Chapter 3—Frederick Honaker

Chapter 3—Frederick Honaker

First Generation

1. Frederick[1] Honaker. Frederick’s first wife, Elizabeth Galladay, daughter of Jacob Galladay and Elinor Unknown, was born in 1759 in Shenandoah Co., Va. The land that Frederick and Elizabeth bought in 1785 was purchased from Edward and Nancy Keenan for five shillings, says History of Monroe County. The book listing incorrectly spells Keenan’s name.

He married, second, Rachel Wiseman 24 Sep 1795. The marriage is recorded in Shenandoah Co., Va., as follows:

Know all me, by their presents, that we Frederick Conickor and Isaac Wiseman are held and firmly bound unto his Excellency Robert Brooke, Esquire, Governor of Virginia, and his Successors, in the sum of one hundred fifty dollars to the payment whereof, well and truly to be made, we do bind ourselves, our heirs, and each of our joint and several heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally firmly by their presence, felled with our feats, and dated the 24th day of September 1795 in the 24th year of the Commonwealth. The condition of the above Obligation is such, that whereas there is a Marriage suddenly to be solomized between the above bound Frederick Coniker and Rachel Wiseman, daughter of Isaac Wiseman of Rockingham County; if therefore there shall be no lawful cause to object of said Marriage, then this obligation be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue.

Witness: M. Gambill. Signed Frederick Honaker, Isaac Wiseman, 10/19/--.

One researcher reported a different birthdate for Rachel than appears in the book—1 Mar 1774. Rachel lived longer than the book assumed, since her name appeared on Monroe County deeds 16 Dec 1818 (Book G, p. 30, 28 acres conveyed from William & Phoebe Wiseman and Frederick and Rachel Honaker to William Wiseman and Seth Boggess) and 31 Mar 1821 (Book G, p. 415, 13 acres from Frederick and Rachel Honaker to Hugh Caperton and Henry Alexander “near Rehoboth Meeting House where Honaker lives.”) Since Frederick died in 1824 without mentioning her in his will, she must have died between 1 Apr 1821 and Dec 1824. Rachel’s parents, Isaac and Elizabeth (Davis) Wiseman, are buried in historic Old Rehoboth Church Cemetery, Union, W.Va.

Old Rehoboth Church was built on land donated for the purpose by Edward Keenan, from whom Frederick and Elizabeth bought their property. It is not known where Frederick and his his wives were buried. Because Rehoboth Church cemetery is near Frederick’s land, in 1983 a Revolutionary War memorial marker was placed for Frederick in the cemetery. One of many historical profiles of the church was written by Marla Reed and appeared in The Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 13 Aug 2016, reprinted in Honaker Family Newsletter, Spring 2016:

This week I visited the oldest remaining Protestant church building west of the Alleghany Mountains and the only West Virginia site among the 41 heritage landmarks of the United Methodist Church, Old Rehoboth Church and Museum. I was taken on a tour of the church, museum and cemetery on the property by the caretaker Anita Tracy. I learned that the entire place is run from donations. “Some people use the sheltered picnic area or conference room for reserved celebrations like: weddings, dinners, reunions or just a get together at no cost, other than those who make donations,” Anita explained.

The entire area, five acres, was donated by Edward Keenan. Edward lived in a town now known as Keenan, which is where that town got its name. In explanation, Anita explained, “Edward sent a letter to Bishop Frances Asbury. In the letter Edward ask Bishop Asbury if he could donate five acres and a grave yard to the Methodist for church. He also asked Asbury to send a full-time preacher in order to have Methodist Society meetings here at the now known “Rehoboth” instead of in their homes.” Anita said that Edward learned of the Methodist starting to settle in the area and it interested him.

The reverse slope defense was used for protection and shelter. This is why the “Old Rehoboth Church” sets in the bottom and hills lay around it. This way if someone came over the hill their silhouette would be seen before getting close. The preachers was said to preferably be single, but every time one was sent in he would soon get married off no matter whether they were young or old. I was told it took the circuit rider (preacher) one month to complete a circuit.

Within the church I questioned why some of the benches were upstairs and some downstairs. I was told that they were wholes upstairs, which was thought to be used for shooting out at natives back then, that the men and boys sat upstairs and the women and girls sat downstairs. Later during the era of segregation the black church goers sat upstairs.

Services were held from 7 a.m. to 12:30. If they were too many people the preacher would often stand in the door, turning from one congregation to the other preaching, as some would stand outside. Acapella was sang, what was called “Call and Response” where the leader sang a line and congregation repeated it back to him. Often times the service would become tiring since it lasted so long, so they were a stick called the prompter stick that kept people awake or a fiery preacher. Due to long spans of time between services, the preacher brought new as well as the word of the Lord. Church was a grand event in those days because you would get to see those you had not saw in a long time (usually a month.)

In 1788 was Bishop Frances Asbury’s first visit here. He was the first of two Bishops of Methodism of anywhere. Asbury ordained John Smith as a deacon, which was the first west of the Allegheny Mountains. Bishop Asbury visited here five times in his life, three of which were for Methodist Conference and the other two times were ordered from John Smith.

I questioned the large sign above the door, which I found was a statement by Mr. Keenan himself saying, “As long as the grass grows and the water flows, this shall be a house of worship. They were regular worship services at the Rehoboth until after the Civil War about 1871, when a new church was built where the congregation moved down the hill in a newly built church. It was vacant for 50 some odd years when in: - 1927 it was documented that the entire roof was replaced on their work day. – 1930 a tin roof was built over the church as a shelter. -1960 named a Methodist Historical Shrine (one of 17.) – 1968 Methodist [Episcopal] Churches and Evangelical United Brethren Churches combined to be the today’s known United Methodist Church.- 1974 The building was placed on National Registry of Historical places. – 1980 The museum was built.

And within the last ten years they were a picnic shelter built on the five acres by the Ruritans.

They are both Revolutionary graves and Confederate graves on the property.

This was a very historical site with lots of interesting things to see and hear. A place I plan taking my family to have picnics in the future.

Unattributed typewritten document, page 8: “In George Rogers Clark’s Papers, James, Illinois Historical Collections, Virginia Series, Vol. 4, page 419 and following pages, will be found a list of the officers and men who served under General George Rogers Clark and who, on Aug. 4, 1784, at Louisville, Ky., were allotted claims to land in the Northwest Territory, north of the Ohio River. Included in the list is Henry Honaker and P. [Peter] Honaker, privates. Each soldier was allotted 100 acres by certificate, which the surveyor was ordered to give him in person, unless he chose to assign his claim to another. These claims to land were for services ‘to officers and soldiers who marched and continued in service till the reduction of the British posts on the North West side of ye Ohio and that all who engaged and enlisted in the Illinois Regiment afterwards and served during the war, or three years are entitled to a share of the Grant under the Resolution and Act of the Virginia Assembly’.”

In 1999, a 56-page Wiseman family descendancy of 12 generations had been compiled by Rock Sterling Kauser and was accessible on the world wide web at . Children:

ii. Mary (called Polly.) Born in Brocks Gap, Rockingham Co., Va. Died after 1824. Her marriage was also reported as 27 Jan 1804 in Monroe County.

iii. Magdalene Helen. Born in Brocks Gap, Rockingham Co., Va. Died after 1824. Her husband was a son of John Cantley Sr. and Elinor Kincaid or Lindsay. Born ca. 1781 in Botetourt Co., Va.

ix. Frederick Styrus. Born 23 Oct 1803 in Monroe Co., (West) Va. A Monroe Co., (West) Virginia will book entry of 9 Jan 1837 shows that estate vouchers were presented in the Dec 1836 court. Thus Frederick Styrus apparently died in 1836.

Second Generation

2. Jacob[2] Honaker (Frederick[1]). Born 3 Feb (also reported as 13 Sep) 1793 in Shenandoah Co., Va. Died 4 Mar 1843 in Monroe Co. (West) Va.

He married, first, Catherine Groves, daughter of Jacob Groves and Catherine Seivers. Children:

ii. Rachel. Born ca. 1814. Died 12 Jul 1853 at Browns Mill, Monroe Co., (West) Va. Researchers reported that this Rachel and two others married William Brown 29 Aug 1839 in Monroe Co., W.Va. The others were this Rachel’s aunt, Rachel[2] (Frederick[1]) and her cousin Rachel[2] (Jacob[1]). On the basis of present information, we are unable to determine which Rachel married William. However, we believe this Rachel’s aunt married Elijah Wood, so the Rachel who married William was most likely this Rachel or her cousin.

11. iv. Mary. Born ca. 1815 in Monroe County.

He married, second, Anna Samms. Buried in Hollywood , Monroe Co., W.Va. Cemetery.

3. John H.[2] Honaker (Frederick[1]). Born 3 Feb 1793 in Brocks Gap, Rockingham Co., Va. Died 4 Mar 1843 in Monroe Co., (West) Va.

He married Margaret A. Sams (called Peggy), daughter of Samuel Byrus Sams (also Samms) and Margaret Reyburn (also Rayburn), 29 Sep 1814 in Monroe County. Born 23 Aug 1796. Died after 1870. She was a sister to the wives of John H.’s brothers Jacob and Isaac M. She and her unmarried adult children Margaret and Jacob were enumerated in the 1850 Greenbrier Co. [W.Va.] census. In the 1860 and 1870 censuses, she was living with her then-married daughter Margaret’s household. Children:

3. i. Mary (also reported as Polly and Polly G.)[3] Born 20 Oct 1815 in Monroe County

ii. Samuel L. Born 10 Mar 1818.

18. iii. Rebecca R. Born 1 Jun 1820 in Monroe County.

iv. Margaret A. Born 23 Jan 1826. She married Archibald J. (or I) Ballinger, son of Isaac Ballinger

and Mary E. Meadows, 3 Nov 1859. She was 33 and single; he was 39 and widowed. She became the stepmother for Arch’s four children Cynthia, Martha, Henendon, and Mary E., the latter just a toddler. They were enumerated in the 1860 Monroe Co. (West) Va. census, living in Peterstown, Rollinsburg District: Arch J. [or I.] Ballinger, 41, farmer; Margaret A., 34; Synthie, 13; Martha, 12; Henendon, 10; Mary E., 3; Margaret Honaker, 63 [Margaret Sams, Margaret A.’s mother]. The 1870 Monroe County census enumerated them in Wolf Creek Twp.: Arch Ballengee, 50; Margaret Ballengee, 44; Margaret Honaker, 73; Floyd Ayres, 11; Melvina Ballengee, 22; Charles Ballengee, 9 mo. The 1880 census enumerated the family in Summers Co., W.Va., living at Talcott: Archbald Balinger, 60, b. in Virginia, farmer, parents b. in Virginia; Margaret A. Balinger, 53, wife, b. in Virginia, parents b. in Virginia.

19. v. Elizabeth A. (also reported as Elizabeth Jane) Born 16 Mar 1828.

3. vi. Jacob H. Born 2 Dec 1830.

3. vii. Isabella Agnes. Born 29 Jun 1833 in Monroe County.

20. viii. Charles Morgan. Born 11 Apr 1836 in Union, Monroe County.

ix. William Anderson. Born 23 Mar 1839 in Monroe Co., (West) Va. The 1850 Greenbrier Co.,

(West) Va. census, district 18, enumerated the household of a John Young, 29, his wife Mary, 19, and a William Honiker, 12. Also in district 18 was the household of a Robert Adair, 41, born in Ireland, his wife Jane, 50, and two younger residents, Margaret Comer, 35, and Charles M. Honiker, 13. William and Charles were the same age as orphaned sons, by the same name, of John H. and Peggy (Sams) Honaker, and it appears likely that they were the two brothers. Charles M. and William Honaker also were privates in Co. E, 27th Virginia, C.S.A., Greenbrier County, another indication they were closely related and are probably these two brothers. It is not known presently what family relationship they had, if any, with the 1850 census households.

x. Isaac Newton. Born 21 Mar 1842. Died 3 Aug 1843.

xi. John H., Jr. Born 13 Sep 1847.

4. Margaret[2] Honaker (called Peggy) (Frederick[1]). Born in Rockingham Co., Va. Her husband Alexander was born in Monroe Co., (West) Va. In 1999 a genealogical web page was available on Wiseman family descendants, including Margaret and Alexander Campbell descendants. It was maintained by their descendant Rock Sterling Kauser, .

She married Alexander Campbell 20 Oct 1823 in Monroe Co., (West) Va. The marriage was recorded in Monroe County Marriage Book No. 3, page 2306. Born in 1798 in Virginia. The 1850 Monroe Co., W.Va. census identified him as a wool carder. Children:

ii. Daniel (recorded as David on the 1850 census).

iii. William D. Born ca. 1835 in Monroe Co., (West) Va. He married Elizabeth Flesher 21 Aug 1862

in Greenbrier Co., (West) Va.

4. iv. Thomas Bennett. Born in Oct 1836.

4. v. Isaac N. Born in 1838 in Monroe County.

vi. George W. Born in 1843.

5. Isaac Morgan[2] Honicker (Frederick[1]). Also reported died 11 Aug 1885 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. He and his nephew Isaac Madison[3] Honaker were reported to have served in the same unit during the Civil War. Isaac Morgan would have been 60 to 64 years old when he enlisted. Children:

ii. Martha A. (also reported as C.) Born 1826 in Greenbrier Co., (West) Va. Died ca. 1880 in West

Virginia. She married Thomas G.W. Armstrong, son of John Armstrong and Rebecca Unknown, 28 Oct 1867 in Monroe (also reported as Greenbrier) Co., W.Va. Apparently they divorced as he married, second, Isabella Agnes Honaker (Frederick[1], John H.[2], Isabella Agnes[3], in Denver Colo. Thomas was born 20 Jun 1823 in Lewisburg, Greenbrier Co., (West) Va. Buried 28 Nov 1894 in old Burlington Cemetery, Loveland, Larimer Co., Colo. The cemetery deed identifies him as a soldier. The 1850 Greenbrier Co. (West) Va. census enumerated Thomas at age 26, a tailor, with Martha, 24, both b. in Va. He and Martha had no children. He and Isabella did have children, and their line continues with her listing.

He married, second, Catherine (also Katherine) M. Dolin (also Dolan), daughter of Matthew Alexander Dolin (also Dolen) and Elizabeth Jane Vance (also Wantz.) (Monroe Co., W.Va. Marriage Bonds, 1799-1850, lists Matthew Dolen m. Betsy Wantz 21 Jul 1821.)

6. Arina[2] Honiker (called Ann or Anna) (Frederick[1]). Born 10 Sep 1806. Died 25 Sep 1873. According to Greenbrier Co., W.Va. census records for 1840 and 1850, she was born in 1802. She settled in Nicholas Co., W.Va.

She married Owen Duffy 1 Sep 1825 in Monroe Co., (West) Va. Born 6 Sep 1800 in County Monaghan, Ireland and immigranted from there. Died 16 Jan 1867 in Nicholas Co., W.Va. Children:

i. Margaret[3]. Born in 1828.

6. ii. Robert. Born in 1829.

6. iii. Hugh C. Born in 1834.

6. iv. Mary Catherine. Born 12 Dec 1835.

6. v. John. Born 20 Mar 1838.

6. vi. Alice Ann. Born 16 Apr 1841.

6. vii. Owen Harvey. Born in 1843.

viii. Charles E. Born in 1847. He married Mattie Given.

7. Sarah[2] Honaker (called Sally) (Frederick[1]). Different birth and death dates were reported. Researchers reported her born in 1791, 1 Aug 1794, 1805 and 1806 in Irish Corner District, Nicholas Co., (West) Va., and died 16 Jan 1862 and in 1911 or 1912. The divergence of dates reported leads us to suspect that this Sally is being confused with others, including her husband’s second wife, also named Sally. We will use her gravestone as the authority: died 16 Jan 1862 at age 67 years, 5 months, 15 days (1 Aug 1794.) Buried in Southern United Methodist Church Cemetery (presumably Methodist Episcopal Church, South) Summersville, Nicholas County.

She married Thomas Jefferson Reynolds (called Tommy), son of Samuel Reynolds and Lucy Unknown, 3 Mar 1825 in Monroe Co., (West) Va. J.L. Christy was the minister. Researchers reported him born 4 Mar 1800 in Cumberland Co., Va. His gravestone indicates he died 8 Feb 1884 at age 73 years 11 months 4 days (born 4 Mar 1810), but the 1850 Nicholas County census gives his age as 50, which brings us back to 1800. That census gave Sarah’s age as 45, identified him as a jailor, includes all their children except Mary Frances, who was then married, and lists a household resident named Samuel Bush, age 13, identity not known. The family was still in Nicholas county during the 1860 census. Living at home were Lucy, 21, John D., 16, William McG. D., 14, and Caroline, 13.

Tommy died in Summersville and is buried in Southern United Methodist Church Cemetery there. He married, second, Sarah Humphreys (also called Sally), daughter of William Humphreys and Hannah Dolan, 20 Aug 1863. Born 20 Oct 1808 in Monroe County. She was married previously to Michael Aritt and William Dunsmore.

A land patent record exists, available for computer download from the Library of Virginia, of a parcel that Thomas owned in Nicholas County (, Digital Library Program—Land Grants, Land Office Patents and Grants Index, Reynolds, Jos.-W, Card 60.)

After Sally’s death, he married, second, Sarah Humphreys 20 Aug 1863 in Monroe County. Born in 1808. Children (of Sally and Thomas):

7. i. Robert Ferguson[3]. Born 30 Jan 1826.

7. ii. Charles Kenneth. Born 5 May 1827.

7. iii. Mary Frances. Born 9 Oct 1830 in Monroe Co. (West) Va.

iv. Elizabeth. Born ca. 1831.

v. Frederick. Born ca. 1837 in Monroe County. He married Roxanna Morris 10 Jan 1859 in Monroe

County. Born ca. 1842.

vi. Nancy Jane. Born in 1838. Died in 1907. Buried in Southern Methodist Cemetery, Summersville.

She married Patrick L. Maloney ca. 1856. Born in 1813. Died in 1908. A great granddaughter, Carol Bell, wrote an article mentioning Nancy and Patrick, “The Dotsons,” that appeared in Nicholas County Chronicle, Summersville, W.Va., accompanied by a fine old family photograph taken ca. 1906. Text of the article appears in the listing for Elizabeth Reynolds[4] Curran (Frederick[1], Sarah[2], Mary Frances[3]), who married Logan Sherman Dotson.

vii. Lucy R. Born 11 Feb 1839 in (West) Va. Died 19 Jan 1862 in Nicholas County. Buried in

Southern Methodist Cemetery. She never married.

7. viii. John D. Born 22 May 1842.

ix. William McG.D. Born ca. 1844. Died after 1860.

x. Caroline. Born in 1846. She married Jacob Wise in 1871 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Born in 1834.

8. Rachel[2] Honaker (Frederick[1]). Based on two census estimates, born in 1804 or 1805 in Monroe Co., (West) Va. Apparently died after 1860, possibly in Fayette Co., W.Va. Researchers differ about where she may be buried. One believes she may have been buried with a field stone marker in Good Luck Cemetery, near Ames Heights, W.Va. Another believes she was buried in Michigan.

There is mass confusion among Rachels here. Researchers reported that this and two other Rachels married William Brown in Monroe Co., W.Va. The others were this Rachel’s niece, Rachel[3] (Frederick[1], Jacob[2]) and her cousin Rachel[2] (Jacob[1]). Present evidence is sufficient to determine that this Rachel married Elijah Wood. We are unable to determine now which of the other Rachels married William Brown. To further complicate things, Elijah Wood married, second, Rachel Louisa McGraw prior to the 1870 census. Researchers reported that Elijah’s wife Rachel died 9 Oct 1885 in Fayette Co., W.Va., and was buried in Chestnutbury, W.Va. If the Rachel who died then was actually Elijah Wood’s wife, she probably would have been his second wife.

Rachel[2] (Frederick[1]) married Elijah Wood, son of William Wood and Mary Ann McGraw, 4 Jan 1825 in Nicholas Co. (West) Va. He was born ca. 1806 in Monroe County. Died 10 Sep 1885 in Fayette County. Buried in Ramsey, Fayette County. Elijah was a brother of Enoch Wood, whose daughter Mary Jane married Jacob H.[3] Honaker, this Rachel’s nephew. In 2001, the research authority on the Wood line was Lyle LeMasters, 8216 Fox St., Manassas, Va., 20112. The great majority of reported data up to this time was attributable to his work.

Lyle found Rachel and Elijah and four children enumerated in the 1830 Greenbrier Co. (West) Va. census. They were in Fayette County with nine children in the 1840 census. The 1850 Fayette County census enumerated the family by name and age, identifying the two youngest children. The eldest four were no longer at home. Elijah was 43, Rachel 46, Turze 18, Simpson 17, Nancy 15, Elijah Stuart 13, Ann E. 11, William Frederick 8, and Lewis 6. The 1860 Fayette County census identified Elijah as 53, a farmer, Rachel 56, William, 18, a farm laborer, and Lewis L., 15. William and Lewis were the only two still at home. The 1870 Fayette County census showed Elijah, 63, a farmer, his wife Rachael L., 45, Unis Dempsey (f.), 14, and John Dempsey, 12. The 1880 Fayette County census showed Elijah, 73, a farmer, his wife Rachel L., 54, keeping house, Jno. H. Dempsey, 22, working in coal mine, Elijah Dempsey, 17, farm laborer, and Polly McGraw, 72, keeping house, widow.

Many land transactions are recorded for Elijah Wood. In the first, 21 Feb 1825, in Monroe Co. (West) Va. Deed Book H, p. 218, Elijah and Rachel[2] (Frederick[1]) sold Rachel’s portion of her inherited property (land only) for one dollar to Andrew and George Beirne, Nicholas County real estate brokers. On the next page of the deed book Rachel’s half-brother Jacob also sold his share of the property. This sale was less than seven weeks after Elijah and Rachel married. On it Rachel made her “x.”

Land transactions are recorded in Fayette County for Elijah and his son Elijah S. Wood from 21 May 1832 to 11 Jun 1920 (Book A, p. 107; Book B, p. 242; Book C, p. 255, 277, 730, 731; Book D, p. 250, 315, 332, 539, 631, 713; Book E., p. 282, 772; Book F, p. 348, 349; Book 2, p. 188, 334, 550; Book 8, p. 194; Book 13, p. 366; Book 25, p. 96; Book 48, p. 481; Book 49, p. 337; Book 52, p. 332. The number of these suggests that father and son were real estate speculators.

The 1870 and 1880 censuses show that Elijah’s second wife named Rachel was born ca. 1825.

Last Will and Testament of Elijah Wood Dec’d

I Elijah Wood in the name of God Amen do make and publish this as my last Will and Testament.

First: I direct that I shall be buried in a suitable manner in accordance with my station in life.

Second: I will and bequeath to my beloved wife Rachel Louisa the home place where I now live during her

natural life, should she prefer that the place be sold she is to receive one third of the proceeds of sale or so much thereof as she may need for support. I also give to her one cow of her choice, one hog of her choice, one bed and my kitchen furniture. I also give to her interest on four hundred dollars of my personal estate or more if she should need it during her life.

Third: I give and bequeath to my grandson John H. Dempsey my farm situate on horse shoe Creek

Consisting of two tracts containing Sixty acres more or less and he is charged with the payment of one hundred Dollars to be paid to the rest of my heirs but it is my wish and I direct that he shall not be oppressed in the payment of said one hundred dollars. $100.00

Fourth: I give and bequeath to my grandson Elijah Lewis Dempsey one hundred dollars to be paid out of my personal estate.

Fifth: I give and bequeath to my granddaughter J[illegible] Rogers the sum of fifty dollars to be paid out of my personal estate.

Sixth: I will and bequeath all the rest of my estate to my nine living children Viz Allen A Wood, Amanda J. Parrish, Sarah A Fox, Mary Salina Sims, Tersey Lucresia Neal, James S Wood and Nancy E Johnston, Elijah S Wood, W.F. Wood and I do make them the residuary legatees of my estate to them equally portion and portion alike.

Seventh: I do appoint and constitute G.W. Imboden and James Simpson Wood my son as the executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made.

Given under my hand and seal this 14th day of March ad 1885

Elijah wood (seal)

We the subscribing witnesses have this day witnessed the foregoing will signed and declared by Elijah Wood as his Will and in his presence and signed in the presence of each of us and we have signed in the presence of each other this 14th day of March 1885.

Allen McGraw George L. McClung G.W. Imboden

The will was entered for probate in Fayette County Court 23 Sep 1885.

Children (of Rachel[2] (Frederick[1]) and Elijah:

8. i. Amanda Jane[3]. Born ca. 1825.

8. ii. Allen Alexander. Born ca. 1826.

8. iii. Sarah Ann. Born in 1827.

27. iv. Mary Salina. Born ca 1828.

8. v. Turze Lucretia (also Tersey/Turzey/Turzah.) Born ca. 1831-1835.

8. vi. James Simpson (called Simpson). Born ca. 1833.

8. vii. Nancy E. Born ca. 1834.

8. viii. Elijah Stuart. Born in Nov 1837.

ix. Rebecca Ann (Ann E. on the 1850 census) Born ca. 1839 in Woodville, Fayette Co., (West) Va.

Died 19 Mar 1866 in Fayette Co., W.Va. She married William W. Ryan in 1853 in Fayette County, his second wife.

8. x. William Frederick. Born in Mar 1842.

xi. Lewis L. Born ca. 1844 in Woodville, Fayette Co., (West) Va. Died between the 1860 census and

his father’s will 14 Mar 1885.

Third Generation

3.i. Mary[3] Honaker (called Polly) (also reported as Polly G.) (John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Two sets of data were reported.

One is that she was born 20 Oct 1815 in Monroe Co., (West) Va., died in 1913 in Monroe County, and is buried in Green Hill Cemetery there.

The other, reported in 2001 by descendant Scott Stodola, is that she and her family moved to Cedar Rapids, Linn Co., Iowa ca. 1857; Wiley returned to (West) Virginia shortly after and nothing further is known about him; that she and the children remained; that Linwood Cemetery records in Cedar Rapids show she was born 2 Oct 1815 in Greenbrier Co. (West) Va., and that she died 8 Mar 1891 in Cedar Rapids.

She and her family were enumerated in the 1850 Greenbrier Co., (West) Va. census; her name was recorded as Mary and her husband’s as Wylie; Wylie was listed as unable to read or write. They are not listed in the 1860 Virginia census index, evidence they had relocated.

She married Robert Wiley Kimbrough (also Wylie, Kimbo, Kimbro) 15 Jun 1831 in Monroe County. Born ca. 1815 in North Carolina. John Honaker, probably her father, served as surety. Children (used the surname Kimbrough unless otherwise identified):

i. Mary Jane[4] Born ca. 1832. Died in 1922. She married William Pickett.

ii. Elmira (also Elvira). Born ca. 1835. She married Unknown Swallow and Unknown Heath.

iii. John Alexander [Kimbro]. Born 1 Feb 1841. Died in May 1913.

iv. Virginia Susan. Born ca. 1845.

3.i. v. Andrew J. (also Elijah) Born 15 Jun 1845.

vi. James Wylie [Kimbro]. Born 16 Sep 1848 in Greenbrier Co., (West) Va. Died 12 Sep 1927.

vii. Sarah Caroline (called Carrie). Born in 1853. She married, first, Frank Parkhurst (also Parkist) 22

May 1870.

viii. Katherine (called Kate). Born in 1855. She married William Jordan 25 Oct 1871. Jacob H.[3] Honaker (John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 2 Dec 1830 in Monroe Co. (West) Va. Died 5 Aug 1868 in Fayette Co., W.Va. He served as an election commissioner for Fayette County.

He married Mary Jane Wood, daughter of Enoch Wood and Margaret Johnson of Monroe County, 26 Nov 1851 in Monroe County. Born ca. 1835 in Monroe County. She married, second, Joseph Davis 21 Feb 1878 in Fayette County. Joseph had married, first, Margaret Martin 24 Apr 1840 in Fayette County, and Harriet Ford Smith 29 Jul 1870 in Fayette County. He was born ca. 1819.

Children (of Jacob and Mary Jane): i. James H.[4] Born ca. 1862.

ii. Levi. Born ca. 1867 in Fayette County.

3.vii. Isabella Agnes[3] Honaker (John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 29 Jun 1833 in Monroe Co. (West) Va. Died of arteriosclerosis 29 Dec 1900 in Denver, Colo. Buried in the old Burlington Cemetery, Loveland, Larimer Co., Colo. The grave headstone gives the name as Isabellea Armstrong. She and her family moved to Missouri in 1856 and to Colorado ca. 1866.

She and her family were enumerated in the 1860 DeKalb Co., Mo., census living in Polk Twp.: Michael C. Miller, 30, blacksmith, born in Va.; Isabell A., 27, housekeeper, b. in Va.; Margaret A., 9, b. in Va.; Nancy J., 6, b. in Va.; William T., 4, b. in Va.; Rebecca A., 2, b. in Mo. The 1870 Boulder Co., Colo., census for St. Vrain-Burlington reveals a fascinating story; by that time Isabella had remarried but was living next door to her former husband , also next door to her first husband’s father who had her three youngest children from that marriage living in his household, and next door to her daughter Margaret: (Residence) John H. Miller, 65, farmer, b. in W.Va.; (Residence) Thomas Armstrong, 43[?], farmer, b. in W.Va.; Isabella, 36, keeping house, b. in W.Va.; Robert S., 2, b. in Colo.; Charles H., 1 mo., born in Colo.; (Residence) William T. Miller, 41, farmer, b. in W.Va.; Rebecca A., 11, b. in Mo.; John, 8, b. in Mo.; Isobella, 5, b. in Mo. Isabella’s son William Thomas Miller, 14, is not named as living in these households. The 1880 census enumerated Isabella’s family in Larimer Co., Colo., in Precinct 4, Big Thompson: Thomas Armstrong, 56, farmer, b. in Va.; father b. in Va., mother b. in Ga.; Isabella, 46, wife, keeping house, b. in Va.; parents b. in Va.; Robert, 12, son, b. in Colo.; Daniel, 8, son, at school, b. in Colo.; Ella, 5, daughter, at school, b. in Colo.; Albert, 2, son, b. in Colo.; John Miller, 17, stepson, helping on farm, b. in Mo.; Isabella, 15, stepdaughter, b. in Mo. The 1900 Arapahoe Co., Denver, Colo., census enumerated Isabella living with her son John Mitchel Miller.

Rocky Mountain News, Denver, Colo., 1 Jan 1901: (deaths) Isabell Agnes Armstrong, 87 yrs., 635 Twentieth Ave., arterio-sclerosis.

She married, first, Michael Christ Miller, son of John H. Miller and Rebecca Unknown, 13 Jun 1850 (date recorded in a Bible or journal) in Greenbrier Co. (West) Va. Born ca. 1831 in Greenbrier County. Researcher Fran Daniels reported that Michael was killed 27 Jan 1865 when the river steamer Eclipse blew up near Jonesville (Johnsonville), Humphreys Co., Tenn.; that she had located a notation that he “was assigned drafted in Gentry County Mo. Dec 1864”, that he weas a member of the 39th Regiment, Missouri Infantry; that in 1865 Isabell applied for a pension in Colorado as the guardian of the minor children; that Michael was not listed in cemetery books for DeKalb Co., Mo.

The Missouri Infantry (Union) consisted of volunteers. Present information is not sufficient to determine whether Michael was serving with his unit at the time of his death. The Eclipse, a wooden hull packet sternwheeler of 223 tons, had a sizeable contingent of Union soldiers aboard when its boilers exploded. A letter from Brig. Gen. S. Meredith at Paducah, Ky., to Gov. O.P. Morton of Indianapolis, written the day of the explosion, said that it happened at 6 a.m., that 68 men were injured, ten died, that they arrived at his post. Later figures showed 27 had been killed. Most of the casualties were soldiers with the Ninth Independent Battery Light Artillery, raised in Indianapolis. Of 70 officers and men in the unit, only ten were unharmed. General Meredith did not mention any casualties from other units such as the Missouri Infantry. Isabell’s pension application, filed in Colorado where she lived, was not filed in Missouri where Michael had enlisted.


3.vii. i. Margaret Ann[4]. Born 9 May 1851 in Greenbrier County.

3.vii. ii. Nancy Jane. Born 27 Jul 1853 in Greenbrier County.

3.vii. iii. William Thomas. Born 11 Dec 1855 in Greenbrier County.

3.vii. iv. Alice Rebecca. Born 26 Nov 1858 in Missouri.

3.vii. v. John Mitchel. Born 26 Jul 1862 in Missouri.

vi. Mary Isabella. Born 20 Mar 1865 in Missouri.

She married, second, Thomas G.W. Armstrong, son of John Armstrong and Rebecca Unknown, 28 Oct 1867 in Denver, Denver Co., Colo. Born 20 Jun 1823 in Lewisburg, Greenbrier Co., (West) Va. Buried 28 Nov 1894 in old Burlington Cemetery, Loveland, Larimer Co., Colo. The cemetery deed identifies him as a soldier. He first married Martha A. (also C.) Honaker, daughter of Isaac M. Honaker and Rebecca Ann Sams, (Frederick[1], Isaac M.[2], Martha A.[3]), 16 Jan 1844 in Monroe (also reported as Greenbrier) Co., (West) Va. Apparently they divorced. Born 1826 in Greenbrier County. Died ca. 1880 in West Virginia. There were no children in that marriage. The 1850 Greenbrier Co. (West) Va. census enumerated Thomas at age 26, a tailor, with Martha, 24, both b. in Va.

A family member said that Thomas and Isabella went to Missouri together and after the Civil War went to Colorado where they married in Denver. The 1870 Boulder Co., Colo., census for St. Vrain-Burlington enumerated the family as Thomas Armstrong, 47, b. in W.Va.; Isabella, 36, b. in W.Va.; Robert S., 2, b. in Colo.; Charles H., 1 mo., b. in Colo.; John, 24, b. in W.Va. We do not know the identity of this John. Colorado State Archives show two Armstrong veteran burials in addition to Thomas G.W. They are Isaac Armstrong, b. 28 Dec 1842 in Va., buried in Mountain View Cemetery, Boulder County; and John N. Armstrong, b. 26 Nov 1845 in (West) Va., also buried in Mountain View Cemetery. They may have been related to Thomas G.W., but were not his sons, as he had no children in his first marriage.

Children (of Isabella and Thomas):

vii. Robert Lee. Born 4 Feb 1868 in Colorado. Died 9 Nov 1880 in Larimer Co., Colo. Buried in

Burlington Cemetery, Boulder Co., Colo.

viii. Charles Harvey. Born 15 May 1870 in Colorado. Died 22 Aug 1871 in Colorado. Buried in

Burlington Cemetery, Boulder Co., Colo.

3.vii. ix. Daniel Lyman. Born 25 Oct 1873 in Longmont, Boulder Co., Colo.

x. Luella May (called Ella). Born 22 Mar 1875 in Colorado. Died 22 May 1915 in Colorado. She

married John H. Hocking 31 Dec 1905. Born ca. 1879 in Illinois.

3.vii. xi. Albert S. Born 2 Mar 1878 in Colorado.

4.iv. Thomas Bennett[3] Campbell (Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Oct 1836 in Monroe Co., (West) Va. Died after 1900.

He married, first, Lydia Elizabeth Tapp, daughter of Baylis G. Tapp and Matilda Terry, 26 Aug 1858 in Greenbrier Co., (West) Va. Born 13 Dec 1832 in Greenbrier County. Died 23 Dec 1892 in Anthonys Creek District, Greenbrier County. Children:

i. Alex A.[4]. Born ca. 1859.

4.iv. ii. Matilda S. Born in Jul 1861.

iii. George E. Born ca. Oct 1864 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 3 Aug 1865 in Greenbrier County.

4.iv. iv. Balis Thomas. Born 3 Nov 1867.

4.iv. v. Joseph M. Born 11 Dec 1870.

vi. Nancy M. Born 19 Mar 1874 in West Virginia. Died 21 May 1892.

He married, second, Elizabeth White 29 Nov 1893 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Born ca. 1835 in Greenbrier County. Died before 1900.

4.v. Isaac N.[3] Campbell (Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1838 in Monroe Co., (West) Va. Died 21 Jun 1862 in Greenbrier Co., (West) Va.

He married Cynthia Unknown. Children:

i. Elizabeth M.[4] Born ca. 1868.

ii. Virginia S. Born ca. 1870.

6.ii. Robert[3] Duffy (Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1829.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Anna[4].

6.iii. Hugh C.[3] Duffy (Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1834.

He married Mary M. Bransetetter. Born in Oct 1840. Children:

i. Charles A.[4]. Born in 1862.

ii. Alice E. Born in 1867.

iii. Maud. Born in Aug 1868.

iv. Mamie. Born in 1878.

6.iv. Mary Catherine[3] Duffy (Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 12 Dec 1835 in Nicholas Co., (West) Va. Died 17 Jul 1906 in Summersville, W.Va.

She married Patrick Dillon Horan. Born 10 Mar 1828 in Loughrea, County Galway, Ireland. Died 10 May 1884 in Summersville. Children:

6.iv. i. Theodore Bronson[4]. Born 19 Mar 1854.

ii. Andrew John. Born 13 May 1856 in Malden, Kanawha Co., (West) Va. Died 29 Apr 1934 in

Charleston, W.Va. He married Mary Alice Thornton. Born 12 Jul 1853. Died 1 Nov 1937 in Summersville, W.Va.

6.iv. iii. Thomas Owen. Born 25 Nov 1861.

iv. Alice Beatrice. Born 5 Jun 1864 in Louisville, Ky. Died 3 Jun 1865 in Louisville.

v. Margaret Rosalia. Born 5 Aug 1866 in Louisville, Ky. Died in 1936 in Summersville, W.Va.

vi. Mary Ann. Born 4 Aug 1869 in Nicholas Co., W.Va. Died in 1937 in Summersville, W.Va.

6.iv. vii. Patrick Charles. Born 10 Sep 1871.

viii. Hugh (twin). Born and died 26 Mar 1875 in Nicholas Co., W.Va.

ix. Joseph (twin). Born and died 26 Mar 1875 in Nicholas Co., W.Va.

6.iv. x. Robert Emmett. Born 18 Nov 1876.

xi. Henry Beirne. Born 8 Jul 1882 in Nicholas Co., W.Va. Died 3 Jul 1913 in Cleveland Heights,


6.v. John[3] Duffy (Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 20 Mar 1838. Died 9 Sep 1908 in Nicholas Co., W.Va.

He married Ann Thornton. Born 10 Sep 1843 in Ireland. Died 25 Jan 1906. Children:

6.v. i. John Gladstone[4].

ii. Rebecca.

iii. Margaret. Born in 1867 in West Virginia.

6.v. iv. Robert Edward. Born 10 Nov 1869.

v. Catharine S. Born in 1872 in West Virginia.

6.v. vi. Annie. Born in 1875.

vii. Alice. Born 20 Mar 1875 in West Virginia. Died 17 Nov 1934 in Nicholas Co., W.Va.

viii. Beatrice. Born in 1877. Died in 1943 in Summersville, W.Va.

ix. Madora. Born in 1879.

x. John, Jr. Born in 1880.

xi. Lola. Born 8 Sep 1886. Died 9 Dec 1959. She married Alfred John Binns. Born 3 Jul 1880 in

Egton, England. Died 12 May 1977.

xii. Patrick. Born 14 Apr 1888. Died 15 Jul 1949. Alice Ann[3] Duffy (Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 16 Apr 1841 in Nicholas Co., (West) Va. Died 14 Sep 1895.

She married Henry McQueen. Born 11 Jul 1838 in Nova Scotia, Canada. Died 7 Mar 1899. Children:

i. Lillia[4]. Born 22 Aug 1868. Died 16 Oct 1869.

ii. George. Born 26 Dec 1869. Died 2 Nov 1879. iii. John Owen. Born 10 Oct 1871.

iv. Mary. Born 21 Jun 1873. Died 2 Nov 1879.

v. Archibald. Born 26 Feb 1876. Died 30 Oct 1879.

vi. Henry. Born and died 6 Mar 1878. vii. Anna May. Born 1 Feb 1881.

6.vii. Owen Harvey[3] Duffy (Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1843 in Nicholas Co., (West) Va. Died 6 Jan 1894 in Nicholas Co., W.Va.

He married Madora A. McComley. Born in 1847. Children:

i. Charles Dillon[4]. Born in 1868. He married Emma Catherine Harris.

6.vii. ii. Ada Alice. Born in 1871.

6.vii. iii. Margaret A. Born in 1872.

6.vii. iv. Mary Runa. Born 22 Jan 1875.

6.vii. v. Henry Galen. Born 28 Nov 1877.

vi. William. Born 28 Nov 1877 in Nicholas Co., W.Va. Died 15 Jul 1878 in Nicholas County.

vii. Oscar. Born 15 Feb 1883.

6.vii. viii. Georgia. Born in 1886.

7.i. Robert Ferguson[3] Reynolds (Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 30 Jan 1826 in Monroe Co., (West) Va. Died 21 Jul 1911.

History of Mason County, West Virginia, 1987, contains an article about this family which is reprinted under Charles William’s listing because it is centered on him.

Robert was living with his parents at age 24, when the 1850 Nicholas Co. (West) Va. census was taken. By the 1860 Nicholas County census, he was listed as age 33, a waggoner, “Bettie Birne” was 21, Mary C. was 2, and John B. was four months old. Also in the household were Thomas G. Pancake, 10, born in Virginia, George Chapman, 17, born in Virginia and a waggoner, and Mary Dorman, 21, born in Virginia, a domestic.

Robert moved his family to Kanawha Co., (West) Va. in 1861 and established a farm near what became Belle, W.Va., but was originally known as Reynolds. Robert became a storekeeper and in 1863 a postmaster. The community was renamed Belle after their youngest daughter.

He married Betty Bierne 6 Jun 1853 in Nicholas Co., (West) Va. Born in 1839 in Ireland and emigrated with her parents as a child. Children:

i. Mary C.[4] Born ca. 1858 in Virginia.

ii. John B. Born ca. 1860 in Virginia.

iii. unknown daughter

7.i. iv. Charles William[4]. Born in 1867.

ii. Belle.

7.ii. Charles Kenneth[3] Reynolds (Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 5 May 1827 in Monroe Co, (West) Va. Died 16 Oct 1895. Buried in Southern Methodist Cemetery Cemetery (presumably Methodist Episcopal Church, South,) Summersville, Nicholas Co., W.Va. One researcher said Charles was born in Charleston, (West) Va., and married Sarah Newton Persinger; that Charles is not known, but is not this Charles.

He married Angeline E. Morris ca. 1855 in Nicholas County. Born in 1833. Died 16 Apr 1916. Buried in Southern Methodist Cemetery. Children:

7.ii. i. Bessie[4].

7.iii. Mary Frances[3] Reynolds (Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 9 Oct 1830 in Monroe Co., (West) Va. Died 1 Feb 1907 in Nicholas Co., W.Va. Buried in Southern United Methodist Church Cemetery (presumably Methodist Episcopal Church, South,) Summersville, Nicholas County.

She married Michael Curran, son of Patrick Curran and Hanara Unknown [more likely Honora, a common Irish given name), in 1847. Born in 1822 in County Kerry, Ireland. Died 6 Jun 1888 in Nicholas Co., W.Va. There is no gravestone for him in the Southern United Methodist Church Cemetery. Michael is mentioned in an article by Carol Bell, “The Dotsons,” which appeared in Nicholas County Chronicle, Summersville, W.Va., the text of which is in the listing for Michael’s daughter Elizabeth Reynolds, who married Logan Sherman Dotson. The article says that Michael emigrated [to New York] from Ireland with his older sister after the potato famine of 1845 and was an apprentice carpenter at the age of 12. He moved to Irish Corner, Nicholas County.

Michael and Mary’s household was enumerated in the 1860 Nicholas County census. He was 38, a farmer, she 30, Thomas was 11, Robert 6, James 4, and Sarah 1.


7.iii. i. Thomas Jefferson.[4] Born 7 Nov 1848 in Summersville.

ii. Robert. Born in 1854 in Nicholas Co., (West) Va. Died before 1925.

7.iii. iii. James Milton. Born in 1856.

7.iii. iv. Sarah Anne. Born ca. 1859.

7.iii. v. Margaret Jane (called Mag). Born ca. 1861 in Nicholas County.

7.iii. vi. Caroline Catherine (called Cal and Carrie). Born 18 Nov 1863 in Nicholas Co., W.Va.

vii. John. Born ca. 1865 in Nicholas County. Died before 1870 in Nicholas County.

7.iii. viii. Ellen. Born 6 Jun 1866 in Nicholas County.

7.iii. ix. Elizabeth Reynolds (called Betty and Bridget). Born 21 Jan 1869.

7.iii. x. Frances Belle (called Fanny). Born 10 Jan 1872 in Nicholas County.

7.viii. John D.[3] Reynolds (Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). In later life he was called Old Man Squire because he was the town squire, holding court at the Tingler Mill, Paint Bank, Va. Born 22 May 1842. Died 14 Nov 1926 in Paint Bank. Buried in Bryan Cemetery, Rt. 311, Paint Bank. He was a private in the 22nd Virginia Infantry during the Civil War. Military records indicate he enlisted 30 May 1861 in Summersville, Nicholas Co. (West) Va.; was absent without leave (AWOL) 26 Jul 1861; present for duty 31 Oct 1862; deserted and surrendered, took the oath of allegiance in Charleston, W.Va. and was sent north 22 Apr 1865. He was listed as a resident of Craig Co., Va., and then Nicholas County; a farmer, 5 ft. 10-in., fair complexion, fair hair, gray eyes. He was living in Paint Bank at age 56 in 1898. His old log home was still standing across from the Paint Bank Cemetery in 2001.

He married Frances E. Jarvis (also reported as A. E. Frances Jarvis) (called Fannie). Born 1 Nov 1846. Died 20 Mar 1938 in Paint Bank. Children:

7.viii. i. Oscar W.[4] Born 10 Apr 1868.

ii. George. Born in 1871 in Craig County. He married Wynona unknown 5 Oct 1898 at the home of

her parents on Sinking Creek. Born in 1879 in Craig County. The marriage was performed by O.W. Lusby.

iii. Renic C. Born 20 Feb 1874 in Craig County. Died 18 Mar 1956 in Paint Bank, Va. He operated a store in Paint Bank, “on the side of the bridge where the hotel sits.” He married Madora Ardella Frenchia Looney (called Frenchie) 23 Dec 1896 at the home of her parents. The marriage was performed by William Linton. Born 6 Jun 1879 in Craig County. Died in 1968 in Paint Bank. They had no children, but raised Robert Simmons and Unknown Blankenship, relationship not known.

iv. Walter Milton. Born in 1882 in Craig County. He married Nelle Virginia Caldwell 23 Sep 1908 at

the home of her parents. The marriage was performed by O.L. Huffman. Born in Craig County.

8.i. Amanda Jane[3] Wood (Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1825 in Nicholas Co., (West) Va. Died after her father’s will 14 Mar 1885, possibly in Anstead, Fayette Co., W.Va.

She married Joshua Parrish Jr., son of Joshua Parrish, 1 Jun 1843 in Fayette Co., (West) Va. Born ca. 1819 in Giles Co., Va. Died after 1880 in West Virginia. The family was recorded in Fayette County censuses of 1850, 1860, 1870 and 1880. In the household in 1850 were Joshua, 31, farmer, Amanda, 26, Orina J., 6, Hannah L., 4, Mary M., 1, and Archibald, 40, an uncle. In 1860, Joshua Jr., 40, farmer, Amanda J., 34, Aurina J., 15, Hannah C., 13, Mary M., 10, Nicholas P., 8, G.A., 6, and James A., 3. In 1870, Joshua, 50, farmer, Amanda J., 45, Irma [Aurina] J., 27, Mary M., 20, Nicholas, 18, George, 15, James A., 13, Florence A., 9, Martha A., 3, and Lewis L., four months. In 1880, Joshua P. Parish, 58, farm laborer, Amanda J., 56, keeping house, George A., 25, working in coal mine, James A., 22, working in coal mine, Martha A., 13, Lonzo [Lewis Lonzo], 10, grandson.


i. Aurina J.[4] Born ca. 1844 in Fayette Co., (West) Va.

8.i. ii. Hannah C. (recorded as Hannah L. in the 1850 census.) Born ca. 1846.

8.i. iii. Mary Margaretta. Born ca. 1849.

8.i. iv. Nicholas P. Born in Nov 1850.

8.i. v. George A. Born ca. 1855.

vi. James A. Born ca. 1857 in Fayette Co., (West) Va. He married Margaret Louisa Parrish 23 Dec

1885 in Fayette County. Born ca. 1851 in Fayette County.

8.i. vii. Rachel Florence Annie (called Florence). Born in Jan 1860.

8.i. viii. Martha A. Born in Jan 1865.

8.ii. Allen Alexander[3] Wood (Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1826 in Nicholas Co., (West) Va. Died after his father’s will 14 Mar 1885. He was enumerated in the 1850 Greenbrier Co., (West) Va. census as a 22-year-old blacksmith, in a household with apparently unrelated tradespeople, possibly a boarding house.

He married Margaret A. Hoover 10 Feb 1851 in Fayette (also reported as Greenbrier) Co., (West) Va. Born ca. 1823.

The family was enumerated in the 1860 Fayette Co., (West) Va. census, recorded as A.A. Wood, 35, blacksmith, M.A. (f.), 38, Turza S., 8, Genetta F., 6, Rachel M., 4, Elijah J., 2, and Ellen J., 3-months. Children:

i. Turza S.[4] Born ca. 1851.

ii. Genetta F. Born ca. 1853.

iii. Rachel M. Born ca. 1855.

iv. Elijah J. Born ca. 1857.

v. Ellen J. Born in 1860.

8.iii. Sarah Ann[3] Wood (Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1827 in Nicholas (also reported as Fayette) Co., (West) Va. Died 1 Apr 1887 in Fayette County. It was reported that her third marriage was to John M. Fox Jr., who reportedly married, first, another Sarah Wood. Sarah Ann[3] was reported to have married her second and third husbands within a span of six weeks, which raises the likelihood of mistaken identity or confusion with the other Sarah Wood.

In the 1850 Fayette County census, Sarah and her family were enumerated as William A.W. Dempsey, 28, laborer, Sarah A., 22, E.R., 3, and James A., 1.

In the 1860 Fayette County census, the family was in the household of John A. McGraw, 45, which also included a Margaret McGraw, 17, James McGraw, 11, and Nel McGraw, 9. It was not reported what the relationship was between John A. McGraw and Sarah Ann. Sarah’s paternal grandmother was a McGraw, so John A. could have been an uncle or cousin. He might also have been related to George A. McGraw, husband of Sarah’s sister Mary. The absense of a wife in the household may mean that Sarah was caring for the McGraw children as well as her own. The Dempseys in the household were William, 40, Sarah, 36, Elizabeth, 14, Alexander, 10, Mary V., 8, Eunice J., 7, and John B., 3.

By the 1870 Fayette County census, Sarah 43, was a widow. She and Lewis E., 7, were in the household of Turze and John Neal, her sister and brother-in-law. In the 1880 Fayette County census, Mt. Cove District, she was remarried. The family was listed as Jno. M. Fox, 70, farmer, Sarah, 57, keeping house, Lucy E., 35 (John’s daughter), Mary A., 10 (granddaughter), and Charles A. Dempsey (grandson), 15, farm laborer.

She married, first, William A. Dempsey ca. 1841 (also 1846) in Fayette County. Born in 1822. Died in 1867in Mt. Cove, Fayette Co., W.Va. Buried in Good Luck Cemetery, near Ames Heights, Fayette County. His gravestone identifies him as a Private, Co. C., 7th Virginia Infantry, C.S.A.Children:

8.iii. i. Elizabeth Rachel[4] (called Lizzie). Born ca. 1847 (also 1844).

8.iii. ii. James Alexander. Born ca. 1849.

8.iii. iii. Mary V. Born ca. 1852.

iv. Eunice J. Born 5 Jan 1855 in Fayette County. Died 14 May 1940. She married John F. (also J.)

Skaggs 11 May 1873 in Fayette County. Born ca. 1840 in Fayette County. Died 3 Nov 1902.

v. John B. (also H.) Born ca. 1857 in Fayette County. He married Amanda A. McClung 22 Feb 1882

in Fayette County. Born ca. 1865 in Fayette County.

8.iii. vi. William Henderson. Born 1 (also 14) Sep 1860 in Mt. Cove, Fayette County.

vii. Lewis Elijah. Born ca. 1863 in Fayette County. He married Octavia D. Ingram 19 Oct 1882 in

Fayette County. Born ca. 1866 in Fayette County.

She may have married, second, James B. Reed 27 Nov 1872 in Fayette County. Born in Scotland.

She married, second or third, John M. Fox Jr., son of John M. Fox and Lucinda Mathews, 14 Jan 1873 in Fayette County. The ceremony was performed by A.J. McClung. Born ca. 1813 in Greenbrier County. Died 13 Jan 1896 in Fayette County. It was his third marriage. His first wife was also reported to be a Sarah Wood, daughter of Bailey Wood and Lucretia Skaggs. That marriage was 4 Apr 1841 also in Fayette County, and resulted in children. He married, second, Malinda Ellison.

8.v. Turze Lucretia[3] Wood (also Tersey/Turzey/Turzah) (Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 183-1835 in Woodville, Fayette Co., (West) Va. Died after her father’s will 14 Mar 1885.

In the 1860 Fayette County census, her family was recorded as John Neil Jr., 25, farmer; Turza, 25; Hansford, 5; male child, 3; male child, 1. There is no record of a male child that age in the next census. If the census enumerator was correct in recording this child as a male, the child apparently died. The next census did record a female child that age, Sarah M., but subsequent information on her gives a birthdate of Apr 1857. We don’t know which is wrong about her, the 1870 census or later determination of birthdate.

In the 1870 Fayette Co., W.Va., census, the family was recorded as John Neel, 37, farmer; Tursey L., 39; James H., 14; Elijah W., 12; Sarah M., 11; George A., 9; Juna (f.), 7; John L., 5; Ephriam, 3; and Joe D., one month. Living with them were Turze’s widowed sister Sarah Dempsey, 43, and her son Lewis E. Dempsey, 7. In the 1880 Fayette County census, they were recorded as Jno. H. Neal, 47, coal miner; Tirzah, 49, keeping house; Jno. L., 15, working in coal mine; Epharim, 13; Amanda M., 5.

She married John H. Neal Jr., son of John H. Neal and Sarah Miller, in 1854. Born ca. 1834 in Anstead, Fayette County (also reported born in Monroe Co., (West) Va.) Children:

8.v. i. James Hansford[4]. Born ca. 1855.

8.v. ii. Elijah W. Born ca. 1857.

8.i.iv. iii. Sarah M. Born ca. 1859 (also Apr 1857) in Fayette Co., (West) Va. She married her cousin,

Frederick descendant Nicholas P.[4] Parrish. Their descendants are listed in his entry.

iv. George A. (also Georgia Ann) Born ca. 1861 in Fayette County. The 1870 census recorded this

child as George A. Researcher Joan Workman reported in 2001 that the child was Georgia Ann, who later married John Nutter.

8.v. v. Orena Catherine (apparently recorded as Juna on the 1870 census) (called Reeny). Born in Feb

1863. We take the name as authentic from a granddaughter, Joan (Wood) Workman.

8.v. vi. John Lewis (also John Louis). Born ca. 1865.

vii. Ephriam Stephen. Born ca. 1867 in Fayette County. Died 4 Mar 1889 in Fayette County.

8.v. viii. Joseph D. Born in May 1870 He did not appear with the family on the 1880 census, but a marriage

and children were reported for him.

ix. Amanda Myrtle. Born ca. 1875 in Fayette County. She married Henry Reynolds 2 Jun 1891 in

Fayette County. Born in Fayette County. James Simpson[3] Wood (called Simpson) (Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1833 in Woodville, Fayette Co., (West) Va. Died 26 Sep 1887 in Anstead, Fayette County.

His will is recorded in Fayette Co., W.Va., Will Book 3, p. 74:

I James S. Wood of Kanawha County West Virginia being of sound mind do make this my last Wil and


After all my lawful debts are paid I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Ellen E. Wood all of my personal property during her natural lifetime, all my real estate consisting of lands, houses and [illegible] for her to use as her own but not to sell or convey any part of it my real estate and in the event that she should die before my youngest child should arrive at the age of twenty (20) years I desire and appoint my son Joseph A. Wood to take charge of the whole estate both personal and real so left by his mother and occupy her place and keep the property together, and use the same for the benefit of my younger children until the youngest shall arrive at the age of twenty years and then to divide the residue of the personal property that may be on hand and the real estate equally between all my children. And I appoint my son Joseph A. Wood Executor of this my last Will and Testament. Given under my hand this 17th day of July 1886.

J.S. Wood

Signed in the presence of Sylvistir Chapman W.R. Nichols Dick Evans

The will was presented for probate 8 Oct 1887 at the office of the county clerk:

This paper writing purporting to be the last Will and Testament of James S. Wood Dec’d late of said County was this day presented to the Clerk of said Court for probate and the same being duly proven by the oaths of Sylvestir Chapman and W.R. Nichols Subscribing Witnesses thereto and the same is ordered to be recorded as the last Will and Testament of Said decedent.

A Copy Teste J.W. Gasham Clerk, Kanawha County Clerk

The 1860 Kanawha Co., (West) Va. census recorded his household as James S. Woods, 26, laborer, $0 fixed property, $20 personal property; Ellen, 18; Joseph, 1; James H., 2 months; and William Martin, 15, laborer. The 1870 Kanawha County Cabin Creek Twp. Census recorded the household as James Wood, 37, farming, $900 fixed property, $200 personal property; Ellen, 28, keeping house; Joseph, 13; James, 10; Mary, 7; Louis, 5; William, 2.

Different researchers reported different spouses for James—(1) Harriet McGraw in 1854, no children reported; (2) Ellen E. Alexander, 1 Jun 1856 in Kanawha Co., (West) Va. Born ca. 1842.

Children (mother attributed as Ellen): i. Joseph A.[4] Born ca. 1858.

ii. James H. Born in 1860 in Kanawha Co., (West) Va. He married Addie Pilchard 24 Dec 1894 in

Fayette County. Born ca. 1867 in Kanawha County.

iii. Mary. Born ca. 1863 in (West) Va. iv. Lewis D. (also Louis). Born ca. 1865 (also reported as Nov 1861.)

v. William. Born ca. 1868 in West Virginia.

8.vii. Nancy E.[3] Wood (Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1834 in Woodville, Fayette Co., (West) Va. Died 6 Nov 1898 in Anstead, Fayette Co., W.Va.

The 1860 Fayette Co., (West) Va. census recorded the household as Charles B. Johnson, 28, farmer; Nancy E., 24; Ginnie A., 3; William L., 5 months. The 1870 Fayette County census recorded Charles Johnson, 36, farmer; Nancy, 34; William A., 10; George A., 8, Charles H., 2. The 1880 Fayette County census recorded Charles Johnson, 46, farmer; Nancy, 45, keeping house; William, 20, laborer; Allen, 17, laborer, Minnie, 12.

She married Charles B. Johnson (called Charley), son of George Johnson. Born ca. 1834 in (West) Va. Children:

i. Virginia A.[4] Born ca. 1857 in Fayette Co., (West) Va. Died before the 1870 census.

ii. William A. (also L.) Born ca. Jan 1860 in Fayette Co., (West) Va. He married Rebecca J. Pack 28

Jul 1884 in Fayette Co., W.Va. Born in Raleigh Co., (West) Va.

iii. George Allen (called Allen). Born ca. 1862 in Fayette Co., (West) Va. He married Ollie E. Preston

24 Nov 1894 in Fayette County. Born in Ohio.

iv. Charles H. Born ca. 1868 in Fayette Co., W.Va.

v. Minnie. Born ca. 1870 in Fayette Co., W.Va.

8.viii. Elijah Stuart[3] Wood (Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Nov 1837 in Woodville, Fayette Co., (West) Va. Died after 1900 in Anstead, Fayette County. Three children born to Elijah had the same reported birthdate, Sep 1874.

The 1860 Fayette Co., (West) Va. census recorded the family as Elijah S. Wood, 23, blacksmith; M.V., 22. The 1870 Fayette County census recorded E.S. Wood, 34, blacksmith; Margaret, 33; Sanford, 9; Ann, 7; Rocksey, 4; Ellen, 2. The 1880 Fayette County census recorded E.S. Wood, 43, farmer; Margaret, 42, keeping house, (born in Ohio); Sanford, 20, blacksmith; Louisa A., 16; Mary R., 13; Elizabeth, 12; Jno. H., 8; Elijah, 8; Charles M., 5; Christina, 3; Amanda, 1.

He married Margaret V. Townsend 7 Aug 1860 in Fayette Co., (West) Va. Born in Mar 1838 in (West) Va. Died after 1900.

Researcher Lyle Lemasters Jr., an authority on this line, reported that three of this couple’s children—Elijah Lewis, John H., and Charles M.—were born in Sep 1874, which would make them triplets. The 1880 census enumerator recorded Elijah and John as eight and Charles as five, but the census took its data from a family member who was not always right. Elijah and John were twins. If the census was right about ages, Elijah and John would have been born ca. 1872 and Charles ca. 1875, but the census was often off by one or more years. We are not really sure about exact birthdates for Elijah, John, and Charles.


8.viii. i. Sanford E.[4] Born Aug 1860.

ii. Louisa Ann. Born ca. 1863 in Fayette Co., (West) Va. She married Charles J. Bumpers 23 May

1884 in Fayette County. Born in New York.

iii. Mary Rocksey. Born ca. 1866 in Fayette County. She married Jasper N. Morris 30 Sep 1893 in Fayette County. Born in Clay Co., W.Va.

iv. Elizabeth Ellen. Born ca. 1868 in Fayette County. She married Allen Gill 14 May 1891 in Fayette County. Born in Fayette County.

v. Joel A. Born 8 Jan 1871 in Fayette County. Died 9 Jan 1871 in Fayette County.

8.viii. vi. Elijah Lewis (called Lute) (twin). Born 8 Sep 1874 in Fayette County.

vii. John H. (twin) Born 8 Sep 1874.

8.viii. viii. Charles M. Born 8 Sep 1874.

ix. Christina M. Born ca. 1877 in Fayette County. Died 19 May 1882 in Fayette County.

x. Amanda K. Born Feb 1880 in Fayette County. She married William Mack Gill 10 Apr 1901 in

Fayette County. Born May 1877 in Fayette County.

8.viii. xi. Minnie Mae. Born May 1884.

8.x. William Frederick[3] Wood (Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Mar 1842 in Woodville, Fayette Co., (West) Va. Died ca. 1933 in Anstead, Fayette Co., W.Va.

The 1870 Fayette County census recorded the household as William F. Wood, 28, blacksmith; Martha, 22; Laura J., 4; Virginia B., 1. The 1880 Fayette County census recorded William F. Woods, 38, blacksmith; Martha, 34, keeping house; Laura J., 15; Virginia, 11; Ota G., 10; Lewis E., 9; Mollie, 4; Nelie, 1.

He married Martha Ann Hess (also reported as Steel; may have been widowed), daughter of Martin Hess and Mary Wood, 4 Feb 1864 in Fayette Co., W.Va. Born 15 Jan 1846 in Fayette County. Died 16 Mar 1914 in Fayette County. Children:

8.x. i. Laura Josephine[4]. Born ca. 1865.

ii. Mary R. Born in Mar 1866 in Fayette Co., W.Va. Died in Feb 1869 in Fayette County.

iii. Virginia B. (called Jennie). Born 22 Sep 1868 in Fayette County. She married, first, William G.

Jones in Mar 1899 in Fayette County. They divorced. She married, second, James Preston Basham 23 Dec 1902 in Fayette County. Born 22 Apr 1853 in Mercer or Wyoming Co., (West) Va. Died 23 Sep 1923 in Ironton, Lawrence Co., Ohio. James’s household was enumerated in the 1910 Fayette County census as James P. Basham, 56, carpenter; Virginia, 40; Gracie, 17, daughter; Olive Wood, 12, niece. The 1920 Fayette County census recorded James P. Basham, 66; Virginia, 50. James’s will appeared in Lawrence Co., Ohio Will Book 10, p. 581, but it was not reported whether Virginia was mentioned or still living.

8.x. iv. Otis Givens. Born 1 Oct 1870.

v. Lewis Edward. Born ca. 1871 in Fayette County. He married Lillie M. Cart 14 Feb 1893 in

Fayette County. Born ca. 1872 in Fayette County.

vi. Nollie. It was reported that he was born ca. 1875 in Fayette County, but he was not listed in the household in the 1880 census. Died 15 Aug 1897 in Fayette County. He married Esther

Taylor 21 Jul 1897 in Fayette County. Born ca. 1874 in Fayette County.

vii. Mollie F. Born in Jun 1876 in Fayette County. Died 24 Aug 1897 in Fayette County.

8.x. viii. Nellie. Born ca. 1879.

ix. Lillie. Born ca. 1879 in Fayette County. Died very young. She did not appear with the family in

the 1880 census.

x. Sallie. Born 30 Jun 1882 in Fayette County.

xi. Franklin. Born ca. 1883 in Fayette County. Died 22 Dec 1891 in Fayette County.

9. Ephriam[3] Honaker (also Epherian) (Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 26 May 1813 in Monroe Co., (West) Va. One researcher reported 8 Apr 1813 as the birthdate. Died 2 Jul 1875 at Johnson Cross Roads, Monroe County. He was a blacksmith. The 1850 Monroe County census found the family in household #22: Epherain, 37; Eliza, 28; Michael A., 7; William, 2. The 1860 Monroe County census found the family as: Ephriam, 47, “smith” [blacksmith]; Eliza, 36; Michael A., 17; William R., 13; Elizabeth, 10; John A., 8, Emma R. 4.

He married Elizabeth Hines (also Eliza), daughter of William Hines and Unknown, 16 Aug 1845 in Monroe County. One researcher reported 18 Aug 1845 as the marriage date. Born in 1822. Children:

28. i. Michael Alexander[4]. Born 13 Nov 1842 in Monroe County.

29. ii. William Ritchie. Born Oct 1847 in Monroe County.

iii. Elizabeth. Born ca. 1850 in Monroe County.

30. iv. John Allen. Born 7 Nov 1853 (also 23 Nov 1853) in Monroe County.

iv. Emma Riffle. Born ca. 1856.

10. Henry S.[3] Honaker (also seen as Hensy) (Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 15 Mar 1815 in Greenbrier Co. (West) Va. Died 16 May 1863 (also reported as 1864) in New Point, Holt Co., Mo. Buried in Nichols Cemetery, location not reported. Henry’s son Thomas A. said that Henry was killed in his front yard by hooded Northern sympathizers. Research by Henry’s latter-day Oklahoma descendants gave his father’s name also as Henry, “of German birth from Old Country,” who “never acquired the English language.” The research was done years after Henry’s death, and may not be based on any information he provided. Family researcher Ruby Brakebill found an immigrant Henry Honaker, with wife and two children, in the 1850 Missouri census. They were all four born in Germany, in no way descended from Hans Jacob.

The contention raises a question about this Henry’s ancestry, which is further clouded because the Oklahoma descendants have good records of this Henry’s children. The Oklahoma descendants didn’t report Fulton and Parker, the only children attributed to this Henry by researchers who did not know of an Oklahoma connection. Fulton and Parker lived geographically distant from the Oklahomans. Also, Fulton and Virginia both were reported born in 1856. Any of these disparities might be explained individually, but they’re less likely to be dismissed when taken together.

Additional research needs to sort out what’s happened here. Jacob did have a son named Henry born on that date and in that place, and the census records collected by the Oklahomans reflect the same date and place, and caused researcher Brakebill to conclude that it was this Henry who was their ancestor. Perhaps Fulton and Parker were descended from another Henry.

Vesta Morris, a descendant who reported the direct German immigration, researched the Honaker family and wrote that Henry, at age 18, was apprenticed to a blacksmith for three years, until “at the age of maturity” he set up business for himself. Soon afterwards he married Mary Jane, who was said to be of Scotch-Irish descent.

The 1840 census found Henry, his wife, and son James in Greenbrier Co., (West) Va. His profession was recorded as manufactories or trades, fitting for a blacksmith. In the fall of 1844, wrote his great granddaughter, Ruby Brakebill, Henry and his father-in-law, James Alford, moved their families to Holt County, northwest Missouri. Henry and his wife Mary Jane had three children at the time. Ruby observed that “Mary Jane must have been pregnant with my grandfather during the trip because on most records Thomas Allen Honaker was born March 29, 1945 in Holt County, Missouri.”

In Missouri, Henry continued blacksmithing until 1856, Ruby said, when he moved his family onto a half-section of land. On 11 Jul 1860, the census taker recorded Henry’s household. Living with them was Harriet McCarty, 17, no known family relationship. They weren’t able to enjoy their home much longer because of the outbreak of the Civil War, in which the three eldest sons joined the Southern cause.

It was war sentiment, also, which led to Henry’s own death, Ruby reported. Ruby was told by her mother, Henry’s granddaughter, that Henry’s son Thomas Allen was 18 years old at the time and the only son at home. Thomas hid in a cornfield to keep from being killed himself.

“Not long afterwards,” Ruby wrote, “The family had to abandon their home & sought refuge in the neighboring state of Iowa, where they remained until 1866. After the Civil War, the two sons who survived, Augustus and Harvey, returned home and the family moved to LaFayette Co., Mo., and after some time moved back to Holt Co., where they brought suit and recovered the old homestead. Later they sold the homestead and Augustus and Harvey with their families and the mother…” [remainder of letter missing]

He married Mary Jane Alford (also seen as Alyard), daughter of James Alford (or Alyard) and Margaret Carlisle, 24 Jul (also reported as Aug) 1836 in Monroe Co. (West) Va. Born 8 Oct 1823 in Nicholas Co., (West) Va. Died 7 Jul 1885 in Mancos, Colo. Buried in Cedar Grove Cemetery, Mancos. Children:

i. James L.[4] Born 2 Sep 1838 in Greenbrier Co., [West] Va. Index to Service Records of Confederate Soldiers lists James as a private in Co. F, Missouri Cavalry, C.S.A. The index gives his death date as May 1863 in Jackson, Miss., and says he’s buried in a C.S.A. cemetery. An Oklahoma family record gives his death date as 8 Feb 1865.

10. ii. Augustus Chapman. Born 14 Aug 1840 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

10. iii. Harvey Alexander (also reported as Harvey B.)

10. iv. Thomas Allen.

v. Caroline V. Born 24 Jan 1849 in Oregon, Holt Co., Mo. Died 1 Sep 1850 in Oregon, Mo.

vi. Almira. Born 11 Aug 1851 in Missouri. Died 24 Jul 1874. Buried in Nichols Cemetery beside her father. Researcher Ruby Brakebill said that Almira and America were buried in Missouri.

vii. America. Born 16 Feb 1854 in Missouri. Died 24 Nov 1874 in Oregon, Holt Co., Mo. Buried in Missouri. She married Monroe Williams.

viii. Fulton B. Born in 1856. He married Emazetta Dillon. [Fulton was reported by one researcher.]

10. ix. Virginia.

31. x. Parker Smith. [Reported by one researcher].

10. xi. Margaret (called Maggie).

11. Mary[3] Honaker (Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1815 in Monroe Co., (West) Va. She and her husband lived on property later located behind Forrest Run Church, Hollywood, Va., on land that in 1998 was owned by Fred Hoke. They are buried in unmarked graves on that property.

She married William T. Bostic (called Turkey Bill), son of Jacob Bostic, 11 Feb 1833 in Monroe County. His father authorized the marriage bond. Born 1810 in Monroe County. He served in the 60th Virginia Infantry, C.S.A., from Monroe County. Children:

i. Elizabeth[4]. Born 1834.

ii. Caroline. Born 1836.

iii. Catherine. Born 1838.

iv. William T., Jr. (also called Turkey Bill) Born 1840. Like his father, he also served in the 60th


v. Henderson. Born 1843.

vi. Harrison. Born 1845.

vii. Mary. Born 1849.

viii. Rebecca. Born 1851.

ix. Margaret. Born 1853.

11. x. Andrew. Born 1856 in Monroe County.

12. Samuel Sams[3] Honaker (Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Mar 1819 (also reported as 1818) in Willow Bend, Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 9 Feb 1895 in Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., Kan.

One researcher believes that Samuel Sams was not the son of Jacob, but of Jacob’s brother John H. It was reported that John’s second child was Samuel L., born 10 Mar 1918, and that Jacob’s fifth child was Samuel Sams, born 10 Mar 1819. The birth dates are so similar that there is that possibility.

He married, first, Lucinda L. Bean. Born 30 Jul 1817 (also reported as 3 Jul 1819 and 23 Oct 1913) in Monroe Co., (West) Va.

West Virginia Journal, probably Charleston, W.Va., 1 Sep 1869:

Honnaker—Mrs. Honnaker, wife of Rev. Mr. Honnaker, residing about three miles below Charleston, was found dead on Monday morning about a half mile from her home.

Lucinda was descended on her maternal side from the Wisemans. In 1999, a 56-page Wiseman family descendancy of 12 generations had been compiled by Rock Sterling Kauser and was accessible on the world wide web at .

He married, second, Anna Eliza Parsons, daughter of Joshua Parsons and Joanna Stewart. Born 30 Sep 1837 in Jackson Co., Va.

According to cemetery records, Samuel Sams was buried in Maple Hill Cemetery, Kansas City, Kan., not in Argentine [Kan.] Cemetery as stated in a letter from his widow to her daughter by a former marriage, Josephine Parsons, of West Virginia. The text of her letter, which she gave in a clear, beautiful hand, follows. In it she deplores her daughter’s infrequent letters, a situation familiar to many parents even today.

Kansas City, Kan. Feby 17th 1895

My Dear Son & Daughter,

This lonesome Sabbath evening I must say that Pa has departed this life. He book sick on Sunday morning the 3rd with what we supposed to be a bad cold. But it soon developed in to a fatal case of Pneumonia Fever of which he died at 5:30 P.M. Saturday the 9th last. He was sick but six days. He died perfectly easy. Seamingly with out a single pain. He passed away like one going to sleep with not even a struggle. We was upon his feet Saturday that day that he died I think it was a bout noon. But [illegible word] uncontious most of the time Friday & I believe all day Saturday. His Remains were laid to rest at Argentine Cemetery, Argentine, Kansas on Monday last the 11th [illegible word]. We feel sad & lonely with out him. But we know that he has gone to rest & that God doeth all things well. So we can but say, Oh Lord Thy will be done not ours, for we believe that death was a welcome messenger to him. He has talked a great deal about dying all summer & fall. He often said that he did not see why the good Lord kept him here on earth, for he felt that he had finished the work that the Lord had given him to do & that he was ready & wanted to go home. I would wrote you the sad news of his death sooner. But was waiting for an answer to my last letter. I think very hard of you for not writing oftener than you do. For I do not see that you have any reason for not writing. Now I will close for this time. Hoping that you will answer with out delay. This leaves us all well at present, & hope that will find you all the same. We all join in sending our [illegible word] best wishes.

From your Affectionate Mother,

A.E. Honaker,

#113 Berger Ave., Kansas City, Kansas


37. ix. Madora Alice (called Dora). Born 20 Feb 1860 (also reported as 12 Feb 1861) in Mossy, Fayette

Co., W.Va.

13. John B.[3] Honaker (Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Also reported died 12 Dec 1891. The headstone is not fully legible.

He married Charlotte Wiseman, daughter of Joseph Wiseman and Margaret Unknown. Buried in Old Rehoboth Church Cemetery. Researchers reported that three of John’s children were named John, which appears unlikely. One of those subsequently was reported to be Jehu, but that is also a form of the name John. Children:

iii. James C. Died 8 Feb 1891. Buried in Old Rehoboth Church Cemetery.

13. iv. John L. Born ca. 1852 in West Virginia.

viii. Charles M. (Called Bud). Born in 1859 in Union, Monroe Co., (West) Va. He married Arminta V.

Bare (called Minty) in 1901. The Rev. C.W. Easter performed the ceremony. Born ca. 1853. She

lived near Union all of her life. She previously married John Washington Smith, son of Lewis S. Smith and Nancy Pence, in 1871. There were no children in either marriage.

13. ix. John. Born ca. 1860.

16. Peter Bratton[3] Honaker (Jacob[2], Fredrick[1]). See photographs.

He married Ida Elizabeth Bland 28 May 1867.

17. Isaac Madison[3] Honaker (Jacob[2], Frederick[1]) See photograph [Carol Albert Allen]. Also reported born 13 Sep 1838. His gravestone gives a birthdate of 1 Sep 1827. Died in Orchard, Monroe Co., W.Va. Isaac Madison and his uncle, Isaac Morgan were reported to have served in the same unit during the Civil War.

The Low Gap Methodist Church was organized in 1861 and was still operating in 1999. His wife Rachel’s gravestone gives a birthdate of 15 Jul 1842. Rachel was descended on her maternal side from Wisemans. In 1999 a genealogical web page was available on Wiseman family descendants. It was maintained by Rock Sterling Kauser, . Rachel was a daughter of Thomas J. Long and Emily Bean.


vi. Augustus Lacy (called Charlie). Born 28 Sep 1882 in Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 30 May 1972 in

Beckley, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Interred in Sunset Memorial Park Mausoleum, Beckley.

Unknown Beckley, W.Va. newspaper, unknown date: Charlie Honaker Succumbs at 89—A.L. (Charlie) Honaker, 89, of 817 South Kanawha St., died at his home at 1:15 a.m. Tuesday of an apparent heart attack. He was born Sept. 28, 1882, in Monroe County, the son of the late Isaac and Rebecca Honaker. A shriner, he was a member of the Beckley Masonic Lodge and the First Christian Church, and was a retired engineer for the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad. He was a member of the Grand Commandery, Knights Templar, Hinton Commandery No. 12, K.T., Beckley Lodge No. 95, AF&AM, Beckley Shrine Club, the Beni Kedem Temple, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons and Sewell Chapter No. 24 RAM. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Virginia Honaker and a sister, Mrs. R.E. (Grace) Barton of Narrows, Va. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday at the Rose and Quesenberry Peace Chapel with Dr. Walter Griswold officiating. Entombment will be in Sunset Memorial Park Mausoleum. Friends may call at the Rose and Quesenberry Funeral Home after 5 p.m. today. Members of the Beckley Masonic Lodge will serve as pallbearers and conduct graveside rites.

He married Elizabeth Virginia Bika, daughter of John Bika and Julia Bogucki, 17 Dec 1932 in Hinton, W.Va. He was 50 and she was 22. Born 7 Jun 1910 in Skelton, W.Va. There were no children. Interred in Sunset Memorial Park Mausoleum.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va. 8 Jul 2004 (with photograph): Elizabeth Virginia Honaker, 94, of 817 S. Kanawha St., Beckley, died Mon., July 6, 2004 at Raleigh General Hospital following a short illness. Born June 7, 1910 at Skelton, she was the daughter of the late John Bika. Mrs. Honaker was a member of First Christian Church in Beckley. She was a homemaker and professional seamstress and had worked at her father’s store as a teenager. She was a member of the Order of Eastern Star and Beckley Garden Club. She was the last surviving member of her family and a graduate of Roanoke Business College. She was preceded in death by her husband, Arthur Lacy Honaker; brothers, John Bika Jr., Charles and Joe Bika; and an infant brother and an infant sister. Survivors include seven nieces and nephews; many great-nieces and nephews; and special friend, Elsie Martin of Beckley. Service will be 1 p.m. Mon., July 12, at Rose and Quesenberry Peace Chapel, Beckley, with the Rev. Don Snyder Jr. officiating. Entombment will follow in Sunset Memorial Park Mausoleum, Beckley. Friends may call 6 to 9 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home. Family and friends will serve as pallbearers. Condolences may be e-mailed to the family at RandQ@. Arrangements by Rose and Quesenberry, Beckley.

20. Charles Morgan[3] Honaker (John H.[2], Frederick[1]). See photograph [Shirley Brosh]. Born 11 Apr 1836 in Union, Monroe Co., (West) Va. The death certificate indicates that he died of “heart failure due to old age” 6 Aug 1931 in Red House, Putnam Co., W.Va. Buried in Plants Cemetery, Meigs Co., Ohio. Almost all the information about Charles Morgan is attributed to Sandra Reuther, Boulder City, Nev.

It was reported that Charles spent the first 23 years on his father’s farm, but his father died in 1843 when Charles was seven years old. The 1850 Greenbrier Co., (West) Va., census, district 18, enumerated the household of a John Young, 29, his wife Mary, 19, and a William Honiker, 12. Also in district 18 was the household of a Robert Adair, 41, born in Ireland, his wife Jane, 50, and two younger residents, Margaret Comer, 35, and Charles M. Honiker, 13. William and Charles were the same age as “orphaned sons,” by the same name, of John H. and Peggy (Sams) Honaker. Charles M. and William Honaker also were privates in Co. E, 27th Virginia, C.S.A., Greenbrier County, another indication they were closely related. It is not known presently what family relationship they had, if any, with the 1850 census households.

At the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861, Charles was teaching his second term of school and gave it up to enlist with Co. E, 27th Virginia Infantry, “Greenbrier Rifles,” under Capt. R.F. Dennis. He served in this company for about a year, then was transferred to Chapman’s Battery where he served until the spring of 1863. At that time, the battery was in Charleston, Kanawha Co., (West) Va. When the war ended he spent time in the coal mines near Cannelton, Fayette Co., W.Va., before relocating to Pomeroy, Meigs Co., Ohio. He was about 5 ft., 10-in. tall in his prime. He could read without eyeglasses until he was 91.

The Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 24 Jun 2010, listed former Monroe County school superintendents. Among them were “C.M. Honaker, 1885-87.” Although Charles Morgan was born in Monroe County and had been a teacher when young, nothing else suggests that he was the C.M. Honaker who was the Monroe County school superintendent, and that person’s identity is not known.

Charles and his wife Sylvesta first lived on her parents’ farm near the Ohio River. While there, there was some trouble about the farm, so Charles took his family on a boat up river to Coalburg, W.Va., a mining town, where he and his sons worked in the mines and saved enough money to buy a farm on Poplar Fork in Scott Depot, Putnam Co., W.Va. While the family was at Coalburg, the seven eldest children married.

When their daughter-in-law Mary Frances Armstrong Honaker died in 1907, Charles and Sylvesta took their two grandchildren Bessie and William Harvey to live with them as their children, as their father was unable to work and also care for them. That same year they sold their farm and moved to Winfield, Putnam County. In 1908 they bought a little home and store in Red House, Putnam County. Charles kept store and in a room adjoining it Sylvesta had a new loom and wove carpets and rugs and sold them. They were very happy there, had a garden and all kinds of fruit.

Charles retired from the mercantile business in 1924 at age 88. He celebrated his 94th birthday on 11 Apr 1930 with members of his family who held a reunion at their home in Red House. Among the guests were Mrs. Mary Lora Jones Honaker of Middleport, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. William E. Honaker; Mrs. Alice Honaker Woodrum; Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Chittum of St. Albans, W.Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Stephen (Bessie Honaker) Harmon of Red House; and Mr. and Mrs. Robert White of Smithers. Charles and Sylvesta celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary 23 May 1931.

Throughout his life, Charles was interested in community affairs and both led active lives for their ages.

He married Sylvesta M. Wolfe, daughter of George Peter Wolfe and Martha Malinda Varian, 23 May 1866 in Pomeroy, Meigs Co., Ohio. Born 14 Oct 1849 in Racine, Meigs County. Died 24 Feb 1945 in Red House, W.Va. Her death certificate indicates she fell 20 Jan 1945 and died of “fracture of hip.” Children:

56. i. George Arthur[4].

57. ii. Annie Mary.

58. iii. Charles Oscar.

59. iv. John Irvin.

60. v. William Elson.

61. vi. Alice Jane.

62. vii. Matilda Mildred.

63. viii. Bertha May.

64. ix. Edith Clara.

21. Margaret C.[3] Honaker (Isaac M.[2], Frederick[2]).

She married M. Henry (also reported as Harvey) Armstrong.

22. Frederick Styrus[3] Honaker (Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Died 27 May 1907.

Greenbrier Independent, Lewisburg, W.Va., 13 Jun 1907: Death’s Harvest—Mr. F. Styrus Honaker died on Monday morning, May 27, 1907. He was taken with a stroke of paralysis as he was about to arise from his bed on that morning and died about eleven o’clock. He and his wife had been visiting some of his old friends and neighbors for a few days and was not permitted to return to his home which has recently been with Mr. James J. Green, a son-in-law, but died at the home of Mrs. Rebecca Honaker, the widow of his brother John Honaker. Mr. Honaker was born Oct. 23, 1827, so was in the latter half of eightieth year. He was born in Greenbrier county and has lived for most of his life in the county. When about thirty years of age he removed to Augusta county, Va., and resided there for about sixteen years. It was during this residence in Augusta that the civil war began and he enlisted and was a member of Capt. Morris’ company of Edgar’s Battalion. The writer of this sketch has heard him spoken of as a brave soldier. As a man he was of kindly and sympathetic bearing among his fellow men, quiet and not a man of many words but still loved the company of others. He was a member of Salem church, and before the stroke that occasioned his death had expressed himself as expecting the summons and as ready when it should come. In his death he was blessed, for he passed away with very little, if any, suffering. He leaves an aged wife and five living children to mourn his departure, two sons, J.T and J.W. Honaker, and three daughters, Mrs. H.B. Toothman, Mrs. A.J. Morgan, and Mrs. J.J. Green, all residents of the county.

Newspaper and date unknown: F. Styrus Honaker died of paralysis at the home of Mrs. Rebecca Honaker, the widow of his brother John, in Irish Corner district near Ronceverte, May 27, 1907, in the 80th year of his age. Mr. Honaker was born in Greenbrier [County] Oct. 23, 1827, but when about 30 years of age moved to Augusta Co., Va., where he was living when the war broke out. He joined Capt. Morris’ company of Edgar’s Battalion and was a faithful soldier. He was a member of Salem church and leaves his wife and five children—two sons, J.T. and J.W. Honaker; and three daughters, Mrs. H.B. Toothman, Mrs. A.J. Morgan and Mrs. James J. Green—all residents of this county.

He married, second, Elizabeth Caroline Coats, in Greenbrier County. Died in East Ronceverte, W.Va.

Greenbrier Independent, Lewisburg, W.Va., unknown date: Death’s Harvest—Mrs. Elizabeth Honaker died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J.J. Green, in East Ronceverte, on Sat., Jan. 1, 1910 at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, of old age and a complication of diseases. She was a Miss Coats before her marriage to Mr. F. Styrus Honaker, who preceded her to the grave two years and seven months. She was buried beside her husband in the Honaker grave yard. Mrs. Honaker was a woman of high character and excellent standing in her community and was liked by all who knew her. She had long been a member of the Missionary Baptist Church. She leaves to mourn her departure besides a host of friends, two daughters and one son, namely: Mrs. J.J. Green, Mrs. A.J. Morgan, and Mr. J.W. Honaker. The bereaved children may find comfort amid their grief in the thought that to her death was but the gate to endless life and that she hath joined the saints who dwell in light.

24. James L.[3] Honaker (Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Also reported born in 1834. Buried in Salem Church Cemetery, Organ Cave, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. next to his sister Rebecca Ann.

He married Susannah Jane Ervin (also Irwin), daughter of David M. Irvin (Irwin) and Margaret Mary Dickson, 23 May 1860 in Lewisburg, Greenbrier Co., (West) Va. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Ronceverte, W.Va. Children (Minter, Newton, and William were all reported by various researchers as having been born in 1861. We do not have sufficient information to resolve this problem):

24. iv. Henry W. Born 30 Apr (also reported as 3 Jul) 1865 in Greenbrier County.

vi. Mary Margaret. Born 4 Mar 1870 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier County.

vii. Minerva S. (called Minnie) Born 1872 in Greenbrier County. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Ronceverte, Greenbrier County. She married Herbert Deaver 1904 in Greenbrier County.

24. viii. James Davis. Born 23 Mar 1875 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier County.

25. John Byrus Sams[3] Honaker (Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 1835 in Greenbrier Co. (also reported as 1833 in Monroe Co.), (West) Va. Died 4 May 1898 in Bunch’s Hill, Greenbrier County. Buried in Salem Presbyterian Church Cem., Organ Cave, W.Va. One researcher reported Byrus as Bowes. The 1900 census, Irish Corner District, Greenbrier County, identified John’s family as Becky (his third wife), born Mar 1870; Andy D., born Aug 1892; Lillie M., born Nov 1894; John, born Oct 1898. The 1920 census, Irish Corner District, showed Becky, 49; Mae, 25; John M., 21.

He married, first, Margaret Jane McDowell (also reported as Mary Jane McDowell and Dowell), daughter of Arch McDowell, 30 Aug 1866 in Greenbrier County. Born ca. 1836 (also reported as ca. 1848) in Monroe County. Children:

72. i. Laura Ann[4]. Born 12 Nov 1863.

He married, second, Mary Jane Robinson 2 Jan 1875 in Greenbrier County. Born 1836 in Greenbrier County.

He married, third, Rebecca Drucilla Conrad (called Becky) 25 Sep 1888 in Greenbrier County. Born 28 Mar 1870. Died 24 Jul 1952 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Buried in Honaker Cem., Ronceverte. Children:

ii. Andrew D. (called Andy) Born Aug 1892 in Greenbrier County. Died 1911 in Greenbrier County.

Buried beside his mother in Honaker Cem., Ronceverte. He never married. Family legend is that he was killed in an accident having to do with an old log barn on a ridge just northeast of the family home on Coffman Hill; either he fell from the barn or a log from it fell on him.

25. iii. Lilly Mae (called Mae). Born 29 Nov 1894.

25. iv. John Mason. Born 19 Oct 1898.

26. Rebecca Ann[3] Honaker (Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 13 Oct 1838.

27. Mary Salina[3] Wood (Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1828 in Nicholas (also reported as Fayette) Co., (West) Va. Died ca. 1900 in Anstead, Fayette Co., W.Va.

The 1860 Fayette County census recorded the family as G. McGraw, 54, farmer; Mary S., 31; Elizabeth, 95, lady; Harvey, 33, farm laborer; Miriam, 28, day laborer; and A.A., 5. Also in the household were Joseph Sheves, 12, bound boy; and Catherine Fox, 35, day laborer. By the 1870 Fayette County census, Mary was a widow; the census recorded the family as Mary, 41; Andrew A., 15; Henry, 7; and George A., 5. In the 1880 Fayette County census, Mary had remarried Milton B. Sims; the household was recorded as Milton Sims, 55, farmer; Selena, 50, keeping house; Oscar A.N., 23, laborer (Milton’s son); Allen McGraw, 25, laborer; Henry McGraw, 17, working in coal mine; Lillie Arbaugh, 8.

She married, first, George A. McGraw, son of Anthony A. McGraw and Elizabeth Brian (also Bryant), 1 Jun 1850 in Fayette County. Born ca. 1807 in Greenbrier Co., (West) Va. Died ca. 1868 in Anstead. Buried in Anstead. Children (there is an 8 year spread between the first and second reported children, leaving the possibility that others were born and died):

73. i. Andrew Allen[4]. Born 20 Jul 1855.

27. ii. Henry. Born ca. 1863.

27. iii. George A., Jr. Born ca. 1865.

iv. Martha. Born ca. 1866 in Anstead. Died of heart disease at the age of nine months ca. 1867 in


She married, second, Michael Price Arbaugh, son of John Arbaugh, 26 Apr 1871 in Fayette County. Born ca. 1822 in Fayette County. Children:

v. Lillie. Born ca. 1872 in Turkey Creek. Died ca. 1911 in Spencer, Roane Co., W.Va. She never


She married, third, Milton B. Simms 4 Feb 1876 in Fayette County.

Fourth Generation

3.i.v. Andrew J.[4] Kimbrough (also Elijah) (Mary[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 15 Jun 1845 in Greenbrier Co., (West) Va. Died 31 Dec 1923 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Buried in Linwood Cemetery, Cedar Rapids.

He married Mary Jane Rickabaugh, daughter of Frederick Rickabaugh and Lavina Unknown, 28 Jan 1869 in Cedar Rapids. Born 24 Jun 1845 in Wayne Co., Ohio. Died 27 Jun 1928 in Maquoketa, Iowa. Buried in Linwood Cemetery. Children (all spelled the surname Kimbro):

i. Fred C.[5] Born 18 Jul 1874 in Iowa. Died 5 Apr 1918 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He married


ii. Robert W. Born 11 Jan 1878 in Robbins Lake, Iowa. Died 1 Dec 1934 in Cedar Rapids. He never


iii. James A. Born 16 Jun 1883.

3.i.v. iv. Elmer J. Born 25 Jan 1885 in Linn Co., Iowa.

v. Lavina. She married Unknown Varner and Unknown Moeller in Maquoketa, Iowa.

vi. Jessie. He or she married Unknown Backus in Englewood, Calif.

vii. Arminda. She married Unknown Wright in Cedar Rapids. James H.[4] Honaker (Jacob H.[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1862 in Fayette Co., (West) Va.

He married Mary E. McClelland. Children:

i. James[5]. Born 3 Oct 1892 in Fayette Co., W.Va.

3.vii.i. Margaret Ann[4] Miller (Isabella Agnes[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 9 May 1851 in Greenbrier Co., (West) Va. Died 17 Jun 1908 in Cortez, Montezuma Co., Colo.

She married John B. Lee. Born Dec 1839 in Indiana. Children:

3.vii.i. i. Emma[5]. Born ca. 1870 in Colorado.

3.vii.i. ii. George R. Born May 1872 in Colorado.

iii. Richard M. Born Aug 1879 in Longmont, Boulder Co., Colo.

3.vii.ii. Nancy Jane[4] Miller (Isabella Agnes[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 27 Jul 1853 in Greenbrier Co., (West) Va. Died 9 Oct 1885. Buried in Burlington Cemetery, Boulder Co., Colo.

She married Rufus J. Lyman 24 Oct 1869 in Boulder County. Born ca. 1838 in Ohio. Children:

i. Florena[5]. Died 5 Apr 1879.

ii. Hattie A. Born ca. 1877 in Weld Co., Colo.

iii. Georgia. Died 1 Jan 1881.

iv. Willie.

3.vii.iii. William Thomas[4] Miller (Isabella Agnes[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Dec 1855 in Greenbrier Co., (West) Va. Died 2 Apr 1935 in Nederland, Boulder Co., Colo.

He married Rebecca Mariah Scoville, daughter of Samuel Scoville and Celia Unknown, 20 Oct 1878 in Boulder Co., Colo. Born 24 May 1854 in Whitewater, Walworth Co., Wisc. Died after 1936 at age 82. Children:

i. Samuel M.[5] Born 1880 in Weld Co., Colo. Died 23 Mar 1913 in Boulder Co., Colo.

ii. Celia. She married Alvin Brown. Died ca. 1932.

3.vii.iv. Alice Rebecca[4] Miller (Isabella Agnes[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 26 Nov 1858 in Missouri. Died May 1880 in Larimer Co., Colo. Buried in Burlington Cemetery, Boulder Co., Colo.

She married George Scoville, son of Samuel Scoville and Celia Unknown, 28 Jul 1878 in Boulder County. Born ca. 1857 in Wisconsin. Children:

i. Charles C.[5] Born 1879 in Colorado.

3.vii.v. John Mitchel[4] Miller (Isabella Agnes[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 26 Jul 1862 in Missouri. The 1900 Arapahoe Co., Colo., census found John living in Denver. In his household were his mother and half-sister: John W. Miller, 37, teamster, b. Jul 1862 in Mo., parents b. in W.Va.; (his mother) Isabelle A. Armstrong, 66, widow, b. Jun 1833 in W.Va., mother of 11 children, 7 living, parents b. in Va.; (half sister) Ella M., 25, millener trimmer, b. Mar 1875 in Colo., parents b. in W.Va.

He married Mammie Swanson 8 Jan 1906. Children:

i. Mary[5].

3.vii.ix. Daniel Lyman[4] Armstrong (Isabella Agnes[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 25 Oct 1873 in Longmont, Boulder Co., Colo. Died 6 Jun 1928 in Idaho Falls, Bonneville Co., Idaho.

He married Margaret Dillon McMillen 22 Dec 1896 in Greely, Weld Co., Colo. Born 18 Jul 1878 in Belfast, Antrim Co., Ireland. Died 10 Oct 1957 in Idaho Falls. Children:

i. Hazel Estella[5]. Born 1 Oct 1898 in Windsor, Weld Co., Colo. Died 27 Feb 1979 in Idaho Falls.

She married Charles Franklin Kronberg 21 Jul 1920. Born 27 Oct 1893 in Gering, Scotts Bluff Co., Neb. Died 15 Aug 1938 in Yermo, San Bernardino Co., Calif.

3.vii.ix. ii. Ethel Marie. Born 28 May 1901 in Windsor.

iii. Violet Fern. Born 25 Mar 1904 in Windsor. Died 10 Jun 1905 in Windsor.

iv. Daniel Earnest. Born 28 Aug 1907 in Windsor. Died 20 Dec 1907 in Windsor.

3.vii.xi. Albert S.[4] Armstrong (Isabella Agnes[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 2 Mar 1878 in Colorado. Died Apr 1948 in Portland, Multnomah Co., Ore.

He married Laura Gertrude Fortune 3 Jun 1904 in Colorado. They divorced. Born Feb 1888 in Iowa. Children:

i. John F.[5] Born 1906 in Colorado.

ii. Wilber N. Born 1908 in Colorado.

4.iv.ii. Matilda S.[4] Campbell (Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Jul 1861 in Greenbrier Co., (West) Va.

She married James F. Sydenstricker 14 Oct 1885 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Born ca. 1852 in Greenbrier County. Children:

i. William M.[5] Born 12 May 1887 in Greenbrier County.

ii. Hy T. Born 24 Feb 1889 in Greenbrier County.

iii. Samuel. Born 27 May 1892 in Greenbrier County. Died 4 Jun 1892 in Greenbrier County.

iv. Joseph Joshua. Born 17 Aug 1893 in Greenbrier County. Died 12 Apr 1950.

4.iv.iv. Balis Thomas[4] Campbell (Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 3 Nov 1867 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 28 Mar 1943 in White Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier County.

He married, first, Willie Cass Waid, daughter of Lewis C. Waid and Mary Elizabeth Jane Gardner, 29 Dec 1897 in Greenbrier County. Born 16 Feb 1878 in Greenbrier County. Died 23 Feb 1908 in Greenbrier County. Children:

4.iv.iv. i. Lewis Thomas[5]. Born 15 Oct 1898.

4.iv.iv. ii. Albert Willard. Born 11 Apr 1900.

4.iv.iv. iii. Lula Agnas. Born 18 Feb 1902.

4.iv.iv. iv. Lawrence Martin. Born 19 Dec 1904.

4.iv.iv. v. Carl McKinley. Born 7 Oct 1905.

He married, second, Emma Odenia Elizabeth McCallister in 1910 in Greenbrier County. Born ca. 1882 in West Virginia. Children:

4.iv.iv. vi. James Wyatt. Born 7 Jul 1912.

4.iv.iv. vii. Joseph Haman. Born 15 May 1916.

4.iv.iv. viii. Altha Elizabeth. Born 27 May 1918.

4.iv.iv. ix. Mae Matilda. Born 31 Dec 1920.

4.iv.v. Joseph M.[4] Campbell (Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Dec 1870 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 18 Sep 1917 in West Virginia.

He married Roda Minerva Waid, daughter of Lewis C. Waid and Mary Elizabeth Jane Gardner, 2 Sep 1897 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Born 8 Aug 1880 in Greenbrier County. Died 11 Jan 1908 in West Virginia. Children:

i. Unknown[5]. Born 1 Sep 1899 in Greenbrier County. Died 2 Sep 1899 in Greenbrier County.

4.iv.v. ii. Mary Pearl. Born 28 Feb 1900.

4.iv.v. iii. Cora. Born ca. 1901.

iv. Gertrude. Born ca. 1905 in West Virginia. She married Unknown McIntire.

4.iv.v. v. Berdie M. Born 28 Mar 1907.

6.iv.i. Theodore Bronson[4] Horan (Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 19 Mar 1854 in Nicholas Co., (West) Va. Died 23 Feb 1916 in Baltimore, Md.

He married Reuena A. Thornton. Born in 1851 or 1854 in West Virginia. Died in 1936. Children:

i. Bronson[5]. Born 27 Apr 1882. Died 19 Dec 1910 in Baltimore, Md.

ii. Mary Alice. Born 6 Jul 1883. Died in Apr 1966 in Charleston, W.Va.

6.iv.i. iii. John Spaulding. Born 12 Nov 1884.

iv. Eugenia Daisy. Born 12 May 1886. Died 20 Mar 1913 in Summersville, W.Va.

6.iv.i. v. Irene. Born 12 Oct 1887.

vi. F. Born 28 Oct 1888 in Addison, Webster Co., W.Va.

vii. Grace. Born 23 Feb 1890. Died 17 May 1963.

6.iv.i. viii. Patrick Dana. Born 10 Jun 1893.

6.iv.iii. Thomas Owen[4] Horan (Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 25 Nov 1861 in Louisville, Ky. Died 19 Dec 1926 in Cleveland, Ohio.

He married Emily Sterrett Scott. Born 10 Jan 1870 in Birch River, Nicholas Co., W.Va. Died 8 Feb 1956 in Arlington, Va. Children:

i. Ethel[5].

ii. Beatrice Melcina. Born 2 Nov 1890 in Birch River. Died 2 Oct 1963 in Seminole, Fla. She

married, first, Lewis Lederer. She married, second, Alan Taylor.

6.iv.iii. iii. Richard Scott. Born 20 Nov 1892.

6.iv.iii. iv. Sarah Catherine. Born 8 Sep 1894.

6.iv.iii. v. Andrew John. Born 3 Sep 1899.

vi. George. Born 19 Jan 1902 in Clay Co., W.Va. Died 9 Mar 1902.

vii. Charles Sterrett. Born 4 Aug 1903 in Clay Co., W.Va. Died 2 Nov 1964 in Seminole, Fla. He

married Viola Carleton.

viii. Josephine Emily. Born 23 Jul 1905 in Clay Co., W.Va. Died 6 Sep 1979 in Seminole, Fla.

6.iv.iii. ix. Rowena Agnes. Born 4 Jun 1909.

6.iv.iii. x. Thomas O., Jr. Born 4 Dec 1913.

6.iv.vii. Patrick Charles[4] Horan (Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Sep 1871 in Nicholas Co., W.Va. Died in Feb 1941 in Summersville, W.Va.

He married Maria L. Rader. Born in 1880. Died in 1960. Children:

i. Owen Francis[5]. Born 29 Jan 1901 in Summersville, W.Va. Died 9 Jul 1902 in Summersville.

6.iv.vii. ii. Mary Pearl. Born in 1903.

6.iv.vii. iii. Emma Rose. Born in 1906.

iv. Leo Andrew. Born 10 Mar 1912 in Summersville, W.Va. Died 27 Apr 1985 in Charleston, W.Va.

6.iv.x. Robert Emmett[4] Horan (Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 18 Nov 1876 in Summersville, W.Va. Died 6 May 1950 in Charleston, W.Va.

He married Betty Beirne. Born in 1888. Died 25 Mar 1915 in West Virginia. Children:

i. Mary Blanche[5].

ii. Bernice Maxine. Born 18 Feb 1911 in Summersville. Died 26 Feb 1993 in Charleston.

iii. Edith Agnes. Born in 1914 in Summersville. Died in 1924 in Richwood, W.Va.

iv. Charles Patrick. Born in 1915 in Summersville.

6.v.i. John Gladstone[4] Duffy (John[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Mary Frances Hereford. Children:

i. Alice[5]. She married John Young.

6.v.i. ii. Owen Hereford. Born 6 May 1915.

iii. Genevieve.

iv. Gwendolyn. Born 26 May 1919. She married Ralph Roach.

6.v.i. v. John Alderson.

6.v.i. vi. William.

6.v.i. vii. Eugene.

6.v.i. viii. Margaret. Born 9 Aug 1920.

ix. Gertrude. She married Ralph Shaffer.

6.v.iv. Robert Edward[4] Duffy (John[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Nov 1869. Died 16 Dec 1949 in Summersville, W.Va.

He married Alta Crouse. Died 11 Mar 1927. Children:

i. Ethel[5].

ii. John.

iii. Celia Alice. Born 4 Jul 1904. Died 5 Apr 1972 in Summersville, W.Va.

iv. Charles D. Born 9 May 1910. Died 10 Nov 1923 in Muddelty, W.Va. Annie[4] Duffy (John[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1875.

She married B. Harvey Groves. Born in 1867. Children: i. Beatrice[5].

ii. Agnes Leone. She married Arnett Fockler. John Owen[4] McQueen (Alice Ann[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Oct 1871 in West Virginia. Died in 1941.

He married, first, Emma Florence Armstrong. Born in 1868 in West Virginia. Died in 1929. Children:

i. Alice Mary[5]. She married Unknown Murray.

ii. Gertrude. Born in Aug 1896. iii. Mary Rose. Born in 1902.

He married, second, Ruth Ross. Anna May[4] McQueen (Alice Ann[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 1 Feb 1881 in Nicholas Co., W.Va. Died 16 Jan 1957 in Nicholas County.

She married Harrison Groves Jr. Born 19 Nov 1875 in Nicholas County. Died 16 Nov 1969 in Summersville, W.Va. Children: i. Thelma[5]. Born 15 Jun 1902.

ii. Henry McQueen. Born 1 Apr 1904. Died 28 Oct 1904.

iii. Margaret Rose. Born 30 Jun 1905 in Summersville. Died 4 Jun 1980 in Summersville. She

married James Savilla.

iv. Sarah Alice. Born 3 Apr 1909. Died 20 Apr 1909.

v. Henry Harrison. Born 24 Feb 1910. Died 10 Jun 1910.

vi. Owen A. Born 20 Aug 1911 in West Virginia. Died 10 Sep 1965 in Florida. He married Marjorie

Ringling. vii. Alexandra Alfreda. Born 7 Apr 1915.

viii. Louise Lowry. Born 8 Nov 1920 in Summersville, W.Va. She married Romulus Weathers Still

and had four children, names not known. ix. John Harrison. Born 4 Jan 1924.

6.vii.ii. Ada Alice[4] Duffy (Owen Harvey[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1871 in Nicholas Co., W.Va.

She married Addison McLaughlin Dodrill. Born in Feb 1868 in Poplar Creek, Nicholas County. Children:

6.vii.ii. i. Rosa[5]. Born 11 Apr 1887.

ii. Lola. Died young.

iii. Nora Alice. Born 19 Jun 1893. She married Edgar P. Boggs.

6.vii.ii. iv. Patrick Franklin. Born 6 Mar 1889.

6.vii.ii. v. Esther Goldie. Born 13 Dec 1904.

6.vii.ii. vi. Oscar Harvey. Born in 1906.

6.vii.ii. vii. Mildred Madora. Born 23 Sep 1909.

6.vii.iii. Margaret A.[4] Duffy (Owen Harvey[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1872.

She married Adam Clifton. Children:

i. Martha[5].

ii. Paul.

iii. Owen.

6.vii.iv. Mary Runa[4] Duffy (Owen Harvey[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 22 Jan 1875.

She married James Martin Brown. Born in 1872. Children:

i. Harvey[5].

ii. Evelyn.

6.vii.v. Henry Galen[4] Duffy (Owen Harvey[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 28 Nov 1877 in Birch River, Nicholas Co., W.Va. Died in 1958 in Swiss, W.Va.

He married Lura Ethel Simms. Born 20 Sep 1890 in Swiss, W.Va. Died 21 Feb 1993 in Memphis, Tenn. Children:

i. Virginia[5].

ii. Paul Henry. Born 9 Oct 1909. Died in Jul 1949 in Marlinton, Pocahontas Co., W.Va.

6.vii.v. iii. James Maurice. Born 2 Apr 1917.

6.vii.v. iv. Laura Jean. Born 1 Sep 1919.

6.vii.v. v. Frank Hugh. Born 27 Mar 1921.

6.vii.viii. Georgia[4] Duffy (Owen Harvey[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1886.

She married Emery West. Children:

i. Virginia[5].

ii. Miriam.

iii. Vashta.

iv. Geraldine.

7.i.iv. Charles William[4] Reynolds (Robert Ferguson[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1867 in Belle, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died in 1950.

The following item about him, illustrated with a photograph of him and his wife, was submitted by Barbara Bess Stone Nixon and appeared in History of Mason County, West Virginia, 1987: Charles William and Susan Stepto Keeney Reynolds

Both Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Reynolds were born in Kanawha County but lived most of their lives in Mason County. C.W. Reynolds was a descendant of Thomas J. Reynolds, who spent his life as a farmer in Buckingham and Nicholas Counties, Va. Robert F. Reynolds, first child of Thomas and his wife, moved to Kanawha County in 1861 and established a farm near what is now Belle. The community which grew up in that area was originally known as Reynolds. Robert F. Reynolds married Betty Bierne, who was born in Ireland in 1839 and came to this country with her parents as a child.

The farm land which Robert and Betty Reynolds bought included a large brick house, probably built about

1833, which still stands in Belle and which remained the home of the Reynolds family for many years. They had five children of whom Charles William was the fourth and the second son. Robert opened a store in the area and became postmaster in 1863. The community was renamed Belle after their youngest daughter.

Charles W. Reynolds worked on the locks of the Kanawha River all of his life. Before the present large dams were built, there were eleven locks on the river. He was a noted swimmer and diver and did underwater repair work on the locks and wickets when required. He retired as lockmaster of Lock 11 in Mason County and built a house in Point Pleasant where he and Mrs. Reynolds lived out their retirement years. He was born in 1867 and died in 1950.

Susan Stepto Keeney was the daughter of Thomas Y. Keeney and Eliza Ann White. She was born at Witcher in 1870 and like her husband was the fourth of five children. Her father was minister of Missionary Baptist Church at Witcher although like many ministers of that era he also worked on the river to support his family.

Among her Keeney relatives, Susan was known as Step. In her later life in Point Pleasant she was called Moo and was so known throughout the community. She and C.W. Reynolds were married on New Year’s Day 1891.

Moo was an excellent cook and a noted quilt maker. Her beautiful quilts are still treasured by those of her descendants fortunate enough to have them. She was also an excellent gardener and maintained a large garden which produced most of the vegetables for their home use.

Both C.W. and Step Reynolds were very active in church work. Mr. Reynolds was brought up in the religion of his Irish Catholic mother but became a Protestant when he married a Baptist minister’s daughter. He was instrumental in establishing Vaught Memorial Methodist Church at Lock 11.

The Reynoldses had four children: Bessie Maria (1891-1985), m. Captain Charlie Stone. They had four children, the youngest of whom died in infancy. Robert Traber (1894-1923) never married. Katherine Ann (1900-1979) m. James Bell Couch. They had one daughter. Thomas Emory (1904-1983), m. Jean Elliott. They had three children, the first of whom died in infancy.

Step Reynolds died in 1957. All their children are also deceased but they are survived by six grandchildren, ten great grandchildren, 11 great great grandchildren and 14 great great great grandchildren.

He married Susan Stepto Keeney (called Step and Moo), daughter of Thomas Y. Keeney and Eliza Ann White, 1 Jan 1891. Born in 1870 in Witcher, Kanawha County. Died in 1957. Children:

i. Bessie Maria[5]. Born in 1891. Died in 1985. She married Capt. Charlie Stone and had four

children, unknown.

ii. Robert Traber. Born in 1894. Died in 1923. He never married.

iii. Katherine Ann. Born in 1900. Died in 1979. She married James Bell Couch and had a daughter,


iv. Thomas Emory. Born in 1904. Died in 1983. He married Jean Elliott. They had three children,


7.ii.i. Bessie[4] Reynolds (Charles Kenneth[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Christopher Sylvester Bolar (called Chris). Children:

7.ii.i. i. John Henry[5].

7.iii.i. Thomas Jefferson[4] Curran (Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 7 Nov 1848 in Summersville, Nicholas Co., (West) Va. Died 13 Sep 1925 in Coldwater, Comanche Co., Kan. Buried in Crown Hill Cemetery, Coldwater. His name appeared with his parents’ family in the 1850 and 1860 Nicholas Co., W.Va. censuses. He and his wife were recorded in the 1910 Coldwater, Kan., census as Curran, Thomas J., head of household, white, 61, married once for 33 years, born in W.Va., father born in Ireland and spoke English, mother born in W.Va., retired ranchman, owned his home free and clear of mortgage; Curran, Ada, wife, 59, married once for 33 years, born in W.Va., father born in New York, mother born in W.Va., mother of four children, three living.

Western Star, Coldwater, unknown date: T.J. Curran Passes Away

Thos. J. Curran, one of Comanche-co.’s pioneer settlers, and for nearly 41 years a citizen of the county, died at the home of his son-in-law, S.J. Gilchrist, in the western part of this city, at 9:30 o’clock on last Sunday morning, Sept. 13, 1925. He had been in failing health for two or three years, and the end came quietly and peacefully, the machinery of his physical body seeming to have simply worn out.

Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church at 3 o’clock p.m. on Tuesday, the pastor, Rev. W.T. Walker, being in charge. A large number of neighbors and friends of the deceased were present, and it was evident that they all felt that a good friend, neighbor and citizen had passed away. The entire funeral services were very impressive. Burial was made in Crown Hill cemetery by the side of the wife, who died on Jan. 27, 1915.

In the passing away of Tom Curran, Comanche-co. loses another pioneer settler and respected citizen. Few men in the county were better known than was Mr. Curran. Having lived in the county continuous almost from the time the county was organized in 1884, Mr. Curran had become a prominent figure in the development of the county and was known not only all over this county, but to many people who live in adjoining counties. He was one of the many early-day settlers who turned their attention to stockraising, and to the building up of a ranch. But, like most others, he had to contend with a good many reverses and hardships. He did not have much capital to start with, and was compelled to practice economy in every way possible.

He settled on some land where Mayo postoffice now is, stocked the land with a few head of cattle, and from year to year, managed to add a little to his herd and to his land holdings until he built up a 6,000 acre ranch. He taught school to help along, and worked at anything that was honorable and that would bring in a few dollars. It was evident that he had faith in the county, and that faith inspired him to stay with it and to labor on. That is just what he did, and he was well rewarded for having done so.

Mr. Curran was prominent for many years as a stockraiser, but his health began to make active ranch duties a too heavy tax upon him, and he moved to town in 1910, continuing to make this city his home up to the time of his death. He always showed an active interest in public affairs, and was well informed on all subjects. He represented Commanche-co. in the State Legislature for two terms—in 1905 and in 1907. He served for one or two terms as a member of the Coldwater city council.

Mr. Curran was honest, law-abiding, hospitable and neighborly to an extent which won for him the esteem of all who knew him. Up to the time when his condition of health forbade, he was on our streets almost daily, and his friendly greeting and brief social chats will be greatly missed by our people. We cannot but realize how rapidly the pioneers in our country are passing away, but we know that they have lived and wrought well, and to them we owe much for helping to make our county what it is today.

Thos. J. Curran was born in Summersville, W.Va., on Nov. 7, 1848. His age at the time of his death was, therefore, 76 years, 10 months and 6 days. His father was a native of Ireland, coming to America and settling in Virginia in the year 1835. Thomas was the eldest of ten children. On the 6th day of May, 1876, in Summersville, W.Va., he was united in marriage with Miss Ada Macomb. Four children were born to the union—one son, George who died on May 27, 1898, and three daughters, Mrs. Maud Holcomb of this city, Mrs. Anna C. Lonker of Ashland and Mrs. Idress Gilchrist, who died in this city on Oct. 17, 1918.

Besides the surviving children named Mr. Curran is also survived by six sisters and six grand children. One sister, Mrs. O.J. Guseman, lives in this county. Three sisters—Mrs. Sullivan, Mrs. Sorenson and Mrs. Halstead—live in Colorado. Two sisters—Mrs. Murphy and Mrs. Dotson—live in West Virginia. The grandchildren are Tom Curran and Donald Gilbert Holcomb and Patricia and Virginia Gilchrist of this city, and Mary Louise and Walter Allen Lonker of Ashland. Three brothers preceded Mr. Curran in death—Robert, James and John.

He married Ada I. Macomb 6 May 1876 in Summersville, W.Va. Born between 1851 and 1854 in Nicholas Co., W.Va. (census reports vary.) Died 27 Jan 1915 in Coldwater. Buried in Crown Hill Cemetery. Children:

7.iii.i. i. George[5].

7.iii.i. ii. Maude C. Born ca. 1881 in West Virginia.

7.iii.i. iii. Anna C. Born 25 Dec 1882 in Virginia.

7.iii.i. iv. Idress. Born ca. 1891.

7.iii.iii. James Milton[4] Curran (Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1856 in Botetourt (also reported as Nicholas) Co., Va. Died ca. 1889. Family legend is that he was a pony express rider for Wells Fargo who was robbed, killed and dumped down a mine shaft where his remains were found years later.

He married Martha E. Circle, daughter of Daniel Circle and Julia Alphin (also reported as Ellen Williamson), 19 Apr 1876 in Nicholas Co., W.Va. The marriage was performed by Thomas Jefferson Reynolds (apparently James’s grandfather) in Nicholas Co., W.Va. Born 3 May 1853 in Nicholas County. Died in 1933 in Fountain, Colo. Buried in Chico Basin Cemetery, unknown location. After James’s death, Martha married Lighter Taylor and had a daughter, Julia, born in 1893. Children (of James and Martha):

7.iii.iii. i. Charles[5]. Born in 1877.

7.iii.iii. ii. Michael Daniel. Born 23 Nov 1878.

7.iii.iii. iii. Viola Lillian. Born 7 Dec 1882.

7.iii.iii. iv. Myrtle. Born in 1883.

7.iii.iii. v. John James. Born in 1884 (also 1881).

7.iii.iv. Sarah Anne[4] Curran (Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Oct 1859 in Nicholas Co., (West) Va. Died in Jun 1932 in Colorado Springs, El Paso Co., Colo. Buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Colorado Springs.

She married, first, Robert Patrick Coughlin 30 Jan 1882 in Nicholas Co., W.Va. Born in 1859 in West Virginia. Died ca. 1888. Children:

7.iii.iv. i. Sarah M.[5] (also Sadie M.) Born 8 Jan 1883 in West Virginia.

7.iii.iv. ii. Mary C. Born in Nov 1884 in West Virginia.

7.iii.iv. iii. Teresa B. (also Theresa M.) Born in Feb 1887 in Kansas.

She married, second, Eugene Owen Sullivan ca. 1889. Born in May 1846 in Cork, Ireland. Died ca. 1901. Children:

7.iii.iv. iv. Eugenie Anastasia (called Jeanie). Born 4 Apr 1892 in Colorado.

7.iii.iv. v. Leo R. Born in Nov 1894 in Oklahoma.

vi. Paul F. Born in Feb 1897 in Oklahoma. Died in Nov 1908 in Colorado Springs. Buried in

Evergreen Cemetery.

7.iii.v. Margaret Jane[4] Curran (called Mag) (Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1861 in Nicholas Co., (West) Va. Died 27 Mar 1956 in Summersville, Nicholas County. Buried in St. John’s Catholic Cemetery, Summersville.

She married Jeremiah Martin Murphy (called Jerry), son of Michael W. Murphy and Barbara A. Balden, 30 Sep 1878 in Nicholas County. Born in 1858 in Alleghany Co., (West) Va. Died 29 Nov 1935 in Nicholas County. Buried in St. John’s Catholic Cemetery. Children:

i. Annie Agnes[5]. Died 10 Feb 1961. She married Joseph McMillion.

ii. Mary Frances. Born in 1881. Died 5 Dec 1963. Buried in St. John’s Catholic Cemetery. She

married Edwin R. Dotson. Born 30 Jun 1876. Died of heart trouble 8 Jul 1955. Buried in St. John’s Catholic Cemetery. Edwin founded the Gauley [W.Va.] Record in 1909, was co-publisher of the Nicholas Republican of Richwood, W.Va., taught school for 30 years, and was first mayor of Smithers, W.Va.

iii. Donald. Died in 1974. He married Esther Jarrell.

iv. Nellie Bierne. Born in 1885. Died 9 Mar 1969 (the cemetery record gives 1964). Buried in

Catholic Cemetery. She married Taylor King. Born in 1886. Died in 1954.

v. Charles Michael. Died 8 May 1939. He married Naomi Riggs.

vi. Jesse John. Died 1 Nov 1931. Buried in Catholic Cemetery.

vii. Patrick Leo. Born 19 Jul 1888 (the cemetery record gives 1883). Died 19 Jun 1924. Buried in

Catholic Cemetery.

7.iii.v. viii. Betty Belle. Born 14 Apr 1889 (the cemetery record gives 1892).

ix. Edward Paul. Born 12 Aug 1892. Died 5 Apr 1961. He married Fannie McMillion.

x. William Cornelius. Born 12 Sep 1894. Died 12 Sep 1922. Buried in Catholic Cemetery.

7.iii.v. xi. Verna Margaret. Born 14 Apr 1896 in Nicholas County.

7.iii.v. xii. Agnes Dell. Reported born 14 Mar 1904, not possible if her sister Lucille was born one month


7.iii.v. xii. Lucille Adeline. Reported born 13 Apr 1904 in Nicholas County. The birthdate may be in error if

her sister Agnes was born 14 Mar 1904. Caroline Catherine[4] Curran (called Cal and Carrie) (Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 18 Nov 1863 in Nicholas Co., W.Va. Died 20 Feb 1952 in Colorado Springs, El Paso Co., Colo. Buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Colorado Springs. She and her first husband moved to Colorado. Her household was enumerated in the 1900 El Paso County census, 22nd Precinct, enumeration district 23, dwelling 388, family 391; and the 1910 El Paso County census (her second marriage), 22nd Precinct, enumeration district 23, dwelling 42, family 41.

She married, first, Everett Alexander Dotson (also reported as Alexander Everett Dotson), son of Jacob (also reported as Logan L.) Dotson and Susan Hart, 4 Feb 1884 in Nicholas County. Born 13 Nov 1860 in Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died 27 Jun 1904 in Colorado Springs. Buried in Evergreen Cemetery. Children: i. Helen Dorothea[5] (called Nellie). Born 7 Sep 1884 in Kansas. ii. James Paul (called Timothy). Born 18 Oct 1886 in Kansas. iii. Maurice (also reported as Morris) Frederick (called Moach and Morris). Born 23 Oct 1888 in


Buried in Evergreen Cemetery. He married Addie E. Unknown. Born ca. 1887.

iv. Robert John. Born 29 Mar 1894 in Colorado. Died 15 Apr 1965. He married Mary Jane Ragan.

Born ca. 1896. v. Jacob Francis. Born 3 Nov 1896 in Colorado. Died in Sep 1962. Buried in Evergreen Cemetery.

He married Katherine Unknown. Born in 1909. Died in 1994. vi. Marie Lenore (also reported as Lonoro). Born 6 Jun 1903 in Colorado.

She married, second, Lewis Edgar Halstead 18 Apr 1907 in Colorado Springs. Born 1 Feb 1870 in West Virginia. Died 13 Sep 1951 in Colorado Springs. Buried in Evergreen Cemetery.

7.iii.viii. Ellen[4] Curran (Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 6 Jun 1866 in Nicholas Co., W.Va. She and her husband moved to Kansas. Her family was enumerated in the 1920 Nescatunga, Comanche Co., Kan., census in enumeration district 258 as dwelling and family 37. Living next door, dwelling and family 38, was her son Claude’s family.

She married Oscar J. Guseman. Born ca. 1860 in West Virginia. Children:

7.iii.viii. i. Claude C.[5] Born ca. 1887 in Missouri.

ii. Mabel.

iii. Ferdinand. Born ca. 1891 in Kansas.

iv. Cecil. Born ca. 1893 in Kansas.

v. Denzil.

7.iii.ix. Elizabeth Reynolds[4] Curran (called Betty and Bridget) (Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 21 Jan 1869 in Summersville, Nicholas Co., W.Va. Died 5 Jun 1957 in Summersville. Buried in St. John’s Catholic Cemetery, Summersville.

She married Logan Sherman Dotson, son of Jacob Dotson and Susan Hart, 31 Jan 1887 in the Irish Corner district of Summersville. The service was performed by the Rev. George H. Jones. She was 18, he 21.

Born 23 Mar 1865 in Queen Shoals, Kanawha Co., (West) Va. Died of hypertension, cardiovascular disease and diabetes, 14 May 1954 in Summersville. He was a lumberman, active in the logging and sawmill business for 30 years; a founder of The Nicholas Republican; and was Assessor of Nicholas County.

The funeral home program said that services were at the residence Mon., 17 May 1954 at 8 a.m., Fr. Leonard P. Kellerman officiating. White Funeral Home, Summersville, was in charge.

Elizabeth and Logan were enumerated in the Summersville Census 9 Jun 1900.

An article mentioning Betty and Logan appeared in Nicholas County Chronicle, Summersville, W.Va., accompanied by a fine old family photograph taken ca. 1906: The Dotsons, by Carol Bell

Photograph cutline: [first row] (left to right): Tom Dotson, Belle Dotson, Carrie Dotson, Nell King, John Dotson, Margaret Murphy, Bettie Dotson, Margaret Dotson, Mary Frances Dotson. Second row: Edward Murphy, Andrew Dotson, Pat Murphy, Jerry Murphy, Thomas Curran, Logan Dotson, Edwin Dotson, baby Opal Dotson.

Jacob Dotson and his brother Richard came from Woodstock, Va., into Nicholas County soon after it was organized. Jacob bought 118 acres of land on Peters Creek in 1830.

Shortly after Jacob came here he was engaged to Mary Campbell. Jacob’s trade was building and cabinet making and the first house he built in the county was for Frederick Kessler. Mary Campbell died of fever shortly before she and Jacob were to be married and he built her coffin of the finest black walnut.

Jacob married Nellie Foster in 1830 and built their home two and a half stories high with a huge stone kitchen. It was the grandest home in Nicholas County, even containing a large library. The house was located near the Gad post office. Jacob gave the land and built most of Dotson Chapel where he was an elder for over 40 years. (The church was moved to Summersville and combined with Simpson Church when the dam was built.)

Jacob Dotson was assessor of Nicholas County for many years. He lived a very full and happy life, having seven children Andrew, Jacob L., Jackson and Isaac. His daughters were Sarah (Wiseman), Eliza (Bays) and Virginia (Halstead).

Jacob L. Dotson had seven sons, Lightburn, Logan, Alexander, John, Daniel, James and Edward. Lightburn taught school and was a Methodist Minister. Logan S. was one of the founders of The Nicholas Republican and was active in politics. James L. Dotson was owner and editor of The Nicholas Republican and taught school. Edward was a Justice of the Peace in Summersville. (He was married to Manie Murphy).

The son of Logan L. Dotson, Logan Sherman was born on Mar. 23, 1865. He married Elizabeth Reynolds Curran in 1886.

Elizabeth Dotson’s father Michael came from Ireland with his older sister after the potato famine of 1845. He was an apprenticed carpenter at the age of 12. He moved to Irish Corner and his daughter Margaret (Aunt Mag) married Jerry Murphy. From this union were Patrick Leo, Charles, Edward, William, Jesse, Donald, Agnes (now Agnes Williams), Annie (McMillion), Nellie (King), Mary Frances (Dotson), Betty (Mays), Lucille (Woodrum) [and Verna].

Elizabeth (Aunt Betty) and Logan Dotson’s children were Mary Elizabeth, Eugenia Belle, Caroline (Carrie McClung), John, Thomas Leo, Margaret Mary (Humphrey), Wanda Helena, Louis Michael and Joe (twins), Andy, Vincent and Fred. (All are deceased but Margaret and Mike). They lived at Irish Corner for many years.

My great grandmother Nancy (Reynolds) Maloney was Mary Frances Curran’s sister. That was on my mother’s side. My grandmother Elizabeth O’Dell (Hughes) was a sister to Ledona, who was married to James Jordan Dotson. They lived on the Bend-of-Gauley until their daughter Nola “Beck” was nine years old. Then they moved to Richwood where James published The Nicholas Republican, one of the first newspapers in the county. Beck married Bernard Newton McCutcheon II of Richwood. His parents owned a drugstore in Richwood for many years.

Beck and Bernard moved to Summersville after their marriage. Bernard was with the Nicholas County Bank for 47 years. He served as President and was chairman of the Board of Directors. His son “Buzzy” also was president of the bank.


i. Mary Elizabeth[5]. Born 19 Jul 1887 in Nicholas Co., W.Va. Afflicted with curvature of the spine, she died of pneumonia 10 Sep 1902. In the 1930 census, her occupation was dental assistant.

ii. Eugenia Belle. Born 26 Sep 1889 in Nicholas County. Died 14 Aug 1973.

7.iii.ix. iii. Andrew Jackson (called Andy). Born 3 Jan 1892.

7.iii.ix. iv. Oscar Vincent (called Vincent) (also reported as Oscar Vinson). Born 4 Aug 1895.

7.iii.ix. v. Caroline Alice (called Carrie). Born 27 Feb 1897.

7.iii.ix. vi. John Everett. Born 6 Jun 1900 in West Virginia.

7.iii.ix. vii. Thomas Leo (also reported as Thomas Logan). Born 12 Jun 1903 in Nicholas County.

7.iii.ix. viii. Margaret Mary. Born 12 May 1906 in Summersville.

ix. Wanda (also reported as Edna) Helena. Born 26 Aug 1909 in Nicholas County. Died of “leakage

of the heart” 14 Oct 1924.

7.iii.ix. x. Joseph Leslie (twin) (called Joe). Born 10 Sep 1912 in Irish Corner District, Summersville.

7.iii.ix. xi. Louis Michael (twin) (also reported as Michael Lewis) (called Mike). Born 10 Sep 1912 in


7.iii.ix. xii. Frederick Keltus (called Fred). Born 15 Oct 1915 in Nicholas County.

7.iii.x. Frances Belle[4] Curran (called Fanny) (Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Jan 1872 in Nicholas Co., W.Va. Died 2 Apr 1957 in El Paso Co., Colo. Buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Colorado Springs. She and her husband moved to Colorado. Her family was enumerated in the 1900 El Paso County census in Precinct 20, enumeration district 20, as dwelling 315(?), family 317(?). She was listed as having three children, all living

She married Nels H. Sorensen (also Nils and Neils Sorenson) ca. 1893. Born in Mar 1864 in Meldtbeck, Denmark. Died in Aug 1923 in El Paso County. Buried in Evergreen Cemetery. Children:

i. Flora H.[5] Born in Sep 1894 in El Paso County. Listed as being five years old on the 1900

census, presumably correct. Cemetery headstone information as reported to us indicated a death date of Aug 1895. Buried in Evergreen Cemetery.

ii. Agnes Cora (also Cora Agnes). Born in Nov 1895 in El Paso County.

iii. Harry H. Born in Feb 1898 in El Paso County. Died in Mar 1965. Buried in Evergreen Cemetery.

7.viii.i. Oscar W.[4] Reynolds (John D.[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Apr 1868 in Craig Co., Va. Died 6 May 1946 in Paint Bank, Va. Oscar’s house was next to an old store that was built by the railroad as a commissary.

He married Annie C. Hall, daughter of Susie Wright Wolfe, 7 Sep 1893 at the home of her parents. The marriage was performed by William Linton. Born 4 Mar 1875 in Alleghany Co., Va. Died 29 Oct 1958 in Paint Bank. She was the town telephone operator, operating the business out of their home. Children:

7.viii.i. i. Clara May[5]. Born 20 Jun 1894.

7.viii.i. ii. Ida. Born 13 Sep 1898.

7.viii.i. iii. Meriel. Born 1 May 1903.

iv. Scott Lanier. Born 12 Aug 1911 in Craig County. Died 6 Dec 1988. Buried in Paint Bank, Va. At

the time of his first marriage, his occupation was given as drug clerk, and his residence was Covington, Va. He married, first, Juanita Bryan, daughter of W.L. Bryan and Maude Wilson, 17 Sep 1933 in New Castle, Va. The marriage was performed by Thomas Morgan. Born 1 Jul 1911 in Rockbridge Co., Va. Died 6 Mar 1970. Buried in Paint Bank. At the time of her marriage, her residence was Covington, Va. He married, second, Eula Akers after 1970.

v. Abney Dennis. Born 10 Oct 1897. Died 28 Aug 1902 in Paint Bank. Buried in Jarvis-Bostic

Cemetery, unidentified place.

8.i.ii. Hannah C.[4] Parrish (Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1846 in Fayette Co., (West) Va.

The 1870 Fayette Co., W.Va. census recorded her household as Samuel B. Sims, 21; Hannah, 23; William Claypool, 5. The 1880 Fayette County census recorded Bibbs Sims, 31, mining coal; Hannah, 33, keeping house; Willie, 13, mining coal; Amanda, 8; Erfora(?) L., 3 (son); Etta M., 3, Nancy, 1.

She married, first, Unknown Claypool (also Claypole) ca. 1864. Children:

i. William[5]. Born ca. 1865 in W.Va.

She married, second, Samuel Bibbs Simms, son of Milton Simms and Saline Steele, 12 Feb 1869 in Fayette County. Born ca. 1848 in Fayette County. Children:

ii. Amanda. Born ca. 1872 in Fayette County.

iii. Erfora(?) L. (m.) Born ca. 1877 in Fayette County.

iv. Etta M. Born ca. 1877 in Fayette County.

v. Nancy. Born ca. 1879 in Fayette County.

8.i.iii. Mary Margaretta[4] Parrish (Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1849 in Fayette Co., (West) Va. Died in Feb 1874 in Fayette County.

The 1880 Fayette County census recorded her household as Jno. Nutter, 31, mining coal; Mary A.; Henry, 7;

Oney J., 2; David, 64 (John’s father); and boarders Harry Hicks, 35, and Samuel Hicks, 21, both mining coal.

She married John A. Nutter, son of David Nutter and Leah Unknown, 18 Dec 1870 in Fayette County. Born ca. 1849 in Fayette County. Children:

i. Henry[5]. Born ca. 1873 in Fayette County.

ii. Elizabeth. Born in Dec 1873 in Fayette County. Died in Feb 1874 in Fayette County.

iii. Oney J. (f.) Born ca. 1878 in Fayette County.

8.i.iv. Nicholas P.[4] Parrish (Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Nov 1850 in Fayette Co., (West) Va. Died after 1900 in Fayette County.

The 1880 Fayette County census recorded the household as Nicholas Parrish, 27, mining coal; Sarah, 21, keeping house; Jennie, 1; Joseph D., one month.

He married his Frederick descendant cousin Sarah M.[4] Neal, daughter of John H. Neal Jr. and Turze Lucretia Wood, 7 Aug 1877 in Fayette County. Born ca. 1859 (also reported as Apr 1857) in Fayette County. Children:

8.i.iv. i. Virginia[5]. Born in Nov 1879.

ii. Joseph D. Born ca. May 1880 in Fayette County.

iii. Lucretia. Born in Jun 1884 in Fayette County.

iv. Annie (also Amanda R.) Born in Apr 1887 in Fayette County. She married A.D. Coffman 1 Oct

1901 in Fayette County. Born in Ohio.

v. William. Born 22 Sep 1889 in Fayette County.

vi. Martha. Born 1 May 1891 in Fayette County.

vii. Maggie L. Born in Jan 1894 in Fayette County.

8.i.v. George A.[4] Parrish (Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1855 in Fayette Co., (West) Va. Died before 1895 in Fayette County.

He married Missouri P. Wood, daughter of William Wood and Mary Vandall, 27 Dec 1880 in Fayette County. Born 23 Nov 1865. Died 9 Sep 1938 in Fayette County. Children:

i. N. Estel[5]. Born in Sep 1881.

ii. Mary A. Born in Mar 1883.

iii. unknown infant. Born in Oct 1885. Died 7 Oct 1885 in Fayette County.

iv. Clarence. Born in Feb 1887.

v. Earl. Born 30 Jul 1888.

vi. Vella. Born in Jun 1892.

8.i.vii. Rachel Florence Annie[4] Parrish (called Florence) (Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Jan 1860 in Fayette Co., (West) Va. Died 25 Dec 1901 in Fayette County.

The 1880 Fayette County census recorded her family as Floyd Neal, 23, farmer; Anna, 18, keeping house; Minnie, 1. The 1900 Fayette County Mt. Cove District census recorded her family as C.B. Atkinson, May 1854, 46, married 16 years, farmer; Annie, Jan 1860, one child, one living child; L.(?) Atkinson, female, Mar 1826, 74, boarder.

She married, first, John Floyd Neal, son of James Neal and Maria Smith, 4 Oct 1877 in Fayette County. Born ca. 1855 in Monroe Co., (West) Va. Died ca. 1881 in Fayette County. Children:

8.i.vii. i. Minnie Mae[5]. Born in Oct 1879 in Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 30 Jan 1973 in Fayette County.

She married, second, Collins B. Atkins (also seen as Colder Adkins/Atkinson), son of Anderson Atkins and Ann Kious, 23 Oct 1883 in Fayette County. Born in May 1854 in Fayette County. Children:

8.i.viii. Martha A.[4] Parrish (Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Jan 1865 in Fayette Co., W.Va.

She married George Oliver Parrish (relationship unknown, if any), son of William Parrish and Louisa Skaggs, 23 Dec 1885 in Fayette County. Born in Jul 1859 in Fayette County. Children:

i. Earl[5]. Born in Mar 1889.

ii. Maymie. Born in Jun 1892. She married Chester Broyler.

iii. Eddie. Born in Jan 1893.

iv. Ivan Loval. Born in Sep 1898.

v. Norma D. Born in Jul 1899.

8.i.viii. vi. Willard H. Born ca. 1904.

vii. Grace.

8.iii.i. Elizabeth Rachel[4] Dempsey (called Lizzie) (Sarah Ann[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1847 (also 1844) in Fayette Co., (West) Va. The 1870 Fayette County census recorded her family as Robert Hughes, 35, farm labor; Lizzie, 23; George, 13; John M., 6; Willie, 1.

She married Robert Huse (also Hughes) 8 Apr 1868 in Fayette County. Born ca. 1835 in Nicholas Co., (West) Va. He brought two children to the marriage, George, born ca. 1857, and John M., born ca. 1864. Children (of Lizzie and Robert):

i. William[5]. Born ca. 1869 in Fayette County.

ii. Sarah M. Born ca. 1872.

iii. Nancy. Born ca. 1874.

iv. James E. Born ca. 1879.

8.iii.ii. James Alexander[4] Dempsey (Sarah Ann[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1849 in Fayette Co., (West) Va.

He married Mary E. Saddler 25 Dec 1874 in Fayette County. Born ca. 1852 in Fayette County. Children:

8.iii.ii. i. William A.[5] Born in Oct 1877.

ii. Louisa A. Born ca. 1880 in Fayette County. She married James H. Wood 3 Jul 1894 in Fayette

County. Born ca. 1864 in Fayette County.

8.iii.iii. Mary V.[4] Dempsey (Sarah Ann[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1852 in Fayette Co., (West) Va.

She married John Snell 10 (also 16) Sep 1872 in Fayette County. Born ca. 1850 in Hanover Co., Va. Children:

i. James[5]. Born ca. 1872.

ii. Virginia. Born ca. 1875.

iii. William W. Born ca. 1877.

iv. Sarah A. Born in Jan 1880. William Henderson[4] Dempsey (Sarah Ann[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). See photograph [Cathy Meder-Dempsey]. Born 1 (also 14) Sep 1860 in Mt. Cove, Fayette Co., (West) Va. Died 24 Jan 1941 in Victor, Fayette County. Buried in McVey-Skaggs Cemetery, Shade Creek, Victor, Fayette County. He was a farmer, carpenter, and timberman.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, unknown date: Services for William Henderson Dempsey, 80, of Victor, retired carpenter, who died Friday after a short illness, will be held today at 2 p.m. at the Hopewell Baptist church, Victor. Rev. George B. Denver of Lansing will officiate. Burial will be in the McVey cemetery on Shady creek in charge of the Thomas mortuary, Ansted. Survivors include a brother, Elijah L. Dempsey of Ansted; five sons, E.R. Dempsey of Fayetteville, Fred Dempsey of Victor, Clyde Dempsey of Garten and Earl Dempsey of Lansing; and a daughter, Mrs. William R. Skaggs of Ansted.

He married Laura Belle Ingram, daughter of Irvin Lewis Ingram and Mary Margaret Dempsey, 10 Jan (also 1 Oct) 1884. Born 24 Apr 1864 (also 1868) in Ingram Branch, W.Va. Died 8 Oct 1940 in Victor. Buried in McVey-Skaggs Cemetery.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, unknown date: Mrs. Laura Ingram Dempsey, 72, of Victor, died yesterday at her home after an illness of 12 days. The body was removed to the Thomas mortuary, Ansted. Services will be held tomorrow at 2 p.m. at the Hopewell Baptist church with Rev. George B. Deaver officiating. Burial will be in McVey cemetery on Shade creek. Survivors include her husband, William H. Dempsey; a daughter, Mrs. Hester Skaggs of Ansted; and five sons, Ernest Dempsey of Ansted, Roy Dempsey of Kaymoor, Fred Dempsey of Victor and Earl Dempsey of Lansing.


i. Viola[5]. Born 18 May 1885. Died 7 Apr 1887.

ii. William (called Willie). Born in Jun 1888. Died 10 May 1916. He married Mollie Gray Ayres 24

Dec 1907. Born in Nov 1891. Died 18 Dec 1968.

iii. Earnest Rupert. Born 19 Feb 1890. Died 6 Apr 1955. He married Virginia Lee Wills 16 Nov 1914.

Born in Aug 1890. Died 10 Nov 1954.

iv. Oscar Lawrence. Born 24 Sep 1892. Died 12 May 1940. He married Fannie Noble 6 Jan 1914.

Born 17 Sep 1895. Died 28 Aug 1981.

v. Roy. Born 19 Oct 1894. Died 13 Jul 1947. He married Lillian Nunnery 3 Feb unknown year. Born

in 1899. Died in 1947.

vi. Pearl. Born 25 Jan 1897. Died 27 Aug 1898. vii. Fred Rothwell[5]. Born 30 Oct 1899.

viii. Clyde. Born 13 Apr 1902. Died 19 Oct 1974. He married Marietta Holly 31 Mar 1921. Born 12

Jan 1898 Died 6 Jul 1982.

ix. Hester. Born 21 Sep 1904. In 2001 she was living in a nursing home. She married, first, James

Grose 24 May 1926. Born 3 Apr 1903. Died 24 May 1990. She married, second, William R. Skaggs 26 Mar 1937. x. Earl Stanley. Born 15 Nov 1910 in Victor.

8.v.i. James Hansford[4] Neal (Turze Lucretia[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1855 in Fayette Co., (West) Va. Died before 1900 in Fayette County.

The 1880 Fayette County census recorded his family as James H. Neal, 23, mining coal; Mercena, 21, keeping house; Johnny, 1.

He married Marcenia Wiley, daughter of James Wiley and Mary Unknown, 20 Apr 1878 in Fayette County. Born in Oct 1861 in Mercer Co., (West) Va. Children:

i. John[5]. Born in 1879.

ii. Louis. Born in Dec 1880 in Fayette County. He married Carrie Oney 30 Mar 1903 in Fayette

County. Born in Kanawha Co., W.Va.

iii. Lilly. Born in 1881.

iv. Oscar. Born in 1885.

8.v.ii. Elijah W.[4] Neal (Turze Lucretia[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1857 in Ansted, Fayette Co., (West) Va.

The 1880 Fayette County census recorded his family as Elisha Neal, 22, mining coal; Rebecca, 17, keeping house; Ellen, eight months.

He married Rebecca Arbaugh, daughter of Michael Price Arbaugh and Sarah Taylor (called Sally), 20 Sep 1878 in Fayette County. Born in May 1863 in Fayette County. A great granddaughter, Joan (Wood) Workman, said that Rebecca was a very good, decent person who smoked a corncob pipe, was a good storyteller, and claimed that she saw her deceased husband sitting in his rocking chair by the fireside. Children:

8.v.ii. i. Ellen[5]. Born ca. Oct 1879.

ii. Ada. Born ca. 1881 in Fayette County. She married Washington Watson Dufour 24 Dec 1898 in

Ansted. Born in Ohio.

iii. Walter. Born in Dec 1883 in Ansted.

iv. Raleigh. Born in Jan 1888 in Ansted. He married Unknown Skaggs.

v. Alfred. Born 2 Jul 1891.

vi. Lola. Born in Jan 1894.

vii. unknown

8.v.v. Orena Catherine[4] Neal (called Reena) (Turze Lucretia[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Feb 1863 in Woodville, Fayette Co., (West) Va. Died 15 Jul 1938 in Cinco, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Buried in Episcopal Church Cemetery, Ansted. She lived in Ansted and was very petite

The 1880 Fayette County census recorded her family as David Crawford, 25, brakeman on railroad; Orena, 17, keeping house.

She married, first, David Louis Crawford, son of Fred Crawford and Sarah Unknown, 8 Nov 1879 in Fayette County. Born ca. 1854 in Pennsylvania. Died before 1892. David deserted Reena after a brush with the law about falsifying checks. He fled to Kentucky and nothing was ever heard of him again. After three years of waiting for him to return, Reena was granted a divorce based on these circumstances. Children:

8.v.v. i. Minnie Maude[5]. Born 12 Mar 1885 in Westmoreland Co., Pa.

ii. Unknown. Died young.

iii. Unknown. Died young.

iv. Unknown. Died young.

She married, second, Hudson Martin Wood (called Hut), son of John Wood and Elizabeth McMullen, in 1892 in Woodville. Born in Sep (also Oct) 1854 in Woodville. Died 12 Aug 1938 in Ansted. Buried in Episcopal Church Cemetery, Ansted. Hut was a long-time friend of the Neal family. Children:

8.v.v. v. Grace. Born in Feb 1893 in Ansted.

vi. Mabel. Born in Jul 1894 in Ansted. Died in 1920 in Ansted. Buried in Episcopal Church

Cemetery. She was impaired with a spinal deformity but sang in a church choir. She never


8.v.v. vii. Henry Hudson. Born 10 Jul 1896 in Ansted.

8.v.v. viii. Fitzhugh Lee (called Fitch). Born 20 Jun 1898 in Ansted.

8.v.v. ix. Frank. Born 28 May 1900 in Ansted.

x. Walter. Born and died in 1901 in Ansted. Buried in Episcopal Church Cemetery.

xi. Herman. Born in 1904 in Ansted. Died in 1905 in Ansted. Buried in Episcopal Church Cemetery.

8.v.v. xii. Houston Raleigh. Born in 1907 in Ansted. John Lewis[4] Neal (also John Louis) (Turze Lucretia[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1865 in Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 15 Jul 1938.

He married Missouri Skaggs, daughter of James Skaggs and Martha Potter, 12 Aug 1881 in Fayette County. Born ca. 1862 in Fayette County. Children:

i. Ethel[5]. Born ca. 1880 in Fayette County. She married George H. Skaggs 21 Jun 1897 in Fayette

County. Born ca. 1876 in Fayette County.

ii. Lena M. Born ca. 1882 in Fayette County. She married Mike Rader 9 Jul 1899 in Fayette County.

Born in Nicholas Co., W.Va.

iii. Lillie V. Born ca. 1883 in Fayette County. She married Thomas C. Neal 7 Sep 1903 in Fayette

County. Born ca. 1882 in Fayette County.

8.v.viii. Joseph D.[4] Neal (Turze Lucretia[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born in May 1870 in Fayette County.

He married Alice Surratt 20 Apr 1890 in Fayette County. Born in Nov 1869 in Ohio. Children:

i. Pearl M.[5] Born in Sep 1891.

ii. Rufus W. Born in Feb 1894.

iii. Orena. Born in Jun 1897. Joseph A.[4] Wood (James Simpson[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1858 in Fayette Co., (West) Va. He was a physician and surgeon who practiced for 24 years in Kanawha Co., W.Va. He was also mayor of Pratt, W.Va., president of Amigo Coal Co., J.A. Wood Coal Co., and Fred G. Wood Coal Co., a Mason, Shriner, and for 40 years was deacon of Kanawha Baptist Church.

He married Harriet A. McGraw, daughter of Alexander (also reported as William) McGraw and Nancy Skaggs, and granddaughter of Samuel McGraw and Elizabeth Wood, 13 Dec 1882 in Fayette County. Born ca. 1861 in Fayette County. Elizabeth Wood was a sister of Bailey Wood Jr. and William Wood. Nancy Skaggs’s mother Susannah Wood, was a sister of Elizabeth, Bailey Jr. and William. Susannah married Richard Skaggs. Children:

i. Fred[5].

ii. Herbert F.

iii. Robert D.

iv. Joseph A., Jr. Lewis D.[4] Wood (also Louis) (James Simpson[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1865 in Kanawha Co., W.Va. (also reported as Nov 1861, at odds with the 1870 census.

He married Malinda Catherine Hellems (called Katie) 29 May 1891 in Fayette County. Born in May 1871 in (West) Va. Children:

i. Frank[5]. Born in Sep 1891.

ii. Nancy E. Born in Nov. 1894.

8.viii.i. Sanford E.[4] Wood (Elijah Stuart[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Aug 1860 in Fayette Co., (West) Va.

He married, first, Martha J. Dietz 24 Apr 1887 in Fayette County. Children:

i. Mary V.[5]. Born in Jun 1890.

He married, second, Mary M. Fox, daughter of Miles Fox and Martha Rhodes, 15 Apr 1895 in Fayette County. Born in Apr 1870. Children:

ii. Earnest. Born in Jun 1892.

iii. Maggie E. Born in May 1896.

iv. Melia. Born in Jun 1897.

v. Myrtle Ann. Born ca. 1902. She married Harry H. Matheney.

vi. Saul, Born ca. 1904.

vii. Fay. Born ca. 1907.

viii. Haynes. Born ca. 1909. Elijah Lewis[4] Wood (called Lute) (twin) (Elijah Stuart[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 8 Sep 1874 in Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 7 Dec 1954 in Kayford, Kanawha Co., W.Va.

Unknown newspaper, 8 Dec 1954: Elijah Lewis Wood, 82, of Kayford, a retired coal miner, died last night at his home. The body is at Pryor mortuary. He was a member of [United Mine Workers of America] Local 750 at Kayford and the Older Baptist Church. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Wood; three daughters, Mrs. Orville Stone of Dorothy, Mrs. Jess Rogers of Dawes and Mrs. James Kirkpatrick of Scott Depot; three sons, Carmel of Ansted, Dana of Acme and Eldon of Kayford; two sisters, Mrs. Mack Gill of Ansted and Mrs. Jon Harrocks of Edmond; 28grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren.

He married, first, Mary E. Eads (Eades/Edds) 22 Jul 1895 in Fayette County. Children:

i. Grace[5]. She married Unknown Byrd.

He married, second, Louie [correct] Elizabeth Ellison 20 Mar 1901 in Fayette County. Born in Fayette County. Died in Giles, Kanawha County.

Unknown newspaper and date, with photograph: Mrs. Louie Elizabeth Wood, 97, of Giles died Friday at home after a long illness. She was a lifelong resident of Cabin Creek and a native of Fayette County. Mrs. Wood was a member of the Baptist Church, Eskdale. Surviving daughters, Mrs. Virgie Rogers of Giles, Mrs. Thelma Kirkpatrick of Scott Depot, Mrs. Beulah Stone of Gallipolis, Ohio; son, Eldion “Dude” Wood of Cabin Creek; 29 grandchildren, 71 great-grandchildren, 26 great-great-grandchildren. Friends may call after 6 p.m. Sunday at Pryor Funeral Home, East Bank.

Children: ii. Virgie. iii. Carmel. iv. Thelma. v. Dana. vi. Beulah.

vii. Garnet. Born 8 Sep unknown year. Died at age 16 from a fall while playing basketball. viii. Eldion Leon (called Dude). Born 23 Apr 1919 in Eskdale, Kanawha Co., W.Va.

8.viii.viii. Charles M.[4] Wood (Elijah Stuart[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Sep 1874 in Fayette Co., W.Va.

He married Delanie F. Morris 4 Jul 1895 in Fayette County. Born in Jun 1879 in Kanawha Co., W.Va. Children:

i. Harry[5]. Born in Dec 1898.

ii. Fred. Born ca. 1904.

iii. Walter. Born ca. 1908.

8.viii.xi. Minnie Mae[4] Wood (Elijah Stuart[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born in May 1884.

She married Joe Horrocks. Children:

i. Aubrey Joseph[5]. Born in 1906.

ii. Margaret Elizabeth. Born in 1907.

iii. Lyle Curtis. Born in 1909.

iv. Eileen. Born after 1910.

v. Violet. Born after 1910.

8.x.i. Laura Josephine[4] Wood (William Frederick[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1865 in Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 17 Feb 1943 in Spencer State Hospital, Spencer, Roane Co., W.Va.

She married Sidney William Darlington, son of James Frank Darlington and Mary Frances Whalin, 25 Dec 1884 in Fayette County. Born 14 Aug 1859 in Fayette County. Died 15 Oct 1935 in Charleston, W.Va. Buried in Wildwood Cem., Beckley, W.Va. Children:

i. Daisy[5]. Born in Jun 1886 in Fayette County. Died 22 Aug 1886 in Fayette County.

ii. George Franklin. Born 18 Sep 1887 in Lansing, Fayette County.

8.x.i. iii. Joseph Leland. Born 17 Nov 1889.

iv. Eva. Born 23 Aug 1891 in Fayette County. Died in 1942 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Sunset

Cem., Beckley. She married Cy Meador. Buried in Sunset Cemetery. Cy was married previously

and had children in that marriage, but he and Eva had no children of their own.

v. Leona. Born 24 Apr 1895 in Fayette County. Died 20 Aug 1914. Buried in Wildwood Cem.,


vi. J.F. Born 8 Jun 1899 in Fayette County. Died 9 Jun 1899 in Fayette County.

8.x.iv. Otis Givens[4] Wood (William Frederick[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 1 Oct 1870 in Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 8 Sep 1939 in Lansing, Fayette County.

He married, first, Fannie C. Murphey, daughter of George Murphey, 26 Aug 1894 in Fayette County. Born ca. 1872 in Fayette County.

He married, second, Missouri Kincaid, daughter of Thomas Kincaid and Elizabeth Unknown, 1 Jul 1896 in Fayette County. Born ca. 1878 in Fayette County. Died before 1900 in Fayette County. Children:

i. Olive[5]. Born in Jun 1897 in Fayette County.

He married, third, Willie I. Judy, daughter of C. Judy and Chloe Unknown, 4 Sep 1901 in Fayette County. Born ca. 1879 in Fayette County. Died in 1965 in Fayette County. Children:

ii. Ernest W. Born 20 Dec 1905 in Lansing, Fayette County. Died 11 Apr 1978 in Denver, Colo.

iii. Robert Bruce. Born 26 Feb 1915. Died 23 Jan 1991. He was a minister.

8.x.viii. Nellie[4] Wood (William Frederick[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1879 in Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 6 Jan 1928 in Mt. Cove, Fayette County.

She married William Egbert Harrow, son of Thomas Harrow and Frances Coleman, 1 Sep 1897 in Fayette County. Born ca. 1878 in Fayette County. Children:

8.x.viii. i. Martha J.[5] Born 11 Aug 1900.

ii. Eli J. Born 6 Jul 1911. Died 22 May 1997.

iii. Tommie.

iv. Luther.

v. Gertruce.

vi. Wheeler.

vii. Ophaline.

viii. Lesie.

10.ii. Augustus Chapman[4] Honaker (Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 14 Aug 1840 in Greenbrier Co., (West) Va. Died 4 Dec 1905 in Mancos, Colo. Buried in Mancos. He was a corporal and sergeant in Co. F, Missouri Cavalry, C.S.A.

He married Margaret Ann Darr 5 May 1870 in Oak Grove, Mo. Born 23 Feb 1852 in Carrollton, Mo. Died 11 Feb 1928 in Mancos. Children:

10.ii. i. Nannie Azolia[5]. Born 25 Nov 1876.

ii. Lillian A. Born 9 Jul 1871. Died 16 Jan 1944. She married Thomas Rickner 30 Dec 1888.

iii. Silas Woodson. Born 7 Oct 1873. Died 18 Jun 1926. He married Carrie Mae Townsend 17 Oct

1897. He also married Electra Overton.

iv. Gussie Leona. Born 25 Dec 1880. She married Cordon Corsanda Bowen.

v. Inez Barbara (adopted). Her birth parents were Thomas Thornell and Virginia Honaker (identity

not reported.)

10.iii. Harvey Alexander[4] Honaker (also reported as Harvey B.) (Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). See photograph. Born 1 Jul 1843 (also reported as 1844) in (West) Va. Died 11 Feb 1909 in Cortez, Colo. Buried in Mancos [Colo.] Cemetery, Montezuma County. He was enumerated in District 38, 1850 Holt Co., Mo., census; 1860 Clay Twp., Holt County census; 1876 special Holt County census; and 1880 Hickory Twp., Holt County census. After that census, the family moved to Colorado, where he and his family were enumerated in the 1900 Montezuma Co., Colo. Census. He was a private in Co. F, Missouri Cavalry, C.S.A.

He married Jane Gore, daughter of William Allen Gore and Isabella Jane Campbell (both born in Virginia) 18 Feb 1866 in Clay Co., Mo. Born 19 Jun 1848 in St. Joseph, Washington Co., Mo. Died 1 Oct 1930 in Mancos. She was included with Harvey on the family’s 1876, 1880 and 1900 censuses (their whereabouts is not known in 1890); William Robert was on the 1876, 1880 and 1900 censuses; Henry C. was on the 1876, 1880 and 1900 censuses; Thomas C. was on the 1880 census; James Allen (born just after the 1870 census) was on the 1876 and 1880 censuses; Addie Lena was on the 1876 and 1880 censuses; Teresa was on the 1876 and 1880 censuses.


i. William Robert[5] (called Bob). Born 8 Feb 1867 in Holt Co., Mo. He married Rose Guillet 21 Nov 1893 in Cortez, Montezuma Co., Colo. Born in Mar 1863 in Missouri. Bob was listed in A History of Montezuma County.

ii. Henry C. Born 30 Nov 1868 in Holt Co., Mo. He married Allie Cherley 8 Feb 1899 in Cortez, Montezuma Co., Colo. Born in 1879. Saga of San Juan, Perkins, p. 75, with photograph, cutline “Trail to Honaker’s Camp, San Juan Canyon–1894,” contains the following that may refer to this Henry:

“The San Juan County minutes, page 156, Aug. 15, 1893, show that Henry Honaker petitioned, along with eight others, that a county road be established up the San Juan River.

“This same Honaker, along with his brother, ran a stage route from south of Cortez to Bluff during this gold rush. Honaker’s trail named after these men, was built at this time. This trail was an amazing feat of engineering and hard work. The trail could not be made to the river so the material was let down to the sand bars with ropes. One hundred head of horses were used to run the stage on its early trips through the area. However, when the greatly exaggerated [gold rush] reports, or those entirely without foundation, exploded, many destitute and discouraged men left the country.”

iii. Thomas C. Born in 1869 in Holt Co., Mo.

iv. James Allen. Born 1 Oct 1870 in Holt Co., Mo. A photograph appeared in a publication which may have been “Western Cowbelles Picture Roundup,” on a page headlined “Cortez” with this cutline: “Jim Honaker in front of his Elk Saloon, Cortez, Colorado, 1898. Courtesy: Eunice Honaker.” In 2007 a poor photocopy of the page was provided to the Honaker Family Assn., unsuitable for reproduction but dimly showing a man in western dress, with vest, and a horse or mule tied up in front of a nice wood frame building with board sidewalk. We don’t know who the provider of this photograph, Eunice Honaker, was.

v. Addie Lena. Born 19 Apr 1872 in Holt Co., Mo. She married Sterling P. Thomas 11 Sep 1891 in Cortez.

vi. Teresa (called Sally). Born in 1873 in Holt Co., Mo.

vii. Mary Bell. Born 23 Dec 1875 in Clay Co., Mo.

viii. Marg. Born in 1877 in Missouri.

10.iii. ix. Charles Clarence (called Clarence).

10.iii. x. Clement (called Clem). Born 25 Dec 1882 in Mound City, Mo.

xi. Ernest Edwin. Born 7 Mar 1884 in Mancos. Died 30 Jun 1966 in Delta, Colo. Buried in Mancos


Unknown newspaper and date: Honaker Rites Held on Monday—Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the Ertel Funeral Home for Ernest Honaker, a Mancos pioneer. Burial was in the Cortez Cemetery. Ernest Edwin Honaker was born at Mancos, Colorado, March 7, 1884, to Harvey and Jane Honaker. As a very young man he carried the mail on horseback to and from Bluff City, Utah, from Cortez. He worked as a cowboy and a teamster; he also worked in many of the mines in Colorado. He spent many years of his life farming at Lewis, Colorado, and at Waterflow, N.M. He was married to Lottie Maness, who preceded him in death in 1958. He married Mary Ellen Anderson in 1959: they have made their home at Delta, Colo. for the last seven years. He passed away at Delta June 30, at the age of 83 years and four months; he is survived by his wife Mary Ellen, a step-son, Gordon Maness, and family, and many neices and nephews.

He married, first, Lottie Maness. He married, second, Mary Ellen Anderson in 1959.

xii. Maggie Amelia. Born 2 Apr 1890 in Cortez, Montezuma Co., Colo.

10.iv. Thomas Allen[4] Honaker (Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 29 Mar l845 (also reported as 1846) in Oregon, Holt Co., Mo. Died 14 Jan 1933 in Shawnee, Okla. Buried in Shawnee. The 1880 census found Thomas and his family in Cass Co., Mo. The census recorded that Lucinda’s parents were born in Tennessee. (Descendant Ruby Brakebill said that Lucinda’s parents had moved to Missouri from Tennessee.) Also living with them were Lewis Bowman, nephew; Anna Wilson, niece; Soloman Faust, relationship not given; and Benton Faust.

Thomas’ wife Lucinda died early in 1885. Later that year he married again and shortly afterwards moved his family to Kansas, possibly the Kingman or Hutchinson area. He found the land inhospitable for dependable farming and on 16 Sep 1893 rode horseback into Oklahoma land rush territory and staked a claim near Enid. After a few years he sold it and bought a farm near Shawnee where his remaining family lived to adulthood. The 1900 census enumerated Thomas and his family in Pott Co., Okla. His daughters Emma and Clara were no longer in the household. Lela was not listed.

Thomas and his second wife Laura lived on the Shawnee farm until 1917 or 1918 when they moved to a small home on East Tenth Street in Shawnee, near family members. After Laura died in 1922, Thomas went to live with his daughter Blanche’s family, according to the recollection of Ruby M. Brakebill, Blanche’s daughter, who said she was 12 at the time, and he lived there until he died at age 87. In 1929, wrote Ruby, “Thomas Allen Honaker, ‘hale & hearty’ at the age of 84, visited the children of Augustus & Harvey in Colorado. He was accompanied by some of his grandsons, sons of David Aude.”

He married, first, Lucinda Geneva George, daughter of David C. George and Nancy Elizabeth Bass, 14 Oct 1869 in Oak Grove, Mo. Born 8 Jun 1851 in Missouri. Died 19 Feb 1885. Buried in Cass Co., Mo. Children:

10.iv. i. Emma Jane[5].

10.iv. ii. Clara Elizabeth.

10.iv. iii. David Aude.

He married, second, Laura Rosella Hersey Smith, later in 1885, the same year that his first wife died. Born in

Apr 1856 in Illinois. Died 9 Mar 1922 in Shawnee, Okla. A widow, she brought one son to the marriage, Frank Smith, born in May 1881 in Missouri. The 1900 census recorded that her parents were born in Maine. Children (of Thomas and Laura):

iv. Mollie. Born 21 Feb 1886 in Kansas. Died in 1905 during childbirth.

10.iv. v. Blanche.

10.iv. vi. Lela.

A 12 Feb 1990 letter by Lucinda’s granddaughter Buena, daughter of Clara, to her cousin Jimmie Scott Honaker,

recalled a visit she had made seventy years before to Oak Grove, Mo., where Lucinda’s family lived:

I and [my sister] Emma visited in Oak Grove, Mo., in 1920. It is quite a small town about 40 or 50 miles southeast of Kansas City. We were living in Kansas City at the time and my Jack was about 6 months old. Emma was visiting me, so we went to visit the George family and quite a family it was. Every one in the town was named George or were married to them. They seemed to own every thing in town. They were the businesses, the professional & etc. Drs, Lawyers, Education & etc. Even had their own George cemetary with a wrought iron grate with George over it. They all had lovely old homes, full of real antique furniture.

They have quite a historical background. The first George came to this country in 1625, so it says in the family history you speak of that [your] Aunt Emma showed you. He may have been out of England—but anyway, he landed in the New England states or settlements & started the George family. They lived in the East, then into Virginias & Penn., then on to Missouri as the Honakers did.

We seem to be quite a restless family, anyway they all seemed to be moving west as so many were. They had quite a history thru the revolutionary & civil wars. Lots of interesting stories about happenings thru those times. They didn’t have a very high opinion of Abe Lincoln—being on the Confederate side of course. Grandpa [Thomas A.] Honaker didn’t either. I’d been taught Lincoln was wonderful—but none of them thought so. I have a doll, my great Aunt Martha whom we visited in Oak Grove when she was 90, gave me that she had buried with all the family

treasures when she was about 7 years old and the “Damn Yankees” were raiding thru their homes. I’m giving the doll to my niece who lives in Dallas.

Forgive my writing—as I’ve had two strokes & am 90 yrs old, have to write with left hand & not very well.


Buena Denton.

[p.s.] I think as you do Jim about the U.S. Govt. being too slow & easy on USSR & I’m afraid we’ll see the day we’ll be sorry even tho things seem to be easing up now.

A letter from Thomas’ eldest daughter Emma to Buena, 5 Aug 1947, is a treasure trove of information about how the family came to settle in Oklahoma. It was reprinted in Honaker Family Newsletter, Mar-Apr 2000:

Dear Buena:

I have never forgot that you asked for some facts of our settlement in Okla. As you remember I was to nervous for awhile after Christmas to write—Then Jan. 30 hurt my side. I was sick untill Mar. 11th was quite busy with spring work—then May 11th took sick again & it’s just this past 5 days & nights that I have been free from pain. Last friday went to see the Dr. and stopped in at Kress bought a large block of this paper.

And this afternoon have hunted up your letter and am now set to answer your questions. Question one: Where did Grandpa [Thomas A.] live before he made the [land] run. He had lived for 8 years on a 80 acre farm in Kingman Co., Kansas. 7 miles east & 3 north of Kingman. Mollie, Blanch & Lela were all born there. Aude, Clara & Fern went to the district school.

Q. Two. How did he happen to make the run. The Gov. offered a free home of 160 acres and if you did not have as much as 160 a. you were eligible. The boys were growing up and he needed more land. Willie & I had been married 2½ years and rented a farm just west of Father’s. They thought it was a great chance to get homes. So they each took a Saddle horse, a wagon & team with lots of provisions and Jim Rippey who was not 21 yet and a neighbor Mr. Renolds and they left the later part of Aug for Caldwell Kansas—

There they trained there horses to run—and camped in & under there wagon at night [illegible] they saw there were such a mob geathered there that they stood a poor Chance of stakeing any Land—(you carried with you in the race a hatchet and a Stake to drive in the ground. The first fellow to drive a stake was to be [in] possession therefore you had to be in the lead, not behind.

So they shipped there wagon horses & themselves on a box car or coal car in the night, through the strip to Hennessy on the south border of the strip—it was against the rules to go through in day light.) No body was to have a chance to see where they might want to stake a farm.

Well there was not as many people on the south border. And Mr. Renolds had a brother just a few miles East of Hennessy and there they found shade and a Cleaner place to Camp—Also could have free water & fresh milk—at Calwell they had to buy water.

You see all sorts of reports would go out and never was sure just when the opening day would be so they were there at Mr. Renolds about 2 weeks. The opening was Sept 16th they had left home Aug. Now when the day came every body horses was trained to run for 20 miles or more.

They—Pa—Willie & Mr R—had planned to go N. and just a little west. Jim was to follow up with the Wagon of eats for they traviled light. Mr. Renolds got disgusted at the kind of line they passed over & his horse got lame or something, anaway, Pa & Willie left him and rode on. They kept going untill about 4:30 P.M. they came to some better looking land—and Pa got off and drove his Stake Willie galloped on about a mile and He drove his stake—now you had to stay by your stakes—lest some one else come along and pull it up and ride off with it. And put there stake down.

There they slept that night in the open—no supper—there was a creek near our stake where Willie watered his horse. But I don’t beleeave pa had any water for old Dollie untill next day—(Dollie wasnt old then) The place just west of us had two stakes the one north of Pa had two stakes on it but Pa’s or Willie did not have any others. Some folks staked on purpose just to be bought off—a hundred dollars was lots of money those days.

Next morning Jim found them—But before Jim found them another [illegible word] wagon had arived in the neighborhood & they saw the smoke from the Camp fire & rode over and had breakfast with them. Willie drank his first and only Cup of Coffee in his life. In there wagon they had a plow—and they found the Corner marks & Each one plowed around their claims. that showed “improvements” and helped you to prove later it was yours.

Now you see they had no Idea what section or range they were in—But the Gov. furnished men to go out with you & tell you what the number of your land was. You paid him $5. (There had been a land office set up in the tent town of Enid). It took days to get This done as there were hundred ahead of you Then you had to file your number at the land office—‘Called fileing on your Claim’

Pa & Willie had been away so long they were getting home sick Also realized that it was time to sow wheat at home so they hired a realestate man to let them know about when there number was to be Called and the man sent them a letter about three week later & they went down & filed and while there they Each bought new lumber and built a 8x8 building on there claim—just to show “improvements”

They did not haft to make settlement on the claim untill March 16th the following spring. Father & willie planed to go down in Feb. and build us each a house. But Willie took sick and it was March and no house built—so we just loaded up our wagons and took Every thing and just did get there the day before the time expired. We had three wagons 4 head of mules 2 horses 3 cows 4 pigs in box on the back of one wagon a coop of chickens on another. Pa had two wagon 6 horses 4 cows & chickens and pigs—

Willie drove the lead wagon I drove the second Father Rippey the third—Father & mother the 4th Aude the 5th and Frank on a horse driving the cows. After we left Kansas there were no roads just follow a trail some one Else had made. Up hill & down. I think we were on the road three days. I don’t like to cook on a camp fire. and as the weather was cool I started with food enough to last us three all the way. Mo also had a lot cooked up for she had more to feed. Our grub box was as big as your biggest trunk and fit in the wagon box under my spring seat. I had 8 loaves home made bread—6 pies—2 cakes, 2 baked hens. A big boiled ham. 1 gal jars fried sausage cakes. pickles—preserves & butter These we had packed in the wagon meat from 3 hog 10 gal lard—and perhaps 100 qts of fruit. Father had as much or more then we did.

Father sold his 80 acres of land before he left Kansas. Your Mother was 16 that summer—She staid with some friends in Kansas—untill Aug then she came down to live with Willie and me untill she was married Sept 14th 1896. Erwin was born Sept 5 1894. Your mother was with me while I was sick the two month following [illegible word].

Where did he stake his claim? Father was 7 miles west 1½ north of Enid. We were 6 miles west 2½ north of Enid. [Drawing shows plots and section lines.] Pa never did like Kansas, to dry & windy—crops very uncertain—have a good crop perfect then hot winds burn it all up. Well Okla wasn’t any better. And he liked Mo.—but land was to high priced, so he made a trip over in around Shawnee & desided it was more like Mo. In 1897–1898 & 1899 we had big wheat crops. Father desided he was going to sell out while times were good for according to rule the next 3 years would be failures—So he sold and bought this place over here by Shawnee in the early fall of 1899—your mother brought you as a baby over in 1900. Erwin Pearl & I visited you at Hennessey when we came over to Shawnee in June 30th and we all staid about three weeks.

At the time we came over here you Father was working in the Hardware store for Sim Brees and had been for several years. But he got fired. Willie liked Ed—thought him a good salesman and desided he would go in the Hardware business and take Ed as pardner. That is when they went to Kiel & opened up business Sept 1st 1900.—Ed only staid with us a few weeks—we had sold our farm in July, and put the money in the hardware.

Buena I am sending you some news paper articles that I had on hands. This article of Mr. Sprague makes the race very plain. I know this Mr. Spreager, this was written in 1938. The one of Panca City I think was just last year 1946. You can send them back as I’d like to keep them.

Now you may wonder how we lived on those Claims without any house. As I said we brought every thing—it included a big spool of barbed wire—we used the little house as one post and two wagons as posts & made a 3 corner lot for the Cows. We unloaded one wagon which was mostly farm implements and a well derick. Then next morning Willie & Father Rippey went to Enid for a load of lumber—they waited all day in line at the lumber yard—came home late with Hay & corn to feed the cows horse & mules.

I had been home all alone all day—we set up the cook stove in this 8x8 shack no floor no door. And there we could fry meat—egg & make gravy. We had plenty of milk—and perhaps got a few eggs. —Next day they went after lumber—never got to the lumber yard that day and I think the got lumber the third day—it took a week to get a 2 room house built & our well and one for father put down—(one of those well you draw water with a long bucket.) The well drill belong to Father Rippey and as soon as He got the two wells drilled He went back to Kansas. He had 160 a. [acres] and could not make the race.

Father got lumber & got his 2 room built before we did & Willie helped him & then one or two neighbors who had made settlement early helped him and they were living in there house before we even begun ours, for a while we left our bed up in the covered wagon on top of boxes & furniture finely the climbing in & out made me sick (I had that side trouble) and then they fixed bales of hay in this 8x8 shack and put the bed on the bailes of hay—and there I lay all day alone no window and a strip of carpet up for a door the last of march we had a cold spell and we used the Carpet to nail up inside to help keep out the cold—and the cook stove wasnt 3 feet from the Hay & bed—I have often wondered how we kept from getting that hay on fire.

Well one day while all alone in bed—I felt a little pit-pat inside. I was 4 mo. pregnant and did not know it—I learned also that you cant wash it away with tears—I shed em by the boshel—of all times—no house, no doctor—no friends—it just goes to show you you cant die even if you want to—

But the worst was yet to come—I had been very slender, weighed 113, was so proud of myself. and when I got able to get up I did not have a dress that would button. And one Sunday Willie wanted me to go over see some neighbors and He couldent understand why I did not want to go—finely I got mad & said to him would you want to go it you couldent button up your pants.

Well when we got moved into our 2 rooms and they had floors, shingled roof and 2 glass windows—screen doors and screen wire on the windows and I had Lace Curtains.—Beleave me it was swell—for my neighbors south had a dugout & dirt floors also neighbor west & s.w.—each had half dug out and had dirt floors. And was I glad I had moved every thing—for I had a dresser—divan Beadsted— Rocker—table chairs—a tall[?] safe for dishes & leurs[?] shelves for my milk—stoves lamp & picture— although my carpet got ruined while we had it nailed up in the shack. It got wet & ruined it.

Yes I had my sewing machine—and Willie got me some material & I made a mother hubberd—Then later I made me three more of material I had brought with me and trimmed the collars with ruffles & they were awful pretty.

In a few years 1897 we had a big wheat crop and we built a 2 story house, painted white with green shutters. But there were no money left to furnish it with—A terable disapointment.—Lived in boxes untill next years crop—But Willie had to have a few wagon & Harness—a plow & mowing machine so the money vanished again—Then I bought an incubator—desided Ide rais my own money.

But Willie Sold the farm. And no amount of money would of hired me ever again to move on a farm for it was one disapointment after another always some one to cook for a big crop ment more hands—A big house and you have more company—at least thats what the people there thought [illegible] Erwin & Pearl were boath born on that farm I seldom had a well day for all those years I was suffering with my side. It got well in the spring of 1900—I had suffered 9 years.

As I told you we put our money in the hardware business we made lots of money invested part of it in lots in new town sites built a good store building at Hydro—

Then the fire at Kiel—no insurance—$5,000 went up in smoke—moved what we saved to Hydro—It was a new town—Country just opened for settlement the year before. Crops failed—no body had any money. We finely found ourselves nearly broke—So traded only things got worse. More losses, Its not worth telling—

But through it all I have so much in my old days to be thankful for. And will say God has been good to me—far better perhaps than I deserve. But may his grace abide with me to the end is my prayer.

I have written a lot perhaps that you will not find very interesting. But maby it will help you to fill in the story of the Cherokee Strip—

Aunt Emma

10.ix. Virginia[4] Honaker (Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 5 Aug 1856 in Missouri. Died 23 Dec 1885 (also reported as 1887) in Mancos, Colo. Buried near her mother and two children in Cedar Grove Cemetery, Mancos.

She married Thomas Thornell. Children:

i. Unknown[5]. Died young.

ii. Unknown. Died young.

10.xi. Margaret[4] Honaker (called Maggie) (Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 15 Feb 1860 in Missouri.

She married Andra H. Morris, from St. Louis, Mo. Children:

i. Vesta[5]. She taught school in Tulsa, Okla., for many years, and collected family history information, some of which is in this chapter of the book.

11.x. Andrew[4] Bostic (Mary[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 1856 in Monroe Co., (West) Va. Died after 1920 in Talcott, Summers Co., W.Va.

He married Catherine A. Hendricks, daughter of Peter Hendricks and Sarah Ferguson, 1881 in Summers County. Born 1858 in Monroe County. Died after 1920 in Talcott. Children:

11.x. i. Bertha Mae[5]. Born Dec 1881.

ii. John. Born Nov 1883.

iii. Ray H. Born Feb 1887.

11.x. iv. William Otho. Born Oct 1888 in Summers County.

v. Robert I. Born Apr 1890.

vi. Charles D. Born Sep 1892.

vii. Nora K. Born Dec 1894.

viii. James. Born Dec 1897. John Jackson[4] Honaker (Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Buried in Wade Chapel Cemetery, Putnam Co., W.Va.

12.viii. James Clark[4] Honaker (Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). He became a millionaire.

13.iv. John L.[4] Honaker (John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]) Born ca. 1852 in Monroe Co. (West) Va. Died 1928 in Summers Co., W.Va. His family was enumerated in the 1920 Summers Co., W.Va., Talcott District census as household 37, between the households of Elbert E. Taylor and William M. Houchins. He was 68; his wife Martha was 46; the children were Lily M., 27; Samuel O., 26; Charles L., 23; Ethel M., 17; Carrie E., 14; Frank M., 8.

He married Martha Susan Burns 15 Oct 1891 in Monroe Co., W.Va. Born ca. 1874. Children:

i. Lily M.[5] Born ca. 1893.

ii. Samuel O. Born ca. 1894.

13.iv. iii. Charles L. Born 24 Jun 1896.

13.iv. iv. Ethel May. Born ca. 1903.

v. Carrie E. Born ca. 1906.

vi. Frank M. Born ca. 1912. Died 24 Dec 1993 in Oak Hill, Fayette Co., W.Va. Sunday Gazette-Mail,

Charleston, W.Va., 26 Dec 1993: Frank Honaker, 83, of Glen Daniel, died Dec. 24, 1993, at Plateau Area Medical Center, Oak Hill, after a long illness. Rose-Quesenberry Funeral Home, Beckley, is in charge of arrangements

13.ix. John[4] Honaker (John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1860 in Monroe Co., (West) Va.

He married Mary Fullen ca. 1880 in Monroe Co., W.Va. Children:

24.iv. Henry W.[4] Honaker (James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 30 Apr (also reported as 3 Jul) 1865 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 4 Dec 1922 in Greenbrier County. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Ronceverte, Greenbrier County. Gravestone inscription: He has gone to the sweet mansions of rest.

He married Emma F. Morgan 1890 in Greenbrier County. Born 1870 in Greenbrier County. Died 1938. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Ronceverte. Gravestone inscription: Asleep in Jesus. Children:

i. Unknown[5].

ii. Mary E. Born 1893. She married Cecil W. Nicely.

24.iv. iii. Hunter T. (also V.) Born 27 Nov 1894. Died Jul 1962.

iv. Unknown.

v. Harry Lee. Born 3 May 1903. Died Jul 1975 in Lewisburg, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. He married Katherine Ethel Ratliff. Born 1899 in West Virginia. Died 1972. There were six unknown children.

24.viii. James Davis[4] Honaker (James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 23 Mar 1875 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 19 Feb 1961 in Ronceverte. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Ronceverte. Gravestone inscription: We will meet again.

He married Cettia Alice Morgan 1904 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Born 14 Jun 1884. Died of nephritis 22 Dec 1928 in the Irish Corner section of Greenbrier County. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Ronceverte. Her stone has the same inscription. Children:

24.viii. i. Glenna Jane[5]. Born 8 Apr 1905 in Caldwell, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

ii. Pauline. Born 19 Nov 1906 in Irish Corner section, Greenbrier County. Died before 1991. Married Unknown Bland and had grandchildren who included Deborah Bland.

iii. Margaret. Died before 1991. She married Unknown Toothman.

24.viii. iv. Blanche.

v. Christine. She married Unknown Morgan.

vi. Woodrow. Died before 1991.

25.iii. Lilly Mae[4] Honaker (called Mae) (John Byrus Sams[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 29 Nov 1894 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 1971 in Greenbrier County. Buried in Greenbrier Regular Baptist Church Cem., Ronceverte, Greenbrier County.

She married Eugene Leonard Lassiter. Born 1875 in Virginia. Died 1957 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Buried in Greenbrier Regular Baptist Church Cemetery. Children:

i. Norman Leo[5]. Born 8 Dec 1928 in Greenbrier County. Died 8 Feb 1968 in Washington, D.C.

Buried in Greenbrier Regular Baptist Church Cemetery.

ii. Anna Louise (called Louise). Born in Greenbrier County. Married Ivan Sizemore.

25.iv. John Mason[4] Honaker (John Byrus Sams[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 19 Oct 1898 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 21 Dec 1983 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier County. Buried in Salem Presbyterian Church Cem., Organ Cave, Greenbrier County.

He married Mary Agnes Martin, daughter of Nepoleon Bonapart (called Nep) Martin and Amanda Virginia Morgan, 23 May 1923 in Greenbrier County. Born 5 May 1905 in Ronceverte. Died 1 Oct 2001 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier County. Buried in Salem Presbyterian Church Cemetery.

West Virginia Daily News, Lewisburg, W.Va., unknown date: Ronceverte—Mary Agnes Honaker, 96, passed away on Mon., Oct. 1, 2001 at the Brier Nursing Center in Ronceverte. Born May 5, 1905 at Ronceverte, she was the daughter of the late “Nep” [Nepoleon] and Amanda Morgan Martin. Mrs. Honaker was a longtime resident of Ronceverte, a member of Greenbrier Regular Baptist Church, Ronceverte, and was owner and operator of the J.M. Honaker Store. She was the last survivor of her immediate family. She was preceded in death by her husband, John M. Honaker; three sons, Sterling Honaker, Lonas Honaker, and John Honaker, Jr.; [great] grandson Jamie Honaker; six sisters; and six brothers. Survivors include: daughter, Phyllis Powell of Ronceverte; grandsons, Denny Powell, Darrell Honaker, and Doug Honaker; granddaughters, Patty Betz, Becky Powell, Donna Wykle and Sheryl Bostic; five great-grandsons; four great-granddaughters; three great-grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews. Graveside services were held Oct. 4 at Salem Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Organ Cave, with the Rev. Youel Altizer officiating. Pallbearers were: Denny Powell, Darrell Honaker, Doug Honaker, Adam Wykle and John Wykle. Honorary pallbearers were Bill Honaker, Nash Powell and Denny Lassiter. Arrangements by Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home in Ronceverte.


25.iv. i. Lonas Mason[5]. Born 30 Jun 1924 in Ronceverte.

25.iv. ii. Sterling Darrell. Born 13 Feb 1929 in Ronceverte.

25.iv. iii. Phyllis Jean. Born 27 Sep 1934 in Ronceverte.

iv. John Mason, Jr. Born and died 1939 in Ronceverte. Buried in Honaker Cem., Ronceverte.

27.ii. Henry[4] McGraw (Mary Salina[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Children:

i. William J.[5] Born ca. 1888.

ii. Mary A. Born ca. 1890.

iii. George T. Born ca. 1892.

iv. Walter A. Born ca. 1897.

v. Herbert R. Born ca. 1900.

vi. Harry B. Born ca. 1903.

vii. Madge. Born ca. 1906.

27.iii. George A.[4] McGraw Jr. (Mary Salina[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Brazilla Neal, daughter of James Neal and Mary Legg, 11 Dec 1895 in Fayette County. Born ca. 1874 in Fayette County. Children:

27.iii. i. Dewey[5]. Born ca. 1896.

28. Michael Alexander[4] Honaker (called Mike) (Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). See photographs. Born 13 Nov 1842 in Alderson, Monroe Co., (West) Va. Died 15 Apr 1901 at his home in Woodbine, Harrison Co., Iowa. Buried in Woodbine Cemetery. He and his family were enumerated in the 1885 Harrison Co., Iowa, census, living in Douglas Township: Michael A., 42, b. W.Va., farmer; Eliza E., 33, b. W.Va.; James G., 16, b. W.Va.; Rosa L., 14, b. W.Va.; Wm. H., 12, b. W.Va.; Geo. L., 6, b. W.Va.; Dewly A., 4, b. W.Va.; Ira E., 2, b. Harrison Co., Iowa; Mable K., 0, b. [1884 in] Harrison Co., Iowa.

Unknown newspaper and date: Michael A. Honaker was born in West Virginia Nov. 13, 1842 and died at his home in Woodbine, April 15, 1901, aged 58 years, 5 months and 2 days. He was married to Miss Sarah M. Burdett Feb. 14, 1865, to whom were born 4 children, one died in infancy, the others are James Honaker, Mrs. Rose Lightwine and William. After the death of Mrs. Honaker he married Eliza Ellis, and to them were born five children, namely George, Andrew, Earnest, Mabel and Eva. Mr. Honaker served four years in the civil war as a confederate soldier. He has been a resident of Woodbine since 1880. Upon profession of faith in Christ, he united with the Baptist church in his native state when about 26 years of age, and upon coming to Woodbine, he united with the Woodbine Baptist church by letter which he served faithfully for a number of years. But of recent years he has not walked with the church, though his name is still on the church roll, and he held to the faith unto the last. For the past ten years he was an intense suffer[er] of rheumatism of the heart which was the immediate cause of his death. The relatives desire to express their appreciation of the kindness shown them by all concerned during the sickness and death of their father.

Dickenson, Tattered Uniforms and Bright Bayonets, West Virginia’s Confederate Soldiers, listed him as a private in Lowry’s Battery, Monroe Co., (West) Va. His family was enumerated in the 1870 Putnam Co., W.Va. census. The 1880 census enumerated his family at Wolf Creek, Monroe Co., W.Va., as household #452B: Honaker, Michael, 38, born in W.Va., blacksmith; Eliza E., 28, born in W.Va.; James G., 12, born in W.Va.; Rosa L., 9, born in W.Va.; William H.; George L., 2. Mike relocated to Harrison Co., Iowa in 1880, perhaps with his brother William Ritchie. The ages of children in his second marriage are calculated from Iowas state Harrison county census records.

He married, first, Sarah M. Burdett, daughter of Andrew Jackson Burdett and Elizabeth Shumate, 14 Feb 1865 in Kanawha Co., W.Va. Born 1843 in Monroe Co., (West) Va. She died in or after 1872. Children:

75. i. James Gordon[5]. Born ca. 1868 in West Virginia

ii. Rosa L. Born ca. 1870 in West Virginia. She married Unknown Lightwine.

iii. William H. (called Willie) Born 16 May 1872 in West Virginia. Died 18 Jun 1949. Buried in Memorial Park Cemetery, unknown place. Services were 20 Jun 1949 at 2 p.m., the Rev. N.O. Rogers officiating at Locke Funeral Home, unknown place. A poem was printed in the funeral program: There is no wife now left to mourn, But children feel the grief. When father leaves his work on earth, And turns another leaf; Or opens up another door To an eternal life Where there is everlasting peace Without an hour of strife; So let us dry our fevered eyes And look to God above Who gives and also takes away In kindliness and love. The poem was credited to Franklin Lee Stevenson, whose works were popular on funeral programs.

iv. Unknown infant. Died.

He married, second, Eliza Ellis 4 Sep 1877 in Monroe Co., W.Va. Born ca. 1852 in Alderson, Monroe Co., (West) Virginia. Children:

76. v. George L. Born ca. 1878 in West Virginia.

74. vi. Dewly A. (recorded as such on the 1885 census, subsequently reported by researchers as Andrew

(called Drew and Drewly). Born ca. 1881 in West Virginia.

77. vii. Ira Ernest. Born 19 Sep 1882 in Woodbine, Harrison Co., Iowa. He certified in his

delayed birth certificate, 23 Jun 1953, that his parents were born in Alderson, W.Va.

viii. Mable K. Born 1884 in Harrison Co., Iowa.

ix. Eva. Born ca. 1887. She was living in Omaha, Neb., at the time of her brother Ira’s death.

29. William Ritchie[4] Honaker (Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). See photographs [Ralph LaVerne Honaker]. Born Oct 1847 in Monroe Co., (West) Va. Died 24 Aug 1894 in Woodbine, Harrison Co., Iowa. He was a farmer. He may have relocated to Iowa with his brother Mike in 1880, as he was listed as a Harrison County landowner in 1884. His family was listed in the 1885 Iowa State Harrison County census as: W.R. Honaker, 37; Ella, 34; Annie, 10; Eunice, 8; Kenneth, 6; Darius, 4; Mary, 2.

He married Martha Ellen Markham (called Ellen), daughter of Richard Edward Markham and Olivia Ann Deardorff, in 1870. Born 22 Feb 1850 in Big Stone Gap, Wise Co., Va. Died 30 Dec 1949 in Mariposa, Merced Co., Calif. A birth affidavit for their son, Charles Alfred, attested by his mother at age 92 when she was a resident of 1940 Market St., San Diego, Calif., gives Charles’ birthdate and indicates that he was the seventh child (one had died) and was born on the farm where they then lived in Woodbine, Iowa. Children:

78. i. Anna Olive[5]. Born 22 Feb 1874 in Mt. Pleasant, Jefferson Co., W.Va.

70. ii. Eunice M. Born 1876.

iii. William Oscar. Born ca. 1877.

iv. Kenneth Smith. Born 1879. Died 1949 in San Diego, Calif. A nephew, Ralph LaVerne Honaker, thought Kenneth was born in Virginia. He was a farmer, and later a motel owner. He married Anna Unknown. They had no children, but raised his sister May Bell’s two sons after she died.

v. Darius Edward. Born ca. 1882. A nephew, Ralph LaVerne Honaker, thought Darius was born in Virginia, and described him as a jack of all trades. Thought to have died in San Diego, Calif. He never married.

vi. Minnie B. Born possibly 1883. Died 1934 in Cheyenne, Wyo. She married Harvey Lucas. They had no children.

80. vii. May Bell. The 1895 Harrison Co., Iowa census identified a Mary, born ca. 1884. We don’t know whether the name was Mary or May, or whether they were different.

81. viii. Charles Alfred (called Al). Born 5 Feb 1885 in Woodbine, Iowa.

82. ix. Edith Leona. Born 1888.

31. Parker Smith[4] Honaker (Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Buried in Walnut Hill Cemetery, Columbus, Ohio.


31. i. Loyd Franklin[5].

31. ii. Ada. An obituary appeared in the Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 4 Jan 2008, for Inez Lucille (Litchfield) Bowman, daughter of the late James and Ada (Honaker) Litchfield. Inez died in Winfield, W.Va., but had lived formerly in Columbus, Ohio. For this reason of geographical proximity, we surmise that Inez was a daughter of this Ada, the only Ada we presently can determine whose family had lived in Columbus. We do not know Ada’s birth date but it is plausible that she may have had a daughter Inez’s age. Ada’s line continues based on the assumption, which may be incorrect, that she was the mother of Inez Lucille.

32. Thomas Davidson[4] Honaker (Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Jul 1837 in Willow Bend, Monroe Co. (West) Va. Died of pneumonia 29 Jan 1922 in Carpenter, Kanawha Co., W.Va. The death certificate identified him as a teacher and minister whose remains were buried in Good Cemetery, location not stated, undertaker George Barlow Co., Charleston, W.Va. Family legend is that he was a gunsmith and a good singer. A West Virginia roster of Union soldiers lists a Thomas D. Honaker who was a sergeant in the 7th Cavalry, Co. E. Thomas Davidson lived in West Virginia and is the only presently-known Thomas D. who lived there in the correct timeframe.

He married America Harrison, daughter of Alexander Harrison and Elizabeth Unknown, 8 Aug 1861. Born ca. 1845. She was living at the time of her husband’s death in 1922. Children:

32. i. Cora Edna[5]. Born 24 Sep 1865 in Point Pleasant, W.Va.

90. ii. Stevenson Powell. Born 20 Jan 1873 in Kanawha County.

iii. Lucinda Elizabeth. Born 1875 in Kanawha County. Died 1954 in Kanawha County. She married

Henry Fry St. Clair.

89. iv. Edward Simpson (also reported as Edward Sampson and Edwin Simpson). Born ca. 1877 in

Kanawha County.

88. v. Rosa. Born ca. 1879 in Kanawha County.

vi. Laura. Born ca. 1883. Died as an infant.

33. Ephriam Styrus[4] Honaker (Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Ephriam’s middle name was reported with variant spellings including Stirrus and Stiars. He and his first wife Mary Ann were interred in a mausoleum. Ephriam’s son Letch said that the winter of 1916, when Mary Ann died, was cold and wet and Ephriam couldn’t bear the thought of her being buried in the ground, so had the mausoleum constructed at Wade Chapel Cemetery. Its roof was rebuilt by a descendant in the 1990s.

He married, second, Oakie (also reported as Oakley) McDonald, who first married Unknown McLaughlin.

35. William Bean[4] Honaker (Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). [Change name from Kingston to Solvey Collieries Co., at Kingston.]

Last will & testament: Written in long hand by him, 25 Jun 1906, recorded in Cabell Co. [W.Va.] Court House Will Book 7, page 169—“I, William B. Honaker of Mossy, Fayette County, W.Va., of the age of 65 years and being of sound mind and memory, hereby revoking all former wills, do make, publish and declare this my last will and testament in the manner following: That is to say, first, I direct that my funeral and burial expenses and all just debts be paid out of my personal estate. Second, I give and bequeath to Lucinda J. Hundley, my daughter one dollar out of my personal estate. Third, I give and bequeath to Charles E. Honaker my son one dollar out of my personal estate. Fourth, I give and bequeath to James C. Honaker my son one dollar out of my personal estate. Fifth I give and bequeath to Martha S. Underwood my daughter two hundred dollars in cash out of my personal estate. Sixth, I give and bequeath to Samuel H. Honaker my son my entire interest in my store, all property, and money either in or out of bank, and all outstanding notes and bonds, and all other property of every kind at my demise whatsoever. Seventh, I give and devise to Samuel H. Honaker my son forty one acres of land more or less adjoining the land of James C. Honaker it being a portion of the land conveyed to me by Joseph Workman and said forty one acres more or less being all of said tract that I own to have and to hold the same forever, and lastly, I do hereby

nominate and appoint Samuel H. Honaker the executor of this my last will and testament, and I do direct that my said executor shall not be obliged to give security as such. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 25th day of June, 1906.”

William B. Honaker (Seal)

Witnesses: James Armstrong, Henry G. Meadows, Thomas W. Stover.

Note: William Bean had been severely crippled with arthritis for years. His son Sam and Sam’s wife Mary provided full care for him and operated the family business, a general store at Mossy, until the family moved to Huntington where William Bean died. The will took into account the care his son Sam had provided him.

36. Floyd Asbury[4] Honaker (Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

Fayette Tribune & Free Press, Oak Hill, W.Va., 8 Jun 1916, and Beckley [W.Va.] Messenger, (date unknown, but the newspaper operated from Mar 1910 to Mar 1916): Mr. Honaker Back on Visit—

F.A. Honaker of Kansas City, formerly of Fayette County, was a guest this week at the [Beckley, W.Va.] home of his nephew and family, Joe L. Williams. Mr. Honaker last visited Beckley, then Raleigh Courthouse, in the year 1861 when there were but two homes to mark the old town site the home of General Beckley and Grandma Davis. He expressed great pleasure at seeing the advancement and growth of the beautiful city on the hill.

37. Madora Alice[4] Honaker (called Dora) (Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Feb 1860 (also reported as 12 Feb 1861) in Mossy, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 8 Mar 1929 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., Calif. Buried in Forest Lawn Cemetery.

She married Frank Robey 8 Jan 1879 in Jackson, W.Va. Born in Fayetteville, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died in Ravenwood, Va. Children:

37. i. Edna[5]. Born 1880.

37. ii. Louverna (called Verna). Born 22 Aug 1882 in Virginia or West Virginia.

iii. Viola M. Born 22 Apr 1884 in West Virginia. Died 22 Nov 1965 in San Bernardino, Calif. She

married Frank Deal.

iv. Floyd. See photograph. Born 17 Dec 1887 in West Virginia. Died 16 Mar 1962 in Los Angeles.

v. Blanche Edith. Born 22 May 1897 in West Virginia. Died 20 Jul 1990 in San Bernardino, Calif.

She married Unknown Birkus.

38. Andrew Harding[4] Honaker (John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Andrew’s first wife, Rebecca Jane Graham, was a first cousin to his second wife, Mary Jane Balangee (also Ballengee) Carter. Mary Jane was the daughter of John Harvey (also John R.) Balangee (also Ballengee) and Rebecca Graham (Andrew’s first wife’s aunt.) There were also several predecessors named Rebecca Graham. Graham’s History of Graham Family and Peters’ Conrad Peters and Wife give a different marriage day for Andrew and Rebecca, 18 May; give Rebecca’s mother’s first name as Sabina; and give the middle initial W. to their son Charles. Graham lists a daughter named Rebecca. Children:

38. iii. Jahue (also reported as John) Marion (called Marion). Born 9 May 1871.

vi. Rebecca. Born 16 Apr 1876. She never married.

115. vii. Lelia.

He married, second, Mary Jane Balangee Carter. She was enumerated in the 1920 Summers Co., W.Va. census: Honaker, Mary J., 69, widow. She then lived between Lonnie Shephard and George Honaker.

38. viii. Mary Alice. Born 13 Aug 1883. Graham, History of Graham Family, reported 13 Aug 1881.

116. ix. George Washington.

x. Walter Andrew. Born 4 Aug 1892 in Clayton, W.Va. Died 12 Apr 1950 in Huntington, W.Va. Buried in Clayton [W.Va.] Cemetery.

Herald Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., unknown date: OVB Veteran’s Funeral Today

Funeral services for Walter A. Honaker, 57, of 1730 Washington Avenue, who died in a Huntington hospital yesterday afternoon after suffering a heart attack, will be conducted at 1:30 p.m. today at the Reger Funeral Home by the Rev. Ferris Scott. Additional services will be held at the Alderson [W.Va.] Baptist Church tomorrow at 2 p.m. before burial in the Clayton, W.Va. cemetery. Mr. Honaker had been employed by the Ohio Valley Electric Railway Co. and its successor, the Ohio Valley Bus Co., since 1912. He was driving a bus to Ashland [Ky.] when he was stricken in Catlettsburg [Ky.] He was taken to a Catlettsburg drug store, where a physician examined him and advised that he be taken to the hospital. Mr. Honaker died shortly after entering the hospital. Survivors include the widow, Mrs. Mae Honaker; a brother, G.W. Honaker of Clayton; a sister, Mrs. J.B. Fink of Clayton; and two half-brothers, O.T. Honaker of Sandstone, W.Va., and O.C. Carter of Alderson. The body is at the funeral home.

He married Mae Flint 22 Nov 1910. Buried in Clayton Cemetery.

39. Elizabeth Jane[4] Bostic (called Jennie) (Rebecca Ann[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). See photograph. Children:

39. iv. Andrew Caperton. Born 31 Aug 1886 in Ronceverte, W.Va.

39. v. Virginia Lee (called Virgie). Born 18 Sep 1888.

42. Mary Jane[4] Honaker (called Mollie) (Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Buried in Dale Cemetery, Connersville, Fayette Co., Ind.

She married, first, Julius Cicero Archey. Buried in Dale Cemetery. Children:

42. ii. Rose Ida. Born 19 Aug 1893.

44. Anna Oceana[4] Honaker (Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Children:

iii. Clarence L. (called Cricket) Born 17 Oct 1897 in Union, Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 29 May 1989

in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Green Hill Cemetery, Union.

Unknown newspaper and date: Clarence L. (Cricket) Clark, aged 92 years, of

Union [W.Va.] died Monday, May 29 in a Beckley hospital following a long illness. Born Oct. 17, 1896 at Union, he was the son of the late Walter D. and Annie Honaker Clark. Mr. Clark was a World War I veteran who served in Europe and was a retired farmer and barber and a member of the Oak Grove Baptist Church in Gates. Survivors include a sister, Clementine Vaughan of Beckley; two nieces and a nephew. Services were held Wednesday in the Boyles-McGuire Funeral Home chapel, with the Rev. Dallas Forren officiating. Burial was in the Green Hill Cemetery in Union. Graveside rites were conducted by the American Legion Post 100 of Union.

44. iv. Clementine. Born in Aug 1899.

45. John Patrick[4] Honaker (Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Children:

45. v. Marshall Johnson. Born 6 Feb 1914.

47. Luther Leslie[4] Honaker (twin) (Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Nov 1879 in Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 5 Nov 1965 in New Castle, Henry Co., Ind.

Unknown Connersville, Ind. Newspaper, unknown date: Reunion at Connersville—Honored guests Sunday afternoon, June 7, when a West Virginia reunion was conducted in the Roberts Park at Connersville, Ind., were Mr. Ellis P. Honaker and son, Louis and daughter, Pauline, Mrs. W. Clark, Theodore Wickline and Miss Elsie Fisher, all of Alderson, W.Va. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bostic, Milton, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. Luther Fisher and family, Bentonsville, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. Smith Hoy, New Lisbon, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. Luther Honaker and son James; Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Bare and daughter, Mable; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Moore and family; Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Wickline, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clegy, Mr. and Mrs. Lamont McGuire, Henry Bare, Osborne Fisher, Dorothy King, Eugene Hall, Malcolm Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Honaker all of Connersville.

He married Mary Margaret Hall (called Maggie), daughter of Paris Hall and Henrietta Duncan, 28 Jan 1903 in Monroe Co., W.Va. Born 21 May 1883 in Union, Monroe County. Died 19 Dec 1942 in Connersville, Ind. Buried in Fairview Cemetery, Connersville. Children:

i. Herman Leslie[5]. Born 6 Oct 1903. He married Daisy Nash 1 Oct 1921.

ii. Mary Etta. Born 12 May 1905. She married, first, Smith Hey in 1924. She married, second, Lige Jennings in 1956.

47. iii. Ida Mae. Born 9 May 1907.

47. iv. Anna Mae. Born 13 Dec 1908.

47. v. James Luther (called Jim). Born 21 Jul 1919 in Union.

vi. Betty June. Born Jun 1925. Died Jun 1925.

48. Ellis Patton[4] Honaker (Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 8 Apr 1881 in Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 28 May 1952 in Union, Monroe Co., W.Va. Buried in Green Hill Cemetery, Union. See newspaper entry mentioning him in the listing for his brother Luther Leslie Honaker.

He married Sarah Catherine Bare, daughter of John Henry Clay Bare and Elizabeth Mary Kessinger, 4 Jan 1905 in Monroe County. Born 12 Oct 1884 in Monroe County. Died 5 May 1971 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Buried in Green Hill Cemetery, Union. Children:

i. Lillian Brown[5]. Born 8 Dec 1905 in Union. Died 31 Dec 1905 in Union.

48. ii. Loney Patton. Born Mar 1907.

