AUGUST 20, 2013

Members Present: Lardizzone, Goss, Armbruster, Carroll, Corsa, Farley, Hampton, Harden, McMullen, Newman, Newstadt, Sarg, and Weir

Members Excused: Keithley, Seppala, Showell and Smith

Staff Present: Knotts and Peterson

Chairman Lardizzone opened the meeting by speaking about the DAV National Convention.


John Knotts (DCVA Executive Director) – Reported the Commission was represented at the most recent Delaware National Guard deployment ceremony. He and Paul Lardizzone will attend the National Association of State Directors of Veterans Affairs (NASDVA) Conference in Tennessee. Upcoming events include: a Veterans Mental Health Summit on October 10, 2013, at the Embassy Suites in Newark, the first annual Gold Star Families Gala on September 21, 2013, and this year’s Stand Down will be held on October 4, 2013, at the Dover American Legion. He introduced Mike Henry from AmeriCorps VISTA/VetCorps who will be assisting with outreach.

Bill Peterson (DVH Administrator) – Provided a monthly report for the Veterans Home, spoke about the shortage of nursing home beds in Kent County and discussion followed.

Ginny Yelland (VAMC) – Reported Mr. Hendee was still in Philadelphia and Ms. Aube-Warren was reviewing the budget and was unable to attend today. She spoke about rural health funding, the Mobile Unit and vacancies at the Dover Clinic. She briefed about construction and extended hours at the Wilmington Hospital and the future of the Georgetown Clinic.


Francis Haggerty (VA TBI Coordinator) spoke about the VA Poly-Trauma and TBI program and answered questions.

Kent Johnson (VA Social Worker) spoke about the VA Suicide Prevention Program and the upcoming Commission sponsored Mental Health Summit that will occur on October 10, 2013; which is Suicide Prevention Day.

Jessica Finan (Home of the Brave) spoke about the Mobile Unit coming to the Home of the Brave, provided an update on both the male and female facilities and answered questions.

Craig Martin (Delaware State Bar Association’s Veterans Law Committee) spoke about the progression of the Veterans Law Committee, the creation of a free legal clinic at the Veterans Hospital and the Veterans Court.

Sam Cannon (Watchmaker School Initiative) provided a history of the watchmaker program, outlined the program potential and expectations. He gave a synopsis of his credentials, spoke about the positions that will be employed at the school, funding and asked for support from the Commission.




Commissioner Harden reported that there were 59 interments and 48 applications for the month of July 2013. The Raise & Realignment project is going well in spite of all the rain and the contractor still plans to complete the project on schedule.


Vice Chairman Goss reported that there were 21 interments and 45 applications approved for the month of July 2013. They received a new baby bier, which is a rolling cart to hold small caskets and cremation urns; it also matches all of the existing woodwork in the Chapel. A new fountain was installed at the pond for aeration and beautification.


Commissioner Corsa reported that 97 claims were filed, 104 decisions were received and 2,379 claims are pending, with an approximate amount of $1,504,746 awarded for the month of July 2013. Outreach events attended were Job Fairs held in Bridgeville on August 2, 2013, and Middletown on August 12, 2013.


Commissioner Corsa reported that he is working on TBI information and reviewed his handout and reported that they will have another meeting in September with the date to be announced.


Commissioner Sarg provided handouts for legislative initiatives to be considered and provided background on the proposals.


Chairman Lardizzone announced that the American Legion has the Veterans Day Bridge Ceremony on November 11, 2013.


Commissioner McMullen reported that they have a Conservation Tech and a Grounds Supervisor position open at the Southern Cemetery. The supervisor position has closed and they are scheduling interviews. They are cutting back on casual/seasonal hours and a temp Conservation Tech is out on workers comp at the Southern Cemetery and they are down to one worker. The Admin Specialist III will be retiring effective October 1, 2013, and that position will have to be filled. At the Northern Cemetery, the Grounds Supervisor will be out for health issues for a minimum of four weeks.

The subject of veteran’s preference in state employment came up and discussion followed.


Armbruster (AMERICAN LEGION) – Reported that he attended the deployment of the 150th Engineering Company. He also provided an update on the American Legion youth leagues and spoke about The Boys State and how his organization contributes. Their National Convention will be held in Houston, TX, August 22-30, 2013, and he plans to attend.

Carroll (MOPH) – Announced that Patrick Little was elected National Senior Vice-Commander of the MOPH.

Corsa (VVA) – No report.

Farley (MCL) – He indicated that he would be attending their National Convention in September 2013.

Goss (KWVA) – No report.

Hampton (AT LARGE) – Reported on the Delaware Veterans Coalition meeting that he attended.

Harden (WAVES) – Reported that they will not have another meeting until the end of September 2013.

Lardizzone (DAV) – Spoke about the Korean War Anniversary event he attended in Washington, DC, with a group of veterans from Delaware. He also attended their National Convention in Orlando, FL. He plans to attend the NASDVA Convention in TN, which will be a joint convention with the Veterans Home Administrators. On August 26, 2013, the DAV will have their outreach van at the Georgetown Cheer Center and at the Mobile clinic. He also spoke about committee assignments.

McMullen (AFSA) – He attended the 150th Engineering Company deployment and plans to attend the AFSA International Convention in San Antonio, TX, August 24-28, 2013. There will be an Air Force Anniversary Ball at Dover AFB on September 6, 2013. On September 20, 2013, the Sergeants Association will sponsor a POW/MIA Recognition Day and provided details.

Newman (VFW) – He attended their National Convention in Louisville, KY, and announced he was honored by being elected the National Commander of the Military Order of the Cooties.

Newstadt (JWV) – He attended the 150th Engineering Company deployment and spoke about how different it is to deploy today compared to when he deployed. The Military Heritage Museum’s new location will be at the Stern Armory on Newport Gap Pike; the building was given to them. They have had some good trips to Gettysburg.

Sarg (MOAA) – He briefed that over the summer they got together with their local delegation and discussed things that are needed within the state, as well as reviewed the final reconciliation bill of the 2013 military appropriation. He went into detail about a few of the items they targeted.

Weir (AMVETS) – He spoke about sharing information within his organization.


Mr. Knotts spoke about putting together a TBI package for marketing the Veterans Support Group. He also indicated the governor will sign HB 85 & HB 140 on September 17, 2013, here after the Commission meeting. Then he spoke about invitations, press releases and donations for the event. The dedication ceremony for the WWII Memorial is tentatively scheduled for November 9, 2013, and he spoke about potential attendees, invitations and press releases. He mentioned that we have the Korean War Certificates to be presented to the Veterans Home residents. He spoke about the Governors Policy Academy and the upcoming meeting with the DOD/SAMHA partnership in Baltimore September 11-13.


Chairman Lardizzone spoke about the nomination committee for the upcoming elections.

Mr. Knotts announced that after the elections at the September meeting, the new Chairman will make committee appointments. If anyone is interested in being on a particular committee, let him know before that meeting and he will convey your interest to the new Chairman.


Commissioner Newstadt reported that the Reserve Officers Association has decided to change their by-laws and represent enlisted members of the military as well. He also announced that if you have USAA insurance and you purchase a GM vehicle, they are providing a $700 credit.


LOCATION: Robbins Bldg, 802 Silver Lake Blvd, Suite 100

Dover, DE



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