High Plains District Casper Field Office Casper, Wyoming 82604

High Plains District Casper Field Office 2987 Prospector Drive Casper, Wyoming 82604


TIMBER SALE NOTICE AND PROSPECTUS Sale Name: Pitch Pine Timber Sale (Lump Sum Sale) Contract Number: WYCFO-TS-2019.0001 Notice Date: July 12, 2019

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Bureau of Land Management will offer for sale timber as described herein, Bids will be received by the Casper Field Manager, or his representative, at the Casper Field Office, 2987 Prospector Drive, Casper, Wyoming. The timber sale will commence at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, August 15, 2019.

This prospectus does not contain all contract provisions and exhibits. Contract items listed below are a summary only of certain contract provisions and do not contain the exact wording as shown in the contract. A copy of the timber sale contract, along with all exhibits, is available for inspection at the above office. All bidders should inspect these documents prior to bidding on this sale.

An inspection of the Timber Sale Tract will occur on, Tuesday, August 6, 2019 at 9:00 am at the intersection of Circle Drive and Muddy Mountain Road at the base of Muddy Mountain. The right is hereby reserved to waive technical defects in this supplement.


Sealed bids will be received by the Field Manager or his representative until 4:30 pm., Rocky Mountain Time, on Thursday, August 15, 2019 at the Bureau of Land Management's Casper Field Office, 2987 Prospector Drive, Casper, Wyoming 82604. Sealed bids will be opened at 4:30 pm., on Thursday, August 15, 2019 at this office location. The high bidder will be notified by phone and mail.

To qualify for sealed bidding, the bidder must submit a bid in a sealed envelope that includes:

a. Deposit and Bid for Timber/Vegetative Resource for a Lump Sum Sale (Form 5440-9) available at the Casper Field Office, attached, or on line


No bids for less than the advertised appraised price per product or species and total price will be considered.

b. Appraised sale price is $2395.65. The required minimum bid deposit of $250.00 shall be required. Bid deposit must be in the form of cash, bid bond, money order, bank draft, cashier's check or certified check only. (Personal checks will not be accepted.)

The sealed envelope must be clearly marked that it is a "Bid for Timber", together with identifying sale name Pitch Pine and contract number WYCFO-TS-2019.0001. Bidding will be restricted to those persons complying with Instructions to Bidders (Form No. 5440-9).

? Form No. 5440-9

Independent Price Determination

? Form 5430-11 will be submitted with seale bid

THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER, as a condition of award, will be required to complete and/or sign the following forms:

? Form 5450-17, Export Determination.

Forms may be found at


A PERFORMANCE BOND A minimum performance bond of not less than $500 will be required for all installment contracts less than $2,500.

LOCATION OF TIMBER: Natrona County, Wyoming. All timber designated for cutting with orange boundary on T. 31 N., R. 79 W., Section 8, N 1/2 of the NW? of the NW ?, Section 8 of the 6th Meridian.

Approximately 17.6 miles south of Casper, WY. See attached timber sale location map, Exhibit A. The total contract area is approximately 19 acres. The boundaries of the sale area are marked with orange paint.

STATUS: This proposal consists of the removal of standing live and dead Lodgepole, Subalpine Fir, Limber Pine, and Aspen, for regeneration purposes. The tract will be patch clearcut and patches of regeneration will remain within the stand. It is an overstory removal. To improve wildlife habitat, reduce fuel loading, and produce forest products.

The unsuccessful bidder(s) bid deposit and bid form will be returned within ten calendar days of the bid opening date.

All timber offered for sale hereunder is restricted from export from the United States in the form of unprocessed timber


A revised Special Provision has been added to the contract that enables the Contracting Officer to suspend the contract to facilitate protection of certain plant or animal species, and /or to modify or terminate the contract when necessary to:

1. Comply with the Endangered Species Act, or; 2. Comply with a court order, or; 3. Protect species, which are identified for protection through survey and manage and/or protection buffer standards and guidelines established in the ROD and RMP.

This contract provision limits the liability of the Government to the actual costs incurred by the Purchaser which have not been amortized by timber removed from the contract area.

This Timber Sale Notice does not constitute the decision document for purposes of protest and appeal of a forest management decision. Consistent with 43 CFR Subpart 5003 - Administrative Remedies, the notice of a timber sale, when published, as a legal ad in a newspaper of general circulation, shall constitute the decision document for purposes of protest and appeal. Protests may be filed with the Contracting Officer within 15 days of the publication of the aforementioned decision document in the newspaper. It is anticipated that the decision document will be published in the Casper Star Tribune newspaper on or about September 27, 2018. BLM does not warrant publication on this exact date. All parties considering protest of the timber sale decision document are encouraged to review the aforementioned newspaper to ensure accurate knowledge of the exact publication date.


The volumes listed are estimates only. The unit(s) harvest volume was determined by variable plot and sample tree-total tally cruising in 2018.