124. iii. Isaac Powell. Born 29 Jul 1909.

iv. Louie Roles. Born Apr 1916 in Union. Died 4 Oct 1969. He married, first, Olivia McClung. He

married, second, Betty Lou Lemons.

48. v. Melvin Gray. Born 10 Aug 1917 in Monroe County.

48. vi. Pauline Elizabeth. Born 21 Apr 1920.

125. vii. Freddie Freeman. Born 22 Feb 1923.

viii. Anna Margaret. Born 21 Sep 1928. In 2001 she lived in Parkersburg, Wood Co., W.Va. She

married David F. Willis. Died before 2001. They had no children of their own but adopted David’s nephews, unidentified.

50. Alice Berta[4] Honaker (Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Isaac Pelig Scott. Children:

50. vii. Merle Helen. Born 22 Oct 1905.

viii. Howard Samuel. Born 31 Dec 1907 in Sinks Grove, W.Va. Died 7 Jan 1988 in Fairlea, Greenbrier

Co., W.Va. Buried in Rosewood Cemetery, Lewisburg, W.Va.

Possibly Covington Virginian, 8 Jan 1983: White Sulphur Springs—Mr.

Howard Samuel Scott, 80, of White Sulphur Springs, died Thursday in Humana Hospital, Greenbrier Valley, following a short illness. He was born Dec. 31, 1907 in Sinks Grove, W.Va., son of the late Isaac Pelig and Alice Bertha Honaker Scott. Mr. Scott was a member of the Emmanuel United Methodist Church in White Sulphur Springs. He was a former member of the Lions Club and a World War II veteran. Mr. Scott received his bachelor’s degree at Concord College in Athens, W.Va., and his master’s degree at West Virginia University, Morgantown, W.Va. He was a retired educator with the Greenbrier County School System, serving as a teacher and principal for 45 years. He retired in 1972 as principal of White Sulphur Springs Elementary School. Mr. Scott was a life member of the National Education Association, a member of the West Virginia Retired Teachers Association, and a member of the Greenbrier County Retired Teachers Association. He was preceded in death by his wife, Pauline Coffman Scott in 1985. Mr. Scott is survived by several nieces and nephews. A funeral service will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. in the Emmanuel United Methodist Church in White Sulphur Springs with the Rev. Martin Beresford officiating. Interment will follow in the Rosewood Cemetery in Lewisburg. The family will receive friends from 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday at Shanklin Funeral Home in White Sulphur Springs. The body will be placed in the church one hour prior to the service.

He married Pauline F. Coffman 16 Apr 1930. Died in 1985.

52. Thomas Samuel[4] Honaker (Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). See photograph. [Phyllis Needleman] Born 15 Feb 1872 (also 1873) in Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 22 Oct 1951 (also 24 Oct 1953) in Earlton, Neosho Co., Kan. Buried in Altoona [Kan.] Cemetery.

He married Etta Bird Carper (called Birdie), daughter of Oscar W. Carper and Amanda R. Unknown, 16 Jan 1900 in Craig Co., Va. The minister was P.S.E. Sixcas. The marriage license indicated that he was 27, born in Monroe Co., W.Va., a son of Isaac M. and Rachel Honaker, a farmer, and lived in Summers Co., W.Va. She was 24, born in Craig Co., Va., a daughter of Oscar W. and Amanda R. Carper, and lived in Craig County. Born 2 Oct 1875 in New Castle, Va. Died 14 Feb 1959 in Chanute, Kan. Buried beside Thomas in Altoona Cemetery.

Obituary, origin unknown: Mrs. Etta Bird Honaker, aged 88 years, widow of the late Mr. Tom S. Honaker, died in Elsmore, Kan., on Feb. 14, 1959. She was a native of Craig Co., Va., and leaves a number of relatives in Craig and Monroe Counties. Mrs. Honaker is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Edith Randold of Hotchkiss, Colo.; three sons, Messrs. Kenneth Honaker of Elsmore, Kans., Buford and Vern Honaker of California; a sister, Mrs. Cora Hannah of New Castle, Va.; 3 brothers, Messrs. J.E. and Ben Carper of New Castle and John Carper of Zenith. Burial was made in Earlton, Kans., where she formerly lived.

Her funeral home card indicated she was born 2 Oct 1875 in New Castle, Va., died 14 Feb 1959 in Chanute, Kan.; service was at Earlton E.U.B. Church, Wed., 18 Feb 1959 at 2 p.m.; clergy was Rev. Homer Wolcott; interment was Altoona Cemetery; arrangements by Koch-Skinner Memorial Home, Chanute. Children:

131. i. Buford Byrd[5]. Born in Oct 1900 in Virginia.

132. ii. Kenneth Lacy. Born in 1902 in Virginia.

133. iii. Edith. Born in Virginia.

iv. Vernon Ashley (called Vern). Born in Kansas. Died 3 Feb 1992 in Los Angeles Co., Calif. He

married Leola Surig. There were no children. In 1982 they lived near Long Beach, Calif. As a hobby, Vern did gunsmithing.

53. Elliott Alexander[4] Honaker (called E.A.) (Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). See photographs. Also reported born 15 Jan 1876.

History of Summers County [W.Va.], 1984, contained an item about E.A.’s family submitted by Virginia Maddy. The item said that they began married life and began raising their family near Bertha, Summers County, on the New River, in an area later covered by waters of the Bluestone Reservoir. Their home was where the Bluestone Presbyterian Conference Center stood in 1984. When the Bluestone Dam was completed, they moved to 311 Miller Ave., Bellepoint, W.Va.

On 21 May 1952, shortly before E.A. died, a photograph of part of his farm at Bertha, W.Va., appeared in an unidentified newspaper, captioned Presbyterians Plan Camp. The camp was subsequently built there. E.A.’s granddaughter, Ann (Albert) Ford, visited the site in Sep 1998 after a 50-year interval. She recognized two trees standing in what had been her grandparents’ front yard and it brought back, she said, happy memories.

Honaker Family Newsletter, Spring 2015, with photograph: “This is a picture of four of Elliott and Maddie Riffe Honaker’s granddaughters taken many years ago. We must have been in our early teens. Left to right—Anna Sue Wiseman, Anna Rae Albert, Mary Helen Honaker, Carolyn Jean Wiseman” --Sue Butler

E.A.’s wife Mattie was the daughter of Lewis Steward (called Steward) Riffe and Sarah Ann (also reported as Sally Ann) Clark of Monroe County. Died 13 Jun 1948 in Clifton Forge, Va.

Unknown W.Va. newspaper, unknown date: Mrs. Mattie Honaker Dies at Bellepoint. Hinton, June 13—Mrs. Mattie Honaker, 67, of Bellepoint, died Saturday in the Clifton Forge hospital of complications following a lingering illness of two years. She was taken suddenly worse two weeks ago. She is survived by her husband, E.A. Honaker; five sons, Tom, Opie, Bill, and Frank, all of Bellepoint, Charles of Barboursville; two daughters, Mrs. Ray Albert of Wheeling and Mrs. Virgil Wiseman of Bellepoint; four sisters, Mrs. Jane Michael of Athens, Ohio, Mrs. Lydia McCann, Mrs. Henry Copeland, and Mrs. Donie Copeland, all of Rock Camp; four brothers, Andy Riffe of Narrows, Va., W.G. Riffe of Rock Camp, Sam and George Riffe of Union; 22 grandchildren and one great grandchild. Another son, Omer, preceded her in death six months ago. The body will lie at her home in Bellepoint until noon Tuesday when it will be taken to the Baptist church of Rock Camp for funeral services. The services will be conducted by the Rev. C.H. [Martin], assisted by the Rev. Billy Reed Wickline Tuesday afternoon at two o’clock. Active pallbearers named are J.O. [Ball], Jr., Went Smith, C.G. McLaughlin, Clarence Mann, Senate Keaton, and Roy Farley.


iii. William Duran. Also reported died 12 Apr 1957. The following news story, unknown newspaper and date, appeared concerning his death: William Honaker Taken by Death. Hinton, April 12 (RNS)—William D. Honaker, 54, of Bellepoint, an express company employee, died today at 12:30 a.m. in the Hinton Hospital after suffering a heart attack at 10 p.m. Thursday. Born Nov. 26, 1902 in Summers County at Bertha, he was a son of the late Elliott A. and Martha Riffe Honaker. A lifelong resident of Summers County, he was a resident of Bellepoint for 35 years. Honaker had been an employee of the American Railway Express for 33 years. He was a member of the Bellepoint Baptist Church and Brotherhood of Railway Express. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Erma Honaker; four brothers, Thomas A., Frank R., and Opie B. Honaker of Bellepoint, and Charles L. Honaker, St. Albans; two sisters, Mrs. Ethel Wiseman, Bellepoint, Mrs. Jean Albert, Wheeling. The funeral will be conducted by the Rev. J. Townley Davis at the Bellepoint Baptist Church on Sunday at 2:30 p.m. Burial will follow in Greenbrier Burial Park. The body will be removed to the home at 217 Miller Avenue on Saturday at 2 p.m. from the Ronald Meadows Funeral Parlors.

He married Erma Grimmett. Born 14 Apr 1902. Died 18 Apr 1976.

54. Grace Edith[4] Honaker (Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Children:

54. ii. Thelma. Born 9 May 1915 in Summers Co., W.Va.

56. George Arthur[4] Honaker (Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). See photograph. Born 14 Oct 1867 in Antiquity, Letart Twp., Meigs Co., Ohio. Died 6 Feb 1950 in Plants, Meigs County. Buried Wolf Cem., Plants.

He married Mary Lorena Jones (called Lora), daughter of Capt. Joel S. Jones and Melinda E. Tully, 23 May 1886 in Kanawha Co., W.Va. Born Sep 1869. Died 1956. Buried in Letart Twp., Meigs County. Children:

i. Harry Everett[5]. Born 28 Feb 1887 in Montgomery, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died 30 Nov 1951 in Mason Co., W.Va. He married Luria Unknown after 1917. Died before 1920.

56. ii. Quinta. Born 13 Nov 1889 in West Virginia.

56. iii. Willa Sylvesta. Born 1892 in Poca, Putnam Co., W.Va.

iv. Matilda (called Matt). Born 1894. Died 1898.

v. Clarice M. Born 16 Mar 1901 in West Virginia. Died 24 Apr 1918 in Charleston, Kanawha Co.,

W.Va. Buried in Raymond City, Putnam Co., W.Va.

57. Annie Mary[4] Honaker (Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Charles H. Anderson 20 Nov 1888 in Winifrede, Boone Co., W.Va. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. William Wolf, witnessed by C.M. Honaker, Annie’s father, and M.A. Young.

58. Charles Oscar[4] Honaker (Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). See photograph.

59. John Irvin[4] Honaker (Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). See photograph [Shirley Brosh]. Born 2 May 1872 in Plants, Meigs Co., Ohio. Died 1 Dec 1900 in Glen Jean, Fayette Co., W.Va., following a coal mine accident. He was carried home, walked the last 50 ft. with a broken back, was put to bed and died the next day. His wife was pregnant with Sue Harvey at the time.

He married Mary Sales Titlow, daughter of Frederick Titlow and Lucinda Snodgrass, 24 Dec 1891 in Glen Jean. Born 29 May 1871 in Peytona, Boone Co., W.Va. Died 11 Sep 1954 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Buried in Sawmill Cemetery, Winifrede, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Following John’s death Mary married, second, James Garfield Rich and had three daughters in that marriage.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 12 Sep 1954: Mrs. Mary S. Rich, 83, of 1311 Pennsylvania Ave., died yesterday in St. Francis Hospital after a long illness. Surviving are her husband, James G.; four daughters, Mrs. Sue Robinson and Mrs. Pauline Payne both of Charleston; and Mrs. Magdalene [Gavrian] and Mrs. Charlotte [Gogheff] both of Dayton, O.; a sister, Mrs. [Eliza Bosher] of Chelyan; a brother, [Manny] F. Titlow of Clay; 13 grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild. Service will be conducted at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow in Wilson mortuary chapel by Rev. Charles McNutt. Burial will be in the family cemetery at Winifrede. The body will remain at the mortuary.

Children (of John and Mary):

59. i. Goldie Hazel[5]. Born 16 Jun 1892 in Winfield, Putnam Co., W.Va.

59. ii. Samuel Roscoe. Born 4 Jul 1894 in Winfield.

59. iii. Charles Frederick. Born 31 May 1896 in Winifrede.

iv. Stuart. Born after Charles Frederick. Died young.

59. v. Sue Harvey. Born 1 Jul 1901 in Glen Jean.

60. William Elson[4] Honaker (Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). See photograph. Delete the book reference to William working as a railroad conductor. He worked in the coal mines when he was young and then worked in company stores and also had his own store for a while. Children:

ii. William Harvey. He married Goldie Correll. Died 28 Jul 2001 in Logan, W.Va. Buried in

Highland Memory Gardens, Godby, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 29 Jul 2001: Goldie C. Honaker, of Logan died July 28, 2001. Service will be 2 p.m. Monday at First Baptist Church, Logan. Burial will be in Highland Memory Gardens, Godby. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday at Honaker Funeral Home, with Eastern Star service at 7 p.m.

Herald-Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., 30 Jul 2001: Goldie C. Honaker of Logan, widow of William H. Honaker, died Saturday in Logan General Hospital. She was a retired school teacher with Logan County schools. Survivors include several nieces and nephews. Funeral 2 p.m. Monday at First Baptist Church of Logan; burial in Highland Memory Gardens, Godby. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. today at Honaker Funeral Home, Logan, and at 1 p.m. Monday at the church.

61. Alice Jane[4] Honaker (Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]).

She married, first, Charles Sheldon Saunders of Antiquity, Ohio. Children:

61. i. Hazel Juanita[5]. Born 26 Jun 1899.

62. Matilda Mildred[4] Honaker (Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Children:

iii. Edith Margaret. Died in New Port Richey, Fla. Buried in Haven of Rest Memorial Gardens, Red

House, W.Va. She married Unknown Kessinger.

Unknown newspaper and date: Stuart, Edith Margaret—Service will be 11 a.m. Monday at Gatens Funeral Home, Poca, with the Rev. Leonard Underwood officiating. Burial will be in Haven of Rest Memorial Gardens, Red House. Friends may call after 3 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home. Mrs. Stuart, 78, of 206 Paradise Ave., New Port Richey, formerly of Putnam Co., W.Va., died Wednesday in Richey Manor Nursing Home, New Port Richey.

63. Bertha May[4] Honaker (Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). See photographs. Died of cerebral hemorrhage in St. Ignatius, Mont.

Tri-Cities Herald, Pasco, Wash.: Bertha May Green Kempton, 80, died at St. Ignatius, Mont., Wednesday. She lived at 1314 W. Sylvester St., Pasco, and had been in the Tri-Cities for 38 years. She was born in N. Colburn, W.Va., July 25, 1883. She was a member of the Church of Christ and the Golden Rule Rebekah Lodge No. 242. She is survived by three sons, L.B. Green, Pasco, Otto Green, Milton-Freewater, and R.L. Green of Tacoma; two daughters, Mrs. J.C. (Ara) Weber, Charlo, Mont., and Mrs. Robert (Mary) Bozlee, Boise; a stepdaughter, Gaye V. [McCollum], Pennsylvania; a stepson, Sterling Green, Oak Hill, W.Va., a sister and 34 grandchildren. Services were today at Bruce Lee Chapel with E.L. Kelley officiating. Burial was in City View Cemetery, Pasco, with the Golden Rule Rebekah Lodge in charge.

She married, first, Thomas Robert Green. After their divorce, he remarried, moved to Montana, and was divorced again. He became ill with leukemia (aplastic anemia) and returned to Pasco, where he was cared for by his former wife Bertha until he died.

Tri-Cities Herald, Pasco, Wash.: Thomas Robert Green, 82, of 1314 Sylvester St., Pasco, died yesterday after a long illness. A charter member of Columbia Valley Grange 938, he had been a rural mail carrier from 1926 until his retirement in 1940. Mr. Green was born Feb. 10, 1875 in [Roane] Co., W.Va., and was married June 7, 1907 to Bertha Honaker, who survives him. Five children survive. They are Mrs. Robert (Mary) Bozlee, Pasco; Mrs. [Jerl] (Ara) Weber, Charlo, Mont.; Otto Green, Umapine, Ore.; Roscoe Green, Tacoma and Llewellyn (Scotty) Green of Pasco. Also surviving are one son and one daughter by a previous marriage, Sterling Green and Mrs. A.J. Jarcy, both of Port Matilda, Pa., two brothers, Will Green, Charleston, W.Va., and [P.M.] Green, Kingsville, Ohio; a sister, Amanda Farnsworth, Coshocton, Ohio; 34 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be announced by the Lee Funeral Home.


i. Emory Glenway[5] (called Glenway). Tri-Cities Herald, Pasco, Wash.: Glenway Green Dies—Victim Spinal Meningitis

Glenway Green, 15 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. T.R. Green of this city, passed away at the local hospital after a week’s illness from spinal meningitis. Hope was held out for his recovery at first but he could not withstand the disease. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the grave by Rev. U.F. Hawk and burial made in the local cemetery. Emory Glenway Green was born Aug. 14, 1912 at Thirteen, Ky., moved later with the family to Conneaut, Ohio, and then came to Pasco a year and nine months ago. He was a freshman in high school. Besides his mother and father he leaves to mourn his passing four brothers and three sisters, all of Pasco. No more cases have been reported and it is believed that the danger of spreading has passed.

65. John Thomas[4] Honaker (Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). John and Mary are buried in Honaker Cemetery, Ronceverte, W.Va. and share a joint headstone. Children:

ii. Clara Edith. Born in 1895. She was living in Caldwell, W.Va., in 1954. She married Everette

Roberts Shanklin in 1914 in Lewisburg, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Born in 1883. Died in 1947. Buried in Salem Cemetery, near Organ Cave, W.Va. Clara and Everette are listed in Ballard’s William Ballard—A Genealogical Record of His Descendants in Monroe County [W.Va.]

65. v. Viola Jane. Born 28 Aug 1900.

66. Rebecca Jane[4] Honaker (Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Ronceverte, W.Va. Headstone inscription: She has gone to her home in heaven And all her [illegible] are o’er. She and her husband were members of the Primitive Baptist Church near Ronceverte.

West Virginia News, date unknown: Mrs. Rebecca Jane Morgan, wife of A.J. Morgan, who resides two miles east of Ronceverte, died Thurs., Feb. 1, 1923. She leaves to mourn her loss a husband, four sons and one daughter, 15 grandchildren, one sister and two brothers and a host of friends. She had not been in good health for several years, but for the last three months and a half she had been confined to her bed. She bore her affliction patiently and said she was ready to go. Mrs. Morgan united with the Primitive Baptist church about 45 years ago, and ever after lived a Christian life. When the appointed time came, God called her up higher to be with him. Mother is gone; she is not dead but sleepeth. She has only gone on before us, awaiting the glorious resurrection. May He prepare all her children to meet Mother. May we as a family be caught up with Mother; to meet Jesus with all our loved ones, and ever be with Him. She was laid to rest in the family burying ground, beside her father and mother, with a large number of relatives and friends present. Mrs. Morgan was [64] years, 2 months and 21 days of age, and is survived by her husband and the following children: D.W. Morgan and M.E. Morgan, of Ronceverte; J.L. Morgan of Hinton; Mrs. C.E. Long of Backbone, Va.; and Hubert at home, all of whom were at the burial. [Verse following obituary]: Dearest Mother thou has left us and our loss we deeply feel, But it’s God that has bereft us, He can all our sorrows heal. Yet again we hope to meet thee, when the day of life is fled, When in heaven in joy to greet thee where no farewell tear is shed. D.W.M. [David W. Morgan, eldest son.]

She married Andrew Jackson Morgan, son of George Washington Morgan and Mary Ann Masters. Died in Whitcomb, W.Va. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Ronceverte.

Probably The Greenbrier Independent, Lewisburg, W.Va., date unknown: After about two years of suffering, A.J. Morgan, a prominent citizen of near Whitcomb, this county, passed to his reward on Wed., Apr. 29, 1925, at the ripe old age of 75 years, six months and 13 days. At the age of about 25 years, he was married to Miss Rebecca Jane Honaker, who died two years ago. To this union five children were born, viz: D.W. Morgan, M.E. Morgan and Hubert Morgan, of Ronceverte; J.L. Morgan, of Hinton, and Mrs. C.E. Long, of Moss Run, Va. All are living. Mr. Morgan became a Christian and united with the Primitive Baptist church when a young man. Services were conducted both at the home and cemetery by Rev. A.W. Campbell, of Luray, Va., after which the remains were laid to rest in the Honaker cemetery near Whitcomb, his late home. Mr. Morgan was an up-standing, useful citizen, a good neighbor, and thoroughly good man. He will be greatly missed by a large circle of friends.

Children: The last two reported children listed, Virginia and Milford, may be incorrect. Rebecca’s grandson Roy C. Long, who was two years old when his grandmother Rebecca Jane died, said that his mother Effie talked about the family frequently, saying that Hubert was the youngest. She never mentioned Virginia or Milford.

66. ii. Jasper Lee.

v. Hubert Elmer. Born 2 Feb 1895. Died 8 Jun 1987 after a 3-day illness with bronchial pneumonia. He was employed by the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway as a telegraph operator at Hinton, W.Va., 31 Jan 1919. He resigned to take care of his mother, who was very ill. After her death he was employed as a C&O telegraph operator at Clifton Forge, Va. He continued there until retirement. He married Ottie Seay.

vi. Virginia.

vii. Milford. Born in 1901.

67. Margaret Ann[4] Honaker (called Maggie) (Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Her granddaughter Ila said that Maggie took in and cared for both her parents in old age, then her daughter Neta and grandchildren after Neta’s husband died.

Newspaper and date unidentified: Mrs. Margaret Ann Green of East Ronceverte departed this life on Monday evening, May 1, 1922 at about six-thirty o’clock, after an illness of about four months of pleurisy. Her age was 59 years one month and one day. She was the daughter of F.S. and Elizabeth Honaker, on Bunch’s Hill, this county. She was married in 1879 to Mr. Green who survives and to this union three children were born, who also survive, namely: Virgil L. Green, Mrs. Neta M. Arritt and Mrs. Eva May Baker, all of East Ronceverte. The funeral took place on Wed., May 3, with services at the home conducted by Rev. R.L. Kinnaird, after which the body was placed in its last resting place in Riverview Cemetery. Mrs. Green was a good woman and will be greatly missed in the home and by neighbors who loved her.

She married James John Green (called J.J.), son of Henry A. Green and Elizabeth Jane Green (maiden surname). Died 7 Aug 1944. After Maggie’s death he married Henrietta Bare Gaunoe, who first married J.B. Gaunoe

Newspaper and date unidentified: James J. Green, 88, one of Ronceverte’s pioneer citizens, died Mon., Aug. 7, 1944 at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Clyde Baker, in East Ronceverte. Mr. Green was one of the last surviving men who were identified with the extensive lumber operations here beginning in the early eighties of the last century and continuing into the present century about a decade. He was familiar with the logging on the Greenbrier River which at one time and for years made it a navigable stream, and from stump to finished lumber was skilled in woodcraft. He is survived by two daughters and one son. They are Mrs. Baker with whom he had lived since the death of his second wife several years ago, Mrs. N.M. Arritt of Covington, Va., and Virgil Green, all of Ronceverte; ten grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren also survive. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the First Presbyterian Church of which he was a faithful member. In the absence on vacation of his pastor, Rev. George M. Curry, pastor of Trinity Methodist Church, conducted the service. Burial was in Riverview cemetery by the Kramer mortuary.

The following story appeared, newspaper and date unidentified: Final Rites for Mr. Green—Funeral services were held this Wednesday afternoon for James J. Green, a resident of Ronceverte for 50 years, who died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Clyde Baker, on Monday afternoon at the age of 87 years and four months. His wife died 15 years ago. He was born in Virginia and on coming to Ronceverte, he at first worked for the St. Lawrence Boom and Lumber Company, and later was section foreman for the L&R Railway Company until that road was abandoned. Besides the daughter named, he is survived by a son, Virgil, of Ronceverte, and a daughter, Mrs. Mary Arritt of Covington, Va.

Newspaper and date unidentified: Mr. James J. Green of Ronceverte, W.Va., who passed away Mon., Aug. 7 at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A.C. Baker of East Ronceverte, was born in Rockbridge Co., Va., Apr. 8, 1857 and moved to Ronceverte when he was a very small boy. He was twice married, the first time to Margaret A. Honaker, who passed away in May 1922. A few years later he married Mrs. Henrietta Ganoe. She died in February 1942. Mr. Green was well known in Ronceverte as he was section foreman on the L&R Railroad for many years and later was in charge of the Ronceverte stock yards. He joined the Presbyterian Church when a boy and lived an active life until the time of his death. He is survived by three children, Mrs. Neta Arritt of Covington, Va., Mrs. A.C. Baker and Virgil Green of Ronceverte, and one sister, Mrs. Bertie O’Dell of Beaver, W.Va. Also ten grandchildren. Funeral services were held Aug. 9 at 2:30 in the Presbyterian Church, conducted by the Rev. George Curry of the Methodist Church. Active pallbearers were John Arritt, Paul Baker, Leon Baker, Edward Green, Frank Garner and Teddy Holliday. Those from out of town attending the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. John Parker of Huntington, W.Va.; Mrs. Homer Phillips and son of Charleston; Mrs. Nellie Harnest and daughter Florence; Mr. and Mrs. C.T. Cheetham of Hinton; Mrs. Clara Shanklin, Mrs. Viola Reynolds and Mrs. Madaline Sullivan of Caldwell; Mrs. Elva Luchard and children, Mr. and Mrs. John Arritt and son of Covington; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Daniels of Winston-Salem, N.C.; Basil Baker of Portsmouth; Mrs. O.B. Crawford and son, Mrs. A.C. Collins and daughters and Paul Baker, [U.S. Navy], all of Norfolk.

An item about the family by a great granddaughter, Louise M. Perkins, appeared in Rockbridge County, Virginia Heritage Book, 1997. Louise said her great grandfather “was beloved by all who knew him, a gentle and kind person…It was a wonderful treat for his great-grandchildren to visit him because he would take us to the stockyard, show us the animals and treat us to ice cream and watermelon.

“On 23 Jan 1926, Grandpa married Henrietta Bare Gaunoe who died in 1942. Grandpa was a small boy when he moved to Greenbrier County. Although he never moved back to Rockbridge County, his work on the railroad took him back. His son Virgil was born in a boxcar during one of these trips. He was a Presbyterian, an ardent church-goer. At his death, he was survived by his three children, 10 grandchildren, and many great-grandchildren. There are still many relatives remaining today in Rockbridge County.”

Louise said also that her great grandfather once shot a man named Livesay; according to the Livesay family he was John Jasper Livesay, about 50. J.J.’s Granddaughter Oleta Arritt Collins Pitcher thought it happened about 1930 as Ronceverte school children teased her and her brother and sister about it, but the Livesay family said it happened earlier. The story went that Livesay was assaulting a woman when it happened, and J.J. was never indicted for it.


67. iii. Eva Morton. Born 19 Sep 1886.

68. James William[4] Honaker (Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Ronceverte, W.Va.

He married Alcinda Mary Bennett. Born 5 Jun 1866. Died 20 Apr 1938. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Ronceverte.


68. iii. Percy E. Born 1898.

68. iv. Lester B. Born in 1900.

68. v. William Virgil (called Virgil). Born 1902 in Caldwell, W.Va.

69. Newton Dixon[4] Honaker (James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Died in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Ronceverte.

He married Estaline Morgan. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Ronceverte.

70. William A.[4] Honaker (James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). See photographs. Born 1863 in Greenbrier Co., (West) Va. Died 3 Apr 1946 of valvular heart disease, arteriosclerosis and senility in Greenbrier County. He and his family were enumerated in the 1900 Greenbrier County census, Irish Corner District, as: William Honaker, 37; Melvina J. Honaker, 36; Emma G., 14; Cora J., 11; Charles L., 8; Lora A., 6; Ethel E., 2. The 1910 Greenbrier County census gave the family as: William A. Honaker, 47; Melvina J. Honaker, 46; Charles L., 18; Lora A., 16; Ethel E., 12. The 1920 Greenbrier County census gave the family as: W.A. Hamaker, 57; Melvina J. Hamaker, 57; Charles L., 28. The 1930 Greenbrier County census gave the family as: William A. Honaker, 67; Melvina J. Honaker, 66; Charles L. Honaker, 38.

He married Melvina J. Boone, daughter of Hugh Lewis Boone and Elizabeth F. Morgan, 21 Sep 1884 in Greenbrier County. Born 1864. Children:

70. i. Emma Gertrude.[5] Born 1886. In 2009 a Greenbrier County obituary was reported by family researcher Loretta (Honaker) Presley of Kenova, W.Va., for Siebert Ivan Weikle, 92, whose

mother was Emma Gertrude Honaker Weikle. The census reports give William A.’s daughter as Emma G., but she was the only Emma G. who had been reported, and was of the right age to have had a child of Siebert’s age. For these reasons we assume she is the correct mother, and her line continues on that assumption.

ii. Cora J. Born 1889. She married Clarence Holliday.

iii. Charles Luther. Born 26 Oct 1892. He received registration cards for the draft in World Wars I and II; his World War II card in 1942 gave his birthdate as 26 Oct 1891.

iv. Lora A. Born 1894.

v. Ethel E. Born 1898.

71. Joseph Franklin[4] Honaker (called Frank) (James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died in Irish Corner District, Greenbrier County. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Ronceverte, W.Va.

He married Sarah Elizabeth Boone (called Sally). Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Ronceverte. Headstone inscription: FAREWELL Until we meet again.


71. i. Lula May[5]. Born 9 Aug 1887 in Greenbrier County.

ii. Margaret (called Maggie). Born Jul 1889 in Greenbrier County. Died 6 Jun 1890.

170. iii. Josie Evelyn. Born 17 Jan 1891 in Ronceverte.

71. v. Hubert Daniel. Born 1895.

vi. Silas D. Born 22 Jun 1898. Died 7 Aug 1910. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Ronceverte.

71. viii. Agnes Virginia. Born 10 Dec 1902 in Irish Corner District, Greenbrier County.

71. ix. Sadie Lee. Born 1905 in Irish Corner District.

x. Homer A. Born 14 Jul 1907 in Irish Corner District, Greenbrier County. Died 15 May 1922 in Greenbrier County. Buried in Ronceverte.

71. xi. Verdie Jackson. Born in 1912.

73. Andrew Allen[4] McGraw (Mary Salina[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 20 Jul 1855. [name correction]

He married Mary A. Farley, daughter of Samuel Farley and Mary Ann Bryant. Children:

ii. Armina (called Minnie). She married Vernor Miller 5 Oct 1900 in Fayette County. Born in Fayette


v. Augustus. Born 9 Mar 1891.

Fifth Generation

3.i.v.iv. Elmer J.[5] Kimbro (Andrew J.[4], Mary[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 25 Jan 1885 in Linn Co., Iowa. Died 4 Oct 1928 in Iowa City, Iowa. Buried in Linwood Cemetery, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

He married Gertrude May Rogers, daughter of Noah Rogers and Louisa Ann Grimes, 24 Apr 1909 in Cedar Rapids. Born 13 Oct 1884 in Hayesville, Iowa. Died 20 Feb 1962 in Cedar Rapids. Buried in Linwood Cemetery. Children:

3.i.v.iv. i. Maxine Lillian[6] (called Mick and Mickey). Born 13 Apr 1910 in Cedar Rapids.

3.vii.i.i. Emma[5] Lee (Margaret Ann[4], Isabella Agnes[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1870 in Colorado.

She married William Ellermayer 1890 in Colorado. Born 1866 in Iowa. Children:

i. Minnie[6]. Born 1892 in Colorado.

ii. Carrie. Born 1893 in Colorado.

iii. Jessie. Born 1895 in Colorado.

iv. Anna. Born 1897 in Colorado.

v. Emma. Born 1901 in Colorado.

3.vii.i.ii. George R.[5] Lee (Margaret Ann[4], Isabella Agnes[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born May 1872 in Colorado. Died 1950 in Colorado.

He married Maggie J. Unknown in 1896 in Colorado. Born Nov 1877 in Colorado. Died 1950 at age 73. Children:

i. Melvina M.[6] Born Apr 1897 in Weld Co., Colo.

ii. Emma H. [or E.] Born Mar 1900 in Weld County.

iii. Elmer G. Born 1908 in Montana.

3.vii.ix.ii. Ethel Marie[5] Armstrong (Daniel Lyman[4], Isabella Agnes[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 28 May 1901 in Windsor, Weld Co., Colo. Died 29 Jul 1981 in Idaho Falls, Bonneville Co., Idaho.

She married Rulon Mark Blake 7 Apr 1929 in Dillon, Beaverhead Co., Mont. Born 26 Jul 1899 in Riverton, Salt Lake Co., Utah. Died 29 Jun 1982 in Idaho Falls. Children:

i. James R.[6]

4.iv.iv.i. Lewis Thomas[5] Campbell (Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[l]). Born 15 Oct 1898 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 11 Aug 1991 in Fairlea, W.Va.

He married, first, Myrtle Meddiens, daughter of James Meddiens and Zellie Unknown, in West Virginia. Born in 1909 in West Virginia. Died in 1966 in West Virginia. Children:

i. Paul Junior[6]. Born 19 Nov 1933 in West Virginia. He married Georgie Hefner.

4.iv.iv.i. ii. Zella Leah. Born 13 Dec 1934.

4.iv.iv.i. iii. Mary Elizabeth. Born 12 Jul 1936.

4.iv.iv.i. iv. Gerald Thomas. Born 9 Feb 1940.

He married, second, Willie Thomas 1 Jan 1972 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

4.iv.iv.ii. Albert Willard[5] Campbell (Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Apr 1900 in Alvon, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 2 Jan 1991 in Roswell, Chaves Co., N.M.

He married Rachel Erna Quick, daughter of John Quick and Adliza Man Nicely, 20 Aug 1924 in Rainelle, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Born 23 Nov 1905 at Millers Mountain, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 7 Feb 1982 in Upland, San Bernardino Co., Calif. Children:

i. Beverly Willard[6]. Born and died 9 Mar 1925 in East Rainelle, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

4.iv.iv.ii. ii. Frances Marie. Born 10 Oct 1927.

4.iv.iv.ii. iii. Velma Elenora. Born 29 Aug 1929.

iv. Unnamed son. Born and died 5 May 1932 in West Virginia.

4.iv.iv.ii. v. Ruby Iretta. Born 27 Jul 1934.

4.iv.iv.ii. vi. Clytie Loretta. Born 15 Aug 1937.

4.iv.iv.ii. vii. Albert Junior. Born 13 Jul 1942.

4.iv.iv.ii. viii. Erna Faye. Born 16 May 1944.

4.iv.iv.iii. Lula Agnas[5] Campbell (Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 18 Feb 1902 in West Virginia. Died in 1991 in Portsmouth, Ohio.

She married William Rice. Died in Ohio. Children:

i. Unknown daughter[6]. Deceased.

ii. William, Jr. Born 2 Nov 1926.

4.iv.iv.iv. Lawrence Martin[5] Campbell (Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born

19 Dec 1904 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 15 Oct 1958 in Clifton Forge, Va.

He married Nora Helen Hepler, daughter of Lonnie Hepler and Lettie Harvey. Born 6 Oct 1914 in Sweet Chalybeate, W.Va. Died 20 Mar 1992 in Beckley, W.Va. Children:

4.iv.iv.iv. i. Paul M.[6] Born 11 Sep unknown year.

4.iv.iv.iv. ii. Doris Maybell. Born 29 Jul 1939.

4.iv.iv.iv. iii. Bonnie. Born 18 Nov 1942.

4.iv.iv.v. Carl McKinley[5] Campbell (Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 7 Oct 1905 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 8 May 1929 in Greenbrier County.

He married Leatha Ingram. Children:

i. Lewis[6]. Born in West Virginia. He married Helen Unknown. James Wyatt[5] Campbell (Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 7 Jul 1912 in West Virginia. Died in Sep 1984 in West Virginia.

He married Marcia Williams. Children:

i. Patricia[6] (adopted).

ii. Delmar. Born 19 Jul 1932.

4.iv.iv.vii. Joseph Haman[5] Campbell (Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born

15 May 1916 in White Sulphur Springs, W.Va. Died 8 Apr 1987 in Low Moor, Va.

He married Frances B. Hepler, daughter of Lonnie Hepler and Lettie Harvey, 28 Jun unknown year. Children:

4.iv.iv.vii. i. Sara Louise[6]. Born in 1938.

ii. Helen Marie. Born in 1939. She married Richard Knighton.

iii. Geneva Grace. Born in 1941 in West Virginia. She married Ralph Thomas.

4.iv.iv.vii. iv. Lonnie Thomas. Born in 1944 in West Virginia. He married Jeanie Stull.

4.iv.iv.vii. v. Ella Mae. Born in 1947.

4.iv.iv.vii. vi. Joann. Born in 1949.

vii. Joseph H., Jr. Born in 1949 in West Virginia. Died in West Virginia.

4.iv.iv.viii. Altha Elizabeth[5] Campbell (Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born

27 May 1918 in Alvon, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 18 Jan 1989 in Fairlea, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

She married James Warden Foster 15 Jul 1940 in West Virginia. Born 9 May 1918. Died in 1984. Children:

4.iv.iv.viii. i. Sarah Alalee[6]. Born 20 Jul 1939.

4.iv.iv.viii. ii. Verna Mae. Born 3 Apr 1941.

4.iv.iv.viii. iii. Carol Elizabeth. Born 27 Aug 1943.

4.iv.iv.viii. iv. Warden Leroy. Born 1 Apr 1945.

4.iv.iv.viii. v. Joseph Daniel. Born 19 Jan 1948.

vi. Linda Faye. Born 16 Jul 1949 in West Virginia. She married Darius Adkins 10 Apr 1971 in

West Virginia.

4.iv.iv.ix. Mae Matilda[5] Campbell (Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 31 Dec 1920 in West Virginia.

She married Henry Posie Webb. Children:

i. Shirley[6].

4.iv.v.ii. Mary Pearl[5] Campbell (Joseph M.[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 28 Feb 1900 in Alvon, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died ca. 1969 in Clifton Forge, Va.

She married Lewis B. Boggs. Children:

i. Emmett N.[6]

ii. Geneva. She married Unknown Kitchelt.

iii. Forrest L.

iv. Gordon O.

v. Chester B.

vi. Lonnie M.

vii. Margaret.

viii. Agnas. She married Unknown Surbaugh.

ix. Violet. She married Unknown Wyatt.

4.iv.v.iii. Cora[5] Campbell (Joseph M.[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1901 in West Virginia.

She married Hamar Boggs. Children:

i. Paul[6].

ii. Gladys.

iii. Anna Laura.

iv. Hamar, Jr.

4.iv.v.v. Berdie M.[5] Campbell (Joseph M.[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 28 Mar 1907 in West Virginia. Died 4 May 1991 in West Virginia.

She married Fred Oliver Camp. Born 18 Oct 1894. Died 4 Jun 1948 in West Virginia. Children:

i. Marthalean[6].

6.iv.i.iii. John Spaulding[5] Horan (Theodore Bronson[4], Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 12 Nov 1884 in Webster Springs, Webster Co., W.Va. Died 9 Jul 1927 in Charleston, W.Va.

He married Winifred Sullivan. Children:

i. Winifred Ann[6]. She married Robert William Butler.

ii. John Sullivan. Born in Nov 1911.

iii. Bernard Duffy. Born 2 Feb 1916. Died 24 Feb 1994 in Charleston, W.Va.

iv. Robert Dana. Born 26 Feb 1925. Died in May 1971. He married Cicily Ann Bostwick.

6.iv.i.v. Irene[5] Horan (Theodore Bronson[4], Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 12 Oct 1887 in Summersville, W.Va. Died 26 Dec 1933 in Charleston, W.Va.

She married Frank Frazer. Born in 1933. Children:

6.iv.i.v. i. Theodore Bronson[6].

6.iv.i.viii. Patrick Dana[5] Horan (Theodore Bronson[4], Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Jun 1893 in Summersville, W.Va. Died 14 Jun 1979 in Binghampton, N.Y.

He married Margaret Clark Ryan. Born 10 Apr 1902. Died 14 Apr 1977 in Charleston, W.Va. Children:

6.iv.i.viii. i. Margaret Ann[6].

6.iv.i.viii. ii. Patrick D., Jr. Born 11 Jul 1937.

iii. John Ryan. Born and died in Aug 1943 in Charleston, W.Va.

6.iv.iii.iii. Richard Scott[5] Horan (Thomas Owen[4], Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 20 Nov 1892 in Birch River, Nicholas Co., W.Va. Died 23 Apr 1982 in Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

He married Lois Mae Riley. Born 26 Oct 1901 in Ashland, Ohio. Died 24 Jan 1991 in Cleveland, Ohio. Children:

i. Lois Riley[6]. Born 9 Mar 1927. She married Robert Wayne Wheeler. Born in Nov 1926 in Tulsa,

Okla. Died 25 Feb 1951 in Wichita, Kan.

6.iv.iii.iii. ii. Grant Scott. Born 28 Sep 1939.

6.iv.iii.iv. Sarah Catherine[5] Horan (Thomas Owen[4], Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 8 Sep 1894 in Birch River, Nicholas Co., W.Va. Died 6 Dec 1981 in Girard, Pa.

She married Edmund James Butler. Died 13 Jan 1951 in Lakewood, Ohio. Children:

6.iv.iii.iv. i. Mary Emily[6]. Born 2 Jun 1924.

ii. James Edmund. Born 3 Sep 1925 in Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

6.iv.iii.iv. iii. Robert Allen. Born 12 May 1927.

6.iv.iii.iv. iv. Thomas Andrew. Born 27 Feb 1932.

v. William Owen. Born in 1933. Died in 1934.

6.iv.iii.v. Andrew John[5] Horan (Thomas Owen[4], Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 3 Sep 1899 in Clay Co., W.Va. Died 16 Nov 1947.

He married Louise Duske. Children:

i. Marci T.[6] [Butler]. Born 21 Mar 1932. We have no indication why this daughter was reported

with a surname different from the mother or father.

6.iv.iii.ix. Rowena Agnes[5] Horan (Thomas Owen[4], Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 4 Jun 1909 in Clay Co., W.Va. Died 25 Apr 1985 in Falls Church, Va.

She married George Richard Ofelt. Children:

6.iv.iii.ix. i. Rowena Marilyn[6]. Born 19 Jul 1935.

6.iv.iii.ix. ii. George Sterling. Born 21 Jan 1937.

6.iv.iii.x. Thomas Owen[5] Horan Jr. (Thomas Owen[4], Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 4 Dec 1913 in Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

He married Helen Rigot. Born 20 Dec 1914 in East Liverpool, Ohio. Children:

i. Virginia Elizabeth[6]. Born 20 Mar 1941. She married Wal Smith.

6.iv.iii.x. ii. Mary Jeanne. Born 14 Jul 1942.

6.iv.iii.x. iii. Richard Allen. Born 24 Feb 1946.

6.iv.iii.x. iv. Douglas Scott. Born 16 Dec 1949.

v. David Gerard. Born 19 Sep 1957.

6.iv.vii.ii. Mary Pearl[5] Horan (Patrick Charles[4], Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1903 in West Virginia.

She married Thomas Mays. Children:

i. Thomas[6].

6.iv.vii.iii. Emma Rose[5] Horan (Patrick Charles[4], Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1906 in West Virginia.

She married Jerry Smith. Born in 1906 in West Virginia. Children:

6.iv.vii.iii. i. Rose Ann[6].

6.v.i.ii. Owen Hereford[5] Duffy (John Gladstone[4], John[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 6 May 1915. Died 11 Oct 1975.

He married, first, Eva Bragg. Died 21 Feb 1943. Children:

6.v.i.ii. i. Peggy Y.[6] Born 16 Mar 1936.

6.v.i.ii. ii. John Hereford. Born 7 Dec 1937.

He married, second, Elsie Mae Osborne. Born 28 Apr 1915. Died 6 Aug 1974. Children:

6.v.i.ii. iii. Betty Mae. Born 6 Sep 1948.

6.v.i.ii. iv. Owen H., Jr. Born 17 Apr 1951.

6.v.i.ii. v. Mary Frances. Born 23 Jul 1953.

6.v.i.ii. vi. Deloris. Born 11 Aug 1958.

6.v.i.v. John Alderson[5] Duffy (John Gladstone[4], John[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Freda O’Dell. Children:

i. Mary Alice[6]. She married James Jackson Jr.

ii. John A., Jr. Born and died 10 Oct 1938 in Nicholas Co., W.Va. William[5] Duffy (John Gladstone[4], John[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Mary Coberly. Children:

i. William[6].

ii. Peggy.

6.v.i.vii. Eugene[5] Duffy (John Gladstone[4], John[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Blonda Lewis. Children:

i. Eugene[6].

ii. Michael.

6.v.i.viii. Margaret[5] Duffy (John Gladstone[4], John[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 9 Aug 1920.

She married Miles Young. Children:

i. Tony[6].

ii. Phyllis.

iii. Frannie.

iv. Nelda Frances.

v. Patricia. Beatrice[5] Groves (Annie[4], John[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Unknown Lohman. Children:

i. Paul[6]. Mary Rose[5] McQueen (John Owen[4], Alice Ann[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1902. Died in Sep 1982 in Kanawha Co., W.Va.

She married Franklin Eugene Simms. Children:

i. John Thomas[6]. Born 20 May 1931. Died 30 Sep 1973. Thelma[5] Groves (Anna May[4], Alice Ann[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 15 Jun 1902 in West Virginia. Died 10 May 1979 in West Virginia.

She married J. Glenn Pugh Jr. Born 26 Jul 1905 in West Virginia. Died 15 Jun 1981 in West Virginia. Children:

i. Joseph Andrew[6].

ii. Anne. She married Larry Frontino.

iii. William Owen. iv. Mary Teresa. v. John Walter.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 11 Mar 2014: Princeton—Phyllis Ann Honaker Cowan Lilly, 51, Breeze Hill Street, Princeton, passed away on Sun., March 9, 2014 at Princeton Community Hospital. Born on May 11, 1962 in Bluefield, she was a daughter of the late Carl and Bertha Horne Honaker. She was a former housekeeper for Ramada Inn and Holiday Inn in Bluefield. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by a son, Jason Lee Cowan; sisters, Rena Sigmon and Deborah Honaker; and grandparents, Dorothy Edna Belcher and John Walter Honaker. Survivors include her husband, Kenneth Lilly of the home; ex-husband and special friend, David Cowan of Princeton; son, David Cowan and wife Annie of Princeton; stepson, Doug Lilly and fiancée Heather Anderson of Lerona; one granddaughter, Aleigha; step-granddaughter, Tabitha Lilly; brothers, John Honaker and wife Dee of Tazewell, David Honaker of Princeton, Ronnie Honaker of Lerona; sisters, Libbie Angles and husband Steve of Bluefield, Brenda Hatley and husband Sidney of Albemarle, N.C.; special great nieces, Helena and Brooklyn Proffitt; special cousin, Marlene Newman; several other nieces, nephews, and cousins. Funeral services will be conducted on Wed., March 12, 2014 at 11 a.m. at the Cravens-Shires Funeral Home Chapel in Bluewell with Rev. Dana Hambrick officiating. Burial will follow at Woodlawn Memorial Park in Bluewell where Doug Lilly, Steve Angles, Trevor Newman, Tony Proffitt, Jerry Isom, Sidney Hendrick, Keith Shunalt Alexandra Alfreda[5] Groves (Anna May[4], Alice Ann[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 7 Apr 1915 in Summersville, W.Va. Died 29 Aug 1994 in Summersville.

She married Earle I. Wilde Jr. Born 8 Oct 1915 in State College, Pa. Children: i. Carolyn Jean[6]. Born 13 Apr 1942. John Harrison[5] Groves (Anna May[4], Alice Ann[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 4 Jan 1924 in Summersville, W.Va. Died in 1990 in Summersville.

He married Patricia Ann McClung. Children:

i. Ellen Ann[6].

ii. Beckie.

iii. Mary Patricia.

iv. Margaret.

v. John.

6.vii.ii.i. Rosa[5] Dodrill (Ada Alice[4], Owen Harvey[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Apr 1887.

She married, first, Lorenzo Dow Christian. Children:

i. Herman[6]. Born in 1908.

ii. Delbert. Born in 1910.

She married, second, William Fletcher. Children:

iii. Ada.

iv. Cecil.

v. Gladys.

She married, third, Lee Frame.

6.vii.ii.iv. Patrick Franklin[5] Dodrill (Ada Alice[4], Owen Harvey[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 6 Mar 1889 in Nicholas Co., W.Va. Died 25 Dec 1952.

He married Rosa Nell Fletcher. Children:

i. William[6].

ii. Edgar T. Born in 1917.

iii. Edward L.

iv. Violet. She married Unknown Bailey.

6.vii.ii.v. Esther Goldie[5] Dodrill (Ada Alice[4], Owen Harvey[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 13 Dec 1904.

She married, first, Okey Taylor Doddrill, relationship not reported. Born 13 Mar 1903. Died 10 Apr 1951. Children:

i. Hazel Jewel[6]. Born 16 Jun 1922. She married Nebraska Berlin Powers.

ii. Hildred Rose. Born 3 Mar 1924. Died 13 May 1943.

iii. Okey T., Jr. Born 27 Dec 1925. Died 2 Nov 1946.

iv. Addison Eugene. Born 27 Nov 1927. He married Estella George.

v. Ova Jean. Born 2 Jan 1930. She married Russell Lee Evans.

vi. Jo Ann. Born 5 Jan 1934. She married Granville Richard Barker.

vii. Ray Clarence. Born 3 May 1936.

viii. Dennis Roland. Born 23 Jan 1941.

She married, second, Judson Henry Wood. Oscar Harvey[5] Dodrill (Ada Alice[4], Owen Harvey[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1906. Died in 1975.

He married Flora Belle Shaver. Children:

i. James Barton[6]. He married Norma Mae Boggs.

6.vii.ii.vii. Mildred Madora[5] Dodrill (Ada Alice[4], Owen Harvey[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 23 Sep 1909.

She married Clarence Howard Holmes. Born 26 Aug 1901. Children:

i. Opal Geraldine[6]. Born 27 Oct 1927. She married Fred Wilson.

ii. Beulah Jean. Born 9 Jul 1929.

iii. Wanda Lea. Born 10 Apr 1931.

iv. James Edward. Born 28 Nov 1935.

v. Patricia Ann. Born 19 Dec 1947.

6.vii.v.iii. James Maurice[5] Duffy (Henry Galen[4], Owen Harvey[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 2 Apr 1917.

He married Susan L. Williams. Born 1 Mar 1915. Died 9 Apr 1998 in Dunbar, W.Va. Children:

6.vii.v.iii. i. James Marquis[6]. Born 8 Apr 1936.

6.vii.v.iii. ii. Kenneth Jackson. Born 3 Mar 1938.

6.vii.v.iii. iii. Terrence R. Born 4 May 1940.

6.vii.v.iii. iv. Colleen Sue. Born 25 Aug 1942.

v. William Henry. Born 23 Jul 1944.

6.vii.v.iii. vi. Patricia Ann. Born 15 Apr 1948.

6.vii.v.iv. Laura Jean[5] Duffy (Henry Galen[4], Owen Harvey[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 1 Sep 1919 in Richwood, W.Va.

She married Theobald David Guttman. Born 10 Feb 1916 in Detroit, Mich. Died 5 Feb 1967 in Akron, Ohio. Children:

i. Jon Odon[6]. Born 13 Dec 1947. He married, first, Virginia Cortez, born in California. He

married, second, Carolyn Ball, born in Akron, Ohio. He married, third, Jennifer Springston. He married, fourth, Karen McCloud. He married, fifth, Joann Lewis.

6.vii.v.iv. ii. Paul Ryan[6]. Born 11 Aug 1949.

iii. Shari Louise. Born 27 Mar 1953. She married Joseph Zakrzewski.

6.vii.v.v. Frank Hugh[5] Duffy (Henry Galen[4], Owen Harvey[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 27 Mar 1921.

He married, first, Margaret Davis. Born and died in Memphis, Tenn. Children:

6.vii.v.v. i. Patricia Lynn[6]. Born 8 Nov 1948.

6.vii.v.v. ii. Virginia Leigh. Born 22 May 1950.

6.vii.v.v. iii. Frank H., Jr. Born 3 Jun 1951.

6.vii.v.v. iv. Charles Andrew. Born 18 Oct 1954.

He married, second, Ann Martha Crockett. Born 30 Mar 1920 in Martin, Tenn.

7.ii.i.i. John Henry[5] Bolar (Bessie[4], Charles Kenneth[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Mary Ellen Jones. Children:

7.ii.i.i. i. William[6].

7.iii.i.i. George[5] Curran (Thomas J.[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Died 27 May 1898.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Tom[6].

7.iii.i.ii. Maude C.[5] Curran (Thomas J.[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1881 in West Virginia. Her family was enumerated 19 Apr 1910 in the Coldwater Twp., Coldwater City District, Comanche Co., Kan., census as dwelling 103, family 109. She was recorded as wife, 30 years old, married once for six years, mother of one child who was living, born in W.Va., father and mother born in W.Va., could read and write. Her husband was recorded as white, 32, married once for six years, born in Illinois, father born in New York, mother born in Massachusetts, doctor, physician and surgeon, worked “on own account,” could read and write, owned home with mortgage. The family was recorded in the 1920 Comanche County census as dwelling 192, family 194. Son Tom was with the family on the 1910 and 1920 censuses, and son Donald was on the 1920 census.

She married Fred L. Holcomb, M.D., ca. 1904. Born ca. 1878 in Illinois. Children:

i. Tom Curran[6]. Born in 1904 in Comanche County.

i. Donald Gilbert. Born 25 Jun 1912 in Coldwater. Died 27 Jun 1987 in Glendale, Los Angeles,


7.iii.i.iii. Anna C.[5] Curran (Thomas J.[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 15 Dec 1882 in Virginia. Died in Oct 1974 in Ashland, Clark Co., Kan. Her family was enumerated 24 Feb 1920 in the Ashland census as dwelling 164, family 169.

She married Walter Allen Lonker. Born ca. 1882 in Kansas. Children:

i. Mary Louise[6]. Born ca. 1910 in Kansas.

ii. Walter Allen W. Born ca. 1913 in Kansas.

7.iii.i.iv. Idress[5] Curran (Thomas J.[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1891 in Comanche Co., Kan. Died 17 Oct 1918 in Coldwater, Comanche County. Her family was enumerated 18 Apr 1910 in the Coldwater census as dwelling 150, family 159. She was listed as wife, white, age 19, born in Kansas, father born in W.Va., mother born in New York, had attended school since 1 Sep 1909. Her husband Sylvester was listed as a boarder, white, 21, born in Illinois, father and mother born in Illinois, manager of a lumber yard, could read and write. The family was also listed in the 15 Jan 1920 Coldwater census.

She married Sylvester J. Gilchrist Born ca. 1889 in Illinois. Died after 1925. He also married Rachel Unknown. Children (of Idress and Sylvester):

i. Virginia[6]. Born ca. 1914 in Kansas.

ii. Patricia. Born ca. 1915 in Comanche County.

7.iii.iii.i. Charles[5] Curran (James Milton[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1877 in Summersville, Nicholas Co., W.Va. Died 1 Dec 1951.

He married Clara Jones. Children:

i. Eva[6].

ii. Orville.

iii. Hallie.

iv. Clifford.

v. Cecil.

vi. Maude.

7.iii.iii.ii. Michael Daniel[5] Curran (James Milton[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 23 Nov 1878 in Summersville, W.Va. Died 2 Nov 1961 in Center (also reported as Gentry), Benton Co., Ark. Buried in Douglas Cemetery, Highfill, Ark.

He married Thelma Evalene Dilsaver, daughter of George W. Dilsaver and Alice T. Bruett, and sister of his brother John James’s wife, 15 Aug 1901 in Alva, Woods Co., Okla. Born 1 Nov 1888 in Weir, Kan. Died 30 Jan 1966 in Hutchinson, Kan. Buried in Douglas Cemetery, Highfill. Children:

i. Ora Ernest[6]. Born 10 Jun 1902 in Ingersoll, Okla. Died 19 Jun 1984. He married Pauline White

10 Sep 1920.

ii. Gladys Juanita. Born 27 Nov 1903 in Kiowa, Barber Co., Kan. Died 12 Sep 1908.

iii. Milton James. Born 22 Aug 1905 in Kiowa. Died 19 Jun 1912.

iv. Glynn Summers. Born 18 Aug 1907 in Kiowa. Died 29 Oct 1947. He married Genevieve Wilma

Stambough 18 Nov 1927.

v. Donald. Born 12 Feb 1908 in Kiowa. Died 22 Apr 1908 in Kiowa.

vi. unnamed infant. Born and died 20 Jan 1909 in Kiowa.

vii. Laverne Rosalina. Born 5 Nov 1911 in Kiowa. She married Everett Baker.

7.iii.iii.iii. Viola Lillian[5] Curran (James Milton[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 7 Dec 1882.

She married Ross Edwin Hibbard. Children:

i. Roy[6].

ii. Myrtle.

7.iii.iii.iv. Myrtle[5] Curran (James Milton[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1883.

She married James Taliaferro (called Jim). Children:

i. Robert[6].

ii. Alberta.

iii. Marguerite.

7.iii.iii.v. John James[5] Curran (James Milton[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1884 (also 1881) in Evansville, Kan. Died 20 Apr 1968 in Tekoa, Whitman Co., Wash.

He married Edna Georgina Dilsaver (called Edna and Sarah), his brother Michael’s wife’s sister, 17 Mar 1910 in Alva, Woods Co., Okla. Born 5 Mar 1894 in Weir City, Cherokee Co., Kan. Died in Feb 1977 in Tekoa. Children:

i. Phillip John[6]. Born 21 May 1911 in Kiowa, Barber Co., Kan. Died 3 Jan 1996 in Portland, Ore.

He married Mary Jane Wilson.

ii. Paul George. Born 3 Mar 1913 in Kiowa. He married Anita Unknown.

7.iii.iii.v. iii. Claude Milton. Born 1 Jun 1914.

iv. Georgina Edna. Born 17 Jul 1916 in Kiowa. Died 8 Nov 1992 in Cypress, Calif. She married John

Andrew Wigen in 1932.

v. Charles Willard. Born 12 Sep 1918. Died in Jun 1995 in Blaine, Wash.

vi. Juanita Bell. Born 11 Mar 1921. She married Donald P. Stanelly.

7.iii.iv.i. Sarah M.[5] Coughlin (also Sadie M.) (Sarah Anne[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 8 Jan 1883 in West Virginia. Died 15 Apr 1973 in Colorado Springs, El Paso Co., Colo. Buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Colorado Springs.

She married Edward G. Heid, son of Joseph W. Heid and Josephine Unknown, 30 Sep 1903 in Colorado Springs. Born in Oct 1876 in Ohio. Died before 1973. Buried in Evergreen Cemetery. He was a brother of Louis A., who married Sarah’s sister Mary. Children:

7.iii.iv.i. i. Harold George[6] [also George Harold]. Born 22 Feb 1906 in Colorado Springs.

ii. Catherine. Born in May 1909 in Colorado. Died before Mar 2000.

7.iii.iv.ii. Mary C.[5] Coughlin (Sarah Anne[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Nov 1884 in West Virginia.

She married Louis A. Heid, son of Joseph W. Heid and Josephine Unknown, 26 Jun 1907 in Colorado Springs, El Paso Co., Colo. Born in Dec 1883 in Nebraska. He was a brother of Edward G., who married Mary’s sister Sarah. Children:

i. Joseph[6]. Born in 1909 in Colorado Springs.

7.iii.iv.ii. ii. Cecilia H. Born 24 Oct 1910 in Colorado Springs.

iii. Charles. Born 12 Sep 1912 in Colorado Springs. Died in Jun 1971.

iv. Vincent. Born in 1916 in Colorado Springs.

v. Hubert Edward. Born 25 Nov 1919 in Colorado Springs. Died 30 Dec 1996 in Denver, Denver

Co., Colo.

7.iii.iv.iii. Teresa B.[5] Coughlin (also Theresa M.) (Sarah Anne[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Feb 1887 in Kansas. The family was enumerated in the 1920 El Paso Co., Colo., census, Precinct 59, dwelling 121, family 123.

She married Thomas J. Dickson ca. 1908 in Colorado Springs, El Paso Co., Colo. Born ca. 1881 in Ohio. Children:

i. Thomas[6]. Born ca. 1908 in Colorado Springs.

ii. Marguerite. Born ca. 1909 in Colorado Springs.

iii. Robert. Born ca. 1912 in Colorado Springs.

iv. Dorothy. Born in Mar 1919 in Colorado Springs.

7.iii.iv.iv. Eugenie Anastasia[5] Sullivan (called Jeanie) (Sarah Anne[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 4 Apr 1892 in Colorado. Died ca. Mar 1932 in California.

Colorado Springs (Colo.) Gazette, 3 Nov 1907: Young Brides in Demand—Three Girls, Aged 15, 18 and 19, to Be Married

Youthful brides appeared in demand in the office of the county clerk yesterday, for the three licenses granted gave the ages of the brides as 15, 18 and 19 years, respectively. In one instance, that of Miss Eugenia A. Sullivan, the 15-year-old girl who is to marry G. William Wilklow, the bride was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Sarah A. Sullivan, who was present to give her official consent to the match. Both the parties live in Colorado Springs, the home of the bride and her mother being at 324 Main street, Roswell.

The other licenses issued were to Louis Serhasi of Colorado City and Marie Dobson of St. Joseph, Mo., and Clyde L. Wickham and Clara M. Looney, both of Colorado Springs.

The Gazette reported 4 Mar 1909, Stork a Busy Bird in Springs Recently, that Mr. and Mrs. William Wilklow, 1722 Grant street, had had a daughter [Virginia Jean] in February. The Gazette reported 6 Jan 1910, page 6, News of Local Courts, that County Judge J.E. Little yesterday granted Mrs. Eugenia Wilklow temporary alimony of $10 a month and $25 attorney’s fees, from William Wilklow.

Eugenie married five times and had two children. She married, first, George William Wilklow Jr., son of George William Wilklow and Mary Elizabeth Unknown, 2 Nov 1907 in Colorado Springs, Colo. They divorced in 1910. Born 10 Sep 1886 in Brewster, Thomas Co., Kan. Died 4 Aug 1956 in Denver, Colo. Buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Colorado Springs. At time of death, he lived at 1338 South Knox Court, Denver. He also married Emily Unknown 15 Dec 1926 in Greeley, Weld Co., Colo., born ca. 1896; Grace Lucille Bowles 2 Jan 1934 in Central City, Gilpin Co., Colo., born in 1910, died in 1996; and Betty Unknown after 1946.

Children (of Eugenie and George):

7.iii.iv.iv. i. Virginia Jean[6] (also seen as Eugenia Virginia). Born 8 Feb 1909 in Roswell, El Paso

Co., Colo.

She also married Irving Samuel Hanger, son of Samuel McHaney Hanger and Elizabeth Orleno Busby, ca. 1923 in California. Born 3 Feb 1891 in Lapel, Madison Co., Ind. Died 25 May 1973 in Los Angeles Co., Calif. Children:

ii. Irving Samuel, Jr. Born 24 Sep 1924 in Los Angeles County.

7.iii.iv.v. Leo R.[5] Sullivan (Sarah Anne[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Nov 1894 in Oklahoma.

He married Unknown between 1920 and 1930. Children:

i. Leota[6]. Born before 1930.

7.iii.v.viii. Betty Belle[5] Murphy (Margaret Jane[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 14 Apr 1889 (the cemetery record gives 1892). Buried in St. John’s Catholic Cemetery, Summersville, W.Va.

She married Albert Oat (possibly Otis) Mays (called Oat). Born in 1886. Died in 1961. Children:

i. Nell[6].

ii. Leo.

iii. Margaret.

iv. Robert.

v. Betty Anne.

7.iii.v.xi. Verna Margaret[5] Murphy (Margaret Jane[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 14 Apr 1896 in Nicholas County. Died 4 Mar 1978 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va.

She married Raymond Calvin Legg 19 Dec 1917 in Summersville, W.Va. Children:

i. Charles[6].

ii. Lewis.

iii. Nell.

iv. Donna.

v. Bobby Jack.

vi. Jerry.

vii. Okey.

viii. Tom.

7.iii.v.xii. Agnes Dell[5] Murphy (Margaret Jane[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Reported born 14 Mar 1904, not possible if her sister Lucille was born one month later. Died 15 Mar 1997.

She married Oliver Williams. Children:

i. Margaret[6].

ii. Robert.

iii. Edward.

7.iii.v.xii. Lucille Adeline[5] Murphy (Margaret Jane[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Reported born 13 Apr 1904 in Nicholas County. The birthdate may be in error if her sister Agnes was born 14 Mar 1904. Died 18 Mar 1980 in Nicholas County. Buried in St. John’s Catholic Cemetery, Summersville, W.Va.

She married Roy Woodrum. Children:

i. Dixie Sue[6]. Helen Dorothea[5] Dotson (called Nellie) (Caroline Catherine[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 7 Sep 1884 in Kansas. Died 3 Jan 1963.

She married Francis L. Turner. Children:

i. Francis A.[6]

ii. Bateman E.

iii. Maurico F.

iv. Helen Mario. James Paul[5] Dotson (called Timothy) (Caroline Catherine[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 18 Oct 1886 in Kansas. Died 18 Mar 1964.

He married, first, May Winsor. Children:

i. Claudino[6].

He married, second, Myrtle Crosley in 1923. Children:

ii. Thomas A.

iii. James E. Maurice Frederick[5] Dotson (also reported as Morris Frederick) (called Moach and Morris) (Caroline Catherine[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 23 Oct 1888 in Kansas. Died 18 Dec 1965. Buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Colorado Springs, Colo.

He married Addie Ethel Butler (called Ethel). Born ca. 1887. Children:

i. Mary Lou[6].

ii. Arlene Ida. Jacob Francis[5] Dotson (Caroline Catherine[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 3 Nov 1896 in Colorado. Died 1 Sep 1962. Buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Colorado Springs, Colo.

He married Katherine Margaret Hoid. Born 29 Apr 1909. Died in 1994. Children:

i. Patrick J.[6]

ii. Michael F.

iii. David L.

iv. Carolyn.

v. Thomas D. Marie Lenore[5] Dotson (also reported as Marie Lonoro) (Caroline Catherine[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 6 Jun 1903 in Colorado.

She married Robert Anthony Lee 19 Jul 1922. Born 21 Jul 1898. Died 11 Jun 1973. Children: i. Catherine Eileen[6]. Born 15 Aug 1924. ii. Barbara Anne. Born 29 May 1927. iii. Robert Anthony, Jr. Born 11 Aug 1930. iv. Donald William. Born 8 Feb 1935. v. James Roger. Born 11 May 1942.

7.iii.viii.i. Claude C.[5] Guseman (Ellen[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1887 in Missouri. His family was enumerated in the 1920 Nescatunga, Comanche Co., Kan., census in enumeration district 258 as dwelling and family 38, next door to his parents.

He married Flossie Stubbs, daughter of Leslie Stubbs and Unknown. Born ca. 1893 in Kansas. Children:

i. James[6]. Born ca. 1916 in Kansas.

ii. Rex. Born ca. Oct 1917 in Kansas.

7.iii.ix.iii. Andrew Jackson[5] Dotson (called Andy) (Elizabeth Reynolds[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 3 Jan 1892 in Nicholas Co., W.Va. Died 28 Mar 1973.

He married Lydia Jane McClung 14 Jul 1917. Born 5 Jan 1898. Children:

i. Noreen[6].

ii. Kathleen.

iii. Pauline.

iv. Virginia. Born 23 Jan 1977.

v. Jacqueline (called Jackie).

vi. Peggy.

vii. Betty.

viii. Bobby (also Bobbi).

ix. Juanita.

x. Constance (called Connie.) Died young.

xi. Garret (also reported as Garnett).

7.iii.ix.iv. Oscar Vincent[5] Dotson (also reported as Oscar Vinson) (called Vincent) (Elizabeth Reynolds[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 4 Aug 1895 in Nicholas Co., W.Va. Died 26 Aug 1979.

He married Myrtle Ann McClung. Born 19 Sep 1894. Children:

i. Charles[6].

ii. Randolph. Died before 2006.

iii. Dixie. She married Unknown Laird.

iv. Patsy. She married Unknown Akers.

v. Billy.

7.iii.ix.v. Caroline Alice[5] Dotson (called Carrie) (Elizabeth Reynolds[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 27 Feb 1897 in Nicholas Co., W.Va. Died 7 May 1976.

She married Draper McClung. Children:

i. Mary Isabelle[6] (called Isabelle). She married Unknown Higbee.

ii. Boniface Dotson.

iii. Elizabeth Curran (called Betty). She married Unknown Park.

iv. Wanda Eugenia (called Jean). She married Unknown Shreve.

v. Caroline Josephine (called Carrie Jo). She married Unknown Judd.

vi. Paul Jackson (called Jack).

vii. Daniel Frederick (called Danny).

viii. John Douglas (called Johnny). John Everett[5] Dotson (Elizabeth Reynolds[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 6 Jun 1900 in Nicholas Co., W.Va. His family was enumerated 9 Apr 1930 in the Summersville District, Nicholas County.

He married Marie G. (also reported as Mazie) Bryant. Born 1909 in West Virginia. Children:

i. Wanda Helena[6]. She married Unknown Shumate.

ii. Betty Glendine. Born 1930. She married Unknown Trent.

iii. Ruth Newlyn. She married Unknown Johnson.

iv. Winifred Cabell. She married Unknown Paxton (also reported as Paxon).

v. Mazie Virginia. She married Unknown Clemmons.

7.iii.ix.vii. Thomas Leo[5] Dotson (also reported as Thomas Logan) (Elizabeth Reynolds[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 12 Jun 1903 in Nicholas Co., W.Va.

He married Lena Mae Lusher, daughter of Charles Lusher and Maude Fleshman, 5 Dec 1931 in Covington, Va. Born 1 Jan 1909 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Children:

7.iii.ix.vii. i. Thomas Owen[6] (also reported as Thomas Logan Jr.) Born 11 Sep 1939.

7.iii.ix.viii. Margaret Mary[5] Dotson (Elizabeth Reynolds[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 12 May 1906 in Summersville, Nicholas Co., W.Va. Her family was enumerated in the Summersville District Census, 9 Apr 1930.

She married James Clinton Humphrey (called Clinton), son of Frank Humphrey and Alice Hess, 18 Apr 1927 in St. John’s Catholic Church, Summersville, W.Va. Fr. John Paulin officiated. Charles P. Sweeney and Margaret Groves were witnesses. Born 18 Oct 1905 in Alta, W.Va. Died 20 Jan 1965 in Summersville Clinic Hospital. Buried in St. John’s Catholic Church Cemetery, Summersville. He was an automotive mechanic. Children:

7.iii.ix.viii. i. Alice Elizabeth[6]. Born 25 Feb 1928 in Summersville.

ii. James Logan. Born 29 May 1930 in Summersville. He married Marjorie Morrison. They divorced

with no children.

7.iii.ix.viii. iii. Mary Joan. Born 2 May 1937 in Boomer, W.Va.

7.iii.ix.viii. iv. Agnes Anne (called Anne) (twin). Born 16 Jan 1944 in Summersville

7.iii.ix.viii. v. Leona Jane (called Jane) (twin). Born 16 Jan 1944 in Summersville.

7.iii.ix.x. Joseph Leslie[5] Dotson (twin) (called Joe) (Elizabeth Reynolds[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Sep 1912 in Irish Corner District, Summersville, Nicholas Co., W.Va. Died 16 Jan 1989 in West Virginia University Hospital, Morgantown, W.Va. Buried in Walker Memorial Park, Summersville.

A veteran of World War II, he was inducted in the U.S. Army 27 Jul 1943 and was called to active service 11 Aug 1943 at Ft. Hayes, Ohio. He was first sergeant of the 845th Ordnance Dep (possibly Depot) Co., and served in the Ryukyus, Okinawa, 3 Jul 1944 to 19 Dec 1945. Decorations and citations included Asiatic-Pacific Theater Campaign Medal with 1 bronze star, Meritorious Unit Award, Good Conduct Medal, American Theater Campaign Medal, and World War II Victory Medal. He was discharged 3 Jan 1946 at Ft. Bragg, N.C.

He was a member of the American Legion, a former supermarket manager of Clay [W.Va.] Grocery Co., was retired from Betsy Ross Bakeries in Summersville, and was employed by Pinewood Mobile Home Sales at Mt. Nebo, W.Va. He had blue eyes and brown hair. He belonged to St. John’s Catholic Church, Summersville.

He married, first, Henrietta Myrtle Hertel, daughter of Earl Eugene Hertel Jr. and Bertha M. Titlow, 20 Feb 1939 in Church of the Holy Family, Richwood, W.Va. They divorced after 1940 in Clay, Clay Co., W.Va. Born 29 Oct 1919 in Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died 29 Jan 2003 in Clendenin, Kanawha County. Buried in Montgomery, Fayette Co., W.Va. She married, second, Hazelton Richard Jones 7 Mar 1946 in West Virginia and had two children in that marriage, Judith Annette Jones, b. 23 Dec 1948 in Charleston, W.Va., and Richard Dean Jones, b. 6 Oct 1950 in Charleston. Children (of Joseph Leslie and Henrietta Myrtle):

i. Joseph Leslie[6], Jr. Born 18 Sep 1940 in Clay, Clay Co., W.Va. Died 9 Mar 2012. The remains

were cremated and were intended to rest in New Port Richey, Fla.

North/Meadowlawn Funeral Home, New Port Richey (Fla.), 10 Oct 2011: Joseph L. Dotson(Joe) passed away on March 9, 2012 after a long battle with cancer. He was 71 years old. A 1958 graduate of Clay County High School. He was a retired West Virginia state trooper serving the citizens of West Virginia from 1962–1992. Joe and his wife Brenda of 36 years had moved to New Port Richey in order to be closer to their daughter and grandson. Those left to cherish his memories are his wife Brenda; daughter Patty Wisman and her son and Joe’s grandson Cameron of Palm Harbor; sister Candy Huffman of Clendenin, W.Va.; sister Jennifer McCue of Summersville, W.Va.; brother Dusty Jones of Cool Ridge, W.Va.; nieces Jill & Melissa; nephews, Pat, Andrew & Bobby; and father-in-law, Raymond Honaker; and many many friends. Joe was an avid fisherman and he never met a stranger. He was a deacon in his church. A memorial service will be held on Fri., March 16, 2012 at 2:30 at Trinity Presbyterian Church of Seven Springs; 4651 Little Road, New Port Richey, Fla. In lieu of flowers Joe had requested that donations be made to his church, Trinity Presbyterian Church of Seven Springs or Gulfside Regional Hospice, Inc.; 6117 Trouble Creek Road, New Port Richey, FL 34653. North/Meadowlawn Funeral Home is handling the arrangements.

He married Brenda Gayle Spurlock, daughter of Randall Spurlock and Minnie Helen (Lewis) Spurlock, 21 Nov 1975 at Highlawn Baptist Church, Huntington, W.Va. Born 22 Jul 1945 in Huntington. She graduated from Huntington East High School. Her mother, Minnie Helen, married, second, Raymond Henry[6] Honaker (Frederick[1]).

7.iii.ix.x. ii. Jennifer Anne. Born 11 Jun 1955 in Summersville.

He married, second Imogene Susan McClung (called Jean), daughter of Augusta McClung and Susie Arbaugh, ca. 1943 in Summersville. Born 7 Dec 1929.

7.iii.ix.xi. Louis Michael[5] Dotson (twin) (also reported as Michael Lewis) (called Mike) (Elizabeth Reynolds[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Sep 1912 in Irish Corner District, Summersville, Nicholas Co., W.Va.

He married Margaret Curry, daughter of Perry Curry and Margaret Norton, 26 Sep 1936 in Holy Family Catholic Church, Richwood, Nicholas Co., W.Va. Born in Tioga, Nicholas County. Children:

7.iii.ix.xi. i. Michael Curry[6]. Born 28 Dec 1937.

7.iii.ix.xi. ii. Margaret Rosemary. Born 3 May 1940.

7.iii.ix.xi. iii. Perry Patrick. Born 4 Nov 1945.

7.iii.ix.xi. iv. Elizabeth Reynolds (called Betsy). Born 7 Jan 1948.

7.iii.ix.xi. v. Janet Lea. Born 26 Jun 1949.

vi. Christopher Logan. Born 2 Sep 1952 in Richwood.

vii. Cynthia Eileen. Born 13 Jun 1956 in Richwood.

7.iii.ix.xii. Frederick Keltus[5] Dotson (called Fred) (Elizabeth Reynolds[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 15 Oct 1915 in Nicholas Co., W.Va. He served as a sergeant in the U.S. Army Air Forces during World War II.

He married Arbutus Taylor. Children:

i. Gregory[6].

ii. Charles.

iii. Michelle.

7.viii.i.i. Clara May[5] Reynolds (Oscar W.[4], John D.[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 20 Jun 1894 in Craig Co., Va. Died 8 Apr 1979 in Pomeroy, Ohio, taken there by her children for hospitalization. Buried in Paint Bank, Va.

She married Charles Anderson Humphreys (called Charlie), son of William Humphreys and Mary Tingler, 24 Aug 1921. The marriage was performed by W.J. Moses, Methodist minister. Born 4 May 1885 in Craig County. Died 18 Nov 1972 in Paint Bank. He was a mail carrier. He was diabetic and lost a leg in Apr 1971. Children:

i. Edith Arline[6]. Born 8 Dec 1923 in Paint Bank. She married Richard W. Harrison 27 Feb 1948 in

Covington, Va. Born 6 Jan 1923 in Covington.

ii. Paige Anderson. Born 3 May 1925 in Paint Bank. Died 15 May 2000 in Pomeroy, Ohio. Buried in

Centenary Cemetery, unidentified place, possibly Pomeroy. He married, first, Minerva Elizabeth Crosier (called Minnie) 29 Aug 1946 in York, S.C. Born 4 Oct 1928. Died 28 Mar 1997 in Gallipolis, Ohio. Buried in Centenary Cemetery. He married, second, Juanita Sparks 15 Apr 1976. Born 17 Apr 1927. Paige said that his first marriage was a double wedding. The other couple was Norman and Mildred Humphreys [relationship not given]. He and Norman went to Leggets in Covington, Va., and purchased matching shirts, ties, and brown tweed suits ($29). In York, S.C., the couples went to a place that rented rooms and sold marriage licenses. There was a one-day wait after applying for the license. The girls had a room and the boys had a room. After being married, the boys bought 24 half-pints of liquor to give away as gifts when they got home. When they returned, Paige and Minnie stayed with Charlie and Clara Humphreys, and Norman and Millie stayed with A.C. and Louie Humphreys. That evening, Louie made a big dinner for the new brides and grooms.

iii. Mary Katherine. Born 18 Jun 1926 in Paint Bank. She married Roy Weaver 28 Jan 1947 in

Covington, Va. Born 31 Oct 1924 in Covington.

iv. William Herbert. Born 25 Dec 1934 in Paint Bank. Died of appendicitis 7 Jan 1936 in Paint Bank.

William’s older brother Paige remembered that William was sick and was taken to the doctor. After his death, their father brought William home in the car.

7.viii.i.ii. Ida[5] Reynolds (Oscar W.[4], John D.[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 13 Sep 1898 in Paint Bank, Va.

She married Dewey Shafter Looney, son of George Looney and Etta Sublett, 4 Apr 1926 in Paint Bank. The marriage was performed by S.H. Dysart. Born 21 Aug 1898 in Craig Co., Va. Died 25 May 1992. Children:

i. Dewey Shafter, Jr.[6] Born 1 Feb 1927 in Roanoke, Va.

ii. Jean Parrish. Born 13 Jun 1930 in Roanoke.

7.viii.i.iii. Meriel[5] Reynolds (Oscar W.[4], John D.[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 1 May 1903 in Paint Bank, Va. Died 2 Nov 2000 in Roanoke, Va. Buried in Paint Bank.

Roanoke Times, 2 Nov 2000: McCaleb, Muriel Reynolds, 97, of Roanoke and formerly of Paint Bank, Va., passed away Thurs., Nov. 2, 2000. She was preceded in death by her husband, Alfred B. McCaleb; and one son-in-law, Paul Bradford. Surviving are one son and daughter-in-law, Leon and Martha McCaleb of New Castle; two daughters, Emogene M. Bradford and Gerlene M. Humphreys, both of Roanoke; five grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; and one great-great-granddaughter; one sister-in-law, Eula Reynolds; numerous nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held on Sat., Nov. 4, 2000 at 2 p.m. at Paitsel Funeral Home Chapel, New Castle, with the Rev. Ned Van Dyke officiating. Interment will follow in Paint Bank Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 7-9 p.m. Friday at the funeral home.

She married Alfred Burgess McCaleb, son of William McCaleb and Minnie M. Unknown, 23 May 1930 in Roanoke. The marriage was performed by Alfred C. Bussingham, Episcopal minister. Born 27 May 1908 in Paint Bank. Died 13 Nov 1975. Buried in Paint Bank. Children:

i. Leon[6]. He married Martha Unknown.

ii. Emogene M. She married Paul Bradford.

iii. Gerlene M. She married Hunter Thornton Humphreys. They divorced 28 Feb 1932.

8.i.iv.i. Virginia[5] Parrish (Nicholas P.[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Nov 1879 in Fayette Co., W.Va.

She married William A.[5] Dempsey, son of James Alexander Dempsey and Mary E. Saddler, 12 Jul 1894 in Fayette County. Their descendants are under his listing.

8.i.vii.i. Minnie Mae[5] Neal (Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Oct 1879 in Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 30 Jan 1973 in Fayette County.

The 1900 Fayette County Census recorded her family as James Pridemore, Oct 1876, 23, married six years; Minnie, Oct 1879, 21, married six years; Fred, Oct 1895, 5; Golda, Nov 1898, 3; Willie, Dec 1898, 4. The foregoing birth dates do not all match up with researcher accounts of birth dates. The 1910 census recorded James Pridemore, 39; Minnie, 29; Freddie, 15; Goldie, 13; William, 12 (daughter); Walter, 9; Bessie, 6; Ralph, 4; Charlie, 1 year and 8 months (son). The 1920 Fayette County census recorded James Pridemore, 45; Minnie, 34; Walter, 19; Bessie, 16; Ralph, 14; Shirley, 11; Josephine, 2 years and 8 months (daughter).

She married James Walter Pridemore, son of Charles Unknown and Elizabeth Pridemore, 23 Dec 1893 in Fayette County. Born 2 Apr 1875 in Greenup Co., Ky. Died 23 Mar 1952 in Ansted, Fayette County. Children:

8.i.vii.i. i. Frederick Collins[6]. Born 7 Oct 1894.

8.i.vii.i. ii. Golda. Born 8 Nov 1896.

8.i.vii.i. iii. Willie Ann. Born 31 Dec 1898.

8.i.vii.i. iv. Walter Andrew. Born 28 Jan 1900.

8.i.vii.i. v. Bessie. Born 13 Dec 1903.

vi. Ralph Robert. Born 6 Jan 1906 in Ansted. Died 7 Aug 1972 in Webster Springs, W.Va. He

married Mae Clough 11 Aug 1928 in Fayette County.

vii. Charlie. Born ca. Oct 1908. Died before the 1920 census.

8.i.vii.i. viii. Shirley. Born 29 Aug 1909.

ix. Drema (twin). Born in 1911. Died 23 Jan 1916 in Fayette County.

x. Drana (twin). Born in 1911. Died before the 1920 census.

8.i.vii.i. xi. Josephine Ayers. Born 2 Apr 1917. Willard H.[5] Parrish (Martha A.[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1904.

He married Myrtle F. Pridemore, daughter of Samuel Pridemore and Katie Williams. Born 8 Apr 1910 in Ansted, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 3 Jan 1989. Children:

i. Willard H.,[6] Jr.

ii. Donald E.

iii. Charles C.

iv. Robert R.

v. Dorothy. She married, first, Unknown Painter. She married, second, Unknown Sedlock.

vi. Shelba. She married Unknown Mitchell.

vii. Winnie. She married Unknown Young.

viii. William.

ix. George.

x. James.

xi. Lawrence O. Born 9 Nov 1933 in Fayette County.

8.iii.ii.i. William A.[5] Dempsey (James Alexander[4], Sarah Ann[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Oct 1877 in Fayette Co., W.Va.

He married Frederick descendant Virginia[5] Parrish, daughter of Nicholas P. Parrish and Sarah Neal, 12 Jul 1894 in Fayette County. Children:

i. Viola D.[6] Born in Aug 1898.

ii. Joseph C. Born in Feb 1900. Fred Rothwell[5] Dempsey (William Henderson[4], Sarah Ann[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 30 Oct 1899. Died 3 Feb 1975.

He married Myrtle Hazel Roop 20 Jan 1928. Born in 1906 (also in Mar 1910). Died 13 Aug 1997. Children: i. Fred Roosevelt[6]. Born 3 Nov 1935 in Jodie, Fayette Co., W.Va. Earl Stanley[5] Dempsey (William Henderson[4], Sarah Ann[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 15 Nov 1910 in Victor, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 3 Dec 1968 in Oak Hill, Fayette County. Buried in Huse Memorial Cemetery, Fayetteville, Fayette County. He was a coal miner, school bus driver, and Fayette County deputy sheriff.

He married, first, Thelma Mae Holly, daughter of James Hansford Holly (Holley on the marriage certificate) and Amanda Jane Parrish, 6 Jul 1929 in Ansted (also Mt. Cove), Fayette County. Born 5 Dec 1913. Died 31 Mar 1959 in Oak Hill. Buried in Huse Cemetery. Children:

i. Eldridge Roy[6]. Born 2 Oct 1929. Died in Jul 1996. He married Frances Buchanan 1 Apr 1952.

Born 30 Dec unknown year. ii. Geraldine Ethyl. Born 21 Feb 1931 in Winona, Fayette Co., W.Va.

iii. Eloise. Born 12 Jul 1933. She married, first, Glen Bryles. She married, second, George Danko.

iv. James Stanley. Born 17 Jul 1935. Died 15 Dec 1992. He married, first, Doris Fay Wood. He

married, second, Gaylene Shepherd.

He married, second, Lucille Wilkerson. Born in Oct 1916.

8.v.ii.i. Ellen[5] Neal (Elijah W.[4], Turze Lucretia[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. Oct 1879 in Fayette Co., W.Va. Died before 21 Jun 1903 in Fayette County (one researcher believed in Roanoke, Va.) She had a club foot but refused surgery on the grounds that God had made her that way, and that was how she would stay. She died of infection following the birth of her second child.

She married Harry Price Martin, son of George W. Martin and Virginia Frances Smith, 10 Apr 1898 in Fayette County. Born in Aug 1876 in Fayette County (also reported as Kanawha Co., W.Va.) Died in 1954 in Charleston, W.Va. Children:

8.v.v.v. i. Beatrice Mae[6] (called Beat). Born 23 Jan 1899 in Roanoke, Va. She married her cousin,

Fitzhugh Lee[5] Wood. Their descendants continue under his listing.

ii. Solie (m.)

Harry married second, Emma McVey and had three additional children, Kenneth, Helen, and Virginia. He married, third, Pearl Tolliver.

8.v.v.i. Minnie Maude[5] Crawford (Orena Catherine[4], Turze Lucretia[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 12 Mar 1885 in Westmoreland Co., Pa. Died in Charleston, W.Va. Buried in Westlake Cemetery, Ansted.

She married Leonard Ferrell. Born 11 Mar 1882 on Morris Creek, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died in 1944. Buried in Westlake Cemetery. Children:

i. Edna[6]. She married Dave Noble.

ii. Inez. She married Dan Tucker.

iii. Kathryn. She married Unknown Mulligan.

iv. Jean.

v. Jack.

8.v.v.v. Grace[5] Wood (Orena Catherine[4], Turze Lucretia[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Feb 1893 in Ansted, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died in 1970 in Ansted. Buried in Highlawn Memorial Park, Oak Hill, W.Va.

She married Frederick Oscar Niday. Children:

i. Frederick Oscar[6], Jr.

ii. Henry Houston.

iii. Barbara Ellen. She married John Kiser.

iv. Josephine Cleo. She married Edward Webb.

v. Eula Lee.

vi. Juanita Doris. She married Robert Grimmett.

vii. John Hudson. He married Dolly Smithson.

viii. Maurice Clyde. He married Edith Cole.

ix. Geraldine Rebecca. She married Willard Dean (called Ben).

x. James Edward. He married Virginia Unknown.

xi. Madelyn Virginia. She married Francis Keenan.

8.v.v.vii. Henry Hudson[5] Wood (Orena Catherine[4], Turze Lucretia[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Jul 1896 in

Ansted, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 14 Apr 1965 in Ansted. Buried in Restlawn Memorial Garden, Victor, Fayette Co., W.Va.

He married Grace Davis. Children:

i. Joseph[6].

ii. Katherine.

8.v.v.viii. Fitzhugh Lee[5] Wood (called Fitch) (Orena Catherine[4], Turze Lucretia[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 20 Jun 1898 in Ansted, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 14 Jun 1970 in Fayetteville, Fayette County. Buried in Highlawn Memorial Park, Oak Hill, W.Va. He was a self-employed master carpenter, and a carpentry foreman for the Fayette County Board of Education, Fayetteville.

He married his cousin Beatrice Mae[6] Martin (called Beat), daughter of Harry Price Martin and Ellen Neal, 22 Feb 1919 in Roanoke, Va. Born 23 Jan 1899 in Roanoke. Died 6 Mar 1979 in Alexandria, Va. Buried in Highlawn Memorial Park, Oak Hill, W.Va. Children:

8.v.v.viii. i. Ellen Orena[6]. Born 11 Mar 1919 in Anstead.

8.v.v.viii. ii. Harry Martin (called Woody). Born 22 Aug 1922 in Ansted.

8.v.v.viii. iii. Dorothy Lee (called Dot). Born ca. May 1924 in Ansted.

8.v.v.viii. iv. Lola Lenore (called Lenore). Born 25 Oct 1925 in Ansted.

8.v.v.viii. v. Jackson Eugene (called Jack). Born 13 Jan 1929 in Ansted.

8.v.v.viii. vi. Fitzhugh Lee, Jr. (called Junior). Born 11 Feb 1931 in Ansted.

vii. George Richard (called Dick). Born 2 Oct 1935 in Ansted. Died 19 Jul 1998 in Arlington, Va.

Buried in Arlington [Va.] National Cemetery. He graduated from Anstead High School in 1953.

He was an air policeman in the U.S. Air Force. After military service he was a carpenter in Washington, D.C. He never married.

8.v.v.viii. viii. Joan Frances. Born 12 Mar 1938 in Ansted.

ix. John Douglas (called Doug). Born 12 Oct 1940 in Ansted. He graduated from Fayetteville [W.Va.] High School in 1958. In 2001 he lived in Chesapeake, Va., and had never married. He moved around a lot, living in Maryland and mostly in the Virginia Beach, Va., area.

While attending high school he was a store clerk in Fayetteville, W.Va. Later he was a railroad clerk, chauffeur, and chef.

8.v.v.ix. Frank[5] Wood (Orena Catherine[4], Turze Lucretia[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 28 May 1900 in Ansted, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 20 Jan 1973 in Ansted. Born in Restlawn Memorial Garden, Victor, Fayette County.

He married Lilly Eskew. Children:

i. Jim[6].

ii. Billy.

iii. Naomi.

iv. Katherine.

v. Betty.

vi. John.

8.v.v.xii. Houston Raleigh[5] Wood (Orena Catherine[4], Turze Lucretia[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1907 in Ansted, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 9 Jan 1993 in Florida. Buried in unknown cemetery, Daytona Beach, Fla.

He married Florence Walters. Children:

i. Denny[6].

ii. Houston Raleigh, Jr. Virgie[5] Wood (Elijah Lewis[4], Elijah Stuart[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Jesse Rogers. Children:

i. Abigail[6] (called Abby). She married Ray Tucker and had two sons.

ii. Don. He married Betty Thomas and had eight children.

iii. Buddy. He married Mary Thomas and had two children.

iv. Wanda. She married, first, Paul Chappell and had twins, a son and daughter. They divorced. She

married, second, Ramey Blair. Carmel[5] Wood (Elijah Lewis[4], Elijah Stuart[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Hettie Kennison. Children:

i. Mary Louise[6]. She married, first, Shirley Elswick and had one son who was killed in a mining

accident. She married second, Donald Reese and had three children.

ii. Dale. He married Virginia Unknown and had about five children.

iii. Gnelda. She married Earl Workman and had about six children.

iv. Delora. She married Ralph Ratliff and had three sons.

v. Carmel, Jr. He married Norma Unknown and had two children. Thelma[5] Wood (Elijah Lewis[4], Elijah Stuart[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]).

She married James Kirkpatrick. Children:

i. Phyllis[6]. She married Leonard Curry and had three children.

ii. Kenneth. He married, first, Carol Unknown. She died of cancer. They had two sons. He married,

second, Lois Unknown.

iii. Yulonda. She married Charles Gancs and had two children. Dana[5] Wood (Elijah Lewis[4], Elijah Stuart[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Mattie Platt. Children:

i. Janet[6]. She married Kenneth Gilbert and had six children.

ii. Roger. He married, first, Rosa Unknown. She died of cancer. They had one son. He married,

second, Bernice Unknown.

iii. Alice. She married Franklin Perry. They had two sons and conjoined twin daughters who died at

birth. Beulah[5] Wood (Elijah Lewis[4], Elijah Stuart[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Orville F. Stone. Children:

i. Jewel[6]. Died of cancer 21 Oct 2012. She married Harry Eddy (called Bud) and had four


ii. Edward. He married Iona Unknown and had no children.

iii. Elizabeth (called Libby). She married James Mitchell and had three children.

iv. Ronnie. He married Marilyn Unknown and had no children.

v. Gary. He married Maxine Howard and had three children.

vi. Gail. She married Leonard White and had three children including son-daughter twins.

vii. Larry. He married Candy Unknown and had one daughter. Eldion Leon[5] Wood (called Dude) (Elijah Lewis[4], Elijah Stuart[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 23 Apr 1919 in Eskdale, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died 12 Apr 2012 in Charleston, Kanawha County. Buried in Montgomery Memorial Park, London, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Daily Mail, 16 Apr 2012: Eldion L. “Dude” Wood, 92, of Chelyan went home to be with the Lord on Thurs., April 12, 2012, at Hubbard Hospice House after a short illness. Dude was born in Eskdale on April 23, 1919, and was the youngest son of Elijah L. Wood and [Louise] Elizabeth Ellison Wood. He was a member of Eskdale Baptist Church, and was a proud World War II Army veteran, having served as a medic in General Patton’s 3rd Army. He was a retired coal miner for Bethlehem Steel with 38 years of service. He was an avid gospel singer, and was also the manager and a member of the Songsmen and Linda gospel group for over 35 years. Dude was preceded in death by brothers, Carmel and Dana; sisters, Virgie Rogers, Thelma Kirkpatrick, Beulah Stone and Garnet Wood.; beloved wife, Clara Pauley Wood; son, Bobby; daughter, Sandi Wymer; granddaughters, Kristi Lynn Tyler and Stephanie Lynn Pettry; and a grandson, David Lee Robinson. Left to cherish his memory are his children, Jerry and his wife, Linda, of Hanahan, S.C., Connie Robinson and her husband, Donnie, of Ligonier, Ind., Rita Devins and her husband, Bud, of Charleston, Steve and his wife, Linda, of Hernshaw, Randy and his wife, Bonny, of Dupont City and Kaye Tyler and her husband, Carl, of Charleston; 15 loving grandchildren; 18 great-grandchildren, who he adored; a host of nieces and nephews; and special friends, Donnie and Brenda Moyer. Funeral service will be 11 a.m. Mon., April 16, at Sharon First Church of God, Dry Branch with Pastor Robert Junior Perdue officiating. Burial will follow in Montgomery Memorial Park, London with full military honors provided by American Legion Post 61, Clendenin. A gathering of family and friends will be from 4 to 8 p.m. Sunday at the church. Condolences may be sent by visiting . Pryor Funeral Home, East Bank is in charge of arrangements.

He married Clara Anne Pauley, daughter of Alva Ray Pauley and Hazel Agnes Hayes, 20 Jul 1946 in Cabin Creek, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Born 27 Jan 1928 in Chelyan, Kanawa Co., W.Va. Died of cancer 3 Dec 1992 in Charleston [W.Va.] Area Medical Center Hospital. Buried in Montgomery Cemetery, London, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 4 Dec 1992 (with photograph): Mrs. Clara Ann Wood, 64, of Chelyan, died Thurs., Dec. 3, 1992, in [Charleston Area Medical Center] General Division, after a long illness. She was a lifelong resident of Cabin Creek and manager and secretary of the Songsmen and Linda Quartet. She was a member of Eskdale Baptist Church. Surviving: husband, Eldion “Dude” Wood; son, Jerry W. of Hanahan, S.C., Steve A. of Hernshaw, Randall L. of Winifrede; daughters, Connie Robinson of Ligonier, Ind., Rita Devins of Rand, Sandra Wymer of East Bank, Angela “Kay” Tyler of Chesapeake, brothers, Kenneth Pauley of Charleston; sisters, Shirley Jackson of Phoenix, Ariz., Barbara Hall of Flatrock, Mich.; 18 grandchildren. Service will be 1 p.m. Saturday at Pryor Funeral Home, East Bank, with the Rev. Timmy Rogers, the Rev. Stan Hunt and the Rev. Larry Dunnet officiating. Burial will be in Montgomery Memorial Park, London. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.


i. Jerry Wayne[6]. Born 25 Apr 1947 at home in Dorothy, Raleigh Co., W.Va. He married Linda

Collins. In 2014 he lived in Hanahan, S.C.

ii. Connie Sue. Born 24 Jun 1948 at home in Dorothy, W.Va. She married Donnie Robinson. In 2014

she lived in Ligonier, Ind. iii. Rita Jean. Born 31 Dec 1950 at home in Dorothy, W.Va.

iv. Robert Lee. Born 12 Mar 1952 in Charleston, W.Va. Died of drowning 31 May 1971. Buried in

Montgomery Cemetery, London, W.Va.

v. Sandra Elaine (called Sandi). Born 9 Jan 1954 in Charleston. Died of cancer 29 Apr 1999. Buried

in Montgomery Cemetery. She married, first, Gary Foutt ca. 1972. They divorced ca.1973. She married, second, William O. Wymer ca. 1978.

vi. Steven Allen. Born 4 Jan 1956 in Charleston. He married Linda Meadows. In 2014 he lived in Hernshaw, W.Va. vii. Randall Leon. Born 27 Jan 1957 in Charleston.

viii. Angela Kaye (called Kaye). Born 26 Apr 1958 in Charleston. She made her home with Carl

Reese. In 2014 she lived in Rand, W.Va.

8.x.i.iii. Joseph Leland[5] Darlington (Laura Josephine[4], William Frederick[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 17 Nov 1889 in Winona, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 3 Aug 1950 in Muncie, Ind. Buried in Alexandria [Ky.] Cemetery.

He served in the U.S. Army during World War I and was president of Virginia Coal Co., Muncie.

He married Margaret Beggs Youtsey, daughter of William Albert Youtsey and Anna Marie Weinel, 4 Feb 1922 in Lexington, Ky. Born 30 Jan 1893 in Newport, Ky. Died 22 Feb 1976 in Muncie, Ind. Children:

8.x.i.iii. i. Margaret Anne[6]. Born 24 Apr 1931.

8.x.viii.i. Martha J.[5] Harrow (Nellie[4], William Frederick[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Aug 1900. Died 29 Nov 1976.

She married Harry Broughman. Children:

i. Hugh[6].

ii. Seibert.

iii. Harry Jr.

iv. Margaret J.

10.ii.i. Nannie Azolia[5] Honaker (Augustus Chapman[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 25 Nov 1876 possibly in Holt Co., Mo. Died 12 Apr 1958 in Modesto, Stanislaus Co., Calif. Buried Lakewood Cem., Hughson, Calif. In 2002, descendant Patti Stanley said that Nannie, her second husband and family traveled by wagon train from Mancos, Colo., to Tulia, Texas, via Hesperos, Colo., Farmington, N.M., Bloomfield, N.M., Cuba, N.M., Albuquerque, N.M., and Amarillo, Texas, over a period of 30 days. Since it is presently known that her daughter Evelyn was born in Mancos in Feb 1909, the trip must have taken place after that time, but before 1933 when grandchildren were born in Texas.

She married, first, Lewis Jarrett 2 Jul 1894. Died in 1904. Children:

i. Georgie A.[6] Born 11 Jan 1896. Died 6 Dec 1901.

ii. Carroll S. Born 3 Dec 1898. Died 20 Jun 1906.

10.ii.i. iii. Margaret Anna (also reported as Anna Marie). Born 14 Feb 1900.

10.ii.i. iv. Harry. Born 21 Sep 1903.

She married, second, Edwin Jackson Sheek, son of John Wesley Sheek and Molly Unknown, 10 Feb 1906. Children:

10.ii.i. v. Edwin John. Born 13 Nov 1906.

10.ii.i. vi. Clara Mollie. Born 26 Feb 1909 in Mancos, Montezuma Co., Colo.

10.ii.i. vii. Evelyn. Born 30 May 1911.

viii. Christine.

ix. Michael.

10.iii.ix. Charles Clarence[5] Honaker (called Clarence) (Harvey A.[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). He ran a meat market.

He married Allie Blackmer 10 Apr 1906 in Cortez, Montezuma Co., Colo. Born in 1885. Children:

10.iii.ix. i. Pearle H.[6] Born in 1911.

ii. Murrell. He was a surveyor for the Colorado State Highway Commission and also worked for the

Gates Rubber Company.

10.iii.x. Clement[5] Honaker (called Clem) (Harvey A.[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 25 Dec 1882 in Mound City, Mo. Died 30 May 1959 in Cortez, Montezume Co., Colo. Buried in Cortez Cemetery. Clem and his family lived in Cortez County.

He married Anna Sarah Riordan (also Riodan) (called Bano), daughter of Owen Riordan and Mary Grant, 3 May 1904 in Animas City, LaPlata Co., Colo. Born 11 Sep 1884 in Walnut, Kan. Died 17 Dec 1968 in Cortez. Buried in Cortez Cemetery. Children:

i. Helen Magdeline[6]. Born 26 Jan 1905 (also reported as 1906) in Durango, LaPlata Co., Colo.

ii. Mamie. Born in 1907.

iii. Curtis Otis. Born 20 Aug 1909. He married Eunice Hughes 26 Nov 1930 in Cortez. Born in 1911.

10.iii.x. iv. Billy (adopted). His birth name was Sylvan Allen Hurmanct. Born 25 Nov 1923.

10.iv.i. Emma Jane[5] Honaker (Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 12 Jul 1872 in Missouri. Died 2 Nov (also reported as 15 Nov) 1967.

She married William G. Rippy 22 Mar 1891. Born 12 May 1866. Died 3 Jun 1933. Children:

i. Claude Lee[6]. Born 2 Feb 1892. Died 6 Feb 1892.

ii. Erwin Lile. Born 5 Sep 1894. Died 10 Oct 1918.

10.iv.i. iii. Pearl Elizabeth.

10.iv.i. iv. Myrl.

10.iv.ii. Clara Elizabeth[5] Honaker (Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Jun 1875 (also reported as 1877) in Missouri. Died 10 May 1918.

She married, first, Edward Brees 14 Sep 1896. Born 15 May 1875. Died 28 Mar 1905. Children:

10.iv.ii. i. Roe C.[6]

10.iv.ii. ii. Buena.

iii. Louise. Born 8 Oct 1902. Died 12 Jul 1903.

She married, second, Walter Edwards 4 Oct 1905. Born 14 Jul 1874. Died 23 Sep 1942.

10.iv.iii. David Aude[5] Honaker (called Aude) (Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). See photograph. Born 13 Jul 1880 in Jackson Co., Mo. Died 3 Jun 1971 in Shawnee, Okla. Buried in Resthaven Cemetery, Shawnee. He was a farmer. He raised his family in the Church of Christ.

He married, first, Lethia Lucinda Cantrell, daughter of G.C. Cantrel and Malinda Daniels, 10 Mar 1903 in Shawnee. Born 28 Apr 1879 in Wayne Co., Tenn. Died 10 May 1941 in Shawnee. Buried in Resthaven Cemetery. Children:

10.iv.iii. i. Odous Jack[6] (called Jack) (twin). Born 29 Nov 1903 in Shawnee.

10.iv.iii. ii. Ottis David (called O.D.) (twin). Born 29 Nov 1903 in Shawnee.

iii. Clarence Thomas (called Toots). Born 12 Mar 1907 in Shawnee. Died 12 Oct 1994. He was in the oil business with his brother Joe. He married Lela Pearl Cannon (called Shingle), daughter of Robert Cannon and Stella Ballard, 21 Jun 1930. Born 3 Apr 1911. Died 5 Jul 1989. There were no children. Shingle’s eldest brother Charlie married her father-in-law’s youngest sister, Frederick #10.iv.iv. Lela[5] Honaker.

10.iv.iii. iv. Carl Samuel.

10.iv.iii. v. Joe Jack.

10.iv.iii. vi. Roe Ralph.

He married, second, Ethel Smith 22 Sep 1941. Born 7 Apr 1892. Died 17 Jun 1961. Buried in Resthaven Cemetery. There were no children.

He married, third, Pearl Norton in Apr 1963. Died 8 May 1970. There were no children.

10.iv.v. Blanche Estell[5] Honaker (Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 18 May 1889 in Kansas. Died 20 Feb 1980. She was four years old when the family moved to their new property near Enid, Okla., secured by her father in the 1893 Oklahoma Territory land rush.

She married William Henry Brakebill (called Bill), son of John Ragan Brakebill, 25 Dec 1906. Children:

i. Ruby Mildred[6] Born 19 Aug 1909 on her grandparents’ farm in Shawnee, Okla. Died 11 Sep 2001 in Bartlesville, Okla. Buried in Fairview Cemetery, Shawnee.

Arnold Moore Funeral Service program obituary, Bartlesville: Born on Aug. 19, 1909, Ruby Mildred Brakebill was born at Shawnee, Okla. She was the daughter of the late William Henry and Blanche Estell (Honaker) Brakebill. She was reared and received her education in Shawnee and attended Harrison Elementary School. She was graduated with the senior class of 1925 from the Shawnee High School. She continued her education and was a student of Oklahoma Baptist University for one year and was a student of Oklahoma University where she was graduated with a bachelor’s degree in 1929. She was a member of the Chi Omega Sorority. In 1953 she studied French at the Sarbonne and at the Institute Brittanique, Paris, France. She received her master’s degree from Middlebury College French School in New York in 1958. She taught and was the Coordinator of Secondary Languages in the Schenectady, N.Y. School District and was retired in 1969. She was a former resident of Hyattsville and College Park, Md., suburbs of Washington, D.C., and in 1994, returned to Norman, Okla. She came to Bartlesville in April of this year to be near her niece. Miss Brakebill was a member of the McFarlin Memorial United Methodist Church, Norman, Okla. Surviving are one niece, Mrs. Steve (Barbara) Martin, rural Bartlesville; one nephew, William Stephen Brakebill, Salem, Ore.; three great-nephews, four great-nieces and two great-great-nieces.

Graveside services were Mon., Sept. 17, 2001 at 2 p.m., the Rev. Cal Brannon, McFarlin Memorial United Methodist Church, Norman, officiating.

She lived on her grandparents’ farm until 1915. Her parents were then living in a small house near her grandparents’ main house, on their farm. She remembered with nostalgia the wonderful peach orchard north of the house and vineyard south of it. Her dad helped her granddad with the farm and her mother helped her grandmother with cooking and chores. Ruby and a cousin, Hazel, started school together at Canadian School, a mile or two away. Hazel later took an interest in family genealogy. Some of this book’s account, from the time of her Grandfather Thomas A. to her own generation, is attributed to her.

ii. Hazel. Buried in Fairview Cemetery, Shawnee.

iii. Willis. Lela[5] Honaker (Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 May 1893 in Kansas. Died

12 Jan 1975. Buried in Rest Haven Cemetery, Shawnee, Okla.

She married Charles Cannon (called Charlie), son of Robert Cannon and Stella Ballard, ca. 1909. (Charles’ sister Lela Pearl Cannon married Frederick #10.iv.iii.iii. Clarence Thomas[6] Honaker). Children:

i. Deloris[6].

ii. Dallas.

iii. Jewel.

iv. Hazel.

v. Bob. In 1999 he lived in Choctaw, Okla.

11.x.i. Bertha Mae[5] Bostic (Andrew[4], Mary[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born Dec 1881.

She married William Robert Caldwell ca. 1880 in Monroe Co., W.Va. Children:

i. Leona[6]. Born after 1900. She married Unknown Dunbar.

ii. Marshall. Born after 1900. He married Christine Peters. Born ca. 1904.

iii. Virgil. Born after 1905.

iv. Geraldine. Born ca. 1912. She married Ira Anderson Dunbar ca. 1910 in Monroe County.

v. Hazel. Born after 1910. She married Unknown Thompson. Born after 1910.

vi. Eula Janette. Born 2 Nov 1917 in Monroe County. Died 3 Jun 2006 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. She

married James K. Smith (called Ted). Born ca. 1915. Died before 2006 in Greenbrier County.

vii. William Roscoe. Born 11 May 1925 in Monroe County. Died 24 Jul 2006 in Monroe County. He married, first, Agnes Ann Spangler, daughter of Gaston Putnam Spangler and Truesby Canterbury. Born 28 Jul 1939 in Monroe County. He married, second, Ruby Gray Thompson ca. 1945. Born ca. 1925. Died before 1958.

11.x.iv. William Otho[5] Bostic (Andrew[4], Mary[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born Oct 1888 in Summers Co., W.Va. Died after 1920 in Summers County.

He married Paulina F. Davis, daughter of Hiram J. Davis and Julia Ann Ballengee. Born 1892. Dief after 1920 in Summers County. Children:

i. Ralph A.[6] Born 1912.

ii. Florence K. Born 1914. She married Everett Lewis Mann, son of Lewis Casper Mann and Annie

Fisher. Born 1907 in Monroe Co., W.Va.

iii. Ruby F. Born 1915.

iv. Howard R. Born 10 Sep 1916 in Talcott, Summers Co., W.Va. Died 30 Apr 2009 in Montgomery,

Fayette and Kanawha Counties, W.Va. He married, first, Gwendolin Maxine Ballard, daughter of Leonard Horace Ballard and Ota Maria Karnes. Born ca. 1919 in Monroe Co., W.Va. He married, second, Edith Unknown after 1968. Born ca. 1920.

v. Jack F. Born 1918.

vi. Bernard Ross. Born 29 Aug 1923 in Talcott. Died 28 Feb 2013 in Talcott. He married Nancy

Eades ca. 1947. Born ca. 1925.

11.x.iv. vii. Richard D. Born 18 Nov 1920 in Talcott.

13.iv.iii. Charles L.[5] Honaker (John L.[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 24 Jun 1896 in Union, W.Va. Died

12 Jan 1989 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Prosperity, W.Va.

Unknown W.Va. newspaper and date: Charles L. Honaker, aged 92 years, of Beckley, died Thurs., Jan. 12, at a Beckley hospital following a short illness. Born June 24, 1896 at Union, he was the son of the late Jehu L. and Martha Susan Burns Honaker. Mr. Honaker was a retired Engineer Senior Division with Appalachian Power Company; was a member of the First Baptist Church of Beckley, the Hogue Cook Sunday School Class, Beckley Masonic Lodge No. 95 A.F.&A.M., Beckley Chapter No. 38 R.A.M., Mount Hope Commandery No. 22 K.T., Scottish Rite—[Beni] Kedem Temple, lifetime member of the DAV, World War I Navy veteran serving from 1917 to 1919. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Eunice Honaker, Sept. 18, 1960, and his second wife, Della Jean Honaker, Sept. 8, 1976. Survivors include a son, Charles L. Honaker Jr. of Connellsville, Pa.; a brother, Frank Honaker of Daniel; a sister, Ethel Arbagh of White Sulphur Springs, two grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Services were held Sun., Jan. 15, at 2 p.m. at the Blue Ridge Funeral Chapel in Prosperity with the Rev. Holley Faulkner officiating. Burial was held in the Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens.

He married, first, Eunice Unknown. Died 18 Sep 1960.

He married, second, Della Jean Unknown. Died 8 Sep 1976.

Children (mother not reported):

i. Charles L.,[6] Jr.

13.iv.iv. Ethel May[5] Honaker (John L.[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1901. Died 4 Jan 1991 in White Sulphur Springs, W.Va. Buried in Keaton Cem., Greenville, Monroe Co., W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 6 Jan 1992: Mrs. Ethel May Honaker Mann Arbaugh, 89, of Alderson died Jan. 4, 1991 in White Sulphur Springs Family Care Center after a long illness. She was a homemaker and a member of Griffith Creek Baptist Church, near Alderson. Surviving: son, Jess W. Mann of Lewisburg; brother, Frank Honaker of Glen Daniel; one grandson; one great-granddaughter. Service will be 1 p.m. Tuesday at Lobban Funeral Home, Alderson, with the Rev. Eddie Harris officiating. Burial will be in Keaton Cemetery, Greenville, Monroe County. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.

She married, first, Unknown Mann. Children:

i. Jess W.[6]

She married, second, Unknown Arbaugh.

13.ix.i. Gilmer Echols[5] Honaker (John[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1883 in Monroe Co., W.Va. Died in 1932 in Monroe County. He may have been named for Civil War General Echols, who was from Union, Monroe County.

He married Anna Susan Ballard in 1910. Born in 1878. Died in 1940. Buried in Ballard Cemetery on Indian Creek, Monroe County. She and Gilmer are listed in Ballard’s William Ballard—A Genealogical Record of His Descendants in Monroe County [W.Va.]. Children:

13.ix.i. i. Wayland C.[6] Reported born ca. 1895, not possible, as his father would have been only 12.

ii. Charlotte M. Born 18 May 1913 in Alderson, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 23 Feb 2001. Buried in Ballard Cemetery, Union, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 24 Feb 2001: Mrs. Charlotte M. McMahan, 87, of Belva, died Friday, Feb. 23, 2001, at home following an extended illness. She was a former resident of Boomer, W.Va., a homemaker and attended the Boomer Baptist Church. She was born May 18, 1913 at Alderson, W.Va. Surviving: husband, Clarence W. McMahan; sister-in-law, Alma Honaker of Hedgeville, W.Va. She was preceded in death by her parents, the late Gilmer and Annie Ballard Honaker. Service will be 10 a.m. Monday, Feb. 26, 2001, at Pennington Funeral Home Chapel, Gauley Bridge, W.Va. Burial will be in Ballard Cemetery, Union, W.Va. Friends may call one hour prior to the service at the funeral home.

She married Clarence W. McMahan.

24.iv.iii. Hunter T.[5] Honaker (also Hunter V.) (Henry W.[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 27 Nov 1894. Died Jul 1962. The name originally was reported to us as Hunter T., with the foregiven birth and death dates. The 1930 Greenbrier Co., W.Va. census, Irish Corner District, enumerated a Hunter V. Honaker whom we believe to be the same person because only one Hunter has been reported to us, he lived in Greenbrier County, and the age matches up. Following are the census data: Hunter V. Honaker, 35, born in West Virginia; Catherine E., 30, spouse; Catherine L., 13; Norma G., 10; Dorothy F., 8; Helen V., 4; Betty C., 5 mo.

He married Catherine E. Unknown. Born ca. 1900. Children:

i. Catherine L.[6] Born ca. 1917.

ii. Norma G. Born ca. 1920.

iii. Dorothy F. Born ca. 1922.

iv. Helen V. Born ca. 1926.

v. Betty C. Born ca. Jan 1930.

24.viii.i. Glenna Jane[5] Honaker (James Davis[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 8 Apr 1905 in Caldwell, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 27 Oct 1991 in Fairlea, Greenbrier County. Buried in Salem Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Organ Cave, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

Unknown West Virginia newspaper, unknown date: Fairlea—Mrs. Glenna Jane Morgan, 86, died Sun., Oct. 27, in a Fairlea care center. Born April 8, 1905, at Ronceverte, she was the daughter of the late James D. and Alice Morgan Honaker. Mrs. Morgan was a lifelong resident of Ronceverte, was a member of the Greenbrier Regular Baptist Church and was a former member of the Eastern Star in Hinton. She was preceded in death by her husband, Lonnie H. Morgan, Sr., in 1975; two sisters, Margaret Toothman and Pauline Bland and a brother, Woodrow [Honaker]. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Edwin (Peggy) Webb of Fairlea and Sheldon (Jean) Micheline of Fairlea; a son, Lonnie H. Morgan, Jr. of Clifton Forge, Va.; two sisters, Blanch Shafer of Caldwell and Christine Morgan of Alderson; eight grandchildren, and several great-grandchildren. Services will be 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Greenbrier Regular Baptist Church, Ronceverte, with Brother Earl McGuffey and Brother Gary Baker officiating. Burial will follow in the Salem Presbyterian Church, Organ Cave. Friends may call 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. today at the Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home, Ronceverte. Any donations of sympathy may be made to the Seneca Trail Christian Academy, a ministry of the Greenbrier Regular Baptist Church.

She married Lonnie H. Morgan. Died 1975. Children:

i. Peggy[6]. She married Edwin Webb.

24.viii.i. ii. Ruby Jean (called Jean). Born 12 May 1928 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

iii. Lonnie H., Jr.

24.viii.iv. Blanche[5] Honaker (James Davis[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Samuel Paul Shafer, son of George Edward Shafer and Flora Boone. Born 29 Dec 1913. Died 26 Jul 2004 in Fairlea, W.Va. Buried in McLean Cemetery, possibly Lewisburg, W.Va.

Unknown West Virginia newspaper and date: Caldwell—Samuel Paul Shafer, 90, passed away Mon., July 26, 2004, at Greenbrier Valley Medical Center, Fairlea. Born at Ronceverte on Dec. 29, 1913, he was the son of the late George Edward and Flora Boone Shafer. Mr. Shafer was a member for 76 years and a trustee of Zion’s Light Baptist Church. He was a retired brick mason and a 50-year member of the Bricklayers Union. He was a 50-year member of the Modern Woodmen of America, an avid turkey hunter and a member of the West Virginia Turkey Hunters Hall of Fame. He was preceded in death by his parents; and four brothers, Ovid, Earl, Royd and Joe. Survivors include his wife of 65 years, Blanche Honaker Shafer; a daughter, Delores Flanagan and husband, Gene, of Lewisburg; a son, Eddie and wife, Joan, of Ronceverte; grandson, Mark Shafer and wife, Billie Jean, of Ronceverte; granddaughters, Tammy White and husband, Terry, of Lewisburg, Jennifer Morgan and husband, Billy, of Ronceverte and Karen Ewing and husband, Eric, of Pax; great-grandchildren, Trent and Troy White, Hannah and Ben Morgan, Evan, Katelyn and Natalie Shafer and Dillon Ewing; sisters, Louise Holley of White Sulphur Springs and Annilee Diem of Caldwell; and brothers, Harold and Bob of Ronceverte, Bill of Lewisburg and Ray of Caldwell. Service will be 2 p.m. Thursday at Zion’s Light Baptist Church with the Rev. Gary Baker and the Rev. Leroy Crane officiating. Burial will follow in McLean Cemetery. Friends may call 6 to 9 p.m. today at Morgan Funeral Home, Lewisburg. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Gideons. Arrangements by Morgan Funeral Home, Lewisburg.


i. Delores[6]. She married Gene Flanagan.

ii. Eddie. He married Joan Unknown.

25.iii.i. Lonas Mason[5] Honaker (John Mason[4], John Byrus Sams[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 30 Jun 1924 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 26 Oct 1997 in White Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier County. Buried in Salem Presbyterian Church Cem., Organ Cave, Greenbrier County.

West Virginia Daily News, Lewisburg, W.Va., unknown date: Mr. Lonas Mason Honaker, 73, died Sunday morning, Oct. 26, 1997, White Sulphur Springs Family Care Center after a long illness. Born June 30, 1924 at Ronceverte, W.Va., he is the son of Mrs. Mary Martin Honaker of Shenandoah Manor, Ronceverte, and the late John Honaker. He was a lifelong resident of Ronceverte, member of the Baptist faith, a [World War II] veteran and retired school bus driver. Mr. Honaker was preceded in death by a brother, Sterling Honaker and an infant brother. Other survivors include one daughter, Sheryl Bostic and husband Donald “Spike” Bostic Jr. of White Sulphur Springs; one sister, Phyllis Powell of Ronceverte; one grandson, Mason Bostic; several nieces and nephews. Services will be 2 p.m. Wed., Oct. 29 at the Loganacre Funeral Home Chapel, Fairlea, with the Rev. Gary Baker officiating. Burial to follow in the Salem Cemetery, Organ Cave.

He married, first, Mary Hoylman. She had a son from a prior marriage, Paul Leonard Hoylman (called Sonny), born 1 Jun 1943, died 28 Jan 2000, buried in Rosewood Cem., Greenbrier County.

He married, second, Linda Carol Shafer 19 Feb 1966 in Allegheny, Va. Born 19 Feb 1948. They divorced. Children:

25.iii.i. i. Sheryl Lynn[6]. Born 27 Sep 1967.

25.iii.ii. Sterling Darrell[5] Honaker (John Mason[4], John Byrus Sams[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 13 Feb 1929 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 12 Jan 1985 in Belleview, Marion Co., Fla. Buried in Salem Presbyterian Church Cem., Organ Cave, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

Ocala [Fla.] Star Banner, unknown date: Belleview—Sterling Darrell Honaker, 55, of Belleview, died Sat., Jan. 12, 1985 at his home. A native of Ronceverte, W.Va., Mr. Honaker moved to Belleview 17 years ago from Ronceverte, was a construction worker and a member of the Baptist faith. He was the son of the late John Honaker. Survivors include his mother, Mrs. Mary Martin Honaker, Belleview; two daughters, Mrs. Patty Betz, Dublin, Va., and Mrs. Donna Wykle, Fairlea, W.Va.; two sons, Darrell Honaker, Belleview, and Doug Honaker, Fairlea, W.Va.; a sister, Mrs. Phyllis Powell, Ronceverte, W.Va.; a brother, Lonas Honaker, Belleview; and five grandchildren. The remains were sent to Ronceverte, W.Va. for services and interment.

He married Wanda Lee (also reported as Elizabeth Jane) Young, daughter of Basil Alta Young and Mary Louise Boone, 1 Dec 1951 in Covington, Allegheny Co., Va. They divorced. Born 26 Oct 1933 in Monroe Co., W.Va. She also married Edgar Cecil Fullen 15 Nov 1974 in Statesville, Iredell Co., N.C. Children (or Sterling and Wanda):

25.iii.ii. i. Patricia Ann[6] (called Patty). Born 14 Oct 1952 in Ronceverte.

25.iii.ii. ii. Darrell Wayne. Born 13 Feb 1955 in Ronceverte.

25.iii.ii. iii. Donna Sue. Born 31 Jan 1960 in Ronceverte.

25.iii.ii. iv. Leonard Douglas (called Doug). Born 16 Aug 1962 in Ronceverte.

25.iii.iii. Phyllis Jean[5] Honaker (John Mason[4], John Byrus Sams[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 27 Sep 1934 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 11 Dec 2006 in Ronceverte.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 12 Dec 2006—Ronceverte—Phyllis Honaker Powell, 72, died Mon., Dec. 11, 2006. Service will be 2 p.m. Thursday at Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home, Ronceverte. Friends may call 6 to 8 p.m. today at the funeral home. Please send online condolences by visiting . Arrangements by Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home, Ronceverte.

She married Nash Leonard Powell. Born 27 Aug unknown year. Children:

25.iii.iii. i. Dennis Lee[6] (called Denny). Born 4 Feb 1955 in Ronceverte.

25.iii.iii. ii. Rebecca Lynn (called Becky). Born 20 Jul 1959 in Ronceverte.

27.iii.i. Dewey[5] McGraw (George A.[4], Mary Salina[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1896.

He married Vella Harrah, daughter of Senate Harrah and Violet Lamasters. Born ca. 1903. Children:

i. Thelma[6].

ii. Herbert.

iii. Dewey, Jr.

iv. Imogene.

v. William.

vi. Gloria.

vii. Roberta. She married Unknown Cooper.

viii. Charles. He married Jan Unknown.

ix. Brenda. She married Jess Thompson.

x. Harrison.

31.i. Loyd Franklin[5] Honaker (Parker Smith[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Honaker, Va. Died in Apr 1958. He lived in Columbus, Ohio. Buried in Obetz Cemetery, Franklin Co., Ohio, near Columbus.

He married Nellie Mae Hall in Paintsville, Ky. Born in Paintsville. Died 4 Jan unknown year while visiting her daughter in Indiana. Buried in Obetz Cemetery. Children:

i. John[6]. Born in Columbus. He was a refrigeration technician. He married Janet Unknown and had four unknown children, three sons and one daughter.

ii. Clyde Alvis. Born in Columbus. Buried in Obetz Cemetery. He was a carpenter. He married Margaret Unknown. They divorced. There were four unknown daughters.

31.i. iii. Carlos Lee. Born 21 Dec 1933.

iv. Adaleya Louise (called Dilly). Born in Columbus. She married Ted Cyrus and had six unknown

children, four sons and two daughters.

31.ii. Ada[5] Honaker (Parker Smith[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). In her listing as a daughter of Parker Smith Honaker, see the assumptions which suggest the continuation of her line.

She married James Litchfield. Children:

31.ii. i. Inez Lucille[6]. Born 14 Mar 1917.

32.i. Cora Edna[5] Honaker (Thomas Davidson[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 24 Sep 1865 in Point Pleasant, W.Va. Died 24 Jul 1952 in Florida. She was a Jehovah’s Witness.

She married John Henry Rust. Born 11 Jan 1862. Died 27 Feb 1945. Children:

i. Thomas Bert[6]. Born Sep 1885. Died 22 Apr 1939. He had two children.

ii. Carrie. Born 18 Apr 1887. Died 27 Aug 1965. She never married.

iii. Eleanor. Born 29 Sep 1890. She married Unknown Coleman.

iv. Harry M. Born 10 Feb 1893. Died 2 Sep 1975.

32.i. v. Malcolm Montrose. Born 15 Oct 1896.

32.i. vi. Una Lorraine. Born 10 Apr 1898.

vii. Enoch. Died 1969.

viii. Bessie E. Born 17 Sep 1904. Died 17 Feb 1923. Thought to have been killed when her dress caught fire from the fireplace.

32.i. ix. Madeline. Born 12 Jul 1906.

37.i. Edna[5] Robey (Madora Alice[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 1880.

She married Unknown Campbell. Children:

i. Joe[6].

37.ii. Louverna[5] Robey (called Verna) (Madora Alice[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). See photographs. Born 22 Aug 1882 in Virginia or West Virginia. Died 21 Jan 1970 in Ironton, Lawrence Co., Ohio. Buried in Walnut Ridge Cemetery, Lecta, Ohio.

She married, first, Unknown Manley. Children:

i. Leon[6] (called Rollie). Born 23 Dec 1899. Died Oct 1984 in Minneapolis, Minn.

She married, second, William Thomas Clark, son of Perry Clark and Eliza Thornton, 16 Dec 1905. Born 24 Feb 1871 in Gallia Furnace, Lecta Co., Ohio. Died 7 Oct 1947 in Scottown, Ohio. Buried in Walnut Ridge Cemetery. He was a stone mason. Children:

37.ii. ii. Nellie May. Born 31 Jul 1907.

iii. Fannie Pearl. Born 8 Sep 1910 in Lecta. Died 17 Apr 1917. Buried in Walnut Ridge Cemetery.

37.ii. iv. Robert Emet. Born 2 Apr 1912 in Lecta.

37.ii. v. Iven Franklin. Born 21 May 1915 in Lecta.

37.ii. vi. Luther Frederick. Born 14 Jun 1917 in Lecta.

vii. Arthur. Born 16 Mar 1920 in Lecta. Died 27 Jan 1932. Buried in Walnut Ridge Cemetery.

38.iii. Jahue Marion[5] Honaker (also reported as John Marion) (called Marion) (Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[l]). Born 9 May 1871 (also reported as 19 May) in Clayton, W.Va. Died 1 Dec 1900 in Clayton. Buried in Clayton Cemetery. His marriage record in Summers County, W.Va. gives his name as John Marion; says he was born in Monroe County; records his wife as Elizabeth Jane Cales born in Greenbrier County.

He married, first, Elizabeth Jane Cales (Graham, History of Graham Family, identifies her as Jane Cales), daughter of Isaac Cales and Bethny Unknown, 7 Aug 1890. Born 12 Jan 1867 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va.. Died in Mar 1893. Buried in Dick Cemetery, Ramp, W.Va. Children:

38.iii. i. Anna Mae[6]. Born 10 Jun 1892.

He married, second, Benson Dick 15 Jun 1893. Children:

38.iii. ii. Roscoe. Born Mar 1896.

38.iii. iii. Ernest Eugene. Born 20 Apr 1900 in Alderson, Greenbrier County.

38.viii. Mary Alice[5] Honaker (Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[l]). Researchers reported a birthdate of 13 Aug 1883 in Clayton, W.Va., which would make her a daughter of Andrew and his second wife, Mary Jane (Balangee) Carter Honaker. Graham, History of Graham Family, reported her as a daughter of Mary Jane but gave her birth date as 13 Aug 1881, attributing the date to her grave marker. If she were born in 1881, her birth mother would be Andrew’s first wife, Rebecca Jane (Graham), who died 30 Dec 1881. The 1920 census recorded her age as 36, which most likely means she was born in 1883. She died 27 Jun 1958 in Clayton. Buried in Clayton.

She and her family were recorded in the 1920 Summers Co., W.Va., census: Fink, J. Bunyon, 43; Alice M., 36; Hobert C., 17; Carter O., 11; all born in West Virginia.

She married John Bunyon Fink 19 Feb 1902. Born 20 Feb 1876. Died 15 Jul 1949. Buried in Clayton. Children:

38.viii. i. Hobert C.[6] Born 23 Mar 1903.

38.viii. ii. Carter Oscar. Born 24 Feb 1908.

39.iv. Andrew Caperton[5] Dolan (Elizabeth Jane[4], Rebecca Ann[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 31 Aug 1886 in Ronceverte, W.Va. On 15 Jun 1917 Andrew completed a selective service registration card which identified him as single, a farmer working for Alvin Wilson, near Indianapolis, Ind.; tall with medium build, blue eyes and light hair. The card is indistinct but seems to ask for identifying anomolies, as the reply seems to read “first finger and thumb on left hand.” Apparently he went on to serve in the armed forces, as the 1930 census identifies him as a veteran.

After World War I, his family was enumerated in the 1930 Bristol Twp., Greene Co., Iowa census as household #51, a farm. Household members were Andrew, 37, farmer, married, no college, could read and write, born in W.Va., mother and father born in W.Va., spoke English, veteran; Helen, wife, 27, no college, could read and write, born in Iowa, father born in Illinois, mother born in Iowa, no profession; William, son, [age obscured] , born in Iowa, father born in W.Va., mother born in Iowa.

He abandoned his family about the time his second child was born. Family legend is that he returned two years later to suggest that his wife and first son leave with him, without the second child; that his wife refused; that he left and was not heard from again.

He married Helen Opal Greenfield 31 Aug 1927 in Jefferson, Greene Co., Iowa. Born in Dexter, Iowa. Children:

i. William Andrew[6]. Born 20 Aug 1928 in Winterset, Iowa (exact birthdate and place not certain.) Died ca. 1986 in Anchorage, Alaska. He married Virginia Unknown. There were no children.

ii. Lewis E. Born and died ca. 1930.

39.iv. iii. Robert Roy. Born 4 Oct 1934 in Jamaica, Guthrie Co., Iowa.

39.v. Virginia Lee[5] Dolan (called Virgie) (Elizabeth Jane[4], Rebecca Ann[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). See photograph. Born 18 Sep 1888 in Ronceverte, W.Va. Died 22 Jan 1980 in Fairlea, W.Va.

She married Joseph Lee Meredith 17 Sep 1907 in Ronceverte. Children:

i. Agnes. She married Unknown Brooks.

42.ii. Rose Ida[5] Archey (Mary Jane[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 19 Aug 1893 in Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 4 Dec 1973. Buried in Lick Creek, unknown place.

She married Floyd S. Caldwell (called Dave) 6 Jun 1912 in Covington, Ky. Born 3 Jan 1884. Died 13 Apr 1969. Buried in Lick Creek, unknown place. Children:

42.ii. i. Russell W.[6] Born 28 Feb 1917.

44.i. Reaburn Douglas[5] Clark (Anna Oceana[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 20 Mar 1893. Died

7 Feb 1970. Before Amanda, Clark, says he married, first, Ada Louise Ryan. Born 4 Jun 1886. Died 31 Oct 1920, and married, second, Leah Unknown. Honaker researchers reported that he married Marie Gibson.

Children (of Reaburn and Ada):

44.i. i. Virginia Lee[6]. Born 27 Jan 1916.

44.iv. Clementine[5] Clark (Anna Oceana[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Aug 1899.

She married James Frank Vaughan 24 Aug 1922. Children:

i. James F., Jr.[6]. He married Nancy K. Unknown. In 2001 they lived in Beckley, W.Va.

45.v. Marshall Johnson[5] Honaker (John Patrick[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 6 Feb 1914. Died

20 Jan 1981 (also 1982.) He graduated from Union [W.Va.] High School in 1936.

The Farmer’s Friend and Fireside Companion, Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 2 Mar 2000, cutline: [photograph] “…of neighbors gathered on Bud Ridge Road near Union…” which included an Emma, Edith, and Marshall Honaker. No date was given for the picture, which appeared to have been made in the 1950s.

The Farmer’s Friend and Fireside Companion, Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 21 Jun 2012: These old photographs were taken by Janice Carter of Union around 1956 at a family get-together. Left photo—left to right, Joe Wilson (deceased), Marvin Honaker, John Honaker, Les Honaker, Ronnie Taylor (deceased), Bub Martin(?), and Eddie Honaker (deceased). Right photo—left to right, Honaker family of near Union. Front: Marshall Honaker (deceased). Middle row, Marvin Honaker, Les Honaker, Eddie Honaker (deceased) and John Honaker. Back row, Edith Honaker (deceased).


He married Mary Edith Taylor, daughter of George Taylor and Mary E. Wilson, 3 Feb 1940. Born 10 May 1922 in Union, W.Va. Died 9 Sep 1999 in Union. Buried in Green Hill Cemetery, Union.

Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 23 Sep 1999—Edith Honaker, 77, died Thurs., Sept. 9, 1999, at her home following a short illness. Born May 10, 1922, at Union, she was the daughter of the late George and Mary E. Wilson Taylor. Mrs. Honaker was a retired cook with the Monroe County Board of Education and was of the Methodist faith. She was preceded in death by her husband, Marshall J. Honaker, on Jan. 20, 1982; two brothers, Paul and Kyle Taylor; and a sister, Alice Meadows. Survivors include four sons, Marvin and John Honaker, both of Union; Leslie Honaker of Clifton Forge, Va.; and Edison Honaker of Hopewell, Va.; three sisters, Gillie Law of Union, Margaret McCutcheon of White Sulphur Springs, and Nellie Bowling of Chicago, Ill.; 12 grandchildren; and 10 great grandchildren. Services were held Sun., Sept. 12, at Broyles-McGuire Funeral Home in Union, with the Revs Mikel Pugh and Bob Ratliff officiating. Burial followed in Green Hill Cemetery, Union. Arrangements by Broyles-McGuire Funeral Home in Union.

Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 6 Oct 2005—[Letter to the Editor]

In memory of Edith Honaker who passed away Sept. 9, 1999

I feel that a part of my past was lay to rest today. A part that was one of the sweetest times of my childhood. A time when the problems of the world never came to my thoughts. A time when love really meant love and happiness was a everlasting experience not bought with money. It’s not very often that a person can look back on a deprived, hellish childhood and find the remembrance of a positive love. I couldn’t wait for three thirty to come every evening because I knew that was the time Edith got home from work and I knew if I showed up on her front porch she would invite me to “supper” and with much anticipation I would naturally say yes. The normal routine of every evening was to start supper and then spend the next hour looking for or chasing the milk cows to the barn. I recall spending many hours setting by the feeding trough talking to Edith and watching her milk, looking up at me to smile as she sprayed one of her barn cats with milk and laughing a laugh I will never forget. For forty some odd years I have placed a lot of memories in the depth of my mind and not until today brought them out. For so many years, since I sat at Edith’s table every evening I have wanted to say thanks. Thanks for that unconditional love that was everlasting. Only two weeks before she left this life after so many years, I was able to sit by her hospital bed and reminisce about our life, how we enjoyed much of the same things. It was as if God already had a plan for Edith to leave and He gave me a chance to say thank you and see that beautiful smile come to her face once more as it had so many times when I was a child. Gerry Martin Phillips

The Farmer’s Friend and Fireside Companion, Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 24 Oct 2013: Commencement Activities, Class of 1936, Union High School [reprinted four pages, with class roll, including the name Marshall Johnson Honaker.]

The Farmer’s Friend and Fireside Companion, Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 14 Nov 2013 and Honaker Family Newsletter, Spring 2014, photograph with cutline: “…families and children on Bud Ridge near Union. Front row (l-r)—Richard Ward, Dorothy Wykle, Reddie Dowdy, Dean White, Hattie Dowdy, Kathryn Allen, Ana Allen and Dollie Bostic. Back Row (l-r)—Mrs. Grubb, Emma Honaker, Nannie Ward, Rosie White, Edith Honaker, Walter Bostic, Rosie Dowdy, Marshall Honaker, Arnold Allen and Richard Dowdy.”


45.v. i. Marvin Lee[6].

ii. John W.

iii. Lesley S.

45.v. iv. Edison Marshall. Born ca. 1940 in Union, W.Va.

47.iii. Ida Mae[5] Honaker (Luther Leslie[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 9 May 1907.

She married Carl Columbus Greene 4 Apr 1925. Children:

47.iii. i. Margaret L.[6] Born 6 Mar 1926 in Connersville, Ind.

ii. John. Died before 2007.

iii. Laura. Died before 2007. She married Unknown Farlow.

iv. Dorothy. In 2011 she lived in New Castle, Ind. She married Unknown Long.

v. Naomi. In 2011 she lived in Straughn, Ind. She married Charles Huffman.

vi. Marjorie. In 2011 she lived in Franklin, Ind. She married Edward Fewell.

vii. Rebecca. In 2011 she lived in Cambridge City, Ind. She married Wayne Robbins.

viii. Betty. In 2011 she lived in Louisville, Ky. She married Unknown Freeberg.

47.iii. ix. Virginia Lee. Born 12 Sep 1937 in Richmond, Ind.

x. Daniel.

47.iv. Anna Mae[5] Honaker (Luther Leslie[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 13 Dec 1908.

She married, first, Lewis Edward Moore, son of David Moore and Nettie Church, 2 Oct 1926. Born 12 Mar 1904 in East Connersville, Ind. Died Sep 1949 in Indianapolis, Ind.

News-Examiner, Connersville, Ind., Sep 1949: Lewis E. Moore, 45, Former City Fireman, Dies at Long Hospital

Lewis Edward Moore, 45, life-long resident of Connersville, died at 4 a.m. today in Robert Long Hospital, Indianapolis, where he had been a patient the past three weeks. He had been in failing health for several years. He resided at 522½ West Ninth. Born in East Connersville, Mar. 12, 1904, one of four children of David and Nettie Church Moore, Mr. Moore spent his entire life here. He was a member of the Connersville Fire Department from 1939 to 1943 and was an electrician for several years. His last employment was with the Connersville Amusement Company. Survivors include the widow, Mrs. Anna M. Honaker Moore; three sons, Richard E. and David J. Moore, at home, and Ralph E. Moore, in the army stationed at Ft. Knox, Ky.; three daughters, Mrs. Robert Ridge of Connersville and Mary Elizabeth and Leola Ann Moore, both at home; three sisters, Mrs. Carl Brown of east of the city, Mrs. Robert Firsich of Connersville and Mrs. Aureha Reusch of Cincinnati; and a grandmother, Mrs. Edward Moore, of Newport, Ky. Funeral services have not been completed.


i. Richard E.[6]

ii. David J.

iii. Ralph E.

iv. Unknown. She married Robert Ridge.

v. Mary Elizabeth.

vi. Leola Ann.

She married, second, Russell Gibson.

47.v. James Luther[5] Honaker (called Jim) (Luther Leslie[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 21 Jul 1919 in Union, Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 7 Oct 2012 in Zanesville, Ohio. Interred in Forest Lawn Cemetery, Reynoldsburg, Ohio.

Times Recorder, Zanesville, Ohio, 9 Oct 2012 and Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 15 Nov 2012: Rev. James L. Honaker, 93, of Zanesville when to be with his Lord on Sun., Oct. 7, 2012 at the Morrison House Hospice, Zanesville. He was born July 21, 1919 in Union, W.Va., the son of the late Luther L. and Mary Margret (Hall) Honaker. Rev. Honaker graduated in 1937 from [Connersville] High School in Indiana and from Olivet Nazarene University in !947, he was a pastor of the Church of the Nazarene for 44 years in Lorain, Lakewood, New Lexington, South Zanesville, and Zanesville Northside, and Safford Ariz. He was a high school teacher in New Lexington, Roseville, and Maysville. He worked for 14 years in the Charles Beardsley School System in Knightstown, Ind. He was a member and pastor emeritus of the Northside Nazarene Church. He is survived by his sons, J. Michael (Connie), Jonathan (Susan), Nathaniel (Pam) and Marlan Honaker; eight grandchildren; ten great-grandchildren; several nieces; and nephews. Besides his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife Lora Wright Honaker in 2001, they were married on March 30, 1945; he was also preceded by his brother, Herman L. Honaker; sisters, Mary Leige, Ida Greene and Anna Gibson. Funeral services will be conducted at 11a.m. on Wed., Oct. 10, 2012 at the Zanesville Northside Church of Nazarene with Dr. James Millerofficiating. Entombment: Forest Lawn Cemetery, Reynoldsburg. Friends may call from 2–4 p.m. and 6–8 p.m. on Tuesday at the William Thompson and Son Funeral Home, 5765 Gladstone Dr, White Cottage and on Thursday from 10–11 a.m. at the church. Memorial contributions may be made to the Northside Church of Nazarene.

He married Lora Francis Wright, daughter of Charlie Wright and Jessie Davis, 30 Mar 1945. Born ca. 1919. Died 19 Mar 2001 in Greenfield, Ohio. Buried in Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Columbus, Ohio.

Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 26 Apr 2001: Lora Francis Honaker, 82, of 101 W. Morgan St., Knightstown, Idaho, died Mon., Mar. 19, 2001 at Brandywine Manor Nursing Home in Greenfield. She was the wife of Jim Honaker who was born in Monroe County and lived around Gates and Willow Bend. He was the son of the late Luther and Maggie Hall Honaker. [missing phrase due to newspaper error] …Ohio, to Charlie Wright and Jessie Davis Wright. Mrs. Honaker taught school for 24 years at the South Zanesville Elementary School. She was a member of the Cambridge City Church of the Nazarene. Survivors include her husband, James L. Honaker, whom she married Mar. 30, 1945; four sons, J. Michael, Jonathon D., Marlan K., and Nathaniel L. Honaker; eight grandchildren; and two brothers, Larry and Paul Wright; and one sister, Doris Leesburg. Services were held at the Cambridge City Church of the Nazarene with the Rev. Russell Thayer officiating. Another service was held at Northside Church of the Nazarene, Zanesville, Ohio. Burial followed in the Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Columbus, Ohio. Memorials may be made to Nazarene Foreign Missions.


i. J. Michael[6]. He married Connie Unknown. In 2014 they lived in Idaho.

47.v. ii. Jonathan D. Born 6 Oct 1951 in Zanesville. Died 8 May 2014 in Roseville, Ohio.

Times Recorder, Zanesville, Ohio, 18 May 2014: Roseville—Jonathan D. Honaker, 62, of Roseville, went to be with his Lord, May 8, 2014 at Genesis Morrison House surrounded by family. He was born Oct. 6, 1951 in Zanesville, son of the late James and Lora Wright Honaker. He retired from Wendy’s Bun Factory. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army. He is survived by his wife of 28 years, whom he married May 8, 1987, Susan Lancaster Honaker of Roseville; daughters, Annette Taylor of Crooksville, Cristal (Caleb) Cunningham of Adamsville and Kim (Derek) Raper of Zanesville; son, Buddy (Stacy) Taylor of Avondale; brothers, Michael (Connie) Honaker of Idaho, Nathaniel (Pam) Honaker of Zanesville and Marlin Honaker of Zanesville; nine grandchildren; one great-grandchild and beloved dogs, Star and Cherokee. In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by his grandson baby Shane. Special thanks to Dr. Kalichik, Kristi Agin and staff of Genesis Hospice. Burial of cremains for family only will take place 11 a.m. Mon., May 19, 2014 at Mt. Olive Cemetery with Military Honors. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Genesis Hospice and Palliative Care, 713 Forest Ave., Zanesville, OH 43701. To sign the online guestbook please visit .

iii. Marlin K.

47.v. iv. Nathaniel L. He married Pamela Unknown. In 2014 they lived in Zanesville.

48.ii. Loney Patton[5] Honaker (Ellis Patton[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born Mar 1907. Died 5 Apr 1971.

He married Ruby Smith. Children:

i. Mary Marshall[6]. Born 8 Feb 1929 in Lillydale, Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 10 May 2013 in

Hilldale, Summers Co., W.Va. Interred in Sunset Mausoleum, Sunset Memorial Park, Beckley, Raleigh Co., W.Va. She married Charles F. Davis. Died Jun 1983.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 13 May 2013: Mary Marshall Honaker Davis, 84, of Alderson, formerly of Crescent Road, Beckley, passed away Fri., May 10, 2013. Funeral services will be Tuesday, May 14, at the Sunset Mausoleum at Sunset Memorial Park, Beckley, with the Rev. Dr. Charles Bright officiating. Entombment will follow at the Sunset Mausoleum at Sunset Memorial Park, Beckley. There will be no visitation. Arrangements by Lobban Funeral Home, Alderson.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 14 May 2013: Mary Marshall Honaker Davis, age 84,

of Alderson, formerly of Crescent Road, Beckley, passed away on Fri., May 10, 2013, at Summers Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, Hilldale, W.Va., following a long illness. Born Feb. 8, 1929, at Lillydale, W.Va., she was the daughter of the late Loney P. and Ruby Smith Honaker. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Charles F. Davis in June 1983; a nephew, Paul Richard Honaker; and a niece, Michelle Lynn Richmond. Mrs. Davis attended school at Alderson and was a graduate of Alderson High School Class of 1947. She was then employed by Smith’s Drug Store in Alderson. In 1952 she married well-known Beckley artist, Charles F. Davis. They moved to Kentucky, but later returned to Beckley. There she was employed as a cashier at the Glass House Restaurant on the West Virginia Turnpike. Until her retirement in 1984, she was the office manager at the Beckley office of Fleshman Monument Company of Charleston, W.Va. Survivors include a brother, Richard P. Honaker and his wife, Orah, of Alderson; a sister, Kitty Ellard of Union, W.Va.; a niece, Kathy Mann and her husband, Bob, of Union; two great-nephews, Michael and Matthew Mann, both of Union; and a special friend, Gwen Tucker of Beckley. Funeral services will be held on Tue., May 14, 2013, at 1 p.m. at the Sunset Mausoleum at Sunset Memorial Park, Beckley, with the Rev. Dr. Charles Bright officiating.  Entombment will follow at the Sunset Mausoleum at Sunset Memorial Park, Beckley. There will be no visitation. Family and friends will serve as pallbearers. For those considering an expression of sympathy, the family request that in lieu of flowers donations be made to the Greenbrier Humane Society, P.O. Box 305, Lewisburg, WV 24901. Arrangements by Lobban Funeral Home, Alderson.

48.ii. ii. Richard Patton. Born 28 May 1940 in Alderson, W.Va.

iii. Kitty. She married Unknown Ellard.

48.v. Melvin Gray[5] Honaker (Ellis Patton[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Aug 1917 in Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 22 Sep 2004 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Buried in Riverview Cemetery, Ronceverte.

Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 30 Sep 2004: Melvin Gray Honaker, 87, of Ronceverte, passed away Wed., Sept. 22, 2004, at his home in Ronceverte. Mr. Honaker was born Aug. 10, 1917, in Monroe County to the late Ellis P. and Sarah Catherine Bare Honaker. Mr. Honaker was a retired lineman for [Virginia Electric & Power Co.], a member of the Ronceverte Presbyterian Church where he also served as deacon and elder, a member of the Shyrock Lodge #47 Masons, and a World War II Army veteran. He was preceded in death by four brothers, Lonie, Powell, Louie, and Freddie Honaker. He is survived by his wife, Glenna “Virginia” Alexander Honaker; a son, Melvin “Gray” Honaker II, and his wife Regina, of Monterey, Va.; grandchildren, Gray William “G.W.” Honaker of Kitty Hawk, N.C., and Thomas Jason “T.J.” Honaker and wife, Laura, of Bluegrass, Va.; sisters, Polly Taylor of Union, and Margaret Willis of Parkersburg; and special friend, Janie Rutherford of Muddy Creek Mountain. Services were held Fri., Sept. 24, at Riverview Cemetery with Rev. Andre Crummett officiating. Burial followed at Riverview Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the Greenbrier Valley Hospice, 540 N. Jefferson St., Lewisburg, WV 24901, or the American Cancer Society. Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home in Ronceverte was in charge of arrangements.

He married Glenna Virginia Alexander, daughter of Annie M. Alexander. 5 Mar 1942. Born 3 Jul 1918 in Ronceverte. Died 11 Dec 2008. Buried in Riverview Cemetery, Ronceverte.

Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 18 Dec 2008: Glenna Virginia Alexander Honaker, 90, of Ronceverte, passed away Thurs., Dec. 11, 2008, at Greenbrier Valley Medical Center. She was born July 3, 1918, at Ronceverte, and was a daughter of the late Annie M. Alexander. “Ginny” spent most of her life in Greenbrier County and graduated from Greenbrier High School in 1934. On Mar. 5, 1942, she married the late Melvin G. Honaker, her husband of 62 years. She was a member of the Ronceverte Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Honaker was employed in several jobs—one of the most important being a wonderful housewife and mother. She was active and ready to serve in many community organizations and contributed generously in time and funds to many needs around her. Survivors include her son, Melvin Gray Honaker II, and wife, Regina, of Monterey, Va.; grandsons, Gray W. Honaker and Amy Ford of Corolla Beach, N.C., and Thomas J. and Laura Honaker of Blue Grass, Va.; first cousin, Earl Bauserman of Ronceverte; and a special daughter, Janie F. Rutherford of Lewisburg. Services were held Mon., Dec. 15, at Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home in Ronceverte with Rev. Youel Altizer of Graystone Baptist Church officiating. Burial followed in Riverview Cemetery, Ronceverte. Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home in Ronceverte was in charge of arrangements. Please send online condolences by visiting .


48.v. i. Melvin Gray[6], II. Pauline Elizabeth[5] Honaker (called Polly) (Ellis Patton[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 21 Apr 1920 in Union, Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 27 Dec 2013 in Roanoke, Va. Buried in Green Hill Cemetery, Union.

Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 2 Jan 2014 (with photograph): Pauline “Polly” Elizabeth Honaker Taylor, 93, of Union, passed away Friday morning, Dec. 27, 2013 at Roanoke Memorial Hospital in Roanoke, Va., following a short illness. Born at Union, April 21, 1920, she was the last surviving child of seven born to Ellis Patton and Sarah Catherine “Kate” Bare Honaker of Alderson. Polly was an employee of the Monroe County Board of Education for 19 years as a cook and special education teacher’s aide at Union Elementary School. She was the first president and member of the Indian Creek Community Club for many years. She also was a member of the St. John’s United Methodist Church and a 1940 graduate of Alderson High School. Polly was married to her husband Fred Lewis Taylor, I, for 71 years and they lovingly took care of each other and their four children; Nancy Paulette (Robert) Crews of Rock Camp, Beverly Ann (James) Chadwell of Bedford, Va., Fred Lewis (Doris Ann) Taylor, II of Sinks Grove and Drema Lee Taylor Gautier of Pearisburg, Va.; seven grandchildren, Robert Don (Eva) Crews, Shannon Taylor Chadwell, Abbey Taylor (Kevin) Blankinship, Chad LewiS (Betsy) Taylor, Casey Lane (Jason) Napier, Jared Wesley Gautier and Tyler Pierson Gautier; four great grandchildren, Emily Elizabeth Crews, Grayson Lewis Taylor, Gabrielle Lynne Taylor and Lilly SarahBeth Napier; a sister-in-law, Betty Sue Taylor Durham of Grafton, Va.; a brother-in-law, Frank Eugene (Bonnie) Taylor of Waldorf, Md., and nieces and nephews. A celebration of Polly’s life was held Mon., Dec. 30th at the Groves Funeral Home Chapel in Union with the Rev. Shahn Wilburn officiating. Burial followed in the Green Hill Cemetery at Union. In lieu of flowers the family request that memorial donations be made to the Indian Creek Building Fund, Jerry Fullen, Rt. 1 Box 46A, Union, WV 24983. Pallbearers were Dan Copeland, Steve Martin, John Honaker, Marvin Honaker, Jerry Fullen, Gray Honaker, Freddie Honaker and Bobby Bostic. Groves Funeral Home in Union was in charge of arrangements.

Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 31 Oct 2002: 60th Wedding Anniversary Celebration (accompanied by two-column photograph of couple with wedding cake)—On Sat., Oct. 12, 2002, Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Taylor of Union were honored with a 60th Wedding Anniversary Reception given by their children and grandchildren, and held at the Union Rescue Banquet Room. The Taylors are the parents of four children: Jim Chadwell Taylor, Fred L. Taylor II and his wife, Doris Ann Taylor, and Drema Gautier and her husband, Donald. The couple has seven grandchildren.

Fred and Pauline were married on Oct. 10th, 1942 in Rossville, Ga., and their marriage announcement appeared in the paper as follows:

Staff Sgt. Fred L. Taylor, of Salt Sulphur Springs (son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Taylor) and Pauline Elizabeth Honaker (daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ellis P. Honaker of Alderson.) The ceremony was quietly solemnized on Sat., Oct. 10, 1942, 7:00 p.m. in Rossville, Ga.

Staff Sgt. Taylor had been in the U.S. Army since July 24, 1942 and received his basic training at Camp Forrest, Tenn. Also other training at Camp Phillips, Salinas, Kan., Camp Lagoona, Yuma, Ariz., and Ft. Dix, N.J. Mrs. Taylor has been able to accompany him to all these states. He went over-seas in July 1944 and since has been serving in the European Theater of Operations with the 80th Division (a part of the 3rd Army, under Lt. Gen. George Patton.

Staff Sgt. Taylor was reported to have been seriously wounded in action in France on Nov. 25th, 1944. His wife Pauline received the War Department telegram on the 27th of November, 1944. Since being wounded, his wife and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor have had several letters from him, telling of his recovery in a hospital in England. Sometime in September of 1944 Staff Sgt. Taylor was cited by his Infantry Battalion of the 80th Division and was awarded the Combat Infantry Badge for actual participation in combat against the enemy, and also the Purple Heart, which he mailed to his wife.

After being discharged from the Army on Jan. 1st, 1946, he came back to Monroe County and then on to Concord College, where he received a B.S. degree in Education. He then went to Marshall College, where he received a master’s degree in Education and a Principal’s Certificate. After graduation Fred and Polly have lived in Monroe County and raised their four children. Fred was a principal and also taught in Monroe County Schools for 40 years. Polly was also in the school system, being a cook and then a teacher’s aide.

They retired in the fall of 1980. They have both enjoyed a great retirement since then, with gardening, travel, grandchildren and quilting being some of the activities. Their anniversary celebration started this year with a charter bus trip to Lancaster and Hershey, Pa., on Oct. 3rd. They had a wonderful trip.

She married Fred Lewis Taylor, son of Frank L. Taylor and unknown, 10 Oct 1942, in Rossville, Walker Co., Ga. Children: i. Fred Lewis, II [6]. ii. Nancy Paulette. iii. Beverly Ann. iv. Drema Lee.

50.vii. Merle Helen[5] Scott (Alice Berta[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 15 Oct 1905 (also reported as 22 Oct) in Sinks Grove, W.Va. Died 26 Dec 1986 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

Possibly Covington Virginian, 27 Dec 1986: Mrs. Merle S. White, 81, of Alvon, W.Va., died Friday in Humana Hospital, Greenbrier Valley, Fairlea, W.Va., following a short illness. Born in Sinks Grove, W.Va., Oct. 15, 1905, she was the daughter of the late Isaac P. and Alice Honaker Scott. She was a former Greenbrier County school teacher and a member of the Alvon United Methodist Church and a founding member of the United Methodist Women. Mrs. White and her husband owned and operated White’s Store, Alvon, W.Va., from 1930 until the present. Mrs. White is survived by one son, Charles H. White, Alvon, W.Va., one daughter, Mrs. Mary Alice Baum, Alvon, W.Va., one brother, Howard S. Scott, White Sulphur Springs, W.Va.; five grandchildren; three great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Monday at 2 p.m. at Alvon United Methodist Church with the Rev. Lowell O’Dell and the Rev. Robert McClintic officiating. Interment will follow in Alvon Presbyterian Church Cemetery. The body will be taken to the church one hour prior to the service. The family will receive friends from 7-9 Sunday evening at Shanklin Funeral Home, White Sulphur Springs, W.Va.

She married William Houston White 14 Feb 1931. Children:

50.vii. i. Charles Houston[6]. Born ca. 1932.

ii. Mary Alice. She married Bill Baum.

53.iii. William Duran[5] Honaker (Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Amelia Erma Grimmett.

54.ii. Thelma[5] Barton (Grace Edith[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 9 May 1915 in Summers Co., W.Va. Died 9 Feb 2004 in Manassas, Va. Buried in Birchlawn Burial Park, Pearisburg, Va.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 13 Feb 2004: Narrows, Va.—Thelma Barton McClaugherty, 88, died Mon., Feb. 9, 2004 in Manassas, Va. She was born in Summers Co. [W.Va.] on May 9, 1915, and was the daughter of the late Rufus E. and Grace Honaker Barton. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Everett Henry McClaugherty and a brother, Murel E. Barton. She was a member of the First Baptist Church in Narrows. She is survived by two daughters, Joan M. Douglas of Catlett, Va. and Jan M. Denson of Mechanicsville, Va.; six grandchildren, Bradford Douglas, Molly D. Brewster, Thomas Douglas, Julie D. Pederson, Jennifer Denson, Jessica Denson; and 11 great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday in the chapel of Riffe’s Funeral Service in Narrows with the Rev. Jeffrey H. Hale officiating. Burial will follow in Birchlawn Burial Park, Pearisburg, Va. The family will receive friends at Riffe’s in Narrows today from 7–9 p.m. Online condolences may be sent to the family at .

She married Everett Henry McClaugherty 26 Oct 1936. Children:

54.ii. i. Joan[6].

54.ii. ii. Jan.

56.ii. Quinta[5] Honaker (George Arthur[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 13 Nov 1889 in West Virginia. Died 19 Jun 1919 in Putnam Co., W.Va.

She married Lester Thompson 24 Mar 1914 in Kanawha Co. W.Va. Born in West Virginia. Children:

i. Everett[6].

ii. Virginia M. Born 1915.

56.iii. Willa Sylvesta[5] Honaker (George Arthur[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 1892 in Kanawha Co., [also reported as Poca, Putnam Co.,] W.Va. Died of tuberculosis 20 Apr 1921 in Putney, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Buried in Letart Twp., Meigs Co., Ohio.

She married Eldon Leslie Worthen, son of John E. Worthen and Marguerite Ellen Tubbs, 24 Dec 1910 in Winfield, Putnam Co., W.Va. Born 10 May 1876 in Meigs Co., Ohio, [also reported as East Liverpool, Columbiana Co., Ohio.] Died 22 Jan 1960 in Veterans Administration Medical Center, Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio. Buried in Dayton National Cemetery. In 1927, after Willa’s death, he married, second, Inez Lloyd in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Born 7 Mar 1891 in West Virginia. Died 17 Jul 1989 in Columbus, Franklin Co., Ohio. Children (of Willa and Eldon):

56.iii. i. Homer Leslie[6]. Born 9 May 1908.

56.iii. ii. Marguerite Emily. Born 22 Nov 1915 in Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., Ohio.

56.iii. iii. George Edward. Born 18 Sep 1918 in Beaver Falls, Beaver Co., Pa.

59.i. Goldie Hazel[5] Honaker (John Irvin[5], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]. Born 16 Jun 1892 in Winfield, Putnam Co., W.Va. Died 23 Sep 1933 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Buried in Sawmill Cemetery, Winifrede, Kanawha Co., W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 24 Sep 1933: Mrs. Goldie Peters, 41 died yesterday at the home of her mother in Blatterman street after a long illness. Surviving are two children, Mary and Jean Peters; her mother, Mrs. J.G. Rich; two brothers, Samuel Honaker of Van Lear, Ky., and Charles Honaker of Charleston, and one sister, Mrs. J.E. Robinson of Charleston. Funeral services are to be held tomorrow afternoon at two o’clock at the Advent church in Bigley Avenue. The Rev. Mr. Elmore is to officiate. Burial is to be at Winifrede.

She had a child with Les Humphrey:

i. Thomas Clyth[6] [Honaker]. Born 4 Apr 1907 in Minden, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 11 May 1980 in Columbus, Franklin Co., Ohio. Buried in Obetz, Franklin Co., Ohio. He married Rosa Unknown in Whitehall, Franklin Co., Ohio.

She married Clarence Allen Peters in Winfield, Putnam Co., W.Va. Children:

59.i. ii. Mary Margaret. Born 13 Jul 1917 in Malden, Kanawha Co., W.Va.

59.i. iii. Jean Frances. Born 24 Oct 1921.

59.ii. Samuel Roscoe[5] Honaker (John Irvin[5], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]. Born 4 Jul 1894 in Winfield, Putnam Co., W.Va. Died 28 Apr 1974 in LaPuente, Los Angeles Co., Calif. Buried in LaPuente.

He married Ella Webb. Born 8 Jul 1891. Died 8 Jun 1941. Children:

i. Larena[6]. Born 16 Sep 1917 in Winifrede, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died 10 Apr 1918 in Van Lear,

Johnson Co., Ky.

59.ii. ii. John Clifford Victor. Born 30 May 1922 in Van Lear. Died 1 Jan 2000.

iii. Billy Ray. Born 8 Mar 1931 in Van Lear. Died 7 Apr 1999 in Ross, Butler Co., Ohio. Buried in

Buffalo, Putnam Co., W.Va. There were no children.

59.iii. Charles Frederick[5] Honaker (John Irvin[5], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 31 May 1896 in Winifrede, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died 13 Jun 1957 in Hollywood, Broward Co., Fla. Buried Teays Hill Cemetery, St. Albans, Kanawha Co., W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 15 Jun 1957 (with photograph): Charles Honaker Dies in Florida—Charles F. Honaker, a retired Charleston police lieutenant, died late Thursday in his home at Hollywood, Fla., at the age of 61 . The body of Mr. Honaker, who died of a heart attack, will be returned here tomorrow to Bartlett mortuary for service and burial. The rites will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at South Ruffner Presbyterian Church. Burial will be in Teays Hill Cemetery. He [joined] the police department in 1933 and retired on May 14, 1953. His career included one year as detective bureau chief. He is survived by his wife, Carrie; one daughter, Mary Jean of Charleston; one son, Charles Jr. of Delaware; four grandchildren; one brother, S.R. Honaker of Charleston; and four sisters, Mrs. Sue Robinson of Akron, Ohio, Mrs. Magdalene [Gavrian] and Mrs. Charlotte Gogheff of Dayton, Ohio, and Mrs. Pauline Payne of Charleston.

He married, first, Violet Jane Myers 24 Dec 1918 in Uniontown, Fayette Co., Pa. Born 29 Oct 1895. Died 19 Apr 1936. Children:

59.iii. i. Charles Frederick, Jr.[6] Born 7 Oct 1921 in Van Lear, Johnson Co., Ky.

ii. Mary Jean. Born 7 May 1925 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died 14 Sep 1995 in

Charleston. There were no children.

iii. Walter. Died at age 2.

He married, second, Carrie Unknown.

59.v. Sue Harvey[5] Honaker (John Irvin[5], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]. Born 1 Jul 1901 in Glen Jean, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 13 Jul 1989 in Akron, Summit Co., Ohio. Buried Spring Hill Cem., Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va.

She married J. Emmitt Robinson 31 Dec 1920 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Born 12 Dec 1891. Died 16 Dec 1947. Buried Spring Hill Cemetery. Children:

59.v. i. Dorothy Lee (called Dot)[6]. Born 14 Feb 1923 in Charleston.

59.v. ii. Mary Louise (called Tookie). Born 9 Mar 1924 in Charleston.

61.i. Hazel Juanita[5] Saunders (Alice Jane[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 26 Jun 1899.

She married Adam Byron Rairden. They lived in the Guyandotte section of Huntington, W.Va. Guyandotte was the first town in the area, but was incorporated into Huntington after New York railroad magnate Samuel P. Huntington established Huntington. Children:

61.i. i. Adam B., Jr.[6] (called Junior) Born 3 Jul 1925.

61.i. ii. Charles Francis.

iii. Donald.

iv. Eleanor.

65.v. Viola Jane[5] Honaker (John Thomas[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 28 Aug 1900. Died 14 Jun 1981 in Fairlea, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

Newspaper and date unknown: Mrs. Viola Jane Honaker Reynolds, 80, of Caldwell, died Sun., June 14, in Greenbrier Valley Hospital, Fairlea, after a long illness. Born Aug. 23, 1900 on Coffman Hill, she was a daughter of the late John Thomas and Mary Virginia Morgan Honaker. Mrs. Reynolds was a member of the Caldwell Chapel of the First Presbyterian Church in White Sulphur Springs and the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary Post 316. Survivors include two sons, Dale D. Reynolds Jr. and Walter H. Reynolds, both of …[remainder missing]

She married Dale Dennis Reynolds in 1920 in Greenbrier County. Children:

i. Dale Dennis[6], Jr. (called Denny) Died before 2008.

ii. Imogene. Died before 2016. She married Unknown Boone.

65.v. iii. Mary Jane. Born 21 Jun 1933 in Caldwell, W.Va.

65.v. iv. Walter Howard. Born 9 Jun 1939.

66.ii. Jasper Lee[5] Morgan (Rebecca Jane[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 16 Jun 1974 in Clifton Forge, Va. Buried in Restwood Memorial Gardens, Hinton, W.Va. He was employed by the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway as a telegraph operator at Hinton, W.Va., 15 Mar 1907. He was promoted to train dispatcher 25 Mar 1925.

Hinton [W. Va.] Daily News, 17 Jun 1974: Jasper Lee Morgan of 908 Temple Street died at 8 p.m. Sunday in Emmett Memorial Hospital in Clifton Forge, Va., after a long illness. He was born in Greenbrier County, the son of the late Andrew and Rebecca Morgan and had lived in Hinton for the past several years. He was a member of the United Methodist Church. Surviving are his wife, Nancy, at home; two daughters, Mrs. Herbert Comer of Roanoke, Va., and Miss Mary Morgan at home; one grandchild; and two great grandchildren. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 4 p.m. in the Ronald Meadows Funeral Parlors with the Rev. John Smith and Dr. Clyde Hensley in charge. Burial will follow in the Restwood Memorial Gardens and friends may call after 4 p.m. today. Pallbearers will be Junior Ellison, Bernard Rogers, Robert Butler, Chick Garrett, E.E. Rogers, Ray Sawyers, Bill Gore, Henry Gwinn, Harry Webb, Ray DeWitt, Pat Nichols and Raymond Ratliff.

He married Nancy Pearl Lewis, daughter of George Washington Lewis and Martha Alley. Born 17 Oct 1891 in Virginia. Died 29 Nov 1981 in Hinton, W.Va. Buried in Restwood Memorial Gardens. A funeral program said the service was held at 2 p.m., 1 Dec 1981 at Ronald Meadows Funeral Parlors, Hinton. The Rev. William Young officiated.


66.ii. i. Ethel L.[6]

ii. Mary. She never married.

66.v. Hubert Elmer[5] Morgan (Rebecca Jane[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 2 Feb 1895 in Hinton, W.Va. Died 8 Jun 1987. Buried in Hebron Baptist Church Cemetery, Afton, W.Va.

Staunton [Va.] News Leader, 10 Jun 1987: Waynesboro—Hubert E. Morgan, 92, a former resident of Afton and also Waynesboro, died Monday evening (June 8, 1987) at the District Home. He was born Feb. 2, 1895 in Hinton, W.Va., a son of Andrew and Rebecca (Honaker) Morgan. He was a retired employee of the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad. His wife, Ottie Clarice Morgan died Jan. 3, 1971. Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Mildred Hill and Mrs. Gladys Cramer, both of Baltimore, Md., and Mrs. Faye Matheny of Richmond; four sons, Hubert E., Jr. of Staunton, Ralph of Augusta County, Curtis of Crimora, and Lloyd Morgan of Kansas; and [illegible] grandchildren and three great grandchildren. A service will be conducted at [illegible] p.m. Thursday at Hebron Baptist Church Cemetery in Afton by the Rev. John Chafee. The family will receive friends from 8–9 tonight at McDow Funeral Home.

He married Ottie Clarice Seay. Died 3 Jan 1971. Children:

i. Mildred[6]. She married Unknown Hill.

ii. Gladys. She married Unknown Cramer.

iii. Faye. She married Unknown Matheny.

iv. Hubert E., Jr.

v. Ralph.

vi. Curtis.

vii. Lloyd.

67.iii. Eva Morton[5] Green (Margaret Ann[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 19 Sep 1886 in Caldwell, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 30 May 1980 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Buried in Riverview Cemetery, Ronceverte.

Newspaper and date unknown: Mrs. Eva M. Baker, 94, died Friday in a Fairlea hospital after a long illness. Her husband Andrew C. Baker died in 1955. Mrs. Baker is a member of the Ronceverte Presbyterian Church. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Alta Phillips of Ronceverte and Mrs. Margaret Garner of Lewisburg; two sons, Basil and Leon, both of Ronceverte; 18 grandchildren and 26 great-grandchildren. The body is at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home in Ronceverte.

Newspaper and date unknown: Mrs. Eva M. Baker, 94, died Friday in a Fairlea hospital after a long illness. Services will be Monday at 11 a.m. at the Ronceverte Presbyterian Church. Burial will be at the Riverview Cemetery. Friends may call today after 2 p.m. at the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home in Lewisburg.

She married Andrew Clyde Baker, son of Rufus Pembrook Baker and Nancy Mariah Jones, 28 Dec 1910 in Ronceverte. Born 19 Jan 1887 in Lilydale, W.Va. Died 25 Mar 1955 in Ronceverte. Buried in Riverview Cemetery, Ronceverte. Children (there were six, of whom five are known):

67.iii. i. Alta C.[6] Born 26 Jan 1912.

67.iii. ii. Paul Marion. Born 11 Apr 1913 in Ronceverte.

67.iii. iii. Margaret Louise. Born 3 Jul 1917 in Ronceverte.

iv. Basil.

v. Leon.

vi. James Calvin. Born 25 Dec 1914 in Ronceverte. Died 15 Mar 1915 in Ronceverte. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Ronceverte.

68.iii. Percy E.[5] Honaker (James William[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 1898.

He married Elizabeth Masters 1917 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Children:

i. Lucille[6]. She married Unknown Scott.

ii. Lawrence.

iii. Ralph.

iv. Preston.

v. Leroy

68.iii. vi. Hazel Morgan. Born 5 Sep 1924 in Caldwell, W.Va.

vii. Ruth. She married Unknown Bennett.

viii. Evelyn. She married Unknown Zeccola.

68.iv. Lester B.[5] Honaker (James William[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1900. We do not have any definite information on any marriage or descendants. However, in 1985 a Silas Honaker of Reading, Pa., formerly of Caldwell, W.Va., whose father was Lester Honaker, died in Reading. Lester B. is the only presently-known Lester whose family lived in the vicinity of Caldwell, and he was of an age that would make it possible for him to be Silas’s father. The following information from Silas’s obituary rests on that assumption until more conclusive evidence may come to light.

He married Rose Rutherford. Children:

68.iv. i. Mildred M.[6] Born ca. 1926.

68.iv. ii. Silas. Born 25 Jul 1927.

68.iv. iii. Shairleen.

68.iv. iv. Earl Melvin. Born ca. 1945.

68.v. William Virgil[5] Honaker (called Virgil) (James William[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). See photograph [Tina Wingard]. Born 1902 in Caldwell, W.Va. He was a town policeman. As the stories go, he was a kind, likeable person with a great sense of humor. He never liked to go far from home. In his younger days he enjoyed camping and hunting with his coon dogs. Later he liked to play golf and spend time with his grandchildren. 

He married, first, Mary Delee Rapp. Born 1908. Died 1945. Children:

i. William Robert[6].

ii. Helen May.

iii. Charles Eugene. His father Virgil deeded the old home place to Charles.

68.v. iv. Dolores Jean. Born 27 May 1938.

v. James Thomas.

vi. Gary Lee. In 2006 he lived in Hilldale, W.Va. He married Pamela Willey, daughter of

Howard E. Willey and Mary Helen Keffer.

He married, second, Anna Mae Ripley. Children:

68.v. vii. Edward William. Born 1950.

viii. Bobby Gene. Born in White Sulphur Springs, W.Va. In 1998 he lived in Roanoke, Va. He married

Sheila Unknown. The following newspaper articles are not precisely word for word from the original, due to computer failure:

Roanoke [Va.] Times, Oct 2004: photograph cutline—“[Specialist] Bobby Honaker of Montvale [Va.] helps load equipment with Sgt. Michelle Washington, 33, and several National Guard members at the National Guard Armory in Rocky Mount on Wednesday afternoon.”

A self-employed truck driver from Montvale, Spc. Bobby Honaker, 51, joined the National Guard in 1996. An Army veteran who served from 1972 to 1977, he signed up with the Guard for the retirement benefits he’d be eligible for. When he deploys Wednesday, he’ll leave Shelia, his wife of 26 years. “Ain’t nothing I can do to stop it. I’m not real thrilled,” he said. He expected to be deployed sometime, he said, “but not this quick.”

Something that helps his wife cope, as it does many of the family members, is the fact that members of the unit were almost sent to Iraq last year when attached to a Transportation Company. “We were deployed but we didn’t actually go overseas,” he said.

Honaker met his wife in 1978, when she caught him trespassing. While he lived at his mother’s house in Montvale, he used to cut across a cemetery, then a neighboring yard to the store. That neighboring property turned out to be where his future wife lived. She said to him, “You know you’re on private property?” Three months later, they were married. They still live in the same place where they first met.

Roanoke [Va.] Times, 29 Dec 2004, with photographs: 1173rd’s Soldiers Prepare to Board Planes—The company was split in two, half to leave at 1:30 a.m. today, the rest at 6:30 a.m., by Mike Allen

Fort Dix, N.J.—Earlier this week, Sgt. 1st Class Kevin Hubbard tried to explain to his son that he’s flying to Iraq and won’t return home for a long time. “I think all he understands is that I’m not home,” he said. “It’s pretty tough.” Even though he’s leaving his wife, son and 1-year-old daughter behind, Hubbard, 33, of Ridgeway said he’s ready to go. “Since April, this is the only thing that’s kind of been a driving force for me. Now it’s to go.”

Tuesday afternoon, Hubbard and Sgt. 1st Class Reginald “Duke” Dyckman of Martinsville sat on their beds in the tiny room they shared in Fort Dix. Their green duffel bags were already packed, tight as drums, as they chatted to kill time waiting for a bus to adjacent McGuire Air Force Base. After several days of dizzying schedule changes, the men and women of the Virginia Army National Guard’s 1173rd Transportation Company knew when they would leave for Iraq. Half of them were scheduled to board a plane leaving at 1:30 a.m. today; the other half would leave at 6:30 this morning.

Capt. Mike Waterman, the 1173rd’s commanding officer, said the company would be in Kuwait for about three weeks of further training, then go to their destinations, which he expects will be north-central Iraq. Based out of Rocky Mount and Martinsville, the 171 members of the 1173rd are expected to be deployed for a minimum of 18 months. In October, the soldiers were at Fort Dix for training. They spent their final day at Fort Dix packing and repacking their gear and waiting for the buses to arrive.

“There’s so much going through my mind, it’s hard to put it together,” said Spc. Parsi, 22, a Virginia Tech senior studying philosophy and political science. “This is where everybody starts praying, relying on faith,” she said. “Faith and teamwork.” Parsi’s family emigrated from Iran, and she still has vivid memories of the Iran-Iraq War. “For years of my life, that’s all I saw.” She called her deployment “my second war experience. The first one wasn’t too good.” She called many of her memories from that war-torn time “gruesome.” A desire to better understand the purpose of the military was part of the reason she joined the National Guard. “You want to believe that there’s good,” she said.

A few of the soldiers’ family members came to the base to see their loved ones off. Sheila Honaker, wife of Spc. Bobby Honaker of Montvale, sat in her pickup truck in the barracks parking lot with her Chihuahua, Bubba, watching as her husband helped load gear. “I figured when it snowed, the planes wouldn’t take off,” she said, growing tearful. “I’m still not ready.”

“I just want to get the hell over there and get this s--- over with and get on back to my family,” her husband said. For now, “we get to sit up all night and wait to go. Honaker’s wife told him she didn’t think she had enough money to stay another night in New Jersey. He hugged her as she broke down in tears.

About 4 p.m., the entire company gathered in formation, and Waterman told them it was all right to be scared. “If you’re not scared, I’d be worried about you.” By then, those going on the first plane had already loaded their bags onto a tractor-trailer. The second group began after the formation dispersed. Lines of soldiers passed the duffel bags into the truck, straining under the bags’ weight. During a pause, Sgt. Mark Fitzwater, 22, a student at Emory & Henry College, explained to his companions that if they wanted to see real football, come to Pulaski County High School.

Col. Karl Smulligan, commander of the 91st Troop Command, which the 1173rd is part of, arrived to see the company off. As the soldiers took a break from loading, he joked with one, “The only really good thing about this is you get to leave New Jersey.” Inside the barracks in the 1173rd’s command office, Capt. Waterman’s parents, Steve and Carole Waterman, were taking their leave. Both were stoic about their son’s deployment. “We didn’t send him to West Point to play golf,” Carole Waterman said. Yet deployment to Iraq is “not something that I wished for.”

“It’s hard to have the time to really get nervous,” said their son, 32, of Richmond. When he does get time to think, he worries about whether his soldiers will be hurt or killed. “Hopefully we trained enough, and hopefully the leadership makes the right decisions and we all come back,” he said.

ix. Clayton Wayne (called Wayne). Born in White Sulphur Springs, W.Va. In 1998 he lived in Roanoke, Va.

69.vii. Leslie D.[5] Honaker (Newton Dixon[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Died in 1981.

He married Mary A. Frazee Hardesty, daughter of Calvin Frazee and Mary E. Unknown. Born 23 May 1908 in Cranesville, Preston Co., W.Va. Died 3 Jun 1990 in Fairlea, W.Va. Interred in Rosewood Cemetery Mausoleum, Lewisburg, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 4 Jun 1990: Mrs. Mary A. Hardesty Honaker, 82, of Alderson, died June 3, 1990, in Humana Hospital Greenbrier Valley, Fairlea, after a long illness. She was a native of Cranesville, Preston County, a homemaker and member of Old Greenbrier Baptist Church, Alderson. Surviving: sons, Edward P. Hardesty of Alderson, Joseph R. Hardesty of Akron, Ohio, John C. Hardesty of Bunker Hill; daughter, Sarah Jane Honaker Costa of Myrtle Beach, S.C.; 12 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Lobban Funeral Home, Alderson, is in charge of arrangements.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 5 Jun 1990: Honaker, Mrs. Mary A. Hardesty. Service will be 11 a.m. Wednesday at Lobban Funeral Home, Alderson, with the Rev. William C. Taylor officiating. Entombment will be in Rosewood Mausoleum, Lewisburg. Friends may call from 5 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home. Mrs. Honaker, 82, of Alderson, died June 3, 1990, in Humana Hospital Greenbrier Valley, Fairlea, after a long illness.

Unknown W.Va. newspaper and date: Mrs. Mary A. Hardesty Honaker, aged 82 years, of Alderson [W.Va.], died Sun., June 3 at a Fairlea hospital following a long illness. Born May 23, 1908 at Cranesville in Preston County, she was the daughter of the late Calvin and Mary E. Frazee. Mrs. Honaker was a resident of the Alderson Manor Apartments, was a homemaker and a member of the Old Greenbrier Baptist Church at Alderson. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Fred C. Hardesty in 1950; her second husband, Leslie D. Honaker in 1981 and two sons, Carlton J. Hardesty in 1954 and Ronald F. Hardesty in 1988. Survivors include three sons, Edward P. Hardesty of Alderson, Joseph R. Hardesty of Akron, Ohio and John C. Hardesty of Bunker Hill; a daughter, Sarah Jane Honaker Costa of Myrtle Beach, S.C.; 12 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Services were held Wed., June 6 at 11 a.m. in the Lobban Funeral Home Chapel in Alderson with the Rev. Dr. William C. Taylor officiating. Entombment was in the Rosewood Cemetery Mausoleum at Lewisburg.


i. Sarah Jane[6]. She married Unknown Costa.

70.i. Emma Gertrude5] Honaker (William A.[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 1886 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

She married Edgar Spencer Weikle. Children:

i. Roy[6]. Died before 2009.

ii. Hobert. Died before 2009.

iii. Inez. Died before 2009. She married Unknown Holliday.

iv. Lola. Died before 2009. She married Unknown Baker.

v. Leta. Died before 2009. She married Unknown Baker.

vi. Zelma. Died before 2009.

vii. Eva. Died before 2009.

70.i. viii. Seibert Ivan. Born 13 Apr 1917 in Lilly Dale, W.Va.

ix. Vergie.

x. Calvin.

71.i. Lula May[5] Honaker (Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 9 Aug 1887 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 28 Sep 1964 in Greenbrier County.

She married Wade Hampton Morgan, son of James M. Morgan and Nancy Ellen Morgan. Born 30 Sep 1881 in Greenbrier County. Died 16 Jul 1970 in Greenbrier County. Children:

i. Raymond[6]. Born 1908. Died 1910.

71.i. ii. Reva Lee. Born 1911.

iii. Richard. Born and died in 1913.

iv. Ivan Wilbur. Born 1914. Died 1951.

71.i. v. Olan Franklin. Born in 1916.

vi. Sarah Arbutus (called Arbutus). Born 1919. Died 1937.

71.i. vii. Madge Ellen. Born 28 Jan 1922.

viii. Evelyn Virginia. Born ca. 1925. Died 20 May 2015.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 22 May 2015: Evelyn Virginia Morgan, 90, of Ronceverte passed from this life on Wed., May 20, 2015. Evelyn was the daughter of the late Wade and Lula Honaker Morgan. She was preceded in death by brothers Raymond, Ivan, Olan (Lorene), and sisters Arbutus Morgan, Reva Morgan (Ray), Madge Toothman (Raymond), and brother-in-law Bob Shafer. She is survived by her sister, Sue Shafer with whom she made her home. She is also survived by several nieces and nephews, who affectionately knew her as “Wee Wee.” Evelyn was a 1943 graduate of Greenbrier High School, and retired from Legg’s Cleaners in Ronceverte. She gave her life to Christ on July 9, 1948 and was a faithful member of Zion’s Light Baptist Church and the Ladies Circle. Her passion in life was helping others. She was a caregiver to her parents and many in the community. Being a lady of deep faith, she taught many children about the love of God in her Sunday School Class. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m., Sun., May 24, 2015 at Zion’s Light Baptist Church, with Pastor Gary Baker officiating. Per her request, there will be no visitation. In lieu of flowers, donations of sympathy may be made to The Gideon’s International, P.O. Box 1380, Lewisburg, WV 24901. Bibles will be provided in her memory.

71.i. ix. Susannah (called Sue).

71.v. Hubert Daniel[5] Honaker (Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 12 May 1895 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 25 Nov 1959 in Greenbrier County.

He married Eva Morgan. Born 24 Aug 1902. Died 7 Aug 1948 in Greenbrier County. Children:

i. Paul Layton[6]. Died before 2011.

71.v. ii. Joseph Leroy (called Leroy). Born 25 Nov 1929 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier County. Silas[5] Honaker (Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 22 Jun 1898 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 7 Aug 1910 in Greenbrier County.

71.viii. Agnes Virginia[5] Honaker (Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Dec 1902 in Irish Corner District, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died of tuberculosis 23 Sep 1946 in Greenbrier County.

She married Virgil Joel Morgan, son of Andrew Wellington Morgan and Hazzie Eleila Martin. Born 11 Mar 1902 in Irish Corner District, Greenbrier County. Died 27 Apr 1977 in Greenbrier County. Children:

71.viii. i. Marilea[6] (also reported as Maralea). Born in 1927.

71.viii. ii. Virgil Robert (called Bob). Born 19 Nov 1929 in Ronceverte, W.Va.

71.viii. iii. Merle Gray. Born 10 Jan 1932 in Ronceverte.

71.ix. Sadie Lee[5] Honaker (Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 1905 in Irish Corner District, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 1959 in Irish Corner District, Greenbrier County

She married Otis G. Masters (called Oat), son of Frank Masters. Born 1905. Died 1985. Children:

i. Frances[6]. She married Fred Morgan.

ii. Charles F.

iii. Betty. She married, first, Chester Weakley. She married, second, David Ozmina.

iv. Peggy Walkup.

v. Norma. She married Harold Howard.

vi. Annie J. (called Janie) Boyd.

vii. Earl. Born 1938. Died 1940.

viii. Sammy.

71.x. Homer A.[5] Honaker (Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 14 Jul 1907 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 15 May 1922 in Greenbrier County.

71.xi. Verdie Jackson[5] Honaker (Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). See photographs. Born 15 Jun 1912 in Irish Corner District, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 6 Apr 1992. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 8 Apr 1992: Verdie Jackson Honaker, 79, of Ronceverte, Greenbrier County, died April 6, 1992, after a short illness. He was a lifelong resident of Ronceverte and a retired painter for The Greenbrier hotel.

Surviving: wife, Elva G. Morgan Honaker; daughters, Freda Deskins of Dorr, Lena Hitchcock of Ronceverte; sons, James “Jimmy”, Joe J., Jack O., Jesse L., Jerald E. “Jerry” and Judson W., all of Ronceverte; 32 grandchildren; 32 great-grandchildren. Service will be 2 p.m. Thursday at Greenbrier Regular Baptist Church with the Rev. Gary Baker and the Rev. Earl McGuffey officiating. Burial will be in Honaker Cemetery, Ronceverte. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. today at Wallace-Wallace Funeral Home, Ronceverte.

He married Elva Gertrude Morgan, daughter of James Washington Morgan and Lena Morgan, 4 Sep 1929. Born

28 Oct 1913 in Ronceverte, W.Va. Died 16 Dec 2009 in Ronceverte. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Ronceverte.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 18 Dec 2009: Ronceverte—Elva G. Honaker, 96, died Wed., Dec. 16, 2009.

Service will be 1 p.m. Sat., Dec. 19, 2009, at Greenbrier Regular Baptist Church, Morgan Hollow Rd., Ronceverte, with Pastors Timothy Dillon, Gary Baker and David Deskins officiating. Burial will follow in the Honaker Family Cemetery, Coffman Hill. Friends may call 6 to 8 p.m. today, Friday, at the Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home, Ronceverte, and one hour prior to the services at the church on Saturday. If so desired, donations of sympathy in her honor may be given toward the cemetery upkeep, c/o Jack Honaker, 114 Honaker Cemetery Rd., Ronceverte, WV 24970. Please send online condolences by visiting Arrangements by Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home, Ronceverte.

Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 24 Dec 2009: Elva G. Honaker, 96, of Ronceverte, passed away at Greenbrier Valley Medical Center on Wed., Dec. 16, 2009, after a short illness. Born Oct. 28, 1913, in Ronceverte, she was a daughter of the late James W. and Lena Morgan. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband of 63 years, Verdie J. Honaker; one son, Jimmy; four grandchildren; two brothers; and one sister. Survivors include Freda Deskins and husband George of Monroe County, and Lena Hitchcock of Ronceverte; sons, Joe Honaker and wife Wilda of Ronceverte, Jack Honaker and wife Barbara of Ronceverte, Jesse Honaker and wife June of Ronceverte, Jerry and wife Letha of Ronceverte, and Judson Honaker of Ronceverte; sisters, Jean Linkous of Ronceverte, Janice Boone of Ronceverte, Abigale Toothman of Ronceverte, and Donna Estep of Monroe County; brothers, Gerald Morgan of Organ Cave; 29 grandchildren; and a multitude of great and great-great grandchildren. Services were held Sat., Dec. 19, at Greenbrier Regular Baptist Church, Ronceverte, with pastors Timothy Dillon, Gary Baker and David Deskins officiating. Burial followed in the Honaker Family Cemetery on Coffman Hill. If so desired, expressions of sympathy in her honor toward the cemetery upkeep would be appreciated, c/o Jack Honaker, 114 Honaker Cemetery Road, Ronceverte, WV 24970. Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home in Ronceverte was in charge of arrangements. Please send online condolences by visiting .

Two photographs of Elva and her family appeared in The Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 8 Nov 2001. Children:

71.xi. i. James Franklin[6] (called Jimmy).

71.xi. ii. Joe J.

71.xi. iii. Jack O.

71.xi. iv. Freda.

71.xi. v. Jesse L.

71.xi. vi. Lena Sarah. Born 17 Mar 1942 in Ronceverte.

71.xi. vii. Jerald E. (called Jerry)

viii. Judson Waldo.

74. Dewley A.[5] Honaker (Michael Alexander[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Dewley A. is the name recorded on the 1885 census, subsequently reported by researchers as Andrew, (called Drew and Drewly.) Born ca. 1881 in West Virginia. At the time of his brother Ira’s death, he lived in Omaha, Neb.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Lyle[6]. Lived in Omaha, Neb.

ii. Wayne.

75. James Gordon[5] Honaker (Michael Alexander[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). See photograph. Born ca. 1868 in West Virginia. Died 1937. Buried in Woodbine [Iowa] Cemetery.

He married Harriett Annette Burnett in Harrison Co., Iowa. Buried in Woodbine Cemetery. She was originally from Arkansas. Children:

174. i. Howard James[6].

75.i. ii. Jessie Alexandra. Born in Harrison County.

iii. Leonard Webb.

iv. Esther Sarah Amanda.

v. Richard Dean.

vi. Naomi Fern.

76. George L.[5] Honaker (Michael Alexander[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1878 in West Virginia.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Dwaine[6].

ii. Unknown.

77. Ira Ernest[5] Honaker (Michael Alexander[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 19 Sep 1882 in Woodbine, Harrison Co., Iowa. In his delayed birth certificate, 23 Jun 1953, he twice gave his name as Ira Ernest (Mike) Honaker. The nickname is a puzzlement because his father was Mike and his nickname was first reported to us as Ernie. A buther, in 1919 he moved his family from Fort Collins, Colo., to Laramie, Wyo.

He married Ida Edith Kirschberger 14 Oct 1907 in Sheridan Co., Neb. She was from Chadron, Neb. Children:

77. i. Hayward Ernest[6]. Born 25 Aug 1911 in Fort Morgan, Colo.

77. ii. Frances[6]. Born 7 Jan 1915 in Fort Collins, Colo.

79. Eunice M.[5] Honaker (William Ritchie[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick). Died in Havaseau City, Ariz.

84. Ellett[5] Honaker (John Allen[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1].) Born 22 Apr 1880 in Wolf Creek, W.Va. Died in Oklahoma.

He married Unknown in Oklahoma. Children:

i. Richard[6].

ii. Homer.

85. Jesse Wayne[5] Honaker (John Allen[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). See photo [Ruth C. Honaker]. Children:

85. iii. Harold. Born in Cumberland, Allehany Co., Md.

86. Lena Leota[5] Honaker (John Allen[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Died in Roderfield, W.Va.

She married William Denver Miller 21 Aug 1921. Died in Roderfield. Children:

86. i. William Dayton[6]. Born 9 May 1922.

86. ii. Margaret Honaker. Born 21 Sep 1923.

86. iii. James Richard. Born 13 Jul 1925.

iv. Mary Kathryn. She and Howard had no children.

v. Jean Elizabeth.

vi. Betty Lena. Born 24 Jan 1931 in Elkhorn, W.Va. She married Robert Harrison Blankenship, son of Benjamin Harrison Blankenship and Leta Cleo Covill, 24 May 1975 in the First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Princeton, W.Va. Born 22 Feb 1925 in Corryton, Knox Co., Tenn. There were no children. In 1999 they still lived in Princeton.

87. James Everett[5] Honaker (Parker Smith[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Children:

vi. James Lloyd. Born 17 Sep 1927 in Shadesville, Ohio. Died 21 Dec 2000 in Mount Gilead, Ohio.

Buried in Fulton [Ohio] Cemetery.

Snyder Funeral Home, Mt. Gilead, Ohio: Mount Gilead—James Lloyd Honaker, age 73, formerly of Fulton, Ohio, died Thursday evening, Dec. 21, 2000 at Woodside Village Care Center in Mount Gilead following an extended illness. He was born Sept. 17, 1927 in Shadesville, Ohio, the son of the late James Everett and Elizabeth [May] [Carroll] Honaker. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II and the U.S. Army during the Korean Conflict. He was a resident of the Morrow County area since 1978, coming from North Fairfield. He retired in 1989 after working for ITT North Electric in Galion for 26 years. He is survived by his wife, Myrtle M. Bronson Honaker, whom he married Feb. 14, 1978; a stepson and daughter-in-law, Bernie and Michelle Bronson of Fulton; four stepdaughters and sons-in-law, Barbara Bronson of Cardington, Evelyn and Pat Sullivan of Virginia, Teresa and Billy Lanum of Fulton and Karen and Troy Rifenberg of Maryland; 10 grandchildren, three great-grandchildren; a brother, Leroy E. Honaker of Upper Sandusky; and three sisters, Amelia M. Honaker of Columbus and Georgia Farrow of Marion and Dixie Meadows of Wyandot. Two brothers, Charles and Robert Honaker, and two sisters, Mary Schneider and Ruth Ferrin, preceded him in death. Friends may call at the Snyder Funeral Home on Tuesday from noon to 2 p.m. The Rev. Ron Ellyson will hold funeral services there at 2 p.m. Burial with military honors will be in Fulton Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the Gilead Friends Church.

He married Myrtle Marie Fisher Bronson, daughter of Hoyt Everett Fisher and Florence Mae Tillman, 14 Feb 1978 in Galion, Crawford Co., Ohio. Born 7 Jan 1935. She was married previously to Unknown Bronson. James and Myrtle had no children.

88. Rosa[5] Honaker (Thomas Davidson[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1879 in Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died 21 Jul 1906.

89. Edward Simpson[5] Honaker (also reported as Edward Sampson and Edwin Simpson) (Thomas Davidson[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1877 in Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died 9 Jul 1942 in Charleston, Kanawha County.

He married Mary Elizabeth Coffman. Born 1872 in Putnam Co., W.Va. She was living in 1948. Children:

i. James Edwin[6]. Living in 1948.

ii. Earl Otto. Born ca. 1888 in Putnam County. Living in 1948.

iii. Rosa Edna. Born ca. 1890 in Putnam County. Living in 1948. She married Donald McCoy.

iv. Dewey Donald. Born ca. 1892 in Putnam County. Died in infancy.

89. v. Thomas Harry. Born 29 Mar 1894 in Putnam County.

vi. unknown son. Born and died ca. 1896 in Putnam County.

90. Stevenson Powell[5] Honaker (Thomas Davidson[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 20 Jan 1873 in Kanawha Co., W.Va.

He married Cora Bell Whittington. Born ca. 1873. Children:

i. Edwin Simpson[6]. Born 1899.

91. Marsheen Tabler[5] Honaker (also Marshine) (called Tabe) Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 3 (also reported as 18) Oct 1864 in Putnam Co., W.Va. Died 1 Jul 1901 (also reported as 1906) in Putnam County.

He married Mary Etta (also reported as Marietta and Maretta) Spence.


91. iv. Bessie Mae.

92. Letcher Wellington[5] Honaker (Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Lydia Belle Harmon, daughter of John Albert Harmon and Sarah Ann Hubbard, 25 Aug 1895 in Putnam Co., W.Va. Born 3 Feb 1872. Buried in Wade Chapel Cemetery, Putnam County. Lydia is thought to be a granddaughter of John Harmon of Putnam County. A Harman-Harmon family genealogy says that John Harmon came to the Kanawha Valley about 1800 from Rockbridge Co., Va., settling about two miles above Red House, (West) Va. In 1928 the land was owned by a descendant, A.M. Harmon, Putnam County Assessor, and had been in the family continuously “since the Indians moved out, and there has never been a deed of trust, mortgage or other lien given on it and has never been delinquent for taxes.” John’s son John Albert Harmon (Lydia’s father,) one of John’s five children, “remained on the old farm and lived to be 87 years old.” J.A.’s daughters included a Lydia who married a Honaker who was a farmer (presumably Letcher Wellington Honaker.) J.A.’s son John William Harmon had a daughter, Sarah Ruth, who married Stanley Ephriam Honaker, Frederick descendant #93.ii.

93. Forest Hill[5] Honaker (Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 26 Oct 1868 (also reported as 2 Aug 1868 and 2 Aug 1869) in Putnam Co. (also reported as Jackson Co.), W.Va. Died 15 May 1931 in Charleston, Kanawha Co. (also reported as Putnam Co.,) W.Va. Buried in Wade Chapel Cemetery, Putnam County. He was a farmer and cattle raiser who bought and sold numerous farms. His grandson Stephen G. Honaker remembered that he had lifelong stomach problems and consumed raw eggs and milk. Steve said the last time he saw his grandfather, Stephen was a child sitting on his lap as his mother fixed his grandfather a vanilla milkshake. Forest’s death followed surgery.

He married, first, Stella Booth (also seen as Ella) 26 Nov 1890 in Putnam Co., W.Va. Born 5 Jun 1872. Died of influenza 27 Feb 1906. Buried in Wade Chapel Cemetery, Putnam County. Children:

i. Charles Wade[6]. Born 27 Sep 1891 in Confidence, Putnam Co., W.Va. Died 24 Sep 1960 in

Charleston, W.Va.

93. ii. Ephriam Stanley (changed the name to Stanley Ephriam).

193. iii. Harry.

194. iv. Lottie.

v. Mary. Born in 1910. She was living in 1948.

vi. Lulu. Born in Confidence, W.Va. She married Charles Bowles. There were no children.

93. vii. Clarence. Born in Confidence, W.Va.

viii. Earl. Born in Confidence, W.Va. He was living in 1948.

He married, second, Lucy (also reported as Lutie) S. Houston Atkinson, daughter of John H. Houston and Lucinda E. Woody, 27 May 1917. Born 12 Jul 1876 in Virginia. Died 4 Jan 1965. It was her third marriage. She married, first, John Franklin Bowles (also reported as Hodges), and second, Unknown Atkinson (called Dump). Children (of Forest and Lutie):

93. ix. James Wesley. Born 23 May 1923 in Redhouse, W.Va.

94. Leondas Rosser[5] Honaker (Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 17 Jul 1870 in Hutchison, Harvey Co., Kansas (also reported as Putnam Co., W.Va.)

95. Lillie Mae[5] Honaker (Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 8 Apr 1872 on 18-Mile Creek, Putnam Co., W.Va. Died 1949 in Atchison Co., Kan. Buried in Atchison.

She married Okie Johnson Casto, a physician, 1 Apr 1888 in Chicago, Ill. Born 1872. Children:

i. Keith Scoville[6].

ii. Otho (also reported as Otto).

iii. Faith Lillian.

iv. Frankie.

97. Dana Berna[5] Honaker (Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 7 Nov 1875 (also reported as 1876) in Putnam Co., W.Va. Her husband Tom was the son of Robert Watkins and Paulina McGlothlin. Born in Red House, W.Va. Died 12 May 1940. Buried in Wade Chapel Cemetery, Putnam Co., W.Va.

98. John Sayastos[5] Honaker (called Greaser) (Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Variations for the middle name include Servitos and Seratus. Born on 18-Mile Creek, Putnam Co., W.Va. Died 16 Jan (also reported as 21 Oct and 1 Nov) 1933 in Charleston (also reported as Putnam Co.), W.Va.

100. Hattie Belle[5] Honaker (Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Hattie’s brother Letch told a nephew that Hattie’s father forbade her to see Cade King but that she eloped, married, and lived in Vinton, Ohio, where her children were born. She and Cade separated and she returned to West Virginia. Her father had the gravestone marked Hattie Belle Honaker. Cade is buried in Vinton.

107. Charles Edward[5] Honaker (William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). See photograph. Born 28 Jun 1864 in Mossy, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 27 Oct 1962 in Oak Hill, Fayette County. Buried in Oak Hill. He was a farmer.

He married Minnie Ellison, daughter of Anderson Pack Ellison and Rhoda Tyree, 15 Oct 1891 in Pax, Fayette County. Born 15 Oct 1875 in Pax. Died 10 Jan 1928 in Oak Hill. Buried in Oak Hill. Children:

210. i. William Anderson[6]. Born 13 Aug 1892.

211. ii. Charles Oscar (called Doc). Born 18 May 1894.

212. iii. Shirley E. Born 4 Jul 1896.

213. iv. Dewey S. Born 12 Oct 1898.

v. John. Born 18 Sep 1900. He married, first, Pattie Shockey. He married, second, Myrtle Phillips.

vi. Morris Haven. Born 5 Dec 1902. Died 16 Dec 1902.

vii. Unknown. Born and died 1 Apr 1904.

viii. Morgan Omega. Born 7 Apr 1905. Died 17 Oct 1988 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Huse Memorial

Park, Fayetteville, Fayette Co., W.Va. He married Ruth Knapp 17 Dec 1937.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 19 Oct 1988: Morgan Omega Honaker, 83, of

Beckley, formerly of Kimberly, died Oct. 17, 1988, in Beckley Hospital after a short illness. He was a retired cab driver in Charleston. He was a retired dispatcher for Smith’s Transfer. He was a Methodist. Surviving: brother, James H. Honaker of Oak Hill; sisters, Hazel Lewis of Lochgelly, Rhoda Underwood and Malinda Miller, both of San Antonio, Texas, Billie E. Laws of Prosperity.

Service will be 2 p.m. Friday at Dodd-Payne-Hess Funeral Home, Fayetteville, with the Rev. Rudell Bloomfield officiating. Burial will be in Huse Memorial Park, Fayetteville. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday at the funeral home.

107. ix. Sparrel Hansford. Born 22 Aug 1907.

107. x. Hazel Ida. Born 29 Jun 1910.

xi. Rhoda. Born 8 May 1913. She married Bill Moss.

107. xii. Billie Elizabeth. Born 9 Feb 1918.

xiii. Malinda. Born 18 Mar 1920. She married Bob Griffin.

107. xiv. James H. Born 2 Mar 1923 in Fayetteville, W.Va.

108. James Clark[5] Honaker (William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

He married, first, Cora Mae Tyree (also reported as Clara Tyree), daughter of Richard Tyree (called Bub) and Sarah Jane Cruise. Fayette County Cemetery Records, Vol. I, p. 52, reported the gravestone reads Clara Tyree Honaker, and identified the final resting place as Pauley-Tyree Cemetery, Plum Orchard Road.

