Travelers Home and Auto insurance. By moving your automobile insurance to Travelers, you could receive up to a __% discount on each policy. That would be an annual savings of $_____ per year on your homeowners insurance.

I would be happy to provide you with a free, no-obligation quote for auto insurance. Please call me to discuss this option, as well as other multi-policy discounts that are available.

Thank you for your continued business.


Have Home or Auto, sell Boat

Dear _________:

As your insurance agent, I have three basic priorities – to provide you with the protection you need, to save you money, and to provide you with the best possible service. That’s why I’m excited to let you know about Travelers Boat insurance. If you own a small boat and have Travelers Homeowners and/or Auto insurance, we can give you a discount of up to 15% on Travelers Boat insurance.

Travelers understands the needs of boat owners. Their comprehensive coverage includes:

• Broad navigational territories including the US and Canada

• Dedicated marine claims experts

• 24/7 claims reporting

If you would like us to review your existing boat coverage, please give me a call. I can advise you on the proper type and amount of insurance you need for your boat, and provide you with a no-obligation quote.

Thank you for your continued business.


Have Home and Auto, sell Umbrella

Dear _________:

If you were sued, would your existing personal insurance policies provide you with adequate protection?

It’s a question you need to ask. Typical auto, homeowner, and other property insurance liability limits are often not adequate to cover the large court judgments frequently awarded. And these days, anyone can be sued, regardless of income, for just about any reason.

As your insurance agent, I’m here to help you find the insurance you need. That’s why I want to make sure you know about the protection available through an umbrella policy.

An umbrella policy provides financial protection beyond what your auto or homeowners policy includes – from one to ten million dollars - and may help safeguard your assets if you are held liable in certain situations, such as:

o an injury on your property

o an injury involving your auto or boat

o libel, slander, defamation of character or invasion of privacy

This important protection is relatively inexpensive. If you are interested in this coverage, please give me a call or e-mail me at ________. I would be happy to provide you with a no-obligation quote.

Thank you for your continued business.


Have Auto & Home, Sell Full Account

Dear _________:

As an insurance agent, I have three basic priorities – to help my customers find the protection they need, to save them money, and to provide outstanding service.

It’s been my privilege to do that for you with your homeowners and automobile insurance. Now, I’d like to see if I can help you with other coverages you may need, including:

• Extra protection for your personal valuables

• Extra liability coverage

• Identity theft protection

• Boat insurance

If you would like to review your existing coverage to make sure it still meets your needs, or to see if you would benefit from any of additional coverages I detailed above, please call me at your convenience.

Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.


Introduce Agency/CSR

Dear ___________:

As your customer service representative at ________ Agency, I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. You can call on me with any questions you may have about your coverage or the insurance policies and services our agency provides.

In order to provide you with the best possible service, I would like to get some additional information from you to set up your client file. We can do this over the phone in a few minutes. Please give me a call at your convenience at ____________.

Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.


Sell Umbrella

Dear _________:

In these litigious times, you don’t have to be a millionaire to be sued like one. That’s why it’s important to consider if you have all the liability coverage that you need, and why I wanted to let you know about the protection an umbrella policy may provide.

Typical auto, homeowners, and other property insurance liability limits may not be adequate to cover the large court judgements being awarded these days. A Travelers umbrella policy can provide extra protection starting at $1,000,000 of additional personal liability coverage. Umbrella coverage can include court costs and attorney fees, and it may protect you against various liability hazards not typically covered under home and auto policies.

An umbrella policy may help protect you if you are held liable in certain situations, such as when someone is injured on your property or injured in an accident involving your auto or boat. It may also extend protection for other personal liability losses, including:

• libel

• slander,

• defamation of character

• invasion of privacy

The cost of this coverage is surprisingly low. Please give me a call or e-mail me at ___________ if you would like more information about this valuable protection.

Thank you for your continued business.


Account Round with Claims

Dear _________;

It was my pleasure working with you recently on your ________ claim. I trust the claim has been resolved to your satisfaction. If it was not, please let me know about it.

While reviewing your file we noticed that we do not have your [auto/home] insurance coverage. If you would like to provide us with a copy of your [auto/home] policy, we would be happy to review it with you to see if we can save you money.

Our agency offers a full line of personal insurance, including auto, home, boat, flood, umbrella, valuable items, and identity theft. Please call us at your convenience, or simply fax us a copy of your existing policy at the number below so we can initiate a review.

