Shota Tomida - Washington State University

James Doe

(555 NE Maiden Ln. Apt. 64, Pullman, WA 99163 ((555)555-1212 (james_doe@


Extensive background in biology, chemistry, and microbiology

Proficiency with search engines (PubMed and ProQuest), Flash, MiniTab, HTML, and Reference manager

Native speaker of Japanese


Bachelor of Science in Microbiology

Washington State University, Pullman WA

Expected graduation date………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Fall 2008

Course work at

Pierce College, Lakewood WA.……………………………………………………………from Fall 2005 to Summer 2006

Osaka College of Foreign Languages

Program in Animal Specialist

Graduation date..………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Spring 2005

Laboratory experience

Student Researcher.…………………………………………………………………………………………………………Summer 2007

Dendritic cell research

Department of Veterinary Microbiology & Pathology

P.I. Dr. William Davis

Relevant course work

Introductory Biology (Organismal Biology and Cell Biology and Genetics)

Principles of Chemistry (I and II), Organic Chemistry I, General Genetics, General Microbiology, Introductory Biochemistry, Calculus (I and II), Biometry

Laboratory Skills


Light Microscope, Dissection microscope

Staining technique

Gram’s, endospore, acid-fast, capsule

Biochemical test

Hydrolysis test, hemolysis test


Cashier, Arcade machine maintenance, Computer technician, Cleaner…………………………2005

JJ Club, Japan

Cleaned floors, computers, and attractions

Interfaced with public and provided customer service

Fixed attractions and computers

Trained new employees


Recipient of $2,000 award from Washington State University

International transfer award………………………………………………………………………….Fall 2006 to Spring 2007

Selected to

Dean's list at Pierce College………………………………………………………………………..Fall 2005 to Summer 2006

President's Honor Roll at Washington State University………………………………..Fall 2006 to Spring 2007

REFERENCES Available upon request


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