“I HAVE NEVER COMMITTED ANY CRIMES” ALL Officials in Kentucky (Federal & State) either will not assist or state,


A Louisville Metro Police Officer stated that Ms. Marshall is “Redlined” (Redlining – discrimination, single out, separate).

Directed Energy Weapon Assaults (Satellite, Microwave, Pulse, Infrasound, etc.) used to Torture & Track. I Am Watched & Tortured In My Home and Everywhere I Go. I am Treated Worse Than an Animal In a Cage 24 Hours A Day, 7 Days a Week.

Employment & Business Destroyed, Mail Intercepted, Telephones Intercepted, etc. All Electrical Appliances & Car Radio Destroyed, Fraud, False Claims & Defamation, Fraudulent Birth Certificate, Money Extorted, Charged for fraudulent telephone lines in my ofc. Bank Account Intercepted, etc. I have been living this way for over eight (8) years.



Submitted By:


Connie Marshall

P.O. Box 16116/Louisville, KY 40256

(502) 322-3449

Note: “I FEAR FOR MY LIFE.” There are also cassette tapes 2/narration pages, pictures, witnesses, legal documents, and other evidence to submit with this journal.

Journal Updated: July 17, 2011






8 - Introduction

8 – 9 - Blue Grass Automotive

10 – 12 – Exhibit 1 – Transcript of Co-Workers Discussing Killing Connie Marshall

13 – 14 – Exhibit 2 – Transcript Transcribed by Connie Marshall after Forensics

15 - Bluegrass Automotive

15 - Equal Employment Opportunity Center

16 - Exhibit 3 – Third Offer from Attorney for Bluegrass Automotive

17 - Bluegrass Automotive

17 - County Attorney’s Office

17 – 18 - Federal Bureau of Investigations, Louisville, KY

18 – 21 - Bell South (My Tele Number (502) 499-7004

21 – 22 - Bell South (My Tele # (502) 380-9088 – Internet )

23 - Exhibit 4 - Bell South Letter from Joan Duncan

24 - Bell South (My Tele # (502) 380-9088 – Internet )

24 – 27 - MCI (My Tele # (502) 380-9088 – Internet AOL

27 – 28 - RE: Email

28 - MCI (My Tele # (502) 375-9567 – Internet AOL

28 – 29 - MCI (My Tele Company)

29 - Cell Phone – (pay as you go) (502) 216-1356

29 – 31 - Insight Communications (My Tele # (502) 384-8190, Internet Insight

32 - Exhibit 5 – Letter from Human Relations Commission

33 – 36 - Insight Communications (My Tele # (502) 384-8190, Internet Insight

34 – 35 - Louisville Metro Police

37 - Exhibit 6 - Letter from Insight Communications

38 – 39 - Cingular Wireless – Cell Phone – (502) 488-0415

39 – 40 - AT&T Business Telephone (My Tele Company) (502) 772-2633

40 – 42 - AT&T Business Telephone (My Tele Company) (502) 449-3912 & (502) 449-7073

43 - Exhibit 7 – AT&T Bill for (502) 449-3912

44 -Exhibit 8 – AT&T Bill for (502) 449-7073

45 - AT&T Business Telephone (My Tele Company) (502) 449-3912 & (502) 449-7073

45 - Malicious Prosecution, False Arrest

46 - Exhibit 9 – Subpoena

47 - Exhibit 9 – Subpoena (Notice to Take Deposition)

48 - Malicious Prosecution, False Arrest

49 - Exhibit 10 – Forthwith Order of Arrest

50 - Richardson Properties – Case # 2008-CA-002401MR, Fed Case #3:09CV-379-H

50 – 64 - Global Connections (My Tele Co.) (502) 774-4305 /Numerous Attacks

51 - Banking (BB&T)

52 - Federal Bureau of Investigations

53 - AOL and EarthLink (Internet Services)

64 – 65 - Dish Network – Satellite TV

65 – 66 - Direct TV /Numerous Attacks

66 - Cell Phone – (pay as you go) (502) 415-5951

66 – 67 - Insight Communications (My Phone, Internet, Cable) (502) 690-3398

67 - Louisville Metro Police

67 – 68 - Homeland Security

66 – 67 - Insight Communications (My Phone, Internet, Cable) (502) 690-3398

70 – 72 - Kentucky Attorney General’s Office

71 - Exhibit 11 – KY Attorney Gen.’s Ofc. Mail Receipt EH664756417

72 – 74 - Human Relation’s Commission

73 – 75 - Louisville Metro Police Dept.

75 – 79 - Cell Phone – Cricket – (502) 322-3449

79 – 80 - Computers 2009

79 - 82 - State Police

80 - Exhibit 12 – Mail Receipt EB642716875 (sent to Sgt. Thompson)

82 - State Police, Commissioner’s Office, Rodney Brewer, Mail Receipt EB845672652US

83 - Exhibit 13 – Mail Receipt EB845672652 (sent to Rodney Brewer)

83 - Jerry Abramson, Mayor

883 – 84 - Governor’s Beshear’s Office

84 – 85 - Senator Mitch McConnell’s Office

85 – 86 - The New AT&T

86 - 87 - Exhibit 14 - Banking – 5th Third Bank (Govern Warning found in Bank Account)

88 - Vonage or Vontage Telephone Service

88 – 90 - Louisville Metro Police

91 - Exhibit 15 - Louisville Metro Police – Keeling’s Police Car

101 – 103 - Louisville Metro Police

99 - Exhibit 16 – J & J Bail Bondsman visiting the 2nd Division

100 - Exhibit 17 – Louisville Metro Police threatening me at my home

92 – 99 - Louisville Metro Police

103 - Exhibit 18 – Report Number Handwritten by John Terrence Keeling

104 – 105 - Exhibit 19 – Report Taken By Keeling

106 – 107 - Special Prosecutors

107 - Crime Victims Assistance, Case # 09CI1888/Franklin Court

108 – 109 - Children’s Abused in Foster Home in Kentucky & Articles to Reference

107 – 108 - Commonwealth Attorneys Office

108 - Other Information

108 – 116 - Strange Calls

112 - AT&T

111 - Louisville Metro Police Dept

113 – 116 - Federal Bureau of Investigations

117 – 118 - Other

113 – 116 - Federal Bureau of Investigations, Louisville, Ky

117 - Children’s Case Number – 3:09CV-00061

116 – 118 - Bluegrass Automotive

118 – 119 - Fraudulent Birth Certificate

120 - National Guard, Grade Lane, Louisville, Kentucky, Sgt. Fulkerson

120 – 121 - Post Office

120 – 121 - David Huber, US Dept. of Justice, Louisville, Kentucky

122 – 123 - Exhibit 20 – Letter to David Huber, US Dept. of Justice, KY

124 - Exhibit 21 – Response from David Huber, US Dept. of Justice, KY

126 – 128 - Post Office

126 - Quo Warranto re: David Huber, Dept of Justice, KY, Mail Rec. 70081140000028760295

126 – 127 - Robert Mueller re: David Huber, Mail Receipt 70081140000028760318

127 - President Barack Obama re: David Huber, Mail Receipt 70081140000028760301

128 - Exhibit 22 – Restricted Del Mail Rec. to President Obama -7008114000028760301

129 - Exhi. 22 – Restrict Del Mail Rec. to Jack Potter, Postmaster 70062150000289081135

130 - Exhibit 23 – Reg. Restric. Pres. Obama #RE415905410US

131 - Federal Express

132 - Exhibit 24 – Letter from Federal Express re: broken cassette tape

133 - US Supreme Court Mail

133 - Continued Harassment

133 – 140 - LG&E

135 - Exhibit 25 – Julie Stethen’s Business Card – LG&E

140 - Exhibit 26 – 2010, 2010, 2009 & 2007 Denial Let./LG&E Risk Manage(4 let)

141 - Justice for All Citizens (New Business)

141 - Exhibit 27 – Picture of H. Temple Spears Apt.s

143 - Exhibit 28 – Bell South Business Card

142 - Bell South Trucks

142 – 144 - Workplace (Louis. Metro Public Health and Wellness, Center for Health Equity)

145 - Exhibit 29 – Email re: call to Gracie L., answered by Louis. Metro Homicide Dept

146 - Workplace (CBS Personnel) Termination for no reason

147 - Exhibit 30 – Email re: CBS Personnel

148 - CBS Personnel

148 - Human Rights Commission

148 – 149 National College

149 - Workplace (National College) Termination for no reason

150 – 151 - Exhibit 31 – National College, Unemployment Termination Letter

153 – 156 - Identity Theft

154 - Fraudulent Birth Certificate

153 – 155 – Louisville Metro Police

156 - Other at Home – Destruction of Property

156 – 157 - Health Issues (due to numerous attacks, torment and torture)

157 – 158 - Sheriff’s Office

159 - Exhibit 32 - Letter sent to Sheriff John Aubrey

160 - Exhibit 33 – Mail Rec. #70081140000065842497 re: letter sent to Sheriff Aubrey

161 - Metro Council Rep., Mary Woolridge

161 – 163 - Congressman John Yarmouth’s Office

163 – 164 - Human Rights Commission, Louis. Ky Re: CBS Personnel

164 - Office of the Inspector General, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties

165 – Exhibit 34 - Inspector General Mail Receipt #EH173202911

166 - Governor Beshear’s Office

166 - Army

166 – 168 - County Attorney’s Office

168 - Exhibit 35 – Return Mail Rec. from Mike O’Connell, County Attorney

169 - Exhibit 36 – Original Handwritten referral note from County Attorney’s Office

170 – 171 - Frequencies, Microwaving, Infrasound, etc

170 – 173 - Airplanes, Satellites, Helicopters, Mind Control, Television

173 – 178 - Dish Network (Reinstalled on June 3, 2009)

178 – 181 - AT&T (Reinstalled)

182 - Exhibit 37 – Letter from Ky Public Service Commission re: AT&T

183 - Other

183 – 184 - Automobile

184 – 185 - Exhibit 38 Letter to Governor Beshear

186 - Exhi 39 Return Mail Rec. from Gov Beshear’s Ofc.- Rec. #70083230000030957856

187 - My Campaign for Mayor

187 - Regarding Exhibits 40, 41, 42 and 43

188 – 189 - Exhibit 40 Letter Mailed to Democratic Party, etc

190 - Exhibit 41 Letter of Response from Kentucky Registry of Finance

191 – 203 - Continued Assaults, Torture and Torment

203 – 206 - Computers (Sabotaged)

206 – 207 - Louisville Metro Police (Public Integrity)

See my website pages

for more information about this conspiracy

If you try to reach me and you do not get in touch with me due to this huge conspiracy, which also involves the perpetrators intercepting all mail,

please try sending mail to me by federal express or registered mail; however that mail, even registered restricted delivery is also intercepted.




Submitted By:

Connie Marshall/P.O. Box 16116/ Louisville, Kentucky 40210/(502) 322-3449

Journal Partially Updated -07/17/2011


P.O. Box 16116, Louisville, Kentucky 40256 / (502) 322-3449 Cell

July 17, 2011 (partially updated)




Cynthia Alford

U.S. Dept. of Justice /Civil Rights Division /Special Litigation Section – PHB

950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW /Washington DC 20530

Dear Ms. Alford

“I FEAR FOR MY LIFE.” I am a victim of a hate crime and the people that should be assisting me appear to be covering up. I have been victimized and severely terrorized and tortured by my local F.B.I. I am filing this complaint because I question the motives of the EEOC, the St. Matthews Police Dept., the County Attorney’s Office, the FBI and the United States Attorney General’s Office in Louisville Kentucky. I have also been denied assistance by the Louisville Metro Police Dept. I also question the motives of the Special Prosecutors who are not interested in looking at the evidence, questioning the witnesses, bringing up the fact that the Jefferson County Attorney’s Office have a conflict of interest regarding the case and that the charges were illegally changed, etc.


May 2003, I started working for Blue Grass Automotive at the Jaguar location in Louisville, Kentucky. In approximately October 2004 I transferred to Blue Grass Automotives Lincoln Mercury Dealership in Louisville, Kentucky and the problems begin. When I transferred to Blue Grass Automotive documents were taken from my desk and hidden and when I attempted to make friends with some of the people there, it was clear that they did not want me working there. If I attempted to inform Andy Vine, my boss and one of the co-owners of the company he would ignore what I would tell him. The only time he stepped in to do anything to assist me was when a huge stack of invoices

was taken from my desk, as they are needed to input the vehicles for sale.

April 26, 2004, I filed an amended in-house complaint with Jim Haynes, CEO of the company and Andy Vine’s brother-in-law (Blue Grass Automotive is a family owned business). The complaint involved Andy Vine, Mark Yates and Roger Lee. I did not receive any assistance from Jim Haynes and nothing was done.

April 26, 2004, I had my tape player sitting on my hard drive under my desk at work listening to my Tina Turner tapes, as I am a Tina Turner Impersonator and was listening to the tapes to prepare for a Derby show, in which I was to perform on the Friday before the Derby. When I went to lunch, I pushed the wrong button and instead of turning the tape player off I inadvertently hit record. That evening when I arrived home I begin playing my Tina Turner tapes and on one of my tapes I could hear people talking about killing me (however the tape was not clear).

I took the tape to a shop off of Bardstown Road in Louisville Kentucky to have a copy made and to have it enhanced. When I picked it up I could hear what was being said about taking me to the KKK and killing me and a list that I have been placed on (the people on the tape were Mark Yates, Will Beard and Wilma Wilke). I took the tape to a court reporter and had it transcribed and notarized and I also transcribed the tape. I gave a copy of the tapes and the transcripts to Jim Haynes, CEO of Bluegrass Automotive and nothing was done. I also had the tape enhanced and a cd made by a forensic analyst out of town and gave Jim Haynes a copy and nothing was done.








(Please notice that the court reporter’s transcript & my transcript or very similar, particularly in the placement of the conversation)



(Please notice that the court reporter’s transcript & my transcript or very similar, particularly in the placement of the conversation)


May 21, 2004, while sitting at my desk working, I had a substance thrown on me twice which made my skin itch, burn and my hair fell out. May 24, 2004 I had bugs thrown in my hair and May 26, 2004 I had the substance thrown on me again. The first time that I was assaulted by Tyler Stone I drove myself to Jewish Hospital downtown and the 2nd time that I was assaulted I had to contact an ambulance. When I attempted to file a police report with the St. Matthews Police Department they refused to take a police report, however I was able to get the Louisville Metro Police to take the Police Reports . I did get the St. Matthews Police Dept. to finally take a report in July 2004.

June 1, 2004 I was placed on leave without pay by Jim Haynes when I confronted the co-worker that threw the substance on me 3 times and threw the bugs in my hair and then terminated on approximately July 14, 2004. Allowing victimization of women and racial harassment is allowed to brew at Blue Grass Automotive and a woman that is white and gay was also victimized by having a cookie smashed in her face and being bit on the neck by a male employee. For the record Jill Beatty and Annette First (another employee) were both harassed to the point that Jill (the young gay white employee) walked off of the job and Annette (who was also harassed by Tyler Stone and Will Beard) quit her job. I tried to go to Andy Vine with Annette to tell him what was going on but he would not listen to either of us. I did not know about Jill until she quit her job and we later made contact regarding my problems at Bluegrass.


I filed complaints with the Louisville Kentucky EEOC that were covered up and I have now filed a federal charge (against the Louisville Kentucky EEOC, case #3-04CV-612-S, filed in Louisville Kentucky Federal Court Building). I now have a new EEOC charge against Blue Grass Automotive that was being handled by the Indianapolis Office and has been transferred to the Cincinnati EEOC Office.

NEW INFO: After being told that there was a conflict of interest in the Indianapolis Office the case was transferred to Cincinnati, I was waiting for them to contact me and to do an investigation. After holding the case until my time ran out regarding filing a federal lawsuit and getting my “Right to Sue” letter on a previous case because I expected the Cincinnati office to properly handle the case.

I received a letter from the Cincinnati EEOC Office stating that they were not going to investigate the case, and if I did not already get my “Right to Sue” letter that I should not have waited. Prior to the aforementioned comment, when the documents were sent to them from the Indianapolis office, after approximately 60 days, I ask them what was going on and they stated that they sent a letter to Blue grass Automotive, and they were waiting for their response. When I stated that it was my understanding that they only had a certain amount of time to respond, I was told that they may take up to six (6) months to respond. Once again no one from the Cincinnati Office has bothered to get any input form me regarding the investigation.

I contacted Boyce Nolan, field investigator in Washington EEOC who gave me permission to file the case in the Indianapolis Office and I am waiting to hear from him. His number is (202) 663-7044. Update: I did not receive any assistance from Boyce Nolan in Washington; however I did keep my voice mail messages from him.


I filed a civil Lawsuit against them in Jefferson County Circuit Court on June 6, 2005,

Case #05-CI04871. They have offered me three very minuscule settlements, $3, 000, $5,000 and $7,500 which I did not accept.

EXHIBIT 3 – Letter from Bluegrass Automotives Attorney re: Settlement


I go back to court with them September 15, 2006. Update: The new court date with BlueGrass Automotive is February 15, 2007 at 9:00 a.m. I have asked for a recusal of the Judge as Bluegrass has not answered the Interrogatories. I filed a Motion to Compel and a Motion to Sanction. Case is still pending as of August 3, 2007. I went back to court with Bluegrass on September 24, 2007, case is still pending.

Went to Court October 8, 2007, as Bluegrass did not answer the Interrogatories. I filed a Motion to Compel and a Default Judgment. No one was in court for the Defendants. Both of my motions were denied by the judge and he stated that my amended interrogatories did not comply – which was a lie as they were very professionally done and complied with Kentucky Rules of Civil Procedure pursuant to CR 37.01 and CR 36.02. There were about thirty interrogatories and thirty requests for specific documents.

Blue grass had not answered more than four of five of the interrogatories. When I pointed this out to Judge McKay Chauvin, as he did not mention anything about the Defendants not being present I was threatened with 10 days in jail and then placed in jail for over two hours. (I have never been to jail and I do not have a criminal record). I was placed in jail by two men, as there were no women guards present. One of them wagged his tongue in and out of his mouth in a sexual manner, I was not allowed a telephone call and I could not use the bathroom as I had men for guards and they were peeking in the window on the door of the jail cell and the toilet could be seen from the window. I have appealed this case to Kentucky Court of Appeals.


Another concern regarding this case is that I already have a federal complaint regarding the County Attorney’s Office in Louisville Kentucky and therefore I should be assigned a special prosecutor. When I filed the complaint against Tyler Stone (who is the person that threw the substance on me), I filed assault and it was changed to harassment/no physical contact. Doc who works for the County Attorney’s Office handled this complaint and he was part of the case against the County Attorney Irv Maze, therefore he should not have been handling this complaint.


May or June 2004

I talked to Mr. Hicks at the FBI in Louisville, Kentucky approximately 4 –5 times when all of this first begin and the St. Matthews Police would not investigate. Mr. Hicks at the FBI also declined to do an investigation stating that I needed to wait until the entire case was over before the FBI would get involved. Finally, I spoke with Mary Lou, who stated that Mr. Hicks was not the person that I should speak with and that she would refer me to an investigator.