110. Samuel Hayes[5] Honaker (William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

Sheri Pettit, stepgranddaughter of Sam’s son Wilbur, wrote the following story for The Old Centurion—A Publication of Retired Law Enforcement Officers, Huntington, W.Va., Apr 2001, reprinted in Honaker Family Newsletter, Fall 2001, about three of Sam’s sons who were Huntington police officers.

Photo cutline—Wilbur “The Dogman” Honaker, born in 1903 and died in 1981. Sgt. Honaker’s claim to fame on the HPD was his bloodhound, “Lucky.” Austin Honaker, born in 1914 and died in 1997. After retirement he owned the 10th Street boat dock (Pearl Harbor.) Ray Honaker (no picture available,) born in 1902 and died in 1967. He was a member of the HPD in the 1930s. Robert Honaker (no picture available,) entered HPD service Jan. 6, 1964 and retired July 6, 1990.

The Honaker Boys of HPD

For over 60 years, the Huntington police force had some connection to the Honaker family. The family of Sam and Mary Honaker contributed three of their sons to serve and protect the citizens of Huntington. Beginning with the oldest, Ray was born in 1902, Wilbur born in 1903 and Austin born in 1914. The Honaker family moved from Mossy to Huntington in 1919. Another distant branch contributed Robert L. Honaker, son of Darrell and Florence Honaker. Darrell’s father Benjamin’s family had come from Putnam to Cabell County in the 1880s.

In the early 1930s, Ray was the first to join the force. The family remembers he may have been a motorcycle cop. He was a patrolman until the onset of WWII, when he moved the family to Norfolk where he joined the Merchant Marine where he retired as a chief mate. He died 11 Jun 1967.

The next son to join the force was Wilbur in 1940. He had been sort of a wanderer. He had lived in Florida and Missouri and had a variety of jobs before becoming a police officer. He had worked as a salesman, grocery store clerk, gas station operator and game warden. He was well known for his love of hunting and breeding champion beagles and bloodhounds. His bloodhounds were put to use a few times for the force. They and the beagles earned him the nickname “Doggie.”

Wilbur was a policeman 24/7. His widow Mabel remembers Christmas shopping on a crowded downtown street in the 1950s when a bum came up to him and asked for money for a cup of coffee. “I can do you better than that, buddy, three meals and a place to sleep,” Wilbur replied, and called for the paddy wagon.

Although he came down hard when he had to, he also showed understanding. Mabel remembers a cold night in 1956 when she and her daughter Carolyn were at home alone, heard noise outside, and then heard the dogs barking like crazy. Looking outside, they saw a taxi and a drunken man stumbling about saying, “I want my friend, Lieutenant Honaker.” Mabel replied that he was at work. The man said he wanted to give Wilbur some of his paycheck.

Mabel called Wilbur downtown, who told her who the fellow was and that they could come and get him. The man knew that if he kept his weekly pay that he would just run through all of it, so he would give most of the money to Wilbur to hold for him. When he sobered up he would still have it for his family. After Wilbur came for the man, he turned to the dogs and yelled “quiet!” in his command voice. They instantly fell silent.

Mabel said that like his dogs, he had keen eyesight and a great nose; he could always find her in a crowd at the annual band festival or a parade.

Wilbur was no-nonsense, a man of few words, and extremely honest. The joke was that he wouldn’t take a cup of coffee and not many dared ask him to fix a ticket. His answer was always the same—“You must have deserved it.” He worked his way up to sergeant and retired in 1962.

In retirement he worked at odd jobs, including a stint with the Park Police. That ended after an incident in Ritter Park when he was told to stop kids playing football on protected grass. He took the cruiser up on the grass to do so, causing complaints that he caused more damage than they did. Wilbur said that a few of the kids beat him back to the park before he was done with the paperwork! His final job was with the State Road Commission, where he retired in 1976. In early 1977 he suffered a disabling stroke, and died 31 Aug 1981.

The last son to join the force was Austin, after WWII. He had been a city bus driver and had joined the U.S. Navy Reserve. He served as a patrolman until the 1960s. Both he and Wilbur were on the force when their mother, Mary Lillian (Ellison) Honaker, died 10 Oct 1956.

It was the custom to have a wake at home the night before the funeral. Some of the family sat up. Every two hours, two police officers came to show their respects. This always meant a great deal to Wilbur, Austin, and the family.

Austin retired in 1965 and worked at the Huntington Boat Marina and as a toll collector on the Sixth Street Bridge. He died 7 Aug 1997.

After Mary’s death, Sam married Florence Mabel May Honaker, widow of Darrell Honaker. Darrell had been a deputy sheriff who had been killed in 1953 while transporting a prisoner from Texas. Darrell was distantly related to Sam but the families did not know each other. Sam met Florence at a Republican Party function. She was an elevator operator at the Cabell County Courthouse in Huntington. They married 29 Aug 1958 and her son Robert became a stepbrother to Ray, Wilbur and Austin. Robert joined the Huntington Police Department 6 Jan 1964 and retired 6 Jul 1990.

About the author—Sheri Pettit is the granddaughter of Wilbur Honaker. She and her husband Richard reside with Wilbur’s widow, Mabel, at 207 Water Street. Mabel just had her 95th birthday. Sheri is currently serving as president of the KYOWVA [Kentucky-Ohio-West Virginia] Genealogical Society.


iv. Ethel. See photographs. She married Carlton Chambers Clark Jr. Died 5 Feb 2002 in Portsmouth, Ohio. Buried in Highland Cemetery, Huntington, W.Va.

Herald-Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., unknown date: Carlton C. Clark, 92, of Portsmouth, Ohio, formerly of Huntington, died Monday in Southern Ohio Medical Center. Funeral services will be held 2 p.m. Thursday at Beard Mortuary, conducted by the Rev. David Erenrich. Burial in Highland Cemetery, Huntington. Mr. Clark was born on the family farm in East Huntington on May 1, 1909, son of the late Carlton C. Clark Sr. and Fonnie Sydenstricker Clark. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his first wife, Ethel Honaker Clark, and by one brother, Arthur E. Clark. He was a graduate of Huntington High School and attended Marshall College. He entered the military during World War II, and was a member of the Air Force. He was a first lieutenant, piloting bombers in Africa and Middle East Theatres. He was promoted to captain flying Air Transport Command routes in Africa. He accumulated 1,000 flying hours flight time overseas. Following the war, he returned to Huntington where he flew executive airplanes for Polan Industries and National Mattress Co. He was the former manager of the Huntington Airport in Chesapeake, Ohio, and formed the Tri-State Aviation Service at Tri-State Airport. He continued this operation for 17 years, after which he organized Clark Estates, Inc., as president, and conducted real estate development east of Huntington. He had been a resident of the Hillview Retirement Center at Portsmouth for the past several years. He was a member of the First United Methodist Church in Huntington. He is survived by his wife, Letty Clark; one [foster] son, Larry K. Clark of Peoria, Ariz.; two grandchildren, Ava Clark of Charlotte, N.C. and Michael Clark of Wilmington, N.C.; one great-grandchild, Kristin Ava Ramirez; one sister, Sara E. Smith of Huntington. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the American Heart Assn. Condolences may be sent to the family at . Friends may call after 1 p.m. Thursday at Beard Mortuary.

xi. Raymond Henry (twin). See photographs. Born 8 Sep 1921 in Huntington, W.Va. Died

He graduated from Barboursville [W.Va.] High School in 1939 and attended Huntington [W.Va.] Trade School.

He is listed as a World War II honoree at the World War II Memorial Registry, on line, with the following written profile: Sept. 9, 1942 to Jan. 11, 1946, U.S. Marine Air Corps. Served in the Philippines and Okinawa with Marine Air Group 3, Marine Air Group 14. Received the Combat Action Ribbon, Good Conduct Medal, American Campaign Medal, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal, WWII Victory Medal, Marine Occupation Medal, Philippine Liberation Medal and China War Memorial Medal.

He married, first,

He married, second, Minnie Helen Lewis (called Helen), daughter of William E. Lewis and Minnie Kearns, 24 Oct 1958, in Huntington, W.Va. Born 8 Aug 1923 in Platform, Ohio. Died 29 Jul 2005 in Bayonet Point, Fla. Buried in Grace Memorial Gardens, Hudson, Fla.

St. Petersburg [Fla.] Times, 1 Aug 2005 and Honaker Family Newsletter, Winter 2005—Minnie Helen Honaker, 81, of Hudson, Fla., died 29 Jul 2005 at Regional Medical Center Bayonet Point, near Hudson. Born in Platform, Lawrence Co., Ohio, she came to Florida 24 years ago from Huntington, W.Va. She was a retired Realtor, a member of St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church, and was a volunteer at Regional Medical Center Bayonet Point. A member of V.F.W. Auxiliary, Post #1064, Huntington, she was 1980-81 president of the West Virginia V.F.W. Auxiliary. She was preceded in death by one son, Randy Leon Spurlock, five brothers and one sister. She is survived by her husband of 49 years, Raymond Henry Honaker; one daughter, Brenda (Joseph) Dotson of New Port Richey, Fla.; and one brother, Chester Woodrow Lewis of Huntington; grandchildren Patricia Ann (Donald Patrick) Handley Wisman, Daniel Leon (Sylvia) Spurlock, Brenda Michelle (William) Dodd, Randy Leon (Janet) Tomlin; and great grandchildren Cameron Patrick Wisman, Justin Daniel Spurlock, Trenton Daniel Spurlock, Coy Addison Tomlin, Ellison Lane, and Quade Parker. Services were at Bell Funeral Home, Hudson, officiated by Dr. William Whitledge, St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church. Interment was at Grace Memorial Gardens, Hudson.

Helen married, first, Randall Eugene Spurlock and had two children in that marriage, Randall Leon Spurlock and Brenda Gayle Spurlock. Brenda married Joseph Leslie[6] Dotson Jr. (Frederick[1]). Raymond and Helen had no children.

xiii. Robert Lee (called Bob). See photograph. Born 15 Mar 1926 in Huntington, W.Va. Died 17 Apr 2003 in Orlando, Fla. Interred in Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens Mausoleum, Huntington.

Herald-Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., 20 Apr 2003: Robert Lee Honaker, 77, of Orlando, Fla., formerly of Huntington, husband of Lena Opal Honaker, died Thursday at home. He was a former guard at the Barboursville Veterans Home. Graveside services 11 a.m. Tuesday in Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens Mausoleum. Friends may call after 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at the cemetery. Arrangements by Chapman’s Mortuary.

Bob enlisted in the U.S. Navy 28 Feb 1944 and served in the Pacific during World War II. His ship was the USS SC1270, a 110-ft. submarine chaser crewed by 28 men, homeported in the Marshall Islands. The SC1270 and its sisters escorted transports and combatants between the Pacific islands and provided protection for the crucial Saipan airstrip at which American B-29s were based. In Dec 1944, then a seaman first class, Bob visited Pearl Harbor, where the nation’s military forces were readying the invasion of Iwo Jima. There he met his brother, Bert, a radioman second class, who was based on the invasion flagship. In January they were both in the invasion force. Bob’s ship anchored 500 yards offshore, where he watched American dive bombers pounding the enemy and saw the American flag flying from Mt. Suribachi. He was discharged following the war 31 Jan 1946.

Bob became a store manager for the W.Va. State Liquor Commission, then a sales representative for Huntington Beauty Supplies, where he worked for 21 years. He then worked as a security officer at the Barboursville Veterans Home for six years. He left that position in Jul 1988, relocating to Florida with his wife. In Florida he worked briefly with Pinkerton Security Service. He was a life member of Veterans of Foreign Wars, Disabled American Veterans, and American Legion.

He married Lena Opal Dotson, daughter of Calvin Dotson and Wilda Adkins, 8 May 1943. Born 14 Aug 1919 in Lincoln Co., W.Va. Died 31 Dec 2005 in Orlando, Fla. Interred in Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens Mausoleum, Huntington, W.Va.

Herald Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., unknown date, and Honaker Family Newsletter, Winter 2005—Lena Opal Honaker, 86, of Orlando, Fla., died Dec. 31, 2005 in Orlando. A daughter of Calvin and Wilda Dotson, she was born Aug. 14, 1919 in Lincoln Co., W.Va. A former resident of Huntington, W.Va., she had worked at the former Huntington Industries and was a former cook at Huntington State Hospital. She was preceded in death by her husband, Robert Lee Honaker; brother, Raymond Dotson, and one sister, Imogene Brown. She is survived by two sisters, Lorene Smith and Martha Gay Sims, both of Huntington. Services and interment were at Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens Mausoleum, Huntington. Chapman’s Mortuary, Huntington, was in charge.

There were no children.

112. Calvin Lewis[5] Honaker (Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 18 Apr 1889 in Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 16 Sep 1917 in Blue Sulphur, Greenbrier County.

He married Margaret Ann Alderson (Graham, History of Graham Family, identifies her as Margarite), in West Virginia. Born 22 Jul 1870. Died 3 May 1942. Children:

i. Effie Mae[6]. Born 21 Jan 1890 in West Virginia. She married Wesley Fry 12 Dec 1912 (Graham gives 18 Dec 1912).

ii. Emma Susan. Born 27 Apr 1892 in West Virginia.

112. iii. Ella Florence. Born 15 Aug 1894.

iv. Elmer Franklin. Born 19 Jun 1897. Died 19 Aug 1900.

v. Leona Mae. Born 7 Jun 1900. Died 8 Nov 1985 in Rupert, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 10 Nov 1985: Honaker, Miss Leona Mae. Service will be 1 p.m. Monday at Lobban Funeral Home, Alderson, with the Rev. William Taylor officiating. Burial will be in Clayton Cemetery, near Alderson. Friends may call from 4 to 8 p.m. today at the funeral home. Miss Honaker, 85, of Rupert, formerly of Charleston, died Friday in McClung Nursing Home, Rupert, after a long illness.

112. vi. Margaret C. (Graham gives Margarite) Born 11 Jun 1903.

231. vii. Calvin Lewis, Jr. Born 19 Apr 1906.

viii. Glenna Gertrude. Born 23 May 1907. She married Newell Keith Smith 3 Jul 1928.

113. Oscar Truman[5] Honaker (called O.T.) (Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). See photograph.

The following account of this family appeared in History of Summers County [W.Va.], 1984, submitted by Lena (Honaker) Keaton and O.T. “Bus” Honaker:

Oscar Truman Honaker was the second son of Andrew and Rebecca Jane Honaker. He was born 1 Jul 1868 at Clayton, Summers Co., W.Va. He left his home at the age of 16 and walked across the mountain from Clayton to Sandstone. He carried all his earthly belongings with him on that walk and found work with the Graham Brothers on a sawmill. He lived with a Payne family until he married five years later. Estella Burke Withrow, only daughter of Columbus Wran and Angeline Withrow, was born in Summers County, near Sandstone, on 13 Jul 1871. She attended Marshall College at Huntington for a year to prepare to teach. She had already been given a school when she and O.T. eloped. They were married in Gallipolis, Ohio on 12 Aug 1890.

Just before O.T.’s marriage, his brother, Calvin came to Sandstone with some borrowed money, a lot of “elbow grease” and with the help of the Grahams they started a planing mill at Sandstone. After marriage, O.T. opened a small grocery store and Estella worked in the store while he worked at the planing mill. During this time he also bought a few acres of land and built a four room cottage. In 1898 or 1899, O.T. and Estella who at that time had four children, bought the property and general store owned by Jeff Withrow and moved across the road into the larger house. Three sons—Kyle, Clyde “Jack” and Jesse were born here. Then they leased the store and dwelling and moved to Alderson, where a new house was built for them.

They owned and operated a grocery store there from the autumn of 1903 until the winter of 1905, when

they built a new house on Sourwood Mountain and moved the family there. They lived there until late Jan 1907. One daughter, Ina Grace, was born in Alderson and another daughter, Berma Faye, was born on the farm on Sourwood Mountain. When Berma was only a few days old they wrapped mother and new baby up in blankets and put them in the back of a wagon and moved them back to Sandstone. They moved into the same house they had lived in and operated the same store as before until they had to move across the road into another larger house.

That’s where they were living when Estella died after the birth of her 11th child, Russell. She died 20 Oct 1911 when Russell was only six days old, and was buried at Clayton W.Va. They were the parents of 11 children in this order: Howard, Lena, Clara, Harry “Joe”, Kyle, Claude “Jack”, Jesse, Ina, Berma, Robert and Russell.

On 8 Dec 1912, O.T. married Sue Parker, daughter of Estil and Nora (Wiseman) Parker. They had two sons—William Franklin “John” and O.T. “Bus”. In May 1945 at the age of 32 John was serving on a submarine, the U.S.S. Lagarto. The submarine was lost at sea with 99 men on board. No one ever knew what happened and no reports were given. O.T. and Sue separated in the 1920s and he made his home with Jesse and Mary Honaker at Sandstone until his death 26 Jun 1955 at the age of 87. He was buried at Clayton. His tombstone is shaped like a tree stump, which was very suitable for a person who loved the woods and timber as he did.

Two large family photographs of this extended family appeared in Peters’ Conrad Peters and Wife, p. 228. The book contains profiles of Oscar Truman’s adult children’s families, and is a source for information for this Honaker history. The Peters book quotes Miller’s History of Summers County as saying of Oscar Truman, “He was an enterprising merchant and lumber dealer of New Richmond.”

A photograph of Oscar’s four daughters, members of Hinton First Baptist Church, appeared in the computerized Facebook in 2012. The photo appeared to be taken ca. 1950.

Oscar Truman’s first wife Estella was born 13 Jul 1871 in Summers Co, W.Va. Conrad Peters and Wife gives her father’s name as Columbus Wrand Withrow and her mother’s name as Eliza Angeline Peters. The book also gives Summers County as Oscar and Estella’s place of marriage. Children:

iv. Harry Truman (called Joe). Born 22 Mar 1897 in Summers Co., W.Va. Died 25 Jun 1972. In the 1950s he was an engineer for the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad and lived with his wife in Sandstone, W.Va. He married Wanda Richmond, daughter of John W. Richmond and Annie Williams, 23 Jan 1923 in Summers County. Born 22 Aug 1897.

vi. Clyde Conrad (called Jack). Born 27 Jul 1900 in Summers Co., W.Va. Died 4 Oct 1966. He was employed by the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad, starting as a brakeman in Apr 1917. He was promoted to conductor 1 Jan 1921, working the route between Hinton and Huntington, W.Va. He also began part-time work with the New River Grocery Company, Hinton, in 1919, which he continued into the 1930s. He owned ten acres of land in Jumping Branch, W.Va., where he was building a home in 1939. Luther E. Meador’s family is listed in History of Summers County [W.Va.], 1984, p. 249.

He married Ina Mae Meador, daughter of Luther Ernest Meador and Mary Etta Pitzer, 16 Aug 1923 in Summers County. Born 1 Sep 1900. Died 1 Jun 1985 in Parkersburg, W.Va. Buried in Restwood Memorial Gardens, Hinton. There were no children.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 3 Jun 1985: Honaker, Mrs. Ina Mae. Service will be 2 p.m. Tuesday at E.M. Meadows Funeral Home, Hinton, with the Rev. Don Hannah officiating. Burial will be in Restwood Memorial Gardens, Hinton. Friends may call from 5 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home. Mrs. Honaker, 84, of Parkersburg, formerly of Hinton, died Saturday in Camden-Clark Hospital, Parkersburg, after a long illness.

237. ix. Berma Faye (called Bunch).

O.T.’s second wife Sue was the daughter of Estil Parker and Nora Wiseman.

114. Charles William[5] Honaker (Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 24 Oct 1874 (also 1875) in Clayton, Summers Co., W.Va. Died 9 Aug 1942 in Alderson, Greenbrier/Monroe Counties, W.Va.; also reported as 7 Sep 1942 in Ronceverte, Summers Co., W.Va. Buried in Clayton. His family was enumerated in the 1900 Summers County census as Charles Honaker, b. Oct 1875, married 5 years; Dovie, b. Jun 1875; Bertie W., b. Nov 1896; Icy Les, b. Oct 1898.

He married Dove Elizabeth Bryant, daughter of John Hutson Bryant and Mary Elizabeth Unknown, 10 Jun 1895 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Graham, History of Graham Family, reported that they married in Summers County. Born 24 Jun 1874 in Blue Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 9 Aug 1943 in Alderson, Greenbrier County. Buried in Clayton. Children (all born in Blue Sulphur Twp., Greenbrier County):

114. i. Bert William[6]. Born 24 Sep (also Nov) 1896.

114. ii. Icie Les (also Icie Leo). Born 23 Sep (also Oct) 1898.

iii. Unnamed. Born 20 Oct 1900. Died.

114. iv. Mary Myrtle. Born 3 Sep 1901.

iv. Pearlie Andrew. Born 22 May 1903. Died 17 Mar 1931 in Rainelle, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Buried in Smoot, Greenbrier County. He married Dorothy Henson 19 Apr 1924 in Greenbrier County. Born 1903 in Greenbrier County.

v. Walter Forrest. Born 3 Mar 1905. 4 Jun 1963 in West Virginia. Buried Clayton [W.Va.] Baptist Church Cem., Summers County. He married Inez Sheppard ca. 1930 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

114. vi. George Pleasant. Born 1 Sep 1906.

114. vii. Nellie Elizabeth. Born 5 Oct 1908.

viii. Ray Olin. Born 11 Feb 1912. Died of congestive heart failure 8 Mar 1941 in East Rainelle, Greenbrier County. Buried in Clayton.

116. George Washington[5] Honaker (Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Died 14 Feb 1966 in New Smyrna Beach, Volusia Co., Fla.

His family was enumerated in the 1920 Summers Co., W.Va. census: Honaker, George, 34; Ester M., 34; Arthur N., 14; Hamer G., 11; Annice C., 8; David A., 6, Loyd H., 3 and 10 mo.; and Dotson, Lanty T., 16, cousin; all born in W.Va.

History of Summers County [W.Va.], 1984, p. 212, contained this item by Mrs. H.J. Garten:

George Washington Honaker was the son of Andrew Harding Honaker and Mary Jane Ballengee Honaker. He was born at Clayton, W.Va., on 2 Apr 1884 and died 14 Feb 1966. He was a descendant of the ancient Col. James Graham of Lowell, W.Va. settlement fame and was the great grandson of Joseph and Rebecca Graham, who were two of the first settlers of Clayton, W.Va. Mrs. Graham was deeded 350 acres of land by her father, Col. James Graham. George married Esther Minerva Rhodes on 20 Mar 1905. She was the daughter of David Duke Rhodes and Margaret Amanda Dodson, also old pioneers of Clayton, W.Va. To this union were born eight children.

He and Esther had the following children:

116. i. Arthur Newman[6] (called Andy). Born 18 Dec 1905.

116. ii. Hamer George (called Hamer). Born 1 Dec 1908.

iii. Anis Callie. Born 11 Dec 1911 in Clayton, W.Va. Died 20 Oct 1976 in Charleston, W.Va. Buried in Rhodes Cemetery, Clayton, W.Va. She was commissary supervisor at the Federal Prison for Women, Alderson, W.Va., and owner of Annel Floral Shop in Alderson. A member of the Clayton Baptist Church, her interests included handicrafts and traveling. She married William Dean Williamson 22 Nov 1937 in Montgomery, W.Va. They divorced and she returned to her maiden name. William was an engineer for the New York Central Railroad. His interests were sports and traveling. During World War II he served in the U.S. Navy in the Pacific Theatre. There were no children.

116. iv. David Andrew (called Dave). Born 11 Jan 1914.

v. Lloyd Hiamond. Born 11 Mar 1916 in Clayton, W.Va. Died 2 Feb 1941 in Pence Springs, W.Va. Buried in Clayton Cemetery, Clayton, W.Va. He was an electrician and a member of the Baptist faith. His interests included reading, history, traveling, and helping people. He never married.

116. vi. Leona (twin) (called Leatie). Born 26 Mar 1920.

116. vii. Lorene (twin) (called Pert). Born 26 Mar 1920.

116. viii. Mary Jane (called Janie). Born 1 Dec 1922.

117. Arthur Hollister[5] Dolan (Elizabeth Jane[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]. Children:

ii. Christine Jane. Born 29 Jan 1909 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 5 Sep 1985 in Fairlea, Greenbrier County. She never married.

iv. Dolan. Born 1916 in Ronceverte. Died 1932.

vi. Freda Ozell. Born 3 Apr 1919 in Ronceverte. Died 1 Feb 1972. She married Richard T. Jeffries 6 Sep 1940.

121. Stewart Hampton[5] Bostic (Beirne Hampton[4], Rebecca Ann[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Died 13 Oct 1999 in Roanoke, Va. Interred in Alleghany Memorial Park Mausoleum, Low Moor, Va.

Virginian Review, Covington, Va., 14 Oct 1999, accompanied by photograph: Stewart Hampton Bostic, 72, of 200 Vine St., Wesgate in Clifton Forge, died Wed., Oct. 13, 1999 at Roanoke Memorial Hospital. He was born Apr. 12, 1927 at Ronceverte, W.Va., a son of the late Beirne and Mabel Fridley Bostic. Mr. Bostic was a retired supervisor for the signal department of CSX Transportation with 40 years of service. He was a member of Temple Baptist Church where he served as a deacon and teacher. He was a member of the Masons for 46 years, Clifton Forge Masonic Lodge No. 166, A.F.&A.M., past high priest of the Alleghany Royal Arch Chapter No. 24 of Royal Arch Masons, past commander of the Alleghany Commandery No. 23 of the Knights Templar, York Rite College Wilderness Road No. 94 in Blacksburg, and of the Clifton Forge Shrine Club and Kazim Temple in Roanoke. Mr. Bostic served in the U.S. Army during World War II in the Pacific Theatre. He has also been a very active volunteer for the [Chesapeake & Ohio Railway] Historical Society in Clifton Forge since its inception. He is survived by his wife of 39 years, Marie Wykle Bostic of Clifton Forge; a daughter and son-in-law, Nancy and Carl Clarkson of Fincastle; a son and daughter-in-law, Andy and Laura Bostic of Clifton Forge; a sister, Madeline Robinson of Ronceverte; and three granddaughters, Winter Bostic, Kara and Megan James. Mr. Bostic was preceded in death by three sisters, Christine Jameson, Mary Beard and Doris Beard; and a brother, Charles Bostic. A funeral service will be conducted Saturday at 11 a.m. in the chapel of Nicely Funeral Home in Clifton Forge with the Rev. William Hartsfield officiating. Entombment will follow in the Alleghany Memorial Park Mausoleum. Masonic graveside services will be conducted at the mausoleum and active pallbearers will be deacons of the church. The family will receive friends Friday from 7 until 8:30 p.m. at the funeral home. Memorial contributions in Mr. Bostic’s name may be made to the American Cancer Society/Alleghany Highlands Division, P.O. Box 11, Clifton Forge; or to Temple Baptist Church Building Fund, 300 Stratton St., Covington. Arrangements by Nicely Funeral Home, Clifton Forge.

122. Lula Beatrice[5] Honaker (called Bea) (John Patrick[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 2 Jun 1907 in Union, Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 22 Mar 2004 in Alderson, W.Va. Buried in New Lebanon Cemetery, Pickaway, W.Va.

Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 1 Apr 2004—Mrs. Lula Beatrice Honaker Taylor, 96, of Union, died peacefully Mon., Mar. 22, 2004, at the home of her caregiver, Evelyn Eggleston, in Alderson. Bea was born June 3, 1907, in Union to the late John Patrick and Emma Ragland Honaker. She was a lifetime member of the Union United Methodist Church. Bea studied at the Allegheny Collegiate Institute in Alderson and Union High School. She worked first on her family farm in Sinks Grove with her husband, the late Emory Esco Taylor, and their four children. She continued her practice of nurturing and caring as a nursing assistant at the Andrew S. Rowan Memorial Home, Sweet Springs, for 23 years from 1960 to 1983. Bea enjoyed getting together with her friends in the Indian Creek Club. She was also active in her church and senior citizens’ groups and was instrumental in organizing the Taylor-Honaker family reunions. She was also a member of the American Association of Retired Persons. Also preceding her in death were two children, Iris Taylor Dressler and Ervin Delano Taylor; one sister, Agnes Honaker Brooks; and three brothers, Marshall, William “Bill,” and Ernest Lee Honaker. She is survived by her sons, Richard Edwin Taylor and his wife, Gaye Harvey Taylor, of Union, and John Patrick “J.P.” Taylor, of Raleigh, N.C.; seven granddaughters, Eunice Dressler Wright of Covington, Katherine Elaine Taylor Moreschi of Cary, N.C., Dawn Faye Dressler of Bakersfield, Calif., Barbara Taylor Scruggs, of Georgia, Linda Taylor Hugart of Frankford, Patricia Taylor of Lewisburg, and Lisa Dressler Garst of Salem, Va.; two grandsons, Raymond Taylor of White Sulphur Springs and Kent Taylor of Roanoke; nine great grandchildren; one great-great grandchild; and many dear nieces and nephews, all of whom she treasured. Services were held Sat., Mar. 27, at the Union United Methodist Church with the Rev. Doug Hollenbeck officiating. Burial followed in the New Lebanon Cemetery at Pickaway. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that memorials be sent to the Indian Creek Club or to the Building Fund c/o Union United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 553, Union, WV 24983. Pallbearers were Les Honaker II, John Honaker, Marvin Honaker, J.E. Keith, William Pepper Barber, Danny Clark, Reid Garst II, Frankie Wolfe and R.L. “Sug” Bowen. Arrangements by Broyles-McGuire Funeral Home.

She married Emery Esco Taylor 9 Mar 1927 in Union. Born 23 Oct 1904 in Wolf Creek, W.Va. Died 27 Aug 1978 in Clifton Forge, Va. Buried in New Lebanon Cemetery, Pickaway, W.Va. Children:

122. i. Richard Edwin[6]. Born 27 Dec 1927 in Sinks Grove, W.Va.

122. ii. Iris Winnifred. Born 21 Nov 1929.

iii. John Patrick. Born 14 Jun 1932. He married Joselyn Hope Jones.

iv. Ervin Delano. Born 12 Apr 1934. Died 1983. He married Shirley Ruth Sheppard 29 May 1957.

123. Agnes Elizabeth[5] Honaker (John Patrick[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 3 May 1910 in Union (also Johnson’s Crossroads), Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 31 Aug 2001. Buried in Green Hill Cemetery, Union.

Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 13 Sep 2001: After patiently waiting, Agnes Elizabeth Honaker Brooks, 91, of 210 N. Alleghany Ave. [Covington, Va.], was called home to be with her Lord and Savior, Fri., Aug. 31, 2001. Born May 3, 1910 in Union, a daughter of John Patrick and Emma Ragland Honaker, she was a member of Grace Brethren Church, where she had taught the Toddler Sunday School Class and was also a member of Grace Brethren Women’s Missionary Circle. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Frank Brooks, in January 1980; three brothers; and a grandson. She was the beloved mother of six daughters, Frances Burhenn and her husband, William, of Mount Airy, N.C., Lucille Markham of Covington, Shirley Keith and her husband, J.E., of Hampton [Va.], Vivian Pendleton and her husband, Nelson, of Clifton Forge [Va.], and Velma Craft and her husband, James R., of Covington; 27 grandchildren, 24 great-grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Beatrice Taylor, Union; and numerous nieces and nephews including a special great niece, Eunice D. Wright, of Covington. Services were held Monday in the Grace Brethren Church with the Rev. John Burns officiating, assisted by the Rev. Dan Gillette. Interment followed in the Green Hill Cemetery, Union. The family suggests that memorial donations be made to the Missionary Fund of Grace Brethren Church.

She married Frank NMN Brooks, son of Francis Marion Brooks and Sarah Frances Carter, 2 Aug 1933 in Union, Monroe Co., W.Va. Born 14 Mar 1911 in Johnson’s Crossroads (also reported as Ft. Springs, W.Va.) Died 8 Jan 1980 in Covington, Va. Children:

i. Emma Frances[6]. Born 2 Mar 1935 in Union. She married William Burchenn 25 Aug 1954.

ii. Kathrine Lucille. Born 24 Jun 1936 in Union. She married Allen L. Markham 16 Jan 1963.

iii. Mary Marshall. Born 8 Oct 1939 in Rock Camp, Monroe Co., W.Va. She married Malcolm E.

Weade 27 May 1960.

iv. Shirley Grace. Born 3 Dec 1942 in Fort Springs, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. She married James E.

Keith 28 Dec 1962.

123. v. Velma Jean (twin). Born 24 Feb 1945 in Covington, Alleghany Co., Va. She married James G.

Craft 2 Sep 1965.

vi. Vivian June (twin). Born 24 Feb 1945 in Covington. She married Nelson M. Pendleton 10 Oct 1965.

124. Isaac Powell[5] Honaker (Ellis Patton[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 29 Jul 1909 in Monroe Co., W.Va. Buried in Fletcher Addition Cemetery, Alderson, W.Va.

He married Axie Virginia Childers, daughter of Henry Mitchell Childers and Della Grace Perry. Born 23 Jun 1913 in Little Creek, W.Va. Died 10 Mar 2000 in Fairlea, W.Va. Buried in Fletcher Addition Cemetery, Alderson.

Charleston [W.Va.] Daily Mail, 10 Mar 2000: Axie Virginia Childers Honaker, 86, of Alderson, Greenbrier County, died Friday, Mar. 10, 2000, in Greenbrier Valley Medical Center, Fairlea, after a short illness.

She was a retired nursing assistant from Greenbrier Valley Medical Center with 25 years of service and a member of Johnson Memorial United Methodist Church, Alderson. Surviving: daughter, Phyllis Akers of Hinton; sons, Tom of Johnson City, Tenn., Randy of Fairlea; sisters, Gladys Childers of Roanoke, Va., Melba Stubbs of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio; 10 grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren. Graveside service will be 2 p.m. Sunday at Alderson Cemetery with Pastor Charles Taylor officiating. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. today at Lobban Funeral Home, Alderson.

The Hinton [W.Va.] News, 21 Mar 2000: Axie Virginia Childers Honaker, age 86, of Alderson, died Fri., Mar. 10, 2000 at Greenbrier Valley Medical Center, Fairlea, following a short illness. Born June 23, 1913 at Little Creek, W.Va., she was the daughter of the late Henry and Della Perry Childers. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Issac Powell Honaker; two sons, Donald Honaker and David Honaker; one brother, Thurmond Childers; and son-in-law, Harry Willis. Mrs. Honaker was a retired nursing home assistant, having retired from Greenbrier Valley Medical Center, Fairlea, in 1988 after 25 years of service. Mrs. Honaker was a member of the Johnson Memorial United Methodist Church, Alderson, where she was a member of the Ladies Circle. Survivors include one daughter, Phyllis Akers and husband, Tom, of Hinton; two sons, Tom Honaker and wife Candy of Johnson City, Tenn., and Randy Honaker and companion Brenda of Fairlea; two sisters, Gladys Childers of Roanoke, Va., Melba Stubbs of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio; sister-in-law, Margaret Childers of Beckley; ten grandchildren, nine great grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. Graveside services were held Sun., Mar. 12, at 2 p.m. at the Fletcher Addition of the Alderson Cemetery, Alderson, with Pastor Charles Taylor officiating. Burial followed in the Fletcher Addition of Alderson Cemetery. Grandsons served as pallbearers. Arrangements by Lobban Funeral Home, Alderson.

The Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 23 Mar 2000: Axie Virginia Childers Honaker, 86, died Fri., Mar. 10, 2000 in Greenbrier Valley Medical Center, Fairlea, following a short illness. Born June 23, 1913 at Little Creek, she was the daughter of the late Henry and Della Perry Childers. Mrs. Honaker was a retired nursing assistant, having retired from Greenbrier Valley Medical Center, Fairlea, in 1988 after 25 years of service. She was a member of Johnson Memorial United Methodist Church, Alderson, where she was a member of the Ladies Circle. She was preceded in death by her husband, Issac Powell Honaker; two sons, Donald Honaker and David Honaker; a brother, Thurmond Childers; and a son-in-law, Harry Wills. Survivors include a daughter, Phyllis Akers and husband, Tom of Hinton; two sons, Tom Honaker and wife Candy of Johnson City, Tenn., and Randy Honaker and his companion Brenda of Fairlea; two sisters, Gladys Childers of Roanoke and Melba Stubbs of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio; a sister-in-law, Margaret Childers of Beckley; ten grandchildren, nine great grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Graveside services were held Sun., Mar. 12 at Fletcher Addition of Alderson Cemetery with Pastor Charles Taylor officiating. Burial followed in Fletcher Addition. Arrangements by Lobban Funeral Home, Alderson.

An obituary also appeared in The Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 11 Mar 2000. Children:

249. i. David Michael[6].

ii. Donald Leroy. Died in 1959.

124. iii. Thomas Harlow.

124. iv. Randolph Powell.

124. v. Phyllis. Born 14 Aug 1937 in Union, Monroe County.

125. Freddie Freeman[5] Honaker (Ellis Patton[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Children:

125. i. William Ellis[6]. Born 17 May 1947 in Alderson, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

130. Osby Ann[5] Riffe (Rebecca Adalade[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Apr 1912 in Rock Camp, Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 13 Jan 2009 in Leesburg, Va. Buried in Birchlawn Burial Park, Pearisburg, Va.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 16 Jan 2009; Virginian Leader, Pearisburg, Va., 21 Jan 2009 (with photograph); and Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 22 Jan 2009: Narrows, Va.—Osby Riffe Ball, 96, formerly of Narrows was called home to be with the Lord on Tue., Jan. 13, 2009 at Inova Loudon Hospital in Leesburg, Va. She was born at Rock Camp, W.Va. in Monroe County on Apr. 11th, 1912 and was the daughter of the late Andy Clark and Rebecca Honaker Riffe. In addition to her mother and father, she was preceded in death by her husband of over 50 years, Eugene Wayne Ball; a daughter, Betty Ann Ball; and several brothers and sisters. Osby was a member of the first graduating class of Narrows High School in 1932, a lifelong member of First Baptist Church in Narrows, an accomplished artistic seamstress, loved cooking, quilting and gardening, and assisted her husband in his auto repair business until he retired. She is survived by three daughters, Barbara Comer and husband Paul, Jr. of Knoxville, Tenn.; Mary Bohnaker and husband Jim of Leesburg, Va.; and Georgianna Caron and husband Joe of Faribault, Minn.; a granddaughter, Amy Barrett and husband Dan of Burke, Va.; two grandsons, Paul L. Comer, III and wife Jeanette of Charlotte, N.C., and Matthew Bradley of Alexandria, Va.; two great-grandchildren, Paul L. (Jay) Comer, IV and Jordan Elizabeth Comer, both of Charlotte; several nieces, nephews and cousins, and many special friends. Funeral services will be held Sat., Jan. 17th, 2009 at 2 p.m. at First Baptist Church in Narrows with the Rev. Dr. Darrell Hunley officiating. Burial will follow in Birchlawn Burial Park in Pearisburg. The family will receive friends at First Baptist Church Saturday from 11 a.m. to 1:45 p.m., prior to the service. The family requests that those sending memorial contributions, please consider First Baptist Church of Narrows. Riffe’s Funeral Service in Narrows is serving the Ball family. Online condolence messages to the family can be sent to .

She married Eugene Wayne Ball 24 Dec 1937. Born 21 Oct 1914. Died before 2009. Children:

130. i. Barbara Jean[6]. She married Paul Leonard Comer, Jr.

ii. Betty Ann. Died at age 3.

iii. Mary Ellen. She married Walter Lee Bradley (also reported as Jim Bohnaker.)

iv. Georgianna. She married John Mason (also reported as Joe Caron.)

131. Buford Byrd[5] Honaker (Thomas Samuel[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Oct 1900 in Virginia. Died in Jan 1964 in Long Beach, Calif.

He married Ruby M. Wells 5 Oct 1923. Children:

254. i. Wilmer Byrd[6].

255. ii. Howard Kenneth.

132. Kenneth Lacy[5] Honaker (Thomas Samuel[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1902 in Virginia. Died 11 Sep 1971 in Humbolt, Kan. Buried in Humbolt Cemetery.

He married Opal Ruth Gamble, daughter of William Arthur Gamble (called Bill) and Cora Ann Gillette, 18 Nov 1927. Born 3 Oct 1906 in Wilson Co., Kan. Died 22 May 1984 in Humbolt. Buried in Humbolt Cemetery. Children:

256. i. Jane Nadine (called Janie). Born 10 Aug 1929 in Wilson Co., Kan.

257. ii. Donald Ray (called Don). Born 29 Dec 1931 in Neosha Co., Kan.

258. iii. Loren Dean. Born 29 Sep 1935 in Wilson Co., Kan.

259. iv. Karen Jean. Born 5 Feb 1939 in Wilson Co., Kan.

v. Merle Kenneth. Born 14 Aug 1941 in Wilson Co., Kan. He married Ava Nell Duncan in 1982 in

Dewey, Okla. Born 4 Aug 1942. There were no children.

260. vi. Linda Lois. Born 25 Jan 1943 in Wilson Co., [also reported as Earlton, Neosho Co.] Kan.

261. vii. Ines Arlene. Born 30 Jun 1945 in Allen Co., Kan.

133. Edith[5] Honaker (Thomas Samuel[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Virginia. Died in an automobile accident in 1975 in Crawford, Colo.

She married, first, Ervin Polson in 1922 in Kansas. She moved to Colorado in 1936. Her children lived most of their lives in Crawford, Ohio. Children:

i. Darlene[6]. Born in Kansas. She married Unknown Stone.

ii. Dorrel. Born in Kansas.

iii. Unknown. Born in Kansas.

iv. Unknown. Born in Kansas.

She married, second, Fred Randolld.

134. Thomas Andrew[5] Honaker (Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). See photographs [Loretta Presley].

Possibly Hinton [W.Va.] News, unknown date: T.A. Honaker Rites Tuesday—Funeral rites will be conducted Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the Miller Memorial Methodist church for Thomas Andrew Honaker, 64, prominent lumber man and Bellepoint resident, who died at his home Saturday at 10:15 p.m. after a long illness. The Rev. Clyde Bussard, the Rev. Harper Callison and the Rev. W.M. Wills will have charge of the service with burial to be made in the Cooke cemetery at Pipestem. Honaker had been in ill health for the past five years and recently returned from a stay at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Md. Born Dec. 10, 1896 at Rock Camp, he was a son of the late Elliott and Mattie Riffe Honaker and had resided in Hinton for 47 years. The deceased had been owner and operator of the T.A. Honaker Lumber Company for 32 years [establishing it in 1926], retiring in October 1962 due to ill health. He was a member of the Miller Memorial Methodist church and the Men’s Bible class of the church. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Verdie Honaker; one son, Roy Lee Honaker; two daughters, Mrs. George Butts, Jr. of Bellepoint and Miss Phyllis Jean Honaker of Miami Springs, Fla.; three brothers, Opie and Frank Honaker of Hinton, Charles Honaker of St. Albans; two sisters, Mrs. Ethel Wiseman of Jarrett, Va., Mrs. Jean Albert of Wheeling and four grandchildren. The body was removed to the home, 405 Riverside Drive, Bellepoint, Sunday at 5 p.m. from the E.M. Meadows Funeral Home on Park Avenue and will be taken to the church one hour before the service. The Men’s Bible class will serve as active pallbearers. Named as honorary pallbearers are Gordon Skaggs, Norman Shanklin, Dr. J.D. Woodrum, Dr. J.W. Stokes, Dr. W.J. Gaal, G.C. Willey, Eddie Willey, Paul Woodrum, John Ballengee, George Surber, Howard Bugg, C.C. Buckland, Richard Baylor, H.E. Neely, Sam McLean, Herbert Wyant, W.A. Brown, Charles Hockman, Julius Webb, R.E. Webb, R.S. Webb, J.W. Jones, D.E. Miller, Carl Miller, Roy Meadows, D.O. Elison, Roy Farley, Odie Meador, C.S. Dillon, Henry Lowry, Ralph Johnson, Earl Hellems, J.D. Ferguson, Earl Keatley, T.E. Ball, Bill Van Sant, L.J. Burton, Joe Lively, Van Trail, H.C. Ballengee, John Deeds and Vernon Richards.

Hinton [W.Va] News, unknown column: “Tom,” as he was affectionately called by a host of intimate friends, always served his fellow man according to the golden rule. It was always his aim to give the most in material and service for the least consideration for himself. It was my very great pleasure to have, at one time for a period, been his customer for a vast amount of building material and note that service and value were his first consideration. He will be sadly missed for years to come. …..The esteem in which Tom Honaker was held is demonstrated by a comment that appeared after his death in a News Letter sent to its dealers by the Joe W. Lambert, West Coast Lumber Sales that read as follows: We regret to record the death of Tom Honaker, well known and beloved proprietor [of] Honaker Lumber Company, Bellepoint, W.Va., whose passing was on March 16, after an extended illness. He had served and served well a great number of patrons from Summers and adjoining counties for over twenty-five years.

Honaker Family Newsletter:

In 2004, Tom Honaker Road, Rt. 20, ran from Athens to Hinton, Summers Co., W.Va. Existence of the road was brought to our attention by family researcher Anna Sue Butler. Tom’s granddaughter Loretta (Honaker) Presley and her father Roy Lee said that Tom had the road bulldozed into the mountain ca. 1948 to make it easier to get to a farm he’d bought down the hill from his in-laws, the Keatons. In addition to his lumber company in Hinton, Tom farmed some, had some cattle, and kept horses there that he used to log with.

When Tom bought the farm, access to it was about eight miles via the old post office. He saw the desirability of a shorter route across property owned by neighbor John A. Hill and his wife Nancy E. The Hills granted legal concurrence for its construction.

The road deed was recorded in Summers County Deed Book 80, pp. 37-38, as follows: This deed, made this the 15th day of July, 1947, between J.A. Hill and Nancy E. Hill, his wife, parties of the first part, and T.A. Honaker and R.W. Keaton, parties of the second part. Witnesseth, that for and in consideration of the sum of One ($1.00) cash in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the said parties of the first part do grant and convey, with covenants of General Warranty of Title, unto the said parties of the second part, the following right-of-way and/or easements over a certain road located on the parties of the first parts farm situate in Pipestem District in Summers Co., W.Va., the said road is the road that turns off of the present Pipestem Road at the J.A. Hill’s house; thence crossing the bridge up the hill to the right of the chicken house; thence on up above a field to the woods; thence around the Westerly side of the hill to the old Cook’s farm, said right-of-way to be approximately 20 ft. in width.

The parties of the second part as a part of the consideration hereof agree to help maintain and keep up the present bridge over Pipestem Creek and to erect and build a fence on each side of said road when the said road is fully completed. Witness the following signatures:

J.A. Hill (seal) Nancy E. Hill (seal)

Tom and his father-in-law Ruther Keaton went in together, with donations from others who would benefit, to build the new road, which was about a mile to Tom’s farm, taking seven miles off the previous access. Originally it was called Cook Road. Tom maintained it for years. A dangerous road, it went straight up the mountain and had several killer curves, which Tom worried about because it was a popular access way, and he was concerned that someone might be killed on it, with resulting legal action against him. At an unknown time thereafter, the state took maintenance responsibility for the road.

He married Verdia Mary Keaton. Born 1 Feb 1904 in Pipestem, W.Va. Died 20 May 1979 in Bluefield, W.Va.

Hinton [W.Va.] News, unknown data: Mrs. Verdia M. Honaker 73, of 405 Riverside Drive, died at 2:20 a.m. today in the Bluefield Community Hospital after a long illness. Born at Pipestem Feb. 1, 1904, she was the daughter of the late Ruther W. and Cora Farley Keaton. She was a member of the Miller Memorial Methodist Church in Bellepoint and a charter member of the Ladies Auxiliary VFW Post 4500. She was the former owner of the T.A. Honaker Lumber Co. from which she retired in 1966. Mrs. Honaker had lived in Hinton the past 43 years. She was preceded in death by her husband, Thomas A. Honaker in March 1963. Surviving are a son, Roy Lee Honaker of Hinton; two daughters, Mrs. George (Madge) Butts, Jr., of Hinton; Mrs. Charles (Phyllis) [Needleman] of Fort Lee, N.J.; one foster daughter, Mrs. Terry (Kay) Payne of Hinton; four brothers, Sidney, Grover, Carlene and Senate Keaton, all of Pipestem; four grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. A private family service will be held at the E.M. Meadows Funeral Home. There will be no visitation. Burial will follow in the Cook Cemetery at Pipestem. The family requests that in lieu of flowers, that donations be sent to the Ladies Auxiliary of the V.F.W.


iii. Phyllis June. Born 23 Aug 1927 in Hinton, W.Va. Died 8 Jan 2010 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Beth-David Cemetery, Elmont, N.Y. She took a certificate from Stephens College, Columbia, Mo., and an education degree from Concord College, Athens, W.Va. She worked briefly as a teacher in New York and West Virginia prior to joining the Department of Defense Dependent Schools system, where she taught in Central and South America, Europe, and Asia over a full career. She married Charles Bear Needleman 11 Mar 1974 in New York, N.Y. Born 22 Jan 1915 in New York N.Y. Died 11 Jun 1984 in Manhattan, New York, N.Y. Buried in New York state. There were no children. Charles owned a company that made fancy boxes for cosmetics.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 11 Jan 2010: Pipestem [W.Va.]—Phyllis Honaker Needleman, 82, of Pipestem, died Fri., Jan. 8, 2010 at Heartland of Raleigh in Beckley following a long illness. Born Aug. 23, 1927, in Hinton, she was the daughter of the late Thomas A. and Verdia M. Keaton Honaker. Phyllis was a popular graduate of Hinton High School in 1945 after four years of unceasing scholastic and extra curricular activities. She was a graduate of Stephens College in Columbia, Mo., earning an A.A. degree, a graduate of Concord College with a B.S. and a Master’s in counseling from Marshall University. In 1952 she was employed by the Civil Service teaching the American children of the servicemen that were stationed in foreign countries. During this time, she was privileged to travel to over 38 countries. After returning to the U.S., she taught at Henry Filer Junior High School in Hialeah, Fla., as a guidance counselor and English for 20 years. She also taught speed reading and was excellent at the skill. Phyllis was intellectually gifted and generously helped many, many people who were struggling or needed encouragement.

Besides her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Charles Needleman; also by a sister, Mattie (Madge) Butts. Surviving relatives include a brother, Roy Lee Honaker, Sr., of Hinton; nephew, Butch Honaker and wife Sandy of Hinton; nieces, Loretta Presley and husband Bill of Kenova, W.Va., Phyllis Repass and husband Jackie of Oceana, W.Va., and Teresa Butts of Hinton; foster sister, Kay Payne and husband Terry of Hinton; special cousin, Aubrey Keaton of Pipestem, and many other cousins. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Tue., Jan. 12, 2010, at Pivont Funeral Home Chapel in Hinton with Pastor Butch Honaker officiating. Friends will be received from 1 p.m. until time of services on Tuesday at the funeral home. Burial will take place in Beth-David Cemetery in Elmont, New York, later this week. Online condolences and guest register at . Arrangements by Pivont Funeral Home, Hinton, W.Va.

135. Opie Byrd[5] Honaker (Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 18 Dec 1900 in Bertha, Summers Co., W.Va. Died 4 Oct 1977 in Hinton, Summers County. Buried in Greenbrier Cem., Hinton. History of Summers County [W.Va.], 1984, contained this submission by Opie’s widow, Grace:

Opie Bird Honaker, son of Elliott Alexander and Martha Carolyn (Riffe) Honaker, was born 19 Dec 1900

and died 4 Oct 1977. At a very early age he was stricken with an illness which paralyzed his body and required his learning to walk again. His disability remained his whole life. Even with his disability, he was a prominent contractor and carpenter most of his life for T.A. Honaker Lumber Company. Many of the homes in lower Bellepoint were built by him during the 1940s through 1968. He moved to Bellepoint in the 1940s from Bertha.

On 5 Dec 1929 he married Georgia Grace Young. They had one daughter, Virginia Mae, born 22 Jul 1931.

Virginia Mae married on 20 Dec 1950 John Milton Deeds Jr. They had two daughters, 1. Ann Watson Deeds, born 3 May 1952. She is presently married to Michael Burgess Jacobs. Ann has a son, Michael Shawn Smith, born 7 Apr 1972; 2. Cathy Lou Deeds, born 27 Jan 1957, married Johnnie Wayne Richmond. They have two children: Jennifer Megan, born 12 Nov 1980, and John Christopher, born 3 Dec 1982.

He married Georgia Grace Young 5 Nov 1929 in Summers County. She had two daughters, Ann and Kathy, from a prior marriage. Children (of Opie and Grace):

135. i. Virginia Mae[6]. Born 22 Jul 1931.

Beckley [W.Va.] Post-Herald, 6 Oct 1977: Hinton (RNS)—Services for Mr. Opie Byrd Honaker, 76, of 214 Miller Ave., will be at 2 p.m. Thursday in E.M. Meadows Funeral Home at Hinton with the Revs. C.H. Martin and Wayne Chambers in charge. Burial will be in Greenbrier Burial Park. Mr. Honaker died at 7:20 p.m. Tuesday in a Hinton hospital. Born at Bertha, Dec. 18, 1900, he was a son of the late [Elliott] and Mattie Riffe Honaker. A retired contractor and carpenter, Mr. Honaker was a member of the Bellepoint Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Grace Young Honaker; one daughter, Mrs. Bob J. (Virginia) Maddy of Hinton; one brother, Frank of Hinton; one sister, Mrs. Ray Albert of Wheeling; two grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Pallbearers will be Sam Ball, Steve Pack, Kent Bartgis, Billie George Reed, Max Crawford, W.J. Humphreys, Gene Davis and Junior Alderson.

He married Georgia Grace Young (called Grace), daughter of Walter Leroy Young and Ollie V. (also reported as Ollie Maude) Blankenship, 5 Dec 1929 in Hinton, W.Va. Born 4 Oct 1908 in Talcott, Summers County. Died of cancer 1 Sep 2008. Buried in Greenbrier Burial Park, Hinton. Graces’ obituary gives her father’s name as Walter B., which we believe is an error; the 1910 Summers County census gives Walter L. His name was reported to us originally as Walter Leroy.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 3 Sep 2008, and Hinton [W.Va.] News, 9 Sep 2008: Hinton—Georgia Grace Young Honaker, 99, of 214 Miller Ave., Hinton, died at 12:30 a.m. Monday, Sept. 1, 2008, in Summers Nursing & Rehabilitation at Hilldale following a long illness. Born Oct. 4, 1908, at Bertha, she was the daughter of the late Walter B. and Ollie Blankenship Young. Grace was a homemaker and a 65-year member of the Bellepoint Baptist Church in Hinton. She was a loving mother and grandmother, and was a lifelong resident of Summers County. She was preceded in death by her husband, Opie B. Honaker, in 1977; a brother, Guy Young; a sister, Lola Sizemore; and a son-in-law, Bob J. Maddy. Survivors include a daughter, Virginia Mae Maddy of Hinton; two granddaughters, Ann Jacobs of Venice, Fla., and Cathy Richmond and husband, Johnnie, of Wayside; four great-grandchildren, Michael Smith, Jennifer Sisson, John Richmond and Allison Leighann Richmond; and two great-great-grandchildren, John and Alexis. Funeral service will be 1 p.m. Thursday at Pivont Funeral Home Chapel in Hinton with Pastor Roy Lee Honaker Jr. officiating. Burial will follow in Greenbrier Burial Park in Hinton. Friends may call 6 until 8 p.m. today at the funeral home. Pallbearers will be James Gore, Greg Vandall, Steve Pack, A.E. “Sammy” Ball, A.E. Ball Jr. and David Honaker. Online condolences & guest register at . Arrangements by Pivont Funeral Home, Hinton.

Hinton [W.Va.] News, 9 Oct 2007 (with photograph) A Tribute to Life—99th Happy Birthday—Grace Honaker 1908–2007

Now it is time for you to rest in your favorite chair and observe all the good things that you have done. Take pride in your accomplishments and rest assured that your prayers, guidance and love have been a blessing to all of us. For this, we give praise and thanks to you. May God continue to bless you and keep you as you continue on this journey of life. We Love You—Virginia, daughter; Ann and Cathy, Grandchildren; Michael, Jennifer, John and Allison, Great Grandchildren; John Thomas and Alexis Renae, Great-Great Grandchildren

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 20 Mar 2008: Two are inducted into West Virginia Voter Hall of Fame, by Christian Giggenbach. Photograph cutline, “Secretary of State Betty Ireland commends Grace Honaker, side photo, at the Summers Nursing and Rehab Center in Summers County for her long voting record as she inducts her into the Voter Hall of Fame. The hall of fame serves to honor citizens who have voted in every general election for at least 50 consecutive years.” Photo by C.L. Garvin. Reporter Amelia A. Pridemore contributed to this report.

Lewisburg—When Irma Mae Powell was born Aug. 17, 1908, women were prohibited from voting in the United States. It would take another 12 years before women were granted that right. Tuesday, surrounded by friends and family at her Lewisburg home, and with a special visit from Secretary of State Betty Ireland, the 99-year old Greenbrier countian was inducted into the West Virginia Voter Hall of Fame. “I think everyone should get out and vote,” said Powell, who first voted for Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1930s.

Ireland created the hall of fame last September with the intention of honoring state citizens who have voted in every state general election for at least 50 consecutive years. Ireland presented Powell a medal and plaque to honor her unique place in West Virginia’s history. “This is an election year and (early) voting begins April 23,” Ireland said. “This is a special way to remind citizens how important it is to vote and also to honor those citizens whose voting record indicates a lifelong commitment to one of our most cherished responsibilities as citizens.”

Letters were mailed last fall to county clerks requesting the names of the oldest voter in each county who had voted in the last 25 general elections. Each year, county clerks will submit another eligible voter’s name, Ireland said.

Powell also had a few “words of wisdom” for those going to the polls this May and November. There’s more to voting than just marking a ballot, she said. “You have to be an educated voter,” Powell said. “Go find out what the candidates stand for and know where they stand on the issues.”

Ireland also honored Summers County’s Hall of Fame voter, Grace G. Honaker. Honaker’s daughter, Virginia Maddy of Bellepoint, said her mother taught her voting was a responsibility. “She always told me it was a duty we had. She expected me to vote,” Maddy said. Maddy said Honaker, 99, also expects that from her four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. “She says, ‘Don’t talk to me if you haven’t voted. Don’t belittle someone to me if you didn’t vote’,” Maddy said.

Honaker often found a familiar name on the ballot—her son-in-law, Maddy said. Maddy’s late husband, Bob Maddy, was a two-term Summers County sheriff. Maddy said her mother received a medal and a certificate for her induction into the hall of fame. She was also pleased that Ireland personally came to the ceremony at Summers Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, Honaker’s current residence. “I feel good that mother has been patriotic all of her life,” Maddy said.

Hinton [W.Va.] News,25 Mar 2008: Inducted into the Voter Hall of Fame. Photograph cutline, “Secretary of State Betty Ireland, center, is shown inducting Georgia Grace Honaker, 99, into the State Voter Hall of Fame. The Voter Hall of Fame is to honor state citizens who have voted in every West Virginia general election for at least 50 consecutive years. A large crowd gathered at the Summers Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, Tuesday, to join in honoring Honaker for her outstanding voting record. Honaker is a life long resident of Summers County, born in Talcott on Oct. 4, 1908. She has one daughter, Virginia Maddy, four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. She was nominated for the award by County Clerk Mary Beth Merritt, right, for her consecutive voting history.”


135. i. Virginia Mae[6]. Born 22 Jul 1931.

136. Frank Rickett[5] Honaker (Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Died 21 Dec 1991 in Hinton, W.Va. Buried in Restwood Memorial Gardens, Hinton.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 23 Dec 1991: Frank R. Honaker, 86, of Hinton, died Dec. 21, 1991, at Summers County Hospital, Hinton, after a short illness. He was a retired yard conductor from [Chesapeake & Ohio] Railway with 44 years’ service. He was a member of Bellepoint Baptist Church, Hinton, and Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen. Surviving: sons, Robert of Twinsburg, Ohio, David of Hinton; daughters, Dorothy Curry and Mary Lilly, both of Hinton, Betty

Grimmett of Frankfort, Ill.; sister, Jean Wolf of Moundsville; 10 grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren. Service will be 11 a.m. Tuesday at E.M. Meadows Funeral Home, Hinton, with the Rev. Bruce Creswell officiating. Burial will be in Restwood Memorial Gardens, Hinton. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.

He married Mabel Stuart (also reported as Stewart) McGee. Died 29 Nov 1976.

Post Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 30 Nov 1976: Hinton (RNS)—Services for Mrs. Mabel S. Honaker, 72, will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday in the E.M. Meadows Funeral Home with the Rev. C.H. Martin and the Rev. Wayne Chambers in charge. Burial will be in Restwood Memorial Gardens. She died at 3:35 a.m. Monday in a Hinton hospital of natural causes. Born at Cabin Creek, Nov. 7, 1904, she was the daughter of Mrs. Mary Massey [McGee] of Hinton and the late Courtney O. [McGee]. She was a member of the Bellepoint Baptist Church and the Ladies Auxiliary of the United Transportation Union. Survivors include her husband, Frank; two sons, Robert of Twinsburg, Ohio, and David of Hinton; four daughters, Mrs. Frank (Dorothy) Curry of Beckley, Mrs. James (Betty) Grimmett of Frankfurt, Ill., Mrs. Bill (Margaret) Mace of Charleston and Mrs. David (Mary) Keaton of Hinton; one brother, Harry L. [McGee] of Augusta, Ga.; four sisters, Mrs. L.H. Briars, Miss Goldie [McGee] and Mrs. J.E. Woodrum, all of Hinton, and Mrs. Charles Phillips of Ashland, Ky., and nine grandchildren. Friends may call 5 to 9 p.m. Tuesday. Grandsons and nephews will serve as active pallbearers and members of the Men’s Adult Bible Class Church will serve as honorary pallbearers.


i. Dorothy Mae[6] (called Dot). Born 6 Nov 1928 in Bellepoint, W.Va. Died 4 Jun 2000 in Fairlea, W.Va. Buried in Restwood Memorial Gardens, Hinton, W.Va.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 6 Jun 2000 and Hinton [W.Va.] News, 13 Jun 2000: Dorothy Mae Curry, 71, of 516 Greenbrier Drive [Hinton, W.Va.], died at 11:55 p.m. Sun., June 4, 2000 in Greenbrier Valley Medical Center, Fairlea, following a long illness. Born Nov. 6, 1928 in Hinton, she was the daughter of the late Frank R. and Mabel McGhee Honaker. Mrs. Curry was a former registered nurse for Hinton Hospital and Summers County Hospital, and retired from the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Beckley. She was a graduate of Hinton High School and the St. Francis School of Nursing, Charleston, and was a member of the American Nurses Association. She was a member of St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, Hinton. She was preceded in death by a sister, Margaret Ann Mace. Survivors include her husband, Frank E. Curry; two brothers, David Honaker and his wife Mary Ellen, of Hinton, and Robert Honaker and his wife Phyllis, of Twinsburg, Ohio; two sisters, Mary Carolyn Lilly of Hinton and Betty Grimmett of Frankfort, Ill.; a niece, Christy Pierson; and several nieces and nephews. Services will be 1 p.m. Wednesday at Pivont Funeral Home Chapel, Hinton [celebrant was the Rev. Harry Dunn]. Rite of committal will follow in Restwood Memorial Gardens. Friends may call 6 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home, where a Christian prayer service will be held at 8 p.m. Pallbearers will be Robert, Michael and Christopher Honaker, Frank and Bill Mace, and Michael Pierson. Arrangements by Pivont Funeral Home, Hinton.

She married Frank Edwin Curry 12 Sep 1952 in Pearisburg, Va. In 2007 he lived in Hinton, W.Va. There were no children.

264. ii. Betty Jean. Born 30 Oct 1930 in Bellepoint.

267. v. Mary Carolyn. Born 13 Sep 1937 in Bellepoint.

268. vi. David L. Born 5 Nov 1939 in Bellepoint.

137. Omer Elliott[5] Honaker (Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Nov 1908 in Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 13 Jan 1948 in Bellepoint, W.Va. Buried in Ellison Cemetery, Rock Camp, W.Va.

Unknown newspaper, 13 Jan 1948: Heart Attack Fatal to O.E Honaker—O.E. Honaker, a 41-year-old [Chesapeake & Ohio] brakeman on the Clifton Forge division, died at his home in Bellepoint at 8:30 o’clock this morning. Death was attributed to a heart attack. Mr. Honaker is survived by his widow, Mrs. Hazel Honaker; a daughter, Mary Helen, at home; three sons, J.D., Ronnie and Billy Ray, all at home; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Honaker of Bellepoint; two sisters, Mrs. Virgil Wiseman of Buck, and Mrs. Jean Albert of Warwood; and five brothers, TA., F.R., Bill and Opie Honaker, all of Bellepoint, and Charles Honaker of Milton. The body has been removed to the Wright and Ballard funeral home of Narrows, Va. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.

He married Thelma Hazel Cook (called Hazel), daughter of Everett Green Cook and Minnie Alma Trail, 24 Sep 1910 in Summers Co., W.Va. Born 24 Sep 1910 in Pipestem, W.Va. Died 10 Sep 1987 in Charleston, W.Va. Interred in Greenbrier Burial Park Mausoleum, Hinton, W.Va. She married, second, H. Carl Farley. Omer Elliott and Thelma Hazel did not divorce. The book is in error.

Charleston [W.Va.] Daily Mail, 12 Sep 1987: Pipestem—Mrs. Thelma Hazel Honaker Farley, 76, died Thurs., Sept. 10 at a South Charleston hospital following a long illness. Born Sept. 24, 1910 at Pipestem, she was the daughter of the late Everett and Minnie Trail Cook. Mrs. Farley was a member of the Hinton Order of the Eastern Star. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Omer E. Honaker; second husband, H. Carl Farley; a son, Billy Ray Honaker; a daughter, Mary Helen Snuffer; two brothers, Fred and Paul Cook; and two sisters, Arlis Farley and Faye Keaton. Survivors include two sons, Joe D. Honaker of Scott Depot and Logan, and Ronald E. Honaker of North Canton, Ohio; and a stepdaughter, Patty Swortzel of Alexandria, Va. Services will be Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Cooks Chapel at Pipestem with the Rev. John Atkinson officiating. Entombment will be in the Greenbrier Burial Park Mausoleum. Friends may call today from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the E.M. Meadows Funeral Home in Hinton and at the church one hour prior to services. Nephews will serve as pallbearers.


i. Mary Helen[6]. Born 10 Nov 1930. Died 12 May 1949. Buried in Cook Cemetery, unknown place. Unknown newspaper and date: Snuffer Funeral Services Set—

Funeral services for Mrs. Carlyle Snuffer, 18, who died in a Baltimore hospital Thursday following the birth of a child Monday, will be held at 1:30 p.m. Sunday [15 May 1949 at 2 p.m.] at Jordan’s Chapel near Pipestem. Services for the baby, which died shortly after birth, will be conducted at the same time, and burial for both mother and child will be made in the Cook cemetery. The Rev. C.H. Martin will officiate. The bodies will remain at the home of Mr. Snuffer’s father, Noah Snuffer, at Pipestem, until time for the final rites. [Fred Cooke Funeral Home, Nitro, W.Va., handled arrangements.]

She married Carlyle Snuffer, son of Noah Snuffer.

269. ii. Joe Dudley (called J.D.)

137. iii. Ronald Everett (called Ronnie). Born 30 Jan 1938 in Hinton, W.Va.

270. iv. Billy Ray.

138. Ethel Lucille[5] Honaker (Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

Unknown newspaper and date: Mrs. Ethel Honaker Wiseman, 66, 500 Miller Avenue, died in her sleep Wednesday morning at her home. She was born at Bertha June 23, 1910, a daughter of the late [Elliott] and Mattie Riffe Honaker. She was a retired employee of the Jackson-Field Episcopal Home in Jarret, Va., and a member of the Miller Memorial Methodist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Virgil L. Wiseman in July, 1952. She is survived by her sons, Jack L. of Hampton, Va., James E. of Newport News, Va.; daughters, Mrs. Franklin (Sue) Butler of Burlington, N.C., Mrs. Charles (Jean) Bailey of Hampton, Va.; brothers, Charles Honaker of Huntington, Opie and Frank Honaker of Hinton; sister, Mrs. Ray (Jean) Albert of Wheeling; five grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday at the Miller Memorial Methodist Church with Rev. Hubert Groves in charge. Burial will follow in the Restwood Memorial Gardens. Friends may call from 5 to 9 p.m. today at the E.M. Meadows Funeral Home. The body will be taken to the church one hour prior to services. Serving as pallbearers are Bob Myers, Charles Briers, Raymond Butler, L.J. Burton, Jack Ashley and C.J. Harvey.

Her husband Virgil Leland Wiseman was born in Summers Co., W.Va.

Unknown newspaper, 7 Jul 1952: Virgil L. Wiseman, 57, C&O Engineer, Dies in Local Hospital

Virgil Leland Wiseman, 57, died at 6:30 a.m. this morning in the Hinton Hospital where he had been a patient since Thursday. Death was attributed to a heart condition. An engineer for the [Chesapeake & Ohio] Railway Company, he was born and raised in Summers county and was a well-known resident of Bellepoint. He was a member of the Locomotive Engineers, Brotherhood of B.L.F. & E. and the Miller Memorial Methodist church in Bellepoint. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Ethel Wiseman and four children, Jack, Anna Sue, Jean and Jimmy Wiseman; one granddaughter, Carolyn Sue Wiseman; one brother, O. Theodore Wiseman of Greenfield, Ohio, and a half-sister, Mrs. C.B. Hughes of Tampa, Fla.

Unknown newspaper and date: Wiseman Funeral is set Wednesday—Funeral rites for Virgil Leland Wiseman, 57, who died Monday morning in the Hinton hospital have been set for Wednesday afternoon at two o’clock in the Miller Memorial Methodist church at Bellepoint. The Rev. E. David DuBois and the Rev. W.M. Wills will be the officiating ministers and burial will be made in the Restwood Memorial Estates. Active pallbearers named were Raymond Harvey,

Reginald Harris, A.H. Lough, J.H. Porterfield, E.R. Montgomery and Bill Stone. Serving as honorary pallbearers will be George Surber, J.W. Halbert, L.M. Saunders, Charles Briers, E.P. McCreery, E.C. Harvey, J.B. Kelly and P.H. White. The body was removed to the home in Bellepoint Monday evening from the E.M. Meadows Funeral Home.

139. Anna Jean[5] Honaker (Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

The Intelligencer, Wheeling, W.Va., 15 Jun 1996: Wolfe, Anna Jean Honaker Albert, 83, of Grandview Road, Glen Dale, formerly of Warwood, died Fri., June 14, 1996, in Wheeling Hospital. She was a member of the Warwood Christian Church. She was preceded in death by her parents, [Elliott] and Mattie Honaker; her first husband, Ray Allen Albert; six brothers; a sister. Surviving are her husband, Lawrence Wolfe of Warwood; a son, Robert Albert of Glen Dale; two daughters, Anna Rae Ford of Tucson, Ariz., and Carol Lee Allen of Greensburg, Pa.; eight grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren. Friends received noon–3 and 7–9 p.m. Sunday at the Kepner Funeral Home, Burke Chapel, 2101 Warwood Ave., Wheeling, where services will be held at noon Monday. Interment in Park View Memorial Gardens, Wheeling.

She married, first, Ray Allen Albert.

140. Charles Lewis[5] Honaker (Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). History of Summers County [W.Va.], 1984, said that he and his wife had lived in North Carolina. Interred in Cunningham Memorial Park Mausoleum, St. Albans, W.Va.

Unknown W.Va. newspaper and date: Huntington—Charles L. Honaker, 60, of Huntington, formerly of St. Albans, was dead on arrival Saturday at St. Marys Hospital, Huntington, after a short illness. He was a road mechanic for the Chessie System [Chesapeake & Ohio Railway]. Mr. Honaker, a World War II veteran, was a member of the VFW in Huntington and the [Fraternal Order of Police]. Surviving: wife, Katherine Farley Honaker; daughter, Mrs. Gale Keller of Huntington; sister, Mrs. Jean Albert of Wheeling; brothers, Opie and Frank, both of Bellepoint; one granddaughter. Service will be 1 p.m. Monday in Casdorph-Curry Funeral Home, St. Albans, with the Rev. Leroy Keeney officiating. Entombment will be in Cunningham Memorial Park Mausoleum. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.

Unknown West Virginia newspaper and date: Mr. Charles L. Honaker, 60, of No. 4 Mohawk Trail, Huntington, died Saturday on arrival at a Huntington hospital. Funeral services will be conducted at 1 p.m. Monday at Casdorph-Curry Funeral Home in St. Albans by the Rev. Leroy Keeney. Entombment will be in the Cunningham Memorial Park Mausoleum. He was born June 27, 1916 in Bertha, a son of the late [Elliott] and Mattie Riffe Honaker. He was a road mechanic for the [Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad] Chessie System in Huntington. He was a veteran of World War II, a member of V.F.W. Post 1064 and the Fraternal Order of Police. He had been a resident of Huntington for six years and had lived in St. Albans. Survivors include the wife, Katherine Farley Honaker; one daughter, Mrs. [Gail] Keller of Huntington; one sister, Mrs. Jean Albert of Wheeling; two brothers, Opie and Frank Honaker, both of Bellepoint, W.Va., and one granddaughter. Contributions may be made to the Kidney Foundation. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. Sunday at Casdorph and Curry Funeral Home in St. Albans.

He married Katherine Farley. Died 20 Jun 1986 in Charlotte, N.C. Interred at Cunningham Memorial Park Mausoleum, St. Albans, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Daily Mail, 21 Jun 1986: Davidson, N.C.—Mrs. Katherine Honaker, 68, of Davidson, formerly of Huntington, W.Va., died June 20, 1986 in University Memorial Hospital, Charlotte. She was a member of Highlawn Baptist Church, St. Albans, W.Va. Surviving: daughter, Gail [Jeanette] Honaker Keller of Davidson. Graveside service will be 2 p.m. Monday in Cunningham Memorial Park Mausoleum, St. Albans, with the Rev. Leroy Keeney officiating. Friends may call one hour prior to service at the mausoleum. Honaker Funeral Home, Logan, W.Va., is in charge of arrangements.


i. Gail Jeanette[6]. History of Summers County, 1984, said that she married B. Knight. Researchers

reported that she married three times, once to Unknown Keller, and had one child.

142. Albert Ray[5] Anderson (Annie Mary[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Beatrice Abbott (also Abbotte) (called Bea) 26 Feb 1913. Children:

142. i. Willis[6] (called Red). Born ca. 1913.

ii. Marguerite. She married Unknown Burke and had two daughters, unknown.

iii. Alberta.

143. Gracie May[4] Anderson (Annie Mary[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Alexander R. Fyfe (also Fife) 23 Dec 1909.

144. Nellie Beatrice[4] Anderson (Annie Mary[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]).

She married, first, Mike McCardle (also McArdle) 23 Oct 1915.

She married, second, W.P. Scaggs 24 Dec 1930.

145. George Dennis[4] Anderson (Annie Mary[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Evelyn Hudnall in 1924.

146. Bertie Mildred[5] Anderson (Annie Mary[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Albert L. Welch 15 Jul 1920. His name was also reported as W. L. Welch and a son was reported as W.L. Welch Jr. Children:

146. i. Edward Thomas[6]. Born 22 Jul 1921 in Montgomery, W.Va.

ii. Francis. In 2001 he lived in Old Bridge, N.J.

iv. Margaret. She married Unknown McClellan. In 2001 she lived in Montgomery, W.Va.

vi. Charles. In 2001 he lived in Kanawha Falls, W.Va.

147. Herbert Lawrence[4] Anderson (Annie Mary[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Crystal C. Chandler 4 Jul 1923.

148. Helen Doris[4] Anderson (Annie Mary[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Robert D. White 18 Oct 1924.

149. Charles Clifford[5] Anderson (called Clifford) (Annie Mary[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Freda Craigo 15 Aug 1931. Died 16 Jan 1996 in Charleston, W.Va.

150. Charles Franklin[5] Honaker (called Frank) (Charles Oscar[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Oct 1899 in Russell, Greenup Co., Ky. See photographs. Died 21 Apr 1974 in Huntington, W.Va. Buried Woodmere Cem., Huntington.

Herald-Advertiser or Herald-Dispatch, Huntington, 20 Apr 1974: C. Frank Honaker, of 1602 5th Ave., founder of Honaker, Inc., in 1933, died yesterday at his residence at the age of 74. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the residence by the Rev. Robert L. Thomas. Burial will be in Woodmere Memorial Park. Honaker was born Oct. 11, 1899, in Russell, Ky., a son of the late Charles O. and Clarinda Fields Honaker. He was a 1918 graduate of Huntington High School. He attended Virginia Military Institute and Ohio State University. He graduated from Iowa State and received his master’s from University of Columbia. Honaker was a member of Trinity Episcopal Church, Varsity Club of Ohio State and Kappa Sigma. He was winner of several events in the 1918 State Track Meet and also was a Kentucky Colonel. In addition he coached at Iowa State University and had been a resident of Huntington for 63 years. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Olan Carter of Huntington; a son, Mark Honaker of Huntington and two grandchildren, Roy and Scott Honaker, both of Huntington. His wife, Celeste Homrich Honaker, preceded him in death in 1967. Friends may call at the residence from 2 to 8 p.m. Tues., Wed., until service time. Arrangements are in charge of Klingel-Carpenter Mortuary.

He attended Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Va., 1918-1919; attended Ohio State University, Columbus, 1919-1923 where he played football in 1921, 1922 and 1923 (5 ft. 11-in., 185 lb.); took a B.S. in Commerce from Iowa State College, Ames, 1927; took an M.A. in Physical Education from Columbia University, New York City, 1932. In 1924 he played professional football with the Cleveland Bulldogs,winning the Pro Football World Championship.

From 1926-1931 he was assistant football coach, freshman basketball and baseball coach, and physical education instructor at Iowa State College, Ames. He founded Honaker, Inc., a camera and photo supplies store in downtown Huntington.

New York Times, 3 Nov 1921: Ohio State Star Injured—Honaker Breaks Shoulder and will be out for Rest of Season: Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 2—Halfback Frank Honaker of the Ohio State football team, “find” of the Minnesota game, suffered a broken shoulder tonight in scrimmage preparatory to the Chicago-State game. He will be out the rest of the season. Honaker, a first string regular, will be replaced by Howard Blair, halfback on the 1920 eleven, who has been out since early in the season because of injuries. Honaker’s home is at Huntington, W.Va.

Official Ohio State Football Encyclopedia, by Jack Park, 2003: (1923 season)—Red Grange Scores Lone Touchdown—Ohio State again played well before losing to Illinois 9-0 in the season’s last game. The Ohio stadium homecoming crowd of 39,877 witnessed an extremely physical battle that was scoreless heading into the final period. In the third quarter OSU’s Frank “Pete” Honaker appeared to have scored on a fourth-down plunge from the six-inch line, but referee Joe Magidsohn ruled otherwise. The strongly contested call prompted the November 26 Columbus Dispatch to report, “Line is crossed once—Honaker puts ball over, but is pushed back before oval is declared dead.”

He was confirmed at Trinity Episcopal Church, Huntington, 5 Dec 1948.

He married Celeste Edwards Homrich, daughter of Harry James Homrich and Bertha Octavia Edwards, 23 Aug 1927 in Huntington. Born 8 Jan 1904 in Huntington. Died 14 Mar 1967 in Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico. Buried in Woodmere Cemetery, Huntington.


150. i. Barbara Edwards[6]. Born 20 Feb 1938 in Huntington.

150. ii. Richard Mark (called Mark). Born 24 Apr 1941 in Huntington.

151. Bessie Bertie[5] Honaker (William Elson[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Died 31 Dec 1999 in South Charleston, W.Va. Buried in Haven of Rest Memorial Gardens, Red House, W.Va. She was very active until she was 96.

Probably Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, unknown date: Bessie Honaker Harmon, 99, of Red House, died Dec. 31, 1999 in Thomas Memorial Hospital, South Charleston, after a long illness. She was a former schoolteacher and a member of Riverside Baptist Church, Red House. Surviving: daughters, Frances Arthur of Red House, Ruth Allen of Hurricane, Mary Catherine Rollyson of Swansboro, N.C.; son, Stephen “Bill” of Red House; eight grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren. Service will be 11 a.m. Monday at Gatens Funeral Home, Poca, with Pastor Michael Hanna officiating. Burial will be in Haven of Rest Memorial Gardens, Red House. Friends may call from 5 to 7 p.m. today at the funeral home.

She married Stephen Lewis Harmon Jr., son of Stephen Lewis Harmon and Amy Catherine Thomas, 21 Jul 1921. Born 23 Feb 1892 in Red House, W.Va. Died 14 Sep 1974 in Red House. He had arteriosclerosis for years before his death.

154. Ara Roberta[5] Green (Bertha May[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). See photograph. Ara had light brown hair as a child. She was 5 ft. 2-in. tall with blue eyes. Jerl was 6 ft. 1-in., 160 lbs., with dark brown hair and olive complexion. Died 27 Jan 2006 in Stevensville, Mont. She lived with her daughter Rosalie in Kalispell, Mont., the last five years of her life. Buried in Pleasant View Cemetery, St. Ignatius, Mont.

Daily Inter Lake, Kalispell, Mont., 1 Feb 2006: Ara Roberta Weber passed away Jan. 27, 2006, at the home of her daughter Dolly and Duane Fite of natural causes. Ara was born Feb. 25, 1914, in Beattyville, Ky., the daughter of Robert and Bertha Green. She graduated from Pasco High School in Pasco, Wash., in 1932. She studied nursing at Lady of Lords Hospital in Pasco until her marriage to Jerl Charles Weber on Nov. 19, 1933. Jerl and Ara moved to St. Ignatius in 1937, and ran the Farmer’s Union Station until 1941. They started farming in St. Ignatius and Charlo until Jerl’s death in 1977. Ara moved to Ronan where she was active in the Senior Citizens Center. She enjoyed bowling, volleyball, tennis, swimming, embroidery, cooking, crocheting, crossword puzzles and quilting; making quilts for most of her grandchildren. Her special joys were playing cards, flower gardening and dancing. She traveled all over to dance to the music of the fiddlers and accordions. She was a member of the Ladies Club, Grange, Senior Citizens and Kalispell Chapter of the Women of the Moose. Ara was preceded in death by her husband, Jerl Charles, in 1977; her son Charles Robert in 1951; three brothers, Emery Glenway Green in 1928, and Roscoe and Scotty Green in 2005; her sister, Mary Bozlee, in 2005; six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Ara is survived by her sons, Jerl L. and Wanda of Soap Lake, Wash., James R. “Pete” and Arlene of Nelson, Neb., John F. of St. Ignatius, and Milton R. of Charlo; her daughters, Hazel Trusler of Polson, Dolly and Duane Fite of Stevensville, Darlene and Ray Solomon of Polson, Rosalie “Rose” Noel of Kalispell, Eleanor and Jack Mitchell of Tacoma, Wash., Linda and Bill Taylor of Moody, Texas, Lydia and Ken Pippins of Temple, Texas, Katie and Kelvin Seiller of Green River, Wyo., and Terry and Mike McGuire of Ridgecrest, Calif.; brother, Otto Green, of Milton-Freewater, Ore.; 48 grandchildren, 89 great-grandchildren and 18 great-great-grandchildren. Viewing will be from 2 to 6 p.m. today, Wed., Feb. 1, at Shrider’s Mortuary in Ronan. Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Thurs., Feb. 2, in the Missionary Alliance Church on Terrance Lake Road, Ronan. lnterment will take place in Pleasant View Cemetery in St. Ignatius. Ara suggested memorials can be made to Camp Mak-A-Dream, P.O. Box 1450, Missoula, MT 59806.

155. Llewellyn Bleigh[5] Green (called Scotty) (Bertha May[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 22 Jul 1915 in Red House, W.Va. Died 14 May 2005 in Kennewick, Wash. Buried in City View Cemetery, Pasco, Franklin Co., Wash.

Tri-City Herald, Kennewick, Wash., 17 May 2005: Llewellyn (L.B.) “Scotty” Green of Pasco, Wash., passed away on May 14, 2005, in the Tri-Cities Chaplaincy Hospice House in Kennewick, Wash. He was born on July 22, 1915 in Red House, W.Va., the son of Bertha [May] Honaker and Thomas Robert Green. They were both Kentucky school teachers. Bertha and Rob moved from West Virginia to Ohio in 1920. Scotty’s father delivered mail in Conneaut, Ohio. They lived on a farm about two miles from Kellogsville and Monroe Center, Ohio. Scotty went to the first five grades at a country school. There were 24 to 29 students attending the school at any one time, three or four of which were in the same grade as Scotty. He moved with his family to Pasco, Wash., in 1926 when he was 11 years old. Their third house was the house at 1314 W. Sylvester Street. The family joined the Pasco Methodist Church at this time. I believe Scotty is the oldest member at this date. He still attended when he felt well enough to do so, at the church at 703 W. Clark Street in Pasco. Scotty attended Longfellow School and graduated from the old Pasco High School in 1933, which is now the Pasco City Hall. Scotty began working at the Reinkens dairy farm near Road 36 year the riverbank back around 1927-28. He worked steady there in his sophomore year of high school to earn money for the family. His father had abandoned the family and did not help their mother with expenses. In 1929 when Scotty was 14, the family house caught fire during the night. He woke up and opened a window, and broke the screen out to escape. The flames blew him out the window and he landed on the grass. He was hospitalized for three months with his dressings changed twice a day. After high school there was no work to be found. Scotty joined the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) on July 31, 1935. He worked at Camp Roy, which is 8-10 miles from Ft. Lewis, Wash. When he got out of the CCC, Jan. 15, 1938, he went to work at the post office in Pasco, Wash., the next day. He joined the Pasco’s Oddfellow’s Lodge in 1938. He met his future wife at a Valentine’s dance. He eloped with Bernice Frances Barrickman in September 1941 to Lewiston, Idaho. He was a Pasco volunteer fireman at the time, living at the fire station. Scotty joined the U.S. Naval Reserve on Sept. 14, 1942. He was called into active service a day or two later. His six-week boot camp was at Bremerton Navy Base in Washington state. He then attended a six-week radio school in Bremerton. Around the first of December 1942, he and about 300 other men who had attended that radio school were sent to the Chicago armory to take a similar course that was to take two months. The men finally convinced the Navy that they had attended the same course in Bremerton so they were allowed the first two weeks off. On Feb. 1, 1943 another radio course started in Stillwater, Okla., at the Oklahoma A&M. They lived in dormitories. About the first of April 1943 he started a six-month course at Corpus Christi, Texas. It involved class work and real hard work. The courses were at a regular school on an island one mile from the Navy base. It was called “Ward Island” and had a wire fence around the island. The top fifteen men in the course were selected to attend a specialized course in airplane anti-sub radar communications and radio gear. Scotty got to attend this one-week course. Then he was assigned to the Air Group, Torpedo Squad 7 and assigned to the USS Hancock aircraft carrier on Jan. 3, 1944. Scotty and Bernice lived in Vinyard Haven on Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. She spebnt time in Klamath Falls and Astoria, Ore., and Corpus Christi, Texas while following Scotty around the U.S. in the Navy. The Navy then sent the USS Hancock to Bacha Chica, Fla., for additional training before their shakedown cruise. They they were assigned to Hawaii so the aircraft carrier could be stocked and the crews could receive additional training. The torpedo planes that Scotty worked trained for six weeks near Kanahoe, Hawaii, while the ship was being stocked. Their first place of action was Formosa. They were in numerous battles including the Leyte battle that probably had more ships involved than any other battle in a war. Squad 7 was recognized and Scotty was sent back to Bremerton, Wash., on the USS Ticonderoga. Scotty also was in the Korean War. The war ended while he was in Astoria. He was honorably discharged in October 1945 at Bremerton, Wash., after getting additional training at Whidby Island. After WWII Scotty began a radio repair shop. When television came to Pasco, Scotty learned how to repair them also. Bernice began working at the shop and began selling luggage and leather goods. They had two daughters, Frances Llewellyn born Nov. 29, 1942 in Pasco and Sandra Louise born Nov. 18, 1945 in Pasco. After retiring they played golf and helped take care of their parents. He loved to attend the Pasco Old-timer’s luncheon and also the CCC luncheon. Bernice died on Nov. 19, 1991 of cancer. In September of 1996, he married Dolores Anderson Nicholson who also attended Pasco High School and graduated in 1938. He leaves behind his wife Dolores; his two daughters, Frances Daniels of Bothell, Wash., and Sandra Reuther and husband Vaughn of Boulder City, Nev.; a granddaughter, Jamilyn Daniels of Portland, Ore.; two sisters, Ara Weber of Kalispell, Mont., and Mary Bozlee of Boise, Idaho; several nieces and nephews; brothers Otto of Milton-Freewater, Ore., Roscoe of Tacoma, Wash., and wife Luella. He was preceded in death by his parents; a brother, Emery Glenway Green, who died of spinal meningitis when he was a freshman at Pasco High in 1928. Scotty’s funeral will be held at Bruce Lee Memorial Chapel at 2804 West Lewis Street in Pasco, Wash., (547-3321.) Viewing will be on Fri., May 20, 2005 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The funeral will be at 1 p.m. on Sat., May 21, 2005.

Scotty had blue eyes and fair skin, and had cotton white hair until he was out of high school, when it became blonde. When he married, he was 5 ft. 9½ in. tall. He moved with his parents from West Virginia to a farm about two miles from Kellogsville and Monroe Center, Ohio. He attended the first five grades at the local county school. In 1926 he moved with his family to Pasco, Wash., where they joined the Pasco Methodist Church and he continued his schooling. His father abandoned the family and to help support them, Scotty began working steadily at the Reinkens dairy farm near Road 36, around 1927 or 1928, in his sophomore year of high school. In 1929, when he was about fifteen, the family house caught on fire during the night. He woke up, opened a window and broke out the screen to escape. The flames blew him out of the window and he landed on the grass. He was hospitalized with injuries for three months, with his dressings changed twice a day. After high school, jobs were scarce and on 31 Jul 1935 Scotty joined the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC.) He completed his job with the CCC and on 15 Jan 1938 began work at the Pasco Post Office. He joined th Pasco Odd Fellows Lodge in Feb 1938. He met his future wife, Bernice, at a Valentine’s Day dance in Pasco. He was a Pasco volunteer fireman at the time, living at the fire station. On 14 Sep 1942, Scotty joined the U.S. Navy Reserve and was called into active service. He completed courses in aircraft anti-submarine radar, communications, and radio gear; then was assigned to Air Group Torpedo Squadron 7 and assigned to the aircraft carrier USS Hancock on 3 Jan 1944. After the war, he opened a radio repair shop, and when television came to Pasco, Scotty learned to repair TV sets. Bernice worked at the shop and also sold luggage and leather goods.

He eloped with Bernice Frances Barrickman, daughter of Benjamin Franklin Barrickman Jr. and Louise Threase Patt, 6 Sep 1941 in Lewiston, Idaho. Born 8 May 1914 in Faulkton, S.C., Died 19 Nov 1991 in Pasco, Wash. Buried in City View Cemetery, Pasco.

Unknown newspaper and date: Bernice Frances Green, 77, a longtime resident of Pasco, died Tue., Nov. 19, 1991, at Our Lady of Lourdes Health Center in Pasco. She was born May 8, 1914 in Faulkton, Faulk Co., S.D. She attended Faulk County schools and graduated from Faulkton High School in 1932. As a child, she lived on her parents’ farm near Faulkton. She enjoyed taking care of small animals. Bernice moved to Pasco in 1939, and on Sept. 6, 1941, she married Llewellyn B. Scotty Green. Scotty enlisted in the Navy in World War II and the newlyweds moved to various locations while Scotty received training as a radio/radar technician and later as he was stationed on the USS Hancock aircraft carrier. For many years, Bernice and Scotty owned Scotty’s TV and Luggage on Lewis Street in Pasco. After her retirement in 1980, she enjoyed playing golf. Bernice helped with the care of her parents, Benjamin and Louise Barrickman, and her mother-in-law, Bertha May Kempton, in their last years. She was a second mother to several of her daughters’ girlfriends. Bernice was a member of the Cootiettes. She made things for the Veteran’s Hospital and Hillcrest Nursing Home, such as lap blankets, chair cushions, place mats and holiday decorations. Survivors include husband Scotty Green of Pasco; daughters, Frances Daniels and granddaughter, Jamilyn Daniels, both of Bothell, Wash., Sandra and her husband Vaughn Reuther of Boulder City, Nev.; sister Frankie Grigg Baker of Pasco. Services will be held Fri., Nov. 22, 1991, at 1 p.m. at Greenlee Funeral Home, 1608 W. Court, Pasco. Burial will be at City View Cemetery, Pasco. Visitation Thursday from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. at Greenlee Funeral Home. Contributions can be made to the American Cancer Society, 721 West Yakima, Pasco, WA 99301.

Bernice had white hair as a child and fair skin. She was about 5 ft. 5 in. tall and 100 lb. with greenish eyes and brown hair. As a child, she lived on her parents’ farm near Faulkton, S.D. She attended local schools, graduating from Faulkton High School in 1932. She moved to Pasco in 1940. After retirement in 1980, she and Scotty enjoyed playing golf. She helped take care of her parents and mother-in-law in their later years; was a member of the Cootiettes; and made things such as lap blankets, chair cushions, place mats and holiday decorations for the Pasco veterans’ hospital and local nursing homes. Children:

300. i. Frances Llewellyn[6].

ii. Sandra Louise. Born 18 Nov 1945 in Pasco. She married, first, George Gilbert Pentland, son of

Raymond S. Pentland and Olive Unknown, 14 Oct 1967. Born 8 Mar 1942 in Sandpoint, Idaho. They divorced in 1974. She married, second, Vaughn Carl Reuther, son of Carl Larmon Reuther and Helen Louise French, 23 Jan 1981 in Las Vegas, Clark Co., Nev. Born 11 Nov 1943 in Omaha, Neb. Vaughn graduated from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln in 1970 with a B.S. in Computer Science. He served with the U.S. Army Security Agency from 1965 to 1969, including an assignment in Turkey. Vaughn and Sandra retired from the computer industry in Los Angeles, Calif., and moved to Boulder City, Nev., in 1989. Sandra and her sister Frances enjoyed genealogical research.

Scotty married, second, Dolores Azelda Anderson, daughter of Axel Ludvig Anderson and Alvina Caroline Olmschenk, 28 Sep 1996 in Richland, Benton Co., Wash. Born 12 Aug 1920 in Miles City, Custer Co., Mont. Died 4 May 2012 in Kennewick, Benton County.

Tri-City Herald, Kennewick, Wash.: Delores Nicholson-Green left this life on Fri., May 4, at the age of 91, surrounded by loved ones, to join her daughters Carin Wilson and Corliss Cox. She was born Aug. 12, 1920 in Miles City, Mont. At birth she weighed 1 lb. 8 oz. and a shoe box was used as a basinet. She was the the middle child of three children born to Axel and Alvina Anderson. The family moved to Pasco in the spring of 1922. Dolores married Francis B. Nicholson on July 19, 1938. They had three daughters, Carin, Norine and Corliss. In 1947 they moved to Richland where they lived their entire married life together until Francis passed away shortly before their 51st wedding anniversary in 1989. She worked as the head cook for the Richland School District and retired in 1982. Dolores was blessed with two loves in her life when she met Llewellyn (Scotty) Green at the Pasco High School Old Timers luncheon in 1994. They married in 1995 and lived in Pasco together until 2005 when Scotty passed away. Dolores moved to Hawthorne Court Retirement Center in 2006 where she lived happily until her death. She was a devoted member of Christ the King Catholic Church in Richland for many years. She was very loyal to her family and will be greatly missed by all her family and friends. Dolores is survived by her daughter, Norine Bell; brother, Don Anderson; sister, Phyllis Frey; seven grandchildren; 14 great grandchildren; and six great great grandchildren. She was also preceded in death by daughters, Carin Wilson, Corliss Cox, and grandson Scott Baugh. A funeral mass will be held in Memories at Sunset Event Center on Sat., May 19, 2012 at 2 p.m. and graveside service in Sunset Memorial Gardens at 3 p.m. Following services, the family invites you to join them in celebrating Dolores’s life at the Event Center for refreshments. There will be a Rosary on Friday, May 18th, at Einan’s Funeral Home at 6 p.m., with viewing from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m.

156. Otto Russell[5] Green (Bertha May[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). See photographs. Born 24 Dec 1916 in Red House, W.Va. Died 29 May 2010 in Walla Walla, Wash. Buried in Milton-Freewater [Ore.] Cemetery.

Walla Walla [Wash.] Union-Bulletin, 2 Jun 2010, with photograph: Otto Russell Green, Milton-Freewater [Ore.], passed away May 29, 2010, at Providence St. Mary Medical Center in Walla Walla, at the age of 93 years. Viewing will be held on Thurs., June 3, 2010, from 9 a.m.–5 p.m. and 7–9 p.m. at the funeral home. Funeral services will be Fri., June 4, 2010, at 1 p.m. at Munselle-Rhodes Funeral Home in Milton-Freewater, with Pastor Gordon Huesby officiating. Private interment will be in the Milton-Freewater Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the Oregon Heart Association through the Munselle-Rhodes Funeral Home, 902 S. Main, Milton-Freewater, OR 97862. Mr. Green was born Dec. 24, 1916, in Red House, W.Va., the son of Thomas Robert and Bertha May Honaker Green. The family moved to Ohio in 1920. In 1926 his family moved to Pasco [Wash.], where his father worked as a mail carrier. Mr. Green attended Longfellow School. In 1927 he went to work on the Bernard Reinken dairy farm and delivered milk in Pasco. He worked at the dairy until 1933. On Feb. 29, 1936, he married Agnes Hansen in Kennewick. He had also worked at the Tri-City area and Central Washington picking hops, construction work at Umatilla Army Depot, cutting asparagus, worked on a mint farm and wheat ranch. He had also worked at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital and Babcock Oil Company. In 1944 he moved his family to Umapine, and began working for the Otto Hellberg Ranch and had been there until he broke his hip in May 2009. Mr. Green then went to live with his daughter, Shirley, on July 13, 2009, after his rehabilitation. Mr. Green was a member of the Methodist Church. Mrs. Green preceeded him in death in 1971. He is survived by three daughters, Shirley Brosh and Rena Baker both of Milton-Freewater, Loretta Donaldson of Walla Walla; a son, Russell Green of Milton-Freewater; a daughter-in-law, Ellen Green of Elgin; two sisters-in-law, Dolores Green of Pasco, Luella Green of Tacoma; 11 grandchildren, Teresa and Danny Gregerson, Sherman and Lee Taylor, Debbi and Tammi Green, Jerri Smith, Jimmy, Ricky and Darrell Donaldson, Kathy and Dave Grose, Karen Larson, Jerry and Frances Nelson; and numerous nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents; a daughter, Dorothy Nelson; a granddaughter, Patty Nelson; three brothers, Glenway, Scotty and Roscoe Green; two sisters, Mary Bozelee, Ara Weber; a half-brother, Sterling Green, and a half-sister, Gay Vonne Green McCollum.

A 5-generation photograph of him, his daughter Rena, granddaughter Teresa, great granddaughter Kari, and great great grandchildren Daniel and Tiffany appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Nov-Dec 2000.

He married Agnes Dorothy Hansen, daughter of Hanse Jakob Hansen and Katinka [correction] Hansen. Buried in Riverview Heights Cemetery, Kennewick, Wash.

Valley Herald, Milton-Freewater, Ore.: Funeral services were held Mon., Nov. 1, in the Munselle-Rhodes Funeral Home Chapel for Mrs. Agnes Dorothy Green, 59, of 700 N. Main, who died in Pendleton after an extended illness. Services were conducted by Rev. Norman Barley of Wesley United Methodist Church. Honorary pallbearers were Leland Hellberg, Morris Hulick, Max Hellberg, Martin Hellberg, Bill Krumbah and Jim Grimes. Active bearers were Darrell Mayberry, Leo Campbell, Doug Fox, Harley Krumbah, Tom Osborn and Gary Todd. Sacred selections sung as a duet by Mr. And Mrs. Jack McMullen were “You’ll Never Walk Alone,” “The Old Rugged Cross,” and “In the Garden” with Mrs. John H. Maxwell as organist. She was born Dec. 7, 1911 in Gifford, Idaho. She moved to Milton-Freewater in 1945. Survivors are her daughters, Mrs. Mel (Shirley) Brosh, Mrs. Rube (Rena) Dombrosky of Milton-Freewater and Mrs. Dorothy Nelson and Mrs. Loretta Donaldson of Walla Walla; a son, Russell Green of Milton-Freewater; mother, Mrs. [Katinka] Hansen; sister, Mrs. Vern (Doris) Baum and a brother, Egon Hansen, all of Kennewick; 11 grandchildren, five step grandchildren and several step great-grandchildren. Final services and interment were in Riverview Heights Cemetery, Kennewick, Wash. Munselle-Rhodes Funeral Home were in charge of arrangements.

Valley Herald, Milton-Freewater, Ore. (with photograph): Funeral services for Agnes Dorothy Green of 700 N. Main, Milton-Freewater, will be at 11 a.m. Monday at the Munselle-Rhodes chapel with Rev. Norman Barley officiating. Interment will follow at 2:30 p.m. in the River View Heights Cemetery in Kennewick.

157. Roscoe Lawrence[5] Green (Bertha May[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 21 Sep 1918 in Red House, W.Va. Died 11 Oct 2005 in Tacoma, Wash. The remains were cremated and were to be scattered at Sawmill Flats, Yakima Co., Wash. Sawmill Flat Campground was located along the Naches River in the Northern Cascade Range of Washington state. The family often met there in the summers for family picnics.

News Tribune, Tacoma, Wash., 16 Oct 2005: Roscoe L. Green, of Tacoma, Wash., passed away on Oct. 11, 2005. Born Sept. 22, 1918 in Red House, W.Va., to Bertha M. Honaker and Thomas R. Green, his family moved to Pasco, Wash., about 1926. Roscoe graduated from Pasco High School in 1936; he joined the Civilian Conservation Corps at Mt. Rainier. He joined the Navy in October 1942 and participated in the invasions of North Africa, Sicily and Normandy, France. He served on the U.S.S. Thurston. After WWII he settled in Tacoma and worked as a pipe fitter and a member of the United Assoc. of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry Union for 45 years. He took particular pride in the time he spent leading a Boy Scout troop for several years. He was preceded in death by his parents and brothers Emery and Llewellyn (Scotty) Green. He is survived by his wife Luella Green and her children Helen, Joyce, Teresa, Luana; eight grandchildren and two great-great grandchildren; his first wife Ruth Green and their children Marcia, Lawrence and Terrence; five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren; his sisters Ara Weber and Mary Bozlee; brother Otto Green; and numerous nieces and nephews. A hardworking person all his life, Roscoe enjoyed working around the house and in the yard. He was a good neighbor who was always willing to help friends and family. A strong man with strong opinions, he derived joy from the simple things in life and a good game of chess. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him. Family and friends are invited to a celebration of his life 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Sat., Oct. 22, 2005 at the Sheraton Tacoma Hotel, 1320 Broadway Plaza.

He lived in Tacoma, King Co., Wash. He was about 5 ft. 2 in. tall until he was out of high school. Then he shot up about a foot in a year or so. He was 6 ft 1 in. tall in his prime with blue eyes and brownish hair (white hair as a child.) He graduated from Pasco High School in 1936, then joined the Civilian Conservation Corps and was sent to work at Mt. Rainier. He joined the Navy in October 1942 and was in the invasions of North Africa, Sicily, and Normandy, France. Then his troop-carrier ship was sent into the Pacific Ocean in the war against Japan. At the end of World War II, he returned to live and work as a pipefitter in Tacoma, Wash. He retired in 1980. In 1963 he and family traveled back to the old farm near Kellogsville, Ohio, and also to the cemetery where his Grandmother Green was buried. In August 1982, Ara Green Weber and brother Roscoe made another trip back to visit and look at places they had once lived. They also stopped at Plants Cemetery where there were Wolfe, Varian, Roush, and Honaker plots. Then on to Red House, W.Va., to see Cousin Bessie and on to Old Rocky Church and School where Ara went to first grade.

He married, first, Ruth Stewart Hagemeyer, daughter of William August Hagemeyer and Marcia Louise Stewart, 1 Nov 1941 in Tacoma. They divorced Aug 1993. Born 22 Jun 1921 in Tacoma. She was about 5 ft. 6 in. tall and 130 lbs. with brown hair when she married. A soft spoken lady, she grew up in Tacoma. She returned to the University of Washington after the three children grew up. She received a B.A. in Home Economics and Teaching in Jun 1970. She taught at Bates Vocational Technical School in Tacoma for 15 years. She retired in 1986. She took additional training to become a nationally registered flower show judge. Children:

306. i. Marcia Ruth[6].

ii. Lawrence Roscoe (called Larry.) Born 29 Sep 1944 in Tacoma. He graduated from the University of Washington in 1966 with a B.S. in Chemistry. He took a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of California at Irvine in 1970 and did postdoctoral work at Ohio State University, Columbus, and at the University of Paris, France. He returned to Ohio State and taught chemistry labs. Then he went to Ohio State Medical School, Toledo. He received an M.D. in 1980. He did a two-year residency at Virginia Mason Hospital in Seattle, Wash., then went into private practice and then into medical research. He traveled throughout the U.S., Russia and Japan for a medical affairs company, studying medical research. He attended the International Acquired Immunine Deficienty Syndrome (AIDS) Conference in Japan in Aug 1994. He married, first, Charlotte Krack 19 Aug 1972 in Erie, Pa. They divorced in 1984. He married, second, Hae Suk Yun 22 Jun 1988 in Tacoma. They divorced 5 Sep 1992. He married, third, Jenny Green in Jan 1993. She graduated from Mingchuan Commercial College, Taipei, Taiwan, in 1978. She worked in the apparel industry for 14 years before she married Larry, taking orders for clothing from American buyers from large U.S. department stores.

307. iii. Terrence Robert (called Terry).

156. Mary Sylvesta[5] Green (Bertha May[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Robert George Bozlee (called Bob.) Died 28 Aug 1996 in Boise, Idaho. The remains were cremated.

Unknown newspaper or publication and date, accompanied by photograph: Robert G. “Bob” Bozlee, 78, of Boise, passed away Wed., Aug. 28, 1996, in a Boise hospital. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Tue., Sept. 3, at the Alden-Waggoner Chapel, with the Rev. Joe Housh officiating. Lodge rites will be provided by Ada IOOF #3, Boise. Cremation is under direction of the Alden-Waggoner Chapel. Mr. Bozlee was born Nov. 8, 1917, at Lansford, N.D., to William Addison Bozlee and Elsie Elizabeth Ewert. At age 9, he moved with his family to the oil fields of Montana. He then moved to the Bitterroot Valley, where he received his education at Florence. In 1936, the family moved to the Flathead Valley, where Bob was employed as a cream truck driver and helped on the family farm. In 1940, Bob met the love of his life, Mary Green. They married on April 6, 1941, at St. Ignatius, Mont., in the Methodist Church. Bob and Mary later moved to Pasco, Wash., where Bob was employed on a dairy farm. After [World War II] started, he went into defense work, and later began working for Shell Oil Co. as a truck driver. In 1962, Bob was transferred to Boise, where he worked until his retirement from Shell, having been with the company for 28 years. As a retirement “gift,” Bob and Mary took an extended trip around the U.S. in 1972, visiting relatives and seeing the sights. Bob was a 49-year member of the Pasco lodge. He was an associate member of Ada IOOF #3, Boise, and an associate and past grand of Pioneer #1, Idaho City. He was a P.C.P. of Idaho Encampment #1. At the time of his death, he was serving his second term as C.P., a past captain of Canton Coilumbia #3, holding the rank of colonel. He was also a member of Unity Rebekah Lodge #8, Boise. Bob’s hobbies were fishing and playing cards. He enjoyed his family to the fullest and delighted in watching the great-grandchildren play. He was always willing to lend a helping hand to all, and loved to share a joke or a laugh with all who knew him. Bob is survived by his loving wife of 55 years, Mary; two daughters, Mary Elizabeth Weisz and her husband, Willie, of Pasco, Wash., and Bertha Stout and her husband, Mike, of Boise; two granddaughters, Sherry Becker of Kennewick, Wash., and Michelle Stout of Boise; a grandson, Bill Stout of Boise; two “almost daughters,” Carolann and Merry Jo Hansen of Boise; and “almost granddaughter,” Angie Akers of Boise; two great-grandchildren, Se’lah of Kennewick and Brennan of Boise; and several nieces and nephews. He is also survived by three brothers-in-law, Llewellyn Green of Pasco, Otto Green of Umapine, Ore., Roscoe Green and wife, Luella of Tacoma, Wash.; four sisters-in-law, Ara Weber of Ronan, Mont., Donna Bennett of Pasco, Elsie Bozlee of Walla Walla, Wash., and Ruth Green of Tacoma. He was preceded in death by his parents, a sister and two brothers. Friends may call Monday from 1 to 6 p.m. at the Alden-Waggoner Chapel.

162. David Wilber[5] Morgan (Rebecca Jane[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Ronceverte, Greenbrier County. He was employed by the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway as a telegraph operator at Hinton, W.Va., 9 Jul 1906. He was preparing to leave home for work at Whitcomb, W.Va., when he died of a heart attack. Children:

iii. Edith. Born in 1914. She did not die at a young age as the book intimates. Believed to be buried in Greenbrier Memorial Park Cemetery, Lewisburg, W.Va.

162. viii. Robert C. Born 25 Jun 1925 in Ronceverte, W.Va.

163. Millard Elery[5] Morgan (Rebecca Jane[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 1890 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died in 1951. He was employed as a Chesapeake & Ohio Railway telegraph operator at Hinton, W.Va., 16 Jan 1917. He was disqualified because of ill health 16 Sep 1939.

He married Sadie F. Bennett. Born 16 Aug 1895 in Ronceverte. Died 3 Jun 1963. Buried in Greenbrier Regular Baptist Church Cemetery, Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

Ronceverte [W.Va.] News or Greenbrier [W.Va.] Independent, unknown date: Mrs. Sadie F. Morgan, 67, died Monday evening at a Ronceverte hospital after a short illness. She had lived in Ronceverte for 46 years and was a member of the Greenbrier Regular Baptist Church. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. [Gleta] Hughes of Fairlea and Mrs. Eileen Romain of Ronceverte; three sons, Luther Morgan of Huntington, Ellery Morgan of Ronceverte, and Orville Morgan of Cleveland, Ohio; three sisters, Mrs. Mamie Burns and Mrs. Rena Foster, both of White Sulphur Springs, and Mrs. Juanita Judy of Caldwell; two brothers, Elby Bennett of Ronceverte and Dewey Bennett of Hinton; and four grandchildren. The body is at the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home in Ronceverte. Arrangements are incomplete.

A funeral program said that services for Sadie were held at 2 p.m., 5 Jun 1963 at Greenbrier Regular Baptist Church. Ministers were Elder Guy Wykle and the Reverends Lavern Wing and Julian Grubb. Children:

i. Luther E.[6] Born in 1905.

ii. Ellery Curry. Born in 1916. Died ca. 1972 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Greenbrier Memorial Gardens, Lewisburg, W.Va. He married Ruby Unknown.

Ronceverte [W.Va.] News or Greenbrier [W.Va.] Independent, unknown date: Ellery Curry Morgan, 56, of Ronceverte, died Monday evening in a Berkley hospital following a long illness. He had been a lifelong resident of Ronceverte and was a member of the Ronceverte Christian Church and was a warehouse clerk for C.J. Casdorph and Son. He is survived by his wife, Ruby; two sisters, Mrs. [Gleta] Hughes of Fairlea and Mrs. Ilene Roman of Ronceverte, and two brothers, Luther of Huntington and Orville of Cleveland, Ohio. Funeral services will be at

2 p.m. today at the Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel at Ronceverte with John Martin in charge. Burial will be in Greenbrier Memorial Gardens at Lewisburg. The body is at the funeral home.

iii. Orville. Born ca. 1919. He was a preacher.

163. iv. Gleta M.

v. Ilene. She married Unknown Roman.

164. Effie Myrtle[5] Morgan (Rebecca Jane[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[]1, Frederick[1]). Born 20 Jan 1893 on the family farm at Whitcomb, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 27 Mar 1964 in Clifton Forge, Va. Buried in Greenbrier Memorial Gardens, Lewisburg, W.Va.

Covington Virginian, 28 Mar 1964: Mrs. Effie Morgan Long, 71, wife of Clarence E. Long, of Rt. 3, Covington, died yesterday afternoon in the C&O Hospital, Clifton Forge. She was born Jan. 20, 1893 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va., a daughter of the late Andrew Jackson and Rebecca Honaker Morgan, and had spent most of her life in the Moss Run section. She was a member of the Regular Baptist Church of Ronceverte, W.Va. Other than her husband she is survived by one son, Roy Clarence Long, Hinton, W.Va., seven daughters, Mrs. Richard E. (Oleta) Cobb, Covington; Mrs. Shirley Griffith, and Mrs. Carl (Ina Mae) Church, both of White Sulphur Springs, W.Va., Mrs. Larkin (Edna) DeHart, King Wm., Mrs. Percy (Hazel) Tyree, Washington, D.C., Mrs. James R. (Escovene) Critzer, Baltimore, Md., and Mrs. Kenneth (Arlene) Keifer, Front Royal. She is also survived by two brothers, Jasper Morgan, Hinton, W.Va., and Hubert Morgan, Afton; 20 grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. A funeral service will be held Sun., Mar. 29 at 2:30 p.m. in the chapel of the R.M. Loving Funeral Home, with the Rev. Guy Wykle of Ronceverte, W.Va., officiating. Interment will be in Greenbrier Memorial Gardens, Lewisburg, W.Va. The body will remain at the Loving Funeral Home where the family will receive friends from 7 till 9 o’clock tonight. Active pallbearers will be Ernest Lane, Jack Wilkerson, Bill Lewis, Clarence Boone, C.R. McCallister, Carl Tucker, Silas Boone, and Robert Scott. Honorary pallbearers will be selected from friends and neighbors attending the service.

Unknown newspaper and date: Mrs. Effie Myrtle Long, 71, wife of Clarence Elmer Long, of Route 3, Covington, Va., died in the C&O Hospital, Clifton Forge, Va. She had suffered a heart attack at her home earlier in the week and while recovering, suffered the second and fatal attack in the hospital, Fri., March 27, 1964. She was born Jan. 20, 1893 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va., on a farm on the Greenbrier River near Whitcomb, W.Va. She was a daughter of Andrew Jackson Morgan and Rebecca Honaker Morgan and had spent most of her life at Moss Run, Va. She was a member of the Regular Baptist Church of Ronceverte, W.Va. A funeral service was held Easter Sunday, March 29, 1964, in the chapel of the R.M. Loving Funeral Home, with the Rev. Guy Wykle of Ronceverte, W.Va., officiating. Interment was in Greenbrier Memorial Gardens, Lewisburg, W.Va.

She married Clarence Elmer Long, son of Achilles Murat Long (called Atch) and Nancy Ann Bennett. Born

1 Feb 1890 in Caldwell, W.Va. Died 22 Jan 1976 in Clifton Forge, Va. Buried in Greenbrier Memorial Gardens, Lewisburg, W.Va.

Covington Virginian, 22 Jan 1976: Clarence Elmer Long, 85, of Route 3, Moss Run, died this morning in Emmett Memorial Hospital. Mr. Long was born Feb. 1, 1890 in Caldwell, W.Va., a son of the late Achilles Muret and Nancy Bennett Long. He had been a resident of this area most of his life and was a section foreman for the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway at his retirement in 1958. At that time he had been employed by the C&O Railway for 50 years. He was a member of Johnson’s Creek Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. He was the husband of Effie Morgan Long who predeceased him in 1964. Mr. Long is survived by a son, Roy Clarence Long, Hinton, W.Va.; six daughters, Mrs. Richard E. (Oleta) Cobb, Covington, Mrs. Carl (Ina Mae) Church, Lewisburg, W.Va., Mrs. Larkin (Edna) DeHart, Radford; Mrs. Percy (Hazel) Tyree, Washington, D.C., Mrs. James R. (Escovene) Critzer, Baltimore, Md., and Mrs. Kenneth (Arlene) Keifer, Front Royal; a brother, A.M. Long, Caldwell, W.Va.; and a sister, Mrs. Viola Morgan, Ronceverte, W.Va. Also surviving 21 grandchildren and 28 great-grandchildren. A daughter, Mrs. Shirley Griffith, also predeceased him in 1964. Funeral arrangements are incomplete and are being handled by the R.M. Loving Funeral Home.

Covington Virginian, 22 Jan 1976: Clarence Elmer Long, 85, of Covington and originally from Caldwell, died Thurs., Jan. 22 in Emmett Memorial Hospital in Clifton Forge, Va. The son of the late Achilles Muret and Nancy Bennett Long, he was employed by C&O Railroad, and was a member of the Johnson’s Creek ARP [Ascension Reformed Presbyterian] Church. Survivors include one son, Roy Clarence Long of Hinton; six daughters, Mrs. Richard E. Cobb of Covington, Mrs. Carl Church of Lewisburg, Mrs. Larkin DeHart of Radford, Va., Mrs. Percy Tyree of Washington, D.C., Mrs. James Critzer of Baltimore, Md., Mrs. Kenneth Keifer of Front Royal, Va.; one brother, A.M. Long of Caldwell; one sister, Mrs. Viola Morgan of Ronceverte; 21 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held at the R.M. Loving Funeral Home in Covington at 2 p.m. Sunday with the Rev. Lester Dattler in charge. Burial was in Greenbrier Memorial Gardens.

Unknown newspaper and date: Clarence Elmer Long, 85, died Thurs., Jan. 22, 1976, in Emmett Memorial Hospital, Clifton Forge, Va., after suffering a heart attack. The son of the late Achiles Murat and Nancy Bennett Long, he was a retired employee of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company and was a member of the Johnson Creek Ascension Reformed Presbyterian Church. A funeral service was held at the R.M. Loving Funeral Home in Covington, Va., Sun., Jan. 25, 1976, with the Rev. Lester Dottler officiating. Interment was in Greenbrier Memorial Gardens, Lewisburg, W.Va.

165. Virgil Layton[5] Green (Margaret Ann[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[]1, Frederick[1]).

Unknown newspaper and date: Buena Vista—Virgil Layton Green, 82, died Tuesday in a Clifton Forge hospital. Surviving are one daughter, Miss Ila Green, Buena Vista; a son, E.T. Green, Buena Vista; and two sisters, Mrs. Eva Baker, Ronceverte, W.Va., and Mrs [Neta] Arritt, Norfolk. A rosary service will be held at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at Amole Chapel, with a requiem mass at 10 a.m. Friday in St. Patrick’s Catholic Church. Interment will be in Green Hill Cemetery.

He married Catherine Teresa Hanifen (called Katie), daughter of Michael Hanifen and Ellen Bresenham, ca. 1906 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Born 1 Nov 1884 in Smoot, W.Va. Died 9 Feb 1962 in Buena Vista, Rockbridge Co., W.Va. Children:

i. Eileen Frances[6] (called Ila). Born ca. 1908. Died 26 Aug 1998 following a stroke and

pneumonia. Services were 28 Aug 1998 at 2 p.m. at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, Buena Vista, and she was buried in Green Hill Cemetery. She never married, but took care of her parents until they died of cancer, and her uncle, Mike Hanifen. She lived in her parents’ house in Buena Vista, Va., and was joined there by her brother Edward about 1990. Some of the information about this family comes from letters she wrote to cousins.

322. ii. Edward Thomas. Born 1 Mar 1916.

166. Neta May[5] Green (Margaret Ann[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[]1, Frederick[1]). Buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Virginia Beach, Va., (also reported as Norfolk, Va.) She helped raise most of her grandchildren, and was called “Mom” by all of her family.

Newspaper and date unknown: Mrs. Neta Green Arritt, 82, of 1602 Hazel Ave., Norfolk Highlands, Chesapeake, died Wednesday in a Norfolk hospital. A native of Botetourt County, she lived in the area five years and was a widow of John Lewis Arritt and a daughter of James J. and Mrs. Margaret Honaker Green. She was a member of Dorcas Bible Class of Indian River Baptist Church. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Grant Pitcher and Mrs. Elva Luchard of Chesapeake; a son, John C. Arritt of Glendale, W.Va., and a sister, Mrs. Eva Baker of Ronceverte, W.Va. The body will be taken from Graham Funeral Home to Indian River Baptist Church for a funeral service at 2 p.m. Saturday. Burial will be in Woodlawn Memorial Gardens.

She married John Lewis Arritt, son of John L. (also S.) Arritt and Phoebe Terry Wright. Born in Alleghany Co., Va.

Buried in Riverview Cemetery, Ronceverte, W.Va., beside his mother. He first married Nannie Roena Belle (Ellison) Arritt Vass.

167. Annie Marie[5] Honaker (Newton Dixon[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]. Buried in Riverview Cemetery, Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

168. Bessie[5] Honaker (Newton Dixon[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

169. Clarence H.[5] Honaker (Newton Dixon[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). He lived in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Children:

i. Edna[6]. Died before 2007. She married Mason Arthur.

ii. Carl. Died before 2007.

iii. Clarence Maynard. Born 19 Aug 1920.

169. v. Norman E. Born 12 Feb 1929.

169. vi. Donald Ray. Born 5 Nov 1933.

170. Josie Evelyn[5] Honaker (Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 17 Jan 1891 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 10 Dec 1928 in Ronceverte. Buried in Morgan Cemetery, Ronceverte.

Hinton [W.Va.] News, 5 Oct 2004: Morgan/Boone Reunion Held, by Rosemary (Howard) Rinde

In 1908, Homer Kite Morgan married Josie Evelyn Honaker in Ronceverte, W.Va. In 1913, Charles Lewis Boone married Elizabeth Carolyn Jackson. After the deaths of Josie and Charles, Homer and Elizabeth were married in 1933.

The families of the 16 children that came from these marriages gathered on Sat., Aug. 21, 2004 at Greenbrier State Forest for their annual reunion. We started having these reunions in 1969, and this was one of the biggest that we’ve had. Over 150 people were there, ranging in age from 5-mo.-old Remington Boggs to 88-year-old Iva (Boggs) Hall, and coming from West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, New York, Delaware and Pennsylvania.

Our annual newsletter (which was given to everyone in attendance) says it all: “We are a typical American family in the 21st Century. We are ordinary people. No one has written a bestseller, no one has won the Nobel Prize, no one has been elected to a high government office. But, we are remarkable people in that we are strong people, doing the best we can, taking care of one another, and contributing to our communities.”

The children of Homer Kite and Josie (Honaker) Morgan are all deceased now. They were Herman Morgan of Newport News, Va., Edward Morgan of Ronceverte, W.Va., Weller Homer Morgan—died as an infant, Thelma (Morgan) Howard of Ronceverte, Charlotte (Morgan) Reed of Ronceverte, Wallace Morgan of Ronceverte, and Annabel (Morgan) Johnson of Princeton, W.Va.

Five of the children of Charles Lewis and Elizabeth (Jackson) Boone are still living, and were all at the reunion. Charlie and Elizabeth’s children were Iva (Boone) Hall of Hinton, W.Va., Edward Boone of Hinton, Alice Boone of Hinton, Ralph Boone—killed in World War II, Alfred Boone of Georgetown, Del., and Roy Boone of Hinton.

The children of Homer and Elizabeth (Boone) Morgan were all in attendance too. They are Sterling Morgan of Lewisburg, W.Va., Barbara (Morgan) Scott of Wilmington, Del., and Victor Morgan of Hinton.

From this combination of Morgan/Boones, we now boast a total of 358 family members! As part of the annual reunion, we have an auction of items—some family related, others just fun or craft things. One popular item this year was a picture of Hughey Lewis Boone with a copy of a hand-written note where he gave permission for his daughter, Sarah Boone, to marry Joseph Franklin Honaker. Sarah and Joseph Franklin Honaker were the parents of Josie (Honaker) Morgan.

Another item that was bid on by a lot of people was a picture taken in 1951 at the home of Homer and Elizabeth Morgan, that showed 37 of the family members. Just to show how we are a family that stays together—of the 37 people in the picture, 25 of them are still living, and 20 of them were in attendance at this year’s reunion.

This year we added a special activity. Ed Morgan (one of the children of Homer and Josie Morgan) was well-known for his feat of standing on his head, and he entertained us at many of our earlier reunions—still able to stand on his head until he was over 80 years old. In honor and memory of Ed, we started a club this year for anyone who wanted to try to accomplish this feat. Many people tried—from the age of about eight to over 40—and Zachary Morgan (grandson of Victor Morgan) was the winner of the first annual contest, with Jason Zickefoose (grandson of Letha (Reed) Baker) being a close runner-up. This is just one more way to make the reunion fun for everyone!

Our next reunion will be the third Saturday of August 2005 at Greenbrier State Forest. We welcome anyone who has

any connection to the Morgan/Boones to join us for a fun day.

She married Homer Kite Morgan, son of Joseph Johnson Morgan and Martha Ellen Kesinger, 21 Oct 1908 in Ronceverte. Born 11 Mar 1886 in Ronceverte. Died 23 Nov 1954 in Tunnel Hill, Summers Co., W.Va. Buried in unknown place, possibly Morgan Cemetery, Ronceverte. He married, second, Elizabeth Carolyn Jackson. Children (of Josie and Homer):

170. i. Herman Alta[6]. Born 29 Jul 1909.

170. ii. Joseph Edward (called Ed). Born 14 Aug 1911.

170. iii. Thelma Virginia. Born 12 Nov 1913 in Ronceverte.

iv. Weller Homer. Born 6 Apr 1916 in Greenbrier County. Died 6 Sep 1916 in Greenbrier County. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Ronceverte.

170. v. Charlotte Elizabeth. Born 19 Jul 1917.

vi. Arthur Wallace (called Wallace). Born 7 Dec 1919 in Greenbrier County. Died 16 Apr 1980 in Greenbrier County. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Ronceverte. He lived in Ronceverte and never married.

170. vii. Martha Annabel (called Annabel). Born 16 Jan 1922 in Ronceverte.

171. Darius W.[5] Honaker (Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 22 Dec 1892 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 14 Apr 1959 in Greenbrier County. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Ronceverte, W.Va. Gravestone inscription: Asleep in Jesus. His wife has a matching stone and inscription.

He married Ila May Bennett. Born 24 Apr 1894 in Greenbrier County. Died 26 Aug 1938 in Greenbrier County. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Ronceverte. Children:

i. Ruth[6]. In 2008 she lived in Ashburn, Va. She married, first, Oscar Boone. She married, second, Unknown Judd.

171. ii. Roy Edwin. Born 26 Mar 1917.

171. iii. Carletta. Born ca. 1920.

171. iv. Ina.

v. William F. (called Bill) In 2008 he lived in Ronceverte, W.Va. He married Mona Porterfield, daughter of Harry Porterfield and Nellie Martin. She was born in the vicinity of Organ Cave, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died before 2007.

171. vi. Frances Zell. Born 19 Mar 1928 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

vii. Unnamed. Born and died 7 Jun 1931 in Greenbrier County. Buried in Morgan Cemetery, Ronceverte.

172. Elbie F.[5] Honaker (Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 3 Jan 1901. Died May 1970 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

He married Elmira H. Morgan, daughter of Lundy M. Morgan and Luella Mary Shanklin. Died 15 Jul 1986 in Ronceverte. Buried in Morgan Cemetery, Ronceverte.

Charleston [W.Va.] Daily Mail, 17 Jul 1986: Mrs. Elmira H. Honaker, 79, of Ronceverte, Greenbrier County, died Tuesday at Shenandoah Manor Nursing Home, Ronceverte, after a long illness. She was a member of Greenbrier Regular Baptist Church and [American] Legion Auxiliary and was a lifelong resident of Ronceverte. Surviving: daughters, Penny Sibold of Union, Mary Mullens of Fairlea, Skeeter Cotton of Ronceverte; son, Elby Jr. of Ronceverte; sisters, Blanche Simms and Alene Harvey, of Fairlea, Lillian and Edna Morgan, of Ronceverte; brothers, George Morgan of Ronceverte, Raymond Morgan of Fairlea; seven grandchildren; two great-grandchildren. Service will be 2 p.m. Friday in Greenbrier Regular Baptist Church with Rev. Earl McGuffey officiating. Burial will be in Morgan Cemetery, Ronceverte. Friends may call after 3 p.m. today at the Wallace-Wallace Funeral Home, Ronceverte. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to the Seneca Christian Academy.

Newspaper and date unknown: Mrs. Emmira H. Honaker, aged 79 years, of Ronceverte, died Tue., July 15, 1986 in a Ronceverte nursing home after a long illness. Born Aug. 10, 1906 at Ronceverte, she was a daughter of the late Lunday and Luella Shanklin Morgan. Mrs. Honaker was a lifelong resident of Ronceverte, a member of the Greenbrier Regular Baptist Church and a member of the [American] Legion Auxiliary. She was preceded in death by her husband, Elbie Honaker. Survivors include three daughters, Penny Sibold of Union, Mary Mullens of Fairlea, and Skeeter Totten of Ronceverte; a son, Elbie Honaker Jr. of Ronceverte; four sisters, Blanche Simms and Alene Harvey, both of Fairlea, Lillian Morgan and Edna Morgan, both of Ronceverte; two brothers, George Morgan of Ronceverte and Raymond Morgan of Fairlea; seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Services were held at the Greenbrier Regular Baptist Church with the Rev. Earl McGuffey officiating. Burial followed in the Morgan Cemetery in Ronceverte.


i. Penny[6]. She married Greg Sibold.

ii. Mary Elizabeth. Died 31 Mar 2013. She married Jennings Mullins.

Charleston [W.Va.] Daily Mail, 3 Apr 2013: Mary Elizabeth Honaker Mullens departed her earthly home and entered into the presence of her Heavenly Father on March 31, 2013. Service will be 11 a.m., Wed., April 3, at First Baptist Church, Fairlea. The family will receive relatives and friends from 6 to 8 p.m., Tue., April 2, at Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home, Lewisburg.

172. iii. Catherine (called Skeeter).

iv. Elbie, Jr. Born 18 Apr 1926. Researchers reported that he died 10 Apr 1930 but his mother’s obituary indicates he was living in Ronceverte in 1986.

Sixth Generation

3.i.v.iv.i. Maxine Lillian[6] Kimbro (called Mick and Mickey) (Elmer J.[5], Andrew J.[4], Mary[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 13 Apr 1910 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Died 22 Jan 1989 in Cedar Rapids. Buried in Cedar Memorial Cemetery, Cedar Rapids.

She married Leo John Stodola, son of Vincent Stodola and Mary Celia Chadima, 6 Jun 1929 in Cedar Rapids. Born 29 Aug 1906 in Cedar Rapids. Died 17 Jul 1991 in Cedar Rapids. Buried in Cedar Memorial Cemetery. Children:

i. Janis Lee[7]. Born 11 Sep 1935 in Cedar Rapids. She married Robert Kazimour 1 Sep 1956 in

Cedar Rapids.

3.i.v.iv.i. ii. Scott Leo. Born 19 May 1942 in Cedar Rapids.

4.iv.iv.i.ii. Zella Leah[6] Campbell (Lewis Thomas[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 13 Dec 1934 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

She married Carl Wade. Children:

4.iv.iv.i.ii. i. Thomas Carl[7].

4.iv.iv.i.iii. Mary Elizabeth[6] Campbell (Lewis Thomas[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 12 Jul 1936 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

She married Andy Gallagher. Children:

i. Lewis[7].

4.iv.iv.i.iv. Gerald Thomas[6] Campbell (Lewis Thomas[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 9 Feb 1940 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

He married Phyllis Clendenen. Children:

i. Gerald T., Jr.[7] Born 29 Apr 1959 in West Virginia. He married Kim Unknown.

ii. Teresa. Born 12 Oct 1967 in West Virginia. She married Paul Moya.

4.iv.iv.ii.ii. Frances Marie[6] Campbell (Albert Willard[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Oct 1927 in West Virginia.

She married Donald Sullivan Berridge 20 Jan unknown year. Born 16 Sep 1913. Died in 1995 in Ontario, San Bernardino Co., Calif. Children:

4.iv.iv.ii.ii. i. Sylvia Victoria[7]. Born 28 Mar 1948.

4.iv.iv.ii.ii. ii. Ellen Gay. Born 30 Aug 1949.

4.iv.iv.ii.ii. iii. Donald Forest. Born 26 Aug 1950.

4.iv.iv.ii.ii. iv. Regina Olivia. Born 22 Aug 1951.

4.iv.iv.ii.ii. v. Marcella Marie. Born 16 Jul 1952.

4.iv.iv.ii.ii. vi. Romona Lynn. Born 31 Jan 1954.

4.iv.iv.ii.iii. Velma Elenora[6] Campbell (Albert Willard[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 29 Aug 1929 in West Virginia.

She married, first, Clarence Orvis Dunford in Columbus, Ohio.

She married, second, William Emmet Stiles ca. 1947. Died in California. Children:

4.iv.iv.ii.iii. i. William E., Jr.[7] Born 23 Jun 1948.

4.iv.iv.ii.v. Ruby Iretta[6] Campbell (Albert Willard[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 27 Jul 1934 in West Virginia. Died 11 Feb 1995 in Ohio.

She married Emerson Leroy Sloat ca. 1953 in Columbus, Ohio. Children:

4.iv.iv.ii.v. i. Steven Gary[7]. Born 30 Apr 1954.

4.iv.iv.ii.v. ii. Rickey Allen. Born 22 Aug 1958.

4.iv.iv.ii.v. iii. Glen Cody. Born 5 Nov 1962. Clytie Loretta[6] Campbell (Albert Willard[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 15 Aug 1937 in White Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

She married Lawrence Sterling Kauser, son of Lawrence Thomas Kauser and Therzabell Smith, 18 Dec 1954 in Columbus, Franklin Co., Ohio. Born 11 Mar 1935 in Columbus. Children: i. Rock Sterling[7]. Born 10 Nov 1955. ii. Brenda Sue. Born 11 Oct 1957.

iii. Lance Paul. Born 31 Dec 1963 in Columbus, Ohio. Died 26 Jun 1980 in Columbus. iv. Brent Wayne. Born 2 Nov 1966. v. Traci Loren. Born 10 Aug 1972.

4.iv.iv.ii.vii. Albert Junior[6] Campbell (Albert Willard[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 13 Jul 1942 in White Sulphur Springs, W.Va. Died 9 Aug 1989 in Mt. Shasta, Siskiyou Co., Calif.

He married Judy Yvonne Campbell (relationship not reported).

He had a child with Denise Kelling:

i. Rosemarie Andrea[7] Kelling. Born 26 Dec 1988 in Mt. Shasta, Calif.

4.iv.iv.ii.viii. Erna Faye[6] Campbell (Albert Willard[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 16 May 1944 in Columbus, Ohio.

She married, first, Henry Adrien Hobin in California.

She married, second, James Joseph Kauser, son of Lawrence Kauser and Therzabell Smith, 18 Dec 1967 in Ontario, San Bernardino Co., Calif. Born 14 Apr 1941 in Columbus, Ohio. Died 15 Nov 1995 in Columbus. Children:

i. James J., Jr.[7] Born and died 1 Jan 1969 in Ontario, Calif.

4.iv.iv.ii.viii. ii. Christine Fay. Born 11 Aug 1971.

4.iv.iv.ii.viii. iii. Kimberly Denise. Born 4 Apr 1973.

4.iv.iv.iv.i. Paul M.[6] Campbell (Lawrence Martin[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Sep unknown year in West Virginia.

He married Iona Charoton. Children:

i. Polly[7].

ii. David.

iii. Robert.

iv. Amanda.

v. Paul.

4.iv.iv.iv.ii. Doris Maybell[6] Campbell (Lawrence Martin[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 29 Jul 1939 in West Virginia. Died 10 Feb 1974 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

She married Donald DePriest. Children:

i. Junior[7].

ii. Sandy.

iii. Elvis.

iv. Nora Jane. Born 28 Feb 1958 in West Virginia.

4.iv.iv.iv.iii. Bonnie[6] Campbell (Lawrence Martin[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 18 Nov 1942 in West Virginia.

She married John Graham. Children:

i. Johnny Lee[7]. Born 7 Jan 1969 in West Virginia.

ii. Lawrence. Born 15 May 1972 in West Virginia.

4.iv.iv.vii.i. Sara Louise[6] Campbell (Joseph Haman[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1938 in West Virginia.

She married Gene Clonch. Children:

i. Billy Joe[7].

4.iv.iv.vii.v. Ella Mae[6] Campbell (Joseph Haman[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1947 in West Virginia.

She married Donald Graham. Children:

i. Donald, Jr.[7]

ii. Delmas. Joann[6] Campbell (Joseph Haman[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1949 in West Virginia.

She married Palmer Leon Baker. Children:

i. Michael Leon[7].

ii. Justin Mark.

4.iv.iv.viii.i. Sarah Alalee[6] Foster (Altha Elizabeth[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 20 Jul 1939 in West Virginia.

She married Harold Weikle. Children:

4.iv.iv.viii.i. i. Julie Ann[7].

ii. John.

iii. Harold Marshall.

4.iv.iv.viii.ii. Verna Mae[6] Foster (Altha Elizabeth[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 3 Apr 1941 in West Virginia.

She married Lacy Harrison Dale Wade. Children:

4.iv.iv.viii.ii. i. James Dale[7].

ii. Elizabeth Mae.

4.iv.iv.viii.ii. iii. Ernest Harrison.

4.iv.iv.viii.iii. Carol Elizabeth[6] Foster (Altha Elizabeth[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 27 Aug 1943 in West Virginia.

She married John Turner Children:

i. John W.[7]

4.iv.iv.viii.iv. Warden Leroy[6] Foster (Altha Elizabeth[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 1 Apr 1945 in West Virginia.

He married Gail Ellen Keith. Children:

4.iv.iv.viii.iv. i. Charlotte May[7].

ii. Melissa Ann.

4.iv.iv.viii.v. Joseph Daniel[6] Foster (Altha Elizabeth[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 19 Jan 1948 in West Virginia.

He married, first, Loretta K. Spencer. Children:

i. Joseph D., Jr.[7]

He married, second, Daisy Mann. Children:

ii. Crystal Faye.

6.iv.i.v.i. Theodore Bronson[6] Frazer (Irene[5], Theodore Bronson[4], Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Died 5 Sep 1990.

He married Janet Newsom. Children:

6.iv.i.v.i. i. Mary Irene[7].

6.iv.i.v.i. ii. Patrick John.

iii. Timothy Joseph. He married Tina Christenberry.

iv. Hugh Thomas. He married Linda Connell.

v. Janet Kathleen. She married Bruce Biehl.

vi. Dana Margaret. She married Daniel Lewzyzk.

vii. Jean Bernadette.

viii. Deborah Ann.

ix. Charles Michael.

x. Thresa Christina.

xi. Andrew Horan.

6.iv.i.v.i. xii. Theodore Brownson. Born in 1942.

xiii. Alice Grace. Born 17 Mar 1947.

xiv. Richard Franklin. Born 26 Jul 1948.

6.iv.i.viii.i. Margaret Ann[6] Horan (Patrick Dana[5], Theodore Bronson[4], Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Robert James Tomic. Born 1 Jun 1930 in Binghamton, N.Y. Children:

6.iv.i.v.i. i. Robert Patrick[7]. Born 8 Dec 1957.

6.iv.i.v.i. ii. Katherine Ann. Born 18 Nov 1958.

iii. Virginia Lynn. Born 12 Jan 1961 in Binghampton, N.Y.

iv. Stephen Edward. Born 16 May 1962 in Binghampton. He married Heidy Deloris Maria Anderes.

6.iv.i.viii.ii. Patrick Dana[6] Horan Jr. (Patrick Dana[5], Theodore Bronson[4], Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Jul 1937 in Montgomery, W.Va. Died 9 Apr 1990 in Milwaukee, Wisc.

He married Barbara Gagini. Children:

i. George Andrew[7].

6.iv.iii.iii.ii. Grant Scott[6] Horan (Richard Scott[5], Thomas Owen[4], Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 28 Sep 1939 in Cleveland, Ohio.

He married Muriel Bonita Early. Born 22 Dec 1941. Children:

i. Carla Marie[7]. Born 19 Nov 1959 in Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

6.iv.iii.iii.ii. ii. Scott Brian. Born 26 Oct 1962.

iii. Tracy Janel. Born 14 Apr 1969 in Cleveland Heights.

6.iv.iii.iv.i. Mary Emily[6] Butler (Sarah Catherine[5], Thomas Owen[4], Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 2 Jun 1924.

She married George Henry Ritz. Children:

i. Edmund James[7]. Born 15 Apr 1948 in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. He married Pamela Herman.

ii. Mary Catherine. Born 14 May 1950 in Cleveland Heights.

6.iv.iii.iv.iii. Robert Allen[6] Butler (Sarah Catherine[5], Thomas Owen[4], Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 12 May 1927.

He married Martha Louise Highhouse. Children:

6.iv.iii.iv.iii. i. Stephen Joseph[7]. Born 1 Nov 1960.

6.iv.iii.iv.iii. ii. Jane Ann. Born 19 Jul 1963.

6.iv.iii.iv.iv. Thomas Andrew[6] Butler (Sarah Catherine[5], Thomas Owen[4], Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]).

Born 27 Feb 1932 in Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

He married Mary Theresa Burligar. Children:

i. John Andrew[7]. Born 18 Dec 1963 in Norwalk, Ohio. He married Susan Lynn Briggs. Born 24

Feb 1953 in Union City, Pa.

ii. Elizabeth Catherine Marie. Born 23 Mar 1965. She married David Craig.

6.iv.iii.iv.iv. iii. Christine Marie. Born 27 May 1966.

6.iv.iii.iv.iv. iv. Anna Marie. Born 27 Sep 1969.

v. Michael Thomas. Born 9 Mar 1971 in Butler, Pa.

6.iv.iii.ix.i. Rowena Marilyn[6] Ofelt (Rowena Agnes[5], Thomas Owen[4], Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 19 Jul 1935 in Washington, D.C.

She married Conrad Vences Chester. Children:

i. Matthew Conrad[7]. Born 11 Nov 1970 in Knoxville, Tenn.

ii. Valerie Rowena. Born 27 Dec 1972 in Knoxville.

6.iv.iii.ix.ii. George Sterling[6] Ofelt (Rowena Agnes[5], Thomas Owen[4], Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]).

Born 21 Jan 1937 in Washington, D.C.

He married Anne McQuade. Died in Feb 1997. Children:

i. Susan Anne[7]. Born 20 Aug 1963.

ii. George William. Born 16 Jun 1969.

6.iv.iii.x.ii. Mary Jeanne[6] Horan (Thomas Owen[5], Thomas Owen[4], Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 14 Jul 1942 in Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

She married William Franklin Wilson. Born 27 Sep 1943. Children:

i. Lisa Marie[7]. Born 28 Sep 1968 in Richmond, Ind. She married Paul Michael Owen.

ii. Andrea Jeanne. Born 16 Sep 1970 in Richmond. She married Christopher Mark Lograsso.

iii. Renee Elizabeth. Born 2 Apr 1975 in Richmond.

6.iv.iii.x.iii. Richard Allen[6] Horan (Thomas Owen[5], Thomas Owen[4], Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]).

Born 24 Feb 1946 in Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

He married Nancy Marie Johnson. Children:

i. Patrick Johnson[7]. Born 25 Feb 1980 in Albany, N.Y. Died in Sep 1985.

6.iv.iii.x.iv. Douglas Scott[6] Horan (Thomas Owen[5], Thomas Owen[4], Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]).

Born 16 Dec 1949 in Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

He married Elizabeth Anne Peterson. Children:

i. Andrew Peterson[7]. Born 7 Aug 1977 in Wenham, Mass.

ii. Nicholas David. Born 15 Feb 1982 in Wenham.

6.iv.vii.iii.i. Rose Ann[6] Smith (Emma Rose[5], Patrick Charles[4], Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Thomas Duffy Higgins. Children:

i. Duffy[7].

ii. Mary Emma. She married Unknown Matthews.

iii. Margaret.

6.v.i.ii.i. Peggy Y.[6] Duffy (Owen Hereford[5], John Gladstone[4], John[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 16 Mar 1936.

She married Wannie Osborne. Children:

i. Willie Gene[7].

ii. Gloria Dean.

iii. Kathy Ann.

iv. Johnny Lee.

6.v.i.ii.ii. John Hereford[6] Duffy (Owen Hereford[5], John Gladstone[4], John[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 7 Dec 1937.

He married Carol Jean Moore. Children:

i. John H., Jr.[7]

ii. Heather.

iii. Keith W.

iv. Josh.

v. Blake A.

vi. Timberly S.

6.v.i.ii.iii. Betty Mae[6] Duffy (Owen Hereford[5], John Gladstone[4], John[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 6 Sep 1948.

She married Herbert Gibson. Children:

6.v.i.ii.iii. i. Herbert, Jr.[7] Born 23 Jul 1969.

6.v.i.ii.iii. ii. Timothy Lee. Born 12 Oct 1972.

6.v.i.ii.iii. iii. Jeremy Lee. Born 31 Jul 1976.

6.v.i.ii.iv. Owen Hereford[6] Duffy Jr. (Owen Hereford[5], John Gladstone[4], John[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 17 Apr 1951.

He married Betty Gibson. Children:

i. Teresa L.[7] Born 26 Aug 1973.

6.v.i.ii.iv. ii. Michael. Born 9 Aug 1977.

6.v.i.ii.v. Mary Frances[6] Duffy (Owen Hereford[5], John Gladstone[4], John[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 23 Jul 1953.

She married Ronald Gene Blankenship. Children:

i. Mary Jean[7]. Born 2 Apr 1977.

ii. Ronald G., Jr. Born 23 Jul 1979. Deloris[6] Duffy (Owen Hereford[5], John Gladstone[4], John[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Aug 1958.

She married Randall Osborne. Children:

i. Randall, Jr.[7] Born 9 Jul 1976.

ii. Rodney Steven. Born 16 Jan 1985.

iii. Toby Sester Duffy. Born 8 Nov 1995. Mary Teresa[6] Pugh (Thelma[5], Anna May[4], Alice Ann[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]).

She married James Floyd Garlow. Children:

i. Sarah Ann[7]. She married Christopher Daniel Burton.

ii. Amy.

iii. David.

iv. John. Mary Teresa[6] Pugh (Thelma[5], Anna May[4], Alice Ann[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). v. John Walter. Carolyn Jean[6] Wilde (Alexandra Alfreda[5], Anna May[4], Alice Ann[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 13 Apr 1942 in Lewisburg, Pa.

She married Paul Quinn. Children:

i. Matthew[7]. Born 17 Apr 1978 at Ft. Ord, Calif.

ii. Christopher. Born 25 Mar 1982 at Yokosuka [U.S.] Naval Base, Japan.

6.vii.v.iii.i. James Marquis[6] Duffy (James Maurice[5], Henry Galen[4], Owen Harvey[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 8 Apr 1936.

He married Patricia Ann Morrison. Born 6 Feb 1942 in New Jersey. Children:

6.vii.v.iii.i. i. Teresa Ann[7]. Born 18 Jun 1965.

ii. Scott Patrick. Born 12 Nov 1966.

6.vii.v.iii.i. iii. Jon Maurice. Born 7 Aug 1969.

iv. Jason Marquis. Born 24 Mar 1972.

6.vii.v.iii.ii. Kenneth Jackson[6] Duffy (James Maurice[5], Henry Galen[4], Owen Harvey[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 3 Mar 1938.

He married Deanna Gale Cobb. Born in Jul 1931. Children:

6.vii.v.iii.ii. i. Susan Kathleen[7]. Born 15 Jul 1964.

6.vii.v.iii.iii. Terrence R.[6] Duffy (James Maurice[5], Henry Galen[4], Owen Harvey[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 4 May 1940.

He married Anita Reichart Pickins. Born 7 Oct 1940. Children:

i. Shelly Reichart[7]. Born 31 Aug 1962.

ii. Kevin Russell. Born 17 Aug 1968.

iii. Scott Steven. Born 18 Sep 1971.

6.vii.v.iii.iv. Colleen Sue[6] Duffy (James Maurice[5], Henry Galen[4], Owen Harvey[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 25 Aug 1942.

She married Joseph Aaron Taylor Jr. Born 13 Jan 1941. Children:

6.vii.v.iii.iv. i. Joseph A., III[7]. Born 23 Aug 1964.

ii. Robert Kenneth. Born 28 Aug 1967. Patricia Ann[6] Duffy (James Maurice[5], Henry Galen[4], Owen Harvey[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 15 Apr 1948.

She married Norman Edgar Henry. Born 27 May 1948. Children: i. Gina Patrice[7]. Born 20 Jun 1970.

ii. Susan Colleen. Born 25 Apr 1979.

6.vii.v.iv.ii. Paul Ryan[6] Guttman (Laura Jean[5], Henry Galen[4], Owen Harvey[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Aug 1949 in Akron, Ohio. In 2000 he lived in Massillon, Ohio and was a genealogical hobbyist who provided virtually all the information on the descendancy of Arina[2], which was previously unknown to us.

He married Patricia Frances Opple. Born 13 Jun 1948 in Chelsea, Mich. Children:

i. Arlo Ryan[7]. Born 25 Jan 1970 in Akron, Ohio. He married Ruthe Alene Wilcox. Born 30 Dec

1963 in Compton, Calif.

ii. Sarah Ilana. Born 17 Jan 1977.

He married, second, Sue Ann Myers. Born 30 Apr 1951 in Galion, Ohio.

6.vii.v.v.i. Patricia Lynn[6] Duffy (Frank Hugh[5], Henry Galen[4], Owen Harvey[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 8 Nov 1948 in Morgantown, W.Va.

She married Sanford Whetherholt. Born in Memphis, Tenn. Children:

6.vii.v.v.i. i. Lara Leigh[7]. Born 20 Oct 1970.

6.vii.v.v.i. ii. Tara Lynn. Born 15 Dec 1972.

6.vii.v.v.i. iii. Dana. Born 4 Nov 1975.

6.vii.v.v.ii. Virginia Leigh[6] Duffy (Frank Hugh[5], Henry Galen[4], Owen Harvey[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 22 May 1950.

She married Carlos Iwaszkowiec. Born 28 Dec 1949 in Sao Paolo, Brazil. Children:

i. Jonathon Philip[7]. Born 3 Feb 1976.

ii. Jeremy Charles. Born 21 Oct 1977.

iii. Jeffrey Conrad. Born 28 Feb 1983.

6.vii.v.v.iii. Frank Hugh[6] Duffy Jr. (Frank Hugh[5], Henry Galen[4], Owen Harvey[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 3 Jun 1951.

He married Sharon Clapp. Born 12 Jul 1951. Children:

i. Amy Elizabeth[7]. Born 1 Mar 1975.

ii. Brian Allen. Born 14 Jul 1976.

iii. Benjamin Lee. Born 3 Dec 1980.

iv. Bradley. Born 3 Jul 1986.

6.vii.v.v.iv. Charles Andrew[6] Duffy (Frank Hugh[5], Henry Galen[4], Owen Harvey[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 18 Oct 1954.

He married Mary Lucille Hunter. Born 3 Apr 1954. Children:

i. Clayton Andrew[7]. Born 18 Jul 1990.

7.ii.i.i.i. William[6] Bolar (John Henry[5], Bessie[4], Charles Kenneth[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]).

He married, first, Omesella Unknown.

He married, second, India Selfe. Children:

7.ii.i.i.i. i. Walker Coleman[7].

7.iii.iii.v.iii. Claude Milton[6] Curran (John James[5], James Milton[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 1 Jun 1914 in Kiowa, Kan.

He married, first, Ethel Helena Hansen (also Hanson), daughter of Helmar Cerene Hansen (Hanson) and Marie Adel, 20 Sep 1935 in Ronan, Lake Co., Mont. Born 29 Nov 1918 in Gilford, Mont. Children:

7.iii.iii.v.iii. i. Claude M., Jr. (twin)[7] (also Claud). Born 9 Jun 1936.

7.iii.iii.v.iii. ii. Claudine Ethel (twin). Born 9 Jun 1936.

He married, second, Louella (also Lowella) Anderson. Children:

iii. Yedevieve. Born 28 Jan 1944.

iv. April Janet. Born 4 Apr 1945.

v. Faith. Born 24 Aug 1946.

vi. Cheryle. Born 16 Nov 1947.

vii. Daniel Clyde James. Born 18 Feb 1949.

viii. Michael John. Born 17 Jul 1951.

He married, third, Betty Wright. Children:

ix. Vivian. Born 6 Jan 1958.

x. Claudia. Born 3 Feb 1961.

He married, fourth, Neva Lee Davis. There were no children.

7.iii.iv.i.i. Harold George[6] Heid (also George Harold) (Sarah M.[5], Sarah Anne[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 22 Feb 1906 in Colorado Springs, El Paso Co., Colo. Died 29 Feb 2000 in Denver, Denver Co., Colo. Buried in Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Denver.

He married Josephine M. Sherbert in 1934. Born in 1910. Children:

i. Joann[7]. She married Unknown Davis.

ii. Robert.

7.iii.iv.ii.ii. Cecilia H.[6] Heid (Mary C.[5], Sarah Anne[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 24 Oct 1910 in Colorado Springs, El Paso Co., Colo.

She married Lawrence Starsmore (called Larry) in 1939 in Colorado Springs. Born 6 May 1907 in Colorado Springs. Died 25 Nov 1999 in Colorado Springs. An obituary appeared in The Gazette, Colorado Springs. Children:

i. Mary[7]. She married Unknown Hahn.

ii. Sarah. She married Unknown Iaia.

7.iii.iv.iv.i. Virginia Jean[6] Wilklow (also Eugenia Virginia) (Eugenie[5], Sarah Anne[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 8 Feb 1909 in Roswell, El Paso Co., Colo.

She married, first, Nils Fredor Nelson (also Nilsen), son of Peter Nelson and Marie Unknown, ca. 1926 in Los Angeles, Calif. Born 20 Jul 1900 in Mosjen, Norway. Died in 1976 in Clear Lake, Calif. They divorced. Children:

7.iii.iv.iv.i. i. Robert Earl[7] [used the surname Nilsen]. Born 2 Nov 1926 in Glendale, Calif.

ii. Norman Gene. Born 25 May 1929 in Los Angeles, Calif.

She married, second, Hugh Holdsworth Wallace 21 Feb 1946 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Born in 1920.

She married, third, Howard Jones, son of Stephen Jones and Eliza Margaret Thompson, 6 Mar 1933 in Eugene, Lane Co., Ore. They divorced 7 Dec 1945. Born 1 May 1912 in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Died 18 Mar 1958 in Glendale, Los Angeles. Buried in Grandview Memorial Park Cemetery, Glendale. Children:

7.iii.iv.iv.i. iii. Elsie Margaret. Born 7 Dec 1933.

iv. Carol Anne. Born 7 Jan 1937 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., Calif. She married William

Eugene Smither 27 Dec 1963 in North Hollywood, Los Angeles County. Born in 1939.

7.iii.ix.vii.i. Thomas Owen[6] Dotson (also reported as Thomas Logan, Jr.) (Thomas Leo[5], Elizabeth Reynolds[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1899. Born 11 Sep 1939 in Summersville, Nicholas Co., W.Va. He took a degree in 1968 from West Virginia University Medical School, Morgantown, W.Va. In 1970 he began medical practice at Greenbrier Clinic, Lewisburg, W.Va.

He married Delores McCutcheon. Children:

i. Mary Curran[7].

ii. Thomas Charles.

iii. Laura Elizabeth.

7.iii.ix.viii.i. Alice Elizabeth[6] Humphrey (Margaret Mary[5], Elizabeth Reynolds[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 25 Feb 1928 in Summersville, Nicholas Co., W.Va.

She married Howard C. White. Children:

i. Steven Handley[7].

ii. Sara Elizabeth. She married, first, unknown, and had one child, Martha Claire. She married, second, unknown, and had one child, Margaret Alice. She married, third, unknown, and had one child, James.

7.iii.ix.viii.i. iii. Barbara Marie.

iv. Robert Edward.

v. Josie Claire.

vi. Daniel (twin).

vii. William Allen (twin).

viii. Nancy Margaret.

ix. Theresa Susan.

7.iii.ix.viii.iii. Mary Joan[6] Humphrey (Margaret Mary[5], Elizabeth Reynolds[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 2 May 1937 in Boomer, W.Va. Died 10 Dec 1980 in Western Pennsylvania Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pa. Buried in Walker Memorial Park, Summersville, Nicholas Co., W.Va.

She married Lloyd S. Siebert. Children:

7.iii.ix.viii.iii. i. Jeffery Daniel[7].

7.iii.ix.viii.iii. ii. Brian Patrick.

iii. Paul Vincent.

iv. Jane Frances.

v. Joseph Clinton.

vi. Mary Anne. She married Unknown Key.

7.iii.ix.viii.iv. Agnes Anne[6] Humphrey (called Anne) (twin) Margaret Mary[5], Elizabeth Reynolds[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 16 Jan 1944 in Summersville, Nicholas Co., W.Va.

She married, first, William Robert Richards. They divorced. Children:

i. Robert Michael[7].

She married, second, Stanley Lee Bennett. They divorced. Children:

ii. Amy Elizabeth.

7.iii.ix.viii.v. Leona Jane[6] Humphrey (twin) (called Jane) (Margaret Mary[5], Elizabeth Reynolds[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 16 Jan 1944 in Summersville, Nicholas Co., W.Va.

She married William J. Rogers. Children:

i. Jill Christine[7].

7.iii.ix.x.ii. Jennifer Anne[6] Dotson (Joseph Leslie[5], Elizabeth Reynolds[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Jun 1955 in Summersville, Nicholas Co., W.Va.

She married Jerry Allen McCue. Born 6 Aug 1942. Children:

i. Andrew Allen[7]. Born 11 Sep 1987.

7.iii.ix.xi.i. Michael Curry[6] Dotson (Louis Michael[5], Elizabeth Reynolds[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 28 Dec 1937 in Summersville, Nicholas Co., W.Va.

He married Betty Jo Hampton. Born in Richwood, Nicholas County. Children:

i. Michael Kevin[7].

ii. Steven Matthew.

iii. Mark Edwin.

iv. David Myron.

7.iii.ix.xi.ii. Margaret Rosemary[6] Dotson (Louis Michael[5], Elizabeth Reynolds[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 3 May 1940 in Summersville, Nicholas Co., W.Va.

She married Bert Leo Potter. Born in Indianapolis, Ind. Children:

i. Sherry Lynn[7].

ii. Michael Troy.

iii. Michelle Rae.

7.iii.ix.xi.iii. Perry Patrick[6] Dotson (Louis Michael[5], Elizabeth Reynolds[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 4 Nov 1945 in Summersville, Nicholas Co., W.Va.

He married Lorena Lynn Davis. Born in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Children:

i. Perry Patrick[7], II.

7.iii.ix.xi.iv. Elizabeth Reynolds[6] Dotson (called Betsy) (Louis Michael[5], Elizabeth Reynolds[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 7 Jan 1948 in Summersville, Nicholas Co., W.Va.

She married Paul Frederick Donohue. Children:

i. Erin Elizabeth[7].

ii. Christina Marie.

iii. Megan Lorene.

7.iii.ix.xi.v. Janet Lea[6] Dotson (Louis Michael[5], Elizabeth Reynolds[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 26 Jun 1949 in Summersville, Nicholas Co., W.Va.

She married Richard Christopher Cipoletti. Born in Wellsburg, W.Va. Children:

i. Richard Christopher[7], II.

ii. Lisa Rene.

iii. Margaret Katherine.

8.i.vii.i.i. Frederick Collins[6] Pridemore (Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 7 Oct 1894. Died 17 Aug 1951 in Mt. Cove, Fayette Co., W.Va.

The 1920 Fayette County census recorded his family as Fred C. Pridemore, 25; Gracie, 20; James E., 2 years and 10 months; Mable, one year and seven months.

He married Grace Bryan Basham, daughter of James Basham and Easter Wadkins, 8 Oct 1916 in or near Ansted, Fayette County. Born 24 Nov 1899 in Fayette County. Died 4 Jul 1995 in Fayette County. Children:

8.i.vii.i.i. i. James Edward[7]. Born 23 Feb 1917.

8.i.vii.i.i. ii. Mable Irene. Born 20 Jul 1918.

8.i.vii.i.i. iii. Herschel Frederick. Born 17 Nov 1920.

iv. Lorry Randolph. Born 29 Mar 1923 in Ansted. Died 23 Mar 1944 in Ansted.

8.i.vii.i.i. v. Christine Freda. Born 9 Mar 1925.

vi. Gene Ervin. Born 20 Jul 1928 in Boonesboro, W.Va. Died 18 Apr 1999 in Richmond, Va. Using

the name Fred Pridemore Jr. and his father’s social security number, he joined the U.S. Army when underage. He married Doris Avery 6 Oct 1964 in Cleveland, Ohio. Born 3 Feb 1931 in Cleveland. There were no children.

8.i.vii.i.i. vii. June Eloise. Born 14 Jun 1931.

8.i.vii.i.i. viii. Gary Lee. Born 7 Apr 1936.

8.i.vii.i.i. ix. Charles Dale. Born 10 Sep 1938.

8.i.vii.i.ii. Golda[6] Pridemore (Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]).

Born 8 Nov 1896 in Anstead, Fayette Co., W.Va.

She married, first, William Workman. Children:

i. William[7].

ii. Ruth.

iii. Illene.

She married, second, Joseph Fitzgerald. Children:

iv. Joey.

v. Bobby.

vi. George.

She married, third, David Clark.

8.i.vii.i.iii. Willie Ann[6] Pridemore (Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]).

Born 31 Dec 1898. Died 1 Jul 1987 in Oak Hill, Fayette Co., W.Va.

The 1920 Fayette County census recorded the family as Oscar Neal, 37; Madge, 21 (wife); James, 3; Lavada, 11 months. The census recorded the wife’s name as Madge, at odds with a researcher report that Willie married Oscar in 1916.

She married Oscar Clarence Neal, son of William Neal and Sallie Bragg, 2 Jul 1916 in Fayette Co., W.Va. Born 27 Dec 1883 in Fayette County. Died 15 Dec 1971. Children:

i. James[7]. Born ca. 1917.

ii. Lavada. Born in 1919. She married Raymond Hall 24 Sep 1941 in Fayette County.

8.i.vii.i.iii. iii. Lorena.

iv. Rosetta. She married Unknown Willis.

v. Geraldine. She married Unknown Stuart.

vi. Oscar Jr.

vii. Stanley

8.i.vii.i.iv. Walter Andrew[6] Pridemore (Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 28 Jan 1900 in Gaymont, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 17 Aug 1982 in Fayette County.

He married Thelma Mae Wood, daughter of Judson Wood and Elizabeth Stine, 6 Dec 1922 in Fayette County. Born 30 Sep 1905 in Fayette County. Died 31 Oct 1984. Her last residence was in Edmond, W.Va. Children (all born in Fayette County):

i. Margie[7]. She married Unknown Stone.

ii. Charlotte. She married Unknown Hiser.

8.i.vii.i.iv. iii. Norma.

iv. Carol. She married Unknown Smailes.

v. Patricia. She married Unknown Malone.

vi. Drema. She married Unknown Withrow.

vii. Clifford.

viii. Walter Andrew, Jr.

ix. Russell.

x. Franklin.

xi. Dennis.

xii. Ernest.

xiii. Richard.

xiv. Victor

xv. Milton D. Born 24 Mar 1929.

8.i.vii.i.iv. xvi. Mason J. Born 17 May 1943.

8.i.vii.i.v. Bessie[6] Pridemore (Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]).

Born 13 Dec 1903 in Gaymont, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 17 Sep 1992.

She married Otis O. Osborne, son of John Osborne and Rebecca Sparks, 5 Jun 1921 in Fayette County. Children:

i. Freda[7].

ii. Macel.

iii. Patsy. She married Unknown Southern.

iv. Ray.

8.i.vii.i.v. v. Otis O. Jr. Born in 1922

8.i.vii.i.viii. Shirley[6] Pridemore (Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]).

Born 29 Aug 1909. Died 20 May 1980 in Christianburg, Va.

He married Flossie Skaggs, daughter of Gus Skaggs and Laura Humphries. Born 1 Feb 1907. Died 28 Dec 1997. Children:

i. Janet[7]. She married Unknown Clackler.

ii. Shirley Meredith.

8.i.vii.i.xi. Josephine Ayers[6] Pridemore (Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 2 Apr 1917 in Fayette Co., W.Va.

She married Deward Ernest Cameron (called Duke), ca. 1934 in Fayette County. Born 5 Sep 1911 in West Virginia. Died 14 Jul 1980 in Fayette County. Children:

i. Ernest[7]. Born 19 May 1935.

8.i.vii.i.xi. ii. Bobby Lee. Born 13 Nov 1936.

iii. Russell Allen. Born 21 Sep 1939.

iv. Joan Marie. Born 13 Feb 1941.

v. Clarence Ray. Born 6 Dec 1943. Died in May 1997.

vi. Deward. Born 17 Jun 1946.

vii. Judith Ann. Born 29 Jan 1948.

viii. Donna Sue. Born 8 Mar 1950.

ix. John Daniel. Born 5 Jan 1954.

x. Vicky Jean. Born 7 Dec 1956. Fred Roosevelt[6] Dempsey (Fred Rothwell[5], William Henderson[4], Sarah Ann[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 3 Nov 1935 in Jodie, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died of a heart attack 19 May 1974 in San Antonio, Bexar Co., Texas (pronounced at Wilford Hall U.S. Air Force Medical Center, Lackland AFB). Buried in Restlawn Memory Gardens, Hopewell (also Victor), Fayette County. He was a career member of the U.S. Air Force from 1954 to 1974, assigned to Bitburg Air Base (AB), Germany; Moody AFB, Ga.; Toul-Rosière AB, France; Mountain Home AFB, Idaho; Udorn AB, Thailand; Torrejon AB, Spain; Shaw AFB, S.C.; Kelly AFB, Texas. He was an aviation crew chief for much of his career and a master sergeant at the time of his death.

He married Catherine Josette Wildinger, daughter of Nicolas Wildinger and Marie Marcelle Fournelle, 2 Mar 1957 in Echternach, Luxembourg. Born 29 May 1936 in Echternach. She was living in Echternach in 2001. She worked as a au pair for an American family in Germany and England before her marriage. Children: i. Catherine Ann[7] (called Cathy). Born 14 Jan 1958 at Moody AFB, Valdosta, Lowndes Co., Ga.

ii. Mike. In 2001 he was a non-commissioned officer at MacDill AFB, Fla., with over 20 years

service in the U.S. Air Force.

iii. Andre. In 2001 he was a major with 11 years service in the U.S. Air Force, assigned to the

Pentagon, Washington, D.C. Geraldine Ethyl[6] Dempsey (Earl Stanley[5], William Henderson[4], Sarah Ann[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 21 Feb 1931 in Winona, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 13 Apr 2007 in Lansing, W.Va. Buried in Lansing Cemetery.

News Notes, Fayette & Raleigh Counties [W.Va.] Genealogical Society, Oak Hill, W.Va., Summer 2007: Geraldine Ethyl Dempsey Workman, 76, of Lansing, passed away Fri., Apr. 13, 2007, at home following an extended illness. Born on Feb. 21, 1931, at Spy Rock, she was the daughter of the late Earl Stanley Dempsey and Thelma Holly Dempsey. Mrs. Workman was a member of the Lansing Baptist Church, a member of the Fayette-Raleigh County Genealogical Society, United Daughters of the Confederacy, and past treasurer of the Fayette County Republican Party. She was a retired bookkeeper for the West Virginia Dept. of Highways. Besides her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, James W. Workman II, on June 6, 2006; and two brothers, James Dempsey and Eldridge Roy Dempsey. Left to cherish her memory are her children, James Workman III of Lansing, Earldine Robinson and her husband, Clarence, of Lansing, Laura Campbell and her husband, John, of Lansing, and Kathi Pridemore and her husband, Darrell, of Victor; one sister, Eloise Danko and her husband, George, of Ravenswood; one sister-in-law, Eva Workman of Lansing; ten grandchildren; ten great-grandchildren; two step-grandchildren; one step-great-grandchild; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Tue., Apr. 17, 2007, at the Dodd-Payne-Hess Funeral Home, Fayetteville, with Pastor Kenny Hayes officiating. Burial will follow in the Lansing Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. Mon., Apr. 16, 2007, at the Dodd-Payne-Hess Funeral Home, Fayetteville. Memorials in Geraldine’s memory may be made to Hospice of Southern W.Va., P.O. Box 1472, Beckley, WV 25802. Online condolences and other information available online at . Arrangements are by Dodd-Payne-Hess Funeral Home, Fayetteville.

She married James Wallace Workman II, son of James Wallace Workman and Anne Fontaine Lewis, 9 Sep 1950 in Fayetteville, Fayette County. Born 28 Jul 1924 in Lansing, Fayette County. Died 6 Jun 2006. He served in World War II. Children:

i. Earldine Ann[7]. Born 3 Feb 1951. She married, first, David Strunk. She married, second, Roger

Hughes. She married, third, Clarence Robinson.

ii. Kathi Louise. Born 24 Feb 1952. She married Darrell Pridemore.

iii. James Wallace III. Born 16 May 1954. He married Rebecca Reichert.

iv. Laura Anne. Born 1 Jan 1960. She married, first, Donald Tompkins. She married, second, John


8.v.v.viii.i. Ellen Orena[6] Wood (Fitzhugh Lee[5], Orena Catherine[4], Turze Lucretia[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Mar 1919 in Anstead, W.Va. Died 12 Apr 1991 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Legg Cemetery, Stringtown Rd., Hico, W.Va. She graduated from Ansted High School in 1937 and lived in Ansted.

She married Delphi O. Skaggs. He was a miner for Gauley Mountain Coal Co., Ansted. Children:

i. Harold Thomas[7]. Born in Sugar Creek, W.Va.

ii. Donna Lee. Born in Sugar Creek.

iii. Elaine. Born in Sugar Creek.

8.v.v.viii.ii. Harry Martin[6] Wood (called Woody) (Fitzhugh Lee[5], Orena Catherine[4], Turze Lucretia[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 22 Aug 1922 in Ansted, W.Va. He graduated from Ansted High School in 1940. During World War II he was a U.S. Marine who served in the Phillipines. After the war he was a member of the uniformed U.S. Secret Service, guarding the White House, Washington, D.C. In 2001 he was living in South Carolina.

He married Shirley Dussinger. Children:

i. Susan[7].

ii. Rebecca.

8.v.v.viii.iii. Dorothy Lee[6] Wood (called Dot) (Fitzhugh Lee[5], Orena Catherine[4], Turze Lucretia[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. May 1924 in Ansted, W.Va. She graduated from Ansted High School in 1942. In 2001 she was an Alzheimer’s Disease patient living in Fayette Continuous Care Center, Fayetteville, W.Va. She was an employee of Hawks Nest Lodge, Hawks Nest, W.Va., and lived in Lookout, W.Va. and Ansted, W.Va. prior to entering the nursing home.

She married Clayton Wade. He worked at an alloy plant in Montgomery, W.Va. Children:

i. Robert M.[7]

ii. Peggy Ann.

iii. Terry Lee.

iv. Mark.

v. Betty Jo.

vi. Sandra Jean.

vii. Janice Cheryl.

8.v.v.viii.iv. Lola Lenore[6] Wood (called Lenore) (Fitzhugh Lee[5], Orena Catherine[4], Turze Lucretia[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 25 Oct 1925 in Ansted, W.Va. Died 24 Mar 1995 in Alexandria, Va. Buried in Mt. Comfort Cemetery, Alexandria. She graduated from Ansted High School in 1944. She was a bookkeeper.

She married, first, Frederick Henry Sellers, son of Frederick Sellers and Myrtle Barron of Parkersburg, Wood Co., W.Va., in 1945. Born 26 Sep 1920 in Parkersburg. A career soldier in the U.S. Army, he was an armored division sergeant. In 2001 he lived in Columbus, Ga. Children:

i. David Hudson[7]. Born 1 Jul 1946 in Otsego, Wyoming Co., W.Va. He graduated from Baker

High School, Columbus, Ga., in 1964 and took a degree from the University of Maryland, College Park, in 1976. He worked for the Department of Defense and in 2001 was manager of a unit of the Human Resources Department at an installation in Hanover, Md. He married Mary Margaret Ann Marks (called Ann), daughter of Robert Marks and Mary Thornton of Ireland, 7 Apr 1973 in the Church of England, Cheltenham, England. Born in Kells Co., Meath, Ireland. There were no children.

8.v.v.viii.iv. ii. Frederick Henry, Jr. Born 25 Feb 1948 in Columbus, Ga.

iii. Paul Howard. Born 2 Aug 1952 in Columbus, Ga. Died in a motor vehicle accident 17 Nov 1979

in Denver, Colo. The remains were cremated and cast to the winds of the Rocky Mountains. He

spent most of his life in Alexandria, Va. He attended but did not complete high school.

She married, second, James Payne. He was a Greyhound Bus driver in Alexandria, Va. There were no children.

8.v.v.viii.v. Jackson Eugene[6] Wood (called Jack) (Fitzhugh Lee[5], Orena Catherine[4], Turze Lucretia[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 13 Jan 1929 in Ansted, W.Va. Died 20 May 1995 in Darlington, Md. Buried in Highview Memorial Park, Darlington. He graduated from Ansted High School in 1947. He was retired from the U.S. Army and a carpenter.

He married Hilder Rosinsky. Children:

i. Ellen(?)[7]. Born in Germany.

ii. Robert(?). Born in Germany. Fitzhugh Lee[6] Wood Jr. (called Junior) (Fitzhugh Lee[5], Orena Catherine[4], Turze Lucretia[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Feb 1931 in Ansted. Died 28 Feb 1997 in Farmington, Ill. Buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery, Farmington. He graduated from Ansted High School in 1949. He was retired from the U.S. Air Force, and was a brick mason in Farmington.

He married Marlene Vernice Webber. Children:

i. Carl Fitzhugh[7]. Born in Farmington.

ii. Robin William. Born in Farmington.

8.v.v.viii.viii. Joan Frances[6] Wood (Fitzhugh Lee[5], Orena Catherine[4], Turze Lucretia[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 12 Mar 1938 in Ansted, W.Va. She graduated from Ansted High School in 1956, and from Raleigh County Vocational-Technical School, Beckley, W.Va., in 1981. She became an in-home nurse. In 2001 she was retired, doing volunteer work and living with her husband in Fayetteville, W.Va. Joan said she was not only a great great granddaughter of Elijah Wood, husband of Rachel[2] Honaker, but was also his cousin. Their common ancestor was Bailey Wood (born ca. 1758, died 1826), whose son Bailey Wood Jr. (born ca. 1785, died 1851) was a brother of William Wood (married Lucretia Skaggs), Elijah’s father.

She married Dennis Allen Workman, son of John Lester Workman and Gladys Forsythe, in Fayetteville. Born 2 Nov 1940 in Lansing or Fayetteville, W.Va. He graduated from Fayette High School, Fayetteville, in 1958. In 2001 he was retired from working as a heavy equipment mechanic at strip mines. Children:

i. Bret Douglas[7]. Born 30 Aug 1962 in Columbus, Ohio. He graduated from Fayetteville High

School in 1980; attended Glenville [W.Va.] State University for one year; took a B.S., cum laude (majoring in Geology) from West Virginia University, Morgantown, in 1985; attended the University of Kentucky for two years; took an M.A. from Catholic University, Washington, D.C.; and a Ph.D. in classics and literature, magna cum laude, Ohio State University, Columbus, in 1994. In 2001 he lived in Columbus, Ohio, had not married and was a freelance copy editor for a publishing firm. Rita Jean[6] Wood (Eldion Leon[5], Elijah Lewis[4], Elijah Stuart[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]. Born 31 Dec 1950 at home in Sharon, Kanawha Co., W.Va. She graduated from East Bank High School, Charleston, W.Va., in 1968. She was a customer service representative at Charleston Town Center, a large indoor shopping mall, from 1980 to 1997. In 2014 she and her husband were retired and living in Rand, W.Va., where her hobbies included restoring old photographs, making memorials, cake decorating, and floral design.

She married Nelson Ira Devins (called Bud), son of Kenneth Robert Devins and Lois Alma Parker, 5 Jul 1969 in Eskdale, Kanawha County. Born 3 Apr 1948 in Lebanon, Grafton Co., N.H. He graduated from Stevens High School, Claremont, N.H., in 1967. He served in the U.S. Air Force as a security police officer from 20 Jun 1967 to 20 May 1974, and 21 Oct 1975 to 20 Oct 1979; and the West Virginia Air National Guard where he was an Airman Leadership School instructor from 3 Nov 1979 to 7 Jul 1999. He took an Associate of Business Management from West Virginia Career College, Charleston, in Jan 1982, and was a police officer for the City of Charleston, W.Va., from 23 Oct 1983 to 31 Oct 2003. He was a member of Fraternal Order of Police in Charleston, and his interests including hunting and fishing. Children: i. April Dawn[7]. Born 25 Apr 1971 at Bitburg Air Base, Germany. ii. Shawn Alan. Born 8 Sep 1972 at Bitburg. iii. Holly Lynn. Born 15 Dec 1976 at Minot AFB, N.D. Randall Leon[6] Wood (Eldion Leon[5], Elijah Lewis[4], Elijah Stuart[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 27 Jan 1957 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died 27 Jun 2014 in Charleston. Buried in Montgomery Memorial Park, London, Kanawha Co., W.Va.

West Virginia Gazette, Charleston, W.Va., 30 Jun 2014: Randall Leon Wood, 57, of Belle, went home to be with the Lord on Fri., June 27, 2014. Randy was born in Charleston on Jan. 27, 1957, to the late Eldion Leon and Clara Anne Pauley Wood. He was a 1976 graduate of East Bank High School and attended Southeast Church of the Nazarene. He was employed at Anchor Tobacco Company, Charleston. Randy loved to sing gospel music and began singing at the age of 14. He sang with his father, brother and sister-in-law—known as the Songsmen & Linda—for over 30 years. He also sang with various local groups in the Kanawha Valley, as well as performing a lot of solo appointments. He enjoyed spending time with his family, especially the love of his life, his grandbabies. Along with his parents, he was preceded in death by a brother, Robert “Bobby” Wood, and a sister, Sandi Wymer. He is survived by his wife, Bonnie Hudson Wood; daughters, Crystal Lynn Wood and Katrina Renee Wood, both of Belle; granddaughters, Tia Taylor, Jaya Wood and Taegan Taylor; sisters, Connie (Donnie) Robinson of Ligonier, Ind., Rita (Bud) Devins and Kaye (Carl) Tyler, all of Rand; brothers, Jerry (Linda) Wood of Hanahan, S.C., and Steve (Linda) Wood of Hernshaw; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral service will be held Tue., July 1, at 11 a.m. at the Sharon Church of God, located on Cabin Creek, with Pastors Ollie Parsons, Tom Burnside and Ralph Kernen officiating. Burial will follow at Montgomery Memorial Park, London. A visitation with family and friends will be held from 4 to 8 p.m. Monday, June 30, at the church. The online guestbook can be accessed at . Stevens & Grass Funeral Home, Malden, is in charge of arrangements.

He married Bonnie Gale Hudson, daughter of Maynard Ashley Hudson and Peggy Maxine Stover, 4 Mar 1979 at Old Glory Freewill Baptist Chuch, Winifrede, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Born 12 Nov 1958 in Charleston. Children:

i. Crystal Lynn[7]. Born 1 Jun 1979 in Charleston, W.Va.

ii. Katrina Renee. Born 25 Dec 1985 in Charleston.

He also had a son with Debra Jean Sullivan Taylor. Born 27 Jan 1960.

iii. Daryl [Taylor]. Born in Charleston.

8.x.i.iii.i. Margaret Anne[6] Darlington (Joseph Leland[5], Laura Josephine[4], William Frederick[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 24 Apr 1931 in Muncie, Ind. She graduated from Burris High School, Muncie, in 1949 and attended Gulf Park College, Long Beach, Miss., for one year. In 2003 she lived in Muncie where she was a member of Paul Revere Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), and Daughters of the American Colonists (DAC); and was a past member of Colonial Dames of the 17th Century. She was twice regent and long-standing treasurer in the DAR and held several offices in DAC. She was active for more than 50 years in Alpha Chapter, Delta Theta Tau Philanthropic Sorority, president three terms and treasurer three terms. She was a deacon and choir member of First Presbyterian Church, Muncie, and a volunteer at Ball Memorial Hospital for 38 years, delivering flowers one day a week. Her interests included genealogy, knitting, needlepoint and scrapbooking.

She married Warren Dale Montano, son of Warren Witham Montano and Mary Emily Eppard, 10 Sep 1961 in Muncie. Born 13 May 1929 in Union City, Ind. Died 2 Jun 1983 in Indianapolis, Ind. Buried in Union City Cemetery. He graduated from Union City High School in 1947. While there he played trumpet in the band. He was a lieutenant in the U.S. Army Signal Corps, stationed in Tokyo, and was in charge of a film crew in Korea at the time of Operation Little Switch. After military service he attended Ball State Teacher’s College [now University] in Muncie. He was a choir member of First Presbyterian Church, Muncie; member of the Union City Masonic Lodge, and president of the Continental Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution. He was a photographer for the Muncie Morning Star and Muncie Evening Press newspapers for several years, photographer for a local television station, photo department manager for the Zayre Department Store in Muncie, and was finally a dispatcher for the Muncie Emergency Medical Service. Children:

8.x.i.iii.i. i. Joseph Warren[7]. Born 18 Dec 1962 in Muncie.

8.x.i.iii.i. ii. Elizabeth Anne (called Beth). Born 30 Nov 1964 in Muncie.

10.ii.i.iii. Margaret Anna[6] Jarrett (also reported as Anna Marie) (Nannie Azolia[5], Augustus Chapman[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 14 Feb 1900. Died 18 Jul 1980.

She married, first, George Alfred Campbell. Children:

i. Jack[7].

She also married Charlie Emery and Shelton Anderson.

10.ii.i.iv. Harry[6] Jarrett (Nannie Azolia[5], Augustus Chapman[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 21 Sep 1903 in Mancos, Colo. Died 1 Jan 1991 in Plainview, Texas.

He married Thelma Parsons, daughter of Cassius Parsons and Stacia Kimbriel, 26 May 1928. Children (there were four):

10.ii.i.iv. i. Marian Audine[7] (called Audine). Born 7 Dec 1932.

10.ii.i.v. Edwin John[6] Sheek (Nannie Azolia[5], Augustus Chapman[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 13 Nov 1906.

He married Nellie Sue Webb. Children:

i. James Seddy[7].

ii. Edwin John, Jr. Clara Mollie[6] Sheek (Nannie Azolia[5], Augustus Chapman[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 26 Feb 1909 in Mancos, Montezuma Co., Colo. Died 11 Aug 2002 in Riverbank, Calif. Buried in Burwood Cemetery, Escalon, Calif.

Modesto [Calif.] Bee, 13 Aug 2002: Clara Mollie Sheek Smith, 93, of Escalon, died of natural causes Sunday at Valley View Care Center, Riverbank. Mrs. Smith was a native of Mancos, Colo. She lived in Escalon 34 years. She was a homemaker. She was a member of First Baptist Church. She is survived by her children, Wanda Smith of Escalon, Ray Smith of Ceres, Lyle Smith of Springfield, Mo., and Bill Smith of Tracy; and 12 grandchildren, 13 great grandchildren and one great great grandchild. She was preceded in death by her daughter, Louise Marshall. Private services [at First Baptist Church.] Deegan Funeral Chapel in charge of arrangements. Remembrances may be made to First Baptist Church, 1510 E. Catherine Way, Escalon 95320.

She married Thomas William Smith, son of Ovi Smith and Mary Virginia Allen, 15 Jul 1927 in Amarillo, Potter Co., Texas. Born 16 Dec 1902 in Greenville, Texas. Died 30 Sep 1954 in Amarillo. Children: i. Lyle Richard[7]. Born 28 Jan 1928 in Amarillo.

ii. Unnamed son (twin). Stillborn 22 Feb 1929 in Amarillo.

iii. Unnamed son (twin). Stillborn 22 Feb 1929 in Amarillo. iv. Thomas Ray. Born 22 Jun 1930 in Tulia, Swisher Co., Texas v. Clara Louise. Born 8 Jun 1933 in Amarillo. vi. Wanda Augusta. Born 6 May 1935 in Amarillo. vii. William Carroll. Born 9 Apr 1938 in Amarillo.

10.ii.i.x. Eva[6] Sheek (Nannie Azolia[5], Augustus Chapman[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Wesley Newberry. Children:

i. Jewel[7]. Married Unknown Smith.

ii. Jimmy.

10.iii.ix. Pearle H.[6] Honaker (Charles Clarence[5], Harvey A.[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). A letter was published about Pearle’s family in Honaker Family Newsletter, Winter 1998, by Minnie Louise Honaker, 28 Commanche Dr., Shawnee, Okla., 74801-5582:

My husband Roe Ralph[6] Honaker is a Frederick descendant (Hans Jacob, Frederick[1], Jacob[2], Henry S.[3], Thomas Allen[4], David Aude[5], Roe[6]. In about 1942 we met Pearl and his wife Nona Honaker in Long Beach, Calif. They had a son named Eddie and two daughters. They later divorced, she married a Carrier, and after [World War II] we moved to Oklahoma and lost track of them. In 1983 we were going to Idaho to my brother’s funeral, and in Colorado right there on a mail box was the name Honaker. Roe had been in Colorado with his granddad when he was nine years old, and the road we were on was close to where the Honakers lived. We stopped to see whose house it was, and it was the home of Eddie, the kid our son played with in Long Beach. Several years later we found out that Eddie had died, and also his father Pearl. Eddie was two years older than our son Marvin, who is 62. 1 think Pearl’s father was Clarence and he had a brother named Myrl. This was funny because Roe’s Aunt Emma had girls by the name of Pearl and Myrl. I think we figured out that Roe and Pearl were fourth cousins. I don’t know anything about Eddie’s sisters or children. All these people would be descendants of Henry S.[3]

Pearl married Nona (also Nora) J. Ries 24 Apr 1930 in Cortez, Montezuma Co., Colo. They lived in Long Beach, Calif. They divorced and she later married Unknown Carrier. Pearle was a truck driver for a milk company, hauling from north of Bakersfield to Long Beach. Children (of Pearl and Nona):

i. Eddie[7]. Born ca. 1938.

ii. Unknown daughter.

iii. Unknown daughter.

10.iii.x.i. Billy[6] Honaker (Clement[5], Harvey A.[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 25 Nov 1923 in Mora, Mora Co., N.M., his birth name was Sylvan Allen Hurmance, a son of James Allen Hurmance and Jose Mae Dunnigan. His birth father abandoned the family and he was adopted by his Honaker family in Jun 1928 at Lewis, Colo.

Billy grew up on the Honaker farm and joined the U.S. Navy 8 Aug 1941, becoming involved in World War II for the duration. He completed boot camp in San Diego, Calif., then was sent to aircraft mechanic school in Seattle, Wash., where he was when the war broke out. In early 1942 he shipped out to Honolulu, Hawaii, where he was assigned to Fighter Squadron Two. He was on the flight deck crew of the USS Lexington (CV-2) when it was bombed and torpedoed in the Battle of the Coral Sea, 8 May 1942. The Lexington sank that evening and Billy was picked up by the USS New Orleans. He served a full tour with VF-11 at Guadalcanal, then returned to the U.S. He then served with VF-6 aboard the USS Hancock when it was hit by a kamikaze at Okinawa; then was aboard ship in Tokyo Bay for the peace treaty signing. Billy remained in the navy to complete a 30-year career, retiring 1 Oct 1971 in San Diego as senior chief on the staff of the commander, Naval Air Force, Pacific Fleet.

He was a reserve police officer for the City of San Diego from 1970 to 1981, and worked for the LaMesa, Calif., school district for several years, qualifying for pension benefits.

The Daily Californian, El Cajon, Calif., 14 Sep 1993, by Jennifer Newton, La Mesa correspondent:

In Your Community: La Mesa. Grandchildren are top priority—Family Portrait

LA MESA—in the past 37 years, La Mesa has changed considerably, from its almost rural atmosphere to the now busy streets. Bill and June Honaker have lived in the city for that long, and through the years have enjoyed not only a life devoted to their own four children, but also to 107 others.

The Honakers moved first to Lemon Grove, then to La Mesa, from Cortez, Colo. When their youngest child began kindergarten, Bill and June decided to open their home to foster children. For more than 20 years the Honakers said they enriched their own family life by creating a temporary home for children who were in dire need of the love and support they had to offer.

Bill and June met when they were in high school, but were never high school sweethearts. In fact, the two didn’t begin dating until after Bill returned home on leave from the Navy. Married five years after they graduated high school, the couple celebrated their 46th wedding anniversary last April.

Bill retired as a senior chief in the Navy in 1971, after 30 years of service. He worked for the La Mesa-Spring Valley School District as a senior custodian for five years and has spent the past ten to 12 years volunteering three days a week for the Aerospace Museum in San Diego, rebuilding and restoring military planes [...] some which crashed during World War II.

Together, the Honakers began a day-care business which lasted five years. Two years ago, June decided it was time to quit working and devote more time to herself and her seven grandchildren.

After living in the same house for 37 years, the Honakers said they feel quite comfortable. Although they enjoy the downtown area, they avoid it because of all the parking meters, which were virtually non-existent when they moved here. Instead, the Honakers said they simply shop close to their home in the hills near Severin Drive.

“It’s quiet here and fairly crime free,” June said.

They enjoy camping with their grandchildren and spend time doing things together, such as going to the Puritan Evangelical Church of America in Paradise Hills, now that all of their children, both foster and biological, have grown.

Bill married June Idona Bell, daughter of George Warren Bell and Ida Mae Hadden, 26 Apr 1947 in Corpus Christi, Texas. Born 22 Jun 1923 in Mancos, Colo. Died 15 Jul 1997 in San Diego, Calif. The remains were cremated and inurned in Ft. Rosencrans Cemetery, San Diego, Calif. She was previously married to Unknown Pennington.

The Daily Californian, El Cajon, Calif., 21 Jul 1997: June I. Honaker, 74, died Tuesday (July 15, 1997). Visitation will be held 3 to 7 p.m. today at El Cajon Mortuary. A service will be held 2 p.m. Tuesday at El Cajon Mortuary Chapel [with Deacon Gil Baloy officiating]. Interment will be at Fort Rosenkrans National Cemetery. Mrs. Honaker was a foster parent and homemaker, living in the county for 41 years. She was born June 22, 1923 in Mancos, Colo. She was a

member of the Puritan Evangelical Church of America for 15 years. Her survivors include her husband, Billy, of LaMesa; her daughter, Beverly, of Orange; sons, William of Chula Vista and James of Arizona; and nine grandchildren. The family suggests donations to the Children’s Home Society.

Children (of Billy and June):

10.iii.x.i. i. Beverly Jean[7] (called Sissy). Born 31 Mar 1942.

10.iii.x.i. ii. William Curtis (called Bill). Born 9 Dec 1953.

10.iii.x.i. iii. James Wesley (called Jim). Born 18 Jan 1956.

iv. Terry Lee. Born 31 Jan 1959 in a U.S. Naval hospital in San Diego, Calif. Died 26 Jun 1984 in Grossmont Hospital, LaMesa, Calif. The remains were cremated and ashes scattered. He never


10.iv.i.iii. Pearl Elizabeth[6] Rippy (Emma Jane[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born

29 Nov 1897. Died 22 Jan 1964.

She married, first, George Cornell 10 May 1916. Born 30 Sep 1893. Died 17 Sep 1937. Children:

10.iv.i.iii. i. George Donald[7].

She married, second, R.J. Morgan 20 Aug 1942. Born 27 Feb 1890. They divorced in 1950.

She married, third, Frank A. Daly.

10.iv.i.iv. Myrl[6] Rippy (Emma Jane[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). See photograph. Born 12 May 1903 in Hydro, Okla. Died 7 Jan 2001 in Durant, Okla. Buried in Resthaven Memorial Park, Shawnee, Okla.

Unknown newspaper and date: Shawnee native Myrl Rippey Brundege died Sunday in Durant. She was 97. She was born May 12, 1903, to William Gilkerson Rippey and Emma Jane Honaker in Hydro. She was baptized in 1925 and was a member of the Church of Christ. She was a 1921 Shawnee High School graduate. She was a Bible student and teacher, and in her later years, she taught World Bible School. She married Ira Browder Brundege on June 6, 1922, in Shawnee. He preceded her in death on March 16, 1981. Also preceding her in death was a daughter, Lorita Myrl Ritchie, who died in 1986. Surviving are daughters and sons-in-law, Clarice Jean and Bob Rader of Mariposa, Calif., Kay Lynn and Charles Villines of Durant; grandchildren Alan Ritchie of Waco, Texas, Rebecca Ann Starr of Midwest City, Robin Jean Amos of Mariposa, Calif., Susan Myrl Rader of McMinnville, Ore., Mark Steven Villines of Calera, Okla., and Judy Kay Cobb of Flower Mound, Texas; 14 great-grandchildren and eight great-great grandchildren. Graveside services will be 11 a.m. Thursday at Resthaven Cemetery, Shawnee [officiated by Don Sullivan]. Arrangements are under the direction of Dalton-Holmes Funeral Home.

The funeral home program contained the following verses from Proverbs 31:10-31:

A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life. She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands. She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar. She gets up while it is still dark; she provides food for her family and portions for her servant girls. She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard. She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. She sees that her trading is profitable, and her lamp does not go out at night. In her hand she holds the distaff and grasps the spindle with her fingers.

She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy. When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet. She makes coverings for her bed; she is clothed in fine linen and purple. Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land. She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies the merchants with sashes. She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.”

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.

She married Ira Browder Brundege 6 Jun 1922 in Shawnee. Born 3 Apr 1897. Died 16 Mar 1981. Children:

10.iv.i.iv. i. LeReta Myrl[7]

10.iv.i.iv. ii. Clarice Jean.

10.iv.i.iv. iii. Kay Lynn.

10.iv.ii.i. Roe C.[6] Brees (Clara Elizabeth[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 30 Sep 1897. Died 17 Sep 1966.

He married Minnie Harris 25 Nov 1918. Born 5 Jun 1900. Children:

i. Johnie[7]. Born 16 Oct 1920. Died 22 Jan 1944.

ii. Cleo LaRue. Born 3 Aug 1922. She married Kenneth J. Fewell 3 Jan 1941. Born 2 Jul 1920.

iii. Patsy. Born 24 Jan 1930.

iv. Clara A. Born 20 Jan 1933.

10.iv.ii.ii. Buena[6] Brees (Clara Elizabeth[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 13 Jan 1900. Died 29 Dec 1990. Buried in Fairview Cemetery, Shawnee, Okla.

She married Luther Denton 26 Nov 1917. Born 6 May 1894. Died 19 Sep 1958. Buried in Fairview Cemetery, Shawnee, Okla. Children:

i. Jack Roe[7]. Born 20 Dec 1918. Died 9 Feb 1942. Buried in Fairview Cemetery, Shawnee. He was a student at the University of Oklahoma when he joined the U.S. Army Air Corps flying cadet program. His Aunt Ruby Brakebill wrote in a 1990 letter that he was killed during a training flight when ice formed on his aircraft in Missouri.

10.iv.iii.i. Odous Jack[6] Honaker (called Jack) (twin) (David Aude[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 29 Nov 1903 in Shawnee, Okla. Died 25 Feb 1992 at his home in Denton, Denton Co., Texas. Buried in Restland Memorial Park (Whispering Waters) Cemetery, Dallas, Texas.

Denton [Texas] Record-Chronicle, 26 Feb 1992 (with photograph): O.J. “Jack” Honaker, 88, of Denton, died Tue., Feb. 25, 1992, in his home. He was given care by Ann’s Haven Hospice. He was born Nov. 29, 1903, near Shawnee, Okla., the son of Aude and Lethia Honaker. He was one of six boys. Mr. Honaker married his wife, Emma, Nov. 17, 1934, in Oklahoma. He graduated from college in Oklahoma and was a school teacher and principal. He later completed law school in Oklahoma and was mortgage loan officer in the savings and loan industry for 20 years before becoming regional manager for Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Co. In 1954, he moved to Denton and owned a lumber and hardware company on Fort Worth Drive until 1971, when he became a developer and builder of housing in the Denton, Pilot Point and surrounding area. He was an elder and member of Pearl Street Church of Christ, a Bible teacher for 27 years, and was active in a Bible study group of preachers and elders in Fort Worth. He was a past member of several organizations. Memorial service will be 2 p.m. Thursday in Pearl Street Church of Christ with George Bailey, Church of Christ minister from Dallas, officiating. Mr. Honaker requested his body be donated to Southwestern Medical School in Dallas. Visitation with the family will be 6:30–8 tonight at 1704 Linden St. Memorials may be made to a local Church of Christ or Ann’s Haven Hospice.

He married Emma Rose Stoklasa, daughter of Joseph J. Stoklasa and Anna Jelinek, 17 Nov 1934 in Cleveland Co., Okla. Born 9 Feb 1906 in Wagoner, Okla., and raised in Prague, Okla. Died 7 Feb 2004 in Dallas, Texas. Buried in Restland Memorial Park Cemetery, Dallas. The funeral program indicated that services were Mon., Feb. 9, 2004 at 3:30 p.m. in Restland Wildwood Chapel, Dallas, George Bailey officiating, with prayer by Wayne White, song leader Charles Thacker, and dismissal prayer by Marvin Honaker.


10.iv.iii.i. i. Joseph Allen[7] (called Joe). Born 26 Oct 1938 in Oklahoma City, Okla.

10.iv.iii.ii. Ottis David[6] Honaker (called O.D.) (twin) (David Aude[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 29 Nov 1903 in Shawnee, Okla. Died Nov 1971 in Norman, Okla. Buried in Floral Haven Cemetery, Tulsa, Okla. He taught school and was in the wood products manufacturing business. He made windows and doors, ammunition boxes, and church pews and furniture.

He married Goldie Nancy Jane McGehee, daughter of John Patrick McGehee and Nancy Ann Payne, 30 Aug 1925 in Shawnee. They divorced late in life. Born 17 Oct 1903 in Shawnee. Died 11 Jan 1987 in Frederick, Okla. Buried in Floral Haven Cemetery. Tulsa, Okla. She attended Central High School in Oklahoma City, Okla., and Oklahoma Baptist University. She became a bookkeeper. Children:

10.iv.iii.ii. i. Jack Dennis[7].

10.iv.iii.ii. ii. Jimmie Scott.

10.iv.iii.ii. iii. Lucky Sue.

10.iv.iii.iv. Carl Samuel[6] Honaker (David Aude[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born

23 Sep 1910 in Shawnee, Okla. Died 23 Oct 1981. Buried in Brushy Knob Cemetery near Cabool, Mo. He was a veteran of World War II. He was a golf course greenskeeper in California.

He married Lucile Ward 1 Oct 1932. Born 18 Nov 1915. Died 12 Dec 1988. Buried in Brushy Knob Cemetery. Children:

10.iv.iii.iv. i. Carla Ann[7] (adopted).

10.iv.iii.v. Joe Jack[6] Honaker (David Aude[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 8 Apr 1913. Died 12 Mar 1993. He owned an oil company. [Now identified, this line should be dropped from book pp. 1104 and 1105.]

He married, first, Ruby Lee Bowen 19 Nov 1934. Born 1 Jun 1916. Children:

10.iv.iii.v. i. Jimmie Joe[7].

10.iv.iii.v. ii. Stevie Lee.

He married, second, Jeannie Unknown in 1970. Roe Ralph[6] Honaker (David Aude[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[l]). See photograph. Born 3 Feb 1915 in Shawnee, Pottawatomie Co., Okla. Died 13 Feb 2009. Buried in Resthaven Cemetery, Oklahoma City, Okla. He graduated from Shawnee High School and became a farmer. From 1960 to 1980 he worked at Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center, Air Force Logistics Command, Tinker AFB, Okla., shipping parts to U.S. and foreign air bases worldwide. The command provided depot-level maintenance, product support, services and supplies for Air Force weapon systems at U.S. air bases, in allied nations, and elsewhere as required. He retired as a shipping supervisor in 1980. His interests included gardening and golf, but he had to give up golf because of macular degeneration. He was a member of the Church of Christ.

Oklahoman, Oklahoma City, Okla., 15 Feb 2009: Roe Ralph Honaker, 94, died Friday. Services 2 p.m. Monday. Resthaven, Oklahoma City.

He married Minnie Louise Jarvis (called Louise), daughter of Samuel Edward Jarvis and Rose Pearl Lewis, 19 Jan 1935 in Shawnee. Born 27 Aug 1917 north of Earlsboro in Seminole Co., Okla. In 2008 she said, “I was really born eight and a half miles north of Earlsboro right in the middle of what became Interstate Highway 40, years later. The highway went through the south part of our farm.” She enjoyed flower and shrub gardening and was a member of the Church of Christ. Children: i. Marvin Lee[7]. Born 16 Feb 1936 in Shawnee, Okla.

11.x.iv.vii. Richard D.[6] Bostic (William Otho[5], Andrew[4], Mary[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 18 Nov 1920 in Talcott, Summers Co., W.Va. Died 9 Nov 2015 in Talcott. Buried Oak Grove Cem., Ballengee, W.Va.

Gazette-Mail, Charleston, W.Va., 11 Nov 2015: Richard D. Bostic, loving husband, father and grandfather, 94, passed away Nov. 9, 2015, at home. Born Nov. 18, 1920, he was the son of William Otho and Pauline Bostic of Talcott, W.Va., one of nine children. Besides his parents he was preceded in death by his wife of 74 years, Betty Jane; his brothers: Ralph, Howard, James and Bernard and sister, Florence. Surviving siblings are Ruby of New Castle, Pa., Mary Carol of Marie, W.Va., and Thomas of Pikeville, Ky. He married his high-school sweetheart, Betty Jane and had two sons, Richard, Jr. of Lexington, Ky. (Mary) and Patrick (Biddy) of South Charleston, W.Va. He is also survived by his grandsons John of Lexington, Ky. (granddaughters Rachael and Kaitlyn); Jason of Murfreesboro, Tenn. (granddaughter Cadance); Bobby of South Charleston, W.Va. (granddaughter Emily and grandson Sam.) Dick served his country during World War II as a motor machinist in the Navy. When honorably discharged, he came back to West Virginia and worked on the Bluestone Dam, the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad, and then worked for Union Carbide at the Alloy and South Charleston plants until he retired, after 37 years, as an R&D supervisor. He and Betty then retired to the farm in Ballengee. Dick enjoyed woodworking and growing his gardens on the farm. He was active in fundraising efforts for the Oak Grove Methodist Church and Ballengee Farm Club. He so enjoyed sitting on the porch with Betty. He was a good friend to many and will be missed by his family and friends. The family thanks friends and family members who visited and assisted during his illness. They also greatly appreciate the staff of West Virginia Hospice/Greenbrier Chapter who have given loving care to Dick and the family throughout his illness. Funeral services will be held Sat., Nov. 14, 2015 at 2 p.m. at Ronald Meadows Funeral Parlors Chapel with Pastor Sam Groves officiating. Burial will follow in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Ballengee. Friends may call [at] the funeral parlors from noon until time of services Saturday at the funeral parlors. Family and friends will serve as pallbearers. Donations of sympathy may be made to the Kanawha Hospice Care at 1265 Maplewood Ave., Lewisburg, WV, 24901.