Thank you for your business.


Cross sell CI to PI

Dear _________:

Our agency has had the pleasure of taking care of your commercial insurance needs. But did you know that we also specialize in personal automobile and homeowners insurance?

At [agency name] we take pride in providing all our personal insurance customers with the protection they need at an attractive rate, with the same outstanding customer service you are already familiar with.

If we can help you or any of your employees address personal insurance needs, please do not hesitate to call or e-mail me at ___________.


Renewal Letters

First Renewal Letter

Dear _________:

Happy Anniversary! You may not realize it, but this is the first anniversary of your _________account with us. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for the confidence you’ve placed in our agency.

As always, if I can be of any assistance, please call or e-mail me at ________.

Again, thank you for your business.


Generic Renewal letter

Dear _________:

First, thank you for your continued business. We appreciate the confidence you’ve placed in our agency and we will do our best to provide you with the highest levels of service and support.

Enclosed please find the renewal of your Travelers _________ policy. Please take some time to review the coverages carefully. If you have any questions regarding any aspect of your policy, our professional staff will be happy to assist you.

Our aim is to provide you with a comprehensive insurance program that meets your needs. As these needs change, your insurance protection should also change. If you would like to meet to review your policy and discuss other coverages or discounts that may be available to you, please call me at __________

If you have any friends or associates who you feel would benefit from our services, we would be happy to assist them. Just have them call us and mention your name.

Thank you again.


Policy Review at Renewal 1

Dear __________:

Your homeowners insurance is coming up for renewal, so we want to make sure your existing coverage still meets your needs. Your home is insured for $__________. Would that be enough in the event of a total loss?

When a loss occurs, it’s too late to buy more insurance. We encourage you to evaluate your home insurance to make sure your coverage is still appropriate.

If you need help in determining the value of your home, we can help. Give us a call at ___________and we can do a replacement cost survey, and give you a quote for additional coverage if needed.

Thank you for your continued business.


Policy Review at Renewal 2

Dear _________:

One of the benefits of having your home insurance through our agency is that you receive ongoing attention and personalized service to help you get the protection you need.

Your homeowner’s policy will be renewing within the next 90 days and we would like to review your policy with you to make sure your coverage still meets your needs.

Your current homeowners coverage limits are:

Dwelling Coverage Limits:     

Home Contents Limits:      

Your home is an investment, much like your retirement account. Before you call us to review your policy, it will be important to consider a few things:

▪ Has your home gone up in value? With home improvement a national pastime and constructions costs on the rise, its important to determine if your policy limits are still adequate. You should also call us to review those limits anytime you finish a home improvement project.

▪ Don’t forget your home furnishings. Compare the value of your belongings to the contents limit in your policy. In the event of a total loss, would your home contents limit be able to replace all of your belongings?

▪ Rebuilding is different than buying. When we review your policy, remember that it may cost more to rebuild your home than the current market value of your home, so you can’t rely on your home’s value to set your insurance limits. Rebuilding costs depend on the price of materials and labor in your area, and in most areas, those costs have been rising.

To schedule your coverage review, please call us at ________. There’s no cost or obligation for your review, it’s simply one of the benefits of doing business with us.

Thank you once again for choosing our agency for your home insurance needs.


Retention Letters

How Are We Doing letter

Dear _________:

Our agency greatly values your business, and we want to do everything we can

to provide you with the best service possible. That’s why we’d like to get your input on how we’re doing, and if you feel there are areas where we can make improvements.

Specifically, we would appreciate your feedback on the following questions.

1. Are your telephone calls returned promptly?

2. Is our staff courteous and helpful when you call?

3. Do we provide all the information and service that you need?

4. Is there any area where improvements or changes should be made?

Please feel free to call or e-mail me at _________with your thoughts, or simply return this letter in the enclosed postage-paid envelope.

Thank you for your assistance, and we look forward to continuing to help you address your insurance needs.


Holiday note

Dear _________:

Happy Holidays!

At this special time of year, we want to wish you and your family a healthy and joyous Holiday Season.


Thank You

Dear ____________:

Thank you for purchasing your ________ policy from us. We appreciate the confidence you have expressed in our agency.

You should be receiving your policy within __ weeks. In the meantime, should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me personally at [phone #, e-mail].

Again, welcome, and thank you for your business.