October 27, 2004 (approximately that date)

I met with Jeff Young at the FBI in Louisville, Kentucky located in the Mazzoli Building on the 5th floor at 1:00 p.m. I gave Jeff Young an outline explaining the tapes and a copy of the following taped conversation and/or voice mail messages:

#1-CoWorkers planning to kill me


#3-EEOC Cover-up

#4-tape of Jill Beatty

#3-tape of the County Attorneys Office

I gave him some documentation regarding EEOC. I told Jeff about all of the aforementioned

regarding the assaults and related incidents. I also told him of another separate case that involved cover-up and corruption and the experience I previously had with the United States Attorney General’s Office in Louisville, Kentucky regarding my grandchildren, in that they sent the complaint to the wrong office twice and did nothing to assist me.

Jeff Young told me that he believed what I was telling him and I also told him that I had additional documentation if he needed it. I told Jeff that there was a lot of corruption in Louisville Kentucky and he stated that he knew this. He then stated that he was going downstairs to talk with EEOC, as they were located in the same building.

After approximately a week I contacted Jeff Young at the FBI and I asked if they were going to do an investigation. Jeff stated that he could assure me that they would do an investigation, however he had to turn the information over to his Supervisor, Brett Johnson and an investigator would be assigned by Brett Johnson.

I telephoned Brett Johnson numerous times and was “put off.” Either he was in a meeting, or on vacation or not in. When I finally did get in touch with him, he told me that he had to speak with Hancy Jones at the United States Attorney General’s Office in Louisville, Kentucky. I explained to him my doubts about the United States Attorney General’s Office in Louisville Kentucky and asked him to get someone from Washington to come to Louisville because of the high degree of corruption and cover-up, and he assured me that he would if things did not work out with the United States Attorney General’s Office in Louisville, Kentucky.

After trying to reach Brett Johnson by telephone numerous times, I finally received a voice mail message from him stating that he spoke with Hancy Jones at the United States Attorney General’s Office and that he would get back with me.

January 3, 2005

A letter was mailed to me stating that the FBI would be conducting no further investigation. Nothing has been discussed with me regarding any investigation being conducted and no one has contacted me for any information, since I spoke with Jeff Young. I have also spoken with the FBI regarding the following Harassing Communication and received no assistance.



2200 Deer Path Circle, Apt. 200, Louisville, Ky 40220, Tele Number: (502) 499-7004

MY TELEPHONE COMPANY – BELL SOUTH (502) 499-7004/Internet

Per Bell South Telephone Company, since approximately August, 2004 I have reported problems with my telephone. I have asked Bell South if my telephone is tapped, but they cannot give me this information. I am not a drug dealer, murderer or psychopath. I am 100% sure that this wiretap is related to the corruption and cover-up. There is no reason for the FBI, Police or anyone to tap my line.

I have heard echoes, clicks, and beeps and my line has at times been dead when I first pick it up. At times when I try to call out my telephone calls are rerouted and I am not reaching the offices that I am calling. I have had people on my line pretending to be the offices that I am calling and I recognize the same people’s voices that are being used when my calls are rerouted.

Destruction of Property

They have “cut off “ my conversations with others and destroyed my fax machine. I also have several pages of Email that is returned undeliverable, particularly when I am trying to reach out of state media or out of state attorneys.

The telephone company has also heard these noise but cannot give me any information, but only state that if it is federal we cannot get involved. The following are just a few of the examples:

July 12, 2004

Between 9:00 am – 9:10 am I received a call waiting call from telephone number 305-000-0000. I was talking to Bell South. I received the call again at 10:27 am and someone named Tim called and said that he was from the telephone company and that there were no ground shorts.

July 12, 2004

My daughter heard clicks at 1:30 pm and I heard a call waiting beep. Call return stated the call came from 305-000-0000.

July 17, 2004 - Saturday

11:40 am. Someone named David from the Telephone Company called or came by and stated that a fresh line was already in.

August 2004

Someone else came by from the Telephone Company and said they rerouted my lines. Someone else came by and looked in my closets and did something with my telephone.

August 2004

Telephone Company repairman came to the house. He heard the radio on my telephone and put some type of boxes on phone to get rid of the radio noise.

August 2004

I was talking with a customer service repair lady at the telephone company. She heard the clicks on my telephone and she heard someone pick up. I thought someone picked up at her end and she said no, she thought they picked up at my end. At that time I was living alone.

September 4, 2004

I talked with James Sims in the telephone repair office he stated that he definitely heard clicks on my telephone. It was between 12:15 – 12:35 p.m. (I could hear an echo).

September 20, 2004 (around 3:00 pm)

*Ron Hacker called and stated he was the Supervisor of Scott who made the repair on September 20, 2004. Ron Hacker’s telephone number is 968-0120.

November 24, 2004 - day before Thanksgiving

I was talking to the Mr. Hicks at the FBI. I asked to speak with Jeff Young, Mr. Hicks stated, “he’s not here.” I asked to speak with Brett Johnson, Mr. Hicks stated, “he’s not here.” I asked to speak with Mary Lou, Mr. Hicks stated, “she’s not here.” I asked to speak with whoever was in charge of that office, Mr. Hicks stated it was Mr. Garley. I asked to speak with Mr. Garley, Mr. Hicks stated, “he’s not here.” I asked for Mr. Garley’s voice mail and Mr. Hicks would not put me through. I then stated, “I am just going to call Washington.” When I hung up and tried to dial Washington, the call would not go through. I repeatedly tried to call Washington and the call would not go through.

December 5, 6, or 2nd

At 3:25 pm I received a call waiting call from 111-111-1111, the call could not be traced and this telephone number does not exist.

December 30, 2004 (between 5:00 p.m – 9:30 p.m.)

I spoke with Mark at the National NBC or CBS Newsroom. I told him I would fax information to him, (I heard an echo on the telephone). When I tried to fax the information, my telephone line crossed and I could not send a fax. The fax tone is now on my telephone and the fax machine is dead, and no longer works. I cannot plug up the fax machine to the telephone jack because when I hit the 9 button the fax noise continuously comes through my telephone.

January 5, 2005 or January 4, 2005 at 6:58 a.m.

I was talking to Bell South about my telephone bill (I heard an echo on the telephone). I called Bell South Repair 888-757-6500 to tell them about the echo. I begin telling Bell South about everything that had been happening. As soon as I stated, “let me tell you about the United States Attorney General’s Office in Louisville Kentucky,” my telephone “cut off.” I went to the telephone booth – because I did not want to use my phone – to call Bell South Repair back. They stated that they did not hang up on me and I did not hang up on them.

January 5, 2005 between 1:40 p.m. – 1:55 p.m

I called 1411 to get the long distance operator and get the telephone number for the Inspector General’s Office. When the operator asks me the number that I needed, “ I stated the Inspector Generals Office in Washington.” My telephone “cut off” and I was disconnected.

January 6, 2005 between 9:00 a.m – 9:30 p.m

I called the Inspector Generals Office and spoke with Scott Myers telephone number 202-514-3435. I was telling him about everything that had happened and then the telephone “cut off.” He called me back and left a voice mail message stating that he did not know what happened we must have been cut

off .

January 2005 (between January 6 – January 10th)

A second 911 call was made regarding the call between the Inspector General’s Office and I that was “cut off.” This call was rerouted and I do not think that it was received as a 911 call. I was told not to call them.

January 7, 2005 at 3:46 p.m.

Telling Bell South Customer Service about everything and was “cut off.”

January 2005(not sure of date)

Someone named Chris Letkenwitz called and stated that he was a paralegal in The Dept. of Justice, Criminal Section, Washington D.C. The telephone number is 202-514-3204. (I heard an echo on the telephone). Chris stated that they could not help me.

January 6, 2005

Telephone Repairman came (it was sometime after school because I had to take my Granddaughter to Walmart to purchase a late Christmas present, it was between 4:30 pm and 5:00 pm) and looked at jacks in the house. His telephone number was 609-6095.

January 7, 2005, 8:29 am

Echo on Telephone

January 8, 2005 at 9:29 am.

Telephone Repairman called and stated that he could hear the clicks on the line while he was talking with me, his telephone number was **(205) 458-4899. On this day as I was preparing to go to my sister’s funeral at 11:00, as we had to be assigned to our limousine for the funeral. As I left at 9:30 am I saw a Bell South truck driving on the road that leads to my apartment.

January 14, 2005 at 9:29 am.

Unavailable, hang up call

January 14, 2005 9:04 am

Picked up phone and heard clicking

January 14, 2005, 5:48 p.m.

Talking Long Distance, Echo on telephone

January 16, 2005, Sunday

Echo on telephone

January 18, 2005, Tuesday, 11:15 – 11:18

Talking to Directory Assistance, Chris (female). Echo on telephone.

January 20, 2005, between 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.

Talking to friend and Tele cut-off

January 31, 2005, 8:54

Echo on Telephone

Around the Middle of January 2005 – around March 3, 2005 lived in deceased sister’s home and still heard a “faint” echo on the telephone. My telephone number was (502) 772-9231

MY TELEPHONE COMPANY - BELL SOUTH (502) 380-9088/Internet

Moved into my apartment at 425 Marshall Walk on March 3, 2005 & after about a week could tell that someone was still listening to my conversations, my new telephone number is (502) 380-9088.

March 10, 2005 at 3:34 pm

I was talking to Dan Cobble his telephone number is (502) 499-5249. He was discussing some problems that he experienced with the courts as a pro se litigant and we were suddenly cut-off. He stated that he had heard about some court experiences that I had and that is why he contacted me. I did not know him and have never met him prior to speaking with him on the telephone. After we were cut-off, he called me back and I also saved that voice mail message. He is saying, “Hello, Hello Ms. Marshall what happened.”

March 10, 2005

After the above happened when speaking with Dan Cobble, I called Bell South Repair to report that my phone was still illegally wire tapped and she stated that she would have *Ron Hacker contact me. I remembered Ron Hackers name because he was a supervisor of the repairman at my old address, which was 2200 Deer Path Circle, Apt. 200 (see September 20, 2004, harassing telephone record).

March 10, 2005 – March 12, 2005

Sometime between the above date of March 10, 2005 and March 12, 2005, Ron Hacker contacted me and stated that he has now transferred to the Shively area (where I am now living) and is the Supervisor in this area. He stated to me that he would contact someone named Ubbe or something like that in Security to call me or he would give me the telephone number. When I asked for the telephone number he stated, he probably really should not give out that number and that he would have Ubbe contact me or more than likely it would probably be him, Ron Hacker, would probably be the person that would get back with me after speaking with Ubbe in Security (again I am not sure of the name, but it was an odd name)

March 14, 2005

Bernie Ubben (his correct name) from Security contacted me from Bell South and asked me if I had any idea who would be tapping my telephone. I told him that I would fax the information to him. When I hung up the telephone and tried to fax the information to him, the fax would not go through and there was a dial tone as if the telephone was off of the hook, though my telephones were not. I kept getting the following message: “If you’d like to make a call please try again, if you need assistance, hang up and dial your operator.” I tried faxing him again on March 15, 2005 between 2:30 AM – 5:29 AM and the aforementioned message continued. I also tried to fax info. to CBS and to an attorney and they also would not go through.

March 15, 2005, 12:50 p.m.

Echo on phone

March 15, 2005

Computer stated that I had an invalid user name. It would not take my login or password.

I talked to John Smith at Bell South, however I could never change my password. The computer would never allow me to change the password I started with at Bell South in 2004. I have also noticed that when I disconnect from the Internet, my computer remains connected and I have to unplug my telephones and plug them back in and the computer is sometimes still connected to the Internet.

March 18, 2005, between 6:00 p.m – 6:45 p.m.

Talking on telephone, call-waiting beep, they stated that they were calling from Publisher’s Clearing House, Echo on Telephone.

March 28, 2005

Echo on Telephone

April 2005

I called Velocity Magazine to run an ad for the Kentucky Derby, as I have a small home based business and I am a part time “Tina Turner” Impersonator. When I called Velocity I was disconnected and I had an echo on my telephone.

April 25, 2005, 12:50 p.m.

I called Directory Assistance to get the telephone number for the Nia Center. Echo on Telephone.

May or April 2005

I mailed a certified letter to Bernie Ubben requesting to know who is tapping my phone, why they are tapping my phone, when it first started and which judge signed the court order. This letter was signed for by Norma White on April 6, 2005. I also mailed a copy of this letter to Becky Dunn in Bell South’s Corporate Office in Atlanta. I am still waiting for a response, as under the law I am entitled to receive answers to all of the above, as my telephone has been illegally tapped for almost a year.

May 10, 2005

I mailed a letter to F. Duane Ackerman, CEO, Bell South, 1155 Peachtree Street, N.E., Room 2000, Atlanta GA 30367. I did not receive a response.

May 26, 2005

I received a letter from Joan Duncan in the Bell South, Louisville, Kentucky Office denying the illegal wiretap on my telephone.

Exhibit 4 - Destruction of Property – tried to scan in November 2008 to add to log

Tried to use scanner on printer and it has been scrambled by the corrupt officials, was unable to scan document regarding contacting Joan Duncan at Bell South, I had to copy it on the copy machine


May 29, 2005

I mailed a second letter to F. Duane Ackerman, CEO, Bell South. I did not receive a response.

I also mailed a certified letter that included most of the contents of this letter to Glen Fine in the Office of the Inspector General, 950 Pennsylvania Ave., N. W., Suite 4322, Washington, DC. This letter was received on March 31, 2005. I have not received a response.

May 2005, I contacted Glen Fine’s Office and was told that the letter was sent to the F.B.I. Headquarters in Washington 202-324-3000. I was able to track it to Mr. Sweckers Office and spoke with Joanie in that office on May 4, 2005. Joanie stated that she sent it to David Lelourin in the F.B.I. Civil Rights Office and he is trying to locate the letter.

August 12, 2005

I filed a federal law suit against Bell South, Case No. 3:05CV-458-R

MY TELEPHONE COMPANY - MCI (502) 380-9088/Internet AOL

May 2005

I decided to change my long distance service and internet service from Bell South to MCI. When I called MCI they told me that there would be no interruption with my long distance service. However, while it was being changed, I picked up my telephone and did not have any long distance. I contacted MCI and spoke with Chris and she told me that usually there is not a problem changing the service unless you have a previous bill with them that you have not paid.

Chris then told me that I would need to contact a third party billing company named TXN. I contacted Lisa Miller at TXN at 1-800-226-0014 and was told that the previous owner of my number (502) 380-9088 had a long distance block put on that number, and that I would have to wait 3 – 5 days to get my long distance connected. I explained to her that the previous owner had nothing to do with my service, as I do not know the previous owner. I then realized that I am the previous owner of the number. As my telephone calls have been rerouted by my local F.B.I., this further confirms the illegal wiretap that I discovered on my telephone in July 2004.

May 6, 2005

I tried to contact Glen Fines Office, the calls kept getting rerouted. I could tell that I was not reaching his office. His office number is (202) 616-4760.

May 2005 (not sure of date), 9:45 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Called the Civil Rights office of the F.B.I. Echo on phone.

May 6, 2005, 8:30 a.m.

I called Bell South and spoke with Denise Harris-Craig and told her about the Echo on the telephone. This name seems a bit suspicious due to the fact that I filed federal charges against the Director of the Louisville, Kentucky EEOC and her name is Marcia Hall-Craig. The Louisville Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) and EEOC are located in the same building in Louisville, Kentucky and the Louisville Kentucky FBI are the people that are illegally tapping my telephone.

May 2005

I called US Marshall’s Office and left a message (502) 588-8000. The telephone number refers you to a duty agent and I spoke with Dan Cupp, (502) 773-2188. He stated that he could not help me.

May 2005, 8:10 p.m., it was on a Saturday

I picked up the telephone and hit some buttons by mistake. I received a recorded message that sated, “Message 24, G31NI is not available.”

May 18, 2005, 1:20 p.m.

I tried to get on line and picked up my telephone and it was dead. The message on the computer stated, “no dial tone.”

May 18, 2005, 2:40 p.m.

I called American On Line (AOL) because I kept getting disconnected when I tried to go online. I also received a message on my computer that stated, “I heard that you have been trying to contact us.” I telephoned AOL and Victor at AOL asked me if I heard people talking, because he heard people talking, I could not hear anyone talking on my line.

May 20, 2005

I spent hours trying to get on the internet. American On Line (AOL) stated that a call kept disconnecting the line. The call came from 999-888-0003. When I tried to call it back I could not call that number, Message stated: “Your call cannot be completed as dialed.” I was so frustrated because I have been harassed for a year that I cut some of the lines. They looked extremely strange, as when I was deciding which lines to cut I could tell that there were more lines than I needed.

May 20, 2005, approximately 9:55 p.m.

I arrived home from work and telephoned the fire dept. to check on the lines that I cut. The lines were fine. After I cut some of the lines I could send a few email. There was a strange noise coming from the computer when I tried to get on line, and I could tell that when I cut some of the telephone lines, it apparently interfered with their connection to my home telephone lines, as my computer worked better.

May 22, 2005

A high pitched signal is coming through the computer. It is not connected to the telephone lines because I cut the lines. As the computer is plugged into the wall, I am assuming some type of signal has been sent to the computer. Computer is not operating properly.

May 22, 2005

I called the Louisville Metro Police to take a report, but they did not want to. After I became more persistent regarding her taking a report, they finally took a report. Report #5-01-015051. The female officer’s name was Carey Klain and she spoke to me in a very derogatory manner and asked for my social security number, where I worked, and what dept. I worked in and who my supervisor was. She made numerous derogatory statements to me (I plan to file a complaint against her). She did not ask for my driver’s license or driver’s license number. The male officer was B. Boyd and he seemed concerned about her behavior, though he may not admit to it.

May 23, 2005, 6:00 p.m.

Without any prior warning as soon as I arrived for work at Dillards in the Mall St. Matthews, I was

called into a meeting with Stephanie and was terminated. She stated that I missed too many days and was late. I have always called if the aforementioned occurred, there was only one time I did not call in and that is when I did not know that I was supposed to work.

May 23, 2005, 3:15 p.m.

I called AOL because I kept getting knocked off line. I received messages such as, “You are being monitored,” “Thanks for trying,” “Start Automatic AOL,” etc. When I called AOL, I spoke with Jennifer, she is saying that she cannot hear me, but I can hear her.

May 24, 2005 - Destruction of Property

The high pitched signal is still coming through my granddaughter’s computer. It appears that the person sabotaging my granddaughter’s computer is trying to destroy all of my files. The person has denied me access to my file entitled, “Corruption in Louisville Kentucky.” Each time I try to get into my file I am blocked.

The person has removed some of my files the ones that I have noticed are entitled, “Corruption in Louisville Kentucky” and “Resume of Connie Marshall.” The person has the ability to see everything that I am doing on my computer and controls the mouse, what I delete, etc. when I am trying to do work in my computer. My granddaughters computer is now dead and the high pitched signal coming through the computer has destroyed – my granddaughters – computer.

May 24, 2005

I tracked my telephone lines inside and outside of my house and took picture of the wiretap. I also took pictures of the outside telephone box I noticed there was another line intertwined with mine. I also noticed that all of the other tenants lines were together and my line was separately intertwined with another line. There was also tape, extra wires, long wires sticking out, some type of jellied matter, and plastic caps that the lines were run through. Description of plastic caps: some with little square ends, some with square ends with an additional square end on one side of the plastic cap and some red round plastic caps (these are called bugs).

May 24, 2005

After finding the illegal wire tap, I went to the police downtown, 7th and Jefferson to ask them to take a report, I spoke with medium built black lady on the first floor, who told me to take the elevator to the 2nd floor. I spoke with a stout blonde receptionist, who referred me to a slim, white male police officer. He told me that he could not help me because he worked in criminal prosecutions, in that what is happening to me is criminal this made no sense, however I did not receive any assistance.

