Analyzing Nandan Mega shop’s Competitors:Nandan super shop was one of the renowned super shops in Bangladesh but nowadays it going to end up their business. It is going to stop their position because they have no market power to preserve the buyers. On the other hand the competitors of Nandan super shop are doing very well petitors of Nandan Super shop:Agora: It is most popular super shop in the Bangladesh. Actually the concept of super shop Business is successfully introduced by Agora at first. It is a sister concern of RAHIMAAFROOZ LTD which is another successful name of Bangladeshi Companies. Basically Sell all kinds of Daily need and essential commodities and it market position is very good. For better Marketing work it is still grab the number one position. To encourage the buyers it introduces the formalin free fresh foods and for saving money it also gives cash back to VISA and American Express card holders.Shwapno:It recently starts super shop business in Bangladesh but it achieved a good reputation in the market. Nowadays we can see that Swapno has a shop in the most populated places in Dhaka and Chittagong. Shwapno is a super shop that provides all kinds of products in a single shop and its products are well decorated by section wise. So customer doesn’t need to go another place for buying other products such as dress and jewelry. Its marketing policy is very strong it sells products which are collected from all over the country. Shwapno give 5% to American express Card holder.Mina Bazar: it is one of the popular super shop in Bangladesh. It has many branches to sell their products. To inspire the buyers they started online shopping system where a buyer can easily buy a product without leaving home beside it provides home delivery for shopping above 1000 BDT. It has offers 5000 items to sell the customer.Strategy to Gain Competitive Advantage: From the evaluation of the competitors of Nandan super shop I identified some strategy which might be help to Nandan super shop to gain competitive advantage.Sell Products According to the Customers Choices: Nandan Need to sell the products according to the choice of the customers.. For selecting the product they should go to the customer first,. The need to know what kinds of products a customer want, what should be the product price and who will be the buyers of the products.Sell Variety of products:Nandan’s should not be limited t in certain amount of products. it should go for different kinds of products , for getting the success in this method , Nandan’s need o select the latest product, because modern customers are always go for latest product.Give discount daily and occasionally:Rational people always want to buy a product in a lower cost. So for thinking these types of buyer, Nandan’s should give some daily Cash back on certain product also the can sale product in different occasion in a lower price than as usual.Strong Market Promotion:Nandan’s market position is very poor according to other competitors like Agora, shwapno. Very few of the people know the name of Nandan’s as a super shop. It should promote the product and service information to the buyers by electronic media, billboard etc.Build Up regular customers:For the regular business selling Nandan’s need regular customer. For this Nandan’s should maintain the communication with the existing regular buyers it will help the to create more regular customer, For identifying the regular and major customer it can provide the membership card based on their buying. ................

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