Coverage Upgrade Letters

Upgrade Auto Limits at Renewal

Dear ____________:

Your automobile insurance policy will be renewing soon. To ensure that your coverage still meets your needs, we have enclosed a questionnaire that can help us update your policy. Please review it, complete it where necessary, and return it to our office in the enclosed postage-paid envelope.

If you wish to make changes to your policy, please indicate those changes on this questionnaire. It is very important that you return this questionnaire within two weeks so that your policy may be updated properly and you are charged the correct premium.

When reviewing your policy, we encourage you to consider increasing your optional bodily injury limits to _________ and property damage to __________. We also recommend that uninsured and underinsured motorists coverage be at least equal to the optional bodily injury limits. Another coverage you may want to consider is a personal umbrella policy, which costs $______ for year.

Please give me a call at ___________ if you have any questions regarding your coverage. On behalf of everyone at _________ agency, thank you for your business.


Homeowners/Condominium Replacement Cost Coverage Upgrade

Dear _________:

As your insurance agent, my priority is to make sure you are properly protected.

That’s why I want to make sure you know about the replacement cost option you can add to your____________ insurance.

Under your current policy, if you suffer a covered loss on your personal property, depreciation will be deducted from the settlement. For example, a television purchased four years ago for $460 may depreciate at a rate of 10% per year, so if the cost to replace it today is $650, the actual cash value under your present policy would be $301.81, less any applicable deductible.

With Personal Property Replacement Cost Coverage, you would be paid the full, present-day cost of your possessions, minus your deductible. No depreciation would be taken.

The cost of replacement cost coverage is very reasonable. Please call or e-mail me if you would like more information about this valuable protection.

Thank you for your continued business.


Have Home, sell PAF

Dear _________:

As your insurance agent, my priority is to help you determine if you are properly protected. That’s why I want to make sure you know about the Personal Articles Floater from Travelers. The personal articles floater is especially designed to protect your high-value possessions, including jewelry, silverware, fine arts, furs, and other valuables. Although your homeowners policy may insure these items, it limits coverage to a specified amount. The Personal Articles Floater allows you to protect valuable items at higher limits, and gives additional protection for losses that may not be covered under your homeowners policy.

With the personal articles floater, you can insure your valuables for their full value. The insurance offers excellent coverage at a very attractive rate.

If you are interested in this coverage, please give me a call or e-mail me at ________. I would be happy to provide you with a no-obligation quote.

Thank you for your continued business.


Customer Acquisition Letters

Introductory letter

Dear _________:

[Welcome to the neighborhood!] I’d like to introduce you to our insurance agency, the __________ Agency. We have handled the personal and professional needs of __________ residents for over ____ years.

We are a full-service agency offering homeowners, automobile, renters, boat and yacht, umbrella, valuable items, flood, and identity theft protection. We take pride in the personal service and competitive rates we are able to provide our clients.

Our agency can provide you with:

• Insurance counseling

• Prompt attention to your inquiries

• Dependable customer service

• Convenience - we’re local and close to your home

If our agency can be of any assistance in helping you meet your insurance needs, please call us at ________.


New Homeowner

Dear ___________:

Congratulations on the purchase of your new home!

We are a full-service personal lines insurance agency that has been helping ________ residents for over ____ years. We offer a full line of personal insurance, including automobile, homeowners, boat and yacht, flood, umbrella, and identity theft protection.

If we can help you assess and meet your insurance needs, please give us a call. Thanks and welcome to the neighborhood!


Homeowners/Auto New Business

Dear _________:

As insurance professionals that take pride in offering our customers great service and helping them save money, we believe in taking the “mystery” out of buying insurance. The more our customers know, the more they value our services.

That service starts with personal attention to help you assess your insurance needs, and it includes:

• Counseling on the insurance options available to you

• Prompt attention to your inquiries

• A courteous and helpful staff

Because we’re a local, independent agent, we are familiar with [name of town], and we can quote several carriers to get you an excellent rate.

If we can be of assistance in helping you meet your home, auto, or other personal insurance needs, please call or e–mail us at ______________.

Thank you.


Direct Response, Sell homeowners

Dear ___________:

Are you getting a good deal on your homeowners insurance? Are you with a reputable insurance company that provides fast and fair claim service? And most importantly, can you save money and switch to a more highly-rated carrier?

Our agency has been helping the ________ community do just that for ____ years. We deal with only the best insurance companies. And we believe we can save you money on your homeowners insurance.