May 24, 2005

After the destruction of my granddaughter’s computer, another signal, seemed electrical, was coming through, as if it was trying to find the computer. The signal was radiating, high pitched and annoying and could be heard throughout the house, however it eventually stopped.

May 25, 2005, approximately 9:00 a.m.

The electrical signal started again and this time it was louder. I opened the windows and this seemed to interfere with the signal, the signal stopped at approximately 11:00 a.m.

May 25, 2005

Telephone Repairman came to rerun the wires. His name was Mike.

May 29, 2005 (Sunday) 2:41 p.m.

Though I had not recently called about any problems with my telephone since Mike – the repairman- came out on May 25, 2005, someone name “Herman” from Bell South called and asked me How my service was working: I told him that since the telephone repairman came May 25, 2005, I had not used my telephone very much and therefore had not noticed any problems with the telephone. I did tell him about the problems with my computer. His telephone number was **(205) 458-4899. (Checking my records, I have previously received a call from this number on January 8, 2005, see Jan. 8, 2005).

May 29, 2005 (Sunday) 3:45 p.m. – 3:49 p.m.

I was on a telephone call an echo was on the telephone. I hung up and called Bell South Repair. When I first called Bell South Repair 800-217-5057 a recording came on that stated the office was closed and that I needed to call back Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. I hung up waited approximately 5 minutes and called Bell South repair again at 800-217-5057. This time I was able to reach Bell South Repair.

May 29, 2005 ( Sunday)

When I called Bell South Repair, I spoke with Ms. Greenwell. I asked her if a Bell South Repairman had the telephone number of (205) 458-4899. She stated that the call was probably from Bell South’s Birmingham, Alabama telephone number. I explained to Ms. Greenwell that I was not receiving all of my incoming telephone calls and that people were telling me that they called, but could not reach me, however I was at home.

June 3, 2005, 8:12 a.m.

Bell South Repairman called and stated that he tested the lines outside and they were fine. His name was Mike. His tele. Number was 609-6062. He stated that MCI took over my phone service on June 1, 2005 and that Bell South would be responsible for the lines outside and MCI would be responsible for the lines inside. I asked him if he was the Repairman that came on May 25, 2005 to replace my telephone lines and he stated that he was.

June 6, 2005

I was talking to ABC. They referred me to a tip line 1-877-Tip-News. When I called the number, I reached a recording that stated, “Message 70, 77-4 the number you have reached is blocked from your area code. “I also taped a conversation that I had with one of the people stating that he was with ABC.

June 8 or June 9, 2005

I noticed that when I typed in my computer my files were being copied in another file. For instance, if I had a file saved with a title or name, it was being copied in a separate file with the title or name of wrl ˜. In other words as I typed I was creating two exact same files and one was titled wrl ˜.

June 8 or June 9, 2005 - Destruction of Property

I was typing a complaint on my computer to be filed against Judge Simpson III. As I was typing, the person that destroyed my granddaughter’s computer kept spacing in that document and moving around the text. I ignored it and kept fixing the document and then printed the document. I printed the document one time and when I tried to print a second copy, I was not allowed to use my computer. I was unable to type anything or view any files. The computer no longer operates and all of the applications in the computer have been expanded/extended to use up the hard drive. When I try to delete what has been placed in my computer the message I receive stated, “These files are write protected, you may not delete these files.” There are approximately 700 – 800 files that have been sent to my computer and expanded. All of these expanded files end with .dll

Therefore, in the past two weeks two (2) weeks two (2) computers have been destroyed. My granddaughter’s computer was destroyed on May 24, 2005 and my computer was destroyed on June 8, 2005. I contacted the Police Dept. and U.S. Marshall on the aforementioned date and, again, I have not received any assistance.

June 10, 2005

My complaint against Judge Simpson III was filed with the “Judicial Council of the Sixth Circuit.”

Re: EMAIL - May 25, 2005

I discovered that out of 212 Emails, only 5 were delivered to their destination, therefore 207 Emails were sent back undeliverable. This started in 2004 with Bell and has continued through May 25, 2005 with AOL.

MY TELEPHONE COMPANY - MCI (502) 375-9567/Internet AOL

June 9, 2005

I spoke with Veronica (1-800-444-3333) and told her that I was not receiving all of my telephone calls and that people were calling me, however my telephone was not ringing and the calls were going to my voice mail. I also told her that I had heard an echo on some of my calls. Veronica stated that there had been a block on my telephone number (502) 380-9088, but it has now been lifted. She suggested that I change my telephone number and this is what I did. My telephone number is now (502) 375-9567.

June 11, 2005

My telephone number has now been changed, however when I pick up my telephone it is still sometimes dead. Also when I hang up from a call it is dead and it takes a while before the dial tone comes back on the telephone.

June 15, 2005, 8:30 a.m. – 8:45 a.m.

I telephoned the Supreme Court about a case 202-479-3011. My telephone had dial tone and then went dead.

June 15, 2005, 8:50 a.m.

Picked up telephone, telephone was fine. I called MCI about problem with telephone and spoke with Damien 1-888-624-5622. Echo on telephone.

June 30, 2005, 10:35 a.m.

Tried to call Alberto Gonzales at 202-514-2000 regarding certified/restricted delivery letter that I sent to his office. Call did not go through, telephone disconnected.

June 30, 2005, 1:52 p.m.

I was calling to find out the status of the letter that I sent to Glen Fine at the OIG that was transferred to the F.B.I. and then forwarded to Mr. Sweckers Office at the F.B.I. (see June 3, 2005). I called 202-324-3000. I was talking with someone and I was cut-off.

June 30, 2005, 1:56 p.m.

Recalled 202-324-3000 and was cut-off. Echo on telephone.

June 30, 2005, 1:59 p.m.

Recalled 202-324-3000. Someone picked up, did not say anything, and then hung up on me.


July 25, 2005, Monday moved to 7404 Patrick Henry Road #4, Louisville Ky 40214

On Monday July 25, 2005, due to the financial hardship this has placed on my life, I moved to 7404 Patrick Henry Road, Apt. 4, Louisville, Kentucky 40214. I placed an order for my telephone service to be transferred to my new address.

August 3, 2005

I still did not have telephone service and was told that it would take up to three weeks to transfer my service. When I called MCI They have stated that they have my telephone number listed under (502) 380-9088 which was the old number, however my telephone number is not (502)380-9088 it is (502) 375-9567 – Please see June 9, 2005 listed under MCI.

MCI stated that my local service provider “Bell South” was the reason it was taking the time that it was taking to switch my service, and it is my understanding that although MCI controlled my inside lines, Bell South still had control of the outside lines. In that my voice mail was still on when I moved, I do not understand the lengthy time given which was up to three weeks to switch my service, because I am still in the same zip code and my home telephone number (502) 375-9567 was not going to be changed. I explained to MCI that since it was taking so long to transfer my service that I wanted to cancel my service. MCI stated that it would take five (5) days to cancel my service. It took nine (9) days and several phone calls for MCI to cancel my service, again the service was never connected to my new address and was not connected to my old address, however the mailbox was still on but not connected to either address. I dropped MCI.

PAY AS YOU GO CELL PHONE (502) 216-1356

Sept. 18, 2005, 11:29 a.m on cell phone.

I made a tele. Call to 968-5928 echo on telephone

October 9, 2005, between 1:00 – 2:30 pm

Talking long distance to friend on cell phone (615) 573-2575 Cell phone disconnected.

January 2, 2006 between 8:25 pm and 8:45 pm/on my cell phone (502) 216-1356

Echo on phone while talking with Don Sinclair – who has also had a problem with Judge Jerry Bowles, a Family Court judge that I have a federal complaint against. Don’s telephone number is 502-931-0496.

January 6, 2006 between 6:00 pm and 7:00 pm/on my cell phone (502) 216-1356

Echo on phone – received a call on my cell phone – while talking with Don Sinclair. In our telephone conversation he stated that someone had removed information from his computer. I believe he stated that this happened on two occasions. I told him to start documenting everything. I asked him who his internet provider was and he stated Bell .


Sept. or October 2005 (approximately)

I decided to purchase Insight as my home cable, telephone and internet service. My home telephone number is (502) 384-8190.

October 18, 2005

Between 4:00 – 5:00 am, Could not send Emails. I was trying to send them to CBS and NBC and miscellaneous other places.

October 18, 2005

MSIE Browser Test – Failed

October 18, 2005 – 8:45 am - Echo

Was talking to Heather at Insight Broadband, very Loud Echo on telephone. Also talked to Derwin, Tier II Technical Support, for Insight Broadband.

October 23, 2005 – 3:30 am – 4:00 am

A message started going across the faces of the people on television and stated the following. ‘A required weekly test has been issued, please tune to 96 for complete details.” I called Insight Communications to ask why the messages were going across the faces of the people instead of being at the top of the screen. I spoke with Steve at Insight Communications at 4:15 am and he stated that two or three channels were doing that and they don’t know why. Steve stated, “The channels are 82 and 33, I mean 34”

November 19, 2005 – 8:00 am

Fax would not go through, spoke with someone at Insight Communications name Jerome.

November 15, 2005 – 1:40 a.m.

I talked to Brenda at Insight Communications (Cable). Echo on telephone.

November 15, 2005 – 9:00 a.m.

Cable called and left message. I picked up the telephone later and it rang back to Insight Communications without me dialing them. They were supposed to come to repair my telephone between 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m., however they did not show up.

November 19, 2005 – 12:10 pm

Tried to send fax and it would not go through, got customer service rep with Insight Communications and was disconnected. When I tried to send fax I kept getting Bell South and fast busy. Bell South is not my telephone provider.

December 28, 2005 - 8:11 am

Call from 866-275-4852 Tele rang, picked up phone and kept saying, “Hello, Hello, Hello” no one says anything. When I try to call this number back phone is dead and I get fast busy, or I get message that says, “We’re sorry all circuits are busy now will you please try your call a little bit later.”

December 28, 2005 – 7:39 pm

Call from 866-656-8186 Tele rang, picked up phone and kept saying, “Hello, Hello, Hello” no one says anything. When I try to call this number back phone is dead and get fast busy, or I get message that says, “We’re sorry all circuit are busy now will you please try you call a little bit later.”

January 7, 2006 – 10:00 – 10:10 am

Picked up telephone, phone dead

January 31, 2006 – between 12:00 Noon – 12:10 pm

Talking to Peggy at telephone number (502) 777-5136 on my home phone. Telephone cut-off.

January 31, 2006 – 12:10 pm

Called and talked to Heather at Insight Communications to report telephone cutting off

February 28, 2006 – 6:00 pm

Picked up telephone, phone dead, I called Insight Communications. I do not remember who I spoke with, but I think one of the people I spoke with was Angela. I was told that Joan Sacharnoski sent me a letter on February 22, 2006; however I had not received it.

March 3, 2006 – 8:30 a.m.

Called 513-564-7032 Echo on Phone

March 7, 2006

I received and unsigned letter from Joan Sacharnoski’s on approximately March 6, 2006. The letter was very derogatory and equivalent to defamation libel. Joan also telephoned me at (502)772-2633, which is a small office entitled, “Justice for All Citizens.” I am sending this letter to the Corporate Office of Insight Communications and the FCC, and I also plan to file a complaint regarding the content of the letter.

March 10, 2006 – 7:53 a.m.

Peggy sent me an Email but I cannot get into my Email.

April 12, 2006 – 4:05 p.m.

The last number that called your phone was 000-000-0000

April 17, 2006 – 7:48 p.m.

New York Times called regarding advertising and tried to send me an Email. I talked to Detra. Echo on Telephone.

April 21, 2006 – 9:23 a.m.

A woman from MCI called and stated, “ I have on here that someone accepted calls from Houston. Did you accept calls from Houston? Is 384-8190 your number? I stated, “384-8190 is my number, but I did not accept calls from Houston.”

April 2006 (not sure of date) between 4:00 am – 5:00 am

Computer not working cannot get on line.

April 2006 – 6:00 am

Talked to Nathan at Insight.

June 2, 2006 – 7:48 p.m.

Talking to Cheap . Echo on telephone.

June 2, 2006 – 7:55 p.m.

Called Insight Communications, (502) 357-4400. Talked to Greg. Echo on telephone.

June 5, 2006 – 3:20 p.m.

Called 800-795-0469 from my cell phone 502-488-0415. Echo on telephone.

June 6, 2006 – 6:54 p.m.

I called 499-5249 to talk with Pena Cobble from my telephone number 502-384-8190. Echo on the telephone. She heard the echo and I heard the echo.

June 7, 2006 – 8:00 a.m.

Echo on telephone

July 5, 2006 – 6:50 p.m.

Hang up call, I said “Hello.” They held the telephone and did not say anything.

NEW HOME ADDRESS, TELE # is still (502) 384-8190 – Internet Insight

August 27, 2006 – New Address

My mother passed away on August 22, 2006. I am now living in her house located at 1814 South 23rd St., Louis., Ky 40210. My telephone number is still (502) 384-8190. My cell number is (502) 488-0415.

Even during the passing of my mother and my time of grief, I was still being severely harassed on my home phone, cell phones and office phone. Family could not reach me by telephone with funeral arrangements and when we called my telephone carrier they stated that it was a local problem in Kentucky with my telephone.

EXHIBIT 5 –Letter From Human Relations Commission

Re: Not Being able to Reach me by Telephone


September 10, 2006 – 9:00 p.m.

Talking to my niece, Debbie, telephone number (502) 778-8377. Telephone cut-off. Picked telephone up to call her back and the phone was dead. I was talking on my home phone and I called and reported this to Jerome (customer service for Insight Communications).

October 22, 2006 – 2:10 p.m.

Talking to grandchildren on home telephone, Echo on phone.

October 23, 2006 (between 2:00 am – 6:00 am)

Could not get into Email. Computer would not take Email ID and Password. I called Insight repair and spoke with Mike, he stated that the problem was that someone had changed my Email ID from

Connie.Marshall@ to Conniemarshall@. I told him that I did not change it and apparently someone is stealing my identity to get into my Email. Mike stated that anyone could go under member services and figure out how to do this, I told him no one at my house would do this, as there are only two people living here and my brother does not use my computer. I ask to speak to a manager and was placed on hold and then disconnected.

October 23, 2006 (6:00 am)

I called Insight back, as I was disconnected. The person I got this time was Michael. I explained to him what Mike told me and he stated that Mike did not know what he was talking about and that I still had Connie.Marshall@ but now I also had Conniemarshall@. I told him that I did not request two Email addresses and that I did not want to keep Conniemarshall@. I further told him that I had never heard of such a thing. I then asked to speak with a manager and he would not connect me to a manager. I was persistent and was connected to Gary Quick, who stated that he was a manager and had only been there for two months. I told him the problem was a very serious one and continuously asked for Barbara Huber, who I was told was the manager over the department and I have not been connected with her.

October 23, 2006 through November 3, 2006

I called Insight several days between October 23, 2006 and November 3, 2006 and was never connected with the Manager, Barbara Huber. I was always told that she was in a meeting. I left messages in her voice mail at telephone number 357-4686 and she would never return my calls.

October 23, 2006 through November 2, 2006

Spoke to several people at Insight Communications. Some of the names were James/Supervisor, Curtis, Aaron, Audrey/Generalist, Yonis and Charlotte. I continuously asked to speak with Barbara Huber, however I was constantly told that she was in a meeting or she was not at work.

October 25, 2006 – Approximately 4:00 am - Destruction of Property

I was working in my computer and noticed and my hard drive started running continuously as if something was downloading. I was not online. I then noticed a file had been downloaded to my computer with the title of ˜ Wrl0037.tmp mydocuments. I called 911 and the call seemed to roll over to another line. I spoke with a dispatch person and told them that my identity was being stolen again and that I have been dealing with this severe harassment for over three (3) years.

I further told them that I have kept a very thorough log of all of it, which includes tapes, pictures, voice mail messages, and the different peoples names, and the different sounds, etc. on my telephones, computers, fax machines, etc. I noticed it started when I was a victim of a hate crime in Louisville Kentucky in May 2004 and could not get any assistance from anyone in Louisville, Kentucky, and therefore decided to file charges against all of the persons covering the crime. I further told them that the file that was sent to my computer would eventually start copying all of my files and then destroy my computer, as this has already previously been done. (see *June 8, 2005 on this log, under Harassing Communications). I told them to immediately send me an officer and that I do also fear for my life.

When I hung up the telephone and while I waited for the officer the ˜ WrL0037.tmp started copying the file that I was working on, which was a lawsuit against the Commonwealth of Kentucky and several others regarding participating in or conspiracy to cover up crimes against children and participating in or conspiracy to cover up a hate crime. When I tried to delete the ˜ WrL0037.tmp file, a window would pop up and the message I received was “Close any program that might be using the file and try again.” I was preparing to file the lawsuit that day against the following:

Commonwealth of Kentucky

Scott Crawford Sutherland – State Atty General’s Office/Special Prosecutions

Gregory Stumbo – State Attorney General

R. David Stengel – Commonwealth Attorney

Jefferson County Police Dept.

Lieutenant Linda Pettick/Jefferson County Police Dept.

Lieutenant Kathy Eigelbach/ St. Matthews Police Dept.

Chief Norman Mayer/St. Matthews Police Dept.

Judge Audra Eckerle/Jefferson County District Court

Judge Jerry Bowles/Jefferson County Family Court Judge

Irvin Maze/Jefferson County Attorney

Dennis O’Connor (Doc)/Jefferson County Attorney’s Office

Richard O’Malley/Jefferson County Attorney’s Office

Cabinet for Families and Children

Sky Tanghe/Child Protective Services/Cabinet for Families and Children

Mike Hartlage/Child Protective Services/Cabinet for Families and Children

I also noticed that many other ˜ WrL files were being created, all ending in “my documents” and included the following ˜ WrL0037.tmp ˜ WrL0281.tmp ˜ WrL0539.tmp ˜ WrL0673.tmp ˜ WrL1230.tmp ˜ WrL1554.tmp, ˜ WrL1975.tmp ˜ WrL2449.tmp ˜ WrL2471.tmp. When I tried to delete these files which were duplicates of my files I received an error message that would not allow me to delete the files. The Message further stated that “These files are being used by another person or program.”

October 25, 2006 – approximately 5:30 am – Louisville Metro Police Dept.

The policeman arrived and his name was David Mcgala. I asked for a card and he stated that he did not have one. I showed him the files and he watched what was going on in my computer. He saw the duplicate files under the heading of ˜ WrL and I showed him the original file that the duplicate was copying. He did not take a report, but he told me he would give the information to John Polin in the 2nd District and that he was an officer that handled the types of problems that I was having. David Mcgala may have also told me that he had not been on the police force very long. (not sure). He was slim, white and young.

October 26 (not sure of date)

I could not get into my files on my computer. I called the police. They sent a police office out and he took a report. There was a lot of static on my tele. line. When the police officer left. I tried to get into my files again and noticed that the downloaded ˜ WrL files were deleting themselves from my computer, in other words the file names were still there but the duplicates were now missing. I also noticed that only one file was now left in my computer and when I tried to open it I received the following messages:

Windows – Delayed Write Failed Windows was unable to save all the data for the file

\˜ WRD2826.tmp. The data has been lost. This error may be caused by a failure of your computer hardware or network connection. Please try to save this file elsewhere.

November 1, 2006

Picked up my telephone and the telephone was dead.