All timber sales, including timber from Federal rights-of-ways, shall be subject to the restrictions relating to the export and substitution of unprocessed timber from the United States in accordance with P.L. 94-165 and 43 CFR 5400 and 5424, as amended.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION concerning each timber sale tract described herein is available at the Casper Field Office in Casper, WY. A copy of the timber sale contract is also available for inspection at the Casper Field Office. This prospectus includes maps and tables that cannot be made Section 508 compliant. For help with its data or information, please contact the Casper Field Office at 307-261-7600.

AN ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS (EA) was prepared for multiple tracts titled the Muddy Mountain EA, which includes the Pitch Pine Timber Sale. A Finding of No Significant Impact and Decision Record for the EA have been documented. A Determination of NEPA Adequacy (DNA) has been documented for this sale. These documents are available for inspection as background for this sale at the Buffalo Field Office.

ACCESS to sale area is off the Muddy Mountain Road. There are two entrances to the tract, both being two track roads to BLM lands. The unit is located west of the county road. Road construction will be required to be completed before hauling logs off the site. Landings will be located on BLM designated by the authorized officer.


THE VOLUMES LISTED herein are estimates only, based on 16-foot taper breaks, which must be taken into consideration if comparisons are made with volume predictions based on other standards.. No sale shall be made for less than the total purchase price, without regard to the amount bid per unit, even though quantity of timber actually cut or removed or designated for taking is more or less than the estimated volume or quantity so listed.

APPRAISED PRICES are calculated by determining market value through the analytical appraisal method. The minimum bid increment will be $0.10 per MBF or multiples thereof.

Timber Type, Estimated Volume, and Appraised Value

Species and Product

Lodgepole Pine Sawtimber

Lodgepole, Subalpine Fir, Limber Pine, POL




Appraised Price Per$ (MBF) :

Total Appraised Value

21.00 $2341.08

3.00 $54.48

LOG EXPORT RESTRICTIONS: All timber offered for sale hereunder is restricted from export from the United States in the form of unprocessed timber and is prohibited from being used as a substitute for exported private timber.

NOTE: The volume for this timber sale has been calculated using 16-foot eastside Scribner rules and the cubic log volumes are estimates derived from the 16-foot volumes.

CRUISE INFORMATION: The timber volume for all species has been cruised using the variable plot system. The trees have been cruised and the volume computed using the National Cruise Processing Program for estimating volume in 16-foot lengths and the volume expanded to a total sale volume.

CUTTING AREA: One area totaling approximately 19 acres must be harvested.

ACCESS: Access to the sale is provided by: 1. A public road; An existing 2-track road that is across the State of Wyoming and road to be developed from fence 2-track into timbered area.


2. The prospective purchaser is required to submit as part of their bid package, a valid proof of access across private lands when no public assess is available (e.g., for example, but not limited to, notarized letter granting access, deed, etc.). The BLM reserves the right for further examination of this proof to determine its validity or clarify its' scope.

ROAD MAINTENANCE: See Exhibit D map for specification of access and road maintenance responsibility. Only the map page of Exhibit D is included in the Prospectus. Refer to the contract file for the full Exhibit D.


contribution of ($200.00) for herbicide application of weeds and reseeding.

DURATION OF CONTRACT: Duration of the Contract will be 24 months for cutting and removal of timber.

SPECIAL PROVISIONS: The contract will contain special provisions regarding road construction, road renovation, road maintenance, logging methods, prevention of erosion, logging residue reduction, and submission of a written logging plan specifying spur road locations, landing locations, logging methods, and logging schedule.

Under Sec. 25 of the timber sale contract, tractor logging will be prohibited during periods of excessive soil moisture. OTHER SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS:

The entire tract is whole tree yarding and on slopes >10%, and especially those with containing drainages at the base, the tops and limbs shall be yarded along with the boles of the trees.

The Purchaser shall clean yarding, logging, road construction, decommissioning, and slash disposal equipment, using a water pressure hose, prior to entry on BLM lands.

Upon completion of hauling, the Purchaser shall decommission skid trails, newly constructed roads and renovated roads. Decommissioning measures will take place during the dry season and include:

Decompact skid trails and natural surfaced roads.

Construct drainage dips, waterbars and/or lead-off ditches, as directed by the Authorized Officer place at a location on site as directed by the Authorized Officer.

Place logging slash on road and trail surfaces where available, except where the Clearcut (R/W) Area passes through the Whole Tree Yarding Area.

Block at entry points using stumps, slash, and/or cull logs as directed by the Authorized Officer.

The Exhibit D contains explicit instruction on requirements for creating piles for burning.

NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION OF HOW TO GET TO THE TIMBER SALE AREA: Travel on Casper Mountain Road across Casper Mountain to the intersection of Circle Drive. Go straight through the intersection onto Muddy Mountain Road. Travel to 1.6 miles to the second two track (no livestock fencing or gates off of Muddy Road). Travel


two track .67 miles to a right turn onto another two track, which ends at a fence running east west. At this point you will proceed north on foot until the orange boundary.


Exhibit A- Location Map Exhibit B- Aerial of Cutting Unit Exhibit C- Topographical of Cutting Unit Exhibit D- Piling and Clearing Exhibit E - Section 40 & Section 41


Exhibit A 7

Exhibit B 8


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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