He married Betty Jane Ballengee, daughter of Roy Giles Ballangee and Myrtle Blake Akers. Born 5 Apr 1924 in Summers County. Died 19 Mar 2015 in Summers County. Children:

i. Richard D.[7] Jr. He married Mary Unknown.

ii. Patrick. He married Biddy Unknown.

13.ix.i.i. Wayland C.[6] Honaker (Gilmer Echols[5], John[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1895 in Alderson, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died after 1949 in Hedgesville, Berkeley Co., W.Va.

He married Alma G. Sibold, daughter of George Gibson Sibold and Pearl Weikle. Born 14 Oct 1913 in Greenville, Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 2 Oct 2002 in Hedgesville or Union, W.Va. Buried in Pleasant View Memory Gardens, location not reported.

Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 17 Oct 2002: Alma G. Honaker, 88, of Hedgesville, died Wed., Oct. 2, 2002, at City Hospital. Born Oct. 14, 1913, in Greenville, Monroe County, she was the daughter of the late George Gibson and Daisy Pearl Weikle Sibold. She was a member of Tomahawk Christian Church and the Berkeley County Homemakers Extension Rebekah Lodge 65 and the Black Creek Valley Satellite Club. In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by her husband of 65 years, Wayland C. Honaker; one son, James W. Honaker; and one brother, Vernon Sibold. Survivors include one son and daughter-in-law, Jerry W. Honaker and Donelene, of Hedgesville; two daughters and son-in-law, Wilma Jane Yost and Paul, of Berkeley Springs and Pamela Diane Stickel and Dean, of Martinsburg; one daughter-in-law, K. Marie Honaker; seven grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; one sister, Hallie Pomphrey, of Sinks Grove; and one nephew and cousins. Funeral services were held Sat., Oct. 5, 2002, at the Brown Funeral Home, with Pastor Lee Ashley officiating. Interment followed in the Pleasant View Memory Gardens. Contributions may be made to the Tomahawk Christian Church, 12896 Back Creek Valley Rd., Hedgesville, WV 25427.


i. James W.[7] Died before 2002. Married K. Marie unknown.

ii. Wilma Jane (called Jane). Married Paul Yost.

iii. Jerry W. Married Donelene unknown.

iv. Pamela Diane. Married Dean Stickel.

24.viii.i.ii. Ruby Jean[6] Morgan (called Jean) (Glenna Jane[5], James Davis[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 12 May 1928 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 19 Apr 2007 in Fairlea, W.Va. Buried in Greenbrier Memorial Gardens, Lewisburg, W.Va.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 22 Apr 2007: Fairlea—Ruby Jean Michelinie, 78, passed away Thurs., Apr. 19, 2007, at Greenbrier Valley Medical Center, Fairlea, after a short illness. Born May 12, 1928, at Ronceverte, she was the daughter of the late Lonnie H. and Glenna J. Honaker Morgan. Mrs. Michelinie had been a life-long resident of Ronceverte and Fairlea, member of Greenbrier Regular Baptist Church of Ronceverte and was retired from the Federal Prison as a correction officer. She was preceded in death by her parents. Survivors include her husband, Sheldon R. Michelinie; a daughter, Beverly Clements of Fairlea; two sons, Lanny R. and wife, Emma Michelinie, of Beckley and Brian S. Michelinie of Fairlea; a sister, Peggy Webb of Fairlea; a brother, Lonnie H. Morgan Jr. of Clifton Forge, Va.; four grandchildren and a great-grandchild. Graveside service and burial will be 11 a.m. Monday at Greenbrier Memorial Gardens, Lewisburg, with the Rev. Mike Estep officiating. There will be no visitation. Arrangements by Longanacre Funeral Home, Fairlea.

She married Sheldon R. Michelinie. Children:

i. Beverly[7]. She married Unknown Clements.

ii. Lanny R. He married Emma Unknown.

iii. Brian S.

25.iii.i.i. Sheryl Lynn[6] Honaker (Lonas Mason[5], John Mason[4], John Byrus Sams[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 27 Sep 1967.

She married Donald Gray Bostic Jr. (called Spike). Children:

i. Mason[7].

25.iii.ii.i. Patricia Ann[6] Honaker (called Patty) (Sterling Darrell[5], John Mason[4], John Byrus Sams[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 14 Oct 1952 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. In 2002 she lived in Lewisburg, W.Va.

She married, first, Wayne Calvin Feury 10 Aug 1973 in Henderson Co., N.C. They divorced in Apr 1976 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Born 4 May 1956 in Greenbrier County.

They divorced with no children. Born 4 May unknown year in Greenbrier County.

She married, second, Kenneth James Leonard (called Jim), adoptive

Betz Leonard (called Jim), son of Kenneth Lee Leonard and June Blackwell, 15 Nov 1978 in Copenhagen, Denmark. They divorced in Jun 1990 in Wythe Co., Va. Born 18 Sep 1956 in Longmont, Colo. Jim


i. Melissa Sue[7] [was given the surname Betz]. Born and died 27 Jan 1979 in Heidelberg,

Germany. Buried in Greenbrier Memorial Gardens, Lewisburg, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

25.iii.ii.i. ii. Michelle Ann [Betz] (called Missy). Born 1 Mar 1981 in Richmond, Va.

25.iii.ii.ii. Darrell Wayne[6] Honaker (Sterling Darrell[5], John Mason[4], John Byrus Sams[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 13 Feb 1955 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. In 2001 he lived in Ronceverte.

He married, first, Robley Denise McCutcheon (called Bobbie), daughter of Robley Dennis McCutcheon and Margaret Taylor, 9 Nov 1974 in Allegheny Co., Va. Born 10 Apr 1958 in White Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. They divorced. Children:

25.iii.ii.ii. i. John Jamethon[7](called Jamie). Born 25 Jun 1975 in Ronceverte.

He married, second, Aurelia Mae Sherry Breeden, daughter of Edwin J. Sherry Sr. and Beatrice Unknown, 1 Feb 1990 in Belleview, Marion Co., Fla. They divorced Nov 1997 possibly in Marion County. Born 18 Sep 1960. Died 4 Jan 2009 in Powder Springs, Ga.

Ocala [Fla.] Star-Banner, 12 Jan 2009—Powder Springs, Ga.: Aurelia Mae Honaker, 48, of Powder Springs, Ga., formerly of Florida, passed away Sun., Jan. 4, 2009. Services will be 11 a.m. Wed., Jan. 7, 2009 with Rev. Howard Koepka and Michael Breeden Sr. officiating. She is survived by her children, Michael Breeden and Darrell Honaker of Powder Springs; brother, Edwin Sherry of Pinckney, Mich.; sister, Anne Fugate Carter of Kennesaw and two grandsons. West Cobb Funeral Home and Crematory, 2480 Macland Rd., Marietta, GA 30064 is in charge of arrangements. Online guest book available at . Children:

ii. Darrell Mason (called Boods). Born 14 Nov 1990 in Dalton, Whitfield Co., Ga. In 2002 he lived

with his mother in Kennesaw, Ga.

25.iii.ii.iii. Donna Sue[6] Honaker (Sterling Darrell[5], John Mason[4], John Byrus Sams[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 31 Jan 1960 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

She married Basil Leon Wykle (called Leon), son of Basil Wykle and Virgie Weikle, 4 Feb 1978 in Allegheny Co., Va. They married and divorced twice. Born 23 Apr 1951 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Children:

i. Adam Leon[7]. Born 26 Aug 1978 in Clifton Forge, Va.

ii. Joshua Darrell. Born 18 Jul 1984 in Lowmoor, Va.

25.iii.ii.iv. Leonard Douglas[6] Honaker (called Doug) (Sterling Darrell[5], John Mason[4], John Byrus Sams[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 16 Aug 1962 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

He married, first, Patricia June Cole (called Patty) 2 Oct 1982 in Asbury, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. They divorced. Born 2 Jun 1955 in Asbury. Died 10 Nov 1988 in Pickaway, Monroe Co., W.Va. Buried in Calvary United Methodist Church Cem., unknown city, Greenbrier County. Children:

i. Elizabeth Cecile[7]. Born 28 Nov 1983 in Ronceverte.

He married, second, Sue Ellen Johnson 26 Nov 1988 in Asbury. Born 25 Jun 1967. Children:

ii. Nicole Lee (called Nikki). Born 1 Jul 1994 in Ronceverte.

25.iii.iii.i. Dennis Lee[6] Powell (called Denny) (Phyllis Jean[5], John Mason[4], John Byrus Sams[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 4 Feb 1955 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

He married Terri Jones. Children:

i. Dennis Michael[7] (called Mike). Born 17 Mar 1974 in Ronceverte.

25.iii.iii.ii. Rebecca Lynn[6] Powell (called Becky) (Phyllis Jean[5], John Mason[4], John Byrus Sams[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 20 Jul 1959 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

She married, first, Larry Allen. Children:

25.iii.iii.ii. i. Jennifer Lynn[7]. Born 13 Feb 1976 in Ronceverte.

She married, second, Lou Robbins in Nov 1987 in Belleview, Marion Co., Fla. They divorced.

She married, third, Kenny Conkin in Dec 1996. They divorced.

31.i.iii. Carlos Lee[6] Honaker (Loyd Franklin[5], Parker Smith[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 21 Dec 1933 in Columbus, Ohio. Died 2 Dec 1984 in Columbus. Buried in Obetz Cemetery, Franklin County, near Columbus.

He married Evelyn Bernice Cade, daughter of Charles Everett Cade and Evelyn Rebecca Harter, 31 Jan 1953 in Paintsville, Ky. Children:

i. Mary Lee[7]. Born 21 Feb 1954 in Columbus. She married Rodney Hall. In 2009 they lived in Plain City, Ohio.

31.i.iii. ii. Carlos Everett Born 4 Jan 1957 in Columbus.

31.i.iii. iii. Evelyn Louise. Born 5 Oct 1958.

Evelyn Bernice married, second, Joe Dalton Hollar in 1986 in Belleville, Ohio.

31.ii.i. Inez Lucille[6] Litchfield (Ada[5], Parker Smith[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 14 Mar 1917. Died 31 Dec 2007 in West Virginia.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 4 Jan 2008: Inez Lucille Litchfield Bowman, 90, of Winfield [W.Va.], formerly of Columbus, Ohio, and Bradenton, Fla., passed away Mon., Dec. 31, 2007 at Thomas Memorial Hospital following a brief illness. She was a member of the Pentecostal Church in Bradenton, Fla. She was an active member of Hometown Senior Citizens, where she enjoyed bingo, singing and playing the organ at the senior homes. Born March 14, 1917, she was the daughter of the late James and Ada Honaker Litchfield. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her son, Cecil Unger. Survivors include her husband of 40 years, Hugh A. Bowman of Winfield; stepsons and their wives, James and Trudy Bowman of Buffalo and Tony and Mae Bowman of Chesterfield, Va.; and stepdaughter, Rose Ellis of Palmetto, Fla.; along with several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The family would like to extend their sincere thanks to her home care provider Debbie (Hescht) Mallory for all the wonderful care she provided. Mrs. Bowman’s request was to be cremated. A memorial service will be held at 10 a.m. Wed., Jan. 9, at the Hometown Senior Citizens Center, Hometown. Raynes Funeral Home, Buffalo, is in charge of arrangements. Online condolences may be sent to the Bowman family and the guestbook signed by visiting .

She married, first, Unknown Unger. Children:

i. Cecil[7]. Died before 2007.

She married, second, Hugh A. Bowman ca. 1967.

32.i.v. Malcolm Montrose[6] Rust (Cora Edna[5], Thomas Davidson[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 15 Oct 1896. Died 14 Sep 197(?).

He married Matilda Jane Selbe (called Tillie) 2 May 1917. Children:

i. Julia[7].

ii. Denver.

iii. Joseph.

iv. Harold. Una Lorraine[6] Rust (Cora Edna[5], Thomas Davidson[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Apr 1898. Born 10 Apr 1898. Died 19 Jan 1971.

She married Ira Edgar Vance 6 May 1922. Born 6 Jan 1898. Died Sep 1986. Children:

i. Irene Katherine[7].

ii. Pauline Mae.

iii. Emogene Frances.

iv. Donald Edward.

v. Ronald Lee.

vi. Edna Jane. She was living in 2005. She married Unknown and had a daughter, Joyce King.

32.i.ix. Madeline[6] Rust (Cora Edna[5], Thomas Davidson[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 12 Jul 1906. Died 20 May 2005.

She married Oren Woods. Children:

i. Eugene[7].

ii. Jetti Lou.

iii. Sandra.

iv. Terry.

v. Harold.

vi. Renee.

37.ii.ii. Nellie May[6] Clark (Louverna[5], Madora Alice[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 31 Jul 1907. Died 9 Jan 2005. Buried in Walnut Ridge Cemetery, unknown place.

Herald-Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., 10 Jan 2005—Nellie M. Watson, 97, of Scottown, widow of Ivan C. Watson, died Sunday in Scenic Hills Care Center. She was a homemaker. Funeral 1 p.m. Thursday at Willis Funeral Home, Gallipolis, Ohio; burial in Walnut Ridge Cemetery. Visitation from 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home.

She married Ivan C. Watson. Born 14 Sep 1901. Died 9 Aug 1997 in Gallia Co., Ohio. Children:

i. Avanell[7]. Born Mar 1928. Married Unknown Ferguson.

ii. Ronald. Born Mar 1930. He married Dorothy Unknown.

37.ii.ii. iii. Audrey M. Born 19 Jun 1932.

iv. Dillard. Born 7 Mar 1935. Died 30 Sep 1998 in Franklin Co., Ohio. He married Helen Unknown.

v. Augustine (twin). Born Jun 1938. He married Carol Unknown.

vi. Geraldine (twin). Born Jun 1938. She married Charles Clay.

37.ii.ii. vii. Richard. Born Jun 1941.

viii. David. Born Jan 1943. He married Carol Unknown.

ix. Bernard. Born May 1945. He married Rena Unknown.

37.ii.iv. Robert Emet[6] Clark (Louverna[5], Madora Alice[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 2 Apr 1912 in Lecta, Ohio. Died 12 Nov 1994 in Great Lakes, Ill. Buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, Lansing, Iowa. He was a chief petty officer in the U.S. Navy.

Waukon [Iowa] Standard, Nov 1994: Funeral services were held Wed., Nov. 16 for Robert E. Clark, 82, of Waukon, who died Sat., Nov. 12, 1994 at the Naval Hospital, Great Lakes, Ill. The Rev. Larry Olson conducted the 10 a.m. services at First Presbyterian Church in Waukon. Burial with graveside military rites by Waukon veterans was in Oak Hill Cemetery in Lansing with arrangements by Martin Funeral Home. Born Apr. 2, 1912 in Lecta, Ohio, he was the son of William and Louverna (Robey) Clark. He received his education in schools in Ohio and Waukegan, Ill., and Navy training schools. Robert was a career Navy man serving more than 20 years, mostly in health care. He served in the South Pacific during World War II, and on a carrier in Korea. He spent 11 years in civil service. Robert married Betty Thornton Feb. 9, 1946 in Waukegan. He grew up in Ohio, retired to Missouri where they lived for 11 years, then back to Great Lakes before retiring to Waukon in February 1993. Robert was a member of First Presbyterian Church, Waukon Post of American Legion, Fleet Reserve Association, National Association of Retired Federal Employees, and a former member and deacon of Holister (Mo.) Presbyterian Church. Surviving are his wife; a daughter, Cheryl (Mrs. Richard) Lettvin of Glenview, Ill.; a sister, Nellie (Mrs. Ivan) Watson of Scottown, Ohio; and two grandchildren. Three brothers, a sister and a granddaughter preceded him in death. Casket bearers were Merton Palmer, Kenneth Peake, James Bloxham, Leland Meyer, Claude Schafer and Willard Kerndt.

He married Betty Darlene Thornton, daughter of Frederick Arthur Thornton and Alice NMN Warren, 9 Feb 1946 in Great Lakes. Born 11 May 1926 in Chicago, Ill. In 2004 she lived in Waukon, Iowa. Children:

37.ii.iv. i. Cheryl Sue[7]. Born 9 Jan 1947 in Great Lakes Naval Hospital, Lake Co., Ill.

37.ii.v. Iven Franklin[6] Clark (Louverna[5], Madora Alice[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 21 May 1915 in Lecta, Ohio. Died 1 Nov 1980 in Galia Co., Ohio. Buried in Walnut Ridge Cemetery, Lecta, Ohio.

He married, first, Jean Unknown.

He married, second, Esther Unknown.

Children of Iven, mother(s) unidentified):

i. Phillip[6].

ii. Lois Ann.

iii. Carolyn. Luther Frederick[5] Clark (Louverna[5], Madora Alice[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 14 Jun 1917 in Lecta, Ohio. Died 25 Sep 1977 in Veterans Hospital, Indianapolis, Ind. Buried in Fairview Cemetery, possibly Indianapolis.

He married Kathryn Vaughn. Born 3 Apr 1922. Died 7 Dec 2000 in Indiana. Children: i. Loretta Jean[7]. Born 26 Nov 1948.

38.iii.i. Anna Mae[6] Honaker (Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born

10 Jun 1892 in Sandstone, Summers Co., W.Va. Died 4 Mar 1957 in Hix, Summers Co., W.Va. Buried in O’Bryan Cemetery, Hix.

She married Roscoe Samuel O’Bryan (called Ross), son of James Kinsley O’Bryan and Susan Agnew, 6 Dec 1908 in Sandstone, W.Va. Born 26 Mar 1881 in Floyd Co., Va. Died 27 Dec 1951 in Hix, W.Va. Buried in O’Bryan Cemetery, Hix.

Unknown newspaper and date: Roscoe Samuel O’Bryan, age 70, died Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at his home near Hix following an extended illness. Well known in that section, Mr. O’Bryan was the son of James and Susan O’Bryan and was born March 26, 1881 in Floyd Co., Va. He was a farmer and was engaged in the timber and store business. His son Marion O’Bryan is now the deputy sheriff of Summers county. Funeral services were conducted at two o’clock Sunday afternoon at Chestnut Grove church with the Rev. C.H. Martin in charge. Burial followed in the O’Bryan cemetery. Pallbearers named include D.P. Bailey, Otis Reed, J.T. Richmond, Lacey Blankenship, Johnny Ward and Robert Meadows. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Annie O’Bryan, and children, Marion O’Bryan of Hix; Mabel Grimmett, Pearisburg, Va.; Maude Burdette, Hix; Mae Adkins, Chesapeake; Mildred Martin, Peterstown; Melvin O’Bryan, at home; Marjorie Bowles, Hix; Mary Jane O’Byan, at home; two brothers, L.K. O’Bryan and C.E. O’Bryan, both of Hix and a grandson raised by Mr. O’Bryan, Clyde Grimmett, at home. Sixteen grandchildren also survive.

Children (in 1999, all were living except for three):

38.iii.i. i. James Marion[7] (called Marion). Born 18 Oct 1909.

38.iii.i. ii. Mabel Blanch (called Mabel). Born 10 Feb 1913.

38.iii.i. iii. Nomma Marie (called Marie). [Spelling of Nomma is correct.] Born 10 Feb 1917.

38.iii.i. iv. Maude Arlene (called Maude). Born 10 May 1919.

38.iii.i. v. Dessie Mae (called Mae). Born 4 Aug 1921.

38.iii.i. vi. Mildred Pauline (called Mildred). Born 24 Dec 1923.

38.iii.i. vii. Melvin Samuel (called Melvin). Born 23 Sep 1926.

38.iii.i. viii. Marjorie Ellen (called Margie). Born 29 Aug 1930 in Hix.

38.iii.i. ix. Mary Jane (called Mary). Born 14 Jul 1935.

38.iii.ii. Roscoe H.[6] Honaker (Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born Mar 1896 in West Virginia. The 7 Jan 1920 Summers Co., W.Va. census for Avistown identified Roscoe as 36, married, a team driver, self and parents born in W.Va.; wife Bertha, 30, she and parents born in W.Va.; Lura, 17, daughter; Frank, 2, son; Julie, 2 mo., daughter; the three children born in W.Va. The 1930 Summers County census for Hinton, W.Va., District 7, identified the family as Roscoe H., 34, married at 19, b. in W.Va.; Bertha, 40, married at 25, born in W.Va.; Frank, son, 12; Julia, daughter, 10; Gladys, daughter, 7; Carlos, son, 3; children born in W.Va. The census ages do not line up right. We believe Roscoe was born Mar 1896, corroborated by the 1930 census. His 1920 census birth date is very wrong.

He married, first, Bertha Lilly ca. 1915. Born ca. 1890 in West Virginia. Children:

i. Lura[7]. Born 1903 in West Virginia.

ii. Frank. Born 1918 in West Virginia. He married Alice Nickle.

38.iii.ii. iii. Julia. Born ca. Oct 1919 in West Virginia.

38.iii.ii. iv. Gladys Pauline. Born 1923 in West Virginia.

v. Carlos. Born 1927 in West Virginia.

He married, second, Unknown.

38.iii.iii. Ernest Eugene[6] Honaker (Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 20 Apr 1900 in Alderson, Geeenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 1 Feb 1953 in Mabscott, Raleigh Co., W.Va.

He married Leta Mae Dillon, daughter of George Wentworth Dillon and Amanda Ellen Atha, in West Virginia.

Charleston [W.Va.] Daily Mail, 15 Jun 1987: Mrs. Leta Mae Boggs, 84, of Mabscott, Raleigh County, died Saturday in a Continuous Care Center in Oak Hill, after a long illness. She was a member of MacArthur Church of God.

Surviving: son, Ernest Eugene Honaker of Baltimore; daughters, Annie Jewel Bennett of Eccles and Ella Marie Snuffer of Mabscott; sisters, Ina Daniels of Eccles and Garnet Hurt of Rivesville; 14 grandchildren; 36 great-grandchildren; nine great-great-grandchildren. Service will be 11 a.m. Tuesday at Melton Mortuary, Beckley, with the Rev. Otis Clyburn officiating. Burial will be in Calfee Cemetery, Mount Tabor. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. today at the mortuary.


38.iii.iii. i. Annie Jewel[7]. Born 1 Oct 1921.

38.iii.iii. ii. Ella Marie. Born 25 Sep 1923.

38.iii.iii. iii. Earnest Eugene. Born 6 Aug 1928 in Eccles, Raleigh County

38.viii.i. Hobert C.[6] Fink (Mary Alice[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[l]). Born 23 Mar 1903 in West Virginia.

He married Alva Graham 4 Jul 1921. Children:

i. Wanda Mae[7]. Born 21 Nov 1922. She married Carlyle Harvey.

38.viii.ii. Carter Oscar [6] Fink (Mary Alice[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[l]). Born 24 Feb 1908 in West Virginia. Died 24 Nov 1938.

He married Florence Malinda Bostic. Children:

i. Cary[7]. Died 28 Oct 1930.

ii. Helen Jean. Born 7 Jul 1933 in Clayton, W.Va. She married Darrel R. Sanford 25 Sep 1951.

39.iv.iii. Robert Roy[6] Dolan (Andrew Caperton[5], Elizabeth Jane[4], Rebecca Ann[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 4 Oct 1934 in Jamaica, Iowa. He completed Air Force ROTC at the University of Washington, Seattle, and served several years in Georgia. He became a university administrator. In 2006 he was vice president of a higher education consulting firm in Seattle; he and his wife at that time lived in Bothell, Wash.

He married Pamela Joan Haas 25 Aug 1956 at Christ the King Church, Seattle, Wash. Children:

39.iv.iii. i. Robert Roy[7], Jr. Born 1 Oct 1957 in Valdosta, Lowndes Co., Ga.

39.iv.iii. ii. Daniel Patrick. Born 4 Nov 1959 at Moody AFB, Valdosta, Ga.

39.iv.iii. iii. Scott Allan. Born 8 Nov 1960 in Seattle, Wash.

39.iv.iii. iv. Colleen Marie. Born 28 Mar 1962 in Seattle.

39.iv.iii. v. Patricia Lynn. Born 8 May 1964 in Seattle.

vi. Christopher Jay. Born 16 Oct 1969 in Seattle.

42.ii.i. Russell W.[6] Caldwell (Rose Ida[5], Mary Jane[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 28 Feb 1917 in Indiana. Died 31 Oct 1971. Buried in Dale Cemetery, Connorsville, Fayette Co., Ind.

He married Carrie Virginia Kanorr 29 Jun 1946. Born 11 Jun 1921 in Celina, Ohio. Children:

i. Karen Lee[7]. Born 19 Feb 1947. In 2000 she lived in Marietta, Ga. She married Charles Burton

Dunivan 5 Apr 1980. Born 11 Jun 1946.

44.i.i. Virginia Lee[6] Clark (Reaburn Douglas[5], Anna Oceana[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 27 Jan 1916 in Cinderella, W.Va. Died 18 May 1990. Buried in Parkwood Cemetery, Baltimore, Md.

Possibly The Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 1990: Mrs. Virginia Lee Walters of Baltimore, Md., died Fri., May 18, following a long illness. Born Jan. 27, 1916 at Cinderella [W.Va.], she was the daughter of the late Reaburn D. and Ada Louise Ryan Clark and a granddaughter of the late Walter D. and Annie Honaker Clark of Willow Bend [W.Va.] Mrs. Walters was a retired civilian employee with the Aberdeen Proving Grounds at Aberdeen, Md., and, before moving to Baltimore in 1944, she was employed at the Coffee Shop restaurant in Union. She was a graduate of Union High School, a member of the Towson United Methodist Church in Towson, Md., and was formerly a member of the Marvin Chapel Methodist Church at Willow Bend. She was preceded in death by her husband, William T Walters and a son, Harold B. Ellison. Survivors include a stepmother, Marie Clark of Bristol, Va.; and a granddaughter, Stacey Ellison of Baltimore. Services were held Mon., May 21 at 11 a.m. at the Ruck Funeral Home in Parkville, Md., with the Rev. Walter Smith officiating. Interment was in Parkwood Cemetery in Baltimore.

She married, first, Unknown Ellison. Children:

44.i.i. i. Harold B.[7]

She married, second, William T. Walters.

45.v.i. Marvin Lee[6] Honaker (Marshall Johnson[5], John Patrick[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). An obituary appeared in 2013 which gives the deceased woman’s husband as Marvin Lee Honaker of Union, W.Va. We have assumed that the Marvin Lee above is the correct person since he is the only one by that name we know of who at that time made his home in Union. The following follows that assumption.

He married Genetta Frances Thomas, daughter of Willy Thomas and Lottie May Harrah Goodson. Born 14 Feb 1944 in Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 21 Jul 2013 in Charleston, W.Va. Buried in Green Hill Cemetery, Union.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 23 Jul 2013 and Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 1 Aug 2013: Union—Genetta Frances Honaker, 69, of Union, passed away Sun., July 21, 2013, at [Charleston Area Medical Center] General in Charleston following a long illness. She was born in Raleigh Co., W.Va., Feb. 14, 1944, a daughter of the late Willy Thomas and Lottie May Harrah Goodson. Mrs. Honaker was a self-employed beautician and she was affiliated with the Protestant faith. She was preceded in death by a sister, Elzena Adkins. Surviving are her husband, Marvin Lee Honaker of Union; a son, Travis Kelly Honaker and his wife, Jennifer, of Union; two grandchildren, Paige Olivia Honaker and Mason Levi Honaker; three brothers, Carl Goodson and wife, Dorothy, of Cyclone, Billy Goodson of Oceana and Keaton Goodson and wife Dottie of Cleveland, Ohio; three sisters, Margaret Dugger of Beckley, Louella Willis of Beckley, Emma Whitecotton of Cleveland, Ohio. Several nieces and nephews also survive. Funeral services will be held 1 p.m. Thurs., July 25, 2013, at the Groves Funeral Home Chapel in Union with Rev. Ken Sauder officiating. Burial will follow in the Green Hill Cemetery at Union. Friends may call at the Groves Funeral Home in Union from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday.


45.v.i. i. Travis Kelly[7].

45.v.iv. Edison Marshall[6] Honaker (called Eddie) (Marshall Johnson[5], John Patrick[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1940 in Union, W.Va. Died 2 Nov 2005. Buried in Southlawn Memorial Park, Prince George, Va.

Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 10 Nov 2005—Edison “Eddie” Marshall Honaker, 65, of Hopewell, Va., died Wed., Nov. 2, 2005 in John Randolph Medical Center. Mr. Honaker was born in Union and had been a resident of Hopewell since 1970. He was a member of the American Legion, Post 146, a member of [International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers] Union #666, served in the U.S. Army and was a retired electrician with Honeywell. Mr. Honaker was the son of the late Marshall J. and Mary E. Taylor Honaker. He is survived by a daughter, Sherri Lynn Honaker Crowder and her husband, Jason, of Dinwiddie, Va.; two sons, Jeff S. Honaker and his girlfriend, Jennifer Benton, of Prince George, Va., and Edward M. “Bubba” Honaker and his wife, Tracie, of Disputanta, Va.; two grandchildren, John M. and Jessica L. Honaker, both of Disputanta, Va.; his ex-wife and caregiver, Linda R. Honaker of Prince George, Va.; three brothers, Marvin L. Honaker of Union; Lesley S. Honaker of Clifton Forge, Va., and John W. Honaker of Union. A graveside service was held at 11 a.m. Sat., Nov. 5, 2005, in Southlawn Memorial Park, Prince George, Va., with the Rev. Robert Rowland, pastor of Smyrna Baptist Church, officiating. J.T. Morriss & Son Funeral Home and Cremation Service was in charge of the arrangements.

He married Linda R. Unknown. They divorced. Children:

i. Sherri Lynn[7]. She married Jason Crowder.

ii. Jeff S.

iii. Edward M. (called Bubba) He married Tracie Unknown.

47.iii.i. Margaret L.[6] Greene (Ida Mae[5], Luther Leslie[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 6 Mar 1926 in Connersville, Ind. Died 2 Dec 2007 in Connersville. Buried in Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Pershing, Ind.

News-Examiner, Connersville, Ind., 4 Dec 2007 (with photograph): Milton—Margaret L. Dalrymple, 81, passed away Sunday morning, Dec. 2, 2007, at Fayette Regional Health System in Connersville. A daughter of the late Carl and Ida Honaker Geene, Margaret was born in Connersville on Mar. 6, 1926. The eldest of 10 children, she was raised in the Connersville, Centerville and Cambridge City communities and lived all her married life in Milton. She was a nurse’s aide at Reid Memorial Hospital in Richmond for 27 years before her retirement in 1983. Margaret enjoyed spending time with her family, oil painting, bowling, ceramics and other arts and craft work. Survivors include four children, Richard “Dicky Dean” (Debbie) Dalrymple of Cambridge City, Jeffery S. Dalrymple of Milton, Jennifer Kay (Randy) Boyd of Richmond and Sharon A. (Wayne) Pollitt of Connersville; 11 grandchildren, 31 great-grandchildren; one great-great-granddaughter; six sisters, Dorothy Long of New Castle, Naomi Huffman of Straughn, Marjorie Fewell of Franklin, Rebekah Robbins of Cambridge City, Betty Freeberg of New Albany and Virginia Mercer of Seymore, Tenn.; a brother, Daniel Greene; and several nieces and nephews. Margaret was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Vernon Scott Dalrymple, whom she married Feb. 23, 1952, in Madison, Ind., and who passed away on June 6, 2000; a son, Thomas L. Greene on Aug. 27, 2003; a grandson, David Scott Boyd on Nov. 29, 1995; infant grandchildren, Carl Christopher and Penelope Rae Greene; a brother, John Greene; and a sister, Lora Farlow. Funeral services will be at 11 a.m. Thursday at Marshall & Erlewein Funeral Home in Dublin. Burial will follow in Zions Lutheran Cemetery in Pershing. Visitation will be from 4 to 8 p.m. Wednesday and prior to the service on Thursday at the funeral home.

She married Vernon Scott Dalrymple 23 Feb 1952 in Madison, Ind. Died 6 Jun 2000. Children:

i. Thomas L.[7] Died 27 Aug 2003.

ii. Richard Dean. He married Debbie Unknown.

iii. Jeffery S.

iv. Jennifer Kay. She married Randy Boyd.

v. Sharon A. She married Wayne Pollitt.

47.iii.ix. Virginia Lee[6] Greene (Ida Mae[5], Luther Leslie[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 12 Sep 1937 in Richmond, Ind. Died 9 Feb 2011 in Knoxville, Tenn. Buried in Oak Ridge Memorial Park, Knoxville.

Knoxville [Tenn.] News Sentinel, 12 Feb 2011: Virginia Lee Mercer, age 73, a resident of Seymour, Tenn., died Wed., Feb. 9, 2011 at Ft. Sanders Regional Medical Center in Knoxville. Mrs. Mercer was born Sept. 12, 1937 in Richmond, Ind. She lived in Washington, Indiana and Florida before moving to Tennessee in 1996. She was a loving wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. She was an avid doll collector, needlework enthusiast, and birdwatcher. Before her health declined she was active in church in the various communities where she lived and owned her own fashion stylist, color consulting, and cosmetics business called “Uniquely You.” Virginia was preceded in death by her parents, Carl Columbus and Ida Mae Honaker Greene; by sisters, Margaret Dalrymple and Laura Farlow; and by a brother, Johnny Greene. She is survived by her husband of 54 years, Alvin Mercer of Seymour; by daughters, Melody Jo Oesch and husband, Timothy Oesch M.D. of Oak Ridge, Andrea Grace Podgorski and husband, Jeffrey of Cedar Rapids, Iowa; by sons, Steven Mercer and wife Candace of Travelers Rest, S.C. and Barry Scott Mercer of Greenville, S.C. She has 18 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren. She is also survived by sisters, Betty Freeberg of Louisville, Ky., Marjorie Fewell and husband, Edward of Franklin, Ind., Dorothy Long of New Castle, Ind., Rebecca Robbins and husband, Wayne of Cambridge City, Ind. and Naomi Huffman and husband, Charles of Straughn, Ind., and by several nieces, nephews, extended family members and friends. The family will receive friends Mon., Feb. 14, 2011 between the hours of 6 and 8 p.m. at Sharp Funeral Home. The funeral will be held Tue., Feb. 15, 2011 at 10 a.m. in the chapel of Sharp Funeral Home with Pastor Dale Crank and a grandson, Timothy Sean Oesch officiating. Burial will follow at Oak Ridge Memorial Park. Sharp Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements. An online guest book is available at

She married Alvin Mercer ca. 1957. Children:

47.iii.ix. i. Melody Jo[7].

ii. Andrea Grace. In 2011 she lived in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. She married Jeffrey Podgorski.

iii. Steven. In 2011 he lived in Travelers Rest, S.C. He married Candace Unknown.

iv. Barry Scott. In 2011 he lived in Greenville, S.C.

47.v.iv. Nathaniel L.[6] Honaker (James Luther[5], Luther Leslie[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). In 2013 he lived in Zanesville, Muskingum Co., Ohio.

He married Pamela Unknown. Children:

i. Brandon[7]. He married Allison Odette Moore, daughter of Thomas J. Moore and Nita Ann Champagne of Chandlersville, Ohio. Born 16 Apr 1984 in Zanesville. Died 28 Oct 2013 in Zanesville.

Times Recorder, Zanesville, 30 Oct 2013: Allison Odette (Moore) Honaker, 29, of Zanesville, passed away, Mon., Oct. 28, 2013 at Genesis Good Samaritan Medical Center. Alli was born April 16, 1984 in Zanesville, the daughter of Thomas J. and Nita Ann (Champagne) Moore of Chandlersville. She was the owner and operator of Alli O’s All Natural Skin Care; she worked as an independent consultant for Doterra Essential Oils; she was an avid animal lover and she was a beautiful, kind and caring person. Ali is survived by her husband Brandon Honaker whom she married June 19, 2010; her parents Thomas J. and Nita Ann (Champagne) Moore of Chandlersville; her brother Jonathan Thomas Moore of Columbus; her mother and father-in-law Pamela and Nathaniel Honaker of Zanesville; several aunts, uncles and special friends and her loving dogs Bailey and Slipper. Please make memorial contributions to the Muskingum County Animal Shelter, 1430 Newark Road, Zanesville, OH 43701. Visitations will be 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m., Thurs., Oct. 31, 2013 at the Farus Funeral Home of Duncan Falls where funeral services will be 11 a.m. Fri., Nov. 1, 2013 with Pastor Tim Patton officiating.

48.ii.ii. Richard Patton[6] Honaker (Loney Patton[5], Ellis Patton[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 28 May 1940 in Alderson, W.Va. Died 22 Aug 2016 in Fairlea, W.Va. Buried in Alderson Cemetery.

Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 15 Sep 2016: Richard Patton Honaker, age 76, of Alderson, passed away on Mon., Aug. 22, 2016 at Greenbrier Valley Medical Center, Fairlea, following a short illness. Born May 28, 1940 in Alderson, he was the son of the late Loney P. and Ruby Smith Honaker. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his son, Paul Richard Honaker; his daughter, Michelle Lynn Richmond; a sister, Marye Marshall Honaker Davis; and four special buddies, his cats, Star, Cuddles, Midnight, and Sunny. Mr. Honaker was a former maintenance worker, having retired in 2004 from the City of Lewisburg. Prior to his employment there, he had worked at Hercules, Inc., in Covington, for many years. He was a 1959 graduate of Alderson High School, and was of the Baptist faith. Mr. Honaker enjoyed and loved woodworking and was a very talented craftsman in woodworking. He also enjoyed going hunting with his friends. Survivors include his wife of 40 years, Orah Elizabeth Richmond Honaker, of Alderson; a sister, Kitty Ellard, of Union; a special friend who was like a daughter, Sarah Elizabeth Lobban, of Alderson; a special friend who was like a sister, Joan Fleshman, of Alderson; three special cousins, Freddy Honaker and his wife, Linda, of Huntington, Ginny Walker and her husband, Sam, of Alderson, and Burke Shires and his wife Bonnie, of Linside; many other cousins; and his special buddies, his cats, Patches and Bandit. Graveside services were held on Sat., Aug. 27, at the Alderson Cemetery, with John Robert Holliday officiating. Burial followed, with friends serving as pallbearers. Arrangements by Lobban Funeral Home, Alderson.

He married Orah Elizabeth Richmond ca. 1976. Children:

i. Paul Richard[7]. Died before 2016.

48.v.i. Melvin Gray[6] Honaker II (Melvin Gray[5], Ellis Patton[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). In 2001 he was a teacher. In 2004 he lived in Monterey, Va.

He married Regina Unknown. Children:

i. Gray William[7] (called G.W.) In 2004 he lived in Kitty Hawk, N.C.

ii. Thomas Jason (called T.J.) In 2004 he lived in Bluegrass, Va. He married Laura Unknown. Fred Lewis[6] Taylor II (Pauline Elizabeth[5], Ellis Patton[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). In 2014 he lived in Sinks Grove, W.Va.

He married Doris Ann Unknown. Children:

i. Abbey[7]. She married Kevin Blankinship. ii. Chad Lewis. Nancy Paulette[6] Taylor (Pauline Elizabeth[5], Ellis Patton[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). In 2014 she lived in Rock Camp, W.Va.

She married Robert Crews. Children: i. Robert Don[7]. Beverly Ann[6] Taylor (Pauline Elizabeth[5], Ellis Patton[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). In 2014 she lived in Bedford, Va.

She married James Chadwell. Children:

i. Shannon Taylor[7]. Drema Lee[6] Taylor (Pauline Elizabeth[5], Ellis Patton[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). In 2014 she lived in Pearisburg, Va.

She married Donald Gautier. Children:

i. Jared Wesley[7].

ii. Tyler Pierson.

50.vii.i. Charles Houston[6] White (Merle Helen[5], Alice Berta[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1932. Died 13 Jan 2000 in Low Moor, Va. Buried in Alleghany Memorial Park, Low Moor.

Unknown newspaper and date: White Sulphur Springs—Charles Houston White, 68, died Thurs., Jan. 13, 2000 at a Low Moor, Va., hospital following an extended illness. He was the son of the late William Houston and Merle Helen Scott White. Mr. White was a farmer, retired from the U.S. Forest Service after 21 years of service and was manager of White’s Store at Alvon [Greenbrier Co., W.Va.] with his sister after his father’s death. He was a member of Alvon United Methodist Church, the National Rifle Association and Sons of the Confederacy. Survivors include his wife, EulaBelle Malcolm White; a son, Charles H. White II and his wife, Debbie, of Alvon; two daughters, Kyletha O’Brien and her fiancé, Ronnie Hepler, of Covington, Va.; Kimberly Campbell and her husband, Gerald “Junior” Campbell of Alvon; a sister, Mary Alice Baum and her husband, Bill, of Alvon; seven grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; a niece; and a nephew. Services will be 2 p.m. Sunday at Alvon United Methodist Church with the Revs. Paul Suttle and Bobby McClintic officiating. Burial will follow in Alleghany Memorial Park, Low Moor. Friends may call 6:30 to 9 p.m. today at the church. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the American Diabetes Fund, (304) 768-2596, and the American Cancer Fund, (304) 346-4300. Arrangements by Shanklin Funeral Home, White Sulphur Springs.

He married EulaBelle Malcolm. Children:

i. Charles Houston, II [7]. He married Debbie Unknown.

ii. Kyletha.

iii. Kimberly. She married Gerald Campbell (called Junior).

54.ii.i. Joan[6] McClaugherty (Thelma[5], Grace Edith[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). In 2004 she lived in Catlett, Va.

She married Unknown Douglas. Children:

i. Bradford[7].

ii. Thomas.

54.ii.ii. Jan[6] McClaugherty (Thelma[5], Grace Edith[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). In 2004 she lived in Mechanicsville, Va.

She married Unknown Denson. Children:

i. Jennifer[7].

ii. Jessica.

59.i.ii. Mary Margaret[6] Peters (Goldie Hazel[5], John Irvin[5], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]. Born 13 Jul 1917 in Malden, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died 27 Nov 2012 in Farmers Branch, Dallas Co., Texas. Buried in Grandview Memorial Park, Dunbar, Kanawha Co., W.Va.

Rhoton Funeral Home, Carrollton, Texas, 28 Nov 2012: In Memory of Mary P. Steinmetz, born on 13 July 1917, passed away 27 Nov 2012. Her remarkable 95 year life started in Charleston, W.Va. along the Kanawha River. The daughter of Goldie Hazel Honaker and Clarence Allen Peters, Mary grew up loving to climb trees and care for her Mom. At 16, she married John J. Steinmetz, Jr. and they were blessed with their only daughter Margaret Ann two years later. From 1935 until 1989 Mary traveled with her family as she assisted and supported her husband’s career which took them from West Virginia to California to Nevada and ultimately settling in Farmers Branch, Texas. Mary joined the Order of the Eastern Star, Tujunga Chapt. 445, Simi, Calif., in the 1960s and then continued her involvement at Chapt. 687, Farmers Branch, Texas, which gave her life a fullness and much joy. She helped and inspired many women along her path as she became the Worthy Matron not once but three times in her 50-plus years of active participation. An avid crafter, Mary’s hands were never idle, as she created goodies for the Scottish [Rite] Hospital Craft Bazaars where she also volunteered. Mary took great joy in rescuing little dogs that appeared at her door. Scamper, Tramp, Linus, and Amigo enriched her life beyond measure. A people person, Mary treasured making new friends. She so appreciated and loved all those she called family from Eastern Star, to her neighbors in Farmers Branch and her church community. A member of Faith United Presbyterian Church, Mary loved and worshipped our Lord Jesus Christ and now dwells in her heavenly home. Mary is survived by her three grandchildren, Charles Glover (wife Cindy Glover), Ann O’Connor and John Glover and three great-grandchildren, Ryan Glover, Vincent Glover, and Sean O’Connor whom she adored and cherished each and every day. Although spread across the four compass points, Fort Wayne, Ind., Virginia Beach, Va., Dallas, Texas, and Yuma, Ariz., Mary’s closeness to her family reduced the miles to smiles, laughter and joy. At Mary’s request, in lieu of flowers, please consider a gift to Faith Presbyterian Hospice, 4350 Sigma Rd., Suite 440, Dallas, TX 75244, 972-239-5300. A single yellow rose will be laid upon the casket as Mary so loved her roses and Texas. Funeral services will be at 3 p.m., Thurs., November 29th, at Rhoton Funeral Home with Rev. Terry McLellan officiating. The service will include an Order of the Eastern Star Memorial Ceremony. Graveside services will be Mon., December 3rd at 10 a.m. at Grandview Memorial Park, Dunbar, W.Va. Arranged by Rhoton Funeral Home.

She married John J. Steinmetz, Jr., son of John J. Steinmetz and Althea Gertrude Putney, in Charleston, W.Va. Children:

59.i.ii. i. Margaret Ann[7]. Born 19 Dec 1935 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va.

59.i.iii. Jean Frances[6] Peters (Goldie Hazel[5], John Irvin[5], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]. Born 24 Oct 1921. Died 19 Dec 1986 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Buried in Spring Hill Cem., Charleston.

She married, first, Marshall Colebank. Buried in Charleston.

She married, second, James Atlee Lotts. Born 31 Mar 1922. Died 8 Apr 1967. Buried in Spring Hill Cem., Charleston. Children:

59.i.iii. i. Robert Morris[7] (called Smoky). Born 3 Feb 1944 in Charleston.

59.i.iii. ii. James Atlee, Jr. Born 15 Nov 1945 in Charleston.

59.i.iii. iii. Susan Elaine. Born 10 Feb 1948 in Charleston.

59.i.iii. iv. Sandra Jean. Born 14 May 1952 in Charleston.

59.i.iii. v. Victoria Lyn. Born 7 Apr 1955 in Charleston.

59.ii.ii. John Clifford Victor[6] Honaker (Samuel Roscoe[5], John Irvin[5], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1].

Born 30 May 1922 in Van Lear, Johnson Co., Ky. Died 1 Jan 2000.

He married Annabelle Gressinger. Children:

i. Carl Victor[7].

ii. Beverly Ann. She married Unknown DeWeese.

iii. Lenora Ann (called Pudgee.)

59.ii.ii. iv. Leonard Ray (called Buck.)

59.iii.i. Charles Frederick[6] Honaker Jr. (Charles Frederick[5], John Irvin[5], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 7 Oct 1921 in Van Lear, Johnson Co., Ky. Died 4 May 1973.

He married Avis Linda McCarthy. Born 13 Jan 1923. Died 7 Dec 1993. Children:

59.iii.i. i. Charles Ray[7]. Born 13 Jan 1947.

59.iii.i. ii. Lynette Isabel. Born 10 Sep 1950.

iii. John Wayne. Born 13 Dec 1953. There were no children.

59.iii.i. iv. Carol Ann. Born 4 Feb 1957.

59.iii.i. v. David Alan. Born 24 Jan 1959.

59.v.i. Dorothy Lee[6] Robinson (called Dot) (Sue Harvey[5], John Irvin[5], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]. Born 14 Feb 1923 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died 7 Apr 1967 in Akron, Summit Co., Ohio. Buried Lakewood Cem., Barberton, Summit Co., Ohio.

She married Gene Carlton Smith 19 Apr 1947 in Akron. Born 18 Aug 1929. Died 12 Apr 2012. Children:

59.v.i. i. Lee Carlton[7]. Born 31 Oct 1949.

ii. Mark Allen. Born 20 Sep 1954. There were no children.

59.v.i. iii. Charles Frederick. Born 20 Mar 1958.

59.v.ii. Mary Louise[6] Robinson (called Tookie) (Sue Harvey[5], John Irvin[5], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]. Born 9 Mar 1924 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died 26 Feb 2011 in Fairlawn, Summit Co., Ohio. The remains were cremated.

She married John Hout Livers 28 Aug 1948 in Akron, Summit Co., Ohio. Born 7 Feb 1924. Died 24 May 2003. Children:

59.v.ii. i. Terry Shane[7]. Born 20 Feb 1949 in Akron, Summit Co., Ohio.

59.v.ii. ii. John Michael. Born 1 Oct 1950 in Akron.

59.v.ii. iii. Stephanie Sue[7]. Born 16 Dec 1951 in Akron.

61.i.i. Adam Byron[6] Rairden Jr. (called Junior) (Hazel Juanita[5], Alice Jane[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 3 Jul 1925 in Huntington, W.Va. Died in Aug 1976 in a Veterans Administration hospital in Northport, Suffolk Co., N.Y. He enlisted in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at age 16, serving from World War II through the Korean Conflict, until his daughter was born. He then worked for Fisher Auto Body, Pontiac, Mich. He then moved to New York, N.Y., working in an iron works; at the Otis Elevator Co.; and Brooklyn Union Gas Co. He enjoyed music, especially country music.

He married Eugenia Louise Reuss, daughter of George Reuss and Florence Cabble of New York City, 9 Aug 1953 at Christ Lutheran Church, Glendale, N.Y. Born 20 May 1929 in Queens, New York, N.Y. His mother Florence was descended from owners of Cabble Wire Works, also known as Excelsior Wire & Cable in Brooklyn, N.Y. Children:

61.i.i. i. Patricia Ann[7] (called Patti). Born 13 Mar 1954.

61.i.ii. Charles Francis[6] Rairden (Hazel Juanita[5], Alice Jane[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Charles F., Jr.[7] In 2000 he lived in Winfield, W.Va., and worked in Huntington, W.Va.

65.v.iii. Mary Jane[6] Reynolds (Viola Jane[5], John Thomas[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 21 Jun 1933 in Caldwell, W.Va. Died 18 Oct 2008 in Kernersville, N.C. Buried in Greenbrier Memorial Gardens, Lewisburg, W.Va.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 21 Oct 2008: Lewisburg—Mary Jane Reynolds Dunbrack, 75, of Lewisburg, went to be with her Heavenly Father on Oct. 18, 2008, following a long and courageous battle with cancer. Her husband, daughter and son-in-law and her three grandchildren were by her side at the time of her death at her daughter’s home in Kernersville, N.C. Mrs. Dunbrack was born in Caldwell, W.Va., on June 21, 1933. She was the daughter of the late Dale Dennis and Viola Jane Honaker Reynolds Sr. A 1951 graduate of White Sulphur Springs [W.Va.] High School, she worked in the Personnel Department at The Greenbrier and at the Greenbrier Clinic for a number of years. Mrs. Dunbrack was a longtime member of the Edgewood Presbyterian Church in Lewisburg and shared a close bond with the members of the congregation whom she called her church family. She was a deacon, sang in the church choir, and was a tireless volunteer on church projects and at special events and fundraisers. Mrs. Dunbrack was the recipient of an honorary life membership in the Presbyterian Women, a group in which she was actively involved at Edgewood Presbyterian. Endowed with organizational skills, she planned and coordinated the annual Honaker reunions and the reunions for the [high school reunion] class at White Sulphur Springs. In addition to her parents, Mrs. Dunbrack was preceded in death by a sister, Imogene Reynolds Boone, and a brother, Dale Dennis “Denny” Reynolds Jr. Left to cherish her memory are her devoted husband of 50 years, James L. “Jim” Dunbrack of Lewisburg; a daughter, Lori A. (Richard Andrew) Tincher of Kernersville, N.C.; three grandchildren whom she adored, Adam, Andrew and Megan Tincher; and a brother, Walter Reynolds of Caldwell, W.Va. Services will be 4 p.m. Wed., Oct. 22, 2008, at the Edgewood Presbyterian Church with the Rev. Sally Woodard officiating. Burial will follow in the Greenbrier Memorial Gardens, Lewisburg. Friends may call 6 to 8 p.m. today, Tue., Oct. 21, 2008, at the funeral home. Flowers may be sent to Wallace & Wallace or contributions may be made to either Edgewood Presbyterian Church, HC 81, Box 223-B, Lewisburg, WV 24901, or Greenbrier Valley Hospice, 540 N. Jefferson St., Box 7, Suite D, Lewisburg, WV 24901. Please send online condolences by visiting . Arrangements by Wallace & Wallace, Lewisburg.

She married James L. Dunbrack ca. 1958. Children:

65.v.iv. i. Lori A.[7]

65.v.iv. Walter Howard[6] Reynolds (Viola Jane[5], John Thomas[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born

9 Jun 1939. Died 25 Jan 2016. Buried Greenbrier Memorial Gardens, Lewisburg, W.Va.

Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home, Lewisburg, W.Va., 27 Jan 2016: Walter Howard Reynolds, Sr., 76, of Caldwell, departed from this Earth on Monday evening, Jan. 25, 2016 at Greenbrier Valley Medical Center following a brief illness. He was preceded in death by his parents, Dale Dennis Reynolds, Sr. and Viola Jane Honaker Reynolds; brother, Denny Reynolds; and sisters, Imogene Boone and Mary Jane Dunbrack. He is survived by his children: Wally of Fairlea, Greg of Caldwell, and Paula Gallimore and husband Mike of Hardy, Va.; grandchildren: Evan and Sara Reynolds of Caldwell, and Jordan and Cade Gallimore of Hardy, Va.; nephew: Pat Reynolds and wife Linda of Caldwell; nieces: Lori Tincher and husband Richard of Kernersville, N.C., Ginny Neal and husband Joe of Pickaway; and numerous grand nieces and nephews. Walter was employed by the Greenbrier for 44 years in the golf and engineering departments, and dearly loved to fish and watch the Cincinnati Reds and [West Virginia University] Mountaineers in his retirement. He also loved to read and watch westerns on TV. Visitation is scheduled for Fri., Jan. 29th from 6–8 p.m. at the Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home in Lewisburg and funeral service is set for 12 noon on Saturday the 30th of January at the Wallace & Wallace in Lewisburg with Pastor Greg Scott officiating. Burial will be at Greenbrier Memorial Gardens in Lewisburg. Casket bearers will be Pete Vance, Tommy Wykle, Jerry Carr, Ronnie Davis, Richard Tincher, Alan Beckner, Josh Morrison, Andrew Tincher and Adam Tincher. Happy fishing to you in Heaven, dear Dad! In lieu of flowers, donations of sympathy can be made to the charity of your choice.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Wally[7].

ii. Greg.

65.v.iv. iii. Paula.

66.ii.i. Ethel L.[6] Morgan (Jasper Lee[5], Rebecca Jane[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Virginia. Died 3 Oct 1998 in Roanoke, Va. Buried in Restwood Memorial Gardens, Hinton, W.Va.

Hinton [W.Va.] News, 6 Oct 1998: Ethel L. Comer, of Roanoke, Va., formerly of Hinton, died Sat., Oct. 3, 1998 in a Roanoke, Va., hospital. Born in Virginia, she was the daughter of the late Jasper Lee and Nancy Pearl Lewis Morgan. Mrs. Comer was a member of the West End United Methodist Church in Roanoke, Va., and was a retired schoolteacher. She was preceded in death by her husband, Herbert Comer. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Thomas (Marilyn) Epperly Jr., of Roanoke, Va.; a sister, Mary Morgan of Hinton; a granddaughter, Linda Epperly of Fairlea; a grandson, Thomas Epperly III and his wife, Bobbi, of Roanoke, Va.; three great-grandchildren, Lindsey, Meghan and Abigail Epperly of Roanoke, Va.; and a dear friend, Eleanor DeCosta of Roanoke, Va. Services were held at 1 p.m. Mon., Oct. 5th at Ronald Meadows Funeral Parlors Chapel, Hinton. Burial followed in Restwood Memorial Gardens. Arrangements by Ronald Meadows Funeral Parlors, Hinton.

She married Herbert Comer. Children:

66.ii.i. i. Marilyn[7].

67.iii.i. Alta C.[6] Baker (Eva Morton[5], Margaret Ann[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 26 Jan 1912. Died 10 Oct 1999. Buried in Riverview Cemetery, Ronceverte, W.Va.

Funeral home card: In loving memory of Alta C. Phillips, born Jan. 26, 1912, passed away Oct. 10, 1999. Services Oct. 12, 1999, 11 a.m. Graveside rites, officiating, Rev. Philip Graber. Cemetery: Riverview. Survivors: husband of 70 years, Homer L. Phillips; sons, Dr. Homer L. Phillips, John Phillips, Thomas Phillips; brothers, Basil Baker, Leon Baker; grandchildren, 6; great grandchildren, 5. Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home.

She married Homer L. Phillips. Children:

i. Homer L.[7] Jr.

ii. John.

iii. Thomas.

67.iii.ii. Paul Marion[6] Baker (Eva Morton[5], Margaret Ann[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Apr 1913 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 23 Aug 1974 in Ronceverte. Buried in Riverview Cemetery, Ronceverte.

Newspaper and date unknown: Paul Marion Baker, 61, of Ronceverte died Fri., Aug. 23, 1974 in Greenbrier Valley Hospital after a short illness. He was a lifelong resident of Ronceverte, a member of the Presbyterian Church and an employee of Blue Grass Electric Co. at Ronceverte. Survivors include his wife, Sylvia; daughters, Mrs. Jeanie Hayes of Summersville, Mrs. Marilyn Linton of Houston, Texas; sons, Dennis of Houston, Texas, Robert Gunter of Keystone, Terry Gunter of Ronceverte; mother, Mrs. Eva Baker of Ronceverte; sisters, Mrs. Margaret Garner of Lewisburg, Mrs. Alta Phillips of Ronceverte and nine grandchildren. Surviving [are two brothers, Basil and Leon, both of Ronceverte]. Services were held Monday in the Ronceverte Presbyterian Church with the Rev. Robert Shires and the Rev. Aubrey Brown officiating. Burial was in Riverview Cemetery. Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home in Ronceverte was in charge of arrangements.

He married Sylvia Unknown. The Gunter children mentioned in his obituary were adopted. They are thought to be the children of Sylvia’s sister and her husband who were killed in an automobile accident when the children were small.


i. Jeanie[7]. She married Unknown Hayes.

ii. Marilyn. She married Unknown Linton.

iii. Dennis.

iv. Robert [Gunter] (adopted).

v. Terry [Gunter[ (adopted).

67.iii.iii. Margaret Louise[6] Baker (Eva Morton[5], Margaret Ann[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 3 Jul 1917 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 18 Apr 1985 in Harrisonburg, Rockingham Co., Va. Buried in Clifton Cemetery, Maxwelton, W.Va.

Newspaper and date unknown: Mrs. Margaret L. Garner, 67, died Thursday at 10 a.m. in a Harrisonburg, Va., hospital after a long illness. She was born 3 Jul 1917 in Ronceverte, a daughter of the late Andrew and Eva Green Baker. Mrs. Garner was a lifelong resident of Greenbrier County and was a member of the Ronceverte Presbyterian Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Frank M. Garner in 1970, and a brother, Paul Baker. Survivors include two sons, Frankie L. Garner of Lewisburg and William L. Garner of Fairlea; a sister, Alta Phillips; two brothers, Basil and Leon Baker, both of Ronceverte and seven grandchildren. Services will be Saturday at 2 p.m. in the Memorial Chapel of the McGraw Funeral Home in Lewisburg with the Revs. Tom Apperson and Stewart Farley officiating. Burial will be in Clifton Cemetery in Maxwelton. Friends may call from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

She married Frank Mack Garner, son of Emory Garner and Lula Wade, 30 Aug 1937 in Alleghany Co., Va. Born 17 Oct 1906 in Maxwelton, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 7 Nov 1970 in Ronceverte, W.Va. Buried in Clifton Cemetery, Maxwelton.

Newspaper and date unknown: Frank M. Garner, 64, of Maxwelton, died at 8:10 a.m. Saturday in a Ronceverte hospital following a short illness. Born at Maxwelton Oct. 17, 1906, he was a son of Emory Garner and the late Lula Wade Garner. He was a lifelong resident of Greenbrier County, a member of the Clifton Presbyterian Church at Maxwelton, and a retired employee of the West Virginia Department of Highways. Survivors include his wife, Margaret Baker Garner; two sons, William L., Fairlea and Frankie, White Sulphur Springs; five sisters, Mrs. Margaret Livesay and Mrs. Alice Dunn, both of Maxwelton, Mrs. Vada Myers, Covington, Va., Mrs. Mary Bostic, Charleston, and Mrs. Lucille Vaughn, Baltimore, Md. Final rites will be held at 2 p.m. Monday in the Memorial Chapel of McGraw Funeral Home, Lewisburg, with the Rev. Dean Boyer in charge. Burial will be in the Clifton Cemetery at Maxwelton.


i. Frankie L.[7]

ii. William L. Hazel Morgan[6] Honaker (Percy E.[5], James William[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 5 Sep 1924 in Caldwell, W.Va. Died 7 Dec 2003 in Fairlea, W.Va. Buried in Morgan Cemetery, Ronceverte, W.Va.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 8 Dec 2003: Caldwell—Hazel Morgan Gwinn, 79, of Caldwell, passed away Sun., Dec. 7, 2003, at Greenbrier Valley Medical Center in Fairlea. She was born Sept. 5, 1924, in Caldwell, a daughter of the late Percy and Elizabeth Masters Honaker. She was a homemaker. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her first husband and father of her children, Wilbur Morgan in August 1975; second husband, James Gwinn in March 2003; one sister, Lucille Scott; and brothers, Lawrence, Ralph, Preston and Leroy Honaker. Survivors include one daughter, Kathy Wilkins and husband, Walter, of White Sulphur Springs; two sons, Percy Morgan and wife, Veronica, of Gaffney, S.C., and Leslie Morgan and wife, Cora, of Caldwell; two stepsons, Bobby Gwinn of Ohio and Monroe Gwinn of Arizona; two sisters, Ruth Bennett of Caldwell and Evelyn Zeccola of N.Y.; brother, Kenny Baker of Caldwell; seven grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Service will be 2 p.m. Wednesday at Caldwell Pentecostal Holiness Church in Caldwell with the Revs. Sheila Farley, Mike Arrington and Kenny Baker officiating. Burial will follow at Morgan Cemetery in Ronceverte. Friends may call Tuesday after 7 p.m. at the church. Arrangements by Morgan Funeral Home, Lewisburg.

She married, first, Wilbur Morgan. Died 1975. Children:

i. Kathy[7]. She married Walter Wilkins.

ii. Percy. He married Veronica Unknown.

iii. Leslie. He married Cora Unknown.

She married, second, James Gwinn in Mar 2003.

68.iv.i. Mildred M.[6] Honaker (Lester B.[5], James William[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1926. Died in 1985.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 30 Apr 1985: Mrs. Mildred M. Wykle, 59, of Ronceverte, Greenbrier County, died Sunday in Humana Hospital Greenbrier Valley, Fairlea, after a short illness. She was a member of Bethel Pentecostal Holiness Church. Surviving: husband, Clyde E.; daughters, Agnes McNeely of Organ Cave, Linda Trigg of Fairlea; sister, Shairleen Wykle of Caldwell; brothers, Earl Honaker of Caldwell and Silas Honaker of Reading, Pa. Service 2 p.m. Wednesday at Bethel Pentecostal Holiness Church with the Rev. James Kite and the Rev. Stewart Farley officiating..

Burial will be in Honaker Cemetery near Ronceverte. Friends may call after 3 p.m. today at Jack K. Wallace Funeral Home, Lewisburg, and at the church one hour before the service.

She married Clyde E. Wykle. Children:

i. Agnes[7]. She married Unknown McNeely

ii. Linda. She married Unknown Trigg.

68.iv.ii. Silas[6] Honaker (Lester B.[5], James William[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 25 Jul 1927 in Caldwell, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 15 Nov 1985 in Reading, Pa. Buried in the Honaker Cemetery near Ronceverte, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 18 Nov 1985 and Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 21 Nov 1985: Silas Honaker, aged 58 years, of Reading, Pa., formerly of Caldwell [W.Va.], died Fri., Nov. 15, 1985 in a Reading, Pa. Hospital after an apparent heart attack. Born July 25, 1927 in Caldwell, he was the son of the late Lester and Rose Rutherford Honaker. Mr. Honaker was a self-employed plumber and was a World War II Army veteran. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Susie Honaker in 1970 and a sister, Mildred Wykle in 1985. Survivors include his wife, Nellie, three sons, S.L. Honaker of St. Clair, Pa., L.B. Honaker and Roy Lee of Reading, Pa.; two daughters, Rose Candam of Lexington, Va., and Doris Honaker of Reading, Pa.; a sister, Shairleen Wykle of Caldwell; a brother, Earl of Caldwell; and three grandchildren. Services were held Tuesday in the Jack K. Wallace Funeral Home in Lewisburg with the Rev. Jack K. Wallace officiating. Burial followed in the Honaker Cemetery near Ronceverte.

He married Nellie Angle. Children:

i. Susie[7]. Died 1970.

68.iv.ii. ii. S.L. (called Dick) Born 8 Dec 1960 in Caldwell.

iii. L.B.

iv. Roy Lee.

v. Rose. She married Unknown Candam and Unknown Baley.

vi. Doris L. She married Unknown Moore.

68.iv.ii.iii. Shairleen[6] Honaker (Lester B.[5], James William[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Wallace William Wykle, son of Unknown Wykle and Stella Unknown. Born ca. 1929. Died 25 Jun 1992. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Coffman Hill, Ronceverte, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 27 Jun 1992: Wallace William Wykle, 63, of Caldwell died June 25, 1992, after a short illness. He was a brick mason and a World War II veteran. Surviving: wife, Shairleen Honaker; mother, Stella of Hinton;

daughters, Joyce Dauwel and Diana Anderson, both of Caldwell, Martha Arbaugh of Lewisburg; son, William Jason of Caldwell; sisters, Nellie Massey of Ronceverte, Wanita Rudolph of Charlottesville, Va.; brothers, Thomas, Paul, Alfred, Ellery and Elmer, all of Hinton; four grandchildren. Service will be 2 p.m. Sunday at Wallace-Wallace Funeral Home,

Lewisburg, with the Rev. Tim Hall and the Rev. William Allen Church officiating. Burial will be in Honaker Cemetery, Coffman Hill, Ronceverte. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.


i. Joyce[7]. She married Unknown Dauwel.

ii. Diana. She married Unknown Anderson.

iii. Martha. She married Unknown Arbaugh.

iv. Willliam Jason.

68.iv.ii.iv. Earl Melvin[6] Honaker (Lester B.[5], James William[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1945. Died 11 Sep 1993 in Crows, Va. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Coffman Hill, Ronceverte, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 13 Sep 1993: Earl Melvin Honaker, 48, of Caldwell died Sept. 11, 1993, at Crows, Va., of an apparent heart attack while at work. He was owner and operator of Honaker Paving and Excavating Co., Caldwell.

Surviving: wife, Linda Reynolds Honaker; daughters, Nancy Dunbar of Glace, Sissy Evans of Caldwell; son, Lester of Caldwell; sister, Shairleen Wykle of Caldwell; four grandchildren. Service will be 2 p.m. Tuesday at Jack K. Wallace Funeral Home, Lewisburg, with the Rev. Simon Nester and the Rev. Russell Spence officiating. Burial will be in Honaker Cemetery, Coffman Hill, near Caldwell. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.

He married Linda Reynolds. Children:

i. Nancy[7]. Married Unknown Dunbar.

ii. Sissy. Married Unknown Evans.

iii. Lester.

68.v.iv. Delores Jean[6] Honaker (William Virgil[5], James William[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 27 May 1938 on the family home place in Caldwell, W.Va. In 2006 she and her husband lived in Ronceverte, W.Va., and enjoyed spending time with their grandchildren, camping, and traveling.

She married Orlie Delano Bennett, son of Echols Albert Bennett and Lilly Madge Holliday, 29 May 1964 in Doylestown, Pa. After their marriage, they relocated to Chester, Va. Later they moved back to West Virginia, only to move again to Golden and Littleton, Colo. From there they moved to Hopewell, Va. Children:

68.v.iv. i. Shari Lynn[7]. Born 14 Dec 1965 in Hopewell, Va.

68.v.iv. ii. Donna Delores. Born 27 Sep 1970 in Richmond, Va.

67.v.iv. iii. Tina Marie. Born 14 Aug 1974 in Petersburg, Va.

68.v.vii. Edward William[6] Honaker (William Virgil[5], James William[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 1950 in White Sulphur Springs, W.Va. Died 12 Jun 2015 in Roanoke, Va.

Roanoke [Va.] Times, 14 Jun 2015 (with photograph): Edward “Eddie” William Honaker, 65, of Roanoke, passed through the pearly gates of heaven on Fri., June 12, 2015, after coming to know the Lord during his short battle with cancer. He is survived by his wife, Rosalie; and their two beloved german shepherds. His children, Angela Marie Crum her husband, Allan, and their four children, Zachary, Caitlin, Stormy and Margaret; Melanie Michelle Honaker and her two children, Tyler and Jacob; Phillip Virgil Honaker his wife, Stephanie, and their four children, Dylan, Samuel, Caleb and Luke; he has six surviving siblings, Robert, Helen, Deloris, Gary, Bobby, Wayne and their families. As well as many many friends who have touched his life through the years. He is preceded in death by his father, Virgil William Honaker; mother, Anna Mae Honaker; and his brothers, Charles and James. Also three beloved german shepherds. In lieu of flowers, by his request donations of any value can be made to Centurion Ministries of Princeton, N.J., that helped free him from a wrongful conviction after serving 10 years of incarceration. Go rest in peace daddy! Until we all meet again…Memorial services will be held at 11 a.m. on Sat., June 20, 2015 New Covenant Assemblies of God, 2922 King St., Roanoke, VA, 24012.

He married, first, Unknown in 1972. They divorced. Children:

68.v.vii. i. Angela Marie[7].

68.v.vii. ii. Melanie Michelle.

68.v.vii. iii. Phillip Virgil.

He married, second, Rosalie Opalka.

Virginian-Pilot and Ledger-Star, Norfolk, Va., 14 Aug 1994, with large photograph and pull quotes: Not Guilty, Not Free, by Laura LaFay, photo by Martin Smith-Rodden: Nearly a decade ago, Edward Honaker was convicted of rape and sent to prison. Wrongfully so, two recent DNA tests show. Yet, instead of being a free man, Honaker is still in prison, wondering when—or if—Gov. George Allen will act on his 2-month-old petition for clemency. Even the prosecutor in the case believes Honaker should be a free man.

Burkeville, Va.—For two days in July, inmate No. 141990 walked around the Nottoway Correctional

Center recreation yard with two large signs pinned to his shirt. “DON’T ASK,” read the sign on his chest, “I DON’T KNOW S— .” “ASK GOV. ALLEN,” said the one on his back. Edward Honaker was convicted of rape and sent to prison after the victim identified him in a 1985 trial. But DNA tests conducted in March ruled him out as the rapist. The tests, conducted on vaginal swabs and clothing from the victim, also excluded her then-boyfriend. The rapist had to be a third man. The tests were performed at a California lab. At the request of the chief prosecutor in Nelson County where Honaker was convicted, the swabs were tested a second time by the Virginia Division of Forensic Science. The results, released in June, were the same: Ed Honaker was not the rapist.

Armed with the test results, along with other evidence—such as the fact that Honaker had undergone a

vasectomy seven years before the crime—his lawyers petitioned Gov. George F. Allen for clemency June 24. Persuaded by the evidence, Nelson County Commonwealth’s Attorney Phillip Payne joined in the request. “A prosecutor has several hats to wear,” Payne says. “When we think someone has done the dirty deed, we have to be as aggressive as we can. But when there is doubt, when we think we’ve got an innocent person, the prosecutor has to be just as much of an advocate as the defense lawyer…. I don't mean to sound corny, but it’s our duty to see that justice is served.”

Honaker was elated. After almost 10 years of trying, he had succeeded in proving his innocence. His hopes

high and his lawyers confident, he gave away his extra clothes, quit his prison welding job and prepared to walk out the gate. Nearly two months later, nothing has happened. Now Honaker stares into space, his mouth a stone line, his eyes dim behind tears that won’t spill. His voice, when he speaks, has a hard edge. He is tired of waiting.

“I used to be sick of doing time,” he says. “Now I’m just exhausted from it. It’s hard to be here knowing

there’s someone out there who can set me free. It’s hard getting up every day and wondering if this will be the day. And then it doesn’t happen again. And again and again. Two, three times a day, I have people coming up to me and asking, ‘Are you still here?’ I’m like, ‘Yeah, I’m still here. Do I look like I’m gone yet?’ That time I put the signs on, everyone pretty much left me alone.” Allen, say his aides, is reviewing Honaker’s case.

“The governor has not made a decision yet,” spokeswoman Melissa Herring said this week. “An an-

nouncement will be made when he does.” Ask about the Honaker case on any given day, and the answer is the same: The governor is reviewing it. Kate Germond, an investigator for Centurion Ministries in New Jersey, who has worked on the Honaker case for two years, has been hearing this since June. Allen is currently reviewing the case while on vacation in California and Las Vegas. “This is a story about a governor,” Germond says. “The alleged moral father of the Commonwealth of Virginia, who has gone to visit his mother in California for two weeks while refusing to allow an innocent man to visit his mother, whose health is bad, and whom he hasn’t seen for six years.

“Without the semen, they have no case. That’s the bottom line in all of this…This makes me nuts. I hate

lies and I hate bull----. What? What are they reviewing?”

If it hadn’t been for this case, Ed Honaker would probably have made it through life without attracting

much notoriety. A police officer’s son, he was born in West Virginia, the seventh of 10 children. He moved to Roanoke to do welding and carpentry work when he was 22, married and had three children.

Honaker spent the next 10 years hunting, fishing, drinking, getting into bar fights and spending the odd

night in jail. In 1984, he and a friend got a two-year sentence for breaking into the house of a man who owed the friend money. Honaker split with his wife the same year and was subsequently hospitalized for depression. That, he says, “is when everything started to go downhill.”

On June 22, 1984, a 19-year-old Newport News woman and her boyfriend got lost in the dark while driving

west on the Blue Ridge Parkway. They pulled into an overlook, parked their car and decided to go to sleep for the night. A few hours later, a man in camouflage pants and a field jacket knocked on the car window. He had a flashlight and said he was a police officer. When they opened the door, he pulled a gun and demanded the keys to the car.

Ordering the boyfriend to run, the man forced the woman into his truck and drove her to a vacant

schoolhouse, where he raped and sodomized her for four hours in the flatbed. Taking breaks to smoke and drink, he talked about Vietnam and someone named “Lieutenant Kolacky” who was responsible for getting a lot of his buddies killed. Then he drove the woman to a place near her car and dropped her off. She was found by her boyfriend and a deputy sheriff, who took her to a hospital, where the swabs were made.

The woman and her boyfriend gave descriptions of the rapist that police used to produce two composite

sketches. According to a National Park Service report, the boyfriend described a white man, about 6 feet 4 inches and 200-225 pounds, with brown hair and a brown mustache. The man was wearing a large cross and driving a light-colored, possibly yellow Blazer. But the victim “could only add to the description that the individual was a Vietnam veteran,” the report said. “She was not allowed clearly to see the individual during the entire sequence of events.” Four months later, in October 1984, a Roanoke police officer decided the composites resembled an informal department mug shot of Honaker. The Nelson County Sheriff’s Department showed the photo, along with several others, to the victim and her boyfriend. They picked out Honaker. Within days, he was awakened in his bed at Roanoke General Hospital, arrested and taken to Nelson County.

At the time, Honaker figured it was no big deal. They would realize their mistake and let him go. “I figured

I would go up there and then the next day there’d be a lineup and the lady would say, ‘I don’t see the guy,’ and then I’d be back home the next day,” he says. “That was 10 years ago. I haven’t been home yet.” Honaker’s two-day trial took place in Lovingston in February 1985. He was confident of acquittal. For one thing, he had never been to Vietnam. For another, he was right-handed, and the witnesses had described the attacker as left-handed.

His fingerprints didn’t match the prints lifted from the car. His Blazer was blue, not yellow. He was 5-11,

not 6-4. And the crucifix police had confiscated from among his belongings was small—not large like the cross described in the report. Finally, there was the irrefutable fact of his vasectomy. Sperm had been found on the vaginal swabs taken from the victim, and Honaker could not produce sperm.

He had only two things to worry about. The victim identified him in court, and a state criminologist

testified that he found it “unlikely” that a hair found on the victim’s shorts “would match anyone other than the defendant.”

“I guess I was gullible and naïve,” says Honaker now, “but I really thought the jury would find me innocent. One of the deputies told me when the jury was out, he said, ‘Eddie, I’m going over to the jail and pack your stuff because I’ve sat through two days of this and I know there’s no way that jury can convict you.’ When they said ‘Guilty’ I felt my knees get weak. In your wildest dreams, I don’t think you can imagine that happening to you. But now I believe it can happen to anyone.” Honaker got three life sentences plus 24 years.

Eight years later, Honaker asked Centurion Ministries for help. The Princeton, N.J., organization, which

works to free the imprisoned innocent, had the hair on the victim’s shorts reanalyzed by a leading forensic hair expert. He found that it did not match Honaker’s.

Then Kate Germond, while leafing through Honaker’s file in the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office in

Lovingston, came across a bill for hypnosis. Six days after the rape, she discovered, a deputy sheriff had taken the victim and her boyfriend to a doctor who hypnotized them. According to Honaker’s petition for clemency, the hypnotist “distinctly remembers the case because (the victim) could not remember seeing the face of her attacker until she was hypnotized and, under hypnosis, dramatically described the moment when she looked into her attacker’s face.”

Germond knew that testimony about hypnotically enhanced memories has been considered inadmissible

and unreliable in Virginia since 1974. She also knew that Honaker and his defense attorney had never been told about the hypnosis. Although fashionable as an investigative technique during the 1960s and 1970s, the use of hypnosis in criminal cases has since been largely abandoned.

“The popular conception of hypnosis is completely at odds with reality,” says Stephen B. Bright, a defense

attorney who founded the Southern Center for Human Rights in Atlanta. “The truth is that the accuracy of an identification is greatly reduced if the victim was under stress (during the crime.)

“In fact, stress greatly diminishes the chance that you will recognize a stranger a second time…The popular

conception is, you just hypnotize someone and the mind plays back the crime like a videoape. But that’s completely inaccurate. What happens is you confabulate in response to suggestion and then you remember what you confabulated. And the worst thing about it is that you then become positive in regard to what you remember. You have a certainty that you never had before.”

The California lab that performed the DNA tests on the evidence from Honaker’s trial is the same lab that

did the DNA analysis on evidence from the trial of Virginia serial killer Timothy Spencer. Spencer was executed this year on the strength of that evidence. Jennifer Mihalovich, a criminologist who worked on both cases at the lab, says the analysis of the Honaker evidence is “more conclusive” than the analysis of the Spencer evidence because it is “exclusive” rather than “inclusive.”

“An exclusion means 100 percent certainty,” she says. “With Honaker, we don’t have any doubts at all.

With inclusion, which is what we did with Timothy Spencer, it’s a percentage. Like one in a million.” If Allen had no problem executing Spencer on the strength of inclusive DNA evidence, say Honaker’s advocates, he should have even less of a problem letting Honaker out of prison. Yet that is where Honaker remains. “It appears that Gov. Allen and the officials there in Virginia are literally guilty of false imprisonment in continuing to hold this person once this evidence has come out,” Bright says. “He should not spend another day in prison.”

“It breaks my heart,” Germond says. “I hear it (hopelessness) in his voice. It’s hollow and thin.” Even

Payne, the prosecutor, is mystified. “I can’t presume to offer any explanation or reason for how the governor’s office is proceeding,” he says.

“The Virginia Supreme Court has accepted DNA evidence. And as you’re aware, we have executed a man

relying heavily on DNA evidence. If we are going to convict on the basis of that evidence, I think we have to exonerate as well.” At Nottoway, Honaker tries not to let himself dream about freedom. “I’m not going to set myself up with this big scene and have it never happen,” he says. “I’ve had so many letdowns in the past 10 years, with this court saying no, and that court saying no…But I do look forward to stepping out of the gate and taking a breath of just free air. To driving in the car without handcuffs, without shackles. And if I want to stop by the store and get a Coke, I can.”

Honaker Family Newsletter, Winter 1994: Scientific Evidence Clears Honaker

William Edward Honaker, who spent ten years in a Virginia prison for a crime he did not commit, has been

a free man since Oct. 21. Convicted of the 1984 abduction of a woman from a car on the Blue Ridge Parkway, and sexually assaulting her, he was ordered released by Virginia Gov. George Allen after recent DNA genetics tests showed that he could not have committed the crime. The sophisticated tests have only recently become possible.

Honaker was arrested and convicted on circumstantial evidence partly because he resembled the attacker

and because he drove the same make and model vehicle used in the crime. Ironically a police officer’s son, Ed was the seventh of ten children born to a family in Ronceverte, W.Va. He moved to Roanoke, Va., when he was 22, took work as a welder and carpenter, married, and had three children. Separated prior to the felony conviction and now divorced, Ed celebrated his release by buying a new shirt and coat. Then he headed for a news conference at the Virginia State Capitol, where his older sister, Delores Bennett, greeted him.

As to his plans for the future, according to The Washington Post newspaper, Ed intended to contact his

three teenage children (with whom he has been in ongoing touch); look for a publisher for horror stories he’s written; and seek a welding job in Roanoke. The newspaper said he also had made clear that he intended to take legal action against the state.

Ed’s release came only weeks after the Honaker Family Association became aware of his case, as a result

of news reports about the new DNA findings which cleared him of the wrongdoing. Honaker Association Genealogist Keith J. Honaker had begun a correspondence with Ed to determine what the association might be able to do to help him.

In his reply to Keith, Ed expressed great interest in our family history, and reflected on his regret at missing

ten years in the lives of his children, unable to be with them and watch them grow up. “This has been a horrible and trying ordeal for them, too,” he said. “However, by the grace of God, perhaps this nightmare will end soon…for all of us.” It ended at 10:28 a.m., Oct. 21, when the governor called him to apologize and release him. “That was a very traumatic moment,” Ed said.

The following profile appeared in a computer web page, current 12 Jan 2001, as a preface to a book novel promotion, , Night Walker, ISBN 1-58898-210-6:

Edward W. Honaker, Roanoke, Va.—

Edward Honaker was born in 1950 in White Sulphur Springs, W.Va. He lived there until age 22. In 1972,

with his new bride and less than $200 in his pocket, he moved to Roanoke, Va. He immediately landed a job there as a welder. In 1984, two major events occurred in Edward’s life: He and his wife were separated after 12 years of marriage, and he was convicted for a series of crimes he didn’t commit. Edward was sentenced to three life terms plus 22 years; to be served in the Virginia prison system. For ten years he fought that conviction, steadfastly maintaining his innocence. Almost daily he wrote letters and mailed them to people he thought could or would help him overturn his conviction, and free him of a nightmare that no horror novelist could ever create.

Finally, after serving ten years in prison, Edward finally proved (through the use of DNA evidence) his

innocence. In October 1994, at 10:23 a.m., then-Virginia Gov. George Allen called him at the prison and told him he was “free to leave the prison…as of right now you are a free man.” Governor Allen granted Honaker a full and unconditional pardon for the crimes of which he had been wrongfully convicted. Subsequently, a bill was passed in the Virginia State Legislature to compensate Edward Honaker for those lost years. Edward is still in Roanoke, where he lives with his wife, Rosalie, a classical violinist, and their two German shepherd dogs, Max and Isa. His three children from the first marriage also reside nearby. It was while in prison that Edward “gave birth” to a novel—Night Walker

Richmond [Va.] Times-Dispatch, 7 Nov 2005, by Carlos Santos—Roanoke man rebuilds life after DNA testing freed him from prison

Roanoke, Va.—Ed Honaker putters around nowadays, fishing for bass, writing books, running a small

landscape business and scooting down to his Bedford County minifarm to ride his ATV and contemplate how sweet life has become. He has been married 10 years to Rosalie Opalka, a violinist who plays for the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra. He has a neat, well-kept brick house on a tree-lined street not far from downtown Roanoke. He has a dog, a big truck and all the trappings of a sane, safe, normal life. His normal life started a little more than a decade ago.

The decade before was as dark as the horror novels he wrote longhand in his tiny, 7-ft.-by-10-ft. prison cell.

One of Virginia’s first convicts freed by the power of DNA, Honaker has made his life a triumph over that staggering blow.

“I won’t say there haven’t been emotional problems,” said Honaker, now 55 with a shock of gray hair. He was 34 when he was arrested and 44 when he was released. “Not a day goes by I don’t think about prison. And I mean that. But I appreciate life now more than ever. I appreciate the small things, like the changing of the leaves and squirrels running across the yard. Life is precious.”

Honaker is an anomaly. Many “exonerees,” as those freed by DNA testing are called, struggle in freedom, often falling into drug use or worse. Hundreds of convicts in the country have been freed by DNA testing—a powerful crime-solving tool that began to gain popularity with law enforcement in the early 1990s.

The still unsolved crime for which Honaker was convicted occurred in June 1983 on the Blue Ridge Parkway in Nelson County while the 19-year-old victim and her boyfriend were on a camping trip to Crabtree Falls. The couple, from Newport News, got lost and pulled to the side off the road to sleep in the car. A man carrying a handgun abducted the woman. Five hours later, after a series of sexual assaults, the victim was returned to her car by the man.

The investigation went nowhere for more than a year until someone noticed the resemblance of Honaker, who had had several scrapes with the law, to a sketch of the rapist. The victim and her boyfriend identified Honaker in a photo lineup, and Honaker was arrested in Roanoke in October 1984. And so the nightmare started. In 1985, a Nelson County jury, after hearing the victim and her boyfriend identify him as the rapist, took only two hours to send him to prison.

“I was dumbfounded,” Honaker recalled. “I was in total shock. I knew I didn’t do it.” At the same time, Honaker said the testimony against him was powerful. “If I had been on the jury, I would have convicted myself,” he said.

He was led, stunned, out of the courtroom to be processed at Powhatan Correctional Center before serving time for a while, often shackled and chained, at Mecklenburg Correctional Center. Eventually he was deposited in Nottoway Correctional Center for what looked like would be the rest of his life. Prison life was suffocating and dangerous. “You had to be tough,” said Honaker, a burly man who said that in his younger days he was a “barroom brawler. But I knew I could handle myself.” In prison, other inmates would “brag about what they’d done,” said Honaker, who eventually ended up in Nottoway’s honor building for inmates who behave. “I would just say, usually in passing, that I was innocent.”

Pressed by the monotony of prison life, Honaker began writing what eventually would become two horror novels. He also began to write letters pleading for help. He wrote the news media, judges, prosecutors and members of Congress. He wrote for seven long years. Meanwhile, his three children grew to adulthood without him.

Eventually, a group called Centurion Ministries Inc., a prison-advocacy group, took on Honaker’s case. Kate Germond, the principal investigator, was drawn to the case because evidence showed Honaker had a vasectomy years before the alleged rape. Seminal fluid had been collected from the victim. Barry C. Scheck became Honaker’s lawyer. Scheck and Peter J. Neufeld started The Innocence Project in 1992. Like Centurion, the Innocence Project handles cases in which postconviction DNA testing of evidence can lead to conclusive proof of innocence.

The DNA tests run at a private laboratory at Centurion’s request contradicted evidence that had resulted in Honaker’s conviction. The rapist’s seminal fluids did not match Honaker’s genetic profile. Wonderful and weird things began to happen to Honaker after the news broke. He became nationally known as journalists from magazines such as People traveled to his cell for interviews. He received almost 500 letters from women offering him advice, help and sometimes a place to stay. One Virginia woman gave him a used Datsun pickup with license plates that read “Freebie.” He received dozens of checks—in amounts ranging from $10 to $150—from strangers. To this day, he has not cashed the checks.

On Oct. 21, 1994, then-Gov. George Allen called the Nottoway prison after the DNA testing proved Honaker was not the rapist. Honaker and the warden were both on the phone. Honaker still remembers Allen’s words. “He said, ‘Ed, You’re now free to leave the prison.’ ” Honaker walked out within two hours.”

“I’m glad to hear he’s doing well. It was not an easy call,”Allen, now a U.S. senator, said recently. “He may have not been an angel, but he did not commit this crime. Say hello to him for me.” Honaker shakes his head today in wonder at those days and the newness of freedom. “Just to pet a dog felt so good.” Within a year, he had met and married Opalka. The state also gave him $500,000 for its mistake in sending him to prison. He received $150,000 up front and the rest in yearly $50,000 increments. He began revising his two novels, “Night Walker” and “Terror in the Cemetery,” which he has self-published. He is writing a third book, a nonfiction account about forensic science and its effect on the criminal-justice system, to be called “Fenced In.”

Honaker’s introspection belies his outdoor upbringing in White Sulphur Springs, W.Va. The son of a police officer, he was a country boy who liked to hunt and fish. He also liked to write poetry. Though he is not a churchgoer, “I’m a firm believer in God,” he said. “Sometimes it seems like a lifetime since I was in prison,” said Honaker, who has returned twice to Nottoway—once to visit the staff and the other time to visit an inmate friend. “Sometimes it seems like yesterday.”

His dream job would be to be paid to counsel exonerees like himself. “You need someone who’s been through it to talk to.” He has attended conferences with other exonerees and even spoken to law students about his case. Honaker’s eyes well with emotion at times, talking about the erratic, horrifying and now triumphant course his life has taken. “I never felt sorry for myself in that damn prison,” he said. “I’m proud of myself that I survived.”

Honaker Family Newsletter, Summer 2009: Edward Honaker Case Studied—Forensic Testimony Flawed

A Virginia Law Review study released in March found that forensic experts’ trial testimony overstated evidence against the accused 60 percent of the time in the 1980s cases reviewed. Among the 82 cases were four wrongful convictions in Virginia, including Edward Honaker, cleared of a 1984 rape. Honaker was released after serving nine years in prison, when DNA testing proved his innocence. DNA testing did not gain popularity until the 1990s. Testing for previously convicted prisoners is still uncommon. Ironically, factual evidence not including DNA should have cleared Honaker at his trial. That evidence was apparent to The Innocence Project, which subsequently took up Honaker’s case among others, using independent lab DNA testing to prove that they were not guilty.

The Virginia Law Review article was written by Brandon L. Garrett, a law professor of the University of Virginia, and Peter Neufeld, co-founder of the Innocence Project. The Innocence Project has found that the most common contributor to wrongful convictions is mistaken eyewitness identification. Honaker, who apparently resembled the attacker, was identified by the victim and her boyfriend as the perpetrator. Their wrong identification of him was key to his conviction, although clear evidence was known that could have prevented it.

Less excusable is the invalid testimony of forensic experts at 1980s trials. The Virginia Law Review study found inaccurate or unsupported testimony from 72 forensic analysts at 52 labs in 25 states. The testimony included opinions of hair, bite marks, fingerprints, and DNA results. The National Academy of Sciences has recommended creation of an independent national entity to establish forensic standards.

[This story is based on Scientists’ testimony flawed in ‘80s trials, by Frank Green, Media General News Service, published in News Virginian, Waynesboro, Va., 18 Mar 2009. Several stories about Edward Honaker have appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, the most recent of which was in the Spring 2009 issue.]

Roanoke [Va.] Times, 17 Jun 2015: Roanoker was freed from cell after test—A groundbreaking 1994 DNA sample

exonerated Edward Honaker, who died on Friday, by Laurence Hammack, laurence.hammack@, 981-3239, with inset photo, cutline “Edward Honaker became a self-employed driver after being freed.”

Edward Honaker, convicted in 1985 of a rape he did not commit and condemned to spend the rest of his

life in prison, died an innocent man. Then-Gov. George Allen pardoned Honaker in 1994 after DNA tests proved he was not the man who raped a woman along the Blue Ridgte Parkway, as both she and a Nelson County jury believed. By then, he had served 10-years in prison.

Honaker died Friday. He was 65. Following his exoneration—which attracted national attention at a time

when scientific evidence was just beginning to expose the fallibility of the criminal justice system—Honaker moved back to Roanoke to begin a new life. He found work as a driver escorting oversized trucks, met and married a violinist who has performed in the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra and settled in a tidy brick house in the Raleigh Court neighborhood.

About two weeks ago, after Honaker went to a hospital emergency room complaining of shortness of

breath, he was diagnosed with kidney and lung cancer that quickly turned lethal. “Prosecutions like Honaker’s “started shedding a light into the dark abyss of our justice system, showing us things in that dark hole that many people didn’t want to acknowledge,” said Albemarle County Sheriff Chip Harding, who has called for a statewide commission of law enforcement leaders focused on preventing wrongful convictions.

Although he played no direct role in Honaker’s case, Harding said he believes it and others from the same

time period led to a greater awareness of the danger of wrongful convictions. “Some people view it as a liberal cause,” said Harding, who was elected sheriff as a Republican. “I don’t at all. I view it as a cause of justice.” Rather than become consumed by bitterness, Honaker embraced his second life of freedom with a newfound appreciation for little things he once took for granted. “I sat out on the porch and watched four squirrels play tag,” he said during an interview with The Roanoke Times a year after his release. “Ten years ago I would have gotten a shotgun and had squirrel gravy. I don’t care if I ever hunt now. I respect life more than I would under normal circumstances.”

Honaker’s widow, Rosalie Opalka, said Tuesday that Honaker had little patience for people “moaning and

groaning.” He would become very annoyed with people who kept dwelling on it,” Opalka said. “Ed believed very strongly that you can’t change what happened to you in the past, but you surely can change what you do in the next minutes of your life.”

Despite spending long hours on the road as a self-employed driver. Honaker found time to be an artist,

painting and drawing birds and animals he photograhed during visits to big-city zoos. He also self-published two horror novels that he wrote while behind bards. “He had a great sense of humor and was an extremely intelligent man,” Opalka said.

About a month ago, Honaker attended a gathering of former inmates freed through the work of Centurion

Ministries, a New Jersey-based organization that investigates possible cases of wrongful convictions. In the early 1990s, Kate Germond, then an investigator for the group, began looking into Honaker’s pleas of innocence. He was 34 and living in Roanoke when a 19-year-old Newport News woman and her boyfriend both identified Honaker as the man who confronted them on the Blue Ridge Parkway after they became lost and pulled to the side of the road. The woman said Honaker abducted and raped her in the back of his Chevrolet Blazer over several hours. A Nelson County jury convicted Honaker in 1985 and sentenced him to three life terms plus 24 years in prison.

After Honaker wrote a letter from is cell seeking help, Centurion took the case, arranging for DNA testing

unavailable at the time of his trial. The test showed he did not produce the semen recovered from the victim. Nor did the woman’s boyfriend. The tests concluded—indicating Honaker spent 10 of his 65 years in prison for a crime committed by another man, who has yet to be brought to justice.

Allen pardoned Honaker on Oct. 21, 1994, allowing him to walk out of his prison cell within two hours.

Eventually, the General Assembly agreed to compensate Honaker $500,000 for his wrongful imprisonment. In the years since, Honaker has served as a “great poster child” for the innocense movement, said Germond, who is now executive director of Centurion Ministries. “Ed was a sweet, sweet man,” Germond said. “He was a hunter, an outdoorsman and a good old Virginia boy, but there was a real sweetness to him and a frankness that set him apart.”

A memorial service for Honaker is scheduled for 11 a.m. Saturday at New Covenant Assembly of God in

Roanoke. Relatives are asking that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to Centurion Ministries, at Honaker’s request.When he attended the group’s gathering in Princeton, N.J., last month, Honaker seemed to be in good health and high spirits, Germond recalled.

“He was so happy to be with all of his brothers and sisters,” she said, “I’ve never seen him so happy. He

helped pave the way for innocent people in prison to have hope,” Phillip, Honaker’s son from a previous marriage, write in an email. “In closing, my father was a genuinely great man, he harbored no hard feelings for the state or anyone involved in his conviction. He just loved having his freedom back.”

70.i.viii. Seibert Ivan[6] Weikle (Emma Gertrude[5], William A.[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 13 Apr 1917 in Lilly Dale, W.Va. Died 13 Sep 2009 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

Beckley [W.Va.] Register Herald, 15 Sep 2009: Ronceverte—Seibert Ivan Weikle, 92, went home to be with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on Sun., Sept. 13, 2009, at his home in Ronceverte surrounded by his large and loving family. He was born Apr. 13, 1917, in Lilly Dale. He graduated from Greenville High School class of 1938. He worked for [Chesapeake & Ohio] Railroad for over 30 years and was retired for his last 32 years. Paw Paw Weikle, as he was well known to everyone, was an avid fisherman and hunter. He was a lifelong member of Bethel Pentecostal Holiness Church in Organ Cave. He was the son of the late Edgar Spencer and Emma Gertrude Honaker Weikle. He was preceded in death, other than his parents, by his wife of 57 years, Rose Ella Morgan Weikle; a daughter, Rose Marie LaFon; a grandson, Christopher Lee Trent; a granddaughter, April Dawn Long; sisters, Inez Holliday, Lola Baker, Leta Baker, Zelma Weikle, Eva Weikle; brothers, Roy Weikle, Hobert Weikle; sons-in-law, Raymond Dunbar and Carlos Trent. Those left to cherish his memories include daughters, Joyce Trent of Ronceverte, Doris Dunbar of Ronceverte, Rhonda Trent and husband Eddie of Second Creek, Sharon McCoy and husband Tom of Organ Cave; sons, Sterling Weikle and wife Linda of Union, Danny Weikle and wife Diane of Lewisburg, Oral (Bill) Weikle and wife Marsha of Organ Cave, Steve Weikle of Lewisburg, Greg Weikle and wife Darlene of Organ Cave; son-in-law, Jack LaFon of Organ Cave; brother, Calvin Weikle; sister, Vergie Wykle; 24 grandchildren, 39 great-grandchildren, expecting his first great-great-grandchild in January and many nieces and nephews.

Jesus Christ was the most important part of his life along with his family. Paw Paw Weikle had his priorities straight. Services will be 2 p.m. Wed., Sept. 16, at Bethel Pentecostal Holiness Church in Organ Cave with the Pastor Jesse Hunt, Pastor Calvin Weikle and the Rev. Joe Brown officiating. Burial will follow in the Bethel Pentecostal Holiness Church Cemetery in Organ Cave. Friends may gather with the family 6 to 9 p.m. today, Tue., Sept. 15, at Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home in Ronceverte. Serving as pallbearers are grandsons, Doug LaFon, Randy Dunbar, Timmy Weikle, Danny Weikle, Scott Trent, Justin Weikle, Tommy McCoy, and David Weikle. Serving as honorary pallbearers are Trevor Weikle, Ryan Weikle and Tanner Weikle. Please send online condolences by visiting . Arrangements by Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home, Ronceverte.

He married Rose Ella Morgan. Died before 2009. Children:

i. Rose Marie[7]. Died before 2009. She married Jack LaFon.

ii. Joyce. She married Carlos Trent.

iii. Doris. She married Unknown Dunbar.

iv. Rhonda. She married Eddie Trent.

v. Sharon. She married Tom McCoy.

vi. Sterling. He married Linda Unknown.

vii. Danny. He married Diane Unknown.

viii. Oral (called Bill). He married Marsha Unknown.

ix. Steve.

x. Greg. He married Darlene Unknown.

71.i.ii. Reva Lee[6] Morgan (Lula May[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1911.

She married Ray Forrest Morgan, relationship not identified. Born in 1908. Died in 1990. Children:

71.i.ii. i. Palmer Hampton[7]. Born in 1930.

ii. Norman Kent. Born in 1932.

71.i.ii. iii. Geraldine Elizabeth. Born in 1936.

71.i.ii. iv. Marthena. Born in 1939.

v. Samuel Ivan. Born in 1944. He married Unknown Bostic.

71.i.v. Olan Franklin[6] Morgan (Lula May[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1916.

He married Lorene Opal Dartt. Children:

i. Errol Franklin[7]. Born in 1941.

ii. Olan Dudley. Born in 1945.

71.i.vii. Madge Ellen[6] Morgan (Lula May[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 28 Jan 1922 in Ronceverte, W.Va. Died 16 Jan 2001 in Ronceverte. Buried in Greenbrier Regular Baptist Church Cemetery, Ronceverte.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 18 Jan 2001: Ronceverte—Madge Ellen Toothman, 78, passed away Tue., Jan. 16, 2001, at Greenbrier Valley Medical Center following a long illness. Born Jan. 28, 1922 in Ronceverte, she was the daughter of the late Wade Hampton and Lula Honaker Morgan. Mrs. Toothman was a lifelong resident of Ronceverte, where she attended Zion’s Light Baptist Church and was a homemaker. She was preceded in death by a sister, Arbutus; and two brothers, Raymond and Ivan. Survivors include her husband of 58 years, Raymond J. Toothman; three daughters, Mrs. Robert (Robbie) Wilson, Mrs. Earnie (Vicki) Wyant and Mrs.Dale (Tammy) Allen, all of Ronceverte; six grandchildren, R. Michael Wilson and his wife, Shelby, of Organ Cave, Mrs. Eric (Robin) von Seldeneck of Staunton, Va., Matthew Wyant of Roanoke, Va., Tara Wyant of Lynchburg, Va., Ivan Allen of Ronceverte and Benjamin Allen of Ronceverte; two great-grandsons, Nicholas Wilson and Wilson von Seldeneck; a brother, Olan Morgan of Ronceverte; and three sisters, Mrs. Ray (Reva) Morgan, Mrs. Robert (Sue) Shafer and Evelyn Morgan, all of Ronceverte. Service will be 2 p.m. Saturday at Zion’s Light Baptist Church, Ronceverte, with the Revs. Gary Baker, Dudley Morgan and Leroy Crane officiating. Burial will follow in Greenbrier Regular Baptist Church Cemetery, Ronceverte. There will be no visitation. Pallbearers will be Denny Toothman, Bobby Toothman, Sam Morgan, Norman Morgan, Dudley Morgan, Errol Morgan and Eric Morgan, along with a

special honorary pallbearer, Charles W. Baker. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Shriners Children’s Hospital or the Ronald McDonald House. Arrangements by Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home, Ronceverte.

She married Raymond Junior Toothman. Born in 1920. Children:

71.i.vii. i. Robbie[7].

71.i.vii. ii. Vicki.

71.i.vii. iii. Tammy.

71.i.ix. Susannah[6] Morgan (Lula May[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Robert Shafer, son of George Shafer and Flora Boone. Children:

i. Rita[7].

ii. Barbara.

iii. Sue.

iv. Terri. She married Eddie McDowell.

71.v.ii. Joseph Leroy[6] Honaker (called Leroy) (Hubert D.[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 25 Nov 1929 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 21 Mar 2011 in Ronceverte. Buried in McLean Cemetery, Ronceverte.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 23 Mar 2011: Ronceverte—Joseph Leroy Honaker, 81, of Ronceverte, passed away Mon., March 21, 2011, at Greenbrier Valley Medical Center. Born Nov. 25, 1929, at Ronceverte, he was a son of the late Hubert Daniel and Eva Morgan Honaker. He was a member of Zion’s Light Baptist Church, was a committee member of the Seneca Trail Friends of [National Rifle Association], served in the National Guard for 12 years, and coached Little League baseball for 40 years. He retired from Kroger with over 42 years of service. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife, Elizabeth “Peggy” McDowell Honaker on Feb. 2, 2009 and a brother, Paul Layton Honaker. Survivors include a daughter, Karen Erskine and husband, Arthur of Ronceverte; three sons, Joey Honaker and wife, Sarah of Ronceverte, Tommy Honaker and wife, Joann of Ronceverte, and Gary Honaker and wife, Renee of Madison, Va.; grandchildren: Adam Erskine and wife, Stephanie, Beth Dickey and husband, Mitchell, Marla Spencer and husband, Shawn, Scott Honaker and wife, Katie, Joshua Honaker, Rachel Honaker, Rebecca Honaker and Ryan Honaker; seven great-grandchildren; step brothers, Ronnie Boone of Wytheville, Va. and Donnie  Boone of Charlottesville, Va.; several nieces, nephews, friends and neighbors. Service will be 2 p.m. Fri., March 25, 2011, at the Zion’s Light Baptist Church in Ronceverte, with the Rev. Gary Baker officiating. Burial will follow in the McLean Cemetery in Ronceverte. Friends may call 6 to 9 p.m. Thurs., March 24, 2011, at the funeral home in Ronceverte. Active pallbearers will be Eddie McDowell, Tony Hinkle, Aaron Toothman, Michael Brunty, Kent King, Jason Morgan, Dean Morgan and Rick Spinks. Honorary pallbearers are John Hodges, Jackie Goodall, Jimmy Morgan, Harry Stover and Randy Morgan. In lieu of flowers, donations of sympathy may be made to HospiceCare, 223 Maplewood Ave., Lewisburg, WV 24901. Please send online condolences by visiting . Arrangements by Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home, Ronceverte.

He married Elizabeth A. McDowell (called Peggy), daughter of Burnette S. McDowell and Mary Lipps. Born 8 Jan 1934 in Ronceverte, W.Va. Died 2 Mar 2009 in Ronceverte. Buried in McLean Cemetery, Ronceverte.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 4 Mar 2009: Ronceverte—Elizabeth A. “Peggy” Honaker, 75, passed away Mon., Mar. 2, 2009, at home. Peggy was born Jan. 8, 1934, at Ronceverte, and was the daughter of the late Burnette S. and Mary Lipps McDowell. Peggy attended the Zions Light Baptist Church and was a homemaker, caregiver, devoted wife, mother and grandmother. Other than her parents, Peggy was preceded in death by sisters, Ruth Honaker, Alice “Becky” Morgan and Emma Susan McDowell; brother, Richard McDowell; and brother-in-law, Paul Honaker. Survivors include her husband, Joseph Leroy Honaker of Ronceverte; a daughter, Karen Erskine and husband, Arthur, of Ronceverte; three sons, Joey Honaker and wife, Sarah, of Ronceverte, Tommy Honaker and wife, Joann of Ronceverte and Gary Honaker and wife, Renee, of Madison, Va.; grandchildren: Adam Erskine and wife, Stephanie, Beth Dickey and husband, Mitchell, Maria Spencer and husband, Shawn, Scott Honaker and wife, Katie, Joshua Honaker, Rachel Honaker, Rebecca Honaker and Ryan Honaker; six great-grandchildren; three brothers, Bill McDowell and wife, Anna, of Ronceverte, James McDowell and wife, Betty, of Fairlea, Bob McDowell and wife, Virginia, of Clifton Forge, Va.; severeal nieces, nephews, friends and neighbors. Services will be 2 p.m. Thurs., Mar. 5, 2009, at Zions Light Baptist Church with the Rev. Gary Baker officiating. Burial will follow in McLean Cemetery. Friends may call 6 to 9 p.m. today, Wed., Mar. 4, 2009, at Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home, Ronceverte. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Greenbrier Valley Hospice, 223 Maplewood Ave., Lewisburg, WV 24901. Please send online condolences by visiting . Arrangements by Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home, Ronceverte.


71.v.ii. i. Karen[7]. She married Arthur Erskine.

ii. Joseph (called Joey). In 2011 he lived in Ronceverte. He married Sarah Masters.

iii. Tommy. In 2011 he lived in Ronceverte. He married Joanne Morgan.

iv. Gary. In 2011 he lived in Madison, Va. He married Renee Unknown.

71.viii.i. Marilea[6] Morgan (also reported as Maralea and Marylea) (Agnes Virginia[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1927. Died before 2006.

She married, first, David Walker Holiday. Born in 1923. Children:

i. Kay[7]. She married August P. Cirrito (called Augie).

She married, second, Tony Marquez.

71.viii.ii. Virgil Robert[6] Morgan (called Bob) (Agnes Virginia[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 19 Nov 1929 in Ronceverte, W.Va. Died 6 Nov 2002. Buried in Ketron Cem., Ronceverte.

Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 14 Nov 2002: Virgil Robert (Bob) Morgan, 72, went to be with the Lord, Wed., Nov. 6, 2002, after a short illness. Born Nov. 19, 1929 in Ronceverte, he was a son of the late Virgil Joel and Agnes Honaker Morgan. A life long resident of Ronceverte, he was a member of the Ronceverte Baptist Church, where he was a deacon. He was retired from the Army National Guard, and the Greenbrier Hotel. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife, Margaret Underwood Morgan, on Dec. 18, 2001. Survivors include three sons, Al Morgan and his wife, Linda, of Princeton, Gregory Morgan and his wife, Leta, of White Sulphur Springs, and Barry Morgan and his wife, Zena, of Ronceverte; one brother, Merle Morgan, of Ronceverte; and ten grandchildren. Services were held Fri., Nov. 8, 2002, at the Ronceverte Baptist Church, Ronceverte, with the Rev. Houston Boothe and Rev. D.D. Elwell officiating. Burial followed in the Ketron Cemetery, Rockland Road, Ronceverte. Arrangements by Longanacre Funeral Home, Fairlea.

He married Margaret Norene Underwood. Born in 1929. Died 18 Dec 2001. Children:

71.viii.ii. i. Robert Allen[7] (called Al). Born in 1948.

71.viii.ii. ii. Gregory Dale. Born in 1956.

iii. Barry. Married Zena Unknown.

71.viii.iii. Merle Gray[6] Morgan (Agnes Virginia[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Jan 1932 in Ronceverte, W.Va. Died 2 Dec 2006 in Charlottesville, Va. Buried in Morgan Cemetery, Ronceverte.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 5 Dec 2006: Merle Gray Morgan, 74, of Ronceverte passed away Sat., Dec. 2, 2006, in the University of Virginia Medical Center, Charlottesville. Merle was born Jan. 10, 1932, at Ronceverte and was a son of the late Virgil Joel and Agnes Honaker Morgan. He attended Mount Zion Primitive Baptist Church, Ronceverte, was a retired security guard with over 38 years of service with The Greenbrier Hotel and was a member of the Elks Country Club. In 1959 Merle was presented the Governor Okey L. Patteson Award for Best Soldier of West Virginia and was a retired master sergeant of Howitzer Battery, First Squadron, 150th Armored Cavalry of the Ronceverte National Guard, having served for 25 years. Merle was preceded in death by his wife, Norma R. Massey Morgan, in 1993; a daughter, Pamela Sue, in 1954; a sister, Marylea Marquez; and a brother, Virgil Robert “Bob” Morgan. Survivors: sons and their wives, Michael G. and Kimberly Morgan of Monroe, N.C., and Mitchell G. and Terrie Morgan of Lewisburg; grandchildren, Amy Morgan of Pittsburgh, Pa., Keri Morgan of Lewisburg and Brittany Sele of Monroe, N.C.; and special friend, Mary Elizabeth “Libby” Taylor of Ronceverte. Services will be 11 a.m. Wed., Dec. 6, at Mount Zion Primitive Baptist Church, Ronceverte, with Elder Jimmy Boothe officiating. Burial with military rites will be in Morgan Cemetery, Ronceverte. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. Tuesday at the Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home, Ronceverte. Please send online condolences by visiting . Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home, Ronceverte, is in charge of of FormBottom of Form

He married Norma Ruth Massey. Born in 1933. Died in 1993. Children:

i. Pamela Sue[7]. Born and died in 1954.

71.viii.iii. ii. Michael Gray. Born in 1955.

iii. Mitchell Gary. Born in 1958. He married Elaine Hinkle and Terrie Unknown. In 2006 he lived in Lewisburg, W.Va.

71.xi.i. James Franklin[6] Honaker (called Jimmy) (Verdie Jackson[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Died in 1998.

He married Hazel Price. Children:

71.xi.i. i. Jeffrey Franklin[7]. Born 23 Apr 1950.

ii. Jennifer. She married Unknown Lilly. In 2000 she lived in Lewisburg, W.Va.

iii. Gregory. In 2000 he lived in Lewisburg, W.Va.

iv. Pamela. She married Unknown Morris. In 2000 she lived in Roanoke, W.Va.

71.xi.ii. Joe J.[6] Honaker (Verdie Jackson[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Wilda Jane Morgan. Born in 1933. Children:

i. Lanny J.[7]

ii. Rita.

iii. Steven C. He married Rita Howard.

iv. Bonita. She married Frank Masters.

71.xi.iii. Jack O.[6] Honaker (Verdie Jackson[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Barbara J. Toothman, daughter of Gordon G. Toothman and Rose Ella Unknown. Born 16 Oct 1935 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 3 Aug 2013 in Ronceverte. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Coffman Hill, Ronceverte.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 4 Aug 2013: Ronceverte—Barbara J. Toothman Honaker, 77, of Ronceverte passed away Sat., Aug. 3, 2013, at her home. Born Oct. 16, 1935, at Ronceverte, she was the youngest daughter of the late Gordon G. and Rose Ella Toothman and in addition to her parents she was preceded in death by four brothers, Booty, Herman, Alta and Guy, when he was a child, and two sisters, Rose Hanifin and Marie Lockhart. Barbara was a longtime member of Greenbrier Baptist Church in Ronceverte. She is survived by her husband of 60 years, Jack O. Honaker; sons, Daniel R. Honaker and wife, Leta, Michael O. Honaker and wife, Lori, and Randall C. Honaker; daughters, Carol A. Johnson and husband Steve and Susan M. Hardiman and husband, Leo; brother, Donald G. Toothman; grandsons, Joshua Johnson (Shannon) and Justin Johnson; granddaughters, Samantha Holliday, Michelle Morgan (Nathan), Tessa Honaker and fiancé Bill Mitchell, Chloe Honaker, Brianna Hedrick, Summer Hardiman and Chantel Hardiman; great-grandchildren, Jeri and Garrett Holiday, Riley and Reagan Johnson, Andy and Macie Morgan and Aubrielle Hardiman. Services will be 2 p.m., Mon., Aug. 5, 2013, at Greenbrier Baptist Church in Ronceverte with Pastor Timothy Dillon officiating. Burial will follow in the Honaker Cemetery on Coffman Hill. Visitation will be from 6 to 8:30 p.m., Sun., Aug. 4, at Morgan Funeral Home in Lewisburg. In lieu of flowers, donations in her memory may be made to Honaker Cemetery, 114 Honaker Cemetery Road, Ronceverte, WV 24970. Online condolences may be expressed at .


i. Daniel R.[7] He married Leta Unknown.

71.xi.iii. ii. Carol A. She married Steve Johnson.

iii. Michael O. He married Lori Unknown.

iv. Randall C.

71.xi.iii. v. Susan M. She married Leo Hardiman.

71.xi.iv. Freda[6] Honaker (Verdie Jackson[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 19 Mar 2015, two-column photo with caption: Anniversary Celebration—On January 31st, George and Freda Honaker Deskins celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary at the Lighthouse Church of God’s Youth Center, accompanied by their children, family members and friends. George and Freda were married January 29th, 1955.

She married George Deskins 29 Jan 1955. Children:

i. Dianne[7].

71.xi.iv. ii. Donna.

iii. David.

iv. Darryl.

v. Denise.

71.xi.v. Jesse L.[6] Honaker (Verdie Jackson[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Drucilla Bear. Children:

i. Philip[7].

ii. Melanie.

iii. Carl.

iv. Amanda. Lena Sarah[6] Honaker (Verdie Jackson[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 17 Mar 1942 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 13 Jun 2016 in Lewisburg, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Ronceverte.

Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 23 Jun 2016: Lena Sarah Honaker Hitchcock, 74, of Lewisburg, passed away Mon., June 13, 2016 at her residence in Lewisburg. She was born March 17, 1942 at Ronceverte, a daughter of the late Verdie Jackson Honaker and the late Elva Gertrude Morgan Honaker. Lena was a business owner and attended Zion’s Light Baptist Church. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by sons, Aaron Deskins and Mark Hitchcock; a grandson Remington Anderson; son-in-law, Cecil Canterbury; and a brother James “Jimmy” Honaker. Survivors include daughters, Mindy (Buddy) Surgeon of Caldwell; Lisa Canterbury of Union, Jill (Ronnie) Anderson of Ronceverte, Angie (V.J.) Davis of Parsons, and Misty (Bart) Baker of Ronceverte; daughter-in-law, Heather Craft of Alderson; a sister, Freda (George) Deskins of Union; brothers, Jack Honaker, Joe (Wilda) Honaker, Jerry (Leatha) Honaker, Judson Waldo Honaker all of Ronceverte, and Jessie (June) Honaker of Union; 16 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren. Funeral service will be Thurs., June 16, 2016 at 2 p.m. at Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home Chapel in Ronceverte with Pastor Gary Baker officiating. Burial will follow in the Honaker Cemetery. The family will receive friends on Wednesday evening, June 15, 2016 from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. at Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home in Ronceverte. The family wishes to express a special thank you to Lena’s caregiver, Amanda Frame, for the special care their mother received during her illness. Flowers will be accepted or donations of sympathy may be made in her memory to the ALS Association at .

She married, first, Walter Deskins. Children: i. Lisa[7].

ii. Aaron. Died before 2016.

iii. Mindy. She married Buddy Surgeon. iv. Jill.

v. Angie. She married V.J. Davis.

She married, second, Bill Hitchcock. Children:

vi. Misty. She married Bart Baker.

vii. Mark. Died before 2016.

71.xi.vii. Jerald E.[6] Honaker (called Jerry) (Verdie Jackson[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Letha (also Leatha) Allen. Children:

i. Kimberly[7].

ii. Julie R.

iii. Joseph.

iv. Lewis. Catherine Eileen[6] Lee (Marie Lenore[5], Caroline Catherine[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 15 Aug 1924.

She married Frank Sikolo. Born 15 Feb 1946. Children:

i. Linda Mario[7].

ii. James Dean. He died before 2006.

iii. Dalo Francis.

iv. Robert Leo.

v. Laura Theresa. Barbara Anne[6] Lee (Marie Lenore[5], Caroline Catherine[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born Born 29 May 1927.

She married Howard Orville Borden 1 Aug 1947. Children:

i. Charles Lawrence[7].

ii. Stephen Lee.

iii. Mary Catherine.

iv. Paul Anthony.

v. Carl William.

vi. Martha Anne. Robert Anthony[6] Lee Jr. (Marie Lenore[5], Caroline Catherine[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Aug 1930.

He married Delores Mario Hoeffner 25 Jul 1953. Children:

i. Michael Robert[7].

ii. Mark Anthony.

iii. Joseph Martin.

iv. Jerome Patrick. Donald William[6] Lee (Marie Lenore[5], Caroline Catherine[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 8 Feb 1935.

He married Betty Jean Bodnarcik 17 Jan 1959. Children:

i. Jeanette Mario[7].

ii. Elizabeth Jean.

iii. Lorraino Ann.

iv. Eugene Anthony.

v. Jacob Glen. James Roger[6] Lee (Marie Lenore[5], Caroline Catherine[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born Born 11 May 1942.

He married Mary Ann Blendish 23 Nov 1968. Children:

i. Cynthia Mario[7] (adopted).

ii. Jennifer Michelle.

iii. Theresa Catherine.

56.iii.i. Homer Leslie[6] Worthen (Willa Sylvesta[5], George Arthur[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 9 May 1908. Died 12 Apr 1992 in Volusia Co., Fla.

He married Naomi Benedict in 1938. Born 4 Nov 1915. Children:

i. Iris Wendell[7]. Born 1943.

ii. Ivan Keith. Born 1946.

56.iii.ii. Marguerite Emily[6] Worthen (Willa Sylvesta[5], George Arthur[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 22 Nov 1915 in Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., Ohio. Died 7 Feb 2005 in Stuart, St. Lucie Co., Fla.

Unknown newspaper and date: Stuart, Fla.—Marguerite Bovie Marshall died peacefully on Feb. 7, 2005 at Hospice of Martin and St. Lucie Counties. She was born Nov. 22, 1915 at Cincinnati, Ohio, of Willa Honaker Worthen and Eldon Leslie Worthen of Charleston, W.Va. She was a native of Huntington, W.Va. She married George Frederic Bovie, II on Aug. 17, 1941 at Gallipolis, Ohio, where they lived until they moved to Cocoa Beach, Fla., in 1957. They moved to Stuart in 1978. She was widowed in 1991. Later, she married Robert M. Marshall, III of Stuart. She was a homemaker. She was predeceased by her first husband, George F. Bovie, II; two brothers, Homer Leslie Worthen of Holly Hills, Fla. and George Edward Worthen of Baltimore, Md. She is survived by her husband, Robert Morris Marshall, III, of Stuart; a daughter, Pamela Bovie Miller, of Palm City, Fla.; a son, George Frederic Bovie, III, also of Palm City; five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. She was an active member of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Stuart. Previously she helped organize a much-needed St. David’s by the Sea Episcopal Church, Cocoa Beach, Fla., and earlier still was an active member of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Gallipolis, Ohio, and sang in their choir. She had an abiding love of music. She sang in choirs. She also imported musical groups to perform for her community. Contributions in memory of Marguerite may be made to St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 623 S.E. East Ocean Blvd., Stuart, FL 34994. A memorial Mass will be performed at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church on Tue., Feb. 15, 2005 at 10:30 a.m. with interment in the church memorial garden after the service. May she rest in peace!

She married, first, George Frederic Bovie II, son of George Frederic Bovie and Gladys Carpenter, 17 Aug 1941 in Gallipolis, Gallia Co., Ohio. Born 17 May 1910 in Gallia County. Died 7 Nov 1990 in Stuart, Fla. Buried in St Mary’s Memorial Cem., Stuart. Children:

56.iii.ii. i. Pamela B.[7] Born 14 Sep 1945 in State College, Centre Co., Pa.

56.iii.ii. ii. George Frederic, III (called Bud). Born 3 Oct 1947 in Gallipolis, Gallia Co., Ohio.

She married, second, Robert Morris Marshall III.

56.iii.iii. George Edward[6] Worthen (Willa Sylvesta[5], George Arthur[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 18 Sep 1918 in Beaver Falls, Beaver Co., Pa. Died 5 Oct 1999 in Baltimore, Md. Buried Dulaney Valley Memorial Cem., Timonium, Baltimore Co., Md.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. George Edward,[7] Jr.

75.i.ii. Jessie Alexandra[6] Honaker (James Gordon[5], Michael Alexander[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). See photograph. Born in Harrison Co., Iowa. Died in Wyoming.

She married John Albert Anderson. Born 1919 in Sweden. Children:

i. Ernestine Rosmer[7]. Born 1920. Died 1950.

75.i.ii. ii. Vivian Annette. Born 1922. Died 1988.

iii. John Robert. Born 1922.

iv. Unidentified.

v. Unidentified.

77.i. Hayward Ernest[6] Honaker (Ira Ernest[5], Michael Alexander[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 25 Aug 1911 in Fort Morgan, Colo. He was a veteran of World War II, having served in the Pacific Theater. He owned Grand Avenue Market in Laramie, Wyo., and later Honaker’s Toys & Hobbies there.

He married Faola Irma Henderson, daughter of Robert L. Henderson and Flossie Owen, 1 Jan 1940 in Basin, Wyo. Born 4 Aug 1917 in Basin. Died 27 Aug 2011 in Rock Springs, Wyo. Inurned in Greenhill Cemetery, Laramie, Wyo.

Tribcom, 6 Sep 2011: A memorial service for Fayola Henderson Honaker is scheduled for Fri., Sept. 23, 2011, at 11 a.m., at Montgomery-Stryker Funeral Home in Laramie, Wyo. The service will be followed by a luncheon reception at Mrs. Honaker’s home, 418 Stetson Court, in Laramie, hosted by her family. Mrs. Honaker, 94, died Sat., Aug. 27, 2011, at her son and daughter-in-law’s home in Rock Springs, where she had been living for the past six months. She was born Aug. 4, 1917, in Basin, Wyo., the daughter of Robert L. Henderson and Flossie Owen Henderson. She graduated from Basin High School in 1935, and attended the University of Wyoming where she was a Tri-Delt. She married Hayward E. Honaker on Jan. 1, 1940, in Basin. They were married for 61 years, and had two children, three grandchildren, and four great grandchildren. During World War II she lived and worked in Riverside, Calif., and Bushnell, Fla., where her husband was based in the U.S. Army. When he shipped out to the Pacific front, she returned to Wyoming. Mrs. Honaker was a member of the First United Methodist Church in Laramie, Beta Sigma Phi, and the Order of the Eastern Star, Snowy Range Chapter No. 45. She was a volunteer at Ivinson Memorial Hospital for many years. Her interests included homemaking, bridge, golf, travel, flower gardening, and spending time with her children and grandchildren. Mrs. Honaker is survived by her son and daughter-in-law, Richard and Shannon Honaker of Rock Springs; her daughter, Sandra Johnson of Cheyenne; grandchildren Heather Mercer and husband Derek of Arlington, Va., Harmony Decosimo and husband David of Baltimore, Md., and Dustin Honaker of Rock Springs; and by great grandchildren Myles, Lucy, and Nora Decosimo, and Eliot Mercer. She was preceded in death by her husband, by an infant daughter, and by her three brothers, Robert L. Henderson, Jr., Jerrold R. Henderson, and Wilbur O. Henderson. Cremation has taken place, and Mrs. Honaker’s ashes will be inurned at Greenhill Cemetery in Laramie. In lieu of flowers, those who wish may contribute to Hospice of Sweetwater County, 809 Thompson St., Suite D, Rock Springs, WY 82901.


77.i. i. Richard Henderson[7]. Born 10 Mar 1951.

ii. Sandra. Born 22 Aug 1954. She married David Johnson. He died before 2011. There were no

children. In 2011 she lived in Cheyenne, Wyo.

77.ii. Frances[6] Honaker (Ira Ernest[5], Michael Alexander[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 7 Jan 1915 in Fort Collins, Colo. Died in Fort Collins 3 Jun 2011.

She married Unknown Bickel. Children:

i. D’Ann Demaree[7]. Died before 2010.

ii. Hayward. Born 1957 in Fort Collins.

85.iii. Harold[6] Honaker (Jesse Wayne[5], John Allen[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Cumberland, Allehany Co., Md. He was a tire builder at Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio. He built his own home and in 2006 lived in Barberton, Ohio.

He married Freda Roth ca. 1947. Born 24 Sep 1926 in Akron. Died 14 Jun 2006.

Akron Beacon Journal, 15 Jun 2006: Barberton—Freda R. Honaker, 79, passed away June 14, 2006. Born in Akron on Sept. 24, 1926, she was employed by Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. and later by Otts Decorating. She was a former member of Grace [United Church of Christ] Loyal Oak and a member of Columbia U.C.C. and VFW Post 3383 Ladies Auxiliary. She is survived by loving husband of 59 years, Harold; son, Richard (Gloria); daughter, Terri; five grandchildren, Matthew, Brian (Faith), Leah, Elizabeth, and Andrew; and brother, Harry Roth. Funeral services will be Sat., June 17, at 3 p.m., at Cox Funeral Home, 222 Norton Ave., Barberton, with calling hours from 1 to 3 p.m., Rev. James Chapman officiating. (Cox, Barberton, 330-745-3311.)


i. Richard[7]. He married Gloria Unknown.

ii. Terri.

86.i. William Dayton[6] Miller (Lena Leota[5], John Allen[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 9 May 1922 in Roderfield, W.Va. Died 5 Aug 1986 in Roderfield. Buried in Iaeger Cemetery, Roderfield.

He married Venia Sutphin 30 Apr 1943. Children:

86.i. i. William Michael[7]. Born 25 Jul 1944.

ii. James Richard. Born 18 Oct 1946 in Iaeger, W.Va. Died 29 Jul 1955 in Bluefield, W.Va.

86.i. iii. Randall Sutphin. Born 18 Oct 1948.

86.ii. Margaret Honaker[6] Miller (Lena Leota[5], John Allen[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 21 Sep 1923 in Roderfield, W.Va. Died 5 Aug 1999 in Salem, Va. Buried in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Roanoke, Va.

Roanoke [Va.] Times, 7 Aug 1999: Moore, Margaret Honaker Miller, 75, of Salem, passed away Thurs., Aug. 5, 1999. She was an active member of Emmanuel Lutheran Church, and was active in several garden clubs. She was preceded in death by her husband, Hubert D. Moore; her father, William D. Miller; her mother, Lena Honaker Miller; a brother, William D. Miller, Jr. She is survived by a daughter, Brenda (B.J.) Moore; a son and daughter-in law, H. Dewey Moore, Jr., and Joyce B. Moore; grandson, Timothy W. Nichols; great-grandson, Christopher Shane Nichols; sisters, Betty M. Blankenship, Jean M. Weyd, Mary M. Sizemore; brother, James R. Miller; sisters-in-law, Elizabeth Beumer, Mildred Moore, Hester Whitehurst; several nieces and nephews. A graveside service will be held 11 a.m. Mon., Aug. 9, 1999, at Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens with Rev. George K. Bowers officiating. The family will receive friends from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday at Oakey’s North Chapel.

She married Hubert Dewey Moore, son of James Alfred Moore and Myrtle Smith, 18 Feb 1942 in Welch, W.Va. Born 3 Sep 1922 in Roanoke, Va. Died 6 Jul 1995 in Salem, Va. Buried in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Roanoke. Children:

86.ii. i. Brenda Jean[7] (called B.J.) Born 12 Jan 1945.

ii. Hubert D., Jr. (called Dewey). Born 16 Aug 1949 in Roanoke, Va. He married, first, Rebecca Pugh 16 Jul 1972 in Roanoke. They divorced. He married, second, Joyce Brewster Arnold

25 May 1991 in Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Roanoke.

86.iii. James Richard[6] Miller (Lena Leota[5], John Allen[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 13 Jul 1925 in Roderfield, W.Va.

He married Virginia Jones, daughter of Allan Jones and Nancy Unknown, 2 Sep 1948. Born 9 Aug 1926 in Roderfield. Children:

i. Bernard Richard[7] (called Barney). Born 16 Sep 1949. Died 17 Aug 1986. He married Judy Wise 21 Dec 1969.

ii. Peggy Joyce. Born 16 May 1953. She married Ray Guy. They divorced.

89.v. Thomas Harry[6] Honaker (Edward Simpson[5], Thomas Davidson[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 29 Mar 1894 in Putnam County. Died 16 Jan 1974. The following is speculative, based on obituary information that is plausible because of names, dates and locations.

He married Mary Ethel Priddy. Born ca. 1895. Died Aug 1985 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Buried in Graceland Memorial Park, Ruthdale, Kanawha Co., W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 27 Aug 1985: Mrs. Mary Ethel Priddy Honaker, 90, of 219 Forest Ave., South Charleston, died Monday in Thomas Memorial Hospital after a short illness. She was a retired employee of Coyle & Richardson Department Store. She was a member of First Baptist Church of South Charleston, past president of Chemical Valley Chapter of National Gold Star Mothers, past president of American Legion Auxiliary of the John Brawley Post, past president of West Virginia Hills Grandmothers Club, a member of South Charleston Chapter of AARP. She was a lifelong resident of South Charleston. Surviving: sons, Richard of South Charleston, Jack of Montgomery, Ala.; daughters, Mrs. Mildred Withrow and Mrs. Dorothy Stewart, both of South Charleston; 12 grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren. Service will be 11 a.m. Wednesday in First Baptist Church, South Charleston, with the Rev. William C. Taylor and the Rev. Joseph I.

Chapman officiating. Burial will be in Graceland Memorial Park, Ruthdale. Friends may call from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m.

today at Good Shepherd Mortuary, South Charleston. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to the First Baptist Church.


i. Thomas Harry[7] Jr. At Battery Park, New York, N.Y., the name Pvt. Thomas H. Honaker Jr. is inscribed on a monument as a missing-in-action airman of the U.S. Army Air Forces during World War II. He was awarded the Purple Heart Medal. He was inducted from West Virginia and is the only Thomas H. Jr. that we can determine, in 2008, as the likely individual.

89.v. ii. Jack W. Born 12 Jan 1925 in South Charleston, W.Va.

iii. Mildred. Died before 2015. She married Unknown Withrow.

iv. Richard.

v. Dorothy. She married Unknown Stewart.

91.iv. Bessie Mae[6] Honaker (Marsheen Tabler[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Jan 1901 in Center Point, W.Va (also reported as 14 Jan 1902 in Sigman, W.Va.) Died 8 Jan 1990 in Nitro, W.Va. Buried in Cunningham Memorial Park, St. Albans, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 9 Jan 1990: Mrs. Bessie Honaker Boggess, 86, of 109 Layne Ave., Nitro, died Jan. 8, 1990, in Putnam General Hospital. She was a native of Putnam County and a member of Nitro Church of God. Surviving: grandson, DeWayne Wears of Nitro; three other grandchildren. Service will be 1 p.m. Wednesday in Nitro Church of God, with the Rev. Wade Austin officiating. Burial will be in Cunningham Memorial Park, St. Albans. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. today in Cooke & Pauley Funeral Home, Nitro, and at the church one hour prior to service.

She married, first, Marvin (also reported as Arby) Bailey.

She married, second, A.R. (also reported as Orville) Boggess (called Kite).

Although four grandchildren were mentioned in her obituary, no children survived her and they are unknown. The names of her two reported husbands do not look right. Arby would be a more likely first name for the second husband if his initials were A.R.; if they were A.R., it is odd that he would also be reported as Orville, called Kite.

The Charleston Gazette, 20 Mar 2006, reported the death of a Pauline L. Honaker, widow of Murrell D. Honaker, of Nitro. Pauline was a member of the Nitro Church of God for over 50 years. She would have known and been related to Bessie, but we do not have any record of Murrell so do not know the relationship. Pauline’s obit is in the Unidentified Chapter.

93.ii. Stanley Ephriam[6] Honaker (Forest Hill[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). He changed his birth name from Ephriam Stanley. Born 13 May 1895 in Confidence, Putnam Co., W.Va. Died 14 Mar 1984 in Veterans Administration Hospital, Huntington, W.Va. Buried in Cunningham Memorial Park, St. Albans, W.Va. The 1930 census found his family in Pocatalico, Putnam County; Sarah’s parents were living with them. His World War I draft card was issued to him in Cedar Co., Iowa. His World War II draft card was issued to him in 1942 in Putnam Co., W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 21 Jan 1985: Legion Memorial Set, by Nelson Sorah—Memorial services will be held at 8 p.m. Friday for eight members of American Legion Post 73 in St. Albans who died during 1984. The Legionaires to be honored are William Bockway, Clyde Dolin, Garland Ellis, Arlie Frye, Stanley Honaker, Jimmie Linville, S.S. Miller and Clarence Yoh. The meeting is open to the public..

He married Sarah Ruth Harmon, daughter of John William Harmon and Hannah Elizabeth Miller, in Nitro, W.Va. Born 17 Dec 1896 in Red House, Putnam Co., W.Va. Died 12 Oct 1984 in South Charleston, W.Va. Buried in Cunningham Memorial Park, South Charleston, W.Va. See Frederick descendant #92 for elaboration on the Harmon family. Children:

93.ii. i. Stephen Grover.[7] Born 7 Nov 1923 in Nitro.

ii. Ruth Ann. Born 13 Nov 1934 in Nitro. In 2000 she was a retired music teacher and social worker living in Nitro, W.Va. She married Clarence Albert Palmer. Born 13 Nov 1934. There were no children.

93.vii. Clarence[6] Honaker (Forest Hill[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Confidence, W.Va. He was living in 1948.

He married Unknown. Children:

93.vii. i. Kenneth L.[7] Born 27 Sep 1931.

83.vii. ii. Alma Joan.

93.ix. James Wesley[6] Honaker (Forest Hill[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 23 May 1923 in Redhouse, W.Va. Died 12 Jun 2009 in Oklahoma.

Oklahoman, Oklahoma City, 21 Jun 2009: James W. Honaker was born May 23, 1923 in Redhouse, W.Va., to Forest H. and Lucy S. Honaker and passed away June 12, 2009. Preceded in death by his son, Richard W.; survived by his wife of 67 years, Peggy A. (Furrow); and son, Thomas L. Honaker. James served in the Army as a corporal with the 250th Combat Unit in Germany. He was a 32nd degree Mason and a member of the American Legion and [Disabled American Veterans.] In civilian life, James was a truck driver from coast to coast, including Canada and Mexico. No services.

He married Peggy A. Furrow. In 1998 they lived in Bethany, Okla. Children:

i. Richard W.[7] Died before 2009.

ii. Thomas L.

107.ix. Sparrel Hansford[6] Honaker (Charles Edward[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 22 Aug 1907. Died 1959. He lived in West Virginia.

He married Nell Martin (also reported as Addie Mae Loflure and Addie Mae Weaver) in Mobile, Ala. A granddaughter, Sheilah Honaker said in 2008 that she did not know about a marriage to Nell Martin. Sheilah reported that Addie Mae Weaver, daughter of Frank Weaver and Fannie Mae Unknown, had one child with Unknown, Hazel Mae Unknown; and in her marriage with Sparrel had two children, below. In the 1970s Addie married Charles Waun.

107.ix. i. Sparrel Hansford[7] Jr. Born 2 Mar 1945 in Mobile, Fairford Co., Ala.

ii. Gloria Faye.

107.x. Hazel Ida[6] Honaker (Charles Edward[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 29 Jun 1910. She survived her husband and daughter in 1993 and was then living in Lochgelly, W.Va. Her family was mentioned by Shuck, Our Families.

She married Wilbert Lake Lewis, son of Harvey W. Lewis and Lilly C. Shucker, in Lochgelly, W.Va. Born in 1911. Died 11 Mar 1993 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Huse Memorial Park, Fayetteville, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 12 Mar 1993: Wilbert Lake Lewis, 81, of Lochgelly, Fayette County, died March 11, 1993, at Beckley Appalachian Regional Hospital after a long illness. He was a retired coal miner and a member of [United Mine Workers of America]. He was a Baptist. Surviving: wife, Hazel Ida Honaker Lewis; daughters, Minnie Loeffler and Melinda Marie Halvorson, both of Lochgelly, Velma Pennington of Fayetteville, Thelma Delle “Jackie” Donne of Verona, Pa., Alma Lee Starr of Gainesville, Fla.; brother, Orville of Danese; 17 grandchildren; 29 great-grandchildren; nine great-great-grandchildren. Service will be 2 p.m. Saturday at Dodd-Payne-Hess Funeral Home, Fayetteville, with the Rev. Bruce Johnson officiating. Burial will be in Huse Memorial Park, Fayetteville. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.


i. Minnie[7]. Married Edward Loeffler.

ii. Melinda Marie (also Linda Marie). Reported in her father’s obit as Melinda; reported in her

sister’s obit as Linda. Married Unknown Halvorson.

107.x. iii. Velma Hazel. Born ca. 1931.

iv. Thelma Delle (called Jackie). Married Unknown Donne.

v. Alma Lee. Married Unknown Starr.

107.xii. Billie Elizabeth[6] Honaker (Charles Edward[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 9 Feb 1918. Died 29 Sep 2010 in Covington, Va. Buried in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Prosperity, W.Va.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 1 Oct 2010: Billie Elizabeth Laws, 92, of Prosperity, passed away Wed., Sept. 29, 2010, at the home of her daughter and son-in-law. Born Feb. 9, 1918, she is the daughter of the late Charles Edward and Minnie Ellison Honaker. Billie was employed for many years at Hecks Department Store. She was a member of Cranberry Baptist Church, Cranberry, W.Va., and a resident of Prosperity the greater part of her life. She was preceded in death by her husband of 65 years, Walter Wayne Laws; sons Wayne Morgan Laws and Dewey Gene Laws. She was proud to have a large family of eight brothers and five sisters, all deceased. She will be sadly missed by her daughter, Elaine Kershner and son-in-law James Kershner of Covington, Va., where she had made her home for the later part of her life. Lovingly known as Mawmaw to her nine grandchildren, Debbie Richmond and husband Tracey of Bridgewater, Va., Khristi Detwiler and husband Todd of McGalseysville, Va., Jimmy Kershner of Mitchell, Va., Kenny Laws and wife Liz of Wilmington, N.C., Russell Feldman of N.J., Natlie Carlburg and husband Eric of New Jersey, Ricky Laws, Sherry Pucciarella, all of Maryland; 10 great-grandchildren, Logan Richmond, Paige Richmond, Ashton Richmond, all of Bridgewater, Va., Brooke Detwiler, Riley Detwiler, Auston Detwiler (deceased), all of McGaleysville, Va., Brandon Cuite and Chelsie Carlburg, both of New Jersey, Adam Laws and Connie Laws, both of Wilmington, N.C.; seven great-great-grandchildren; daughter-in-law Edith Bert Laws of New Jersey; sister-in-laws Edith Honaker of Oak Hill and Frances Dangerfield of Cleveland, Ohio; a number of nieces and nephews and a special friend her dog Katie. The family would like to give special thanks to our nurse and friend Patty Ford and nurse assistant Lacassa Pritt and all volunteers. Memorial donations may be made to Mountain Regional Hospice. Services will be held at 2 p.m. Sat., Oct. 2, 2010 at Blue Ridge Funeral Home, Beckley, with Pastor Roger E. Pauley and Pastor Greg Dowdy officiating. Burial will follow at Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens. Friends may gather with the family Saturday from 12 noon to 2 p.m. at the funeral home. Online condolences may be sent to the family at . Arrangements by Blue Ridge Funeral Home, 5251 Robert C. Byrd Dr., Beckley.

She married Walter Wayne Laws. Died before 2010. Children:

i. Wayne Morgan[7]. Died before 2010.

ii. Dewey Gene. Died before 2010.

107.xii. iii. Elaine.

107.xiv. James H.[6] Honaker (Charles Edward[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 2 Mar 1923 in Fayetteville, W.Va. Died 17 May 2008 in Hilltop, W.Va. Buried in High Lawn Memorial Park, Oak Hill, W.Va.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 19 May 2008: Oak Hill—James H. Honaker, 85, of Oak Hill, departed to be with the Lord on Sat., May 17, 2008, at Hilltop Center, Hilltop, after a long illness. Born Mar. 2, 1923, at Fayetteville, he was a son of the late Charles Edward and Minnie Ellison Honaker. Jim was a retired strip miner, a member of the Mountain View Church of God at Hilltop, a World War II U.S. Army veteran, where he served in the 1st [Cavalry] Division, was a recipient of the Purple Heart, and a member of the [United Mine Workers of America] District 17. He was preceded in death by three sisters and six brothers. Survivors include his wife, Edith Allen Honaker; a daughter, Gailia Ann Johnson of Oak Hill; three grandchildren, Kimberly Ann Danch of Berlin Center, Ohio, Gary Wayne Johnson II of Oak Hill and James Michael Johnson of Myrtle Beach, S.C.; five great-grandchildren, Ashley Dawn Johnson, Evan Lee Evans, Katelyn Neser Ward, Allison Ann Johnson and Wayne Johnson III; and a sister, Billie Laws of Prosperity. Services will be 2 p.m. Wed., May 21, 2008, at Mountain View Church of God, Hilltop, with the Rev. Rudell Bloomfield officiating. Burial will follow at High Lawn Memorial Park, Oak Hill. Friends may call at Mountain View Church of God on Tuesday from 6 to 8 p.m. Military graveside rites will be conducted by the VFW Post 3110, Oak Hill. Online condolences may be sent to our Web site at . Arrangements by Tyree Funeral Home, Oak Hill.

He married Edith Allen 7 Jun 1946. Children:

107.xiv. i. Gailia Ann[7].

110.iv. Ethel[6] Honaker (Samuel Hayes[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

Her husband, Carlton Chambers Clark Jr., was born 1 May 1909 in Huntington, W.Va. He graduated from Huntington High School in Jan 1929 and completed two years at Marshall College in Huntington in 1932. He served for two and a half years in the 150th Infantry, West Virginia National Guard, then enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Corps and completed technical school at Rantoul, Ill., in Sep 1935, graduating as an aircraft mechanic and parachute rigger. He was assigned to the 55th Pursuit Squadron, then qualified for the flying cadet program, but was discharged.

Carlton returned to West Virginia and went into a business partnership with a friend, Charles Oscar Tate Jr., forming the Tate-Clark Flying Service. Their flight operations were based at old Kyle Field on Ohio River Road and U.S.

Rt. 60 near Barboursville, W.Va., and included intermittent barnstorming over southern West Virginia and eastern Kentucky. They later moved the business to Greenbrier Airport, White Sulphur Springs, W.Va. There they began a flying school for local students and for cadets from Greenbrier Military Academy; and conducted charter flights and aircraft sales.

The business was closed with the approach of World War II. Oscar joined Trans World Airways and Carlton became a civilian flight school instructor for American and British pilots at an Army Air Corps contract primary flying school at Doar Field, an old World War I field near Arcadia, Fla. Soon after, he was transferred to a new field on the edge of the Everglades six miles west of Clewiston, Fla.

Carlton then relocated to Miami where he worked for Pan American Airways. He began with light twin-engine pilot training, then was a navigator for Pan Am military aircraft deliveries to England via the South Atlantic and Africa.

After the Pan Am positions, and in recognition of his aviation experience, Carlton was awarded a direct commission as a U.S. Army Air Forces first lieutenant 24 Mar 1943, as Service Pilot–Four Engine. He was assigned to the Air Transport Command, delivering aircraft to wartime theaters via Natal, Brazil, South America, across the South Atlantic, and sometimes directly to Africa or by way of Ascension Island. He was promoted to captain and continued to fly for Air Transport Command in Africa, the Middle East, and India. After a thousand hours pilot time abroad, he was rotated back to the states. He served in North Africa from 16 Mar 1944 to 27 Jun 1945, and was discharged at the end of the war, 23 Dec 1945.

He returned to Huntington, W.Va., where he was a corporate pilot for Polan Industries and the National Mattress Company. He briefly managed Huntington Airport when it was located in Chesapeake, Ohio. After completion of Tri-State Airport at Kenova, W.Va., in 1953 he formed Tri-State Aviation Service, Inc., and became its president and manager. The business conducted a flying school, air charter service, and aircraft sales. Carlton sold the business in 1970 and formed Clark Estates, Inc., to develop upscale home lots from his family’s farm land which overlooked scenic views of the Ohio River six miles east of Huntington.

Carlton is a long-time member of First United Methodist Church, Huntington, and has accumulated 15,000 hours of pilot time in various models of military and civil aircraft. After Ethel’s death, he married, second, Letitia Hatcher. He has a foster son, Larry Kenneth Clark, a pilot, of Phoenix, Ariz.

112.iii. Ella Florence[6] Honaker (Calvin Lewis[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 15 Aug 1894. Died 19 Aug 1945.

She married William Kershner 1 Feb 1917. Children:

i. James Calvin[7]. Born 21 Jun 1918.

ii. Hilda Jane. Born 14 Feb 1920. She married Daniel W. Feezell 2 Jun 1941.

iii. George Edward. Born 26 May 1922. He married Doris Campbell 16 Feb 1944.

iv. Margaret Ellen. Born 12 Jan 1924. Died 8 May 1943.

v. John Alvin. Born 9 Jan 1927. He married Pearl Hutchinson 19 Jan 1950. Margaret C.[6] Honaker (also Margarite) (Calvin Lewis[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Jun 1903.

She married Ray Hauston Kincaid 6 Sep 1922. Children:

i. Betty Lou[7]. Born 22 Mar 1937.

ii. Margaret Susan. Born 28 May 1938.

iii. Ray Hauston, Jr. Born 6 Jan 1940.

114.i. Bert William[6] Honaker (Charles W.[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 24 Sep (also Nov) 1896 in Blue Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 30 Oct 1948 in Layland, Fayette Co., W.Va. Buried End of the Trail Cem., Clintonville, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. He was enumerated with his parents in the 1900 Summers Co., W.Va. census.

He married Pearl Irene Taylor. Died after 1948. Children:

114.i. i. Basil Bernard[7]. Born 3 Dec 1926 in Thayer, W.Va.

ii. Pauline. She married Unknown Smith.

iii. Elsie. She married Unknown Silvey.

iv. Mildred. She married Unknown Ruffner.

114.ii. Icie Les[6] Honaker (also Icie Leo) (Charles W.[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born

23 Sep (also Oct) 1898 in Blue Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 9 Oct 1975 in Mississippi.

She married, first, William M. Butler 22 Jun 1916 in Greenbrier County. Born 22 Sep 1890 in Blue Sulphur Springs. Died 1 Aug 1936 in West Virginia. Buried Grassy Meadows Cem., Lewisburg, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Children:

i. May Elizabeth[7]. Born 6 May 1917 in Greenbrier County. Died 1919.

ii. Oscar M. Born 6 Sep 1918 in Greenbrier County. Died 1984.

iii. Naomi. Born 15 Dec 1926 in Greenbrier County. Died Apr 2001 in Arlington, Va.

She married, second, Huston Williams in Blue Sulphur Springs. Buried End of the Trail Cem., Clintonville, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

114.iv. Mary Myrtle[6] Honaker (Charles W.[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 3 Sep 1901 in Blue Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 30 May 1980 in Pulaski, Pulaski Co., Va. Buried Clayton Baptist Church Cem., Clayton, Summers Co., W.Va. Final arrangements by Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home, Rainelle, Greenbrier County.

A family recollection was prepared by her daughter Gennis H. Gonzales after conversations with her mother, examining the family Bible which later went to Gennis’s brother Howard, and other correspondence and sources:

I have recorded all of my mom’s and dad’s stories in my memory book, Memories of the Past. My sister, Louise Berry, took care of mom after she went into a diabetic coma and came out of it with the mind of about a three year old. Mom grew up at Blue Sulphur, often called “The Blue,” in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. She met dad at a yard sale/horse show at Meadow Bridge, W.Va., when she was working for Orpha Patterson. They were married on Christmas Day. They had six children living. One child died after Gennis was born. Most of their married life was spent at Thayer, Layland, and Maplewood, W.Va. Mom died in the Pulaski County Hospital in Pulaski, Va. They put her in the hospital where she caught pneumonia.

Mary Myrtle Honaker joined the Bennett Mountain Baptist Church when she was 14 years of age (according to her.) They had to cut out big chunks of ice (it took two men to lift it out of the water.) When she was 16 she lived at City Bridge (between Rainelle and Springdale,) called Bellwood today. Her dad moved from there over next to Danese where he worked for Ole Man Hefner (lumber camp) for one winter. They moved from there back to Saw Mill Hollow—Blue Sulphur, and that’s where she got married on Dec. 25, 1919. After they were married, they went back to Layland to dad’s peoples’ home and stayed there until Spring. Charlie (her dad) wrote telling Edward he only had a certain amount of time to get her out into her own home or bring her home.

Dad rented a house at Maplewood, and they moved there and set up house keeping. Mother attended the

Methodist Church at Maplewood. They lived here when Homer was born—he was born at Blue Sulphur and was delivered by a veterinarian. When her tonsils poisoned her system, she had “flamiter Rheumatism,” and had to have her tonsils removed after Homer was born. She stored her stuff at Howard Hundley’s and went to stay with her mother at Blue Sulphur, and went to Alderson to Dr. Huston McClung. When she got better, she moved back to Landisburg and dad worked in a lumber camp there. From there she moved to Thayer, and dad worked for awhile at the Rock Crusher. Then they moved to the bottom of Thayer and dad worked in the mines. They moved from there back to Layland—top of the hill at Layland (in Harlen Patterson’s place,) dad worked in the mines at Layland. Hobert was born while they were living here. Dad bought land from Ole Man Miller and built house on it. They moved there. Louise was born in the hollow where the Bennet’s live now. Dad worked for Ole Man White on saw-mill for awhile—he quit that and went back into the mines at Layland. They lived here until Ruby Risner-Lazerne separated mom and dad.

Mom moved to Alderson. Dad went to Alderson and talked to her and convinced her to go back with him. They moved to Wheeling where dad worked in a plant making iron. Lillian was born at Ed’s mothers’ homeplace at Crickmer. Gertrude (Gertie) was born at Grandma Hundley’s at Crickmer when they came home to visit. That spring they moved back to Layland and dad went back in the mines. They lived there until they moved back to the homeplace at Maplewood. That was where they were living when dad died. Gennis was born when mom lived in Ole Home place. Mom had gone to Fayetteville to get Homer in [Civilian Conservation Corps] Camp—got sick and he took her to the hospital in Beckley. Mom sold the homeplace for $3,500 and bought a trailor and had it set up on Wm. Pugh’s place (Lillian’s 2nd husband—her first husband Fred Ford had died.) Lillian started working at Beckley, and mom was left alone too much so she sold the trailor and traveled around among the children staying with them. She had a bad stroke Nov. 13, 1979 and was taken home to Lillian’s where she stayed for approximately one month. Lillian took her to Louise’s in Pulaski, Va. She passed away May 30, 1980 in Pulaski Community Hospital at 10:05 a.m. She had gone into the hospital on the 9th for high blood sugar. She was a diabetic. Howeveer, she caught pneumonia and died because of the poor care she received in the hospital. We miss her so much.

She married Edward Clarence Hundley, son of George Perry Hundley and Rebecca Adaline Smith, 25 Dec 1919 in Blue Sulphur Springs. Born 17 Feb 1900 in Crickmer, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 17 Apr 1965 in Beckley, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Buried Clayton Baptist Church Cem.

Family recollection by daughter Gennis, continued:

Edward grew up in Fayette Co., W.Va. He met my mom while attending a yard sale at Meadow Bridge, W.Va. He challenged her to a horse race and after changing horses (he cinched up the bridle which was loose,) won the race, and won her heart. They were married at her home in Blue Sulphur, Greenbrier, W.Va. As he was taking her over the mountain to his home, he told her that he did not belong to any Church, and that he liked to drink. She felt like going back home but didn’t. They lived at various places over the years. Dad worked in a sand blaster at Thayer, W.Va., and spent most of his life working in the coal mines for the Pocahontas Coal Company. There are stories of how his life was in danger many times during this period of his life. They had seven children (the youngest, a boy named Curtis) died within the first three months of his life. Edward died from miner’s black lung complicated with heart problems. He had had two heart attacks by the time I was a sophomore in high school. Later, he had a stroke and was completely bedfast during the last few years of his life. Mom took care of him along with the help of my sister, Lillian, and my niece, Theresa Gilkerson, until he died.

Gennis wrote the following brief history of the Handley Family in 1980:

My father, Edward Clarence Hundley told me for years that the Handley’s were Tuckahoe Indians. Supposedly they were water people who followed the streams and settled along their banks. For years the writer researched records trying to locate an Indian tribe called Tuckahoe. Then one day while visiting Glenville State College’s library and strictly for chance the idea came to look in the unabridged dictionary. There under Tuckahoe was the definition, “anyone who crosses over the Blue Ridge Mountains into western Virginia.” Then it became apparent who my Tuckahoe Indians were.

It seems that two brothers, John and William Handley, had moved from Old Virginia to what was Augusta

County, which became West Augusta County which later on became Monroe, Summers, or Greenbrier Co., Va. (today, W.Va.) These two brothers settled in Greenbrier County choosing to live close enough to each other to be of help if needed. John Handley was a plantation owner. He settled on what became known as the Cowpasture around 1760. Land records show that this land was purchased by him and his wife. His will is found in the early Monroe Co., Va. records and lists his children—this area became Greenbrier County when the boundaries were changed to form Summers.

His brother, William, chose to live in the town of Lewisburg, some 3½ miles away. John Handley fought in the American Revolution. He married Elizabeth Shanklin—their cemetery records and graves with markers are located at the Old Stone Church, Lewisburg, W.Va. It has been hard locating family histories for several reasons: (1) The Handley’s were such big liars that one often finds as many as three different birthdates, and three different places of birth for the same individual. So the writer has tried to stick with the dates that are recorded the most hoping they are correct, (2) Records were not kept by some families in some cases, (3) Some county records were destroyed during the Civil War, (4) Lastly, in some cases only fragmentary information remains. Also to add to the confusion—the name Hundley can be found spelled Handley, Hunley, Hunly, Handly, Hanly, and Hundley, and they are all part of the same family. For instance, my great, great grandfather was John Handley; my great grandfather spelled his last name Hunley; my grandfather changed it to Hundley, and it is still spelled that way by me. So old records can be confusing.

In working on family history, many of my ancestors located on or near the Cowpasture. Such surnames as Kincaid, Smith, Campbell, Shaver, Shanklin, Rodgers, and Grahams were all there. There were many intermarriages which made it more difficult to trace—first cousins marrying first cousins. People have the same names in two or more generations, and marrying people with the same surnames though unrelated.


114.iv. i. Homer Clarence[7]. Born 21 Aug 1921 in Blue Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

114.iv. ii. Hobert Edward. Born 19 Jun 1926 in Layland, Fayette Co., W.Va.

114.iv. iii. Gertrude. Born 13 Jan 1934 in Layland.

iv. Gennis Lee. In 1987 she lived in Elkins, W.Va. Later she lived in Idaho. She married William Gonzalez.

v. Lillian. In 1987 she lived in Beckley, W.Va. She married William Pugh.

vi. Louise. In 1987 she lived in Pulaski, Va. She married Dallas Berry.

vii. Curtis. Born and died Aug 1945 in Layland. Buried on a creek bank near the family home. The family remembered their father putting a big rock on top of the body to protect it from animals. Mary kept the child’s birth certificate on the wall behind the front door. George Pleasant[6] Honaker (Charles W.[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 1 Sep

1906 in Blue Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 9 Aug 1979 in West Virginia. Buried in Greenwood Memorial Park, San Diego, Calif.

He married, first, Rena Frances Steele, daughter of Bert Gilmer Steele and Viola Betsy Fury, 15 Nov 1928 in Lewisburg, Greenbrier County. They divorced. Born 6 Jan 1908 in Greenbrier County. She married, second, Henry Leon Smith.

He married, second, Mildred May West, daughter of John Alfred West and Charlotte Gertrude Murphy (called Lottie), 16 Aug 1941 probably in Belmont Co., Ohio. Born 20 Jan 1907 in Wheeling, Ohio Co., W.Va. Died 30 Oct 1997 in Anza West, El Cajon, San Diego, Calif. Buried in Greenwood Memorial Park. She was a widow of William Albert Eaton when she married George. She had four children with William, one of whom died shortly after birth. William was born 25 Jan 1896 in Roane Co., W.Va., and died 19 Mar 1940 in Sharpsburg, Pa.; they were married 9 Jun 1926 in Brooke Co., W.Va. Children (of George and Mildred):

i. George Pleasant, Jr.[6] Born 3 Jun 1942 in Wheeling, W.Va. He married, first, Rose Alice

Langford 7 Nov 1966. They divorced with no children. He married, second, Elizabeth Unknown in May 1975. She had been married previously to Unknown Haas. There were no children.

ii. Charlotte Dove. Born 17 Sep 1943 in Wheeling. Died of strep meningitis 21 Oct 1943 in Wheeling. iii. Velma Dorothy. Born 27 Aug 1944 in Wheeling.

iv. Unnamed son. Born 29 Jul 1945 in Wheeling. Informant Elizabeth Eaton Grant was cited as a RootsWeb source saying that this infant along with his brother were delivered early because their father got drunk and beat their mother causing their deaths. Elizabeth said that she and her brother William A. Eaton, both teenagers, took their mother to the hospital and that it was a very painful experience.

v. Unnamed son. Born 28 Jul 1946 [stet] in Elm Grove, Ohio Co., W.Va. Informant Elizabeth Eaton Grant was cited as a RootsWeb source saying that this may have been the child born at his grandfather’s house while his mother was there helping her father after his eye surgery. The child’s death, Elizabeth contended, caused by his father getting drunk and beating his mother.

vi. Unnamed son. Stillborn 1947 in Wheeling.

114.vii. Nellie Elizabeth[6] Honaker (Charles W.[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 5 Oct 1908 in Blue Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 22 Aug 1998 in Alderson, Greenbrier County. Buried in Clayton [W.Va.] Baptist Church Cem., Summers County.

She married, first, Wheeler Hizer 1932 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Born 1881 in Wolf Creek, Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 1963. Buried Clayton Baptist Church Cem. He married, second, Alifair Butler. Born 1885. Children (of Nellie and Wheeler):

i. Calvin[7]. Born 7 Jun 1933 in Sawmill Hollow, Greenbrier County. Died 22 Aug 1992 in Beckley, Raleigh Co., W.Va.

ii. James. He and his brother Ray were both reported died at 3 months, but birthdate was not reported. We don’t know whether this is an error or if they were twins who died at the same age.

iii. Ray.

She married, second, Ostan McKinley Smith, son of Thomas Smith and Mrs. Margaret Ennis, 1965 in West Virginia. Born 5 Aug 1895 in Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 20 Jun 1971. Buried in Clayton Baptist Church Cem.

116.i. Arthur Newman[6] Honaker (called Andy) (George Washington[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 18 Dec 1905 in Clayton, W.Va. Died 3 Jan 1974 [also reported as 1975] in Chattahoochee, Fla. Buried in Edgewater Cemetery, Edgewater, Fla. He was an employee of Appalachian Power Co., and later an engineer on the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad. A member of the First Baptist Church of New Smyrna Beach, Fla., he was interested in traveling and history. He was a U.S. Navy Seabee for 32 months in the South Pacific during World War II.

He married Gladys Ruth Vines, daughter of Orin Vines and Mona Unknown in 1932 or 1934 in Beckley, W.Va. Born in 1905 in Beckley, W.Va. Died in 1990 in New Smyrna Beach, Fla. Buried in Edgewater Cemetery. She was a schoolteacher and a member of the First Baptist Church of New Smyrna Beach. Her interests included traveling and reading. Children:

116.i. i. Linda Sue[7]. Born 18 Oct 1948.

116.ii. Hamer George[6] Honaker (called Hamer) (George Washington[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 1 Dec 1908 in Clayton, W.Va. Died 31 Jan 1967 in Alderson, W.Va. Buried in Rhodes Cemetery, Clayton. He was an undertaker for Gwinn Funeral Home and later was a carpenter. He was a Baptist. His interests including reading and traveling. During World War II he was a sergeant and an aerial gunner in the U.S. Air Force.

He married Mary Ellen Eggleston, daughter of Rufus Eggleston and Esteline Bostic 17 Feb 1936 in Alderson (also reported as Union), W.Va. Born 15 Jun 1908 in Hinton, W.Va. Died 7 Oct 1964 in White Sulphur Springs, W.Va. Buried in Alderson Cemetery, Alderson, W.Va. She was a homemaker and a Baptist. She enjoyed quilting and crocheting, and helping others. Children:

i. Sally[7]. Born and died 15 May 1936 in Alderson, W.Va. Buried in Rhodes Cemetery, Clayton, W.Va.

116.ii. ii. Jerry Jerome (adopted).

116.ii. iii. Sarah Jane (called Sally).

116.iv. David Andrew[6] Honaker (called Dave) (George Washington[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Jan 1914 in Clayton, W.Va. Died 13 Jul 1977 in Princeton, W.Va. He was a carpenter whose hobbies were woodworking, reading, flower gardening, and helping others. He was a member and deacon of Griffish Creek Church.

He married Iris Elaine Taylor, daughter of Elbert Emory Taylor and Frances Estelle O’Dell, 19 Jun 1935 in Ramp, Summers Co., W.Va. Born 6 Sep 1915 in Blue Healing Springs, Va. Died 30 Jun 1963 in Alderson, W.Va. Buried in Alderson Cemetery. She was an officer at the West Virginia State Prison for Women at Alderson and member of the Griffish Creek Church. Her hobbies were reading, church work, and helping others. Children:

i. Lundall (also Lyndall) Maxine[7]. Born 7 Apr 1937 in Alderson, W.Va.

She married Jasper Eugene Wiley (called Gene), the son of Ernest Marcus Wiley and Lois Perdue, in Alderson, W.Va. Born 14 Sep 1934 in Tophet, W.Va. Died 20 Nov 2003 in Bluefield, W.Va. Buried in the Fletcher Addition, Alderson [W.Va.] Cemetery. Lundall and Eugene had no children.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 23 Nov 2003: Princeton [W.Va.]—J. Eugene Wiley

of Crestview Drive (Hillcrest), Princeton, a prominent church, community and business leader has died at the age of 69. Born Sept. 14, 1934 at Tophet, he was the son of the late Ernest Marcus and Lois Perdue Wiley. Mr. Wiley graduated from Union High School, attended Concord College in Athens, and finished his studies at McClain Business College in Bluefield. He served his country during the Korean conflict with the U.S. Army. Mr. Wiley began his banking career with the Bank of Athens, accepting a position with Mercer County Bank in Princeton, later becoming One Valley Bank where he retired as vice president with more than 33 years of service. He was a member of the West Virginia Bankers Association and other professional groups. Gene Wiley was a devoted and dedicated Christian, an active member for many years with the Immanuel Baptist Church on the New Hope Road, Princeton. He was serving as the Chairman of Deacons, a member of the choir, taught Sunday School, assistant treasurer of the church and had served on various committees within the church. He also served on the Board of Trustees for the Carroll Roberson’s Ministries. Mr. Wiley for many years had been a member and held various offices for The Gideon’s International and the Princeton Camp #4712. Mr. Wiley was a devoted husband, brother, uncle, and a caring friend to many people. He gave much of his time to others; when time would allow, he loved to garden and was an avid golfer. In addition to his parents, a brother, Nace Wiley preceded him in death. Survivors are his loving, caring and devoted wife of 47 years, Lyndall Honaker Wiley; six brothers and sisters, Edna Mae Burwell of Sinks Grove, Polly Plunkett of Lake Worth, Fla., Rhonda Hylton of White Sulphur Springs, Joe Wiley of Ronceverte, Trixie Long of Radford, Va., and Charlie Wiley of Covington, Va.; brother-in-law David Honaker Jr. of Alderson and his children, Carmela Shires and Angela McCallister, both of Alderson and Valerie Honaker of Cary, N.C., whom he loved as his own; and a host of nieces and nephews.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 24 Nov 2003: A service to celebrate the life of J. Eugene Wiley will be held 11 a.m. Monday from the Immanuel Baptist Church on the New Hope Road in Princeton with the Revs. Carroll Roberson and Dan Jividen officiating. Burial will follow in the Fletcher Addition of the Alderson Cemetery in Alderson. Friends may call today from 4–7 p.m. at the Memorial Funeral Directory on the Athens Road in Princeton and one hour prior to services at the church. Pallbearers will be the deacons of the church with members of Gideon’s, Princeton Camp #4712 serving as honorary pallbearers along with Jim Thompson, Jim Miller, and Elwood Winfrey. Memorial gifts of love can be made to the Gideon’s, Princeton Camp, P.O. Box 5103 (Bible Fund), Princeton, WV 24740. The Memorial Funeral Directory and Cremation Center on the Athens Road in Princeton is serving the Wiley family.

116.iv. ii. David Andrew, Jr. (called Davy) Leona[6] Honaker (twin) (called Leatie and Oma) (George Washington[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 26 Mar 1920 in Clayton, W.Va. Died 2 Aug 2009 in Morgantown, W.Va. At her request, the remains were donated to West Virginia University Medical Center. She was assistant warden for the West Virginia State Prison for Women, Pence Springs, W.Va., and then was hired at the Federal Prison for Women, Alderson, W.Va., where she was safety officer. Her interests include reading, traveling and helping others.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 30 Aug 2009 and Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 3 Sep 2009: Leona Honaker Carter, age 89, of Alderson, W.Va., passed away Sun., Aug. 2, 2009, surrounded by her family and friends at Ruby Memorial Hospital, Morgantown, W.Va., following a long illness. She was born March 26, 1920, at Clayton, W.Va., a daughter of the late George and Esther Honaker. Leona graduated from Talcott High School in Talcott, W.Va., in 1939 and completed a business course at New River State College in Montgomery, W.Va. She began a career in penal work at the West Virginia Women’s Prison in Pence Springs, W.Va., and advanced to become the assistant superintendent. She then began employment for the Federal Bureau of Prisons at the Federal Reformatory for Women in Alderson, W.Va., as a correctional officer, retiring as the safety officer. At that time, she was the only female safety officer in the Bureau of Prisons. She was a lifetime member of Clayton Baptist Church in Clayton, W.Va., and dearly loved her church family. Leona will always be remembered for her devotion to family and friends and for her love of life and willingness to embrace new ideas. She was a wonderful confidante and friend to all who knew her. Survivors include a daughter and son-in-law, Esther and Onas Aliff, of Morgantown, W.Va.; her twin sister, Lorene Garten and husband, Jennings, of Alderson, W.Va.; six grandchildren, Timothy Aliff, M.D., of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Christopher Aliff of Morgantown, W.Va., Debi Stanley and husband, Charley, of Bernville, Pa., James D. Boone of Laneview, Va., Jeffrey Boone and wife, Sheila, of Tappahannock, Va., and Lisa Lose and husband, Dan, of Hampton, Va.; eight great-grandchildren, Hunter Wilson, Autumn Aliff, Ryan Boone, Ashley Boone, Melissa Stanley and husband, Rowdy, Jessica Stanley and husband, Naylor, Amber and D.J. Lose; four great-great-grandchildren, Valerie, Bessie, Naylor and Isaiah Stanley; a special niece and buddy, Jody Brigman and husband, Steve; and a niece and nephew, Lyndall Wiley and David A. Honaker, Jr. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Raymond W. Carter; a daughter, Charlene Bryant Shackelford; two sisters, Anis Honaker and Mary Jane Lilly; and four brothers, Arthur Honaker, Hamer Honaker, David Honaker, Sr., and Lloyd Honaker. At Leona’s request, her body was donated to the Human Gift Registry at West Virginia University Medical Center, Morgantown, W.Va. A memorial service will be held on Sat, Sept. 26, 2009, at 1 p.m. at the Clayton Baptist Church, Clayton, W.Va., with Pastor Grant Petitt officiating. The family would like to extend special thanks to Cora Darragh, [physician’s assistant], and Lisa Moherman, pharmacist, at the Physician Office Center in Morgantown, W.Va.; to the nurses and therapists of Care Partners Home Health in Morgantown, W.Va.; to Marilyn Glaser, M.D., and her staff in Alderson, W.Va.; to the pharmacists and staff of the Rite Aid Pharmacy on Patteson Drive in Morgantown, W.Va. You brightened our days and made this long, difficult journey more bearable. Information provided by Lobban Funeral Home, Alderson, W.Va.

At the Celebration of Life service in her memory at Clayton Baptist Church, her rules to live by were distributed with the service program: You must eat a good breakfast. Never go to bed with your makeup on. Make your bed as soon as you get up. Laundry is to be done all on the same day, and full loads, even if you have to strip people to make up loads. As soon as you get up, you must dress, do your hair and your makeup so you’re ready for the day. Choose your clothes, jewelry, etc., the night before so you can make sure there are no missing buttons and that they’re pressed and ready to go. Also, hang your clothes up as soon as you take them off. Always tidy up your home at night because you never know what the next morning will bring. Dishes must be done as soon as the meal is over. Also, when the meal is over, the only dirty dishes should be what is on the table. Everything else whould have already been washed. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today, such as paying bills, homework, etc. Always get to work at least an hour early. If someone is hateful or rude to you, repay them with kindness. If you walk into a room and you’re underdressed, hold your head up and make everyone else feel overdressed. If you walk into a room and feel overdressed, hold your head up and make everyone else feel underdressed. Always greet family and friends with an open door and open arms and feed them immediately. When it snows, you must get out and drive in it, even if you have nowhere to go. A little constructive criticism is good for the soul. When someone asks you to remind them to do something, it is your sworn duty to remind them as many times as possible until they are sorry they asked you to remind them. If an opportunity arises to have fun, some of the above may be omitted. At the end of the day, you are wealthy if you have a loving family and good friends.

She married, first, Charles Walter Bryant, Jr. (called Tooney), son of Charles Walter Bryant and Nellie Rose Kessler, 30 Nov 1941 in Talcott, W.Va. Born 11 Nov 1915 in Lowell, Summers Co., W.Va. Died 25 Nov 1980 in Hinton, W.Va. Buried in Lowell Cemetery, Lowell, W.Va. They divorced. He later married Virginia Mae Smith. He was a house painter and a Baptist. His interests included reading and fishing. During World War II he was a lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force. Tooney’s ascendancy is listed in History of Summers County [W.Va.], 1984, p. 227.

Children (of Leatie and Tooney): i. Charlene Bryant[7] (called Tiny). Born 30 Mar 1943 in Pence Springs, W.Va. ii. Esther Ann (called Estie). Born 30 Nov 1945.

She married, second, Raymond Wade Carter 23 Dec 1967 in New Jersey. Died before 2009. He was an automotive parts distributor. A Baptist, his hobbies included reading, dancing and travel.

116.vii. Lorene[6] Honaker (twin) (called Pert) (George Washington[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 26 Mar 1920 in Clayton, W.Va. Died 22 Aug 2010 in Alderson, W.Va.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 27 Aug 2010: Alderson—Lorene Honaker Garten, age 90, of Alderson, died Sun., Aug. 22, 2010 at her home in Alderson, following a short illness. In honor of her wishes, her body has been donated to the Human Gift Registry at the West Virginia University School of Osteopathic Medicine, Lewisburg, W.Va. A memorial service will be held at a future date. Arrangements by Lobban Funeral Home, Alderson.

Honaker Family Newsletter, Fall 2010: Lorene “Pert”[5] (Honaker) Garten, 90, of Alderson, W.Va., died at home Aug. 22, 2010 after a short illness. Born March 26, 1920 in Clayton, W.Va., she was a daughter of George Washington and Esther Minerva (Rhodes) Honaker. The first person hired by the West Virginia State Prison for Women at Pence Springs, W.Va., she also worked at Garten Grocery and did handicrafts in her spare time. Her entertaining article “The Anti-Lion Ordinance of Alderson [W.Va.]” appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Spring 1999. She also published several letters in the newsletter, and an article about her husband Woofy’s woodcarving that appeared in the fall 2004 newsletter. Her son David’s article about John Henry appeared in the winter 1998 newsletter. She was the last of her generation. In addition to her parents and twin sister Leona, she was preceded in death by her son William David Garten and daughter Norma Lee Garten; brothers Arthur Newman Honaker, Hamer George Honaker, David Andrew Honaker and Lloyd Hiamond Honaker; and sisters Anis Callie Honaker, Leona Carter, and Mary Jane Lilly. She is survived by her husband Harold Jennings Garten of the home. In accordance with her wishes, her body has been donated to the Human Gift Registry at the West Virginia University School of Osteopathic Medicine, Lewisburg, W.Va. A memorial service will be held at a future date. Arrangements were by Lobban Funeral Home, Alderson.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 6 Oct 2010: Alderson—Lorene Honaker Garten, age 90, of Alderson, W.Va., passed away on Sun., Aug. 22, 2010, at her home in Alderson, following a short illness. Lorene was born March 26, 1920, at Clayton, W.Va., a daughter of the late George and Esther Honaker. She graduated from Talcott High School in Talcott, W.Va. in 1939 and completed a business course at New River State College in Montgomery, W.Va. Lorene worked at the West Virginia Womens Prison in Pence Springs, W.Va., in 1947 for one year and again in 1949 for two years. Lorene (nicknamed Pert) and her husband, Harold Jennings, (nicknamed Woofy) lived in Pence Springs where she ran a family grocery store, Garten’s Groceries, from 1957 until 1964 when the store burned. She was a past worthy matron in the Talcott Chapter of Eastern Star and has been a member since 1955.  In 1982 Pert and Woofy moved to Alderson, W.Va. where he resides now. They were happily married for 69 years. Lorene will always be remembered for her devotion to family and friends. She was a friend to all who knew her and was always baking and bringing food for the neighbors who were sick or needed help. She was known for her “wonders” recipes (a new recipe to wonder whether it was any good).  Her twin sister, Leatie, and her husband were always the tasters to give it a thumbs-up or a thumbs-down. Every summer Woofy’s family from Moundsville would come and stay with Woofy and Pert for vacation because they lived on the Greenbrier River. The house was full of laughter, wet towels and plenty of food. There was always a large roaster full of pinto beans, a large pan full of jello and fruit cocktail, enough chicken to feed an army and her famous pineapple upside down cake. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her son, William David Garten; her daughter, Norma Lee Garten; three sisters, Leona Carter, Anis Honaker, and Mary Jane Lilly; and four brothers, Arthur Honaker, Hamer Honaker, David Honaker Sr., and Lloyd Honaker. Lorene is survived by her husband, Harold Jennings Garten; her daughter-in-law, Diane L. Wrick; a niece and nephew, Lyndall Wiley and David A. Honaker Jr.; and two nieces, Jane Ann Brigman and her husband, Steve, and Esther Aliff and her husband, Onas. Lorene’s niece, Jane Ann, helped to take care of Woofy and Pert, making sure they had their medicine and groceries, driving them to doctor appointments, and being someone they enjoyed and could count on for help. She has been their special angel and without her they would not have been able to stay at their home as long as they have. Also, Woofy’s nephew and his wife, Dale and Ann Hedrick, always came and helped out whenever they could and if they were needed. Although Pert and Woofy were not blessed with their own grandchildren, they thoroughly enjoyed their nieces and nephews, as well as her sister Leatie’s grandchildren: Debi Stanley, Lisa Lose, Jamie and Jeff Boone, Tim and Chris Aliff. They always loved to get together with the kids and join in the fun. The family would like to extend special thanks to Hazel and Tammie Russell, Debbie Blankenship, Doris Lovelace, Tammy Adkins, and Hospice for helping give Lorene such wonderful care. Also, many thanks to The Seasons, for giving special care to Woofy and Pert when they needed it most. At Lorene’s request, her body was donated through the Human Gift Registry to the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine, Lewisburg, W.Va. A memorial service will be held on Sun., Oct. 10, 2010, at 12:30 p.m. at the Clayton Baptist Church, Clayton, W.Va. with the Rev. Grant Petitt officiating. In lieu of flowers, friends may give a donation to the American Diabetes Association, 1701 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311, the American Heart Association, 5455 N. High St., Columbus, OH 43214, or the Clayton Baptist Church, HC 73 Box 98, Alderson, WV 24910. Arrangements by Lobban Funeral Home, Alderson, W.Va. 

She was the first person hired by the West Virginia State Prison for Women at Pence Springs, W.Va., and also worked at Garten Grocery. She did handicrafts in her spare time. Lorene inherited a James B. Honaker rifle with original powder horn. It was owned by her grandfather Andrew and father George. An article by Pert, The Anti-Lion Ordinance of Alderson [W.Va.] appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Spring 1999. It was illustrated by a drawing by Debra Ann Boone Stanley, granddaughter of Pert’s sister Leona.

In 2009, in a letter about her sister’s death, “We always dressed alike even though we were 89 years old. One time we were shopping in a grocery store and she went through the check line about 10 minutes before me with a buggy full. Later I went through with a buggy full. The check-out girl looked at me strangely and she said, ‘I could have sworn that you just checked out.’ I said ‘no, that was my twin sister over there by the door.’ She said, “No wonder I was confused.’ ”

Honaker Family Newsletter, Spring 2007 (with photograph of Woofy): A Letter from Pert—

Woofy had a stroke on his left side Dec. 29, 2005. I had him up at Lewisburg in the Fairlea hospital for a week and they told me that they could do nothing else for him as it is just a small rural hospital. While there they found the carotid arteries were blocked 100 per cent on the right and 80 per cent on the left.

I took him to Morgantown and they found problems with the arteries in his neck, left side of the kidney, and both sides of his heart. They inserted stents in the blocked arteries. We were in Morgantown January and

February. Woofy has lost some short-term memory since the stroke, but still has keen long-term memory. I care for him at home by myself as well as doing all the other things. We’ve been told not to drive anymore after having the strokes. I had three but overcame them. My neice takes us to the doctor or for medicine or groceries.

In January, my sister Leona broke two hips and had them replaced. She’s doing well and lives at her home and still drives. She comes and eats lunch with us each day. I am enclosing a picture of Woofy with a mushroom. He had many pictures of them as several kinds are here in West Virginia. In the picture, his illness can’t be detected. He can do some things for himself. He is 88 years old now and says he’s going for 100.

I just received the Winter 2006 newsletter and was glad to get it. We will send a donation to the [Old Rehoboth Church] shelter. Once I tried to tell Stewart Bostic that the land and building materials for the church were donated by Frederick[1], but he stopped me in my tracks. I was going to tell him some things that my Dad told me, as my Dad and a cousin used to spend a lot of time with their Grandparents as they were growing up.

It seems as though time has stopped for me. I plan to do everything for Woofy as it is payback time as he has gone through some things with me.

We went to a family doctor up at Fairlea last week and he is a new family doctor as we were going to Low Moor, Va., and it was too far to get someone to take us. The new doctor told us that he was amazed that we are in such great shape for our age and ailments.

Our daughter-in-law remarried after our son, David, passed away. She comes to visit us as often as she can, and calls often. Holidays are not a very joyful time for us, but Mom always told our family that God never puts too much on you that you cannot bear. Sometimes it is hard for us, but I don’t mean to write a tale of woe.

—Lorene (Honaker) Garten

Honaker Family Newsletter, Summer 2007: A Letter from Pert—

When my sister Leona and I went to school, we were the spellers in our class. We used to have lots of spelling bees and Leona and I were always chosen to pick sides. When the bell would ring at the end, we had spelled everyone down and we were spelling against each other.

When we were in high school and college, we won medals in typing [but now I’m making a lot of mistakes at the typewriter.] Maybe my excuse is that I’m 87 years old and have had three strokes. I overcame them and cancer. I’ve been cancer-free for 18 years.

The week before last, Leona was rushed to the hospital with mini strokes. Her daughter, Esther Ann, came here from Morgantown, W.Va., and took her back and she had another mini stroke the next morning. She is just now getting out of the hospital again at Morgantown. Sometimes I don’t know if I’m coming or going.

One good thing to think about. Spring is just around the corner and many of my tulips and jonquils are all in bud. I take care of all of my household chores, take care of Woofy who is doing very well, and attend to my flowers which I love to do.

I will tell you this bit of something that happened here one time. We had a man to paint our house inside and trim on the outside and Woofy’s shop. I was giving him several bulbs and starts of flowers. When it was almost time for him to go home, I told him I would search outside and find him some bulbs of my flower, Naked Lady. He called his wife and told her he would be a little late as he was waiting for me to find him a Naked Lady. She said, “When you find that Naked Lady, just stay down there.” I forgot to ask him what the results were when he got home.

—Lorene (Honaker) Garten

She married Harold Jennings Garten (called Woofy), son of Otie Carl Garten and Stella Ann Miller, 25 Jul 1941 in Union, W.Va. Born 18 Sep 1918 in Pence Springs, W.Va. Died 27 Jun 2011 in Alderson, W.Va.

He was a U.S. Army Transportation Corps technical sergeant in Europe during World War II. After the war he became a telegraph operator and depot agent for the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad in Greenbrier and Summers Counties. He retired from the railroad in 1979 and then became a woodcarving instructor.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 23 Jul 2011: Alderson—Harold Jennings “Woofy” Garten, age 92, of Alderson, W.Va., passed away quietly in his sleep on Mon., June 27, 2011, at his home in Alderson. Woofy was born Sept. 18, 1918, in Pence Springs, W.Va., the oldest of nine children born to the late Otie Carl and Stella Ann Miller Garten. He graduated from Talcott High School in 1936 and went to work for the C&O Railroad in 1937 as an agent operator. Woofy and Lorene “Pert” Honaker were married for 69 years. They eloped on July 25, 1941, and were married by Dr. Gray in Union, W.Va. Woofy served his country in World War II and was stationed in Germany when the war ended. He came home to Pert and his job with the C&O Railroad where he stayed 42 years, retiring in 1979 as an operator, CW Cabin. Woofy learned to fly single-engine planes, being trained under pilot Jim Tolley at Pence Airways, an airport in Pence Springs. He also loved to fish the Greenbrier and tie his own flies. He knew all of the best holes to catch fish and had many a fish tale to tell. A skilled wood carver and whittler, Woofy spent many hours at this hobby, creating over 2,000 carvings during his lifetime. Woofy also spent several weeks for three years (1994-1996) at Davis & Elkins College, teaching wood carving as part of a summer program. Living most of their married lives in Pence Springs, Woofy and Pert moved to Alderson in 1983 where they lived the remainder of their lives. In 1952 Woofy joined the Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons of West Virginia. He was in the Talcott Lodge until it closed in 2002 and was Master Mason. After moving to the Alderson Lodge he became Master Mason. Woofy was one of a small group who were 50 year Masons. He and Pert also were members of the Order of the Eastern Star.

For the last 16 months, Woofy and Pert were under the constant and wonderful care of several caretakers, Tammy Adkins, Debbie Blankenship, Tammy Russell, Hazel Russell, Doris Lovelace, Teresa Bostic, Kathy Longanacre, and Joni Lambert.

Pert passed away in August 2010 after a short illness. The family wishes to thank all of these ladies for the wonderful care they gave both Pert and Woofy. We also thank Dr. Ryan and Hospice for their loving care and giving Woofy his wish of being home during his last week with us. His family and friends were also very faithful to visit and comfort him. He is greatly missed by all. In addition to his wife and parents, Woofy was preceded in death by his two children, William David Garten and Norma Lee Garten; two brothers, Garland L. Garten and his wife, Lola, and Kenneth K. Garten; three sisters, Adena R. Maddy and husband, Robert Shirley, Opal L. Wilson and husband, Forrest Hoy, and Clorice G. Harris and husband, Edwin Ray; and a sister-in-law, Darlene Garten. He is survived by his daughter-in-law, Diane L. Wrick of Lancaster, Va.; two brothers, Alvin A. Garten and wife, Betty, of Pence Springs, and Ronald Z. Garten and wife, Bonnie, of Moundsville; a sister, Lorene J. “Lornie” Cales and husband, Bob, of Forest Hill; a sister-in-law, Myrtle Garten of Moundsville; and many special nieces and nephews. In honor of his wishes, his body has been donated to the Human Gift Registry at the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine, Lewisburg, W.Va. A memorial service will be held on Sat., July 30, 2011, at 3 p.m. at the Clayton Baptist Church, Clayton, W.Va., with his pastor, Grant Petitt, officiating.  In lieu of flowers, donations of sympathy may be made to the Clayton Baptist Church, HC 73 Box 98, Alderson, WV 24910. Arrangements by Lobban Funeral Home, Alderson, W.Va.

Mountain Messenger, Lewisburg, W.Va., 3 Jul 2004, reprinted in Honaker Family Newsletter, Fall 2004: Whittling wizard wows ’em at depot, by David Cottrill, accompanied by photograph, cutline “Harold “Woofy” Garten stands beside some of the figures he’s carved over the years.”

It’s fitting that Woofy Garten’s carvings should be displayed at the Alderson Depot Museum since most of them were whittled when he worked for the [Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad.] The Alderson octogenarian worked the “third trick” at the C&O station in Talcott for many years and, on slow nights, there wasn’t much to do. That’s when he discovered the joys of carving.

“I always carried a pocket knife,” he said. “I liked knives.” As a youngster in the 1920s, he carved the trigger mechanisms for deadfall traps that he and his brother tended for some spending money. But it wasn’t until the 1950s that a family friend, Dale Miller of Pence Springs, talked him into trying serious carving.

“We’d go to Miller’s house and admire his carvings,” he explained. “It seemed undoable to me. It took him 15-20 years to get me to try one. When he did, it turned out better than I had any reason to expect. I never got stopped after that. I certainly have enjoyed carving.”

Woofy estimates he’s done over 2,000 pieces. He started with a wooden chain, then tried ball-in-a-box configurations. He said he carves to suit himself, not for public approbation. He’s done barnyard animals, wild animals, amphibians, canes, Indians, and numerous human caricatures. He prefers to work with aged yellow poplar, but also has worked mahogany, ponderosa pine, buckeye, cedar, and black walnut.

He worked night shift on the railroad when there wasn’t much to do. Whittling filled those long hours. “Most of my whittling was done on the job,” he explained. “When you’re working at night and trains are few, you have a lot of time. I never neglected my work, and carving helped keep me alert, kept me awake.”

He chuckled when he told about a “rules class” the railroad had for employees after he retired. “They put out a new rule that an operator couldn’t have a magazine, a radio, a newspaper—anything that might distract him. Somebody in the back spoke up and said, “I’d like to have seen you keep Woofy Garten from whittling.”

“I wouldn’t even have tried,” laughed the instructor.

“They all knew what I was doing,” Woofy said.

For three or four summers in the ’90s, Woofy was invited to teach whittling at the Augusta Heritage Center at Davis & Elkins College. “They gave us a room, a meal ticket, and even paid me,” he smiled. “It was a good time, just like a vacation.”

He said it was a wonderful experience teaching students of all ages who came from all over, from New

York to California. He said there were a lot of cut fingers, “but you can’t carve with a dull blade.”

Woofy is a man of wide-ranging interests. He attributes his longevity to his love of fishing. “Maybe that’s

the reason I’ve reached 85—they say that time spent fishing don’t come off your lifespan,” he laughed. “I used to

think I had to go fishing every day until these river banks got so steep.”

About four years ago, arthritis in his hands forced him to give up carving. However, giving up fishing and

whittling didn’t mean he would just sit around. “I always have to have something to do,” he indicated. He saw a

magazine article that said there were 17 covered bridges left in the state. He and wife Lorene (Pert) set off to see and

photograph all of them, several times. They went, after that, to visit bridges in surrounding states. Then, they took up

photographing old mills over the same area.

As another example of his varied interests, he mentioned that after World War II, he used his G.I. Bill to

learn to fly at the flying field in Talcott, and got a private pilot’s license. “I had a lot of fun with that,” he said.

He noted that he and Pert will have been married 63 years next month. “Reckon it’ll last?” he winked.


i. William David[7] (called David). Born 27 Aug 1945 in Hinton, Summers Co., W.Va. Died of a heart attack 11 Nov 1989 in Reston, Fairfax Co., Va. Buried in Clayton Baptist Church Cemetery, Clayton, W.Va. David was a member of the Clayton Baptist Church. He took a B.A. in Journalism from Marshall University, Huntington, W.Va. At the time of his death, he was a supervisory public affairs officer with the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture foreign service, Washington, D.C. His job took him all over the world. Among other duties, he was a speechwriter for senior officials. His interests included reading, writing (several of his pieces were published, including an article about

railroad legend John Henry, which appeared in Country magazine, Oct 1982, and Honaker Family Newsletter, Winter 1998,) music and traveling. He married Patricia Diane Lucy 25 Jul 1972 in Richmond, Va. There were no children.

ii. Norma Lee (called Leela). Born 17 Sep 1953 in Hinton, W.Va. Died 16 Feb 1969 in Pence Springs, Summers Co., W.Va. Buried in Clayton Baptist Church Cemetery. She was a student and cheerleader at Talcott [W.Va.] High School, and Worthy Advisor of the Rainbow for Girls, Hinton, W.Va., and member of the Clayton Baptist Church. Her interests included reading, writing, music, and helping others.

116.viii. Mary Jane[6] Honaker (called Janie) (George Washington[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 1 Dec 1922 in Clayton, W.Va. Died 25 Dec 1997 in Fairlea, W.Va. Buried in Rhodes Cemetery, Clayton. She was a Summers County schoolteacher and member of the Clayton Baptist Church. She served as church treasurer for 35 years. She enjoyed reading, flower gardening, and helping others.

She married James Henry Lilly (called Jim), son of Henry Lilly and Marie Dillion, 15 Aug 1952 (also 18 and 19 Aug) in Talcott, W.Va. Born 7 May 1924 in Hinton, W.Va. Died 15 Mar 1995 in Clayton, W.Va. Buried in Rhodes Cemetery, Clayton. He was a carpenter and member of the Clayton Baptist Church. His hobbies included woodworking, including grandfather clocks, and music. Children:

i. Jane Ann[7] (called Jody). Born 7 May 1956 in Hinton, W.Va. She married Steve Brigman

15 Jun 1996 in Marion, Va.

122.i. Richard Edwin[6] Taylor (Lula Beatrice[5], John Patrick[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 27 Dec 1927 in Sinks Grove, W.Va. Died 14 May 2011 in Fairlea, W.Va. Buried in Mt. View Cemetery, Wikel, W.Va.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 16 May 2011: Union [W.Va.]—Mr. Richard Edwin Taylor, 83, of Union, W.Va, passed away on May 14, 2011, at the Greenbrier Valley Medical Center, Fairlea, W.Va., following an extended illness. He was born Dec. 27, 1927, at Sinks Grove, W.Va., the son of the late Emory and Beatrice Honaker Taylor. Mr. Taylor lived in Cleveland, Ohio, for 23 years and worked as a mechanic for Dodge and Plymouth dealers. He received Basic Private Police Training at the Case Western University and provided guard services part time. He served his country in two branches of the service, the Navy and Army where he served in the artillery division for 17 months in Korea. He was a lifetime member of the VFW and a member of the Union United Methodist Church. He was preceded in death by his sister, Iris Dressler of Covington, Va., and a brother, Ervin Taylor of Union, W.Va. He is survived by his wife, Wanza Gaye Harvey Taylor, of 59 years. One daughter, Katherine Elaine Moreschi and husband Rafael of Cary, N.C., and one brother, J.P. (John) Taylor of Morehead City, N.C., and several nieces and nephews. Graveside services will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday at the Mt. View Cemetery at Wikel, W.Va., with the Rev. Bob Ratliff officiating. The family will receive friends from 6 to 9 p.m. Tuesday at the Broyles-McGuire Funeral Home in Union, W.Va..

He married Wanda Gaye Harvey 1 May 1952. Children:

i. Katherine Elaine[7]. In 2011 she lived in Cary, N.C. She married Rafael Moreschi.

122.ii. Iris Winnifred[6] Taylor (Lula Beatrice[5], John Patrick[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 21 Nov 1929. Died 27 Jul 1973.

She married Calvin David Dressler 11 Sep 1954. Children:

i. Eunice[7]. She married Unknown Wright.

ii. Dawn Faye. In 2004 she lived in Bakersfield, Calif.

iii. Lisa. She married Unknown Garst. In 2004 she lived in Salem, Va.

123. Velma Jean[6] Brooks (twin) (Agnes Elizabeth[5], John Patrick[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 24 Feb 1945 in Covington, Alleghany Co., Va.

She married James G. Craft 2 Sep 1965. Children:

i. Jimmie[7].

124.iii. Thomas Harlow[6] Honaker (Isaac Powell[5], Ellis Patton[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). In 2001 he lived in Johnson City, Tenn.

He married, first, Mary Bonifacio. Children:

124.iii. i. Shari Lee[7]. Born 26 May 1962.

He married, second, Candace Campbell Bryant. Children:

124.iii. ii. Joshua Adam. Born 15 Dec 1978.

124.iv. Randolph Powell[6] Honaker (Isaac Powell[5], Ellis Patton[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1949. Died 25 Nov 2007. Buried in Alderson Cemetery, Alderson, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 27 Nov 2007 and Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 27 Nov 2007: Ronceverte—Randolph “Randy” P. Honaker, 58, passed away Sun., Nov. 25, 2007, in the Springfield Center, Lindside. Graveside service and burial will be 2 p.m. Wed., Nov. 28, 2007, at the Fletcher Addition of the Alderson Cemetery, Alderson. Friends may call from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Longanacre Funeral Home, Ft. Spring. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the “Grandchildren of Randolph ‘Randy’ Honaker,” c/o Bank of Monroe, P.O. Box 546, Lewisburg, WV 24901. Arrangements by Longanacre Funeral Home, Ft. Spring, W.Va.

His companion was Brenda Reed. He had two children, mother(s) not identified:

i. Richard[7].

ii. Jason Christopher.

124.v. Phyllis[6] Honaker (Isaac Powell[5], Ellis Patton[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 14 Aug 1937 in Union, Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 30 Oct 2015 in Sinks Grove, Monroe County.

Wallace & Wallace Funeral Chapels & Crematory, Lewisburg, W.Va., 31 Oct 2015: Phyllis Honaker Willis Akers, 79, of Sinks Grove, passed away at home with family on Fri., Oct. 30, 2015. She was the daughter of the late Isaac Powell Honaker and Axie Childers Honaker. Phyllis was born Aug. 14, 1937 in Union. In 1956, Phyllis married the love of her life. She was a lifelong homemaker and enjoyed golfing with friends at Willow Wood Country Club. She was preceded in death by her parents, first husband Harry Willis, second husband Tom Akers, brothers Donald, David, Randy and Thom Honaker. Those left to cherish her memory are her children Pam Hensley and husband Bill of Sinks Grove, Sandy White and husband Steve of Sinks Grove and Steve Willis of Valley Park, Mo.; grandchildren Brent Taylor and wife Lisa of Chesapeake, Va., Laurel White and Kellen White of Milton, great granddaughter Addison of Chesapeake, Va., best friend Peggy Elkins of Hinton, W.Va., fur baby “Sassy,” step-granddaughter, Mallory Hensley, step children Tom Akers and Donna Akers Casanave. Per her request she will be cremated and a private family service will follow at later date. In lieu of flowers the family requests any donations of sympathy be made to Hospice Care, 1265 Maplewood Ave., Lewisburg, WV 24901.

She married, first, Harry Willis. In 2001 he was deceased. Children:

124.v. i. Pamela[7].

124.v. ii. Sandra.

iii. Steve.

She married, second, Tom Akers.

125.i. William Ellis[6] Honaker (Freddie Freeman[5], Ellis Patton[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 17 May 1947 in Alderson, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 2 Sep 2008 in Huntington, Cabell Co., W.Va. Buried in Arthur Cemetery, Ona, W.Va.

Herald Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., 4 Sep 2008 (with photograph): William E. “Bill” Honaker, 61, of Huntington, W.Va., passed away Tue., Sept. 2, 2008, at home. Funeral service will be conducted 1 p.m. Fri., Sept. 5, 2008, at Beard Mortuary, Huntington. Burial will follow in Arthur Cemetery, Ona, W.Va. He was born May 17, 1947, a son of the late [Freddie Freeman] and Leona Honaker. He was a retired U.S. Marine with 30 years of service. He was an outdoorsman and loved to hunt, fish and camp. He is survived by his fiancee Lula White; three daughters, Tracy A. Maynard, Misty Hutchison and Brenda Turley; one son, Christopher White; nine grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; three good friends, Victor G. Freeman, Larry McDaniel and Grant Hayden; and his beloved dog, Recon. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday at Beard Mortuary. Online condolences may be sent at .

He married, first, Billie Jean Chapman Aug 1968 in Cabell County. Children:

125.i. i. Tracy Ann[7].

He married, second, Susan Lynn Jordan, daughter of Joseph J. (initial only, NMN) Jordan and Elizabeth NMN Banks, 8 Apr 1974. They divorced 20 Oct 1980. Children:

125.i. ii. Misty Lynn. Born 7 Oct 1975 in Cherry Point, N.C.

He married, third, Brenda Earls. There were no children.

He married, fourth, Virginia Unknown. There were no children.

130.i. Barbara Jean[6] Ball (Osby Ann[5], Rebecca Adalade[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). In 2009 she lived in Knoxville, Tenn.

She married Paul Leonard Comer, Jr. Children:

130.i. i. Paul Leonard[7], III.

135.i. Virginia Mae[6] Honaker (Opie Byrd[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born

22 Jul 1931 in Bertha, Summers Co., W.Va. Died 1 Mar 2016 in Lindside, Monroe Co., W.Va. Buried in Greenbrier Burial Park, Hinton.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 5 Mar 2016: Virginia Mae Maddy, 84 of Hinton died at 3 p.m., Tue., March 1, 2016 at Springfield Care Center at Lindside following a long illness. Born July 22, 1931 at Bertha, W.Va., she was the daughter of the late Opie Byrd and Georgia Grace Young Honaker. Virginia Mae was a Hinton High School graduate and attended Concord College. At the age of 19, she was a volunteer for the Cancer Society and served on the state board. She also helped transport cancer patients to area hospitals for treatment. She worked extensively to do fundraising with West Virginia Crippled Children’s Society. She was past president of Junior Women’s Club and earned Outstanding Junior Woman of the Year. She was the national award winner for Purple Patch for the American Cancer Society. She was retired from the Summers County Board of Education with 24 years of service, having worked at various schools in Summers County and also worked two years for Head Start. She was instrumental in inspiring Summers County to gain their first speech therapist. She was a caregiver to her husband and mother in later years. Virginia was a member of Bellepoint Baptist Church in Hinton. She was preceded in death by her husband, Bob J. Maddy. Survivors include two daughters, Cathy Deeds Richmond and husband Johnnie of Talcott and Ann Deeds Jacobs of Venice, Fla.; four grandchildren, Michael S. Smith of

Venice, Fla., Jennifer Sisson and husband J.R. of Quantico, Va., John Richmond and Julie of Salem, W.Va., and Allison Williams and husband Joseph of Charleston, W.Va.; five great grandchildren also survive. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m., Mon., March 7, 2016 at Pivont Funeral Home Chapel in Hinton with Pastor Butch Honaker officiating. Burial will follow in Greenbrier Burial Park in Hinton. Friends may call from 4 p.m. until 6 p.m. on Sunday at the funeral home. Family and friends will serve as pallbearers.

Hinton [W.Va.] News, 9 Aug 2011, with photograph: Virginia Maddy Celebrates Life of 80 Years

On Fri., July 22nd, Virginia Maddy celebrated her 80th birthday with a party held at “The Char” in Beckley. The party was given by her two daughters Ann Jacobs of Venice, Fla., and Cathy Richmond of Talcott. Forty guests were invited for a lovely dinner at six o’clock. Welcome was extended by her daughter Ann with Butch Honaker blessing the food. A slide show of Virginia’s life was prepared and shown by her daughter Cathy and her granddaughter Allison.

The tables were decorated with off white cloths and topped with sage green runners in the middle. Petite pink baskets were filled with button carnations and mint leaves. Each place setting was marked by a handpainted pail filled with button carnations. Pale pink napkins were folded to hold the program of the evening. Decorating was done by Mrs. Donna Pivont, a close friend to Virginia. Dessert included a two tiered sage green and pink birthday cake, chocolate tipped strawberries, pink dinner mints, and grapes all served with a pink fruit punch.

Following the dinner Ann and Cathy each presented a reading. Ann’s reading was a poem entitled “Celebrating the Memories of Our Mother,” and Cathy’s reading was a poem about mothers. Ann’s poem consisted of humorous things that she and Cathy did during their childhood and the consequences that followed. After reading about several funny incidents, Ann’s poem took a more serious path to discuss Virginia’s many accomplishments during her life as a community service person.

Some of Virginia’s accomplishments include becoming a volunteer at the age of 19 for the American Cancer Society and later serving on the state board. She helped her neighbors by transporting cancer patients to their treatments and providing education about the treatments.

She worked to do fundraising with the West Virginia Crippled Children’s Society and was also on the state board. She also served as president of the Hinton Junior Women’s Club and earned Outstanding Junior Woman of the Year. Before retiring from the Junior Women’s Club, she served as Purple Patch Chairman and was honored by the American Cancer Society as the winner of their national award. The award was given in California, but Virginia was unable to attend. She was instrumental in inspiring our county to gain its first speech therapist with the help of the West Virginia Crippled Children’s Society.

Virginia is a 1949 graduate of Hinton High School and attended Concord University. She began working as a substitute teacher before starting with the Summers County School System. She worked two years with Head Start as a social and health worker. She also worked 22 years at Hinton Area Elementary with first and second graders in the reading lab. She then spent two years at Hinton High School working with challenging teen boys. She retired early due to an illness in the family. Virginia was married to Bob J. Maddy for 23 years before his death. She has two daughters, four grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. Virginia has had a wonderful life full of service to her community and family. She has enjoyed serving the people of Summers County over the years.

She married, first, John Milton Deeds Jr., son of John Milton Deeds and Hazel Yago, 20 Dec 1950 in Hinton. Born 19 Mar 1931 in Summers Co., W.Va. Died 17 Jul 2007 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Restwood Memorial Gardens near Hinton.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 19 Jul 2007: Jumping Branch—John Milton Deeds Jr., 76, went home to be with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ at 4 p.m. Tue., July 17, 2007, at the Bowers Hospice House in Beckley following a short battle with cancer. Born Mar. 19, 1931, in Summers County, he was a son of the late John and Hazel Yago Deeds, a member of the Bluestone Baptist Church. He was co-owner of Hinton Hardware from 1954 until he sold the business in 1975; a former employee of Sedwick Lumber of Orange, Va., Beckley Feed and Hardware and most recently Means Lumber of Beckley. He loved hunting, fishing and the outdoors. He is survived by his wife of 35 years, Martha E. “Bobbie” Deeds of Jumping Branch; two daughters, Ann Jacobs of Venice, Fla. and Cathy Richmond and her husband, Johnnie, of Talcott; one stepdaughter, Sandi Macdonald and her husband, Rick, of Jacksonville, Fla.; two stepsons, David Hill and his wife, Sharon, of Bristol, Va., and Frank Wheby and his wife, Sarah, of Hinton; 11 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Funeral service will be 2 p.m. Fri., July 20, 2007, at the Ronald Meadows Funeral Parlors Chapel with Pastor Bill Fox officiating. Burial will follow in the Restwood Memorial Gardens near Hinton. Friends may call 6 to 8 p.m., today, Thursday, at the Ronald Meadows Funeral Parlors. Family and friends will serve as pallbearers. In lieu of flowers, donations of sympathy may be made to Hospice of Southern West Virginia, P.O. Box 1472, Beckley, WV 25802. Arrangements are by the Ronald Meadows Funeral Parlors of Hinton. Condolences may be sent to the family at info@.