November 1, 2006 - Attacked

Some type of signal is being sent to my telephone, I cannot hear it but I can feel it. It hurts my ears and is causing me to get a headache when I am on the telephone making it almost impossible for me to stay on the telephone. I do not normally get headaches. The signal coming through my telephone is causing so much discomfort that I cannot hold the telephone up to my ear, it feels as if it is electrical.

November 2, 2006 – 9:10 a.m.

I called a family member at (502) 366-8109, when I hung up the phone rang back to me and was dead.

November 12, 2006

I have not been allowed access to my Email since approximately October 21, 2006 and still cannot get into my Email.

November 15, 2006 (between 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.) Louisville Metro Police Dept.

Called the Louisville Metro Police Dept. to find out when the Detective would be assigned to my case. They told me to call back tomorrow. Approximately five minutes after I hung up there were three police officers at my door. I asked them why they were there, as I did not call for a police car. One police officer came inside; I did not see a badge. I ask him why the other two policeman were standing on the porch and that I did not want police just standing on my porch. The officer that came in stated they were training someone, so that is why two of them stayed outside.

November 16, 2006 (approximately 10:00 am – 11:00 a.m.) Louisville Metro Police Dept.

I spoke with Detective Polin (502) 574-2478 and he stated that he was not the person that would handle my case. He referred me to Melissa Mottley (502) 574-7045. When I called Ms. Mottley, I was told that she was on Maternity leave and I was transferred to Detective Andy Abbott. I told Detective Andy Abbott about everything that had been going on and he told me a detective would call me. Approximately 5 minutes later there were two policeman “bamming” on my door. They banged on the front door and the back door so loudly that I am sure people a city block away could hear them. The female officer walked up and down the street in front of my house and I heard her say, “Well she called us.” As I did not call for a police officer I called Andy Abbott and asked why I had policeman “bamming” on my door, as if I were a criminal and they were going to drag me out of my house. At first he acted as if he did not know what was going on and then he admitted that he sent the policeman to my house. He then stated, “Open the door and let them in Ms. Marshall.” I told him I was not and I knew what was going on, as I know that they are trying to silence me regarding the overwhelming amount of evidence I have regarding the corruption in my state. I found out from the dispatcher that the Unit # for the police that came to my house were Unit #224B and Unit #226B. They would not give me those police officers names. I also spoke with a Sgt. Wilkerson, who stated someone would be assigned to my case, however I have not been contacted.

December 18, 2006 – (approximately 5:30 p.m

Arrived home from work and my home tele, computer and cable was disconnected. When I called Insight because my bill was paid they would not talk to me and told me to contact the Public Service Commission. When I called them they stated Insight mailed me a certified letter. I picked up the letter and it was very derogatory and there was no signature. The letter stated that they were denying me service and did not state a legitimate reason. Also my L.G.&E was disconnected. I called LG&E and I was told that even though I payed my bill and called in my receipt number they turned me off because I did not call back to make payment arrangements and that I had to pay $130.00 dollars (in that price range, not sure* see L.G.& E section on this log) to have my service turned back on.

Destruction of Property (tried to scan in November 2008 to add to log)

Tried to use scanner on printer and it has been scrambled by the corrupt officials, was unable to scan document regarding Insight, I had to copy it on the copy machine



Cingular Wireless – Cell Phone (502) 488-0415 – Purchased Around May 2006

I purchased this cell phone around May 2006. I have changed this phone with Cingular wireless three times since May 2006. Each telephone rings back after every call. The telephones cause loud popping and static noise on my television, home radio and car radio. The cell phone make this noise even when I am not on the phone, as they seem to come on periodically, I am being tracked through my car radio, telephones, and TV sets as if I were an animal. Problems with my Cingular phone:

1) My cell phone calls are cut off in the middle of conversations.

2) Voice mail messages or delayed sometimes as much as two – three days.

3) The ability to press options is disabled. (i.e., if I make a call and it states press one for this option, press two for this option, etc. I am unable to use this service on my cell phone, this has also happened with my home phone).

4) When people call me on my cell phone, they are told that it is not a working number.

Cingular has credited my account due to these problems once in the amount of $50 and again in the amount of $100, however it does not compensate me for the many problems and loss of business I have incurred.

5) I have also noticed that sometimes when people call me, my caller ID shows “Lebanon Junction.” Also when I call people on my cell phone, instead of their caller ID showing my name it sometimes shows “Lebanon Junction.” As these calls are local calls sometimes to people around the corner from me, I do not understand why these calls would be picked up by “Lebanon Junction,” when I talked to Cingular Wireless, there excuse was that any tower could pick up the telephone call.

December 3, 2006 – 1:00 – 1:50 p.m.

Talking to Tonya, my daughter. Static on both phones, cut off twice. Signal on phone, hurt my ears.

December 15, 2006 – 11:47 a.m.

Talking with guy regarding problems with state illegally taking his mother and selling her property. His number is 502-224-7032. Echo on telephone.

January 9, 2007

Henry Lewis called me on my home telephone number and stated that he had been trying to reach me all day on my cell tele and each time he called he received the message, “The telephone number he has called is not in service.” I told him that that my phone should be working and he said he would prove it to me. I took my cell phone out of my purse and laid it beside me, Henry telephoned my cell phone and put his phone on speaker and I could hear a “fast busy signal.” I was not on my cell phone.

January 9, 2007 between 10:30 pm – 11:00 pm

I called 1-866-695-2750 and spoke with Marcus Williams at Cingular from a home phone. He told me to look for signal bars on my cell phone, I did not have any signal bars on my cell phone. He called me back on my cell phone to test my phone, the number he called me back from 1-225-296-4224. Marcus transferred me to Doug Hendricks in Customer Care. Doug said the system did not recognize my telephone number. Doug stated that he did not have access to my information and transferred me to Kentucky. The Kentucky Office was closed and I called them back at 1-800-331-0500 on January 10, 2007 to ask for a credit, due to the numerous problems with my cell phone. I spoke with Karen, who transferred me to Ariel White (Supervisor). Ariel would not give me a credit and I asked her to transfer me to a manager or their legal dept. She stated that she would have someone call me back.

January 2007 – April 2007

Cingular telephone has an illegal tracking device that causes problems with every communication device, including home phone, car radio, other people’s telephones, etc. The telephone does not even have to be on and it causes problems.

April 7, 2007

Talking to Terrell, a friend on my cell phone. When the conversation ended, he said “Bye,” I said “Bye, Bye,” and another voice said, “Bye, Bye.” It was not at my end and it was not at Terrell’s end, therefore a third party was on my Cingular Cell phone line.

April 9, 2007 – 7:13 am

I called Cingular to report the third party on my phone on April 7, 2007 and spoke with Jennifer Remington.

April 18, 2007 – Between 6:00 a.m – 7:00 a.m

I called my cell phone 488-0415 from my home phone, which is 774-4305. Area codes for both is (502). I received a message stating I must dial a “1” or “0” before dialing this number. I talked to Crystal Mitchell at Cingular on April 19, 2007 about problems with phone.

April 27, 2007 – 7:35

Called Cingular my phone would not power off. It stayed on. I spoke with Robyn Sparrows at Cingular.

May 25, 2007 – 3:15 p.m.

Calls not coming through on cell phone. Local callers being told to dial “1” and then the number. I talked to Alicia Romero at Cingular. Also talked to Ricky at Cingular.

AT&T (Business Telephone) (502) 772-2633 Internet AOL

Justice for All Citizens, Business Address 3620 West Broadway, Suite 204, Louisville, Ky 40211

January 2006 (not sure of date, beginning of January 2006)

Talked to AT&T about a small business line at a Church located at 3620 West Broadway that I am having installed. AT&T tried to send me an Email at my home telephone, which is through Insight Communications. The lady stated it would not go through and kept coming back to her as undelivered, she stated she would just mail it to me.

I reported to Insight Communications that AT&T was trying to send me an Email and it would not go through and spoke with Greg, Scott/Broadband and I also spoke with Janice. While talking with Janice in the telephone dept. at the end of the conversation I heard a very loud static noise on the telephone. I spoke with David at Insight and he told me he would give Joan Sacharnoski a message to call me. I called back on 1/3/06 and spoke with Derrick at Insight and he gave me Joan Sacharnoski’s direct line, which is 502-357-4101. I called and left a message in her voice mail.

January 2006

Lots of problems with telephone company getting phone line installed, took approximately a month or longer after phone was ordered to have it installed.

May 1, 2006 – 2:31 p.m.

Static on telephone at work tele number 502-772-2633. Someone called and kept saying is the Justice for All? I could not communicate with the person because there was too much static on the telephone. I told the person to call back, but they did not call back.

May 2006 and June 2006 – Rent was paid – but I was locked out of my office all day

On two occasions on a Saturdays, which was my regular business hours, I was locked out of my office at 3620 West Broadway, Suite 204, Louisville, Kentucky for the entire day. Once when I was scheduled to have a meeting and receive a collect call, though my rent was paid, I was locked out of my office for the entire day, no one would come to let me in. A second time I was locked out of my office for the entire day. A third time I was locked out of my office and someone let me in 30 minutes after my office was due to open.

May 2006 and June 2006

I was not receiving all of my office mail and I could tell people had been in my office going through my belongings.

June 2006 (one day between June 1, 2006 – June 9, 2006

Someone left a message on my office phone at 3620 West Broadway, Suite 204. My office tele number is 502-772-2633. I tried to return the call to Darrell Vancleave at the tele number he left which was 776-7132. When I called him back I got a company called IHP or RHP. They stated that I had the wrong tele number. There was an echo on the telephone and I could also hear people talking on the telephone. The person that answered the tele stated that they were located at 807 North 27th Street, Louisville, KY 40212, I called back and was given a different address of 810 North 27th Street.

June 12, 2006 – 2:56 p.m.

I called 502-777-5136 and was talking with Peggy. We were talking and then all of a sudden she could not hear me but I could hear her. There was a wall blocking our telephone communication. This is not the first time this has happened. This has also happened when I was speaking with AOL (America On Line) on May 23, 2005 (see this date under harassing communication).

July 29, 2006 – 3:26 p.m. - Echo

Echo on telephone. I was talking to Nancy Taylor – tele. # 582-3869.

AT&T - Justice for All Citizens and Party Grams

New Business Address - 4211 Cane Run Road, Unit 3, Louisville, Ky 40216

(502) 449-3912 Justice for All Citizens (502) 449-7073 Party Grams

(Office was rented from Richardson Properties at the rate of $250 per month)

I signed a one year lease, paid a $250 dollar deposit and was there about five (5) months

October 3, 2006

I called AT&T and stated that I was moved my office to a new address which is 4211 Cane Run Road, Suite 3, Louisville, Kentucky 40210. I asked them if I could retain the same business number for “Justice for All Citizens,” which is (502) 772-2633 and they told me that I could keep this number. On the same day I requested that AT&T also install a new line for Party Grams at the same location, which would give me two separate lines. I was told that it would take approximately two weeks. I was also told that they would connect both lines Justice for all Citizens and Party Grams on that same day. At this time I also requested that my old number for Justice for All Citizens 502-772-2633 give a recorded message that the number was being changed and my new number to persons trying to contact my business.

October 3, 2006 through October 12, 2006

AT&T did not place a recorded message letting callers trying to reach “Justice for All Citizens” know that the telephone number was being changed.

October 12, 2006

A representative for Bell South came to install the telephones. He told me that he could not connect Justice for All Citizens without approval from AT&T. Though AT&T is my carrier for Justice for All Citizens and Party Grams and I ordered the transfer for Justice for All Citizens and the new line for Party Grams on the same day, which was October 3, 2006, the Bell South repairman would only connect Party Grams. This seemed strange to me because Party Grams was a brand new line and Justice for All Citizens was already connected at my previous location and still ringing into oblivion, waiting to be switched to my new location. He did not connect Justice for All Citizens.

October 2006 (not sure of dates)

Received many calls from many different people stating they were with AT&T. They told me that I could not keep the telephone number (502) 772-2633. I would receive a call stating that my telephone number for Justice for All Citizens would be (502) 449-1533. I would receive another call in the same day stating that my number would be (502) 449-3912. This happened for several days. Some of the calls came from Tele #000-000-0000.

October 24, 2006 8:52 am

Dennis from AT&T called and left message on my home voice mail stating he was on his way out to my location to install a couple of phone lines and hopefully someone will be there.

October 25, 2006 4:41 p.m

AT&T called and stated a Tech would be out to install my telephone on October 26, 2006 to install telephone number of (502) 449-1533.

October 26, 2006 – 9:15 a.m.

Talked some other people at AT&T regarding installing my telephones at my new office location of 4211 Cane Run Road, Suite 3, were Kirk Pennington, and Jennifer in Repair.

November 6, 2006

I have repeatedly called and ask AT&T to have a message attached to my previous telephone number which was (502)772-2633 to give my new telephone number which is (502) 449-3912 and to date November 6, 2006 at 4:40 am this has still not been done.

November 6, 2006 – 4:40 a.m.

I dialed my previous business telephone number which was (502) 772-2633 and it is still ringing, even though my new telephone number, which is (502) 449-3912, is connected. The telephone number (502) 772-2633 is now ringing into oblivion. AT&T has not attached a recording giving my new business number for “Justice for All Citizens,” which is (502) 449-3912. I have previously asked them about this and their response has been “Well, you are not paying for it.”

November 10, 2006

Called AT&T and spoke with very nice person named “Kendra.” I explained the situation regarding my business telephone to her and all of the prior problems and what has been going on in Kentucky. Kendra was able to fix the problem and I noticed on Saturday, November 11, 2006 that now when you dial the old business number, which is (502) 772-2633, it is now giving the new business number which is (502) 449-3912.

November 2006

Both telephones in office are not working, cannot sign on the internet

December 2006

Both telephones in office not working, cannot sign on to the internet

January 2007

Cannot sign on to the internet

January 11 or 12, 2007 (between 3:00 p.m. and 4:45 p.m.)

I spoke with the Chicago office of the F.B.I. and though I strongly believe that my local F.B.I. office is involved in the Severe Communication Harassment, I contacted the local Louisville F.B.I. office. The receptionist that answered could hear all of the harassing communications on (502) 449-7073, which was a lot of squealing, and she told me she would have someone call me back. Someone named Steve, local F.B.I. called me back on (502) 449-3912 and there was so much static and popping on the line that they could barely hear me and I could barely hear him. I told him to call me on my cell phone (502) 488-0415, however it did not ring. He called me back on (502) 449-7073 and said he was taking a report and if the F.B.I. felt they needed to get any additional information, they would contact me. I did not receive a call of assistance from them.

January 2007

Received a voice mail message from AT&T on my home telephone (502) 774-4305 stating the following:

“ Hi Connie, this is Neal with AT&T Repair, Ticket 711005591 You have two trouble lines you have trouble line “7073,” there was no access. A tech was there on the 11th at 9:00 a.m. and he had no access, so I am sending him back again tomorrow The problem that we have right now, is the other line you are requesting to be fixed, which is the line “3912.” According to the records that line is not with AT&T, and apparently it belongs to a totally different customer, so I don’t know what that line is, if you think that is still your phone number 502-449-3912 you need to contact Customer Care. And ask them for that. Our records in repair state that it is not your line so you need to contact Customer Care if you think it is. Right now we are dispatching tomorrow for the line “7073,” somebody will be there between

9 and 4.”

I ordered my telephone service (502) 449-7073 and (502) 449-3912 from AT&T to be installed at my business address four (4) months before I received the voice mail message from AT&T. I have been receiving billing statements from AT&T for both of these telephones and have been paying the bills for four (4) months. Therefore, AT&T is involved in the illegal severe telephone harassment, which also caused me to have to close my business, and this would make AT&T guilty of fraud charges. Incidentally, (502) 449-3912 was a transferred new number given to me by AT&T, as the original telephone number through AT&T at the old business address was (502) 772-2633.

EXHIBIT 7 - AT&T Bill for (502) 449-3912


EXHIBIT 8 – AT&T Bill for 449-7073


January 2007

Someone from AT&T’s Security Office name Steve Murphy called my office. His telephone number was 810-555-0810.

January 2007 (not sure of date)

Had office telephones disconnected due to the many malfunctioning problems with both telephones, which also affected my internet service through AOL because I had dial-up and I could not use the telephone lines. Talked with landlord and was told that I could move out.




(incidentally I spoke with an attorney that advised me to file the above regarding the below incident)

(also I do not have a criminal history, and have never been to jail)

(Brief synopsis of what occurred)

January 2008

Started working for National College at 4205 Dixie Highway, Louisville, Kentucky

March 2008 (not sure of date, have paperwork but need to locate)

Received a summons on my job to go to court regarding Richardson Properties

March 2008 (not sure of date, have paperwork but need to locate)

Went to court with Judge ____________ (will add name later). I asked for an enlargement of time to bring in evidence and he refused and ruled for Richardson Properties. Again, as mentioned above I could not use my fax machine, telephones, email and was not receiving my mail, therefore I could not run either of my businesses and was paying for a line in my office that was not my line according to AT&T. There is also evidence of this, as I kept the voice mail message from AT&T. Also, my landlord was aware of the problems and told me that I could move out.

I was denied an enlargement of time. Richardson Properties was granted approximately $3,000.00, court cost, attorney fees, etc.. I went home and filed an appeal the same day and took it back to small claims court to be filed in Circuit Court. I was told that I would need to pay a Supersedes Bond or I would still be garnished even though I filed the appeal the same day and a Motion to Squash the Supersedes Bond. The bond was the amount that Richardson Properties was granted. I did not pay the bond and Richardson Properties immediately started garnishing my paycheck, until I lost my job for no reason on September 10, 2008 at National College (see section of this log regarding National College).

November 2008 (last of November or first of December 2009)

Received a subpoena to go to a deposition.




January 2009 (around the first week or could have been the last of December 2008)

Though I informed Richardson Properties that I was not available to attend the deposition on the date on the subpoena, which was December 12, 2009, two sheriffs came to my house and stated that they had a warrant for my arrest. During the time that they came there were two Insight repairman at my home and they had just come in, therefore my front door was still open. The sheriff’s walked in after the two Insight Repairman and I was handcuffed and taken to jail.

January 2009 (around the first week or could have been the last of December 2008)

When I arrived at the jail and went through processing they ask me if I wanted a public defender and I said, “yes”. They told me that I was under a $2,500.00 full cash bond. I asked them why the bond was so high as I have never committed any crimes and have never been in jail. The clerk told me that apparently someone wanted to keep me in jail. I did not have this money and stayed in jail all night. I watched prostitutes, and people who had previously committed crimes be released on their own recognizance, yet I was under a $2,500.00 full cash bond.

January 2009, the following day after the arrest (around the first week or last of December 2008)

My name was called along with several other women in jail. The women in jail told me that this was the arraignment, when you find out your charges and that I would be able to get the bond reduced and find out about getting a public defender, which I requested when I was processed in the jail.

I was taken to a different location than all the other women. When I went into the court room, no one was in the court room, but the judge, two clerks, and sitting at the table was the attorney for Richardson Properties, Steven Snow. There were no other people in the courtroom. They took me before the judge and he stated, “My name is David Bowles, Do you know what you are in here for?” I stated, “No.” The judge stated, “You are here because you did not attend this man’s deposition, and you either answer his deposition today are you are going back to jail, do you understand me?” I stated, “yes”.