If saving money and getting treated fairly are important to you, fill out the enclosed Request for Homeowners Quotation and return it to us. We will then send you a personal Homeowners insurance proposal from a leading carrier for comparison.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, feel free to give me a call. Thanks and I look forward to helping you get a better deal on your homeowners insurance!


Confirm Appointment

Dear ________:

Thank you for talking to us today and allowing us to make an appointment for you. This is to confirm your appointment with __________ on ______ at ______.

If this time becomes inconvenient please call us at _________ and we will be happy to reschedule your appointment.

We are confident that we will find you an insurance carrier to fit your needs, and we look forward to assisting you.


Proposal Cover Letter

Dear __________:

Thank you for the opportunity to quote your _________ insurance. Enclosed is a proposal for your review.

Our agency has been serving clients in the __________ area for _____ years. We are an independent insurance agency that offers many different types of insurance, including homeowners, automobile, boat, flood, identity theft, valuable items, and umbrella insurance. Our independent status allows us to quote many different carriers, so we are always free to recommend the insurance company that can best meet your needs. And, I’m sure you will appreciate the convenience of having all your insurance through one agency.

If you have any questions or I can be of further assistance, please call or e-mail me at __________________. Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.


Thank You for X date

Dear ______________:

Thank you for providing us with the renewal date of your __________ policy. As I mentioned, I will contact you in _________ to provide you with a quote on your ____________ coverage.

At _________, we want to be your “all lines” agency. It will be more convenient for you, and will allow us to ensure that you have no overlapping coverages, or gaps in your coverage.

Thanks and we look forward to being of service to you soon.


Follow Up on X date

Dear ___________:

Thank you for providing the renewal date of your auto/homeowners insurance policy. This is to confirm that I will be contacting you at least 60 days prior to your auto/homeowners renewal.

As a full-service independent insurance agency, we can provide you with the following:

• Insurance counseling. We’ll help you find the coverage you need at a great rate.

• Free annual reviews. We’re always happy to sit down with you and review your coverage to make sure it meets your ever-changing needs.

• Dependable customer service. We’re here when you need us. After hours consultations are available.

In the meantime, if I can be of any assistance in helping you address your insurance needs, please call me at ________.


Win Back Letters

Quote Follow Up

Dear ______________:

Last [month], we provided you with a ________quote. We are committed to meeting your insurance needs in this ever-changing marketplace, and we would like to provide you with the same quality coverage and service we provide to all our clients.

We would be happy to review your insurance with you, confirm it still meet your needs, and provide you with a new insurance quote. Please call or e-mail me at ______________ if we can be of service.

Thank you.


Follow Up After Rejection

Dear _________:

Thank you very much for allowing us to provide a review and quotation on your ________ insurance coverage. I’m sorry we could not assist you at this time.

The insurance marketplace changes constantly, so I’ll follow up with you again in the future to see if we can be of service to you.

Once again, thank you for allowing us to provide you with a ________ quote. If we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to call.


Referral Letters

Thank You for Referral

Dear _____________:

Thank you for referring ______________ to our office.

I appreciate your thinking of me, and the confidence you have shown in our agency. We will work hard to continue to earn your trust.

Again, thank you for your business and for your referral. You made my day!


New Business Follow-Up

Dear (Name),

Thank you for your recent purchase of a/an (auto/home/other) insurance policy with (Agency Name). We appreciate your business and are committed to your satisfaction. As a member of the local community, we have been meeting the insurance needs of (Town name) area residents for over (xx) years.

We attribute our success to a combination of competitively priced products and superior customer service. Our customers are also a key part of our success because we grow our business through customer referrals. If you have a friend who could benefit from the service we provide, please give us a call.

Thank you again,

Claim Services Follow-up

Dear (Name),

It was a pleasure assisting you with your recent (auto/home) insurance claim. I trust the claim has been resolved to your satisfaction. If not, please let me know.

I take great pride in the service I provide to my customers. Whether its helping you find the right insurance protection, providing a coverage review, or assisting with the claims process, My priority is to deliver service you can rely on.

If you happen to know of anyone who could also benefit from this level of service, please give me a call. I would be pleased to provide them with a no-obligation insurance quote.

Thank you,

Vacation Letter

Dear (Name),

As your insurance agent, I would like to offer you a suggestion...