135.i. i. Ann Watson[7]. Born 3 May 1952.

135.i. ii. Cathy Lou. Born 27 Jan 1957.

She married, second, Bobby Joe Maddy in 1970. Died prior to 1999. There were no children.

137.iii. Ronald Everett[6] Honaker (called Ronnie) (Omer Elliott[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 30 Jan 1938 in Hinton, W.Va. Died 19 Dec 2005 in North Lawrence, Ohio. Buried in Sunset Hills Memory Gardens, location not known, possibly Massillon, Ohio.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va, 22 Dec 2005: North Lawrence, Ohio—Ronald E. Honaker Sr., 67, died Monday evening, Dec. 19, 2005, at Massillon Community Hospital following an extended illness. Ron was born in Hinton Jan. 30, 1938, to the late [Omer] and Hazel (Cook) Honaker and was a resident of the Massillon area for 45 years. He was a 1955 Hinton High School graduate. Ron retired from Republic Steel in 1995, following 39 years of service as a manager. He enjoyed woodworking and building homes. In addition to his parents, he is preceded in death by a brother, Billy Ray Honaker; and a sister, Mary Helen Snuffer. Ron is survived by his wife, Violet (Angell) Honaker, with whom he celebrated 46 years of marriage on Feb. 2, 2005, daughter and son-in-law, Saundra and Ken Reed of Massillon; sons and daughters-in-law, Ronald and Gay Honaker Jr. of Massillon, Dale and Stephanie Honaker of North Lawrence; brother, Joe D. Honaker of West Virginia; granddaughters, Brittany Bowen, Samantha, Ashton, Morgan and Alyssa Honaker; and a great-granddaughter, Victoria Bowen. A celebration of Ron’s life will be 11 a.m. Friday at the Arnold-Lynch Funeral Home in Massillon with Dr. Larry Emery officiating. Calling hours will be 5 to 8 p.m. today at the funeral home. Interment will follow the services at Sunset Hills Memory Gardens. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions can be made to Stark County [Visiting Nurse Service] and Hospice, 845 8th St. N.E., Massillon OH 44646. Arrangements by Arnold-Lynch Funeral Home, Massillon.

He married Violet Mae Angell, daughter of Cecil and Ruby (Phillips) Angell, 2 Feb 1959. Born 5 Jun 1941 in Hinton, Summers Co., W.Va. Died 28 Feb 2014 in Massillon, Ohio. Buried in Sunset Hills Memory Gardens.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va, 3 Mar 2014: Massillon, Ohio—Violet Mae Honaker, age 72, went home to be with the Lord on Feb. 28, 2014. She was born on June 5, 1941, to the late Cecil and Ruby (Phillips) Angell in Hinton, W.Va. She married Ronald E. Honaker on Feb. 2, 1959, and they shared 46 years together until his passing in 2005. Violet was a longtime member of Massillon Baptist Temple serving as a Sunday School teacher. She enjoyed bowling, golfing and spending quality time with her family. A beautiful lady whose kind heart touched so many lives; an artist who left her mark in so many ways. She was a strong woman, yet quick to comfort those in need. Her sweet smile and compassionate spirit will be missed beyond words. She was always very active, but enjoyed relaxing with a nice cool breeze. Above all else whe was a faithful devoted follower of the Lord and has gone home to be with him and her husband. Violet is survived by her children Ronald (Gay) Honaker, Saundra (Ken) Reed, and Dale (Stephanie) Honaker; her grandchildren Brittany, Samantha, Ashton, Morgan and Alyssa; four great grandchildren; her sisters Fran Angell, Judy Mann and Glenna Shull; her brother Bobby Angell; a host of nieces, nephews and friends; and her beloved dogs Tootsie and Pebbles. In addition to her parents and husband she was preceded in death by her brother Ronnie Phillips. A celebration of her life will be held on Wed., March 5, 2014, at 1 p.m. at the Paquelet & Arnold-Lynch Funeral Home in Massillon, Pastor Cecil Thayer officiating. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. at the funeral home on Tue., March 4, 2014, and one hour prior to the service. Burial will follow at Sunset Hills Memory Gardens. Donations in Violet’s memory can be made to the Massillon Baptist Temple. Paquelet & Arnold-Lynch Funeral Home, 330-833-4839.


i. Saundra[7]. She married Ken Reed.

ii. Ronald Everett, Jr. He married Gay Unknown.

iii. Dale. He married Stephanie Unknown.

142.i. Willis[6] Anderson (called Red) (Albert Ray[5], Annie Mary[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1913. Died 3 Feb 1987 in Hugheston, W.Va. Buried in Montgomery Memorial Park, London, W.Va.

Newspaper and date unknown: Willis “Red” Anderson, 73, of Hugheston, died Monday at home after a short illness. He was a native of Smithers and a life-long resident of Kanawha and Fayette counties. He was a retired department head in the No. 8 Packing Department of Union Carbide, Alloy, with 42 years of service. He attended Hughes Creek Community Church, Hugheston. Surviving: wife, Emma J. Tucker Anderson; son, Brent of Hugheston; daughters, Willa Haynes of Columbia City, Md., Jo Ann Williams of London, Marsha Burke of Glasgow, Linda Bennett of Parkersburg; sisters, Mrs. Marguerite Burke and Dr. Alberta Anderson, of Hugheston; 11 grandchildren. Service will be 2 p.m. Thursday in Hughes Creek Community Church. Burial will be in Montgomery Memorial Park, London. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. today at Cook Funeral Home, Cedar Grove, and one hour prior to service at the church.

He married Emma Jean Tucker, daughter of Little Demmick Tucker and Rune Laura Keenan. Born 1912. Died 2000. Children:

i. Brent[7].

ii. Willa. She married Unknown Haynes.

142.i. iii. Jo Ann. Born 1946.

iv. Marsha. She married Unknown Burke.

v. Linda. She married Unknown Bennett.

146.i. Edward Thomas[6] Welch (Bertie Mildred[5], Annie Mary[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 22 Jul 1921 in Montgomery, W.Va. Died 16 May 2001 in Charleston, W.Va. Buried in Kanawha Valley Memorial Gardens, Glasgow, W.Va.

Unknown Charleston, W.Va. newspaper, unknown date: Edward Thomas Welch, 79, of Powellton, died Wed., May 16, 2001, in General Division of Charleston Area Medical Center. Born July 22, 1921, in Montgomery, he was the son of the late Albert and Bertie Anderson Welch. Mr. Welch was a self-employed sign painter and an Army Corps of Engineers veteran of World War II. Survivors include his wife, Shirley McKown Welch; daughters, Hazel Callison and her husband, George Callison, of Powellton, Ann Staley of Mt. Zion, Ill., and Denise Whisman of Jeffersonville, Ind.; sons, Phillip Welch of New Albany, Ind., Steve Welch of Texas and Mark Welch; brothers, Francis Welch of Old Bridge, N.J., and Charles Welch of Kanawha Falls; sister, Margaret McClellan of Montgomery; nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Service was Sat., May 19, at the O’Dell Funeral Home in Montgomery with Fr. Paul Wharton officiating. Burial followed in Kanawha Valley Memorial Gardens at Glasgow with military honors provided by the U.S. Army Honor Guard. Arrangements by O’Dell Funeral Home, Montgomery.

He married Shirley McKown. Children:

i. Hazel[7]. She married George Callison.

ii. Ann. She married Unknown Staley.

iii. Denise. She married Unknown Whisman.

iv. Phillip.

v. Steve.

vi. Mark.

150.i. Barbara Edwards[6] Honaker (Charles Franklin[5], Charles Oscar[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 20 Feb 1938 in Huntington, W.Va. Died 15 Jul 1984 in Huntington. Buried Woodmere Cem., Huntington. She graduated from Mt. Vernon Seminary, Washington, D.C., in 1956; and took a B.S. in Marketing from University of Colorado, Boulder in Jun 1961.

She married Ray Olan Carter, son of Raymond Carter and Elizabeth Unknown, 4 Aug 1962 in Huntington. Born 25 Jun 1935 in Henrico Co., Va. Children:

150.i. i. Roy Byrum[7]. Born 12 Apr 1965 in Richmond, Va.

ii. Charles Scott. Born 22 Aug 1968 in Roanoke Co., Va. He graduated from Huntington High

School in 1986.

150.ii. Richard Mark[6] Honaker (called Mark) (Charles Franklin[5], Charles Oscar[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 24 Apr 1941 in Huntington, W.Va. He graduated from Valley Forge Military Academy, Wayne, Pa., in 1959; attended Colorado State University, Ft Collins, Colo., from 1959 to 1962; attended California State Polytechnic Institute Horseshoeing School in the summer of 1960; attended Villanova University, Philadelphia, Pa., 1962 to 1964; attended West Virginia University, Morgantown, W.Va., 1964 to 1966 and took a B.S. in Agriculture in Dec 1966 and attended graduate school at West Virginia University from 1967 to 1969. In 2016 he lived in Huntington.

Herald Dispatch, unknown date, Huntington, W.Va., with photograph, cutline “Shown are Dr. Henry Driscoll, Andrew Honaker, Rep. Bob Wise, D-W.Va., Jennifer Honaker, Anne Honaker and Mark Honaker”

Honakers educate lawmakers on diabetes—

Jennifer, Mark, Andrew and Anne Honaker of Huntington joined more than 300 diabetes advocates in educating policy makers about the modern-day scourge of diabetes on March 8-10 in Washington, D.C. Their visits with West Virginia’s congressional delegation was part of the American Diabetes Association’s Delegates for Diabetes Leadership Conference and Rally for a Cure. This is the fifth year in a row that Jennifer Honaker , chair of the board of the West Virginia Affiliate of the American Diabetes Association, has attended this conference.

“It is important for my children to be a part of the democratic process so I decided to make the conference a family affair this year,” said Jennifer. “Andrew was diagnosed with diabetes almost eight years ago, when he was six, and now that he is a teen-ager he needs to start telling our congressmen and senators just what it means to have to deal with diabetes day in and day out.”

When asked what message he conveyed to the representatives he talked to, Andrew said, “I asked them to increase research funding so that a cure for diabetes can be found, to make diabetes a national priority, to understand that diabetes is a serious disease and I asked our congressmen to sign a letter to the chair of the House Appropriations Committee supporting a significant increase in funding for diabetes research.”

More than 16 million Americans have diabetes and it is estimated that it costs this country nearly $92 billion each year in health care and related costs for treatment. Medicare alone spends nearly 30 percent of its total annual budget on costs related to diabetes.

When asked what the highlight of the trip was, Andrew and his sister, Anne, both agreed it had to be getting to meet Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, the keynote speaker at the awards luncheon. Before his speech, Speaker Gingrich took time to meet all the children attending the meeting and posed for pictures and signed autographs.

The Honaker family has traveled to Washington, D.C. several times over the years, but they all agreed this is a trip they won’t soon forget.

Herald Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., 11 Jul 2007, with photograph, cutline “Anne Honaker stands with Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., during the annual Presidential Classroom Scholars Program in Washington, D.C. Honaker, a Huntington High School student, was West Virginia’s only representative in the program, which is designed to introduce students to the American political process with first-hand experience. Photo courtesy of Jennifer Honaker.” Inset, “Since the program, I feel like I’ll definitely be not only a lot more aware of other prople and their ideas, but a lot more accepting of them as well—Anne Honaker, senior at Huntington High School who recently attended the annual Presidential Classroom Scholars Program in Washington, D.C.”

HHS senior represents state in D.C., by Cory Jackson, The Herald-Dispatch

Huntington—A Huntington High School student was West Virginia’s only representative at the annual Presidential Classroom Scholars Program in Washington, D.C., a program designed to introduce students to the American political process with first-hand experience. The event ran from June 17 through June 23.

Anne Honaker, a senior at HHS for the upcoming school year, traveled to the capital to explore the inner-workings of the federal government and learn how current events and public policy interact. Students from 37 other states also took part in the examination of American democracy.

“I never really enjoyed politics, but I’ve learned that they’re important and not just about people arguing with one another,” Honaker said. As the state’s only emissary, Honaker was awarded a special visit with West Virginia’s Rep. Nick Joe Rahall, Sen. Jay Rockefeller and aides to Sen. Robert C. Byrd. She also served as liaison between West Virginia and the world, taking it upon herself to dispel any unfavorable stereotypes about the state.

While forging friendships with students from across the nation and globe, students were also allowed the opportunity to hear from a wide array of other important officials and department heads. Speakers discussed a variety of topics. Ralph Nader, consumer activist and former presidential candidate, led a seminar focusing on public service; and Howard Dean, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, spoke on the topic of the importance of education and civic action. Other speakers for the week included former congressman Mickey Edwards, president and CEO of Omniplex Julien Patterson, and Khan Faisal from the Office of Recruitment, Bureau of Human Resources in the U.S. Department of State.

“My favorite was probably Nader,” Honaker said. “He was kind of out there, but it was interesting to hear what he had to say on things.”

Allowed to play a part in the democratic process, Honaker and her fellow participants wrote a bill and observed more of the political process during a stay at Capitol Hill. They also studied the Constitution and picked apart specific aspects and powers it underlines. While staying at the Georgetown Marriott Conference Center, Honaker and her peers visited six embassies, met with various local and Washington, D.C. advocacy groups, debated current hot-button topics, and heard from numerous officials and professionals.

The participants were also shown a number of historic sites around the area, such as the World War II Memorial, Jefferson Memorial and Arlington Cemetery.

The Presidential Classroom Scholars Program has been introducing high school students to civics for almost four decades, claiming more than 120,000 participants since it was founded in 1998. “Since the program, I feel like I’ll definitely be not only a lot more aware of other people and their ideas, but a lot more accepting of them as well,” Honaker said.

Herald-Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., 30 Sep 2007 (with photograph, cutline Jennifer and Mark Honaker): Honakers’ 25th

Mark and Jennifer Meadows Honaker of Huntington, W.Va., celebrated their 25th anniversary with a trip to London followed by a cruise to France, England, Ireland, Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. They were married Oct. 2, 1982, in Huntington, W.Va. They are the parents of Andrew, Celeste and Anne Honaker of Huntington. On October 2, they will host an intimate dinner party for immediate family and friends.

Honaker Family Newsletter, Fall 2012: Celeste and Anne Honaker, daughters of R. Mark and Jennifer (Meadows) Honaker of Huntington, W.Va., continue to demonstrate impressive scholastic achievement.

Celeste traveled to Hong Kong in July where she worked for a month as a teaching assistant in Johns Hopkins University’s Talented and Gifted Program. She has also accepted a teaching position at Kishwaugee College, Malta, Ill., where she will be a math teacher.

Anne graduated summa cum laude from Marshall University, Huntington, W.Va., May 5, 2012, with a Bachelor of Arts from the College of Liberal Arts with a major in History and a minor in Geography. She is a member of Golden Key and Phi Kappa Phi honorary societies and National Society of Collegiate Scholars.

He married Jennifer Ann Meadows, daughter of Olin Haskell Meadows and Juliette Eloise Crawford, 2 Oct 1982 in Huntington. Born 22 Jan 1951 in Huntington. She graduated from Huntington East High School in 1968. Children:

i. Andrew Mark[7]. Born 1 Dec 1983 in Huntington. He graduated from Huntington High School in


ii. Celeste Edwards. Born 8 Feb 1985 in Huntington. She graduated from Huntington High School in

2003; took a B.S. in Math and B.S. in Chemistry from Pepperdine University, Malibu, Calif., in 2007; and an M.S. in Mathematical Science from University of Adelaide, Australia, Dec 2010.

Honaker Family Newsletter, Spring 2011: High Achiever—Celeste Edwards Honaker, daughter of Mark and Jennifer Honaker of Huntington, W.Va., has been awarded a Master of Mathematical Sciences in Pure Mathematics, with distinction, from University of Adelaide, S.A., Australia. The degree was conferred at the university April 20, 2011. Her thesis was Elliptic Curve Cryptography and Implementation of Stream Ciphers. A 2003 graduate of Huntington High School, she took B.S. degrees in Chemistry and Math from Pepperdine University in 2007. While in Australia, she tested for and was granted admission to Mensa.

iii. Anne Louise. Born 10 Dec 1989 in Huntington. She graduated from Huntington High School in

2008; and a B.A. in Liberal Arts, with a major in History and minor in Geography, summa cum laude, from Marshall University, Huntington, 5 May 2012. She was a member of the Golden Key and Phi Kappa Phi honorary societies and the National Society of Collegiate Scholars. She married Corey Michael Wilson 22 Oct 2015 at Walt Disney World, Orlando, Orange Co., Fla. Born Jul 1991 in Panama City, Bay Co., Fla.

162.viii. Robert C.[6] Morgan (David Wilber[5], Rebecca Jane[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 25 Jun 1925 in Ronceverte, W.Va. Died 12 Nov 2011 in Huntington, W.Va.

Herald-Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., 13 Nov 2011 (with photograph)—Robert C. Morgan, 86, of Huntington, went home to be with the Lord on Sat., Nov. 12, 2011, at the Emogene Dolin Jones Hospice House of Huntington. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Reger Funeral Chapel by Dr. C.J. Adkins. Burial will follow in White Chapel Memorial Gardens, Barboursville, W.Va. He was born June 25, 1925, in Ronceverte, W.Va., a son of the late David W. and Bessie L. Honaker Morgan, and was also preceded in death by four brothers and three sisters. Bob was a member of the Westmoreland Baptist Church and an ordained deacon. He was retired from the VA Medical Center. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II, a member of the American Legion and a life member of the [Disabled American Veterans.] Surviving is his beloved wife of 60 years, Margaret R. Morgan; two daughters, Sharon Jean Morgan of Roanoke, Va., and Cathy Lynn Marshall of Chesapeake, Ohio; three grandchildren, Tracy Lynn Mulholland of Roanoke, Va., Niles Marshall and wife Heidi of Proctorville, Ohio, and Emily Brooke Marshall of Chesapeake, Ohio; two grandchildren, Jake and Gracie; nieces, Allyson Morgan of Huntington, W.Va., and Mona Iddings of St. Albans, W.Va.; and a number of other nephews and nieces. Friends may call from 1 p.m. until service time on Tuesday at the Reger Funeral Home. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to the Westmoreland Baptist Church or Hospice of Huntington. Condolences may be made to the family at reger.

He married Margaret R. Unknown ca. 1951. Children:

i. Sharon Jean[7].

162.viii. ii. Cathy Lynn.

163.iv. Gleta M.[6] Morgan (Millard Elery[5], Rebecca Jane[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1921. Died 29 Dec 1988 in Fairlea, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Buried in Clifton Cemetery, Maxwelton, W.Va.

Ronceverte [W.Va.] News or Greenbrier [W.Va.] Independent, unknown date: Mrs. Gleta M. Hughes, 67, of Fairlea, Greenbrier County, died Dec. 29, 1988 in Humana Hospital, Greenbrier Valley, Fairlea, after a long illness. She was a 40-year resident of Fairlea and was a member of Ronceverte Christian Church. Surviving: daughters, Mrs. Debbie Harvey and Mrs. Mary Christian, both of Lewisburg; son, William of Greenville, Tenn.; sister, [Ilene] Roman of Ronceverte; brother, Luther Morgan of Huntington; seven grandchildren. Service will be 2 p.m. Saturday at Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home, Lewisburg, with the Rev. Alvie Edwards officiating. Burial will be in Clifton Cemetery, Maxwelton. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.

She married Unknown Hughes. Children:

i. Debbie[7]. She married Unknown Harvey.

ii. Mary. She married Unknown Christian.

iii. William.

169.v. Norman E.[6] Honaker (Clarence H.[5], Newton Dixon[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 12 Feb 1929 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier W.Va. Died 23 Jan 2007 in Fairlea, Greenbrier County. Buried in Riverview Cemetery, Ronceverte.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 24 Jan 2007: Norman E. Honaker, 77, of Fairlea was born Feb. 12, 1929, and died Tue., Jan. 23, 2007, at home following a long illness. Norman was a retired field representative from Equifax, Inc. He was an avid hunter and fisherman. He was a Korean War Navy veteran and was of the Baptist faith. Preceding him in death were his parents, Clarence and Lola Morgan Honaker of Ronceverte; brothers, Marion, Carl and Donald; and a sister, Edna Honaker Arthur. He is survived by his wife of 53 years, Nina Spencer Honaker of Fairlea; sons, Harry E. “Butch” Honaker of Ronceverte and Gregory A. Honaker and wife, Becky, of White Sulphur Springs; daughter, Joanna L. and husband, Rick Honaker, of White Sulphur Springs; four grandchildren, Ryan, Jordan, Emily and James Honaker; and two stepgrandchildren, Troy and Jamie Collins. Services will be 11 a.m. Fri., Jan. 26, at Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home, Ronceverte, with Elder Arnold Morgan officiating. Burial will follow in Riverview Cemetery, Ronceverte. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday at Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home, Ronceverte. The family requests that donations be made to Hospice Care, 540 N. Jefferson St., Box 7, Suite D, Lewisburg, WV 24901. Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home, Ronceverte, is in charge of arrangements. Please send online condolences by visiting .

He married Nina Catherine Spencer, daughter of Rupert Mitchell Spencer and Elva Mae Viers. Born 29 May 1928 in Pembroke, Braxton Co., W.Va. Died 21 Mar 2015 in Fairlea, W.Va. Buried in Riverview Cemetery, Ronceverte.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 15 Mar 2015: Nina Catherine Honaker, 86, of Fairlea, passed away Sat., March 21, 2015 at her home in Fairlea. Born May 29, 1928 at Pembroke, W.Va., she was a daughter of the late Rupert Mitchell and Elva Mae Viers Spencer. Nina attended the Mountain View Primitive Baptist Church and was an administrative assistant for Brackenrich & Associates. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband of 53 years, Norman E. Honaker in 2007. She is survived by her daughter and best friend, Joanna Honaker (Rick) of White Sulphur Springs; three sons, Greg Honaker (Becky) of White Sulphur Springs, Harry “Butch” Honaker of Ronceverte and Mike Spencer (Mary Jane) of Covington, Va.; seven grandchildren, Ryan, Jordan, Emily, James and Joey Honaker and Troy and Jamie Collins; one great grandson, Wyatt Honaker; and a sister, Mary Morgan of Columbia, S.C. Funeral services will be 1 p.m., Tue., March 24, 2015 at Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home in Lewisburg, with Elder Arnold Morgan officiating. Burial will follow in Riverview Cemetery, Ronceverte. A visitation will be 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Mon., March 23, 2015 at Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home in Lewisburg.


i. Harry E.[7] (called Butch)

ii. Gregory A. He married Becky Unknown.

iii. Joanna L. She married Rick Honaker. Donald Ray[6] Honaker (Clarence H.[5], Newton Dixon[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 5 Nov 1933 in Ronceverte, W.Va. Died 24 Dec 1999 in Fairlea, W.Va. Interred in Greenbrier Memorial Gardens Mausoleum, Lewisburg, W.Va.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 26 Dec 1999, and Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 6 Jan 2000: Donald Ray Honaker, 66, died Fri., Dec. 24, 1999 in Greenbrier Valley Medical Center, Fairlea, after a short illness. Born Nov. 5, 1933 in Ronceverte, he was the son of the late Clarence and Lola Morgan Honaker. Mr. Honaker was a lifelong resident of Ronceverte, of the Baptist faith and a member of Ronceverte Masonic Lodge No. 47 AF & AM, Ronceverte Lions Club, Ronceverte Fire Department and the Board of Directors for Gateway Industries. He was president of Ronceverte Cable Corp. and former mayor of Ronceverte. He worked part time for Longanacre Funeral Home and was retired vice president of One Valley Bank. He was preceded in death by a sister, Edna Arthur; and a brother, Marion Honaker. Survivors include his wife, Faye C. Honaker; a daughter, Cathy Cole and her husband, David, of Alta; a son, Tim Honaker and his wife, Kim, of Richmond, Va.; two grandsons, Tyler and Dylan Cole; and two brothers, Norman Honaker of Fairlea and Carl Honaker of Augusta, Ga. Services will be 11 a.m. Monday at Ronceverte Baptist Church with the Revs. Mark Flynn and Johnny Zeboskey officiating. Entombment will follow in Greenbrier Memorial Gardens Mausoleum, Lewisburg. Friends may call 6 to 9 p.m. today at Longanacre Funeral Home, Fairlea, and one hour before services Monday at the church. Arrangements by Longanacre Funeral Home, Fairlea.

He married Faye C. Unknown. Children: i. Cathy[7].

ii. Tim. He married Kim Unknown.

170.i. Herman Alta[6] Morgan (Josie Evelyn[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born

29 Jul 1909. Died before 2004. He lived in Newport News, Va.

He married Ina Mildred Heimentoller in Ronceverte, W.Va. Children:

i. Doris[7]. Born 24 May 1932.

ii. Nancy. Born 10 Feb 1934.

iii. Herman Thomas. Born 15 Oct 1939.

iv. Josie.

v. Anita.

170.ii. Joseph Edward[6] Morgan (called Ed) (Josie Evelyn[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 14 Aug 1911. Died before 2004 in Lindside, W.Va. Buried in Morgan Hollow Cemetery, Ronceverte, W.Va. He lived in Ronceverte.

He married, first, Edith Marel Bennett, daughter of James Bennett and Myrtle Sawyers. Buried in Atwell Cemetery, place unknown. Children:

170.ii. i. Joseph E., Jr.[7]

170.ii. ii. Joyce Maril.

170.ii. iii. Gary Allen.

170.ii. iv. Michael Wallace.

170.ii. v. Phillip Leon.

He married, second, Unknown Meadows. Children:

vi. Alice.

vii. Tanner.

viii. Ray.

ix. Victor.

x. Alfred.

170.iii. Thelma Virginia[6] Morgan (Josie Evelyn[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born

12 Nov 1913 in Ronceverte, W.Va. Died 13 Jan 1994 in Beckley, W.Va. She lived in Ronceverte.

She married Clayton G. Howard 6 Sep 1933 in Salt Sulphur Springs, Monroe Co., W.Va. Born 25 Jan 1901. Died

10 Oct 1984 in Ronceverte. Children:

i. Alberta Jean[7]. Born 1 Jun 1934. ii. Rosemary. Born 2 Sep 1936.

iii. Robert Basil. Born 21 Sep 1940.

iv. William Gates. Born 24 Dec 1942.

170.v. Charlotte Elizabeth[6] Morgan (Josie Evelyn[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 19 Jul 1917. Died 18 Oct 1983 in Ronceverte, W.Va. She lived in Ronceverte.

She married Audrey Thomas Reed. Born 15 Feb 1912. Died 2 Oct 1984 in Ronceverte. Children:

i. Letha[7].

ii. Carol.

170.vii. Martha Annabel[6] Morgan (called Annabel) (Josie Evelyn[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 16 Jan 1922 in Ronceverte, W.Va. Died before 2004. She lived in Princeton, W.Va.

She married William Henry Johnson, son of Dewey William Johnson and Ethel Gertrude Lowance, 4 May 1940 in Covington, Va. Born 24 Jan 1922 in Blue Sulphur Springs, W.Va. Died 10 Aug 1986 in Princeton. Children:

170.vii. i. Judy Ann[7].

170.vii. ii. Sarah Jo.

170.vii. iii. Sue Ella.

170.vii. iv. William Henry, Jr.

v. Lana Gayle. Born 17 Dec 1960 in Oak Hill, W.Va.

171.ii. Roy Edwin[6] Honaker (Darius W.[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 26 Mar 1917. Died Jun 1965. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. He was a Purple Heart Medal recipient and great golfer.

He married Alma Bennett, youngest of 13 children of Unknown Bennett and Unknown. Died 2008. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Ronceverte. Children:

171.ii. i. Richard Edwin[7].

171.iii. Carletta[6] Honaker (Darius W.[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1920. In 2008 she lived in Organ Cave, W.Va.

She married James W. Deem. Born ca. 1918. Died 17 Apr 1994 in Fairlea, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 19 Apr 1994: James W. “Jim” Deem, 76, of Organ Cave died April 17, 1994, at Greenbrier Valley Medical Center, Fairlea, after a short illness. He was a retired brakeman with CSX Corp. and member of Bethel Pentecostal Holiness Church, Organ Cave. Surviving: wife, Carletta Honaker Deem; daughters, Donna Donovan

of Chester, Va., Linda Vance of Richmond, Va., Jeannie Deem of Organ Cave; sons, David and J.D., both of Organ Cave; sisters, Evelyn D. Young and Pollie D. McNeely, both of Organ Cave; eight grandchildren; three great-grandchildren. Service will be 2 p.m. today at Bethel Pentecostal Holiness Church, Organ Cave, with the Rev. Irvin Corner and the Rev. Connie Bowles officiating. Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home, Lewisburg, is in charge of arrangements.


i. Donna[7]. Married Unknown Donovan.

ii. Linda. Married Unknown Vance

iii. Jeannie.

iv. David

v. J.D.

171.iv. Ina[6] Honaker (Darius W.[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Died before 2008.

She married Carl Sims (also Simms). Children:

171.iv. i. Carl Thomas[7]. Born ca. 1947.

ii. Sonnie. She married Unknown Feamster.

iii. Bill. Frances Zell[6] Honaker (Darius W.[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 19 Mar 1928 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 27 Feb 2008 in Fairlea, W.Va.

Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 6 Mar 2008: Frances Honaker Boone (known by many as “Bobbin”) of Organ Cave passed away Wed., Feb. 27, 2008, at the Greenbrier Valley Medical Center following a long illness. Born Mar. 19, 1928, she was a member of the Zions Light Baptist Church and a dedicated volunteer at the Greenbrier Valley Medical Center for numerous years. She was preceded in death by her husband, Henry Boone; father, Darius Honaker; mother, Ila May Honaker; brother, Roy Honaker, and sister, Ina Simms. Survivors include sisters, Ruth Judd and Carletta Deem; brother, Bill Honaker; daughters, Rebecca Bouchard and husband Norm, Beverly Brown and husband Rusty, and Lisa LaFon and husband Bob; grandchildren, Sarah Bouchard and fiance Mike Tierney, Susan Bouchard, Ivy Mitchell and fiance Garrick Morgan, Andrea Brown and fiance Ben Preston, Aaron Brown, and Haley White. The Osteopathic School of Medicine will hold a memorial service in honor of her later this year.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 7 Mar 2008: Organ Cave—Frances Zell Honaker Boone, 79, of Organ Cave, passed away Wed., Feb. 27, 2008, after a long illness. Born Mar. 19, 1928, in Greenbrier County, she was the daughter of the late Darius and Ila May Honaker. A retired hairdresser, Mrs. Boone taught cosmetology in Falls Church and Arlington, Va. She was a tireless volunteer at Greenbrier Valley Medical Center and attended Zions Light Baptist Church. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Henry R. Boone Jr.; brother, Roy Honaker; and sister, Ina Sims. Survivors include two sisters, Ruth Judd of Ashburn, Va., and Carletta Deem of Organ Cave; brother, Bill Honaker of Ronceverte; three daughters, Rebecca Bouchard and husband, Norm, of Arlington, Va., Beverly Brown and husband, Rusty, of Union and Lisa Lafon and husband, Bob, of Organ Cave; six grandchildren, Sarah and Susan Bouchard of Arlington, Ivy Mitchell and Haley White of Organ Cave, and Andrea and Aaron Brown of Union. Gifts in memory of Mrs. Boone may be made to the Human Gift Registry of the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine in Lewisburg or to Zions Light Baptist Church in Ronceverte. Memorial service will be held at a later date. Submitted by McCraw Funeral Home, Lewisburg.

She married Henry R. Boone Jr., son of Henry R. Boone and Unknown. Died before 2008. Children: i. Rebecca[7]. ii. Beverly. iii. Lisa.

172.iii. Catherine[6] Honaker (called Skeeter) (Elbie F.[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Robert Cotton (also Totten). Children:

i. Danny[7].

ii. Timothy.

175. Ralph LaVerne[6] Honaker (called Frosty) (Charles Alfred[5], William Ritchie[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). See photograph. Born 16 Oct 1911 in Fremont, Dodge Co., Neb. He was a meatcutter for 20 years, and operated a small grocery store for the last 17 years, retiring in 1984. Died 7 Nov 2007 in Wenatchee, Wash.

Wenatchee [Wash.] World, 10 Nov 2007 (with photograph): Ralph “Frosty” LaVerne Honaker of Wenatchee, born to Myrtle Close and Charles Alfred Honaker on Oct. 16, 1911, in Cedar Bluffs, Neb. His early childhood was spent

in Wyoming and Montana. He graduated from Belt Valley High School in 1931. He became a journeyman in meat cutting. He owned and operated his own business, before becoming a partner in Berger Meat Co. in Great Falls, Mont. He came to Wenatchee in 1953, and owned and operated the Arrow Cafe & Tavern. He later bought Ernie’s Grocery, which he operated until his retirement in 1979. He was a member of the Eagles, Knights of Columbus, Wenatchee Golf and Country Club and a former member of the Lions Club. He was a leader of the Explorer Scouts program. He enjoyed dancing, traveling, golf and especially having relatives and friends over for the holidays. We were blessed to have Frosty in our lives and he will remain in our hearts forever. He is survived by the love of his life, Peggy. They were married 71 years. He is also survived by three children, Nell (Jim) Sugg of Tucson, Ariz., Chuck Honaker of Othello, Wash., and Donna Richards (Jerry Monroe) of Cashmere, WA. He is survived by six grandchildren; ten great-grandchildren; his sister, Eleanor Irish of Oak Harbor, Wash.; and many nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his sister, Edna Slatten; and his brother, Russell. Funeral services will be held 11 a.m., Tue., Nov. 13, 2007, at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, 625 S. Elliott, Wenatchee. Those who wish, may make memorial donations to a charity of their choice. Jones & Jones—Betts Funeral Service is in charge of arrangements.

He married Agnes Cleona Colgan (called Peggy), daughter of Daniel Patrick Colgan and Ora Truclow, 29 May 1936 in Great Falls, Mont. Born 22 Jun 1911 in Colgan, N.D. In 2001 they lived in Wenatchee, Wash. Children:

i. LaNelle Agnes[7] (called Nell). Born 18 Feb 1940 in Great Falls. In 2001 she lived in Tucson, Ariz. She married James Sugg.

ii. Charles LaVerne. Born 21 May 1947 in Great Falls. In 2001 he lived in Othello, Wash.

iii. Donna Marie. Born 14 Feb 1949 in Great Falls. In 2001 she lived in Cashmere, Wash. She married

R.J. Richards.

176. Eleanor Betty[6] Honaker (Charles Alfred[5], William Ritchie[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Eleanor was given Nettie as her middle name, but informally changed it to Betty in 1935. Born 4 Mar 1917 in Fremont, Dodge Co., Neb. Died 19 May 2008 at her home in Oak Harbor, Wash.

Whidbey News-Times, Whidbey Island, Wash., 14 Jun 2008 (with photograph): Eleanor B. Irish, 91, passed away May 19, 2008 at home in Oak Harbor. Born in Fremont, Neb., on March 4, 1917, she enjoyed a long life in the warmth of her family and friends’ company. Eleanor most recently worked at the Rosario Resort Gift Shop on Orcas island. She was preceded in death by her husband, Gordon A. Irish, brothers Ralph and Russ Honaker, and sister Edna Honaker-Slatten. Eleanor is survived by three daughters, Myrna Miller of Oak Harbor, Dolly Irish-Walker of China Springs, Texas, and Vickie Miller-Irish of Mount Vernon; 15 grandchildren, more than 30 great-grandchildren and 14 great-great grandchildren. A celebration of her life will be held at the Western Village Club House on Sat., June 14, from 1 to 4 p.m. The family requests that any remembrances be donated to charity in Eleanor’s name.

Eleanor was a homemaker, but after her second marriage went into real estate and retired from it after 20 years. She lived in a mobile home park in Oak Harbor, Wash. In leisure time she did china painting, reading, beachcombing for agates and fossils, traveling, and visiting her family. A photograph of her with her daughter Vickie’s family appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Winter 1998. A photograph of Gordon Irish appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Sep-Oct 2000.

She married, first, William Sherman Miller (called Sherm), son of George William Miller and Jeana Aldora Southworth, 11 Nov 1935 in Ft. Benton, Cascade Co., Mont. They divorced 11 Mar 1947 in Seattle, Wash. Born 3 Jun 1916 in Parker, Fremont Co., Idaho. Died 2 Mar 1967 in Augusta, Lewis & Clark Co., Mont. Buried in Augusta Cemetery. Sherm also married Sarah Anne Costley Chisholm. He was a rancher. Children (of Sherm and Eleanor):

176. i. Myrna Jean[7]. Born 8 Oct 1936 in Great Falls, Mont.

176. ii. Vickie (birth name was Mona Verlene.) Born 9 Jun 1938 in Pocatello, Idaho.

She married, second, Gordon Allison Irish, son of Allison John Irish and Susan Bril1, 29 Dec 1947 in San Diego, Calif. Born 22 Jul 1911 in Newark, Wayne Co., N.Y. Died 16 May 1998 in Coupeville, Whidbey Island, Wash. His ashes were scattered at sea from the USS Kearsarge, CVA-33, from which he retired from the Navy. The Kearsarge was home ported at Norfolk, Va. Eleanor and Gordon had no children of their own.

Whidbey News-Times, Whidbey Island, Wash., 27 May 1998: Gordon Allison Irish, 86, died at Careage of Whidbey Island on May 16, 1998. He was born July 22, 1911 in Newark, N.Y., to Allison John and Susan Brill Irish. Mr. Irish was a retired chief warrant officer. He joined the U.S. Navy in 1929 and was a Pearl Harbor survivor aboard the USS New Orleans. He participated in all of the major battles in the Pacific during World War II. He was retired from the Navy as the chief electrician aboard the USS Kearsarge in 1954. He then went to work at Boeing in Seattle where he was a supervisor. He retired from Boeing in 1967. Mr. Irish and his wife Eleanor moved to Orcas Island and lived there until 1983, when they moved to Oak Harbor. He was a charter member of both the North Whidbey Island and the Orcas Island Lions clubs, the Shriners and the Pearl Harbor Survivors’ Association. Survivors include his wife, Eleanor of Oak Harbor; three daughters: Dolly Walker of China Springs, Texas; Myrna Miller of Cashmere; and Vickie Irish of Oak Harbor; and foster son Harry Paddock of Bellingham. Other survivors include 15 grandchildren, 24 great-grandchildren and seven great-great grandchildren. The U.S. Navy will bury his ashes at sea. There will be no formal services. A Wake will be held for family and friends on June 13 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Western Village Club House. No flowers or sympathy cards, please, at Mr. Irish’s and his family’s request. Memorials may be made to Alzheimer’s Research.

Gordon married, first, Thelma Wiley in 1932 (died in 1935), and had one daughter with her, Dolores Thelma (called Dolly), born 20 Jun 1933 in Norfolk, Va. Dolly married, first, James Lee Wood in San Diego, Calif. He died in 1991 in Waco, Texas. They had four children: Jamie Lee, born 5 Jan 1953 in Waco; Sheryl, born 15 Dec 1953 in Waco; Randy Lee, born 5 Mar 1955 in Waco, and Mala Marie, born 11 Nov 1957 in Waco. All four married and had children. Dolly married, second, Carl Walker in 1994 in Texas.

177. Russell Dean[6] Honaker (called Russ) (Charles Alfred[5], William Ritchie[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). See photograph. Died of acute heart failure 4 Nov 2004 in Aberdeen, S.D. His wife Avis said he played golf the afternoon prior to his death. He and she were long-time members of the Honaker Family Assn.

Aberdeen [S.D.] American News, 17 Nov 2004 (with photograph)—Memorial service for Russell Dean Honaker, 84, 2702 3rd Ave. S.E., #202, Aberdeen, is 2 p.m., Sat., Nov. 20, at Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ with Pastor Rick Riedel officiating. Russell died unexpectedly Thurs., Nov. 4, 2004, at Avera St. Luke’s Hospital in Aberdeen. Spitzer Funeral Home, 320 6th Ave., S.E., is in charge of arrangements. Russell Dean Honaker was born on Jan. 28, 1920 to Charles A. and Myrtle (Close) Honaker in Cody, Wyo. His family moved to the Great Falls, Mont., area when Russ was an infant. He graduated from high school in 1938 in Dutton, Mont. He joined the Army Air Force in January 1941 and served in Australia until his honorable discharge in 1945. On June 14, 1946, Russ married his best friend, Avis A. Dotseth. The couple made their home in Great Falls, Mont., where Russ operated a service station and took up dirt biking and stock-car racing. In 1965 the family moved to Orcas Island, Wash., where Russ spent the next 17 years working retail and wholesale for Standard Oil Company at Russ’ Chevron. He was the chief of the Orcas Island Volunteer Fire Department and loved fishing and boating on “Lil’ Toot.” In 1982, he retired from Standard Oil, but not from life. Days were spent golfing, bowling, having coffee with the guys and spending time with Avis, family and friends. In 1989 the couple moved to Oak Harbor, Wash. Here Russ took up more golf; now, officially named “the Ol’ Boy” by his precious wife. In 2003 they moved to Aberdeen, S.D., to be near their eldest daughter, Pat, and her family. Until the time of his death, he continued to enjoy time spent with family, golfing, bowling and his many friends, old and new. Russ was a member of the American Legion, Elks Lodge and Lions Club. He had a magnetic personality and made friends easily. He was loved by everyone. He was a strict disciplinarian with a teddy bear heart. Russ lived every day to the fullest and the values he instilled in his family are strong and everlasting. He was a loving, caring gentleman who was giving to the end. Russ wished to be [an organ] donor and this wish was fulfilled, giving quality of life to others after his passing. If it is true and love lives as long as there is someone who remembers, Russ will be loved for a long time. Grateful for having shared his life are: his wife, Avis Honaker, Aberdeen; two daughters, Patricia (William) Haigh, Aberdeen, Laurie (Jed) Freeman, Redding, Calif.; son, Kenneth (Sue) Honaker, Simi Valley, Calif., 10 grandchildren, three step-grandchildren, 11 great-grandchildren, nine step-great-grandchildren, one great-great-granddaughter; one brother, R.L. “Frosty” (Peg) Honaker, Wenatchee, Wash.; and one sister, Eleanor Irish, Oak Harbor. He is preceded in death by his parents, one sister, and one great-grandson. The family request memorials to the organ fund at Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ, 431 Melgaard Rd. W., Aberdeen, SD 57401.

180. Frederick Eugene[6] Honaker (Jesse Wayne[5], John Allen[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). See photographs [Ruth C. Honaker.] Born 9 Aug 1925 in Kenmore, a community in southwest Akron, Summit Co., Ohio. Died 21 Feb 1993 in Akron. Buried in Emanuel United Church of Christ Cemetery, Doylestown, Wayne Co., Ohio.

Akron [Ohio] Beacon Journal, 23 Feb 1993: Frederick E. Honaker went home to be with the Lord on Feb. 21, 1993. He is survived by his loving wife, Ruth; son Kim (Becky) of Fairlawn; daughters Cynthia Honaker of Norton and Christine (Tom) Hill of Illinois; five grandchildren; two brothers and one sister. Mr. Honaker was born in Kenmore and resided in Norton most of his life. He was a 1944 graduate of Norton High School and a member of the 1943 undefeated Norton Panther football team. He was a disabled World War II veteran and a member of the 73rd Bomb Wing Association. He retired from Goodyear Aerospace with 34 years service and was a lifelong avid sportsman who loved to hunt and fish. Friends may call at the Bacher Funeral Home, 3350 Greenwich Rd., Norton, today, 5 to 8 p.m. Funeral service will be held Wednesday, 11 a.m., at the Emanuel United Church of Christ, 16 Eastern Rd., Doylestown, with Pastor Heather Wicks officiating. Interment at Emanuel United Church of Christ Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to the Ohio Scleroderma International Foundation in care of Old Phoenix Bank, 950 High St., Wadsworth, OH 44281.

During World War II he was assigned to the 73rd Bomb Wing, 20th Air Force, Isley Field, Saipan, a heavy strategic bombardment unit equipped with more than 400 B-29 Superfortress bombers whose mission was to carry the war to the Japanese. There he was hospitalized with food poisoning for 99 days. For his wartime service he was awarded the Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal, American Campaign Medal, World War II Victory Medal, and rifle and carbine badges. After the war he worked in the wheel and brake department of Goodyear Aerospace, Akron. He was a member of Grace United Church of Christ of Loyal Oak, Ohio and served as a youth leage baseball coach.

He married Ruth Carolyn Winkler, daughter of Frederick John Winkler and Ella Eva Fernyak, 25 Oct 1947 in Loyal Oak, Ohio. Born 28 Sep 1928 in Copley, Summit Co., Ohio. In her youth she was a Girl Scout. She graduated from Norton High School in 1947, receiving a literature award for a poem in a contest with seniors throughout the U.S. She worked as a clerk at Woolworth Department Store, Summit Mall, Fairlawn, Ohio, for 11 years. She was a member of Grace United Church of Christ and later Emanuel United Church of Christ, Doylestown. She enjoyed floral arranging. Children:

338. i. Christine Ann[7]. Born 27 Aug 1948 in Akron, Ohio

ii. Cynthia Kay. Born 19 Oct 1950 in Akron. Died 28 Jan 2002 in Copley, Ohio. Buried in Emanuel United Church of Christ Cemetery, Doylestown, Ohio.

Beacon Journal, Akron, Ohio, 30 Jan 2002: Cynthia Kay Honaker went home to be with the Lord on Jan. 28, 2002. She is survived by her loving mother, Ruth; brother, Kim (Becky) of Fairlawn; sister, Christine (Tom) Hill of Phoenix, Ariz.; four nieces, four nephews,

one great-niece, and one great-nephew. She was preceded in death by her father, Fred, on Feb. 21, 1993. She was born in Akron and resided in Norton all her life. She was a 1969 graduate of Norton High School and an honor student. She was a 1973 graduate of Akron University, also an honor student, and taught children with learning disabilities at Santrock School in Barberton. She started the first Scleroderma Support Group in Ohio with a mailing list of 180, holding meetings at the Cleveland Clinic and private homes, and continued to help and encourage others for 30 years. She will be dearly missed by her family and friends. Friends may call Thursday, Jan. 31, from 5 to 8 p.m., at the Bacher Funeral Home, 3250 Greenwich Rd., Norton. Funeral services will be at Emanuel High United Church of Christ, 16 Eastern Rd., Doylestown, on Friday at 11 a.m.,

with Pastor James Edwards officiating. Interment at Emanuel High United Church of Christ Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to the Scleroderma International Foundation, 15389 Wooded Way, Beaverton, Ore. 97066. Special thanks to Barbara Godar from Hospice and Pamela Caldwell with [Visiting Nurse Service]. Map and directions at:

(Bacher, 330-825-3633.)

Cynthia was a Girl Scout and a Big Sister, member of Grace United Church of Christ and later Emanuel Church of Christ, Doylestown. She took a B.A. in Education, with a 4-point average, from University of Akron [Ohio] in 1973 and taught children with learning disabilities before becoming ill with Scleroderma. She then provided advice and hope to many who were very ill. Interested in her family’s roots, she researched both sides and dedicated the resulting book to her father. She was artistic and wrote poetry, including the following piece that was read at her funeral:

Perhaps Someday

I’ve never met my husband yet, I don’t even know his name. We’ve never been to dinner, Nor to a football game. We’ve never watched a sunset Illuminate the sky. We’ve never had a baby Wake us with his cry. We’ve never shared one single kiss Which later led to wedded bliss.

We never have vacationed, Nor honeymooned in France. We’ve never been ice-skating, Nor to a formal dance. We’ve never gone off hiking Just to see a waterfall. We’ve never been out fishing Just for fun, to have a ball!

We’ve never shared a pizza, Some popcorn, and a coke. We’ve never watched a movie Just to laugh, and have a joke. We’ve never been to K-Mart, Taco Bell, nor Chuck E. Cheese. We’ve never held hands in worship, Nor gotten down upon our knees To express our thanks to God above, And to let Him know, that He, is love.

Perhaps, God has a plan for me When in Heaven, I shall arrive. And there, I’ll receive His gift, a mansion, Built just for me, to my surprise! Perhaps, I’ll meet my husband there, And as for dinner, we shall share and dine. And then we’ll be together, all the time, and he’ll be my forever Valentine. --The beginning…..

339. iii. Kim Eugene. Born 30 Sep 1952 in Akron.

181. Charles Morris[6] Honaker (James Everett[5], Parker Smith[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 May 1920 in Shadeville, Franklin Co., Ohio. Died 20 Mar 1970 in Caledonia, Marion Co., Ohio. Buried in Caledonia Cemetery.

He married Mary L. Ferrin 24 Mar 1941 in Columbus, Ohio. Died Nov 2000. Children:

i. Mary Lou[7]. Born 6 Feb 1942 in Middletown, Ohio. She married Charles Scowden in Marion

Co., Ohio.

ii. James Lee (twin). Born 18 Feb 1946 in Columbus. He married Crystal Conners in Marion County.

iii. Carol Ann (twin). Born 18 Feb 1946 in Columbus. She married Larry Smith in Marion County.

iv. Glenn Morse. Born 5 Feb 1948 in Columbus. He married Loretta Kay Ingles 30 Apr 1971 in

Marion, Marion County.

v. Charles Mark. Born 28 Feb 1953 in Columbus.

vi. William Jay. Born 5 Apr 1955 in Marion County. He married Mary Unknown. The Cincinnati

[Ohio] Enquirer, 3 Jul 2016, printed the obituary of Charles A. Hackman, age 101, husband of the late Catherine M. (O’Hare) Hackman, father of Mary (Will) Honaker. There is the strong geographical and timeline possibility that William Jay married this Mary.

182. Ruth Lucille[6] Honaker (James Everett[5], Parker Smith[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

Marion [Ohio] Star, 13 Sep 1997: Ruth L. Ferrin, 73, formerly of 131 Selma St., died Thursday,

Sept. 11, 1997 at Community Health Care Center. Born May 5, 1924 in Columbus, she was the daughter of the late James and Elizabeth (Carroll) Honaker. On May 24, 1941, in Fairfield County, she married John Henry Ferrin. He died

May 28, 1994, in Marion. A homemaker, she attended the Church of Christ in Christian Union. She is survived by four sons, Thomas Ferrin, Hillsboro, Frank Ferrin, Marion, Richard Ferrin, Manassas, Va. and Michael Ferrin, Bremerton, Wash.; two daughters, Sandra Eaches and Vicki Rollison, both of Marion; two brothers, James Honaker, Galion, Leroy Honaker, Marion; three sisters, Georgia Farrow, Marion, Amelia Mae Honaker, Mount Vernon, and Dixie Meadows, Nevada; and 12 grandchildren and five great grandchildren. [She] was preceded in death by two brothers, Charles and Robert Honaker and a sister, Mary Schneider. The funeral is 11 a.m. Monday at Boyd Funeral Home with the Rev. James Donnally officiating. Burial is in Caledonia Cemetery. Friends may call 5–8 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to Quality of Life Hospice.

185. Georgia Alberta[6] Honaker (James Everett[5], Parker Smith[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 28 Feb 1933 in Columbus, Ohio. Died 29 May 2013. Buried in Marion [Ohio] Cemetery.

Marion [Ohio] Star, 2 Jun 2013: Georgia A. Honaker Carr Farrow, age 80 of Marion, passed away on Wed., May 29, 2013 at Kindred Care Nursing Home. She was born Feb. 28, 1933 in Columbus, Ohio to the late James Everett and Elizabeth Mae (Carrell) Honaker. She was twice married and preceded in death by Joe Carr and Andrew Farrow, and also preceded in death by her special friend, Fred Wilson. Georgia is survived by three daughters, Peggy (James) Blevins, of Marion, Evelyn (Joe) Hauber, of Ocklawaha, Fla., and Susan Caskey, of Marion, Ohio; two sons, Joseph (Helen) Carr of Prospect, Ohio, and Jerry (Beverly) Carr of Marion, Ohio; a brother, LeRoy (Marie) Honaker of Florida; 17 grandchildren, as well as many great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Besides those listed above, Georgia was also preceded in death by two grandchildren, Lee and Christina, and a great-grandchild, Samantha, as well as four sisters, May, Ruth, Mary, and Dixie and four brothers, Harold, Charles, James, and Robert. There will be a private graveside service at a later date in Marion Cemetery. Any contributions can be made to Heartland Hospice and Kindred Care Nursing Home. Online condolences may be expressed to the family at .

She married, first, Joseph Daniel Carr, son of Henry O. Carr and Blanch Soule,10 Jan 1948 in Catlettsburg, Ky. Born 7 May 1920 in Essex, Union Co., Ohio. Died 8 Mar 1969 in Marion, Ohio. Buried in Marion Cemetery. He served in World War II, then became a steel worker in Marion. He owned a Harley-Davidson motorcycle and enjoyed attending races. Children:

343. i. Joseph Daniel[7] Jr. (called Joey) Born 18 Oct 1948 in Marion.

344. ii. Susanna May (called Sue and Susan.) Born 28 Jun 1950 in Marion.

iii. Judy Helen. Born 28 Jun 1951 in Marion. She married, first, Tom Pickens in Marion. They

divorced. She married, second, Wayne Miller. They divorced.

iv. Jerry Allen. Born 22 Jan 1953 in Marion. He married Beverly Jean Mayes Miller 11 Mar 1984 in


v. Evelyn Marie. Born 14 Dec 1953 in Marion. She married Joseph Hauber in Ocklawaha, Marion

Co., Fla.

345. vi. Peggy Elizabeth (called Peg.) Born 1 Nov 1954 in Marion.

She married, second, Andrew Franklin Farrow (called Frank), son of William Frank Farrow and Pearl Cook,

27 Sep 1969 in Cadiz, Ohio. Born 13 Aug 1939 in Perry, Fla. Died 29 Oct 1994 in Ocala, Fla. Buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Perry, Fla.

187. Leroy[6] Honaker (James Everett[5], Parker Smith[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 7 Jun 1942 in Columbus, Ohio. Died of cancer 31 Oct 2015 in Lecanto, Citrus Co., Fla.

Marion [Ohio] Star, 10 Nov 2015: Lecanto, Fla.—Leroy Honacker, 73, died Sat., Oct. 31, 2015 in Lecanto, Fla., after a short fight with cancer. He served in the Navy from 1960 to 1979. He was also a licensed locksmith, painter and salesman of many things. He moved to Homosassa, Fla., when he retired at the age of 63. There he lived with his current wife Maree. He loved to play cards and socialize with his friends. He was born June 7, 1942 to the late William Edwards and Elizabeth (Honacker) Edwards in Columbus, Ohio. He is survived by his wife, Maree; and two children, Scott Honaker and Elizabeth Baker. He is preceded in death by his daughter Cheryl Myers; also survived by 10 grandsons and one granddaughter, 36 great grandchildren and one great great grandson. He will surely be missed. He was cremated at Hooper Funeral Home in Beverly Hills, Fla. He wife Maree is having a small service in Florida for his friends and family there. His daughter Elizabeth is having a memorial dinner for friends and family in Ohio at American Legion bingo hall on Olney Street in Marion, Ohio, on Sat., Nov. 14th at 2 p.m. Not needed but she is asking for everyone to bring covered dish to share. Also for concerns and giving of donations please contact Elizabeth Baker at 412-245-6602 or mail to 215 Mabel St., Reynoldsville, PA 15851.

He married, first, Diane Richie, daughter of Robert Richie and Marie Unknown. Children:

i. Cheryl Lynn[7]. Born 4 Apr 1961 in Marion, Marion Co., Ohio. Died before 2015. She married, first, Kenneth Taylor 10 Jan 1997 in Marion. She married, second, Unknown Myers.

ii. Conrad Scott. Born 31 Oct 1963 in Florida.

iii. Elizabeth Marie. Born 30 Dec 1967 in Florida.

He married, second, Maree Unknown.

188. George Styrus[6] Honaker (Marsheen Tabler[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 1 Apr 1891 in Sigman, Putnam Co., (also reported as Center Point, W.Va. Died 3 Jul 1979 in Dunbar, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Buried Grandview Cem., Dunbar.

He married Clara Belle Withrow (called Belle), daughter of Lewis Blackburn Withrow and Malinda Huffman, 4 May 1931 in Paradise, Putnam Co., W.Va. Born 8 Apr 1893 at Allen’s Fork, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died 14 May 1985 in Dunbar. Buried Grandview Cem., Dunbar. Children:

i. Juanita Lena[7]. Born 13 Jul 1914 in Bancroft, Putnam Co., W.Va. Died 1 Dec 1980 in Dunbar. Buried Grandview Cem., Dunbar. She married, first, Dewey Fisher. She married, second, John Darby. She married, third, Hugh Vannoy. She married, fourth, Bud Lanham. There were no children.

346. ii. Clayton Tabler (called C.T.) Born 19 Feb 1918 in Bancroft, W.Va.

347. iii. Vivian Noland (called Red). Born 3 Jun 1922 in Ward, Kanawha Co., W.Va.

iv. Theo Nada. Born 1924 in Ward. Died 1932 in Dunbar. Buried Wade Chapel

Cem., Confidence, Putnam Co., W.Va.

348. v. Howard Lee (called Bo). Born 9 Dec 1926 in Ward.

349. vi. Geneta Alene. Born 8 Nov 1929 in Ward.

350. vii. Eugenia Ruth (called Ruth). Born 27 Dec 1932 in Dunbar.

189. William Jennings Bryan[6] Honaker (Marsheen Tabler[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Sep (also Dec) 1896 in Sigman, (also reported as Center Point), Putnam Co., W.Va. Died 2 May 1935 in Cedar Grove, Kanawha Co., W.Va.

He married Carla Bailey in Putnam County. Children:

i. Merrell Denia (also reported as Merrell Dennis)[7].

ii. Ray Woodrow.

190. Lowell W.[6] Honaker (Letcher Wellington[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 29 Jan 1898 in Paradise, Putnam Co., W.Va. Died 5 Mar 1942 in Paradise.

He married Lottie Mable Luikart 12 Nov 1928 in Paradise. Born ca. 1899. Children:

190. i. Norma Lee[7]. Born ca. 1920.

190. ii. Donald K. Born 8 May 1924 in Paradise.

iii. Franklin S. Born ca. 1927. Died before 2016.

190. iv. Glenn Austin. Born 21 Jan 1933 in Red House, Putnam Co., W.Va.

191. Carl Kenneth[6] Honaker (Letcher Wellington[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 30 Jan 1901 in Paradise, Putnam Co., W.Va. Died 13 Jul 1973 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va.

He married Alvalee Maude Leach 9 May 1926 in Putnam County. Born ca. 1902. Died 30 Jan 1989 in Dunbar, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Buried Cunningham Memorial Park, Charleston.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 31 Jan 1989: Mrs. Alvalee L. Honaker, 86, of 459 20th St., Dunbar, died Jan. 30, 1989, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lyda A. Keenan of Dunbar, after a long illness. She was a Methodist. She was retired from the state Department of Employment Security with 25 years’ service. Also surviving: daughter, Mrs. Betty J. Skeen of Charleston; sister, Mrs. Phyllis Moles of Charleston; brother, Charles M. Leach of Rock Branch; six grandchildren; 17 great-grandchildren. Service will be 1 p.m. Wednesday at Long-Fisher Funeral Home, Charleston, with the Rev. Riley James officiating. Burial will be in Cunningham Memorial Park. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home.


i. Maxine Beth Jo[7] (called Betty). Born ca. 1927. She married Emmett Hurley Skeen.

191. ii. Lyda Ann (called Mickey.) Born ca. 1930.

192. Dayton L.[6] Honaker (Letcher Wellington[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 3 Oct 1907 in Paradise, W.Va. Died 20 Mar 1995 in Nitro, W.Va. Interred in Haven of Rest Memorial Gardens Mausoleum, Red House, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 21 Mar 1995: Dayton L. Honaker, 87, of Nitro died Mar. 20, 1995, at home after a long illness. He lived in Nitro for eight years and was formerly of Paradise. He was a dairy farmer, electrician and retired manager of Honaker’s Garage. He was a member of Buffalo Masonic Lodge and attended Sattes Community Church. Surviving: daughters, Shirley Shank and Sue Akers, both of Nitro; five grandchildren; six great-grandchildren. Service will be 1 p.m. Wednesday at Gatens Funeral Home Chapel, Poca, with the Rev. W. David Lett and the Rev. Edgar Shaeffer officiating. Entombment will be in Haven of Rest Memorial Gardens Mausoleum, Red House. Friends may call 5 to 8 p.m. today the funeral home. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Kanawha Hospice, 1143 Dunbar Ave., Dunbar, W.Va. 25064.

He married Ruth Williams. Born ca. 1909. Died 24 Feb 1994 in South Charleston, W.Va. Interred in Haven of Rest Memorial Gardens Mausoleum.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 25 Feb 1994: Ruth W. Honaker, 84, of Nitro died Feb. 24, 1994, in Thomas Memorial Hospital, South Charleston, after a long illness. She was a seven-year resident of Nitro, formerly of Paradise, Putnam County, and attended Sattes Community Church. Surviving: husband, Dayton L.; daughters, Shirley Shank and Susan Akers, both of Nitro; sisters, Wilma Carte of Nitro, Emma Belle Call of Huntington; five grandchildren; five great-grandchildren. Service will be 2 p.m. Saturday at Gatens Funeral Home, Poca, with the Rev. Raymond Frame and the Rev. Edgar Shaeffer Jr.

officiating. Entombment will be in Haven of Rest Memorial Gardens Mausoleum, Red House. Friends may call from 5 to 8 p.m. today at the funeral home.


i. Shirley[7]. Born ca. 1936. Married Clifford Shank.

ii. Susan Effie. Born ca. 1947. Married, first, Unknown Akers. Married, second, Jack L. Pennington,

son of Ira Pennington and Dovie Unknown, 24 Mar 1989 in Kanawha Co., W.Va.

(Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 9 Apr 1989): Mr. & Mrs. J.L. Pennington, Former Susan Akers

Susan Akers and Jack L. Pennington were married March 24 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Britton of Kellys Creek. She is the daughter of Dayton and Ruth Honaker of Nitro. He is the son of Dovie Pennington of Nitro and the late Ira Pennington. The Rev. Kyle McMillion officiated. Shirley Shank was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Sandy Britton and Sherri Britton. Clifford Shank was the best man. A reception followed the ceremony. They are living in Poca. She graduated from Poca High School and is employed by South Charleston Community Hospital. He graduated from DuPont High School and is employed by Transfer Drivers, Inc.

194. Lottie[6] Honaker (Forest Hill[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Children:

i. Anna Pauline[7]. Living in 1948.

ii. Doris. Living in 1948.

iii. Joyce. Living in 1948.

195. Grace Myrtle[6] Honaker (Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 4 Oct 1900 in Lanham, Putnam Co., W.Va. Died 2 Feb 1976 in Paradise, Putnam County. Buried in Center Point, Doddridge Co., W.Va.

She married, first, Cecil Dayton Landers, son of James Henry Landers (called Henry) and Cordula Ann Farrar, 29 Dec 1917 in Winfield, Putnam Co., W.Va. They divorced. Born 10 Jan 1896 in Putnam County. Died 6 Sep 1958 in Richmond, Va. Buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Richmond. He was severely injured by an unbroken horse while in the employment of the U.S. Army during World War I. The horse trampled him and crushed his hips. He was bedfast for several years after which he partially recovered. Even though one leg was 4-in. shorter than the other, he was able to work in a box factory until his death from a heart attack. Children:

351. i. Leolin Velber[7]. Born 25 Nov 1918 in Sigman, Putnam Co., W.Va.

352. ii. Elvie Gayle.Born 10 Aug 1920 in Sigman.

She married, second, John Leonard Gott, son of Hugh Gott and Annie McClanahan, 27 Apr 1929 in Putnam County. Born 1891 in Lanham. Children:

iii. Norma Lee. Born 1930 in Sigman. Died Aug 1984 in Putnam County. A beautiful girl during her teens and early 20s, she became a telephone company supervisor. She later developed mental illness and was hospitalized in Spencer, Roane Co., W.Va. She never married.

197. Opie Alton[6] Honaker (called Doc) (Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Lula Virginia Casto. Buried in Center Point Cemetery, Paradise, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 12 Jun 1991: Belleview, Ky.—Lula V. Honaker, 76, of Belleview, formerly of Jackson County, W.Va., died June 10, 1991, in St. Luke Hospital, Fort Thomas, [Ky.] after a long illness. She was a retired employee of Local No. 213, Bakers Confectionary and Tobacco Workers Union, Cincinnati. She was a member of Dayton Church of God, Dayton. Surviving: sons, Harvey and Letcher, of Dayton, Dayton of Williamsburg, Ohio, Gerald of Alexandria, Willard of New Richmond, Ohio,; daughters, Mary Scareberry and Joyce England, of Dayton, Linda Woodall of Bellevue, Barbara Wall of Laurel, Ind.; sisters, Icey Toney of Big Tyler Mountain, W.Va., Maggie Gibson of Charleston, W.Va.; 32 grandchildren; 29 great-grandchildren. Services will be 2 p.m. Thursday at Dayton Church of God, and noon Friday at Center Point Community Church, Paradise, W.Va., with the Rev. Lewis Ross officiating. Burial will be in Center Point Cemetery, Paradise. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. today at Dobbling Funeral Home, Bellevue, and from 11 a.m. until time of

service Friday at Center Point Community Church, Paradise.

198. Fern Irene[6] Honaker (Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Buried in Center Point Cemetery, Liberty, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 11 Nov 1985: Mrs. Fern Irene Honaker Kinser, 76, of Liberty, Putnam County, died Sunday in Putnam General Hospital, Teays Valley, after a long illness. She was a native of Putnam County and a member of Center Point Community Church. Surviving: daughters, Mrs. JoAnn Higginbotham and Mrs. Geraldine Goodwin, both of Liberty, Mrs. Martha Legg of Jacksonville, Fla., Mrs. Janet Bush and Mrs. Diana Maddox, both of Charleston, Mrs. Charlotte Ramsey of St. Albans, Mrs. Theo Hassinger of Philadelphia; sons, Thomas and the Rev. Maxel “Sam”, both of Liberty; sister, Bonnie D. Kelley of Davis Creek; brother, Keith Honaker of Knoxville, Tenn.; 21 grandchildren; 20 great-grandchildren. Service will be 1 p.m. Tuesday at Center Point Community Church, Liberty, with the Rev. LeRoy Meadows and the Rev. Ralph Ranson officiating. Burial will be in Center Point Cemetery, Liberty. Friends may call from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. today at Gatens Funeral Home, Poca, and at the church one hour before the service.

199. Bonnie Wilma[6] Honaker (Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]. Born 2 Dec 1910 in Sigman, Putnam Co., W.Va. Died 6 Apr 2005 in Charleston, W.Va. Buried in Tyler Mountain Memory Gardens, Cross Lanes, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 8 Apr 2005 (with photograph): Bonnie Honaker Kelley, 94, of Charleston, died Apr. 6, 2005 after a short illness. She was the daughter of the late [Leondas] Rosser and Erna Clementine Thomas Honaker. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Homer E. Kelley and son, Sonny Kelley. She is survived by her sons, Homer Earl of Charleston and Gary of Cross Lanes; daughter, Della “Sally” Mitchell of Charleston; brother, Keith Honaker of Knoxville, Tenn.; ten grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren. Funeral service will be held at 2 p.m., Sat., Apr. 9, at Tyler Mountain Funeral Home, 5233 Rocky Fork Rd., Cross Lanes, with the Rev. Sam Kinser officiating. Interment will follow in Tyler Mountain Memory Gardens. There will be a gathering of family and friends one hour prior to service at Tyler Mountain Funeral Home.


iii. Stanley Roosevelt (called Sonny).

200. William Woodrow[6] Honaker (called Bill) (Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 7 Jun 1913 in Putnam Co., W.Va. (also reported as 14 Jun 1914 in Sigman, Kanawha Co., W.Va.) Died

21 Feb 1973 (also reported as 24 Feb 1974) in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Buried in Center Point Cemetery, near Liberty, Putnam Co., W.Va.

An obituary appeared in the Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette.

He married Cleareal Christine Gott (called Christine), daughter of Mathew Beckner and Ella Gott, Sep 1934 in Putnam County. Born 3 Jun 1916 in Putnam County. Died 17 Feb 2002 in Putnam County. Buried in Center Point Cemetery. Her grandson Larry Allen Woodall said that Christine had no relationship with her father and did not take his surname.

An obituary appeared in the Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette. Children:

370. i. William Franklin[7]. Born 5 Jun 1935 in Lanham, Putnam Co., W.Va.

371. ii. Mabel Emogene. Born 20 Sep 1936 in Lanham.

iii. Brenda Kay. Born 14 Aug 1946 in Tad, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Killed by a drunk driver 22 Jul 1948 (also 1949) in Tad. Buried next to her parents in Center Point Cemetery.

201. Keith Jewell[6] Honaker (Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). See photographs. Died 27 May 2012 in Knoxville, Tenn.

Knoxville [Tenn.] News Sentinel, 30 May 2012: Lt. Colonel Keith Jewel Honaker, courageous soldier, our beloved husband, dad, son, and brother, left our lives on May 27, 2012. Keith, who was a long-time resident of Knoxville, was 94 years old and leaves his most cherished wife of 75 years, Wilma Agnes Guthrie Honaker and their children, Errol Honaker, John Honaker, Cathy Morton, Sandra Rogers, and Jeffery Honaker; daughters and son-in-law Harriet Honaker, Linda Honaker, and Ben Morton. Keith was the beloved son of Leondas Rosser Honaker and mother, Ernie Thomas Honaker. Keith treasured his grandchildren as the love his life: Wrenn Chais, Mike Honaker, Laura Lane, Leigh Cosgrove, Bryanna Britt, Jordan Rogers, Benjamin Morton, and Allison Morton; and great-grandchildren, Carson and Peyton Lane, Madeline, Chloe, and Jonny Chais, Jake, Kelsey, and Sophia Cosgrove, and Lindsay, Emily, and Haley Honaker. Keith was dedicated to the service of his country in the U.S. military for twenty-seven years. He attained the rank of lieutenant colonel and was a respected military leader by all the men and women with whom he served. Among his military assignments were the 158th Regimental Combat Team, “The Bushmasters,” which served during World War II in New Guinea and Arawa, New Britain which was cited by Gen. Douglas McArthur as one of the best infantry combat units in the Army. During his service in Arawa, New Britain, Keith served as an escort for John Wayne in a frontline maneuver. Keith also served as an airborne paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne Division and 11th Airborne Division. He was a company and battalion commander in these airborne units. Keith served in campaigns in the Pacific theater for three and a half years. In Indochina, with the Military Assistance Advisory Group, MAAG, he served as a liaison to the French military in the use of U.S. military weapons between 1951 and 1954. As reported by a French military officer, Keith was thought to have fired the first U.S. military weapon against the Communist Viet Minh. He then served a tour of duty in Germany with the 24th Infantry Division in defense against the Russian threat. He returned to the U.S. and finished his military career at East Tennessee State College as a military science instructor, as well as the rifle team coach. As an infantry officer, Keith led a team to destroy a tank behind enemy lines and was awarded the Bronze Star for this act; his medal was presented recently by the U.S. Congressman, Hon. Jimmy Duncan. At the ceremony, Wilma was awarded an Army medal for her service to our country. Keith received numerous other awards including the U.S. Airborne badge and the U.S. Combat Infantryman badge. After his retirement, Keith continued his professional career as the Director of Urban Renewal and Community Development in Johnson City, Elizabethton, and Knoxville. Keith was a dedicated lifelong member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and served faithfully in any calling asked of him by the church. He and Wilma were the first managers of the LDS church food storehouse, and Keith was genealogy director and employment assistant. He and his wife also served at the Mormon temple in Atlanta. Keith also authored four books. Keith wished for his family and friends to know that he loved them and if anyone asked how he wanted to remembered he said, “I want to be remembered as a soldier, a beloved husband, father, and grandfather, a loving son and brother, and a faithful Mormon.” Family and friends are invited to a celebration of Keith’s life at 10 a.m. on Thurs., May 31, 2012, at West Hills Branch, LDS Church, 400 Kendall Rd., Knoxville, Tenn., 37919, (corner of Kendall Road and Gleason). Interment service will follow, with full military honors presented by the Tennessee Army National Guard, at the Tennessee Veterans Cemetery, 2200 E. Governor John Sevier Hwy., Knoxville 37920 Online condolences may be made at . The family will receive friends 5:30–7:30 p.m. Wednesday at Rose Mortuary Mann Heritage Chapel.

He graduated from Charleston [W.Va.] High School in 1937. Over the course of his lifetime he completed courses in real estate and computers at the University of Tennessee, extension courses at the Augsburg, Germany branch of the University of Maryland, and a navigation course offered by Austin Peay State College at Ft. Campbell, Ky. He also completed military training including the Officers Associate Advanced Course, Ft. Benning, Ga., Parachute School, and others. He was civil defense director for Johnson City and Washington Co., Tenn., and a scoutmaster. His offices in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints included high priest, high counselor of Knoxville, Tenn. Stake, Sunday school president of the Knoxville Stake, high priest group leader, Family History Center director, and co-director of employment, with Wilma, for two stake areas.

His name and photograph appear in Historical Annual, National Guard of the State of West Virginia, 1938, pp. 28-29. He was then a corporal in Co. D., 1st Bn., 150th Infantry. Company D was based in Charleston, W.Va., where Keith lived at the time.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 24 Nov 1993: “Ben Rod Jordan” book recalls rural life—Putnam-born author returns home, by Ben Calwell

He had a view from Paradise. As a boy in rural Putnam County, Keith Honaker, now 76, used to spend some of his evenings gazing at the glow of light from distant Charleston. He wondered about what he might be missing in the big city. Growing up in the 1920s on the family farm near the community of Paradise, Honaker knew nothing of electricity, paved roads, running water or telephones. It was a simpler time, when a rural boy’s life was anchored by neighbors, friends and a sense of community.

Honaker now lives in Knoxville, Tenn. He’s written a book based on his experiences as a boy growing up in the 1920s and 30s in rural West Virginia. The book is entitled “Ben Rod Jordan of Putnam County.”

“It’s the story of a group of boys who lived in Putnam County in the latter part of the 1920s, just before the Great Depression,” Honaker said. Living in a rugged, isolated area without any recreational facilities, the boys had to create their own fun. “As a result of that, we got ourselves into a lot of mischief.” Honaker said Ben Rod Jordan is a fictitious character “acting out the things that boys would do back in those days –mischievous things,” he said. Like spit balls shot at the “unmentionable” portion of the school teacher’s anatomy or chasing girls with black snakes.

The name of the main character comes from his two grandsons. “Ben Rod is one grandson, and Jordan is another grandson.” All the events in the book are true, Honaker said. “I had to garnish it up a little bit to make it more interesting, but the events are true.” The tales are woven with threads of both comedy and tragedy. Among the antics described in the book is the story of how Ben Rod gets a tooth pulled by a “blacksmith dentist.”

“He shod horses, and he pulled teeth. He pulled my tooth, and he liked to have killed me. I thought my head was going to explode. Two farmers held me in the chair. Back in those days, there were no dentists in the vicinity. Sometimes the barber acted as the dentist, but, in this case, [the blacksmith] acted as the dentist.”

Honaker’s mother died when he was only 18 months old. His father, Ross, raised him and his seven siblings. “He had a rough time bringing up eight children without her,” he said. There are also descriptions of public hangings, one-room schoolhouses and hearing a radio broadcast for the first time. In a chapter entitled “A Voice From Outer Space,” he describes hearing a radio broadcast for the first time at a neighbor’s house. The neighbor, Willis Allen, invited his neighbors to see and hear the wondrous invention. The year was 1927. Allen turned on the battery-powered Stewart-Warner Matched Unit, Model 325, and a lighted dial blazed to life.

“At the time, all we had was kerosene lamps. We had never seen anything like that [lighted dial]. The light mystified us,” he said. The speaker, shaped like a big morning glory flower, began to squawk: “This is Charleston, West Virginia.” That was followed by a weather forecast and music.

The book is also about self-reliance. “We had to raise everything we ate. Back in those days, they had no food stamps,” he said. “We were completely self-sustaining.” Though life was hard on a rural farm at the beginning of the Great Depression, Honaker said it helped him develop character. “It was the best thing that ever happened to me, because it really brought the best out of anyone living under those circumstances. It required you to take on responsibilities that young people don’t have today—it gives you character.” The hardships were tempered by a feeling of community. “Ben Rod brings that out very closely—the family, community and church. [The book] suggests that we return to those basic principles,” he said.

However, Honaker yearned for a better life for himself. The lights of the big city called to him. “We could stand on our porch and see the lights coming from Charleston, shooting up over the horizon 30 miles away.” In 1933, Honaker left the family farm to attend high school in Charleston. He stayed with relatives and, except for visits, never returned to the farm. He still visits the old home place occasionally. “I still have nephews and nieces out there,” he said.

The book about Ben Rod Jordan is Honaker’s first to be published. A second book in progress is entitled “The Eagle Weeps.” It’s about his military service in Indochina in the early 1950s. As an Army officer, he assisted the French army there. He was assigned to an advisory group. His job was to schedule “in use” visits to all military units that used American equipment. He was to make sure that the French army was using and maintaining the equipment properly. “My job was to visit all over Indochina. I was there from 1952 to 1954. My family was with me, too. My wife was captured by the communists over there. I’m grateful to the French, because they rescued her.”

Daily Times, Maryville, Tenn., 16 Aug 2007 (with photograph): Author recalls growing up in 1920s West Va., by Melanie Tucker.

He’s been married for 69 years, raised five children with wife Wilma, spent quality time with eight grandchildren and now 11 great-grandchildren. He joined the National Guard at the age of 17 by lying to officials, earned a Bronze Star in World War II and fondly recalls his humble beginnings on a farm in rural West Virginia.

Keith Honaker, of Knoxville, has much fodder for storytelling over his long life. It makes perfect sense, then, that this man who grew up a freckle-faced boy before Social Security and sales tax would end up writing not just one book, but three.

“Ben Rod Jordan of Putnam County,” is Honaker’s tribute to his childhood days when electricity hadn’t yet made it to the farming community and the local swimmin’ hole was the hang out. Honaker said he had no real intentions of writing “Ben Rod,” but his wife thought he needed to pass on the stories. If she thought they were fun and entertaining, maybe others would think so, too.

“She told me, ‘I have listened for years to the stories you and your brothers have told about growing up in West Virginia in the 1920s,’ ” Honaker said. “That is something people are interested in.”

A memories scrapbook

Ben Rod is a fictional character based on the lives of Honaker and the companions he had as a small boy. In the first chapter, readers learn Ben Rod is a 10-year-old free-spirit usually spotted wearing overalls and a straw hat and shoes only rarely.

The family farm consisted of 150 acres, situated halfway between Paradise and Liberty.

The soft-cover book, which numbers 200 pages, chronicles adventures like going to the county fair and hunting squirrel and rabbit for food. It is a lesson in itself of what it took to survive in the years even before the Great Depression. Pranks, capers, gospel singings and pie suppers all have a place here, as well as the tragic stories of Civil War descendants and the harsh realities of the human spirit.

Those with similar roots will need no explanation of chapter titles, such as “The Shouting Baptist,” “The Baptism and the Bootlegger,” “The Blacksmith Dentist,” and “The Suck-Egg Hound and the Stray Cats.” Those without can probably imagine what hilarious, outrageous and shocking events have taken place.

This is actually the second edition of “Ben Rod Jordan of Putnam County.” Honaker decided to bring it back after school systems in West Virginia wanted copies to teach in their classrooms and others of his generation requested copies of their own.

This book leaves Ben Rod still in his youth, but Honaker wanted to let readers know how things turned out. “The Return to Glory: The Saga of Ben Rod Jordan,” is the resulting sequel.

Honaker will sign both books during a book signing from 4 to 7 p.m. Friday at Hastings in Maryville. The books will be available there.

Filling in the gaps

His introduction into writing a book actually goes back years ago when this retired lieutenant colonel was approached by a professor at the University of Tennessee about penning his memoirs of the Vietnam War era. Honaker said the professor told him there was a great need for detailed writings from people who were there.

“The Eagle Weeps,” is Honaker’s answer to that request. Published in 1994, it gives insight into a tumultuous period of our history. Honaker fills in the gap from the end of World War II to the end of the battle of Dien Bien Phu and the beginning of the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War.

In this historical writing, Honaker talks about his years spent in Indochina. There are stories about the kidnapping of his wife by Viet Minh agents in Hanoi, the birth of his daughter Cathy while stationed in Vietnam and interaction with French troops.

Honaker dedicated this book to the men and women of the armed forces and the families who lost loved ones in Vietnam. Comments from Gen. William C. Westmoreland, U.S. Army, appear on the book’s back cover.

Honaker said he loved his military career which started when a friend asked him to join the National Guard when they were teenagers.

“I don’t have any money to join the National Guard,” Honaker said he told his friend. “They pay you,” the friend responded. That included 50-cents a day, a uniform and a gun.

With these three books, Honaker has shared much of his personal story. They are books he never intended to write, but books he hopes give readers a chance to look back at decades gone by and maybe see themselves in Ben Rod Jordan. Or in the case of “The Eagle Weeps,” to learn more about world history from someone who saw what the rest of us didn’t.

He married Wilma Agnes Guthrie. She graduated from Charleston [W.Va.] High School in 1937. She was active in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, including offices as co-director of employment for two stake areas, Relief Society president of the Knoxville, Tenn., district, and was a teacher at various levels of the church.

Knoxville [Tenn.] News Sentinel, 19 Jul 2015: Wilma Agnes Honaker, 94, our beloved mother, left our lives and went to heaven on July 17, 2015. Wilma, a longtime resident of Knoxville, was born on July 22, 1921 in Charleston, W.Va., to Claude Stephen Guthrie and Katherine Florence Casdorph Guthrie. Wilma was preceded in death by the love of her life for seventy-seven years, Lt. Col. Keith Jewel Honaker; and son, Col. Errol Keith “Buck” Honaker. She is survived by two sons, John Honaker and Jeffrey Honaker; two daughters, Cathy Morton and Sandra Rogers; and daughters- and son-in-law, Harriet Honaker, Linda Honaker, and Ben Morton. Wilma treasured and adored her grandchildren, Wrenn Chais, Mike Honaker, Laura Lane, Leigh Cosgrove, Bryanna Helms, Jordan Rogers, Benjamin “Ben Rod” Morton and Allison Morton and great-grandchildren, Carson Sartain, Peyton Lane, Madeline, Chloe and Jonny Chais, Jake, Kelsey and Sophia Cosgrove, Lindsay, Emily, and Halsey Honaker, and Cody Lily and Kaden Helms. Wilma was a part of the “greatest generation,” a patriot and true Rosie Riveter working at the Naval Ordnance plant in Charleston helping to assemble torpedoes to support the World War II efforts, while her husband was fighting for our country as a U.S. Army officer in the South Pacific. Wilma was a longtime faithful Army wife and traveled with her husband to multiple military posts, including Vietnam, where she was taken prisoner but successfully rescued. In 2006, Wilma was awarded an Army medal by Congressman Jimmy Duncan for her service and support to our country. Upon return to America, Wilma dedicated her time to teaching and caring for young and disabled children, dedicating countless hours at the Dawn of Hope, Greenevalley Developmental Center, and the Sunshine Center. Wilma was a devout life member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and served faithfully in any calling asked of her. She and Keith were called on a mission and served as the first managers of the LDS Food Storehouse in Knoxville, spearheaded the church’s genealogy center, employment center, and served at the Mormon temple in Atlanta. She held multiple positions at the church as a Sunday school and primary teacher, relief society president, and visiting teacher. She treasured her church friends, including her special little friend Audrey. In the last few months of her life, Wilma found and encouraged even more cherished friends at Ben Atchley Veterans Home: Wanda, Virginia, Joy, Essie, Jacqueline and Gene among many. She cherished and was thankful for her dedicated caregivers, Renee, Tiffany, Robin, Christine, Mark, Josh, Bobby and Ms. Jenny “on the block.” She was forever grateful to those “Angels on Earth” Brenda, Betty, Christine, Yvonne, and Tim at the Meadowbrook Home who so patiently care for and love her precious son, Jeff, allowing her to leave this life with peace in her heart that he is well taken care of. Wilma wished for her family and friends to know that she loved them. Wilma desired to be remembered as a beloved wife, patriot, loving and dedicated mother, grandmother, teacher, and a faithful Mormon. She and her family are especially grateful for Brother Jim Dunn who has eased Wilma and Keith’s transition from this life. Friends and family are invited to a celebration of Wilma’s life at 11:30 a.m. on Tue., July 21, 2015 at West Hills Branch, LDS Church, 400 Kendall Rd., Knoxville 37919 (corner of Kendall Rd. and Gleason.) Interment service will follow at the Tennessee Veterans Cemetery, 2200 E. Governor John Sevier Hwy. Knoxville 37920. The family will receive friends 5–7 p.m., Monday at Rose Mortuary Mann Heritage Chapel, 6200 Kingston Pike Knoxville. In lieu of flowers, contributions to Meadowbrook Home, c/o East Tennessee Homes, 855 Meadowbrook Rd., Afton, Tennessee 37616, would be sincerely appreciated. Visit to leave condolences on the online guest book.


372. i. Errol Keith[7] (called Buck).

v. Jeffrey Claude. Born 23 Sep 1957 in Augsburg, Germany. Died 2 Sep 2016 in Greeneville, Tenn.

Knoxville [Tenn.] News Sentinel, 5 Sep 2016: Jeffrey Claude Honaker, age 58, our precious brother and friend, left our lives and went to heaven on Fri., Sept. 2, 2016, in Greeneville, Tenn. Jeff was born Sept. 23, 1957, in Augsburg, Germany to Lt. Col. Keith and Wilma Honaker. Jeff was baptized in the Mormon church and sealed to his parents and family on July 23, 1963 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Jeff was preceded in death by his parents, Lt. Col. Keith and Wilma Honaker; brother, Col. Errol K. “Buck” Honaker; and sister, Sandra Kay Rogers. He is survived by his brother, John Honaker; and sister, Cathy Morton. Jeff had an undiagnosed brain tumor which left him disabled. He became a resident of Greene Valley Developmental Center in 1967. He resided there for 43 years until he moved to East Tennessee Homes, Meadowbrook, in 2010 where he remained until his death. Jeff knew that his family loved him and that he was loved by all of his loyal caregivers. Jeff was a precious little boy brother and we are certain he is now with our savior, Jesus Christ, his Mom, Dad, Brother and Sister rejoicing in his heavenly perfection. He will be greatly missed by all of his loving friends and family, especially his roommates, Bucky, David and Donald. The family expresses a special thank-you to his care providers for the 49 years of loving care. These extended family members were exceptional professionals both at Greene Valley and the East Tennessee Community Home on Meadowbrook Road. They loved Jeff as much as his family did. Services will be held on Tue., Sept. 6, 2016 at 9:30 a.m. at East Tennessee Veterans Cemetery, 2200 . John Sevier Hwy., Knoxville, TN 37920, followed by a reception and celebration at his home, 855 Meadowbrook Rd., Afton, TN 37616. Thoughts and memories may be shared with the family at . Jeffers Funeral and Cremation Service is in charge of arrangements.

202. Friend Austin[6] Honaker (Otho Plato[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Children:

202. i. Friend Junior[7]. (Not named for the father.)

202. ii. Harold Hunter.

203. Archie Clay[6] Honaker (called A.C. and Clay) (Otho Plato[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

He married, first, Georgia Ruth Sommerville, daughter of William Hoyt Sommerville and Emma Zetta George, 22 Dec 1935 in Elizabeth, Wirt Co., W.Va. Born 23 Jul 1914 in Zacksville [became Palestine], Wirt County. Died 10 Mar 1993 in Parkersburg, W.Va. Buried in Suncrest Cem., Pt. Pleasant, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 11 Mar 1993: Mrs. Georgia Somerville Honaker Burrows, 78, of Elizabeth died March 10, 1993, in Camden-Clark Memorial Hospital, Parkersburg, after a short illness. She was a homemaker and a cook for the former Home and Amos restaurants in Elizabeth. She was a member of Elizabeth United Methodist Church and Daughters of America. She was a well-known quilting artisan. Surviving: daughters, Violet Honaker Coplin and Janet Honaker Barr, both of Elizabeth; brother, George Somerville of Elizabeth; sister, Ora Bise Fint of Elizabeth; four grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; two stepgreat-grandchildren; two foster great-grandchildren. Service will be 2 p.m. Saturday at Busch Funeral Home, Elizabeth, with the Rev. Michael E. Taylor and the Rev. Paul D. Russell officiating. Burial will be in Knights of Pythias Cemetery, Elizabeth. Friends may call after 9 a.m. Friday and 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at the funeral home.

He married, second, Virginia Fay McNeill. Born ca. 1904. Died 10 Aug 1991 in Pt. Pleasant, W.Va. Buried in Suncrest Cemetery, Pt. Pleasant.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 12 Aug 1991: Mrs. Virginia Fay Honaker, 87, of Point Pleasant, formerly of Palm Bay, Fla., died Aug. 10, 1991, in Pleasant Valley Hospital, Point Pleasant, of a long illness. She attended South Babcock Street Baptist Church, Palm Bay. She was a 40-year resident of Hickory Chapel Community, near Point Pleasant. Surviving: stepdaughters, Violet Coplin, Janet Barr, both of Elizabeth; nieces, Ruth Boyd of Columbus, Ohio, Dixie Ray of Greenville, N.C., Norah Moore of Newport News, Va. Service will be 1 p.m. Tuesday at Crow-Hussell Funeral Home, Point Pleasant, with the Rev. Orville White officiating. Burial will be in Suncrest Cemetery, Point Pleasant. Friends may call from 6 to

9 p.m. today at the funeral home.

205. Cecil C.[6] Honaker (John Sayastos[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Children:

i. Unnamed[7]. Stillborn 16 Feb 1927 in Charleston, W.Va.

205. ii. Jack R. Born ca. 1931 in Hometown, W.Va.

iii. June. Born ca. 1932 in Hometown, W.Va. Died before 1994.

205. iv. Cecil C., Jr. Born ca. 1936.

210. William Anderson[6] Honaker (Charles Edward[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1].) Born 13 Aug 1892. Died 8 Jul 1938.

He married Hettie Lively. Born 1906. Died 29 Jan 1937. Children:

210. i. William A.[7] Born 24 Apr 1922 in Mt. Hope, Fayette Co., W.Va.

ii. Marie.

211. Charles Oscar[6] Honaker (called Doc) (Charles Edward[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]. Born 18 May 1894. Died 1971. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Rt. 2, Fayetteville, W.Va.

Fayette [Co., W.Va.] Tribune, 1971: Charles Oscar “Dock” Honaker, 78, of Route 2 Fayetteville, died Tuesday at his home. He was a native of Mossy and a retired painter. Surviving: wife, Nellie Hinkle Honaker of Chicago, Ill.; sons, Eldridge of Milpitas, Calif., Daniel of Falls Church, Va., Charles of Miami, Fla., Joshua and Eli, both of Chicago; daughters, Mrs. Mildred Lamb of Nutterfork, Va., Mrs. Nannie Dunn and Mrs. Iris Ware, both of Chicago; brothers Morgan of Kimberly, John of Wilmington, Calif., James of Oak Hill; sisters, Mrs. Ruby Underwood and Mrs. Malinda Williams, both of Bradley, Mrs. Hazel Lewis of Sun. Service will be 2 p.m. Saturday at Dodd-Payne Funeral Home in Fayetteville with the Rev. Leon Nunley officiating. Burial will be in the Honaker Cemetery at Rt. 2, Fayetteville. Friends may call from 5 to 9 p.m. today.

He married, first, Jessie Virginia Flasher. Born 1898. Died 1933. Children:

379. i. David Eldridge[7].

380. ii. Daniel Oscar.

iii. Mildred. Married Unknown Lamb.

iv. Nannie. Married Unknown Dunn.

v. Joshua. Died before 2013.

vi. Eli Edward. Died before 2013.

vii. Iris Gaynell. Married Unknown Ware.

He married, second, Nellie Hinkle. Children:

211. viii. Charles Edmond. Born 22 Jul 1939.

212. Shirley E.[6] Honaker (Charles Edward[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Children:

i. Kathleen T.[7] She married Unknown Hess.

212. ii. Edgar W.

212. iii. Robert L. (called Red). Born ca. 1921.

213. Dewey Sherman[6] Honaker (Charles Edward[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 12 Oct 1898 in Fayetteville, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 23 May 1970 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Prosperity, W.Va. He completed fifth grade at Fayetteville Elementary School and served in the U.S. Army from 1915 to 1918, the last two years as an infantry bugler in France during World War I, leaving the service as a private. After the war he was a timekeeper for a coal mine in Logan, W.Va.; drove a truck for 26 years for the Armour Meat Co., Beckley, W.Va.; was a delivery and store clerk for three years for New River Coal Co., Mt. Hope, W.Va.; and was an Esso Service Station operator for ten years in Bradley, W.Va. He was a charter member and president of the Bradley Lions Club, a civic service organization. His hobbies included hunting, particularly fox hunting, and outdoor life.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, unknown date, accompanied by photograph: Dewey Sherman Honaker, 71, of 116 Lucas Drive, Beckley, died Saturday at 8:15 a.m. in a local hospital following a long illness. He was born in Fayette County, Oct. 12, 1898, the son of the late Charles E. and Minnie Ellison Honaker. A retired service station operator, he was a veteran of [World War I] and a member of the Mount Hope Methodist Church. Survivors are his wife, Irene; two sons, Charles E., Bradley and Dewey A., Vienna; four brothers, Oscar, Fayetteville, John, Wilmington, Calif., Morgan, Kimberly and James, Oak Hill; four sisters, Mrs. Wilbur (Hazel) Lewis, Lochgelly, Mrs. Gene (Rhoda) Underwood, San Antonio, Texas, Mrs. Wayne (Josephine) Laws, Prosperity and Mrs. Dwight (Malina) Williams, Aberdeen, N.C., and four grandchildren. The body will remain at the Tyree Funeral Home where friends may call after 6 p.m. today. Services will be Monday at 1 p.m. in the funeral home chapel with the Rev. William G. Thompson III officiating. Burial will be in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens.

He married Irene Marie McCoy, daughter of Shirley Edward McCoy and Mary Bryant [middle name unknown],

9 Mar 1921 in Oak Hill, W.Va. Born 22 Sep 1903 in Oak Hill. Died 6 Jul 1997 in Dunbar, W.Va. Entombed in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens Mausoleum, Prosperity. She completed seventh grade in Oak Hill, W.Va., and nursing training at Oak Hill Hospital, but spent her working life as a homemaker. Her interests included flower gardening and decorative sewing.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 8 Jul 1997 and Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va.: Irene M. Honaker, 93, formerly of Mount Hope and Bradley, died Sun., July 6, 1997 in a Dunbar care center [Americare] following a long illness. Born Sept. 22, 1903 at Oak Hill, she was the daughter of the late Shirley and Mary Bryant McCoy. Mrs. Honaker was a homemaker and a member of the Mount Hope Methodist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Dewey S. Honaker. Survivors include two sons, Charles Honaker of Charleston, and Dewey A. Honaker of Vienna; four grandchildren; and three great grandchildren. Services will be 2 p.m. Wednesday at Tyree Funeral Home Chapel in Mount Hope, with the Rev. Arnold Belcher officiating. Entombment will follow in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens Mausoleum, Beckley. Friends may call 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. today at the funeral home. Arrangements by Tyree Funeral Home, Mount Hope.


213. i. Dewey Austin[7]. Born 31 Dec 1921 in Oak Hill, W.Va.

ii. Charles Edward. Born 9 Nov 1924 in Mt. Hope, W.Va. Died 29 Apr 2009 in Rock Hill, S.C. Entombed in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens Mausoleum, Prosperity, W.Va. In 1997 he lived in Charleston, W.Va.; in 2001 he lived in Daytona Beach Shores, Fla. He married Betty J. Riley 19 Aug 1950 in Bradley, W.Va.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 30 Apr 2009, Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 1 May 2009: Charles E. Honaker, 84, of Fort Mill, S.C., formerly of Mount Hope, W.Va., died Wed., Apr. 29, 2009, at the Wayne Patrick Hospice House in Rock Hill, S.C. Service will be 11 a.m. Sat., May 2, 2009, at Tyree Funeral Home in Mount Hope, with the Rev. John Allen officiating. Entombment will be at Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens Mausoleum, Prosperity, W.Va., with military graveside rites by VFW Post #3110 of Oak Hill. Visitation will be 6 to 8 p.m. Friday at the funeral home. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests memorial donations be made to the Wayne Patrick Hospice House, P.O. Box 993, Rock Hill, SC 29731 or the Philadelphia United Methodist Church, 1691 Highway 160 W., Fort Mill, SC 29708. Online condolences may be sent at . Arrangements by Tyree Funeral Home, Mount Hope, W.Va.

214. Henry Sheridan[6] Honaker (James Clark[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). [Change middle name.] Buried in Highlawn Memorial Park, Oak Hill, W.Va.


385. v. Hobert Alvin. Born 20 May 1932 in Page, W.Va.

215. Elsie Arthur[6] Honaker (James Clark[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Louise Pearl Greco Dorsey.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 27 Jun 1990: Mrs. Louise Honaker, 82, of Bancroft, Putnam County, died June 26, 1990, in Putnam General Hospital after a short illness. She was a native of Carbondale and was formerly of Rensford. She was a Methodist. Surviving: daughters, Oliveine Maples of Sanford, Fla., Gertrude Carte of Dobson, N.C., Edna Shawver of Buffalo and Clara Winfree of Moro, Ill.; sons, Howard of Rensford, Edward of Alton, Ill., Paul of Godfrey, Ill., Carl of Neptune Beach, Fla., Clyde of Charleston, Frank of Black Betsy, Dallas of Ashville, Ohio; 31 grandchildren; 50 great-grandchildren; 50 great-great-grandchildren. Service will be 10 a.m. Thursday at Gatens Funeral Home, Poca, with the Rev. Leonard Franklin Lett officiating. Committal service will be 1:30 p.m. Thursday at High Lawn Memorial Park, Oak Hill. Friends may call from 2 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.


xiii. Dallas Raymond. Born 2 Sep 1945 in Charleston, W.Va. He married, first, Ada Blanch McNeely Oct 1970 in Nitro, Kanawha Co., W.Va. He married, second, Naomi June Miller 27 Jun 1982 in Columbus, Ohio. They divorced 16 Feb 1993.

Columbus [Ohio] Dispatch, 16 Sep 2014 and Mt. Sterling [Ohio] Tribune, 19 Sep 2014: Dallas Honaker, age 69, of Mt. Sterling, passed away Sept. 13, 2014. Preceded in death by parents, seven brothers, two sisters and three brothers-in-law. Survived by wife, Mary Ellen (Houser) Honaker; brothers, Edward, Paul, Carl and Frank Honaker; sisters, Oliveine Maples, Gertrude Carte; brother-in-law, David Winfree; many nieces, nephews and a host of friends. Family will receive friends Wednesday 6–8 p.m. at the Porter-Tidd Funeral Home, 331 West Main St., Mt. Sterling, OH 43143, where funeral services will be held 11 a.m. Thursday. Interment Fern Wood Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to St. Catherine’s Nursing Home in Washington Court House, OH or the Mt. Sterling Nazarene Church. .

216. Nora Okly[6] Honaker (James Clark[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Richard Jefferson Davis. Died 16 Dec 1992 in Charleston, W.Va. Buried in Sunset Memorial Park, South Charleston.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 17 Dec 1992: Richard Jefferson Davis, 87, of Charleston, died Dec. 16, 1992, at his home after a short illness. He was a retired pipe fitter for Du Pont with 32 years of service. He was a member of Church of God of Prophecy, Kanawha City. He was a U.S. Navy Seabee during World War II. Surviving: wife, Nora Honaker Davis; daughter, Lillian Sheppard of Charleston; sister, Willie [Bloomquist] of Ellicott City, Md.; one grandchild. Service will be 1 p.m. Friday at J.E. Johnson Funeral Home, Kanawha City, with the Rev. John Newman officiating. Burial will be in Sunset Memorial Park, South Charleston. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.

218. Richard William[6] Honaker (James Clark[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Died of silicosis 3 Mar 1990 in Teays Valley, W.Va. Buried in Montgomery Memorial Park, London, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 5 Mar 1990: Richard William Honaker, 81, of Winfield, died March 3, 1990, in Putnam General Hospital, Teays Valley, after a short illness. He was a retired miner, a member of the [United Mine Workers], and a member of Winfield United Methodist Church. Surviving: daughters, Betty Uldine Dunbar of Scott Depot, Carol Ann Bradley of Columbus, Ohio, Ruth Oralea Lavender of Winfield; son, Lewis Richie of St. Charles, Mo.; sisters, Nora Davis and Fornia Ellman, both of Charleston; 12 grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren Service will be 2 p.m. Tuesday at Winfield United Methodist Church, with the Rev. Edward Grant officiating. Burial will be in Montgomery Memorial Park. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. today at Chapman-Erskine Funeral Home, Winfield.

He married Dixie Lovisa Craigo. Died of lung cancer 17 Apr 1987. Buried in Montgomery Memorial Park, London.

Charleston [W.Va.] Daily Mail, 18 Apr 1987: Mrs. Dixie C. Honaker, 77, of 17 Riverdale Estates, Winfield, formerly of Sharon, W.Va., died Friday at Putnam General Hospital, after a long illness. She was a member of the Winfield United Methodist Church and was a retired postmaster with 15-years service at Sharon. Surviving: husband, Richard W. Honaker; daughters, Mrs. Betty Uldine Dunbar of Scott Depot, Mrs. Carol Ann Bradley of Dallas, Texas, and Mrs. Ruth Oralea Lavender of Winfield; son, Lewis Richie Honaker of St. Charles, Mo.; sister, Mrs. Lottie Lethcoe of Orlando, Fla.; brothers, Charles T. Craigo of Oak Hill, Samuel P. Craigo of Lorraine, Ohio, Johnny Eli Craigo of Gaylesville, Ga.; 12 grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren. Service will be 1 p.m. Monday at the Winfield United Methodist Church, with the Rev. Edward Grant and Rev. Cecil Burns officiating. Burial will be in Montgomery Memorial Park, London. Friends may call 6 to 9 p.m. Sunday at Chapman-Erskine Funeral Home, Winfield, and one hour prior to service at the church.

220. Ray Hansford[6] Honaker (Samuel Hayes[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 13 May 1902 in Mossy, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 11 Jun 1967 in Virginia Beach, Va. Buried in Forest Lawn Cemetery, Norfolk, Va. As a child, he moved with the family from Mossy to Huntington, W.Va. He joined the Huntington Police Dept., possibly as a motorcycle officer, in the early 1930s, and remained there until the onset of World War II. He then joined the Merchant Marine where he became a chief petty officer sailing from Norfolk, Va., living in Virginia Beach. He was mentioned in “The Honaker Boys of the HPD,” Honaker Family Newsletter, Sep-Oct 2001.

He married Mary Louisa Hurt, daughter of Wyatt Lee Hurt and Anna Lee George, 5 May 1925 in Ceredo, Wayne Co., W.Va. Born 14 Mar 1907 in Montgomery, W.Va. Buried in Forest Lawn Cemetery, Norfolk. Children:

220. i. Ray Hansford, Jr.[7] Born 2 Mar 1926 in Huntington, W.Va.

ii. Allen Lee. Born 3 Feb 1930 in Huntington. Died 22 Dec 2002. He married June Hedgepath. In 1991 he lived in Virginia Beach, Va. In 1999 he lived in Brooksville, Fla. He was a model for clothing and commercial products, and appeared in several motion picture films.

221. Julius Wilbur[6] Honaker (called Wilbur) (Samuel Hayes[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 20 Jul 1903 in Mossy, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 31 Aug 1981 in Huntington, Cabell Co., W.Va. Buried Oaklawn Cem., Huntington.

Herald-Advertiser or Herald-Dispatch, Huntington: Wilbur Honaker, 78, of 207 Water St., Huntington, died Mon., Aug 31, 1981 in St. Mary’s Hospital after an extended illness. Funeral services will be conducted at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday at Chapman’s Mortuary. Burial will be in Oaklawn Memorial Park. He was born July 20, 1903 in Mossy, W.Va., son of the late Samuel H. and Mary L. Ellison Honaker. He retired from the Huntington Police Department as a sergeant in 1962. In 1976, he retired from the W.Va. Department of Highways. He was a member of Huntington Beagle Club. He was a member of Western Star Lodge 11, AF&AM. He was a member of the Beni Kedem Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S., of Charleston, W.Va. He was a member of the Guyandotte Chapter 10 of the R.A.M. and the Guyandotte Chapter 89 of the [Order of Eastern Star]. He was preceded in death by four brothers, Porter Honaker, Ray Honaker, [Bert] Honaker and Hayes Honaker. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mabel Pettit Honaker; a daughter, Mrs. Thomas E. (Charlotte) Johnson of Virginia Beach, Va.; four sisters, Mrs. Carlton (Ethel) Clark, Mrs. Louisa Hanlin and Mrs. Bob (Justine) Wilson, all of Huntington, and Mrs. George (Daphine) [Dietz] of Melbourne, Fla.; four brothers, Austin Honaker, Ralph Honaker, Raymond Honaker and Robert Honaker, all of Huntington; five grandchildren, Bill Johnson, Robert Johnson and Penny Johnson, all of Virginia Beach, Va., Joe Johnson of Hollywood, Calif., and Sheri Willem of Huntington, several nieces and nephews. Friends may call from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday at the mortuary. Western Star 11, AF&AM will conduct graveside rites.

He married, first, Ina Dorme Williams, daughter of Ned Williams and Unknown, Aug 1927 probably in Florida. Born 1908 in Florida. Died 5 Apr 1930 in Huntington, W.Va. Buried Spring Hill Cemetery, Huntington.

Herald-Advertiser or Herald-Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., 7 Apr 1930: Probe of Death of Mrs. Honaker—Blankenship Asks Inquest After Norway Avenue Resident Passes—Request made by Mother—Authorities Certain Suicide Theory is Correct, Two Declare—Upon receipt of a telegram from Mrs. Ned Williams, of Vero Beach, Fla., mother of Mrs. Ina Williams Honaker, 23, of Norway avenue, who is believed to have committed suicide Saturday night, asking that a thorough investigation be made, Prosecuting Attorney Blankenship this morning requested that a coroner’s inquest be held at 2 o’clock. The telegram was received by Sheriff Tyree, who immediately communicated with the prosecutor.

Decision to hold the inquest was reached after a conference between the prosecuting attorney, Sheriff Tyree, Coroner Hardman, Corporal Carman and Private Powers, of the state police. Coroner Hardman informed the prosecutor that he had decided to hold an inquest following reports of rumors which were circulated yesterday relative to the manner in which Mrs. Honaker met her death. Learning that arrangements for Mrs. Honaker’s burial had been made for 2:30 o’clock this afternoon, Prosecutor Blankenship directed Harry Fisher, undertaker, at 2863 Third avenue, to delay the funeral until after the inquest.

The body is to be taken to the home of Mrs. Honaker’s father-in-law, S.H. Honaker, of Norway avenue, where the services will be held, with Rev. J.N. Harold, pastor of the River View Methodist Episcopal church, south, officiating. Burial will be in Spring Hill Cemetery.

Although the inquest will be held and testimony will be heard by a coroner’s jury of six men at the Fisher Funeral home, investigating authorities, including the prosecutor and coroner, today expressed themselves as certain that Mrs. Honaker committed suicide. In support of this belief are two letters, one addressed to her husband and the other to a sister at Vero Beach, in which Mrs. Honaker intimates strongly that she contemplated ending her life. Both letters were written Saturday.

Mrs. Honaker’s act is believed due to despondency caused by homesickness. State police who investigated the shooting learned that Mrs. Honaker has been anxious to return to her home at Vero Beach, Fla., which she left two years ago to come here to be married. The shooting occurred as her husband sat in a chair, with his back to her, reading a newspaper. Their 2-year-old daughter lay asleep in the same room.


409. i. Charlotte Marie[7]. Born 17 Dec 1927 in Joplin, Jasper Co., Mo.

He married, second, Mabel Melvina Pettit, daughter of Sylvanious Brooks Pettit and Bessie Alderman, 7 May 1940 in Greenup Co., Ky. Born 8 Jan 1906. Died 7 Apr 2003 in Huntington, W.Va. Buried Oaklawn Cemetery, Huntington. She had a daughter, Carolyn, by a prior marriage. Carolyn had a daughter, Sheri.

Herald-Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., 11 Apr 2003: Mabel Honaker, 97, of Huntington, W.Va., widow of Wilbur Honaker, passed away Mon., Apr. 7, 2003 in Mariner Health Care, Huntington. Funeral services will be conducted at 12:30 p.m. Sat., Apr. 12, 2003 at Chapman’s Mortuary, Huntington, with Minister Wayne Carter officiating. Burial will be in Oaklawn Memorial Park, Huntington. She was born Jan. 8, 1906, in Amma, W.Va., a daughter of the late Brooks and Bessie Alderman Pettit. In addition to her husband and parents, she was preceded in death by a daughter, Carolyn Ellette; a sister, Ruth King; and three brothers, Walter Pettit, Clyde Pettit, and Harry Pettit. She was a food and appliance demonstrator and was a member of Beverly Hills Church of Christ and Guyandotte Chapt. #89 [Order of Eastern Star], whose members will conduct an Eastern Star service at 7 p.m. Friday. Survivors include a sister, Sidney Mace of Spencer, W.Va.; three granddaughters and their husbands, Sheri and Rick Pettit of Huntington, Patricia and Mark Altazin of Baton Rouge, La., and Terri and Robert Chamblee of Pinson, Ala.; two great grandchildren, Kristina Chamblee and Christopher Chamblee; a stepdaughter, Charlotte Johnson of New Port Richey, Fla.; four stepgrandchildren, William Johnson of Arizona, Joseph Johnson of Florida, Penny Johnson of California, and Robert Johnson of Kentucky; special friend, Kathlene Earles of Huntington; several nieces and nephews; and many friends. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. Fri., Apr. 11, 2003, at Chapman’s Mortuary.

222. Porter Scott[6] Honaker (Samuel Hayes[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). His wife Gertrude died 5 Mar 1999 in Branchland, W.Va. Buried in Woodmere Cemetery, Huntington, W.Va.

Herald-Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., 8 Mar 1999 and Honaker Family Newsletter, Spring 1999: Gertrude A. Honaker, 92, of Huntington, widow of Porter S. Honaker, died Friday at the residence of her niece in Branchland. She was a retired schoolteacher from Lincoln and Cabell county school systems. Survivors include one sister-in-law, Willie M. Adkins of Ohio and several nieces and nephews. Funeral 2 p.m. Wednesday at Woodmere Memorial Park Abbey of Remembrance. Friends may call after 1:30 p.m. Wednesday at the abbey. Chapman’s Mortuary is in charge of arrangements.

223. William Hayes[6] Honaker (called Hayes) (Samuel Hayes[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Vicie Lee Neece 3 Feb 1931 in Catlettsburg, Ky. Died 21 Jul 2003 in St. Cloud, Fla. Buried in Oaklawn Cemetery, Huntington, W.Va.

Herald Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., 25 Jul 2003: Vicie Lee Honaker, 91, of St. Cloud, Fla., formerly of Huntington, W.Va., died Mon., July 21, 2003 in St. Cloud, Fla. Graveside services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Sat., July 26, 2003 at Oaklawn Cemetery. She was born May 4, 1912 in Logan Co., W.Va., the daughter of the late Lonnie and Alice Belle Lee. She was a homemaker and was Methodist by faith. She was also preceded in death by her husband, William Hayes Honaker. She is survived by one daughter, Mary Alice Johnson of St. Cloud, Fla.; four grandchildren, Bridget Byrd, William Hal Johnson, Jennifer Reedy and Genevieve Johnson; and four great-grandchildren. Friends may call from 11 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. Sat., July 26, 2003 at Beard Mortuary.


223. i. Mary Alice[7]. Born 13 Mar 1932.

224. Louisa Lillian[6] Honaker (called Lou) (Samuel Hayes[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). See photographs. Born 14 Mar 1911 in Mossy, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 12 Dec 1996 in Portsmouth, Scioto Co., Ohio. Buried Ridgelawn Cem., Huntington, Cabell Co., W.Va.

Herald-Dispatch, Huntington, unknown date: Louisa Lillian Honaker Hanlin, of Portsmouth, Ohio, formerly of Huntington, died Thursday in Hill View Retirement Center. She was an employment counselor with the West Virginia Department of Employment Security. Survivors include one son, Col. (Ret.) Thomas G. Hanlin II of Alexandria, Va.; two sisters, M. Daphine Deitz of Melbourne, Fla., and Justine E. Wilson of Thonotosassa, Fla.; and four brothers, Robert L. Honaker of Orlando, Fla., Raymond H. Honaker of Hudson, Fla., and E. Austin Honaker and Ralph W. Honaker, both of Huntington. Funeral 2 p.m. Sunday at Beard Mortuary; burial in Ridgelawn Cemetery. Friends mayk call from 5 to 7 pm. Saturday at the mortuary.

Herald-Dispatch, Huntington, unknown date: Mrs. Louisa Lillian Honaker Hanlin, of Hill View Retirement Center, Portsmouth, Ohio, formerly of Huntington, died Thurs., Dec. 12, 1996 at the center. Funeral services will be conducted Sunday at 2 p.m. at Beard Mortuary with Rev. David Erenrich officiating. Burial will be in Ridgelawn Cemetery. She was born in Mossy, Fayette Co., W.Va., a daughter of the late Samuel H. and Mary L. Ellison Honaker, and moved with the family to Huntington in 1919. A 1930 graduate of Huntington High School, she took a Bachelor of Arts degree from Marshall College in 1933. She worked briefly as a Cabell County substitute teacher, then joined with W.P.A. where she first became a social worker, responsible for recommending approximate levels of government support for area residents during the Depression; then an historian for the W.Va. Historial Records Survey, for which she prepared formal histories of W.Va. counties. In 1942, she became an employment counselor for the W.Va. Dept. of Employment Security in Huntington, where she matched area residents with workplace requirements for 35 years, and from which she retired as training supervisor for state and federally funded employment programs. She served briefly as an assistant at the Gallagher branch library before relocating to Portsmouth in 1989. She was a long-time member of First United Methodist Church, Huntington, and a life member of the V.F.W. auxiliary, Post 1064, Huntington. She was preceded in death by her husband, local horticulturist Thomas G. Hanlin, in 1978. Survivors include her son, Col. (Ret.) Thomas G. Hanlin II of Alexandria, Va.; two grandsons, Thomas G. Hanlin III of Kennesaw, Ga., and Jonathan M. Hanlin of Austin, Texas; two sisters, Mrs. M. Daphine Deitz of Melbourne, Fla. and Mrs. Justine E. Wilson of Thonotosassa, Fla.; and four brothers, Robert L. Honaker of Orlando, Fla., Raymond H. Honaker of Hudson, Fla., E. Austin Honaker and Ralph W. Honaker, both of Huntington. Friends may call from 5 to 7 p.m. Saturday at Beard Mortuary.

She married Thomas Gordon Hanlin 1 Oct 1938 in Covington, Va. Born 20 May 1895 in Bismarck, Grant Co., W.Va. Died 2 Sep 1978 in Huntington. Buried Ridgelawn Cemetery.

Herald-Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., 4 Sep 1978: Mr. Thomas G. Hanlin, 122 8th St., Altizer, Huntington, died Sat., Sept. 2, 1978. Graveside services will be conducted at 11 a.m. Tuesday at Ridgelawn Memorial Park by Dr. Garrett H. Evans and Cabell Lodge No. 152 A.F.&A.M. of which he was a 50-year member. He was born in Grant Co., W.Va., a son of the late John W. and Rhoda Iman Hanlin. He retired in 1961 as chief clerk of the engineering department of the City of Huntington. He was a member of the First United Methodist Church and Beni Kedem Temple at Charleston. He was an Army veteran of World War I and was a member of the V.F.W. at Petersburg, W.Va. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Louisa L. Honaker Hanlin; one daughter, Mrs. Norma Beth Hite of Murrysville, Pa.; five sons, Delbert Hanlin and Lloyd Hanlin of Martinsburg, W.Va., Leon Hanlin of Beltsville, Md., Glenn Hanlin of Macomb, Okla., and Lt. Col. Thomas G. Hanlin [II] of Springfield, Va.; one brother, Walter Hanlin of Mount Storm, W.Va.; 11 grandchildren, and one great grandson. Friends may vall from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday at Beard Mortuary. The family requests that flowers be omitted.

He served with Co. C, 315th Machine Gun Battalion, 80th Infantry “Blue Ridge” Division, during the St. Michel and Meuse-Argonne offensives of World War I. Following the war, he returned to Grant Co., W.Va., where he operated several businesses, married and raised a family, then experienced business failure, divorce, and family separation. He relocated to Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va., where he worked for the Works Progress Administration [W.P.A.] and met Louisa Honaker. They moved to Huntington, W.Va., in 1938 where he obtained employment as a clerk with the Office of the City Engineer, from which he retired in 1961 as chief clerk. He operated a commercial iris garden during much of this time, was a 50-year member of the Masonic order, a member of the First United Methodist Church, and life member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Children (of Lou and Tom):

410. i. Thomas Gordon[7] II. Born 11 Sep 1939 in Huntington.

227. Mary Daphine[6] Honaker (called Daphine and D.D.) (Samuel Hayes[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 15 Sep 1919 in Mossy, W.Va. Died 15 Nov 2005 in Melbourne, Fla. Buried in Melbourne City Cemetery.

Melbourne [Fla.] Today, 17 Nov 2005; Herald Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., 17 Nov 2005; and Honaker Family Newsletter, Winter 2005—Daphine Honaker Deitz, 86, passed away Tue., Nov. 15, 2005, at her home in Melbourne, Fla., after an extended illness. Mrs. Deitz was born in Fayette Co., W.Va. on Sept. 15, 1919, to Samuel and Mary Honaker. At age one, she and her family moved to Huntington, W.Va. She attended elementary and high school in Huntington and graduated from Marshall University, Huntington, with a master’s degree in Education. She taught for 30 years in Putnam, Lincoln and Cabell Counties, in West Virginia. For most of her career, she taught in Huntington. She married J. George Deitz of Greenbrier Co. [W.Va.] on Jan. 2, 1941, in Ashland, Ky. A Baptist, Mrs. Deitz was a member of Central Baptist Church in Melbourne, Alpha Delta Kappa Sorority, Guyandotte Chapt. 89 [Huntington, W.Va.], Order of Eastern Star in Huntington, W.Va., VFW Ladies Auxiliary and the National Rifle Association. Survivors include her husband of 64 years, J. George Deitz of Melbourne; a sister, Justine Wilson of [Thonotosassa], Fla.; two brothers, Ralph Honaker of Huntington, W.Va., and Raymond Honaker of Hudson, Fla., and many nieces and nephews. A funeral service will be held on Friday, 2 p.m. at South Brevard Funeral Home, 1001 Hickory St., Melbourne. Interment will follow in Melbourne City Cemetery. Arrangements by South Brevard Funeral Home, Melbourne, Fla., 321-724-2222..

She married John George Deitz (called George), son of George Luther Deitz and Bettie Ann Heaster. A feature story, The Greenbrier Ghost, involving George’s cousin, appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Winter 2005, and is shown as Appendix U in Honaker Family in America.

228. Ralph Warren[6] Honaker (Samuel Hayes[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). See photograph. Born 8 Sep 1921 in Huntington, W.Va. Died 20 Sep 2012 in Huntington. Buried in Ridgelawn Cemetery, Huntington.

Herald Dispatch, Huntington, 21 Sep 2012 (with photograph): Ralph W. Honaker, 91, of Huntington, died Thurs., Sept. 20. One of 13 children born to Samuel Hayes and Mary Lillian (Ellison) Honaker, he lived all his life in Huntington and was prominent in local, state and national veterans and family activities. A 1939 graduate of Barboursville High School, he was a brakeman and later a conductor for the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad in Huntington, retiring after 42 years of service. He enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, Huntington, in 1949, deploying to Korea from 1950 to 1951, where he served at Camp Mason, South Korea, and at Wonson, North Korea, as a guard on military depot railroad trains supplying U.S. troops. He was awarded the Korean Service Medal, Korean War Medal, National Defense Service Medal, U.N. Medal and Presidential Unit Citation. He became a member of VFW Post 1964, Huntington, in 1951, where he served as junior vice commander, senior vice commander, and post commander; then became district commander, state junior commander and state senior commander. He was a VFW national council member representing West Virginia, Virginia and Kentucky; and was chairman of the VFW southern conference of 14 states. He served on VFW national committees including Voice of Democracy, Americanism, Legislative Affairs, National Security, and POW/MIA. He was a member of American Legion Post 16, Disabled American Veterans, 1st Marine Division Association, Chosin Few (Korean War veterans who served above the 38th parallel,) and BPOE Lodge 313, all of Huntington. In 1951 he founded Huntington Det. 340, U.S. Marine Corps League, starting with ten members and building it to more than 200, largest in the state. He served as detachment commandant and later state commandant. He founded and chaired the Veterans Committee for Civic Improvement in the Council of Veterans Organizations, Huntington. The committee raised more than $14,000 to erect a statue and 63 flags at Veterans Memorial Boulevard, which were unveiled by then-Gov. Jay Rockefeller. The committee also restored Memorial Arch at Ritter Park. He served on a committee to bring a military museum to Huntington, emplaced at Memorial Field House. He was the 2007 Huntington VA Hospital Volunteer of the Year, selected from more than 400 serving the hospital; he gave more than [10,000] hours in a lifetime of volunteering at the hospital. In 1960 he began the groundwork for the National Association of Hans Jacob Honaker Families, which had its organizational meeting in 1989, and which today has more than 300 members in the U.S., Canada, and Europe. He was the association’s first president, for eight years, and at the time of his death was president emeritus. He oversaw publication of a 1,437-page family history published by Gateway Press in 1998; a quarterly family newsletter, annual reunions, family memorial and gravestone erection, and other activities. He was honored by the West Virginia Division of Culture and History at its annual History Day program. His was a singularly impressive life, leading others to achievement with a quiet and diplomatic demeanor. He was a member of the Fifth Avenue Baptist Church. He married Dolly Marie McCoy in 1940; she preceded him in death in 2002 after 61 years together. He was also preceded by daughters Judith Kaye Honaker and Rebecca Susan Lawson; and by ten brothers and sisters. He is survived by daughter Dolly Ann Jeffers and husband Andrew of Bay City, Mich.; twin brother Raymond H. Honaker of Holliday, Fla.; and sister Justine E. Wilson of Thonotosassa, Fla. Survivors also include grandsons Andrew Warren Jeffers and Zachary Rand Lawson; great-grandchildren Britney Nichole Jeffers, Alyssa Taylor Ann Jeffers and Jayson Andrew Jeffers; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral service will be conducted 12 p.m. Sat., Sept. 22, 2012, at Chapman’s Mortuary, Huntington, with Rev. Hubert Harvey officiating. Burial with military graveside rites performed by Veterans’ Honor Gluard Post 16, will be in Ridgelawn Memorial Park. Friends may call at Chapman’s Mortuary from 6 until 8 p.m. Fri., Sept. 21, 2012. Online condolences may be sent to chapmans-.

He graduated from Barboursville [W.Va.] High School in 1939. He then pursued a welding program at Huntington [W.Va.] Trade School for one year but married and left in 1940 for a job as a clerk at the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad, which later became CSX Railroad, Huntington. After two years he transferred to the railroad’s transportation department where he became a brakeman. In 1948 he was promoted to conductor, a position he held until his retirement after 42 years in Nov 1982. He was a member of the United Transportation Union , where he was local chairman, handling claims between the workers and the railroad.

He enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, Huntington, in the summer of 1949, and was assigned to the 14th Engineer Co. The company deployed to Korea via Camp Pendleton, Calif., Nov 1950, but did not serve as a unit there. Instead, its troops were reassigned as replacements for various existing theater units. Ralph was assigned to 1st Combat Service Group, first at Camp Mason, South Korea, then at Wonson, North Korea, where he was a guard on military depot railroad trains which supplied U.S. troops. In Jan 1951 he was returned to Huntington for his brother Porter’s funeral, then returned to Korea via Treasure Island, Calif., where he visited his brother Ray in Oakland. He returned to the states Nov 1951 mustering out as a corporal. He was awarded the Korean Service Medal, National Defense Service Medal, United Nations Medal, Presidential Unit Citation, and Korean War Medal.

He joined Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1064, Huntington, in 1951, where he subsequently served as junior vice commander, senior vice commander, and post commander. He became district commander, then state junior commander and senior commander. He was a national council member representing West Virginia, Virginia, and Kentucky; and for one year was chairman of the southern conference of 14 states. He served on VFW national committees including Voice of Democracy, Americanism, Legislative Affairs, National Security, and POW/MIA.

He was a member of American Legion Post 16, Disabled American Veterans Chapt. 2, 1st Marine Division Association, Chosin Few (Korean War veterans who served above the 38th parallel), and Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks Lodge 313, all in Huntington. In 1951 he founded the Huntington detachment of the U.S. Marine Corps League, starting with ten members and building it to more than 200, largest in the state. He served as detachment commandant and later became state commandant.

He was founder and chair of the Veterans Committee for Civic Improvement in the Council of Veterans Organizations, Huntington. The committee raised more than $14,000 to erect a statue and 63 flags at Veterans Memorial Boulevard, which was unveiled by then Gov. Jay Rockefeller. The committee also restored Memorial Arch at Ritter Park. He also served on a committee to bring a military museum to Huntington, emplaced at Memorial Field House.

He was honored by the Division of Culture and History, State of West Virginia, as an honoree at its annual History Day Program.

He was the 2007 Huntington Veterans Administration Volunteer of the Year, the top volunteer of more than 400 serving the VA hospital. He was awarded the president’s Call to Service pin for more than 4,000 volunteer hours as of 31 Dec 2007. At the time he volunteered four to eight hours a day.

In 1960 he began collecting family genealogical information with the help of cousins Keith J. Honaker and Stewart H. Bostic, and established the National Association of Hans Jacob Honaker Families, which held its organizational meeting Aug 1989 in Pulaski, Va. Pulaski was where the immigrant owned his last property, and where he was buried. Ralph was elected as first president of the assocation, was reelected to a second term in 1992, and in 1996 became president-emeritus. The association’s purpose was to promote family ties, perform research on family history, and make permanent the record of that history. It was Ralph’s first objective to publish a book on that history, for which he recruited Frieda Patrick Davison, a certified genealogist, as editor, assisted by Keith J. Honaker, then-association genealogist, and Thomas G. Hanlin, then-association vice president. Honaker Family in America, 1,437 pages, was published in 1989. Subsequently it was supplemented on computer disc by Tom Hanlin; as of 2008 the supplement was more than 2,000 pages.

The dedication to Honaker Family in America offers the following testament:

“This book owes its existence to the single-minded determination of Ralph Warren Honaker, who in 1989 founded the National Association of Hans Jacob Honaker Families and served as its first president for eight years.

“Throughout his life, Ralph has devoted himself to volunteer leadership, taking up good causes wherever they may be found. In his own quiet way, he has enlisted others, bringing out the best in them. He has been reasonable, a listening, sympathetic, good-humored leader. But he has maintained a clear visition of the direction and goal. The force of his personality has been compelling. The helpers have toiled well and willingly because he has showed them the way, they’ve shared the goal, and they haven’t wanted to disappoint him.”

The association established annual reunions which continue to present day, in various places usually connected with the family’s past. Ralph directed establishment of a quarterly newsletter in 1989, edited by Tom Hanlin.

Charleston [W.Va.] Daily Mail, 29 Jul 1987: Rally for North Planned in Hurricane [W.Va.]—(A.P.)

Fay Ashworth has issued a challenge to those West Virginians who have been comfortable all their lives in the knowledge they are North Americans: Prove it. The Barboursville resident said she is a new kind of North American—a true-blue supporter of Lt. Col. Oliver North. Ashworth is spearheading a rally for North to be held Saturday in Hurricane.

The controversial central figure of the Iran-Contra hearings won’t make an appearance, but some West Virginians who think he is a national hero hope to raise at least $5,000 to assist in his legal defense. A $10 donation to North’s legal defense fund will buy you a T-shirt bearing the declaration, “I am a North American.”

The shirt will have the outline of the United States printed on it, with a star where West Virginia falls on the map. It will also say “Lt. Col. North supports America—and I support Col. North.” Ashworth said she believes $10 is a small enough price to pay to promote freedom. The rally, to be held Saturday evening at Hurricane Community Park, will allow West Virginians to show their patriotism as well as provide North with financial support, she said.

Refreshments and entertainment are planned for the rally, and a number of local supporters will speak on North’s behalf. “I feel like he’s not a criminal—I feel like he did absolutely the right thing,” she said. “I feel like he is literally covering for President Reagan, which is fine. He should not be persecuted by Congress.”

Ralph Honaker, a former Marine who served in Korea, agreed. “He was a Marine, as I was, and we’re interested in taking care of our own,” Honaker said. “He was just doing his job, and he may not always have been right, but he followed orders.” Honaker added that he believed that North “was kind of the fall guy in the game.” Honaker said he thinks President Reagan probably knew about and directed the entire affair.

Woodlands [Retirement Community] News, Huntington, W.Va., Dec 2006 (with photograph):

Ralph Honaker has now spent nearly 3,000 hours volunteering at the Veterans Administration Medical Center—and that’s only the beginning of his service. He served in the U.S. Marine Corps in 1950-51 in Korea, but has given so much more since.

He is active in the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Marine Corps League, Disabled American Veterans, First Marine Division Assn., American Legion and the Chosen FEW (a Korean War veterans group). He’s a past state commander of the VFW and a VFW National Council member, as well as past state commander of the Marine Corps League.

Locally, he started the Veterans Committee for Civic Improvement, which arranged for the statue on Veterans Memorial Boulevard—and Ralph was instrumental in turning Second Avenue into Veterans Memorial Boulevard. For all this and more, West Virginia Secretary of State Betty Ireland has inducted him into membership of the Order of the Gold Seal.

There is, however, much more to this native Huntingtonian. He was born into a family of nine boys and four girls (he has outlived all his siblings except twin brother [Raymond] and sister Justine, both of whom live in Florida). Ralph attended local schools, graduating from Barboursville High School after his father bought a farm outside Huntington, on the site of what once was the home of the Marshall College Experimental Farm. In 1940, Ralph married a Logan County girl, Dolly Marie McCoy. They had three children, Dolly Ann, Judith Kaye and Rebecca Susan. Ralph lost his wife in 2002, and only daughter Dolly Ann (of Bay City, Mich.) survives of his children. Ralph has two grandsons and three great grandchildren.

Family has been important to Ralph. He was the driving force behind the creation of an impressively thick volume, Honaker Family in America. The book’s dedication reports, “This book owes its existence to the single- minded determination of Ralph Warren Honaker, who in 1989 founded the National Association of Hans Jacob Honaker Families and served as its first president for eight years.”

The dedication also includes these sentences, which properly summarize the life of Ralph Honaker, “Throughout his life, Ralph has devoted himself to volunteer leadership, taking up good causes wherever they may be found. In his own quiet way, he has enlisted others, bringing out the best in them. He has been reasonable, a listening, sympathetic, good-humored leader. But he has maintained a clear vision of the direction and goal. The force of his personality has been compelling.”

We are blessed to have him here with us at Woodlands.

—Bos Johnson

West Virginia Veteran, Veterans of Foreign Wars, May 2008, by Laura Wilcox, Herald-Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., (with photograph), cutline “Ralph Honaker’s face is the first one many veterans see when they enter the Huntington, W.Va. Medical Center. He was honored as the medical center’s volunteer of the year.”

Huntington—Ralph Honaker is the first person many veterans see when they enter the Huntington [Veterans Administration] Medical Center. Some say his smiles, coffee and friendly words make their visits more comfortable. “He’s just so sweet. You can’t help but love him,” said Linda Markham, chief of voluntary services. The 86-year-old from Huntington was honored as the medical center volunteer of the year.

Holding his award, Honaker said he was surprised by the recognition. “I enjoy being a veteran. I enjoy talking to veterans,” he said. He said many other volunteers also were deserving of the honor. Honaker works at the coffee and information desk four days a week, often arriving before 6 a.m. The best part of his work, he said, is the people. “He is truly dedicated to serving his fellow veterans,” Markham said.

The recognition came during a volunteer luncheon ceremony on the medical center campus. More than 400 people volunteer at the local VA, providing nearly 70,000 hours of volunteer services, according to director Edward H. Seiler. Friday’s ceremony also included many certificates and plaques for volunteers giving their time at different levels. Entertainment also was provided during the event, which took place in the facility’s recreational hall.

Thelma Wisinsky smiles as she talks of her husband and his association with the Veterans Medical Center in Huntington, W.Va. “Walter believed

Honaker Family Newsletter, Summer 2008 (adapted from Herald-Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., 11 Nov 2007, VA Medical Center a vital part of the community, by Clyde Beal.

Thelma Wisinsky smiles as she talks of her husband and his association with the Veterans Medical Center in Huntington, W.Va. “Walter believed his presence there made a real difference. He would leave for the VA before I got out of bed. He loved being there.” Before Walter passed away, his 19,000 hours of volunteer work at the VA was recognized by numerous awards and letters. Not only was Walter a veteran at serving the VA, he was a military veteran as well.

There are others who share his passion. People like Frank Dorsey, a VA volunteer for nearly 10 years. Dorsey escorts disabled patients throughout the hospital, making sure they make their appointments on time. A veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, Dorsey speaks with an obvious sense of reservation about his memories on the assault of the Marshall Islands when he was 18. “There is really nothing good to say about war,” said Dorsey, a member of American Legion Post 93 in Kenova. Dorsey has another passion he’s committed to. He carries new American flags in his car. Whenever he sees a tattered, worn out flag being displayed, he offers to exchange it for a new one.

Bob Vass has been a volunteer at the VA for 10 years. He delivers magazines and spends time conversing with patients. As a veteran, Vass says it just feels right helping other veterans. An aerial gunner on a B-17 bomber stationed in England during World War II, Vass has many memories of bombing raids over Germany. “One time we lost hydraulic pressure, which controls braking. Without brakes, we knew there would be problems on landing. Our tail gunner devised a plan of using his personal parachute as a drag chute just as we touched down. That idea saved our plane and perhaps a few lives.”

Bobby Inscoe has been volunteering for more than four years. He takes phone calls from various wards who request escort service for patients going to appointments. While stationed in Japan with the Navy, Inscoe served on supply ships as a communication technician. “I was responsible to the ship’s captain sending and receiving classified messages,” said Inscoe, who is now a retired building contractor.

Four days a week, Ralph Honaker is at the VA by 6 a.m. making coffee for the outpatient waiting area that soon fills to near capacity. Next, he distributes the stack of morning papers to various wards throughout the hospital. Honaker has volunteered at the VA for over 22 years. As a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, Honaker was assigned to the Combat Service Group in Korea. He is most proud of his service to his country. “Once a Marine, always a Marine,” he said.

The volunteers do their part to carry out Abraham Lincoln’s intentions “To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan—to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves, and for all nations.”

West Virginia Veteran [Veterans of Foreign Wars], Sep 2012 (with 2-column photo cutline “This ;past June Ralph Honaker was recognized at the state convention for his exceptional leadership, community service and life-long dedication to serving veterans and our troops. Commander Kelly Godard and Mrs. Holman present Ralph Honaker with the First Annual Rich Holman Memorial Award. After a lifetime of service, Ralph passed away Sept. 20, 2012.”

In Memory of Ralph W. Honaker

Ralph W. Honaker, 91 years old, of Huntington, W.Va., died on Thurs., Sept. 20, 2012, one of 13 children born to Samuel Hayes and Mary Lillian Honaker. A 1939 graduate of Barboursville High School, he worked as a brakeman and conductor for the C&O Railroad for 42 years. He enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps in 1949, deploying to Korea from 1950-1951. He was awarded the Korean Service Medal, Korean War Medal, National Defense Medal, U.N. Medal, and Presidential Unit Citation.

He became a member of VFW Post 1064 in Huntington in 1951 where he served as post commander, district commander, state commander (1965-1966), and national council member (1966-1968). He founded Marine Corps League Det. 340, was a member of the American Legion, Disabled American Veterans, 1st Marine Division Association, and the Chosin Few Association (Korean War veterans who served above the 38th parallel).

Ralph willingly dedicated more than [10,000] hours as a volunteer at the Huntington VA Medical Center, and was a loyal friend and comrade to the veterans in his community. We sincerely wish him fair winds and following seas.

Ralph married Dolly Marie McCoy (called Dolly), daughter of James Peter McCoy and Emma Arizona Collins, 30 Nov 1940 in Catlettsburg, Ky. Born 11 Sep 1922 in Yolyn, Logan Co., W.Va. Died 1 Nov 2002 in Huntington, W.Va. Buried in Ridgelawn Cem., Huntington.

Obituary (Herald-Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., 3 Nov 2002 (with photograph): Mrs. Dolly Marie McCoy Honaker, 80, of Huntington passed away Fri., Nov. 1, in St. Mary’s Medical Center after a long battle with Alzheimer’s. Funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. Mon., Nov. 4, at Chapman’s Mortuary, Huntington, with the Rev. Lawrence V. Cartmill officiating. Burial will follow in Ridgelawn Memorial Park. She was born in Yolyn, Logan Co., W.Va., on Sept. 11, 1922, a daughter of the late James P. and Emma A. Collins McCoy. She was a life member and past president of VFW Post 1064 Auxiliary, Huntington, life member of Huntington Detachment 340, Marine Corps League Auxiliary, and a homemaker. She was preceded in death by one daughter, Judith Kaye Honaker, in 1945. Survivors include her husband, well-known VFW and Marine Corps League officer Ralph W. Honaker of Huntington; two daughters, Dolly Ann (Jack) Jeffers of Michigan and Rebecca Susan Lawson of Huntington; sisters, Ivel Deacon and Virginia Fortner, both of Huntington; brother, James P. McCoy Jr. of Ohio; grandsons, Andrew Warren Jeffers and Zachary Rand Lawson; great-grandchildren, Britney Nichole Marie Jeffers, Alyssa Taylor Ann Jeffers and Jayson Andrew Jeffers; many nieces and nephews; and a host of friends. Special thanks to nephew Charles Deacon, who was a lot of help. Dolly and Ralph Honaker were happily married for 61 years and 11 months. She will be greatly missed by all who knew and loved her. The family would like to thank Dr. Patick, Dr. Barebo, Hospice of Huntington and the staff on the fifth floor of St. Mary’s Medical Center for all their compassion and assistance. Pallbearers will be the Marine Corps League Detachment 340. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 3, at Chapman’s Mortuary.


412. i. Dolly Ann[7]. Born 1 Jul 1941 in Huntington.

ii. Judith Kaye. Born 21 Nov 1945 in Huntington. Died 1 Dec 1945 in Huntington. Buried in Ridgelawn Cemetery, Huntington.

413. iii. Rebecca Susan. Born 19 Feb 1947 in Huntington.

229. Justine Ellison[6] Honaker (Samuel Hayes[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). See photographs. Born 7 Jan 1930 in Huntington, W.Va. Died 1 Jan 2014 in Florida. Buried in Sunset Memory Gardens, Thonotosassa, Hillsborough Co., Fla. She graduated from Huntington East High School in 1947 and was employed as a nurse at St. Mary’s Hospital, Huntington, in 1948 and 1949, becoming a homemaker in 1950. In 1951 she was elected to public office as a Cabell County [W.Va.] Republican Committeewoman, serving Guyandotte District for 12 years. She was a member of Benevolent and Protective Order of Moose, Disabled American Veterans, life member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary, a volunteer at the Huntington Veterans Administration Hospital, and chair of the Huntington Veterans Affairs Voluntary Service. After her second marriage, in 1964, she and her husband Bob moved to Florida where they built a grocery store and produce business, and built and operated a 50-space mobile home park.

Honaker Family Newsletter, Winter 2013 (with photograph): Justine Ellison[6] (Honaker) Arthur Wilson, 83, of Thonotosassa, Fla., died 1 Jan 2014 after an extended illness. Born Jan. 7, 1930 in Huntington, W.Va., she was a daughter of Samuel Hayes and Mary Lillian (Ellison) Honaker. She graduated from Huntington East High School in 1947 and was employed as a nurse at St. Mary’s Hospital, Huntington, in 1948 and 1949, becoming a homemaker in 1950. In 1951 she was elected as a Cabell County [W.Va.] Republican Committeewoman, serving Guyandotte District for 12 years. In Huntington she was a member of Benevolent and Protective Order of Moose, Disabled American Veterans, life member of Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary, a volunteer at Huntington Veterans Administration Hospital, and chair of the Huntington Veterans Affairs Voluntary Service. She married, first, Jack F. Arthur, father of her sons Jack W. Arthur and Raymond Dee Arthur. She married, second, Robert L. Wilson, father of her daughter Shelia G. (Wilson) Migues. After her move to Florida with her husband Bob, they built a grocery store and produce business, became real estate brokers, and built and operated a 50-space mobile home park. There she was a member of Good Shepherd Catholic Church and a member of Hillsborough Sheriff’s Lodge #108. She was preceded in death by husband Robert L. Wilson; son Raymond Dee Arthur; and 11 siblings including Honaker Family Association founder Ralph W. Honaker. She is survived by son Jack W. Arthur and daughter Sheila G. Migues, both of Thonotosassa; grandchildren; brother Raymond H. Honaker of Holliday, Fla.; nephew Thomas G. Hanlin of Destin, Fla.; nieces Dolly Ann (Honaker) Jeffers of Bay City, Mich. and Mary Alice (Honaker) Johnson of St. Cloud, Fla.; and cousins. Graveside services and burial were in Sunset Memory Gardens, Thonotosassa.


She married, first, Jack Frederick Arthur, son of Cecil Dee Arthur and Euretta Mae Schaeffer, 22 Apr 1950 in Huntington. They divorced. Born 31 Jan 1930 in Huntington. Died of cancer 1 Oct 1994 in Murphytown, Wood Co., W.Va. Buried in Farson Cemetery, Murphytown.

Herald-Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., 3 Oct 1994: Jack F. Arthur, 64, of Murphytown, husband of Martha Lee Arthur, died Saturday at his residence. He was a brick mason. Also surviving are two sons, David Arthur of Elizabeth and Jack Arthur of Florida; and one stepdaughter, Kathryn Hand of Murphytown. Funeral 1 p.m. Tuesday at Franklin Funeral Home, Parkersburg; burial in Farson Cemetery, Murphytown. Friends may call from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.


414. i. Jack Warren[7].

415. ii. Raymond Dee.

She married, second, Robert Lee Wilson (called Bob), son of Jesse Elonzo Wilson and Marie Ethel Smith, 29 Mar 1960 in Huntington. Born 15 May 1929 in Huntington. Died 23 Jan 2004 in Thonotosassa, Fla. Buried in Sunset Memory Gardens, Thonotosassa.

Tampa [Fla.] Tribune, 25 Jan 2004: Wilson, Robert (Bob), 74, known [by Citizen’s Band radio call signs] Triple 5, and Tomato Man, passed away at his home on Fri., Jan. 23, 2004. Born in Huntington, W.Va., he has been a Tampa resident for 40 years. He was self-employed and a member of Good Shepherd Catholic Church, and a member of Hillsborough Sheriff Lodge #108. Survivors include his wife, Justine of Tampa; two daughters, Sheila Wilson of Tampa, and Susan Crum of Huntington, W.Va.; two sons, Michael Wilson of Brandon, and Jack Arthur of Treasure Island; two sisters, Alice Snodgrass of Huntington, Ind., and Violet Adkins of Charleston, S.C.; grandchildren, Mitchell Wilson, [Larry Wendell Wilson], Shane Crum, Kenneth Crum, Justin Arthur, Cody Arthur, Mark Arthur, Kim Thompson, Tammy Jurkowski, and Melissa Arthur. Preceded in death by his three sons, Larry Wilson, Roger Wilson, and Dee Arthur; and one brother, Eddie Wilson. The family will receive friends on Sun., Jan. 25, from 4–6 p.m. Funeral services will be held Mon., Jan. 26 at 11 a.m. at Hillsboro Memorial Funeral Home.

Early in his life, Bob lived with his grandmother in Huntington, attending west end schools. He attended Jefferson Elementary School in fifth grade, where his teacher was Ethel Honaker, who in 1960 would become his sister-in-law. He moved to Pikeville, Ky., to help his father with the family grocery and wholesale produce trucking company. He got his driver’s license and quit school at age 14 to begin his working life, and first married at age 17. He hauled produce and citrus for 10 years, later became a school bus driver, and finally was a fruit and vegetable dealer and property broker. Children (of Justine and Bob):

416. iii. Sheila Georgene.

231. Calvin Lewis[6] Honaker Jr. (Calvin Lewis[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 19 Apr 1906.

He married Nellie Mae Shires, daughter of Lonnie Richard Shires and Ada Falls, 25 Apr 1933. Born 27 Dec 1912 in Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 20 Jun 1990 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Alderson [W.Va.] Cemetery.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 22 Jun 1990: Mrs. Nellie Mae Honaker, 77, Alderson, died June 20, 1990, in Beckley Hospital after a long illness. She was a native of Monroe County and was a Methodist. Surviving: daughters, Virginia Lemons of Ronceverte, Margaret Brookman of Fairlea; sons, Calvin Lewis Honaker II of Gladstone, Va.; brother, Lonnie Richard Shires of Rupert; sister, Frances Phillips of Charleston; 16 grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren. Service will be 2 p.m. Saturday at Lobban Funeral Home, Alderson, with the Rev. Danny Goins officiating. Burial will be in Alderson Cemetery. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.

Unknown newspaper and date: Mrs. Nellie Mae Honaker, aged 77 years, of Alderson, died Wed., June 20 in a Beckley hospital, following a long illness. Born Dec. 27, 1912 in Monroe County, she was the daughter of the late Lonnie Richard and Ada Falls Shires. Mrs. Honaker was a homemaker and was of the Methodist faith. She was preceded in death by her husband, Calvin Lewis Honaker and two sons, Billy Earl and Lee Roy Honaker. Survivors include two daughters, Virginia Lemons of Ronceverte and Margaret Brookman of Fairlea; a son, Calvin Lewis Honaker II of Gladestone, Va.; a brother, Lonnie Richard Shires Jr. of Rupert, and Frances Phillips of Charleston; 16 grandchildren, and 10 great-grandchildren. Services were held Sat., June 23, at 2 p.m. at the Lobban Funeral Home Chapel in Alderson with the Rev. Danny Goins officiating. Burial was in the Alderson Cemetery.


231. i. Virginia Ellen[7]. Born 7 Oct 1932 in Alderson, W.Va.

ii. Calvin Lewis, II (called Bud). Born 21 Feb 1935. Died before 2009. He married Louise McCormick 8 Jan 1953.

iii. Billy Earl. Born 27 Mar 1937. Died 12 May 1985 in Weston, W.Va. Buried in Alderson [W.Va.] Cemetery.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 14 May 1985: Billy Earl Honaker, 48, of Alderson, Greenbrier County, died Sunday in a Weston hospital after a long illness. He was a Methodist and was disabled. He was an Army veteran. Surviving: mother, Nellie Mae Shires Honaker of Heartland Nursing Home, Beckley; sisters, Virginia Lemons of Ronceverte, Margaret Brookman of Fairlea; brothers, Calvin Lewis [II] of Appomattox, Va., Lee Roy of Dorcas. Lobban Funeral Home, Alderson, is in charge of arrangements.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 15 May 1985: Honaker, Billy Earl. Service will be at 2 p.m. Thursday in Lobban Funeral Home, Alderson, with the Rev. Gary Baker officiating. Burial will be in Alderson Cemetery. Friends may call after 4 p.m. today at the funeral home. Mr. Honaker, 48, of Alderson, Greenbrier County, died Sunday in a Weston hospital after a long illness.

iv. Margaret Ann. Born 10 Feb 1939. She married Unknown Brookman.

231. v. Lee Roy (called Sputkik). Born 27 Aug 1947. Died before Jun 1990.

232. Howard Wran[6] Honaker (Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 19 Apr 1892 in Sandstone, Summers Co., W.Va. Died ca. 1960 in Hinton, W.Va. Buried in Restwood Memorial Gardens, Hinton.

Peters’ Conrad Peters and Wife gives the name as Howard Wrand and a different day of birth, 12 Apr. In the 1950s he lived at 214 James St., Hinton.

Probably in the Hinton [W.Va.] News, at the time of his death: Honaker Funeral will be Friday

Funeral rites will be held Friday morning at 11 a.m. at the Ascension Episcopal church for Howard Wran Honaker, 68, well known and life-long resident, who died Wednesday at 5:15 p.m. in the Hinton Hospital. The Rev. Ernest S. Sirman, rector, will conduct the service with burial to follow in the Restwood Memorial Estates.

The Hinton Masonic Lodge will serve as pallbearers and conduct graveside rites while the Knights Templar will furnish an honor guard. The body is to be removed to the church from the E.M. Meadows Funeral Home on Park Avenue one hour before the service.

Mr. Honaker suffered a slight stroke last week-end and death was attributed to a cerebral hemorrhage suffered at his home in the Masonic building Wednesday afternoon. He had been in ill health since June 1958 when he was injured in a train wreck near Thurmond which later resulted in the amputation of his left leg.

Born April 19, 1892 at Sandstone, Honaker was a son of the late O.T. and Stella Withrow Honaker. He came to Hinton as a young man and was employed by the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway company as a fireman and was later promoted to engineer. He retired in 1958 after serving 49 years with the railway. He was an active member of the Ascension Episcopal church, Royal Arch Masons, Knights Templars, Beni Kedem Shrine and Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers.

His wife, Susan Wilson Honaker was killed in a car wreck near Shady Spring in 1952. Surviving are a son, Donald Honaker of Charleston; a daughter, Mrs. Virginia Webb also of Charleston; five brothers, Harry T. and Jesse C. Honaker both of Sandstone, C.C. (Jack) Honaker of Hinton, Robert Honaker of Los Angeles, Calif., and Russell M. Honaker of Talcott; a half brother, O.T. Honaker Jr. of Richmond, Va.; four sisters, Mrs. Lena Davis of Huntington, Mrs. Clara Tallman of Sandstone, Mrs. Dewey Keaton and Mrs. O. Ike Keaton of Hinton and two grandsons, Donald and Dick Honaker of Charleston.

He married Martha Susan Wilson (called Susan), daughter of Norman Thomas Wilson and Sara Catherine Richmond, 8 Oct 1913 in Hinton, W.Va. Born 18 May 1892 in Benton Harbor, Mich. Died in an automobile accident near Shady Spring, W.Va., 24 Oct 1952. Children:

i. Virginia Lee[7]. Born 17 Mar 1915 in Summers Co., W.Va. Died 15 May 1968. She graduated from Hinton [W.Va.] High School and from Charleston [W.Va.] School of Commerce, and became a secretary at the State Capitol in Charleston. In the 1950s she lived at 2226 Washington St., East, Charleston. She was an invalid for ten years following an automobile accident. She married Clyde Carter Webb 2 Nov 1940. Died 27 Nov 1970. He graduated from St. Albans [W.Va.] High School; during World War II served as a combat engineer in England and in the Pacific Theatre from Sep 1943 to May 1946; and then obtained employment with E.I. DuPont de Nemours Company of Charleston.

417 ii. Donald Wilson. Born 3 Jul 1916.

233. Lena Angeline[6] Honaker (Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 6 Apr 1894 in Sandstone, Summers Co., W.Va. On 11 Apr 1939 she was living in Hinton, W.Va. and wrote the following to Okey Erwin Peters, who included it in Conrad Peters and Wife:

I have the family Bible that belonged to my Great Grandfather Conrad Peters. My mother was the only child of Angeline Peters and C.W. Withrow and this Bible was given to me by my grandfather after my mother died. It was given to her by the husband of her aunt Rhoda Walker, the youngest daughter of Conrad and Clara Peters. This Bible has a good bit of family history written in it on blank pages. It was purchased in 1809.

Her son James Lee Davis wrote a brief family item in History of Summers County, 1984, p. 168, saying that she was still living.

She married, first, Lon G. Johnston, son of James B. Johnston and Eliza Agnes Bragg, 2 Oct 1912 in Summers County. They divorced in Oct 1923. The two daughters went by the name of Davis until they married. Children:

418. i. Clara Margaret[7] [Davis].

419. ii. Shirley Angeline [Davis].

She married, second, James Riley Davis, son of Jesse Davis and Alice Fairburn, 19 Apr 1924 in Summers County. Born 24 Oct 1885 in Tucker Co., W.Va. Died 12 Jan 1968. Children:

iii. Lena Katherine (twin). Born 26 Jan 1925. Died 27 Jul 1925.

iv. Mary Alice (twin). Born 26 Jan 1925. Died 27 Jul 1925.

420. v. James Lee. Born 14 Mar 1926 in Sandstone, W.Va.

vi. Robbie Joe. Born 3 Nov 1928. Died 29 Nov 1928.

vii. Jerry Oscar Truman. Born 7 Nov 1932. Died 3 Jan 1937.

She married, third, Oswald Ike Keaton (called Ike), son of Hugh Keaton and Louise Angeline Barton (reported in History of Summers County [W.Va.], 1984, as Louise Creasie Angeline Via, daughter of Angeline Via Barton), 25 Oct 1977. Born 16 Jan 1903. Ike married, first, Lena’s sister Bunch. Ike was the brother of Dewey Keaton, who married Ina Grace, sister of Bunch and Lena.

234. Clara Rebecca[6] Honaker (Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Summers Co., W.Va. In the 1950s she lived at 1721 Temple St., Hinton, W.Va.

She married Charles Fell Tallman, son of Charles Columbus Tallman and Minnie Law, 30 Sep 1904 in Summers Co., W.Va. Born 14 Nov 1891. Died 17 Jun 1951. Children:

i. Beulah Burke[7]. Born and died 27 Apr 1915.

421. ii. Madge Marie (called Marie).

422. iii. Ruby Evelyn (called Ruby).

423. iv. Dorothy Ann (called Dorothy).

424. v. Thomas Law.

425. vi. Estella Ruth (called Ruth).

426. vii. Charles Frederick.

235. Jesse Cary[6] Honaker (Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Summers Co., W.Va. In the 1950s, he lived in Sandstone, Summers County, and was proprietor of the Arrow Garage there.

He married Mary Surbaugh, daughter of George Allen Surbaugh and Bertie Idella Duncan, 16 Oct 1922 in Catlettsburg, Ky. Born 14 Dec 1900. Children:

i. Richard Cary[7]. Born 9 Aug 1923. Died 23 Jun 1928.

427. ii. Mary Janis.

236. Ina Grace[6] Honaker (Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Oct 1904 in Alderson, W.Va. Died 6 Nov 1989 in Hinton. Buried in Clayton [W.Va.] Baptist Church Cemetery. (Peters’ Conrad Peters and Wife reported that she was born 19 Oct 1904.) She was employed for several years by the A.W. Cox Department Store of Hinton.

Unknown newspaper and date: Mrs. Ina H. Keaton, aged 85 years, of Ballengee, died Mon., Nov. 6 in a Hinton hospital following a long illness. Born Oct. 10, 1904 at Alderson, she was the daughter of the late Oscar T. and Estelle Withrow Honaker. Mrs. Keaton lived most of her life in Summers County, was a member of the Central Baptist Church in Hinton and was active in the affairs of the church. She was a member of the Sunshine Philips Class, a member of the Grace Allen Circle of the Kings Daughters, was a member of the Grey Ladies and a member of the Hinton Women’s Club. She was a former employee of the A.W. Cox Department Store of Hinton. She was preceded in death by her husband, Admiral Dewey Keaton on Feb. 8, 1983 and two sons, Charles Lewis Keaton in 1998 and Billy Joe Keaton in 1927. Survivors include a son, Daniel T. Keaton of Nimitz; two daughters, Ellen Keaton Wills of Waverly, Ohio and Doris Keaton Williams of Moscow, Idaho; two brothers, Oscar T. Honaker Jr. of Savannah, Ga. and Robert Honaker of Oceanside, Calif.; a sister, Lena Davis Keaton of Hinton; 12 grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. Services were held Thurs., Nov. 9 at 10 a.m. at the Ronald Meadows Funeral Parlors in Hinton with the Rev. Robert Moore officiating. Burial was in the Clayton Baptist Church Cemetery at Clayton.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 7 Nov 1989: Mrs. Ina Honaker Keaton, 85, of Hinton, died Nov. 6, 1989, in Summers County Hospital, Hinton, after a long illness. She lived most of her life in Summers County. She was a member.

of Central Baptist Church, Hinton, and Sunshine Philathea Class. She was a member of Kings Daughters, Grace Allen Circle, Gray Ladies and Hinton Woman’s Club. She was a former employee of A.W. Cox department store, Hinton. Surviving: son, Daniel of Nimitz; daughters, Ellen Wills of Waverly, Ohio, Doris Williams of Moscow, Idaho; brothers, Oscar Honaker Jr. of Savannah, Ga., Robert Honaker of Oceanside, Calif.; sister, Lena Davis Keaton of Hinton; 12 grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren. Ronald Meadows Funeral Home, Hinton, is in charge of arrangements.

She married Admiral Dewey Keaton (called Dewey), son of Hugh Keaton (no middle name) and Lucretia Angeline Via [History of Summers County, 1984, reported it as Louise Creasie Angeline Via, which a daughter subsequently said was incorrect] 12 Aug 1921 in Hinton. Born 3 Nov 1899 in Pipestem, W.Va. Died 8 Feb 1983 in Hinton. Buried in Clayton Baptist Church Cemetery. In 1948 he was a special agent with the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad. Dewey’s brother Ike married two of Ina’s sisters, Bunch and Lena.


428. i. Charles Lewis[7].

ii. William Joseph. Born 21 Aug 1925 in Hinton. Died 25 Jun 1927 in Hinton. (History of Summers County, 1984, said Billy Joe lived to the age of 10.) Buried in Clayton Baptist Church Cemetery.

429. iii. Doris Faye.

430. iv. Ellen Joyce.

431. v. Daniel Truman.

237. Berma Faye[6] Honaker (called Bunch) (Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Summers Co., W.Va. In the 1950s she and her husband lived in Hinton, W.Va. and were proprietors of Keaton’s Cleaning and Pressing there.

She married Oswald Ike Keaton (called Ike), son of Hugh Keaton and Louise Angeline Barton (reported in History of Summers County [W.Va.], 1984, as Louise Creasie Angeline Via, daughter of Angeline Via Barton), 25 Sep 1933. Born 16 Jan 1903. After Bunch died, Ike married her sister Lena. Ike was the brother of Dewey Keaton, who married Ina Grace, sister of Bunch and Lena.


432. i. Ronald Louie[7]. Born 1934.

433. ii. Emily Dale (History of Summers County, 1984, reports the name as Emily Dare).

238. Robert Reid[6] Honaker (Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Peters’ Conrad Peters and Wife gives the name as Robert Read. Born in Summers Co., W.Va. Robert and Margaret lived in West Virginia until Dec 1936, when they moved to California. He became an employee of the Southern Pacific Railroad 5 Jan 1937 and foreman of its store department in Jan 1948. He joined the Masonic Lodge in 1935. In the 1950s he was living at 2324 Vandalia Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.

He married Margaret Virginia Richmond, daughter of John William Richmond of Sandstone, W.Va., and Annie Williams of Beckley, W.Va., 18 Nov 1929. Born 2 Aug 1909 in Sandstone. Died 24 Aug 2001 in Surprise, Ariz.

Hinton [W.Va.] News, 18 Sep 2001: Margaret Virginia Honaker succumbed to major stroke on Aug. 24, 2001 in Surprise, Ariz. Born Aug. 2, 1909 at Sandstone, she was the daughter of Annie and John Richmond and widow of Robert R. Honaker. Survivors include two daughters, Nancy Rodger and Julian Honaker, who now reside in Surprise; and two grand and two great grandchildren, Billie Hoover, Reid Lee Rodger, Ann and Brian Clark.


434. i. Nancy Carolyn[7].

ii. Julia Ann (called Judy). Born 5 Jan 1933.

239. Russell McNeer[6] Honaker (Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born

23 Oct 1911 in Summers Co., W.Va. Died ca. 1981 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Talcott (W.Va.) Cemetery.

Probably Hinton [W.Va.] News, date unknown: Talcott—Russell M. Honaker, 70, died Thursday at 11:30 a.m. in a Beckley hospital after a long illness. Born Oct. 23, 1911 in Summers County, he was a son of the late Oscar and Estella Withrow Honaker. Mr. Honaker had lived most of his life in Summers County, a former employee of the C.J. Casdorph Stores, a member of the Trinity United Methodist Church in Talcott, Talcott Masonic Lodge, Talcott Ruritan Club, a charter member of the Talcott Fire Department and a Navy veteran. His wife, Virginia Ball Honaker, died in December 1975. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Thomas (Patty) Talbott of Talcott and Mrs. Robert (Betty) Shields of Gary; two brothers, Robert Honaker of Carlsbad, Calif., and O.T. Honaker Jr. of Savannah, Ga.; two sisters, Mrs. Ike (Lena) Keaton and Mrs. Dewey (Ina) Keaton, both of Hinton, and eight grandchildren. Services will be Saturday at 2 p.m. at the Ronald Meadows Funeral Parlors in Hinton with the Revs. James Bailey and Dana Stalnaker officiating. Burial will be in the Talcott Cemetery. Friends may call today from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.

He attended elementary and high school in Sandstone, W.Va., and served in the U.S. Navy from 1928 to 1932. In 1944 he served 18 days at Great Lakes training station and was given a medical discharge. In the 1950s he was manager of a grocery store in Talcott, W.Va.; a member of Central Baptist Church in Hinton, W.Va.; member of Masonic Lodge No. 100, Talcott; and was a Boy Scout committee member.

He married Virginia Ball, daughter of Alfred Eugene Ball and Gladys S. Gillispie, 17 Dec 1932 in Summers County. Born 20 Mar 1914 in Talcott. Died 7 Dec 1975. She graduated from Talcott High School in 1932 and in the 1950s was a member of Central Baptist Church of Hinton and an officer of the Talcott Chapter, Order of Eastern Star.


435. i. Patricia Ann[7].

436. ii. Betty Jean.

240. William Franklin[6] Honaker (called John) (Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). An electrician’s mate 3rd class, he was a crew member on the USS Lagarto, a U.S. Navy World War II Balao Class submarine, when it was sunk in the Gulf of Siam, on its second mission, 3 May 1945. The Japanese minelayer Hatsutaka reported sinking an American sub there at about that time; the Hatsutake was sunk by the USS Hawksbill 12 days later.

John was listed as missing in action, declared deceased 25 May 1946, and awarded the Purple Heart Medal. A monument with his name is at Ft. William McKinley, Manila, the Philippines.

U.S. Navy fact sheet, undated, current 18 Jun 2006:

Lagarto, under [Commander] F.D. Latta, departed Subic Bay, Philippine Islands, on April 12, 1945, for her second patrol in the South China Sea. On April 27, she was directed to the outer part of Siam Gulf.

Lagarto contacted Baya, already patrolling in Siam Gulf on May 2, 1945, and exchanged calls with her by SJ radar. Later that day Baya sent Lagarto a contact report on a convoy she had contacted consisting of one tanker, one auxiliary and two destroyers. Lagarto soon reported being in contact with the convoy, and began coming in for an attack with Baya. However, the enemy escorts were equipped with 10cm radar, and detected Baya and drove her off with gunfire, whereupon the two submarines decided to wait and plan a subsequent attack.

Early on the morning of May 3, 1945, Lagarto and Baya made a rendezvous and discussed plans. Lagarto was to dive on the convoy’s track to make a contact at 1400, while Baya was to be ten to 15 miles further along the track. During the day, numerous contact reports were exchanged. At 0010 on May 4, after a prolonged but unsuccessful attack, Baya was finally driven off by the alert escorts, and no further contact was ever made with Lagarto.

Japanese information available now records an attack on a U.S. submarine made by the minelayer Hatsutaka, believed to be one of the two radar-equipped escorts of the convoy attacked. The attack was made in about 30 fathoms of water, and in view of the information presented above, the attack here described must be presumed to be the one which sank Lagarto.

This vessel’s first patrol was in the Nansei Shoto chain as part of an anti-picket-boat sweep made by submarines to aid Admiral Halsey’s Task Force 38 in getting carrier planes to Japan undetected. She sank the Japanese submarine RO-49 on Feb. 24, 1945, and participated in several surface gun attacks with Haddock and Sennett. Two small vessels were sunk and two more damaged in those attacks, and Lagarto shared credit for the results with these submarines. Commander Latta had previously made seven patrols as commanding officer of Narwhal. Every patrol made by this officer was designated successful for the award of combat insignia, a record surpassed by no commanding officer in the Submarine


News release, Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet Public Affairs, 16 Jun 2006: Sunken sub appears to be USS Lagarto (with photographs)

Pearl Harbor, Hawaii—Navy divers completed six days of diving operations June 16 on wreckage in the Gulf of Thailand believed to be that of the lost World War II submarine USS Lagarto. Divers will send photographs and video of the submarine to the Naval Historical Center in Washington for further analysis. The divers’ observations appear to confirm the discovery made in May 2005 by British wreck diver Jamie MacLeod.

“Without a doubt it’s a U.S. submarine, a Balao-class,” said Seventh Fleet Diving Officer Cmdr. Tony San Jose. San Jose and his fellow divers reported identifying twin 5-inch gun mounts both forward and aft, a feature believed to be unique to Lagarto. They also reported finding serial numbers and the word “Manitowoc” engraved on the submarine’s propeller. USS Lagarto was one of 28 submarines built in Manitowoc, Wisconsin.

The operations were conducted from the rescue and salvage ship USS Salvor (ARS-52) with embarked divers from Mobile Diving and Salvage Unit One, or MDSU-1, based in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The Japan-based mine countermeasures ship USS Patriot (MCM-7) assisted by first pinpointing the location of the wreckage with its SQQ-32 sonar and remotely-operated Mine Neutralization Vehicle.

The mission to positively identify USS Lagarto was carried out as part of the Thailand phase of the exercise Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training, or CARAT. A Royal Thai Navy liaison officer was embarked onboard USS Salvor to assist during the mission. San Jose said that the diving operations were very challenging because of short bottom times, strong currents and limited visibility. Due to the depths involved, the dives had to be conducted with mixed gas.

“We are deeply grateful to the divers of MDSU-1 and USS Salvor for their efforts to confirm this discovery and bring closure to the families of Lagarto’s crew,” said Pacific Submarine Force commander Rear Adm. Jeffrey Cassias.

For 60 years, crewmembers’ families did not know the exact circumstances surrounding the 86 submariners who perished. Lagarto was last heard from on May 3, 1945, as it was preparing to attack a Japanese convoy under heavy escorts. Japanese war records later revealed that the minelayer Hatsutaka reported sinking a U.S. submarine at roughly the same time and location.

Cassias met May 6 with Lagarto family members at the Wisconsin Maritime Museum in Manitowoc, where a memorial service was held to honor the lost crew. Last year, Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle signed a proclamation making May 3, the day the craft was presumed sunk, as USS Lagarto Remembrance Day in perpetuity.

“We owe a great debt to these men, and to all of the World War II submariners,” said Cassias. “In the world’s darkest hour, they faced the greatest risks, and demonstrated the most noble courage to preserve the freedom of our nation.”

Lagarto was one of 52 submarines lost on patrol during World War II.

Sunday Gazette-Mail [Charleston, W.Va.], 18 Jun 2006: On Eternal Patrol—The Navy tries to identify WWII Sub that sank with 3 West Virginians aboard, by Scott Finn, staff writer

John Honaker of Sandstone flew airplanes, loved to fish and was a “daredevil with a wonderful sense of humor,” his daughter says. Billy Jordan of Charleston played the mandolin, teased his sisters and wore a perpetual smile. During World War II, they both volunteered for the Navy and were assigned to the submarine USS Lagarto. In May 1945, on the sub’s second patrol, they and 84 other men disappeared somewhere off the coast of Thailand. For 60 years, that was all anyone knew about the Lagarto. Then last year, a private diver found the wreckage of what could be the lost ship.

Last week, the Navy sent its own divers to that same coast, trying to verify the identity of the submarine 220 feet below the surface of the Gulf of Thailand. After six days of surveying, they said on Friday that there are strong signs they in fact found the Largato. For instance, the divers spotted twin five-inch gun mounts on the forward and rear parts of the ship, a feature thought to be unique to the Lagarto. They also saw the word “Manitowoc” printed on the submarine’s propeller. The Lagarto was built in a Manitowoc, Wis., shipyard in the 1940s.

The remains of three West Virginians are believed to be aboard the submarine: Honaker, Jordan and Robert C. Perry of Alderson. Another West Virginian, Lt. Erik Wells of Charleston, is part of the mission to identify the submarine. The former television reporter is a Democratic candidate for state Senate in Kanawha County. As a public relations officer in the Navy Reserve, Wells wants the public to know about the submarine and the sacrifice three West Virginians made to complete its mission.

“When the divers come back up after visiting the wreck, they are very solemn,” Wells said. “As a sailor, you understand these folks died in defending our country. I feel really proud to be here and be a part of this operation.”

Family members and friends of the fallen sailors have mixed emotions about the submarine’s possible discovery. A daughter remembers the pain of having her father torn from her at the age of 10. A nephew regrets that his mother and grandmother died never knowing the sub’s fate. A friend finds satisfaction in knowing his buddy’s final resting place.

60 years later

Mary Sue Stephenson lost her father when she was 10. She just didn’t know it, not for sure, until last year.

Her father was William Honaker, which is what her grandfather named him, but everyone called him John, which is the name his mother had wanted. He worked as an electrician in Southern West Virginia, mostly working in houses and businesses, Stephenson said.

He also flew airplanes. After World War II began, he wanted to join the Army Air Corps. But he was too old, so he joined the Navy instead. “He felt that he wanted to do this. It was a passion the men had,” she said. “There was a great deal of patriotism in those days.”

Stephenson was only 7 when her father left. She said she resented him for leaving her, although she couldn’t admit that for a long time. He came home once during his three years in the Navy, and she remembers him being “very happy with what he had done.”

Then, when she was 10, her family received the fateful telegram that Honaker’s submarine had disappeared and that he was missing in action. Her mother and grandmother were so distraught by the news they left the room. Stephenson picked up her roller skates and went outside, she said, alone in her grief. She never believed he was dead, she said. He was a good swimmer. If anyone could escape a sinking submarine and make it to shore, he could.

“I think it is the standard reaction of a child losing a parent,” she said. “The child wants to deny it anyway, and here’s the possibility that he is still alive. My mother was like this, too, for a long time.” Stephenson grew up, went to college, and later studied music in England and France. When she was 23 and living in Paris, she caught herself scanning the crowd for a tall man that could be her father. Intellectually, she knew he must be dead, and yet she still hoped to spot him on the streets of a foreign city.

She married a physician and moved back to the mountains—Lynchburg, Va., only a couple of hours from her home in Summers County. She had children of her own. She never accepted her father’s death but learned to live “around it,” she said. “You can imagine, then, what a shock it was, what a thing to have happen to you—a real submarine, containing the bones of my father, suddenly unearthed 60 years later,” she said.

A tangled mess

It all started with Roy Leonhardt, a Wisconsin World War II veteran who had also served on a submarine. Leonhardt was involved with the Wisconsin Maritime Museum in the town where the Lagarto was built, Manitowoc. Leonhardt knew the history of the Lagarto, and he sent an e-mail to divers in Thailand to see if they knew anything about it. They didn’t, but they asked an English diver named Jamie McLeod. He spoke to some local fishermen who complained about something on the ocean floor snagging their nets.

In May 2005, McLeod found the wreckage on the first dive. From the beginning, he was convinced he had found the Lagarto. It was the right type of submarine in the right place. But the Navy wanted to do its own investigation. Currently, the Navy is conducting joint exercises with the navy of Thailand, opening up the opportunity to take a closer look at the wrecked submarine.

All last week, Cmdr. Tony San Jose of Fort Washington, Md., led divers to the wreckage. It is about 100 miles from the nearest large port and 220 feet below the surface, he said. It is covered with fishermen’s nets, coral and other marine growth. The divers can see only about 10 to 15 feet in the murky water. They are looking for markings that would prove the submarine is the Lagarto. Sometimes the name of the submarine is etched onto different parts, for example.

“We have located escape hatches, torpedo tubes, etc. It still resembles a submarine, but the main decking is already gone,” San Jose said. “It’s all kind of one tangled mess.” As of Thursday, he said he hadn’t found definitive proof of the submarine’s identity. Still, the divers are treating the submarine as a war grave. They are not going to open the hatches to look inside. On Saturday, they performed a memorial service on the Navy ship conducting the mission that was videotaped and will be made available to families.

“The biggest takeaway is being able to provide some closure for the families,” San Jose said. “We feel like we provided that closure to the families.”

Not over it

But closure is elusive for some family members. The Rev. Earl Hissom of Charleston is the nephew of sailor William Jordan Jr., but he was too young to know much about him. “My mother and grandmother just talked about him being a fun-loving person who loved to tease and loved music,” Hissom said. “He would keep time with the music with whatever happened to be in his hand—a pencil or stick or whatever.

“Grandma would talk once in a while about the fact she did not know how he died, and how that was a disappointment to her. They would really like to have known.” A childhood friend of Jordan’s named Ray D. Eads wrote to the museum in Wisconsin about his friend. The Gazette-Mail could not locate Eads for this article, and his letter does not say where he lives today.

“Billy seemed to me to carry a perpetual smile on his face,” Eads wrote. “That and the fact he was a gifted musician. He never had a music lesson but could play any stringed instrument.” Eads said Jordan played the mandolin in church with his father. The boys played sandlot baseball, stole and sold bushel baskets for movie money, and went camping together.

“When the war came, it took both of us nine months to convince our parents that we could lick the world,” he wrote. They were sent to different corners of the world, but they met up in 1944 in Connecticut. Jordan denied he was in submarine training, Eads wrote, probably because he didn’t want his mother to know.

“I have had many thoughts these 60 years past as to why this talent was taken and I was spared, but it may be the Lord needed a Mandolin player,” he wrote. “He got a good one!”

Stephenson said she still struggles daily with her loss. She decided not to attend a memorial service last month at the Wisconsin Maritime Museum. She said she is grateful to know more about what happened to her father. Still, it doesn’t reduce the pain.

“I think you don’t get over it. I think it’s something you largely live around,” she said. “I have a child’s relationship with my father. The pain of that little life experience is locked in there, and I dare say it will stay there forever.”

He married Helen Louise Scott, daughter of Louis Ellet Scott and Zora Ada Burns, in 1933 in Peterstown, W.Va. Born 15 Apr 1913 in Laurel Creek, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 12 Nov 2003 in Fairlea, W.Va. Buried in Richmond Cemetery, Sandstone, W.Va.

Hinton [W.Va.] News, 18 Nov 2003—Helen Scott Honaker, 90, of Fairlea, formerly of Sandstone, died Wed., Nov. 12, 2003, at Brier Care Home, Fairlea, following a long illness. Born Apr. 15, 1913, in Fayette County, she was the daughter of the late Elliott E. and Ada Burns Scott. Ms. Honaker was a department store retail clerk and was a member of Sandstone Baptist Church. She had lived most of her life in Summers County. Survivors include a daughter, Sue Stephenson of Lynchburg, Va.; two grandsons, Graham and Taft Stevenson; two great grandchildren, Louise and John Stephenson; and several nieces and nephews. Graveside service and burial was 2 p.m. Fri., Nov. 14th at Richmond Cemetery, Sandstone, with Pastor Lynn Maddy officiating. Burial followed. There was no visitation. Arrangements by Pivont Funeral Home, Hinton.

241. Oscar Truman[6] Honaker Jr. (called Bus) (Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 6 Jun 1920. Died 15 Nov 1994 in Savannah, Ga. Buried in Greenbrier Memorial Park, Hinton, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 19 Nov 1994: Savannah, Ga.—O.T. “Bus” Honaker, 74, of Savannah, formerly of Sandstone, W.Va., died Nov. 15, 1994, in Memorial Medical Center, Savannah, after a short illness. He was a retired Air Force captain and Union Camp employee and member of Central Baptist Church, Hinton, W.Va. Surviving: wife, Honey F. Honaker; several nieces and nephews Memorial service was held Friday at Hunter Chapel, Hunter Army Air Field, Savannah. Local service will be 2 p.m. Sunday at Ronald Meadows Funeral Home, Hinton, with Pastor Robert Moore officiating. Burial will be in Greenbrier Burial Park, Hinton. The body was cremated. There will be no visitation. In lieu of flowers the

family requests donations to American Cancer Society.

He married, first, Evelyn Unknown. Children:

i. Bruce Eric[7]. Born 13 Oct 1944. Not mentioned in his father’s obituary. Presumably died before


He married, second, Honey Van Hoss (also Honey F.)

249. David Michael[6] Honaker (Isaac Powell[5], Ellis Patton[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born unknown date and place. Died unknown date and place. Buried in Unknown Cemetery.

He married Violet Hall, daughter of unknown and unknown, unknown date and place. Born unknown date and place. She married, second, Robert D. Brammer.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 13 Jul 2012: On Wed., July 11, 1012, our most cherished, Robert D. Brammer of 6th Street, Beckley, died following a sudden illness. He was 76 years of age. Known affectionately as “Bob” all his life, Robert was one of eleven children born to the late Boone Burks and Cora Estelline Rickman Brammer. He was born on July 23, 1936, at Mabscott. Brothers Ronald, Denzil, James, Harold, and Thomas and sisters Madeline, Bonnie, Evelyn and Bessie have preceded him in death. He was the dear brother of Goldie Brammer who survives him at home. Robert spent his childhood at Mabscott. He was self-employed in the construction business, his last business being Temple Construction. Bob was a devout Christian. Much of building business was building churches of which he was most proud. He was a member of the River of Life Church in Dublin, Va. A daughter, Roberta Romine, and a son, Danny Brammer, has preceded him in death. Those left to cherish his memory are his surviving children, Keith Brammer, Karen Williams and Brian Brammer; his stepchildren, Renee Spears, Don and Mike Honaker; his stepchildren’s mother and his friend, Violet Honaker; 11 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren survive; as well as a large extended family of nieces and nephews. On Sat., July 14th, at 3 p.m. we will remember the life of Robert Brammer with a “Service or Remembrance” at the Melton Mortuary Chapel. Pastor Mike Honaker will be officiating. Robert will be laid to rest in the Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens at Prosperity. The family will receive friends from 2 p.m. until the hour of the service. Family members and friends will serve as pallbearers. Condolences may be sent to the family’s guestbook at . Arrangements by Melton Mortuary, Inc., Beckley.

Children (of David Michael and Violet):

249. i. Michael[7]. Born unknown date and place. In 2012 he lived in Pulaski, Va.

ii. Don.

256. Jane Nadine[6] Honaker (called Janie) (Kenneth Lacy[5], Thomas Samuel[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Aug 1929 in Wilson Co., Kan. In 2001 she lived in Humboldt, Kan.

She married Ersal Alfred Massey (called Brigg). Born 14 Aug 1917. Children:

447. i. Brenda Jo[7]. Born 24 Jun 1953.

ii. Barry Brig. Born 4 Apr 1956. He married Mary Elizabeth Hoenk. Born 10 Jul 1957.

iii. Michelle Deann. Born 31 Jul 1962.

257. Donald Ray[6] Honaker (Kenneth Lacy[5], Thomas Samuel[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 29 Dec 1931 in Miami, Neosha Co., Kan. In 2001 he lived in Kansas City, Kan.

He married Nancy Jane Porter (called Nance), daughter of Charlie Earl Porter and Doris Martha Jenkins, 27 Jun 1956. Born 27 Jan 1939 in Salina, Kan. Died 4 Jun 2012 in Kansas City, Kan.

Kansas City Star, 7 Jun 2012: Nancy Jane Honaker, 73, of Kansas City, Kan., passed away Mon., June 4, 2012 at her home surrounded by her loving family. Funeral services will be held Sat., June, 9 2012 at 11 a.m. at the Porter Funeral Home, 8535 Monrovia, Lenexa, KS 66215. There will be a visitation from 10–11 a.m. Saturday at the funeral home. Mrs. Honaker was born Jan. 27, 1939, in Salina, Kan., to Charles and Martha Porter. Nancy married Donald Honaker in 1956 and had three daughters. In her spare time Nancy spent her time painting, quilting, and wood carving. She loved square dancing and spending the winters in Texas. Nancy is preceded in death by her parents. She is survived by her husband, Donald, three daughters: Pam (Larry) Jones, Lorie Honaker and Amy (Steve) Bartlow. She is also survived by six grandchildren whom she adored. In lieu of flowers the family suggests memorial contributions be made to The American Cancer Society or Odyssey Hospice. (Condolences may be expressed at: . Arrangements: Porter Funeral Homes & Crematory, (913) 438-6444.)


257. i. Pamela Lynn[7] (called Pam). Born 9 Sep 1957 in Kansas City, Kan.

257. ii. Lorie Jane. Born 24 Apr 1960 in Kansas City, Kan.

257. iii. Amy Jo. Born 19 Aug 1963 in Kansas City, Kan.

258. Loren Dean[6] Honaker (Kenneth Lacy[5], Thomas Samuel[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 29 Sep 1935 in Wilson Co., Kan.

He married Betty Lee Stutzman. Born 28 Dec 1935. Children:

i. Kenneth Dean[7]. Born 31 Oct 1962.

ii. Bruce Leon. Born 12 Jun 1964.

259. Karen Jean[6] Honaker (Kenneth Lacy[5], Thomas Samuel[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 5 Feb 1939 in Wilson Co., Kan. In 1982 she lived in Kansas City, Mo.

She married, first, Unknown Cockriel. They divorced.

She married, second, Ed Dunser. They divorced. Children:

i. Penny Jean[7]. Born 31 Oct 1963.

She married, third, George Jackson.

260. Linda Lois[6] Honaker (Kenneth Lacy[5], Thomas Samuel[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 25 Jan 1943 in Wilson Co., also reported as Earlton, Neosho Co., Kan. Died 10 May 2015 in Bucyrus, Miami Co., Kansas.

Kansas City Star, 13 May 2015: Linda Lois (Honaker) Seuferling of Bucyrus, Kansas went to be with our Divine Saviour on May 10, 2015 after a brief illness at St. Luke’s Hospital. She had courageously battled Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma for many years. Linda was born at Earlton, Kansas on Jan. 26, 1943 as the sixth of seven children of Opal and Kenneth Honaker. She grew up on the family farm in Elsmore, Kansas. She attended a local one-room grade school and graduated from Elsmore High School in 1960. She then worked at Hallmark Cards in Kansas City, Mo., for 10 years. On Sept. 5, 1964 she married Mick Seuferling at Queen of the Holy Rosary Church-Wea. They lived in Stilwell, Kansas for six years before moving to Mick’s family farm near Wea (Bucyrus) in 1970, where they lived for the rest of her life. They had one daughter, Susan Marie, born in 1970. She then became a full-time homemaker and farm wife, raising her daughter and doing all the duties and chores of that life-style. Linda was a devoted wife and mother and a very devout Catholic. She spared nothing in giving her family the love, time, and attention to which she was strongly committed. She was always at their side, fulfilling their needs. She was strongly committed to her Catholic faith attending daily Mass, being a Perpetual Adorer, attending the Monday eve prayer service, serving as a lay minister, serving on church committees, attending classes to learn more about her faith, teaching religious education, and volunteering for every imaginable church activity. She was a fabulous seamstress, making and repairing wedding dresses and clothing, many times on a volunteer basis. She had a passion for gardening and flowers. She took great joy in giving away the produce to family, friends, and the needy as well as canning and freezing for her own family. She was a fantastic cook and was widely known for her delicious food. In the last 18 years her greatest pride was in caring for and watching her three grandchildren grow and participate in their activities especially at their schools—Queen of the Holy Rosary-Wea, Notre Dame De Sion, and St. Louis University. Linda is preceded in death by her parents and her sister, Ines Walker. She is survived by her husband Mick of the home in Bucyrus, her daughter Susan (George) Jacobs, her grandchildren Taylor, Lizzie, and Thomas all of Bucyrus, and her sisters Jane Massey of Humbolt, Kansas, Karen Jackson of Mound City, Kansas, and brothers Don Honaker of Kansas City, Kansas, Loren Honaker of Blue Springs, Mo., and Merle Honaker of Dewey, Okla. A visitation will be held on Thurs., May 14, 2015 at 9-10:40 a.m. at Queen of the Holy Rosary Church, 227th and Metcalf in Bucyrus followed by the Rosary at 10:40 a.m., followed by a funeral mass at 11 a.m. She will be buried in the parish cemetery following the mass. Donations in her honor may be made to Queen of the Holy Church-Wea, Queen of the Holy Rosary School-Wea, or to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. To leave a special message for the family online, please visit . Arrangements by Penwell-Gabel Louisburg Chapel, 120 S. Broadway, Louisburg, KS 66053, 913-837-4310.

She married Francis Michael Seuferling (called Mick) 5 Sep 1964 in Bucyrus, Kan. Born 28 Dec 1941. Children:

260. i. Susan Marie[7]. Born 6 May 1970.

261. Ines Arlene[6] Honaker (Kenneth Lacy[5], Thomas Samuel[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 30 Jun 1945 in Allen Co., Kan.

She married Barry Wilmoth Walker in Allen County. Born 25 Jun 1944. Children:

i. Scott Ramsey[7]. Born 28 Nov 1964.

ii. Jennifer Leann. Born 3 Nov 1971.

262. Roy Lee[6] Honaker (Thomas Andrew[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). See photographs. Born 4 Nov 1922 in River Ridge, Pipestem, W.Va. Died 25 Sep 2011 in Hilldale, W.Va. Interred in Greenbrier Burial Park.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 26 Sep 2011: Hinton—Roy Lee Honaker Sr. 88, of Hinton, [W.Va.] passed away Sun., Sept. 25, 2011 at Summers Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Hilldale following a short illness. Born Nov. 4, 1922 at Pipestem he was the son of the late Thomas A. and Verdie M. Keaton Honaker. After returning from World War II, where he served in the Navy C.B.’s he married Ninajean S. Richmond on May 16, 1946. She preceded him in death on Jan. 31, 1996 just short of the 50th wedding anniversary. Also preceding him in death were two sisters, Madge Butts and Phyllis Needleman. Roy was the former owner of T.A. Honaker Lumber Co. in Hinton, he loved to hunt, trap and fish, later in life he enjoyed tracing his family history, he was a member of the Honaker Association and the Bluestone Baptist Church at Jumping Branch. He will be sadly missed by his family and the many people he talked with on his daily walks. He is survived by his son, Roy Lee Honaker Jr. and wife Sandy of Hinton; a daughter, Loretta Presley and husband Bill of Kenova; four grandchildren, Dr. Tom Honaker and wife Abby of Bluefield, Va., Todd Honaker and wife Renee of Charleston, Jeff Presley and wife Cheri of Richmond, Ky., and Gina Rowe and husband Brian of Barboursville; eight great-grandchildren, Eden, Nathaniel, Gabriel, Julien and Molly Honaker, Brianna and Taylor Rowe and Keylee Presley; two nieces, Phyllis Repass and Teresa Butts and two special cousins Tommy Keaton and Kay Payne. Funeral services will be held 1 p.m. Wed., Sept. 28, 2011 at the Ronald Meadows Funeral Parlors Chapel with Pastor Bill Fox officiating. Entombment will follow in the Greenbrier Burial Park. Friends may call from 11 a.m. until time of the service on Wednesday. Lin Goins, Danny Frazier, Steve Duncan, Tommy Woodrum, Randy Ballard, Kent Bartgis, David Rudisill and David Staley will serve as pallbearers. Ted Bartgis will serve as honorary pallbearer.

Articles about Roy by his son and daughter appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Spring 1997 and Nov-Dec 2000. Roy attended Hinton [W.Va.] High School and was Methodist. He served in the U.S. Navy as a Gunner’s Mate 3rd Class during World War II, enlisting 2 Dec 1942 in Charleston, W.Va. and mustering out 12 Jan 1946. Because he was color blind, he served in a U.S. Navy Construction Battalion (Seabees.) He was posted to Camp Bradford Va.; Port Hueneme Calif.; Hilo, Honolulu, Hawaii; Guam; Providence, R.I.; and Bainbridge, Md. He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal, World War II Victory Medal, and Good Conduct Medal. He said he was born at Pipestem but grew up in the Pacific. After the war he returned home to work in the family business, Honaker Lumber Co. He was a member of Bluestone Baptist Church.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 19 Aug 1990: Channel Cat Man of Hinton Having an “Off” Year—719 Behind, by Skip Johnson

Roy Honaker, the channel catfish man of Hinton, has found fishing relatively slow this year on Bluestone Lake, but the key word is relatively. He has caught 344 cats, the biggest weighing 7.5 pounds, which is good by almost anybody’s standards except his own. Honaker has always fished a lot, but since he retired six years from the lumber yard he has fished virtually six days a week from May 1 to mid-October.

He shoves off from Bluestone Marina in the early morning fog, usually around 6:45, and fishes for 3.5 to 4 hours until the sun burns away the mists. Like a Hampshire County bass fisherman I wrote about recently, Honaker is a meticulous record-keeper, writing down his number of catches each day on a calendar. And the calendar on the wall shows he is 719 fish behind last year’s astounding total of 1,063 channel cats.

Especially missing in this year’s catches are fish of the one-pound size class, perhaps a spawning casualty of high water during the spring of 1989. But he’s still out there, baiting his hook with softshell crawfish and tempting the Bluestone Lake channel cats—traditionally the mother lode of channel cat fishing in the state.

His best month is always June. Last year he caught 316 cats that month alone, compared to 116 this June. His all-time biggest was a 12-pounder caught in 1982. The state record is a fish caught in a Jefferson County farm pond that weighed 22.7 pounds. Honaker says even the crappie fishing was on vacation this spring at Bluestone. In one nine-day stretch last year, he and a fishing partner caught 450 crappies, but he didn’t experience any days remotely like that this spring.

From my perspective, I give thanks daily for fishermen who keep records.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 7 Aug 1991: Hinton Catfish Man Still Setting Records, by Skip Johnson

Roy Honaker, the catfish man of Hinton, is continuing a remarkable fishing saga this year. Honaker, a retired lumber company owner, fishes six days a week from May to October for channel cats at Bluestone Lake. Since he began this odyssey in 1978, he has caught thousands of them. So far this year, his total is 345, which is on schedule with last year’s total of 500.

Two years ago, he caught 1,063. He catches most of the fish himself, although someone else, including his wife, will accompany him occasionally. He achieved a milestone in mid-June with his largest catch ever, a 14-pounder. Other top catches this year were 6, 7, 8 and 9-pounders, all citation size in the DNR’s trophy fish program. The minimum weight for a trophy channel cat is 5 pounds. The 8-pounder was caught last Friday, and the 7-pounder Saturday. Some mornings Honaker doesn’t catch any at all, including Monday. The 14-pounder in June was the only bite he had that day.

He gets up at 5 a.m., begins fishing at daylight and fishes until the fog burns off around mid-morning. On Sunday he attends church. “I figure that fishing six days a week is enough,” he says. He fishes with crawfish at various spots around the lake at depths ranging from 5 to 20 feet. When he locates a good spot, he continues to fish at that depth. He uses a No. 1 wire hook, no sinker. But mostly he’s persistent.

He married Ninajean Shirley Richmond, daughter of Orell Layton Richmond and Myrtle Marie Adkins, 16 May 1946 in Summers Co., W.Va. (probably at Longbottom, at her grandmothers, and where her parents lived.) Born 16 May 1926 in Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 31 Jan 1996 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Greenbrier Memorial Park, Hinton, W.Va.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 2 Feb 1996: Ninajean S. Honaker, 69, of 411 Miller Ave., died at 9:10 p.m. Wed., Jan. 31, 1996 at a Beckley hospital following a long illness. Born May 16, 1926 at Hamlett, she was the daughter of Myrtle Marie Richmond and the late Orell [Layton] Richmond. Mrs. Honaker was a member of the Bluestone Baptist Church at Jumping Branch and was a homemaker. Other survivors include her husband of 49 years, Roy Lee Honaker Sr.; a daughter, Mrs. Bill (Loretta) Presley of Kenova, W.Va.; a son, Roy Lee Honaker Jr. and wife Sandy of Hinton; a brother, E.E. “Rickey” Richmond of Hinton; four grandchildren: Tom and Todd Honaker, Jeff Presley and Mrs. Brian (Gina) Rowe; and two great grandchildren: Brianna Marie and Ashley Tayler Rowe; one niece and one nephew. Services will be held at 3 p.m. Sat., Feb. 3, 1996 at Ronald Meadows Funeral Home with pastor Bill Fox officiating. Entombment followed in Greenbrier Burial Park Mausoleum, Hinton. Pallbearers [were] Ted Bargist, Ralph Jones, Rush Meadows, E.B. Neely, John Wilcox, Butch Shumate, Sammy Ball, Alvin Willey, Ray Shups and Bob Butler.

Unknown newspaper: Ninajean Richmond Honaker, 70, died after a short battle with ovarian cancer. She was the daughter of Orell Layton Richmond, who preceded her in death, and Myrtle Marie Adkins Richmond of Hinton. She is also survived by her husband of 50 years, Roy Lee Honaker Sr., a daughter, Loretta Presley and her husband Bill, their children Jeff Presley and Gina Rowe of Kenova; a son, Roy Lee Honaker Jr., his wife Sandy, and their two sons, Tom and Todd Honaker of Hinton.

264. Betty Jean[6] Honaker (Frank Rickett[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 30 Oct 1930 in Bellepoint, W.Va. In 2007 she lived in Frankfort, Ill.

Unknown West Virginia newspaper, unknown date: Betty Honaker, James Grimmett Married July 9—

Miss Betty Honaker and Mr. James Grimmett were united in marriage in a double ring ceremony performed on Wednesday afternoon, July 9. The Rev. Allen J. Harlaness, pastor of the Baptist church in Pearisburg, Va., officiated at the wedding.

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Honaker of Bellepoint, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Grimmett, of Reservoir street. For her wedding, the bride chose a street length dress of pink summer sheer, accented with white accessories and a shoulder corsage of white rosebuds. Miss Dorothy Honaker was her sister’s maid of honor and was attired in navy blue linen with navy accessories. Her shoulder corsage was of pink rosebuds. Mr. Marvin Steele of this city served as best man.

The former Miss Honaker is a graduate of Hinton High school with the class of 1948 and graduated recently from the St. Francis School of Nursing in Charleston. Her husband, also a member of the Hinton High school 1948 graduating class, held a position with the H.L. Greene Co. of Newark, N.J., until his induction in the U.S. Army. He is at present stationed with the armed forces in Germany.

She married James Melvin Grimmett, son of James Marvin Grimmett and Mabel Catherine Bailey, 9 Jul 1952 in Pearisburg, Va. Born 23 Jul 1930 in Hinton, W.Va. Died 3 Feb 1996 in Blue Island, Ill. Buried in Restwood Memorial Gardens, Hinton.

Hinton News, unknown date: James M. Grimmett, 65, of Frankfort, Ill., formerly of Hinton, died Sat., Feb. 3, 1996 in a Chicago hospital following a short illness. Born July 23, 1930, at Hinton, he was the son of the late Marvin and Mabel Bailey Grimmett. Mr. Grimmett was a retail manager for Montgomery Ward Corp. Survivors include his wife, Betty Honaker Grimmett; a son, James Grimmett of Frankfort, Ill.; two daughters, Barbara Wood of Tinley Park, Ill., and Betty Wood of Lemont, Ill.; a brother, Ronald Grimmett of Omaha, Neb.; and six grandchildren. Private graveside services and burial were held at 1 p.m. Thurs., Feb. 8 at Restwood Memorial Gardens, Hinton, with Rev. Roy Lee Honaker Jr. officiating. Private family visitation was held from 11:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. Thurs., Feb. 8th, at Pivont Funeral Home. Arrangements by Pivont Funeral Home, Hinton.


452. i. James Melvin[7] Jr.

453. ii. Barbara Jean.

454. iii. Betty Sue.

265. Margaret Ann[6] Honaker (called Peggy) (Frank Rickett[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). [add middle name] Born 25 Feb 1933 in Bellepoint, W.Va. Died in 1980 in Pinch, Kanawha Co., W.Va.

She married Billy Joe Mace, son of Raymond Mace and Marie Unknown. Died before 2007. Children:

i. Raymond Frank[7] (called Frank). He had not married by 2007.

ii. William Joseph. He married, first, unknown. He married, second, Dreama Unknown. There were no children.

266. Robert Frank[6] Honaker (called Bobby) (Frank Rickett[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 17 Jan 1935 in Bellepoint, W.Va. In 2009 he and his family lived in Twinsburg, Ohio.

He married Phyllis Jean McClung, daughter of John D. McClung and Lessie Mae Cook. Children:

i. Marian Lea[7]. Born 28 Feb 1958. Murdered 29 Oct 1971 while trick or treating in Bedford Heights, Ohio.

266. ii. Robert Frank, Jr. Born 23 Dec 1962.

267. Mary Carolyn[6] Honaker (Frank Rickett[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 13 Sep 1937 in Bellepoint, W.Va. Died of cancer 13 Sep 2001. Buried in Restwood Memorial Gardens, Hinton, W.Va.

Hinton [W.Va.] News, 18 Sep 2001: Mary Carolyn Lilly, 64, of 495 Stokes Drive, Hinton, died at 8:45 p.m., Thurs., Sept. 13, 2001, in Charleston Area Medical Center, Memorial Division, following a short illness. Born Sept. 13, 1937 in Hinton, she was the daughter of the late Frank and Mabel McGhee Honaker. Ms. Lilly was a member of Bellepoint Baptist Church, Hinton, and a lifelong resident of Hinton. She was preceded in death by two sisters, Peggy Mace and Dorothy Curry. Survivors include a daughter, Christy Pierson and her husband, Michael, of Lewisburg; two brothers, David Honaker of Hinton and Bob Honaker of Twinsburg, Ohio; a sister, Betty Grimmett of Frankfort, Ill.; two grandsons, Braden and Conner Pierson, and dear friend Ginny Shirey. Services were held at 2 p.m. Sun., Sept. 16th, at Pivont Funeral Home Chapel, Hinton, with Pastors Chris Brown and Carl Edwards officiating. Burial followed in Restwood Memorial Gardens, Hinton. Family and friends served as pallbearers. Arrangements by Pivont Funeral Home, Hinton.

She married, first, Abraham Lilly. They divorced. Children:

455. i. Christi Ann (adopted).

She married, second, David Keaton. They divorced.

268. David L.[6] Honaker (Frank Rickett[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

He married, first, Lynda Jane Coste, daughter of James Coste and Helen Jones. They divorced. She married, second, Lewis C. Pellegrin.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 5 Jul 1995: Lewis C. Pellegrin, 58, of Weston died July 3, 1995, of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. He was president of Citizens Bancshares, chief executive officer of The Citizens Bank of Weston and former executive vice president of Farmers and Merchants Bank, Morgantown. He was a graduate of West Virginia University, WVU College of Law, National Trust School at Northwestern University and National Commercial Lending School at

University of Oklahoma. He was past president of Lewis County Chamber of Commerce and Weston Development Association, organizer and chairman of Community of 13, a coalition of business and political leaders to save Weston Hospital, treasurer of Lewis County Development Authority and vice chairman of Stonewall Jackson Lake Advisory Committee. He was a member of West Virginia State Bar Association, West Virginia Bankers Association and St. Paul’s

Episcopal Church. Surviving: mother, Philomena Pellegrin of Bridgeport; wife, Lynda Pellegrin of Weston; son, Jeffrey Pellegrin of Tempe, Ariz.; daughter, Elizabeth Pellegrin of Charleston; stepdaughter, Helen Mary Honaker of Lewisburg; stepson, Christopher Honaker of Weston. There will be no visitation or funeral service. Boyle Funeral Home, Weston, is in charge of arrangements.

Children (of David and Lynda):

268. i. Helen Mary[7]. Born 20 Apr 1964. She married Nathan Hathaway in 1966 in Virginia.

ii. Christopher Elliott. Born 30 Jul 1978. In 2003 he was an accomplished artist and pianist.

He married, second, Mary Ellen Houchins. They lived in Barbour Springs, W.Va. Children:

iii. David Michael (called Michael). Born 1 Oct 1977 in Lewisburg, W.Va. Died of cardiac arrest 19

Sep 2003 in Fairlea, W.Va. Entombed in Restwood Memorial Gardens, Hinton, W.Va.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., unknown date, and Hinton [W.Va.] News, 23 Sep 2003—David Michael Honaker, 25, of 4-H Camp Road, Forest Hill, went to be with the Lord Fri., Sept. 19, 2003 at Greenbrier Valley Medical Center at Fairlea. Born Oct. 1, 1977 at Lewisburg, he was the son of David L. and Mary Ellen Houchins Honaker of Forest Hill. Michael was a 1995 graduate of Summers County High School in Hinton, and was a graduate of Clayton College of Locomotive Engineers in Atlanta, Ga. He was a conductor for CSX Transportation Corp. in Clifton Forge, Va. He was a member of the Roles Chapel Baptist Church at Forest Hill and was a member of the United Transportation Union. Besides his parents, Michael is survived by his maternal grandmother, Lorene Jones Houchins of Hinton; one brother, Christopher Elliott Honaker of Morgantown; and a sister, Helen Mary Hathaway of Spotsville, Va. Service and entombment at Restwood Memorial Gardens was private. Pastor Roy Lee Honaker, Jr. and Burl Hay officiated. There was no visitation. Arrangements by Pivont Funeral Home, Hinton.

Hinton [W.Va.] News, 17 Jun 2008 (photograph with cutline): Rose Petrey, a senior at Summers County High School and this year’s recipient of the David Michael Honaker Scholarship, plans to attend Bluefield State College this fall with a major in Social Science. Since Ms. Petrey was unable to attend the scholarship assembly, Michael’s parents, David and Mary Ellen Honaker, presented the scholarship to Rose at the high school. Shown above left to right: David Honaker, Rose Petrey and Mary Ellen Honaker. Congratulations to Ms. Petrey and thanks to Mr. & Mrs. Honaker for dedicating funds in the memory of their son to help make college more affordable for Summers County students.

269. Joe Dudley[6] Honaker (called J.D.) (Omer Elliott[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 16 Mar 1932 in Bellepoint, Summers Co., W.Va. Died 5 Jan 2006 at home in Scott Depot, Putnam Co., W.Va. Buried in Cunningham Memorial Park, St. Albans, Kanawha Co., W.Va.