(Note: the judge did not ask me if I wanted a public defender,and he did not mention anything about my bond. Also, the Judge that illegally placed my grandchildren for adoption was Jerry Bowles ). Judge David Bowles also made illegal rulings regarding a probate case in which he told the appointed Attorney, Chris Meinhart that he did not correct the court record and left it incorrect in the file.

I sit at the table with Steven Snow and he asked me questions about property, savings, jobs, banking and numerous personal questions about finances. After the deposition was completed, I stated, “When can I get a copy of the tape of this deposition. The judge stated, “We did not tape this deposition.” I then stated, “When can I get a copy of the courtroom tape.” The judge stated, “We did not tape this.” The judge than stated that I could go home.

March 2009

I went to court to get a copy of the warrant that I was arrested on and was told that they did not have a Warrant. I was then told to go over to the Sherriff’s office and after going back and forth a couple of times, I was given a Forthwith Order.

I spoke with an attorney and was told to file malicious prosecution and false arrest charges,

another attorney told me that a default judgment should have been filed before the arrest, however due to the conspiracy of the entire state of Kentucky against me along with other federal officials involved in the corruption in Ky, I cannot find anyone here that will take the case, therefore I will file it myself, as that is the reason they block all of your communication with the outside world

Exhibit 10 - Forthwith Order


I have now appealed the original case regarding office space with Richardson Properties to the Court of Appeals in Kentucky, Case No. 2008-CA-002401MR

I filed a Motion to Withdraw this Case from The Court of Appeals and filed it in Federal Court. It is Case #3:09-CV-379-H



(502) 774-4305

November 28 2006 – 10:45 a.m.

Called office of the Inspector General to find out about mail sent to them. Signal coming through the telephone, cannot hear, but can feel pressure (seems electrical). Hurts ears.

December 27, 2006 – 11:47 a.m. – Echo on Phone

Called the Kentucky Public Service Commission (502) 564-3940

January 2, 2007 – 8:30 a.m.

Long Distance not working, girl said would activate, she said it would take up to two (2) hours. I paid for long distance service on December 28, 2006 or December 29, 2006.

January 2, 2007 – 10:40 a.m.

Long distance not working, Talked to Claudette, she said the girl that I talked to at 8:30 a.m. did everything but activate, and that she would finish the order but it would take about two (2) hours.

January 2, 2007 – 1:05 p.m.

Long distance not working, Talked to Quin, he stated that it was now working, but I would need to call 1-866-666-4411 each time I made a long distance call and then put in my long distance number. He stated didn’t they tell you that? I stated no, (static was on telephone).

January 2, 2007 – 5:20 p.m.- Option buttons not working correctly on telephone/ Banking

Called the bank to transfer money from one account to another to pay bills, if I pressed the two (2) button the recording would give me the three (3) option and if I press the one (1) button it would give me the wrong option. I almost transferred money to the wrong account. This has happened previously and I had to pay out over three hundred fifty ($350) in overdraft fees, and I thought that I made a mistake, however now I know that the people on my computer and phone have all of my personal information, and can cause me problems with my banking.

January 7, 2007 – 12:10 a.m.

After speaking to Henry Lewis from an additional office phone 502-449-7073 January 6, 2007 sometime between 12:00 noon – 5:00 p.m., Henry called me from his home phone 502-582-1267 at my home phone which is (502) 774-4305 and stated that every since he spoke with me at my office he has had problems with his home phone. He stated that his phone kept going “dead” and when he picked it up there was no dial tone. He asks me to call him back and I told him to hang up and I would. When I picked up my phone to call him back my home phone was “dead.” I called him back on my cell phone and told him that now my home phone was dead. Approximately ten minutes later I picked up my phone and it had started working again.

January 9, 10 or 11, 2007 (not sure of day) 5:30 a.m.

Called 1-888-346-3704 AOL Tech Support. I talked to Nathan in Billing, he stated that I had the Billing Dept., though I had called the Technical Dept. He transferred me to that Dept., they tried to get me on line and could not get me on line. They stated there was some kind of technical glich.

January 9, 2007 – 11:10 pm

Called Tracy, my daughter (502) 366-1117. Tracy stated what is that noise, don’t you hear it? I said no, she stated she could hear a screeching noise on her phone the entire time that we talked.

January 11, 2007 – 6:15 a.m.

I have AOL in my office (which is not working & has not worked for 4 months). I tried to get on line at my home. Called AOL and talked to someone named “Maged.” He could not get me online.

January 10 or 11, 2007

Talked to someone named Mike at AOL. He told me to do a control-alt-delete on my computer to bring up the Windows Task Manager and to go under Processes and take out some files. Each time I took them out they repopulated themselves in my computer. He stated that someone has attached themselves to my computer.

January 11, 2007 – 7:05 a.m.

Talked to Frank at AOL. I still cannot get on line.

January 12, 2007 – 11:10 a.m.

Telephone rang, I picked it up and it clicked off.

January 13, 2007 – 10:15 a.m.

Turned on computer at home and opened my file documents. Three files were copied they begin with the wavy line ~ and were copies of my files. I was able to delete them but I know that they are still on my computer, because on January 10 or 11th, AOL told me someone has attached themselves to my computer.

January 14, 2007 – 11:40 p.m. Banking – BB&T

Tried to access my account from my home telephone, just to check on my account. When I pressed option one (1) on my home phone I got option two (2). I put in the wrong password, by mistake, and I was still able to get into my account. I was trying to get into my primary account and the first message I received is that I was $68.00 overdrawn and quoted banking charges. No matter what option button I pressed I would still get the wrong option. I hung up and called back and the message that I received gave me a positive balance of $257.00. I was able to get a representative and she transferred me to “Tracy Hatcher” and she stated that she would close that account and told me to go to the bank Tuesday to open another account.

January 15, 2007 – 10:15 a.m.

Went into my file folder and noticed that the following files are now on my computer,

~$rrupinlouiskythree and ~WrL3020.tmp. I deleted ~$rrupinlouiskythree, I tried to delete ~wrL3020.tmp and the message that I received stated, “Cannot delete it, it is being used by another person or program.” The files are now increasing and I now have on my computer Wrl2413.tmp, WrL0926.tmp, WrL3020.tmp. When I try to delete these files my computer states, “These files are being used by another person.”

January 16, 2007

Went to search for files and noticed the following has now been downloaded to my computer: ~DF121C.tmp, ~DF127E.tmp, ~DF12FE.tmp, ~DF137A.tmp, ~DF13A2.tmp, ~DF13F8.tmp, ~DF1474.tmp, ~DF14B8.tmp, ~DF156D.tmp, ~DF15CC.tmp, ~DF15F3.tmp, ~DF16B6.tmp,

~DF1B5B.tmp, ~DF1D6D.tmp, ~DF1F2A.tmp, ~DF2709.tmp, ~DF2809.tmp, ~DF285B.tmp, ~DF2891.tmp, ~DF28FD.tmp, ~DF29E2.tmp, ~DF29F5.tmp, ~DF2A56.tmp, ~DF2BFD.tmp,

~DF2D8A.tmp, ~DF337.tmp, ~DF3423.tmp, ~DF3E8A.tmp, ~DF4706.tmp, ~DF4388.tmp, ~DF7BA1.tmp, ~DF80A9.tmp, ~DF8424.tmp, ~DF8821.tmp, ~DF891.tmp, ~DF89AA.tmp,

~DF9F6.tmp, ~DFA24C.tmp, ~DFB33.tmp, ~DFB549.tmp, ~DFB5E5.tmp, ~DFC6B9.tmp, ~DFC983.tmp, ~DFCE9.tmp, ~DFCF7B.tmp, ~DFD15C.tmp, ~DFD448.tmp, ~DFD546.tmp,

~DFDA95.tmp, ~DFE370.tmp, ~DFECBD.tmp, ~DFED94.tmp, ~DFF036.tmp, ~DFF992.tmp, ~DFF98E.tmp, ~DFFA56.tmp, ~DFCCA.tmp, ~DFDBC.tmp, ~RNSETUP.tmp, ~WRC1931.tmp,

~WRF0005.tmp, ~WRS000.tmp, ~WRS0001.tmp, ~WRS0002.tmp, ~WRS0003.tmp, ~WRS0004.tmp, ~$NORMAL.tmp, ~PM00001.TOF, ~PM000T.TOF.tmp, ~$rrupinlouiskythree, ~$ebpict, ~GLH00s1a.tmp, shared~1 c:\windows\drivercache\:38

January 17, 2007 – 8:30 a.m

Calling Prepaid Legal at 1-800-322-2647 – Static on phone

January 18, 2007 – 10:40 a.m. - Attacked

Talking on phone to Vicki Page and the phone was clear. Later in the conversation she could hear noise on phone. I could not hear noise but felt a signal (like a radiating frequency) coming through the telephone that really hurt my ears and head. My hands started shaking from the frequency because it feels like and electrical shock and my bottom lip started to quiver. I could not keep the phone to my ear. I told Vicki I would call her back on my brother’s phone because he has a speaker option. My left ear has been aching since the signal came through the phone.

January 22, 2007 – 9:40 a.m. - Attacked

Talking to Mr. Hicks at F.B.I. in Louisville, Ky. Told him about all of the problems with the telephone and ask if they could do an investigation, also told him I had previously called and told someone briefly about the phone problem. I also ask him if they received the criminal complaint forwarded to them by Jim Barr at the United States Attorney Generals Office in Louisville. All of a sudden the radiating frequency started coming through the telephone. It hurt my ears and my lip felt like an electrical current was running through it, also my head started aching. I told Mr. Hicks that I felt the signal coming through the telephone. He stated he did not hear anything and I told him this signal you can not hear but you can feel it. I also told him that this is the second time I have been talking with him on the phone and that something strange started happening with my phone while speaking or after speaking to him. (see “May or June 2004” under Federal Bureau of Investigations).

January 24, 2007

Was talking to Mr. Hicks about the complaint that I sent to the United States Attorney Generals Office that was forwarded to their office. I asked to speak to Brett Johnson, a Supervisor. Mr. Hicks told me that the United States Attorney General’s Office in Louisville Kentucky told them not to do anything (an investigation). This crime included three assaults on me that sent me to the hospital twice, once by ambulance. It also includes a cd of my prior coworkers discussing killing me and taking me to the KKK and having a bonfire and leaving me dead in Bardstown Ky. There is a court reporters transcript that is notarized that accompanies the cd/and tape and I also typed a transcript. Also on the cd Mark Yates is discussing a woman that he handcuffed in a house and a house they liked to go to because it is covered all the way around.

January 2007 (not sure of date)

Global told me that I now have to call 1-877-343-0373 before I can dial a long distance call. When I first started my service they told me I needed to dial 1-866-666-4411, however they were no longer using this number for long distance calls. I was also given 1-502-410-2141 by another Global person that stated she did not know what the other two numbers were for, however I could never get that number to work. The only long distance number I can use now is for long distance calls is


February 2, 2007 - 2:25 a.m. - Attacked

Called AOL and kept trying to get on-line. Some days I would spend four or more hours trying to get on-line. I got very frustrated because I would get sent around in circles on the telephone with AOL and they would have me delete AOL and reload over and over again, and nothing ever worked. My heart started racing and I felt as if I was going to have a heart attack. I called 911 and then I called them back to cancel because I have already had people in my house on two or more occasions stating that they were police and without badges. The ambulance came and I told them I was “Ok,” because I was afraid to let them in due to my previous experiences when I sought assistance from the police.

February 2007 (not sure of date)

I called AOL (American On Line), telephone number 1-888-265-8003. I spoke with a female that stated that she was a manager in billing and told me that her name was “Priti.” I asked for a refund as I had not been on-line for four months. I could not access the internet at my home or office. She stated that she would refund me the $14.95 per month for three (3) months of service and would not charge me for January 2007. She gave me ticket #174179972.

“Not Suprising”when I called the ambulance AOL (American On Line) immediately hung-up and the internet worked for about 2 hours and then the problems started again

This was further validation that what is happening with my computers, telephones, cell phones and fax machine is being deliberately done and corrupt officials or directly or indirectly involved in terrorizing me.

February 2007 (not sure of date)

I called AOL regarding the refund as it was not in my account. I was told by someone else there that I would not get all of my money back and that they would only give me back one month. To date, I have not received my money back.

February 2007 (not sure of date)

I tried to use Earthlink to get on-line, but I could tell that my service is being “blocked,” just as it has been with my telephones and my service with AOL (American On Line). I cancelled Earthlink the same day, as I could not get on-line. They took $50 (fifty dollars) out of my account and I am still trying to get my money back.

“Due to the illegal “blocks” on my service denying me the right to use the internet, my fax machine for long distance and my telephones I may have lost $50 (fifty dollars).”

February 5, 2007 – 5:05 a.m.

Computer running very slow and has a strange humming noise.

February 15, 2007 – 1:30 p.m.

I called the U.S. Attorney General’s Office in Louisville, Kentucky to find out if they received the

2nd Registered Letter that was mailed to David Huber, restricted delivery. Their telephone number is (502) 582-5811, Danielle answered the telephone and when she answered someone imitating a D.J. was also on the line as if they were already on my line and they stated, “Hello, Master B here on the radio ---- on here right now,” and then they faded out. I could tell it was not a radio station. The voice sounded like a young white male. I ask Danielle if she heard that and she said, “yes.” I ask her if she knew what it was and she said, “no.” I was home alone.

February 17, 2007 – 12:45 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. – at my home address 1814 South 23rd Street

I decided to try to get on-line with the internet service “People PC.” I put in the People PC cd and when it requested my telephone number, I entered my telephone number. The message in the computer stated that I could not use my telephone number (502) 774-4305 because someone already had that number. As this is my telephone number and the first time I have used People PC apparently “fraud” is being committed. I called People PC at 1-866-772-6277 and they told me that my telephone number

(502) 774-4305 is being used by the following person:

Sandra Griewe

7911 Southeast 82nd Ave., Unit 35

Portland, Oregon

They further stated that she started using this telephone number on January 6, 2007. I thought this was strange because she is in Portland, Oregon, therefore how could she be using a 502 area code. Also, I just acquired this number the last of December 2006. They told me that they could not do anything to assist me and that I would need to call Customer Service on Monday. They told me to use my cell phone number to set-up my account with them.

February 19, 2007

I called People PC and told them the problem and they stated there was nothing that they could do. I ask to speak to a manager and they transferred me to a voice mailbox and I left a message, I did not receive a return call.

February 19, 2007

I called Global, my telephone carrier and told them that fraud is being committed. They stated that there was nothing that they could do and that I needed to talk to my telephone line carrier, Bell South, and that they could handle the situation regarding illegal use of my telephone line because they control all of the outside lines.

March 6, 2007 – 2:25 p.m.

I called Global’s outgoing long distance # 1-877-343-0373 and put in 202-324-3000. I got the local FBI. I said is this Kentucky or Washington. They hung up. After they hung up the message came back on asking me to enter the number that I wished to dial, even though I had already dialed my number, therefore my number was rerouted back to Kentucky and did not go to Washington.

I called and spoke with Marcus at Global Connections. He stated that he does not know how to handle this and stated that he would transfer me to a Supervisor and I was disconnected. I called back and spoke to Asia and Drey, however they could not assist me.

March 15, 2007 – 7:45 p.m.

I was talking to Freeman Davis. His tele number is 224-7032. Echo on Phone.

March 15, 2007

Tried to make telephone call, phone calls were constantly being intercepted. I called Global and was hung up on by a young black girl, who stated, “ Why don’t you use your cell phone, go to the telephone booth.” I told her I was paying for service through them and I expected it to work. I called back and talked to another black girl that sounded like the same person. She stated, that she was a manager and that her name was Tracy. I reported the other girl, however she sounded exactly like the other girl. My calls still did not go through.

March 26, 2007 – 9:00 a.m.

I was trying to get on the Internet and was continuously unable to access the internet. I called, “People PC” at 1-877-896-3697 and spoke with a guy with a foreign accent (possibly from India). Instead of him helping me, he seemed to be making my computer problems worse. Ripples like waves started running down my computer. I started receiving a lot of pop up boxes and two of them stated the following: “Haylay.Mr.Dickson” and “Killu.” I consider the the first one to be a sexual comment, “Hey lay Mr. Dickson” and I consider the other to be a threat, “Kill You.” When I tried to get on line I received a message that stated, “The port is already in use.” “Another device is causing conflict with your modem.” My screen eventually went black and I was never able to get on line. The person on the phone from People PC, then stated, “You need to contact your manufacturer, if you want to stop those boxes from popping up on your screen.”

March 28, 2007 – 5:15 am

I called 1-202-324-3000 F.B.I. The call seemed to be rerouted; the person made a derogatory statement and hung up on me.

April, 2007

I contacted People PC and told them that everything the F.B.I. has been doing illegally regarding violating the Patriot Act, NSL (National Security Letters), and the Exigent letters is in the news. I told them that I want to use my home phone number as my internet telephone number, as it is ridiculous for me to use my cell phone number as my internet number. They told me that they would change it to allow me to use my home telephone number.

April 2, 2007

Tried to get on line, I kept getting the following message, “(RAS) Error 678 There is no answer,” I also got the following message, “ Connection Error 691, Verify User Name, Password Invalid.” There were also wavy lines running down my computer screen, and I think these were coming from my cell phone (as it apparently has an illegal tracking device on it) as I had to call People PC, tele number.

1-877-896-3696 from my cell phone because I was using my landline phone to try to connect to the internet.

April 2, 2007 - 4:27 P.M.

Finally got on the internet, however I was knocked back off of line.

April 6, 2007 – 3:15 a.m.

Tried to get on the Internet. Received (RAS) Error 691. Busy signal like phone off hook. Received message “Bartshell module has encountered a problem and need to close. We are sorry for the Inconvenience.

April 9, 2007

I have not been able to use my computer to get on the internet since April 2, 2007. My computer will no longer work on the internet, due to the destruction that they have done to my computer.

April 11, 2007 – 3:30 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.

Tried to call Jessie Jackson’s office in Chicago, and Rev. Coleman in Louisville, Ky. Telephone cut off 5 times, calls would not go through.

April 21, 2007 – 2:08 p.m.

Calling the bank and tele calls were cut off twice.

April 27, 2007 – 4:25 p.m. - Attacked

Talking to Henry, signal coming through phone hurt ears.

May 4, 2007

Lights Blinking. Tape player cut off twice. Also, noticed street light in front of Juan’s house is dim, then bright, then dim. This continued for several days.

May 10, 2008 – 9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.

Telephone dead. Tried calling my home phone from my cell phone while I stood next to it and it did not ring.

May 11, 2007 – 4:00 p.m.

Picked up telephone, internet noises on the telephone. I had not used internet.

*Some people I talked to at Global were Maxine Alagar and Warren.*

May 11, 2007 – 5:16 p.m.

Received a call from 888-123-4567

May 23, 2007 – 2:30 p.m.

Call from tele # 100-196-8305 Out of Area. I did not answer this call.

May 25, 2007 – 3:07 p.m.

Called Manpower 583-1674. Someone picked up and hit two buttons and call went to a fax machine. I called Manpower back and they stated they did not pick up and this was not a fax machine number.

May 25, 2007 – 6:20 p.m.

Talking to Freeman Davis, Echo on phone

June 2007 (not sure of exact date)

Telephone kept disconnecting

June 7, 2007 – 10:50 a.m.

Long distance is not working. Talked to several people, one of them was Mike Blevins.

June 29, 2007 – between 1:30 p.m – 1:50 pm

Tried to call Chase Bank to check balance. Telephone buttons disabled, could not choose options on phone line. Telephone cut off.