Before leaving on a vacation, please give my business card (which is enclosed) to one of your neighbors. Let them know that I am your insurance agent and that if anything (i.e., wind, hail, fire, etc.) should damage your home, they should contact me. I am here to help.

You may also want to make arrangements with someone who could ensure that proper emergency action is taken to protect your home from further damage, if necessary. I hope this suggestion is of value to you. Please enjoy your time away from home!



Customer Letter

Introducing the Wedding Protector Plan from Travelers

Peace of Mind for Your Special Day

Dear __________:

You’ve always dreamed of the perfect wedding. And you’ve spent countless hours and thousands of dollars to make your dream come true. But no matter how carefully you plan it, there are many risks beyond anyone’s control that can diminish, postpone, or even ruin your special day.

A wedding is an investment, and as the average cost of weddings rise - now up to $27,000*, wedding insurance is needed more than ever. After all, you wouldn’t buy a car that costs that much without insuring it. Now, for as little as $160, you can protect your wedding with the new Wedding Protector PlanSM from Travelers. The Wedding Protector Plan is an insurance policy that offers financial protection against many unfortunate but all too common wedding-related incidents, including:

• Lost deposits

• Lost or damaged rings

• Ruined Photos

• Severe weather

• Call to Duty

• Sudden Illness

• Damaged Gifts

• Transportation Shutdown

• Lost or damaged wedding dress/tuxedo.

The Wedding Protector Plan can provide peace of mind and valuable insurance protection. For more information about the plan, please call me at ________. And be sure to visit the Wedding Protector Plan website at .


* Conde Nast Bridal Media – American Wedding Study, 2006

This material is for informational purposes only. All statements herein are subject to the provisions, exclusions and conditions of the applicable policy. For an actual description of all coverages, terms and conditions, refer to the insurance policy. Coverage is subject to individual insureds meeting our underwriting qualifications and to state availability.

Wedding Planner Letter

Your Clients Rely on You For a Wedding They Will Never Forget.

Help Them Remember it for all the Right Reasons, with the Wedding Protector PlanSM from Travelers.

Dear _________:

As a wedding planner, you work hard to deliver a day your clients will fondly remember for the rest of their lives. But more than anyone else might appreciate, you understand that it is the unforeseen hazards beyond anyone’s control that can diminish, postpone, or even ruin a wedding. Things like vendor and venue failures. Severe weather. Damaged gifts. And illness to the bride, groom, or their parents.

Now, for as little as $160, Travelers new Wedding Protector Plan can shield your clients from the financial impact of these and many other wedding-related risks, and it can give them the peace of mind that comes from knowing the investment they’ve made in their wedding is backed by a leading insurance company.

For information about how we can help your clients prepare for the unexpected, please call me

at __________


P.S. Please visit the Wedding Protector Plan website at .

This material is for informational purposes only. All statements herein are subject to the provisions, exclusions and conditions of the applicable policy. For an actual description of all coverages, terms and conditions, refer to the insurance policy. Coverage is subject to individual insureds meeting our underwriting qualifications and to state availability.

Venue Manager Letter

Your Customers Rely on Your Venue For a Wedding They Will Never Forget.

Help Them Remember it for all the Right Reasons, with the Wedding Protector PlanSM from Travelers.

Dear _________:

As the Manager/Coordinator of weddings for your facility, you work hard to deliver a day your clients will fondly remember for the rest of their lives. But more than anyone else might appreciate, you understand that it is the unforeseen hazards beyond anyone’s control that can diminish, postpone, or even ruin a wedding. Things like vendor failures. Severe weather. Damaged gifts. And illness to the bride, groom, or their parents.

Now, for as little as $160, Travelers new Wedding Protector Plan can shield your clients from the financial impact of these and many other wedding-related risks, and it can give them the peace of mind that comes from knowing the investment they’ve made in their wedding is backed by a leading insurance company.

For information about how we can help your clients prepare for the unexpected, please call me

at __________


P.S. Please visit the Wedding Protector Plan website at .

This material is for informational purposes only. All statements herein are subject to the provisions, exclusions and conditions of the applicable policy. For an actual description of all coverages, terms and conditions, refer to the insurance policy. Coverage is subject to individual insureds meeting our underwriting qualifications and to state availability.


Looking for ways to get and keep more customers? Use the following letter templates to:

• Account round mono-line customers

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• Build customer loyalty

• Suggest an account review

• Acquire new customers

• Win back lost customers

• Obtain referrals

• Sell Wedding Insurance


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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