Gazette-Mail, Charleston, W.Va., 7 Jan 2006; West Virginia Gazette, Charleston, 10 Jan 2006 (with photograph), and The Hinton [W.Va.] News, 10 Jan 2006—Joe D. “J.D.” Honaker, 73, of Scott Depot, formerly of Logan, departed this life on Thurs., Jan. 5, 2006, at his home after a sudden illness. He was born on Mar. 16, 1932, at Bellepointe, W.Va., in Summers County and was the son of the late Omer Honaker and Thelma Hazel Cook Honaker. He was preceded in death also by one sister, Mary Helen Snuffer and two brothers, Billy Ray Honaker and Ronnie Honaker who [passed] away in December 2005. Mr. Honaker was the owner and operator of Honaker Funeral Home in Logan, where he purchased the business in 1966. He and his family came to Logan in 1960 to work for Robert B. Harris of the Harris Funeral Home. He was previously employed by Keller Funeral Home in Dunbar prior to coming to Logan and he began his career working for his uncle at the Cooke Funeral Home in Nitro. As the oldest boy in the family, he worked on his grandfather’s farm until he graduated from Hinton High School in 1950. He also served in the United States Army and was stationed in Panama. Joe enjoyed many things throughout his life. Foremost was his family, he enjoyed squirrel hunting since he was a child growing up on the farm. He loved to trout fish and he enjoyed gun collecting, LGB trains and camping along with a good John Wayne movie. He enjoyed raising a garden when he was able to care for it. He was a member of Aracoma Lodge 99 AF&AM in Logan. But most of all, he lived and walked as a good and decent man, always willing to help those in need. He gave many years to his community and was always there when he was needed and he never forgot his upbringing and where he came from. He is survived by his wife, Dolores Williams Honaker; a son, Michael J. Honaker of Logan; three daughters, Deborah M. Watson of Hurricane, Kristi Lynn Honaker of Blacksburg, Va., and Lisa Renee (Fred) Odom of Limestone, Tenn.; beloved granddaughter, Rachael Shea Honaker of Logan; several neices, nephews, cousins, and other extended family members; and some other “family” members including Gerti, Maddi, Mojo, Jax, Brandi, and Katie. Funeral services will be conducted Mon., Jan. 9 at 1 p.m. at the Winfield Church of the Nazarene on Rt. 34 with the Rev. John T. Hayes and the Rev. Glenn White officiating. Friends may call from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on Sunday at the Honaker Funeral Home, Logan and one hour prior to the service at the church. Burial will be in Cunningham Memorial Park, St. Albans. In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorial contributions be made to the Winfield Church of the Nazarene, Winfield WV 25213 or a charity of your choice.

J.D. graduated from Hinton [W.Va.] High School, Summers County, in 1950 and was a member of Key Club. He graduated from Cincinnati [Ohio] College of Embalming in 1953. The following year he was drafted into the U.S. Army, where he served two years, 1954 to 1956, after basic training as a finance clerk with the 33rd Regiment, 23rd Infantry Division, in the Republic of Panama. He completed his enlistment as a specialist second class. He subsequently became owner of Honaker Funeral Home, Logan, Logan Co., W.Va. His hobbies included hunting, fishing, woodworking, camping, and gardening. He owned a James A. Honaker rifle that passed to his daughter Lisa because of her interest in the family’s history.

He married Dolores Irene Williams, daughter of Arnold Sidney Williams Sr. and Lillian Rosella Dillon, 14 Apr 1957 in South Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Born 31 Dec 1931 in South Charleston. Died 17 Mar 2016 in Logan, W.Va. Buried in Cunningham Memorial Park, St. Albans, W.Va.

Logan [W.Va.] Banner, 17 Mar 2016: Dolores Irene Honaker, age 84, of Logan and Scott Depot, W.Va., departed this life Thurs., March 17, 2016, at her home in Logan after her long battle with Alzheimer’s. Born Dec. 31, 1931, at Springhill in Kanawha County, she was a daughter of the late Arnold Sr. and Lillian Dillon Williams. She was also preceded in death by her loving husband of 49 years, Joe D. Honaker; one brother, Harold Williams; sister-in-law, Jackie; and her sidekick, Gertie. Delores was a homemaker and co-owner of Honaker Funeral Home in Logan. Years ago she was employed as a switchboard operator and admissions clerk for H.J. Thomas Memorial Hospital in Springhill. Dolores was of the Christian faith. She is survived by three daughters, Debbie M. Watson of Hurricane, Kristi Lynn Honaker (Glenn) Austin of Elliston, Va., and Lisa Renee (Fred) Honaker-Odom of Limestone, Tenn.; one son, Michael J. Honaker of Logan; sister, Phyllis (Don) Meadows of Nitro; brothers, Arnold S. (Caroline) Williams of Eleanor, and Robert L. (Bernie) Williams of League City, Texas; granddaughter, Rachael Shea DeLane (Steven) Honaker-Holbrook of St. Albans, and several nieces, nephews, cousins, other relatives and good friends. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m., Mon., March 21, at Honaker Funeral Home at Logan with Rev. John Hays officiating. Burial will follow in Cunningham Memorial Park at St. Albans. Visitation will be from 6–8 p.m., Sun., March 20, at the funeral home. Family and friends will serve as pallbearers. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to The Paws Squad, 1412 Lincoln Way, Chapmanville, WV 25508, to help with pets in need. For email condolences go to . Honaker Funeral Home in Logan is in charge of arrangements.

Dolores graduated from South Charleston High School in 1949, where she was in Sub-Deb Club, a close-knit social group whose members, selected by invitation, studied poise, grace, personality and charm, and participated in parties, hikes, banquets and dances. She became secretary-treasurer of Honaker Funeral Home and enjoyed crafts and woodworking. She was previously married to Richard Hansford Watson and had one child in that marriage, Deborah Martiele Watson, born 26 Jul 1950 in South Charleston. In 1998 Deborah was an accountant for Union Carbide Corp., a Sunday school teacher, and enjoyed cross-stitch sewing. She then lived in Hurricane, W.Va.

Children (of J.D. and Dolores):

456. i. Michael Joe[7]. Born 21 Jul 1959 in South Charleston, W.Va.

ii. Kristi Lynn Born 24 Jun 1967 in Man, Logan Co., W.Va. She graduated from Logan High School

in 1985, and took a B.S. in Communications from West Virginia State College, Institute, W.Va., in 1992. In 1998 she lived in Scott Depot, W.Va., where she was owner of Sassafrass Designs, a computer training and desktop publishing business. In 2002 she was project director for a U.S. Department of Education-funded grant to Northeast Kingdom Learning Services, a non-profit serving communities in rural northeast Vermont. The grant, 21st Century Community Learning Centers, had as its objective the strengthening and encouragement of community and family relationships through education. It supported after-school programs for children and learning opportunities for adults. In 2002 she was a member of the National Rifle Assn., and her interests included shooting, music, writing, computing, her dog Brandi, movies, and collecting Boyd’s Bears and movie soundtracks. She married Christopher Marshall Hardy, son of Edward Marshall Hardy and Carolyn Marie Lloyd, 16 Mar 2001 at Orleans [Vt.] United Federated Church. Born 21 Jun 1968 in Newport, Vt. He graduated from North Country Union High School, Newport, Vt., in 1986. In high school he was active in student government, band and chorus. He took a B.F.A. in Creative Writing from Johnson [Vt.] State College in 1992; he was a disc jockey for the college radio station. After college he was a bookseller at Woodknot Bookshop, Newport; a sales associate for Sears & Roebuck Co., Derby, Vt.; and a specialized educator, Northeast Kingdom Learning Services, Newport/Derby. In 2002 he was a member of the National Rifle Assn., and his interests included guns, shooting, reading, writing, movies, music, playing guitar, participating in a band (bass player and vocalist for Onyx from 1986 to present [2002]), recording engineering, sports, woodworking, and Star Wars collecting.

iii. Lisa Renee. Born 17 Aug 1971 in Man, Logan Co., W.Va. She graduated from Winfield [W.Va.] High School, Putnam County, in 1989, and took an Associate in Business from National Institute of Technology, Cross Lanes, Kanawha Co., W.Va., in 1992. In 1998 she lived in Hurricane, W.Va., where she enjoyed crafts, reading, horseback riding, decorating, and going to the movies. She married, first, David Wayne Hawkins, son of James David Hawkins and Janet Marilyn Cline, 19 Nov 1992 at the Green Valley Church of God, St. Albans, W.Va. They divorced with no children 13 Mar 1997 in Winfield, Putnam Co., W.Va. She married, second, Freddie Michael Odom (called Fred), son of Francis Marion Odom and Velma Ernestine Young, 20 Jun 1997 in Houston, Harris Co., Texas. Born 22 Aug 1943 in Hattiesburg, Lamar Co., Miss. He received a General Education Diploma in 1962 while in the U.S. Navy. He enlisted in 1961 and was assigned for most of his term to the 7th Fleet. He separated as a petty officer third class. He retired from Union Carbide Corp. (now the Dow Chemical Company) 30 Jun 2001 after 32 years. In his final position, he was chief of the Store Room (small stores, shipping & receiving) at UCC’s plant at Texas City, Galveston Co., Texas. In 2002 his interests included hunting, fishing and woodworking. In 2002 Lisa and Fred lived in Limestone, Tenn. He was first married to Bobbie Len Maly in 1963. They divorced 8 Sep 1982 with three sons—Carl Michael, born 31 Jan 1966 in Texas City, Galveston Co., Texas; Alan Wade, born 16 Apr 1967 in Texas City; and Mark Scott, born 25 Aug 1969 in Texas City.

270. Billy Ray[6] Honaker (Omer Elliott[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Interred in Greenbrier Burial Park Mausoleum.

Unknown newspaper, 19 Mar 1987: Pipestem—Billy Ray Honaker, 45, died Thurs., Mar. 19, at a Huntington hospital following a short illness. Born Feb. 8, 1942 at Nitro, he was the son of Hazel Honaker Farley of Pipestem and the late [Omer] Honaker. Mr. Honaker was assistant principal at Hinton High School and a member of the First Baptist Church at Hinton. He was a graduate of Hinton High School, Concord College, Athens, W.Va., and West Virginia University, was a former assistant football coach for Hinton High School, served on the board of directors for the Summers County Hospital and was a member of the Bobcat Boosters. He was preceded in death by a sister, Mary Helen Snuffer in May 1949. Survivors include his wife, Sandra Mock Honaker; two daughters, Mrs. Wayne (Kelly) Ellison of Hinton and Kimberly Honaker at home; and two brothers, Joe D. Honaker of Scott Depot and Ronald E. Honaker of North Canton, Ohio. Services will be Sunday at 2 p.m. at the First Baptist Church at Hinton with the Revs. Lance Yost and D.D. Elwell officiating. Entombment will be in the Greenbrier Burial Park Mausoleum. Friends may call today from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the E.M. Meadows Funeral Home in Hinton and at the church one hour prior to services. Pallbearers will be Cliff Diamond, Dave Ballard, David Mann, Dr. James Miller, Mike Allen, Buzzy Hellems, Jack Hatcher, Gary McGraw, Joe Kessler, James Withrow, Jim Tassos and Bill Garten.

Charleston [W.Va.] Daily Mail, 21 Mar 1987: Pipestem—Billy Ray Honaker, 45, of Pipestem, died Thursday in St. Mary’s Hospital, Huntington, after a short illness. He was assistant principal and assistant football coach for Hinton High School and was a member of First Baptist Church, Hinton. He was a graduate of Concord College and West Virginia University and was a member of board of director for Summers County Hospital. He was a member of Bobcat Boosters. Surviving: wife, Mrs. Sandra Mock Honaker; daughters, Mrs. Kelly Ellis of Hinton, Kimberly at home; mother, Mrs. Hazel Honaker Farley of Pipestem; brothers, Joe D. of Scott Depot, Ronald E. of North Canton, Ohio. Service will be 2 p.m. Sunday in First Baptist Church with the Rev. Lance Yost and the Rev. D.D. Elwell officiating. Entombment will be in Greenbrier Burial Park Mausolem, Hinton. Friends may call from 5 to 9 p.m. today at E.M. Meadows Funeral Home, Hinton, and one hour prior to service at the church.

He married Sandra Jean Mock, daughter of Donald Frederick Mock and Maggie Cooper. A Mock family profile by Carol Mock Persinger appeared in History of Summers County [W.Va.], 1984, p. 254. It tells a touching story about Sandra Jean’s grandparents:

Zina Pearl Mock, 8 Jun 1897–18 May 1981, son of Charles and Etta Gilpin Mock, married Virgie Marie Ellison. According to Zina, in 1915 he was enthralled by a tiny young girl, a heavenly angel, who sang at the First Baptist Church. Six-foot 2-in. Zina vowed to marry this “fidget,” his word for a cross between a midget and a figment of his imagination. A determined man, on 3 Jul 1917 Zina married Vergie, 6 Sep 1901–12 Jun 1981, the daughter of William Lowry Ellison, 1873–1967, and Delilah Frances Lilly, 1877–1948. [The entry continues.]

Children (of Billy and Sandra):

i. Kelly Rae[7]. She married, first, Wayne Ellison. She married, second, unknown.

ii. Kimberly Rae. She married Dave McCormick, a dentist.

271. Jack Leland[6] Wiseman (Ethel Lucille[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born

9 Sep 1928. Died 1 May 1983 in Hampton, Va. Buried in Restwood Memorial Gardens, Hinton, W.Va.

Unknown newspaper: Hampton, Va.—Jack L. Wiseman, 54, formerly of Hinton, died Sunday in Hampton apparently of a heart attack. Born Sept. 9, 1928 in Hinton, he was a son of the late Virgil L. and Ethel Honaker Wiseman. Mr. Wiseman was employed as a [railroad] brakeman for the CSX Corporation in Hampton, a member of the Miller Memorial Methodist Church in Hinton and the Hampton Elks Lodge 366. Survivors include his wife, Patricia; a brother, James Wiseman of Tabb of Virginia; two sisters, [Anna] Sue Butler of Darlington, N.C., and Jean Bailey of Hampton. Graveside services will be Friday at 1 p.m. at the Restwood Memorial Gardens in Hinton. Friends may call Thursday from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the E.M. Meadows Funeral Home in Hinton.

Pivont Funeral Home, Hinton, W.Va., 19 Feb 2010: Patricia Ruth Wiseman, 79, of Hilldale, died Thurs., Feb. 18, 2010 in Summers County [Appalachian Regional Healthcare] Hospital following a short illness. Born Mar. 5, 1930 in Hinton, she was the daughter of the late Derden William and Lelia Elizabeth Glass Frye. Ms. Wiseman was a homemaker and had lived most of her life in Virginia. She was preceded in death by her husband, Jack Wiseman. Also by a daughter, Carolyn Sue Dotson. She was the last surviving member of her immediate family. Survivors include a brother-in-law, Jim Wiseman of Bristol, Va., sister-in-law, Sue Butler of Sanford, N.C., caretaker, Katie Humphries of Hilldale. The body has been cremated and there will be no service. Interment will be in Restwood Memorial Gardens at a later date.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 20 Feb 2010: Patricia Ruth Wiseman, 79, of Pine Hill, Hilldale, died Thurs., Feb. 18, 2010 in Summers County A.R.H. Hospital in Hinton following a short illness. The body has been cremated and there will be no service. Online condolences and guest register at . Arrangements by Pivont Funeral Home, Hinton.

272. Anna Sue[6] Wiseman (called Sue) (Ethel Lucille[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Jan 1931 in Bellepoint, Summers Co., W.Va. In 2016 she lived in Sanford, Lee Co., N.C. She retired from AT&T in 1990. She was a longtime member of the Honaker Family Association and contributor to its newsletter.

She married Franklin D. Butler, son of Thomas Peters Butler and Eva Mae Anderson, 12 Dec 1952 in Bellepoint. Franklin was given the middle initial D. but no middle name. Born 26 Aug 1933 in Red Sulphur Springs, Monroe Co., W.Va. He retired from AT&T in 1987.

Franklin was descended from Conrad Lewis Peters, subject of Okey Erwin Peters’ book, Conrad Peters and Wife Clara Snidow—Their Descendants and Their Ancestry. Sue and Franklin were given a copy of the book by Franklin’s father. (Christian[1] Peters (1760-1837), Conrad Lewis[2] Peters (1786–l849), Christian Snidow[3] Peters (1812–1897), James Conrad[4] Peters (1840–1911), Fannie Snidow[5] Peters (1868–1899), Thomas Peters[6] Butler, Franklin D.[7] Butler). James Conrad[4] Peters was the subject of a book, Diary of a Confederate Sharpshooter—The Life of James Conrad Peters, Jack L. Dickinson, Ed., which contained a written sketch of his antecedents.

Children (of Sue and Franklin):

457. i. Barbara Ann[7]. Born 14 Dec 1953 in Burlington, Alamance Co., N.C.

458. ii. Randall Leland. Born 4 May 1960 in Burlington.

273. Carolyn Jean[6] Wiseman (called Jean) (Ethel Lucille[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 2 Feb 1934 in Bellepoint, W.Va. Died 8 Jun 2004 in Hampton, Va. Buried in Restwood Cemetery, Hinton, W.Va.

Daily Press, Hampton Roads, Va., 9 Jun 2004: Hampton—Carolyn Jean Bailey, 70, died Tue., June 8, 2004. Born in Hinton, W.Va., she had been a Hampton resident since 1956 and was a member of Wallace Memorial United Methodist Church. Mrs. Bailey had graduated from the St. Francis School of Nursing in Charleston, W.Va. She retired after working 41 years as a registered nurse for OB Gyn Associates with Dr. Gayle and Dr. Howard. Mrs. Bailey is survived by her husband, Charles Bailey; sons, William Ray “Bill” Bailey and wife, Joann, of Hampton, and Robert Wayne “Bob” Bailey and wife, Lori, of Wesley Chapel, N.C.; sister, Anna Sue Butler of Sanford, N.C.; brother, James Wiseman of Bristol, Va.; grandchildren, Caroline Nicole Bailey and Mallory Elaine Bailey; and step-grandchildren, Kelly Johnson and Gary Johnson. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday at R. Hayden Smith Funeral Home. A funeral service will be conducted at 11 a.m. Fri., June 11, at the funeral home by the Rev. Norman G. Tippens. A graveside service will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday in Restwood Cemetery, Hinton, W.Va. Memorial donations may be sent to the Wallace Memorial United Methodist Church, 6 Johnson Road, Hampton 23664, or the American Cancer Society.

She married Charles Robert Bailey, called Pete, son of Albert Edgar Bailey and Erma Belle Boone, 28 Dec 1955 in Bellepoint, W.Va. Born 31 Oct 1929 in Hinton, W.Va. Died 3 Jan 2010 in Hampton, Va. Buried in Restwood Cemetery, Hinton. He retired from the U.S. Air Force.

Daily Press, Hampton, Va., 4 Jan 2010 and Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 7 Jan 2010: Hampton, Va.—Charles Robert Bailey, 80, of Hampton, died Sun. Jan. 3, 2010, in Hampton. Born Oct. 30, 1929, in Hinton, he was the son of the late Albert E. and Erma Boone Bailey. Mr. Bailey had been a resident of Hampton for 56 years, and was a member of Fox Hill Central United Methodist Church in Hampton. Having served in the Army Air Corps in Korea, he then worked 15 years in the Newport News Shipyard and then as a tractor trailer driver. Mr. Bailey was a member of the Southward Hunt Club where he loved to hunt deer and play cards, and was a huge NASCAR fan. He was preceded in death by his wife, Carolyn Wiseman Bailey on June 8, 2004; and a son, Bob Bailey. Survivors include a son, Bill Bailey and wife Joann of Hampton; a daughter in law, Lori Bailey; one brother, Harold Bailey and wife Nancy of Quinton, Va.; two grandchildren, Caroline Bailey and Mallory Bailey; and two step-grandchildren, Gary Johnson and Kelly Campbell. Funeral services were conducted at 3 p.m. Wed., Jan. 6, 2010, at Fox Hill Central United Methodist Church in Hampton with Rev. Wayne Moore officiating. The family received friends from 6 until 8 p.m. Tuesday evening at R. Hayden Smith Funeral Home in Hampton. Graveside services and burial will be held at 11 a.m. Fri., Jan. 8, 2010, at Restwood Memorial Gardens in Hinton, with Rev. Wayne Moore. Those wishing to attend the graveside services are asked to meet at Pivont Funeral Home in Hinton where a procession will depart at 10:45 a.m. Online condolences & guest register at . Local arrangements by Pivont Funeral Home, Hinton.


i. Deborah Jean[7]. Born 5 Jan 1957 in Hampton, Va. Died 6 Jan 1957 in Hampton. Buried in

Restwood Cemetery, Hinton, W.Va.

459. ii. William Ray.

460. iii. Robert Wayne. Born 10 Mar 1963 in Hampton.

275. Anna Rae[6] Albert (called Ann) (Anna Jean[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

Ann’s husband Jay Bynum Ford was the son of Jesse Bynum Ford and Jessie Bernice Miller. Born 5 Feb 1930 in Stanaford, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Children:

i. David Jay[7]. Born 25 Apr 1956 in Wheeling, W.Va. Died of esophageal cancer (as had his maternal grandfather Ray A. Albert and Uncle Charles Honaker, all of them heavy users of tobacco) 16 Nov 2003 in Colorado Springs, Colo. Buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Blowing Rock, N.C.

Watauga Democrat, Boone, N.C., 21 Nov 2003: Mr. David Jay Ford, 47, of 5372 Belle Star Drive, Colorado Springs, Colo., a former resident of Banner Elk, died Sunday night, Nov. 16, 2003 at Pike’s Peak Hospice Center in Colorado Springs. He was born Apr. 25, 1956 in Wheeling,

W.Va., to Jay Bynum and Anna Rae Albert Ford. Mr. Ford graduated from Rincon High School in Tucson, Ariz. And attended the University of Arizona. He was a former resident counselor at Grandfather Home for Children in Banner Elk and was of the Baptist faith. Survivors include his wife, Fran Nichols Ford; his father and mother, Jay and Ann Ford of Tucson, Ariz.; two brothers, Steve Ford and wife, Mary, of Tucson and Timothy R. Ford and wife, Anne Westall Ford, of Blowing Rock; two nieces, Rebecca Ford of Tucson and Gabrielle Ford of Blowing Rock; one nephew, Jeremiah Ford of Tucson; one step-son, John Greg Orpen of Colorado Springs; and one step-daughter. Graveside services will be conducted Saturday afternoon at 2 p.m. at Woodlawn Cemetery in Blowing Rock, with Pastor Tim Smith officiating. The family will receive friends Friday evening from 7–8:30 p.m. at Hampton Funeral Service. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Hospice of Watauga County, 136 Furman Rd., Boone, NC 28607 or to the Seby Jones Regional Cancer Center, Watauga Medical Center, P.O. Box 2600, Boone, NC 28607. Hampton Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.

He married Viola Frances Nichols (called Fran), daughter of Frances Melinda House, 23 May 1992 in Boone, N.C. Born 16 Nov 1941 in Raleigh, N.C. David and Fran worked with abused children at Grandfather Home in Banner Elk, N.C. They enjoyed golfing.

277. Carolyn Lee[6] Albert (called Carol) (Anna Jean[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Children:

iii. Christopher Patrick (called Chris). Born 12 Sep 1974 in Latrobe, Westmoreland Co., Pa. In 1998

he was majoring in political science at West Virginia University and had worked summers in construction with his father. His hobbies included rifle, karate, hunting, fishing, and golf. In 2004 he was a Pennsylvania state trooper living with his wife in Ligonier, Pa. He married Kelly Suzanne Byers, daughter of Kerry Griffith Byers and Lynn Corine Gamble, 20 Sep 2003 at Waterford United Methodist Church, Ligonier Twp., Westmoreland Co., Pa. Born 3 Sep 1978 in Latrobe.

284. Ruth Wilma[6] Harmon (Bessie Bertie[5], William Elson[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 31 Aug 1924 in Red House, W.Va. Died 6 Apr 2008 in Teays Valley, Putnam Co., W.Va. Buried in Haven of Rest Memory Gardens, Red House.

Unknown newspaper: Mrs. Ruth Harmon McIntyre Allen, 83, of Hurricane passed away Apr. 6, 2008 at Teays Valley Center after a long illness. Ruth was a member of Teays Valley Presbyterian Church. She is preceded in death by her parents Steve and Bessie Harmon, her first husband Robert McIntyre, her daughter Terry Lee Estep and her second husband Harold Allen. She is survived by her son Michael McIntyre of Chicago, Ill..; sisters Mary C. Rollyson of Cape Carteret, N.C. and Francis and husband Leo Arthur of Red House; brother Bill and wife Linda Harmon of Red House. She is also survived by several nieces, nephews and a host of friends. A tribute to the life of Mrs. Ruth Allen will be 3 p.m. Wed., Apr. 9, 2008 at Gatens-Harding Funeral Home Chapel with Pastor Jeff Arthur officiating. Burial will follow in Haven of Rest Memory Gardens and Crematorium. The family will receive friends one hour prior to the service on Wednesday. In lieu of flowers the family suggest donations be made to the Alzheimer’s Association, 111 E. Lee Street, Charleston, W.Va.

She married, first, Robert McIntyre 22 Nov 1950. Born 28 Jun 1924. Died 7 Feb 1978. Children:

i. Terry Lee[7]. Born 8 Nov 1954 in Nitro, W.Va. Died in an automobile accident 14 Nov 1978 in Charleston, W.Va. She married Gary Estep 9 Jun 1973.

ii. Michael Allan. Born 15 Oct 1957 in Nitro, W.Va. In 2008 he lived in Chicago, Ill. He married Unknown 15 Apr 1978 in Cincinnati, Ohio.

She married, second, Harold Allen in 1979. Born 1919. Died 1982.

287. Hazel Ann[6] Weber (Ara Roberta[5], Bertha May[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). In 2001 she lived in Polson, Mont.

She married, first, Calvin W. Samsel.

288. Jerl Lamont[6] Weber (called Buzzy) (Ara Roberta[5], Bertha May[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Rhoda Ella Durfee. She brought two children to the marriage, who were adopted by Buzzy.

291. Rosalie June[6] Weber (Ara Roberta[5], Bertha May[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 21 Aug 1942 in St. Ignatius, Mont.

She married Kenneth Eugene Noel, son of Choe Robert Noel and Helen Freda Termaat, 27 Aug 1961 in Lewistown, Fergus Co., Mont. Born 19 Jun 1932 in Moore, Fergus Co., Mont. Died 14 Jan 1993 in Kalispell, Flathead Co., Mont. The remains were cremated and spread in his favorite fishing hole.

Daily Inter Lake, Kalispell, Mont., 15 Jan 1993: Kenneth E. Noel, 60, died of natural causes early Thursday morning, Jan. 14, 1993, at his Kalispell home. He was born June 19, 1932, in Moore, Mont., to Choe and Helen Noel. He was raised and graduated from high school in Hobson, Mont. Ken enlisted in the U.S. Navy shortly after the start of the Korean Conflict. After a tour aboard the USS Mispillion, he served as a medic at the naval hospital in Oakland, Calif. Ken was honorably discharged on Feb. 25, 1955. On Aug. 27, 1961, he married Rosalie Weber in Lewistown. They made their home in Wolf Point, where he owned and operated a restaurant. A year later, they moved to Libby, where Ken was employed by J. Neils Lumber Co. They later ran a hay ranch in Hamer, Idaho. The Noels came to Kalispell in 1966. Ken worked for Plum Creek Timber Co. for about 25 years until retiring due to an injury. He loved woodworking, and left many beautiful mementos of his talent, from custom cabinetry to a handmade creche. Ken was a charter member of Loyal Order of the Moose #1922 in Kalispell, and also belonged to the Fraternal Order of Eagles. He was an active volunteer with the Evergreen Fire Dept. Surviving are his wife, Rosalie, at the family home; a son, Tom Noel, of Kalispell; two daughters, Tammy Elaine Noel of Kalispell and Tracy Ann Smith and her husband, Robert, of Oceanside, Calif.; his mother, Helen Noel of Libby; two brothers, Robert of Hobson and Raymond of Phoenix, Ariz.; a sister, Mary Lee Devlin, of Libby; three grandchildren, Andy Noel of Kalispell, and Khristina and Ericka Rose Smith, both of Oceanside; and a number of other relatives and friends. Friends may call at Weatherford Funeral Home today from noon until 7 p.m. Funeral services will be Saturday at 11 a.m. at Weatherford Chapel. Following services, a reception will be held at the Evergreen Fire Hall. Cremation will take place at Weatherford Crematory after the funeral. The family suggests memorial contributions to the Evergreen Volunteer Fire Dept., 2236 U.S. 2 E., Kalispell.


i. Tammy Elaine[7]. Born 9 Oct 1962 in Ronan, Lake Co., Mont. She graduated from Flathead High School, Kalispell, in 1980. In 2006 she lived in Kalispell where she was office manager of Commercial Machine Services, was a member of Women of the Moose, and enjoyed cooking, reading, and being a Girl Scout leader.

483. ii. Tom Edward. Born 2 Oct 1964 in Libby, Lincoln Co., Mont.

484. iii. Tracy Ann. Born 29 Oct 1965 in Ronan.

292. James Russell[6] Weber (Ara Roberta[5], Bertha May[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]).

He married, first, Helen Nannette Harner. She brought three children to the marriage, who were adopted by James:

i. Ricky[7]. Born 19 Dec 1966.

ii. Rodney. Born 13 Aug 1970.

iii. Randy. Born 3 Jan 1972.

James and Helen had the following children:

485. iv. Julie Ann.

486. v. Karin Marie.

487. vi. Joy Elaine.

vii. Jerl Brainard (called Pete). Died in Lincoln, Neb. Buried in Ronan, Mont.

293. Eleanor Jean[6] Weber (Ara Roberta[5], Bertha May[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Children:

ii. Lisa Michelle.

295. Linda Laverne[6] Weber (Ara Roberta[5], Bertha May[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]).

She married John Stewart in St. Ignatius, Mont.

296. John Frederick[6] Weber (Ara Roberta[5], Bertha May[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Children:

ii. Bonnie April (adopted).

300. Frances Llewellyn[6] Green (Llewellyn Bleigh[5], Bertha May[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]. Born 28 Nov 1942 in Pasco, Franklin Co., Wash. She took a B.A. in Education at Walla Walla State University in 1964. She was a teacher, reading specialist, librarian and computer specialist in the Mukilteo School District. She lived in Bothell, Wash., and retired in 1995. In 2010 she moved to Portland, Ore., to be near her daughter’s family.

She married, first, James Bruce Barton, son of James Norbert Barton and Ann Edna Mae Murphy, 7 Oct 1963 in Pasco. Born 11 Jan 1943 in Tacoma, Pierce Co., Wash. Died 10 Oct 1964 in Murphy Dome, Alaska. Buried in City View Cemetery, Pasco. He was an airman.

Tri-City Herald, Kennewick, Wash., 18 Oct 1964: Rosary will be said at 7 p.m. Monday for James B. Barton in St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, Pasco. Funeral services will be at 10 a.m. Monday, also in St. Patrick’s Church. Barton, 21, died Oct. 10 after a hunting accident near Murphy Dome Air Force Station in Alaska. He was an airman [second class] in the Air Force. Survivors are his wife, the former Frances Green, Pasco; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James N. Barton, Ketchikan, Alaska; his wife’s parens, Mr. and Mrs. L.B. Green, Pasco. The Rev. William Schmidt will offer the requiem mass. Burial will be at City View Cemetery, Pasco. Funeral arrangements are by Bruce Lee Funeral Home.

She married, second, Stephen George Daniels, son of Edwin Byron Daniels (called Barney) and Jean Isabel Gordon, 21 Aug 1966 in Trinity Lutheran Church, Lynnwood, Wash. They divorced 10 Apr 1973 in Snohomish Co., Wash. Born 4 Jul 1945 in Seattle, King Co., Wash. He married, second, Joyce Jones and lived in Albuquerque, N.M., and then Denver, Colo. Children (of Frances and Stephen):

300. i. Jamilyn Michelle[7]. Born 14 Jul 1971 in Seattle.

301. Dorothy Bernice[6] Green (Otto Russell[5], Bertha May[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Died at home of liver disease 22 Aug 1996 in Walla Walla, Wash. Buried in Milton-Freewater [Ore.] Cemetery.

Walla Walla [Wash.] Union Bulletin, 24 Aug 1996: Dorothy Green Nelson, 60, of Rt. 4 died Aug. 22, 1996 at her home. Graveside services will be 11 a.m. Tuesday at the Milton-Freewater Cemetery. A gathering for family and friends will be at the Eagles Lodge in Walla Walla, Wash., following the services. Memorial contributions may be made to the family through Mountain View Funeral Home, 1551 Dalles Military Road. Mrs. Nelson was born Aug. 11, 1936, in Pasco, Wash. to Otto and Agnes Hansen Green. She was reared in Umapine Ore. and attended school there. She married Glen Nelson; they later divorced. She worked at Birdseye Frozen Foods for many years, retiring due to ill health. She was active in her early years in The Salvation Army Church, and she later became active in the Pentecostal Church of God. She enjoyed fishing, camping, picnicking and her grandchildren. Mrs. Nelson is survived by a daughter, Patty Nelson of Walla Walla; a son and daughter-in-law, Jerry and Frances Nelson of Walla Walla; her father, of Milton-Freewater, Ore.; three sisters, Shirley Brosh and Rena Baker, both of Milton-Freewater, and Loretta Donaldson of Walla Walla; a brother Russell Green of Milton-Freewater; longtime friend Quentin Jenkins of Walla Walla; and numerous grandchildren, great-grandchildren, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her mother in 1971.

She married Glen Wesley Nelson. They divorced.


302. Shirley Marie[6] Green (Otto Russell[5], Bertha May[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). See photograph. Shirley and her sister Rena enjoy creating ceramics together in Rena’s basement, and taking them to craft shows. They are both seamstresses and play organ, piano, keyboard and accordion. Shirley’s interest in genealogy started in the 1970s when she began researching her Honaker/Green family lines, and her husband’s Brosh lines.

She married, first, James Peterson Price. They divorced in 1961 in California.

She married, second, Melvin Coy Brosh, son of Allan Brosh and Maria Helen Thomsen, 22 Feb 1964 in Richland, Benton Co., Wash. Born 4 Jul 1924 in Norfolk, Madison Co., Neb. Died at home of cancer 11 Nov 1997 in Milton-Freewater, Ore. Buried in Milton-Freewater Cemetery. He had a daughter, Sandra Lou, by a prior marriage to Darlene Hankla [correction—Sandra Lou is not a Honaker descendant]. Shirley and Melvin had no children together.

Walla Walla [Wash.] Union Bulletin, 14 Nov 1997: Milton-Freewater—Local resident Melvin C. “Mel” Brosh, 73, died at his home here Nov. 11, 1997. The funeral will be 2 p.m. Monday at Munselle-Rhodes Funeral Home, 902 S. Main St., Milton-Freewater. The Rev. Richard Davidson will officiate. Private burial will be in Milton-Freewater Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society or to the Mel Brosh Family Fund through the funeral home. Mr. Brosh was born July 4, 1924, in Norfolk, Neb., to Allen and Maria Thomsen Brosh. He was raised and attended school in Norfolk. Over the years he was a welder and mechanic, including working in the Seattle shipyards prior to World War II. He joined the U.S. Army and served from April 1943 to January 1946 on Sand Island, near Waikiki Beach, Hawaii. He married Darlene Hankla in Newman Grove, Neb., in 1946; they later divorced. He came to Walla Walla and worked for Hunt Welding and Tex Brotherton. In Milton-Freewater he worked for Clutter and Parks, Pollard Motors and Otto Edinger. He also owned Mitch and Mel’s Service and Auto Shop, in addition to employment with Readymix Sand & Gravel, Hellberg Ranch, Kessler Ranch, Schubert Ranch, Waliser Fruit Farm and J. Larson. On Feb. 22, 1964, he married Shirley Green Price in Richland. In 1972 he went to Boardman and set up the Readymix plant there. He joined Lucky O Ranch in 1974 and later worked with Mike Williams at Boardman Farms, and at Frederickson Farms, Mike Allison Farms and Morrow Produce. He returned to Milton-Freewater in 1991. He was a member of [Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks] No. 2146, American Legion Post No. 24, Eagles Lodge Aerie No. 3714 in Boardman and [American Association of Retired Persons]. Surviving are his wife, at home; a daughter, Sandi McClusky of Summerville, S.C.; two stepdaughters, Kathy Grose and Karen Larson, both of College Place; two brothers, Merle Brosh of Weiser, Idaho, Dean Brosh of Glenpool, Okla.; his father-in-law, Otto Green of Milton-Freewater; seven grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; and cousins, nieces and nephews.

303. Loretta Mae[6] Green (Otto Russell[5], Bertha May[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]).

She married James Dale Donaldson, son of William Jess Donaldson and Leola V. Gardner, 28 Mar 1958 in Walla Walla, Wash. They divorced 5 Jun 1970 in Walla Walla. Born 15 Nov 1934 in Atchison, Kan. Died 18 Aug 1993 in Portland, Ore. The remains were cremated.

[Portland] Oregonian, 21 Aug 1993: James Dale Donaldson of Southeast Portland died Aug. 18,1993 of heart disease in his home at the age of 58. A memorial service is pending. Disposition was by cremation. Mr. Donaldson was born Nov. 15, 1934 in Atchison, Kan. As a child, he moved to Walla Walla, Wash., where he was raised and attended school. He worked for the Walla Walla Cannery for 15 years before moving to Portland in 1971. At the time of his death, he was working as a custodian for Century Cleaning Service. Surviving are his sons, James D. of Walla Walla, and Rick and Darrell, both of Spokane; brother, Jack of Camas, Wash.; and his sister, Betty Pond of Connecticut. The family suggests remembrances be contributions to the Oregon affiliate of the American Heart Association.

Walla Walla [Wash.] Union Bulletin, 18 Aug 1969: William Jess Donaldson, 84, of 136 Commercial St., died Friday Aug. 15, 1969 at a local hospital. Born May 28, 1885 in Carbondale, Kan. He married Leola Gardner Sept. 25, 1931. The couple moved to Washington in 1941, and to their present home in Walla Walla, Wash., in 1946. Donaldson had been a livestock dealer until his retirement 19 years ago. He attended Aldersgate Nazarene Church in Walla Walla. Survivors include his wife Leola, at the home; three sons, James D., Walla Walla, Robert L., Sacramento, Calif., and Jack L., Portland, Ore.; a sister, Mrs. William (Orphie) Carr, Omaha, Neb.; and a brother, Joe Donaldson, Walla Walla. Eight grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews also survive. Funeral services will be Monday, Aug. 18 at 2 p.m. in the DeWitt Memorial Chapel with the Rev. Gordon Beteer of the Aldersgate Nazarene Church officiating. Vault interment will follow in the Blue Mountain Memorial Gardens.

Walla Walla [Wash.] Union Bulletin, 10 Dec 1991: Milwaukee, Ore.—Former Walla Wallan Leola V. Donaldson Banker died here Dec. 7, 1991. She was 85 years old. Graveside services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Blue Mountain Memorial Gardens Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the Oregon Chapter of the American Heart Association in lieu of flowers. Mrs. Banker was born Aug. 16, 1906 in Jarard, Kan., to Thomas and Victoria Gardner. She was raised and educated in Atchison, Kan. In 1974, she married John Banker in Portland, Ore. He preceded her in death in 1976. Mrs. Banker was a member of the Nazarene Church in Walla Walla. She was a homemaker who enjoyed her yard, flowers and lawn. Survivors include two sons, Jack Donaldson of Vancouver, Wash. and Jim Donaldson of Portland; and a daughter, Betty Pond of Branford, Conn.

Loretta and James divorced in 1970. He died 18 Aug 1993 in Portland, Hood River Co., Ore.

304. Rowena Fay[6] Green (called Rena) (Otto Russell[5], Bertha May[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Rena and her sister Shirley enjoy creating ceramics together in Rena’s basement, and taking them to craft shows. They are both seamstresses and play organ, piano, keyboard and accordion.

She married, first, Sherman Emil Lynn Taylor, son of William Taylor and Ella Peterson, 19 May 1957 in Pasco, Wash. Born 15 Jan 1940 in Pueblo, Pueblo Co., Colo. Died 5 Aug 1962 in an automobile accident in Sacramento, Calif. Buried in Sierra Hills, Calif. Children:

493. i. Teresa Lynn[7].

ii. Sherman Emil Lynn, Jr. Born 6 Jan 1959 at home in Stateline, Ore.

She established a household for eight years with Philip Lee Grimes (called Jim), son of George Grimes and Camille Krumbah. Born 11 Mar 1925 in Umapine, Ore. Died of cancer 2 Jun 1993 in Walla Walla, Wash. Inurned in Milton-Freewater (Ore.) Cemetery.

Walla Walla [Wash.] Union Bulletin, 5 Jun 1993: Phillip “Jim” Lee Grimes of Milton-Freewater, Ore., died June 2, 1993 at St. Mary Medical Center, Walla Walla, Wash.; he was 68. Grimes was born in Umapine, Ore. on March 11, 1925, to George and Camille Krumbah Grimes, He attended Vincent school where he played basketball for the Umapine Chiefs. Following his high school graduation, he joined the U.S. Navy in September 1942. He served overseas aboard the USS St. Louis. After his honorable discharge in 1945, he returned to the area. He worked at Pollard-Powell Motors as an auto body mechanic. He continued in this profession until his retirement from Bud and Gene’s Auto Body Shop in March 1987. He had also worked for Twin City Auto Parts, driving delivery trucks. After his retirement he started T&J Sand Blasting with his son. Poor health forced him to quit. Grimes was a member of the [Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks] No. 2146 and the American Legion [Post] 24, both of Milton-Freewater. Survivors include his daughter, Pattie Grimes of Umapine and Arlene Culver of Elgin; sons Leland Grimes of Milton-Freewater, and Tim Grimes of Umapine; a brother, Burt Grimes of Walla Walla; a sister, Beverly Bowman of Jacksonville, Ore.; five grandchildren; two great grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. Memorial services will be June 9 at Munselle-Rhodes Funeral Home Chapel, 902 S. Main, Milton-Freewater. Contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society or to the Lung Association through the funeral home.

Children (of Rena and Jim):

iii. Leland Philip. Born 14 Jan 1966 in Walla Walla.

She married, second, Reuben Wilmer Dombrosky, son of Emil Dombrosky and Eva Elizabeth Sinner. Died while on vacation 7 Oct 1994 in Crestwood, Ky. Inurned in Milton-Freewater Cemetery.

She married, third, Dale Nathan Baker. Born 28 Sep 1918 in Freewater, Ore. Died at home of cancer 14 Apr 1995 in Milton-Freewater (correction). Buried in Milton-Freewater.

305. Russell Charles[6] Green (Otto Russell[5], Bertha May[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Children:

494. i. Jerri Jacqueline[7]. Born 11 Jun 1970 in Walla Walla, Wash.

ii. Debbi Suzanne. Born 9 Aug 1972 in Walla Walla.

305. iii. Tammi Renee. Born 3 Sep 1976 in Walla Walla.

309. Bertha Ann[6] Bozlee (Mary Sylvesta[5], Bertha May[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Children:

ii. Bill.

314. Bessie Oleta[6] Long (Effie Myrtle[5], Rebecca Jane[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Buried in Alleghany Memorial Park near Low Moor, Va.

Virginian-Review, Covington, Va., 22 Sep 1995: A funeral service for Mrs. Bessie Oleta Long Cobb, 83, of 603 W. Jackson St., will be conducted Saturday at 2 p.m. in the chapel of Loving Funeral Home with the Rev. David Walkup officiating, assisted by the Rev. William M. Harris, Jr. Interment will follow in Alleghany Memorial Park. Pallbearers will be Allen Farrar, Darren Irvine, Rob Gibson, Ray Lockhart, Lewis Scott Jr., Alfred Paxton and Bertrand Seay. Alternate pallbearer will be Lonnie McKinney. The family will receive friends tonight from 7 until 8:30 at Loving Funeral Home and at the residence, 603 W. Jackson St., at other times.

She married Richard Edward Cobb, son of James Eugene Cobb and Daisy Lee Adams, 10 Nov 1934 at home, Moss Run, Va. Born 12 Dec 1913 in Prince William Co., Va. Died 28 Aug 1993 in Low Moor, Va. Buried in Alleghany Memorial Park near Low Moor.

Unknown newspaper and date: Mr. Richard Edward Cobb, 79, of 603 W. Jackson St., died Saturday at Alleghany Regional Hospital. He was the husband of [Bessie] Long Cobb. Mr. Cobb was born Dec. 12, 1913, in [Prince] William County, a son of the late James Eugene Cobb and Daisey Adams Cobb. He was a member of Johnson Creek A.R. [Associate Reformed] Presbyterian Church, where he served as a deacon, an elder and Sunday Schoolteacher. Mr. Cobb moved to this area in 1933 as a member of the Civilian Conservation Corps. He was a retired mechanic of Hercules, Inc. In addition to his wife, he is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Gary (Pat) Watts and Mrs. James (Phyllis) Gibson, both of Covington; a brother, Temple Cobb of Augusta, Ga.; two sisters, Sadie Hoerner of Baltimore, Mary Joyner of Richmond; three half sisters, Idabelle Campbell of Richmond, Margaret Daniel of Deltaville, Ellen Blake of Williamsburg; three grandchildren, Capt. Darren Irvine of Washington, Mrs. Allen (Kim) Farrar and Mr. James (Rob) Gibson, both of Covington; five great-grandchildren, Brett Forbes of Norman, Okla.; Lauren Forbes, Kyle Irvine and Patricia Irvine, all of Washington, and Tyler Farrar of Covington. Mr. Cobb was preceded in death by three brothers, one sister, one half sister, and one half brother. A funeral service will be conducted Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. from the Loving Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. David J. Walkup officiating, assisted by the Rev. Dr. William M. Harris Jr. and Capt. Darren Irvine. Interment will be made in Alleghany Memorial Park. Pallbearers will be David Vest, Jasper Jack, Larry Hicks, Allen Farrar, Roger Williams, Ray Lockhart, and grandsons, Darren Irvine and Rob Gibson. Scott Lewis will serve as an alternate pallbearer. The family will receive friends tonight from 7 to 8:30 at Loving Funeral Home.

315. Shirley Avanelle[6] Long (Effie Myrtle[5], Rebecca Jane[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born

1 Jun 1914 in Caldwell, W.Va. Died 7 Aug 1964 in Charlottesville, Va. Buried in Greenbrier Memorial Gardens, Lewisburg, W.Va. She was described by her daughter Melissa as a person who loved life and family. Although she was ill for several years, she continued to work and live life to the fullest, always ready with a joke.

Covington Virginian, 8 Aug 1964: Mrs. Shirley Avanelle Long Griffith, 50, formerly of Covington, died Fri., Aug. 7, at 10:55 a.m. in the University of Virginia Hospital at Charlottesville. She was born June 1, 1914 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va., a daughter of the late Mrs. Effie Morgan Long. Her father, Clarence E. Long, resides at Route 3, Covington. She had been employed at the Greenbrier Hotel in White Sulphur Springs, W.Va., for the past 13 years and prior to that time had resided with her father. She was a member of the Baptist Church and the Waitress Union. In addition to her father, two daughters survive. They are Mrs. Robert G. (Shirley) Hayden, Bogalusa, La., Mrs. J.W. (Melissa) Lewis, Hematite; one brother, Roy C. Long, Hinton, W.Va.; six sisters, Mrs. Richard E. (Oleta) Cobb, Covington, Mrs. Carl (Ina Mae) Church, White Sulphur Springs, W.Va., Mrs. Larkin (Edna) DeHart, King William, Mrs. Percy (Hazel) Tyree, Washington, D.C., Mrs. James R. (Escovene) Critzer, Baltimore, Md., and Mrs. Kenneth (Arlene) Keifer, Front Royal; three grandsons and one granddaughter. A funeral service will be held at 2:30 p.m. Sun., Aug. 9, in the Chapel of the R.M. Loving Funeral Home with the Rev. Guy Wykle of Ronceverte, W.Va., officiating. Interment will be in Greenbrier Memorial Gardens near Lewisburg, W.Va. Active pallbearers will be Homer Graham, Billy Smith, Jim Morris, Bob Armentrout, Robert Scott Sr., Carl Tucker, Jimmy Wright, and Albert Long. Honorary pallbearers will be selected from other friends and neighbors attending the service. The family will receive friends at the funeral home tonight (Saturday) from 7:30 until 9:30 o’clock.

She married John Wallace Griffith (called Jack), one of eleven children of Shelah Cary Griffith and Virginia James Paxton (called Virgie), 24 Dec 1935(?). They divorced in 1947 in Alleghany Co., Va. Born 23 May 1914 in Virginia. Died

10 Apr 1981 in Smyrna, Del. Buried in Palestine Cemetery, Hematite, Va. Jack served in World War II. He married, second, Ethel Unknown, and had a son in that marriage, John Donald Griffith. His daughter Melissa said that he loved life and was a great storyteller.

Covington Virginian, 11 Apr 1981: John Wallace (Jack) Griffith, 66, of Smyrna, Del., died Friday in Smyrna. Mr. Griffith was born May 23, 1914 in Alleghany County, a son of Virginia Paxton Griffith of Route 3 and the late Shelah Cary Griffith. His wife, Ethel Griffith, preceded him in death in May, 1980. Survivors in addition to his mother include two daughters, Mrs. William (Melissa) Lewis, Route 3, Covington, Mrs. Bob (Shirley Anne) Hayden of Smyrna; one son, John Donald Griffith, Dayton, Ohio; four brothers, S.C. Griffith, Cola, Ohio, Larry S. Griffith, Dayton, Ohio, Ernest L. Griffith and James E. Griffith of Covington; four sisters, Mrs. Mary Tucker and Mrs. Albert (Barbara) Long of White Sulphur Springs, W.Va., Mrs. Howard (Ella Mae) Howell of Phoenix, Ariz., Mrs. Robert (Wilda) Gilmore of Vinton; six grandchildren and one great grandchild. A funeral service will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. in the chapel of Arritt Funeral Home with the Rev. Dr. W. Murry Page officiating. Interment will be in Palestine Cemetery, Hematite. The body will arrive in Covington Monday and will be at the Arritt Funeral Home.


iii. Effie Carolyn. Born 28 Sep 1941. Died 26 Sep 1945. Buried first in Palestine Cemetery, Hematite, Va. Later re-interred beside her mother in Greenbrier Memorial Gardens, Lewisburg, W.Va. Her mother wrote the following poem about Effie:

In Loving Memory of My Baby, Effie Carolyn Griffith, who died four years ago, Sept. 26, 1945. Dearest Carolyn, how I miss you, tears in silence often flow. Memory keeps you ever

near me, tho you died four years ago. No one knows how much I miss you, no one knows the bitter pain. Ever since you died, My Darling, life has never been the same.

316. Edna Leola[6] Long (Effie Myrtle[5], Rebecca Jane[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born

27 Aug 1916 in Backbone, Va. Died 6 Mar 2000 in Radford, Va. Buried in Sunrise Burial Park, Radford.

Roanoke [Va.] Times, New River Valley Edition, 7 Mar 2000: Radford—Edna Long DeHart, 83, died Mon., Mar. 6, 2000 in Carilion New River Valley Medical Center. Surviving are her husband, William Larkin (Bill) DeHart, Radford; two sons, William L. DeHart Jr., Great Falls, David Lynn DeHart, Winston-Salem, N.C.; a daughter, Barbara Leigh Scheuerle, Winter Park, Fla.; four sisters, Hazel Tyree, Washington, D.C., Ina Mae Church, Radford, Escovene Critzer, Baltimore, Md., Arlene Keifer, Front Royal; eight grandchildren; four great grandchildren. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Wed., Mar. 8, at DeVilbiss Funeral Chapel, with Rev. Joe Burton officiating. Interment will follow in Sunrise Burial Park. The family will receive friends from noon until the hour of the service Wednesday at DeVilbiss Funeral Home. Arrangements by DeVilbiss Funeral Home, 1200 Grove Ave., Radford. 639-2422.

She married William Larkin DeHart, son of George Clarence DeHart and Daisey Ocie Dulaney, 12 Sep 1936 in Union, W.Va. Born 29 Jul 1915 at Big Ridge, Alleghany Co., Va.

317. Hazel Jane[6] Long (Effie Myrtle[5], Rebecca Jane[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Backbone, Va.

She married Benjamin Percy Tyree, son of Charles Wyatt Tyree and Annie Bell Hastings, 4 Oct 1941 in Covington, Va. Born 5 Oct 1921 in Blue Spring Run, Va. Died 23 Aug 1976 in Washington, D.C. Buried in Persinger Memorial Cemetery, Potts Creek, Va.

Covington Virginian, unknown date: Percy Benjamin Tyree, 55, of 2314 [41st] St., N.W. Washington, D.C., died Monday in Washington Hospital Center. Mr. Tyree was born Oct. 5, 1920 in Alleghany County, a son of the late Charles Wyatt Tyree and Annie Hastings Tyree. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Hazel Long Tyree, one daughter, Sherry Tyree, and one son, Ben Tyree, all of Washington; five sisters, Mrs. Lena Burley, Mrs. Mary Tucker, Mrs. Pearl Lawrence and Mrs. Emma Welch, all of Covington, and Mrs. Irene Conner, Charleston, W.Va.; two brothers, Robert Tyree, California, and Hubert Tyree, Covington; and one grandson, Michael Miller, Washington. Cremation was held at Metropolitan Funeral Service Crematory in Alexandria, and the ashes will be brought to the Arritt Funeral Home, where a memorial service will be held at a later date.

Covington Virginian, 25 Aug 1976: A memorial service for Percy Benjamin Tyree will be held at 2 p.m. today in the chapel of the Arritt Funeral Home, with the Rev. Joseph West officiating. Interment will be in Persinger Memorial Cemetery. The family will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Burley in Indian Valley. Mr. Tyree, a resident of Washington, D.C., died there Monday in Washington Hospital Center. He was a native of Alleghany County.

318. Roy Clarence[6] Long (Effie Myrtle[5], Rebecca Jane[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born

14 Oct 1921 in Covington, Va. Died 4 Dec 1998 in Hinton, W.Va. Buried in Restwood Memorial Gardens, Hinton.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W. Va., 6 Dec 1998: Hinton—Roy C. Long, 77, of 818 Summers St., died Fri., Dec. 4, 1998 at his home following an apparent heart attack. Born Oct. 14, 1921 in Covington, Va., he was the son of the late Clarence E. and Effie M. Morgan Long. Mr Long was a retired chief train dispatcher for the C&O Railroad with 42 years of service. He was a member and elder of First Christian Church of Hinton, where he was very involved in the activities of the church. He had been a resident of Hinton for the past 60 years. He was a member of the Hinton Masonic Lodge 62, Morse Telegraph Club, Inc., Greenbrier County Historical Society, National Railway Historical Society and American Train Dispatchers Association. For the past 12 years he wrote Railroad Recollections, a weekly column for The Hinton News that depicted life in and around railroad towns during their early history. He also wrote and published The Long Family History. He was preceded in death by two sisters, Bessie Oleta Cobb and Shirley Avenelle Griffith. Survivors include his wife, Willianna Hancock Long; two sons, Doug Long and Fred Long, both of Hinton; two grandchildren, Victor Long and his wife Amy, of Princeton, and Trudy Long of Beckley; and five sisters, Edna Leola DeHart, Hazel Jane Tyree, Ina Mae Church, Escovene Myrtle Critzer and Dorothy Arlene Keifer. Services will be 2 p.m. Tuesday at Ronald Meadows Funeral Parlors Chapel, Hinton, with Pastor Gary Adkins officiating. Burial will follow in Restwood Memorial Gardens, Hinton. Friends may call 6 to 8 p.m. Monday at the funeral home. Pallbearers will be Bobby Wheeler, Gary Meador, Guy Presley, Garland Tyree, Al Stone and Dennis Robertson. Arrangements by Ronald Meadows Funeral Parlors, Hinton.

An obituary with photograph appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Spring 1999.

Hinton News, 8 Dec 1998, with photograph, reprinted in Honaker Family Newsletter, May 1999: Summers Railroad Historian Dies

Summers County railroad historian Roy C. Long, 77, died at his Summers Street home of an apparent heart attack at noon Friday. Mr. Long was born in an upstairs bedroom of a home owned by his parents in Covington, Va., on Oct. 14, 1921, and raised on a small farm at Moss Run, near Backbone, Va.

At age 12 he began learning to telegraph, setting his sights on a railroad career, at “OX” cabin, a railroad yard office a short distance up the track from their farm. By the time he turned 18 he was already an experienced telegraph operator and immediately employed by the [Chesapeake & Ohio] Railway Company at Clifton Forge as a part-time operator. Eight months later, with the outbreak of WW II, men were needed in Hinton and Mr. Long was asked to transfer here. “I was starving to death in Clifton Forge,” he said. “I couldn’t get steady work. I knew I could work regular at Hinton. I came here for the work.”

He transferred to Hinton on July 20, 1940, employed in the telegraph office located in the depot. During the war an average of 20 freight trains and 12 passenger trains were coming and going through Hinton every day. At its height as many as 30 troop trains passed through Hinton each day. In addition, an untold number of work trains moved along the Hinton yards constantly and railroad traffic broke all records.

In 1949 he was promoted to train dispatcher and chief train dispatcher in 1964. He retired on Sept. 30, 1981. While employed with the C&O, he was very active in labor relations, a member of the American Train Dispatchers Association from 1953 until his retirement. He served three four-year terms as vice general chairman and two four-year terms as general chairman. He was also a delegate to the national convention in Chicago at five general assemblies and twice a member of the union’s Constitutional Committee.

He married Willianna Hancock in Staunton, Va., Sept. 8, 1943. They had two children, Doug and Fred Long. Following his retirement he began a new career by collecting historical facts relating to the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway and built a vast library containing thousands of documents and hundreds of photographs. With railroad documents and his personal recollections of stories handed down to him by early railroad men, he began writing a column, Railroad Recollections, for The Hinton News on Oct. 7, 1986.

During the last 12 years he wrote over 650 stories, many of which, for over the past six years, were also published in the Covington newspapers, Virginian Review and Alleghany Highlander in his weekly column, Riding the Rails into Yesteryear. His writings also appeared in numerous magazines and other railroad related publications including the Chesapeake & Ohio Historical Society’s monthly publication. He also wrote and published The Long Family History.

He was a son of the late Clarence Elmer and Effie M. (Morgan) Long, and had been a resident of Hinton for the past 60 years. Mr. Long was a retired chief train dispatcher for the C&O Railroad, with 42 years of service. He was a member and elder of the First Christian Church of Hinton, where he was very involved in church activities. He was also a member of the Hinton Masonic Lodge #62, Morse Telegraph Club, Inc., Greenbrier County Historical Society, and the American Train Dispatchers Association. He was preceded in death by two sisters, Bessie Oleta Cobb and Shirley Avenel Griffith.

Survivors include his wife, Willianna (Hancock) Long; two sons, Doug Long and Fred Long, both of Hinton; two grandchildren, Victor Long and his wife Amy of Princeton, and Trudy Long of Beckley; and five sisters, Edna Leola DeHart of Radford, Va., Hazel Jane Tyree of Washington, D.C., Ina Mae Church of Radford, Va., Escovene Myrtle Critzer of Baltimore, Md.; and Dorothy Arlene Keifer of Front Royal, Va.

Services will be held at 2 p.m. today at Ronald Meadows Funeral Parlors Chapel in Hinton, with Pastors Gary Adkins and Eddie Via officiating. Burial will follow in the Restwood Memorial Gardens in Hinton. Pallbearers will be Bobby Wheeler, Gary Meador, Guy Presley, Garland Tyree, Al Stone, and Dennis Robertson. Arrangements by Ronald Meadows Funeral Parlors, Hinton.

Raised in Moss Run, Va., Roy learned the Morse Code while in the sixth grade of elementary school and put it to use at the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway telegraph office at Moss Run. On 14 Nov 1939, at age 18, he went to work as a telegraph operator for the C&O at Clifton Forge, Va., also working the route over North Mountain between Clifton Forge and Charlottesville, and on the James River Line between Clifton Forge and Lynchburg. On 20 Jul 1940 he was transferred to Hinton, W.Va., where he worked various stations between Clifton Forge and Montgomery, W.Va., and branch lines within. In 1949 he was promoted to train dispatcher; and in 1964 to assistant chief train dispatcher, a position he held until retirement at age 60, 1 Oct 1981, after 41 years, 10 months and 17 days. Roy’s historical railroading newspaper column, Riding the Rails into Yesteryear, was published in Virginian-Review, Covington, Va. His column Railroad Recollections was published in The Hinton [W.Va.] News. Roy was a deacon and elder in the First Christian Church, Hinton. He and Willianna made their home in Hinton, where his interests included both railroad and family history.

He married Willianna Hancock 8 Sep 1943 in Staunton, Va. Born 8 Dec 1916 in Mechems River, Va. She lived in Washington, D.C., Staunton, Va., Ivy, Va., Swope, Va., and Clifton Forge, Va., prior to Hinton. She became a deaconess in the First Christian Church, Hinton.

Hinton [W.Va.] News, 19 Dec 2006 (with photograph): Celebrates 90th Birthday—Willianna Long celebrated her 90th birthday party at the First Christian Church on Sunday. She worked at the Hinton News for nearly 30 years, where her late husband, Roy Long, supplied his popular Railroad Recollections column, still a continuing feature in the newspaper. The party was attended by her sons, Doug and Fred, and numerous friends that gathered in the beautifully decorated church basement to offer cheerful words of congratulations for reaching this milestone. Ms. Long has lived nearly all of her adult life in Hinton and was a tireless worker for the church family as long as her health permitted.

319. Ina Mae[6] Long (Effie Myrtle[5], Rebecca Jane[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 25 Feb 1924 in Moss Run, Va.

She married Carl Darnell Church, son of John Church and Lulabelle Sydenstricker, 15 Jan 1958 in Clifton Forge, Va. They divorced in Jul 1983 in Lewisburg, W.Va. Born 30 Apr 1933 in White Sulphur Springs, W.Va.

320. Escovene Myrtle[6] Long (Effie Myrtle[5], Rebecca Jane[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born

28 Sep 1928 in Moss Run, Va.

She married James Reginald Critzer, son of William Ermin Critzer and Bonnie Lee Tyree, 19 Jul 1946 in White Sulphur Springs, W.Va. They divorced 1 Jul 1986 in Baltimore, Md. Born 25 Sep 1924 in Callaghan, Va. Children:

iii. Gary Steve. Born 18 Aug 1950 in Covington, Va.

321. Dorothy Arlene[6] Long (called Arlene) (Effie Myrtle[5], Rebecca Jane[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 16 Oct 1931 in Moss Run, Va. She was raised in Moss Run and graduated from Dunlap High School, Hematite, Va. She took an Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) in Secretarial Science from Lord Fairfax Community College, Middletown, Va., in 1975; an A.A.S. in Accounting from Lord Fairfax Community College in 1978; a B.S. in Management from Shenandoah College & Conservatory of Music [now Shenandoah University], Winchester, Va., in 1980, and an M.B.A. with a concentration in Management from Shenandoah College & Conservatory of Music in 1982. She was a secretary from 1975 to 1983, became an adjunct faculty member of Lord Fairfax Community College, Middletown, Va., from 1980 to 1983, and a full-time professor at Lord Fairfax Community College from 1983 until retirement in Jun 1997. She continued as adjunct faculty. She is a member of and teaches class for the disabled at Rivermont Baptist Church, Warren Co., Va. She is president of the Warren Co., Va. chapter of the Association for Retarded Citizens (now called the Arc) and previously served as chapter secretary and president; and is a member of the Mental Health Association, Chamber of Commerce, American Management Association, Virginia Community College Association, and other professional organizations. In her leisure time, she enjoys reading, writing, drawing, and playing piano.

She married, first, Jack Lewis Armentrout, son of William David Armentrout and Emma Sue Armentrout [maiden surname], 1 Mar 1949 in Moss Run, Va. They divorced in Jan 1954 in Covington, Va. Born 31 Oct 1927 in Alleghany Co., Va. Children:

515. i. Jeanette Gail[7].

516. ii. Jack L., Jr.

She married, second, Kenneth Thomas Keifer, son of Ammon McKinley Keifer and Grace Upton, 12 Mar 1955 in Clifton Forge, Va. Born 18 Jun 1922 in Covington, Va. Died 25 Aug 1982 in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada. Buried in Prospect Hill Cemetery, Front Royal, Va. He was raised in Covington, where he was a Boy Scout. He became an insurance salesman and a member of Rivermont Baptist Church, Warren Co., Va. His interests included rock hunting.

Northern Virginia Daily, Strasburg, Va., 28 Aug 1982: Kenneth Thomas Keifer, 60, 707 Happy Creek Road, Front Royal, died Wednesday [at] Yarmouth Regional Hospital, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada. A funeral service will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Rivermont Baptist Church with the Rev. Jerry Young officiating. Burial will be in Prospect Hill Cemetery, Front Royal. Mr. Keifer was born June 18, 1922, at Covington, son of Ammon M. Keifer of Belmyra, Pa., and the late Grace Upton Keifer. He served with U.S. military forces during World War II and the Korean Conflict. He was a member of the Rivermont Baptist Church and was an insurance agent for Mutual of Omaha. Surviving are his father; his stepmother, Katherine Keifer; his widow, Arlene L. Keifer; three sons, Kenneth Thomas Keifer of Richmond, Glenn [Allan] Keifer, at home, and Jack Louis Armentrout of Madison; two daughters, Judith Collier of Richmond and Jeanette Young of Richmond; and seven grandchildren. Pallbearers will be Henry Utz, Darrell Derflinger, Floyd Orndorff, Gene McInturff, Richard Williams and Warren Glascock. Flowers will be accepted, but memorial contributions may be made to the Green Mountain Camp of Seven Fountains. The family will receive friends today at the Maddox Funeral Home, Front Royal, from 7 to 8 p.m.


iii. Glenn Allan. Born 1 Jun 1958 in Covington, Va., and in 1998 lived with his mother in Front Royal, Va.

322. Edward Thomas[6] Green (Virgil Layton[5], Margaret Ann[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 1 Mar 1916 in West Virginia. Died 28 Nov 1994 in Roanoke, Va. Buried in Green Hill Cemetery, place not identified.

Roanoke Times & World News, 29 Nov 1994: [Green], Edward Thomas, 78, of Buena Vista, died Mon., Nov. 28, 1994 at Stonewall Jackson Hospital. He was born March 1, 1916 in West Virginia, son of the late Virgil Layton [Green] and Catherine [Hanifin] [Green]. He was preceded in death by a grandson, William Keith Slough. He was a member of St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Lexington. Mr. [Green] retired from Virginia Power Company after 23 years service. He was a member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. Surviving are his wife, Mary [Weakley] [Green]; one daughter, Mary [JoAnne] [Green] Slough, Buena Vista; three grandsons, Richard Thomas Slough, Buena Vista, David Michael Slough, Rockbridge Baths, and Daniel Eugene Slough, Buena Vista; one sister, Ila Frances [Green], Buena Vista; and nine great grandchildren. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Bolling, Grose & Lotts Funeral Chapel, with Father Biber officiating. Burial will follow in Green Hill Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 7 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at the Bolling, Grose & Lotts Funeral Service in Buena Vista.

He married Mary Evelyn Weakley, daughter of Grover Cleveland Weakley and Mamie Conley. Children:

322. i. Mary JoAnne[7].

323. Oleta May[6] Arritt (Neta May[5], Margaret Ann[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

She married, first, Archie Clyde Collins.

Unknown newspaper and date: White Sulphur Springs—Archie Clyde Collins, 77, of White Sulphur Springs, died July 14, 1988 at home after an apparent heart attack. He was a retired electrician, a veteran of World War II and a Protestant. Surviving: daughters, Hilda Triplett of Virginia Beach, Va., Louise Perkins of Sunbury, N.C.; mother, Frances Mosley Clark of White Sulphur Springs; sisters, Dorothy Ott of White Sulphur Springs, Esther Outlaw of Norfolk, Va.; brother, Willie of Petersburg, Va.; half brother, Frank Clark of Atlanta; five grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren. Graveside service will be 2 p.m. Sunday at Rosewood Cemetery, Lewisburg. Friends may call after 3 p.m. today at Jack K. Wallace Funeral Home, Lewisburg.

She married, second, Grant Lewis Pitcher. Died 5 Dec 1990 in Virginia Beach, Va.

Unknown newspaper and date: Virginia Beach—Grant Lewis Pitcher, 81, of the 600 block of Johnson St., a retired guard, died Dec. 5, 1990 in a nursing home. Mr. Pitcher, a native of Fulton, N.Y., had retired from the Norfolk Naval Base after 25 years. He was a member of London Bridge Baptist Church. He was an Army veteran of World War II. Survivors include his wife, Oleta May Pitcher, two stepdaughters, Louise C. Perkins of Sunbury, N.C., and Hilda C. Triplett of Virginia Beach; five grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. The graveside service will be conducted at 11 a.m. Friday in Woodlawn Memorial Gardens by the Rev. Tommy Taylor. Friends may join the family at the residence. Hollomon-Brown Funeral Home, Lynnhaven Chapel, is handling arrangements. Memorial donations may be made to United Parkinson’s Foundation, 360 W. Superior St., Chicago IL 60610, or to the M.E. Cox Center, 644 N. Lynnhaven Rd., Virginia Beach, 23452.

324. Elva Lewis[6] Arritt (Neta May[5], Margaret Ann[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

Unknown newspaper and date: Chesapeake—Mrs. Elva Arritt Luchard, 65, of 1602 Hazel Ave., the widow of James Earl Luchard and a retired employee of King’s Department Store, died Thursday night in a Norfolk hospital. A native of Ronceverte, W.Va., she lived in this area for 15 years. She was a member of Woodland Heights Baptist Church and Indian River Senior Citizens Club. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Darlene L. Nicely of Virginia Beach; a son, Carl D. Luchard, and a sister, Mrs. Oleta M. Pitcher, both of Chesapeake; a brother, John C. Arritt of Glendale, W.Va., and six grandchildren. A funeral will be held Sunday at 4 p.m. in Woodlawn Heights Baptist Church by the Rev. Paul D. Moore. Burial will be in Woodlawn Memorial Gardens. Hollomon-Brown Funeral Home, Indian River Chapel, has charge. The family will be at 3432 MacDonald Road, Virginia Beach, and at the funeral home today from 7 to 8:30 p.m. They suggest that flowers be omitted and memorial donations may be sent to the New Creations Center Fund, 3908 Holland Road, Virginia Beach.

She married James Earl Luchard 9 Jul 1934 in Covington, Va. Died 13 Aug unknown year in Virginia.

Unknown newspaper and date: One killed, One injured by Asphalt Plant Blast

Hampton [Va.], Aug. 14—One man was killed and a second critically injured in an explosion at an asphalt plant near here yesterday. The dead man was identified as Early Luchard, an employee of the Clyde Royall Asphalt Roadways where the explosion occurred. Luchard was a resident of West Point and had been temporarily living in Hampton. He was identified by coroner Paul J. Parker of Elizabeth City County.

Injured was Carter Morgan of Hampton, also a Royall employee. He was admitted to Dixie Hospital unconscious and in critical condition with multiple injuries. Luchard was working on a tank car and Morgan was standing about 30 feet away when the blast occurred, according to first reports. The company had recently acquired a state contract and large quantities of new asphalt were on hand.


324. ii. Mary Darlene.

Seventh Generation

3.i.v.iv.i.ii. Scott Leo[7] Stodola (Maxine Lillian[6], Elmer J.[5], Andrew J.[4], Mary[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 19 May 1942 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. In 2001 he lived in Bellingham, Wash.

He married Marsha Ellen Sahs, daughter of Leonard Sahs and Maurine Baker, 4 Aug 1962 in Cedar Rapids. Born 18 Oct 1943. They divorced 7 Nov 1977 in Bellingham. In 2001 she had remarried Unknown McKenzie and lived in Portland, Ore. Children:

i. Jenifer Lea[8]. Born 5 Sep 1964 in Springfield, Ohio. She married Alfredo Feregrino 24 Oct 1998

in Comala, Colima, Mexico. In 2001 she lived in Seattle, Wash.

ii. Geoffrey Scott. Born 24 Mar 1967 in Yap, West Caroline Islands, then part of the United Nations Trust, Territory of the Pacific Islands; in 2001 they were part of the Federated States of Micronesia. He married Ann Foltz 28 Aug 1993 in Bellingham, Wash. In 2001 he lived in Bellingham.

iii. Matthew Vincent. Born 10 Jun 1969 in Yap, West Caroline Islands, then part of the United Nations Trust, Territory of the Pacific Islands; in 2001 they were part of the Federated States of Micronesia. He married Lyndsey Welchert 21 Jul 2001 in Bellingham, Wash. In 2001 he lived in Bellingham.

4.iv.iv.i.ii.i. Thomas Carl[7] Wade (Zella Leah[6], Lewis Thomas[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born in West Virginia.

He married Patricia Cline. Children:

i. Patricia Ann[8]. Born in West Virginia.

ii. Christopher. Born in West Virginia.

4.iv.iv.ii.ii.i. Sylvia Victoria[7] Berridge (Frances Marie[6], Albert Willard[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 28 Mar 1948 in Columbus, Ohio.

She married Mike Clingenpeel. Children:

4.iv.iv.ii.ii.i. i. Angela Renee Berridge[8]. Born 22 Dec 1965.

ii. Tiffany Marie. Born 13 Jun 1971.

4.iv.iv.ii.ii.ii. Ellen Gay[7] Berridge (Frances Marie[6], Albert Willard[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 30 Aug 1949 in Columbus, Ohio.

She married Charles Traya, son of Maxie Traya. Children:

4.iv.iv.ii.ii.ii. i. Christopher Charles[8]. Born 15 Oct 1970.

ii. Ryan Maxie. Born 31 Oct 1972 in Hawaii.

iii. Derrick Todd. Born 16 May 1979 in Hawaii.

iv. Dustin James. Born 28 Oct 1984 in Hawaii.

4.iv.iv.ii.ii.iii. Donald Forest[7] Berridge (Frances Marie[6], Albert Willard[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 26 Aug 1950 in Columbus, Ohio.

He married Eileen Unknown in California. Children:

i. Maressa Leigh[8]. Born 4 Nov 1976 in California.

4.iv.iv.ii.ii.iv. Regina Olivia[7] Berridge (Frances Marie[6], Albert Willard[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 22 Aug 1951 in Columbus, Ohio.

She married, first, Dave Unknown in California.

She married, second, Dennis Turner in California. Children:

i. Zachary[8]. Born 17 Jun 1988 in California.

ii. Rachel Marie. Born 14 May 1990 in California.

4.iv.iv.ii.ii.v. Marcella Marie[7] Berridge (Frances Marie[6], Albert Willard[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3],

Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 16 Jul 1952 in Columbus, Ohio.

She had a child with Unknown:

4.iv.iv.ii.ii.v. i. Tonya Ann[8] Berridge. Born 1 Dec 1970 in California. Romona Lynn[7] Berridge (Frances Marie[6], Albert Willard[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 31 Jan 1954 in Columbus, Ohio.

She married, first, Robert Batters. Children:

i. Curtis Allen[8]. Born 6 May 1970 in California. He married Melissa Unknown.

ii. Jennifer Lynn. Born 20 Aug 1982 in California.

She married, second, Joseph Hogan.

4.iv.iv.ii.iii.i. William Emmet[7] Stiles Jr. (Velma Elenora[6], Albert Willard[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 23 Jun 1948 in Columbus, Ohio.

He married, first, Lynda Unknown. Children:

i. Jeffery Allen[8]. Born 16 Feb 1967 in Ohio. He married Debbie Lou Powell 30 May 1998 in Johnstown, Licking Co., Ohio.

4.iv.iv.ii.iii.i. ii. Michelle Lynn. Born 17 Oct 1969.

He married, second, Eva Marie Elfrink.

4.iv.iv.ii.v.i. Steven Gary[7] Sloat (Ruby Iretta[6], Albert Willard[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 30 Apr 1954 in Columbus, Ohio.

He married Linda Unknown ca. 1977 in California. Children:

i. Christopher Simeroan Shane[8]. Born 7 Jul 1977 in California.

4.iv.iv.ii.v.ii. Rickey Allen[7] Sloat (Ruby Iretta[6], Albert Willard[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 22 Aug 1958 in Columbus, Ohio.

He married Stacy Jean McBride. Children:

i. Jessica April[8]. Born 12 Dec 1979 in California.

ii. Suzy Lynn. Born 16 May 1984.

iii. Patsy Jean. Born 19 Jun 1989.

4.iv.iv.ii.v.iii. Glen Cody[7] Sloat (Ruby Iretta[6], Albert Willard[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 5 Nov 1962 in California.

He married Robin Brown. Children:

i. Cody Ross[8]. Born 4 Feb 1987.

ii. Ashley Renea. Born 20 Oct 1989. Rock Sterling[7] Kauser (Clytie Loretta[6], Albert Willard[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Nov 1955 in Columbus, Ohio. In 1999, Rock had a home page on the worldwide web, . He gave his interests as his wife Brenda, his granddaughter Taylor, photography, genealogy, and art. He and Brenda were high school sweethearts. She was in his mother’s and grandmother’s Brownie troop with his sister, also a Brenda. Rock is chief operating officer of C.O.W. Industries, Inc., a Columbus, Ohio based manufacturer of precision metal products. He has been with the company since 1983.

He married Brenda Lee Swisher, daughter of Edmund Herman Swisher and Helen Theresa Gerren, 19 Sep 1974 in Columbus, where they make their home. Born 11 Jun 1957 in Columbus. Children: i. Damian Andrew[8]. Born 24 Mar 1975.

ii. Dax Thomas. Born 26 May 1983 in Columbus. Brenda Sue[7] Kauser (Clytie Loretta[6], Albert Willard[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Oct 1957 in Columbus, Ohio.

She married, first, Richard Lee Boyd, son of Donald Boyd and Coleen Taylor, 10 Apr 1976 in Columbus. Children:

i. Nathan Lawrence[8]. Born 19 Mar 1977 in Columbus.

ii. Courtney Lynn. Born 19 Jun 1980 in Columbus.

She married, second, Raymond Dale Gautier, son of Raymond Gautier and Theta Blankenship, 14 Feb 1985 in Columbus. Children:

iii. Breanne Clytine. Born 16 Oct 1984 in Columbus. Brent Wayne[7] Kauser (Clytie Loretta[6], Albert Willard[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 2 Nov 1966 in Columbus, Ohio.

He married Martha Ellen Welker, daughter of Duane Welker and Maryann Newburn, 6 Jul 1985 in Columbus. Children:

i. Lindsay Ellen[8]. Born 22 Jun 1993 in Columbus. Traci Loren[7] Kauser (Clytie Loretta[6], Albert Willard[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Aug 1972 in Columbus, Ohio.

She married Timothy Allen Wright, son of William E. Wright, 21 Jul 1990 in Columbus. Children:

i. Blaze Allen[8]. Born 16 Mar 1990 in Columbus, Ohio.

ii. Kiersten Alana. Born 2 Apr 1997 in Japan.

4.iv.iv.ii.viii.ii. Christine Fay[7] Kauser (Erna Faye[6], Albert Willard[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Aug 1971 in Ontario, San Bernardino Co., Calif.

She married Matthew Smith in California. Children:

i. Allison Fay[8]. Born 10 Feb 1989 in California.

ii. Michael Aaron. Born 18 Jan 1991 in California.

4.iv.iv.ii.viii.iii. Kimberly Denise[7] Kauser (Erna Faye[6], Albert Willard[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 4 Apr 1973 in Ontario, San Bernardino Co., Calif.

She had children with Unknown:

i. Adryanna Lynn[8] Kauser. Born 28 Jun 1990 in California.

ii. Douglas Kane [Kauser]. Born 31 Jul 1992 in California.

iii. Xavier [Kauser]. Born and died 14 Dec 1994 in California.

4.iv.iv.viii.i.i. Julie Ann[7] Weikle (Sarah Alalee[6], Altha Elizabeth[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Bobby Hamm. Children:

i. Robert[8].

4.iv.iv.viii.ii.i. James Dale[7] Wade (Verna Mae[6], Altha Elizabeth[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Nellie Elizabeth Brooks. Children:

i. Keri Altha[8].

4.iv.iv.viii.ii.iii. Ernest Harrison[7] Wade (Verna Mae[6], Altha Elizabeth[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Melissa Wilson. Children:

i. Lacie Mae[8].

ii. Jessica Dawn.

4.iv.iv.viii.iv.i. Charlotte May[7] Foster (Warden Leroy[6], Altha Elizabeth[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Harry Edward Unroe. Children:

i. Alex Brett[8].

ii. Wesley Holt.

iii. Eric Jordan.

6.iv.i.v.i.i. Mary Irene[7] Frazer (Theodore Bronson[6], Irene[5], Theodore Bronson[4], Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Joachim O’Neil. Children:

i. Patrick Jochim[8].

ii. Timothy Joseph.

6.iv.i.v.i.ii. Patrick John[7] Frazer (Theodore Bronson[6], Irene[5], Theodore Bronson[4], Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Barbara Fuller. Children:

i. Shannon[8].

ii. Kelley.

6.iv.i.v.i.xii. Theodore Brownson[7] Frazer (Theodore Bronson[6], Irene[5], Theodore Bronson[4], Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1942.

He married Joan Kennedy. Children:

i. Mourine Rita[8].

ii. Cathleen Janet.

iii. Theodore Brownson.

iv. Richard Keith.

v. Elizabeth Ann.

6.iv.i.viii.i.i. Robert Patrick[7] Tomic (Margaret Ann[6], Patrick Dana[5], Theodore Bronson[4], Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 8 Dec 1957.

He married Judy Lee Ball. Children:

i. Candace Marie[8].

ii. Leslie Ann.

6.iv.i.viii.i.ii. Katherine Ann[7] Tomic (Margaret Ann[6], Patrick Dana[5], Theodore Bronson[4], Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 18 Nov 1958 in Binghamton, N.Y.

She married John Charles Capwell. Children:

i. Katelyn Ann[8].

ii. Christine Ryan.

6.iv.iii.iii.ii.ii. Scott Brian[7] Horan (Grant Scott[6], Richard Scott[5], Thomas Owen[4], Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 26 Oct 1962 in Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

He married, first, Veronica Lynn Fritz. Born 29 Nov 1963 in Cleveland Heights. Children:

i. Amanda Marie[8]. Born 21 Apr 1982 in Cleveland Heights.

He married, second, Beth O’Donnell.

6.iv.iii.iv.iii.i. Stephen Joseph[7] Butler (Robert Allen[6], Sarah Catherine[5], Thomas Owen[4], Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 1 Nov 1960.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Jennifer[8].

ii. Joey.

6.iv.iii.iv.iii.ii. Jane Ann[7] Butler (Robert Allen[6], Sarah Catherine[5], Thomas Owen[4], Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 19 Jul 1963.

She married Gary Thomas Fischer. Children:

i. Anthony Thomas[8]. Born 1 Mar 1984.

6.iv.iii.iv.iv.iii. Christine Marie[7] Butler (Thomas Andrew[6], Sarah Catherine[5], Thomas Owen[4], Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 27 May 1966 in Norwalk, Ohio.

She married, first, David Craig.

She married, second, William J. Moseley. Children:

i. Benjamin T.[8] Born 22 Sep 1987.

ii. Alexander W. Born 28 Jan 1991 in Erie, Pa.

She married, third, Owen G. Hecker. Born 7 Nov 1956. Children:

iii. Courtny E. Born 5 Dec 1984 in Erie, Pa.

6.iv.iii.iv.iv.iv. Anna Marie[7] Butler (Thomas Andrew[6], Sarah Catherine[5], Thomas Owen[4], Mary Catherine[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 27 Sep 1969 in Girard, Pa.

She married Edward Arthur Scarpelli. Children:

i. Jordan Edward[8]. Born 6 Jun 1990 in Erie, Pa.

ii. Noah Angelo. Born 7 Nov 1993 in Erie.

6.v.i.ii.iii.i. Herbert[7] Gibson Jr. (Betty Mae[6], Owen Hereford[5], John Gladstone[4], John[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 23 Jul 1969.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Bert A.K.[8]

6.v.i.ii.iii.ii. Timothy Lee[7] Gibson (Betty Mae[6], Owen Hereford[5], John Gladstone[4], John[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]).

Born 12 Oct 1972.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Johnny M.[8]

6.v.i.ii.iii.iii. Jeremy Lee[7] Gibson (Betty Mae[6], Owen Hereford[5], John Gladstone[4], John[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]).

Born 31 Jul 1976.

He married Unknown. It was not reported how the two children came by their surnames. Children:

i. Patrick R. [Workman]

ii. Tressie M. [Fox] Born 13 Apr 1998. Died 5 Dec 1999.

6.v.i.ii.iv.ii. Michael[7] Duffy (Owen Hereford[6], Owen Hereford[5], John Gladstone[4], John[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 9 Aug 1977.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Jessica Legia Gail[8]. Born 2 Apr 1998.

6.vii.v.iii.i.i. Teresa Ann[7] Duffy (James Marquis[6], James Maurice[5], Henry Galen[4], Owen Harvey[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 18 Jun 1965.

She married Paul David Puma. Born 15 Aug 1956. Children:

i. Sophia Gabriella[8]. Born 10 Nov 1993.

6.vii.v.iii.i.iii. Jon Maurice[7] Duffy (James Marquis[6], James Maurice[5], Henry Galen[4], Owen Harvey[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 7 Aug 1969.

He married Melissa Dawn Channel. Born 19 Aug 1969. Children:

i. Cassidy Elise[8]. Born 24 Feb 1997.

ii. Morgan Rebecca. Born 8 Feb 1999.

6.vii.v.iii.ii.i. Susan Kathleen[7] Duffy (Kenneth Jackson[6], James Maurice[5], Henry Galen[4], Owen Harvey[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 15 Jul 1964.

She married Helmer Almas. Children:

i. Lauren Elizabeth[8]. Born 6 Feb 1993.

6.vii.v.iii.iv.i. Joseph Aaron[7] Taylor III (Colleen Sue[6], James Maurice[5], Henry Galen[4], Owen Harvey[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 23 Aug 1964.

He married Sabrina Griffith. Children:

i. Joseph A., IV[8]. Born 30 Apr 1991. Gina Patrice[7] Henry (Patricia Ann[6], James Maurice[5], Henry Galen[4], Owen Harvey[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 20 Jun 1970.

She married, first, James Michael Young. Born 10 Nov 1970. Children:

i. Justin Michael[8]. Born 3 Jul 1987.

She married, second, Timothy Lewis Edens. Born 17 Jul 1970. Children:

ii. Sidney Paige. Born 5 Apr 1996.

6.vii.v.v.i.i. Lara Leigh[7] Whetherholt (Patricia Lynn[6], Frank Hugh[5], Henry Galen[4], Owen Harvey[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 20 Oct 1970.

She married James Edward Lindsey Gresham. Born in Tasmania. Children:

i. Michael Jonathan[8]. Born 8 Oct 1997.

6.vii.v.v.i.ii. Tara Lynn[7] Whetherholt (Patricia Lynn[6], Frank Hugh[5], Henry Galen[4], Owen Harvey[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 15 Dec 1972.

She married John Robert Watt. Died in Zaire. Children:

i. Aaron John[8]. Born 13 Dec 1996.

ii. Margaret Elizabeth. Born 25 Apr 1998.

6.vii.v.v.i.iii. Dana[7] Whetherholt (Patricia Lynn[6], Frank Hugh[5], Henry Galen[4], Owen Harvey[3], Arina[2], Frederick[1]). Born 4 Nov 1975.

She married Kenneth Martin Stickney Jr. Children:

i. Kenneth M., III[8] Born in 1994.

ii. Gillian Leigh. Born 7 Dec 1998.

7.ii.i.i.i.i. Walker Coleman[7] Bolar (William[6], John Henry[5], Bessie[4], Charles Kenneth[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Mary Ann Taylor. Children:

7.ii.i.i.i.i. i. Margaret Virginia[8].

7.iii.iii.v.iii.i. Claude Milton[7] Curran Jr. (also Claud) (twin) Claude Milton[6], John James[5], James Milton[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 9 Jun 1936 in Ronan, Mont.

He married, first, Sherry Unknown. There were seven children, unreported.

He married, second, unknown.

7.iii.iii.v.iii.ii. Claudine Ethel[7] Curran (twin) Claude Milton[6], John James[5], James Milton[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 9 Jun 1936 in Ronan, Mont.

She married Robert Dean Coons, son of Roscoe Guy Coons and Freda Klooz, in 1954 in Coeur D’Alene, Idaho. Born 10 Oct 1925 in Steel City, Neb. Died 5 Jan 1996 in Spokane, Wash. Children:

7.iii.iii.v.iii.ii. i. Carol Ann[8]. Born 14 Aug 1956.

7.iii.iii.v.iii.ii. ii. Judy Marie. Born 6 Jan 1958.

7.iii.iii.v.iii.ii. iii. Barbara Adel. Born 5 Sep 1959.

7.iii.iii.v.iii.ii. iv. Ross Dean. Born 11 Feb 1963.

7.iii.iv.iv.i.i. Robert Earl[7] Nilsen (Virginia Jean[6], Eugenie[5], Sarah Anne[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 2 Nov 1926 in Glendale, Los Angeles Co., Calif.

He married, first, Carolyn Margaret Swanson, daughter of Harry Swanson and Unknown McGillin, ca. 1950 in California. They divorced. Born 26 Sep 1930 in Los Angeles, Calif. Children:

i. Ronald Eugene[8]. Born 20 Mar 1951 in San Gabriel, Los Angeles County.

7.iii.iv.iv.i.i. ii. Christina Marie. Born 17 Oct 1952.

He married, second, Pimchanok Manivat 20 Jul 1987 in Las Vegas, Nev. Born 31 Aug unknown year in Thailand. Children:

iii. Ingrid Wantida[8]. [Nilsen] Born 2 Feb 1989 in Pasadena, Los Angeles County.

7.iii.iv.iv.i.iii. Elsie Margaret[7] Jones (Virginia Jean[6], Eugenie[5], Sarah Anne[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 7 Dec 1933 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. In 2001 she was an accountant living in Kelowna, British Columbia. A genealogical hobbyist, she provided substantial data on her line from Sarah[2] to Elsie’s grandchildren.

She married Norman Langmaid, son of Norman Langmaid and Mary Ellen McAllister, 1 Sep 1967 in Prince George, British Columbia, Canada. Born 15 Jan 1923 in Vancouver. Died 22 Apr 1996 in Burns Lake, British Columbia. The remains were cremated and interred in Francois Lake, British Columbia. He was previously married to Sheila Mary Kircher 19 Oct 1943 in New Westminster, British Columbia. They divorced. Children (of Elsie and Norman):

7.iii.iv.iv.i.ii. i. Norman[8]. Born 20 Jan 1954.

7.iii.iv.iv.i.ii. ii. Cathleen Virginia. Born 28 Jul 1962.

7.iii.ix.viii.i.iii. Barbara Marie[7] White (Alice Elizabeth[6], Margaret Mary[5], Elizabeth Reynolds[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Rodney Layne LeRose. Children:

i. Rodney Layne[8] Jr.

ii. Cara Michelle.

iii. Jonathan Ryan.

iv. Jennifer Nichole.

7.iii.ix.viii.iii.i. Jeffery Daniel[7] Siebert (Mary Joan[6], Margaret Mary[5], Elizabeth Reynolds[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Debbie Mullins. Children:

i. Heather Danielle[8].

ii. Phillip Andrew.

7.iii.ix.viii.iii.ii. Brian Patrick[7] Siebert (Mary Joan[6], Margaret Mary[5], Elizabeth Reynolds[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Cheryl Mullins. Children:

i. Aimee Elizabeth[8].

8.i.vii.i.i.i. James Edward[7] Pridemore (Frederick Collins[6], Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 23 Feb 1917 in Ansted, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 18 Oct 1952 in Victor, Fayette County.

He married Hilda M. Eubank 7 Oct 1938 in Fayette County. Born in Fayette County. Children:

8.i.vii.i.i.i. i. Kay Frances[8]. Born 23 Jan 1939.

ii. Linda Carol. Born 4 Dec 1942. She married, first, Jerry Williamson in 1962. She married, second,

Stan Hale.

8.i.vii.i.i.ii. Mable Irene[7] Pridemore (Frederick Collins[6], Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 20 Jul 1918 in Ansted, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 17 Nov 1996 in Morgantown, W.Va.

She had a child with Unknown:

8.i.vii.i.i.ii. i. Larry Thomas[8] [Pridemore]. Born 19 Aug 1938.

She married Stanley Othel Fox, son of David Fox and Minerva Bolt, 4 Jul 1940 in Greenup, Ky. Stanley was a brother of David Paul Fox, who married Mable’s sister Christine. Born 19 Jul 1915 in Victor, Fayette County. Children:

8.i.vii.i.i.ii. ii. Ila Jean. Born 4 Mar 1941.

8.i.vii.i.i.ii. iii. Stanley Lee. Born 18 Jul 1942.

8.i.vii.i.i.ii. iv. Betty Karen. Born 12 Jul 1944.

v. Robert Gale. Born 23 Jan 1946. He married, first, Georgia Spence. He married, second, Peggy


8.i.vii.i.i.ii. vi. Rebecca Ann. Born 13 Feb 1953.

8.i.vii.i.i.iii. Herschel Frederick[7] Pridemore (Frederick Collins[6], Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 17 Nov 1920 in Ansted, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 25 Jul 1957 in Victor, Fayette County. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II, on the CVA Intrepid, and was awarded the Purple Heart Medal.

He married Evelyn (Muller) Miller 15 Dec 1950. Born ca. 1918 in Ansted. Children:

i. Rebecca Lou[8] (called Becky Lou). Born 4 Mar 1952.

ii. Kathy Ann. Born 7 Sep 1955.

8.i.vii.i.i.v. Christine Freda[7] Pridemore (Frederick Collins[6], Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 9 Mar 1925 in Victor, Fayette Co., W.Va.

She married David Paul Fox, son of David Fox and Minerva Bolt, 3 Dec 1942 in Ansted, Fayette County. David was a brother of Stanley Othel Fox, who married Christine’s sister Mable. Born 28 Oct 1917 in Mt. Cove, Fayette County. Died 18 Jan 1968 in Mt. Cove. Children:

i. Unknown infant[8].

8.i.vii.i.i.v. ii. Charles Edward. Born 21 Mar 1945.

8.i.vii.i.i.v. iii. Gary David. Born 6 Apr 1953.

8.i.vii.i.i.vii. June Eloise[7] Pridemore (Frederick Collins[6], Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 14 Jun 1931 in Victor, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 26 Apr 1996 in Warren, Ohio.

She married Basil L. Metheny, son of Unknown Metheny and Unknown Perry, 6 Sep 1950 in Fayette County. Born in Fayette County. Children:

i. Sandra Sue[8]. Born 5 Dec 1950.

ii. Fred Lee. Born 31 Oct 1952.

8.i.vii.i.i.vii. iii. Brenda Joyce. Born 17 Dec 1954.

iv. Alan Clayton. Born 15 Oct 1959.

v. Mark Richard. Born 28 Feb 1960.

vi. Roger Dale. Born 22 Jul 1961.

8.i.vii.i.i.vii. vii. Linda Kay. Born 25 Jan 1963.

8.i.vii.i.i.vii. viii. James Edward. Born 1 Apr 1966.

8.i.vii.i.i.viii. Gary Lee[7] Pridemore (Frederick Collins[6], Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 7 Apr 1936 in Fayette Co., W.Va.

He married, first, Macel Hardy 5 Sep 1954. Born in Fayette County. Children:

i. Gary Lee[8]. Born 13 Dec 1955.

ii. Terry Michael. Born 20 Sep 1956.

iii. Cheryl Ann. Born 21 May 1959.

iv. Perry Alan. Born 5 Oct 1961 in Fayette County. Died 11 Jun 1962 in Fayette County.

v. Rita Michelle. Born after 1961.

He married, second, Bobbi Unknown between 1965-1968 in Painesville, Ohio. Born 17 Nov 1947. She brought two children to the marriage, Scott, born 13 Jul 1963; and Debbie, born 23 Oct 1965. Children (of Gary and Bobbi):

vi. Gary Michael. Born 11 Sep 1968.

vii. Joe. Born 24 Feb 1970.

viii. Shane (twin). Born 1 Jun 1976.

ix. Shawn (twin). Born 1 Jun 1976.

8.i.vii.i.i.x. Charles Dale[7] Pridemore (Frederick Collins[6], Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Sep 1938 in Ansted, Fayette Co., W.Va. He retired after a career in the armed forces, serving for eight years in the U.S. Army, then joining the U.S. Air Force. He served in the Vietnam War. He later became a warehouse manager.

He married Wanda Jean Christian in Nov 1960 in Bluefield, Va. Born 28 Jul 1939 in Bluefield. Children:

i. Karen Lynn[8]. Born 4 Jun 1961.

ii. Charles Lee. Born 17 May 1962.

8.i.vii.i.iii.iii. Lorena[7] Neal (Willie Ann[6], Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Charles Barton. Born 26 May 1917. Died 15 Aug 1997. Children:

i. William R.[8] He married Doris Hogg.

ii. Mary. She married Unknown Wysong.

iii. Peggy. She married Unknown Fincher.

iv. Robert Charles.

8.i.vii.i.iv.iii. Norma[7] Pridemore (Walter Andrew[6], Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Fayette Co., W.Va.

She married Charles Fox, son of Howard Fox and Mamie Meadows. Born 12 May 1920. Children:

i. Janie[8]. Born 29 Dec 1950.

ii. Gay Charlene. Born 29 Dec 1952.

iii. Roger Lee. Born 14 May 1959.

8.i.vii.i.iv.xvi. Mason J.[7] Pridemore (Walter Andrew[6], Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 17 May 1943 in Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 22 Jun 1978 in Oak Hill, Fayette County.

He married Diana Unknown. Children:

i. Julia[8].

ii. Susan.

iii. Robert.

8.i.vii.i.v.v. Otis O.[7] Osborne Jr. (Bessie[6], Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1922 in Ansted, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 17 Sep 1992 in Phoenix, Ariz.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Dora May[8].

ii. Kathy.

8.i.vii.i.xi.ii. Bobby Lee[7] Cameron (Josephine Ayers[6], Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 13 Nov 1936 in Printer, W.Va. Died 27 Jul 1988 in Sharples, W.Va.

He married Patricia Staples. Children:

i. Lisa[8].

ii. Lori.

iii. Teresa.

iv. Bobby Lee Jr. Catherine Ann[7] Dempsey (called Cathy) (Fred Roosevelt[6], Fred Rothwell[5], William Henderson[4], Sarah

Ann[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 14 Jan 1958 at Moody AFB, Valdosta, Lowndes Co., Ga. She was a credit analyst

with American Fletcher National Bank, Luxembourg branch office, Luxembourg city, Luxembourg, from 1977-1982. In

2001 she was a homemaker using the surname Meder-Dempsey.

She married Egon François Jean-Pierre Meder, son of Marcel Mathias Meder and Marie Françoise Kremer (called Maisy) 16 Mar 1978 in a civil ceremony in Echternach, Luxembourg, followed by a religious ceremony 18 Mar in the Echternach Basilica. Born 31 May 1956 in Echternach. In 2001 he was a sales representative with Garage Kruft, an Audi and Volkswagen automobile dealership in Echternach. Children:

i. Brian David[8] [Meder]. Born 5 Oct 1984 in Luxembourg city, Luxembourg.

ii. Jennifer Ann. Born 30 Jan 1987 in Luxembourg city.

8.v.v.viii.iv.ii. Frederick Henry[7] Sellers Jr. (Lola Lenore[6], Fitzhugh Lee[5], Orena Catherine[4], Turze Lucretia[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 25 Feb 1948 in Columbus, Ga. He graduated from Baker High School, Columbus, in 1966 and from the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in 1970. In 2001 he was still a member of the Coast Guard, living in Alexandria, Va.

He married Sharon Morris. Children:

i. Michael Lee[8]. Born 19 Jun 1976 in Honolulu, Hawaii.

ii. Matthew Thomas. Born 19 Jul 1980 in Huntington Beach, Calif.

iii. Benjamin Morris. Born 22 Feb 1984 in Alexandria. April Dawn[7] Devins (Rita Jean[6], Eldion Leon[5], Elijah Lewis[4], Elijah Stuart[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]. Born 25 Apr 1971 at Bitburg Air Base, Germany. She graduated from East Bank [W.Va.] High School in 1989, where she was in band and National Honor Society. She attended Marshall University, Huntington, W.Va. In 2014 she was a customer service representative for Healthsmart Insurance Company, Charleston, W.Va., and her interests included crafting, sewing and family.

She married Dallas Eugene Thompson II, son of Dallas Eugene Thompsonand Barbara Ann Moore, 16 May 1994 in Glen Ferris, Fayette Co., W.Va. Born 13 Jun 1973 in Charleston. Children:

i. Sarrah Annelle[8]. Born 13 Mar 2001 in Charleston.

ii. Alex Devin. Born 7 Sep 2005 in Charleston. Shawn Alan[7] Devins (Rita Jean[6], Eldion Leon[5], Elijah Lewis[4], Elijah Stuart[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]. Born 8 Sep 1972 at Bitburg Air Base, Germany. He graduated from Dupont High School, Dupont City, Kanawha Co., W.Va., in 1991 and attended Carver Career Center, Rand, Kanawha County, where he took a certificate in small engine repairs. In 2014 he was a mechanic at Belle [W.Va.] Automotive and his interests included hunting and fishing.

He married Melissa Dawn Crum (called Misty), daughter of John Crum and Debbie Hoffman, 7 Nov 1992. Born 6 Apr 1974. Children:

i. Kaitlyn Nicole[8]. Born 5 Feb 1996 in Charleston, W.Va. Holly Lynn[7] Devins (Rita Jean[6], Eldion Leon[5], Elijah Lewis[4], Elijah Stuart[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]. Born 15 Dec 1976 at Minot AFB, N.D. She graduated from Dupont High School, Dupont City, Kanawha Co., W.Va., in 1995 and attended Fairmont [W.Va.] University 1995 to 1997. She attended West Virginia University Institute of Technology 1998 to 1999 and in 2014 was attending West Virginia University at Parkersburg. In 2014 she was data entry supervisor, Public Employees Insurance Agency (PEIA) Division, State of West Virginia Insurance Company, Charleston, W.Va., and her interests included reading, being a mom, and church. She was vice-chair of the Christian Education Board, Judson Baptist Church, beginning in 2013.

She had a child with Matthew Joseph Page:

i. Chelsea Paige[8] [Devins] . Born 5 Nov 2004 in Charleston, W.Va.

8.x.i.iii.i.i. Joseph Warren[7] Montano (Margaret Anne[6], Joseph Leland[5], Laura Josephine[4], William Frederick[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 18 Dec 1962 in Muncie, Ind. He graduated from Northside High School, Muncie, in 1981. He enlisted in the U.S. Air Force 5 Jan 1982 and completed basic training at Lackland AFB, Texas. He was an Air Force security police officer from 1982–1986, then was an Air Force ground radio maintenance technician and supervisor until 1993. He was assigned to Spangdahlem AB, Germany from 1982–1984, Vandenberg AFB, Calif., 1984–1986, Patrick AFB, Fla., 1986–1989, and Lindsey Air Station, Germany, 1989–1993. In 2003 he lived in Anderson, Ind. with his wife Holly and son Patrick; was interested in Ham Radio, high-power rifle shooting, and collecting old teletypes; and was a help desk analyst for the Bell Industries Tech.logix Group in Indianapolis.

He married, first, Nancy Lee Bernhart 20 Oct 1986 in Biloxi, Miss. They divorced. Born 28 Jun 1965 in Elizabeth, N.J. Children:

i. Leigh Ann[8]. Born 7 Sep 1988 in Cocoa, Fla.

ii. Robert Warren. Born 14 Jul 1992 in Weisbaden, Germany.

He married, second, Holly Kaylynn Heuss, adopted daughter of Norman Gene Heuss and Erma Unknown, 4 Aug 2001 in Indianapolis, Ind. Born 25 Dec 1965 in Muncie, Ind. She graduated from Delta High School, Delaware Co., Ind., where she was on the track and field team. In 2003 she was a researcher at Bank One, Indianapolis. Children:

iii. Patrick Warren Gene. Born 17 Jan 2002 in Indianapolis.

8.x.i.iii.i.ii. Elizabeth Anne[7] Montano (called Beth) (Margaret Anne[6], Joseph Leland[5], Laura Josephine[4], William Frederick[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 30 Nov 1964 in Muncie, Ind. She graduated from Northside High School, Muncie, in 1983, and from Ball State University, Muncie, in 1990 with a Bachelor of General Studies. She was a member of Alpha Chapt., Delta Delta Tau, a philanthropic sorority. In 2003 she lived in Indianapolis, was interested in scrapbooking and the Society of Creative Anachronism, a medieval reenactment organization; and was bookkeeper for a Pike Township before-school and after-school child care organization in Indianapolis.

She married, first, Andrew Floyd Gillis, son of Floyd Gillis and Nell Clark, 26 May 1990 in Muncie. They divorced in 1995. Born 1 May 1959 in Lafayette, Ind.

She married, second, Vincent Edmund Woodard, son of David Allen Piper and Pamela Susan Riley, 26 Sep 1998 in Indianapolis. (After Vincent’s parents divorced, his mother remarried and he was adopted by his stepfather, Norman Woodard.) Born 7 Jan 1970 in Sacramento, Calif. Vince graduated from Martinsville [Ind.] High School in 1988, where he was concertmaster for the orchestra in his senior year. He attended Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). In 2003 his interests included music, metal and leather work, jewelry making, wine making, and Society for Creative Anachronism; he was a computer e-mail architect and network analyst for Adesa Corp., Muncie. Children:

i. Sean Stewart William[8]. Born 19 Oct 2000 in Indianapolis.

10.ii.i.iv.i. Marian Audine[7] Jarrett (Harry[6], Nannie Azolia[5], Augustus Chapman[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 7 Dec 1932 in Bivins Station, Moore Co., Texas.

She married Joe Ray Culpepper, son of Thomas Jefferson Culpepper and Minerva Elizabeth Bryant, 4 Oct 1955 in Plainview, Hale Co., Texas. Born 30 Jul 1926 in Saltillo, Hopkins Co., Texas. In 2001 he was a retired plumber. Children:

i. Thomas Joe[8]. Born 2 Aug 1956. Died 6 Feb 1996.

ii. Mack Dee. Born 6 May 1960. Died 28 Jul 1967.

iii. Robert Ray. Born 6 Jun 1962 in Plainview.

10.ii.i.iv.i. iv. Bettye Maxine[8]. Born 30 Jun 1965. Lyle Richard[7] Smith (Clara Mollie[6], Nannie Azolia[5], Augustus Chapman[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 28 Jan 1928 in Amarillo, Potter Co., Texas.

He married Barbara Irene Warren, daughter of Gonnie Butler Warren and Clara Irene Unknown, 9 Sep 1951. Born 1 Mar 1931. Children: i. Constance Irene[8]. Born 10 Sep 1952. ii. Sandra Renee. Born 8 Apr 1957. iii. Lyle Richard, II. Born 1 Mar 1959. Thomas Ray[7] Smith (Clara Mollie[6], Nannie Azolia[5], Augustus Chapman[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 22 Jun 1930 in Tulia, Swisher Co., Texas.

He married Vera May Lawson Greene 27 Dec 1953. Born 27 Dec 1934. Children: i. Joanna May[8]. Born 14 Sep 1954. ii. Helen Marie. Born 18 Sep 1958.

iii. Rick. Born 10 Dec 1960. Clara Louise[7] Smith (Clara Mollie[6], Nannie Azolia[5], Augustus Chapman[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 8 Jun 1933 in Amarillo, Potter Co., Texas. Died 23 Apr 2002 in Modesto, Calif. Buried in Burwood Cem., Escalon, Calif.

Modesto (Calif.) Bee, 25 Apr 2002: Clara Louise Smith Marshall, 68, of Escalon died Tuesday at Memorial

Medical Center, Modesto. Mrs. Marshall was a native of Amarillo, Texas. She lived in Escalon 34 years. She was a homemaker, and previously co-owned and was a drapery seamstress for Rainbow Draperies. She belonged to First Baptist Church. She volunteered for the Escalon CARE center and Escalon Senior Lunch Program. She is survived by her children, Debi Simms of Escalon, Jon Marshall of Modesto and David Marshall of Seattle; mother, Clara M. Smith of Escalon; brothers, Lyle Smith of Springfield, Mo., Ray Smith of Ceres and Bill Smith of Tracy; sister, Wanda Smith of Escalon; and three grandchildren. A memorial service will be at 11 a.m. Saturday at First Baptist Church. Private inurnment at Burwood Cemetery. Deegan Funeral Chapel in charge of arrangements. Remembrances may be made to the First Baptist Church Memorial Fund, 1511 E. Catherine Way, Escalon 95320.

She married Robert Monroe Marshall, son of Monroe Milton Marshall and Ida Evelyn Rater, 10 Oct 1952. They divorced. Born 19 May 1927 in Okmulgee, Okla. Died 23 Aug 1991 in Modesto, Stanislaus Co., Calif. Children: i. Jon Monroe[8]. Born 27 Jul 1953 in Modesto. ii. Debra Joni. Born 26 Mar 1957 in San Jose, Calif.

iii. David Robert. Born 15 Mar 1969 in Oakdale, Stanislaus Co., Calif. Married Jennifer Souder in 2000. In 2002 he lived in Seattle, Wash., where he was manager of quality, process and development, Pyramid Breweries, Inc. Wanda Augusta[7] Smith (Clara Mollie[6], Nannie Azolia[5], Augustus Chapman[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 6 May 1935 in Amarillo, Potter Co., Texas. She graduated from Modesto [Calif.] High School in 1953. In 1974 she began work as an industrial seamstress, making draperies; she last worked for Creative Draperies, Manteca, Calif., retiring after 18 years there in 1992. She was a member of First Baptist Church, Escalon. Her interests including crafting, collecting almost anything, family, and southern gospel music. In 2002 she lived in Escalon, Calif.

She married Jessie Harry Smith, son of R.D. Smith (the initials were the given name) and Evelyn Dora Brown, 30 Oct 1953 in Modesto, Stanislaus Co., Calif. Born 25 Dec 1928 in Morris, Okla. Died 14 Dec 1989 in Escalon. Buried in Burwood Cem., Escalon. An obituary appeared in the Modesto Bee and Escalon Times. He attended Escalon High School, then worked as a steel fabricator, small engine mechanic and welder. He retired from M. Van Vliet & Sons Dairy, Escalon, in 1972. His interests included building things and gardening. Children: i. Robert Doyle[8]. Born 19 Sep 1954 in San Leandro, Calif.

ii. Patricia Diane (called Patti). Born 9 Jun 1957 in Escalon, San Joaquin Co., Calif. She graduated from Escalon High School in 1975. In high school she was a California Scholarship Federation member, recipient of Bank of America Award of Achievement in Home Economics, statistician for the track team, cast member of the senior play, and recipient of the Grange Ladies Scholarship in Home Economics. She took an Associate of Arts in Home Economics from Modesto [Calif.] Junior College in 1977; a B.A. in Home Economics from California State University, Fresno, in 1980; and attended training in cosmetology at Federico Beauty College, Fresno, Calif., 1979–1980. She obtained a teaching credential for high school home economics from California State College, Turlock, Calif., in 1982; completed additional courses in counseling and education from California State College, Turlock, 1985–1986, and courses in child development from Modesto Junior College, 1988–1990. She taught economics at Modoc High School, Alturas, Calif., 1982–1983; Riverbank [Calif.] High School, Jan 1984–Jun 1984; and Oakdale [Calif.] High School, 1984–1987. She also taught Early Childhood Education, and Elementary Education, for the Yosemite Regional Occupation Program, Modesto City Schools, 1987 to present (2002), a career education program for high school students interested in teaching. She was a member of California Regional Occupational Centers/Programs (1990–present); California Assn. for the Education of Young Children (1990–1991); and California School Age Care Consortium (1992–1995). She was a member of First Baptist Church of Escalon beginning in 1972, serving as chair of public relations committee, member of hospitality committee, and member of financial committee. Her interests included shopping, computers, reading, U.S. travel, crafts such as sewing and needlework, and collecting penguins. In 2002 she and her husband lived in Escalon.

She married Lawrence Woodrow Stanley, son of Unknown and Vera Belle Crenshaw, 16 Sep 1987 in Escalon. Born 27 Aug 1956 in West Memphis, Crittendon Co., Ark. Lawrence Woodrow’s given name was for his grandmother’s brothers Lawrence Harbin and Clarence Woodrow; his surname was in honor of a family friend (not the father,) John Stanley. He attended Wonder High School, West Memphis, 1972–1973, but took his General Education Diploma (GED) through testing in Nov 1977. He audited courses at Memphis [Tenn.] State University; took a computer operations specialist certificate from Valley Commercial College, Modesto, in 1989; completed courses at Modesto Junior College during the period 1996–2000; and took an A+ Certification for computer/software repair from Yosemite Regional Occupation Program, Modesto, 2002. He was employed in positions from dishwasher to house manager in the food service industry in various cities and states from 1969–1989. He was last employed by Pizza Hut, Modesto, in 1989. He subsequently was disabled with rheumatoid spondulitis. He was a member of Church of Christ, Oakdale, Calif. His interests included reading, U.S. travel, collecting Superman memorabilia and comic books, and motion pictures. In 2002 he maintained an internet site, . William Carroll[7] Smith (Clara Mollie[6], Nannie Azolia[5], Augustus Chapman[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 9 Apr 1938 in Amarillo, Potter Co., Texas.

He married, first, Lorraine Ellen Duarte 21 Jul 1956. They divorced. Born 29 Oct 1937. Died Jun 1994. Children:

i. Terri Lynn[8]. Born 31 Oct 1957.

He married, second, Geneva Unknown. They divorced.

10.iii.ii.i.i. Beverly Jean[7] Honaker (called Sissy) (Billy[6], Clem[5], Harvey A.[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2), Frederick[1]). Born 31 Mar 1942 in Winslow, Ariz. She retired as a librarian from the Orange County [Calif.] School System.

She married Gary F. Hardin, son of Stanley Robinson Hardin (called Stan) and Lucille Meyer, 12 Mar 1967 in Orange, Calif. Born 4 Oct 1939 in Orange. He retired as an inspector and supervisor for the Department of Public Works, Orange Co., Calif. Children:

i. Katherine Lucille[8]. Born 11 Sep 1969 in Orange, Calif.

ii. David Stanley. Born 25 Nov 1970 in Orange.

10.iii.x.i.ii. William Curtis[7] Honaker (called Bill) (Billy[6], Clement[5], Harvey A.[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 9 Dec 1953 at Sandia Army Hospital, Albuquerque, N.M. In 2000 he was computer internet webmaster for the San Diego [Calif.] public school system.

He married Bertha A. Ballesteros, daughter of Alberto A. Ballesteros and Delia S. Unknown, 27 Dec 1975 in San Diego, Calif. Born 10 Jan 1960 in Tijuana, Mexico. In 1999 they were living in Bonita, Calif. Children:

i. William Charles[8]. Born 20 Nov 1988 in San Diego, Calif.

ii. Linda Anna. Born 13 Jan 1991 in San Diego.

iii. Edward Andrew. Born 23 Sep 1993 in San Diego.

iv. Sarah Elizabeth. Born 4 Jul 1996 in San Diego.

10.iii.x.i.iii. James Wesley[7] Honaker (called Jim) (Billy[6], Clement[5], Harvey A.[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 18 Jan 1956 in a U.S. Naval hospital in Millington, Tenn. Died of multiple sclerosis 7 Jan 2011. He was a school bus driver for San Diego [Calif.] Public Schools but was disabled with multiple sclerosis. In 1999 he was living in Tucson, Ariz.

San Diego [Calif.] Union-Tribune, 14 Jan 2011: James W. Honaker of El Cajon, age 54, died Jan. 7, 2011 of multiple sclerosis. He is survived by son George, daughters Cassandra and Carissa, three grandchildren (Ethan, Keaton and Cadence), sister Beverly (Hardin), brother Bill, three nieces, three nephews, cousins galore, and many dear friends. He was loved. Funeral service will be held on Sat., Jan. 15th, 2 p.m. El Cajon Mortuary, 684 S. Mollison (at Washington.) Viewing Friday from 3 to 7 p.m.

He married, first, Peggy Jean Minkler, daughter of James Lee Wayne Minkler and Dorothy Marie Borchers,

8 Jul 1979 in El Cajon, Calif. Born 26 Mar 1960 in El Cajon. They divorced in San Diego. She was a medical assistant. Children:

i. George Michael[8]. Born 24 Aug 1981.

He married, second, Kathy Michaels. They divorced.

10.iv.i.iii.i. George Donald[7] Cornell (Pearl Elizabeth[6], Emma Jane[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 5 Sep 1917. Died 19 Oct 1982.

He married Helen Thomas 20 Jun 1942. Children:

i. Thomas Ross[8]. Born 7 May 1947.

ii. John Robert. Born 16 Nov 1948.

10.iv.i.iv.i. LeReta Myrl[7] Brundege (Myrl[6], Emma Jane[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 9 Jul 1923 in Shawnee, Okla. Died in 1986. LeReta used the name Lorita.

She married Arthur Ritchie 7 Oct 1939. Born 5 Dec 1920 in Mulberry, Ark. Children:

10.iv.i.iv.i. i. Alan Kent[8].

10.iv.i.iv.i. ii. Rebecca Ann.

10.iv.i.iv.ii. Clarice Jean[7] Brundege (Myrl[6], Emma Jane[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 3 Dec 1926.

She married Bobby Jewett Rader 16 Aug 1945 in Tecumseh, Okla. Born 23 Feb 1925. Children:

i. Robin Jean[8]. Born 20 May 1951. She married John Amos.

ii. Susan Myrl. Born 6 Jan 1954. She married Lee Kelly.

10.iv.i.iv.iii. Kay Lynn[7] Brundege (Myrl[6], Emma Jane[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born

1 Nov 1936.

She married Charles Frank Villines 25 Aug 1956 in Tecumseh, Okla. Born 24 Oct 1935. Children:

i. Mark Steven[8]. Born 12 Nov 1959 in Ada, Okla.

ii. Judy Kay. Born 3 Dec 1961 in Ada, Okla. She married Unknown Cobb.

10.iv.iii.i.i. Joseph Allen[7] Honaker (called Joe) (Odous Jack[6], David Aude[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 26 Oct 1938 in Oklahoma City, Okla. In 2007 he lived in Dallas, Texas.

He married Elizabeth Ann Smith, daughter of James Hubbard Smith and Neva Elizabeth Baker, 1 Jun 1960 in Denton, Denton Co., Texas. Born 7 Mar 1940 in Center, Texas. Children:

10.iv.iii.i.i. i. Joseph Allen, Jr.[8] (called Allen). Born 23 Dec 1961 in Dallas.

10.iv.iii.ii.i. Jack Dennis[7] Honaker (Ottis David[6], David Aude[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Feb 1928 in Shawnee, Okla. A retired physician, he graduated from Daniel Webster High School, Tulsa, Okla., in 1946; took a B.S. from the University of Oklahoma, Norman, in 1949; and was graduated from the University of Oklahoma Medical School, 8 Jun 1953. He was a Phi Beta Pi. He interned at Providence Hospital, Waco, Texas, became a captain in the U.S. Air Force medical service; and was chief of staff at Tillman County Hospital, Frederick, Okla., for 20 years. He is a member of county and state medical associations and the American Medical Association. His interests include photography, gardening, woodworking, and travel, and he is a Presbyterian elder. In 1989 he was selected for the Frederick, Okla., Pioneer Senior Citizens Good Neighbor Award, given annually to individuals who “go far above and beyond the call of duty and set an example for others to follow.” On 31 Oct 1989 he retired from 31 years of family practice in Frederick and closed his office there. In Jan 1990 he and his wife, a nurse, became medical missionaries in Taiwan. They now live in Claremore, Okla.

He married Frances Geneva Webber, daughter of J.F. Webber and Unknown, 19 Jun 1949 at University Methodist Church, Tulsa, Okla. Born 9 May 1927 in Tulsa. A nice wedding photograph and story appeared in Tulsa Daily World, 22 Jun 1949. Children:

10.iv.iii.ii.i. i. Richard Dennis[8].

10.iv.iii.ii.i. ii. Michael Scott.

10.iv.iii.ii.i. iii. Debra Kay.

10.iv.iii.ii.ii. Jimmie Scott[7] Honaker (Ottis David[6], David Aude[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 16 Dec 1929 in Shawnee, Okla. Died 15 Sep 2013 in Arlington, Texas.

Dallas [Texas] Morning News, 22 Sep 2013 and Ft. Worth [Texas] Star Telegram, 22 Sep 2013: Jim S. Honaker, Lt. Col, USAF, born 16 Dec 1929; died 15 Sep 2013. Graduate of U.S. Naval Academy, class of 1952 and USAF Experimental Flight Test Pilot School, class of 1959-B. Died of complications from congestive heart failure.

He married Anna Mae McCann 21 Jun 1952. Born 23 Aug 1932. Children:

10.iv.iii.ii.ii. i. Elizabeth Ann[8].

ii. Kathryn Lynn. Born 27 Mar 1954.

iii. Richard Scott. Born 13 Oct 1956. He married Laurie Otto 25 Jul 1992. He was a physician. He and his wife lived in Plano, Texas.

10.iv.iii.ii.ii. iv. Nancy Lee.

10.iv.iii.ii.iii. Lucky Sue[7] Honaker (Ottis David[6], David Aude[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 15 Nov 1940 in Shawnee, Okla. She is a retired schoolteacher. She lives in Plano, Texas.

She married William Joseph Robertson (called Bill) 8 Jun 1963. Born 11 Mar 1937. Children:

i. Lisa Lynae[8]. Born 20 Feb 1969.

ii. Scott Ryan. Born 12 Dec 1971.

10.iv.iii.iv.i. Carla Ann[7] Honaker (Carl Samuel[6], David Aude[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 12 Dec 1946.

She married, first, Unknown Johnson. They divorced. Children:

i. Michael Edward[8]. Born 21 Sep 1972.

She married, second, David Hubbard 20 Mar 1981. Born 28 May 1955. Children:

ii. David. Born 31 Dec 1981.

iii. Stephanie Ann. Born 4 Apr 1985.

10.iv.iii.v.i. Jimmie Joe[7] Honaker (Joe Jack[6], David Aude[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 21 Jan 1939 in Oklahoma City, Okla. He lives in Colorado and is an attorney.

He married Beverly Ruth Sargent, daughter of Harold Sargent and Elaine Unknown, 20 Aug 1960 in McPherson, Kan. Born 28 Mar 1939 in McPherson. Children:

10.iv.iii.v.i. i. Jay Jimmie[8].

ii. Kerri Ruth. Born 11 Aug 1964 in Palo Alto, Calif.

10.iv.iii.v.ii. Stevie Lee[7] Honaker (Joe Jack[6], David Aude[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 23 Mar 1945 in Wewoka, Okla.

She married David Langford Howell 23 Dec 1965 in Denver, Colo. Children:

i. Charles Byron[8]. Born 30 Jan 1967 in Denver, Colo. Marvin Lee[7] Honaker (Roe Ralph[6], David Aude[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 16 Feb 1936 in Shawnee, Pottawatomie Co., Okla. He took a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City., and a certificate from Sunset International Bible Institute, Lubbock, Texas. In 2008 he was minister of Waterloo Road Church of Christ, Edmond, Okla. His interests included hunting, target shooting, and computers.

The Farmer’s Friend and Fireside Companion, Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., an integrated section of The Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 5 Dec 2013 (with 2-column photograph): Trophy of a Lifetime…and a bit of poetic justice (Taken from the Dec. 8th issue of The Watchman in 1983)

Three or four years ago, the two-week buck season was running out on my ole hunting pal Pierre (Marvin Honaker.) At daylight on a morning near the end of the season, he looked out from his favorite stand and saw a whitetail deer, still in its bed in an old abandoned farming field. Checking the animal through his binoculars, Marvin discovered at least one stub of an antler protruding between the buck’s ears. At the crack of Pierre’s .270, the animal rolled over in its bed and never gained its feet.

Thrilled at having finally filled his permit before the season closed, Marvin rushed over, but stopped in disbelief when he reached the downed buck. The rangy, ole whitetail had been spending the last season in his beloved habitat, regardless of how his demise came about. The buck, which had without a doubt roamed the red oak ridge’s, hickory flats and brushy draws for a dozen years or more, had no teeth and was in such poor flesh that he almost rattled when moved. He had already shed one of his antlers; and when Pierre grabbed the other to roll the buck over for field dressing it came off in his hand. The antler resembled the horn which the family cow had attempted to grow after being dehorned earlier. Hells-a-fire, what a predicament…..Pierre was in a jam, since the law states that during bucks only season, at least one antler must stick up 3-in. above the animals head to make him legal game.

Well, to make a long story short, Marvin stuffed the stub of antler deep into his pocket and brought the ole buck out, only to pay honor to the hunt—because the aged animal was not fit for table use. Marvin, pictured above with his handsome, 9 point trophy taken last week, has been deer hunting for thirty years, and the above specimen is what it’s all about. A true sportsman, he deserves this reward for the many hours he has sat frozen to a wet stump or log; and Pierre is well aware of the fact that during the 1983 season, he probably took the whitetail buck of his life-time.

I had a dry-run this season, but had the pleasure of hauling this trophy buck out with Marvin. Just this small part made all my efforts this year seem less futile. H.H.M.

He married Fernlette NMN Bishop, daughter of Oscar C. Bishop and LaFarne Ellis 2 Jun 1955 in Shawnee. Born 3 Dec 1936 in Sentinel, Okla. She took a B.S. in Business Management from Oklahoma City University. Her interests included decorating, sewing, and teaching the Ladies Bible Class at the Waterloo Road Church of Christ. Children: i. Vickie Lee[8]. Born 3 Aug 1956 in Norman, Okla. ii. Richard Roe. 9 Jan 1960 in Norman iii. LaDonna Louise. Born 9 May 1964 in Midwest City, Okla.

25.iii.ii.i.ii. Michelle Ann[7] Betz (called Missy) (Patricia Ann[6], Sterling Darrell[5], John Mason[4], John Byrus Sams[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 1 Mar 1981 in Richmond, Va.

She married Larry Michael Williams (called Mike) 15 Jul 2000 in Max Meadows, Wythe Co., Va. Born 16 Nov 1976 in Wythe County. Children:

i. Mason Kelly[8]. Born 3 Jul 2002 in Wytheville, Wythe County.

25.iii.ii.ii.i. John Jamethon[7] Honaker (called Jamie) (Darrell[6], Sterling[5], John Mason[4], John Byrus Sams[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 25 Jun 1975 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 4 Jun 2000 in Baird, Texas. The remains were cremated.

Because of his parents’ divorce, Jamie was raised by a grandmother. He graduated from Greenbrier East High School, Fairlea, Greenbrier Co., W.Va., 4 Jun 1993. He was a member of the football and wrestling teams and member of the National Honor Society. He attended West Virginia University, Morgantown, Mononghalia Co., W.Va. for one year, during which time he was a member of Kappa Alpha fraternity. He then joined the U.S. Army Reserve, completing Basic Combat Training, Ft. Sill, Okla., 17 Nov 1994; and Advanced Individual Training, Redstone Arsenal, Ala., 22 Feb 1995. He enrolled in Marshall University, Huntington, W.Va., in Aug 1995. He was deployed to Hungary in support of Operation Joint Endeavor with his reserve unit, 811th Ordnance Company, Rainelle, Greenbrier Co., W.Va., from 8 Jun 1996 to 16 Feb 1997. While deployed he completed the Combat Lifesaving Course. When the Marshall University fall semester began in Aug 1997, he became an Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) cadet. While a cadet, he participated in a simultaneous membership program with the 811th Ordnance Company; initiated an intramural team within the cadet battalion that won the President’s Cup; participated in Ranger Challenge; completed Advanced Camp at Ft. Lewis, Wash., in the summer of 1998; and completed Airborne School, Ft. Benning, Ga., 9 Jul 1999. He was presented the George C. Marshall award, given to the top cadet of each Army ROTC cadet battalion, and attended a conference with his fellow winners at Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Va. He was for three weeks in Miesau, Germany, in May and Jun 1999, for his reserve unit’s annual training.

He took a Regents B.A. with an emphasis in Political Science from Marshall University 14 Dec 2000 and was commissioned a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery Branch the same day. He was declared a distinguished military student and distinguished military graduate, and served as Marshall University ROTC’s Goldbar Recruiter from 7 Jan 2000 to 1 Jun 2000. He was a member of American Legion Post #177, Barboursville, W.Va.

His awards and decorations included the Army Achievement Medal with two oak leaf clusters, National Defense Service Medal, Armed Forces Service Medal, NATO Medal, Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Army Reserve Components Overseas Training Medal, Armed Forces Reserve Medal with one oak leaf cluster, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon and airborne wings.

West Virginia Daily News, Lewisburg, W.Va., accompanied by a photograph of the couple, shortly after Jamie and Sara married: Tate, Honaker Exchange Marriage Vows in Lewisburg

Sarah Mae Tate of Lewisburg and John Jamethon Honaker of White Sulphur Springs were united in marriage on August 2 at the Lewisburg United Methodist Church. The Rev. Ross Evans officiated. Sarah is the daughter of Jim and Karen Tate of Lewisburg and the granddaughter of Gregg and Fannie Moore of Belle, and Jack Carte of Elkview. Jamie is the son of Darrell Honaker of Dalton, Ga., and Bobbie Denow of Charlotte, N.C. He is the grandson of Margaret McCutcheon of White Sulphur Springs and Wanda Fullen of Fairlea.

The bride was escorted by her father and given in marriage by her parents. Annie Hoover of Frankford served as maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Damara Gomez of Lewisburg, Christie Mink-Mills of Huntington, Sharon Fanus of White Sulphur Springs, and Christi McMillion of Maxwelton. Nikki Honaker of Lewisburg served as flower girl.

Darrell Honaker of Dalton, Ga., served as best man. Groomsmen were Teddy Kleisner of White Sulphur Springs, John Mills of Huntington, Bill Fanus of White Sulphur Springs, and Brandon Black of Alderson. Darrell Honaker, brother of the groom, served as ring bearer.

Ushers were Chuck Ikner of Lewisburg, Kevin Bland of Lewisburg, Brett Falls of Alderson, Mike Powell of Morgantown, John Turner of Beckley, Kevin Bennett of Alexandria, Va., and Mark Hodges of Harrisonburg, Va. Bridgette Edwards of Waynesboro, Va., served as pianist, and Virginia Evans of Lewisburg served as organist. Guest book attendants were Laura Hewitt of Fort Worth, Texas, and Michelle Bennett of Christiansburg, Va. Annie Hoover served as soloist. Immediately following the ceremony, a reception was held at the Elks Country Club. After a honeymoon in the Bahamas, the couple resides in Huntington where they are attending Marshall University.

West Virginia Daily News, Lewisburg, W.Va., 15 Jun 2000: Second Lieutenant John Jamethon “Jamie” Honaker, 24, of Barboursville, formerly of White Sulphur Springs, passed away on Sun., June 4, 2000 at Baird, Texas in an automobile accident. Born June 25, 1975 at Fairlea, he was the son of Darrell Honaker and Bobbie McCutcheon Honaker Lisi. He was a 1993 graduate of Greenbrier East High School, attended West Virginia University, where he entered the U.S. Army Reserves, and later enrolled at Marshall University, where he was assigned to Operation Joint Endeavor and served in Germany and Hungary. At Marshall, he became part of the ROTC unit and participated in the Simultaneous Membership Program with 811th Ordnance Company in Rainelle. While [there], he initiated an intramural competition within the cadet battalion which won the Presidents Cup and Sportsman Award. He was also battalion training officer, a George C. Marshall Award winner and a distinguished military graduate who was commissioned a second lieutenant in December 1999. Survivors include his wife, Sarah Tate Honaker; son, Jackson Honaker at home; parents, Bobbie and Stephen Lisi of Charlotte, N.C., Darrell and Aurelia Honaker of Fairlea; stepfather, Don Hammond of Lewisburg; brother, Darrell Honaker of Fairlea and Boca Raton, Fla.; father-in-law and mother-in-law, Jim and Karen Tate of Lewisburg; maternal grandmother, Margaret Taylor McCutcheon of White Sulphur Springs; paternal grandparents, Wanda and Cecil Fullen of Fairlea; paternal great-grandmother, Mary A. Honaker of Ronceverte; and grandmother-in-law, Fannie Moore of Lewisburg. Services will be held Friday at 1 p.m. at the Emmanuel United Methodist Church, White Sulphur Springs, with the Rev. Ross Evans and the Rev. Brent Sturm officiating. Full military rites will follow at the church. The family will receive their friends today from

6–8 p.m. at Shanklin Funeral Home, White Sulphur Springs. Expressions of sympathy may be made to the John Jamethon Honaker Memorial Scholarship Fund, 216 Gullickson Hall, Marshall University, Huntington, WV 25755.

A similar obituary appeared in The Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette 15 Jun 2000.

Herald-Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., 6 Jun 2000: ROTC department mourns MU grad killed in Texas wreck, by Dave Wellman. Huntington—John Jamethon “Jamie” Honaker, who was commissioned a second lieutenant in Marshall University’s [Reserve Officer Training Corps] program last December, was killed Sunday afternoon in an automobile accident in Baird, Texas. Honaker, 25, was traveling with his wife, Sarah, and their 2½-month-old son, Jackson, from Huntington to Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas, where Honaker was to take part in the Air Defense Branch’s Officer Basic Course.

Sarah Honaker was airlifted to Abilene’s Hendrick Medical Center, where a hospital spokeswoman said Monday she remains in serious condition. The baby was not hurt. Both adults were wearing seat belts and the baby was in a child safety seat. “He was a super guy,” Maj. John Block of the Marshall ROTC department said of Honaker. “He always had a positive, motivating attitude. He was very, very intelligent, and he never complained about doing things.”

According to a spokesman with the Department of Public Safety’s Highway Patrol, Honaker drove his 2000 Honda into the back of a 1991 Freightliner on rain-slickened Interstate 20 at about 2:55 p.m. Sunday. He was pronounced dead at the scene less than an hour later.

Honaker, who lived in Barboursville, was a native of White Sulphur Springs and was a 1993 graduate of Greenbrier East High School. He entered Marshall’s ROTC program in the fall of 1997. “It’s the worst news we’ve had here in a long time,” said Joyce Wills, the ROTC department’s secretary. “He was the best gold bar recruiter we’ve ever had.” ROTC officers receive a gold bar when they’re commissioned second lieutenants.

Honaker and his family left Huntington at about 11 a.m. Friday. They were 19 miles east of Abilene and about 473 miles from El Paso when the accident occurred. The Highway Patrol spokesman said the Freightliner, driven by Jesus Miguel Martinez of El Paso, was slowing and its emergency flashers had been activated after Martinez noticed another accident ahead.

“God has a reason for this happening,” Block said. “I don’t know what it is. We’ll just pray for his family and his wife’s family and the baby.” After high school, Honaker attended West Virginia University and entered the U.S. Army Reserves in August 1994. He attended basic combat training at Fort Sill, Okla., and advanced individual training at Redstone Arsenal, Ala.

Honaker enrolled at Marshall in the fall of 1995, and was assigned early to Operation Joint Endeavor, serving in Germany and Hungary. At Marshall, Honaker participated in the Simultaneous Membership Program with 811th Ordnance Co. in Rainelle. He initiated an intramural program within the cadet battalion, which won the President’s Cup and Sportsman Award during the year-long competition. Honaker was battalion training officer and was a George C. Marshall award winner. He is a distinguished military graduate. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.

Herald-Dispatch, 15 Jun 2000: Memorial service to be Friday for former MUROTC officer.A memorial service for former Marshall University ROTC officer Jamie Honaker, who was killed June 4, is set for Friday in White Sulphur Springs, W.Va. Honaker, 24, died in an automobile accident in Baird, Texas. His wife, Sarah, and their 2½-month-old son, Jackson, survived. Sarah Honaker was released from Abilene’s Hendrick Medical Center Monday. The baby was not hurt.

The memorial service takes place at 1 p.m. Friday at Emanuel United Methodist Church in White Sulphur Springs. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. today at Shanklin Funeral Home, also in White Sulphur Springs. Expressions of sympathy may be made to John Jamethon Honaker Memorial Scholarship Fund, 216 Gullickson Hall, Marshall University, Huntington, WV 25755. Honaker was a native of White Sulphur Springs and a 1993 graduate of Greenbrier East High School.

Herald-Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., 31 Jan 2001, and Honaker Family Newsletter, May-Jun 2001: Marshall remembers, honors cadet—ROTC lounge, scholarship fund dedicated to Jamie Honaker, who died in car crash, by Dave Wellman. Huntington—Those who knew Jamie Honaker will never forget him. Nor do they want to.Honaker was killed in an automobile accident last summer, just six months after being commissioned a second lieutenant in Marshall University’s ROTC program. He was an outgoing 25-year-old, married to Sarah Honaker, and the father of a 2½-month-old son, Jackson, when he died on June 4, 2000, in Baird, Texas. He and his family were traveling from Huntington to Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas, where he was to take art in the Air Defense Branch’s Officer Basic Course.

In an emotional ceremony Tuesday afternoon in Gullickson Hall, the ROTC department announced that an endowed fund known as the John J. Honaker Memorial ROTC Scholarship has been established in his memory. Also, the ROTC cadet lounge was dedicated as the 2LT John Honaker Cadet Lounge. “This was certainly an honorable thing to do,” said Greg Tharp, a Marshall ROTC Gold Bar recruiter and close friend of Honaker’s. “Jamie was a soldier’s soldier, always looking out for their well-being. He was the engine that made the wheel turn.”

Many Marshall representatives, including students, faculty, administrators and President Dan Angel, and many members of Honaker’s family from Greenbrier County, W.Va., attended and took part in the ceremony in the cadet lounge. Sarah Honaker and the MU ROTC presented a check for $10,000 to the Marshall University Foundation Inc. for the scholarship. The money was raided through donations.

Cadet Matt Wolverton said the cadet lounge was dedicated to Honaker “on behalf of all Thundering Herd cadets, past, present and future. We humbly dedicate this lounge to the lasting memory of our great friend and fellow cadet, Jamie Honaker,” Wolverton told those gathered for the ceremony.

Honaker was a native of White Sulphur Springs, W.Va., and a 1993 graduate of Greenbrier East High School. Sarah Honaker recovered from injuries in the accident while Jackson Honaker was not hurt. They live in Lewisburg, W.Va. “Jamie was very unique,” said Maj. John Block of the Marshall ROTC department. “Any person he came in contact with always left with a very positive and indelible impression. He was a very caring person and he loved to have fun.” Block said he always believed Jamie Honaker would go far in the military. But he never got the chance. Still, he did go far at Marshall, his friends say. “He was a terrific soldier and a wonderful friend,” Tharp said. “This is a very awesome occasion,” Block said. “It helps us realize the dedication and commitment of 2nd Lieutenant John J. Honaker and helps us realize how short life is.”

One of the final photos taken of Honaker, his wife and son now hangs on the cadet lounge wall. It was taken early last year. A plaque in his honor also was unveiled. “Jamie was a dear friend to all of us, and will forever serve as a role model and icon for all that knew him,” Wolverton said. “We will miss him dearly.”

Photo cutline—Sarah Honaker holds her 10-month-old son, Jackson, following a ceremony to honor their husband and father, 2nd Lt. John Honaker, who was killed in an automobile accident. Photo cutline—President Dan Angel talks to Sarah Honaker following a ceremony Tuesday to honor her late husband, 2nd Lt. John Honaker, in the ROTC student lounge at Marshall. The lounge was dedicated to honor Honaker. (Photos by Frank Altizer/The Herald-Dispatch.)

West Virginia Daily News, Lewisburg, W.Va., unknown date, accompanied by a photograph. Photo cutline—This photograph, one of the last taken before his death, shows the late John Jamethon “Jamie” Honaker proudly posing with his wife, Sarah, and son, Jackson. WSS Native Memorialized at Marshall On January 30, Marshall University honored the memory of the late John Jamethon “Jamie” Honaker, a 2nd lieutenant in MU’s ROTC program.

In an emotional ceremony, the ROTC cadet lounge in Gullickson Hall was renamed the 2LT John Honaker Cadet Lounge. The announcement was also made that a scholarship fund established in Honaker’s memory is now endowed and will remain a permanent scholarship at Marshall. It will be called the John J. Honaker Memorial ROTC Scholarship. Among those attending the ceremony were family members, students, MU President Dan Angel, ROTC officers and cadets and other MU faculty and administrators. Honaker’s widow, Sarah Tate Honaker, and the MU ROTC presented Dr. Angel with a $10,000 check for the scholarship fund. The money for the scholarship was raised through donations made in lieu of flowers after Honaker’s death. Following the presentation of the check, Cadet Lt. Col. Matt Wolverton and Sarah Honaker unveiled a plaque in 2LT Honaker’s memory as well as one of the last photos taken of the Honakers and their infant son, Jackson. The plaque and picture will hang in the cadet lounge.

A native of White Sulphur Springs, the 24-year-old Honaker died in a car accident on June 4 of last year while en route to Ft. Bliss, Texas, where he was to have attended the Air Defense Artillery Branch’s officer basic course. He was a 1993 graduate of Greenbrier East High School.

In addition to his wife and son, who live in Lewisburg, he is survived by his father, Darrell Honaker of Fairlea; mother, Bobbie McCutcheon Lisi of Charlotte, N.C.; grandparents, Cecil and Wanda Fullen of Fairlea and Margaret McCutcheon of White Sulphur Springs; great-grandmother, Mary Honaker of Ronceverte; brothers, Darrell Honaker of Boca Raton, Fla., and Steve Lisi of Charlotte; many aunts, uncles and cousins; father-in-law and mother-in-law, Jim and Karen Tate of Lewisburg; and grandmother-in-law, Fannie Moore of Lewisburg. The family thanks the many individuals who made the endowment of the John J. Honaker Memorial ROTC Scholarship possible through their generous donations.

The following story and photograph by Evan Bevins, editor, appeared in The Parthenon, Marshall University

newspaper, Huntington, W.Va., accompanied by a photograph. Photo cutline—Cadet Maj. Matt Wolverton and Sarah Honaker unveiled a portrait honoring the late John Jamethon Honaker in the ROTC lounge Tuesday.

Lounge renamed in honor of former cadet and recruiter In a Tuesday ceremony, the ROTC lounge was renamed in honor of the late John Jamethon Honaker, second lieutenant. Honaker’s wife, Sarah, presented President Dan Angel with a $10,000 check to fund a scholarship in her husband’s name. But Honaker’s friends and family did not need a plaque or a check to remember him.

“You can’t help but feel upset, but then when you sit down and seriously think about it, you can’t help but smile, because of all the fun we had,” said Matt Wolverton, Cadet lieutenant colonel of Marshall’s ROTC. Wolverton joined Mrs. Honaker in unveiling a plaque bearing her husband’s name and a picture of the Honakers and their son, Jackson. “It’s very important for me that, one day, Jackson can come to Marshall and say, “That’s my dad,’ ” Mrs. Honaker said.

Honaker graduated from Marshall in 1999, but stayed on at the school as a “gold bar recruiter.” Lt. Col. Michael Scholl said the ROTC often picks its best cadet to stay on campus and help recruit new members. On June 4, 2000, Honaker was killed in an accident while driving to his new assignment at Ft. Bliss, Texas. While in the hospital recovering from injuries she sustained in the accident, Mrs. Honaker asked friends and family to send something besides flowers.

“I said I didn’t want a lot of flowers because the flowers would just die.” Instead, Mrs. Honaker requested donations that eventually grew into a scholarship named after her husband. Angel attended the event to accept the scholarship check. Although he had never known Honaker, he could not finish his remarks without shedding a few tears. “Putting yourself in the situation, looking at that photo and seeing what a vigorous, robust young man he was…you have to feel sympathy, empathy for that situation,” Angel said after the ceremony.

Several cadets in attendance were also unable to hold back tears. “The time that I spent with him [Honaker] was always in this lounge,” Cadet Maj. Paula Brafchak said. “Every time he was in there, he was talking about Sarah.” Cadet Doug Schneider knew Honaker even before he came to Marshall. They grew up together and attended junior high and high school together in Lewisburg. They used to skateboard together. “I never thought I’d lose a friend like that,” Schneider said. Going into the lounge that now bears his friend’s name will be hard, Schneider said. “The only thing I can think about when I see his picture is ‘We skated together.’ ”

Herald Dispatch, Huntington: Funds collected benefit Honaker ROTC Scholarship (with photograph, cutline: From Left, Lance West, vice president for development with the Marshall University Foundation, Dr. Chong Kim, dean of Marshall’s Lewis College of Business, Capt. Michael G. Armstrong with Marshall ROTC, and Dr. Dan Evans, a Marshall University biology professor and vice commander of American Legion Post 16, pose with an oversized check of $1,150 presented by Post 16 to the MU Foundation on Friday, Sept. 18. Huntington—A recent fundraiser conducted by American Legion Post 16 on 6th Avenue in Huntington raised $1,150 for the John J. Honaker Memorial ROTC Scholarship at Marshall. The money was raised at a spaghetti dinner at the Legion.

Honaker died in an automobile accident in summer 2000 just six months after being commissioned a second lieutenant in Marshall University’s ROTC program. The scholarship was established in January 2001 in Honaker’s memory. The recipient of the Honaker scholarship must be an outstanding ROTC cadet at Marshall University.

The addition of the $1,150 from the fundraiser brings the endowed fund total to $4,650. Capt. Michael G. Armstrong with Marshall ROTC said the goal is to raise at least $350 more to bring the scholarship fund total to $5,000. Contributions by check should be made payable to the Marshall University Foundation and earmarked for the John J. Honaker Memorial ROTC Scholarship. Checks may be mailed to Armstrong at 216 Gullickson Hall, One John Marshall Dr., Huntington, WV 25755.

He married Sarah Mae Tate (called Sarah), adopted daughter of James Edward Tate and Karen Lee Moore of Lewisburg, W.Va., 2 Aug 1997 in Lewisburg. Born 14 Apr 1976 in Morgantown, Mononghalia Co., W.Va. Sarah graduated from Greenbrier East High School, Greenbrier Co., W.Va., 4 Jun 1994. She was a member of marching band, color guard, wind ensemble and the National Honor Society. She took a B.A. in Psychology from Marshall University 15 Dec 1998. She was a case manager at a community mental health center’s substance abuse treatment program from 1 Feb 1999 to 18 Mar 2000 when she became a mother. Children:

i. Jackson Wyatt[8]. Born 18 Mar 2000 in Huntington, Cabell Co., W.Va.

25.iii.iii.ii.i. Jennifer Lynn[7] Allen (Rebecca Lynn[6], Phyllis Jean[5], John Mason[4], John Byrus Sams[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 13 Feb 1976 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

She married unknown. Children:

i. Samantha[8]. Born 1 Jul 1993 in Ocala, Marion Co., Fla.

31.i.iii.ii. Carlos Everett[7] Honaker (Carlos Lee[6], Loyd Franklin[5], Parker Smith[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 4 Jan 1957 in Columbus, Ohio. Died 23 Jun 2009 in Cleveland, Ohio.

Columbus [Ohio] Dispatch, 26 Jun 2009, and Marion [Ohio] Star, 26 Jun 2009: Carlos E. Honaker, 52, of Fredericktown, died Tuesday afternoon, June 23, 2009 at the Cleveland Clinic after a year long illness. Born Jan. 4, 1957 in Columbus to the late Carlos L. and Evelyn (Cade) Honaker. Carlos enjoyed working on old cars, especially Chevrolets. He was always making people laugh, even the nurses and doctors in the hospital during his stay there. One of his expressions was “Well butter my butt and call me bread.” One memory for him was the movies made by John Wayne that were filmed on his grandparents ranch in Texas. His greatest joy in life was spending time with his four grandchildren. He is survived by his wife of 32 years, Emily (Armstrong) Honaker and they were married Dec. 24, 1976 in Marengo; mother, Evelyn (Joe) Hollar of Bellville; son, Joe Honaker of Fredericktown; daughter, Emily (Clint) LeVan of Fredericktown; grandchildren, Zane Honaker, Zack Honaker, Keaton Rhodes, Blaine Honaker; sisters, May Lee (Rodney) Hall of Plain City, Evie (Greg) Honaker of Columbus. Friends may call Saturday from 5–6 p.m. at the DeVore-Snyder Funeral Home, State Rt. 3 at 61, Sunbury, where memorial service will follow at 6 p.m. Memorial contributions can be made to American Cancer Society or Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Condolences may be expressed at .

He married Emily Armstrong 24 Dec 1976 in Marengo, Ohio. Children:

i. Joe[8].

ii. Emily. She married Clint LeVan.

31.i.iii.iii. Evelyn Louise[7] Honaker (Carlos Lee[6], Loyd Franklin[5], Parker Smith[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 5 Oct 1958 in Columbus, Ohio.

She married Alfred Russell Curry Jr., son of Alfred Russell Curry and Adria Frances Moore, 2 Oct unknown year in Columbus. They divorced in Jun 1989 in Columbus. Children:

31.i.iii.iii. i. Adria Bernice[8]. Born 13 Aug 1979.

ii. Alfred Russell, III. Born 3 Feb 1983 in Frankfurt, Germany.

She had a child with Gregory Lynn Moore, son of Alfred Moore (no middle name) and Helen Virginia Ferguson. Born 8 Aug 1956 in Columbus. In 2001 they lived in Columbus. In 2009 they lived in Galloway, Ohio. Children:

iii. Candy Lee [Curry]. Born 8 Feb 1987 in Columbus.

37.ii.ii.i. Avanell[7] Watson (Nellie May[6], Louverna[5], Madora Alice[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born Mar 1928.

Married Unknown Ferguson.

37.ii.ii.iii. Audrey M.[7] Watson (Nellie May[6], Louverna[5], Madora Alice[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born Jun 1932.

She married Robert Wallace. Children:

i. Martin[8].

ii. Janity.

37.ii.ii.vii. Richard[7] Watson (Nellie May[6], Louverna[5], Madora Alice[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

Born Jun 1941.

He married Geneva Unknown. Children:

i. Duke[8]. Died Sep 1997 in Ohio.

37.ii.iv.i. Cheryl Sue[7] Clark (Robert Emet[6], Louverna[5], Madora Alice[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 9 Jan 1947 in Great Lakes Naval Hospital, Lake Co., Ill. She graduated from Libertyville (Ill.) High School in 1965 and from Chandler School for Women, Boston, Mass., in 1966. She took a B.A. in Liberal Arts from DePaul University, Chicago, Ill., in 2000. In 2005 she was a real estate broker and agent for her family’s real estate development business acquiring and building condominiums and townhouses on the north side of Chicago and in the nearby northern and northwestern suburbs of Chicago. In 2005 she and her family lived in Glenview, Ill.

She married, first, Michael Gilius Johnson, son of Earl Gilius Johnson and Lillian Erickson of Duluth, Minn., 11 Apr 1970 in Great Lakes, Ill. They divorced 10 Aug 1976 in Chicago, Cook Co., Ill. Born 17 Jan 1945 in Chicago. In 2004 he lived in Lansing, Iowa.

She married, second, Richard Melvin Lettvin, son of Jerome NMN Lettvin and Adele Mildred Levy, 10 Jun 1979 in Highland Park, Ill. Born 28 Nov 1946 in Chicago, Ill. He graduated from Von Steuben High School, Chicago, in 1965, and took a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Iowa in 1970. Children:

i. Martin David[8]. Born 16 Jul 1980 in Chicago. He graduated from Glenbrook [Ill.] South High

School in 1998. In 2005 he was a student at DePaul University, Chicago, living with his parents, working full time at the family business until graduation.

ii. Jessica Anne. Born 26 Jul 1983 in Chicago. Died 11 Oct 1984 in Maywood, Ill. Buried in Shalom

Memorial Park, Palatine, Ill.

iii. Jennifer Rebecca. Born 23 Jul 1985 in Evanston, Ill. She graduated from Glenbrook [Ill.] South High School in 2003. In 2005 she was a student at Oakton Community College, Des Plaines, Ill., anticipating graduation with an Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts in June 2005 and transferring to DePaul University, Chicago, to matriculate in fall 2005 with the intention of pursuing a B.A. in Communications. Loretta Jean[7] Clark (Luther Frederick[6], Louverna[5], Madora Alice[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 26 Nov 1948.

She married, first, Brooks Boger.

She married, second, Unknown Walker. Children:

i. Randy[8].

She married, third, Unknown Pratt. Children:

ii. Steven.

She married, fourth, Unknown Fish.

38.iii.i.i. James Marion[7] O’Bryan (called Marion) (Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 18 Oct 1909 in Hix, W.Va. Died 5 Jun 2003 in Summers Co., W.Va. Buried in O’Bryan Cemetery, Hix.

Unknown newspaper and date: Hix—J. Marion O’Bryan, 93, died Thursday, June 5, 2003, in Summers County ARH following a short illness. Born Oct. 18, 1909, at Hix, he was the son of the late Roscoe and Annie Honaker O’Bryan. Mr. O’Bryan worked on the family farm and sawmill until 1936, when he went into the grocery and general store business at Hix. He continued to operate the store until 1977. He attended Summers County schools and served as deputy sheriff under four sheriffs. He served two years as Summers County commissioner and was elected sheriff of Summers County in 1960. He was later appointed as sheriff to fill out the term of Norman Shanklin, who was deceased. He was a U.S. Army veteran, serving for four years. He was a member of Masonic Lodge No. 62 AM&FM, Hinton Chapt. No. 8 Royal Arch Masons, the Hinton Commandry No. 12, the Knights Templar, Beni Kedem Shrine Temple of Charleston and Silver Leaf Chapt. No. 5 of the Order of Eastern Star. He was also a member of American Legion No. 69 at Lewisburg, VFW Post 4500 in Hinton, Elks Lodge No. 821, Modern Woodmen of America No. 15175, and was a life member and past president of the Summers County Historical Society. He was a member of Hinton Moose Lodge 3993, past district president of Kanawha Valley Legion No. 123 and life member of the Fellowship Degree and Pilgrim degree of the Moose Lodge. He was a charter member of the Board of Trustees of Summers County Hospital, a former member of the Board of Directors of the National Bank of Summers, now City National Bank, Hinton branch. He was also a member of the Summers County Farm Bureau and the [American Association of Retired Persons]. He attended First Baptist Church of Hinton and was always active in civic and political affairs in the county. He was elected to the Democratic Executive Committee in May 1994. He was preceded in death by his wife of 52 years, Virgie Spinks O’Bryan on March 8, 1994; a grandson, Eric Mann; a brother, Melvin O’Bryan; and three sisters, Mabel, Marie and Mildred. Survivors include a daughter, Barbara Henninger and husband, Gregg, of Virginia Beach, Va.; a son, Jimmy Bowles and wife, Cathy, of Nimitz; four sisters, Maude Burdette of Hix, Mae Adkins of Ravenswood, Marjorie Bowles of Hilldale and Mary Jane Dick of Toledo, Ohio; a special nephew, Clyde Grimmett of Upland; and four grandchildren. Service will be 2 p.m. Sunday at Pivont Funeral Home Chapel, Hinton, with the Rev. D.D. Elwell officiating. Burial with Masonic graveside rites will follow in O’Bryan Cemetery, Hix. Friends may call 6 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home. Members of Hinton Masonic Lodge No. 62 will serve as pallbearers. Arrangements by Pivont Funeral Home, Hinton.

A feature story about Marion appeared in The Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 23/24 Sep 2000, and was reprinted in Honaker Family Newsletter, Nov-Dec 2000.

He married Virginia Mae Spinks (called Virgie), daughter of Clarence Spinks, 25 Dec 1941 in Green Sulphur Springs, W.Va. Born 18 Apr 1913 in Lewisburg, W.Va. Died 8 Mar 1994 in Hix, W.Va. Buried in O’Bryan Cemetery, Hix. She was divorced with no children from a prior marriage. Children of Marion and Virgie:

38.iii.i.i. i. Barbara Ellen[8] (adopted). Born 24 May 1956.

38.iii.i.ii. Mabel Blanch[7] O’Bryan (called Mabel) (Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Feb 1913 in Hix, W.Va. Died 23 Dec 1990 in Radford, Va.

She married, first, Unknown Grier. Children:

38.iii.i.ii. i. Edna Mae[8]. Born 23 Nov 1942.

She married, second, Clarence Lumley Grimmett 6 Jan 1930. Born 27 Feb 1911. Died 24 Jun 1939. Children:

ii. Alverta Jearlean. Born 16 Dec 1930. She married William Fredrick Cornell 18 Sep 1953. Born

6 Jun 1928. There were no children.

38.iii.i.ii. iii. James Clyde (called Clyde). Born 13 Dec 1933.

iv. Ina Belle. Born 16 May 1936. She never married.

She married, third, Robert Lee West 24 Dec 1957. Born 15 Dec 1902. Died 12 Sep 1960.

38.iii.i.iii. Nomma Marie[7] O’Bryan (called Marie) (Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3],

Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Feb 1917 in Hix, W.Va. Died 4 Nov 1937 (also reported as 1939) in Hix.

She married, first, Unknown Stevens. Children:

38.iii.i.iii. i. Eula Mae[8]. Born 16 Mar 1935.

She married, second, Unknown Matherly. Children:

38.iii.i.iii. ii. Hazel Joyce (adopted). Born 18 Jul 1937.

38.iii.i.iv. Maude Arlene[7] O’Bryan (called Maude) (Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 May 1919 in Hix, W.Va. Died 14 Dec 2004 in Summers Co., W.Va. Buried in O’Bryan Cemetery, Hix.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 16 Dec 2004: Hix [W.Va.]—Maude A. Burdette, 85, of Hix, went to be with the Lord at 1:07 a.m. Tue., Dec. 14, 2004, at Summers County ARH hospital after a long illness. Born May 10, 1919, at Ramp, she was the daughter of the late Roscoe and Annie Honaker O’Bryan. Maude was a homemaker and a former owner of the O’Bryan’s Store at Hix. She was a member of the Chestnut Grove Baptist Church at Hix, where she served as secretary and treasurer for 60 years. She was preceded in death by her husband, Clyde Burdette, in August of 1982; a daughter, Frances Ward; a granddaughter, Betty Lou Fleshman; a great-grandson, Ivan Gill; two brothers, Marion and Melvin O’Bryan; three sisters, Marie O’Bryan, Mabel West and Mildred Martin; two sons-in-law, John Furrow and Cecil Ward; and a brother-in-law, whom she cared for, James Burdette. Survivors include three daughters, Ruth and husband, Claude “Jr.” Fleshman of Meadow Bridge, Eloise Furrow of Hinton and Deborah Jean Burdette of Hix; three sisters, Mae Adkins of Ravenswood, Marjorie Bowles of Hinton and Mary Jane Dix of Oregon, Ohio; a sister-in-law, Betty Jo O’Bryan of Hix; a brother, Clyde Grimmett of Hinton; two granddaughters, Drema Cyrus of Lewisburg and Helen Surbaugh of Meadow Bridge; seven grandsons, Gary Fleshman of Dawson, Charles Fleshman of Marie, Stephen Furrow of Hinton, and Oliver, Hobert “Dino,” Edward and Wayne Ward, all of Hix; 17 great-grandchildren; six great-great-grandchildren; several stepgreat-great-great-grandchildren; and a host of nieces and nephews also survive. Service will be 2 p.m. Friday at the Chestnut Grove Baptist Church at Hix with Pastors Benny Allen, J.E. Johnson and Derick Leslie officiating. Burial will follow in the O’Bryan Cemetery at Hix. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. today at Pivont Funeral Home, Hinton, and one hour before the services on Friday at the church. Grandsons will serve as pallbearers, and men of the Chestnut Grove Baptist Church will serve as honorary pallbearers. Arrangements by Pivont Funeral Home, Hinton.

She married Clyde Vincent Burdette 24 Nov 1934. Born 19 Jul 1915. Died 3 Aug 1982. Children:

38.iii.i.iv. i. Ruth Arlene[8]. Born 29 Mar 1935.

38.iii.i.iv. ii. Frances Louise. Born 28 Jun 1937.

38.iii.i.iv. iii. Betty Eloise (called Eloise). Born 5 Nov 1939.

iv. Deborah Jean. Born 4 Sep 1958.

38.iii.i.v. Dessie Mae[7] O’Bryan (called Mae) (Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 4 Aug 1921 in Hix, W.Va.

She married Hobert Franklin Adkins 14 Mar 1938. Born 1 Dec 1913. Children:

i. Norma Pauline[8]. Born 29 Jun 1938. She married Jerry Walker 19 Sep 1959. Born 5 May 1938. There were no children.

38.iii.i.v. ii. Phyllis Jean. Born 26 Jul 1944. Mildred Pauline[7] O’Bryan (called Mildred) (Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 24 Dec 1923 in Hix, W.Va. Died 26 Jul 2000 in Bozoo, W.Va. Buried in O’Bryan Family Cemetery, Hix.

Roanoke [Va.] Times, unknown date: Mildred O’Bryan Martin, 76, of Bozoo, W.Va., passed away Wed., July 26, 2000 at her residence. Born at Hix, W.Va., on Dec. 24, 1923, she was the daughter of the late Roscoe and Annie Honaker O’Bryan. She was a lifelong member of the Bozoo Christian Church and an active member of the Christian Women’s Fellowship, where she served as president for five years. She was also a dedicated member of the Bozoo Ruritan. Throughout her life, Mildred quilted many beautiful hand-pieced quilts that are proudly owned by people all over the country. She was preceded in death by her husband, Frank H. Martin; brother, Melvin O’Bryan; two sisters, Mabel West and Marie O’Bryan. She is survived by one daughter and son-in-law, Gloria and Paul Peyton, Medina, Ohio; two sons and daughters-in-law, Bobby and Jeanne Martin, Salem, Va., and Larry and Monnie Martin, Bozoo, W.Va. Also surviving are two brothers, Marion O’Bryan, Hix, W.Va. and Clyde Grimmett and wife, Gloria, Hinton, W.Va.; four sisters, Maude Burdette, Hix, W.Va., Mae Adkins and husband, Hobert, Ravenswood, W.Va., Marjorie Bowles, Hinton, W.Va., Mary Jane Dick and husband, Curtis, Oregon, Ohio; and sister-in-law, Betty Jo O’Bryan, Hix, W.Va. She was a loving Ma-Ma to her seven grandchildren Doug and Gary Peyton, Terri Austin, Vicky Thomas, Tanya Reece, Lori Graham, and Chad Martin; and her nine great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be 11 a.m. Sat., July 29, 2000 at the Broyles-Shrewsbury Funeral Home Chapel with Minister Dewey Conley officiating. Burial will follow at the O’Bryan Family Cemetery, Hix, W.Va. Family will receive friends from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Fri., July 28, 2000 at the funeral home. Arrangements by Broyles-Shrewsbury Funeral Home, Peterstown, W.Va.

She married Frank Hilton Martin 12 Sep 1941. Born 21 Oct 1911. Died 1 Jan 1982. Children: i. Gloria Ann[8]. Born 28 Mar 1942. ii. Robert Lee. Born 25 Aug 1944. iii. Larry Wayne. Born 23 Feb 1949.

38.iii.i.vii. Melvin Samuel[7] O’Bryan (called Melvin) (Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 23 Sep 1926 in Hix, W.Va. Died 7 Jan 1999 in Beckley, W.Va.

Unknown newspaper and date: Melvin Samuel O’Bryan, 72, of Hix, died at 5:50 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 7, 1999, in a Beckley hospital. Born Sept. 23, 1926, at Hix, he was the son of the late Roscoe and Annie Honaker O’Bryan. Mr. O’Bryan was a retired employee of the West Virginia Dept. of Highways, a former farmer and timberman and operated Hix Store. He was a member of Chestnut Grove Baptist Church, Hix, and had lived all his life at Hix. He was preceded in death by two sisters, Mabel West and Marie O’Bryan. Survivors include his wife of 46 years, Betty Taylor O’Bryan; a son, J.R. O’Bryan of Hix; a daughter, Linda Lane of Hix; two brothers, Marion O’Bryan of Hix and James Clyde Grimmett of Hinton; five sisters, Maude Burdette of Hix, Mildred Martin of Peterstown, Mae Adkins of Ravenswood, Marjorie Bowles of Hilldale and Mary Jane Dick of Toledo, Ohio; three grandchildren, and a great granddaughter. Services were 2 p.m. Sunday at Chestnut Grove Baptist Church, Hix, with Pastors Benny Allen and Eddie Johnson officiating. Burial followed in O’Bryan Cemetery, Hix. Arrangements by Pivont Funeral Home, Hinton.

He married Betty Jo Taylor 4 Feb 1952. Born 11 Jul 1928. Children:

38.iii.i.vii. i. Linda Sue[8]. Born 9 Jul 1953.

38.iii.i.vii. ii. Jesse Roscoe (called J.R.) Born 31 Aug 1953 (also reported as 1955).

38.iii.i.viii. Marjorie Ellen[7] O’Bryan (called Margie) (Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 29 Aug 1930 in Hix, W.Va. Died 14 Jul 2015 in Hinton, Summers Co., W.Va. Buried in Bryan Cemetery, Hix.

Life Legacy (online), 15 Jul 2015: Marjorie Ellen Bowles, 84, of Hinton died at 4:30 p.m., July 14, 2015 after a long illness. Born Aug. 29, 1930 at Hix, W.Va., she was the daughter of the late Roscoe and Annie Honaker O’Bryan. During her early years, Marjorie worked at The Sweet Shop and The Dairy Bar in Hinton, W.Va., preparing and serving meals to many. In August 1989 she retired as a correctional officer from the Federal Correctional Institution in Alderson, W.Va., after 20 years of service. During retirement she enjoyed crocheting, quilting, giving tours at the historical Graham House at Lowell, W.Va., and spending time with family. Marjorie was a faithful member of Brooks Baptist Church until her health began to fail. She was preceded in death by her husband, Lester Bowles in March 1997 and a son, Jimmy Bowles in 2006; four sisters, Marie O’Bryan, Mabel West, Mildred Martin and Maude Burdette; and two brothers, Marion O’Bryan and Melvin O’Bryan. Survivors include three sons, Kenny Bowles and wife Pinky of Erie, Mich., Eddie Bowles and wife Donna of Jumping Branch, W.Va., and Randy Bowles and wife Michelle of Jumping Branch, W.Va.; four daughters, Freda Wallbaum and husband Joe of Parkersburg, Ia. Lila Meadows and husband Jay of Brooks, W.Va., Sherri Cook and husband Robert of Jumping Branch, W.Va., and Terri Jones of Lewisburg, W.Va.; daughter-in-law, Cathy Browning and husband Gary of Jumping Branch, W.Va.; eight grandchildren, Jeff Wallbaum, Lori Brookman, Gregory J. Bowles, Christi Stover, Gregory D. Bowles, Nicole Bowles, Justin Meadows and Madison Bowles; two sisters, Mae Adkins of Ravenswood, W.Va., and Mary Jane Dick of Oregon, Ohio; eight great grandchildren; several nieces and nephews and dear friends, June Ames of Hinton, W.Va., and Janet Riffe of Galax, Va. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m., Fri., July 17, 2015 at Pivont Funeral Home Chapel in Hinton with Pastor Robbie Merritt officiating. Burial will follow in the O’Bryan Cemetery at Hix, W.Va. Friends may call from 6 p.m.until 9 p.m. Thursday evening at the funeral home. Grandsons and sons-in-law will serve as pallbearers.

In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the Graham House Preservation Society, c/o Jim Bowling, 2108 Lowell Road, Pence Springs, WV 24962.

She married Lester Arnold Bowles 4 Sep 1947. Born 7 Apr 1921. Died 25 Mar 1997. Children:

38.iii.i.viii. i. Freda Carol[8]. Born 23 Feb 1948.

38.iii.i.viii. ii. James Melvin. Born 19 Dec 1949.

38.iii.i.viii. iii. Kenneth Dale (called Kenny). Born 6 Oct 1951.

iv. Edwin Joe (called Eddie). Born 21 Nov 1952. He married Donna Unknown. In 2015 they lived in

Jumping Branch, W.Va.

38.iii.i.viii. v. Lila Diane. Born 28 Aug 1955.

38.iii.i.viii. vi. Randall Nathan. Born 29 Nov 1960.

vii. Sherri Lynn (twin). Born 19 Nov 1967. She married Robert Lee Cook III 29 Dec 1990. Born

12 Jan 1965. In 2015 they lived in Jumping Branch, W.Va.

viii. Terri Leah (twin). Born 19 Nov 1967. She married Robert Stacy Jones 21 Dec 1991. Born

20 Jan 1968. They divorced in 1998. In 2015 Terri lived in Lewisburg, W.Va.

38.iii.i.ix. Mary Jane[7] O’Bryan (called Mary) (Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 14 Jul 1935 in Hix, W.Va.

She married Curtis Edwin Dick 22 Aug 1953. Born 7 Feb 1930. Children:

38.iii.i.ix. i. Cindy Lee[8]. Born 21 Nov 1956.

ii. Wade Edwin. Born 13 Jul 1960. Died 8 May 1963.

38.iii.ii.iii. Julia[7] Honaker (Roscoe H.[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. Oct 1919 in Summers Co., W.Va.

She married George Edward Cales. Children:

38.iii.ii.i. i. James Edward[8]. Born 28 Jul 1941 in Hinton, W.Va.

38.iii.ii.iv. Gladys Pauline[7] Honaker (Roscoe H.[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 1923 in Summers Co., W.Va. Died before 2014.

She married Ernest Frank Pitzer. Died before 2014. Children:

38.iii.ii.iv. i. Richard Bruce[8] (called Butch). Born 15 Apr 1945 in Hinton, Summers Co., W.Va.

38.iii.iii.i. Annie Jewel[7] Honaker (Ernest Oakley[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 1 Oct 1921. In 2014 she lived with a daughter in Johnstown, Pa.

She married Norman Bennett. Children:

i. Russell[8]. Born 11 Jul 1938.

ii. Patricia. Born 10 Jun 1940.

iii. Robert. Born 29 Nov 1942.

iv. Deanna. Born 25 Mar 1944.

v. Linda. Born 22 Jul 1947.

38.iii.iii.ii. Ella Marie[7] Honaker (Ernest Oakley[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 25 Sep 1923. Died 25 Sep 1993 in Mabscott, Raleigh Co., W.Va.

She married Frank Robert Snuffer, son of Lee Snuffer and Judi Bailey. Born 4 Jul 1919 in Bolt, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 4 Nov 2005 in Beckley, Raleigh County. Buried in Sunset Memorial Park, Beckley.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 6 Nov 2005: Frank Robert Snuffer, 86, of South Hill Street, Mabscott, died Nov. 4, 2005 in a Beckley hospital following a long illness. Born July 4, 1919 in Bolt, he was the son of the late Lee and Judi Bailey Snuffer. He lived most of his life in Eccles before moving to Mabscott. He was a coal miner for Eastern Associated Coal Corp. and was Protestant. In his leisure time, he loved to hunt. He was preceded in death by his wife of 55 years, Ella Marie Honaker Snuffer, who died in 1993; a daughter, Norma Lafferty; his brothers, Wilson Snuffer and Walter Snuffer; a sister, Sadie Herron; two half sisters, Ada Batten and Hiadi Cozart; and a half brother, Sherman Snuffer. Survivors include four children, Shirley Riggsby and her husband Bob of Green Bank, Barbara Ploudra of Anchorage, Alaska, Frankie Snuffer and his wife Zenia of Glen Morgan and Louise Chambers and her husband Jim of Beaver; a brother, Thomas Snuffer of Rainelle; a sister, Laura Wilson of Daniels; special friend, Marie Shreve of LaGrange, Ohio; 17 grandchildren; 23 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild. Services were at Melton Mortuary Chapel, Beckley. Burial was in Sunset Memorial Park, Beckley. Grandsons were pallbearers.


i. Shirley[8]. Born 7 Oct 1940. She married Bob Riggsby.

ii. Barbara. Born 21 Nov 1942. She married Unknown Ploudra.

iii. Louise. Born 29 Aug 1944. She married Jim Chambers.

iv. Frank. Born 26 May 1948. Hemarried Zenia Unknown.

v. Norma. Born 12 Sep 1950. Died before 2005. She married Unknown Lafferty.

38.iii.iii.iii. Earnest Eugene[7] Honaker (Ernest Oakley[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 6 Aug 1928 in Eccles, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 31 Oct 2013 in Baltimore, Md.

He married Margaret Elizabeth Goins, daughter of Unknown Goins and Etta Ruth Starks, 25 Aug 1949 in Kentucky. Born 22 Jan 1932 in West Virginia. Died 21 Jun 2013 in Baltimore. Children:

i. Donna Lee[8]. Born 21 May 1950.

ii. Debra.

iii. Brenda.

iv. Mark Dwayne. Born 11 Aug 1966 in Baltimore. In 2014 he lived in Perry Hall, Baltimore Co.,


39.iv.iii.i. Robert Roy[7] Dolan Jr. (Robert Roy[6], Andrew Caperton[5], Elizabeth Jane[4], Rebecca Ann[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 1 Oct 1957 in Valdosta, Ga.

He married Sophie Braud Jul or Aug 1987 in a Roman Catholic church near Le Mans, France. Children:

i. Margaux[8]. Born 1988 in Lisieux, France.

ii. Lara. Born 1991 in Lisieux.

iii. Heloise. Born ca. 1996 in Lisieux.

39.iv.iii.ii. Daniel Patrick[7] Dolan (Robert Roy[6], Andrew Caperton[5], Elizabeth Jane[4], Rebecca Ann[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 4 Nov 1959 at Moody AFB, Valdosta, Ga. He graduated from Bothell [Wash.] Senior High School in 1978. While in high school he was active in student council, drama, choir, jazz choir, orchestra and marching band. He took a B.A. in Speech Communication from University of Washington, Seattle, in Dec 1986; an M.A. in Speech Communication from University of Washington in Mar 1990; and a Ph.D. in Speech Communication from University of Washington in Aug 1998. He was awarded a Tamaki Foundation Fellowship in 1988 for language and culture in Japan, and a Pew Teaching Leadership Award in 1993. His positions included graduate teaching assistant for oral interpretation of literature, Dept. of Speech Communication, University of Washington (Oct 1998–Mar 1990 and Jan 1993–Mar 1993); lecturer at McKendree College, Japan (Jan 1991–Aug 1992); graduate teaching assistant for public speaking, Dept. of Communication (renamed from Speech Communication), University of Washington (Apr 1993–Jun 1993); staff consultant for the Center for Instructional Development and Research, University of Washington (Jul 1993–Jun 1995); assistant professor and senior research fellow, Center for Global Communications, International University of Japan (Jun 1995–Jul 2001); director, global communication strategy, Shandwick Worldwide (Jan 2002–Mar 2003); continuing education instructor, Temple University Japan (Jan 2004–Apr 2004); graduate school visiting professor, Iwakaki Institute of Information Security (Jan 2004–present [2006]; lecturer, Otsuma Women’s University (Apr 2004–present [2006]; associate professor, faculty of languages and cultures, Meikai University (Apr 2004–Mar 2005]; professor of business communication, faculty of economics, graduate school of accounting, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan (Apr 2005–present [2006]. He served as advisory board member for business for international professionals course, University of Washington extension (Apr 2001–present [2006]; global business management course, University of Washington extension (Jul 2003–present [2006]; and advisor for international business, Landcom KK (Dec 2000–Jan 2004.) His publications include Financial English for Professionals, Daniel P. Dolan and Taisei Hayashi, Nikkei Business Pub. Co., 2003 [in Japanese]; Accounting English for Professionals, Taisei Hayashi and Daniel P. Dolan, Nikkei Business Pub., 2004 [in Japanese]; Accounting English: Communication for Professional Accountants, Maruzen Pub. Co., 198 pp., 2006 [in Japanese, Dobunkan Pub. Co. listing in Japanese with chapter titles in English], a text which is one in a series used by all Japanese graduate schools of accounting. He also has published essays, a book chapter and book reviews, magazine and journal articles and commentaries; participated in conferences, news media interviews and seminars, moderated panels, and given speeches. He was a member of the project to research, develop and implement accreditation standards for graduate schools of accounting in Japan; selection committee member, Fulbright Commission scholarships in Japan (2000–2001); and participant, U.S. President’s council on year 2000 conversion, Washington, D.C.; editor, contributor and advocate, Japanese Institute of Global Communications, International University of Japan. He was a member of Assn. for Business Communication and National Communication Assn. Fluent in Japanese, in 2006 his interests included tennis, weightlifting, and exploring the music of pianist Martha Argerich and Puccini operas.

He married Yuka Nakamura, daughter of Morio Nakamura and Katsuko Tomita, 26 Jun 1993 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Born 20 Feb 1965 in Setagaya, Tokyo, Japan. Children:

i. Sean Nakamura[8]. Born 7 Sep 1994 in Bellevue, King Co., Wash.

39.iv.iii.iii. Scott Allan[7] Dolan (Robert Roy[6], Andrew Caperton[5], Elizabeth Jane[4], Rebecca Ann[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 8 Nov 1960 in Seattle, Wash.

He married, first, Etta Renae Hutchison 22 Aug 1981 in Duvall, Wash. They divorced 20 Dec 1997 in Everett, Wash. Born 9 Nov 1960 in Martinez, Calif. Children:

i. Brandon Scott[8]. Born 1 Apr 1982 in Kirkland, Wash.

ii. Brittany Lea. Born 1 Mar 1984 in Kirkland, Wash. She married Josep Ponjavic in 2004 at St.

Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, Bothell, Wash.

iii. Blaze Sumner. Born 9 May 1987 in Kirkland.

iv. Basil Sheridan. Born 20 May 1990 in Redmond, Wash.

v. Beau Sutherland. Born 18 Aug 1992 in Redmond.

He married, second, Lynn Elaine Johnson 14 Aug 1999 in Arlington, Wash. Born 14 Mar 1954 in Long Beach, Calif.

39.iv.iii.iv. Colleen Marie[7] Dolan (Robert Roy[6], Andrew Caperton[5], Elizabeth Jane[4], Rebecca Ann[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 28 Mar 1962 in Seattle, Wash.

She married Stephen Graham 1982 at St. Brendan Church, Bothell, Wash. Children:

i. Brittany[8].

ii. Jamie.

iii. Casey.

iv. Emily

39.iv.iii.v. Patricia Lynn[7] Dolan (Robert Roy[6], Andrew Caperton[5], Elizabeth Jane[4], Rebecca Ann[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 8 May 1964 in Seattle, Wash.

She married Eric John Otness 1987 in St. Brendan Church, Bothell, Wash. Born 21 May 1964 in Seattle. Children:

i. Erica Ashley[8]. Born 6 Oct 1991 in Bellevue, Wash.

ii. Sabrina Marie. Born 31 May 1993 in Bellevue.

44.i.i.i. Harold B.[7] Ellison (Virginia Lee[6], Reaburn Douglas[5], Anna Oceana[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Died before 1990.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Stacey[8].

45.v.i.i. Travis Kelly[7] Honaker (Marvin Lee[6], Marshall Johnson[5], John Patrick[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). In 2013 he lived in Union, Monroe Co., W.Va.

He married Jennifer Unknown. Children:

i. Paige Olivia[8].

ii. Mason Levi.

47.iii.ix.i. Melody Jo[7] Mercer (Virginia Lee[6], Ida Mae[5], Luther Leslie[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). In 2011 she lived in Oak Ridge, Tenn.

She married Timothy Oesch, M.D. Children:

i. Timothy Sean[8]. Chad Lewis[7] Taylor (Fred Lewis[6], Pauline Elizabeth[5], Ellis Patton[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). He married Betsy Unknown. Children:

i. Grayson Lewis[8]. Robert Don[7] Crews (Nancy Paulette[6], Pauline Elizabeth[5], Ellis Patton[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). He married Eva Unknown. Children:

i. Emily Elizabeth[8].

56.iii.ii.i. Pamela B.[7] Bovie (Marguerite Emily[6], Willa Sylvesta[5], George Arthur[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 14 Sep 1945 in State College, Centre Co., Pa.

She married, first, John A. Cragger in Valdosta, Ga.

She married, second, John Barry Miller. Born 30 Apr 1932 in Yorkshire, England. Children:

i. Megan[8]. Born 20 Sep 1977 in England.

56.iii.ii.ii. George Frederic[7] Bovie III (called Bud) (Marguerite Emily[6], Willa Sylvesta[5], George Arthur[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 3 Oct 1947 in Gallipolis, Gallia Co., Ohio. Died 25 Aug 2013 in Palm City, Martin Co., Fla. Buried St. Mary’s Episcopal Church Memorial Gardens, Stuart, Martin Co., Fla.

TC Palm newspapers, Fla., 1 Sep 2013: George F. Bovie, III (“Bud”), age 65, passed away peacefully on Aug. 25, 2013 at his home in Palm City, Fla. Bud was born on Oct. 3, 1947 in Gallipolis, Ohio. Son to George F. Bovie, II and Marguerite Bovie Marshall, Bud and his family moved to Florida in his early years. While attending middle school in Coral Gables, Bud spent his free time learning to fluently speak and write Latin as well as sailing. Bud returned to Cocoa Beach, Fla., to attend high school from which he graduated early and entered college at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville at the age of 16. There, Bud met and fell in love with his future wife of 44 years, Mary Lou. They were married on Aug. 30, 1969. Bud and Mary Lou took a year off from college to work and save money for their wedding. Bud took a job working in Cape Canaveral during Kennedy Space Center's missions to the moon era. After Bud and Mary Lou got married, the two went back to school. Bud graduated from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville in 1971 with a Bachelor of Science degree in economics. In 1972, Bud worked for the Labor Department in Washington, D.C., overseeing the United Mine Workers of America election. Following graduation, Bud entered law school at the University of Florida where he served as Executive Editor for the University of Florida Law Review. He graduated in 1975 with a juris doctor degree. That year, after passing the bar exam, Bud became a member of the Florida Bar. In 1976 he was admitted to the trial bar of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida and later the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th and 11th Circuits and the United States Supreme Court. Bud had an exemplary legal career, working first in 1977 as an Assistant Public Defender for the Public Defender's Office of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit located in Ft. Pierce where he gained experience as an accomplished trial lawyer. In January 1978, he joined the law firm of Crary Buchanan, P.A. becoming a partner and shareholder of the firm in 1981 after demonstrating his excellent legal abilities and earning the respect of his peers, clients, and the legal community. Bud quickly became well-known and admired as a superb and highly professional litigator in family, commercial and business law, practicing in the courts throughout the 19th Judicial Circuit comprised of Martin, St. Lucie, Okeechobee, and Indian River Counties. He achieved an AV rating, the highest possible, by Martindale-Hubbell, the premiere rating service for attorneys. In the early 1990s, Bud decided to expand his practice areas to include the newly developing field of Labor and Employment Law, and he quickly became board certified by the Florida Bar in that field, one of the first groups of lawyers to be so designated. During his career, Bud provided significant personal services in the field of law. He served as a member of the Florida Bar's Board of Governors for the Young Lawyers' Section from 1981-1983 and a member of the 19th Judicial Circuit Grievance Committee, serving as Chairman for that Committee in 1985-1986. Thereafter, Bud served as secretary, treasurer, and finally president of the Martin County Bar Association in 1990-1991. Bud retired from Crary Buchanan in 2009 after a long period of service with his law firm, which spanned 31 continuous years. Bud also served his community in various charitable organizations. He became a member of the vestry of St. Mary's Episcopal Church in Stuart, and for many years, Bud organized and led church youth groups on canoe trips down the Peace River in Arcadia, Fla. He also devoted his time serving on the board of Helping People Succeed as well as providing help and legal services to Hibiscus Children's Center, Inc. Bud was an avid golfer and tennis player, and never missed an opportunity to coach for his children's sports teams. He encouraged his children to be involved with activities, sports, and with the community. Despite his busy schedule, he managed to make it to every game, practice, and recital. Most Sundays, you could catch him grilling steaks for his friends and family on his beloved grill. He was a true University of Tennessee fan wearing orange polo shirts, and having a variety of orange ties. He was often caught whistling or singing the song, "Rocky Top Tennessee." He often had playful feuds around the office between his partner, Larry Buchanan, an avid University of Florida Gators fan, of who was going to win the football game. Bud started to let up on Mr. Buchanan about the feud after one of his daughters was accepted to UF. Bud was known as being gentle, a fatherly figure with the kids, a jokester with his friends and family, an eccentric story-teller, and a kind and understanding man to the rest of the world. You knew Bud best for his love and caring for his faith, family, friends, clients, church, and the people around him and for his motto, "Put your best foot forward." Bud lived such a passionate, and loving life and will be sorely missed by all who knew him. He is survived by his spouse, Mary Lou T. Bovie of Palm City, and four children: his son, George F. Bovie, IV of Stuart, daughter Sharon Hughes and husband William of Montpelier, Va., Victoria Savard and husband Jeremy of Palm City, and daughter Lora Elizabeth Bovie of Palm City; also sister Pamela Miller and her husband John of Palm City, and grandchildren Austin Bovie, Sydney and Nikki Hughes, and Aubrey and Adalyn Savard. A memorial service for Bud will be held at St. Mary's Episcopal Church in Stuart, Fla., 623 S.E. Ocean Blvd., Stuart, FL 34994 on Sat., Sept. 7, 2013 at 11 a.m. with interment thereafter in the memorial gardens at St. Mary’s and a lunch to follow at St. Mary's Pettinger Center. In lieu of flowers, any contributions in Bud’s memory should be sent to Helping People Succeed at 1100 SE Federal Hwy., Stuart, FL 34994 or to the St. Mary’s Episcopal Church Discretionary Fund, 623 S.E. Ocean Blvd., Stuart, FL 34994. The most important lesson Bud taught us is how to be completely selfless. "Go VOLS!"

He married Mary Lou Huppuch 30 Aug 1969 in McLean, Va. Born 16 Feb 1945 in McLean. Children:

56.iii.ii.ii. i. George Frederic[8], IV. Born 10 Apr 1973 in Virginia.

56.iii.ii.ii. ii. Victoria (called Tori). Born 7 Dec 1979.

iii. Lora Elizabeth (called Beth). Born 29 Jan 1987 in Florida.

56.iii.ii.ii. iv. Sharon.

59.i.ii.i. Margaret Ann[7] Steinmetz (Mary Margaret[6], Goldie Hazel[5], John Irvin[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]. Born 19 Dec 1935 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died 13 Jun 1995 in Fairfax, Va. Buried Grandview Memorial Park, Dunbar, Kanawha Co., W.Va.

She married Dennis Glover 15 Apr 1954 in Los Angeles, Calif. Born 17 Apr 1930. Died 3 Feb 2003. Buried in Dunbar, W.Va. Children:

i. Charles[8]. He married Cindy Unknown.

ii. Ann Catherine. Born 19 Mar 1957. She married Unknown O’Connor.

iii. John.

59.i.iii.i. Robert Morris[7] Lotts (called Smoky) (Jean Frances[6], Goldie Hazel[5], John Irvin[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]. Born 3 Feb 1944 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died Jul 2008 in Charleston. Buried Graceland Cem., South Charleston.

He married Reba Ann Mellon. Born 30 May 1945. Children:

59.i.iii.i. i. Carol Lyn[8]. Born 20 Aug 1965.

59.i.iii.i. ii. Lori Ann. Born 9 Jun 1969.

iii. Robin Elaine. Born 30 Nov 1970. She married Tim Crady.

59.i.iii.ii. James Atlee[7] Lotts, Jr. (Jean Frances[6], Goldie Hazel[5], John Irvin[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]. Born 15 Nov 1945 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va.

He married Rebecca S. Carr. Born 11 Sep 1948. Died 30 May 2009. Children:

59.i.iii.ii. i. Melissa Dawn[8]. Born 24 Oct 1967.

59.i.iii.iii. Susan Elaine[7] Lotts (Jean Frances[6], Goldie Hazel[5], John Irvin[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]. Born 10 Feb 1948 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died 19 May 2009 in Charleston. Buried Graceland Cem., South Charleston.

She married John Carl Staats. Born 29 May 1947. Children:

59.i.iii.iii. i. Kimberly Sue[8]. Born 1 Feb 1967.

59.i.iii.iv. Sandra Jean[7] Lotts (Jean Frances[6], Goldie Hazel[5], John Irvin[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]. Born 14 May 1952 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va.

She married Frank Nestor. Children:

59.i.iii.iv. i. Kelly[8]. Born 1 Oct 1969.

She had a child with Gary Allen Jones. Born 10 Dec 195?. Died 1976. Buried Spring Hill Cem., Charleston:

59.i.iii.iv. ii. Gary Allen [Jones].

59.i.iii.v. Victoria Lyn[7] Lotts (Jean Frances[6], Goldie Hazel[5], John Irvin[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]. Born 7 Apr 1955 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died 27 Dec 2008 in Charleston. Buried Graceland

Cem., South Charleston.

She married Charles Griffith 10 Mar 1971 in Giles Co., Va. Children:

i. Charles Garland[8]. Born 18 Sep 1971.

59.ii.ii.iv. Leonard Ray[7] Honaker (called Buck) (John Clifford Victor[6], Samuel Roscoe[5], John Irvin[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1].

He married Pat A. Unknown. Children:

59.ii.ii.iv. i. Michelle K.[8]

ii. Leonard Ray, Jr.

iii. John Clifford Victor.

59.iii.i.i. Charles Ray[7] Honaker (called Ray) (Charles Frederick[6], Charles Frederick[5], John Irvin[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 13 Jan 1947. In 2001 he lived in Florence, Colo.

Charleston [W.Va.] Daily Mail, 2 Apr 1986: Hodges Administrator Wins State Position, by Sara Crickenberger— C. Ray Honaker, administrator of the Arthur B. Hodges Center in Charleston has been elected president of

the West Virginia chapter of the American College of Health Care Administrators. Honaker, a graduate of the University of Delaware and the Johns Hopkins University Medical Institutions, has been administrator of Hodges since June…..

He married Sarah Jane Powers. Born 4 Apr 1948. Children:

59.iii.i.i. i. Charles Erik[8]. Born 29 Jan 1970 in Wilmington, New Castle Co., Del.

59.iii.i.i. ii. Cara Powers. Born 8 Jun 1978.

59.iii.i.i. iii. Katherine Powers. Born 21 Jan 1981.

iv. Erin Powers. Born 20 Feb 1983.

59.iii.i.ii. Lynette Isabel[7] Honaker (Charles Frederick[6], Charles Frederick[5], John Irvin[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Sep 1950.

She had a child with Unknown:

59.iii.i.ii. i. Charles Daniel[8]. [Honaker] Born 7 Jul 1970.

She married Josh Brown. Born 11 Feb 1949.

59.iii.i.iv. Carol Ann[7] Honaker (Charles Frederick[6], Charles Frederick[5], John Irvin[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 4 Feb 1957.

She married Stephen Gibson. Born 5 Apr 1956. Children:

i. Matthew S.[8] Born 25 Jan 1980.

ii. Crystal L. Born 28 Aug 1984.

59.iii.i.v. David Alan[7] Honaker (Charles Frederick[6], Charles Frederick[5], John Irvin[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 24 Jan 1959.

He married, first, Linda Carroll. Children:

i. Amy Louise[8]. Born 19 Apr 1986. Died 4 Oct 1987.

He married, second, Robin Moyer. Born 23 Jul 1968. Children:

ii. Alexis Gayle. Born 20 Apr 1990.

iii. Jeffary David. Born 9 Jun 1994

59.v.i.i. Lee Carlton[7] Smith (Dorothy Lee[6], Sue Harvey[5], John Irvin[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1].

Born 31 Oct 1949.

He married Lillian Bernice Kaczynski. Born 13 Jan 1951. Children:

59.v.i.i. i. Brian Lee[8]. Born 9 Sep 1972.

ii. Karen Bernice. Born 21 Jun 1975.

59.v.i.i. iii. David Michael. Born 5 Feb 1980.

59.iv.i.i. iv. Jonathan Alan. Born 13 Oct 1982.

59.v.i.iii. Charles Frederick[7] Smith (Dorothy Lee[6], Sue Harvey[5], John Irvin[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]. Born 20 Mar 1958.

He married Anita Joy Whitehead. Children:

59.iv.i.iii. i. David Charles[8]. Born 21 Sep 1982.

ii. Theresa Marie. Born 15 Oct 1985.

59.v.ii.i. Terry Shane[7] Livers (Mary Louise[6], Sue Harvey[5], John Irvin[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]. Born 20 Feb 1949 in Akron, Summit Co., Ohio.

He married, first, Mary LouMcAlister. Born 18 Jul 1953. Children:

i. Michelle Lee[8]. Born 24 Jan 1978.

He married, second, Deborah Jean Swaebly. Born 24 Jun 1956. Children:

ii. Jessica Kathleen. Born 11 Aug 1985.

He married, third, Michelle Rene Singleton. Born 10 Aug 1963. Children:

iii. Emilee Elizabeth. Born 18 Dec 1993.

59.v.ii.ii. John Michael[7] Livers (Mary Louise[6], Sue Harvey[5], John Irvin[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]. Born 1 Oct 1950 in Akron, Summit Co., Ohio.

He married Stephanie C. Wolfe 26 Sep 1981. Born 24 May 1958. Children:

59.v.ii.ii. i. Crystal Lynn[8] (adopted). Born 5 May 1976.

ii. Erika Michelle. Born 17 Oct 1983.

iii. Jenna Lyn. Born 11 Apr 1985.

59.v.ii.iii. Stephanie Sue[7] Livers (Mary Louise[6], Sue Harvey[5], John Irvin[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]. Born 16 Dec 1951 in Akron, Summit Co., Ohio. She graduated from James A. Garfield High School, Akron, in 1969; took an Associate of Science in Data Processing from University of Akron in 1971, and continued her education for another year and a half. She worked at Akron General Medical Center for 16 years as clerical support in radiology, surgery, emergency room and patient accounts. In 1987 she was diagnosed with stomach cancer and had her stomach removed. In 1991 she was cancer-free. She became a stay-at-home wife and mother for ten years; worked as an office manager for various businesses; and moved to Florida in 2005. She worked as administrative assistant in the Children’s Ministries Department for six years, and went on to work as a Recreational Vehicle Park Manager, which she was still doing in 2016. In 2016 she lived in Estero, Lee Co., Fla.

She married David Paul Gardner, son of Stanley Russell Gardner and Evelyn Regina Clifford, 27 Oct 1984 in Portage Lakes, Summit Co., Ohio. Born 2 Oct 1944 in Akron. He was a journeyman ironworker and member of Local 17 in Cleveland, Ohio. He retired in 2002 and is an RV park manager along with his wife in Estero, Fla.


i. Elissa Lee[8]. Born 27 Jan 1983. She married, first, Ralph McGrady 27 Jul 2002. Born 27 Sep

1979. She married, second, Milton Littlefield 4 Apr 2014 or 2015 in Tampa, Hillsborough Co., Fla. Born 2 Jan 1973.

61.i.i.i. Patricia Ann[7] Rairden (called Patti) (Adam Byron Jr.[6], Hazel Juanita[5], Alice Jane[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 13 Mar 1954 in Queens, New York, N.Y. In 2000 she lived in Perth, upstate New York.

She married Frank William Scholl, a great grandnephew of William F. “Buffalo Bill” Cody. Children:

61.i.i.i. i. Eric William[8]. Born 25 Jun 1972.

61.i.i.i. ii. Heather Anne. Born 12 Sep 1974.

65.v.iv.i. Lori A.[7] Dunbrack (Mary Jane[6], Viola Jane[5], John Thomas[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). In 2008 she and her family lived in Kernersville, N.C.

She married Richard Andrew Tincher. Children:

i. Adam[8].

ii. Andrew.

iii. Megan.

65.v.iv.iii. Paula[7] Reynolds (Walter Howard[6], Viola Jane[5], John Thomas[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). In 2016 she lived in Hardy, Va.

She married Mike Gallimore. Children:

i. Jordan[8].

ii. Cade.

66.ii.i.i. Marilyn[7] Comer (Ethel L.[6], Jasper Lee[5], Rebecca Jane[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Thomas Epperly Jr. Children:

66.ii.i.i. i. Thomas, III [8].

ii. Linda.

68.iv.ii.ii. S.L.[7] Honaker (called Dick) (Silas[6], Lester B.[5], James William[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 8 Dec 1960 in Caldwell, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 28 Dec 2015 in Bethlehem, Pa.

Republican & Herald, Pottsville, Pa., 31 Dec 2015: S.L. “Dick” Honaker, 55, of Port Carbon, passed away Monday afternoon in St. Luke’s Hospital, Bethelehem. Born in Caldwell, W.Va., Dec. 8, 1960, he was a son of the late Silas and Nellie Angle Honaker. A graduate of Pocahontas High School, Pocahontas, Va., Dick worked for Losche Plumbing and at Lowes in the plumbing department. Dick was a member of Grace United Methodist Church, Port Carbon. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a sister, Susie Honaker. Dick is survived by sons, Benjamin and Thomas Honaker, both of Pottsville; sisters, Doris L. Moore, Pottsville, and Rose Baley, Blanton; brothers, L.B. Honaker, Virginia, and Roy Honaker, Pottsville; nieces and nephews. Services will be private at the convenience of the family. Lord-Bixler Funeral Home Inc., Pottsville, is in charge of arrangements. Online condolences may be expressed at . Sign the guest book at .

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Benjamin[8].

ii. Thomas.

68.v.iv.i. Shari Lynn[7] Bennett (Delores Jean[6], William Virgil[5], James William[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 14 Dec 1965 in Hopewell, Va. In 2006 she lived in Ronceverte.

She married, first, Ronald Lee Bell, son of James Thomas Bell and Mildred Elizabeth Wheeler of Hopewell, Va., 23 Jun 1984. They divorced 1993. Children:

i. Tara Lee[8]. Born 8 Nov 1985 in Hopewell.

ii. Hayley Elizabeth. Born 17 Jun 1990 in Hopewell.

She married, second, Tracy Lane Haynes, son of Garland Mason and Missouri Gertrude Wolfe Haynes of Covington, Va. Born in Covington. Children:

iii. Hannah Laurel. Born 14 Dec 1997 in Wildomar, Calif.

iv. Elijah Lane. Born 1 Apr 1999 in Morton, Wash.

68.v.iv.ii. Donna Delores[7] Bennett (Delores Jean[6], William Virgil[5], James William[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 27 Sep 1970 in Richmond, Va. In 2006 she lived in Frankfort, W.Va.

She married Timmy William Beavers, son of Charles William Beavers (called Doodle) and Shirley Mondalee, both of Ohio, 8 Jan 1962. Born in Peebles, Ohio. Children:

i. Evan Orlie[8]. Born 12 Jan 1995 in Ronceverte, W.Va.

ii. Savannah Kaylie. Born 10 Apr 1998 in Ronceverte.

iii. Dawson William. Born 10 Feb 2004 in Ronceverte.

68.v.iv.iii. Tina Marie[7] Bennett (Delores Jean[6], William Virgil[5], James William[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 14 Aug 1974 in Petersburg, Va. In 2006 she lived in Colonial Heights, Va.

She married Kipp Eugene Wingard, son of Archie Caulder Wingard and Donna Chris of South Carolina, 12 Oct 1991. Died 1999. Children:

i. Kayle Marie[8]. Born 2 Feb 1993 in Hopewell, Va.

She had a child with Bradley Barnes, son of Randolph Bradley Barnes and Beverly Joan Talbott of Everett, Pa.

Born 7 Jul 1965:

ii. Brandy Lynn. Born 25 May 2001 in Petersburg, Va.

68.v.vii.i. Angela Marie[7] Honaker (Edward William[6], William Virgil[5], James William[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Allan Crum. Children:

i. Zachary[8].

ii. Caitlin.

iii. Stormy.

iv. Margaret.

68.v.vii.ii. Melanie Michelle[7] Honaker (Edward William[6], William Virgil[5], James William[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

She had two children with Unknown:

i. Tyler[8]. [Honaker]

ii. Jacob. [Honaker]

68.v.vii.iii. Phillip Virgil[7] Honaker (Edward William[6], William Virgil[5], James William[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Stephanie Unknown. Children:

i. Dylan[8].

ii. Samuel.

iii. Caleb.

iv. Luke.

71.i.ii.i. Palmer Hampton[7] Morgan (Reva Lee[6], Lula May[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1930.

He married Janet Jane Scott. Born in 1934. Died in 1979. Children:

i. Connie[8]. She married Ronnie Baker.

ii. Allison. She married Unknown Deem.

71.i.ii.i. iii. Kimberly Kay. Born in 1961.

iv. Bonnie. She married Unknown Morgan, relationship not identified.

v. Addison.

71.i.ii.iii. Geraldine Elizabeth[7] Morgan (Reva Lee[6], Lula May[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1936.

She married Marshall Dalton. Children:

71.i.ii.iii. i. Jeff[8].

ii. Debbie. She married Tom Long.

71.i.ii.iv. Marthena[7] Morgan (Reva Lee[6], Lula May[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1939.

She married, first, Sherman Holliday. Children:

i. Carol[8]. She married Warren Morgan, relationship not identified.

ii. Jed.

She married, second, Unknown Persinger.

71.i.vii.i. Robbie[7] Toothman (Madge Ellen[6], Lula May[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Robert Wilson. Children:

i. R. Michael[8]. He married Shelby Unknown. In 2001 they lived in Organ Cave, W.Va.

71.i.vii.ii. Vicki[7] Toothman (Madge Ellen[6], Lula May[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Earnie Wyant. Children:

i. Matthew[8]. In 2001 he lived in Roanoke, Va.

ii. Tara. In 2001 she lived in Lynchburg, Va.

71.i.vii.iii. Tammy[7] Toothman (Madge Ellen[6], Lula May[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Dale Allen. Children:

i. Ivan[8]. In 2001 he lived in Ronceverte, W.Va.

ii. Benjamin. In 2001 he lived in Ronceverte.

71.v.ii.i. Karen[7] Honaker (Joseph Leroy[6], Hubert D.[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). In 2011 she lived in Ronceverte, W.Va.

She married Arthur Erskine. Children:

i. Adam[8]. He married Stephanie Unknown.

71.viii.ii.i. Robert Allen[7] Morgan (called Al) (Virgil Robert[6], Agnes Virginia[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1948.

He married Linda Unknown. Children:

i. Christy[8].

ii. Chad.

71.viii.ii.ii. Gregory Dale[7] Morgan (Virgil Robert[6], Agnes Virginia[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1956.

He married Leta Mines. Children:

i. Sarah[8].

ii. Joshua.

iii. Jeremiah.

iv. Typhaena Angel. Born and died in 1996.

71.viii.iii.ii. Michael Gray[7] Morgan (Merle Gray[6], Agnes Virginia[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1955. In 2006, he lived in Monroe, N.C., and was a genealogical hobbyist.

He married, first, Janice Ilene Williams. Born in 1956. Children:

i. Amy Rebekah[8]. Born in 1983. In 2006 she lived in Pittsburgh, Pa.

ii. Keri Elizabeth. Born in 1987. In 2006 she lived in Lewisburg, W.Va.

He married, second, Kimberly Angeline Bean. She was formerly married to Unknown Sele. Born in 1961. She brought one child to the marriage, Brittany Sele, who in 2006 lived in Monroe.