July 11, 2007 – 10:25 a.m.

Tried to call U.S. Court of Appeals, buttons on phone were disabled. I called Global (my telephone carrier), I said hello and she said hello. I could hear her, but she could not hear me. I called back and talked to someone name Candace.

August 30, 2007

Talking to Vicki Page. Cut off three times.

September 18, 2007 – 6:50 a.m.

Tried to use long distance code to call out, could not call out on phone. Telephone was dead

September 18, 2007 – 7:10 a.m.

Tried to call out again – fast busy on phone

September 18, 2007 – 8:37 a.m

Called Global about long distance code not working and talked to Charday. She said she would call back at 10:00 a.m.

September 20, 2007 – between 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.

Rose called me or either I called her. I could hear her, but she could not near me. We were cut off several times before we finally made a connection.

October 2007 – 9:05 a.m. on a Saturday

Guy with a foreign accent (Indian accent) called and wanted to know if I had satellite or cable. Sounded like one the same Indian guy that (see March 26, 2007 under Louisville Metro Police***) I spoke with on March 26, 2007. I hung up and did not give him an answer.

October 7, 2007 – 7:05 a.m. Sunday

Woke up and turned on lights in bedroom. All lights in the bedroom came on and then went off (total black out in bedroom only) and then came back on.

October 2007

Black guy named Ron from LG&E came, said everything checked out. He said lines on side of house were fine. He did not go up on the lines, he only checked lines on the side of the house.

October 2007

Lights blinking periodically in bedroom for several days.

October 2007

If I would reach for the lamp in my bedroom it would come on before I turned it on, when I take my hand down the light turns off. Each time I reach for it, it comes on and when I take my hand down it turns off. This has been happening for several days.

October 14, 2007 – between 8:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.

Listening to and taping gospel music on B-96.5 while I am getting ready for church. Tape player kept going off and on. I ignored it and decided to leave the tape in the tape player for evidence. Every time I walked toward the tape player it would come on, if I walked away from it, it would go off. I felt as if I was being watched. Once when they turned the tape player off I started talking and they left the tape player off the entire time I talked. After I finished talking they turned the tape player back on, so I knew that they could hear me. I called 911 twice and I told them not to send a police car, however I do want the 911 call to be taped to provide me a record of what is going on.

October 18, 2007 – 3:07 a.m.

Woke up suddenly and felt someone was watching me. Got up out of bed. My dish satellite service was turned off two days prior to this day because I could not pay the bill, due to the financial devastation all this has caused me. When I looked at the dish satellite box in my room the lights were on. As I got up out of bed and stared at it, I started walking toward it, the lights suddenly went off on the dish box.

I am 100% sure that they have been watching me in my most private moments

And have seen me when I am NUDE/NAKED in my home.

October 2007

I had a nightmare about the illegal acts that have been committed against me.

October 18, 2007 - 3:50 a.m.

Picked up phone and it was extremely warm, tried to make a call but buzzing (some type of signal) was on the phone as if something was being transmitted through it.

October 18, 2007 – 6:25 (I think it was a.m.)

Received call from 1-888-111-2222 and I did not answer the phone

October 23, 2007 – 8:00 a.m.

Turned on lights in bedroom, lights blinking. Sometimes lights are dull, sometimes bright and sometimes blinking.

October 23, 2007 – 8:00 a.m.

Unplugged air conditioner in bedroom and was shocked (lights blinking in bedroom).

October 25, 2007 – 5:38 a.m.

Listening to gospel music on WLOU. The radio keeps turning off and on.

October 31, 2007 – 9:30 p.m.- Attacked

Talking to RC (associate) frequency coming through telephone (hurt head)

October 2007 (during the month of October 2007) - Attacked

Involuntary twitching in arm and hand on right side and fingers on left side. Involuntary Head shakes and eyes fluttering.

November 2007 – 10:35 a.m - Attacked

Called John Yarmuth’s office. Electric current coming through telephone. Frequency turned up, hurt head and causes a type of paralyzed feeling.

November 11, 2007 – 6:15 a.m.

Light on dresser blinking, each time I looked at it. It then blew out.

December 3, 2007 – 11:25 p.m.

I called Legal Aide in Louisville to ask for assistance. I left a message with Virginia to ask Ron Masden to contact me. When he returned my call, he told me that he could not assist me. I told him that I did not have an income and I started reading the various cases. He cut me off and told me he could not help me and hung up.

December 6, 2007 – 8:25 a.m. - Attacked

Called Kentucky Commission on Human Rights, signals coming through phone, caused discomfort.

December 6, 2007 – 9:00 a.m. - Attacked

Talking to Supreme Court, signals coming through telephone hurt head caused pressure.

December 7, 2007 – 12:44 p.m. - - Attacked

Talking to Freeman Davis, 224-7032, attacked with frequencies on telephone. Hurt head.

December 26, 2007 – 8:27 a.m. - - Attacked

Called Courier Journal, signal coming thru phone, caused severe discomfort, pressure in head around brain stem, headache, could not stay on phone.

December 26, 2007 – 11:55 - - Attacked

Called WDRB talked to Cara – attacked on phone – pressure in back of head around brain stem, headache.

December 27, 2007 – 6:55 p.m - - Attacked

TV in living room beeping, feel pressure in back of head. Left side of waist in extreme pain.

December 27, 2007 – between 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

TV turned off twice.

December 27, 2007 – 11:10 a.m.

Received call from Belinda. Tele dead and would not allow me to call her back.

December 28, 2007 – 9:50 a.m. - - Attacked

Talking to Carl Enoch 574-6214. Frequency coming through telephone. I could not hear it, but could feel it. The frequency caused extreme pain and pressure in head.

December 28, 2007 – 9:55 a.m. - - Attacked

Talking to Dona O’Sullivan 574-6421, frequencies coming through telephone. I could not hear the frequencies, but I could hear them.

December 28, 2007 – 10:35 a.m. - - Attacked

Talking to Cassandra 485-6810. Frequencies coming through the phone, cannot hear, but can feel.

December 29, 2007 – 11:30 – 11:50 - - Attacked

Talking to daughter long distance. She said she heard an echo on the phone. I could not hear the echo but could feel signals coming through phone, signals hurt head and caused severe pressure in back of head. Tele call beeped in from 800-848-0981 and I did not answer the other line.

December 29, 2007 - - Attacked

Sharp and quick pain inside stomach. Feels like someone pinching the inside of my stomach. It is painful enough to make me scream out in pain. (I have previously experienced these pains since the frequencies have been coming through my telephone).

December 31, 2007 – 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. - - Attacked

Two pinches of pain on the left side of my stomach – very painful.

December 31, 2007 – 6:50 p.m.

TV in bedroom beeped twice while I was watching TV.

December 31, 2007 – 6:55 p.m.

Turned TV off and turned it back on – TV Beeped

December 31, 2007 – 6:56 p.m.

TV beeped 2 times, totally black screens are appearing between channels and staying on for approximately 45 seconds.

December 31, 2007 – 6:59 p.m.

TV beeped 3 times

January 1, 2008 – 11:04 p.m..

Television in bedroom beeped 5 times, beeped 3 more times

January 2, 2008 – 7:04 a.m.

Playing CD of Mariah Carey. CD was stopped. Then stopped and started 3 more times.

January 4, 2008 – 9:40 p.m. - Destruction of Property

Another tape player destroyed. Phone cut off, lights turned off. LG&E truck came. He wanted to come in, but I did not let him in. He did not check the lines outside. He got in his truck and left.

January 4, 2008

Phones not working

January 4, 2008 – 11:10 a.m.

TV in living room beeped

January 4, 2008 – 11:20 a.m.

TV in living room beeped 2 times

January 4, 2008 – 12:05 p.m.

Brothers tape player not working, lights in house blinking.

January 2008 (not sure of date) *** - - Attacked

Feels as if something is moving through the right side of my body, severe pain in joints. Entire body feels toxic. Feels as if something is attacking my ankle bone. Extreme pain when bending down, etc.

January 2008 (not sure of date) *** - - Attacked

LG&E came out. I did not let them know but for about 2 minutes, my ankle was in agonizing pain, because it felt like something was attacking my ankle bone while I was standing on the porch talking with them. (Julie Stethen and an older white man). I also remember Julie stating, “this is exciting.”

January 5, 2008 – 8:00 p.m.

Went downstairs and dryer came on by itself (it was in the off position).

January 5, 2008 – 8:10 p.m. - - Attacked

Talking to daughter long distance. Could feel signals coming through phone, signals hurt head and caused severe pressure in back of head, numbness & burning in lips.

January 5, 2008

Thermostat for Heater gauges were moved.

January 8, 2008 – 9:20am–9:25 am - - Attacked

Called Social Security 502-595-4404, ext 239 Signal coming thru phone caused pressure in back of head, numb and burning lips.

January 8, 2008 – 10:25 p.m.

Ceiling light in bedroom blinked

January 8, 2008 10:30 p.m.

TV in living room beeped 5 times and totally black screens are appearing between channels and staying on for approximately 45 seconds.

January 9, 2008 – 2:05 p.m. - - Attacked

Returning a call to CBS Personnel. I could hear them but they could not hear me.

January 10, 2008 - 4:00 a.m. - - Attacked

Turned TV off. Heard 5 beeps after TV was turned off. Extreme pain in ankle for several days. In the mornings I am dragging my leg until the pain decreases enough for me to walk on it.

January 10, 2008 - - Attacked

Called Legal Aide to find an Attorney. She referred me to Brian Casas 736-8100. Signals coming through phone when I called his office, hurt head.

January 10, 2008 – 10:45 a.m. - - Attacked

Called Daniel Cobble, signals coming through phone hurt head, also makes you talk faster.

January 10, 2008 – 2:35 p.m.

Tried to make a long distance call and was cut off

January 10, 2008

Noises on telephone, sounded like underwater. I was calling the Administrative Offices of the Courts

January 10, 2008

Called the Kentucky Attorney General’s Office regarding a packet that I hand delivered to Jack Conway – the new Attorney General’s – Office at the Law firm that he use to be with. There was beeping on telephone while I was talking to someone at his office.

January 10, 2008 – 2:50 p.m. - Destruction of Property

Went downstairs, dryer on off cycle but came on by itself when I went downstairs. The dryer gauge no longer works correctly on the main cycle, as it does not move. The dryer is only 3 years old and I have only been using it for 2 years because when I moved into my mother’s house she already had a dryer in the house. The washer was also off cycle and I was able to reset it as it was overflowing and water was running all over the floor.

January 10, 2008 - 6:30 p.m.

Turned on microwave after went off and lights got brighter in kitchen.

January 10, 2008 – 7:35

James (an associate of Juan’s) called, echo on phone

January 11, 2008 – 12:35 a.m. - - Attacked

Quick sharp pinches on left side of stomach

January 11, 2008 – 9:16 a.m.

Talked to Franklin, she will mail me a packet from the State Police office

January 19, 2008 (not sure of time)

Talked to Tonya (long distance), echo on phone

January 19, 2008 – 9:30 p.m.

TV in bedroom beeped 5 times, totally black screens appear on the TV when changing stations and they stay on for approximately 45 seconds before going to your channel.

January 20, 2008 – 4:45 a.m.

Woke up and heard 4 beeps in house, do not know where they came from.

January 20, 2008 – 5:00 a.m. - - Attacked

Laid back down and woke up to my body violently jerking. I felt as if my eyes were going to pop out.

January 20, 2008 - 5:30 a.m. - - Attacked

My feet started kicking uncontrollably

January 24, 2008 – 7:05 a.m.

Lights blinked in bedroom

January 24, 2008 – 7:20 p.m.

Heard 6 beeps in living room by fireplace.

January 25, 2008 – 9:45 p.m.

Watching Hell’s Kitchen, Channel 250 on Direct TV. TV beeped approximately 10 times.

January 25, 2008 – 10:25 p.m.

I am watching Whas and 20/20 is on, TV is beeping and black screens are popping up between channels, when you reach the channel you want the black screen stays on for approximately 45 seconds before your channel comes on.

January 26, 2008 – 7:35 a.m.

Watching Mad TV in the Living Room. Started laughing out loud at the jokes and the TV service (Direct TV) was suddenly turned off as I had suddenly burst out loud laughing at the jokes.

January 27, 2008 – 2:00 a.m

Watching TV with rabbit ears (no longer have Direct) in bedroom on channel 41- Cheaters was on – TV started beeping.

January 27, 2008 - 7:15 a.m.

Bedroom lights flickering.

January 27, 2008 – 3:00 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.

Watching channel 58 with rabbit ears (no longer have Direct TV) in Living room. It is a nice day with nice weather. Three sets of buzzing exactly like weather warning buzzes came on the TV, each was six to seven buzzes spaced about five to ten minutes apart and there was not any talking after the 3 weather warning buzzes. After the buzzes I received an unidentified call.

January 28, 2008 – 1:10 a.m.

Turned on the microwave. After it went off lights in kitchen became extremely bright.

February 3, 2008 – 8:00 a.m.

Living room TV beeped one time

February 3, 2008 – 11:15 p.m

TV beeped 5 times on channel 28

February 8, 2008 – 11:10 a.m.

Called 5th third bank, echo on telephone

February 9, 2008 – 12:50 a.m.

Beeping very loud in bedroom

February 15, 2008 (not sure of date, but around that date) 12:35 p.m. - Attacked

I came home for lunch, called Gordon Roe (an attorney) to see if he would be interested in taking my case. I played the echo on my voice mail on my telephone over the phone for him to hear. He said that he heard it (while I spoke with him signals were being sent through my telephone like an electrical shock, causes burning in lips and pressure in head causing you to freeze your thoughts). I went back to work and when I got off from work that night, my telephone was dead. All of my voice mail messages were erased and there was no dial tone. I had to purchase another telephone.

February 22, 2008 - 9:00 p.m.

Beeping coming from Living Room TV

February 22, 2008 – 11:15 p.m.

Lying on living room sofa watching television and fell asleep. Woke up TV was beeping, I heard 5 beeps.

March 2008 (between March 15 – 21 at 10:20)

I was talking to Tonya long distance. When we started the conversation we could hear each other without any problems. After 4 minutes into the conversation I could hear her, but she could not hear me. (a block was between our voices).

March 2008 (sometime around the 18th)

Called Marsha Mormon, Human Relations Commission 574-4357, I asked if she was in, girl said wait just a minute and telephone disconnected. (buzzing noise was on telephone)

March 18, 2008 – 5:45 p.m. – Attacked

Called TV station to report corrupt police, signals coming through telephone causing discomfort.

March 2008

Caller ID not working and has not worked for over a month, speaker was disabled then turned back on but it is so low you can just barely hear someone when they are on speaker phone.

March 22, 2008 – 10:20 a.m. - Destruction of Property

Called Global to report Caller ID, speaker, destroyed telephone.

March 22, 2008 – 11:45 a.m.

Called Elaine or either she called me. I could hear her, but she could not hear me. (a block was between our voices).

March 25, 2008 (not sure of time between 1:00 a.m. – 5:00 a.m.

Woke up to a flash of light in my bedroom.

March 26, 2008 – (around 8:00 a.m.)

Got up this morning my ankle was not as sore. I could walk better on it this morning.

April 2, 2008 - - Attacked

Called Congressman John Yarmuth’s Office, signal sent through telephone, hurts head, causes stutter & mind freeze, pain in head.

May 5, 2008 – 1:00 a.m.

TV on in bedroom. Woke up and heard static popping noises coming through TV like cell phone noises.

May 6, 2008 – 1:00 a.m.

Woke up TV on local station, sound kept going off. I changed station to show called “Kimora Simmons.” My eyes felt heavy, sore and started running tears coming out of my eyes. I kept trying to keep my eyes open and they kept trying to close and they were burning. I fought to keep my eyes open. At 2:00 a.m. the alarm went off on my clock, as I had previously set it. I got up to turned off the alarm and my eyes felt better.

June 26, 2008 @ 12:40 p.m.

Came home for lunch and the telephone ring as soon as I walked in the door. The call came from 213-710-8180. (apparently they are watching in my home, even in my most private moments).

June 26, 2008 @ 6:10 p.m.

Came home from work and the telephone ring as soon as I walked in the door. The call came from 213-710-8666. (apparently they are watching in my home, even in my most private moments).

June 28, 2008 - 9:35 a.m.

Talking to my daughter – long distance – and I put the TV in my bedroom on Sponge Bob for my grandchild, the TV kept changing stations.

July 18, 2008 @ 11:45 p.m.

Called Elizabeth (a friend) and my home telephone cut off three times. Tried calling her on my cell phone and the call would not go through. I had to try both lines several times before I got them to work.

July 30, 2008 – 8:20 a.m.

Received call from unknown number (did not answer telephone)

October 8, 2008 – 11:43 a.m.

Came out of bathroom and dial tone was on telephone, but the phone was on the hook (it was as if I had picked up my phone to dial out but had not yet started dialing the numbers).

October 30, 2008 – 4:50 p.m.

Watching Channel 58 (I do no longer have any cable or satellite) the channel kept going off

October 2008 (around the 30th)

Watching Oprah Winfrey on Channel 11, sound is distorted (felt pressure in back of head)


Around the 2nd week of April 2007

Some men Talking is coming through tape player (tape player in the bedroom) while I am making a tape. I think the tape may have also taped the men talking.

Around the 2nd Week of April 2007 – 12:40 p.m.

The bedroom TV set changed channels twice. I unplugged it and plugged it in a different outlet.

April 20, 2007 – 8:35 a.m.

Tried to call Dish Network, could not use option buttons on my telephone.

April 26, 2007 – 5:02 a.m.

Living Room TV set kept changing channels

April 27, 2007 - 7:13 p.m.

Plugged TV in outlet behind chair in Living room. T.V. kept turning off.

May 2007

Could not turn on TV sets. Could not change channels

June 2007

TV not working, keeps going off on local channels and has been doing this for several days. Called Searcy, my Satellite contact person. He asked me what type of phone service I had and I said Global. He stated my telephone sounded like I had Vontage.

August 20, 2007 – 11:00 p.m.

Satellite TV turning off by itself (turned off 3 times). I talked to Marla in Customer Service and she stated that Dish Network was not doing this.

DIRECT TV - 2007

December 3, 2007 – 6:25 p.m.

Television in living room went off and I had to turn it back on.

December 5, 2007 – 10:10 a.m.

Called Marsha Moorman at Human Relations Commission. Signals coming through telephone. She was not in, she was in training.

December 6, 2007 – between 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. - - Attacked

Vocals on television in living room have been distorted – slowed down. I am getting a headache, turned off television.

December 10, 2007 – 8:20 a.m. - Attacked

Signals coming through phone hurt head

December 10, 2007 - 9:04 a.m. - Attacked

Called Marsha Moorman at Human Relations – Signals on phone hurt head

February 22, 2008 – 7:55 a.m.

Lights in bedroom blinked

March 1, 2008

Long distance call from my daughter, she said the telephone did not ring at her end, but it rang at my end.

March 1, 2008

Bedroom lights blinking

March 2008

TV picture slow, black screen on TV

March 5, 2008

Pixels scattering all day on living room and bedroom TV

March 7, 2008 - Bedroom

Came home from work for lunch, light on dresser blinking.

March 7, 2008 – 10:40 p.m. – Bedroom

Woke up TV went off and came back on.


January 2008 - 7:34 p.m.