71.xi.i.i. Jeffrey Franklin[7] Honaker (James Franklin[6], Verdie Jackson[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 23 Apr 1950 in Ronceverte, W.Va. Died 20 Oct 2000 at home in Sinks Grove, W.Va. Buried in Greenbrier Memorial Gardens, Lewisburg, W.Va.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 22 Oct 2000; and Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 2 Nov 2000: Sinks Grove—Jeffrey Franklin Honaker, 50, passed away Fri., Oct. 20, 2000, at his home. Born Apr. 23, 1950 in Ronceverte, he was the son of the late James Franklin and Hazel Price Honaker. Mr. Honaker was a member of the ARP Church in Fairlea and was a concrete finisher for Ambler’s Construction Co. He was preceded in death by a son, Jason Lee Honaker, in 1976. Survivors include his wife, Linda Dowdy Honaker; a daughter, Julie Honaker of Sinks Grove; two sisters, Jennifer Lilly of Lewisburg and Pamela Morris of Roanoke, Va; a brother, Gregory Honaker of Lewisburg; and a grandmother, Elva Honaker of Ronceverte. Services will be 2 p.m. Monday at Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home, Lewisburg, with the Pastor Charles Taylor officiating. Burial will be at Greenbrier Memorial Gardens, Lewisburg. Friends may call 6 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home. Pallbearers will be Carl Bostic, Earl Morgan, Jeremy Wykle, Dave Kennedy, Rick Peak, Bill Seldomridge and Roger Boggs. Arrangements by Wallace & Wallace Funeral Home, Lewisburg.

He married Linda Dowdy. Children:

i. Jason Lee[8]. Died in 1976.

ii. Julie.

71.xi.iii.ii. Carol A.[7] Honaker (Jack O.[6], Verdie Jackson[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Steve Johnson. Children:

i. Joshua[8]. He married Shannon Unknown.

ii. Justin.

71.xi.iii.v. Susan M.[7] Honaker (Jack O.[6], Verdie Jackson[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Leo Hardiman. Children:

i. Summer[8].

ii. Chantel.

71.xi.iv.ii. Donna[7] Deskins (Freda[6], Verdie Jackson[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

She married, first, Unknown Bragg. Children:

71.xi.iv.ii. i. Dallas[8].

She married, second, Unknown Reed. Lisa[7] Deskins (Lena Sarah[6], Verdie Jackson[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Cecil Canterbury. Died before 2016. Children:

71.xi.iv.ii. i. Holley[8]. Jill[7] Deskins (Lena Sarah[6], Verdie Jackson[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Ronnie Anderson. Children:

i. Remington[8]. Died before 2016.

75.i.ii.ii. Vivian Annette[7] Anderson (Jessie Alexandra[6], James Gordon[5], Michael Alexander[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). See photograph. Born 1922. Died 1988.

She married Arnold Detlefsen in Iowa. They lived in Crawford Co., Iowa. Children:

i. Unidentified[8].

ii. Unidentified.

iii. Unidentified.

77.i.i. Richard Henderson[7] Honaker (Hayward Ernest[6], Ira Ernest[5], Michael Alexander[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Mar 1951. In 2011 he lived in Rock Springs, Wyo.

In 2011, an online Wikipedia article contained the following information. Footnotes have been omitted.

Richard Henderson Honaker (born March 10, 1951) is a lawyer in Rock Springs, Wyo., who was nominated on March 19, 2007, by U.S. President George W. Bush to serve as one of three U.S. District Judges for the District of Wyoming. The nomination was given the highest “well qualified” rating by the judicial evaluation committee of the American Bar Association. Honaker was initially recommended to Bush by U.S. Senator Craig L. Thomas of Wyoming, who died some three months later. Honaker had co-chaired Thomas’ reelection campaign in 2006 in Rock Springs.[1] Honaker never obtained a Senate vote on his confirmation. The succession of Barack Obama to the presidency ended his candidacy. Had he been confirmed, Honaker would have succeeded Judge Clarence A. Brimmer in Cheyenne.

Honaker was one of two children adopted by Hayward E. Honaker (1911–2001) and the former Faola Henderson (born 1917) in Laramie, the seat of Albany County in southern Wyoming. He has a sister (born 1954). The Honakers were of Swiss ethnicity; originally “Honegger”, they came to Philadelphia, Pa., in the early 18th century. One of Honaker’s ancestors was with George Rogers Clark in the march to Vincennes, Ind., during the American Revolution. The Honakers settled in western Virginia, and most Honakers still reside in either Virginia or West Virginia.[2]

Honaker’s paternal family came to Laramie in 1919 and operated a grocery store and meat market. His maternal family came to the Bighorn Country in 1915 and farmed sugar beets.

Honaker graduated in 1969 from Laramie High School and was the first member of his family to receive a college degree. He procured his bachelor of arts with honors in English and government in 1973 from Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass. At Harvard, he and future U.S. Sen. Al Franken of Minnesota washed dishes together as work-study students. Still another classmate of Honaker’s was the assassinated Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan. At Harvard, he was a member of the Hasty Pudding Club.[3]

In 1976, Honaker obtained his Juris Doctor degree from the University of Wyoming Law School in Laramie. He worked his way through law school by serving as the night editor of the Laramie newspaper with the unusual name the Daily Boomerang.[3] Honaker is recognized by Super Lawyers magazine as among the top 5 percent of attorneys in the United States.[4] In 1989, he was licensed to practice before the United States Supreme Court.[5]

From 1976–1978, he was a state assistant attorney general and an aide to Democratic Governor Edgar Herschler. In 1979, Herschler named Honaker as Wyoming’s second state public defender, in which capacity he supervised in criminal law the work of thirty trial lawyers during a two-year stint. While he was a public defender, Honaker prosecuted a lengthy homicide case in Rock Springs and decided to open a law office there. He is the only person to have served as president of both the Wyoming Trial Lawyers Association and Wyoming Bar Association, a position he held in 2002 and 2003. He was appointed by the Wyoming Supreme Court to the bar association’s rules and disciplinary committees.[6]

From 1987–1993, Honaker served in the Wyoming House of Representatives as a conservative Democrat from Rock Springs, the seat of Sweetwater County. Part of a five-member Sweetwater County delegation, Honaker’s three terms coincided with the administration of Democratic Governor Michael J. Sullivan, who endorsed Honaker’s judicial nomination. Honaker served on the House corporations, judiciary, and rules committees.[5] He did not run for a fourth term in 1992 because of redistricting. He changed his affiliation to Republican in 1994 and was defeated in a bid to return to the Wyoming House under a revised district plan. Honaker said that his party switch was motivated by his opposition to policies of U.S. President Bill Clinton. Since 2000, Honaker has maintained a solo law practice in Rock Springs, a Democratic and organized labor stronghold within usually otherwise Republican-leaning Wyoming.[7]

In 2002, Honaker joined the Federalist Society, a body from which President Bush has procured numerous court nominees. He is a board member of the Home School Legal Defense Association.[8] He has also been an adjunct professor of business law at Western Wyoming Community College in Rock Springs.[9]

Honaker is an elder at Providence (formerly Pilgrim’s) Reformed Church in Rock Springs, a small congregation akin to conservative Presbyterian.[10] In 1978, he married the former Shannon Kathleen Casey (born 1957), originally from the state capital of Cheyenne, the seat of Laramie County. The wedding ceremony, held in the home of Shannon’s parents, was performed by U.S. District Judge Alan Bond Johnson, based in Cheyenne. Johnson first met Honaker when Honaker headed the indigent defender program. Judge Johnson describes Honaker as having a “warm and attentive demeanor to all persons without regard to their station in life.” If confirmed to the court, Honaker and Johnson would be judicial colleagues.[11]

The Honakers have three children. Shannon Honaker is the chairman of the Sweetwater County Republican Party and a trustee of Western Wyoming Community College.[12] The Shannon C. Honaker Scholarship, created by then Representative Honaker in 1991, is given annually to a home-educated student attending the University of Wyoming.[13]

The Senate Judiciary Committee under Chairman Patrick Leahy of Vermont delayed holding a hearing on Honaker’s nomination until Feb. 12, 2008. His nomination was held up in committee. Opposition has also come from interest groups which support access to abortion: National Abortion Rights Action League Pro-Choice America, Feminist Majority, and Planned Parenthood, among others.[14]

In his legislative races, Honaker was supported by the Wyoming National Right to Life Committee. In 1991 and 1992, Honaker introduced a bill that would prohibit abortion in Wyoming except in cases of rape, incest, or the threat to the life of the mother. His colleagues defeated the bill both years. Honaker explains that his activity post-dated the United States Supreme Court's decision in Webster v. Reproductive Health Services, a 1989 case from Missouri. The court then had impliedly invited legislation regarding abortion from the states. In the 1992 Planned Parenthood v. Casey decision, the court closed the door on such proposals. More than forty states considered abortion legislation during that time.[2]

In 1994, Honaker represented a political action committee that sought to get the anti-abortion measure on the ballot as a statewide initiative.[15] The case was reported as Wyoming NARAL v. Karpan. Honaker was not involved in drafting the initiative because he maintained that the Casey decision had rendered the measure moot. “My client, the PAC, thought otherwise and paid me to represent their views. . . . I won the case, and then the voters of Wyoming voted down the initiative by a 61-39 percent margin,” Honaker explained.[2] At the time, Honaker said: “Unborn children are human beings, and abortion is the taking of the life of an unborn child who is a member of the human race,” a statement which alarmed pro-choice advocates.[9] Honaker has, however, procured support from some abortion supporters: Robert Shively, a Casper lawyer who formerly represented Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains,[16] Kate Fox of Cheyenne, who formerly represented Wyoming NARAL in the case,[17] and former Democratic State Senators Lisa Kinney[18] and Bob Reese,[19] and State Representative Don Sullivan of Cheyenne.[20]

Eric M. Alden of Wheatland in southeastern Wyoming, a former Republican legislator who opposed Honaker’s anti-abortion bills, was nevertheless quoted accordingly in the Casper Star-Tribune: “I believe he has the potential to be one of the finest trial judges ever to serve in this state. His commitment to fairness is second to none. I can truthfully say that there is no person I would rather have as a judge on a case, no matter what side of any issue I was on, than Dick Honaker.”[21]

Shortly before his death, Senator Thomas released a statement which asserts that Honaker has a broad range of experience over the last thirty years in both state and federal courts in Wyoming. While his credentials are certainly outstanding, I am particularly impressed with his character and his values which are deeply rooted in Wyoming. He has the right judicial philosophy—he knows the importance of interpreting the law while not legislating from the bench.[3]

Republican U.S. Sen. Michael B. Enzi also hailed Honaker’s nomination: “[He] will be an excellent jurist . . . He has the experience and the temperament to serve our state and the judiciary well. . . . He knows the difference between legislating—from his experience as a Wyoming representative—and judging—from all his years of court work. Since the criteria is fairness, I want to assure you, Richard is among the fairest people I know.”[22]

Enzi’s Republican colleague, John Barrasso of Casper, who succeeded Thomas, agrees: “I know Mr. Honaker and respect him as an individual. I admire his legal abilities and his passion for the law. There is no question he is ready to fill the seat for which he has been nominated.”[22]

Judge Brimmer describes Honaker as “very well-qualified” for the position.[23] Former Governor Sullivan, in a letter to U.S. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, defends Honaker: “He is not, as some have tried to portray him, a radical or person of extreme views.” Sullivan said that he has observed Honaker, as a lawyer for injured plaintiffs, having represented clients “very well . . . with care and concern. . . [He] carries a demeanor which would translate into a classic judicial temperament and a respect for and an understanding of the rule of law and legal precedent which would position him to be an outstanding trial judge.”[24]

He married Shannon Kathleen Casey 24 Dec 1978 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co., Wyo. Children:

i. Heather Shannon[8]. Born 22 Dec 1979. She married Derek Thomas Mercer 30 Jul 2005. He was

from Austin, Texas.

77.i.i. ii. Harmony Lynn. Born 6 Aug 1981.

iii. Richard Dustin. Born 1 Jul 1983. In 2011 he had not married.

86.i.i. William Michael[7] Miller (William Dayton[6], Lena Leota[5], John Allen[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 25 Jul 1944 in Welch, W.Va. Died 11 Oct 1982 in Woodbridge, Va.

He married Gerrie Sue Lockhart 27 May 1967. Died 25 Jun 1999. Children:

i. James Bryan[8]. Born 4 Nov 1969. He married Lisa Michelle Proffit 31 Dec 1994 in New Hope Methodist Church, Princeton, W.Va.

ii. Heather Michelle. Born 6 Feb 1978. She married Andrew Mark Scipio 12 Jun 1999 in First United Methodist Church, Princeton, W.Va.

86.i.iii. Randall Sutphin[7] Miller (William Dayton[6], Lena Leota[5], John Allen[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 18 Oct 1948 in Iaeger, W.Va. Died 18 Dec 1983 in Iaeger.

He married Lana Thornburg. They divorced. Children:

i. Randall Scott[8]. Born 4 May 1974.

ii. Christy Denise. Born 5 Sep 1977.

86.ii.i. Brenda Jean[7] Moore (called B.J.) (Margaret Honaker[6], Lena Leota[5], John Allen[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 12 Jan 1945 in Roanoke, Va.

She married James Nichols 13 Mar 1964 in Roanoke, Va. They divorced. Children:

86.ii.i. i. Timothy Wayne[8] (called Timmy). Born 15 Feb 1965.

89.v.ii. Jack W.[7] Honaker (Thomas Harry[6], Edward Simpson[5], Thomas Davidson[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 12 Jan 1925 in South Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died 10 Sep 2015 in Montgomery, Montgomery Co., Ala. Buried in Montgomery.

Montgomery [Ala.] Advertiser, 13 Sep 2015: Jack W. Honaker, age 90, of Montgomery, Ala., was born on Jan. 12, 1925 in South Charleston, W.Va., and passed away Thurs., Sept. 10, 2015. Mr. Honaker was a member of Aldersgate [United Methodist Church.] He was preceded in death by his parents, Thomas H. Honaker, Sr., Mary Ethel Priddy Honaker; brother, Thomas H. Honaker, Jr.; and sister, Mildred Withrow. Survivors include his children, Mike (Tresia) Honaker, Debbie (Jimmy) Daniel, Pat (Todd) Carmichael; grandchildren, Michelle Kitchens, Jenny Mallory, Allen Daniel, Ty Carmichael; great grandchildren, Zach, Matthew, Katie Kitchens, Jackson and Davis Mallory, Ava, Rachel, and Henry Daniel; brother, Richard Honaker; and sister, Dorothy Stewart. Visitation will be held from 10:30 –11:30 a.m., Mon., Sept. 14, 2015 at Leak Memory Chapel followed by a private graveside officiated by Dr. Brian Miller. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to Baptist Hospice. Online condolences may be left at leak-.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Mike[8]. He married Tresia Unknown.

93.ii.i. Stephen Grover[7] Honaker (Stanley Ephriam[6], Forest Hill[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 7 Nov 1923 in Nitro, W.Va. Died 5 Jul 2007. He was a veteran of World War II.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 8 Jul 2007: Mr. Stephen Grover Honaker Sr., 83, passed away July 5, 2007 at Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home. Mr. Honaker was born in Putnam County, W.Va., to the late Stanley Ephrium and Ruth Harmon Honaker. He was a longtime member of Highland Presbyterian Church and a charter member of Trinity Presbyterian Church. Mr. Honaker taught Sunday school and was an elder in his church. He retired from Eckerd Drugs after 37 years as a pharmacist. He was a longtime member of The American Legion and The Disabled American Veterans and was a member of the Masonic Blue Lodge York Rite. He was preceded in death by his wife of 56 years, Doris Woods Honaker. Mr. Honaker is survived by a son, Stephen Grover Honaker Jr. and wife, Jovy, of Winston-Salem, N.C.; a daughter, Lynn Honaker-VanEijk and husband, Fred, of Raleigh, N.C.; five grandchildren, Megan, Lauren, and Ashley VanEijk and C.J. and Josh Honaker; a great-grandchild, Kaya VanEijk; and a sister, Ruth Anna Honaker-Palmer of Nitro. A funeral service will be conducted at 10:30 a.m., Sat., July 14, 2007, at Highland Presbyterian Church with the Rev. Jim Wagner officiating. Entombment will follow at Westlawn Gardens of Memory in Clemmons. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday at Hayworth-Miller Silas Creek Chapel, Winston-Salem, N.C. Memorials may be sent to Hospice & Palliative CareCenter, 101 Hospice Lane, Winston-Salem, NC 27103.

Top of FoBottom of FormHe married Doris Leone Woods, daughter of Carlisle Oakford Woods and Mae Estep, 6 Apr 1950 in Nitro. Born 6 Aug 1924 in Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died 18 Feb 2006 in Forsyth Medical Center, Winston-Salem.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 19 Feb 2006: Mrs. Doris Woods Honaker, 81, died Sat., Feb. 18, 2006, at Forsyth Medical Center. She was born Aug. 6, 1924, in Kanawha County, to the late Carlisle Oakford and Mae Estep Woods. Mrs. Honaker was a member of Highland Presbyterian Church. She was an excellent wife, mother, grandmother and aunt. She always had a sparkle in her eyes and a beautiful smile. She was preceded in death by two sisters. Surviving is her beloved husband, Stephen Honaker Sr. of Winston-Salem, N.C.; a son, Stephen Honaker Jr. and wife Jovy of Winston-Salem, N.C.; a daughter, Lynn Van Eijk and husband Fred of Raleigh, N.C.; five grandchildren, Megan, Lauren and Ashley VanEijk, Christopher Justin and Josh Christian Honaker; and one great-granddaughter, Kayla Braeden VanEijk. Funeral arrangements are incomplete at this time. Hayworth-Miller Silas Creek is serving the Honaker family.


93.ii.i. i. Stephen G., Jr.[8] Born 25 Sep 1956.

93.ii.i. ii. Lynn Ellen. Born 17 Aug 1959.

93.vii.i. Kenneth L.[7] Honaker (Clarence[6], Forest Hill[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 27 Sep 1931. Died 18 Oct 2005 in Red House, W.Va. Buried in Wade Chapel Cemetery, Red House.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 18 Oct 2005 and Honaker Family Newsletter, Winter 2005—Kenneth L. Honaker, 74, of Red House, died at home Oct. 18, 2005 following a short illness. He was born Sept. 27, 1931, the son of Clarence and Ada Honaker. He was a lifelong resident of Putnam Co., W.Va., a proud U.S. Army veteran of World War II, a retired mechanic for the Goodyear plant, Apple Grove, with 25 years of service, a member of Lone Oak Church of God Mission, Red House, and enjoyed farming. Survivors include his loving wife of 48 years, Freda J. Honaker; sons, David L. Honaker and his wife, Crista, of Red House; daughter, Teresa A. Hodges and her husband, Robert, of Red House; sisters, Joann Pauley and her husband, Basil, of Red House, and Janet Simmons and her husband, Bill, of Nitro; 10 grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. Services were at Raynes Funeral Home, Buffalo, Pastors Johnny Taylor, Nyle Fisher, and Bob Kelly officiating. Burial was at Wade Chapel Cemetery, Red House.

He married Freda J. Unknown. Children:

93.vii.i. i. Ricky[8].

ii. David L. He married Crista Unknown.

iii. Teresa A. She married Robert Hodges.

93.vii.ii. Alma Joan[7] Honaker (Clarence[6], Forest Hill[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

She married, first, Unknown Hackett. Children:

93.vii.i. i. Deborah Lynn[8].

She married, second, Unknown Pauley.

107.ix.i. Sparrel Hansford[7] Honaker Jr. (Sparrel[6], Charles Edward[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). See photograph. Born 2 Mar 1945 in Mobile, Fairford Co., Ala. He served with the U.S. Army in Vietnam. In 2008 he lived in Apple Valley, San Bernadino Co., Calif.

He married, first, Anna Virginia Flores 22 Jul 1962 in Long Beach, Los Angeles Co., Calif. Born 26 Aug 1945 in San Pedro, Los Angeles Co., Calif. Children:

107.ix. i. Sheilah Marcella[8]. Born 6 Dec 1962 in Torrance, Los Angeles Co., Calif.

He married, second, Jannette Carol Long in 1964. Children:

ii. Jeffery. He married Melissa Unknown.

107.x.iii. Velma Hazel[7] Lewis (Hazel Ida[6], Charles Edward[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1931. Died 17 Apr 1993 in Garten, W.Va. Buried in Huse Memorial Park, Fayetteville, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 19 Apr 1993: Mrs. Velma Hazel Pennington, 62, of Garten died April 17, 1993, at home after a long illness. She was a retired head cook for Fayetteville Consolidated Elementary School and a deacon and charter member of Garten Pentecostal Holiness Church. She was a member of the church auxiliary and West Virginia Food Association. Surviving: husband, Edgar G. Sr.; sons, Edgar Jr. of Kannapolis, N.C., Everette Lake of Garten; daughters, Yolonda L. Persinger of Garten, Yuvonne Y. Holcomb of Morrisville, N.C.; mother, Hazel Honaker Lewis of Lochgelly; sisters, Minnie Loeffler and Linda Marie Halverson, both of Lochgelly, Jackie Delle Donne of Verona, Pa., Alma Starr of Gainesville, Fla.; nine grandchildren; three great-grandchildren. Service will be 2 p.m. Tuesday at Dodd-Payne-Hess Funeral Home, Fayetteville, with the Rev. Bruce Johnson officiating. Burial will be in Huse Memorial Park, Fayetteville. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.

She married Edgar G. Pennington in Garten. Children (one of her sons was surnamed Lake. This raises the possibility that one or more of her children were foster or stepchildren):

i. Edgar G.[8] Jr.

ii. Everette [Lake].

iii. Yolanda L. Married Unknown Persinger.

iv. Yuvonne Y. Married Unknown Holcomb.

107.xii.iii. Elaine[7] Laws (Billie Elizabeth[6], Charles Edward[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). In 2010 she lived in Covington, Va.

She married James Kershner. Children:

i. James[8]. In 2010 he lived in Mitchell, Va.

107.xivi.. Gailia Ann[7] Honaker (James H.[6], Charles Edward[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). In 2008 she lived in Oak Hill, Fayette Co., W.Va.

She married Gary Wayne Johnson. Children:

i. Kimberly Ann[8]. She married Unknown Danch.

ii. Gary Wayne, II.

iii. James Michael.

114.i.i. Basil Bernard[7] Honaker (Bert William[6], Charles W.[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 3 Dec 1926 in Thayer, W.Va. Died 15 Oct 2009 in Lilly Park, Rainelle, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Buried in Wallace Memorial Cemetery, Clintonville, W.Va.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 20 Oct 2009: Rainelle—Basil Bernard Honaker, 82, of Lilly Park, died Thursday morning, Oct. 15, 2009, at his home, following a short illness. Born Dec. 3, 1926, at Thayer, W.Va., he was the son of the late Bert William and Pearl Irene Taylor Honaker. Mr. Honaker was a member of the First Baptist Church of Rainelle, and was a military veteran having served in both the Air Force and the Army. He had worked for Hardee’s many years and also had worked at the local poultry farm. Besides his parents, he was preceded in death by a daughter, Shelia Miyasaki, and two sisters, Pauline Smith and Elsie Silvey. Survivors include his companion of 34 years, Hazel Adkins of Rainelle; a son, Bert Wayne Honaker of Enosburg Falls, Vt.; a sister, Mildred Ruffner of Rainelle; five grandchildren, Jacqueline and Jordan Miyasaki, Hannah and Wayne Honaker and Serena Adkins; and a close friend, Bobby Adkins. Services will be 1 p.m. Wed., Oct. 21, 2009, at Wallace & Wallace Chapel in Rainelle, with Pastor Bob Scharnhorst officiating. Burial will follow in Wallace Memorial Cemetery, Clintonville, where military honors will be conducted. Friends may call 6 to 8 p.m. today at the funeral home. Arrangements by Wallace & Wallace of Rainelle.

He married Unknown. Children:

114.i.i. i. Bert Wayne[8].

114.i.i. ii. Shelia.

114.iv.i. Homer Clarence[7] Hundley (Mary Myrtle[6], Charles W.[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 21 Aug 1921 in Blue Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 31 Oct 1989 in Blacksburg, Montgomery Co., Va. Buried in Blacksburg. His mother said he was delivered by a veterinarian. He helped build Babcock State Park while working for the Civilian Conservation Corps during the Depression in West Virginia. While there his mother took him a raisin cake every weekend. During World War II he served with the 109th Division, U.S. Army, in the Phillippines.

He married, first, Edith Kathleen Caldwell Whittaker 19 Jul 1941 in Montgomery County. They divorced 1956 after she left him for a Church of God minister, John McGraw, whom she married, according to RootsWeb in 2009. Born 1920 in Montgomery County. Children (of Homer and Edith):

i. Richard Homer[8]. Born 12 Apr 1942 in Blacksburg. Died 23 May 1987 in Virginia. Buried in Blacksburg.

ii. Margaret Ann.

iii. Judith Carol.

iv. Joyce Marie. Born and died 1946 in Layland, Fayette Co., W.Va.

v. Theresa Adaline. Born in Layland. She married Unknown Gilkerson.

He married, second, Mabel Quesenberry Newman 20 Dec 1956 in Hinton, Summers Co., W.Va. She married, first, Colen Newman and had a daughter in that marriage, Irene.

114.iv.ii. Hobert Edward[7] Hundley (Mary Myrtle[6], Charles W.[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 19 Jun 1926 in Layland, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 23 May 1987 in Triadelphia, Ohio Co., W.Va., the same day as his nephew Richard Homer Hundley. Buried Parkview Memorial Gardens, Wheeling, Ohio Co., W.Va. He was found shot to death outside his apartment. Police could not establish whether it was suicide or murder. He served with the 66th Constabulary Squadron, 78th Infantry Division, in Germany for four years in World War II.

Unknown West Virginia newspaper: Hobert E. Hundley, 60, of RD2, Triadelphia, died Saturday in Wheeling hospital. He was a former employee of Weimer Meat Packing, former owner of Hundley Bar and Restaurant, Roney’s Point, and a Protestant. He was an Army veteran of World War II. He was preceded in death by his wife, Betty White Hundley, in 1986. Surviving are a son, Ronald E. of Triadelphia; four daughters, Mrs. Daniel (Shiela) Robinson, Mrs. Robert (Joyce) Dobrzynski and Mrs. Donald (Donna) Fischer, all of Triadelphia, Mrs. David (Betty Jean) Miller of Valley Grove; four sisters, Mrs. Dallas (Louise) Berry of Pulaski, Va., Mrs. William (Lillian) Pugh of Beckley, Mrs. Larry (Gertrude “Gerty”) Johncox of Newark, N.Y., Mrs. William (Gennis) Gonzalez of Elkins, W.Va.; a brother, Homer, of Virginia; 15 grandchildren; several nieces and nephews…”

He married Betty Lee White 18 Dec 1945 in West Virginia. Born 13 Nov 1924 in Wheeling, Ohio Co., W.Va. Died of cancer 1986 in Wheeling. Buried Parkview Memorial Gardens, Wheeling.

Unknown newspaper, Wheeling, W.Va.: Betty Lee White Hundley, of RD2, Triadelphia, died Tuesday in Ohio Valley Medical Center, Wheeling. She was former co-owner of Hundley Restaurant and Bar, Roney’s Point, and a Protestant. Surviving are her husband, Hobert E. Hundley; a son, Ronald E.; four daughters, Mrs. Daniel (Shiela) Robinson, Mrs. Robert (Joyce) Dobrzynski and Mrs. Dave (Betty Jean) Miller, all of Triadelphia, Mrs. Donald (Donna) Fischer of Roney’s Point; two sisters, Mrs. Joseph (Bertha) Duymich of Triadelphia, Mrs. Ronald (Martha) Heath of Wheeling, 15 grandchildren…”


i. Ronald E.[8] In 1987 he lived in Triadelphia.

ii. Shiela. In 1987 she lived in Triadelphia. She married Daniel Robinson.

iii. Joyce. In 1987 she lived in Triadelphia. She married Robert Dobrzynski.

iv. Donna. In 1987 she lived in Triadelphia. She married Donald Fischer.

v. Betty Jean. In 1987 she lived in Valley Grove, W.Va. She married David Miller.

114.iv.iii. Gertrude[7] Hundley (Mary Myrtle[6], Charles W.[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 13 Jan 1934 in Layland, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 24 Dec 1991 in Newark, Wayne Co., N.Y. Buried in New York. She fell unconscious in a store on a shopping errand to buy a Christmas gift for the woman who helped her clean house. Rushed to a hospital, she regained consciousness to tell her sons goodbye. She had “leakage of the heart” caused by German Measles and high fever as a child, which caused her problems all her life. The family said she did not have enough veins in her body for the blood she needed, which added to her problems. Tall, slim and pretty, she looked like her paternal grandmother. She would defend what she thought was right.

She married, first, Vernon Franklin Jinks, son of Henry Joseph Jinks and Severna Katherine Fitzpatrick, 13 Feb 1952 in Maplewood, Fayette Co., W.Va. Born 9 Jul 1927 in West Virginia. Died 18 Aug 1970 in Newark, N.Y. Buried in Newark. Children:

i. Vernon Franklin[8] Jr. He lived in Palmyra, N.Y.

ii. Edward Henry. He lived in Palmyra, N.Y.

She married, second, Larry Johncox 29 Jun 1971. Died 11 Dec 1990. Velma Dorothy[7] Honaker (George Pleasant[6], Charles W.[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2],

Frederick[1]). Born 27 Aug 1944 in Wheeling, Ohio Co., W.Va.

She married, first, Theodore Edward DuCharme 29 Jul 1963. They divorced. Children:

i. Theodore Edward, Jr.[8] Born 25 Nov 1963 in San Diego, Calif.

ii. Kandy Renay. Born 10 Oct 1965 in San Diego. iii. Sherry Lynn. Born 22 Jan 1971 in La Mesa, San Diego Co., Calif.

She married, second, Alfred Sargeant 22 Dec 1984. There were no children.

116.i.i. Linda Sue[7] Honaker (Arthur Newman[6], George Washington[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 18 Oct 1948 in Beckley, W.Va.

She married William Stagnia in New Smyrna Beach, Fla. Children:

i. William[8].

ii. Thomas.

116.ii.ii. Jerry Jerome[7] Honaker (Hamer George[6], George Washington[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 12 Feb 1937 in Charleston, W.Va.

He married Carol Haverfield in San Francisco, Calif. Children:

i. Noel[8].

ii. Mary Annette.

116.ii.iii. Sarah Jane[7] Honaker (called Sally) (Hamer George[6], George Washington[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 26 Oct 1937 in Glenray, Summers Co., W.Va. Died 25 Jul 1981 in White Sulphur Springs, W.Va.

She married Henry Wade in Alderson, W.Va. Children:

i. Jerry Ann[8].

116.iv.ii. David Andrew[7] Honaker Jr. (called Davy) (David Andrew[6], George Washington[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 6 Dec 1940 in Alderson, W.Va. Died 21 Mar 2012. Buried in Fletcher Addition, Alderson [W.Va.] Cemetery. He helped build the Bluestone Dam in Summers Co., W.Va. He worked in construction and as a carpenter.

Charleston [W.Va.] Daily Mail, 23 Mar 2012: David Andrew Honaker, 71, of Alderson died March 21, 2012, after a long illness. Graveside service and burial will be 11 a.m. Sat., March 24, at the Fletcher Addition of Alderson Cemetery, Alderson. There will be no visitation. Arrangements by Longanacre Funeral Home, Fort Spring.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., Alderson—David Andrew Honaker Jr., 71, passed away Wed., March 21, 2012.

Graveside service and burial will be 11 a.m. Sat., March 24, 2012, at the Fletcher Addition of the Alderson Cemetery, Alderson, with Pastor Audie Sorg officiating. There will be no visitation. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, P.O. Box 238, Charleston, WV 25300. Arrangements by Longanacre Funeral Home, Fort Spring.

He married Josephine Ramona Garcia 25 Apr 1964 in Alderson, W.Va. Children:

i. Carmelia Elaine[8]. Born 5 Feb 1965 in Alleghany, Va.

ii. Angela Christine. Born 17 Jun 1967 in Alleghany, Va.

iii. Valerie Lynn. Born 14 Aug 1968 in Alleghany, Va. Charlene[7] Bryant (called Tiny) (Leona[6], George Washington[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 30 Mar 1943 in Pence Springs, Summers Co., W.Va. Died of a heart attack 8 Oct 2003 in Saluda, W.Va.

Daily Press, unknown city, Va., 20 Oct 2003—Charlene B. Shackelford, age 60, of Saluda, a Saluda Food Lion associate, died Sat., Oct. 18, 2003, unexpectedly at her home. She was born in Pence Springs and raised in Clayton, W.Va. She was a member of Saluda Baptist Church where she was serving as teller. Survived by her husband, Irvin R. Shackelford; two daughters, Debra Ann Stanley of Hellertown, Pa., Lisa LeAnn Boone of Urbanna; two sons, Jamie Boone of Saluda and Jeff Boone of Tappahannock; grandchildren, Melissa and Jessica Stanley, Ashley, Ryan and Amber Boone; great-grandchildren, Valerie, Bessie and Naylor Stanley; her mother, Leona Carter of Alderson, W.Va.; a sister, Esther Ann Aliff of Morgantown, W.Va. The family will receive friends from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Monday (tonight) at Bristow-Faulkner Funeral Home, Saluda. Memorial service will be held 3 p.m. Tuesday in Saluda Baptist Church. Interment private. Memorial gifts may be made to Saluda Baptist Church, P.O. Box 452, Saluda, VA 23149 or the American Heart Association, P.O. Box 5216, Glen Allen, VA 23058-5216.

She was a real estate broker and member of the Clayton Baptist Church. Her hobbies included fishing, sailing and reading.

She married, first, James William Boone (called J.W.), son of Perry Newton Boone and Neva Harris, 21 Apr 1959 in Covington, Va. Born 7 Oct 1940 in Tempa, Summers Co., W.Va. He joined the U.S. Army in Sep 1958, received training at Ft. Benning, Ga., and was transferred to Germany 1 May 1959. He was sent to Schweinfurt, Germany and was there with his wife and first child during the time of the Berlin Wall alert. They returned to the U.S. in Feb 1962. He and Charlene divorced. He also married Cornelia Unknown. He owned a marina in Deltaville, Va. He was a member of the Tempa Baptist Church and enjoyed fishing and sailing. Children: i. Debra Ann[8]. ii. James David (called Jamie). iii. Jeffrey Michael (called Jeff).

iv. Lisa LeAnn. Born 31 Aug 1981 in Williamsburg, Va. In 2002 she was a student at Middlesex

School, Saluda, Va.

She married, second, Irvin Ray Shackelford. Esther Ann[7] Bryant (called Estie) (Leona[6], George Washington[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 30 Nov 1945 in Hinton, W.Va. She was a court reporter and member of Clayton [W.Va.] Baptist Church. Her interests included reading, music, and movies.

She married Onas Earl Aliff (called Onnie), son of Earl Aliff and Nadine Unknown, 8 Jan 1967 in Clayton, W.Va. Born 19 Sep 1945 in Borger, Texas. He ess part owner of Triad Engineering Consultants. He was a Baptist whose interests included sports, car racing, and travel. Children:

i. Timothy Blaine[8] (called Tim). Born 20 Apr 1971 in Morgantown, W.Va. He was a physician.

ii. Christopher Wade (called Chris). Born 9 Dec 1972 in Marietta, Ga.

124.iii.i. Shari Lee[7] Honaker (Thomas Harlow[6], Isaac Powell[5], Ellis Patton[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 26 May 1962.

She married, first, Unknown. Children:

i. Mary Beth[8] (called Beth). Born ca. 1984. Died before 2012. She married Unknown Thomson.

ii. Katie. Born ca. 1990. She married Jason Windon.

She married, second, Keith Brian Bennett, son of Richard Bennett and Joann Lackey. Born 22 Feb 1962 in Millville, N.J. Died 5 Nov 2012 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Buried in Wallace Memorial Cemetery, Clintonville, W.Va.

The Daily Journal, Millville, N.J., 5 Nov 2012: Keith Brian Bennett, 50, of Ronceverte, W.Va., passed away Fri., Nov. 5, 2012, at home after a long illness. Born Feb. 22, 1962, in Millville, he was the son of Joann Lackey Whitaker of Lewisburg and the late Richard Bennett. Mr. Bennett had been a resident of Greenbrier County [W.Va.] for 20 years and was formerly of New Jersey. He was a member of the Greenbrier Valley Church of the Nazarene in Fairlea, and loved southern gospel music and collecting hot wheel cars. He was a disabled truck driver. He was preceded in death by his father, Richard Bennett in 1974; stepdaughter, Beth Thomson; and brother, Rick Bennett. Survivors include his wife, Shari Honaker Bennett of Ronceverte; mother, Joann Whitaker and husband Al of Lewisburg [W.Va.]; two daughters, Renee Gibson and husband Cliff of Covington, Va., and Kali Knauff of Brigantine; stepdaughter, Katie Windon and husband Jason of Fairlea [W.Va.]; two sons, Alan Bennett and wife Tiffany of Ronceverte and Brandon Sipps and wife Brieanna of Pennsville; sister, Beverly Sams and husband Roger of Alderson; stepsister, Susan Dixon of Fairlea; two stepbrothers, Al Whitaker Jr. of Beckley and Steve Whitaker of Aiken, S.C.; and six grandchildren, with two more on the way. Services will be held at 2 p.m. today at Greenbrier Valley Church of the Nazarene, Fairlea, with the Revs. Glen Thaxton and David Hersman officiating. Burial will follow in the Wallace Memorial Cemetery, Clintonville. Friends and family may call at 1 p.m. today at the church. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Greenbrier Valley Church of the Nazarene, Greyrock Professional Park, Route 2, Box 168, Lewisburg, W.Va. 24901. Arrangements are by Longanacre Funeral Home, Fairlea, W.Va.

124.iii.ii. Joshua Adam[7] Honaker (Thomas Harlow[6], Isaac Powell[5], Ellis Patton[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 15 Dec 1978.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Isaac Dalton[8]. Born 18 Sep 1996.

124.v.i. Pamela[7] Willis (Phyllis Gray[6], Isaac Powell[5], Ellis Patton[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). In 2015 she lived in Sinks Grove, Monroe Co., W.Va.

She married, first, Unknown Taylor. Children:

i. Brent[8]. In 2015 he lived in Chesapeake, Va. He married Lisa Unknown.

She married, second, Bill Hensley.

124.v.ii. Sandra[7] Willis (Phyllis Gray[6], Isaac Powell[5], Ellis Patton[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Steve White. In 2015 she lived in Sinks Grove, Monroe Co., W.Va. Children:

i. Laurel[8].

ii. Kaitlin (also reported as Kellen).

125.i.i. Tracy Ann[7] Honaker (William Ellis[6], Freddie Freeman[5], Ellis Patton[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). In 2008 she and her family lived in Tennessee.

She married Dan Maynard. Children:

i. Carrie[8].

ii. Travis.

iii. Alicia.

125.i.ii. Misty Lynn[7] Honaker (William Ellis[6], Freddie Freeman[5], Ellis Patton[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 7 Oct 1975 in Cherry Point, N.C. while her father was stationed at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune. In 2008 she operated Hutchinson Chiropractic & Wellness Center, Barboursville, W.Va.

Herald Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., 13 May 2001, accompanied by a photograph of the couple:


Misty Lynn Honaker exchanged wedding vows with Emory Lee “Duke” Hutchinson March 24 at the Westmoreland United Methodist Church. She is the daughter of Susan L. Honaker of Hurricane, W.Va. He is the son of Sherry D. Sturgill of Circleville, Ohio, and Duke Hutchinson Sr. of Huntington.

Dr. Michael Ognibene performed the ceremony. Music was provided by Shaun McCoy, vocalist; and Ruth Thompson, organist. The bride was escorted by her uncle, Richard Jordan. Maid of honor was Holly Jordan, cousin of the bride. Bridesmaids were Rhonda Humm-Hutchinson, Susan Black, Summer Koslow-Kindle and Laura Jordan, cousin of the bride.

Best man was Greg Johnson, nephew of the groom. Groomsmen were Larry Hutchison, Chuck Frazier, Jon Hardy and Ben Mills. Junior bride and groom were Meghan and Hunter Hardy. Flower girls were Chelsea Bryant, niece of the groom, and Whitney Ackley, cousin of the groom. Guest book and program attendants were Melissa and Erica Adkins, nieces of the groom. Bubble attendants were Brandy and Mandy Adkins, nieces of the groom. A reception was conducted in the parish hall of Sacred Heart Catholic Church with Phyllis and Dave Evans assisting. Music was provided by Dave Stephenson.

The bride graduated from Vinson High School, Marshall University and Sherman College of Chiropractic with a bachelor of science degree in biology and a doctorate of chiropractic. She practices at Wheelersburg Chiropratic Clinic in Wheelersburg, Ohio. The groom, a graduate of Huntington High School, is a wine sales representative with Atomic Distributing Co. They reside in Proctorville, Ohio.

Herald Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., Jan 2009: Births

(Jan. 13) Hutchinson—Mr. and Mrs. Emory (Duke) Lee Hutchinson Jr., a daughter, Marley Bree. Mrs. Hutchinson is the former Misty Lynn Honaker.

She married Emory Lee Hutchinson Jr. (called Duke), son of Emory Lee Hutchinson and Susan Lynn Jordan, 24 Mar 2001 in Huntington. Born 29 Apr 1975 in Columbus, Ohio. Children:

i. Marley Bree[8]. Born 13 Jan 2009 in Huntington, W.Va.

130.i. Paul Leonard[7] Comer III (Barbara Jean[6], Osby Ann[5], Rebecca Adalade[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). In 2009 he and his family lived in Charlotte, N.C.

He married Jeanette Unknown. Children:

i. Paul Leonard[8], IV (called Jay).

ii. Jordan Elizabeth.

135.i.i. Ann Watson[7] Deeds (Virginia Mae[6], Opie Byrd[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 3 May 1952. In 2008 she lived in Venice, Fla.

Hinton [W.Va.] News, 13 Mar 2001, illustrated with a photograph, and Honaker Family Newsletter, May-Jun 2001—Ann Deeds Jacobs Accepts Corporate Position

Ann Deeds Jacobs has accepted a corporate position with HCR ManorCare Health Services of Toledo, Ohio as manager of Market Development for the Assisted Living Division.

Ms. Jacobs has been an employee with HCR ManorCare since September of 1998 as Marketing Director of Arden Courts Alzheimer’s Assisted Living in Sarasota, Fla. She will now supervise market development in 10 Arden Courts within the states of Florida and Texas.

Arden Courts is a 56-unit Alzheimer’s assisted living designed for Alzheimer’s residents who are in early to mid stages. The buildings are designed environmentally for visual cueing. It offers one building, four houses with 14 residents in each house. Each of the houses have bedrooms, kitchen and living room, as well as a large common area, and a large outside courtyard, which is totally secured. There is only one secured door, leaving 12 others for residents to walk about and feel they are not confined or restricted. This promotes the dignity of the residents as well as helps with the transitions to the building.

Also offered is a structured activity program from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., with activities also structured for residents who do not sleep through the night.

Programs are offered to families of residents, support groups, and family nights as well as open visiting hours, where families can have access to visit 24 hours a day. Pricing and services are tailored to meet each resident’s needs on an individual basis.

Ms. Jacobs’ Sarasota building is at 100 per cent occupancy. Her other nine buildings have reached a total of 90 per cent occupancy. She assumed her new position Oct. 1, 2000.

Ms. Jacobs is the daughter of Mrs. Bob J. Maddy of Bellepoint and Mr. John Deeds Jr. of Jumping Branch, W.Va. She has worked previously for Summers County Senior Center as an outreach worker and the Summers County Continuous Care Center at Hilldale.

Hinton [W.Va.] News, 16 Aug 2005, with 2-column photograph, cutline “Pictured left to right Veronica Fogelman, Asst. Vice Pres.; Sally Banulis, Dir. Of Market Dev.; Ann Jacobs, Mgr. of Market Dev. Fla. & Texas, and Donna Weiner, Asst. Vice Pres. Marketing Operations” —Ann Deeds Jacobs Receives HCR Manor Care’s Highest Award for Outstanding Sales Leadership

HCR Manor Care announces that Ann Jacobs, daughter of Mrs. Bob Maddy of Hinton and Mr. John Deeds Jr. of Jumping Branch, manager of market development, has received the company’s Reaching for the Stars award, the sales and marketing award of excellence. Jacobs was recognized as one of 11 award winners for the entire company, which comprises 70 assisted living facilities, 300 skilled nursing centers, 90 home health and hospice offices and 80 outpatient rehabilitation centers.

Donna Weimer, assistant vice president of marketing operations also presented the Vision, Performance, Growth award as well as the Greatest Improvement in Occupancy Volume award to Jacobs, citing her ability to coach and mentor her employees and the resulting strong census growth her region has exhibited. Jacobs is responsible for sales and marketing functions at 15 locations including Arden Courts of Palm Harbor, Seminole, Naples, Lely Palms, West Palm Beach, Tampa, Delray Beach, Largo, Sarasota, Winter Springs and Ft. Myers in Florida and Arden Courts of Arlington and Richardson in Texas.

HCR Manor Care is a leading owner and operator of long-term care centers in the United States. HCR Manor Care’s 61,000 employees provide high-quality care for residents and patients through a network of more than 500 long-term care facilities, outpatient rehabilitation clinics, home health care offices and management services for professional organizations. The company operates primarily under the respected ManorCare, Heartland and Arden Courts names. HCR Manor Care is committed to being the preeminent care provider in the industry. HCR Manor Care shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol HCR.

She married, first, Larry Smith. Children:

i. Michael Shawn[8]. Born 7 Apr 1972. In 2016 he lived in Venice, Fla.

She married, second, Michael Burgess Jacobs.

135.i.ii. Cathy Lou[7] Deeds (Virginia Mae[6], Opie Byrd[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 27 Jan 1957. In 2016 she and her family lived in Talcott, W.Va. In 2008 she lived in Wayside, W.Va.

She married Johnnie Wayne Richmond. Children:

i. Jennifer Megan[8]. Born 12 Nov 1980.

She married John Randolph Sisson (called J.R.), son of C.R. Sisson and Mary Lee Unknown, 23 Dec 2005 at Pipestem Resort State Park, W.Va.

Hinton [W.Va.] News, 27 May 2003: Richmond Honored at Emory & Henry Awards Day

A Talcott, W.Va. student was recognized recently at Emory & Henry College’s awards day convocation. Jennifer Meagan Richmond received the outstanding senior student in biology award and the Hugh and Sigrid Solomon excellence in service scholarship at the April 27 awards banquet. The Emory & Henry awards day convocation is an annual event honoring outstanding students for achievements during their time at college.

Hinton [W.Va.] News, 27 May 2003: Richmond a Candidate for Graduation at Emory & Henry

Jennifer Richmond of Talcott, W.Va., is a 2003 candidate for graduation at Emory & Henry College. Richmond, who has a major in biology, plans to pursue her doctorate of physical therapy at Elon University.

While at Emory & Henry, Richmond was a member of Alpha Phi Omega national service fraternity, Habitat for Humanity, residence hall association, pre-health professionals club, Beta Beta Beta national biological honor society, Cardinal Key honor society, Sigma Mu honor society, Campus Christian Fellowship, Blue & Gold society and the Emory & Henry student tutoring program.

Richmond was the recipient of the Patrick Henry scholarship and the Emmett V. Richardson pre-health science scholarship. She was named to Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities and was recognized as the college’s outstanding first-year biology student. Richmond is the daughter of Johnnie and Cathy Richmond of Talcott.

Hinton [W.Va.] News, 28 Feb 2006: Richmond-Sisson (with photograph, cutline—Jennifer Megan Richmond and John Randolph Sisson)

Jennifer Megan Richmond of Talcott, and John Randolph Sisson of Jacksonville, N.C., were united in marriage on Dec. 23, 2005 at Pipestem Resort State Park. Pastor D.L. Stalnaker of Talcott and Pastor Garin Hill of Burlington, N.C., performed the ceremony.

Jennifer is the daughter of Johnnie and Cathy Richmond of Talcott. She is a 1999 graduate of Summers County High School, a 2003 graduate of Emory & Henry College and is currently a student in the Doctor of Physical Therapy program at Elon University, Elon, N.C.

J.R. is the son of Sergeant Major C.R. and Mary Lee Sisson (USMC, Ret.) of Jacksonville, N.C. He is a 1997 graduate of Quantico High School, a 2001 graduate of Emory & Henry College, and a 2003 graduate of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, He is currently a second lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps and is assigned to the communications school at Quantico, Va.

The bride’s paternal grandparents are the late C.D. Richmond and Evelyn Richmond of Talcott. Her maternal grandparents are Virginia Maddy of Hinton, and John and Bobbie Deeds of Jumping Branch. The groom’s paternal grandparents are the late Julius and Evelyn Sisson. His maternal grandparents are Robert and the late Maggie D. Jewell of Lafayette, Va.

The bride’s sister, Allison Richmond of Talcott, served as maid of honor. Friend of the couple, Stacy Horton of Abingdon, Va., and sister-in-law of the bride, Julie Richmond of Salem, W.Va., served as bridesmaids. The groom’s father served as best man. Cousin of the groom, Brad Jewell of Lafayette, Va., and brother of the bride, John Richmond of Salem, W.Va., served as groomsmen. Mikayla Cales of Alderson, W.Va., served as flower girl and Shawn Merrill of Alderson, W.Va., served as ring bearer. Rachel Hill of Burlington, N.C., and Angela Richardson of Winston-Salem, N.C., both friends of the couple, served as scripture readers. A reception followed at Pipestem State Park.

The couple enjoyed a honeymoon in Hawaii, and they now reside in North Carolina and Virginia.

ii. John Christopher. Born 3 Dec 1982. He married Julie Unknown and in 2016 lived in Salem,


iii. Allison Leigh Ann. Born 24 May 1989. She married Joseph Williams and in 2016 lived in

Charleston, W.Va.

142.i.iii. Jo Ann[7] Anderson (Willis[6], Albert Ray[5], Annie Mary[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born


She married Unknown Williams. Children:

i. Christy Lea[8].

150.i.i. Roy Byrum[7] Honaker (Barbara Edwards[6], Charles Franklin[5], Charles Oscar[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 12 Apr 1965 in Richmond, Va. He graduated from Huntington [W.Va.] High School in 1984.

He married Lynn Unknown. Born in Georgia. Children:

i. Katelyn Brooke[8]. Born 13 Dec 2006.

162.viii.ii. Cathy Lynn[7] Morgan (Robert C.[6], David Wilber[5], Rebecca Jane[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). In 2011 she lived in Chesapeake, Ohio.

She married Unknown Marshall. Children:

i. Niles[8]. In 2011 he lived in Proctorville, Ohio. He married Heidi Unknown.

ii. Emily Brooke. In 2011 she lived in Chesapeake, Ohio. Cathy[7] Honaker (Donald Ray[6], Clarence H.[5], Newton Dixon[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

She married David Cole. Children:

i. Tyler[8].

ii. Dylan.

170.ii.i. Joseph Edward[7] Morgan Jr. (Joseph Edward[6], Josie Evelyn[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

He married, first, Joyce Bennett. Children:

170.ii.i. i. Cathy[8]. Born bet. 1958-1962.

170.ii.i. ii. Timothy. Born bet. 1960-1962.

170.ii.i. iii. Douglas. Born ca. 1964.

170.ii.i. iv. Sherry. Born ca. 1966.

170.ii.i. v. Cody. Born ca. 1968.

He married, second, Linda Grimes, born to Hazel Grimes and adopted by Andrew Grimes and Lovell Bennett ca. 1950. Children:

170.ii.i. vi. Andrew Jackson. Born ca. 1973.

vii. John Arden. Born ca. 1975.

170.ii.i. viii. Melissa. Born ca. 1978.

ix. Morgan. Born and died in Jun 1986. Buried in Coffman Cemetery, Coffman Hill above Whitcomb, W.Va.

170.ii.ii. Joyce Maril[7] Morgan (Joseph Edward[6], Josie Evelyn[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 2 Nov 1937 in Ronceverte, W.Va.

She married John Morgan, son of Glenn Morgan. Children:

i. Cynthia Maril[7]. Born 8 Jun 1961.

ii. Johna Lynn. Born 8 Oct 1963.

iii. Katrina Sue. Born 14 Jun 1970.

170.ii.iii. Gary Allen[7] Morgan (Joseph Edward[6], Josie Evelyn[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Gary A., Jr.[8]

170.ii.iv. Michael Wallace[7] Morgan (Joseph Edward[6], Josie Evelyn[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Nesta Unknown. Children:

i. Tammy[8].

ii. Edith.

iii. Tonya.

170.ii.v. Phillip Leon[7] Morgan (Joseph Edward[6], Josie Evelyn[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born after 1942.

He married Sharon Unknown. Children:

i. Jocie[8].

ii. Lorie.

iii. Joshua.

iv. Caleb.

170.vii.i. Judy Ann[7] Johnson (Martha Annabel[6], Josie Evelyn[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Feb 1941 in Ronceverte, W.Va.

She married Ronald Lee Sanger 19 Jul 1959 in Scarbro, Fayette Co., W Va. Born 6 Oct 1938 in Scarbro. Children:

i. Ronald Lee, Jr.[8] Born 1 Nov 1960 in Chattanooga, Tenn. He married Geri Thompson in 1979.

ii. Randall Dean. Born 19 Jul 1964 in Chattanooga, Tenn. He married Iva Jane Pfau.

iii. Robert Scott. Born 6 Oct 1970 in Charleston, W.Va. He married Robin Ann Hurley 3 May 1993 in Belfry, Ky.

170.vii.ii. Sarah Jo[7] Johnson (Martha Annabel[6], Josie Evelyn[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 4 Feb 1944 in Ronceverte, W.Va.

She married Raymond Nevel Elmore 4 Jan 1963 in Ringgold, Ga. Born 17 May 1942 in Eskdale, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Children:

i. Charles Edward[8]. Born 17 Apr 1965 in Newport, R.I. He married Karen Ann Gibson

30 May 1992 in Kanawha Co., W.Va.

ii. David William. Born 27 Jun 1969 in Millington, Tenn. He married Bethany Dawn Miller

21 Jan 1994 in Peterstown, Monroe Co., W.Va.

170.vii.iii. Sue Ella[7] Johnson (Martha Annabel[6], Josie Evelyn[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 19 Mar 1947 in Ronceverte, W.Va.

She married William Gary Erps 4 Oct 1975. Born 17 May 1945. Children:

i. Carla Sue[8]. Born 10 Nov 1968.

ii. Staci Lyn. Born 5 May 1977. She married Danny Ray Reed 6 Dec 1997 in Princeton, W.Va.

iii. William G., Jr. Born 11 Dec 1978.

170.vii.iv. William H.[7] Johnson Jr. (Martha Annabel[6], Josie Evelyn[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 3 Oct 1950 in White Sulphur Springs, W Va. In 1998 Bill was director of communications for the Pennsylvania State Education Association, Harrisburg, Pa.

He married Jane Ellen Laws, daughter of James Edward Laws and Agnes Marie Landrum, 21 Jul 1973 in War, McDowell Co., W.Va. Born 29 Aug 1952 in Welch, McDowell Co., W.Va. Children:

i. Russell William[8]. Born 18 Mar 1977 in Charleston, W.Va.

ii. Sarah Ellen. Born 20 Mar 1980 in Charleston, W.Va.

171.ii.i. Richard Edwin[7] Honaker (Roy Edwin[6], Darius W.[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Clifton Forge, Va. He grew up in Lewisburg/Caldwell/White Sulphur Springs, W.Va.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Richard Edwin[8] Jr. Born 2 Dec 1968 in Clifton Forge, Va. He grew up in Lewisburg, W.Va. and in 2010 lived in Christiansburg, Va.

171.iv.i. Carl Thomas[7] Sims (also Simms) (Ina[6], Darius W.[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1947. Died 23 Dec 1992 in Ronceverte, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 25 Dec 1992: Carl Thomas Simms, 45, of Ronceverte died Dec. 23, 1992, at home after a long illness. He was a lifelong resident of Ronceverte and a member of the Greenbrier 4-H and Future Farmers of America Livestock Association. He was a cattle farmer and a graduate of West Virginia University. Surviving: wife, Sue Ray Simms; parents, Carl Sims and Ina Honaker Simms both of Ronceverte; daughters, Sophia Simms and Reagan Simms, both of Ronceverte; sister, Sonnie Feamster of Ronceverte; brother, Bill of Glen Jean. Service will be 2 p.m. Sunday at Ronceverte Presbyterian Church with the Rev. Weston Guthrie officiating. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday at Wallace-Wallace Funeral Home, Lewisburg. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to Coffman Hill Presbyterian Church or Greenbrier Valley Hospice.

He married Sue Ray. Children:

i. Sophia[8].

ii. Reagan. Rebecca[7] Boone (Frances Zell[6], Darius W.[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). In 2008 she lived in Arlington, Va.

She married Norm Bouchard. Children:

i. Sarah[8].

ii. Susan. Beverly[7] Boone (Frances Zell[6], Darius W.[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). In 2008 she lived in Union, W.Va.

She married Rusty Brown. Children:

i. Andrea[8].

ii. Aaron. Lisa[7] Boone (Frances Zell[6], Darius W.[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). In 2008 she lived in Organ Cave, W.Va.

She married Bob Lafon. Children:

i. Ivy[8]. She married Unknown Mitchell.

ii. Haley. She married Unknown White.

176.i. Myrna Jean[7] Miller (Eleanor Betty[6], Charles Alfred[5], William Ritchie[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 8 Oct 1936 in Great Falls, Mont. In 2001 she lived in Cashmere, Wash. She was a fine seamstress, and operated a candy business which she sold. She was semi-retired.

She married Leslie Arthur Robertson 10 Jun 1955. They divorced in Aug 1972. Children:

176.i. i. Kim Leslie[8]. Born 15 Mar 1956 in Renton, King Co., Wash.

176.i. ii. Kelly Jean. Born 12 Aug 1958 in Renton.

iii. Karrie Renee. Born 14 Jan 1961 in Renton.

176.i. iv. Michelle Alison. Born 3 Mar 1963 in Renton.

176.ii. Vickie[7] Miller (Eleanor Betty[6], Charles Alfred[5], William Ritchie[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Vickie’s birth name was Mona Verlene. Born 9 Jun 1938 in Pocatello, Idaho. She lives in the same mobile home park as her mother in Oak Harbor, Wash. A retired bartender, she became disabled in 1994. In her leisure time she enjoys beachcombing with her mother and writing. In 1998 she was learning to use her computer.

She married, first, Verne Leon Ingram, son of Aaron Leon Ingram and Hulda Erna Giese, 15 Nov 1954 in Coeur D’Alene, Idaho. Born 8 Aug 1935 in Port Angeles, Wash. They divorced in May 1964. He also married Janene Sue Ryan and Constance Marie Hanby. Children (of Vickie and Verne):

176.ii. i. Judy Lynn. Born 3 Jul 1955 in Renton, King Co., Wash.

176.ii. ii. Pamela Jo. Born 23 May 1956 in Renton.

176.ii iii. David Leon. Born 9 Mar 1958 in Renton.

176.ii. iv. Steven (name changed to Steven Ingram O’Meara). Born 13 Feb 1959 in Renton.

She married, second, Franklin John O’Meara (called Sonny), son of Frank Louis O’Meara and Elfrieda C. Nilsen,

17 Oct 1964 in Coeur D’Alene, Idaho. Born 26 Jan 1932 in Seattle, Wash. Died 2 Mar 1989 in Seattle. The remains were cremated. They divorced 27 Apr 1976. He also married Patricia Rampley. Frank was a shipyard worker, and was diabetic. Children (of Vickie and Frank):

v. John Franklin. Born 29 Mar 1965 in Seattle, King Co., Wash. In 1998 he lived in Redmond, Wash.

176.ii. vi. Brian Michael. Born 11 Sep 1968 in Tacoma, Pierce Co., Wash.

vii. Coley Ryan. Born 3 Mar 1971 in Bellingham, Wash. He works for a lithograph company and is a student living in Lynnwood, Wash.

She married, third, Lawrence Hill.

188.i. Juanita Lena[7] Honaker (George Styrus[6], Marsheen Tabler[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). In a most unusual coincidence, there apparently were two Honaker women who married a John Darby. A hundred years prior to Juanita Lena’s death, The Ashland [Ky.] Independent, 1 Nov 1883, published the following brief item about a Honaker woman not presently identified: Lawrence Co. (Louisa)—Mrs. John Darby, nee Honaker, died Friday of consumption at Cassville, W.Va.

190.i. Norma Lee[7] Honaker (Lowell W.[6], Letcher Wellington[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1920 in Paradise, Putnam Co., W.Va. Died 2 Jun 2016 in South Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va.

Buried in Wade Chapel United Methodist Church Cemetery, Red House, W.Va.

Gazette-Mail, Charleston, W.Va., x Jun 2016: Norma L. Casto, 96, a lifelong resident of Paradise and wife of the late Nile Casto, went home to be with her Lord and Savior on Thurs., June 2, 2016, after a long illness, at Hubbard Hospice House West, South Charleston. She was the last remaining member of the family of the late Lowell and Lottie Luikart Honaker. She was also preceded in death by her brothers, Donald, Frank and Glenn Honaker. In her younger years, Norma was a member of Wade Chapel United Methodist Church and also worshipped her Lord at Paradise Bible Church and Red House Bible Church in her later years before she became homebound due to health reasons. She was a wonderful cook and worked diligently on the farm caring for her family. She enjoyed sewing and creating quilts for many family members which will be treasured forever. She is survived by her children, Nelson C. Casto of Hometown, Brenda Casto (Roger) who resided and lovingly cared for her mother through the years. Also surviving are her grandchildren, Phillip Casto, Rachel Keen and Sara Casto; and five great-grandchildren. Funeral service will be held at 2 p.m., Sat., June 4, at Chapman Funeral Home, Winfield, with Pastors Greg Blake and Doug McComas officiating. Burial will follow in Wade Chapel United Methodist Church Cemetery, Red House, W.Va. Visit Norma’s tribute page at to share memories with the family. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions should be directed to Hubbard Hospice House West, 4605 MacCorkle Ave., S.W., South Charleston, WV 25309. Chapman Funeral Home, family owned and located in Winfield, W.Va., is honored to serve the Honaker/Casto families.

She married Nile Casto. Died before 2016. Children:

i. Nelson C.[8].

ii. Brenda. She married Roger Unknown.

190.ii. Donald K.[7] Honaker (Lowell W.[6], Letcher Wellington[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 8 May 1924 in Paradise, Putnam Co., W.Va. Died 21 Jul 2011 in Hometown, W.Va. Buried in Haven of Rest Memorial Gardens, Red House, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Daily Mail, 24 Jul 2011: Donald K. Honaker, 87, of Hometown went to be with the Lord Thurs., July 21, 2011 at home following a short illness. Born May 8, 1924 in Paradise, he was a son of the late Lowell and Lottie Luikart Honaker. He was also preceded in death by his beloved wife of 44 years, Leola Stone Honaker, and his brothers, Franklin S. and Glenn A. Honaker. Donald was a licensed and ordained minister with the Church of God Mission and had served as pastor at the former Clark Memorial Church of God Mission. He attended Hometown Church of God Mission and West Virginia Home Mission, Nitro. He was a former employee of Avtex Fibers, Nitro and worked as an auto body mechanic with various companies over the years. In later years he repaired lawnmowers for many neighbors and friends. He served his country with the U.S. Navy during World War II. Surviving are his children, Donald Gary (Joyce) Honaker of St. Albans, Robert W. Honaker of Liberty, Barbara E. (David) Harrison and Merrill (Connie) Honaker, all of Red House; his sister, Norma L. Casto of Red House; his grandchildren, Eric (Sarah) Harrison of Red House, Aaron (Christi) Harrison of Franklin, Ohio, Jason (Stacy) Honaker of Bridgeport and Amanda Honaker-Simmons and Jennifer (Tracy) Brown, both of Dunbar; and ten great-grandchildren who brought much joy to his life, Spencer and Mitchell Honaker, Lindsay, Glenna, Rylie, Delanie, Cassidie and Baylie Harrison and Madison and Kaitlyn Simmons. Funeral service will be held 2 p.m. Sun., July 24, 2011 at Chapman Funeral Home, 3624 Winfield Road, Winfield with Pastors Joey Scarberry and Fairley McCormick officiating. Burial with military honors will follow in Haven of Rest Memorial Gardens, Red House. Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday at the funeral home. Online condolences may also be shared by visiting . The family would like to express their deep gratitude to Dr. Christopher Bowman; the 4th floor nursing staff of Thomas Memorial Hospital; and the staff of Hospice. Memorial contributions may be made to HospiceCare, 1606 Kanawha Blvd. W., Charleston, WV 25312.

He married Leola Stone ca. 1946. Born ca. 1925. Died 9 Dec 1990 in Hurricane, W.Va. Buried in Haven of Rest Memorial Gardens, Red House, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 9 Dec 1990: Mrs. Leola Honaker, 65, of Hometown, Putnam County, died Dec. 8, 1990, in Putnam General Hospital, Hurricane, after a short illness. She was a 20-year resident of Hometown and attended Hometown Church of God Mission. Surviving: husband, Donald K.; daughter, Barbara Harrison of Red House; sons, Donald Gary of St. Albans, Robert W. and Merrill L., of Red House; brother, Carroll R. Stone of Hometown; five grandchildren

Service will be 2 p.m. Monday at Gatens Funeral Home, Poca, with the Rev. W. David Lett and Paul Arthur officiating. Burial will be in Haven of Rest Memorial Gardens, Red House. Friends may call from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.


190.ii. i. Barbara E.[8]

ii. Donald Gary. He married Joyce Unknown and in 2011 lived in St. Albans, W.Va.

iii. Robert W. In 2011 he lived in Liberty, W.Va.

iv. Merrill L. He married Connie Unknown and in 2011 lived in Red House, W.Va.

190.iv. Glenn Austin[7] Honaker (Lowell W.[6], Letcher Wellington[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 21 Jan 1933 in Red House, W.Va. Died 21 Jul 2007. Buried in Wade Chapel Cemetery, Red House, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette and Columbus [Ohio] Dispatch, 23 Jul 2007: Glenn Austin Honaker, 74, of New Albany, Ohio, passed away Sat., July 21, 2007, after a short illness. He was born Jan. 21, 1933, to the late Lowell and Lottie (Luikart) Honaker in Red House, W.Va., where he will return for burial. A U.S. Army veteran, Glenn had retired from Rockwell International and the Columbus International Airport. Besides his parents, he was preceded in death by a son, Lowell William; brother, Frank; loved in-laws, Willie and Becky Quigley, and his loving dog, Misty. He is survived by his wife of 51 years, Clara Quigley Honaker; son, Anthony and friend, Kelly; two most loved granddaughters, Eileen and Ellen; sister, Norma Casto; brother, Donald and numerous nieces and nephews. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. Tue., July 24, 2007, at Schrödinger Northeast Chapel, 1051 E. Johnstown Rd. (Rte. 62) Gahanna, Ohio. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Wed., July 25, 2007, at Wade Chapel Methodist Church, Red House, W.Va., where friends may call one hour prior to the service. Mr. Jamie Jacobus will do the honors for Glenn. Interment will be in Wade Chapel Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Mt. Carmel Hospice, 793 West State St., Columbus, OH 43222, or to a charity of your choice. Visit to share memories or express condolences. Local arrangements are entrusted to Chapman Funeral Home, Winfield, telephone 304-586-2542.

He married Clara Quigley, daughter of Willie Quigley and Becky Unknown, ca. 1956. Children:

i. Lowell William[8].

ii. Anthony.

191.ii. Lyda Ann[7] Honaker (called Mickey) (Carl Kenneth[6], Letcher Wellington[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1930.

She married Robert Ray Keenan, son of Edwin C. Keenan and Drexel Baldwin, ca. 1950. Born 24 Nov 1927 in West Virginia. Died 19 Jul 2011 in Mooresville, N.C. Buried in Cunningham Memorial Park Cemetery, St. Albans, W.Va.

Charlotte [N.C.] Observer, 21 Jul 2011 and Mooresville Tribune, 22 Jul 2011: Mooresville—Robert Ray Keenan, 83, of Fieldstone Rd., Mooresville, N.C., died Tue., July 19, 2011 at the Brian Center of Mooresville. He was the son of the late Edwin C. and Drexel Baldwin Keenan. He was a minister with a theological degree from the Nazarene Bible College Institute in West Virginia. He was a member of the U.S. Air Force; was a secret decoder for the U.S. Government; worked for Capital Airlines, then was a supervisor with United Airlines; he managed Travel Rama in Charleston, W.Va., then founded Keenan Travel Service also in Charleston; he traveled to every continent in the world except Africa and South America; he ministered to many churches including and lastly Walton [W.Va.] Nazarene Church; he was an Eagle Scout and was a sponsor and supporter of Little League baseball. Survivors include his wife of 61 years, Lyda “Mickey” Honaker Keenan of Mooresville; three children, Rebecca Keenan Worley and husband Steve of Roanoke, Va., Karen Beane and husband Rick of Lake Norman, N.C., and Barbara Burford and husband Robert of Mooresville, NC; a sister, Norma Weires of Old Town, FL; six grandchildren, Christopher Means of Salem, Va., Carrie Ross and husband James of St. Cloud, Minn., Bridgett Shamblin and husband Samuel of Cross Lanes, W.Va., Brent Vickers and wife Nicole of Huntersville, N.C., Holly Withrow and Chase Burford of Mooresville, N.C.; 11 great-grandchildren, J. Edgar & Kelsey Halstead, Solomon, Savannah & Will Shamblin, Payton & Ashton Vickers; Preston Oxley & Trinity Beane, Dominick & Jaiden Abraham; sisters-in-law Big Jo and Little Jo Keenan; numerous nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews. He was preceded in death by a granddaughter, Kelly Means Worley; two brothers, Freddie Mac & Edwin C. Keenan, Jr. and mother and father-in-law, Alva Lee and Carl K. Honaker.

The family will receive friends on Thurs., July 21, 2011, from 5 to 7 p.m. at Cavin-Cook Funeral Home in Mooresville. Then the family will receive friends on Fri., July 22, 2011, from 6 to 8 p.m. at Keller Funeral Home in Dunbar, W.Va. The funeral service will be on Sat., July 23, 2011, at 10 a.m. at the Keller Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Phillip Bowles officiating. Burial will follow at Cunningham Memorial Park Cemetery in St. Albans, W.Va. Cavin-Cook Funeral Home of Mooresville, N.C. and Keller Funeral Home of Dunbar, W.Va. are serving the Keenan family.


i. Rebecca[8]. She married Steve Worley and in 2011 lived in Roanoke, Va.

ii. Karen. She married Rick Beane and in 2011 lived in Norman, N.C.

iii. Barbara. She married Robert Burford and in 2011 lived in Mooresville, N.C.

202.i. Friend Junior[7] Honaker (Friend Austin[6], Otho Plato[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1920. Died 8 Nov 2001 in South Charleston, W.Va. Buried in Tyler Mountain Memory Gardens, Cross Lanes, W.Va.

Sunday Gazette-Mail, Charleston, W.Va., 11 Nov 2001, with photograph: Friend J. Honaker, 81, of Cross Lanes died Thurs., Nov. 8, 2001, at Thomas Memorial Hospital after a short illness. He was a heavy equipment operator, retired from the International Union of Operating Engineers. He was a member of the Dunbar Masonic Lodge No. 159, the Beni Kedem Shrine, the Scottish Rite and Order of the Eastern Star. He was an Army veteran of World War II. Surviving are his [step] son, Harold R. Duppstadt of St. Albans; brother, Harold Honaker of Akron, Ohio; sisters, Irene of Parkersburg, Elva “Sug” Buffington of Ohio; two grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Masonic graveside services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Monday at Tyler Mountain Memory Gardens with the Rev. Doyle Smith officiating. A procession will leave Keller Funeral Home, Dunbar, at 2 p.m. Monday. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday at Keller Funeral Home, where there will be an Order of Eastern Star service at 7:30 p.m.

He married Ethel Irene Unknown. She was previously married to Unknown Duppstadt and brought a son to the marriage, Harold R. Duppstadt.

202.ii. Harold Hunter[7] Honaker (Friend Austin[6], Otho Plato[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Shiphrah Unknown. Died before 2006. Children:

202.ii. i. Ketura[8].

ii. Harriet.

iii. Cheryl.

iv. Harold Hunter, Jr. (called Austin) Born ca. 1988. Died 9 Jul 2006 in Elizabeth, W.Va. Buried in Glendale Cemetery, Akron, Ohio.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 11 Jul 2006: Ohio man dies after fall out of pickup’s bed

Elizabeth [W.Va.]—An Ohio man died Sunday, apparently from injuries received when he fell out of the rear of a pickup. Harold Honaker, 18, of Akron, fell from the bed of a moving pickup truck about 2 a.m. Sunday on W.Va. 21 near Mineral Wells in Wood County, State Police Trooper M.A. Mayhew of the Parkersburg detachment said in a prepared release. Three others involved in the incident picked Honaker up and transported him to a residence in Elizabeth, he said. From there they called for an ambulance and Honaker was pronounced dead at Camden-Clark Hospital, Parkersburg. Mayhew said alcohol may have been a contributing factor to the incident. State Police at Parkersburg are continuing to investigate the cause.

Akron [Ohio] Beacon Journal, 12 Jul 2006: Harold “Austin” Honaker Jr., 18, passed away suddenly after an accident on Sun., July 9, in Elizabeth, W.Va., his most beloved place to be. Austin was a lifelong resident of Akron and a senior at North High School, where he was a member of the Culinary Arts and CBI programs. Austin greatly enjoyed hunting, fishing, and target shooting. He loved sitting back playing Playstation [computer game] and watching King of the Hill [television program.] He was preceded in death by his mother, Shiphrah Honaker, and grandmother, Phyllis Gibson. Surviving him are his father, Harold Honaker; sisters, Ketura (Simon) Rios, Harriet Honaker, and Cheryl Honaker; nephew, Isaac Rios; nieces, Ariel and Isabelle Rios; many uncles, aunts, and cousins from the Honaker and Gibson families. He greatly appreciated the love and support of his close friends and teachers, including Kenny Davis of West Virginia, Chris Ulrich, Justin Brown, Howard Phillips, Brian and Jason Cain, Melissa Doing, Mike Cosgrove, Ms. Halasa, Ms. Gibson, Mr. Kalapodis, Mr. O’Neil, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Hewitt, Mrs. Kernan, Mrs. Givens, and many, many others. And, as Austin would request, formal dress is not required. Funeral services will be conducted at 1 p.m. Thursday at Newcomer Funeral Home, 131 N. Canton Rd., with Pastor Jeff Wade of Celebration Church officiating. The family will receive friends from 11 a.m. Thursday until the service begins. Interment will follow at Glendale Cemetery. Online condolences may be sent to (Newcomer Funeral Home, 330-784-3334.)

205.ii. Jack R.[7] Honaker (Cecil C.[6], John Sayastos[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1931 in Hometown, Putnam Co., W.Va. Died 11 Apr 1994 in Charleston, W.Va. Buried in Grandview Cem., Red House, Putnam County.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 13 Apr 1994: Jack R. Honaker, 62, of Eleanor died April 11, 1994, in Memorial Division, [Charleston Area Medical Center], following a short illness. He was a former owner and operator of Honaker’s Garage in Hometown, a member of the Masonic Lodge at Buffalo, member of the Scottish Rite of Charleston, served in the Air Force and was a member and choir director of Red House United Brethren Independent Church. Survivors: wife, Annetta J. Sayre Honaker; daughters, Teresa A. Honaker and Deborah L. Honaker, both of Eleanor; brother, Cecil Honaker Jr. of Red House. Service will be Thursday at 2 p.m. at the Red House United Brethren Independent Church with the Rev. Jackie Clark and Pastor Joe Hutchinson officiating. Burial will be in Grandview Cemetery at Red House with Masonic graveside rites. Friends may call at Raynes Funeral Home in Buffalo from 3 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. today and at the church one hour prior to the service.

He married Annetta J. Sayre, daughter of Roy Sayre and Rushie Unknown. Born in Red House, W.Va. In 2014 she lived in Eleanor, Putnam Co., W.Va. Children:

i. Teresa A.[8]

ii. Deborah L. She married Unknown Ross.

205.iv. Cecil C.[7] Honaker Jr. (Cecil C.[6], John Sayastos[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1936. Died 18 Dec 2003. Entombed in Haven of Rest Memorial Gardens, unknown place.

Charleston [W.Va.] Daily Mail, 20 Dec 2003: Red House [W.Va.]—Cecil C. Honaker Jr., 67, of Red House died Dec. 18, 2003, in Putnam General Hospital. Mr. Honaker was a former mechanic for R.H. Peters Chevrolet and Honaker’s Garage. He was a member of Hometown Senior Citizens and the Lions Club and was a Christian. Mr. Honaker is survived by his children, Stephanie Stubblefield and Chris Honaker; special nephew, Gary Beller and wife, Carolyn, of Red House; sister-in-law, Annetta Honaker of Eleanor; and nieces, Debbie Ross of Teays Valley, Teresa Honaker of Eleanor. Service will be 1 p.m. Monday, Dec. 22, at Haven of Rest Memorial Gardens Mausoleum Chapel with the Rev. Willard Beller officiating. Entombment will follow in the mausoleum. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday at Gatens Funeral Home, 147 Main St., Poca. Condolences may be sent to the family by using . Gatens Funeral Home, Poca, is in charge of arrangements.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Stephanie[8]. She married Unknown Stubblefield.

ii. Chris.

210. William A.[7] Honaker (William Anderson[6], Charles Edward[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1].) Born 24 Apr 1922 in Mt. Hope, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 24 Mar 2010.

Naples [Fla.] News; Virginian Pilot, Hampton Roads, Va.; 27 Mar 2010: [pic]

William A. Honaker, 87, of Bonita Springs, Fla., died Wed., March 24, 2010. Formerly of Portsmouth, Va., he had been a Bonita resident since 1980. He was born Apr. 24, 1922 in Mt. Hope, W.Va., the son of Hettie (nee Lively) and William Anderson Honaker Sr. He was a U.S. Navy veteran of W.W. II and worked as a civilian for the Norfolk Naval Shipyard in Portsmouth, Va., until his retirement. He was an active member of the Lee County, Fla., Sheriff’s Department [Volunteer Observers Impacting Community Effort (neighborhood watch)] program for the last 14 years and was a member of the First Baptist Church of Naples, Fla. Mr. Honaker is survived by his beloved wife of 67 years, Ellen A. (nee Adams) Honaker; his children, Pamela (Eric) Bodger of Southampton, England and William A. Honaker Jr. of Bonita Springs, Fla.; and sister-in-law, Rita Adams of Bonita Springs, Fla. A memorial service will be held Tue., March 30, 2010 at 2 p.m. at Shikany’s Bonita Funeral home, 28300 Tamiami Trail South, Bonita Springs. Relatives and friends may call from 1 p.m. until the time of the service. Memorial contributions may be made to the Florida Sheriff’s Youth Ranches, Inc., P.O. Box 2000, Boy’s Ranch, FL 32064.

He married Ellen A. Adams. Children:

i. Pamela[8]. She married Eric Bodger.

ii. William A., Jr.

211.viii. Charles Edmond[7] Honaker (Charles Oscar[6], Charles Edward[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]. Born 22 Jul 1939 in Fayetteville, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 22 Nov 2013.

Florida Times-Union, Jacksonville, Fla., 23 Nov 2013: Charles Edmond Honaker, 74, passed away on Nov. 22, 2013. He was born on July 22, 1939 to the late Charles O. and Nellie Honaker, in Fayetteville, W.Va. Charles worked for the South Florida Carpenters Union as a journeyman carpenter, a painting contractor, and screen printing business owner. Charles owned and operated a Mom and Pop shop for 20 years along with his spouse in Fort Myers, Fla. Charles enjoyed Southwest Florida wildlife, and working in his vegetable garden along with his wife, between spending time with his son and grandson at home. Charles and his wife moved from Fort Myers (between hurricanes) in 2004, to be close to his son and grandson in Orange Park, Fla. Charles truly missed his many friends in Southwest Florida. Charles was preceded in death by his brothers, Daniel, Eli, and Joshua Honaker. Charles is survived by his loving wife, Sharon Honaker; his brother, Eldridge Honaker; his sisters, Nan Dunn, Iris Hall, and Mildred Lamb; two sons, Charles W. Honaker and Tim Walding; grandchildren, Jonathon Robert Jack, Timmy, Steve, Samantha, and many nieces and nephews. Charles E. Honaker served in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as a structure specialist in Germany. A memorial service will be held on Sun., Nov. 24, 2013 at 2 p.m. at Aaron and Burney Bivens Funeral Home, 529 Kingsley Ave., Orange Park, FL, 32073, (904) 264-1233. Please sign the guestbook @ .

He married Sharon Unknown. Children:

i. Charles W.[8]

212.ii. Edgar W.[7] Honaker (Shirley E.[6], Charles Edward[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1924. Died 1 Jul 1991 in Beckley, W.Va. The remains were cremated.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 3 Jul 1991: Edgar W. Honaker, 67, of Fayetteville, died July 1, 1991, at Raleigh General Hospital, Beckley, of long illness. He was born in Fayetteville. He was a retired heavy equipment operator and a Navy veteran of World War II. Surviving: daughters, Linda Legg of Ruskin, Fla., Betty Jean Kramer of Schererville, Ind.; brother, Robert L. “Red” of Fayetteville; sister, Kathleen T. Hess of Fayetteville; four grandchildren. There will be no service or visitation. The body has been cremated. A memorial service will be held at a later date. Dodd-Payne-Hess Funeral Home, Fayetteville, is in charge of arrangements.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Linda[8]. Married Unknown Legg.

ii. Betty Jean. Married Unknown Kramer.

212.iii. Robert L.[7] Honaker (called Red) (Shirley E.[6], Charles Edward[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1921. Died 25 Nov 1994 in Oak Hill, W.Va. Buried in Huse Memorial Park, Fayetteville, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 26 Nov 1994: Robert L. “Red” Honaker, 73, of Fayetteville died Nov. 25, 1994, at Plateau Medical Center, Oak Hill, after a long illness. He was a retired city manager for the towns of Oak Hill and

Fayetteville. He was an Army veteran of World War II and a Presbyterian. Surviving: wife, Dorothy Kincaid Honaker; son, Dwight David “Ike” of Fayetteville; stepson, Robert Lee Kincaid of New Haven; daughters, Sandra Copeland of Charleston, Elizabeth Neely of South Charleston; stepdaughter, Candice Akers of Fayetteville; sister, Kathleen Hess of Garten; five grandchildren; six stepgrandchildren; one stepgreat-grandchild. Service will be 11 a.m. Monday at Fayetteville Presbyterian

Church with the Rev. John McLean and the Rev. BillyReed Wickline officiating. Burial will be in Huse Memorial Park, Fayetteville. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday at Dodd-Payne-Hess Funeral Home, Fayetteville. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Fayetteville Presbyterian Church or to Fayetteville United Methodist Church Food Pantry.

He married, first, Margaret Ann Johnson (called Ann). Born ca. 1923. Died 8 Oct 1985 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Huse Memorial Park, Fayetteville, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 9 Oct 1985: Mrs. Margaret Ann Honaker, 62, of Fayetteville, died Tuesday in Beckley Appalachian Regional Hospital after a long illness. She was a retired teacher’s aide from Oak Hill Elementary and

Rosedale schools. She was a member of Fayetteville Presbyterian Church and Women of the Church. Surviving: husband, Robert L. “Red”; sons, Robert Michael of Huntington, Dwight David of Smithers; daughters, Mrs. Sandra K. Copeland and Mrs. Elizabeth G. Leckie both of Charleston; half sister, Mrs. Gladys Gentry of Peterstown; five grandchildren. Service will be 11 a.m. Thursday in Dodd-Payne Funeral Home, Fayetteville, with the Rev. D.H. Rodgers III officiating. Burial will be in Huse Memorial Park, Fayetteville. There will be no visitation.


i. Sandra K.[8] Married Leon Copeland.

ii. Elizabeth G. (called Libby) Married Unknown Leckie and Bob Neely.

iii. Robert Michael (called Mike). Born ca. 1953. Died 24 Sep 1992 in Huntington, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 25 Sep 1992: Robert “Mike” Honaker, 39, of Huntington died Sept. 24, 1992, at Cabell Huntington Hospital. Surviving: wife, Peggy Chafin Honaker; father and stepmother, Robert L. and Dorothy A. Honaker of Fayetteville; brother, Dwight David of Smithers; sisters, Elizabeth Leckie and Sandra Copeland, both of Charleston. Service will be 2 p.m. Sunday at Huse Memorial Park, Fayetteville. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday at Reger Funeral Home, Huntington.

iv. Dwight David (called Ike.)

He married, second, Dorothy Kincaid. Born 18 Jun 1924 in Smithers, W.Va. Died 19 Nov 2013 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Huse Memorial Park, Fayetteville, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Daily Mail, 21 Nov 2013 (with photograph): Dorothy Kincaid Honaker, 89, of Fayetteville, passed away Tue., Nov. 19, 2013, at Bowers Hospice House, Beckley. Born in Smithers on June 18, 1924, she was the daughter of the late Berl Dunlavy and Lottie Craigo Semon. She graduated from Gauley Bridge High School and was a resident of Fayetteville for 58 years. Dorothy loved her church, Fayetteville Baptist Church, where she taught Sunday school, served as circle chairman for the local circles as well as the Fayette Association ABW Women, the scholarship committee and the food committee. A homemaker and a great cook, Dorothy was known for her hot rolls and cinnamon rolls. She participated in the local Garden Club, Homemaker Club and the Red Hat Society. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husbands, Robert Kincaid and Robert Honaker; stepmother, Charlotte Dunlavy; stepfather, Herb Semon; and stepsons, Mike and Ike Honaker. Left to cherish her precious memories are her son, Bob (Sherry) Kincaid of Racine, Ohio; her daughter, Kandy (David) Akers of Fayetteville; stepdaughters, Sandy (Leon) Copeland of Charleston and Libby (Bob) Neely of South Charleston; sisters, Emily (Denver) Corley of Hillsborough, N.C., and Pat (Frank) Werner of Pittsburgh, Pa.; several cousins, special friends and caregivers; 14 grandchildren; 23 great-grandchildren; and one great-great grandchild. Funeral service will be held at 1 p.m. Fri., Nov. 22, at Fayetteville Baptist Church, Fayetteville, with Pastor David Sneed and Pastor Ron George officiating. Interment will follow at Huse Memorial Park, Fayetteville. Friends may call at the church on Friday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in her memory to Fayetteville Food Pantry, P.O. Box 33, Fayetteville, WV 25840 or Bowers Hospice House, 454 Cranberry Drive, Beckley, WV 25801. For those wishing to express their condolences to Dorothy’s family, you may do so by visiting our website at . Dodd-Payne-Hess Funeral Home, 350 W. Maple Ave., Fayetteville, will be assisting the family.

213.i. Dewey Austin[7] Honaker (Dewey Sherman[6], Charles Edward[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 31 Dec 1921 in Oak Hill, W.Va. He graduated from Mt. Hope [W.Va.] High School in 1941, lettering in football (three years), boxing (two years), and track (two years), then attended the University of Chattanooga [Tenn.] for two years. He served from 1942 to 1945 in Co. A, 150th Infantry, U.S. Army, training recruits in camp at Hattiesburg, Miss. for a year, and then several years at the Panama Canal. He was discharged as a technical sergeant in Jul 1945. After the war he was a Greyhound long distance bus driver based in Charleston, W.Va. in 1946; a West Virginia state police officer from 1946–1952; and a Chesapeake & Ohio Railway special agent in Logan, W.Va., from 1952–1957. He became a Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co. district manager in Beckley, W.Va., in 1957; then moved to Charleston, W.Va., and Columbus, Ohio, as sales training manager for three years, then back to Parkersburg as sales manager. He retired from Nationwide in 1993, completing 35 years of service. During the course of employment, his training included a Charter Life underwriting degree, membership in LUTC, completion of the West Virginia State Police Academy and Greyhound Bus School, and completion of management courses with Nationwide Insurance Co. In 2002 he lived in Vienna, W.Va., where he had been a member of Wayside United Methodist Church for 30 years, a member of Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks for 25 years, and the Lion’s Club for two years. While working in Parkersburg, he was president of Life Underwriting for two years. In 2002 his interests included golf and hunting. “At age 80,” he said, “what else can you do?”

He married Nellie Agnes Gillespie, daughter of Renick NMN Gillespie and Sarah Agnes Buckland, 27 Jul 1948 in Mt. Hope, W.Va. Born 13 Jul 1926 in Meadow Bridge, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 29 May 2001 in Marietta, Ohio. Buried in Sunset Memorial Gardens, Parkersburg, W.Va. She graduated from East Bank [W.Va.] High School in 1945. During high school, she played basketball and played clarinet in the band. She completed one year of training with Quality Business Systems, Charleston, W.Va., and was employed by Columbia Gas Co., Charleston, operating a gas measuring meter machine, 1945–1947. From 1968–1972 she held several bank positions, then worked as a bookkeeper for Quaker State Oil Co., Parkersburg, from 1972–1975; bookkeeper for a local union of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, 1975–1979. At that point, she left employment to care for her ill parents. She was a member of Wayside United Methodist Church, was a member and secretary of the Parkersburg Doll Assn., and was a collector of dolls and gnomes (Dr. Clark Collectibles.)

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, , 30 May 2001 and Parkersburg [W.Va.] News, 30 May 2001: Nellie G. Honaker, 74, of Vienna, died May 29, 2001 at the Arbors of Marietta [Ohio]. She was born July 13, 1926 in Meadow Bridge, W.Va., daughter of the late Renick and Sarah Buckland Gillespie. She was a member of the Wayside United Methodist Church of Vienna and was previously employed by Quaker State and [International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.] Survivors include her husband, Dewey A. Honaker Sr. of Vienna; son, Dewey A. Honaker Jr. of Vienna; daughter, Patricia Thomas Jackson of Middlesboro, Ky.; two grandchildren, Sarah Dawn Honaker and Shelli Thomas Vinsand; two nieces and one nephew. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by one brother and one sister. Services will be held 2:30 p.m. Friday at the Leavitt Funeral Home of Parkersburg, with the Rev. Joseph S. Kenaston and the Rev. Sandy Runnion officiating. Interment will follow in the Sunset Memory Gardens. Visitation will be from 2–4 and 6–8 p.m. Thursday at the funeral home.


213.i. i. Dewey Austin[8] Jr. Born 1 Jun 1949 in Ronceverte, W.Va.

213.i. ii. Patricia Ann. Born 7 Oct 1952.

220.i. Ray Hansford[7] Honaker Jr. (Ray Hansford[6], Samuel Hayes[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 2 Mar 1926 in Huntington, W.Va. Died 30 Aug 2009. Interred in Forest Lawn Cemetery, Norfolk, Va.

Tallahassee [Fla.] Democrat, 4 Sep 2009: Ray H. Honaker, 83, of Lake Placid, Fla., passed away Aug. 30, 2009. He was a retired United Methodist minister, former radio and television broadcaster. He is survived by wife Dorothy and children Robin, Mark, Warren and Amy. He is preceded in death by his daughter, Christine and son David. Memorial service will be held Wed., Sept. 9, 2009, at 11 a.m., at Memorial United Methodist Church, 500 Kent Ave., Lake Placid, Florida 33852. Family may be reached 5911 Antilla Drive, Orlando, FL 32809.

In 1999 Ray and Dot lived in Canton, N.C., in the summer, and in Islamorada, Fla., in the winter. From 1983 to 1999, Ray served as winter pastor for a non-denominational church in the Outdoor Resorts condominium park in Islamorada.

He married Dorothy May Mixon (called Dot), daughter of Palmer Arthur Mixon and Virgie Lucile Malbon, 22 May 1945 in Norfolk, Va. Born 9 Jan 1926 in Lynchburg, Va. Died 16 Mar 2010 in Lake Placid, Fla. Interred in Forest Lawn Cemetery, Norfolk, Va.

Tampa [Fla.] Tribune, 24 Mar 2010: Dorothy Honaker, 84, of Lake Placid, Fla., passed away March 16, 2010. A memorial service will take place at 10:30 a.m. March 24, 2010 at Southern Lifestyle Assisted Living, 1297 U.S. Highway 27 N., Lake Placid, Fla. She was preceded in death by her loving husband, Ray; son, David, and daughter, Christine, and is survived by her loving children, Robin, Mark, Warren and Amy.

Virginian Pilot, Norfolk, Va., 8 Jul 2010: Norfolk—Ray H. Honaker, 83, and Dorothy M. Honaker, 83, passed away in Lake Placid, Fla., this past year after extended illnesses. Ray was a former news and radio personality with WTAR radio and TV in Norfolk who devoted the latter half of his life to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the United Methodist Church in Florida. Dorothy was his constant companion and confidant for 63 years. Both are survived by three sons, Mark Honaker and wife Jan, Warren Honaker and wife Mary and Robin Honaker and wife Susan. One son, David Honaker and a daughter, Chris Platt preceded them in death. Also surviving are three grandchildren, Amy Davis, Raegan Disharoon, Jason Honaker and a multitude of great-grandchildren. A ceremony to inter their ashes will be conducted by the Rev. Meredith Garrett at Forest Lawn Cemetery on Fri., July 9 at 10 a.m. Friends are invited and any inquiries should be directed to Mark Honaker at (757) 721-3505.


i. Ray Hansford, III[8] (called Robin). Born 6 Aug 1946 in Farragut, Idaho. He married unknown and had an unknown son. In 1999 he lived in Cocoa, Fla.

220.i. ii. Mark Wayne. Born 26 Sep 1947.

iii. Christine Lee. Born 26 Jul 1950 in Norfolk, Va. Died from a fall 2 Sep 1999. The remains were cremated and interred 2 Aug 2000 by her father at Cruso United Methodist Church, Canton, N.C. It was her parents’ plan to be buried beside her. She lived in Boynton Beach, Fla. She married Howard Platt in Waukeenah, Fla. Died of lung cancer in Nov 1998. The remains were cremated. There were no children.

iv. David Phillip. Born 20 Oct 1954 in Norfolk, Va. Died of lung cancer 20 Jun 1996. The remains were cremated and scattered off the beach in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.

220.i. v. Warren Arthur. Born 11 Dec 1956.

223.i. Mary Alice[7] Honaker (William Hayes[6], Samuel Hayes[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 13 Mar 1932 in Huntington, W.Va.

She married Herbert Hal Johnson Jr. (called Hal), son of Herbert Hal Johnson and Virginia Lee Black, 29 Aug 1950 in Catlettsburg, Ky. Born ca. 1931 in Huntington. Died 6 Apr 2004 in St. Cloud, Fla. Buried in Veterans National Cemetery, Bushnell, Fla.

Orlando [Fla.] Sentinel, 8 Apr 2004—H. Hal Johnson, 73, of St. Cloud, died at his home with family by his side on Tue., Apr. 6, 2004. He was born in Huntington, W.Va. He was a firefighter with the Huntington Fire Department and retired in 1984 as Fire Chief after 31 years of service. He was also a chief petty officer in the U.S. Navy. He was a member of the Elks Lodge of Kissimmee [Fla.], the American Legion Post #10, and the V.F.W. Post #225 of Kissimmee. He is survived by his loving wife of 53 years, Mary Alice; four children, William Hal Johnson, Powell, Ohio, Bridget Byrd, Rosewell, Ga., Jennifer Reedy, St. Cloud, Genevieve Johnson, Jacksonville, Fla., and four grandchildren, Jordan Johnson, and Austin, Zachary and Tanner Reedy. The family will receive friends on Sat., Apr. 10th, from 5–8 p.m. at the Osceola Memory Gardens Funeral Home, St. Cloud. Interment to follow on Mon., Apr. 12th at 2:30 p.m. at Florida National Cemetery, Bushnell, Fla., with full military honors. Arrangements by Osceola Memory Gardens Funeral Home, 2000 13th St., St. Cloud, 407-957-2511.

Herald-Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., 9 Apr 2004–Retired Huntington fire chief dies at his home in Florida, by Sheanna Smith

St. Cloud, Fla.—Retired Huntington Fire Chief H. Hal Johnson, 73, died Tuesday at his home in St. Cloud, Fla. Johnson, a Huntington native, was hired as a Huntington firefighter in 1953 and promoted to fire chief in 1975, said former Huntington Fire Chief Jack Rickman, who served as a captain under Johnson. During Johnson’s nine years as chief, the fire department faced cutbacks from the city. He lost 18 people from his department and one engine station, Rickman said.

“They [fared] reasonably well under it,” Rickman said.

Johnson was able to keep other department services, including home fire safety and safety patrol programs,

buy needed fire trucks and maintain upkeep on old ones, Rickman said. Johnson’s firefighters just had to cover a larger area of the city, Rickman said. “He worked about 60 hours a week, and he put his heart and soul in it,” Rickman said.

Johnson retired in August 1984 after 31 years with the Huntington Fire Department. The department retired

his numbeer, 47, and gave Johnson a key to the City of Huntington as a token for his work, said his daughter Genevieve Johnson. Following his retirement, Johnson moved to St. Cloud, Fla., with his wife, Mary Alice.

Johnson was diagnosed about six months ago with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, a brain disorder affecting speech and movement, his wife said. In addition to his wife, Johnson is survived by four children and four grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Monday in St. Cloud.


i. Bridget Lee[8]. Born 6 Jan 1952 in Portsmouth [Va.] Naval Hospital. She married Unknown Byrd.

In 2004 she lived in Rosewell, Ga.

223.i. ii. William Hal. Born 12 Aug 1957 in Huntington, W.Va.

223.i. iii. Jennifer Lynn. Born 30 Dec 1969 in Huntington, W.Va.

iv. Genevieve Lee. Born 24 Sep 1970 in Huntington. In 2004 she lived in Jacksonville, Fla.

231.i. Virginia Ellen[7] Honaker (Calvin Lewis[6], Calvin Lewis[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 7 Oct 1932 in Alderson, W.Va. Died 11 Jan 2009 in Ronceverte, W.Va. Buried in Alderson [W.Va.] Cemetery.

Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 22 Jan 2009: Virginia Ellen Honaker Lemons, age 76, of Ronceverte, passed away Sun., Jan. 11, at her home following a sudden illness. Born Oct. 7, 1932 in Alderson, she was the daughter of the late Calvin Lewis and Nellie Mae Shires Honaker. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Harlan Loy Lemons in 1972; and three brothers, Calvin Lewis “Bud” Honaker, II, Bill Earl Honaker, and Lee Roy “Sputnik” Honaker. Mrs. Lemons was a lifelong resident of Greenbrier County and a homemaker. She attended Liberty Baptist Church in Lewisburg and the Words of Life Ministries–Caldwell Pentecostal Holiness Church. Mrs. Lemons was devoted to her faith, as well as to her eight children and their spouses, her 17 grandchildren and her great granddaughter. She also loved yard sales, planting flowers, and spending time with her family. Survivors include three daughters, Patty Lemons, Linda Lewis and her husband, Jay, and Lisa Richards and her husband, Guy; five sons, David Lemons and his wife, Janet, Donnie Lemons and his significant other, Madonna Morgan, Jerry Lemons and his wife, Karen, Rusty Lemons and his wife, Phyllis, and Harlan Lemons, Jr., and his significant other, Tiffany Perry; a sister, Margaret Brookman and her husband, John; 17 grandchildren, Jennifer Zimmerman and her husband, Doug, Erika Churchman and her husband, Matthew, Shelley Falls and her husband, Kevin, Dannie, Christopher, Melissa, Anthony, Sabrina, Trey, Alisha, Tyler, and Jessica Lemons, Laurel and Jace Lewis, Kristina and Samuel Shirley, and Michael Reynolds; a great granddaughter, Haley Zimmerman; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held Thurs., Jan. 15, at 11 a.m. at the Lobban Funeral Home Chapel, Alderson, with Gary Dean and the Rev. Richard Hutchison officiating. Burial followed at the Alderson Cemetery, Alderson.

She married Harlan Loy Lemons. Died 1972. Children:

i. Patty[8].

231.i. ii. Linda. She married Jay Lewis.

iii. Lisa. She married Guy Richards.

iv. David. He married Janet Unknown.

v. Donnie.

vi. Jerry. He married Karen Unknown.

vii. Rusty. He married Phyllis Unknown.

viii. Harlan Loy, Jr.

231.v. Lee Roy[7] Honaker (called Sputnik) (Calvin Lewis[6], Calvin Lewis[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 27 Aug 1947 in Alderson, W.Va. Died 10 May 1986 in Alderson. Buried in Honaker Cemetery near Ronceverte, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Daily Mail, 12 May 1986: Asbury—Lee Roy Honaker, 38, of Asbury, Greenbrier County, died Saturday in Alderson after a short illness. He was born in Alderson and was an Army veteran and a Methodist. He was employed by Alderson Roofing and Building Co. Surviving: wife, Linda Baker Honaker; daughter, Carrie Renee Honaker of Asbury; stepsons, Euell S. Bennett and Stacy D. Bennett, of Asbury; mother, Nellie Mae Shires Honaker of Beckley; brother, Calvin Lewis Jr. of Appomattox, Va.; sisters, Virginia Lemons of Ronceverte, Margaret Brookman of Fairlea. Service will be 2 p.m. Tuesday at Lobban Funeral Home, Alderson, with the Rev. Charlie Taylor officiating. Burial will be in Alderson Cemetery. Friends may call from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home.

Possibly Covington Virginian, unknown date: Lee Roy Honaker, aged 38 years, of Asbury, formerly of Alderson, died Sat., May 10, 1986 at Jim’s Place in Alderson of natural causes. Born Aug. 27, 1947 at Alderson, he was the son of Nellie Mae Shires Honaker of Berkley, and the late Calvin Lewis Honaker. Mr. Honaker was employed by Alderson Roofing and Building Co., was of the Methodist faith and served in the United States Army. He was preceded in death by a brother, Billy Honaker, on May 12, 1985. Other survivors include his wife, Linda Baker Honaker; a daughter, Carrie Renee Honaker; two stepsons, Euell S. and Stacy D. Bennett, both of Asbury; a brother, Calvin Lewis Honaker, Jr. of Appomattox, Va., and two sisters, Virginia Lemons of Ronceverte, and Margaret Brookman of Fairlea. Services were held Tuesday at the Lobban Funeral Home chapel in Alderson with Rev. Charles C. Taylor officiating. Burial followed in the Alderson Cemetery.

He married Linda Baker. Children:

i. Carrie Renee[7].

249.i. Michael[6] Honaker (David Michael[6], Isaac Powell[5], Ellis Patton[4], Peter Bratton[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

Born unknown date and place. In 2012 he lived in Pulaski, Va. The following information was posted on his Myspace page, a world wide web platform, 5 Feb 2012:

Photograph. Interests—preaching, college football, ultimate fighting, training and pushing the devil around! Movies—The Passion of the Christ, Blackhawk Down, Facing the Giants, Streets of Fire, Raising Arizona. Books—The Bible, In the Grip of Grace, Twenty-one Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, No Wonder They Call Him the Savior, What Color is a Conservative. Heroes—First and foremost, Jesus Christ! Ronald Reagan, Billy Graham, Gen. Peter Pace, U.S. Marine Corps, Matt Hughes, King David and the Apostle Paul. About me—I am one “blessed man.” I have an awesome Savior, Jesus Christ, a wonderful wife, Melissa, and two great kids, Matthias and Madison [also known as] “Bootsy”. I also have another family, The River of Life Church. You guys are the best! Missy and I love you more than you will ever know. It is an absolute joy and an honor to pastor the River of Life fellowship. Together, and with God, we are an unstoppable force! Who I’d like to meet—Anyone and everyone. At the River of Life Church we like to tell people: No test, no application, no background check! Hope, faith, purpose, friendship…whatever you need from us and from God, we’ll help you find it. Details—Status: married; Here for: Networking, friends; Hometown: Lewisburg; Orientation: Straight; Body type: 5 ft. 11-in., athletic; Ethnicity: White; Religion: Christian; Zodiac Sign: Scorpio; Children: Proud parent; Smoke/Drink: No; Education: College graduate; Occupation: Pastor. Schools: Bluefield College, Bluefield, Va., graduated 2004, alumni, bachelor’s degree, major criminal justice, minor Bible. Greenbrier East High School, Lewisburg, W.Va., alumni, high school diploma. 2006 to present—Virginia State Police, Dublin, Va., first sergeant, 1989 to present.

He was a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, and in 2012 was a Virginia State Police first sergeant and minister of River of Life Church, Pulaski, Va.

The 2011 Honaker Family Assn. Reunion at Draper, Va., included an invocation by the Rev. Mike Honaker.

The Patriot, Pulaski, Va., 21 Jan 2011, by Mike Honaker: Love one another? Yeah right…

Love is a much misused word in our language today. We say that we “love” a lot of things that I think we probably just like or prefer, but we don’t actually love. Love is more than an important word, it’s the greatest emotion a human being can embrace or experience, and therefore it should be reserved for only the highest priorities in our lives. Is it really possible to love chocolate ice cream, pizza, a song, your job or a sports team? Maybe it is for some people…maybe because those people don’t have much else to love in their lives or perhaps because they’re just not that familiar with what it means to love and be loved. I’m not sure God gave us the capacity to love so that we can waste it on ice cream, pizza, songs, our jobs or sports teams. I believe God gave us the spiritual capacity and emotional depth to love so that we could love Him, as well as one another. I think God’s okay with your great preference or affection for chocolate ice cream, pizza, a song, your vocation and sports…just as long as you don’t put those things before loving Him or all those other people He puts around you; after all, they’re pretty important to Him as well.

Someone once said, “Love one another and you will be happy; it’s as simple or as difficult as that.” In other words, loving people will bring happiness to your own life; however, while sometimes it’s easy to love others, sometimes it’s just plain difficult to love other people. Maybe some people don’t give or accept love because of the big gamble…you know, to love someone and then not be loved in return or to accept love from someone only then to realize that the love was temporary, conditional or worse yet, just an act to gain something from them.

Perhaps this is what prompted Neil Gaiman to say, “Have you ever been in love?” Horrible, isn’t it? It

makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid live…you give them a piece of you. They didn’t ask for it. They did something dumb one day like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn’t your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like “maybe we should be just friends” turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It’s a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love.”

Sounds like poor Neil got his heart broke somewhere along the way in life and his experience turned him

off to the idea of love. He’s probably not the only one either; I think a lot of people have an indifference to love these days while some avoid the emotion all together. Why shouldn’t they? People were created to be loved and things were created to be used; but probably one of the reasons the world is in the shape it’s in today is because things are being loved and people are being used.

Even when we do love one another, our love often wavers, depending on our mood or what someone has or

has not done for us. That’s what we call conditional love…which is the kind of love that most people practice or experience. As a pastoral counselor I spend a considerable amount of time facilitating marriage counseling, especially in relationships where he or she “…has lost that loving feeling.” One humorist was pointing out the difference in new love and the diminishing love in relationships when he said that before you get married you might hear the phrase, “You take my breath away,” but after a while that phrase becomes, “Get away from me, I feel like I’m suffocating.” In romantic relationships it’s not long before “Saturday Night Fever” becomes “Monday Night Football” and “Don’t stop!” becomes “Don’t even start!.” Passion becomes ration and “Once upon a time…” soon becomes “The End.” Boy, I’m glad God doesn’t practice that kind of love. Conditional love is the opposite of God’s love, which is unwavering and unconditional. In I John 4:19 the Bible says, “We love Him (God) because He first loved us,” and Jeremiah 31:3 says, “I have loved you with an everlasting love.” In other words, God can say, “I loved you first,” and “I’ll love you last,” and He’s talking about you, not chocolate ice cream, pizza, His favorite song, a job or a sports team.

Here are a few things I want you to remember, and practice, when it comes to love:

• Remember that some people need love the most when they deserve it the least. As human beings we certainly did not deserve God’s love towards us. Romans 5:8 says, “But God demonstrated His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” When we deserved it the least, God gave us His best and He continues to give us His best today and every day.

• The most terrible poverty is loneliness and the feeling of being unloved. I have come to the conclusion that most of what we see wrong with other people is nothing more than a symptom of being unloved. Anger, strife, conflict, selfishness, arrogance…the list goes on and on. I Corinthians 13:3-8 says, “If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. Love never fails…” It sounds to me like love can cure about anything.

• Pain reminds us that we are alive, but love reminds us why. I think it’s interesting that the Bible tells us to love both our neighbors and our enemies…probably because for the most part they’re the same people. In Mark 12 Jesus was asked which was the greatest commandment. “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” The second is this: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” There is no commandment greater than these.”

• Christians must be determinately able to love others. Here’s something you should know about God…He’s not all that impressed or interested in hearing about how much you love Him if you can’t love other human beings. I John 4:20 says, “If anyone says, ‘I love God,’ yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen.”

So, should we love one another? Yes we should…yes we can…yes we must.

Mike Honaker is a 20 year law enforcement veteran who also serves as the senior pastor of the River of Life Church in Dublin. He is also the chairman of the Faith and Freedom Coalition () for Virginia’s Ninth Congressional District. Mike welcomes your comments at pastor164@.

Virginia Mountaineer, Grundy, Va., 21 Jul 2011: Outreach for Christ Events Scheduled, with photograph, cutline “Honaker”—

The second annual Outreach for Christ continues through July 28. The multi-stage outreach is a non-denominational effort in Buchanan County that provides love and hope to the community, according to organizers. Up next on the schedule is “Hope for Families” set for tonight at Grundy High School with featured speaker, Rev. Mike Honaker.

Honaker is both a minister and law enforcement professional who uses his dual professions to protect and serve the citizens of the state and also to win people to Jesus Christ. He is the Virginia State Police area commander of Pulaski and Giles Counties and also the presiding bishop and senior pastor of the River of Life Church in Dublin. Music for this event will be provided by Joseph Trivette, Shane Charles and Youth Singers. In addition to the fellowship of the event, pizza will be served to those attending.

The final event in the series is titled “Saving the Lost at Any Cost” and will be held at the Appalachian College of Pharmacy campus at Oakwood, July 28, at 7 p.m. The Rev. T. Bryson Smith of Blacksburg will deliver the message for the evening. Music will be provided by Sarah Harman, Terry Ratliff and the Keen Mountain Boys.

He married Melissa Unknown, daughter of Unknown and Unknown, unknown date and place. Children:

i. Matthias[8]. Born unknown date and place.

ii. Madison (called Bootsy). Born unknown date and place.

257.i. Pamela Lynn[7] Honaker (called Pam) (Donald Ray[6], Kenneth Lacy[5], Thomas Samuel[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 9 Sep 1957 in Kansas City, Kan.

She married, first, Howard Forsberg.

She married, second, Larry E. Jones, son of William Jones, 26 May 1984 in Wichita, Kan. Born 18 Jun 1953. Children:

i. Kaitlyn Margaret[8]. Born 31 Dec 1987 in Wichita.

ii. Megan Nichole. Born 27 Jan 1994 in Johnson Co., Kan.

257.ii. Lorie Jane[7] Honaker (Donald Ray[6], Kenneth Lacy[5], Thomas Samuel[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 24 Apr 1960 in Kansas City, Kan.

She married Kevin S. Payne 26 Sep 1981 in Kansas City. They divorced in Jan 1990. Born 26 Jul 1959. Children:

i. Mollie Rae[8]. Born 24 Jul 1987 in Wyandotte Co., Kan.

257.iii. Amy Jo[7] Honaker (Donald Ray[6], Kenneth Lacy[5], Thomas Samuel[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 19 Aug 1963 in Kansas City, Kan.

She married Steven B. Bartlow, son of Robert Maxwell Bartlow and Marie Paula Aronlclt, 5 Aug 1995 in Parkville, Mo. He brought a child to the marriage, Matthew Bartlow, born 3 Jun 1987 in Kansas City, Kan. Children (of Amy and Steven):

i. Paxton Cole[8]. Born 9 Jul 1996 in North Kansas City, Mo.

ii. Elaina Dorey. Born 17 Jun 1999 in Johnson Co., Kan.

260.i. Susan Marie[7] Seuferling (Linda Lois[6], Kenneth Lacy[5], Thomas Samuel[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 6 May 1970.

She married George Jacobs. Children:

i. Taylor[8].

ii. Lizzie.

iii. Thomas.

266.ii. Robert Frank[6] Honaker Jr. (Frank Rickett[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 23 Dec 1962.

He married, first, Kathy Brehner in 1985.

He married, second, Sandra Kellar in 1998. Children:

i. Jacquline Alexis[7]. Born 26 Oct 1991.

268.i. Helen Mary[7] Honaker (David L.[6], Frank Rickett[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 20 Apr 1964.

She married Nathan Hathaway in 1966 in Virginia. Children:

i. Olivia[8]. Born in 1999.

270.i. Kelly[7] Honaker (Billy Ray[6], Omer Elliott[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

She married, first, Unknown Ellison.

She married, second, James L. Brogan, son of Edward Brogan and Erma Unknown. At the time of his daughter Katherine’s birth, James was a U.S. Army major at Ft. Knox, Ky. Children:

i. Tyler Ray[8].

ii. Katherine Madison. Born 21 Mar 1998 in Louisville, Ky. A birth announcement and photo were published in The Hinton [W.Va.] News 7 Jul 1998 and Honaker Family Newsletter, Fall 1998. The birth announcement gave Donald and Margie Mock as maternal great grandparents.

274.i. Kimberly Sue[7] Wiseman (James Elliott[6], Ethel Lucille[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 19 Jun 1962 in Newport News, Va. She was formerly a staff accountant with Lucas Control Systems, Hampton, Va., a manufacturer of cellular telephone parts. In 1999 she became a budget manager for Maersk Line, Ltd., an international transportation company, Norfolk, Va. She lives in Yorktown, Va.

She married Robert Wayne Parker. They separated in 1992.

300.i. Jamilyn Michelle[7] Daniels (Frances Llewellyn[6], Llewellyn Bleigh[5], Bertha May[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]. Born 14 Jul 1971 in Seattle, King Co., Wash. She took a B.S. in General Studies (Genetics and Medical Ethics) from the University of Washington in Jun 1993; then took an M.S. in Genetic Counseling at the University of California, Berkeley in 1995. In 2014 she was a genetic counselor at Kaiser Permanente, a national health management organization, in Portland, Ore.

She married Andrew Thomas Zepp (called Andy), son of Thomas Millard Zepp and Mary Patricia Donnelly, 20 Mar 2010 in Portland, Multnomah Co., Ore. Born 19 Jan 1967 at Ft. Bragg, Cumberland Co., N.C. Children:

i. Violet Mary[8]. Born 12 Aug 2010 in Portland, Ore.

ii. Austin Cornelius. Born 19 Mar 2012 in Portland.

305.iii. Tammi Renee[7] Green (Russell Charles[6], Otto Russell[5], Bertha May[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 3 Sep 1976 in Walla Walla, Wash.

She had a son with Brian Goodman:

i. Tristan Ray[8] [Green]. Born 27 Aug 1995 in Walla Walla.

She had a son with Jasper Mack Casbeer Jr. Born 9 Jan 1976:

ii. Jasper Travis [Casbeer]. Born 1 Apr 2003 in Walla Walla.

322.i. Mary JoAnne[7] Green (Edward Thomas[6], Virgil Layton[5], Margaret Ann[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Unknown Slough. Children:

i. William Keith[8].

ii. Richard Thomas.

iii. David Michael.

iv. Daniel Eugene.

324.ii. Mary Darlene[7] Luchard (Elva Lewis[6], Neta May[5], Margaret Ann[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Unknown Nicely. Children:

i. Troy[7]. Children: Timothy Nicely.

336. Kenneth Dean[7] Honaker (Frederick Eugene[6], Jesse Wayne[5], John Allen[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

Born 8 Mar 1947 in Great Falls, Mont. He was a U.S. Navy corpsman stationed with the U.S. Marines during the Vietnam War. He received two Purple Heart Medals and a Silver Star. After Vietnam service he was stationed at El Toro, Calif., until his discharge. In 2010 he and his family lived in Simi Valley, Calif.

He married Susan Ann Prather, daughter of Charles Alwyn Prather and Beatrice Agnes Rowe, 27 Mar 1971 in Laguna Beach, Calif. Born 15 May 1949 in Orange, Orange Co., Calif. Children:

336. i. Lisa Marie[8]. Born 29 May 1978 in San Clemente, Orange Co., Calif.

ii. Jeffrey Charles. Born 14 Sep 1980 in Mission Viejo, Orange Co., Calif. He married Erica Barbara Blattman, daughter of Rubin Blattman and Gail Unknown, 30 Dec 2006 in Scottsdale, Maricopa Co., Ariz. Born 12 May 1983. In 2010 Jeffrey and Erica lived in Phoenix, Ariz.

338. Christine Ann[7] Honaker (Frederick Eugene[6], Jesse Wayne[5], John Allen[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). See photograph. Born 27 Aug 1948 in Akron, Ohio. In 2009 she lived in Phoenix, Ariz.

She married Tom Hill May 1969 in Michigan. Children:

i. Victoria[8]. Born 8 Sep 1973 in Akron.

ii. Tiffany. Born 7 Jun 1977 in Akron.

iii. Virginia. Born 29 Oct 1978 in Akron.

iv. Sarah. Born 29 Aug 1980 in Akron.

339. Kim Eugene[7] Honaker (Frederick Eugene[6], Jesse Wayne[5], John Allen[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). See photographs. Born 30 Sep 1952 in Akron, Ohio. In 2009 he lived in Montrose, Ohio.

He married Rebecca King Jun 1984. Children:

i. Zackary Todd[8]. Born 12 Jun 1986 in Akron. In 2009 he was a police officer in Montrose, Ohio.

345. Peggy Elizabeth[7] Carr (called Peg) (Georgia Alberta[6], James Everett[5], Parker Smith[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

i. William Michael and Khelly Rose Hellwig divorced.

346. Clayton Tabler[7] Honaker (called C.T.) (George Styrus[6], Marsheen Tabler[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 19 Feb 1918 in Bancroft, Putnam Co., W.Va. Died 2 Jun 2004 in Dunbar, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Entombed in Grandview Memorial Park, Dunbar.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 5 Jun 2004 (with photograph): Clayton Tabler Honaker—With much sadness, the family of Clayton Tabler Honaker mourns the passing of their beloved husband and father on Tue., June 2, 2004, after a long illness. Mr. Honaker was born Feb. 19, 1918 in Bancroft to the late Clara and George Honaker. A resident of Dunbar for most of his life, he retired from Union Carbide in 1980, after 40 years of service. He was a member of long standing in Masonic Lodge 159, AF&AM, a 32nd degree member of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, and the Dunbar chapter of the JOUAM Lodge. Mr. Honaker is survived by his wife of 65 years, Mary Bodnar Honaker; his daughter, Betty Honaker [Esposito] (Vito) of Naples, Fla., and Chevy Chase, Md.; his son, James E. James Jr. (Deloris) of South Charleston; sister, Geneta Turner (Jack) of Dunbar; devoted niece, Linda Mundy (Dana) of Winfield; grandchildren, Anne [Esposito] of Bethesda, Md., Leslie Esposito of Chevy Chase, Md., Lavonia Murphy (Patrick) of Dunbar, James E. James III (Mary Jo) of Nitro, and Carma Miller of South Charleston; great-grandchildren, Amber and Ashleigh Murphy of Dunbar, Jared and Leah James of Nitro, Brandon Lane of Pinch, Caroline Miller of South Charleston; and many nieces and nephews, including John Jarrett of Cross Lanes and George Jarrett, Clayton Albert Bryant and Howard Honaker Jr., all of Dunbar. In addition to his parents, Mr. Honaker was preceded in death by three sisters, Ruth Jarrett, Juanita Lanham and Theo Nada Honaker; and two brothers, Vivian and Howard. The Honaker family would like to express heartfelt gratitude to the doctors and nurses at CAMC General Hospital, the nurses and staff at Sun-Bridge Care and Rehabilitation facility in Dunbar and, particularly, Dr. Mahmood Partovi, Mr. Honaker’s physician for many years. The loving care of these superb medical professionals has brought immeasurable comfort to our family. Service will be 11 a.m. Sat., June 5, at Keller Funeral Home, Dunbar, with the Rev. Ron Fisher officiating. Entombment will be at Grandview Memorial Park, Dunbar, with Masonic Rites conducted by members of the Dunbar Lodge. A Scottish Rite memorial service was held Friday at Keller Funeral Home, Dunbar.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 20 Apr 1985: Dunbar Mayor Nomination, by Anne Hill—

Two Democrats will compete in the Dunbar primary election today for a chance to be the Democratic candidate for mayor in the city’s June 4 municipal election. ….. Other candidates in today’s election include:

Second Ward Executive Committee, Democrat: Clayton Honaker…..

Sunday Gazette-Mail [Charleston [W.Va.], 13 Feb 1994: Candidates file to run in May 10 Kanawha primary

The following candidates have filed to run in the May 10 primary election for public office in Kanawha County. The deadline to file was midnight Feb. 5. …..County Executive Committeeman— …..Clayton T. Honaker, Dunbar…..

He married Maria Bodnar (called Mary), daughter of John Bodnar Sr. and Maria Grandetti, 24 Mar 1939 in Catlettsburg, Boyd Co., Ky. Born 9 Feb 1913 in Ruskov, Czechoslavakia. Died 24 Feb 2016 in Dunbar, W.Va. She was the sister of Margaret Ann Bodnar, who married C.T.’s brother Vivian Noland “Red” Honaker. Mary’s daughter Betty Lou explained in 2016 that her mother’s given name in Czechoslovakia was Maria, and she used the name Mary in America. Speaking the name Mary in her heavily accented English to an Ellis Island immigration officer, he understood and recorded it as Mattie. She and her parents had no middle names, perhaps an Eastern European tradition.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette-Mail, 26 Feb 2016: With saddened hearts, the family of Mary Bodnar James Honaker mourn the passing of their 103-year old beloved family matriarch on Wed., Feb. 24, 2016. Born on Feb. 9, 1913 in Ruskov, Czechoslovakia, Mrs. Honaker immigrated to the United States with her late parents, John and Maria Bodnar, her older brother John and young sister, Helen. They settled in Minden where two sisters, Elizabeth and Margaret, and three brothers, Andy, Steve and George were born. Mrs. Honaker married, first, James Edward James, Sr., from Oak Hill. She later married Clayton Tabler Honaker of Dunbar. Their entire 65-year marriage, before Mr. Honaker’s death in 2004, was spent in Dunbar where, besides filling the roles of wife and mother, Mrs. Honaker served on the Dunbar City Council for many years. In addition to her parents and husband, Mrs. Honaker was preceded in death by her sisters, Helen Bodnar Marzec, Elizabeth Bodnar Postle, and Margaret Bodnar Honaker; three of her brothers, John Bodnar, Jr., Andy Bodnar and Steve Bodnar; her son, James Edward James, Jr. and her granddaughter, Carma James Miller. Surviving Mrs. Honaker are her brother, George Bodnar (Sharon) of Cleveland, Ohio; her daughter, Betty Honaker Esposito (Dr. V.M.) of Naples, Fla. and Chevy Chase, Md.; her grandchildren, Lavonia James Murphy (Patrick) of Dunbar, James Edward James, III (Mary Jo) of Nitro, Anne Elizabeth Esposito of Washington, D.C., and Lesli Esposito Verdi (Peter) of Penn Valley, Pa.; her great-grandchildren, Amber Murphy (fiancé Derrick Miller) of Charleston, Ashleah Murphy, Brandon Lane, and Caroline Miller of South Charleston, Jared James of Louisville, Ky., Leah James Harvey (Christopher) of St. Albans, and James Clayton Verdi and Anne Verdi of Penn Valley, Pa.; her great-great-grandchildren, Logan James Harvey and Maci Elizabeth Harvey of St. Albans; and her devoted niece Linda Mundy (Dana) of Winfield and her daughter, Belinda of Dunbar; as well as many other nieces and nephews. The Honaker family would like to express heartfelt gratitude to the doctors and nurses who attended to Mrs. Honaker at Thomas Memorial Hospital and Drs. Wirts and McCormick and the nurses at Hubbard Hospice House West. The loving care of these superb medical professionals provided immense comfort to the family, particularly in Mrs. Honaker’s final days. The family wishes to mention, in gratitude, Linda Price, Delores McClure, Pam Lewis and Lynn Carter. Their friendship and devotion to Mrs. Honaker in her last years enriched her life immeasurably. Visitation will be held from 7 to 8 p.m. on Fri., Feb. 26, at the Keller Funeral Home, Dunbar. A mass of Christian burial will be offered by Fr. Thomas Kalapurackal at Christ the King Catholic Church in Dunbar on Sat., Feb. 27, 2016 at 11 a.m. Following the mass, Mrs. Honaker will be entombed next to her husband at Grandview Memorial Park, Dunbar. The family suggests, in lieu of flowers, donations be made in Mrs. Honaker’s memory to Hubbard Hospice House West, 4605 MacCorkle Ave., S.W., South Charleston, WV 25309.


552. i. Betty Lou[8]. Born 24 Mar 1941 in Dunbar, W.Va.

347. Vivian Noland[7] Honaker (called Red) (George Styrus[6], Marsheen Tabler[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 3 Jun 1922 in Ward, Kanawha Co., W.Va. He was nicknamed for his red hair. In 1989 he operated Honaker’s Used Cars, Dunbar, W.Va.

He married Margaret Ann Bodnar 22 Apr 1949 in Greenup, Greenup Co., Ky. Died 26 Oct 1989 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. She brought a four-year-old son to the marriage, Richard, who was adopted by Red. She was a sister of Mary Bodnar, who married Red’s brother C.T.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 27 Oct 1989: Mrs. Margaret Bodnar Honaker, 64, of 3942 Dunbar Ave., Dunbar, died Oct. 26, 1989, at Thomas Memorial Hospital after a short illness. She was a homemaker and a 44-year resident of Dunbar. She once lived in Oak Hill. Surviving: husband, Vivian “Red” Honaker; sons, Richard, David and Clayton, all of Dunbar; daughters, Sandra Boardman and Sharon Shepherd, both of Dunbar; sisters, Mary Honaker and Elizabeth Postle,

both of Dunbar, Helen Marzee of West Mifflin, Pa.; brothers, Steve and Andy Bodnar, both of Oak Hill, George Bodnar of Cleveland, John Bodnar of Florida; seven grandchildren. Service will be held at a later date. There will be no visitation. Barlow-Bonsall Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements


i. Richard Blaine[8] (called Frog) (adopted). Born 26 Sep 1945. In 1998 he had not married.

ii. David Noland. Born 23 Mar 1949 in Dunbar. He married Mary Lou Eads.

iii. Sandra Kay (twin). Born 28 May 1959 in Dunbar. She married James William Boardman 24 Feb

1987 in Dunbar.

iv. Sharon Lynn (twin). Born 28 May 1959 in Dunbar. She married David Russell Shepherd 19 May

1986 in Pearisburg, Giles Co., Va.

v. Clayton Thomas. Born 22 Apr 1964 in Dunbar. He married Mary Louise Null. They divorced.

348. Howard Lee[7] Honaker (called Bo) (George Styrus[6], Marsheen Tabler[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 9 Dec 1926 in Ward, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died 26 Jun 1996 in Dunbar, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Buried in Grandview Cemetery, Dunbar.

He married Lillie Marie Owens (called Tootsie) 25 Feb 1950 in Dunbar. Born ca. 1931. Died 12 Jun 2004. Buried in Grandview Memorial Cemetery, Dunbar.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 14 Jun 2004 (with photograph): Lillie Marie “Tootsie” Honaker, 73, of Dunbar, died Sat., June 12, 2004, after a long illness. Mrs. Honaker was a 54-year resident of Dunbar. She was a member of many associations such as Local Moose Lodge No. 868, St. Albans, retired member of the WIBC Ladies Commercial Bowling League and volunteer at the Handsford Street Seniors Center. She was a member of Dunbar Mountain Mission Church. Lillie was a beloved mother, grandmother and friend. Her husband, Howard L. “Bo” Honaker Sr. preceded her in death. Survived by her son, Howard L. Honaker Jr. and his wife, Brenda Kay Honaker of Dunbar; and her daughter, Clara Ellen Honaker of St. Albans; three granddaughters, Sherrie L. Honaker, Jennifer L. Honaker and Kelly D. Honaker of Dunbar; several nieces and nephews. Funeral service will be at 2 p.m. June 15, 2004, at Keller Funeral Home in Dunbar. Pastor Jim Phillips and Bill Lucas presiding. Visitation services will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Mon., June 14, 2004. Burial will be at Grandview Memorial Cemetery following services.


553. i. Howard Lee[8] Jr. (called Junior) Born 14 Nov 1950 in South Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va.

ii. Clara Ellen. Born 9 Nov 1951 in South Charleston.

349. Geneta Alene[7] Honaker (George Styrus[6], Marsheen Tabler[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 8 Nov 1929 in Ward, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died 22 Dec 2007 in Dunbar, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Buried in Grandview Memorial Park, Dunbar.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, unknown date (with photograph): Geneta Honaker Bryant Turner, 78, of Dunbar passed away on Sat., Dec. 22, 2007, at Hubbard Hospice House. She was retired from the West Virginia Rehabilitation Center and was a member of the Cross Lanes First Church of the Nazarene. Mrs. Turner was also a member of the Order of Eastern Star, Highland, Texas, and the Good Sam Travel Club and was a former member of the Poca River Hunting and Fishing Club. She was preceded in death by her son, Paul Michael Bryant. Surviving are her husband, Jack L. Turner; son, Clayton “Buddy” Bryant of Dunbar; daughter, Georgia A. Bryant of Crosby, Texas; and one stepdaughter. She is also survived by three stepgrandchildren and one great-grandson. Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Thurs., Dec. 27, at Keller Funeral Home, Dunbar, with the Rev. John Coffman officiating. Burial will follow in Grandview Memorial Park. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at Keller Funeral Home, Dunbar.

She married, first, Albert J. Bryant 8 Nov 1948. They divorced 1967. Children:

i. Georgia Ann[8]. Born 29 Jul 1951 in South Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va.

ii. Clayton Albert. Born 4 Aug 1952 in South Charleston. He married Robin French 2 Dec 1983 in

Cross Lanes, Kanawha Co., W.Va.

iii. Paul Michael. Born 24 Apr 1954 in South Charleston. Died 25 Apr 1954 in South Charleston.

Buried in Grandview Cemetery, Dunbar.

She married, second, Jack L. Turner.

350. Eugenia Ruth[7] Honaker (called Ruth) (George Styrus[6], Marsheen Tabler[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 27 Dec 1932 in Dunbar, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died 15 Jul 2003 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Buried in Grandview Memorial Park, Dunbar, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 17 Jul 2003 (with photograph): Eugenia “Ruth” Jarrett—On Tue., July 15, 2003, our loss was heaven’s gain. Our mom, Ruth Jarrett, surrounded by her sons and family, passed away in St. Francis Hospital from this earthly life to glorious eternal life. Mom was born to Clara B. and George S. Honaker on Dec. 27, 1932, in Dunbar. She grew up there in Dunbar and lived her entire life in the Kanawha Valley. Mom worked for and retired from AT&T Technologies, formerly Western Electric, in South Charleston. She was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star, Dunbar Chapt. #133, and attended First Church of God in Dunbar. She raised her two sons in Cross Lanes and enjoyed little league baseball and midget league football. After retirement she enjoyed traveling, playing with her grandkids and her Friday night “girls nights.” She will be truly missed by her sons, George L. Jarrett of Dunbar and John H. Jarrett and his wife Susan, and grandchildren, Christen, Chase and Josh, all of Cross Lanes; brother, Clayton Honaker and sister Geneta Turner, both of Dunbar; nieces, Betty Lou [Esposito] of Potomac, Md., and nephews Buddy Bryant and Junior Honaker of Dunbar, and many other nieces and nephews. Mom had many wonderful friends who will miss her and her flair for life, especially the Friday night card crew. Funeral services will be 11 a.m. Friday at Keller Funeral Home, Dunbar, with Dr. Larry McCallister, Sr., officiating. Burial will follow in Grandview Memorial Park. Friends may call at Keller Funeral Home, Dunbar, from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday, where there will be an Order of the Eastern Star service at 7:30 p.m. Our special thanks to the team that worked with mom at St. Francis Hospital, especially Dr. Balakrishnan Sridharan, whose care and treatment of our mother was extraordinary.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 15 Jul 2006 (with photograph): In Memory of Ruth Honaker Jarrett, Dec. 27, 1932–July 15, 2003 3 years have come and gone and there’s not a day that I don’t think of you and miss you terribly. I love you Mom. George L. Jarrett

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 15 Jul 2008 (with photograph): In Loving Memory of Ruth Honaker Jarrett, Dec. 27, 1932–July 15, 2003 5 years have quietly passed and still not a day nor hour go by that you are not thought of. How your smile and laugh could light up a room. How that light is missed. Rest peacefully Mom. George L. Jarrett

She married, first, James R. Jackson 24 Jul 1951 in Charleston, W.Va. They divorced 1953 in Charleston.

She married, second, Cline Howard Jarrett, son of John Howard Jarrett and Gracie Dell Shaffer, 6 Aug 1960 in Dunbar, W.Va. They divorced Mar 1975 in Charleston. Born 28 Nov 1926 in Charleston. Died 17 Nov 1990 in Charleston. Buried in Graceland Memorial Park, South Charleston.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 19 Nov 1990: Cline H. Jarrett, 63, of Charleston died Nov. 17, 1990, in Charleston after a short illness. He was an Army veteran of the Korean War and a Protestant. He was a construction surveyor and a former youth league football coach. Surviving: sons, John H. of Cross Lanes, George Lewis of Charleston; father, John Howard of Clay; brother, Shirley of Little Sandy; sister, Nancy Wick of South Charleston. Service will be 11 a.m. Tuesday at Snodgrass Funeral Home, South Charleston, with the Rev. Richard Mahan officiating. Burial will be in Graceland Memorial Park. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.


554. i. John Howard[8]. Born 30 Sep 1961 in South Charleston, W.Va.

ii. George Lewis. Born 11 Jan 1964 in South Charleston. In 2004 he lived in Dunbar, W.Va. and had

never married.

351. Leolin Velber[7] Landers (Grace Myrtle[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 25 Nov 1918 in Sigman [also Paradise], Putnam Co., W.Va. Died 28 Dec 2006 in Point Pleasant, Mason Co., W.Va. Interred in Cunningham Memorial Park, St. Albans, Kanawha Co., W.Va. He graduated from Poca [W.Va.] High School.

Point Pleasant [W.Va.] Register, 30 Dec 2006: Leolin V. Landers, 88, of Point Pleasant, died Thursday evening, Dec. 28, 2006, at his home. He was a researcher at Union Carbide, a member of Trinity United Methodist Church, a U.S. Army Air Corps veteran of World War II and was a crew chief on B-29 aircraft, where he worked on electronic and electrical systems. He also farmed until he was 79. Born Nov. 25, 1918, in Putnam Co., W.Va., he was the son of the late Cecil and Grace (Honaker) Landers. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by one brother, Elvie (Buster) G. Landers; and one sister, Norma Gott. He is survived by his wife, Ethel Faye (Taylor) Landers of Point Pleasant; one daughter and son-in-law, Marilyn [Faye] (Edward) Terry of Tuscaloosa, Ala.; one son and daughter-in-law, Barry Lee and Annette Margaret Landers of Point Pleasant; a special uncle, Keith Honaker of Knoxville, Tenn.; and four grandchildren, Kathleen Faye Terry, Edward Terry Jr., Deborah Elisabeth Landers and Douglas Lee Landers. Funeral services will be 1 p.m., Sun., Dec. 31 at Crow-Hussell Funeral Home in Point Pleasant with the Rev. Richard DeQuasie officiating. There will be no visitation, and entombment will follow at Cunningham Memorial Park in St. Albans. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Trinity United Methodist Church Homebound Fund. Trinity United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 228, Point Pleasant, WV 25550.

He married Ethel Faye Taylor, daughter of Leander NMN Taylor (called Lee) [on legal papers sometimes seen as L.A. Taylor] and Rachel Minerva Cobb, 27 May 1939 in Kanawha Co., W.Va. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Hobson D. Fisher. Born 5 Oct 1921 in Belgrove, Jackson Co., W.Va. Died 4 Jun 2009 in Gallipolis, Gallia Co., Ohio. Interred in Cunningham Memorial Park, St. Albans, Kanawha Co., W.Va. She graduated from Dunbar [W.Va.] High School.

Point Pleasant [W.Va.] Register, 10 Jun 2009: Ethel Faye (Taylor) Landers, 87, of Point Pleasant died in Holzer Hospital in Gallipolis, Ohio of congestive heart failure on Thursday evening, June 4, 2009. Born in Jackson County on Oct. 5, 1921, she was the daughter of the late Leander Taylor and Rachel Minerva Cobb Taylor. About 1929, in order to be closer to their older children who were working in Charleston, they moved to Charleston where she lived for many years. In addition to her husband, Leolin Velber Landers (Dec. 28, 2006); and five brothers, Charles Harvey, James Wilfred, Jessie Willis, Clifton Otis, Denna Russel; and four sisters, Gracy Gay, Amy Pearl, Thelma Mae and Nellie Lee. She was a homemaker at their Mason County farm near Point Pleasant, and a member of Trinity United Methodist Church. She was an active gardener and a great cook who enjoyed keeping an immaculate, well organized home for her family. Thet akways looked forward to her delicious meals and great desserts, such as strawberry cream pie and cobblers of every kind, all with homemade melt-in-your mouth crust. She once remarked that she would rather make a home for her family than be President of the United States. In addition, she often worked on the farm alongside her husband. Education was very important to her and she dedicated herself to seeing that both of her children were college educated. She is survived by her daughter and son-in-law, Marilyn Faye Landers (Edward Davis) Terry of Tuscaloosa, Ala.; her son and daughter-in-law, Barry Lee (Annette Margaret Bird) Landers of Point Pleasant; and four grandchildren, Kathleen Faye Terry of Tuscaloosa, Ala., Edweard Davis Terry Jr. of Gresham, Ore., Deborah Elisabeth Landers (Kenneth) Stewart of Charleston, and Douglas Lee Landers of Charleston. Graveside services will be 1 p.m., Sat., June 13,2009, at Cunningham Memorial Park in St. Albans at the Corr Serenity Mausoleum on top of the hill near the chapel and bell tower. The Rev. Richard K. DeQuasie, pastor of Trinity United Methodist Church, will officiate at the service. There will be no visitation. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the Trinity United Methodist Church Homebound Fund, P.O. Box 228, Point Pleasant, W.Va. 25550. Ethel’s care has been entrusted to Crow-Hussell Funeral Home. An online registry is available at .


555. i. Marilyn Faye[8]. Born 14 Jan 1941 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va.

351. ii. Barry Lee. Born 31 Oct 1951 in Charleston.

352. Elvie Gayle[7] Landers (called Buster) (Grace Myrtle[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Aug 1920 in Sigman, Putnam Co., W.Va. Died 15 Apr 1978 in Richmond, Va. Buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Richmond, Va. Buster’s parents separated and divorced. He said his mother sent him to live with his father Cecil when he was a baby, and Buster and she never had any closer relationship. He was raised in Virginia by his father and paternal grandparents James Henry and Cordula (Farrar) Landers. He became a farmer and an insurance agent with United Life Insurance Company of America. He and Doris were members of Oak Hall Baptist Church, Sandston, Va. They both died of heart disease; Buster at age 57 and Doris at 58.

Richmond [Va.] Times-Dispatch: Elvie Gayle (Buster) Landers, age 57, of Sandston, Va., died Sat., Apr. 15, 1978. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Doris Burnett Landers; three daughters, Mrs. Lucille Arrowood, of King William, Mrs. Sarah Scott, and Miss Tina Louise Landers, of Standston; one son, Dennis Gayle Landers, of Sandston; and five grandchildren; [one brother], Leolin V. Landers, of St. Albans, W.Va.; [uncles,] S.F. Landers, of Mechanicsville, F.V. Landers, of Highland Springs; [aunts,] Miss Hazel Landers, of Highland Springs, Mrs. Muriel Borden and Mrs. Nellie Naumann, of Richmond. Mr. Landers was an employee of United Insurance Company. Remains rest at the Laburnum Chapel, Woody Funeral Home, 2110 E. Laburnum Ave., where services will be conducted 3:30 p.m. Monday. Interment Oakwood.

He married Doris Louise Burnett, daughter of Ernest Grayson Burnett and Hazel Louise Peay, 9 Feb 1939 or 1940 in Richmond, Va., Hanover Co., Va., or Henrico Co., Va. Born 3 Nov 1922 in Richmond, Va. Died 24 Aug 1981 in Richmond. Buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Richmond.

Richmond [Va.] Times-Dispatch, unknown date: Mrs. Doris Burnett Landers, 58, of Rt. 1, Sandston, widow of Elvie G. Landers, died Mon., Aug. 24, 1981. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Lucille L. Arrowood of King William, Mrs. Sarah L. Scott of Sandston, and Mrs. Tina L. Smith of Richmond; a son, Dennis G. Landers of Sandston; five grandchildren; her mother, Mrs. Hazel P. Burnett of Sandston; two sisters, Mrs. Frances B. Callahan of Highland Springs, and Mrs. Ruby B. Vaughan of Sandston; a brother, Ernest G. Burnett of Mechanicsville. Remains rest at the Laburnum Chapel, Woody Funeral Home, 2110 E. Laburnum Ave., where services will be held 2 p.m. Thursday. Interment Oakwood Cemetery.


556. i. Bernice Lucille[8] (called Lucy). Born 14 Sep 1940.

352. ii. Sarah Ann (called Sarah). Born 15 Sep 1942.

557. iii. Dennis Gayle (called Dennis). Born 6 Aug 1953.

558. iv. Tina Louise (called Tina). Born 30 Apr 1961.

353. Christabell Fay[7] Bailey (Lillie Blanche[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Died in Dec 1998.

355. Mary Josephine[7] Honaker (Opie Alton[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 28 Apr 1935 in Charleston, W.Va. Died 16 Feb 2013 in Edgewood, Ky. Buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Southgate, Ky.

Kentucky Enquirer, Ft. Mitchell, Ky., 20 Feb 2013: Mary J. Scarberry (nee Honaker), 77, beloved wife of the late Paul H. Scarberry from Dayton, Ky., daughter of the late Ophie A. and Lula V. (Casto) Honaker, of Bellevue, Ky., Mary passed away on Feb. 16, 2013 at St. Elizabeth Hospice Center-Edgewood, after an extended illness. She was a homemaker and a life long member of the Dayton Church of God, Dayton, Ky. She was preceded in death by son, Jim Stewart of Dry Ridge, Ky.; brothers, Dayton Honaker of Williamsburg, Ohio, Harvey Honaker of Bethel, Ohio, Gerald Honaker of Alexandria, Ky., and Willard Honaker of Richmond, Ohio. Mary is survived by her son, Paul E. (Aneda) Scarberry of Elsmere, Ky.; daughter, Renona Perry of Falmouth, Ky., daughter, Deborah Johnson of Dayton, Ky.; brother, William L. Honaker of Dayton, Ky.; sister, Joyce England of Dayton, Ky., sister, Linda Woodall of Bellevue, Ky., sister, Barbara Patterson of Greenfield, Ind.; nine grandchildren, 15 great grandchildren. Visitation 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., Wed., Feb. 20, 2013 at Dayton Church of God, Dayton, Ky. There will be a short visitation from 10--11 a.m. prior to the funeral ceremony at 11 a.m. on Thurs., Feb. 21, 2013, at the Dayton Church of God, Dayton, Ky. Burial will take place in the Evergreen Cemetery, Southgate, Ky. Online condolences can be given at . Dobbling Muehlenkamp Erschell Funeral Home is serving the family.

She married, first, Lawrence Allen Stewart before 1959. Children:

565. i. Jimmy Allen[8].

She married, second, Paul Herman Scarberry after 1960. Died 20 Jul 1981. Children:

ii. Paul Edward. Born 28 Apr 1964 in Cincinnati, Ohio. He married, first, Charlotte Melton 13 Sep

1984. He married, second, Aneda Unknown. In 2013 he lived in Elsmere, Kenton Co., Ky

566. iii. Renona Jean.

iv. Deborah Lynn. Born 29 Apr 1967 in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 2013 she lived in Dayton, Ky. She

married Unknown Johnson.

357. Harvey Alton[7] Honaker (Opie Alton[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 21 Aug 1940 in Charleston, W.Va. Died 16 Aug 2012 in Ohio.

Kentucky Enquirer, Ft. Mitchell, Ky., 20 Aug 2012: Harvey A. Honaker, 71, of Bethel, Ohio, formerly of Northern Kentucky, died Thursday night, Aug. 16, 2012 at Clermont Mercy Hospital. He was a retired service technician with Pitney Bowes. He was also a Mason and an Army veteran. His son, Rick Honaker and brothers, Dayton, Gerald and Willard Honaker died previously. He is survived by his wife, Diana Honaker; sons, Robert (Mary) and Ray (Mary) Honaker; daughters, Karen (Gary) Mobley and Kathy Robinson; step-sons, Bryan (Sarah) and Chris Hinkston; sisters, Mary Scarberry, Joyce England, Linda Woodall and Barb Patterson; brother, Letch Honaker; 13 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren. Visitation 5 to 8 p.m. on Mon., Aug. 20 at Dobbling, Muehlenkamp-Erschell Funeral Home, 241 Fairfield Ave., Bellevue, Ky. Funeral services 11 a.m. on Tue., Aug. 21 at the funeral home. Burial convenience of the family. Online condolences to .

He married, first, Hester Darby. Children:

569. i. Rick[8].

ii. Robert. He married Mary Unknown.

iii. Karen. She married Gary Mobley.

iv. Ray. He married Mary Unknown.

v. Kathy. She married Unknown Robinson.

He married, second, Diana Van Hoose, 3 Nov 1995 in Dayton, Ky.

358. Gerald Lee[7] Honaker (Opie Alton[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Died before 2013. He lived in Alexandria, Ky.

359. Joyce Ann[7] Honaker (Opie Alton[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). In 2000 she lived in Dayton, Ky.

360. Willard Eugene[7] Honaker (Opie Alton[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 12 Aug 1946 in Charleston, W.Va. Died before 2013. He lived in Richmond, Ohio.

He married Linda Lou Traylor, daughter of Earl Traylor and Beaulah Unknown, 26 Dec 1969. Born 1 Aug 1950 in Farmers, Rowan Co., Ky. Died 18 Jan 2014. Buried in Laurel Cemetery [probably Cincinnati, Ohio.]

Cincinnati [Ohio] Enquirer, 22 Jan 2014: Linda L. Honaker, loving wife of the late Willard Honaker, mother of Regina Mikles (Arthur) and Kelly Honaker (Debbie), grandmother of Michael Mikles, Dana Honaker, Ashley Mikles, Tylor Honaker, Jessie Honaker and Connor Craft, great grandmother of Madison and Dylan Mikles, daughter of Beaulah Traylor and the late Earl Traylor, sister of Sue Burris (Max), Joyce Willhoff, Donald Traylor (Helen), Larry Traylor and Bobby Traylor (Judy), aunt of numerous nieces and nephews. Linda passed away on Jan. 18, 2014 at the age of 63. She was a resident of New Richmond. Visitation will be at E.C. Nurre Funeral Home, Thurs., Jan. 23rd at 1 p.m. Interment Laurel Cemetery. Memorials may be made to Lung Cancer Association and/or Veterans Association.

573. i. Regina Renee[8].

360. ii. Kelly Eugene. Born 27 Nov 1972 in Cincinnati, Ohio.

361. William Letcher[7] Honaker (Opie Alton[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 9 Sep 1947 in Charleston, W.Va. Died 22 Oct 2014 in Ft. Thomas, Campbell Co., Ky.

Kentucky Enquirer, unknown place, 23 Oct 2014: William Letcher Honaker, 67, of Dayton, Ky., passed away Oct 22, 2014 at St. Elizabeth, Ft. Thomas. He had worked as a laborer for Wornik Company. He was a member of the Scroungers Car Club. William was preceded in death by his brothers David, Harvey, Gerald and Willie Honaker and a sister, Mary Scarberry. He leaves behind his wife Sonya Hughes; his son William Letcher Honaker Jr.; daughters Tonya Reney Ratliff and Kayla (Garland) Varney; sisters Joyce (Harold) England, Barbara Wall and Linda (Denver) Woodall; five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Visitation will be at Cooper Funeral Home, Alexandria, on Friday from 12 noon to 2 p.m. Services will begin at 2 p.m. Burial will follow at Grandview Cemetery.

He married, first, Barbara Ann Marz Jul 1971. Children:

i. Kayla[8]. She married Garland Varney.

ii. William Letcher, Jr.

iii. Tonya Reney. She married Unknown Ratliff.

He married, second, Sonya Hughes.

363. Barbara Ellen[7] Honaker (Opie Alton[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

She married, third, Unknown Patterson.

370. William Franklin[7] Honaker (William Woodrow[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 5 Jun 1935 in Lanham, Putnam Co., W.Va. Died 10 Aug 1994 in Norfolk, Va. Buried in Meadowbrook Memorial Gardens, Suffolk, Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 12 Aug 1994: Virginia Beach, Va.—William Franklin Honaker, 59, of Virginia Beach, died Aug. 10, 1994, at Norfolk Hospital. He was born in Putnam County, W.Va. He was a retired terminal manager of Consolidated [Freightways] and a member of Tidewater Baptist Temple, Chesapeake. Surviving: wife, June Asher Honaker;

daughter, Penny Blatt of Virginia Beach; sons, Scott of Charlottesville, Joey of Parkersburg, W.Va.; mother, Christine G. Honaker of Hamlin, W.Va.; sister, Jean Woodall of Hamlin; four grandchildren. Service will be 1 p.m. today at Tidewater Baptist Temple with the Rev. Paul Hawkins and the Rev. Donald E. White officiating. Burial will be in Meadowbrook Memorial Gardens, Suffolk. Graham Funeral Home, Suffolk, is in charge of arrangements.

He married June Rose Asher, daughter of Edward Asher and Ona Belle Smith, 12 Jan 1954 in Charleston, W.Va. Born 15 Jun 1936 in Putnam Co. (also reported as Putney, Kanawha Co.), W.Va. Died 8 Jun 2014 in Parkersburg, Wood Co., W.Va. Buried in Meadowbrook Memorial Gardens, Suffolk, Va.

Virginian Pilot, Hampton Roads, Va., 10 Jun 2014: June Rose Honaker, 77, of Parkersburg, [W.Va.], passed away June 8, 2014 at the Willows Center. She was born June 15, 1936, in Putnam County [W.Va.], a daughter of the late Edward and Ona Belle Smith Asher. She was a 30-year member of the Tidewater Baptist Temple. She is survived by a son, Gerald “Joe” Honaker of Athens, Ohio; daughter, Penny Blatt (John) of Mineral Wells, W.Va.; and a son, Scott Honaker (Sandy) of Charlottesville, Va.; four grandchildren, Missie, Johnny, Trina and Timmy; three great-grandchildren, Braden, Hannah, and Jordan; and a sister, Barbara White. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, William Franklin Honaker; four sisters and a brother. Services will be 4 p.m. Wed., June 11, 2014, at the Leavitt Funeral Home, Parkersburg, with Pastor Troy Kline officiating. Visitation will be Wednesday from 3 p.m. until time of the service. Burial will be 3 p.m., Thurs., June 12, at Meadowbrook Memorial Gardens in Suffolk, Va. Online condolences may be sent at .


i. Gerald Wayne[8] (called Joe). Born 17 Aug 1956 in Ft. Knox, Hardin Co., Ky.

ii. Belinda Jean. Born 17 Oct 1958 in Charleston, W.Va. [reported by one researcher but not

mentioned in the parents’ obituaries.]

iii. Eric Scott (called Scott). Born 27 Jun 1961 in Charleston. He married Sandy Unknown.

iv. Penny. She married John Blatt.

371. Mabel Emogene[7] Honaker (William Woodrow[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 20 Sep 1936 in Lanham, Putnam Co., W.Va. In 2016 she lived in Hamlin, Lincoln Co., W.Va.

She married, first, Robert Roger Smith, son of Oral Clifford Smith and Crystal Christine White, 24 May 1954 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. They divorced 19 Nov 1964 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio. Born 4 Jul 1933 in Putney, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died in Malden, Kanawha Co., W.Va.

An obituary appeared in the Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette. Children:

578. i. Wendolyn Kay[8] (called Wendy). Born 13 Sep 1955 in Charleston, W.Va.

371. ii. Gwenda Jean. Born 13 Jan 1957 in Cleveland, Ohio.

371. iii. Robert Roger. Born 8 Oct 1960 (also reported as 1 Oct 1962) in Cleveland.

579. iv. Jennifer Lynn. Born 7 Feb 1964 in Cleveland.

She married, second, Ralph Kenneth Woodall, son of Basil Franklin Woodall and Silvia Linville, Sep 1966 (also reported as 14 May 1980) in Cleveland. They divorced 1990 in Winfield, Putnam Co., W.Va. Born 21 Jul 1935 in Lincoln Co., W.Va. Died 31 Jan 2007 in Hurricane, Putnam Co., W.Va. Buried next to his parents in brothers in Miller Cemetery, Sweetland, Putnam Co., W.Va.

An obituary appeared in the Lincoln Journal, Hamlin, W.Va. A death announcement appeared in The Herald-Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., 2 Feb 2008: Ralph Kenneth Woodall Sr., 72, of Burning Springs, formerly of Hamlin, died Thursday in the care of Hospice. He was a truck driver. Funeral service will be 1 p.m. at Koontz Funeral Home, Hamlin; burial will follow at Miller Cemetery, Sweetland. Visitation from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday at the funeral home.


371. v. Ralph Kenneth, Jr. Born 24 May 1967 in Cleveland.

371. vi. Larry Allen (twin). Born 8 Dec 1968 in Cleveland.

371. vii. LuAnn (twin). Born 8 Dec 1968 in Cleveland.

371. viii. Christy Jo. Born 24 Nov 1974 in Cleveland.

372. Errol Keith[7] Honaker (called Buck) (Keith Jewell[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Died 31 Mar 2004. Buried 10 Jun 2004 in Sec. 68, Site 280, Arlington National Cemetery, Va. At time of death wife Harriett S. Honaker lived at 2991 Richardson Circle, El Dorado Hills, Calif.

News Sentinel, Knoxville, Tenn., 4 Apr 2004 (with photograph)—Honaker, Col. Errol Keith “Buck”—A courageous soldier, our beloved Husband, Dad, Son, Brother, left our lives on Mar. 31, 2004. Buck was 65 years old, leaving his cherished wife of 42 years, Harriett Smith Honaker and children, Michael Keith Honaker and Leigh Ann Honaker Cosgrove; daughter and son-in-law, Sandra Honaker and Robert Cosgrove. Buck was the beloved son of Lt. Col. Keith J. and Wilma Honaker of Knoxville, Tenn. Buck’s brothers and sisters include John Honaker of Southlake, Texas, Cathy Honaker Morton of Louisville, Tenn., Sandra Honaker Rogers of Knoxville, Tenn., and Jeff Honaker of Greeneville, Tenn. Buck treasured his grandchildren as the loves of his life; Lindsay, Emily and Hailey Honaker of El Dorado Hills, Calif., and Jacob, Kelsie and Sophia Cosgrove of Channahon, Ill.; brother and sister-in-law, Robert and Jean Smith of Decatur, Ala., and nieces and nephews, Wrenn Honaker Chais, Laura Honaker Lane, Bryanna Britt-Rogers and Jordon Honaker-Rogers, Ben Rod and Allison Morton, Steven, Scott and Robert Smith. Buck was dedicated to the service of his country in the U.S. Army for 30 years. He attained the rank of full colonel and was a respected military leader by all the men and women with and for whom he served. Among his military assignments as a field artillery officer, Buck was a paratrooper in the 101st Airborne Division air assault “Screaming Eagles” and the 82nd Airborne “All American” Division. He served two tours of duty in Vietnam and another tour of duty in Germany. Buck served as the director, Division of Audiovisual Instructional Technology at the West Point U.S. Military Academy in New York. He also served as commander, U.S. Army Battalion at Lowry AFB, Colo., and commander of the Television-Audio Support Activity in Sacramento, Calif. In a letter written by the commander-in-chief, President George W. Bush thanked him for his dedicated service, stating as follows: “Throughout your career, you have worn your uniform proudly, and as your commander-in-chief, I thank you for your dedicated service.” Military decorations and commendations include the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal with two oak leaf clusters, Meritorious Service Medal with two oak leaf clusters, Air Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Air Force Commendation Medal, National Defense Service Medal with bronze service star, Vietnam Service Medal with four oak leaf clusters, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon, Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal, Meritorious Unit Commendation, Parachute Badge and Air Assault Badge. After his retirement from the military, Buck continued his professional career as the vice president of General Scientific Corporation in Sacramento, Calif. With his management and people skills, Buck was known as “the fixer.” Buck wished for his family and friends to know that he loved them and if anyone asked how he wanted to be remembered to “please say I want to be remembered as a soldier, a beloved husband, father and grandfather, and a loving son and brother.” Buck was a long-time faithful committed member of Village Community Church in El Dorado Hills, Calif., loved by all. Family and friends are invited to a memorial service at 2 p.m. on Sun., Apr. 4, 2004 to be held at Green Valley Mortuary and Cemetery at the corner of Green Valley Road and Bass Lake Road, Cameron Park, Calif. Burial services are being arranged at Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, D.C. with full military honors. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made for continued research to Dr. Davies Research Foundation, c/o In Memory of Errol K. “Buck” Honaker, 4501 X Street, Suite 3016, Sacramento CA 95817, Attn: Dr. Angela Davies.

An obituary also appeared in the Sacramento [Calif.] Bee, 2 Apr and 3 Apr 2004.

He took a bachelor’s degree from East Tennessee State University in 1962 and an M.A. from East Tennessee State in 1974. The following item about him appeared in East Tennessee State University Alumni Quarterly, Sep 1979:

Lt. Col. Errol K. Honaker, ’62, M.A., ’74, is director of the Audiovisual Instruction Technology Division at the U.S. Military Academy, West Point, N.Y. His military honors include the Bronze Star, Meritorious Service Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal, Army Commendation Medal and the Air Medal.

Buck became an Army officer. A paratrooper, he had extensive service in his career, including combat in Vietnam for which he was awarded the Second Oak Leaf Cluster to the Bronze Star Medal with a “V” device for valor, for an action at Long Binh during the Tet offensive of 12 Feb 1969 to 5 Mar 1969. The citation accompanying the medal read “While serving as an operations officer, Bien Hoa Tactical Area Command, Fire Support Coordination Center, he was recognized for his planning and execution of all defensive fires to protect Long Binh…”

He retired as a colonel 19 Jun 1993. Children:

372. i. Michael Keith[8]. Born 5 Jun 1964 at Ft. Bragg, Cumberland Co., N.C.

373. John David[7] Honaker (Keith Jewell[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). As a child, he accompanied his family to then-French Indochina in 1952, living in Saigon. He took a degree from East Tennessee State University. In 1967, while an Army helicopter pilot, 199th Infantry Brigade, II Field Force, Vietnam, he received the Distinguished Flying Cross and first oak leaf cluster for actions on 23 Apr and 27 Apr 1967.

On 27 Apr he made a hazardous night approach to evacuate Marine Corps wounded, guided only by flashlights to minimize targeting by an enemy Viet Cong battalion-sized force; despite this, the aircraft came under intense fire from automatic weapons and grenade launchers, and it was only through “Captain Honaker’s outstanding flying ability and devotion to duty” that the mission succeeded.

After leaving the Army he became a test pilot and in 2002 was chief pilot of Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc., Hurst, Texas, supervising a department involved in helicopter production flight tests, flight training, air traffic control, and providing flight demonstrations of company products, including weapon systems such as the AH-1 Cobra helicopter. In 2002

he and his family lived in Texas.

He married Linda Lillian Lamons, daughter of James Franklin Lamons (called Red) and Inez Marie Anderegg.

374. Helen Catherine[7] Honaker (called Cathy) (Keith Jewell[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). She took a degree from East Tennessee State University and the University of Tennessee. In 2002 she owned and operated Mears-Morton, a private law practice in Maryville, Tenn.

She married Bennett Allen Morton (called Ben), son of Wilbur Morton and Dixie Marie Roddy, 20 Aug 1983 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tenn. Born 4 Jul 1950 in Rhea Co., Tenn. He was administrator of Mears-Morton. Children:

i. Benjamin Roddy[8] (called Ben Rod).

375. Sandra Kay[7] Honaker (Keith Jewell[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). She was a dual national, born 15 Jul 1956 in Augsburg, Germany to American parents. Died 1 Dec 2015 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tenn. Interred in Berry Highlands Memorial Cemetery Mausoleum, Knoxville.

News Sentinel, Knoxville, 4 Dec 2015: Sandra Kay Honaker Rogers, 59, our beloved mother and sister, left our lives and went to heaven on Wed., Dec. 1, 2015. Sandy, a longtime resident of Knoxville, Tenn.,was born July 15, 1956, in Augsburg, Germany, to Lt. Col. Keith and Wilma Honaker, the fourth of five children. Sandy is preceded in death by her beloved husband, Ronald Philip Rogers; parents, Keith and Wilma Honaker; and her brother, Col. Errol K. “Buck” Honaker. She is survived by her children, Jordan Cash Rogers and Bryanna Leigh Britt; sister, Cathy Morton (Ben); brothers, John (Linda) and Jeffrey; sister-in-law, Harriett Honaker; and many loved nieces and nephews. Sandy received her nursing degree from [East Tennessee State University] and business administration degree from Tusculum College [Greeneville, Tenn.] She initially practiced nursing in Knoxville and Key West, Fla., and subsequently worked in human resources for Whittles, Profits, The City of Knoxville and the State of Tennessee. Most recently, Sandy dedicated herself to the love and care of her elderly parents despite her own physical limitations. Sandy knew that her family loved her and she loved them. She and her family are especially grateful for LDS Brother Jim Dunn and LDS Sisters Monica Irwin and Lei Lani Branner who supported and eased Sandy’s transition from this life along with John and Christy at Select Specialty North. Family and friends are invited to a celebration of Sandy’s life and inurnment services at 2 p.m. on Sat., Dec. 5, 2015, at Berry Highland Memorial Cemetery (Mausoleum), 5315 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TM 37919. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the Sandra Rogers’ Children’s Trust Fund in care of Nicholson and Morton Attorneys, P.O. Box 4397, Maryville, TN 37802-4397. Arrangements by Cremation Options, Inc. (865) 6WE-CARE (693-2273), .

She had a child with Jerry Britt. Born 1953 in Augsburg, Germany. Died 22 Nov 1998 in Knoxville:

i. Bryanna Leigh[8] [Britt]. Born 16 Apr 1980 in Key West, Monroe Co., Fla.

She married Ronald Phillip Rogers, son of Odis Travis Rogers and Dorothy Alene Lang, 15 Oct 1983 in Chattanooga, Hamilton Co., Tenn. Born 11 Aug 1951 in Maryville, Blount Co., Tenn. Died before 2015. In 2002 he was an upholsterer. Children:

ii. Jordan Cash (called Spunk). Born 2 Mar 1987 in Knoxville.

In 2001 he was a patrol leader in Boy Scout Troop 556, West Hills Ward, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

382. Shirley James[7] Honaker (called Jim) (Henry Sheridan[6], James Clark[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Died 5 Jan 2004 in Lakewood, Colo.

Denver [Colo.] Post, 9 Jan 2004: Shirley James “Jim” Honaker passed away Jan. 5, 2004 at the age of 78. Memorial service, Monday 10 a.m., at Grace Fellowship of Lakewood, 9210 W. 2nd Ave.

383. Bert Odell[7] Honaker (Henry Sheridan[6], James Clark[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Died 9 Apr 2004 in Louisville, Ky. Buried in Louisville Memorial Gardens West.

Courier-Journal, Louisville, Ky., 11 Apr 2004: Bert Odell Honaker, 75, of Portland, passed away Friday, April 9, 2004, at Norton Hospital, surrounded by his loving family. He was a native of Page, W.Va., a U.S. Army veteran of the Korean War and a retired foreman for Catalysts Chemical. He is survived by his wife, the former Freda McKinney; five daughters, Donna Jordan, Mary Ballew, Violet Yount, Brenda Honaker and Sylvia Jekel; two sons, Roger and David Honaker; three sisters, Burnell Howell, Goldie Baker and Gracie Smith; a brother, Hobert Honaker; 11 grandchildren; and three great-grand-children. His funeral service will be held at 1 p.m. Tuesday at J.B. Ratterman & Sons, 2114 West Market Street, with burial following in Louisville Memorial Gardens-West. Visitation at the funeral home will be from 2–9 p.m.


i. Donna Sue[8]. She married Unknown Jordan.

ii. Mary Ann. She married Unknown Ballew.

iii. Violet Lynn. She married Unknown Yount.

vii. Sylvia. She married Unknown Jekel.

384. Mary Elizabeth[7] Honaker (Henry Sheridan[6], James Clark[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 22 Apr 1930 in Page, Fayette Co., W.Va. In 1998 she lived in Gallipolis, Gallia Co., Ohio.

She married, first, Unknown Woolwine. He abandoned the family. Children:

587. i. Flora Caroline[8] (called Carol). Born 25 Mar 1948.

She married, second, Paul Quintin McKinney, son of John Henry McKinney and Alice Snow, 15Sep 1949 in Kincaid, Fayette Co., W.Va. Born 30 May 1929 in Robinson, Fayette County. Died 9 Nov 1998 in Point Pleasant, Mason Co., W.Va. Buried in Jordan Baptist Church Cemetery, Gallipolis Ferry, Ohio.

Herald-Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., unknown date, and Honaker Family Newsletter, Winter 1998: Paul O. McKinney, 69, of Gallipolis [Ohio], husband of [Mary Elizabeth] Honaker McKinney, died Monday in Pleasant Valley Hospital. He was an engineer for the Ohio River Boat Co. Survivors include four sons, Louis Gene McKinney and Bruce Allen McKinney, both of Indianapolis, Ind., and Randy McKinney and Paul Douglas McKinney, both of Gallipolis; two daughters, Vickie Freeman of Gallipolis Ferry and Carol Stover of Springfield, Ohio; and five sisters, Helen Haskins and Ruth Shirtiger, both of Gallipolis, Margaret Ellison of Wharton, Freda Honaker of Louisville, Ky., and Connie Siders of Point Pleasant. Graveside service 1 p.m. Friday at Jordan Baptist Church Cemetery. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday at Deal Funeral Home.


ii. Louis Gene. Born 14 Oct 1950.

iii. John Wayne. Born 15 Nov 1952. Died 18 Mar 1958.

iv. Bruce. Born 18 Mar 1955.

v. Paul Douglas. Born 19 Aug 1960. He married Doris Unknown.

vi. Randy L. Born 4 Jan 1966 in Gallipolis, Gallia Co., Ohio. Died 15 Jun 2015 in Gallipolis.

Gallipolis [Ohio] Daily Tribune, 18 Jun 2015, and Daily Sentinel, Pomeroy, Ohio, 18 Jun 2015: Gallipolis—Randy L. McKinney, 49, Gallipolis, passed away Mon., June 15, 2015, at Holzer Medical Center Emergency Room, Gallipolis. He was born Jan. 4, 1966, in Gallipolis, son of the late Paul and Mary Elizabeth (Honaker) McKinney. Memorial services will be 1 p.m., Thurs., June 18, 2015, at Addison Freewill Baptist Church, 261 Addison Pike, Gallipolis, with the Rev. Rick Barcus officiating. Cremation services are under the direction of the McCoy-Moore Funeral Home, Wetherholt Chapel, Gallipolis.

588. vii. Vickie Lynn. Born 5 Sep 1967.

385. Hobert Alvin[7] Honaker (Henry Sheridan[6], James Clark[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 20 May 1932 in Page, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 12 Aug 2015 in Beckley, Randolph Co., W.Va. Buried in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Prosperity, W.Va. In retirement he was a tour guide at the Beckley Exhibit Mines.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 14 Aug 2015: Hobert Alvin Honaker, age 83, of Beckley, went home to be with the Lord on Wed., Aug. 12, 2015 at his home. Born on May 20, 1932 in Page, W.Va., he was the son of the late Henry Honaker and Violet Walkup Honaker. Mr. Honaker had been employed as a track welder for 22 years, and also had worked 16 years as a coal miner. He was a U.S. Army Veteran and was a member of the Harper Heights Missionary Baptist Church. Mr. Honaker was preceded in death by two brothers, Jim and Bert Honaker, and by four sisters, Burnell Howell, Elizabeth McKinney, Ruth Honaker, and Goldie Baker. In his spare time, Mr. Honaker enjoyed spending time with his family, especially the two grandchildren. He loved going to church, and listening to the Bible on CD and DVD. Those survivors left to cherish his memory include his loving wife of nearly 62 years, Louise Bowyer Honaker; a son, Donal R. Honaker of Beckley; a daughter, Anne Smith and her husband Joe of Daniels. A former daughter-in-law, Patty Brumfield of Stanaford. A sister, Gracie Smith of Indianapolis, Ind.; two grandchildren, Cody and Ian Honaker and great granddaughter Adalynn Louise Honaker, to be born in September. A very special friend, Donnie Fink of Beckley, many nieces, nephews, and a multitude of friends also survive. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Bowers Hospice House, 454 Cranberry Drive., Beckley, in memory of Mr. Honaker. Funeral services will be conducted at the Rose and Quesenberry Peace Chapel in Beckley on Sat., Aug. 15, 2015 at 1 p.m., with Pastor James Johnston and Pastor Tim Barton officiating. Burial will follow at Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens at Prosperity. Friends may visit with the family from 11 a.m. until service time on Saturday at the funeral home. Pallbearers will be Ian and Cody Honaker, Joe Smith, Travis Matherly, Trevon Brack, and Thad Bowyer. Private online condolences, floral tributes, and other expressions of sympathy may be directed to the family via our guestbook at . Arrangements are by Rose and Quesenberry Funeral Home, 1901 South Kanawha Street, Beckley.

He married Louise Bowyer 22 Dec 1954. Born 11 Feb 1939. She was a teacher. Children:

i. Anne[8] (called Candy.) Born 23 Apr 1956 in Beckley. She married Joe Smith.

385. ii. Donal R. Born 6 Jul 1962 in Beckley.

389. Howard Lee[7] Honaker (Elsie Arthur[6], James Clark[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Mar 1927 in Edmond, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 25 Nov 2003 in Charleston, W.Va. Buried in Kanawha Valley Memorial Gardens, Glasgow, W.Va. He attended Morris Harvey College, Charleston, followed by refrigeration school in Pennsylvania. He was a cook third class on the USS Defense, then worked as a truck driver for Armour and Company for 18 years. He operated his own business, Honaker’s Siding & Insulation, and was a scoutmaster for many years in Rensford, W.Va. He was diabetic.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 27 Nov 2003: Howard Lee Honaker, 76, of Campbells Creek passed away Nov. 25, 2003 at Hubbard Hospice House, Charleston. He was born Mar. 10, 1927, in Edmond, a son of the late Elsie and Louise Greco Honaker. He was also preceded in death by a daughter, Darlena Strickland. He was a graduate of DuPont High School and the former Morris Harvey College. He proudly served his country during World War II on the USS Defense. He was a member of Rensford Missionary Baptist Church where he was a former deacon and Sunday school teacher. He was also one of the first Boy Scout leaders on Campbells Creek. He was known for his great sense of humor and his love for his family. He will be sadly missed by all who knew him. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth Prunty Honaker; daughters and sons-in-law, Shirley and Charles Mullins and Helen and Billy Moles, all of Campbells Creek; brothers and sisters, Oliveine Maples of Sanford, Fla., Edward Honaker of Alton, Ill., Gertrude Carte of Dobson, N.C., Edna Shawver of Buffalo, Paul Honaker of St. Louis, Mo., Carl Honaker of Florida, Clara Winfree of Illinois, Dallas Honaker of Ashville, Ohio, Frank Honaker of Bancroft; grandchildren, David Hutchison, Stephen, Angela and Brandon Strickland, Adonnis Thompson and Michael Moles; and three great-grandchildren. Service will be 11 a.m. Sat., Nov. 29, at Stevens & Grass Funeral Home, Malden, with Dr. Boyd Purcell, hospice chaplain, and the Rev. Harold Goff officiating. Burial will follow in Kanawha Valley Memorial Gardens, Glasgow. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday at Stevens & Grass Funeral Home, 4203 Salines Drive, Malden. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests memorial contributions to Hubbard Hospice House, 1001 Kennawa Drive, Charleston WV 25311.

He married Elizabeth Louise Prunty, daughter of Ancil Marion Prunty and Flossie Virginia Keller, 10 Feb 1952 in Rensford, W.Va. Born 26 Mar 1934 in Braxton, Braxton Co., W.Va. Died 30 Dec 2008 in Charleston, W.Va. Buried in Kanawha Valley Memorial Gardens, Glasgow, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 2 Jan 2009: Elizabeth Honaker, 74, of Charleston, passed away on Tue., Dec. 30, 2008, at [Charleston Area Medical Center] Memorial Hospital after a sudden illness. Elizabeth was born in Braxton County, and was a daughter of the late Ancel and Flossie Keller Prunty. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Howard Honaker; daughter, Darlene Strickland; great-grandson, Luke Thompson; and a brother, Glen Prunty. Survivors include her children, Helen and husband, Billy Moles, Shirley and husband, Charles Mullins; grandchildren, Donnie Thompson, Michael Moles, Derrick Shores, Stephen Strickland, Brandon Strickland, Angela Strickland, and David Hutchinson and wife, Stephanie; four great-grandchildren, Madison, Sierra and Tristan Strickland, and Shane Bowles; brother, Charles Prunty; and sister, Maxine Buck. A memory to the life of Elizabeth Honaker will be 1 p.m. Sat., Jan. 3, 2009, at Stevens & Grass Funeral Home, Malden, with the Rev. Roy Moles officiating. The burial will follow the service in Kanawha Valley Memorial Gardens, Glasgow. The family will receive friends two hours prior to the service on Saturday at the funeral home. The online guest book for Mrs. Honaker may be accessed at .


591. i. Shirley Drusilla[8].

592. ii. Darlena Kaye.

593. iii. Helen Karen.

391. Edward Allen[7] Honaker (Elsie Arthur[6], James Clark[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). In 2001 he lived in Alton, Ill.

He married Elsie Ann Tuttle, daughter of Silas Tuttle and Thelma Summerfield, 29 May 1955 in Snow Hill, W.Va. They were married at the home of Malinda Slimick. Born 14 Sep 1935 in Gay, Jackson Co., W.Va. Died 23 Aug 2007 in Alton, Ill. Buried in Rose Lawn Memory Gardens Cemetery, Bethalto, Ill. She was said to be part Cherokee.

Kwik Konnection, unknown date, Stanton, Ill.: Elsie Ann Honaker, 71, of Alton, died on Thurs., Aug. 23, 2007 at home with her family at her side while under the care of BJC Hospice. She was born on Sept. 14, 1935 in Gay, W.Va., the daughter of Silas and Thelma (Summerfield) Tuttle. She married Edward Honaker on May 29, 1955 in Charleston, W.Va., and he survives. She was a member of Godfrey Methodist Church; she was employed at various times at Bell Telephone, Diamond Dept. Stores and J.C. Penney, she volunteered at Alton Memorial Hospital, the Alton Crisis Food Center, and taught ceramics at Alton Memorial Health. In addition to her husband, she is also survived by two daughters and sons-in-law, Wanda and Jack Vahle of Tunnel Hill, Ill. And Barbara Brumley and her husband, John of Wilsonville; two sons, Steven and Clifford Honaker, both of Alton; nine grandchildren, Andrew Johnson of Alton, Amanda and Adam Johnson, both of Tunnell Hill, Ill., Crystal Brumley of Wilsonville, Steven Honaker II and Joseph Honaker, both of Alton, Misty Prater, April and Arielle Honaker, all of Alton; step-grandchildren, Jill Vahle-Murphy of San Diego, Jayme Sherrock of Alton, Johnny and Kevin Brumley, both of East Alton; four sisters and two brothers-in-law, Loretta Eddy of Lookout, W.Va., Lillian and Jack Anderson of Pinch, W.Va., Lela and Shelby Shaffer, Ethel Tuttle, Herbert and Olive Tuttle, and Donald and Violet Tuttle, all of Charleston, W.Va. In addition to her parents, she was also preceded in death by a daughter-in-law, Lois Honaker; two grandchildren, Chrissy Brumley and Christopher Johnson; three brothers, James, Charles and Melvin Tuttle; and a sister, Lorene Thomson. Funeral services were private. Burial followed at Rose Lawn Memory Gardens Cemetery in Bethalto. Memorials may be made to the Godfrey Methodist Church Building Fund or to the American Cancer Society. Online condolences and a guestbook may be found at . Staten-Fine Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

393. Clyde James[7] Honaker (Elsie Arthur[6], James Clark[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Died 14 Jun 2001 in St. Petersburg, Fla. A distant Honaker cousin, William Darrell Miller, remembered in 2001 that he and Clyde were neighbors on Jackson Street, Charleston, W.Va., during the mid-1960s. At the time Clyde was a meat cutter for a supermarket. The Volkswagen plant had not yet been constructed.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 16 Jun 2001: Clyde J. Honaker, 65, of St. Petersburg, Fla., died Thurs., June 14, 2001 at home. Born in Scarbro, W.Va., he moved to St. Petersburg in 1996 from Charleston, W.Va., where he was a fisherman and owner/operator of Honaker’s Gifts and Live Bait from 1976 until his retirement in 1987. He also worked in quality control for ten years at the Volkswagen Stamping Plant in South Charleston. He served with the U.S. Marine Corps during peacetime. He was a member of Glad Tidings Assembly of God in St. Petersburg. He was a “jack-of-all-trades” who could fix anything and enjoyed being with his family. Survivors include his wife of 44 years, Yoko; three sons, Lee of St. Petersburg, Roy of Charleston, and James of Alexandria, Va.; and two grandchildren. Anderson-McQueen Funeral Homes and Cremation Tribute Center-McLeod Chapel, St. Petersburg, is in charge of arrangements.

394. Edna Deloris[7] Honaker (Elsie Arthur[6], James Clark[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 27 May 1937 in Scarbro, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 4 Feb 2014 in Buffalo, Putnam Co., W.Va. Buried in Cross Creek Cem., Buffalo.

Daily Mail, Charleston, W.Va., 6 Feb 2014, with photograph: Edna D. Shawver, 76, of Buffalo, passed away Tue., Feb. 4, 2014, at her home, following a long illness. She was a lifelong homemaker and a Christian. Edna was a kind, caring and selfless person who was always putting others first. She was very active helping her neighbors and always willing to lend a hand. She loved gardening, cooking, baking and decorating cakes. Her greatest joys in life were serving the Lord and her family which she loved dearly. Born May 27, 1937, in Scarbro, she was the daughter of the late Elsie Arthur Honaker and Louise Pearl Greco Honaker. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her loving husband of 39 years, Frank William Shawver; a sister, Clara L. Winfree; and brothers, Howard, Gilbert, Clyde, David and Clifford Honaker, along with an infant brother. Survivors include her children, William Franklin Shawver of Red House, Diane Sue Fisher of Poca, John Edward Shawver of Buffalo, Caroll Delane Goodall of Charleston and Gilbert Ray Shawver of Buffalo; sisters Oliveine Maples of Sanford Fla., and Gertrude Carte of Dobson, N.C.; and brothers Edward Honaker of Alton, Ill., Paul Honaker of Godfrey, Ill., Carl Honaker of Neptune Beach, Fla., Dallas Honaker of Mount Sterling, Ohio, and Frank Honaker of Bancroft. Funeral service will be held at 1 p.m. Sat., Feb. 8, at Raynes Funeral Home, Buffalo, with Pastor John Henderson officiating. Burial will follow in Cross Creek Cemetery, Buffalo. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday at the funeral home. Online condolences may be sent to the Shawver family, and the online guestbooksigned, by visiting . Raynes Funeral Home, 2117 Buffalo Road, Buffalo, is in charge of arrangements.

She married Frank William Shawver (called Bill), son of William Jennings Shawver and Freda Pauline Wallace, 3 Sep 1955 in Buffalo. The ceremony was performed by Pastor Mickey D. Wick. Born 5 May 1934 in Buffalo. Died 25 Jan 1994 in Hurricane, W.Va. Buried in Cross Creek Cem., Buffalo, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 27 Jan 1994: Frank William Shawver, 59, of Buffalo, Putnam County, died Jan. 25, 1994, at Putnam General Hospital, Hurricane, after a short illness. He was a truck driver for Teamsters Local 175, Charleston, and a cattleman. He was the owner of Shawver Farm, Buffalo, a member of Charolais Cattle Association and Limousin Cattle Association. Surviving: wife, [Edna] D. Honaker Shawver; daughters, Diane Sue Fisher of Poca, Caroll Delane Goodall of Tornado; sons, William F. of Red House, John E. and Gilbert R., both at home; sisters, Mona Belle

Siders of Radcliff, Ohio, Garnett Bayless of Meadville, Miss.; brother, Vernon L. of Columbus, Ohio; four grandchildren.

Service will be 2 p.m. Friday at Raynes Funeral Home, Buffalo, with the Rev. Michael Craigo officiating. Burial will be in Cross Creek Cemetery, Buffalo. Friends may call from 4 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.


605. i. William Franklin[8]. Born 30 Aug 1956 at Moser Clinic, Eleanor, Putnam Co., W.Va.

606. ii. Diane Sue. Born 31 Aug 1957 at Moser Clinic, Eleanor.

iii. John Edward. Born 8 Mar 1959 at Thomas Memorial Hospital, South Charleston, W.Va.

iv. Caroll Delane. Born 26 Jul 1966 at Thomas Memorial Hospital, South Charleston. She married

Joseph Mitchell Goodall 27 Aug 1988.

v. Gilbert Ray. Born 31 Jan 1978 at Thomas Memorial Hospital, South Charleston.

395. Paul Leslie[7] Honaker (Elsie Arthur[6], James Clark[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

His wife Lydia Irene was born 7 Jan 1948.

404. Lewis Richie[7] Honaker (Richard William[6], James Clark[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 7 Oct 1932. Died 8 Jun 1998 in St. Charles, Mo. Buried in Montgomery Memorial Park, London, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, date unknown, and Honaker Family Newsletter, Winter 1998, with photograph): Lewis Richie Honaker, 65, of St. Charles, Mo., died Mon., June 8, 1998, at home. He was a member of Community Christ Fellowship, Ferguson, and was self employed in sales and marketing. He was a graduate of East Bank High School, East Bank, W.Va., and attended Morris Harvey College in Charleston, W.Va. He was a former pilot flying charter flights and a member of the VFW. Surviving: wife, Patricia Wallace-Honaker; daughters, Leslie Flowers of St. Charles, Teresa Honaker Thomas of Nevada City, Calif., Debra Honaker-Pieper of St. Peters, Mo., son, Craig Wallace Honaker of Minneapolis, Minn.; sisters, Betty Dunbar of Scott Depot, W.Va., Carol Ann McCluney of Hurst, Texas, Ruth Lavender of Winfield, W.Va., four grandchildren. Service will be 2 p.m. Sunday at Scott Depot Christ Fellowship, Scott Depot, with the Rev. Rodney Taylor officiating. Burial will be in Montgomery Memorial Park, London, W.Va. Friends may call one hour prior to service at the church. The family suggests donations be sent to Unity Health Hospice, #11 Droste Square, St. Charles, MO 63301 or a charity of your choice. Chapman Funeral Home, Teays Valley, W.Va., is in charge of arrangements.

406. Ruth Oralea[7] Honaker (Richard William[6], James Clark[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 12 Jan 1938. In 1998 she lived in Winfield, W.Va.

She married Richard Keith Lavender, son of Joe Lavender and Ruby Barnett, 7 Dec 1956. Born 27 Feb 1936.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette (with photograph), 8 Aug 2007: Richard Keith Lavender, 71, of Winfield, passed away Sun., Aug. 5, 2007, at his residence with his loving family at his side. Keith was president and founder of Keith's Kitchens, Winfield. He attended Scott Depot Christ Fellowship, Scott Depot, and Maranatha Fellowship, St. Albans. He was a graduate of East Bank High School, a U.S. Army veteran, and 28-year resident of Winfield. His favorite hobby was golfing. Mr. Lavender was preceded in death by his parents, Joe and Ruby Barnett Lavender. Surviving is his loving wife of 50 years, Ruth Honaker Lavender; daughter and son-in-law, Jan and Mark Arthur of Winfield; son and daughter-in-law, Charles K. and Terri Lavender of Winfield; sisters and brother-in-law, Faye Monk of Phoenix, Ariz., Patricia Shock of Alexandria, La., and Brenda and Johnny Bessent of Tulsa, Okla.; brothers and sisters-in-law, Roy and Dorothy of Lorain, Ohio, Braden and Patricia of Moore, Okla., and Jerry and Kay of Winfield. Also surviving are his loving grandchildren, Griffin, Grant, Luke and Olivia Lavender, John and Matthew Arthur and his god-grandchildren, Rachel and Jon-Michael Ward. Funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. Fri., Aug. 10, at Scott Depot Christ Fellowship, 4345 Teays Valley Road, Scott Depot, with Dr. Rodney Taylor, the Rev. James Wright and the Rev. John McAdams officiating. Burial will be in Montgomery Memorial Park, London. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday at the church. Online condolences may be made at . Chapman Funeral Home, 3624 Winfield Road, Winfield, is in charge of the arrangements.


406. i. Charles Keith[8]. Born 29 Apr 1966.

406. ii. Jan.

Bottom of Form

409. Charlotte Marie[7] Honaker (Julius Wilbur[6], Samuel Hayes[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). See photograph. Born 17 Dec 1927 in Joplin, Jasper Co., Mo. Died of a stroke at age 87, 24 Oct 2015 in St. Petersburg, Pinellas Co., Fla. The remains were cremated. She was a registered nurse, successively employed with a pediatrician, dermatologist, and at a nursing home where she was nursing supervisor. She and Tom lived briefly in Ohio but spent most of their working life in West Virginia, from chich they retired and relocated to Florida in 1989. There they both were active church members and Charlotte was a choir member. They also participated in a community association in which Charlotte belonged to a knitting and crocheting group and Tom served on security patrol and played billiards.

She married Thomas Elswick Johnson, son of Warren Clifford Johnson and Alice Dugan, 23 Jul 1950 in Huntington, Cabell Co., W.Va. Born 26 Nov 1926 in Holden, Logan Co., W.Va. Died 12 Dec 2002 in Hudson, Pasco Co., Fla. Cremated remains scattered in St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church Memorial Garden, Hudson. He was a truck driver, air conditioning and refrigeration technician, time-keeper and insulation installer.

St. Petersburg [Fla.] Times, 17 Dec 2002: Thomas E. Johnson, 76, of New Port Richey, Died Thurs., Dec. 12, 2002 at Regional Medical Center Bayonet Point. Born in Holden, W.Va., he came to Florida in 1989 from Virginia Beach, Va. He was a retired government insulator and was a Navy veteran of World War II. He founded the first scout troop in Hurricane, W.Va., was a Masonic Lodge member and attended St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church of Hudson. Survivors include his wife, Charlotte; three sons, William D., Salome, Ariz., Joseph A., St. Petersburg, and Robert L., Louisville, Ky.; a daughter, Penny M. Johnson, Monterey, Calif.; and two grandchildren.


i. William Thomas[8]. Born 29 May 1951 in Huntington, Cabell Co., W.Va. Died 12 Jun 1951 in

Huntington. Buried Woodmere Cemetery, Huntington.

ii. William David. Born 15 Apr 1953 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. He married Carol Lynn

Knowlden, daughter of Albert Paul Knowlden and Carol H. Ervin, 8 Oct 1995 in Port Richey, Pasco Co., Fla. Born 4 Apr 1968 in Port Richey.

iii. Joseph Alan (called Joe). Born 25 Jun 1957 in South Charleston, W.Va.

iv. Penny Marie. Born 26 Mar 1964 in Charleston. On a trip with her mother to the Holy Land in Oct 2005 she was baptized in the Jordan River and said “my life has not been the same since then.” She lived in California; then Iowa where she was active in prison ministry through her church. In 2007 she lived in Columbus, Ohio where she was doing outreach in the inner city through her church, and was preparing for missionary service, anticipating three-year attendance at World Harvest Bible College beginning Jan 2008. In 2015 she lived in Richmond, Va.

634. v. Robert Leonard (called Rob). Born 25 Jul 1968 in South Charleston.

410. Thomas Gordon[7] Hanlin II (called Tom) (Louisa Lillian[6], Samuel Hayes[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Sep 1939 in Huntington, Cabell Co., W.Va.

He graduated from Marshall High School, Huntington, in May 1957, took a B.F.A. in Radio-Television Education from the College-Conservatory of Music of Cincinnati [Ohio] in Jul 1959, and an M.S. in Television from Syracuse [N.Y.] University in Aug 1960. During college he worked part-time odd jobs at WCET-TV and WLW-T in Cincinnati. After college he worked briefly as a news announcer, then sales representative for WFBG Radio, Altoona, Pa. On 6 Nov 1961 he enlisted in the U.S. Air Force in Pittsburgh, Pa., completed Officer Training School at Medina AFB, San Antonio, Texas in Feb 1962, and became a public affairs officer, conveying information about the Air Force to other service members and the public. He was stationed at Kingsley Field, an air defense fighter base at Klamath Falls, Ore.; Sundance [Wyo.] Air Force Station, a nuclear-powered air defense radar site; and 7th Air Force Hq., Saigon, Vietnam (May 1966–May 1967), from which he traveled throughout Vietnam and Thailand escorting news media and filming news reports about Air Force participation in the war. He then was an assistant professor of aerospace studies at Syracuse University; then chief of plans & programs, chief of operations, and finally commander of the Air Force European Broadcasting Squadron, U.S. Air Forces Europe, based in Wiesbaden, Germany, which operated 15 radio-TV stations for American servicemen and women in Italy, Spain, Turkey, Greece, Crete, Iran and the Azores. Returning to the U.S., he became an Air Force intern with Hill & Knowlton Public Relations, New York; was a plans officer and news media relations officer for the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force, the Pentagon; public affairs officer for the Undersecretary of the Air Force, the Pentagon; then detached to New York City as chief of Air Force public affairs activities including liaison with national news media and support for foreign air attaches and diplomats in New York and the eastern region. He was then deputy for news media relations and finally special assistant for international news media for the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs, the Pentagon. On special assignment, he combined 47 public affairs directives into one, which became Air Force Public Affairs Manual 190-1, used by Air Force public affairs officers and staff beginning in 1981. He completed Squadron Officer School, Air Command & Staff College, Air War College, and took postgraduate credits in residence from the University of Oklahoma at Norman. He retired as a colonel after 27 years and 7 mo. of service. His interests include reading, writing, photography, theater, music, art collecting, and his home. He has taken an active role in the Honaker Family Association, his mother’s line, as vice president, book coordinator, and newsletter editor, contributing to published genealogical research numbering more than 2,500 pages. His travels to date include the U.S., Europe, Russia, China, Vietnam, Thailand, Ecuador, the Galapagos, South Africa and Botswana.

He married, first, Elisabeth NMN Gottschalk, daughter of Fred NMN Gottschalk and Aenny Johanna (Lange) Reinhardt, 8 Sep 1962 in Staten Island, Richmond Co., N.Y. Born 24 Apr 1941 in Staten Island. Died 12 Apr 2002 in Alexandria, Va. The ashes were scattered “in beautiful places” according to her request.

Obituary by husband, 12 Apr 2002 (a version appeared in the Washington [D.C.] Post: Elisabeth Gottschalk Hanlin, 60, a librarian at the School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, died of cancer Apr. 12 at Alexandria [Va.] Hospital. She had lived in the Washington, D.C. area since 1977. Mrs. Hanlin was a native of Staten Island, New York. She graduated with honors from Tottenville High School, Staten Island, took a B.A. in International Relations from Syracuse University in 1962, and an M.L.S. from Syracuse University in 1971. In college, she was an academic scholarship recipient for four years, president of her sorority, Phi Mu, an officer of the joint student legislature, a student government senator, member of the senior class executive council, and was a deans list student. She was subsequently employed as a secretary for the Population Council, New York; bibliographer for the U.S. Library of Congress, Wiesbaden, Germany; a special education teaching assistant for Department of Defense Schools in Europe; (1978-80) public affairs manager for Johns Manville Corp., Washington; (1981-1986) Director, State & Federal Government Affairs, Sperry Corp., Washington; (1987-1991) Director, State & Federal Government Affairs, Unisys Corp., Washington; and (1995-2001) Librarian, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington. She was past director, Performing Arts Association of Alexandria; past chair, Women as Leaders Executive Committee, The Washington Center; 1983-84 president, Women in Government Relations, a past member of its board of directors, past chair of its Leader Fund and a most distinguished member; past member of the WETA board of trustees; past member, sponsor, and advisory group member, Women Executives in State Government; and was a past area lecturer on leadership and management. She was a member of the Library Science Honor Society and past president of the Burke Branch Friends of the Alexandria Library. Survivors include her husband, Col. Thomas G. Hanlin, USAF, Ret., of the home, and two sons, Jonathan M. Hanlin of the home and Thomas G. Hanlin III of Englewood, Fla. Expressions of sympathy may take the form of donations to Syracuse University, c/o Office of Donor Relations, 820 Comstock Ave., Rm. 100, SYRACUSE NY 13244.


ii. Jonathan Michael.

Ah... the bungee jump.  Interesting.  I honestly haven't thought of it all that much, although it was really something.

  We were in Zimbabwe, which is a country with a smallish centralized populated area.  The main center of town was about two miles long, with a bustling tourist trade in local crafts.  The locals were charming hustlers who constantly hawked their wares,  often following tourists with bright smiles and handfuls of carvings or jewelry.  I wandered town on my own for a day and talked to many of the vendors.  They were aggressive salespeople at first but calmed down and became friendly and curious as they found I wasn't buying.  Had a good day chatting with them.  Most speak about a half-dozen tribal languages as well as English and Afrikaans.  Clever and lively people.

Anyway, the tour group and I went to see Victoria Falls.  The falls are on the Zambezi River between Zimbabwe and Zambia.  [The locals say Zam-bay-zee.  Tourists say Zam-bee-zee.  The local beer is Zambezi Lager, and I found that the locals would grin appreciatively when I was the only white person in our group who pronounced it correctly!].  Our tour bus took us about two miles out of town to a bridge on the border.  The bridge was at the same height as the top of the falls but maybe half a mile downstream.  Water was dropping 355-ft. to the river below us and the spray created rainbows up over 100' above the base of the falls.  We explored around the falls and then came back to the bridge where the locals now had a bungee jumping operation set up and operating.  We watched about two dozen people jump, while another half dozen copped out on the edge.  They were literally on the edge where they would break down sobbing, shaking and crying, and back out.  Sorry, no refunds!

I hadn't been planning on jumping but it was really an unbelieveable view and drop to the rapids far below. 

I had done some cliff diving in Austin, TX and also diving from tall trees to a drop of about 45' into the Colorado River.  That was exciting and frightening and had given me some experience in swan diving.  So the Vic Falls bungee was to me a spectacular necessary thing, as soon as I saw it!  I had thought of bungee as a passe' sport, but oh man!, this was big!  The bridge was like an old railroad trestle, three car widths wide, spanning a grey-rocked canyon about a quarter mile across at that point. Three hundred and fifty feet below were rapids with occasional large grey boulders heaving through.  Down river the canyon twisted several s-turns and the water was white and powerful against the walls.

Dad could see that I was captivated, as I always am around powerful rivers and oceans.  He told me that the jump was on him if I wanted to do it.  Of course I agreed!  He paid the men in the small log cabin at the far end of the bridge, and we walked out to the center together.  There was a short line of about six tourists ahead of me.  Two broke down crying on the edge and had the bungee taken off.  One other asked to go to the back of the line.  The other three jumped weakly and nervously, feet down.  Which is, by the way, not how they were instructed to jump.  The local men were clear in stating that the proper and safest form was to swan dive. 

I was next.  There were three local Africans sitting on a span in the center of the bridge running the show.  The bungee cord was dirty white in color and made up of dozens of one millimeter rubber cords twined together.  The outer surface was fuzzy with broken bits of white rubber cords sticking out.  One of the guys was videotaping the jumps and the pre-jump interviews while another prepped your velcro ankle wraps.  The wrap guy was skilled in the pre-jump interview.  He seemed genuinely interested in why each person wanted to jump.  I imagine he dealt with all types from all over the world.  I felt comfortable chatting with him.  The third guy was winching up the jumpers.  It took a long ten minutes to bring each person back, upside-down all the whole while.

It was my turn to walk the plank.  Frankly, my main feeling was of wonder and curiosity. My fingers and toes tingled and I felt like I was exactly where I was supposed to be.

 I was instructed to step onto a two foot platform while the locals enthusiastically counted down to your jump time...  Five... Four... Three (oh, geez, here we go, the river is 350 feet down!), ... Two... One...  JUMP!!!

I leaped out as far as I could, in the classic swan dive position:  back fully arched, chest thrust out,  arms fully extended to the sides with wrists turned up like wingtips and toes pointed back.  Most importantly, face and eyes pointed straight up to the upper sky in the same position until gravity gradually shows you the water and ground below.  This is the key to a graceful and fearless swan dive.  Your head must be tilted completely to the sky.  Therein is the offering, and the beauty.  To deny yourself a look down while the wind starts to whistle in your ears...falling faster...then faster still...then still more!  Gradually I tilted down enough to see through teary eyes that I was halfway down and still increasing speed way past what I had thought possible.  I saw an intense melding of space closing in on me from all sides in a beautiful blur.  The canyon walls were getting closer and the whitewater below was moving both upstream and closer at a phenomenal rate.  It was also apparent at this near distance that I likely would hit the bottom of the river and then the boulders in the whitewater if the bungee were to fail.   At the same time there was a focal point where I could see and feel my upcoming end to the freefall just 30' above the water and rocks.

I slowed and stretched down to that point.  Time slowed down for a few seconds, although it seemed much longer, contemplating the next unknown.  Upward now!  The bungee snapped me up from my brief reverie.  It was lovely but far too brief.  I was flung up into space, reversing my path, heading back towards the iron bridge.  The bungee cord took me about 3/4 of the way back up and then slapped me in the face and briefly looped around my neck.  At first I was concerned about hitting the bridge but luckily that wasn't to be my fate.  I would be lynched instead! 

I was surprised to have survived the hard part only to have odd circumstance try to take me out.  But adrenaline and a strong sense of injustice allowed me to uncoil the bungee before gravity became gravitas.  No shit.  It was a close call and I'm not kidding. 

I didn't have any idea that Dad was at all impressed.  I do believe that he never saw my extra fun way below.


Anyway, it turned out that if you paid for the video you got to jump again for free, with free video.  Damn!  I love a bargain.  I did it again the next day, while Dad was sightseeing. 

He married, second, Lauretta Alfreda Sulla, daughter of Theodore Joseph Sulla and Laura Elisabeth DePalo, 23 Nov 2005 in Destin, Okaloosa Co., Fla. Born 30 Apr 1934 in Harrison, Westchester Co., N.Y. She graduated from Norwich [Conn.] Free Academy in 1952; attended the University of Connecticut, Storrs, Conn., State University of New York Binghamton, N.Y, and University of Alabama Huntsville, before and during her first marriage, then took a B.A. in Liberal Arts, University of Houston [Texas] Clear Lake City, in 1976. She was divorced from Normand Roger Ruest and had five children in that marriage, Michelle Celeste, Camille Diane, Cheryl Andrea, Laura Jeanne and Normand Theodore. In 1977 and 1978 she was employed as a placement supervisor for Tele-Sec, a temporary employment agency, in Falls Church, Va.; then from 1979 to 1981 was an employment placement counselor with the Comprehensive Employment & Training Act (CETA) in Manassas, Va. In 1981 she became ride sharing coordinator for the Prince William County Planning Office, Manassas, a position to encourage public and private transportation efficiency; then became a transportation manager for Potomac & Rappahannock Transportation Commission, Woodbridge, Va., until she retired in 1999. Her hobbies and interests included reading, history, music, dancing, national and international travel, and her home and family.

411. Ronald Lee[7] Honaker (Bert Pauline[6], Samuel Hayes[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Children:

i. Debra Lynn[8]. Born 15 Sep 1963 in Huntington, W.Va. She graduated in 1980 from Barboursville [W.Va.] High School. She took a Bachelor of Social Work from Marshall University, Huntington, in 1985, and a Bible Certificate from Appalachian Bible College, Bradley (near Beckley), W.Va., in 1987. In 2007 she had served as a missionary in 12 countries in the former Soviet Union, India and Zimbabwe. In 2007 she lived in Huntington.

Herald-Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., 25 Nov 2007 (with photograph, cutline Eugene Bowyer Jr. and Debra Honaker Tassen: Tassen-Bowyer—It is with great joy that Debra Honaker Tassen and Eugene Boyer Jr. announce their engagement. Debra is the daughter of the late Ron Honaker and Elizabeth Perry of Barboursville. She is also the stepdaughter of Charles Perry. Eugene is the son of Eugene Bowyer Sr. of Beckley and the late Claudine Bowyer. He is also the stepson of Jessie Bowyer. Debra has a BSW from Marshall University and Eugene is retired from State Electric. Both are employed at GC Services and attend Olive Missionary Baptist Church. The couple will wed in April, 2008.

She married, first, James Edward Johnson Jul 1983 in West Hamlin, Lincoln Co., W.Va. They divorced Nov 1983. He subsequently died. She married, second, Frederick Lee Ewing, son of Howard Lee Ewing and Gladys Juanita Adkins, 23 Jan 1993 in Beckley, W.Va. They divorced Jan 1999. She married, third, David Lee Tassen Jul 2003 in Ona, Cabell Co., W.Va. They divorced Jul 2004. She is scheduled to marry, fourth, Eugene Edward Bowyer Jr., son of Eugene Edward Boyer and Claudine Faye Ison, Apr 2008. Born 15 Sep 1959 in Oak Hill, Fayette Co., W.Va.

413. Rebecca Susan[7] Honaker (Ralph Warren[6], Samuel Hayes[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 19 Feb 1947 in Huntington, W.Va. Died 5 Aug 2004 at her home in Milton, W.Va. Buried in Ridgelawn Cemetery, Huntington, W.Va.

Herald-Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., 8 and 9 Aug 2004 (with photograph): Rebecca Susan Honaker Lawson, 57, of Milton, died Thurs., Aug. 5, 2004 at her residence. Funeral service will be conducted 2 p.m., Tue., Aug. 10, 2004 at Chapman’s Mortuary with Pastor Doug Spurlock officiating. Burial will follow in Ridgelawn Memorial Park, Huntington. She was born Feb. 19, 1947 in Huntington, a daughter of Ralph W. Honaker of Huntington, and the late Dolly M. McCoy Honaker. Also preceding her in death was an infant sister, Judith K. Honaker. She graduated from Barboursville High School and attended Marshall University. She was a member of VFW Post 1064 Auxiliary and the Huntington Detachment #340 Marine Corps League [Auxiliary]. She was accomplished in arts and crafts, and was knowledgeable of classical paintings and sculptures. She worked and traveled in the United States, Mexico and England. She operated an Appalachian crafts store and hair salon in Milton and Huntington. Additional survivors include one son, Zachary R. Lawson of Milton; a sister and brother-in-law, Dolly Ann Honaker and Jack Jeffers of Bay City, Mich.; a nephew, (nieces), aunts, uncles and loving cousins. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. Mon., Aug. 9, 2004, at Chapman’s Mortuary, Huntington.

The following eulogy was delivered by her best friend, Billie Graybeal:

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, and we are never, ever the same.

I’ve been reminiscing for the past few days about Rebecca Susan Honaker Lawson. About who she really was. She was Dolly and Ralph’s youngest daughter. She was Dolly Ann’s little sister. She was Zak’s mother. She was Sugar’s special niece. She was so many things to so many people, and I’m sure all of you have you own special memory of some funny thing she did or one of her crazy ideas. She always believed things would happen just the way she saw them. And she dreamed in Technicolor! She was kind…and generous…and wild…and funny…and different. She was all these things and more!

But to me she was just my friend, Suze! (Suze with a “z”!) If time or distance separated us for a while, when we got together it was as if no time had ever passed. We spent hours talking about growing up—and, then, about getting old! But Suze always told me she was never going to grow old—she was Peter Pan! Forever young! That was Suze!

There are so many stories I could tell you today. I want to say just the right thing, but I know she would want me to make you smile. I want to give you a glimpse at the Suze I knew. We were an unlikely pair—she was tall; I was short. She was messy; I was neat. I like to stay put and she liked to wander. But, by whatever twist of fate and in the wisdom of the powers that be, two young girls met in 1959 and became lifelong friends. She told me, “My phone number is 52-52-184. Always think of it like that and you’ll never forget!” I didn’t! We went to different schools and had other friends, but there was a bond between us that could not be broken. Not by time…or space…not by anything...for the past 45 years!

I remember how she always liked to look different—we were children of the 1960’s and she was the typical hippie! Bell bottoms and sandals and long hair that had to be ironed just so. And we’d drive around in that little Metro and wear the fuzzy linings of her Dad’s jackets because it looked so cool! She thought her Dad was just the most handsome guy in the world! That was Suze!

And we discovered Bob Dylan and I swear we were the only ones that really knew what he was singing about. And we wrote poems and songs and smoked Marlboros and drank Dr. Pepper—and everybody else smoked Winston’s and drank Pepsi! That was Suze!

And when I was 16, she brought me a stuffed dog on the train from Detroit. And I still have it! She thought that was pretty neat! Suze didn’t always remember birthdays, but she liked the fact that I remembered hers. Like last year when I asked her if she had received her birthday card I sent her, she said she hadn’t been to the mailbox. It was a month later! “Oh, well,” she said, “it’ll be there when I do!” That was Suze!

And she wanted to be a model and she went to New York. And she lived in an apartment that was $92.46 a month for rent and she lived in the Village. I remember I worked for a neurosurgeon at that time and we used old brain wave print outs for office notes. One day I wrote her a letter on that paper and she called me saying, “Send more brain paper! I love it!” That was Suze!

And she’d call me late at night and we’d talk for hours about what she was going to do next. It was always, “Guess What?” or “Guess Where I Am?” Once she called me from Sunset and Vine in Hollywood just so I could hear the traffic. And once from London so I could talk to a taxi driver. I couldn’t understand a thing he said! $2.00 a minute! But that was Suze! And she wanted to be an actress. And she was! With parts in Starsky & Hutch and Walking Tall. And we were all so proud of her! And she did what she said she would do. And I envied her. And that was Suze!

And I remember when she lived in the little cottage on West Pea Ridge and we’d take walks in the cemetery nearby and she’d tell me what was going on with her new fella! He owned a garbage company! She used to say, “You smell garbage…We smell money!” And that was Suze! And on April 21, 1983 there was Zak and she placed him in my arms and said, “Here—look at the best thing I’ve ever done!” And she called me often to report how it was to be the surburban housewife and how Zak was doing in school and the spelling bee and she was making plans for college when he was in the second grade! But that was Suze!

And we opened the craft store in Milton. The night we signed the lease, we were standing in that big, empty, dirty room and she said, “Let me tell you how this is going to be!” And we went around the room and she told me where each kind of craft booth was going to be and she could see it! And it happened! And that was Suze!

And out of the blue my telephone would ring and she’d say, “You OK?” Well, I’m OK.” Just checking in from time to time. That was Suze.

The dictionary defines the word unique as “one and only; having no like or equal; highly unusual, extraordinary. That was Suze! Yes, she was a unique daughter, sister, niece, wife, mother and friend. All of us here today who mourn her passing are joined together in our sorrow. But I know she would want us to celebrate her incredible life. That was Suze!

On Feb. 19, 1946 Rebecca Susan Honaker Lawson set out on an extraordinary journey. Along the way, in one way or another, she touched our lives and we are better for having known her. Every significant event in my life was shared with her. She slipped quietly into that good night Aug. 5, 2004 and is at rest. I’ll miss her. She was Suze! She was and will always be my best and dearest friend.

She married Randie Gail Lawson 11 Jun 1984 in Pembroke, Giles Co., Va. They divorced 28 Oct 1999 in Huntington, W.Va. He owned and operated General Refuse Co. of Milton, W.Va., which he sold in 2001. He married, second, Deanna Dawn Miller 3 Jun 2006 in Hurricane, W.Va. They had one son, Russell Colt Lawson, b. 19 Feb 2007 in Huntington, W.Va.

415. Raymond Dee[7] Arthur (Justine Ellison[6], Samuel Hayes[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

He married, third, Rebecca Mueller. In 2001 she was a teacher living in Elmira, N.Y. Children:

i. Melissa Anne[8]. Born 8 Jul 1986 in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. A photograph of her appeared in

Honaker Family Newsletter, Jan-Feb 2002. She was then a high school sophomore with a 97.3 gradepoint average, a sophomore class officer, active in several clubs, and in dancing. She graduated from Thomas A. Edison High School, Elmira Heights, N.Y., in 2004. She took a bachelor’s degree from Elmira [N.Y.] College, summa cum laude, 1 Jun 2008, majoring in psychology and minoring in womens’ studies and sociology. She was a member of Phi Beta Kappa honor society, Psi Chi Honor Society (psychology), Omicron Delta Kappa (leadership), was given the Iris Leadership Award; and was a Gold Key for three years as a campus tour guide. She was a Department of Psychology research assistant, tutor, resident advisor, teaching fellow, peer note taker, and worked in the college admissions office. She maintained a 3.951 gradepoint average. She was accepted to five graduate school psychology programs, and from them chose Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa. She intended to begin graduate studies 18 Aug 2008, concentrating in autism, with the objective of an Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) in School Psychology, a degree more advanced than a master’s.

417. Donald Wilson[7] Honaker (Howard Wran[6], Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 3 Jul 1916 in Summers Co., W.Va. Died 7 Jul 1987. Buried in Restwood Cemetery, Hinton, W.Va. Peters’ Conrad Peters and Wife, published in the 1950s, said that Donald lived at 701 Ruffner Ave., Charleston, W.Va.; had graduated from Hinton [W.Va.] High School and from Charleston School of Commerce; was an electrical engineer for E.I. DuPont Chemical Company, Charleston; had married Frances Cavell Hawver, daughter of Hallie Fenton Hawver and Mattie Sue Johnston 4 Oct 1939; she was born 24 Apr 1919; and that he and Frances owned and operated Fizz Beverage Service, Inc., 1009 Bullitt St., Charleston. However, Donald’s obituary in 1987 did not mention Frances, saying only that he was the husband of Lorena P. Honaker. One researcher identified Lorena as Lorena P. Grimmitt. Her obituary in 1987 said that she had two surviving brothers whose surnames were Cook. Perhaps her maiden name was Lorena P. Cook and she previously was married to Unknown Grimmitt. We are not entirely certain that Peters was right about the first wife; or if so, which was the mother of the three children. Because they were listed as children of Lorena in her obituary, we will assume that she is the birth mother until future research may show otherwise.

Charleston [W.Va.] Daily Mail, 9 Jul 1987: Donald W. Honaker, 71, of Lewisburg, Greenbrier County, died Tuesday in Humana Hospital, Greenbrier Valley, Fairlea, after a short illness. He was a member of St. James Episcopal Church, Lewisburg. He was a Mason and a Shriner, a member of Royal Order of Jesters of Charleston, Greenbrier Valley Shrine Club, [American Assn. of Retired Persons] and Max Welton Ruritan Club. He was a former employee of Du Pont. Surviving: wife, Lorena Honaker; sons, Donald W. II of Wheeling, Richard Norman of Lancaster, Ill.; daughter, Mrs. Bernard Spurlock of Charleston; six grandchildren. Service will be 2 p.m. Friday in McCraw Funeral Home, Lewisburg,

with the Rev. John Torrence, officiating. Burial will be in Restwood Cemetery, Hinton, with Masonic graveside rites.

Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.

He may have married, first, Frances Cavell Hawver, daughter of Hallie Fenton Hawver and Mattie Sue Johnston, 4 Oct 1939. Born 24 Apr 1919.

He married Lorena P. Cook Grimmitt. Born ca. 1914. Died 8 Dec 1987 in Scott Depot, W.Va. Buried in Tyler Mountain Memory Gardens, unknown place.

Charleston [W.Va.] Daily Mail, 9 Dec 1987: Mrs. Lorena P. Honaker, 73, of 304 Scary Road, Scott Depot, Putnam County, died Tuesday at home after a short illness. She was a member of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Lewisburg, and the Eastern Star. She was formerly of Lewisburg. Surviving: daughter, Mrs. Brenda Spurlock of Scott Depot; sons, Donald W. Jr. of Wheeling, Richard N. of Lancaster, Ohio; sister, Mrs. Georganna Yelenick of Huntington; brothers, John E. Cook Jr. of Charleston, Orris L. Cook of Milton; six grandchildren. Service will be 3 p.m. Thursday in Bartlett-Burdette-Cox Funeral Home, Charleston, with Pastor John Torrence officiating. Burial will be in Tyler Mountain Memory Gardens. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. today at the funeral home.


i. Donald W., Jr. (also II). Born 6 Jul 1942.

637. ii. Richard Norman.

iii. Brenda. She married Bernard Spurlock.

420. James Lee[7] Davis (Lena Angeline[6], Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[l ]). Born 14 Mar 1926 in Sandstone, W.Va. In Jun 1948 James was unmarried and a clerk for the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway at Hinton, W.Va.

In History of Summers County, 1984, p. 168, James wrote the following: “In the summer of 1949, I met a young lady that was really something. On 5 Oct of that year we were married by the Rev. H.P. Hackney. The young lady’s name was Wanda Joyce Harvey, born at Hinton on 20 Sep 1929…..It has been said that when a couple have been married for an extended time, they tend to look alike. Thank God, she does not have my facial features, for I am beginning to wrinkle, whereas she remains beautiful.”

He married Wanda Joyce Harvey, daughter of Everett E. Harvey and Eddie Beulah Abshire, 5 Oct 1949. Born 20 Sep 1929 in Hinton. Children:

i. Jerry Ray[8]. Born 25 Sep 1951. He married Janet Osborne.

639. ii. Rodney Lee. Born 17 Nov 1955.

420. iii. Nancy Lynn. Born 2 Feb 1961.

iv. Rebecca Dawn. Born 26 Apr 1962. She married Ernie N. Wheeler.

421. Madge Marie[7] Tallman (called Marie) (Clara Rebecca[6], Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 4 Mar 1916 in Hinton, Summers Co., W.Va. Died 30 Jan 2013 in Hilldale, W.Va. Buried in Greenbrier Burial Park, Hinton.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 1 Feb 2013: Hinton—Marie Tallman Maddy, 96, of Hinton, died at 7 p.m. Wed., Jan. 30, 2013, at Summers Nursing and Rehabilitation Center at Hilldale, following a short illness. Born Mar. 4, 1916, at Hinton, she was the daughter of the late Charles F. and Clara Honaker Tallman. Marie was a graduate of Talcott High School and the Huntington Beauty School. She was the co-owner of The Sewing Basket in Hinton. She was a member of Central Baptist Church in Hinton and was very active in the church as long as her health permitted. She was also a member of the Summers County A.R.H. Hospital Auxiliary. She was preceded in death by her husband, Irvin S. Maddy. Also preceded in death by two brothers, Thomas and Fred Tallman, and one sister, Ruby Garten. Survivors include two sons, Stan Maddy and wife Vicky of Hinton and Thomas Lynn Maddy of Hinton. Two sisters, Dorothy Westmoreland and Ruth Noel, both of Hinton. Four grandchildren, Trisha and John Maddy, Krista Lynn Vandall and Kelly Renee Maddy. Three great grand-children, Bethany Fernatt and Elena and Adelita Maddy. One great-great-grandchild, Xavier Fernatt. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Sat., Feb. 2, 2013, at Pivont Funeral Home Chapel in Hinton, with Pastor Robbie Merritt officiating. Burial will follow in Greenbrier Burial Park in Hinton. Friends may call from 6 until 8 p.m. Friday evening at the funeral home.

Memorial contributions may be made to the Summers County A.R.H. Auxiliary, 1500 Terrace St., Hinton, WV 25951.

Online condolences and guest register at . Arrangements by Pivont Funeral Home, Hinton.

She married Irvin Stanford Maddy in 1938, son of William Thomas Maddy and Emma Leftwich. Born 23 Mar 1907. Died 10 Oct 1975. History of Summers County [W.Va.], 1984, pp. 239-240, contained this item submitted by Marie:

Irvin Stanford Maddy, 23 Mar 1907–10 Oct 1975, was the seventh son of William Thomas Maddy and Emma Leftwich. As he was the seventh son of the seventh son of the seventh son of one of seven sons and he was born 1907, Robert L. Ripley so depicted it in 1933 in his Believe It or Not [a popular illustrated newspaper column of the day]. The Maddy family is of Scottish descent with the first one arriving in America between 1750–1775. The family line began with James and William Maddy and proceeded to Matthew Maddy (great grandfather of Irvin), next to Absolum (grandfather of Irvin), to William Thomas Maddy (father). Sons of William Thomas Maddy: Glen (1892–1973), Claude (1895), Jennings (1896–1947), Parke (1899–1922), Earl (1901–1912), Fred (1903), Irvin Stanford (1907–1975). Irvin married in 1938 Madge “Marie” Tallman. They had two sons, Irvin Jr. (19 Jan 1940), married Luisa Victoria Garcia and had Tisha 31 Mar 1970 and John 7 Jul 1974; Thomas Lynn (13 May 1941), married Bernice Louise Hickman and had Krista 28 Mar 1971, and Kelly 17 Jul 1975.


640. i. Irvin Stanford, Jr.[8] (called Stan) Born 19 Jan 1940.

641. ii. Thomas Lynn. Born 13 May 1941.

423. Dorothy Ann[7] Tallman (called Dorothy) (Clara Rebecca[6], Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Peters’ Conrad Peters and Wife says she was born 6 Jun.

424. Thomas Law[7] Tallman (Clara Rebecca[6], Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). He served in the U.S. Navy for two years in the Pacific Theater during World War II. In the 1950s he and his brother Charles Frederick were training at the Nashville [Tenn.] Auto and Diesel College.

He married Wanda Bennett (Graham, History of Graham Family, reported Billie Brown.)

425. Estella Ruth[7] Tallman (called Ruth) (Clara Rebecca[6], Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). In the 1950s she was employed by the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company.

426. Charles Frederick[7] Tallman (Clara Rebecca[6], Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Peters’ Conrad Peters and Wife says he was born 15 Jul. In the 1950s he and his brother Thomas Law were training at the Nashville [Tenn.] Auto and Diesel College.

427. Mary Janis[7] Honaker (Jesse Cary[6], Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 4 Dec 1927 in Sandstone, Summers Co., W.Va. Peters’ Conrad Peters and Wife gives a different birth year, 1925. She graduated from high school in Sandstone, attended Marshall College in Huntington, W.Va. for one year, and graduated from Roanoke [Va.] Business College Dec 1947.

She married Charles William Boyd, son of William Lonas Boyd and Carrie Belle Williams, 2 May 1948. Born 30 Aug 1925 in Oakvale, W.Va. Died 27 May 2010 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Princeton, W.Va.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 28 May 2010: Sandstone—Charles William Boyd, 84, of 100 Riverview Drive, Sandstone, died Thurs., May 27, 2010, in the VA Medical Center in Beckley following a long illness. Born Aug. 30, 1925, at Oakvale, W.Va., he was the son of the late William Lonas and Carrie Belle Williams Boyd. He spent his childhood in Oakvale and Princeton, W.Va., and was of the Methodist faith. He was a self-employed merchant at Green Sulphur Springs and Sandstone, W.Va., and was also Postmaster at Green Sulphur Springs where he had 39 years of service. He was a World War II veteran, having served in the U.S. Army. He was a member of the Hinton [W.Va.] Masonic Lodge #62, A.F.&A.M. He was preceded in death by both parents; two sisters, Evelyn Naomi “Nany” Boyd in 1994 and Phyllis F. “Phid” Cole in 2002; one stepgrandson, Christopher Woodward, in 1993. Survivors include his wife of 62 years, Mary Janis Honaker Boyd; one son, William Cary “Chuck” Boyd and wife Darlene of Sandstone; two grandchildren, Natalie Boyd and Matthew Boyd; and a niece, Dreama Perley. Graveside services and burial will be held at 11 a.m., Sat., May 29, 2010, at Roselawn Memorial Gardens in Princeton, W.Va., with Pastor Lynn Maddy officiating. There will be no visitation. Those wishing to attend the service are asked to meet at Pivont Funeral Home in Hinton by 10 a.m. on Saturday. The family requests no flowers. Memorial contributions may be made to Beni Kedem Temple Crippled Children Fund, c/o Beni Kedem Shrine Temple, P.O. Box 2589, Charleston, WV 25329. Online condolences and guest register at . Arrangements by Pivont Funeral Home, Hinton.


649. i. William Cary[8] (called Chuck.)

428. Charles Lewis[7] Keaton (Ina Grace[6], Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 16 Sep 1923 in Hinton, W.Va. Died 26 Nov 1988 in Hinton. Buried in Restwood Cemetery, Hinton.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 28 Nov 1988: Charles Lewis Keaton, 65, of Nimitz, Summers County, died Nov. 26, 1988, in Summers County Hospital, Hinton, after a long illness. He lived most of his life in Summers County. He was a retired engineer for [Chesapeake & Ohio] Railway. He was a member of Central Baptist Church, Hinton, and was a veteran of World War II. Surviving: wife, Polly Ratliff Keaton; son, David Michael of Durham, N.C.; daughter, Linda Keaton Lacy of Nimitz; mother, Mrs. Ina Honaker Keaton of Hinton; brother, Daniel of Jumping Branch; sisters, Mrs. Doris Williams of Idaho, Mrs. Ellen Wills of Waverly, Ohio; five grandchildren. Service will be 2 p.m. Tuesday in Ronald Meadows Funeral Home, Hinton, with the Rev. Robert Moore officiating. Burial will be in Restwood Memorial Gardens, Hinton. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. today at the funeral home.

He married Mary Ratliff (called Polly).

429. Doris Faye[7] Keaton (Ina Grace[6], Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 7 Feb 1927 in Hinton, W.Va. She took a B.S. from Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, in 1948, an M.S. from Ohio University in 1963, and a Ph.D. from Ohio State University, Columbus, in 1971. In 2011 she lived in Moscow, Idaho.

She married Thomas NMN Williams. They divorced. Children:

i. Robert Scott[8]. Born 2 Feb 1952 in Athens, Ohio. He married Jo Lynn Delinger 20 Aug 1977 in

Troy, Ohio.

ii. Ronald Blaine. Born 16 Jul 1954 in Athens. He married Bobbie Jo Webb 4 Jun 1976 in Moscow,


iii. Nancy Sue. Born 24 Jul 1956 in Athens. She married Unknown in Grand Rapids, Mich.

430. Ellen Joyce[7] Keaton (Ina Grace[6], Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 30 Mar 1929 in Hinton, W.Va. She graduated from Hinton High School in 1948 or 1949. In 2011 she lived in Waverly, Ohio.

She married Edgar Wills.

431. Daniel Truman[7] Keaton (called Danny) (Ina Grace[6], Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 14 Dec 1930 in Hinton, W.Va. Died 27 May 2011 in Jumping Branch, W.Va. Buried in Lilly-Crews Cemetery, Nimitz, W.Va. He served in the U.S. Navy 10 Jan 1949 to 10 Jan 1950 and was assigned to the USS Coral Sea.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 29 May 2011: Jumping Branch—Daniel Truman “Danny” Keaton, 80, of Jumping Branch went home to be with the Lord Fri., May 27, 2011, at his home following a long illness. Born Dec. 14, 1930, at Hinton, he was a son of the late Dewey and Ina Honaker Keaton. Dan retired as a railroad engineer for CSX in 1996 and was a U.S. Navy veteran serving on the USS Coral Sea. He was an avid hunter, farmer, gardener, cutting firewood and spending time with his family and friends. In addition to his parents he is preceded in death by his infant brother, Billy Joe Keaton, and brother Charles Keaton. Those left to cherish his memory include his wife of 59 years, Margaret “Peggy” Lilly Keaton of Jumping Branch; three sons, Billy Joe Keaton and wife Tonya of Hilldale, Mark Keaton and wife Kayo of Ronceverte and Phillip “P.K.” Keaton and wife Rhonda of Rock Hill, S.C.; one daughter, Rebecca Keaton of Oak Hill; seven grandchildren, Jennifer Ickes and husband Wayne of Daniels, Karsyn and Bryson Keaton of Hilldale, Jacob and Katie Keaton of Ronceverte, Alexis and Allison Keaton of Rock Hill, S.C.; two great-grandchildren, Zachary Tincher of Rainelle and Michael Guilliams of Daniels; two sisters, Doris Williams of Moscow, Idaho, and Ellen Wills and husband Edgar of Waverly, Ohio. Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Mon., May 30, 2011, at the Ronald Meadows Funeral Parlors Chapel with Elders M.B. Wills and Tommy Pack officiating. Burial will follow in the Lilly Crews Cemetery at Nimitz. Friends may call at the funeral parlor from noon until time of services on Monday. Family and friends will serve as pallbearers. In lieu of flowers the family requests donations of sympathy to be made to the Jumping Branch Tabernacle at Jumping Branch, W.Va.

Arrangements are by the Ronald Meadows Funeral Parlors of Hinton. Condolences may be sent to the family at

He married Margaret Lilly (called Peggy). Children:

652. i. Billy Joe[8].

ii. Mark Steven. Born 5 Feb 1957. In 2011 he lived in Ronceverte, W.Va. He married Kayo Unknown.

iii. Philip Ross. Born 9 Dec 1960. In 2011 he lived in Rock Hill, S.C. He married Rhonda Unknown.

iv. Rebecca Carol. Born 13 Sep 1962. In 2011 she lived in Oak Hill, W.Va.

432. Ronald Louie[7] Keaton (Berma Faye[6], Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 8 Apr 1934 in Hinton, W.Va. Died 11 May 2015 in Longview, Cowlitz Co., Wash.

Washington [D.C.] Post, 20 May 2014: Ronald L. Keaton, Sr., 81, passed away May 11, 2015 in a memory care community in Longview, Wash. He suffered from Alzheimer’s disease and a broken hip last February. His beloved wife of 51 years, Rita, died in 2007. He is survived by his children Karen Lind (David) of Woodbridge, Va., and Ronald Keaton, Jr. (Lori) of Silver Lake, Wash; grandchildren Michael Lind (Danielle), Emily Cline (David) and Katie Keaton; and great-grandchildren Carter and Delilah. Also surviving are his sister Emily Briers and her husband Scott of Hinton, W.Va.; and brothers-in-law Robert Watts of Fort Pierce, Fla., and William Richey of Los Angeles, Calif. Born to Oswald Ike and Berma Faye Honaker Keaton in 1934, he was raised in Hinton, W.Va. He graduated from Marshall College in Huntington, W.Va., in 1956 with a degree in Business Administration, then returned to Hinton to work in the family business, Keaton’s Cleaners and Laundry. With his wife and children he moved to Huntington, W.Va., where he worked for the American Heart Association, then to Northern Virginia in the early 1960s. He worked as an accountant for numerous businesses and taught at Edison High School. He volunteered as a coach for several of his son’s youth sports teams. He resided in Fairfax until 2013 when he went to live at his son’s home in Silver Lake. In accordance with his wishes no funeral is planned. If desired memorial donations may be made in his name at . The site asks that the donor name someone to notify. Please use Karen Lind, 1421 E Street, Woodbridge, VA 22191.

A profile of the family appears in History of Summers County [W.Va.], 1984, p. 225. He graduated from high school in 1952 and went on to Marshall University, Huntington, W.Va., where he met his wife. After graduation they returned to Hinton, where their children were born. In 1961 they returned to Huntington for six months, then moved to Annandale, Va., in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, where Ronald worked for the Hecht Co., a major department store chain. They moved to nearby Fairfax, Va., where they had lived for 17 years as of 1984.

He married Rita Richey. Died 2007. Children:

432. i. Karen Leigh[8]. Born 20 Oct 1956 in Hinton, W.Va.

ii. Ronald L., Jr. Born 21 May 1958 in Hinton. He married Lori Unknown. He took a biology

degree from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), Blacksburg, Va. In 1984 he was employed by Mississippi Power and Light Co. In 2015 he lived in Silver Lake, Cowlitz Co., Wash.

433. Emily Dale[7] Keaton (Berma Faye[6], Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). History of Summers County [W.Va.], 1984, reported the name as Emily Dare.

434. Nancy Carolyn[7] Honaker (Robert Reid[6], Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

Born 11 Apr 1931.

She married William Rodger. Children:

434. i. Billie Gaye[8]. Born 23 Apr 1954.

435. Patricia Ann[7] Honaker (Russell McNeer[6], Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Hinton, W.Va. Born 31 May 1935.

She married Thomas Willard Talbott, son of Caleb P. Talbott and Marion Perdue. Born 11 May 1935 in Anjean, W.Va. Died 1 May 2004 in Princeton, W.Va. Buried in Talcott [W.Va.] Cemetery.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 2 May 2004: Princeton [W.Va.]—Thomas Willard “Tom” Talbott Sr., 68, of Princeton, formerly of Talcott [W.Va.], died Saturday morning, May 1, 2004 at the Princeton Health Care Center in Princeton, where he had been a patient for the past three years. Born May 11, 1935 at Anjean [W.Va.], he was a son of the late Caleb P. and Marion Perdue Talbott. Tom was a 1953 graduate of Talcott High School, a member of the New Hope United Methodist Church of Princeton, a 20-year employee of Sears, Inc., of Hinton [W.Va.], a school bus driver for the Summers County Board of Education for 27 years, and was self employed for over 10 years as “Tom’s Repair Service.” He was instrumental in organizing the Greenbrier Valley Rural Fire Department of Talcott and served as fire chief from 1961 until 1997. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a sister, Bernice Talbott and a brother, Hobert Talbott. Survived by his wife of 49 years, Patricia Honaker Talbott of Princeton; three sons, Thomas W. Talbott Jr. and wife Kay of Rockville, Md.; Robert E. Talbott and wife Carrie of Weyers Cave, Va., and David L. Talbott and wife Judi of Rockville; one brother, Richard M. Talbott and wife Kay of Talcott; one sister, Sharon Lilly and husband Larry of Princeton; six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren; an aunt, Pansy Perdue of Talcott; an uncle, Bill Talbott and wife Virginia of Sam Black [W.Va.]; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Monday at the Ronald Meadows Funeral Parlors Chapel in Hinton with Pastors Sam Groves and David Hall officiating. Burial will follow in the Talcott Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral parlors from 6–8 p.m. today. Members of the Greenbrier Valley Rural Fire Department will serve as pallbearers. Arrangements by Ronald Meadows Funeral Parlors of Hinton.


i. Thomas Willard[8] Jr. Born 7 May 1956. He married Kay Unknown.

ii. Robert Eugene. Born 19 Oct 1958. He married Carrie Unknown.

iii. David Lee. Born 21 Dec 1959. He married Judi Unknown.

436. Betty Jean[7] Honaker (Russell McNeer[6], Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2), Frederick[1]). Born in Talcott, W.Va.

437. Mary Sue[7] Honaker (called Sue) (William Franklin John[6], Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2), Frederick[1]). In 2003 she lived in Lynchburg, Va. An author, her books include:

Basketry of the Appalachian Mountains, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, 1977, 112 pp., illus, 8 x 11-in., soft cover, ISBN 0-442-27972-8, original retail price $10.25. The back cover describes the book as “The ‘Foxfire’ of basketry…a complete manual of the technology and history of basketry in the Appalachian Mountains (and of basketry in New England and points west…”

It continues by saying that Sue “traces her mountain heritage back to 1769. She learned the mountaineers’ skills—basketry, woodworking, spinning, weaving, needlecraft, and how to play the dulcimer—at firsthand, from her Appalachian grandparents, with whom she lived as a child.”

Rustic Furniture, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, 1979, 128 pp., illus., 9 x 11-in., hardbound, ISBN 0-442-27974-4, original retail price $15.95. The flyleaf describes the book as “A social and aesthetic history of the craft…also a manual for building the familiar resort and garden chairs, settees, and tables made from unhewn wood and gnarled roots.”

The flyleaf contains this information about her: “Sue Honaker Stephenson was born in Sandstone, W.Va., and has lived most of her life in that region where rustic furniture flourished. A graduate of Randolph-Macon Woman’s College, Mrs. Stephenson devoted six years to graduate study in musicology, comparative literature, and classics at the University of North Carolina. She is by profession a conservator of fine antique furniture, and lives with her husband and three sons in Virginia.”

She married John Aldrich Stephenson. Children (her mother’s obituary identified two grandchildren for Mary Sue, Louise and John, but their parent(s) is/are not known):

ii. Graham Hardin Fiske (called Graham).

iii. Joseph Severance Taft (called Taft).

449. Roy Lee[7] Honaker Jr. (called Butch) (Roy Lee[6], Thomas Andrew[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 7 Apr 1949 in Hinton, W.Va. He graduated from Hinton [W.Va.] High School in 1967, attended Marshall University, Huntington, W.Va., took an Associate of Arts from Beckley [W.Va.] College, then attended Concord College, Athens, W.Va. He enlisted in the U.S. Army, serving with the U.S. Army, Europe, in Frankfurt, Germany, 1970-71. He inherited the family business, T.A. Honaker Lumber Co., in Hinton, operating it until he retired in 2001, when it was sold. He was licensed to preach by Bluestone Baptist Church in May 1983 and was ordained in the gospel ministry by that church in Apr 1988. He was pastor of Roles Chapel Baptist Church, Forest Hill, W.Va., and First Baptist Church, Hinton. In 2005 he was a pulpit supply minister in southern West Virginia. A story about and photograph of Butch and his wife Sandra appeared in The Hinton [W.Va.] News, 10 Mar 1998; and Honaker Family Newsletter, Summer 1998, about Butch being named pastor of First Baptist Church.

He married Sandra Kay Goins, daughter of Aaron Harold Goins and Lillian Pauline Foster, 9 Jun 1968 in Hinton. Born 27 Apr 1947 in Hinton. A profile of her ascendancy appeared in History of Summers County [W.Va.], 1984, page 188.


449. i. Thomas Andrew[8]. Born 23 Apr 1977 in Beckley, W.Va.

449. ii. Todd Anthony. Born 27 Aug 1978 in Beckley.

450. Phyllis Denise[7] Butts (Mattie Jean[6], Thomas Andrew[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 5 Feb 1953 in Bellepoint, Summers Co., W.Va. In 2016 she lived in Surfside Beach, S.C.

She married, first, Steve Price. Children:

450. i. Pamela Jean[8]. Born 5 Feb 1969 in Hinton, Summers Co., W.Va.

She married, second, Jackie Repass, son of Archie DeHeart Repass and Edna Ruth Sparks, 28 Jun 1979 in Oceana,

Wyoming Co., W.Va. Born 24 Apr 1953 in Mullens, Wyoming Co., W.Va. Children:

450. ii. Courtney Reigh [also Raleigh]. Born 17 Apr 1981.

451. Teresa Ann[7] Butts (Mattie Jean[6], Thomas Andrew[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 19 Nov 1956 in Hinton, Summers Co., W.Va. She was a teacher in Hinton. In 2016 she lived in Pipestem, Summers Co., W.Va.

Hinton [W.Va.] News, 14 Nov 2006 (with childhood photographs): “Happy 50th Birthday, Teresa Butts.” “50 and Still Horsing Around.”

She married John Gregory Worth (called Greg) 27 Dec 1986. Born 1 Oct 1954. Children:

i. Gregory Channing[8] (called Chance). Born 24 Mar 1989 in North Carolina. She married Unknown Worth.

452. James Melvin[7] Grimmett Jr. (Betty Jean[6], Frank Rickett[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 31 Jan 1955 in Huntington, W.Va. Died 22 Aug 2009 in Oak Forest, Ill. The remains were cremated but disposition was undetermined at the time.

Southtown Star Publications, 24 Aug 2009: James M. Grimmett, Jr. Loving father of James (Shiela) Grimmett and Jeff Grimmett; proud grandfather of Kiera and Sydney; adoring son of Betty nee Honaker (late James Sr.) Grimmett; cherished brother of Barb (Robert) Wood and Betty (Marc) Wood-Holtz. Visitation Monday 9 a.m. until time of funeral service 11 a.m. at the Robert J. Sheehy & Sons Funeral Home, 9000 W. 151st St., Orland Park, Ill. Interment private. In lieu of flowers, contributions to the Associate Director for Administration, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, National Institutes of Health, 5635 Fishers Lane, Room 2015, Bethesda, MD 20892-9304, would be appreciated. 708-857-7878.

He graduated from Harold L. Richards High School, Oak Lawn, Ill., in 1973. In 2007 he lived in Orland Park, Ill., and was a security officer for Andrew Corp., Joliet, Ill.

He married Dawn Marie Pniewski, daughter of Gerald Pniewski and Julie Unknown. They divorced in 1994. Dawn was born 9 Jul 1958. In 2007 she had married Curt Fredrickson and lived in Midlothian, Ill.

Children (of James and Dawn):

452. i. James Gerald[8]. Born 30 Dec 1977 in Blue Island, Ill.

ii. Jeffrey Michael. Born 24 Dec 1982 in Blue Island. He graduated from Bremen High School, Midlothian, Ill., in 2001. In 2007 he lived with his mother and stepfather in Midlothian.

453. Barbara Jean[7] Grimmett (Betty Jean[6], Frank Rickett[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 27 Mar 1956 in Hinton, Summers Co., W.Va. She graduated from Harold L. Richards High School, Oak Lawn, Ill., in 1974. She took a B.S. in Nursing from Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, in 1978 and an M.S. in Nursing from St. Xavier College, Chicago, in 1984. She was a registered nurse. In 2007 she and her husband and son Brian lived in Tinley Park, Ill.

She married Robert Brian Wood, son of Charles Joseph Wood (born in Chicago, Ill.) and Alice Jane Read (born in Bobcaygeon, Ontario, Canada) and uncle of his wife’s sister’s husband James Robert Wood, 28 Oct 1978 in Chicago Ridge, Ill. Born 29 Jul 1956 in Evergreen Park, Ill. In 2007 he was vice president of sales for Superior Manufacturing Group, a family business that makes floor matting. Children:

453. i. Jamie Lynn[8]. Born 1 Dec 1981 in Blue Island, Ill.

ii. Brian James. Born 8 Oct 1983 in Blue Island, Ill. He graduated from Victor J. Andrew High School in 2002 and took a B.S. in Law Enforcement & Justice Administration from Western Illinois University, Macomb, in 2006. In 2007 he was an officer with the Tinley Park [Ill.] Police Dept.

454. Betty Sue[7] Grimmett (Betty Jean[6], Frank Rickett[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 31 Jul 1962 in Marion, Ohio. She graduated from Lincoln Way High School, New Lenox, Ill., in 1980 and took an Associate of Applied Science in Veterinary Technology from Parkland College, Champaign, in 1982. In 2007 she lived in Lemont, Ill., and was a veterinary technician.

She married, first, James Robert Wood, son of John Vernon Wood and Katherine Jeanette Smith, and nephew of her sister Barbara’s husband Robert Brian Wood, 1 Apr 1986 in Chicago Ridge, Ill. They divorced 8 Feb 1996 in Chicago, Ill. Born 20 Apr 1960 in Chicago. He took a B.S. in electrical engineering from Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, and an M.B.A. from the University of Illinois Chicago. In 2007 he was information systems director at Superior Manufacturing Group, maker of floor matting, his family’s business, living in Homer Glen, Ill. Children:

i. Scott James[8]. Born 2 Mar 1989 in Blue Island, Ill. He graduated from Lemont [Ill.] High School in 2007. He was a member of the National Honor Society, French Honor Society, a South Suburban Conference All-Academic Athlete, Prairie State Scholar and Illinois State Scholar. He participated in cross country, track, marching band, concert band and symphonic band. His primary instrument was oboe, but he also played English horn, piano, guitar, and percussion instruments. In 2011 he took a B.A. in Biology, cum laude, from Augustana College, Rock Island, Ill., where he was recipient of a President’s Academic Merit Scholarship, Trustees Award, and General Music Scholarship; was an oboist in the Augustana Symphonic Band; and ran cross country and track for the Augustana Vikings. In 2012 he was attending the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine, Columbia, Mo.

ii. Ethan Joseph. Born 21 Jun 1991 in Blue Island. He graduated from Lemont [Ill.] High School in 2009. He was a member of the French Honor Society, a South Suburban Conference All- Academic Athlete, Prairie State Scholar and Illinois State Scholar. He participated in cross country, and was captain in 2008 when the team qualified for the State Cross Country Meet for a second consecutive year. The team also won its first Regional Championship in school history. He participated in track all four years. He also played piano, flute and guitar. He planned to attend Illinois Weslyean University in the fall of 2009, as a recipient of a Merit Scholarship and an Alumni Scholarship. He planned to major in Biology/Secondary Education with a minor in athletic coaching. He planned also to run cross country and track for the Illinois Wesleyan Titans.

She married, second, Marc Gerard Holtz, son of Albert HansDieter Holzaepfel and Martina Renate Stoekel, 5 Jun 2002 in Markham, Ill. They divorced 24 Oct 2014 in Chicago, Cook Co., Ill. Born Marcio Geraldo Holzaepfel 28 Jan 1966 in Chicago, he changed his name in 2000. He graduated from Glenbrook North High School, Northbrook, Ill., in 1984 and took a B.S. in Industrial Engineering from Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, in 1996. In 2007 he was a logistics engineering manager, Contract Logistics U.S. Division, for Kuehne+Nagel, an international logistics company.

455. Christi Ann[7] Lilly (adopted) (Mary Carolyn[6], Frank Rickett[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 6 Aug 1967 in Hinton, W.Va. She reunited with her biological family when she was in her teens.

She married Michael Pearson 20 Jun 1987. Children:

i. Braden[8]. Born Nov 1991.

ii. Conner. Born 24 Feb 1996.

457. Barbara Ann[7] Butler (Anna Sue[6], Ethel Lucille[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 14 Dec 1953 in Burlington, Alamance Co., N.C. Died 29 Feb 1976 in Chapel Hill, Orange Co., N.C. Buried in Alamance Memorial Park Cemetery, Burlington.

Daily Times-News, Burlington, N.C., 1 Mar 1976: Mrs. Barbara Butler Jones, 22, of 507 N. Sellars Mill Rd., Burlington, died at 3 p.m. Sunday at N.C. Memorial Hospital in Chapel Hill following one week of critical illness. A native of Alamance County, she was the daughter of Franklin D. and Sue Wiseman Butler who survive. She was the wife of Charles G. Jones of the home. She was employed by Kayser-Roth Hosiery [Burlington, N.C.] and was a 1973 graduate of Cummings High School. Surviving other than her parents and husband are: daughter, Wendy Jones of the home; brother, Randy Butler of Burlington; grandparents, Mrs. Ethel Wiseman of Hinton, W.Va., Mr. and Mrs. T.P. Butler of Beckley, W.Va. Final rites will be 3 p.m. Tuesday at the First Baptist Church of Graham with the Rev. Ralph E. Jones, Jr., pastor, and the Rev. Elmer L. Joyner, pastor of East Lawn Baptist Church, officiating. Burial will be in Alamance Memorial Park. The body will remain at McClure Funeral Home in Graham until taken to the church 30 minutes prior to the service. The family will be at the funeral home from 7 to 9 p.m. today and at other times will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Butler, 2589 Hyde St., Burlington.

She married Charles Glen Jones, son of Clarence Jones and Frances Glenn, 23 Mar 1974. Born 22 Nov 1948 in Concord, Cabarrus Co., N.C. Children:

i. Wendy Ann[8]. Born 11 Nov 1974 in Burlington.

458. Randall Leland[7] Butler (Anna Sue[6], Ethel Lucille[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 4 May 1960 in Burlington, Alamance Co., N.C. Died 16 Apr 2016 in Dunn, Harnett Co., N.C.

Cox Memorial Funeral Home & Crematory, Vass, N.C., 19 Apr 2016: Randall Leland Butler, age 55, of Sanford, passed away on Sat., April 16, 2016 at Betsy Johnson Hospital in Dunn. A celebration of life will be held on Sat., April 23, 2016 at 2 p.m. at Cox Memorial Funeral Home Chapel with Pastor Robbie Gibson officiating. The family will receive friends immediately following the service at the funeral home. Randall was born in Burlington, N.C. on May 5, 1960 to Franklin D. and Sue Butler. His interests included golf, baseball, playing poker and especially spending time with his family. He was a great father, son and friend and will be greatly missed. He is survived by his daughter, Tiffany Butler Long and husband Matthew of Sanford; parents, Franklin D. and Sue Butler of Sanford. He was preceded in death by a sister, Barbara Ann Butler Jones. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to East Sanford Baptist Church Building Fund, P.O. Box 609, Sanford, NC 27330. Condolences may be sent to . Cox Memorial…”Serving God, by serving famililes in a time of need.”

He graduated from Hugh M. Cummings High School, Burlington, in 1978. He was on the high school baseball and golf teams, and his hobbies later included golf. He took a certificate and special recognition for excellence in telecommunications from Central Carolina Community College, Sanford, N.C., in 1991. In 1998 he was employed by Mike Cain Surveying Co., in Sanford. In 2007 he was working as a part-time bartender and was living in Sanford.

He married, first, Teresa Leigh Crawford 18 Oct 1980 in Burlington. They divorced 29 Sep 1981 in Graham, N.C.

He married, second, Darlene Monica Shytle, daughter of Wally Shytle and Ann S. Reeves Harper, Feb 1989 in Chapel Hill, N.C. They divorced 12 May 1992 in Chapel Hill, Orange Co., N.C. Born 10 Nov 1965 in Chapel Hill. She married, second, Travis Scarlett; third, Jerry Maimes; fourth, John McDowell. In 2007 she lived in Sanford, N.C. Children (of Randall and Darlene):

i. Tiffany Ann[8]. Born 16 Aug 1989 in Chapel Hill, N.C.

Honaker Family Newsletter, Fall 2007 (with photograph): Student Ambassador

Tiffany Ann[8] Butler, daughter of Randall L. Butler and Darlene M. (Shytle) McDowell, both of Sanford, N.C., is bound for North Carolina State University to major in engineering. She graduated from Southern Lee High School, Sanford, in May. In 2005 she was in Europe for three weeks as a participant in the People to People Student Ambassador Program, to help “promote peace through understanding,” in the words of then-President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who founded the program in 1956. Participants live with a host family and engage in cultural interaction. In high school, Tiffany was a member of National Honor Society, National Technical Honor Society, and was active in Relay for Life. She is a member of Cornerstone Baptist Church, Sanford, and granddaughter of Anna Sue Butler, Sanford.

Sanford [N.C.] Herald, 11 Nov 2012 (with photograph): Engagement—Butler-Long

John and Darlene McDowell of Sanford, and Randall Leland Butler of Fayetteville, announce the engagement of their daughter, Tiffany Ann Butler of Sanford, to Matthew Lee Long of Sanford, son of Terry Lee Long of Pottsville, Pa., and Kathy Ann Kriner of Sanford. The wedding is planned for 3 p.m., Oct. 13, 2013, at Ole Gilliam Mill Park. The couple met through mutual friends.

459. William Ray[7] Bailey (called Bill) (Carolyn Jean[6], Ethel Lucille[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). See photograph. Born 2 Oct 1960 in Hampton, Va. He graduated from Kecoughtan High School, Hampton, in 1978, and from Tidewater Regional Fire Academy 1 Sep 1982, at which time he became a firefighter for the Newport News [Va.] Fire Dept. Also a member of the department’s Maritime Incident Response Team, in 2003 he was a fireboat captain, responding to shipboard fires. Additionally a part-time commercial fisherman on Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean, he was a member of Central United Methodist Church, Hampton, and of the Southwark Hunt Club, Surry, Va. His interests included hunting, fishing and camping.

Daily Press, Newport News, Va., 3 Jul 2003:

Sisters Die in NN Fire [with photos, including one of William Ray Bailey, cutline: “It’s hard. You almost feel like you failed and didn’t do everything you could, even though you did.”—Bill Bailey, Newport News master firefighter.

Firemen combat a wall of flames to get kids out, by Jessie Halladay

A wall of fire rose up to fill the stairwell. The two veteran firefighters had hoped to use it as a route for getting two young girls out of their burning home Wednesday morning. As Master Firefighter Bill Bailey turned the nozzle on his hose, nothing happened. Fire had burned through it, leaving the men with no water to shoot down the flames facing them. They were trapped.

Capt. William Shelton, with an unconscious little girl in each arm, radioed they were in trouble. Mayday.

“We couldn’t see the steps at that point,” Shelton said. “We couldn’t see anything.”

Bailey—feeling around in the smoky darkness that blinded him—took one little girl. “All I could think about was getting that little girl to a window and out of that environment,” Bailey said.

Separated from Shelton, Bailey felt along the wall, making his way back into the bedroom he’d just come from. He made his own mayday call, letting firefighters know that he’d made it to an upstairs window in the front of the two-story house in the 1200 block of 27th Street. It didn’t take long for fellow firefighters to come to Shelton and Bailey’s aid. A ladder quickly rose to the second-story window, giving Bailey his chance to climb out and hand over the girl.

At the same time, firefighters Jason Carr and Ernie Gurganus pulled a new hose into the blazing first floor to free up the stairwell for Shelton to come down. “Flames were pretty much all over us, and we were smoking and smoldering,” said Gurganus, who last year received a medal of valor for a rescue he performed in 1991. Though they were able to tame the flames, Carr and Gurganus did not emerge unscathed. Both had their protective gear charred, and Gurganus’ helmet melted in the intense heat. Carr suffered blistering burns to his shoulders. He was treated and released from Riverside Regional Medical Center.

It was an early morning call Wednesday that brought firefighters to the house where six people, including four young sisters, had been sleeping when a smoke detector went off on the first floor. Two girls—2-year-old Montrella Brown and 8-year-old Eimony Heywood—died in the fire, and a third—7-year-old Daja Brown—was so badly burned she was flown to a burn-treatment hospital in Ohio.

“The whole fire department mourns the loss of those children,” Bailey said. “It’s hard. You almost feel like you failed and didn’t do everything you could, even though you did.” Wednesday was the first time in 21 years that Bailey had a child die during a fire he’d handled. “The next day, it makes you hug your child a little bit closer.”

3rd sibling, 7, burned over 95% of her body, by Jessie Halladay, David Chernicky and Kimball Payne

Two young sisters died and a third was severely burned after a fire raged through their Newport News home while they slept early Wednesday morning. Despite firefighters’ rescue efforts, 2-year-old Montrella Brown died at the scene. Her 8-year-old sister, Eimony Heywood, died after being taken to Riverside Regional Medical Center.

Having suffered burns to 95 percent of her body, 7-year-old Daja Brown was flown by helicopter to Sentara Norfolk General Hospital and then taken to Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters. Early Wednesday morning, Daja was transported by a special medical team to Cincinnati Shriners Hospital. Shriners is one of four hospitals in the country that specializes in pediatric burn patients, said Louise Hoelker, spokeswoman at Shriners. The hospital would not comment on Daja’s condition.

A fourth sister, 4-year-old Sauntauna Brown, got out of the house unharmed along with her mother, Shamika Brown, and an unidentified man who had been staying at the home.

Dispatchers got a call from a pay phone just after midnight Wednesday alerting them to a fire in the 1200 block of 27th Street in the city’s East End, said Dana Perry, fire department spokeswoman. When firefighters arrived, they found Shamika Brown on the ground while a man holding the 4-year-old was up in a tree located just off the roof of the front porch. The man shouted to firefighters that there were children inside.

Two veteran firefighters, Capt. William Shelton and Master Firefighter Bill Bailey, entered the home, which was filling with smoke but no visible flames. They headed upstairs to search for the girls. Finding two children, Shelton and Bailey tried to leave but became trapped as fire filled the stairwell where they’d entered. A mayday radio call for help led other firefighters to assist. Eventually it was possible for Bailey to exit through a second story window with one girl while Shelton went back down the stairs with another girl. Another one of the sisters was found collapsed at the base of the first-floor stairs. Fire investigators are continuing to search for the cause of the fire, Perry said.

The man in the home told fire officials that everyone had been asleep when he was awakened by a smoke detector going off downstairs. Seeing smoke, the man got the mother and the 4-year-old out onto the porch roof. Intense heat kept him from going back into the house, Perry said.

Other neighbors also tried to help but couldn’t get through the heat. Jamie Evans watched the scene unfold from across the street where the 21-year-old was working the overnight shift at the Faith and Victory Home for Adults. “I just wanted to see them bring the kids out,” Evans said. “I’m really upset two of them died.”

Evans was among several dozen neighbors drawn to their porches and sidewalks by the screams, smoke and emergency vehicles in the night. The wail of sirens woke Tracy Dorsett in her home on Oak Avenue, but she waited until she saw a firetruck speed by before going to the scene of the fire. Dorsett, who has five children of her own, watched as firefighters brought the children out of the home. Watching as EMS medics worked on the children, Dorsett said, she felt little hope the girls would survive.

Though her children played with the girls, Dorsett said, she did not know the family well because they’d only lived in the white two-story house they were renting for a few months. She said she sympathized with the girls’ mother. “Their mother is going to need all the help she can get,” Dorsett said.

Shamika Brown and the 4-year-old stayed with family members Wednesday, police said. The mother was taken to Riverside after collapsing in hysterics when she learned that two of her daughters had died. The girls’ father, Clayton Brown, who was not at the home during the fire, traveled with Daja to Ohio.

Struggling to accept the tragic events, family members had little to say publicly. “Right now,” said paternal grandmother Stephanie Brown, “I’m just praying that my grandbaby in the hospital makes it.”

Daily Press, Newport News, Va., 3 Apr 2004:

Heroes given their due—Newport News recognized firefighters and everyday people who acted with courage in the face of danger at a special ceremony Friday, by Jessie Halladay

…..several other Newport News residents and firefighters were honored Friday for their courage, commitment and years of service. Master Firefighter Bill Bailey and Capt. William Shelton were each awarded the Medal of Valor, a prestigious award given by the fire department for their work in the 27th Street fire, a July blaze that took the lives of two girls. Bailey and Shelton were trapped in a burning building, but with help from their colleagues, were able to get out with the girls. Their sister, DaJa Brown, survived but was badly burned.

“My biggest concern was getting the kids out as quick as we could,” Bailey said. “I got kids of my own—a little girl, the same age (as 8-year-old Eimony Heyward, who died in the fire.) I didn’t go to sleep for a long time.”

The fire department also honored several other firefighters with the medal of merit for their work in the fire, including Capt. Creig Moore, master firefighter Ernest Gurganus and firefighter/medics Jason Carr, John Crumpler and David Rich. “They stepped up to the plate and acted without hesitation,” Fire Chief Kenneth L. Jones said. …..

He married Joann Dorman Johnson, daughter of Joseph Vance Dorman and Bette Lorraine Rowe, 17 Feb 1955 in Hampton, Va. Born 4 May 1961 at Seymour-Johnson AFB, Goldsboro, N.C. She graduated from Kecoughton High School in 1979; was employed by Old Point National Bank from 1980–1986 and 1992–1996, and employed by State Farm Insurance, 1996–present (2003). A member of Central United Methodist Church, Hampton, in 2003 she was third and fourth grade Sunday School teacher and belonged to the church’s women’s group. She was active in Girl Scout Brownies leadership and a member of Francis Asbury Elementary School Parent-Teacher Association. Her interests included reading, camping, scrapbooking and shopping. She previously married Keith Reynolds Johnson and had two children in that marriage, Kelly Lynn Johnson, born 7 Apr 1986 in Hampton, and Gary Reynolds Johnson, born 23 May 1988 in Hampton.

Children (of Bill and Joann):

i. Mallory Elaine[8] (called Mal-Mal). Born 7 Aug 1996 in Hampton.

460. Robert Wayne[7] Bailey (Carolyn Jean[6], Ethel Lucille[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Mar 1963 in Hampton, Va. Died 26 Jan 2009 at North Carolina Specialty Hospital, Durham, Mecklenburg Co., N.C. The remains were cremated and no disposition arrangements had been decided upon in Feb 2009.

Daily Press, Hampton, Va., 4 Feb 2009 (with photograph): Hampton—Robert Wayne Bailey, 45, formerly of Hampton, passed away on Mon., Jan. 26, after a long, hard fought battle against a brain tumor and multiple cancers. He will be remembered as a loving, loyal, compassionate person. He was a wonderful husband, father, son, brother and friend. His passions for hunting and fishing brought him great joy. Bob was born March 10, 1963 in Hampton and lived in Hampton and Chesterfield County, New Kent and most recently Matthews, N.C. His mother, Jean, preceded him in death. He is survived by his wife, Lori; and daughter, Caroline of the home; father, Charles Bailey; brother, Bill Bailey and wife Joann; and niece, Mallory Bailey. Bob was a member of Team Church, Southwark Hunt Club, Mann Page Masonic Lodge 157, Life Member of Virginia Jaycees and a volunteer at Hospice Union County. He was employed at Newport News Shipbuilding for more than 20 years. A memorial service to celebrate Bob’s life will be held at 11 a.m. on Feb. 7, at Fox Hill Central United Methodist Church in Hampton. In lieu of flowers, tribute and memorial donations can be made to: Camp Virginia Jaycee, POB 648, Blue Ridge, VA 24064; American Brain Tumor Assn., Robert Wayne Bailey tribute fund, or 2720 River Road, Des Plaines, IL 60018; Team Church, 2301 Stevens Mill Road, Matthews, NC 28104. View and post condolences on our online guestbook at guestbooks.

He married Lori French Bailey, daughter of Melvin French and Hattie Unknown, 21 Oct 1989 in Hampton. Born 4 Jan 1960 in Martinsville, Va. Children:

i. Caroline Nicole[8]. Born 9 May 1995 in Richmond, Va.

461. Tabatha Dawn[7] Wiseman (James Elliott[6], Ethel Lucille[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). In 1998 she lived in Yorktown, Va. Children:

i. Robert James[8].

462. Stephen Ray[7] Ford (called Steve) (Anna Rae[6], Anna Jean[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). His wife Mary Magdalene Wirtz is the daughter of Thomas Peter Wirtz and Joan Katherine Crawford. Steve and Mary were married 22 Apr 1983.

463. Timothy Roger[7] Ford (called Tim) (Anna Rae[6], Anna Jean[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). His first wife, Carol Diane Parker, was born in Statesville, N.C. They divorced 1 Sep 1995 in Boone, N.C.

He married, second, Anne Katherine Westall, daughter of Donald Westall and Elizabeth Hall, 25 Oct 1996 in Burnsville, N.C. Born 26 Jun 1966 in Burnsville.

464. Kelly Lee[7] Albert (Robert Franklin[6], Anna Jean[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 24 Jul 1958 in Wheeling, W.Va. In 2004 she lived with her husband in Glen Dale, Marshall Co., W.Va.

She married, first, Scott Alan Garrison, son of Charles Robert Garrison and Judith Ann Mayers. Born 13 Aug 1958 in Wheeling, Ohio Co., W.Va. They divorced 13 Oct 1994 in Johnston, Fulton Co., N.Y. In 2004 he lived in Augusta, Ga. He married, second, Sharon Unknown. Children (of Kelly and Scott):

i. Holly Beth[8]. Born 24 Aug 1979 in Charleston, S.C. She married Thomas Lee Thompson II, son

of Chris Thomas Thompson and Cynthia Fay Lodge, 11 Sep 2002 at First Christian Church, Moundsville, W.Va. Born 31 Jan 1979 in Elkins, W.Va. In 2004 they lived in Elkins, where Holly was a pre-school teacher at Youth Health Service, and Thomas was employed by California Forestry, near Elkins.

ii. Scott Alan, Jr. Born 11 May 1982 in Charleston, S.C. In Feb 2004 he enlisted in the U.S. Navy,

completed basic training at Great Lakes Naval Training Base, Ill., and was assigned to the USS Ross (DDG-71), a destroyer. In Aug 2004 his ship was based in the Mediterranean and he had made port in Spain, Greece and Italy. He was scheduled to return to Norfolk, Va., for 18-months duty beginning Sep 2004.

Unknown W.Va. newspaper, unknown date: Scott Garrison Completes Naval Training (with photograph)—Seaman Scott Garrison Jr. completed his Naval Training in April of 2004 in Great Lakes, Ill. He has been assigned to the USS Ross (DDG-71) Destroyer, stationed in Norfolk, Va. He has been deployed to the Mediterranean. Scott’s parents are Kelly and Jerry Dunlap of Glen Dale, and Scott and Sharon Garrison of Georgia.

She married, second, Jerry Lee Dunlap, son of Willard Dunlap and Dollie Lancaster, 14 Jun 1997 in Moundsville, W.Va. Born 13 Nov 1954 in Glen Dale.

483. Tom Edward[7] Noel (Rosalie June[6], Ara Roberta[5], Bertha May[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 2 Oct 1964 in Libby, Lincoln Co., Mont. He graduated from Flathead High School, Kalispell, Mont., in 1982. In 2006 he lived in Hingham, Mont., and was Lutheran; a driver for Watkins Sheppard Trucking Co.; his interests included trains, NASCAR racing, the computer internet, and gardening.

He married, first, Brenda Rhoda Thomas, daughter of Miles Rhoda and Janet Unknown, 25 Mar 1985 in Ronan, Mont. They divorced 1992. She had three children from a prior marriage to Joel Thomas—Joel Michael Thomas, born 26 Jan 1981 in Nome, Alaska; Juanita Thomas, born 12 Dec 1982 in Nome; and John Paul Thomas, born 12 Apr 1984 in Ronan, Mont. Children (of Tom and Brenda):

i. Andrew Steven[8]. Born 5 Aug 1987 in Kalispell, Flathead Co., Mont.

He married, second, Kathryn NMN Carlson, daughter of E. Dell Carlson and Margorie Lambert, 15 Oct 1994 in Harlem, Blaine Co., Mont. Born 26 Nov 1963 in Thief River Falls, Minn. Children:

ii. Trent Alan. Born 6 Oct 1995 in Havre, Hill Co., Mont.

484. Tracy Ann[7] Noel (Rosalie June[6], Ara Roberta[5], Bertha May[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 29 Oct 1965 in Ronan, Lake Co., Mont. She graduated from Flathead High School, Kalispell, Mont., in 1984. In 2006 she lived in Columbia Falls, Flathead Co., Mont., and was loan processing manager, Whitefish Credit Union; a member of Women of the Moose; her interests included gardening, sewing, counted cross stitch, and reading.

She married Robert Dale Smith Jr. (called Dale), son of Robert Dale Smith and Roberta June Dorsey, 26 Jul 1986 in Kalispell, Flathead Co., Mont. Born 2 Oct 1965 in Bozeman, Mont. In 2006 he was a self employed property manager. Children:

i. Khristina Marie[8]. Born 4 Mar 1989 in Philadelphia, Pa.

ii. Ericka Rose. Born 22 May 1991 in Philadelphia.

489. Jerry Lee[7] Nelson (Dorothy Bernice[6], Otto Russell[5], Bertha May[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Children:

ii. Daniel Nicholas. Born 27 Dec 1983 (correction).

491. Karen Melinda[7] Price (Shirley Marie[6], Otto Russell[5], Bertha May[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 8 Apr 1956 in Kellogg, Idaho.

She married Theodore Larson, son of Larry Larson and June Mandigo, 12 Aug 1971. They were married in both Mexico (in August) and in Milton-Freewater, Ore. (in September). Born 17 Oct 1952 in Walla Walla, Wash. Children:

i. Stephanie Renee[8]. Born 12 Nov 1974 in Walla Walla, Wash. In 2012 she lived in Brooklyn, N.Y.

ii. Michael James. Born 14 Dec 1976 in Newport, Wash.

iii. Rachel Marie. Born 21 Oct 1979 in Spokane, Wash.

iv. Leah Linnea. Born 15 May 1982 in Spokane.

493. Teresa Lynn[7] Taylor (Rowena Fay[6], Otto Russell[5], Bertha May[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Children:

493. i. Keri Lee[8]. Born 11 Feb 1977 in Walla Walla, Wash.

493. ii. Jeremiah Jens. Born 12 Aug 1979 in Pendleton, Ore.

494. Jerri Jacqueline[7] Green (Russell Charles[6], Otto Russell[5], Bertha May[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Jun 1970 in Walla Walla, Wash.

She married Chuck Curtis Smith. They divorced ca. 1998. Children:

i. Tashina Rose[8] [Green]. Born 12 Aug 1990 in Walla Walla, Wash.

ii. Cheyenne Marie [Smith]. Born 16 Nov 1994 in Walla Walla.

iii. TyLynn Renee [Smith]. Born 12 Dec 1996 in Walla Walla.

501. Shirley Anne[7] Griffith (Shirley Avanelle[6], Effie Myrtle[5], Rebecca Jane[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

502. Melissa Jean[7] Griffith (Shirley Avanelle[6], Effie Myrtle[5], Rebecca Jane[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 16 Aug 1938 in Alleghany Co., Va., where she lived until 1990. She then lived in Delaware, South Carolina, and Georgia. She belonged to the Dunlap Fire & Rescue Auxiliary from 1964 to 1990. She has been active in the Presbyterian Church as a Sunday School teacher, secretary, and choir member.

She married James Willard Lewis ca. 1955. They separated ca. 1990.

511. Olivia Dianne[7] Critzer (Escovene Myrtle[6], Effie Myrtle[5], Rebecca Jane[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Covington, Va.

512. James Reginald[7] Critzer (Escovene Myrtle[6], Effie Myrtle[5], Rebecca Jane[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Covington, Va.

513. Donna Lynn[7] Critzer (Escovene Myrtle[6], Effie Myrtle[5], Rebecca Jane[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Baltimore, Md.

514. Paul Kevin[7] Critzer (Escovene Myrtle[6], Effie Myrtle[5], Rebecca Jane[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born in Baltimore, Md.

515. Jeanette Gail[7] Armentrout (Dorothy Arlene[6], Effie Myrtle[5], Rebecca Jane[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 15 Aug 1950 in Covington, Va. She graduated from Warren County High School, Front Royal, Va., and attended William Jennings Bryan College, Dayton, Tenn.

She married John Miller Young, son of Walter Cecil Young and Marie Amy Miller, 15 Aug 1970 at Rivermont Baptist Church, Warren Co., Va. Born 14 Aug 1948 in Aliquippa, Pa. He is a graduate of William Jennings Bryan College and attended seminary at Winona Lake, Ind., and Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Va. Jeanette and John teach at Richmond Christian, a church-operated school. Children:

i. Jonathan Miller[8]. Born 18 Jan 1977 in Richmond, Va, where he lived in 1998.

ii. Jennifer Rebecca. Born 1 Jul 1981 in Richmond, Va., where she lived in 1998.

516. Jack Lewis[7] Armentrout Jr. (Dorothy Arlene[6], Effie Myrtle[5], Rebecca Jane[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 19 Oct 1951 in Covington, Va. He graduated from Warren County High School, Front Royal, Va., and took a degree from Lord Fairfax Community College, Middletown, Va. He is employed by International Business Machines and lives with his family in Manassas, Va.

He married Betty Jean Baldwin, daughter of Charles William Baldwin Jr. and Pauline Rudacille, 2 Dec 1978 in the United Methodist Church in Front Royal, Va. Born 14 Jan 1956 in Kilmarnock, Va. Children:

i. Stacey Marie[8]. Born 10 Sep 1980 in Charlottesville, Va.

Eighth Generation

4.iv.iv.ii.ii.i.i. Angela Renee Berridge[8] Clingenpeel (Sylvia Victoria[7], Frances Marie[6], Albert Willard[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 22 Dec 1965 in Columbus, Ohio.

She married Rick Nelson in Massachusetts. Children:

i. Annika Storm[9]. Born 5 Jan 1994 in Massachusetts.

4.iv.iv.ii.ii.ii.i. Christopher Charles[8] Traya (Ellen Gay[7], Frances Marie[6], Albert Willard[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 15 Oct 1970 in Hawaii.

He married Renee Unknown in Hawaii. Children:

i. Angelica[9]. Born in Hawaii.

4.iv.iv.ii.ii.v.i. Tonya Ann[8] Berridge (Marcella Marie[7], Frances Marie[6], Albert Willard[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 1 Dec 1970 in California.

She married Richard Maldono in California. Children:

i. Leah Marie[9]. Born 19 Oct 1900 in California.

ii. Nichole Ann. Born 5 Oct 1993 in California.

iii. Richard Anthony. Born 11 Mar 1995.

iv. Sophia Lauren. Born 4 Sep 1997.

4.iv.iv.ii.iii.i.ii. Michelle Lynn[8] Stiles (William Emmet Jr.[7], Velma Elenora[6], Albert Willard[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 17 Oct 1969 in Ohio.

She had two children with Lee Kruppa:

i. Justyn Mykel[9] Kruppa. Born 23 Oct 1991 in Ohio.

ii. Skye Richard [Kruppa]. Born 13 Nov 1993 in Ohio. Damian Andrew[8] Kauser (Rock Sterling[7], Clytie Loretta[6], Albert Willard[5], Balis Thomas[4], Thomas Bennett[3], Margaret[2], Frederick[1]). Born 24 Mar 1975 in Columbus, Ohio.

He had a child with Carrie Denise Allen, daughter of Michael Allen and Kathleen Gerkin:

i. Taylor Gabrielle[10] Kauser. Born 5 Sep 1996 in Columbus, Ohio.

7.ii.i.i.i.i.i. Margaret Virginia[8] Bolar (Walker Coleman[7], William[6], John Henry[5], Bessie[4], Charles Kenneth[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Oscar Milton Copenhaver. Children:

7.ii.i.i.i.i.i. i. Lula Mae[9].

7.iii.iii.v.iii.ii.i. Carol Ann[8] Coons (Claudine[7], Claude Milton[6], John James[5], James Milton[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 14 Aug 1956.

She married Harry Louis Fisher 2 Nov 1974. Children:

i. Patricia Mae[9]. Born 1 Oct 1975 in Moses Lake, Wash.

ii. Katherine Mae-Ann Louise (also reported as Katherine LouiseMayAnn). Born 18 Sep 1985 (also

reported as 19 Sep 1987) in Spokane, Wash.

7.iii.iii.v.iii.ii.ii. Judy Marie[8] Coons (Claudine[7], Claude Milton[6], John James[5], James Milton[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 6 Jan 1958 in Polson, Mont. In 2000 she lived in Spokane, Wash., and was a genealogical hobbyist.

She married Wayne Glen Peterson, son of Glen V. Peterson and Lucy May Nuzman, 24 Jul 1976 in Moses Lake, Wash. Born 24 Sep 1954 in Murray, Utah. Children:

7.iii.iii.v.iii.ii.ii. i. Christine Marie[9]. Born 22 May 1979.

ii. Jessica Lynne. Born 10 May 1980 in Coos Co., Ore. She married Charles Robert Wallace 9 May


iii. Lucy Mae. Born 10 Nov 1981 in Coos County.

iv. Scott Wayne. Born 2 Dec 1984 in Coos County.

v. Jaycen Glen. Born 13 May 1986 in Coos County.

7.iii.iii.v.iii.ii.iii. Barbara Adel[8] Coons (Claudine[7], Claude Milton[6], John James[5], James Milton[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 5 Sep 1959 in Polson, Mont.

She married Robert Bauer. They divorced. Children:

i. Jackie[9].

ii. Ryan.

7.iii.iii.v.iii.ii.iv. Ross Dean[8] Coons (Claudine[7], Claude Milton[6], John James[5], James Milton[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Feb 1963.

He married Geneva Woods. They divorced. Children:

i. Jarrad[9].

ii. Kyle.

iii. Brian.

7.iii.iv.iv.i.i.ii. Christina Marie[8] Nilsen (Robert Earl[7], Virginia Jean[6], Eugenie[5], Sarah Anne[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 17 Oct 1952 in San Gabriel, Los Angeles Co., Calif.

She married Thomas R. Yuschak, son of John Yuschak and Catherine Cecile Bacha, ca. 1989 in California. Born 5 Sep 1956 in Los Angeles, Calif. Children:

i. Thomas Christopher[9]. Born 29 Apr 1990 in Los Angeles.

7.iii.iv.iv.i.ii.i. Norman[8] Langmaid (Elsie Margaret[7], Virginia[6], Eugenie[5], Sarah Anne[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 20 Jan 1954 in Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada.

He married, first, Tanis Maureen Assman, daughter of Arnold Assman and Beatrice Ross, 25 Jan 1974 in Peace River, Alberta, Canada. They divorced 23 Apr 1979. Born 25 Aug 1955. She married, second, Norman Sapriken after 1980. He legally adopted Tanis Maureen’s children ca. 1990. Children (of Norman Langmaid and Tanis Maureen):

7.iii.iv.iv.i.ii.i. i. Christopher Shawn Norman[9] [Sapriken]. Born 7 Aug 1975.

7.iii.iv.iv.i.ii.i. ii. Daniel Lee Arnold [Sapriken]. Born 12 Jan 1977.

He married, second, Lynda Marie Dawes 17 Oct 1980 in Burns Lake, British Columbia. They divorced 23 Jan 1987 in Kelowna, British Columbia. Born ca. 1955. There were no children.

He married, third, Brenda Lee Park 19 Sep 1987 in Kelowna, British Columbia. They divorced 30 Dec 2000. Born in 1957. There were no children.

7.iii.iv.iv.i.ii.ii. Cathleen Virginia[8] Langmaid (Elsie Margaret[7], Virginia[6], Eugenie[5], Sarah Anne[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 28 Jul 1962 in Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Canada.

She married Raymond Joseph Kabool, son of Alexander Frederick Joseph Kabool and Ursula Mary Wunderlich, 21 Jun 1989 in Prince Rupert, British Columbia. Born 21 Nov 1955 in New Westminster, British Columbia. Children:

i. Alexander Norman[9]. Born 12 Dec 1989 in Prince Rupert, British Columbia.

8.i.vii.i.i.i.i. Kay Frances[8] Pridemore (James Edward[7], Frederick Collins[6], Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 23 Jan 1939.

She married Jerome Cutright (called Jerry). Children:

i. Cynthia Lynn[9]. Born 13 Jul 1959. Died 2 Dec 1993.

8.i.vii.i.i.ii.i. Larry Thomas[8] Pridemore (Mable Irene[7], Frederick Collins[6], Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 19 Aug 1938 in Victor, Fayette Co., W.Va.

He married Helen Marie Schott, daughter of Adolph Schott and Lizzie Warren. Born 8 Jan 1939 in Victor. Children:

8.i.vii.i.i.ii.i. i. Larry Thomas[9] Jr. Born 29 Apr 1956.

8.i.vii.i.i.ii.i. ii. Kirk Allen. Born 28 Mar 1959.

8.i.vii.i.i.ii.i. iii. Kathy. Born 5 Apr 1961.

8.i.vii.i.i.ii.ii. Ila Jean[8] Fox (Mable Irene[7], Frederick Collins[6], Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 4 Mar 1941.

She married Lindale McClung, son of Burton McClung. Children:

i. Linda Jean[9]. Born 24 Dec 1962.

ii. Robin Lynn. Born 20 Aug 1964.

iii. Terry Renee. Born 31 Dec 1965.

iv. Timothy Ronald. Born 15 Oct 1967.

v. Teddy Dale. Born 8 Oct 1968.

vi. Scottie Lee. Born 9 Aug 1970.

vii. Patricia Sue. Born 29 Jan 1972.

viii. Keith Edward. Born 2 Feb 1974.

ix. Angela Dawn. Born 22 Jul 1976.

8.i.vii.i.i.ii.iii. Stanley Lee[8] Fox (Mable Irene[7], Frederick Collins[6], Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 18 Jul 1942 in Victor, Fayette Co., W.Va. He served in the U.S. Army as a member of the 82nd Airborne Division and in Special Forces. He completed ranger school at Ft. Benning, Ga., served three tours in the Vietnam War, and was an instructor at Ft. Benning.

He married, first, Brenda Hutcheson, daughter of J. Hutcheson. Born in Flowery Branch, Ga. Children:

8.i.vii.i.i.ii.iii. i. Sonia Elizabeth Carmita[9]. Born 29 Jun 1968.

He married, second, Jodi Bryant. Born in Savannah, Ga. Children:

ii. Jerry. Born 26 Jul 1978 in Savannah.

iii. Jeffrey. Box 10 Jul 1982 in Savannah.

8.i.vii.i.i.ii.iv. Betty Karen[8] Fox (Mable Irene[7], Frederick Collins[6], Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 12 Jul 1944 in Victor, Fayette Co., W.Va.

She married Lyle Russell LeMasters, son of Russell LeMasters and Mary LeMarr, 26 Oct 1964 in Arlington, Arlington Co., Va. Born 28 Mar 1941 in Raleigh Co., W.Va. Children:

i. Lyle Russell[9] Jr. Born 9 Apr 1965 in Arlington. In 2001 he lived in Manassas, Va. Rebecca Ann[8] Fox (Mable Irene[7], Frederick Collins[6], Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 13 Feb 1953 in Victor, Fayette Co., W.Va.

She married James Shuff, son of Charles Shuff and Maxine Thompkins. Born 24 Nov 1952 in Fayette County. Children:

i. Stephanie[9]. Born 7 Jun 1972 in Victor.

ii. Stephen. Born 12 Sep 1974.

8.i.vii.i.i.v.ii. Charles Edward[8] Fox (Christine Freda[7], Frederick Collins[6], Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 21 Mar 1945 in Victor, Fayette Co., W.Va. He served with the U.S. Navy in the Vietnam War.

He married, first, Kay Hundley, daughter of Homer Hundley and Delphine Sewell. Children:

i. Ellen Marie[9].

ii. Laura Kay.

He married, second, Sandra Wade.

8.i.vii.i.i.v.iii. Gary David[8] Fox (Christine Freda[7], Frederick Collins[6], Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 6 Apr 1953 in Victor, Fayette Co., W.Va.

He married Loretta Kincaid in Victor. Born 10 Oct 1953 in Lansing, Fayette County. Children:

i. Gary David[9] Jr. Born 26 Dec 1973.

ii. Christy. Born 18 Dec 1974.

8.i.vii.i.i.vii.iii. Brenda Joyce[8] Metheny (June Eloise[7], Frederick Collins[6], Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 17 Dec 1954.

She married Unknown. Children:

i. Unknown daughter[9].

ii. Unknown daughter.

iii. Unknown daughter.

8.i.vii.i.i.vii.vii. Linda Kay[8] Metheny (June Eloise[7], Frederick Collins[6], Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 25 Jan 1963.

She married Unknown. Children:

i. Unknown daughter.

ii. Unknown daughter.

iii. Unknown son.

8.i.vii.i.i.vii.viii. James Edward[8] Metheny (June Eloise[7], Frederick Collins[6], Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 1 Apr 1966.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Unknown.

ii. Unknown.

iii. Unknown.

10.ii.i.iv.i.iv. Bettye Maxine[8] Culpepper (Marian Audine[7], Harry[6], Nannie Azolia[5], Augustus Chapman[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 30 Jun 1965 in Plainview, Hale Co., Texas. In 2000 she was living in Plainview.

She married Samuel Elvin Voyles Jr., son of Samuel Elvin Voyles and Mattie Viola Pomykal, 17 Jul 1982 in Plainview. Born 4 Nov 1960 in Hale Center, Hale Co., Texas. In 2001 he was a self-employed drain cleaner. Children:

i. Mattie Elizabeth[9] (called Beth). Born 19 Oct 1983 in Plainview.

ii. Samuel Elvin (called Sam). Born 17 Apr 1985 in Plainview. Constance Irene[8] Smith (Lyle Richard[7], Clara Mollie[6], Nannie Azolia[5], Augustus Chapman[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Sep 1952.

She married Michael James Shaffer, son of Sam Albert Shaffer and Mary Jane League, 31 Aug 1975. Born 28 Dec 1953. Children:

i. Cassaundra Renea[9] (called Casey). Born 1 Jan 1978.

ii. Laura Elizabeth. Born 17 Apr 1987. Sandra Renee[8] Smith (Lyle Richard[7], Clara Mollie[6], Nannie Azolia[5], Augustus Chapman[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 8 Apr 1957.

She married Billy Lee Jones, son of Clarence Jones and Marie Unknown, 5 Dec 1975. Born 30 May 1949. Children:

i. Zachary Lee[9]. Born 15 Sep 1978.

ii. Joshua Aaron. Born 10 Sep 1982. Lyle Richard[8] Smith Jr. (Lyle Richard[7], Clara Mollie[6], Nannie Azolia[5], Augustus Chapman[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 1 Mar 1959.

He married Tammy Lynn Jackson 8 Apr 1978. Children:

i. Chyann Marie[9]. Born 3 Sep 1978. Joanna May[8] Smith (Thomas Ray[7], Clara Mollie[6], Nannie Azolia[5], Augustus Chapman[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 14 Sep 1954.

She married Unknown, called Oly. Children:

i. Kimberly Caroline[9]. Helen Marie[8] Smith (Thomas Ray[7], Clara Mollie[6], Nannie Azolia[5], Augustus Chapman[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 18 Sep 1958.

She married Unknown. Children:

i. Wendy[9]. Married Unknown Kingston. They divorced. Jon Monroe[8] Marshall (Clara Louise[7], Clara Mollie[6], Nannie Azolia[5], Augustus Chapman[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 27 Jul 1953 in Modesto, Stanislaus Co., Calif.

He married Kathy Camarata, daughter of Unknown Camarata and Shirley Unknown. Children:

i. Justin Monroe[9]. Born 14 Dec 1978 in California.

ii. Carrie Ann. Born 15 Nov 1983 in California. Debra Joni[8] Marshall (Clara Louise[7], Clara Mollie[6], Nannie Azolia[5], Augustus Chapman[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 26 Mar 1957 in San Jose, Calif.

She married, first, Gary Colvin. Died before 2001. Children:

i. Robyn Lynn[9].

She married, second, Douglas Simms in 2001. Robert Doyle[8] Smith (Wanda Augusta[7], Clara Mollie[6], Nannie Azolia[5], Augustus Chapman[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 19 Sep 1954 in San Leandro, Calif. In 2002 he lived in San Antonio, Texas.

He married, first, April Gayle Dietrich, daughter of Robert Dietrich and Nancy Unknown, 17 May 1980. They divorced 7 Oct 1986. Born 20 Apr 1960. Children:

i. Leticia Danielle[9] (adopted). Born 6 Jun 1977 in Berkeley, Calif.

He married, second, Melodie Dawn Mills Brewer, daughter of Matthew Donald Spaulding and Dorothy Hazel Davis, 4 Jun 1994.

10.iv.i.iv.i.i. Alan Kent[8] Ritchie (LeRita Myrl[7], Myrl[6], Emma Jane[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Sep 1940 in Shawnee, Okla.

He married Janille Meyer 7 Aug unknown year. Children:

i. Alan K., II [9]. Born 24 Dec 1963.

ii. Mike.

iii. David.

10.iv.i.iv.i.ii. Rebecca Ann[8] Ritchie (LeRita Myrl[7], Myrl[6], Emma Jane[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 28 Nov 1942 in Omaha, Neb.

She married Hickory Starr. Children:

i. Scott Edward[9]. Born 9 Jun 1964.

ii. Susan Renee. Born 25 Jun 1966.

iii. Kara (twin). Born 14 Dec 1969.

iv. Kristi (twin). Born 14 Dec 1969.

10.iv.iii.v.i.i. Jay Jimmie[8] Honaker (Jimmie Joe[7], Joe Jack[6], David Aude[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Mar 1962 in Colorado Springs, Colo. He is an attorney.

He married Roxanne Marie Prebish, daughter of George Prebish and Eileen Paul, 2 Sep 1989 in Longmont, Colo. Born 7 Jul 1962 in Denver, Colo. In 1998 they lived in Bakersfield, Calif. Children:

i. Jack Jay[9]. Born 17 Apr 1997 in Bakersfield, Calif.

10.iv.iii.i.i..i. Joseph Allen[8] Honaker Jr. (called Allen) (Joseph Allen[7], Odous Jack[6], David Aude[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 23 Dec 1961 in Dallas, Texas. In 2007 he lived in Dallas.

He married Anne Elizabeth Stevenson, daughter of Norman Marshall Stevenson and Martha Anne Stanaska, 5 Jan 1991 in Dallas. Born 4 Jul 1957 in Williamsport, Pa. Children:

i. Marshall Allen[9]. Born 12 Jan 1996 in Dallas.

ii. Grant John. Born 7 Jan 2000 in Dallas.

10.iv.iii.ii.i.i. Richard Dennis[8] Honaker (Jack Dennis[7], Ottis David[6], David Aude[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 9 Nov 1950 in Oklahoma City, Okla. He and his family live in Ellicott City, Md., near Baltimore.

He married Darlene Kegarise 6 Oct 1973 in New Castle, Pa. Born 17 Feb 1943. Children:

i. Matthew Richard[9]. Born 25 Nov 1978.

10.iv.iii.ii.i.ii. Michael Scott[8] Honaker (Jack Dennis[7], Ottis David[6], David Aude[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 6 Oct 1954 in San Antonio, Texas. Michael lives in Tulsa, Okla. He is director of the Performing Arts Center in Jenks, Okla.

He married, first, Cheri Ellis 13 May 1978. Born in 1958. They divorced 13 May 1986. Children:

i. James Webber[9]. Born 15 May 1981.

ii. Michael Benjamin (called Ben). Born 13 Feb 1983.

He married, second, Jan Marie McCrary 9 Apr 1995.

10.iv.iii.ii.i.iii. Debra Kay[8] Honaker (Jack Dennis[7], Ottis David[6], David Aude[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 16 Sep 1955 in San Antonio, Texas. She and her family live in Plano, Texas. She is a registered nurse.

She married Tom E. Pool 22 Dec 1980. Born 8 Apr 1953. Children:

i. Thomas Clayton[9]. Born 18 Dec 1986.

ii. Michael Joe. Born 28 Oct 1988.

10.iv.iii.ii.ii.i. Elizabeth Ann[8] Honaker (Jimmie Scott[7], Ottis David[6], David Aude[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 31 Mar 1953.

She married Don Williams. They divorced. Children:

i. Matthew Charles[9]. Born 13 Mar 1980.

10.iv.iii.ii.ii.iv. Nancy Lee[8] Honaker (Jimmie Scott[7], Ottis David[6], David Aude[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 12 Jun 1960.

She married Chris A. Klentzman in Jun 1984. Children:

i. Laura Kathryn[9]. Born 2 Feb 1986.

ii. Nathaniel James (called Jimmie). Born 22 Nov 1988. Vickie Lee[8] Honaker (Marvin Lee[7], Roe Ralph[6], David Aude[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 3 Aug 1956 in Norman, Okla. She took a degree from Rose State College, Midwest City, Okla. Her interests included sailing and she was a member of Corpus Christi Yacht Club. In 2008 she lived in Corpus Christi, Texas.

She married, first, Larry Williamson in Aug 1974. They divorced Oct 1986 in Oklahoma City, Okla. In 2008 he was retired and lived in Dallas, Texas. Children:

i. Warren Andrew[9]. Born 15 Feb 1977 in Midland, Texas. In 2008 he lived in New Orleans, La. ii. Shoni Rachael. Born 6 Sep 1979 in Gillette, Wyo.

She married, second, Ron Morgan in 1990. Born 12 Jun 1956.

She married, third, Bruce Nunez in Aug 1997. Born 5 Oct 1960 in New Orleans, La. Richard Roe[8] Honaker (Marvin Lee[7], Roe Ralph[6], David Aude[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 9 Jan 1960 in Norman, Okla. He took a B.A. from Abilene [Texas] Christian University. In 2004 he was a Church of Christ minister and director of an orphanage in Brasov, Romania. In 2008 he was a Church of Christ minister in London, England.

He married Cynthia Ann Roper (called Cindy), daughter of David Roper and Jo Tibbles, 5 Jun 1982 in Midwest City, Okla. Born 10 Sep 1950 in Oklahoma. She took a B.A. from Oklahoma Christian University. Her interests included home schooling, decorating and sewing. Children:

i. Seth David[9]. Born 19 Aug 1985 in Stanford, Texas.

ii. Rachel Fern. Born 29 Aug 1992 in Nashville, Tenn. LaDonna Louise[8] Honaker (Marvin Lee[7], Roe Ralph[6], David Aude[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 9 May 1964 in Midwest City, Okla. She took a degree from the University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, Okla. In 2004 she lived in Wrangell, Alaska. In 2008 she lived in Fountain, El Paso Co., Colo. Her interests included home schooling.

She married Marvin Ervin Nelson, adopted son of Leo Bruce Nelson and Opal Lee Cooper, 11 Jun 1982 in Oklahoma City, Okla. Born 20 Jul 1957 in Oklahoma. His interests included building furniture. Children:

i. Wayne Chauncey[9]. Born 18 Sep 1988 in Seattle, Wash.

ii. Guy Leo. Born 30 Sep 1991 in Ketchikan, Alaska.

iii. Katie LaFern. Born 28 Dec 1994 in Oklahoma City, Okla.

31.i.iii.iii.i. Adria Bernice[8] Curry (Evelyn Louise[7], Carlos Lee[6], Loyd Franklin[5], Parker Smih[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 13 Aug 1979 in Columbus, Ohio. She and her family live in Marion, Ohio.

She married Jeffrey Warwick in Marion. Children:

i. Lillian Alexis[9]. Born 4 Jul 1999 in Marion.

38.iii.i.i.i. Barbara Ellen[8] O’Bryan (James Marion[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 24 May 1956 in Falls Church, Va. In 1999 she lived in Virginia Beach, Va.

She married, first, Wayne Richmond 21 Dec 1973. They divorced.

She married, second, Frank Mann 26 Nov 1974. They divorced. Children:

i. Eric[9]. Born 25 May 1975. Died 8 Jun 1993.

She married, third, Gregory Allen Henninger 25 Apr 1979. Born 18 Sep 1950. Children:

ii. Sabina Starr[9]. Born 17 Apr 1983 in Virginia.

iii. Perry Dean. Born 16 Aug 1985 in Virginia.

38.iii.i.ii.i. Edna Mae[8] Grier (Mabel Blanch[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 23 Nov 1942.

She married Ralph Lee Brown 29 Dec 1962. Born 28 May 1929. Children:

i. John Lee[9]. Born 22 Feb 1964. Died 24 May 1968.

38.iii.i.ii.i. ii. Sheryl Lynn. Born 4 Aug 1967.

iii. Paul Phillip. Born 23 Apr 1972.

38.iii.i.ii.iii. James Clyde[8] Grimmett (called Clyde) (Mabel Blanch[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 13 Dec 1933.

He married Gloria Benson Richmond 18 Sep 1955. Born 15 Sep 1933. Children:

38.iii.i.ii.iii. i. Teresa Ann[9]. Born 2 Nov 1956.

38.iii.i.ii.iii. ii. Donna Marie. Born 4 Jun 1959.

iii. David Wayne. Born 3 Dec 1961. He married Kim Turner. They divorced with no children.

38.iii.i.iii.i. Eula Mae[8] Stevens (Nomma Marie[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 16 Mar 1935.

She married James Wellington Wells 15 Dec 1956. Born 30 Sep 1926. Died 29 Dec 1964. Children:

i. Douglas Wayne[9]. Born 30 Aug 1957.

38.iii.i.iii.i. ii. Sharon Marie. Born 24 Dec 1958.

38.iii.i.iii.i. iii. Debra Lyn. Born 26 Dec 1959.

38.iii.i.iii.ii. Hazel Joyce[8] Matherly (Nomma Marie[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 18 Jul 1937. Died 18 Oct 1969.

She married James Robert Nickell in Jun 1959. Born 7 Mar 1937. Children:

i. Jeffery Wayne[9]. Born 17 Jan 1961.

ii. Timothy Kevin. Born 5 Nov 1966.

38.iii.i.iv.i. Ruth Arlene[8] Burdette (Maude Arlene[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 29 Mar 1935. In 2004 she lived in Meadow Bridge, W.Va.

She married Claude Dowe Fleshman Jr. 13 Oct 1951. Born 22 Apr 1933. Children:

38.iii.i.iv.i. i. Drema Kay[9]. Born 15 May 1953.

38.iii.i.iv.i. ii. Helen Marie. Born 7 Feb 1956.

38.iii.i.iv.i. iii. Gary Wayne. Born 20 Aug 1959.

38.iii.i.iv.i. iv. Charles Dowe. Born 27 Nov 1968.

v. Betty Lou. Died before Dec 2004.

38.iii.i.iv.ii. Frances Louise[8] Burdette (Maude Arlene[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 28 Jun 1937. Died before Dec 2004.

She married Cecil Edward Ward 25 Nov 1960. Born 13 Jul 1935. Died 16 Mar 1989. Children:

38.iii.i.iv.ii. i. Oliver Jennings[9]. Born 25 Jun 1961.

38.iii.i.iv.ii. ii. Hobert Lemeul (called Dino). Born 7 Jan 1964.

iii. Clyde Edward (called Edward). Born 15 Mar 1966. He married Amy DeHart 22 Jul 1995. Born 17 Nov 1970. They divorced. She brought a daughter to the marriage, Tiffany DeHart, born 14 Oct 1993.

38.iii.i.iv.ii. iv. Harvey Wayne (called Wayne). Born 4 May 1968.

38.iii.i.iv.iii. Betty Eloise[8] Burdette (called Eloise) (Maude Arlene[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 5 Nov 1939. In 2004 she lived in Hinton, W.Va.

She married John W. Furrow 31 Oct 1957. Born 19 Mar 1936. Died 19 Mar 1997. Children:

38.iii.i.iv.iii. i. Stephen Lee[9]. Born 23 Aug 1959.

38.iii.i.v.ii. Phyllis Jean[8] Adkins (Dessie Mae[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 26 Jul 1944.

She married Richard Massey 14 May 1961. Born 26 Apr 1938. Children:

38.iii.i.v.ii. i. Ronnie Lee[9]. Born 11 Mar 1962. Gloria Ann[8] Martin (Mildred Pauline[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 28 Mar 1942.

She married Paul David Peyton 17 Sep 1960. Born 14 May 1938. Children: i. Douglas Wayne[9]. Born 10 Dec 1962. ii. Gary Dale. Born 19 Dec 1964. Robert Lee[8] Martin (Mildred Pauline[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 25 Aug 1944.

He married Jeanne Mae Aliff 23 Mar 1963. Born 21 Nov 1946. Children: i. Terri Lynn[9]. Born 24 Dec 1964. ii. Vicki Jean. Born 6 Jul 1968.

iii. Robert Chad. Born 18 Oct 1974. Larry Wayne[8] Martin (Mildred Pauline[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 23 Feb 1949.

He married Monnie Lou Raines 27 Sep 1968. Born 17 Oct 1948. Children: i. Tanya Lee[9]. Born 27 Aug 1969. ii. Lori Ann. Born 14 Jun 1973.

38.iii.i.vii.i. Linda Sue[8] O’Bryan (Melvin Samuel[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 9 Jul 1953.

She married, first, Carlos H. Adkins 22 Jun 1971. Born 26 May 1948. They divorced. Children:

38.iii.i.vii.i. i. Bryan Lewis[9]. Born 11 Oct 1973.

ii. Michael. Born 21 Nov 1975. He married Kathy Brogan 17 Dec 1996. Born 6 Nov 1978.

She married, second, Sam Lane 15 Mar 1990. Born 22 May 1944.

38.iii.i.vii.ii. Jesse Roscoe[8] O’Bryan (called J.R.) (Melvin Samuel[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 31 Aug 1953 (also reported as 1955).

He married Pam Jones 26 Oct 1973. Born 24 Oct 1956. They divorced. Children:

i. Bethany Dawn[9]. Born 7 Oct 1978.

38.iii.i.viii.i. Freda Carol[8] Bowles (Marjorie Ellen[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 23 Feb 1948.

She married Joe William Wallbaum 10 Aug 1968. Born 5 Mar 1944. Children:

i. Jeffrey Scott[9]. Born 20 Aug 1970.

ii. Lori Kathleen. Born 11 Jan 1975. She married Michael Edward Brookman 19 Jul 1997. Born

31 Mar 1974.

38.iii.i.viii.ii. James Melvin[8] Bowles (Marjorie Ellen[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 19 Dec 1949. Died in 2006.

He married Catherine Kimberly Fox 1 Mar 1974. Born 28 Sep 1954. She married, second, Gary Browning and in 2015 they lived in Jumping Branch, W.Va.

Children (of James and Catherine):

i. Gregory James[9]. Born 17 Sep 1977.

ii. Christi Rae. Born 14 Feb 1980. She married Unknown Stover.

38.iii.i.viii.iii. Kenneth Dale[8] Bowles (called Kenny) (Marjorie Ellen[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 6 Oct 1951. In 2015 he lived in Erie, Mich.

He married, first, Lauranna Rossvanes (called Laurie) 6 Oct 1979. Born 31 Aug 1953. They divorced. Laurie brought two children to the marriage who were adopted by Kenny:

i. Nicole Marie[9]. Born 12 Dec 1970. She married Ben Lashaway 5 Dec 1990. Born 7 Jul 1950.

ii. Gregory Dale. Born 19 May 1973.

He married, second, Margene Lawniczak (called Pinky).

38.iii.i.viii.v. Lila Diane[8] Bowles (Marjorie Ellen[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 28 Aug 1955. In 2015 she lived in Brooks, W.Va.

She married James Oscar Meadows 10 Nov 1979. Born 1 Dec 1960. Children:

i. Justin Adam[9]. Born 21 Feb 1985. Randall Nathan[8] Bowles (Marjorie Ellen[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 29 Nov 1960. In 2015 he lived in Jumping Branch, W.Va.

He married Michelle Rene Matovich 10 Jun 1985. Born 26 Nov 1959. Children:

i. Madison Rene[9]. Born 21 Jan 1992.

38.iii.i.ix.i. Cindy Lee[8] Dick (Mary Jane[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 21 Nov 1956.

She married William A. Monroe 16 Aug 1980. Born 7 Mar 1953. Children:

i. Douglas Wade[9]. Born 1 May 1985.

ii. Bradley Thomas. Born 13 Apr 1988.

38.iii.ii.i.i. James Edward[8] Cales (Julia[7], Roscoe[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 28 Jul 1941 in Hinton, W.Va. Died 9 Aug 2011 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Greenbrier Burial Park, Hinton.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 11 Aug 2011: Hinton—James Edward “Tinker” Cales, 70, of 274 Main St., Hinton, died Tue., Aug. 9, 2011, in the [Veterans Administration] Medical Center in Beckley following a long illness. Born July 28, 1941, in Hinton, he was the son of the late George Edward and Julia Honaker Cales. Mr. Cales was a graduate of Hinton High School and was a former salesman for Bluefield Distributing Company. He was a member of Central Baptist Church in Hinton and a member of the Men’s Bible Class at the church. He was a former member of the Hinton Jaycees, the Hinton Fire Department and also was a former 4-H leader. He was a U.S. Army veteran and had lived most of his life in Hinton. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Cindy Cales. Survivors include his wife of 49 years, Sandra Willey Cales; one son, J.C. Cales and wife Michelle of Hinton; four grandchildren: Melanie Cales, Joel Cales, Joseph Nelson and Sonnet Thompson. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Fri., Aug. 12, 2011, at Pivont Funeral Home Chapel in Hinton with Pastor Robbie Merritt and Rev. Robert Moore officiating. Burial will follow in Greenbrier Burial Park in Hinton. Friends may call from 6 until 8 p.m. Thursday evening at the funeral home. Pallbearers will be John Bower, Denny Galligher, Petie Karvasky, Randy Bennett, Robbie Turner and Tom Fitzsimmons. Honorary pallbearers will be Men of Central Baptist Church Bible Class. Online condolences & guest register at . Arrangements by Pivont Funeral Home, Hinton.

He married Sandra Willey ca. 1962. Children:

i. J.C.[9] He married Michelle Unknown.

ii. Cindy. Died before 2011.

38.iii.ii.iv.i. Richard Bruce[8] Pitzer (called Butch) (Gladys Pauline[7], Roscoe H.[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 15 Apr 1945 in Hinton, Summers Co., W.Va. Died 18 Sep 2012 in Nitro, W.Va. Buried in Greenbrier Burial Park, Hinton.

Herald Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., and Daily Mail, Charleston, W.Va., 20 Sep 2012: Nitro—Richard Bruce “Butch” Pitzer, 67, of Nitro, W.Va., passed away peacefully at home on Mon.,  Sept. 18, 2012, after a battle with cancer. Born April 15, 1945, in Hinton, he was the son of the late Gladys Pauline Honaker and Ernest Frank Pitzer. Mr. Pitzer was reared in Hinton. He was a 1963 graduate of Hinton High School. After graduating he was immediately employed by Western Electric Company, now known as Lucent Technologies, until his retirement in 2004. On weekends and evenings Richard also successfully operated several self-employment ventures including The Electronic Broker, The Little Italian Seafood Inn, and B&R Discount and Pawn. He served in the Army National Guard, 150th Armored Calvary from 1965-1971. He served one term as Charleston’s Moose Club Junior Governor in 1971. He was preceded in death by both parents, and a half brother, Harold Lee (Jinx) Greever. Harold gave his life for his country during his 4th tour of duty in Vietnam in 1969. Richard is survived by his beloved wife of 49 years, Frances Bennett Pitzer; his daughter, Shelley Rae Hall of Charleston, W.Va., and his son, Bruce Pitzer and wife Brandy of Bishop, W.Va. Also a niece and nephew in Germany, a nephew in California and a niece and two great nephews in Pennsylvania. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Sat., Sept. 22, 2012, at Pivont Funeral Home Chapel in Hinton,  with Pastor David Mullins officiating. Burial will follow in Greenbrier Burial Park in Hinton. Friends may call from noon until time of services on Saturday at the funeral home. Pallbearers will be Randy Meador, Randy Bennett, J.C. Cales, Jason Adkins, Lee Metz, Jerry Redman, Dwight Sisson and Joe Jackson. Honorary pallbearers will be Pete Meadows, Chuck Petrey, Bobby Joe Petrey, Herb Blankenship, Wayne Caldwell, Okey Tucker, Junior Gill, Michael Bennett and Raymond Workman. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the Hinton No Kill Shelter of the Summers County Humane Society, PO Box 236, Hinton, WV 25951. Online condolences and guest register at

Arrangements by Pivont Funeral Home, Hinton.

He married Frances Bennett ca. 1963. Children:

i. Shelley Rae[9]. She married Unknown Hall.

ii. Bruce. He married Brandy Unknown.

56.iii.ii.ii.i. George Frederic[8] Bovie IV (George Frederic[7], Marguerite Emily[6], Willa Sylvesta[5], George Arthur[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Apr 1973 in Virginia.

He had a child with Unknown:

i. Austin[9].

56.iii.ii.ii.ii. Victoria[8] Bovie (called Tori) (George Frederic[7], Marguerite Emily[6], Willa Sylvesta[5], George Arthur[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 7 Dec 1979.

She married Jeremy Savard. Children:

i. Aubrey[9].

ii. Adalyn.

56.iii.ii.ii.iv. Sharon[8] Bovie (George Frederic[7], Marguerite Emily[6], Willa Sylvesta[5], George Arthur[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]).

She married William Hughes. Children:

i. Sydney[9].

ii. Nikki.

59.i.iii.i.i. Carol Lyn[8] Lotts (Robert Morris[7], Jean Frances[6], Goldie Hazel[5], John Irvin[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]. Born 20 Aug 1965.

She married Raymond Liebherr. Children:

59.i.iii.i.i. i. Robert Morris[9]. Born 31 May 1985.

ii. Raymond Edward. Born 19 May 1988.

59.i.iii.i.ii. Lori Ann[8] Lotts (Robert Morris[7], Jean Frances[6], Goldie Hazel[5], John Irvin[5], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]. Born 9 Jun 1969.

She married John Howard Butts. Children:

59.i.iii.i.ii. i. Rebecca Elaine[9]. Born 30 Oct 1992.

59.i.iii.ii.i. Melissa Dawn[8] Lotts (James Atlee[7], Jean Frances[6], Goldie Hazel[5], John Irvin[5], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]. Born 24 Oct 1967.

She married Tony L. Pullen. Born 4 Apr 1956. Children:

i. Cory Michael[9]. Born 17 Jul 1989.

59.i.iii.iii.i. Kimberly Sue[8] Staats (Susan Elaine[7], Jean Frances[6], Goldie Hazel[5], John Irvin[5], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]. Born 1 Feb 1967.

She married Gary Wayne Bryant. Born 12 May 1968. Children:

i. Hunter Nicole[9]. Born 11 Sep 1994.

ii. Luke Andrew. Born 2 Jul 1997.

59.i.iii.iv.i. Kelly[8] Nestor (Sandra Jean[7], Jean Frances[6], Goldie Hazel[5], John Irvin[5], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]. Born 1 Oct 1969.

She married Mark Walker. Children:

i. Kelsey[9]. Born Nov 1996.

59.i.iii.iv.ii. Gary Allen[8] Jones (Sandra Jean[7], Jean Frances[6], Goldie Hazel[5], John Irvin[5], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1].

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Kagan[9]. Born Dec 1993.

59.ii.ii.iv.i. Michelle K.[8] Honaker (Leonard Ray[7], John Clifford Victor[6], Samuel Roscoe[5], John Irvin[5], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1].

She married Michael Anderson. Children:

i. Annabelle Lee[9].

ii. Mickey Lee.

59.iii.i.i. Charles Erik[8] Honaker (Charles Ray[7], Charles Frederick[6], Charles Frederick[5], John Irvin[5], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 29 Jan 1970 in Wilmington, New Castle Co., Del.

He married Glenda O’Halloran 28 Aug 1996 in Phoenix, Maricopa Co., Ariz. Children:

i. Hailee Antoinette[9]. Born 22 Feb 1999 in Colorado Springs, El Paso Co., Colo.

ii. Aspen Elena Avis. Born 1 Mar 2000 in Colorado Springs.

iii. Madison Kay. Born 7 Dec 2005 in Colorado Springs.

iv. Charles Morgan. Born 11 Oct 2007 in Colorado Springs.

59.iii.i.ii. Cara Powers[8] Honaker (Charles Ray[7], Charles Frederick[6], Charles Frederick[5], John Irvin[5], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 8 Jun 1978.

She married Jeremy Kornacki Children:

i. Lilly Ryannan[9]. Born 5 Oct 1999.

59.iii.i.iii. Katherine Powers[8] Honaker (Charles Ray[7], Charles Frederick[6], Charles Frederick[5], John Irvin[5], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 21 Jan 1981.

She married Forest Dorman. Children:

i. Ryannan Isabella Powers[9].

ii. Fiona Skye. Born 3 Mar 2002.

59.iii.i.ii.i. Charles Daniel[8] Honaker (Lynette Isabel[7], Charles Frederick[6], Charles Frederick[5], John Irvin[5], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 7 Jul 1970.

He married, first, Theresa Crossley. She brought one child to the marrage, Brandon Lee Crossley, b. 23 Mar 1989.

He married, second, Lisa Boyer. Born 3 Jun 1972. Children:

i. Charles Daniel[8] Jr. Born 30 Nov 2001.

59.v.i.i.i. Brian Lee[8] Smith (Lee Carlton[7], Dorothy Lee[6], Sue Harvey[5], John Irvin[5], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]. Born 9 Sep 1972.

He married Donna Lynn Charles. Born 13 Feb 1974. Children:

i. Cameron Blake[9]. Born 1 Jul 1998.

59.v.i.i.iii. David Michael[8] Smith (Lee Carlton[7], Dorothy Lee[76, Sue Harvey[5], John Irvin[5], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]. Born 5 Feb 1980.

He married Nicole Lynn Boring. Children:

i. Harley David[9]. Born 13 May unknown year.

ii. Eli. Borm 30 May unknown year.

59.v.i.i.iv. Jonathan Alan[8] Smith (Lee Carlton[7], Dorothy Lee[6], Sue Harvey[5], John Irvin[5], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]. Born 13 Oct 1982.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Preston[9]. Born 20 Oct unknown year.

59.v.i.iii.i. David Charles[8] Smith (Charles Frederick[7], Dorothy Lee[6], Sue Harvey[5], John Irvin[5], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]. Born 21 Sep 1982.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Damian Cain[9]. Born 10 Sep 2009.

ii. Dakota Jo.

59.v.ii.ii.i. Crystal Lynn[8] Livers (John Michael[7], Mary Louise[6], Sue Harvey[5], John Irvin[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]. Born 5 May 1976.

She had a child with Unknown:

i. Joslyn[9]. Born 7 Jul 2012.

61.i.i.i.i. Eric William[8] Scholl (Patricia[7], Adam Byron Jr.[6], Hazel Juanita[5], Alice Jane[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 25 Jun 1972 in Brooklyn, New York, N.Y.

He married Patrice Mei. Children:

i. William Cody[9]. Born in Apr 1994. He lives with his mother in Amsterdam, N.Y.

61.i.i.i.ii. Heather Anne[8] Scholl (Patricia[7], Adam Byron Jr.[6], Hazel Juanita[5], Alice Jane[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 12 Sep 1974 in Flushing, Queens, New York, N.Y. She lives with her family in Broadalbin, Fulton Co., N.Y.

She married Marc Ellsworth Clouser. Children:

i. Rian Adam[9]. Born 5 Jun 2000 in Amsterdam, Montgomery Co., N.Y. A birth announcement

appeared in The Honaker Family Newsletter, Jul-Aug 2000.

66.ii.i.i.i. Thomas[8] Epperly III (Marilyn[7], Ethel L.[6], Jasper Lee[5], Rebecca Jane[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Bobbi Unknown. Children:

i. Lindsey[9].

ii. Meghan.

iii. Abigail.

71.i.ii.i.iii. Kimberly Kay[8] Morgan (Palmer Hampton[7], Reva Lee[6], Lula May[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born in 1961. Died in 1996.

She married Tommy Boone. Children:

i. Courtney[9].

ii. Brittany.

iii. Ethan.

71.i.ii.iii.i. Jeff[8] Dalton (Geraldine Elizabeth[7], Reva Lee[6], Lula May[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Sally Unknown. Children:

i. Ann[9].

ii. Allison.

71.xi.iv.ii.i. Dallas[8] Bragg (Donna[7], Freda[6], Verdie Jackson[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Liliana[9]. Born in 2001. Holley[8] Canterbury (Lisa[7], Lena Sarah[6], Verdie Jackson[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Unknown Dunbar. Children:

i. Nathaniel[9]. Born ca. 2000.

77.i.i.ii. Harmony Lynn[7] Honaker (Richard Henderson[7], Hayward Ernest[6], Ira Ernest[5], Michael Alexander[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 6 Aug 1981.

She married Joseph David Decosimo 6 Jul 2002. He was from Signal Mountain, Tenn. Children:

i. Myles David[8]. Born 11 Jun 2008.

ii. Twin daughter, expected Feb 2010.

iii. Twin daughter, expected Feb 2010.

86.ii.i.i. Timothy Wayne[8] Nichols (called Timmy) (Brenda J.[7], Margaret Honaker[6], Lena Leota[5], John Allen[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 15 Feb 1965 in Roanoke, Va.

He married Carla Jean Epperson, daughter of Carl Fred Epperson and Brenda K. Ward, 1 Oct 1989 in Roanoke, Va. They divorced. She was born in Roanoke. Children:

i. Christopher Shane[9] (called Shane). Born 29 May 1990 in Roanoke, Va.

93.ii.i.i. Stephen Grover[8] Honaker Jr. (Stephen Grover[7], Stanley Ephriam[6], Forest Hill[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 25 Sep 1956. In 2006 he lived in Winston-Salem, N.C.

He married Jovy Unknown. Children:

i. Christopher Justin[9].

ii. Josh Christian.

93.ii.i.ii. Lynn Ellen[8] Honaker (Stephen Grover[7], Stanley Ephriam[6], Forest Hill[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 17 Aug 1959. In 2006 she lived in Raleigh, N.C.

She married Fred VanEijk. Children:

i. Megan[9].

ii. Lauren.

iii. Ashley.

93.vii.i.i. Ricky[8] Honaker (Kenneth[7], Clarence[6], Forest Hill[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). In 2001 he and his family lived at his great grandfather Forest Hill’s home place in Red House, W.Va.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Nicole Lynn[9]. She graduated from Buffalo [W.Va.] High School 3 Jun 2001. Her graduation photograph appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Sep-Oct 2001. After graduation she was employed by a dentist and hoped to become a dental technician.

ii. Unknown.

iii. Unknown.

93.vii.ii.i. Deborah Lynn[8] Hackett (Alma Joan[7], Clarence[6], Forest Hill[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Unknown Parsons. Children:

i. Cody Lee[9]. He graduated from Buffalo [W.Va.] High School 3 Jun 2001. His graduation photograph appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Sep-Oct 2001. After graduation he was enrolled in a training program in Columbus, Ohio, to work in the asbestos industry. He hoped to later become a long haul truck driver.

107.ix.i. Sheilah Marcella[8] Honaker (Sparrel Hansford[6], Sparrel Hansford[6], Charles Edward[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 6 Dec 1962 in Torrance, Los Angeles Co., Calif. She graduated from High Desert High School, Victorville, Calif., in 1979. In 2009 she lived in Truckee, Nevada Co., Calif., in the Sierra Nevada mountains, where she was a secretary in the office of health promotions, Tahoe Forest Hospital. She enjoyed creating art from recycled supplies and natural objects, practiced native American spirituality, and belonged to a woman’s society of drummers.

She married Joseph Viveros Vera Jr., son of Joseph Domingez Vera and Judy Viveros, ca. 1989 in Hawthorne, Calif. They divorced 1998 in Truckee. Born 22 May 1962 in West Covina, Los Angeles Co., Calif. Children:

107.ix.i. i. Raquel Joann[9]. Born 31 Dec 1979 in Apple Valley, San Bernardino Co., Calif.

107.ix.i. ii. Angelica Monique. Born 2 Jul 1982 in Apple Valley.

114.i.i.i. Bert Wayne[8] Honaker (Basil Bernard[7], Bert William[6], Charles W.[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). In 2009 he lived in Enosburg Falls, Vt.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Hannah[9].

ii. Wayne.

114.i.i.ii. Shelia[8] Honaker (Basil Bernard[7], Bert William[6], Charles W.[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Died before 2009.

She married Unknown Miyasaki. Children:

i. Jacqueline[9]

ii. Jordan Sherry Lynn[8] DuCharme (Velma Dorothy[7], George Pleasant[6], Charles W.[5], Andrew Harding[4], John

B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 22 Jan 1971 in La Mesa, San Diego Co., Calif

She married Michael Boyd. Children:

i. Caden Michael[9]. Born 20 Oct 1997.

ii. Makayla. Born 1 Dec 2000. Debra Ann[8] Boone (Charlene[7], Leona[6], George Washington[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 20 Apr 1961 in Heidelberg, Germany, with a heart defect that required surgical correction when her family returned to the U.S. She is fully recovered. She is an auditor whose interests include art, reading, and crafts. She belongs to Hellertown [Pa.] Baptist Church. Debra illustrated an article, The Anti-Lion Ordinance of Alderson [W.Va.], in Honaker Family Newsletter, Spring 1999, written by her grandmother’s sister, Lorene (Honaker) Garten.

She married Michael Hancock 23 Dec 1979 in Newport News, Va. Died 21 Dec 1989 in Newport News. Buried in Newport News. He was a Baptist whose interests included woodcrafting, fishing, and carpentering. He was a mirror welder in a Newport News shipyard. Children: i. Melissa Elaine[9].

ii. Jessica Lee (called Cubby). Born 26 Sep 1983 in Newport News.

She married, second, Charles Stanley. He is a roofer and paver whose interests include fishing and sailing. He is a Baptist. James David[8] Boone (called Jamie) (Charlene[7], Leona[6], George Washington[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 25 Jun 1962 in Fairlea, W.Va. (also reported as Newport News, Va.) He is a Baptist and a carpenter. His interests include fishing, sports, and travel.

He married Dawn Collins 19 Oct 1982 (also reported as 15 Oct 1984) in Saluda, Va. She was born in Saluda. She is a Baptist and secretary at Morgantown University. She enjoys travel, reading, and sports. Children:

i. Ashley Neva[9] (called Ash). Born 4 Oct 1988 in Newport News, Va. Jeffrey Michael[8] Boone (called Jeff) (Charlene[7], Leona[6], George Washington[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 15 Jul 1964 in Newport News, Va.

He married Lisa Nowell 1 Jun (also reported as 15 Jun) 1988 in Saluda, Va. Children:

i. Ryan Jeffrey[9]. Born 21 Sep 1988.

170.ii.i.i. Cathy[8] Morgan (Joseph Edward[7], Joseph Edward[6], Josie Evelyn[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born bet. 1958-1962.

She married Toby Baker. Children:

i. Heather[9]. Born in Ronceverte, W.Va.

ii. Melinda. Born in Ronceverte, W.Va.

iii. Ray. Born in Ronceverte, W.Va.

170.ii.i.ii. Timothy[8] Morgan (Joseph Edward[7], Joseph Edward[6], Josie Evelyn[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born bet. 1960-1962.

He married Libby Frazier. Children:

i. Kelsey Michelle[9].

ii. David Glenn.

170.ii.i.iii. Douglas[8] Morgan (Joseph Edward[7], Joseph Edward[6], Josie Evelyn[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1964.

He married Sandra Perry. Children:

i. Alexandria Lynn[9].

ii. Hunter Douglas.

170.ii.i.iv. Sherry[8] Morgan (Joseph Edward[7], Joseph Edward[6], Josie Evelyn[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1966.

She married Gary Canterberry. Children:

i. Sarah Anne[9].

ii. Joseph Garrett.

170.ii.i.v. Cody[8] Morgan (Joseph Edward[7], Joseph Edward[6], Josie Evelyn[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1968.

He married Melissa Williams, daughter of David Williams and Wanda Long. Children:

i. Stephanie[9].

ii. Lindsey.

iii. Joseph David Ray. Andrew Jackson[8] Morgan (Joseph Edward[7], Joseph Edward[6], Josie Evelyn[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1973.

He married Georgeann Wall. Children:

i. Shawna Alexis[9]

170.ii.i.viii. Melissa[8] Morgan (Joseph Edward[7], Joseph Edward[6], Josie Evelyn[5], Joseph Franklin[4], James L.[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]). Born ca. 1978.

She married Kevin Boggs in Caldwell, W.Va. Children:

i. Morgan Faith[9]. Born 5 Aug 1999.

176.i.i. Kim Leslie[8] Robertson (Myrna Jean[7], Eleanor Betty[6], Charles Alfred[5], William Ritchie[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 15 Mar 1956 in Renton, King Co., Wash. She is a computer specialist.

She married Kevin George Fish, son of George A. Fish and Patricia A. Bateman, 17 Dec 1976 in Bellevue, King Co., Wash. Born 17 Feb 1954 in Grand Forks, N.D. He is a foreman at Todd Shipyard in Seattle, Wash. Children:

i. Kirk Daniel[9]. Born 23 Nov 1977 in Burien, Wash.

ii. Kristopher George (called Kris). Born 15 Apr 1980 in Burien.

iii. Keith Matthew. Born 4 Feb 1985 in Burien.

176.i.ii. Kelly Jean[8] Robertson (Myrna Jean[7], Eleanor Betty[6], Charles Alfred[5], William Ritchie[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 12 Aug 1958 in Renton, King Co., Wash. She teaches special physical education classes for handicapped children at a Cashmere, Wash., grade school.

She married Scott Warren Wehmeyer, son of Warren Gerald Wehmeyer and Jean Buchanan, 24 Nov 1978 in Cashmere. Born 18 Jun 1956 in Seattle, Wash. Scott is a homes and apartments building contractor. Children:

i. Ian Warren[9]. Born 6 Apr 1983 in Wenatchee, Wash.

ii. Lindsey Jean. Born 2 Feb 1985 in Wenatchee.

176.i.iv. Michelle Alison[8] Robertson (Myrna Jean[7], Eleanor Betty[6], Charles Alfred[5], William Ritchie[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 3 Mar 1963 in Renton, King Co., Wash. She is an exercise instructor at Wenatchee Tennis Club.

She married Floyd Stutzman, son of Ordo J. Stutzman and Laura June Unknown, 1 Aug 1987 in Wenatchee, Wash. Born 6 Feb 1963 in Wenatchee. He is a commercial apple grower. Children:

i. Adam Jonathan[9]. Born 5 Jan 1996 in Wenatchee, Wash.

176.ii.i. Judy Lynn[8] Ingram (Vickie[7], Eleanor Betty[6], Charles Alfred[5], William Ritchie[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 3 Jul 1955 in Renton, King Co., Wash. She lives in Renton.

She married, first, Dennis Michael Richards, son of Donald Clayton Richards and Eunice Irene Wittanemi,

5 Nov 1973 in Coeur D’Alene, Idaho. Born 14 Sep 1952 in Laurium, Houghton Co., Mich. They divorced 14 Sep 1977 in Seattle, Wash. He became a professional roofer in Renton. Children:

176.ii.i. i. Shannon Michelle[9].

176.ii.i. ii. Lisa Kristine.

She married, second, James Lee Edgar 22 Sep 1977 in Federal Way, King Co., Wash. Born 23 May 1942 in Pittsburgh, Pa. Died in Renton, King Co., Wash. The remains were cremated in Seattle, Wash. They divorced 17 Jul 1983 in Seattle. He also married Sherri Noe and Janice Dodge. He was adopted and did not know his biological parents. Children (of Judy and James):

iii. Jamie Lee. Born 6 Oct 1979 in Renton, King Co., Wash. She lives in Renton and works for Barnes & Watson Tea Co., Seattle, Wash.

176.ii.ii. Pamela Jo[8] Ingram (Vickie[7], Eleanor Betty[6], Charles Alfred[5], William Ritchie[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 23 May 1956 in Renton, King Co., Wash. She lives in Eatonville, Wash.

She married Thomas Howard Raymond, son of Edward Vail Raymond and Ellen Dorothy Anthony (cousin of famed Susan B. Anthony), 6 Jun 1973. Born 18 Feb 1954 in Pittsfield, Mass. They divorced in 1991. He also married Arlene A. English. Children (of Pamela and Thomas):

176.ii.ii. i. Amy J.[9]

ii. Jennifer Lee. Born 23 May 1977 in Valley General Hospital, Kent, Wash. She is a beautician living in Eatonville, Wash.

iii. Katie Marie. Born 23 Feb 1980 in Group Health Hospital, Redmond, Wash.

176.ii.iii. David Leon[8] Ingram (Vickie[7], Eleanor Betty[6], Charles Alfred[5], William Ritchie[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 9 Mar 1958 in Renton, King Co., Wash. He is a hospital heating and air conditioning technician. He and his family live in Kent, Wash.

He married Catherine Mary Noone (called Cathy), daughter of Martin Joseph Noone and Catherine Mary Dillon,

21 Mar 1981 in Renton. Born 10 Sep 1958 in Jacksonville, Fla. She is a nurse. Children:

i. Benjamin David[9]. Born 5 Oct 1981 in Redmond, Wash.

ii. Michael Leon. Born 15 Dec 1982 in Redmond, Wash.

176.ii.iv. Steven[8] Ingram O’Meara (Vickie[7], Eleanor Betty[6], Charles Alfred[5], William Ritchie[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 13 Feb 1959 in Renton, King Co., Wash. He is a carpenter who lives in Post Falls, Idaho.

He married Anita Lorraine Charon, daughter of Albert Earl Charon and Helen Ada Eazor, 2 Nov 1991 in Reno, Nev. In 2001 she was a school bus driver. She was previously married to Unknown Teeples and brought a son to the marriage, Jason Teeples, born 9 Apr 1975 in Tacoma, Pierce Co., Wash. Children (of Steven and Anita):

i. Sarah Ann[9]. Stillborn 23 Jul 1991.

ii. Samuel Ryan. Born 5 Mar 1992 in Tacoma, Pierce Co., Wash.

iii. April Nicole (adopted). Born 2 Apr 1980 in Tacoma, Pierce Co., Wash. Adopted 6 May 1993 in Tacoma. Brian Michael[8] O’Meara (Vickie[7], Eleanor Betty[6], Charles Alfred[5], William Ritchie[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Sep 1968 in Tacoma, Pierce Co., Wash. He is a U.S. Postal Service letter carrier. He served in the U.S. Marine Corps for five years, including Operation Desert Storm, Iraq. His interests include anything that’s sports-related. He and his family live in Redmond, Wash.

He married Helena Alyzza Perez, daughter of Jose Cruz Perez and Cecilia Magana Isen, 25 Jun 1994 in Newport Beach, Calif. Born 26 May 1969 in Anaheim, Calif. She works in an orthopedic surgeon’s office. Children:

i. Unknown[9]. Was due in Feb 1999.

190.ii.i. Barbara E.[8] Honaker (Donald K.[7], Lowell W.[6], Letcher Wellington[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). In 2011 she lived in Red House, W.Va.

She married David Harrison. Children:

i. Eric[9]. He married Sarah Unknown and in 2011 lived in Red House.

ii. Aaron. He married Christi Unknown and in 2011 lived in Franklin, Ohio.

202.ii.i. Ketura[8] Honaker (Harold Hunter[7], Friend Austin[6], Otho Plato[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Simon Rios. Children:

i. Isaac[9].

ii. Ariel.

iii. Isabelle.

213.i.i. Dewey Austin[8] Honaker Jr. (Dewey Austin[7], Dewey Sherman[6], Charles Edward[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 1 Jun 1949 in Ronceverte, W.Va.

He married Denise Ann Alkire, daughter of Charles Roy Alkire and Isodene NMN Drain 27 Aug 1977 in Vienna, W.Va. Born 20 Jun 1954 in Parkersburg, W.Va. Children:

i. Sarah Dawn[9]. Born 11 Jan 1982 in Charleston, W.Va.

213.i.ii. Patricia Ann[8] Honaker (Dewey Austin[7], Dewey Sherman[6], Charles Edward[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 7 Oct 1952 in Ronceverte, W.Va. She graduated from Parkersburg [W.Va.] High School in 1970, attended West Virginia Extension University in Parkersburg, and took a degree in nursing from West Virginia State College, Institute, W.Va., in 1973. She was a registered nurse until 2001. In 2002 she lived in Middlesboro, Ky., where she was a member of Binghamtown Baptist Church. Her interests included reading.

She married, first, Charles Michael Thomas, son of Tone Nelson Thomas and Lillian Farrah, 22 Jun 1973 in Parkersburg, W.Va. Born 5 Jan 1950 in Parkersburg. Died in an automobile accident 5 Nov 1982 near Winfield, W.Va. Buried in Sunset Memorial Gardens, Parkersburg. He graduated from Parkersburg High School in 1967 and took a B.S. in Business from Fairmont [W.Va.] College in 1972.

Parkersburg Sentinel, 6 Nov 1982: Charles Michael Thomas, 32, of Winfield, a native of Parkersburg, died Friday morning in a single car accident in Winfield. He was a manager of The House of Toys in Dunbar, was a graduate of Parkersburg High School in 1967 and Fairmont State College in 1972. He was a West Virginia State Arm Wrestling champion for the past seven years, an Eagle Scout and belonged to the Order of the Arrow. He was a member of St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church. Surviving are his wife, Patricia Honaker Thomas; a daughter, Shelliann Thomas at home; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tone N. and Lillian Farrah Thomas; and his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Farrah Sr., Parkersburg. Mass of Christian burial will be celebrated at 10 a.m. Monday at the St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church with Fr. Edward M. Bell as celebrant. Entombment will be in the Sunset Memorial Gardens Mausoleum. Christian wake will be recited at 8 p.m. Sunday at the Burdette Funeral Home. The family will receive friends today from 7–9 p.m. and Sunday from 2–4 and 7–9 p.m. The family requests in lieu of flowers memorials be made to St. Jude Children’s Foundation.

Unknown newspaper and date: Death of Dunbar Resident Shocks Adults, Children—

Editor of The News, Dear Sir:

The children of Dunbar lost a friend last week in the tragic death of House of Toys, Charlie Thomas.

Here was a man with that special undefinable spirit that said to children, “We’re friends.” Charlie’s toy shop was a place where a kid could play with the race cars or the latest electronic games without worrying you might break it, but, they were careful. A warm and friendly spot where Christmas started at Thanksgiving time and lasted until New Year’s. A home away from home to scores of Dunbar teen-agers. A place to gather and laugh and talk and, yes, maybe ask a favor. Charlie Thomas was big on favors. Maybe a small loan to finance a special date when they were short on cash. But, they paid it back. He didn’t worry.

As news of his death filtered through the community early Friday morning, the toy shop filled with townspeople, young and old alike, tears of shock and disbelief on their faces. They knew they had lost a rare and special friend.

A parent, Mrs. David McKinney, Dunbar, W.Va.


i. Shelli Ann[9]. Born 15 Jun 1975 in South Charleston, W.Va. She graduated from Middlesboro

[Ky.] High School in 1993 and took a Bachelor of Health Science from the University of Kentucky, Lexington, in 1998. In 2002 she and her husband lived at Ft. Campbell, Ky., and were members of Binghamtown Baptist Church, Middlesboro, Ky. She married Daniel John Vinsand, son of Robert Lowell Vinsand and Beth Ann Thaden, 27 Mar 1999 at Ft. Knox, Ky. Born 13 Jun 1970 in Rochester, Minn. He graduated from John Marshall High School, Rochester, in 1988. He took a Bachelor of Architecture from Iowa State University, Ames, in 1994, and an M.B.A. in Aviation from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Fla., in 2000. He was commissioned in the U.S. Army in 1994 and in 2002 was a captain in special forces, having served in Korea and other oversea assignments.

She married, second, William Donald Jackson, son of William Duncan Jackson and Della Rose York, 9 Apr 1988 in Cross Lanes, W.Va. Born 6 Sep 1947 in Richmond, Ky. He graduated from Madison Central High School, Richmond, in 1965. In high school he was on track team. He took a B.S. in Industrial Education from Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, in May 1973; an M.A. in Education from Eastern Kentucky University in Aug 1973; and a Rank I Certification (masters plus 30 graduate hours) from the University of Louisville [Ky.] in 1980. He served as a gunner, Co. F, 40th Armor, U.S. Army, Europe, from 1970 to 1972, mustering out as a specialist fourth class. In 2002 he was district technology coordinator for the Middlesboro [Ky.] Independent School System; a member of Binghamtown Baptist Church; and his interests included woodworking.

220.i.ii. Mark Wayne[8] Honaker (Ray Hansford[7], Ray Hansford[6], Samuel Hayes[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 26 Sep 1948 in Norfolk, Va. He graduated from Maury High School, Norfolk, in 1966. In high school, he participated in varsity wrestling. He took a B.S. in Biology from Old Dominion University, Norfolk, in 1971, an M.S. in Animal Science from Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va., in 1973, and a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the University of Georgia, Athens, Ga., in 1981. In 2004 he was a veterinarian with Bay Beach Veterinary Medical Clinic, Virginia Beach, Va. (), and was a member of Level Green Baptist Church, Virginia Beach, Va., the American Veterinary Medical Assn., Virginia Veterinary Medical Assn., and was team veterinarian for Virginia Task Force 2—Federal Emergency Management Agency. His hobbies included windsurfing. He and his family lived in Virginia Beach, where their pets included a collie mix named Buddy and a Maine Coon cat named Elvis.

The following story was published originally in Chesapeake Clipper, a news section of the [Norfolk] Virginian-Pilot. It subsequently was published in The Beacon, a news magazine for Virginia Beach, Va., 20 Dec 2001, and in Honaker Family Newsletter, Fall 2004: Search dogs pulled their weight at Sept. 11 sites, by Tony Stein, correspondent. The story was illustrated by two photographs, a 4-column cut, “Mark Honaker, a local veterinarian, monitored the health of search dogs like Joey, handled by Trish Cartino of Virginia Beach, at the Pentagon,” and 1-column cut, “A search-and-rescue dog named G.C. wears a protective bandage after suffering a cut on his paw at the Pentagon site,” and a pull quote, “Veterinarian Mark Honaker volunteered nine years ago to work with Task Force 2 of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The task force, based in Virginia Beach, was sent to the Pentagon after September 11.”

Veterinarian Mark Honaker left his Great Bridge home early that day. He had a full slate at work because he and his wife, Jan, were leaving the next morning for a long-planned vacation in France. But by the time he got to his office in Virginia Beach, he knew the vacation would have to be put on hold. He would, instead, spend the next week amid the sights and sounds of a grimness forever etched in his memory.

That day was Sept. 11, the day of the attacks on the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon. Honaker is the vet who volunteered nine years ago to work with Task Force 2 of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The task force, based in Virginia Beach, was immediately activated to go to the Pentagon. It would be Honaker’s specific job to monitor the health of the task force’s four search and rescue dogs. He would also look after about 15 other dogs that combed through the wreckage.

The task force, traveling in a convoy of about 10 vehicles, stayed in a Navy facility the night of the 11th.

“It was so strange,” Honaker says. “We could look out the window of the mess hall and see the Pentagon burning.

“When we got to the site the next afternoon, it looked like a huge bomb had gone off. It was almost overwhelming. Complete and utter destruction. Water pouring out, cables and airplane parts everywhere. Absolute chaos.”

One of four dogs of Task Force 2 is Joey, an Australian shepherd belonging to Trish Cartino of Virginia Beach. Two others are from Richmond and one is from Fairfax. Cartino, who served 11 years as a Virginia Beach firefighter, said she had never seen anything like the devastation she saw at the Pentagon.

The sad fact was that the dogs were finding bodies and body parts, not survivors. Working with the handlers, they would move through the debris, sniffing and pawing. When they made a find, they would hold position. The spot would be marked, and an FBI agent would photograph the scene before the recovery was made.

“Some dogs are trained to bark when they find a body,” Cartino says. “Some are trained to bark only when they find a survivor.” When Joey found a body or a body part, he would sniff and paw. Then he would look at Cartino and bark. Though it was emotionally draining work, Cartino said it was necessary to keep emotions in check. “The way the handler feels is communicated to the dog,” she says. “If the handler is upset, the dog can get upset, too. But Joey knew what he had to do and he did it well.”

The dogs involved were primarily shepherds, Labrador retrievers and Rottweilers. “Dogs with high motivation,” Honaker says. “To the dogs, it was all a game. All dogs—bomb dogs, drug dogs, whatever—are trained the sme way. Find what they are asked to find and they are rewarded.” And it was a grim truth that one form of training has the dogs finding cadavers and parts of cadavers hidden in pipes and under rubble. That became their job at the Pentagon.

They held up well, Honaker says. “There were a couple of cases of diarrhea, maybe from stress or all the foreign matter on the ground. And there was one dog with a cut paw that had to be taken off the site.” There have been stories about booties for the dogs to protect their paws. “Not true,” Honaker says. “They need that sense of contact their paws have with the surface they’re on. Putting booties on them would be like asking a blind person to read Braille while wearing gloves.”

The task force stayed in a motel, and each dog slept in the room with its handler. “The bond between the handler and the dog is every bit as strong as the bond between family members,” Honaker says.

When they weren’t actually searching the site, the dogs were given play time. “They turn back into happy, ordinary dogs,” Honaker says, but the training continued. “They would find hidden members of the task force and it was a game to them.” Work time was a 12-hour night shift, 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. Honaker was part of the search team, too, shifting materials, sifting, digging and then making recoveries. “You just had to control your emotions, but it was a hard, hard thing to do,” Honaker says.

There was one night, though, that stands out in Honaker’s memory for a very different reason. “We were taking a break and came out of the building,” he says. “There was a clear half-moon and Mars was very bright. It seemed serene at that moment. It was a scene that renewed my faith in God, that He was still there.”

Looking back on that week, Honaker says he thinks the dogs made an invaluable contribution, not only to the actual recovery effort, but to the well-being of the recovery teams. “A lot of people got tangible benefits from petting the dogs and interacting with them,” Honaker says. “There were therapists at the site and psychologists and counselors and ministers. I think the dogs did as much as any of them.”

The story above was reprinted in Honaker Family Newsletter, Fall 2004. The story below was reprinted in Honaker Family Newsletter, Summer 2006.

Virginian-Pilot, Hampton Roads, Va., 7 Sep 2005: Search & Rescue Team Returns Home—With a Friend, by Jim Washington, with photo by Gary C. Knapp, cutline—Mark Honaker, a Virginia Beach veterinarian, in charge of the Virginia Task Force 2 K-9 unit, holds Katrina, a male orange cat that had wandered into the team’s camp. “He adopted us,” Honaker said.

Virginia Beach—After long days searching ruined Mississippi neighborhoods for Hurricane Katrina survivors, members of Virginia Task Force 2 search and rescue team needed some relief. They found it in Katrina, a male orange cat that wandered into their camp. “He adopted us,” said Mark Honaker, a Virginia Beach veterinarian who is in charge of the team’s K-9 unit. “It was kind of therapeutic,” he said, as Katrina crawled along his shoulders.

Eighty members of the task force, a Federal Emergency Management Agency Urban Search and Rescue Team, returned to Virginia Beach after a long bus ride Tuesday evening to cheers and hugs from friends and families. The Beach-based team comprises firefighters, private citizens and military personnel from Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Newport News, Franklin, Williamsburg and James City and York counties.

They make up one of 28 FEMA urban search and rescue teams in the United States, trained to locate, rescue and provide medical treatment to disaster victims.

The team left Virginia Beach last at 3 a.m. Aug. 30. After arriving in Mississippi, task force members spent every daylight hour conducting painstaking, block-by-block searches of Hancock County, a Gulf Coast community directly in the path of the hurricane. “It was pretty much devastated,” said Shean Emmons, a Chesapeake firefighter. “We saw very few areas with houses still standing. They were just strewn down the street.”

Emmons, who held his 7-year-old twins, Cole and Courtney, in his arms, described assisting in a couple of live rescues. Most of the team’s time, though, was spent searching in vain for survivors. At night, the team camped out in a drug store parking lot. “Nothing can prepare you for what you see,” Emmons said. “Mile after mile of nothing but house foundations. Not even street signs.”

Honaker recalled walking through the few standing houses and looking at photos of children on the walls. Another scene that stood out in his mind was scanning an empty beach once populated with large homes.

“It was eerie to stand on the beach where all these mansions used to be, and there’s not a house in sight,” he said. “There was nothing but steps and slabs, steps and slabs.” While Honaker was glad to be home, new pet in hand, part of his mind was still with the victims. “Those people are in desperate straits,” Honaker said. “Tonight I’m going to sleep in a nice bed, and hear my toilet flush. They don’t have that, and I really feel for them.”

He married Tommi Jan Dean (called Jan), daughter of Thomas Earl Dean and Margaret Bertha Hartley, 15 Aug 1970 in Norfolk, Va. Born 4 Nov 1948 in Norfolk. She graduated from Maury High School in 1966 and Norfolk General School of Nursing in 1968. She practiced nursing until 1981 when she became a full-time homemaker. In 2004 she was a member of Level Green Baptist Church, Virginia Beach. Children:

i. Raegan Noel[9]. Born 27 Feb 1980 in Athens, Ga. She graduated from Great Bridge High School,

Chesapeake, Va., in 1998 and took a B.A. in English from Bridgewater [Va.] College in 2002. In 2004 she lived in Chesapeake, Va., where she was an elementary school teacher. She married Brian Unknown.

ii. Jason Kyle. Born 29 Mar 1981 in Athens. He graduated from Great Bridge High School in 1999

and took a B.S. in Biology at Old Dominion University, Norfolk, in 2003. In 2004 he lived in Norfolk, where he was attending physician’s assistant school at Eastern Virginia Medical School, anticipating graduation in 2006. He married Kristan Unknown.

220.i.v. Warren Arthur[8] Honaker (Ray Hansford[7], Ray Hansford[6], Samuel Hayes[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Dec 1956 in Staunton, Va. In 1999 he and his wife Mary lived in Bradenton, Fla.

He married, first, Donna Whitney. Children:

i. Amy Jo[9]. Born 14 Sep 1976. In 1999 she lived in Waynesville, N.C.

He married, second, Mary Gregory from Grand Rapids, Mich. There were no children.

223.i.ii. William Hal[8] Johnson (Mary Alice[7], William Hayes[6], Samuel Hayes[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 12 Aug 1957 in Huntington, W.Va. In 2004 he lived in Powell Ohio, near Columbus.

He married, first, Bethanne Unknown. They divorced. Children:

i. Jordan Tyler[9](son). Born ca. 1988.

He married, second, Laura Unknown.

223.i.iii. Jennifer Lynn[8] Johnson (Mary Alice[7], William Hayes[6], Samuel Hayes[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 30 Dec 1969 in Huntington, W.Va. In 2004 she lived in St. Cloud, Fla.

She married Unknown Reedy. Children:

i. Austin[9].

ii. Zachary.

iii. Tanner.

231.i.ii. Linda[8] Lemons (Virginia Ellen[7], Calvin Lewis[6], Calvin Lewis[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Jay Lewis. Children:

i. Laurel[9].

ii. Jace.

324.ii.i. Troy[8] Nicely (Mary Darlene[7], Elva Lewis[6], Neta May[5], Margaret Ann[4], Frederick Styrus[3], Isaac M.[2], Frederick[1]).

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Timothy[9].

336.i. Lisa Marie[8] Honaker (Kenneth Dean[7], Frederick Eugene[6], Jesse Wayne[5], John Allen[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 29 May 1978 in San Clemente, Orange Co., Calif. In 2010 she and her family lived in Simi Valley, Calif.

She married Michael Robert Rainer, son of Raymond Francis Rainer and Mary Ann Adams, 3 Oct 2003 in Granada Hills, Los Angeles Co., Calif. Born 28 Feb 1979. Children:

i. Bryce Michael[9]. Born 3 Jul 2005 in Simi Valley, Ventura Co., Calif.

ii. Colten Matthew. Born 27 Dec 2007 in Glendale, Maricopa Co., Ariz.

iii. Keira Sue. Born 18 Aug 2010 in Simi Valley.

351.ii. Barry Lee[8] Landers (Leolin Velber[7], Grace Myrtle[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 31 Oct 1951 in Charleston, W.Va. In elementary school he was awarded first place in the Woodland Forest Book Fair. He graduated from St. Albans [W.Va.] High School where he was a National Merit Scholar. He became a mechanical engineer. He inherited the family farm and has his own farm across the highway.

He married Annette Margaret Bird, daughter of Kingsley O. Bird Jr. and Nancy L. Unknown, 16 Jun 1972 in St.Albans, W.Va. She graduated from St. Albans High School and Marshall University, Huntington, W.Va. In 2015 she was a certified public accountant.


i. Deborah Elisabeth[9] [also Elizabeth]. She graduated from Point Pleasant [W.Va.] High School.

ii. Douglas Lee. He graduated from Point Pleasant High School. He married and had two sons.

352.ii. Sarah Ann[8] Landers (called Sarah) (Elvie Gayle[7], Grace Myrtle[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1].) Born 15 Sep 1942 in Richmond, Va. In 2001 she lived in Chester, Va., and worked for the Federal Reserve Bank.

She married, first, Ronald Wayne Turner (called Wayne), son of Nile Jewett Turner and Marjorie Parrish, 26 Nov 1960 in Dillon, S.C. Born 8 Apr 1943 in Richmond. When they married he was a millwright with E.I. DuPont Corp. They divorced in 1973 in Henrico Co., Va. Children:

i. Ronald W., Jr.[9] (called Ronald). Born 13 Dec 1962 in Richmond. He had not married in 2001.

352.ii. ii. Stephen David (called Steve). Born 29 Nov 1966.

She married, second, Larry Keith Scott, son of Sidney Scott and Vera Unknown, in Oct 1976 at Carlisle Baptist Church, Richmond. Born in Richmond. He was employed with Reynolds Metals Co., Inc. They divorced with no children in 1980 in Henrico Co., Va.

She married, third, Arthur Leon Bishop (called Art), son of Robert Lee Bishop and Zula Undine White, 6 Aug 1982 in Carlisle Baptist Church, Richmond. Born 27 Feb 1932 in Waverly, Va. Died 15 Feb 1996 in Richmond. Buried in Westbrook Family Cemetery, Sussex Co., Va. They had no children.

Purviance Funeral Home: Chester, Va.—Arthur Leon Bishop, age 63, a resident of Chester, died Thurs., Feb. 15, 1996 in Henrico Doctors’ Hospital, Richmond. Born in Waverly, he had retired in 1983 as an employee of the Federal Prison System after 20 years of service. He also operated Bishop’s Store in Waverly. He was a member of Trinity United Methodist Church, Chester and a U.S. Army veteran of Korea. He is survived by his wife, Sarah Ann Landers Bishop, two sons, Ronald Turner and Steve Turner; a brother, Charles William Bishop, Waverly; and his “best buddy” and grandson, David Turner. He was the son of the late Robert Lee and Undine White Bishop, father of the late Dennis Michael Bishop, and brother of the late Roger Willard Bishop. Funeral services will be held in Purviance Funeral Home, Wakefield, on Sun., Feb. 18, 1996 at 3 p.m., by the Rev. Carl Cosslett. Burial will be in the [Westbrook Family Cemetery, Sussex, Va.] The family will receive friends at the funeral home on Saturday evening from 7-8:30 p.m. Memorial donations may be made to the American Heart Association.

371.ii. Gwenda Jean[8] Smith (Mabel Emogene[7], William Woodrow[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 13 Jan 1957 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio. In 2016 she lived in Milford, Oakland Co., Mich.

She married, first, Michael Eugene Thompson. Born 17 Mar 1956 in Cleveland. Died Nov 2002. Buried in Cleveland.

She married, second, Harry Gail Lester, son of Roy Lester and Lucy Mea Wilson, 10 Jan 1981 in Cleveland. Born 13 Aug 1944 in Verner, Mingo Co., W.Va. Died 24 Jun 2005 in Columbus, Ohio. Buried next to his father in Verner. Children:

371.ii. i. Patrick Sean[9]. Born 17 Nov 1982 in Columbus.

She married, third, Richard Shelton. Born 1 Jul 1958 in Columbus. They divorced.

She married, fourth, Richard Banister 23 May 2008 in Michigan. Born 25 Oct 1948.

371.iii. Robert Roger[8] Smith (Mabel Emogene[7], William Woodrow[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 8 Oct 1960 (also reported as 1 Oct 1962) in Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio. In 2016 he lived in Southington, Trumbull Co., Ohio.

He married Barbara Kay Perrine, daughter of Lance Clayton Perrine and Mary Sue Miller, 22 Nov 1986 in Garrettsville, Portage Co., Ohio. Born 5 May 1958 (also reported as 1 May 1959) in Warren, Trumbull Co., Ohio. She brought three unknown children to the marriage. Children (of Robert and Barbara):

i. William Clayton[9]. Born 1 Oct 1988 in Chardon, Geauga Co., Ohio. In 2016 he lived in

Youngstown, Ohio. He married Shannon Are Fitch, daughter of John Rudolph Fitch and Lori Anne Beets, 5 Dec 2015 in Youngstown. Born 26 Oct 1990 in Youngstown. Shannon brought three children to the marriage, Amie Jones, b. 13 Mar 1975; Angie Jones, b. 20 Sep 1976; and Alan Jones, b. 26 Dec 1981.

371.v. Ralph Kenneth[8] Woodall Jr. (Mabel Emogene[7], William Woodrow[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 24 May 1967 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio. In 2016 he lived in Hamlin, Lincoln Co., W.Va.

He married Juna Lee Walden, daughter of Bobby Henson Walden and Kay Francis Whitehair, 6 May 1989 in Hamlin. Born 14 May 1970 in Fredericksburg, Va. Children:

i. Kayla Jean[9] (also Kalya Jean). Born 1 Oct 1991 (also 1992) in Huntington, Cabell Co., W.Va.

ii. Kennedi Daniel (also Danellie). Born 3 Oct 1995 in Huntington.

iii. Brett Iisic. Born 11 Jan 2007 in Huntington. Larry Allen[8] Woodall (twin) (Mabel Emogene[7], William Woodrow[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 8 Dec 1968 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio. In 2015 he lived in Hamlin, Lincoln Co., W.Va.

He married Kimberly Ann Rigsby, daughter of Jackie Lee Rigsby and Sandra Kay Dotson, 26 May 1996. Born 16 Oct 1970 in St. Albans (also reported as Charleston), Kanawha Co., W.Va. She was divorced from her first husband, Unknown Chapman, Jul 1994. Children:

i. Katelyn Marie[9]. Born 25 Jan 1998 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. She planned to attend

West Virginia University, majoring in broadcast journalism, in Fall 2016.

ii. Jenna LeeAnn. Born 9 Apr 2005 in Huntington, Cabell Co., W.Va.

371.vii. LuAnn[8] Woodall (twin) (Mabel Emogene[7], William Woodrow[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 8 Dec 1968 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio. In 2016 she lived in Hamlin, Lincoln Co., W.Va.

She married Calvin Lee Adkins, son of Caid Leonard Adkins and Joellen Foster, 14 Jul 1984 in Hamlin. Born 14 Feb 1960 (also 1962) in unknown city, West Virginia. Children:

i. Lacey Jo[9]. Born 5 Mar 1985 in Huntington, Cabell Co., W.Va.

371.viii. Christy Jo [8] Woodall (Mabel Emogene[7], William Woodrow[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 24 Nov 1974 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio. In 2016 she lived in Huntington, Cabell Co., W.Va.

She had a child with Lenard Martin Hatten. Born 28 Dec 1975. Died 27 Dec 2013 in Huntington:

: i. Nathaniel Hatten[9] [Woodall]. Born 10 May 1998 in Huntington. He was adopted by and lived

with his grandmother, Mabel Emogene.

She had a child with Chris Roberts, son of Dale Roberts and Sebrena Keller. Born 23 Sep 1975 in Huntington.:

ii. Alden Jerred [Roberts]. Born 16 Feb 2010 in Huntington.

372.i. Michael Keith[8] Honaker (Errol Keith[7], Keith Jewell[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 5 Jun 1964 at Ft. Bragg, Cumberland Co., N.C. In 2002 he was a computer plant supervisor; he and his family lived in El Dorado, Calif.

He married Sandra Louise Ochoa 26 Jul 1989 in El Dorado, Lake Tahoe Co., Calif. Born in 1968 in El Dorado. Children:

i. Lindsay Ann[9]. Born 24 Feb 1994 in Denver Colo.

ii. Emily Katheryn. Born 6 Mar 1998 in Folsom, Calif.

iii. Hailey Jewell. Born 20 Apr 2001 in Sacramento, Calif.

385.ii. Donal R.[8] Honaker (Hobert Alvin[7], Henry Sheridan[6], James Clark[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 6 Jul 1962 in Beckley, Raleigh Co., W.Va.

He married Patty Unknown. They divorced. Children:

i. Cody[9].

ii. Ian.

406.i. Charles Keith[8] Lavender (Ruth Oralea[7], Richard William[6], James Clark[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 29 Apr 1966.

He married Terri Unknown. Children:

i. Griffin[9].

ii. Grant.

iii. Luke.

iv. Olivia.

406.ii. Jan[8] Lavender (Ruth Oralea[7], Richard William[6], James Clark[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]).

She married Mark Arthur. Children:

i. John[9].

ii. Matthew.

420.iii. Nancy Lynn[8] Davis (James Lee[7], Lena Angeline[6], Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[l ]). Born 2 Feb 1961.

She married Ronnie K. Wright. Children:

i. Tiffany Denise[9].

ii. Christopher Lee.

432.i. Karen Leigh[8] Keaton (Ronald Louie[7], Berma Faye[6], Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 20 Oct 1956 in Hinton, W.Va. In 2015 she lived in Woodbridge, Va.

She married David Lind 28 Dec 1977. Children:

i. Michael David[9]. Born 20 Oct 1982. He married Danielle Unknown.

ii. Emily. She married David Cline.

434.i. Billie Gaye[8] Rodger (Nancy Carolyn[7], Robert Reid[6], Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 23 Apr 1954.

She married, first, Danny Brae Clark 8 Jun 1974. Children:

i. Ann[9].

ii. Brian.

She married, second, Unknown Hoover.

448.i. Jeffrey Griffith[8] Presley (Loretta Louise[7], Roy Lee[6], Thomas Andrew[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Children:

i. Keylee Alexis[9]. Born 16 Mar 1998 in Huntington, W.Va.

449.i. Thomas Andrew[8] Honaker (Roy Lee[7], Roy Lee[6], Thomas Andrew[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). See photograph. Born 23 Apr 1977 in Beckley, W.Va. In 2005 he was a Beckley dentist living in Daniels, W.Va. In 2010 he lived in Beckley.

He married Abby Don Patterson, daughter of Vernon Ralph Patterson and Monica Sue Smathers, 10 May 2000 in Rainelle, W.Va. Born 30 May 1978 in Beckley. Children:

i. Eden Leigh[9]. Born 10 Aug 2004 in Beckley, W.Va.

ii. Nathaniel Patterson. Born 15 Jan 2006 in Beckley.

iii. Gabriel Aaron (called Aaron). Born 17 Jun 2010 in Bluefield, W.Va.

iv. Andrew Patterson. Born 3 Dec 2011 in Bluefield.

449.ii. Todd Anthony[8] Honaker (Roy Lee[7], Roy Lee[6], Thomas Andrew[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 27 Aug 1978 in Beckley, W.Va. In 2005 he lived in Charleston, W.Va., where he was employed in retail sales.

West Virginia Gazette, Charleston, W.Va., 5 Mar 2013: Police charged a Roane County man with first-degree murder Friday when his wife died from two hits of LSD he allegedly gave to her. A Washington state chemist also was charged with murder Saturday after police said he manufactured and mailed the LSD strips to the couple.

Chad M. Renzelman, 32, of Kennewick, Wash., is accused of making eight LSD strips and mailing them to Todd Anthony Honaker, 34, of Left Hand, sometime before Friday, according to a criminal complaint filed in Roane County Magistrate Court. Honaker told police he bought eight hits of LSD from Renzelman to take himself and give to Renee, his wife. Renzelman is an old college friend, he said.

Renee Honaker, 30, and her husband allegedly took two hits of LSD each before Renee fell to the floor and began convulsing Friday. Sgt. M.W. Williams of the Roane County Sheriff’s Department was called to Honaker’s home at 7 p.m. in response to a woman who had apparently been poisoned. Officers entered the home and found Todd Honaker performing CPR on his wife, who lay unresponsive in the middle of the living room floor. Honaker told police his wife had only taken her regular medicine and drank a little wine that evening. He then became agitated and aggressive and told Sgt. Williams, “shoot me, just kill me,” according to the complaint.

At that point, Honaker was placed under arrest for the safety of others trying to revive his wife. He confessed in custody that he and his wife had taken the powerful psychedelic, according to the complaint. Renee Honaker was taken to CAMC General Hospital, where she died Friday. Todd Honaker was taken to Roane General Hospital for a mental hygiene evaluation and later released. He was arrested and charged with first-degree murder and delivery of a controlled substance Friday night. He is being held in the Central Regional Jail without bail.

Honaker told police that Renzelman addressed the LSD to him in an anniversary card. He allegedly threw the LSD and the card away in the trash before police and paramedics arrived. Williams told the Gazette Tuesday night that a family member told him the couple’s anniversary is much later in the year. The card was not relevant to any anniversary Williams is aware of, he said. Officers went to the trash outside and found an envelope containing four LSD strips with instructions on how to take them and the price owed for them, according to the complaint. Kennewick police searched Renzelman’s house Saturday and reportedly found materials used to manufacture LSD.

Roane County Prosecuting Attorney Josh Downey said Renzelman waived his right to an extradition hearing Tuesday. Downey said that Roane authorities now have 30 days to pick Renzelman up from Washington to face the West Virginia charges. Renzelman is charged with first-degree murder and delivery of a controlled substance in West Virginia. He’s also facing a delivery of a controlled substance charge in Washington. Renzelman was previously sentenced to probation after he was arrested for brewing an opium-based beer as a student at the University of California in Santa Cruz, according to Washington news outlets. Williams said Renzelman is a chemist at a nuclear power plant in Washington.

He married, first, Jessica Leigh Fitts, daughter of Michael Kevin Fitts and Trudy Ann Desaulnier, 7 Jun 1999 in Rochester, N.H. Born 29 Jun 1978 in Barrington, N.H. Children:

i. Julien Mason[9]. Born 10 May 2000 in Elizabethton, Tenn.

He married, second, Renee Nicole Cook, daughter of Larry Dennis Cook and Eugenia Mae Vance. Born 12 May 1983 in Charleston. Died 1 Mar 2013 in Charleston. Buried in J. Herbert Smith Family Cemetery, unknown place, West Virginia.

Taylor Funeral Home, Spencer, W.Va., 6 Mar 2013: Renee Nicole Honaker, 29, of Left Hand, died March 1, 2013, in the CAMC General Hospital, Charleston. She was born May 12, 1983 at Charleston, the daughter of Larry Dennis and Eugenia Mae Vance Cook of Left Hand. Renee was a homemaker and mother. She was a dog groomer at Pet Land. She was a graduate of Roane County High School. She enjoyed singing and animals, especially dogs. In addition to her parents, she is survived by her husband, Todd Honaker; daughters, Emily Prunty and Molly Honaker at home; half-brother, Larry D. Cook, Jr. of Tennessee; half-sister, Tammy Berringer of Arizona; maternal grandfather, Charles Vance of North Carolina; paternal grandmother, Juanita Cook of Left Hand; maternal aunts and uncles, Vickie and Mark Nettle of Clinton, Ohio, Ernie and Beck Vance of Dover, Ohio, Jerry and Cindy Persall of Akron, Ohio; paternal aunts and uncles, Shirley Tawney of Left Hand, Sharon and Jarrett Smith of Newton, Shelly and Larry Carper of Left Hand, Gary and Bonnie Cook of Left Hand; many cousins. She was preceded in death by a half-brother, Chad Vance; maternal grandmother, Bessie Vance Persall; paternal grandfather, Charles Cook. A funeral service will be held at 2 p.m. Fri., March 8, in the John H. Taylor Funeral Home, Spencer. Burial will be in the J. Herbert Smith, Sr. Family Cemetery, Vineyard Ridge. Friends may call from 6–8 p.m. Thursday.

450.i. Pamela Jean[8] Price (Phyllis Denise[7], Mattie Jean[6], Thomas Andrew[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 5 Feb 1969 in Hinton, Summers Co., W.Va.

She married Ed Murphy. Children:

i. Mattie[9].

ii. Georgia.

450.ii. Courtney Reigh [also Raleigh][8] Price (Phyllis Denise[7], Mattie Jean[6], Thomas Andrew[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 17 Apr 1981.

She married Jon Martin. Children:

i. Joanna[9].

ii. James.

452.i. James Gerald[8] Grimmett (James Melvin[7], Betty Jean[6], Frank Rickett[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 30 Dec 1977 in Blue Island, Ill. He graduated from Bremen High School, Midlothian, Ill., in 1996 and took a B.S. in Law Enforcement from Western Illinois University, Macomb, in 2001. In 2007 he was an officer with the Orland Park [Ill.] Police Dept.

He married Shilea Marie Haughian [Gaelic spelling of given name], daughter of Daniel George Haughian (born County Down, Ireland) and Geraldine T. Van Valkenburg (born Chicago, Ill.), 9 Nov 2006 in Boscobel, Jamaica. Born 17 Dec 1973 in Hinsdale, Ill. Children:

i. Kiera Marie[9]. Born 8 Jun 2007 in Hinsdale, Ill.

ii. Sydney Caelen. Born 14 May 2009 in Hinsdale.

453.i. Jamie Lynn[8] Wood (Barbara Jean[7], Betty Jean[6], Frank Rickett[5], Elliott Alexander[4], Isaac Madison[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 1 Dec 1981 in Blue Island, Ill. She graduated from Victor J. Andrew High School, Tinley Park, Ill., in 2000 where she was a varsity softball pitcher all four years. She took a B.S. in Mathematics and Secondary Education from Iowa Wesleyan College, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, in 2004, on a softball scholarship as a four-year starting pitcher for the IWC Tigers. She also took a Master of Education in Special Education from St. Xavier College, Chicago, in 2007. In the fall of 2004 she became a math teacher at Lincoln Way Central High School, New Lenox, Ill., and coach for the Freshman Girls Softball Team. In the fall of 2009 she transferred to the Lincoln Way West campus where she began teaching algebra and coaching Sophomore Girls Softball at the new Lincoln Way West High School in New Lenox. In 2012 she and her husband lived in Manhattan with their pit bull, Rogue.

She married Kurt Richard Ende, son of Bruce Harold Ende and Mary Ellen Heidenreich, 1 Nov 2008 at Zion Lutheran Church, Tinley Park, Cook Co., Ill. Born 25 Apr 1979 in Hinsdale, DuPage Co., Ill. Bruce Ende and his brother Gib shortened the family surname from Endecavagh in 1972. Kurt graduated from Lemont Twp. High School, Lemont, Cook, Co., Ill., in 1997. He took an Associate in Applied Science in Automotive Service Technology from the College of DuPage, Glen Ellyn, Ill., in 2001 and received multiple welding certifications. In 2009 he was a welder/mechanic at Panduit Corp., New Lenox.


i. Payson Nicole[9]. Stillborn 9 Sep 2010 at Metro South Hospital, formerly St. Francis Hospital, Blue Island, Ill. Buried in Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Tinley Park, Ill.

ii. Mesa Lynn. Born and died 20 Dec 2011 at Rush Hospital, Chicago, Ill. Buried in Zion Lutheran Cemetery.

493.i. Keri Lee[8] Gregerson (Teresa Lynn[7], Rowena Fay[6], Otto Russell[5], Bertha May[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Feb 1977 in Walla Walla, Wash.

She married Stephen Douglas Werhan (called Steve), son of Douglas Werhan and Marilynn Turner, 3 Dec 1995 in Pendleton, Ore. Born 26 Aug 1973 at Great Lakes Naval Training Base, Mich. They divorced. Children:

i. Daniel Lewis[9]. Born 28 Apr 1996 in Pendleton, Umatilla Co., Ore.

ii. Tiffani Sue. Born 30 Mar 1998 in Pendleton.

iii. Cierra Jordynn. Born 1 Nov 2000 in Pendleton.

493.ii. Jeremiah Jens[8] Gregerson (Teresa Lynn[7], Rowena Fay[6], Otto Russell[5], Bertha May[4], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]). Born 12 Aug 1979 in Pendleton, Umatilla Co., Ore.

He married Daisy Hendershot. Children:

i. Levi James[9]. Born 12 May 2000(?).

ii. Emily Jean. Born 24 Feb 2003(?).

552. Betty Lou[8] Honaker (Clayton Tabler[7], George Styrus[6], Marsheen Tabler[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 24 Mar 1941 in Dunbar, W.Va. She took a B.A. from Marshall University, Huntington, W.Va., and an M.A. from West Virginia University, Morgantown. She became a teacher. In 2001 she and her husband lived in Potomac, Md. In 2004 they had homes in Chevy Chase, Md., and Naples, Fla.

She married Vito Michael Esposito 18 Jan 1960 in Dunbar. He took a B.S. from Marshall and an M.S. and Ph.D. from West Virginia University. In 2001 he was is a health care professional. Children:

i. Anne Elizabeth[9]. Born 22 Jan 1970 in Washington, D.C. She took a B.A. from the University of Delaware, Newark, an M.P.H. from Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md., and was a presidential management intern. In 2004 she lived in Bethesda, Md. In 2002 she was a past president of Women in Government Relations, Washington, D.C., and treasurer of Women as Leaders, its philanthropic arm.

552. ii. Lesli Christine. Born 24 Jul 1973 in Miami, Fla.

553. Howard Lee[7] Honaker Jr. (called Junior) (Howard Lee[7], George Styrus[6], Marsheen Tabler[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). In 2004 he lived in Dunbar, W.Va.


iii. Kelly D.

554. John Howard[8] Jarrett (Eugenia Ruth[7], George Styrus[6], Marsheen Tabler[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 30 Sep 1961 in South Charleston, W.Va. In 2004 he lived with his family in Cross Lanes, Kanawha Co., W.Va.

He married Susan Michele Riggleman, daughter of Sherwood Clyde Riggleman and Nora Elizabeth Flanagan, 20 Sep 1986 in Cross Lanes. Born 13 Jun 1962 in Elkins, W.Va. Children:

i. Christen Michele[9]. Born 17 Dec 1991 in Charleston, W.Va.

ii. Jonathan Chase (called Chase). Born 4 Sep 1996 in Charleston.

iii. Joshua Cole (called Josh). Born 21 Sep 1998 in Charleston.

555. Marilyn Faye[8] Landers (Eugenia Ruth[7], George Styrus[6], Marsheen Tabler[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 14 Jan 1941 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. She graduated from Stonewall Jackson High School, Charleston, in 1957; there she was business manager of the Jacksonian, the yearbook, was a member of the National Honor Society and a number of clubs. She took a B.S. in Education, majoring in Spanish and French, from West Virginia State College, Institute, W.Va., in 1961; an M.A. in Spanish, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 1964 (and while there had a graduate assistantship); 33 graduate hours in Spanish and Education, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa (the Education credits included counseling and guidance with the goal of better helping her Spanish students); She was president of Sigma Delta Pi, National Spanish Honor Society, and President of Spanish Club while at West Virginia State College; and was president of Woodland Forrest Elementary School, her childrens’ elementary school, Parent Teachers Association in Tuscaloosa, 1974-75. In 2015 she lived in Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa Co., Ala. She was a teacher.

She married Edward Davis Terry, son of William Jefferson Terry and Venola NMN Davis, 5 Apr 1963 in Knoxville, Tenn. Born 19 May 1927 in Eclectic, Elmore Co., Ala. He took two degrees from the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa; and a Ph.d. in Romance Languages from University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.


i. Kathleen Faye[9]. Born 14 Jan 1967in Tuscaloosa.

ii. Edward Davis, Jr. Born 27 Jun 1970 in Tuscaloosa. He was a National Merit Scholar, and was

Volunteer of the Year at his church in Atlanta. He was an Eagle Scout, winning the 1985-86 Rob Cabell Award; won a second place trophy for the 1981 and 1982 YMCA soccer teams; and a 1988 A.C.C.E. Regional Computer Fair Team Programming.

556. Bernice Lucille[8] Landers (called Lucy) (Elvie Gayle[7], Grace Myrtle[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1].) Born 14 Sep 1940 in Richmond, Va. Died 20 Jul 2009. Buried in Signal Hill Memorial Park, unknown city, Virginia.

Richmond [Va.] Times-Dispatch, 22 Jul 2009: Lucille L. Arrowood, 68, of Aylett, passed away on Mon., July 20, 2009. She attended Atlee Community Church faithfully for the last two years. She is survived by her loving husband of over 49 years, Dairl E. Arrowood Sr.; children, Terry Lynne Arrowood Jr. and husband, Walter “Bucky,” Rhonda Marrett and husband, Greg, Dairl Arrowood Jr. and wife, Wendy; grandchildren, Tiffany Linick and husband, Brian, Amanda Arrowood, Drake Marrett, and Dylan Arrowood; brother, Dennis Landers and wife, Rossy; sisters, Sarah Bishop and Tina Smith and husband, Mike; as well as many other loving family and friends. The family will receive friends from 5 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at the Mechanicsville Chapel, Bennett Funeral Home, 8014 Lee-Davis Road, where funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. on Thursday. Interment will follow at Signal Hill Memorial Park.

She married Dairl Edward Arrowood (called Dairl), son of William McCoy Arrowood and Viola Maggie Shean, 16 Jan 1960 in Oak Hall Baptist Church, Sandston, Henrico Co., Va. Born 23 May 1941 in High Point, N.C. In 2001 he was an employee of Wal-Mart, Inc., a national department superstore chain. Children:

i. Terry Lynne[9]. Born 12 Jan 1962 in Richmond. She married Walter Monroe Ramsey Jr. (called

Bucky), son of Walter Monroe Ramsey and Virginia Mae Sylvia, 17 May 1980 in Oak Hall Baptist Church, Oak Hall, Henrico Co., Va. Born 26 Mar 1960 in Richmond. There were no children as of 2001.

556. ii. Rhonda Lea. Born 1 Jul 1964.

556. iii. Dairl E., Jr. (called Bubba). Born 28 Jun 1965.

557. Dennis Gayle[8] Landers (called Dennis) (Elvie Gayle[7], Grace Myrtle[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1].) Born 6 Aug 1953 in Richmond, Va. In 2001 he was a mechanical engineer with Florida Power & Light Co., Hanover Co., Va.

He married Rosamaria Jimenez Arroniz (called Rosie), daughter of Jose Luis Jimenez Flores and Amelia Arroniz Morgado, 12 Jun 1978 in Moloacan, Veracruz, Mexico. Born 9 Nov 1952 in Cordoba, Veracruz, Mexico. Children:

i. Doris Amelia[9] (called Amy). Born 10 Oct 1983 in Richmond.

ii. Denise Gail (called Denise). Born 18 Apr 1988 in Richmond.

558. Tina Louise[8] Landers (called Tina) (Elvie Gayle[7], Grace Myrtle[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1].) Born 30 Apr 1961 in Richmond, Va. In 2001 she lived with her family in New Kent, Va., and was a legal secretary with Hunton & Williams, Richmond.

She married Michael Ray Smith (called Mike), son of Morris Raymond Smith and Lucy Gladys Johns, 14 Jun 1980 in Antioch Baptist Church, Sandston, Henrico Co., Va. Born 15 Dec 1955 in Richmond. In 2001 he was an electrician with Hudson-Perkins Electric Co., Richmond. Children:

i. Justin Ray[9]. Born 31 Jul 1984 in Richmond.

ii. Austin Ray. Born 20 Aug 1992 in Richmond.

565. Jimmy Allen[8] Stewart (Mary Josephine[7], Opie Alton[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 16 Mar 1959 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Died before 2013. He lived in Dry Ridge, Grant Co., Ky.

He married Melissa Kay Unknown 13 Sep 1978. Children:

i. Jimmy[9].

ii. Jennifer.

566. Renona Jean[8] Scarberry (Mary Josephine[7], Opie Alton[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 25 Aug 1965 in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 2013 she lived in Falmouth, Pendleton Co., Ky.

She married, first, Gregory Houp 18 Jun 1983. Children:

i. Gregory[9].

ii. Jeffrey.

She married, second, Unknown Perry.

573. Regina Renee[8] Honaker (Willard Eugene[7], Opie Alton[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1].) Born 26 Aug 1971 in Cincinnati, Ohio.

She married Arthur Mikles III 17 Aug 1991 in Batavia, Clermont Co., Ohio. Born ca. 1968. Children:

i. Michael Shaun[9]. Born ca. 1988.

ii. Ashley.

578. Wendolyn Kay[8] Smith (called Wendy) (Mabel Emogene[7], William Woodrow[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1].) Born 13 Sep 1955 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. In 1992 she lived in Broken Arrow, Okla. In 2016 she lived in Methuen, Essex Co., Mass., where she was director of Living Word Missions.

She married Russell John Tatro, son of Kent Ivan Tatro and Rosalie Jane Sorensen, 12 Aug 1978 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio. Born 31 Jul 1954 in Bruce (also reported as Ladysmith), Rusk Co., Wisc. Died 1 Jun 2006 in Methuen, Mass. Buried in Methuen. Children (in 2016 they lived in Methuen where they worked with Living Word Missions.):

i. Rebbeka Kay[9]. Born 11 Aug 1986 (also 1987) in the mission fields of Guatemala City,

Guatemala. In Jun 2016 she was engaged to Ethan Mario Fernandez, with the wedding scheduled 2 Sep 2016 near Boston, Mass.

ii. Elizabeth Kay. Born 27 Jan 1989 in the mission fields of Paynesville, Liberia.

579. Jennifer Lynn[8] Smith (Mabel Emogene[7], William Woodrow[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1].) Born 7 Feb 1964 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio. In 2016 she lived in Ona, Cabell Co., W.Va.

She married Jerry Clay Chapman Jr., son of the Rev. Jerry Clay Chapman Sr. and Zelphia Galena Gue, 3 Sep 1983 in Huntington, Cabell Co., W.Va. Born 6 Jun (also reported as 9 Jun) 1959 in Huntington. Died 7 Sep 2004 in Wayne Co., W.Va. Buried in Herrenkohl Cemetery, Cabell Co., W.Va.

An obituary appeared in The Herald-Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va. Children:

579. i. Emily Jean[9]. Born 23 Aug 1984 in Huntington.

580. Leigh Ann[8] Honaker (Errol Keith[7], Keith Jewell[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 18 Feb 1967 at Ft. Campbell, Ky. In 1993 she and her family lived in Sacramento, Calif. In 2001 they lived in New Buffalo, Mich. She was then a travel agent.

She married Robert Anthony Cosgrove (called Bob), son of John Anthony Cosgrove and Virginia Marie Erxleben,

2 Oct 1993 in Sacramento, Calif. Born 16 Aug 1967 in Chicago, Ill. Died 28 Sep 2013. Buried in Willard Grove Cemetery, Channahon, Ill. In 2002 he owned a pleasure boat company.

Chicago [Ill.] Tribune, 30 Sep 2013: Robert A. Cosgrove, 46, late of Channahon, passed away suddenly Sat., Sept. 28, 2013. Survived by his loving family; his wife, Leigh Ann (nee Honaker); a son Jake; two daughters, Kelsie and Sophie; his parents, John and Virginia Cosgrove; four brothers, John (Julie), Tim (Denise), Tom (Amy), Marty (Adrienne) and a sister, Gingie (Brian) Dalbke; his mother-in-law Harriett (the late Errol “Buck” Honaker; a brother-in-law Michael (Sandie) Honaker; numerous aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins also survive. Robert was operations manager for Cosgrove Construction. He was very active in his community. He enjoyed spending time with his family and many close friends whether at sporting events or just relaxing while camping, fishing or boating. He was known for his crazy humor that would always make you laugh and smile. In lieu of flowers, memorials to the Cosgrove Children Fund at BMO Harris Bank would be appreciated. Family will receive friends and the Kurtz Memorial Chapel, 102 E. Francis Rd., New Lenox IL 60451 on Thurs., Oct. 3, 2013 from 2–8 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial on Fri., Oct. 4, 2013 at St. Ann Catholic Church, Channahon, Ill., at 11 a.m. Interment Willard Grove Cemetery, Channahon, Ill. For info. 815-485-3200 or


i. Jacob Robert[9]. Born 15 Jan 1995 in Sacramento. He weighed 10 lb. 4-oz. and was 22.5-in.,

duplicating his grandfather Errol’s birth statistics.

ii. Kelsie Grace. Born 1 Apr 1997 in Sacramento.

iii. Sophia Adaline (called Sophie). Born 14 Aug 2000 in New Buffalo, Mich.

581. Wrenn Elizabeth[8] Honaker (John David[7], Keith Jewell[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). She took a degree from Pepperdine College of Law, Malibu, Calif. In 2001 she and her family lived in Beverly Hills, Calif.

She married William Frederick Chais (called Bill), son of Stanley Alvin Chais and Pamela Herbert, 19 Oct 1991 in Malibu, Los Angeles Co., Calif. Born 23 Aug 1962 in Long Island, New York. He is also a lawyer. Children:

i. Madeline Celia[9]. Born 21 Jul 1992 in Los Angeles, Calif. She is a blue-eyed redhead.

ii. Chloe Frances. Born 19 Feb 1994 in Los Angeles. She is a redhead.

iii. Jonathan Wolf. Born 11 Nov 1996 in Los Angeles.

582. Laura Anne[8] Honaker (John David[7], Keith Jewell[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). She graduated from Ft. Worth Christian High School, North Richland Hills, Texas, in 1982. In high school she was on the volleyball and basketball teams, played softball and soccer, was baseball manager, was active in Dance, Art Club, and Pep Club. She took a B.S. in Education, Texas Christian University (TCU), Ft. Worth, Texas, in 1986. In college she was a member and officer of Delta Delta Delta social sorority and received a Texas Future Teachers Education Grant in 1985. She received teacher certification in elementary education, kindergarten and gifted education. She took an M.Ed. (Master of School Administration) from TCU in 1995. She was a first grade teacher at Oakwood Terrace Elementary School, Euless, Texas, 1986-1992; kindergarten teacher at South Euless Elementary School, Euless, 1993-1994; Learning Enrichment Academic Program (LEAP) facilitator (teaching gifted and talented) kindergarten through fifth grades, Lewisville, Texas, 1996-2001; and became a stay-at-home mom at Flower Mound, Texas, from 2001 to present [2002.] She was school nominee for Sallie Mae New Teacher of the Year in 1987. She was active in the Parent-Teacher Association, Teacher and Parent Partnership (TAPP) (private school parent-teacher group) member and officer, and vice president of Stafford Estates Home Owners Association, Flower Mound, Texas. In 2002 she and her family lived in Flower Mound, where her interests included reading, crafts, skiing, family, camping, musicals and plays. She also volunteered with Santa U.S.A., a non-profit holidays-focused organization that Laura said makes the world a little brighter. Volunteers dressed as Santa, Mrs. Claus, Frosty the Snowman (Laura’s favorite role), Rudolph, elves, etc., and visited schools, hospitals, and nursing homes.

She married Michael Henry Lane, son of Myron Frederick Lane Jr. and Elizabeth Marie Smith, 2 Jul 1988 in Ft. Worth, Tarrant Co., Texas. Born 5 Aug 1965 in Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y. He graduated from Kingston High School in 1983. In high school he was active in wrestling, soccer and baseball. He took a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Northeastern University, Boston, Mass., in 1988. He was an electrical engineer at International Business Machines (IBM) in Kingston from 1983-1985; an electrical engineer at Engineering Planning & Management (EPM), Ft. Worth, Texas, 1986-1988; an electrical and software design engineer, General Dynamics Corp., Ft. Worth, 1988-1991; software and procurement engineer, Engineering Planning & Management (EPM), Port St. Lucie, Fla., 1991-1993; senior software engineer/project manager, Industrial International, Flower Mound, Texas, 1993-2000; and senior software consultant, Olav & Co., Flower Mound, 2000 to present [2002.] He was active in the Parent-Teacher Association and TAPP; in 2002 his interests included reading, camping, skiing and horseback riding. Children:

i. Carson Elizabeth[9]. Born 29 Mar 1990 in Ft. Worth.

ii. Peyton Mikell(f). Born 2 Dec 1995 in Charlotte, N.C.

587. Flora Caroline[8] Woolwine (called Carol) (Mary Elizabeth[7], Henry Sheridan[6], James Clark[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 25 Mar 1948 at her Grandparents Henry and Violet Honaker’s home in Page, Fayette Co., W.Va. In 2000 she lived in Springfield, Ohio.

She married Charles James Stover. Children:

i. Kimberly[9].

ii. Chuckie.

iii. Tracy.

591. Shirley Drusilla[8] Honaker (Howard Lee[7], Elsie Arthur[6], James Clark[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 12 Jun 1952 at home in Rensford, Kanawha Co., W.Va. In 1994 she lived in Campbells Creek, W.Va.

She married, first, David Lee Hutchinson 25 May 1973. They divorced 18 May 1982. Born 3 Oct 1952. Children:

i. David Christopher[9]. Born 28 Jan 1976 in Kanawha Co., W.Va. He married Stephanie Unknown.

She married, second, Charles Mullins.

592. Darlena Kaye[8] Honaker (Howard Lee[7], Elsie Arthur[6], James Clark[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 27 Jul 1953 at McMillan Hospital, Charleston, W.Va. Died 30 Aug 1994 in Hurricane, W.Va. Buried in Elk Hills Memorial Park, Big Chimney, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 1 Sep 1994: Darlena K. Strickland, 41, of Bancroft, died Aug. 30, 1994, in Putnam General Hospital, Hurricane, after a short illness. She was an eight-year resident of Bancroft and a member of Bancroft Church of God Mission. Surviving: husband, Steve Strickland; daughter, Angela N. Strickland at home; sons, Stephen H. of Huntington, Brandon L. at home; parents, Howard and Elizabeth Honaker of Campbells Creek; sisters, Shirley Mullins and Helen Moles, both of Campbells Creek. Service will be 11 a.m. Friday at Bancroft Church of God Mission, with the Rev. James F. Arthur officiating. Burial will be in Elk Hills Memorial Park, Big Chimney. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. today at Gatens Funeral Home, Poca, and one hour prior to service at the church Friday.

She married Ronald Steven Strickland (called Steve), son of Loatha Joyce Unknown, 25 May 1974 in Dunbar, W.Va. Born 18 Jan 1955 at McMillan Hospital, Charleston. Children:

i. Stephen Howard[9]. Born 23 Sep 1974.

ii. Angela Nichole. Born 4 Apr 1981.

iii. Brandon Lewis. Born 9 Sep 1989.

593. Helen Karen[8] Honaker (Howard Lee[7], Elsie Arthur[6], James Clark[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 17 Sep 1954 at McMillan Hospital, Charleston, W.Va. In 1994 she lived Campbells Creek, W.Va. Her mother’s obituary said there was a deceased great-grandson, Luke Thompson, perhaps a son of Donny, below.

She married, first, Gary Roy Thompson 25 May 1975. They divorced 1980. Children:

i. Addonis Roy[9] (called Donnie). Born 13 Mar 1979 in Kanawha Valley Memorial Hospital, Charleston.

She married, second, Billy Raymond Moles 3 Sep 1982. Children:

ii. Michael Allen. Born 19 Dec 1989 in Presbyterian Hospital, Charlotte, Mecklenburg Co., N.C.

600. Clifford Lee[8] Honaker (Edward Allen[7], Elsie Arthur[6], James Clark[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 22 Jul 1961 in Alton [Ill.] Memorial Hospital.

He married Jane Marie Prater, daughter of Eric Prater and Shirley Boyd, 22 Nov 1986. Born 28 Feb 1964 in Southside Hospital, Cape Girardeau, Girardeau Co., Mo. Died 13 May 2016 in Alton, Ill.

The Telegraph, Alton, Ill., 19 May 2016: Jane Marie (Prater) Honaker, “Plain Jane,” 52, went home to our Heavenly Father 10 a.m. on Fri., May 13, 2016, at Alton Memorial Hospital. She was born on Feb. 28, 1964, in Cape Girardeau, Mo., to Shirley Boyd and Eraic Prater, both of whom preceded her in passing. Jane was also preceded in death by her brothers Ronald Prater and James (Jimbo) Prater. She is survived by her sister, Sandy Berkers (Chris) of Wisconsin; brothers, Donny Prater and Rick Prater, both of Alton. Jane is also survived by four daughters, Misty Prater (Jason) of Moro, April Brakeville (Joseph) of Alton, Arielle Bozarth (Chase) of Alton, and Arica Blair of Alton. Jane is also survived by five grandchildren, Misty’s children, Ana and Grant Davis; April’s sons, Joseph and Thomas Brakeville, and Arielle’s son, Hunter Bozarth. She is also survived by nephews, Michael Hamel and Lance Prater, and by nieces Miranda Meyers and Emily Berkers. Visitation is to be held from 1–4 p.m., Sat., May 21, 2016, at Staten-Fine Funeral Home in Alton. Memorials may be made to Staten-Fine Funeral Home for funeral expenses.


600. i. April Jeanette[9]. Born 29 Apr 1988 in Alton.

600. ii. Arielle Ann Marie. Born 13 Dec 1990 in Alton.

600. iii. Misty.

iv. Arica. She married Unknown Blair.

635. Sara Beth[8] Honaker (Ronald Lee[7], Bert Pauline[6], Samuel Hayes[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). See photographs. Born 2 Apr 1964 in Huntington, W.Va. She graduated from Barboursville [W.Va.] High School in 1982; St. Mary’s School of Nursing, Huntington, 1986; and took a B.S. in Nursing, Marshall University, Huntington, in 1998. She was a registered nurse at St. Mary’s Hospital, Huntington, before becoming a full-time homemaker. In 2002 she was an active member of Faith Bible Church, Barboursville, and its jail ministry. In 2007 she and her family lived in Barboursville, W.Va., where her interests included her family, reading, and the outdoors, especially the West Virginia mountains.

She married David Summers Ratliff, son of Roy Summers Ratliff and Betty Lea Byrd, 9 Sep 1989 in Huntington. Born 22 Aug 1960 in Ironton, Ohio. He graduated from Ironton High School in 1978; took a B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Cincinnati [Ohio] in 1982; an M.D. from the Marshall University School of Medicine, 1986; and completed surgery residency at Marshall University and affiliated hospitals, 1991. In 2002 he was board certified in surgery and critical care, employed as a general surgeon, Marshall University School of Medicine. He was a Fellow of American College of Surgeons and member of Faith Bible Church. In 2002 his interests included golf, skiing and reading. Children:

i. David Nathaniel[9]. Born 3 Jan 1992 in Huntington.

ii. John Summers. Born 20 Jul 1994 in Huntington.

iii. Christian Honaker. Born 19 Apr 1996 in Huntington.

640. Irvin Stanford[8] Maddy Jr. (called Stan) (Madge Marie[7], Clara Rebecca[7], Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 19 Jan 1940. In 2013 he lived in Hinton, W.Va.

He married Luisa Victoria Garcia (called Vicky). Children:

i. Jennifer Lynn[9] (adopted). Reported as Tisha by her Grandmother Marie in History of Summers County [W.Va.], 1984, and shown as Trisha in her grandmother’s obituary. Born 31 Mar 1970.

ii. John Stanford. Born 7 Jul 1974.

641. Thomas Lynn[8] Maddy (Madge Marie[7], Clara Rebecca[7], Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 13 May 1941. In 2013 he lived in Hinton, W.Va.

He married Bernice Louise Hickman (called Louise).

649. William Cary[8] Boyd (called Chuck) (Mary Janis[7], Jesse Cary[6], Oscar Truman[5], Andrew Hardin[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 7 Mar 1949.

He married, first, Jill Jensen 13 Aug 1970. Children:

i. Natalie Michelle[9]. Born 13 Oct 1974.

He married, second, Darlene Unknown and had a second child, mother not reported:

ii. Matthew.

Ninth Generation

7.ii.i.i.i.i.i.i. Lula Mae[9] Copenhaver (Margaret Virginia[8], Walker Coleman[7], William[6], John Henry[5], Bessie[4], Charles Kenneth[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]).

She married William Martin Bailey. Children:

i. Walter Martin[10].

7.iii.iii.v.iii.ii.ii.i. Christine Marie[9] Peterson (Judy Marie[8], Claudine[7], Claude Milton[6], John James[5], James Milton[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 22 May 1979 in Coos Co., Ore.

She had a son with Chad Grimm:

i. Tyler Mark[10] [Grimm.] Born 6 Sep 1998 in Spokane, Wash.

ii. Zachery Paul [Grimm.] Born 24 Mar 2001.

7.iii.iv.iv.i.ii.i.i. Christopher Shawn Norman[9] Sapriken (Norman[8], Elsie Margaret[7], Virginia Jean[6], Eugenie[5], Sarah Anne[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 7 Aug 1975 in Prince Rupert, British Columbia.

He had a child with Amber Holowchak. Born ca. 1976. Children:

i. Kristian Hardy[10] [Holowchak-Sapriken]. Born 3 Nov 1995.

7.iii.iv.iv.i.ii.i.ii. Daniel Lee Arnold[9] Sapriken (Norman[8], Elsie Margaret[7], Virginia Jean[6], Eugenie[5], Sarah Anne[4], Mary Frances[3], Sarah[2], Frederick[1]). Born 12 Jan 1977 in Peace River, Alberta, Canada.

He had a child with Roxanne Repkow. Born ca. 1981. Children:

i. Chandler Norman Ron Sapriken[10] [Repkow]. Born 19 Sep 1998 in Edmonton, Alberta.

8.i.vii.i.i.ii.i.i. Larry Thomas[9] Pridemore Jr. (Larry Thomas[8], Mable Irene[7], Frederick Collins[6], Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 29 Apr 1956 in Ansted, Fayette Co., W.Va.

He married Leigh Betenbaugh in Georgia. Born in Georgia. Children:

i. Erin Nicole[10]. Born 23 Jan 1985 in Georgia.

ii. Matthew. Born 9 Jul 1987 in Georgia.

iii. Tyler. Born 15 Jan 1990 in Georgia.

iv. Jamie. Born 10 Feb 1992 in Georgia.

8.i.vii.i.i.ii.i.ii. Kirk Allen[9] Pridemore (Larry Thomas[8], Mable Irene[7], Frederick Collins[6], Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 28 Mar 1959.

He married Lisa Beeson in Ansted, Fayette Co., W.Va. Children:

i. Logan[10]. Born 5 May 1993.

8.i.vii.i.i.ii.i.iii. Kathy[9] Pridemore (Larry Thomas[8], Mable Irene[7], Frederick Collins[6], Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 5 Apr 1961 in Ansted, Fayette Co., W.Va.

She married Kim Eades in Ansted. Born in Ansted. Children:

i. Kelli Marie[10]. Born 10 Feb 1982.

ii. Kristi Kim. Born 29 Jul 1984.

8.i.vii.i.i.ii.iii.i. Sonia Elizabeth Carmita[9] Fox (Stanley Lee[8], Mable Irene[7], Frederick Collins[6], Minnie Mae[5], Rachel Florence Annie[4], Amanda Jane[3], Rachel[2], Frederick[1]). Born 29 Jun 1968.

She married Fred Fuller 8 Sep 1996 in Gainesville, Ga. Children:

i. Jacob Dillard[10]. Shoni Rachael[9] Williamson (Vickie Lee[8], Marvin Lee[7], Roe Ralph[6], David Aude[5], Thomas Allen[4], Henry S.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 6 Sep 1979 in Gillette, Wyo. In 2008 she lived in New Orleans, La.

She married James Buller in 2005 in New Orleans. Children:

i. Leah Claire[10]. Born 20 Oct 2005 in New Orleans.

ii. Aubry James. Born 11 May 2007 in New Orleans.

38.iii.i.ii.i.ii. Sheryl Lynn[9] Brown (Edna Mae[8], Mabel Blanch[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 4 Aug 1967.

She married Carl Henry Pierce III 7 May 1988. Children:

i. Lindsey Nicole[l0]. Born 17 Oct 1989.

ii. Katlyn.

38.iii.i.ii.iii.i. Teresa Ann[9] Grimmett (James Clyde[8], Mabel Blanch[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 2 Nov 1956.

She married, first, Luther Bragg 25 May 1972. Born 11 Nov 1952. They divorced. Children:

i. Chris[l0]. Born 29 Sep 1972.

ii. Michelle. Born 11 Aug 1975.

iii. Amy. Born 9 May 1979. She married Mark Crawford 9 Sep 1998. Born 9 May 1979.

She married, second, James Mann 29 Dec 1990. Born 7 Oct 1951.

38.iii.i.ii.iii.ii. Donna Marie[9] Grimmett (James Clyde[8], Mabel Blanch[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 4 Jun 1959.

She married Walter Lee 21 Oct 1989. They divorced. Children:

i. Joshua[10]. Born 30 Dec 1994.

38.iii.i.iii.i.ii. Sharon Marie[9] Wells (Eula Mae[8], Nomma Marie[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 24 Dec 1958.

She married, first, Unknown Lam. Children:

i. Michael Shawn[10]. Born 29 May 1980.

ii. Kevin Lee. Born 14 Feb 1984.

She married, second, Donald M. Harris 30 Jun 1989. Born 12 Apr 1955. Children:

iii. Skyler James. Born 23 Jul 1990.

38.iii.i.iii.i.iii. Debra Lyn[9] Wells (Eula Mae[8], Nomma Marie[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 26 Dec 1959.

She married, first, Unknown St. Clair. Children:

i. Phillip Curtis[10]. Born 1 Jan 1979.

ii. Kristin Lynn. Born 18 Sep 1981.

She married, second, Unknown Lindley. Children:

iii. Joshua Kenneth. Born 26 Dec 1985.

iv. Justin Lee. Born 26 Dec 1987.

She married, third, Unknown Livery. Children:

v. Travis Wayne. Born 7 Jun 1991.

38.iii.i.iv.i.i. Drema Kay[9] Fleshman (Ruth Arlene[8], Maude Arlene[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 15 May 1953.

She married, first, Paul Meadows in Jun 1971. Born 4 Nov 1950. They divorced.

She married, second, Ronald Cyrus 22 Oct 1976. Born 12 May 1935. Children:

38.iii.i.iv.i.i. i. Tamara Georgette[10]. Born 6 or 7 Jan 1978.

38.iii.i.iv.i.ii. Helen Marie[9] Fleshman (Ruth Arlene[8], Maude Arlene[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 7 Feb 1956.

She married, first, David Coughlin 21 Sep 1974. Born 13 Feb 1952. They divorced. Children:

i. Curtis Eugene[10]. Born 28 Jun 1981.

ii. Christine Marie. Born 20 Feb 1987.

She married, second, Fred Surbaugh 6 Mar 1995. Born 4 May 1940. Died 8 Aug 1998.

38.iii.i.iv.i.iii. Gary Wayne[9] Fleshman (Ruth Arlene[8], Maude Arlene[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 20 Aug 1959.

He married Mary Blanche Midkiff 31 Mar 1984 or 1985. Born 21 Apr 1961. She brought two children to the marriage which Gary adopted:

i. Amanda Dawn[l0]. Born 30 Aug 1980.

ii. Branda Rena (called Brandy). Born 24 May 1983.

38.iii.i.iv.i.iv. Charles Dowe[9] Fleshman (Ruth Arlene[8], Maude Arlene[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 27 Nov 1968.

He married Katherine Farley 25 Jun 1994. Born 24 Dec 1971. Children:

i. Jacob Alan[10]. Born 8 May 1997.

38.iii.i.iv.ii.i. Oliver Jennings[9] Ward (Frances Louise[8], Maude Arlene[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 25 Jun 1961.

He married Sharon Wright 1 May 1983. Born 27 Feb 1963. She brought one child to the marriage, who was adopted by Oliver:

i. Ivan Gill[10]. Born 26 Sep 1980. Died in May 1999.

Oliver and Sharon had one child:

ii. Jennifer Dawn. Born 7 Feb 1983.

38.iii.i.iv.ii.ii. Hobert Lemeul[9] Ward (called Dino) (Frances Louise[8], Maude Arlene[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 7 Jan 1964.

He married Kimberly Ward 23 Sep 1989. Born 17 Jun 1970. Children:

i. Elizabeth Ashley[10]. Born 29 Jun 1993.

ii. Kelly (twin). Born 11 Jan 1996.

iii. Shelly (twin). Born 11 Jan 1996.

38.iii.i.iv.ii.iv. Harvey Wayne[9] Ward (called Wayne) (Frances Louise[8], Maude Arlene[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2), Frederick[1]). Born 4 May 1968.

He married Patricia Richmond 1 Oct 1994. Born 10 Jan 1974. Children:

i. Nicole[10]. Born 8 Mar 1996.

38.iii.i.iv.iii.i. Stephen Lee[9] Furrow (Betty Eloise[8], Maude Arlene[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 23 Aug 1959.

He married Delda Delynn Sims 16 May 1981. Born 9 Sep 1949. Children:

i. Shannon Lynn[10]. Born 13 Nov 1985.

ii. Christopher John. Born 23 Oct 1987.

38.iii.i.v.ii.i. Ronnie Lee[9] Massey (Phyllis Jean[8], Dessie Mae[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Mar 1962.

He married Nalta Palmer 10 Aug 1985. Born 25 Nov 1955. Children:

i. Ryan[10]. Born 21 Dec 1987. Douglas Wayne[9] Peyton (Gloria Ann[8], Mildred Pauline[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 10 Dec 1962.

He married Lisa Ann Arnold 10 Jul 1992. Born 10 Jul 1967. Children:

i. Matthew Steven[10]. Born 17 Dec 1994. Gary Dale[9] Peyton (Gloria Ann[8], Mildred Pauline[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 19 Dec 1964.

He married Laurie Lynn Reynolds 15 Oct 1994. Born 29 Oct 1961. She brought one child to the marriage, Jennifer [Reynolds], born 8 Apr 1982. Children (of Gary and Laurie):

i. Ashley[10]. Born 19 Sep 1996. Terri Lynn[9] Martin (Robert Lee[8], Mildred Pauline[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 24 Dec 1964.

She married Lewis Edgar Austin 20 Jul 1985. Born 21 Oct 1957. Children:

i. Ashley Nicole[10]. Born 4 Sep 1987.

ii. Eric Daniel. Born 12 Apr 1992. Vicki Jean[9] Martin (Robert Lee[8], Mildred Pauline[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 6 Jul 1968.

She married David Lee Thomas Jr. 17 Oct 1992. Born 22 Apr 1968. Children:

i. David L., III [10]. Born 20 Jan 1997. Tanya Lee[9] Martin (Larry Wayne[8], Mildred Pauline[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 27 Aug 1969.

She married Phillip Wayne Reece 27 Oct 1991. Born 27 Jul 1966. Children:

i. Claire Kennedy[10]. Born 4 Mar 1995. Lori Ann[9] Martin (Larry Wayne[8], Mildred Pauline[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 14 Jun 1973.

She married Scott Graham 9 Mar 1996. Born 14 Nov 1968. Children:

i. Amanda Elizabeth[10]. Born 5 Sep 1996.

38.iii.i.vii.i.i. Bryan Lewis[9] Adkins (Linda Sue[8], Melvin Samuel[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 11 Oct 1973.

He married Andrea Crook 1 Jul 1995. Born 20 Nov 1976. Children:

i. Mikayla Brooke[10]. Born 15 May 1997.

59.i.iii.i.i.i. Robert Morris[9] Liebherr (Carol Lyn[8], Robert Morris[7], Jean Frances[6], Goldie Hazel[5], John Irvin[5], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]. Born 31 May 1985.

He married Taryn Unknown. Children:

i. Ayianna[10]. Born 28 Oct 2013.

59.i.iii.i.ii.i. Rebecca Elaine[9] Butts (Lori Ann[8], Robert Morris[7], Jean Frances[6], Goldie Hazel[5], John Irvin[5], Charles Morgan[3], John H.[2], Frederick[1]. Born 30 Oct 1992.

She married Unknown Andrade. Children:

i. Jordan Robert-Raul[10]. Born 3 Aug 2011.

107.ix.i.i. Raquel Joann[9] Vera (Sheilah Marcella[8], Sparrel Hansford[7], Sparrel Hansford[6], Charles Edward[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 31 Dec 1979 in Apple Valley, San Bernardino Co., Calif. In 2009 she lived in Reno, Nev., where she was employed at Kidding Around Day Care.

She married Randy Ford. Children:

i. Dakota[10]. Born 25 Mar 2000 in Virginia Beach, Va.

ii. Zoe. Born 15 Jul 2002 in Reno.

iii. Kyle. Born 23 Oct 2004 in Reno.

107.ix.i.ii. Angelica Monique[9] Vera (Sheilah Marcella[8], Sparrel Hansford[7], Sparrel Hansford[6], Charles Edward[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 2 Jul 1982 in Apple Valley, San Bernardino Co., Calif. In 2009 she was a full-time nursing student.

Her life partner was Rasheed Acklin. Children:

i. Matiana[10]. Born 7 Apr 2005 in Truckee, Calif. Melissa Elaine[9] Hancock (Debra Ann[8], Charlene[7], Leona[6], George Washington[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 13 Jul 1980 in Newport News, Va.

She married Rowdy Stanley in Hellertown, Pa. Children:

i. Valerie Rose[10]. Born 14 Feb 1998.

176.ii.i.i. Shannon Michelle[9] Richards (Judy Lynn[8], Vickie[7], Eleanor Betty[6], Charles Alfred[5], William Ritchie[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 21 Apr 1974 in Seattle, Wash. She is a medical bookkeeper. She and her family live in Renton, Wash. She married Donald James Hyde Jr. (called Don), son of Donald James Hyde and Donna Estella Colello, 22 Apr 1995 in Las Vegas, Nev. Born 11 May 1969 in Seattle, Wash. He is an automotive body specialist. Children:

i. Dominic James[10]. Born 28 Apr 1993 in Renton, King Co., Wash.

176.ii.i.ii. Lisa Kristine[9] Richards (Judy Lynn[8], Vickie[7], Eleanor Betty[6], Charles Alfred[5], William Ritchie[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 1 Jun 1977 in Seattle, Wash. She is an electrician.

She married Joel Edward Stillings 11 Apr 1998 in Coeur D’Alene, Idaho. Born 21 May 1970 in Auburn, Ind. He is a plumber. They live in Kent, Wash. Children:

i. Cody William[10]. Born 2 Jul 1998 in Seattle, Wash.

176.ii.ii.i. Amy J.[9] Raymond (Pamela Jo[8], Vickie[7], Eleanor Betty[6], Charles Alfred[5], William Ritchie[4], Ephriam[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 27 Oct 1975 in Valley General Hospital, Kent, King Co., Wash. She and her family live in Ft. Wayne, Ind.

She married John Peter Marrero, son of John Marrero and Linda Susan Empy, 25 Apr 1997 in Reno, Nev. Born 31 Oct 1970 in Teaneck, N.J. He is employed by Tower Automotive, Auburn, Ind. Children:

i. Jacob Michael[10]. Born 14 Dec 1991 in Puyallup, Pierce Co., Wash.

ii. Jessica Anne. Born 9 Oct 1995 in Puyallup.

352.ii.ii. Stephen David[9] Turner (called Steve) (Sarah Ann[8], Elvie Gayle[7], Grace Myrtle[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1].) Born 29 Nov 1966 in Richmond, Va.

He married Sharon Vaughan, daughter of Larry Vaughan and Patricia Poole, 10 Mar 1989 in Chester, Va. They divorced 6 Nov 2000 in Chester. Born 15 Mar 1966 in Richmond. Children:

i. Stephen D., Jr.[10] Born 25 May 1989 in Petersburg, Va.

371.ii.i. Patrick Sean[9] Lester (Gwenda Jean[8], Mabel Emogene[7], William Woodrow[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 17 Nov 1982 in Columbus, Ohio. In 2016 he lived in Atlanta, Fulton Co., Ga.

He married Katherine Ann Duggan, daughter of John Duggan and Elaine Fry, 17 Sep 2009 in Augusta, Ga. Born 27 Jan 1983 in Columbus. Children:

i. Vivien Leigh[10]. Born 27 Apr 2013 in Atlanta.

ii. Graham Patrick. Born 13 Jul 2015 in Atlanta.

552.ii. Lesli Christine[9] Esposito (Betty Lou[8], [7], George Styrus[6], Marsheen Tabler[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 24 Jul 1973 in Miami, Fla She took a B.A. from Boston [Mass.] College, and a Doctor of Laws degree from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. In 2004 she lived in Chevy Chase, Md. In 2006 she lived in Philadelphia, Pa., where she was an antitrust litigation attorney with the firm of DLA Piper. A 2008 professional resume contained the following information:

Following a clerkship for the Hon. Robert H. Hodges Jr. on the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, Ms. Esposito began private practice in Washington, D.C. at the law firm Cohen, Milstein, Hausfeld & Toll, where she focused on antitrust class action litigation. She litigated a variety of cases involving price fixing, monopolization, and conspiracy allegations. She then joined the Federal Trade Commission Bureau of Competition. As a lead attorney at the FTC, she conducted investigations of proposed mergers and acquisitions and litigated consummated mergers in the oil and gas, refining, chemical, and computer software industries. She was then a member of the Corporate Litigation practice group at Blank Rome, where she handled antitrust and consumer protection matters, representing corporate clients in antitrust litigation and advising and counseling them on antitrust issues including proposed pricing policies, advertising policies, acquisitions, and other corporate conduct. She also represented clients in antitrust and consumer protection FTC investigations. She was admitted to the Bars of District of Columbia, Maryland and Pennsylvania. She is a member of the Antitrust Section, American Bar Association; and District of Columbia Bar Association. She was co-author of four articles in The Legal Intelligencer, “China’s Anti-Monopoly Law Creates Window for Exciting Activity,” Oct. 1, 2007; “U.S. Supreme Court Decides Future of Resale Price Maintenance,” Aug. 6, 2007; “Supreme Court Mulls Future of Resale Price Maintenance,” May 7, 2007; and “Important Antitrust Opinion Rendered Limiting Rights of Plaintiffs,” Apr. 2, 2007.

She married Peter Verdi. In 2007 he was a vice president of the drug division of Amerisource Bergen. Children:

i. James Clayton[10]. Born 9 Oct 2007 in Philadelphia.

556.ii. Rhonda Lea[9] Arrowood (Bernice Lucille[8], Elvie Gayle[7], Grace Myrtle[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1].) Born 1 Jul 1964 in Richmond, Va.

She had a child with Gary Lee Moore:

i. Tiffany Renee[10] (called Tiff) [Moore]. Born 1 May 1986 in Richmond. She married Brian


She married Gregory Warren Marrett Jr. (called Greg), son of Gregory Warren Marrett and Carolyn Irene Harris, 9 Jul 1995 in St. Stephens Church, King & Queen Co., Va. [St. Stephens Church is a town name.] Born 3 Sep 1968 in Richmond. Children:

ii. Drake Alexander. Born 9 Jan 1997 in Richmond.

556.iii. Dairl Edward[9] Arrowood Jr. (called Bubba) (Bernice Lucille[8], Elvie Gayle[7], Grace Myrtle[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1].) Born 28 Jun 1965 in Richmond, Va.

He married Wendy Ann Alexander, daughter of Joseph Loving Alexander Sr. and Phyllis Diane Smith, 3 Aug 1993 in Richmond. Born 24 Sep 1971 in Richmond. Children:

i. Amanda Nicole[10]. Born 19 Aug 1993 in Richmond.

ii. Dylan Shane. Born 28 Nov 1999 in Richmond.

579.i. Emily Jean[9] Chapman (Jennifer Lynn[8], Mabel Emogene[7], William Woodrow[6], Leondas Rosser[5], Ephriam Styrus[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1].) Born 23 Aug 1984 in Huntington, Cabell Co., W.Va. In 2016 she lived in Barboursville, Cabell Co., W.Va.

She married James Foster Gaskens, son of James Russell Gaskins and Kathy Foster, 27 May 2006 in Huntington. Born 9 Nov 1982 in Huntington. Children:

i. Case Nolan[10]. Born 10 Apr 2015.

600.i. April Jeanette[9] Honaker (Clifford Lee[8], Edward Allen[7], Elsie Arthur[6], James Clark[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 29 Apr 1988 in Alton, Madison Co., Ill.

She married Joseph Brakeville. Children:

i. Joseph[10].

ii. Thomas.

600.ii. Arielle Ann Marie[9] Honaker (Clifford Lee[8], Edward Allen[7], Elsie Arthur[6], James Clark[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 13 Dec 1990 in Alton, Madison Co., Ill.

She married Chase Bozarth. Children:

i. Hunter[10].

600.iii. Misty[9] Honaker (Clifford Lee[8], Edward Allen[7], Elsie Arthur[6], James Clark[5], William Bean[4], Samuel Sams[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 29 Apr 1988 in Alton, Madison Co., Ill.

She married Unknown Davis. Children:

i. Ana[10].

ii. Grant.

Tenth Generation

38.iii.i.iv.i.i.i. Tamara Georgette[10] Cyrus (Drema Kay[9], Ruth Arlene[8], Maude Arlene[7], Annie Mae[6], Jahue Marion[5], Andrew Harding[4], John B.[3], Jacob[2], Frederick[1]). Born 6 or 7 Jan 1978.

She had a child with Unknown:

i. Laken Cheyenne[11] Cyrus. Born 15 Mar 1997. Laken was adopted by Tamara’s parents, Drema and Ronald.


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