I am in Florence, Ky for training for a new job. Called Robert from LaQuinta Hotel, Echo on telephone.

January 23,, 2008 – 10:07 a.m.

Someone called asking for someone named Jeff. Call came from 1-317-780-0600

March 2008 – 4:38 p.m.

Tried making calls on cell phone five times from work – calls failed

June 4, 2008 – 4:00 p.m.

Called Social Security regarding not receiving my son’s check – Called from my house on my cell phone and drove to Jerry’s on Dixie Highway. The call kept going around in circles. I was on the phone for approximately 30 minutes and then I was disconnected. I did not reach anyone.

June 4, 2008

Tonya called me regarding my son’s check, as he is visiting her out of state. She had just spoken with me on my work telephone number (502) 447-7634, ext. 209 and I told her to call me on my cell instead of my work phone. I waited for her to call and my telephone did not ring. I later noticed that someone had programmed my telephone not to ring and my calls were going into my voice mail. I tried calling to test the delay and the calls were not immediately being put in voice mail.

July 2008 - Threatened

When I call out on my cell phone and the calls fail someone is intercepting my calls and telling me that, “I need to stop talking.”




November 6, 2008

Service man came in, installed service, and left. Approximately 20 minutes after he left (around 12:40 p.m.) I received a telephone call and the lady stated that she was from Insight (sounded young and white). She told me that Insight was knocking at my door and gave me the address of 1002 East Caldwell she asked me if this was telephone number 690-3398 and I told her, “yes, but this is not 1002 East Caldwell and no one is knocking at my door. I further explained to her that Insight had already left.” She hung up. (I learned later that the last name of the person at 1002 East Caldwell is “Craig”.)

November 6, 2008

Called Jackie Franks at 491-8381 and her husband answered the telephone; there was a reverberating sound on the phone like someone hitting on a piece of metal. Her husband could not hear me, he kept saying, “hello, hello.” He hung up and I called right back, the reverberating sound was still on the telephone. Again, her husband could not hear me and kept saying, “hello, hello.” He hung up and I called back a third time, this time he did not answer, so I left a message on voice mail.

November 6, 2008 – 11:15 a.m. Attacked

Talking to someone named John at the Kentucky Utility Commission (502) 564-3940, he refused to assist me and stated, “You are a Security Threat”. Frequencies were coming through the telephone -while I was talking to John – caused pain, pressure in back of head.

November 6, 2008 - Attacked

Talking to friend, Louvelle on telephone, had to stop talking and told him that I was being attacked on the phone.

(Contacted police at 574-7111 on phone and spoke with Officer Hoover)

November 6, 2008 - Threatened

Tried to get on the internet and received a pop up box telling me, “I need to stop talking”.

November 6, 2008

Received another pop up box telling me, “Helworm was sent to my computer, but was blocked.”

November 9, 2008 – Threatened (around 5:11 p.m.)

Tried to get on the internet and received a pop up box telling me, “I need to stop talking”.

(Contacted police on phone and spoke with Operator Bishop)

November 10, 2008 – between 8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Insight Communications repairman came, said he heard echo on telephone. Stated that he did Insight’s part, but he did not know what the echo was. He also called another repairman regarding the echo.

November 16, 2008 - Attacked

Talking to Belinda on telephone, Frequencies coming through telephone, caused pressure in back of head and headache.

Had several mild headaches throughout the day and then had a seizure, this time I could not catch myself from falling and I fell into the gate that encloses my two toy poodles. I sat on the floor for about 4 – 5 minutes on top of the broken gate. (felt eyes rolling to back of head)

(Contacted the police at 574-7111 and spoke with the Receptionist, Sherry. Sherry stated Major Gibson was not in and that is who I need to speak with.) Sherry connected me with Sargeant Johnson and he told me that they would not take a report regarding the attacks. I later spoke with Lieutenant Felty and was told that I need to contact the F.B.I. I told him that I knew through previous contact with them that the local F.B.I., my local police and my local United States Attorney David Huber are involved in what is happening to me and I fear for my life. He told me to contact Homeland Security.


November 2008

I called the Washington telephone number for Homeland Security (202) 282-8000 and a recording gave me 1-866-347-2423, I called that number and spoke with a woman that took my report. I did not receive a report number and I do not remember her I.D. number. I called right back and a male answered and gave me an I.D. number of “218”. I told him that when I called and spoke with the woman I did not receive a report number, he stated that I would not get one and cut the conversation short and hung up before I could ask any further questions. I fear for my life as eventually they are going to permanently destroy my health or kill me.

February 2009

I called the Washington telephone number for Homeland Security (202) 282-8000 and a recording gave me 1-866-347-2423 and ask about the previous complaint that I filed in November. I spoke with a woman that stated she would take the complaint again. I stated that I had not heard anything from anyone and she stated that if they did an investigation no one would get back with me. I told her that some of the things that were happening to me were only things that the F.B.I., Homeland Security or someone on that level would have knowledge of, (microwaving, sky cams, etc.). I told her that a false claim must have been filed. She asked for my name, address and telephone number and I gave it to her.

November 18, 2008 – (around 10:45 a.m.)

Turned on computer, to put in entries, United States Flag popped up at bottom of screen. I do not have the internet on this computer, as I have two computers.

November 19, 2008 – between 8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Two Insight Communications repairmen came; one of them stated that he heard screeching on the line. He asked me if I had a fax machine. I told him I had two, but they are not connected. He said he did not know what the screeching noise was. He spoke with another Insight repairman who was having a problem with underwater sounds on the phone line at another location.

November 23, 2008 (around that date) - Attacked

Went to Burlington’s in Indiana. Went into the dressing room to try on clothes. I had two (2) seizures and fell into the wall, but did not fall down on the floor. (felt eyes rolling to back of head)

November 24, 2008 – 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. – Threatened and Destruction of Property

Scanner destroyed by corrupt officials. Received several messages on computer stating, “You need to stop talking.” Called 911 several times for assistance, but was not taken seriously by a female that kept answering and speaking to me in a derogatory manner and then kept calling me back on my phone (playing on the phone), each time I said, “hello” no one would be there. I then called on my cell phone to tell her to stop calling me and she said no one is calling you and I put the landline telephone up to the cell phone, so that she could hear the telephone ringing.

November 24, 2008 – 7:30 a.m.

Called and asked for the female 911 operator’s Supervisor, as I spoke with her several times and she was very rude. I spoke with Bobby Lowhorn, who stated that he was the Supervisor of Communications and then stated that he did not know who she was. Three of my files that I need for a court case were destroyed on my computer by the corrupt officials on my computer this morning. After the files were destroyed my Kaspersky Anti Virus box started continuously popping up and would not stop.

November 28, 2008 – 9:09 a.m.

Turned on computer – United States Flag at bottom of screen

November 28, 2008 – 9:09 a.m. – Destruction of Property

Tried to use scanner on printer and it has been scrambled by the corrupt officials, was unable to scan document regarding contacting Kentucky Attorney General’s Office, I had to copy it on the copy machine.

November 28, 2008 – 2:02 p.m. – Destruction of Property

Turned on computer. Flag at bottom of computer. Computer had message, “Security Threat, Neutralize immediately.” My copy machine is malfunctioning.

November thru December 2008

Pixels scattering on TV. TV beeping. On Channel 66 in the background you can see Channels KET I and KET II. You also see a white horizontal and vertical bar with little black squares inside the horizontal bar. This bar is in back of Channel 66 and you can see Channel KET I or KET II behind it.

December 11, 2008 or 12th – 11:35 a.m. - Attacked

Called Chairyle Scott (another lady in Louisville, Ky. Being terrorized), frequency on telephone.

December 2008

Receiving numerous calls from Nurseline 978-901-1897. I do not know who these people are, each time they call I do not answer my telephone and the phone rings, but someone comes on my voice mail saying, “Hello, Hello,” however I did not call them, they called me.

December (last of December or first part of January 2009)

Insight worked on computer problems with internet. Telephone was dead for two hours after that, I had to call them back to repair the telephone. They stated the problem was not in my house, later they repaired the problem from another location.

January 2009 – (between 1st and the 8th)

Called Insight about problems with my computer, telephone and cable service. Some of the things they stated are as follows:

1) a provisioning problem (codes may be incorrect)

2) someone has been tampering with the lines

3) They could hear the echo on the phone, but they don’t know what it is

4) They could hear screeching on the phone

5) A file transfer program could be sucking up your space on your hard drive

(note for the record a file transfer program has been downloaded on my computers by the corrupt officials)

January 8, 2009 – between 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Attacked

Cd player started and stopped several times and I could tell the corrupt officials were listening to me in my house. Each time I talked they would leave the Cd player off and when I stopped talking they would turn in back on. Each time I stated, “Do it again.” They would turn it off again. TV picture upstairs and down stairs blacked out several times. Attacked on phone approximately five (5) times which caused headache and loss of concentration and I also fell from a mild seizure while I was on the treadmill. (They are killing me; I have had a headache all day from the earlier attacks).

January 8, 2008 – 1:05 p.m.

Came out of my house to go to McDonalds and a Black Crown Victoria darted pass my house and went through the alley in the back of the apartments on the corner of Algonquin and 23rd street. I sit in my car for about 5 minutes and went through the alley to see if I saw the Black Crown Victoria. I saw the car and it was parked behind the apartments and someone was sitting in it. I stopped behind it in the alley and noticed that it was a police car because it had all of the police type antennas on it. I looked for the license plate to get the license number and it did not have a license plate. Where the license plate should be there were numbers written in a white or yellow type chalk and the numbers were 2819. The car saw me and begins to back up and I noticed that the person driving had on black gloves. I did not see any thing else because I pulled off due to the fact that no one else was out in the alley.

I drove to McDonalds on Dixie Highway which is only 5 minutes or less from me and after I left there I decided to drive to the Bohne Avenue Police Station to see if I saw the Crown Victoria with no tags. When I got there I saw a Crown Victoria in the parking lot just like the car in the alley, but this car had a tag. I called the Police Dept. to ask about the car with no tags and I was told that they did not know who it was. I gave them the number on the car where the tag should have been and each Dept. of the Police, which included, Sheila at Chief White’s Office, the 911 operator and Professional Standards told me that they did not know who it was and that the number that I saw did not identify the Crown Victoria.

I also called the F.B.I. and spoke with a black guy to report the illegal surveillance and I told him about a lot of the corruption that I have been subjected to and he told me to bring the information there, but he would not give me his name. I then spoke with the Receptionist (sounded white). She told me that he was new and did not know the history. I said, “What history?” and she would not answer.

February 2009 (beginning of February, not sure of date)

Elizabeth Elliott, another lady targeted in Kentucky was speaking with me on the telephone regarding the problems she was having with her internet service with Insight. She put me on a three-way call with them and I also told them of my problems. The people we spoke with were Uriah and possibly a Monty. I listened without Uriah knowing that I was on the phone and I heard him tell Elizabeth that he is the one that is supposed to speak with me and that noon else was supposed to speak with me. Elizabeth’s service never worked; therefore she no longer has Internet service.

February 3, 2009 (beginning of February, not sure of date)

Without a notice or warning, Insight Communications turned off my services; however my bill was paid and was not due to be paid. I received an unsigned letter from Insight dated January 30, 2009, but not mailed until February 2, 2009. The letter was similar to a letter previously sent by them on December 18, 2006, as I was a previous customer of Insight. The previous letter was signed by Barbara Huber and stated that I was harassing Insight and the current letter stated the same and looked the same but was unsigned.

As provided in this log, Insight was aware of the problems that I was having with their service and even stated to me that they heard the echoes, squealing, etc. on the phone and one of their techs went up on the line and stated that someone had been tampering with the lines.

Note: I filed a complaint with the Kentucky Public Service Commission regarding

“ Insight Communications” and found out that the company name is

“Insight Phone of Kentucky, LLC”. The problem is that I DID NOT contract services with Insight Phone of Kentucky, LLC. We had a company here named Insight Communications that gave excellent service and when you call the number they had, it has not changed and you get “Insight”. The public is not being told that it is a different company, as they are just saying, “Insight” and their service trucks only have “Insight” on the trucks, therefore, the public is being misled.


November 24, 2008

Mailed 120 page log, Patriot Act Tape, Identity Theft Tape, Narration page for Patriot Act Tape and Narration page for Identity Theft Tape to the Kentucky Attorney General’s Office to the attention of Jack Conway. (mailed by express mail tracking #EH664756417).

The copy did not scan due to corrupt officials destroying scanner. I will also copy and paste this document on the page with the destroyed scanned copy. I have had printers, computers, telephones, tape players, fax machines, a washer, a dryer and numerous other personal electrical appliances destroyed by them.

Exhibit 11 – Mail Receipt – Ky Attorney General, Jack Conway


November 26, 2008 – 1:30 p.m.

Spoke with man at the Kentucky Attorney General’s Office (502) 696-5300 and he said the packet was given to Tad Thomas.

November 26, 2008 – 3:30 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.

Spoke with a very nasty Receptionist who would not give her name and was transferred to Tad Thomas at the Kentucky Attorney General’s Office (502) 696-5300. When I first started speaking with him he made light of the situation and stated, “Maybe they are doing this to you because the telephone bill has gone up.” I told him that this was a very serious situation and asked him what his title was. Every time I would ask him his title, he would state, “What’s your title?”, in a sarcastic manner. He then told me that he had reviewed what I mailed to the office and that he was not going to assist me. I told him that the packet was just mailed on November 24th and delivered on November 25th and today was November 26th, therefore he had not had time to review a 120 page log and two (2) 90 tapes with narration pages.

November 26, 2008 – 3:30 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.

I called back and spoke with Dave Wilson and ask him to transfer me to Mr. Conway’s office. He told me that he did not know the number. I ask him the Receptionist name that I spoke with when I called earlier – as she was very nasty on the phone - and he said he did not know her name. He then told me to call (502)696-5642. The nasty receptionist answered and I ask for Jack Conway’s Office. She stated that she was not going to transfer me and also stated, “We informed you that we cannot assist you.”

November 26, 2008 – 3:30 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.

I was also told by Tad Thomas that he assigns cases and he filters them and decides which ones they will accept and there was also other conversation regarding him and the nasty receptionist, which I taped.

December 2008 (not sure of date)

Spoke with a female that stated the following, “We have been told not to assist you.”


I have met with Marsha Moorman approximately five times at Louisville Metro Professional Standards regarding complaints that I have filed against corrupt police officers and I have also met with her at her office at Human Relations. I have been before the Louisville Merit Board regarding the corrupt Police officer approximately 3 – 4 times with complaints still waiting to go before them and have never received any assistance. In fact, one of the perpetrators of the crimes, in which I have made them aware with pictures, tapes dates and times regarding related corruption, etc. serves on their board. Ms. Moorman has been helpful, however she still works for them and in summary there is really nothing she can really do to assist me or the other women being terrorized in Kentucky by corrupt officials.

December 5, 2007 – 10:10 a.m.

Called Marsha Moorman at Human Relations Commission. Signals coming through telephone. She was not in, she was in training.

December 10, 2007 - 9:04 a.m. - Attacked

Called Marsha Moorman at Human Relations – Signals on phone hurt head

September 2008 (sometime between the 28th and the 29th ) 3:06 p.m.

Talking to Marsha Moorman at Human Relations Commission and a call beeped in from

4 mo.s free 626-259-5550.

March 2008 (sometime around the 18th)

Called Marsha Morman, Human Relations Commission 574-4357, I asked if she was in, girl said wait just a minute and telephone disconnected. (buzzing noise was on telephone)

October 2008 (around that time, not sure of date)

I met with Marsha Moorman regarding all of the suffering and corruption I have been living with for the past five years. I previously already gave her documents, tapes, narration pages, etc. A. Johnson from the telephone reporting unit, division 1 of the Police Dept. came to meet with me at Human Relations and I gave her a log, tapes and narration pages. I also showed her the fraudulent birth certificate I received and showed her the AT&T bill that I was paying for four (4) months for a line in an office I used to have that AT&T put in my office, however the line never worked and I was paying for the line and receiving bills for the line, but now AT&T was saying it was not my line. The police report number A. Johnson gave me is 80-08-080769 and she told me that a detective would be contacting me.

October 2008 through December 2008

I called the 1st division continuously and was given the run around

November 16, 2008 - Attacked

Talking to Belinda on telephone, Frequencies coming through telephone, caused pressure in back of head and headache. Had several mild headaches throughout the day and then had a seizure, this time I could not catch myself from falling and I fell into the gate that encloses my two toy poodles. I sat on the floor for about 4 – 5 minutes on top of the broken gate. (felt eyes rolling to back of head)

Regarding the 1st division of the Police Dept. (Contacted the police at 574-7167 and spoke with the Receptionist, Sherry, Sherry stated Major Gibson was not in and that is who I need to speak with.) Sherry connected me with Sargeant Johnson and he told me that they would not take a report regarding the attacks. I later spoke with Lieutenant Felty and was told that I need to contact the F.B.I. I told him that I knew through previous contact with them that the local F.B.I., my local police and my local United States Attorney David Huber are involved in what is happening to me and I fear for my life. He told me to contact Homeland Security.

November 20, 2008 (week of)

Talked to Johnson and Felty again and was told that they will not be assisting me and that Major Gibson does not want to talk with me.

November 20 - December 1, 2008

Was told by Marsha Moorman that she scheduled a meeting for me and another lady experiencing being targeted in Kentucky named Chairyle Scott to meet with a Major at Louisville Metro Police.

December 4, 2008

I called and left message on Marsha’s voice mail to find out the Major’s name that I would be meeting with. I also talked with the Receptionist who stated that she would have Marsha contact me and/or she would call Marsha to find who the Major was. I did not receive a call from Marsha.

December 4, 2008

The Receptionist called me and asked me if due to the fact that I did not know the name of the Major I was supposed to be meeting with at the Police Dept., does this mean that I will not be attending. I told her that due to the terror and torture that I have experienced and due to the fact that false claims have been made and that the corrupt officials need to justify their false claims (i.e. telling the public that I have a mental problem, which is a lie), I am not going to go to a meeting without knowing who I am meeting with. In other words I know that false claims have been made – behind my back – and the corrupt officials need another corrupt official to produce false documentation to cover their crimes.

December 7, 2008

I received a voice mail message on my telephone on my telephone from Marsha Moorman – the message stated that it was left for me on December 5, 2008 – telling me that she will meet me for the meeting in the lobby of the Police Dept. at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, December 20, 2008. The message made no mention of who the Major was that I was supposed to be meeting with.

December 10, 2008

Called and left message for Marsha Moorman to contact me, to date December 18, 2008 she has not contacted me, also left additional messages on other days.

December 11, 2008 (around that time)

Contacted Sheila at Chief White’s office 574-7660 and told her that I have been getting the run around and that Major Gibson was supposed to be investigating the report A. Johnson took at Human Relations, but I was told that he does not want to talk to me. She told me to contact Professional Standards.

December 11, 2008 (around that time)

Contacted professional standards and reported my experience with 1st division.

December 15, 2008 (evening)

Received a call from Major Gibson stating he would have someone get back with me and to date, December 18 2008, no one has contacted me.

May 5, 2009 @ 9:00 a.m.

Went to Human Relations to meet with the Major Marsha Moorman stated could assist me with all of the problems in Kentucky. Again, she would not give me the name of the Major. I picked up Elizabeth (another lady in Kentucky having problems with Corruption) and we went to Human Relations. When we arrived there was an Officer there from the Police Department and his badge stated his name was

D. Ray. (Approximately January 2009 Marsha asked me to give her a packet to give to the Officer that I did not meet with on December 4, 2008. I gave her a packet that included a log that was approximately 120 pages at that time, three tapes with narration pages and a copy of the fraudulent birth certificate). For the record, I had also previously furnished Marsha with a packet for her records. I also gave Marsha a bound copy at a later date before the meeting with the Major.

Elizabeth was told to sit in the front and I was told to come back to the meeting with D. Ray who was introduced as a Special Assistant to Chief White. When I went back to the meeting with Marsha Moorman and D. Ray, he began to tell me that what I stated about the officers was not true, before even allowing me to tell him about all of the corruption. I asked him if he had reviewed the log that I gave him and he stated that he reviewed it and he did not see anything that his officers had done.

I then asked him if he reviewed the tapes with the narration pages and he stated he did not. Marsha Moorman then stated that she did not give him the tapes with the narration pages. She then stated that she could go and get the tapes and we could play portions of the tape. I told her that I gave her three 90 minute tapes with narration pages and if he had not reviewed the tapes, I was going to leave the meeting. Therefore, I left the meeting. (this is the 2nd time I have given Marsha Moorman tapes and upon entering the meeting the people I am meeting with did not receive the tapes. This also happened at a Merit Board Meeting in which I submitted 6 – 7 copies of a tape with narration pages to Marsha Moorman to give to the Merit Board).

(For the record I have already submitted over six packets to the police department regarding the corruption and have even given a packet to Chief White at a meeting at Kentucky Alliance several years ago in front of several witnesses. The last time I submitted a packet to the police dept. at Professional Standards, I had them to sign for it because every time I filed a complaint against an officer they would ask for a packet and would state that they did not have the previous packet I delivered to them. Also, I have evidence in the Complaints that I have filed with Professional Standards that Packets were delivered to them at the meetings.)

When I arrived home and went through my documents, I noticed that on 1/12/2006 Kevin D. Ray took report #80-06-101155 regarding this corruption when I lived at 7404 Patrick Henry Road. No one investigated the report which at that time stated this torture and harassment had been occurring since July 12, 2004. I do not know if Kevin D. Ray is D. Ray and/or related to this person.

(For the record, each time I asked Marsha Moorman, who the person is that I am supposed to be meeting with she told me that he was not a Police Officer and that he did not want anyone to know who he was and that he could get help from someone out of state. Due to the fact that the first meeting was supposed to be at the Police Dept., I asked her who he was hiding his identity from because if we were meeting at the Police Dept., they already knew who he was), therefore the only person he was hiding his identity from was me.


(PURCHASED AND ACTIVATED NOVEMBER 6, 2008 – (502) 322-3449)

November 8, 2008

Received call from 213-363-5109

November 8, 2008 (around that time)

Received call from 269-768-2340

November 2008

Received call from 978-901-1897

December 2008

Received call from 978-901-1897

February 2009

Noticed that every call made to or from Nancy Dematra has a loud echo on the phone. I think she also has a Cricket telephone. Her telephone number is (502) 714-0529

February 2009 (around the 1st or 2nd) Attacked

Received call on telephone twice that made ear ache. The aching pain traveled to my shoulders and caused extreme pain that still exist to date, March 3, 2009. I have been trying to work through the pain.

February 2009 Attacked

Went to speak at Metro Council. That day after getting off of the telephone I had a headache on my right side that traveled to the left side and then center. I noticed the night that I spoke I was speaking extremely fast.

February 2009 Attacked

That day after getting off of the telephone I had a headache on my right side that traveled to the left side and then center.

February 2009 (end of February

Tried to call out approximately 3 – 4 times and could not call out on my phone though my bill was paid, I received a message stating that I needed to contact my carrier. Approximately the 5th time I called out the call went through and I hung up and I contacted my carrier and told them about the problem at the 611 number on my Cricket phone she stated my bill was not due and if I continued to have the problem go in to a Cricket office.

February or March 2009

Noticed that when I look under “Phone Info.” in my telephone, I now have two numbers listed.

My telephone number is listed under MDN – (502) 322-3449 and another number is listed (MIN – (502) 271-4078. I asked the lady at the Cricket location in Southland Terrace and I also called Cricket at the 611 number from my phone about the second number as it was not in my phone when I first purchased the service. The lady at the Southland Terrace location stated that it was a number for them to immediately access my phone. The man at the 611 number did not know what the number was and left the telephone for a long time and then came back and stated that it was a number for them.

March 2009

When I try to call out my calls are not going through on the first two tries. I have to call the number 2 – 3 times before it goes through.

March 13, 2009

Tried to call the post office regarding certified mail that I sent to Barack Obama and the Postal Inspector and each time I tried to call out my calls would not go through. One of the times I called a older white man picked up the phone and stated, “if you want to contact hot women ____”. I hung up and tried the Post office number again.

March 2009 (between 13th and 17th, not sure of date) - Attacked

Received call on telephone twice that made ear ache. The aching pain traveled to my shoulders and caused extreme pain that still exist to date, March 23, 2009. I have been trying to work through the pain.

March 2009 - Echo

Getting echoes, clicks, beeps when I call out, 3-way calls showing up on my telephone when I am not making 3-way calls and a noise that sounds like someone hanging up on my telephone.

March 2009 (either the 14th or the 21st on Saturday at 9:00)

Called Cricket Customer Service (tele # 611)on my telephone and spoke with Genny. Mike transferred me to Davita (had an accent – Spanish) and Red. Davita started speaking to me in Spanish and then stated that she also spoke English. She asked for my Social Security number, my full name and my birth date. I was not going to give her all of that information and ask her why she didn’t just ask for the last for digits of my social. She then stated I could just give her the last four digits. I told her that I would just go in to Crickets physical location instead.

March 2009 - Can sometimes hear someone picking up and hanging up when I call certain numbers

March 22, 2009–3:19 p.m.–Attacked – Freq. on tele./talking with Det. Matthew Crouch 574-2478.

March 24, 2009 – between 9:00 and 9:20 a.m. - Attacked

Called Ms. Moorman at Human Relations (she was not there). Frequencies coming through tele.

April 17, 2009 – 1:28 p.m.

Received call from 213-710-8112, did not answer. I have received this call several times in the months of March and April 2009. Once I answered and it was a recording or someone pretending to be a recording talking about the F.B.I. I hung up before they could complete what they were saying.

April 17, 2009 – 9:30 a.m. – Attacked on phone talking to Elizabeth

May 16, 2009 – (between 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.

I called my daughter Tracy, she is local but opted to have a different area code for her telephone number. Her tele number is (859) 368-3638. When I called her I reached a man mumbling on the tele. He stated, “Do you miss your grandchildren.” “Do you want to see your grandchildren again?” I stated, “What did you say? I can just barely hear you.” Either he hung up or I hung up. I tried to telephone my daughter several time, but the call would not go through. I think the message stated, “this caller cannot receive messages at this time.”

May 16, 2009 – 11:04 a.m.

Received a call from my daughter, Tracy’s telephone number, she is local but opted to have a different area code for her telephone number. Her tele number is (859) 368-3638. When I answered the call a man was mumbling on the tele. He stated, “Do you miss your grandchildren.” “Do you want to see your grandchildren again?” I hung up and I tried to telephone my daughter several time, but the call would not go through. I think the message stated, “This caller cannot receive messages at this time.”

I tried to telephone my daughter several times on Saturday May 16, 2009 and Sunday, May 17, 2009, On Saturday, the message stated, “This caller cannot receive messages at this time.” On Sunday, I was able to leave messages and left messages for my daughter. On Monday, May 18, 2009 I called several times and finally reached my daughter and told her my experience with her telephone. I asked her if she received my messages and she stated, “No” My daughter than stated that she was having problems with her telephone on Saturday, May 16, 2009 and Sunday, May 17, 2009 and that she would contact Cricket. Incidentally, on Friday, May 15, 2009 her tele was working.

Note: my daughter’s cell phone and my cell phone are through Cricket

June 8, 2009 – 1:40 p.m. - Attacked on Cell phone talking to Governor’s Office

June 11, 2009 – 3:20 p.m. – Two big white and orange trucks came to my house (they just showed up), Indiana Tags. There were five (white) men. They stated that they needed to replace the barrels and service connectors. They went up on a ladder at the end of my house and took something off of my line and put something back on. The truck had the name, “Team Fishel” on the truck.

June 15, 2009 – 8:30 a.m. – Elizabeth called beeping and high frequency noise in my house.

July 22, 2009 – 11:00 a.m. - Echo

Talking to Nancy about running for Mayor of Louisville 2010, echo on telephone

July 22, 2009 – 11:55 a.m. - Echo

Called Board of Elections and left message for Becky, echo on telephone

July 22, 2009 – 11:00 a.m. - Echo

Talking to Nancy about running for Mayor of Louisville 2010, echo on telephone

July 28, 2009 – 1:00 p.m. - Attacked on Cell phone. Headache. I am in extreme pain while working on papers for court cases. Body overheating as if I am cooking on a stove.

July 28, 2009 – 2:42 p.m. – Attacked -Body Overheating, sweating profusely and chest pain.

July 28, 2009 – 7:29 p.m. – Attacked

Overheating, sweating profusely & chest pain, eyelids fluttering (opening & closing), fingers twitching.

July 28, 2009 – 9:11 p.m. – Attacked - Body Overheating, sweating profusely and chest pain

July 29, 2009 – 10:23 a.m. – Attacked -Talking to Elizabeth and attacked on telephone

July 29, 2009 – 11:02 a.m. -Tried to call Elizabeth. She said she heard static on the telephone.

July 29, 2009 – 1:07 p.m.. – Attacked

Back right side of head in extreme pain, could not hold pen, dropped pen on the floor

July 30, 2009 – 1:30 p.m.. – Attacked - Body overheating, feels as if it cooking on a stove

July 30, 2009 – 2:45 p.m.. – Attacked - Body overheating, feels as if it cooking on a stove

July 2009 (not sure of date) - Called Cricket about problems with telephone and internet service.

6:41 p.m – they said they could not hear me, 6:45 p.m. - talked to Ryan & he said the signal strength has to do with my area & then my tele disc., 7:28 p.m. – talked to Harold and he said that something had interfered with my server information regarding allowing me emails to come in and go out.

July 30, 2009 – 4:04 p.m.

Phone rang (it was a strange ring). It was someone pretending to be someone I had tried to contact.

July 30, 2009 – (not sure of time)

Tried to call info.tele. No. 411. The tele. was dead, I had to try to call four times before I got through.

July 31, 2009 – 8:10 p.m. - Echo

Echo on phone. I was talking to Vicki Paige, another victim of Corruption in Kentucky about my mentally handicapped brother being in the hospital.

August 12, 2009 – 10:45 a.m. - Echo

Called Mary Taylor at Human Rights Commission in Louisville and an echo was on the telephone.

August 18, 2009 – Echo - Echo on telephone, frequencies on telephone.

August 20, 2009 – 2:34 p.m. - Echo

Called Ky Supreme Court about a case, as I needed a form. I spoke with Donna, an echo was on the tele.

August 31, 2009 – 11:07 a.m. - Echo - Called Kentucky Board of Registry, echo on telephone

September 21, 2009 – 8:40 a.m. - Attacked

Attacked on tele by electromagnetic assaults

October 4, 2009 – 9:30 a.m. – Attacked – Extremely bad headache. Pain on left side of head. Laid down on living room sofa. Woke up to very loud ticking noise coming from by bedroom.

October 20, 2009 – 4:13 p.m. – Echo, Attacked -Echo on phone., Talking to Luis at Cricket, Signals coming through hurt head

November 17, 2009 – 4:57 p.m.– Echo - lady called that I met in church selling Mary Kay, echo on tele.

November 24, 2009 – 10:55 p.m.

Saw satellite moon shaped and star shaped. Attacked by electromagnetic attack at 11:20 p.m.

November 30, 2009 – 1:15 p.m. – Attacked/Echo – Attacked and Echo on tele., talking to Lahoma

December 28, 2009 - 3:30 p.m.

Called Secret Service 582-5071 or 582-5171 (not sure), talked to Jeff and was not offered any assistance.

February 10, 2010 – 8:38 p.m.

Talking to Rosemary (she is also a TI) 252-585-6556. The conversation was blocked, I could hear her, but she could not hear me.

March 22, 2010 - Attacked

Attacked on phone, talking to Court of Appeals, Lauren Nielsen, Supervisor

March 22, 2010 - Attacked

Attacked on phone, talking to Telephone Reporting Unit of Police Dept.

May 13, 2010 – 9:15 a.m. - Attacked

Hit by electromagnetic attack while talking to Donna about Insight Communications/Insight Phone of Ky. LLC.

August 18, 2010 – 6:17 a.m. - Echo

Echo on Telephone


March 2008 Mailed 60 page log, 90 minute tape and one page transcript, 45 minute tape and one page transcript to the state police to seek assistance from them. The package was mailed by express mail on

March 10, 2008 (Tracking No. EB642716875US) to the attention of Sgt Thompson.


Attention: the above numbers were scrambled by the corrupt officials and the correct tracking number is: EB642716875


March 2008 -Called Sgt. Thompson letting him know the package was mailed overnight to his attention.

March 2008

Received voice mail message from Sgt. Thompson stating that he would be in and out on the rifle range and we could keep trying to contact each other, and that he would be back in the office on April 1, 2008. He further stated that if it was an emergency to contact the dispatcher and he could assist me.

March 14, 2008 – 12:05 p.m. Called and spoke with someone named Officer Stewart. I proceeded to tell him what Sgt. Thompson told me on the voice mail that he left for me and I told Officer Stewart about my electricity constantly being turned off and that my house could have exploded. I also told him about the packet that was mailed to Sgt. Thompson and told him of the contents. I told him that the situation was very serious and that I received a letter from my Congressman, John Yarmuth stating that what I mailed to him was sent to the Dept. of Justice Office of Legislative Affairs. I also told him that I received a letter from my councilwoman. He was very nasty on telephone and stated that he was not going to dispatch anyone.

March 14, 2008 – 2:51 p.m..

Sgt. Thompson called me on my work telephone and told me that he had my packet and that he could not help me because it was federal. I told him that I was not asking him to assist me with the federal part of it and ask for help with the identity theft and the local police torturing and terrorizing me, he stated that he was not going to assist me. I told him that I would call the Captain on Monday.

March – (between March 11 – March 14, 2008) – 5:26 pm

Tele disconnected calling voice mail. I called Sgt. Thompson at the State Police Office, talked to Officer Wright.

March 14, 2008 – 7:26 p.m.

Talked to Dispatcher Wright and he said that Sgt. Thompson would be on the rifle range. He stated that the Captain would be in on Monday and his name was Captain John Ward.

March 17, 2008 – 6:10 a.m.

Spoke with Officer Wheeler and left message for Captain Ward to contact me. I left my work and home telephone number

March 18, 2008 – 11:04 a.m.

Called the state police on my cell phone and asked for Captain Ward and lady said he will be in today. I left her my cell phone number.

March 18, 2008 – 12:07 p.m.

I spoke with Shacklett (woman). She is checking to see if Captain Ward is in.

March 18 2008 – 12:15 p.m. -I talked briefly to Captain Ward and asked him to get the packet that I mailed through express mail to Sgt. Thompson so that he could review it. The packet included a log (approximately 60 pages), a 90 minute tape, a 40 minute tape and 2 narration pages (one for each tape), a letter from Congressman John Yarmuth’s office and a letter from my Councilwoman Mary Woolridge. I asked him when he would be in town and he stated he would be in town tomorrow because he had to meet with the secret service (I thought it was peculiar that he would tell me he was meeting with the secret service). I gave him my home tele, work tele and cell tele and he stated he would call me and would plan to meet with me while he was in town. I told him that I would also bring someone with me from the ministry because I preferred not to come alone. I waited for his call the next day and he never called me.

March 19, 2008 – 6:15 p.m.

Spoke with Officer Mattingly at the State Police dept. and left message for Captain Ward to contact me.

March 2008 (not sure of dates)

Another officer I spoke with at the State Police Dept. was Jaggers.

March 2008 (sometime between March 14 – March 19)

Talked to Captain John Ward and he stated that he would meet with me because he would be in Louisville to go to a meeting. He was supposed to call me at work. I called the state police several times over several days and left several messages. He never got back with me and each time I called I was told that he was not in.

April 1, 2008 – 8:45 a.m. - Attacked

Spoke with Lucille, Administrative Specialist (502) 695-6303. I told her that I had not received any assistance from the state police. She told me that she would have someone call me. I gave her my home tele., work tele and cell telephone. (signals were coming through my tele that caused pressure and pain to my head, lips burned and signals caused me to “lose my train of thought.” I could not hear the signals, but I could feel them).

April 2, 2008

Talked to Lucille and she said that she would contact a Major

April 3, 2008 – 7:15 – 7:30

Lights blinking in the house while talking to Dispatcher Fields, also talked to Bowen.

April 3, 2008 – 8:00 a.m.

A female security officer said to talk to Major Bailey

April 3, 2008 – 3:00p.m.

Talked to Murtle

April 2008

Other officer I spoke with was Lt Kernal Sapp


I asked who was over the state police and was told to contact the Commissioner’s Office and that his name was Rodney Brewer.


Called the office several times, but I am not being allowed to speak with the Commissioner or any Assistant.

April 7, 2008

Mailed express mail package (Tracking No. EB845672652 US) to Commissioner Rodney Brewer. The packet included a log (approximately 60 pages), a 90 minute tape, a 40 minute tape and 2 narration pages (one for each tape), a letter from Congressman John Yarmuth’s office and a letter from my Councilwoman Mary Woolridge. Today is June 19, 2008 and I have not received a return telephone call or any assistance.

EXHIBIT 13 - MAIL RECEIPT – EB845672652 (sent to Commissioner Rodney Brewer)


Attention: the above numbers were scrambled by the corrupt officials and the correct tracking number is: EB845672652




Contacted the Mayor’s office for assistance and spoke with Steve Fenster who was very nasty. I was then connected to Bruce Segal and explained everything that has been going on to him. He told me to leave town and also stated, “I don’t think you are on the right medication.” I told him that I did not take medication and I asked him if he took medication. I spoke with the Receptionist and told her how I had been treated by Steve Fenster and Bruce Segal. I told her that I needed to make an appointment to speak with the Mayor and she told me that she had been told not to allow me to speak with the Mayor. I asked her if the Mayor knew that I called and she stated only if Steve Fenster or Bruce Segal told him that I called. She stated no one was going to assist me and hung up on me.


December 7, 2008 – December 11, 2008 (around that time)

Spoke with Carla at Governor Beshear’s office (502) 564-2611 and gave her a brief history of the terror, torment and torture I have been living with for the past five years. I told her how I was treated by each office and told her about my experience with the State Police. She told me she would contact the State Police and have someone contact me.

December 7, 2008 – December 11, 2008 (around that time)

I was contacted by Lieutenant West. He was very obnoxious and told me that he was not going to review the packet that was sent to Sgt. Thompson (the packet included 2 tapes with 2 narration pages and a log that was about 100 pages log). He then told me that he was not going to assist me.

December 7, 2008 – December 11, 2008 (around that time)

I called Carla again at Governor Beshear’s office and told her how I was treated by Lieutenant West. I emailed her the section of my log regarding the State Police and she stated she would email all of the information to their office.

December 7, 2008 – December 11, 2008 (around that time)

I spoke with Alicia (not sure of name) at (502) 695-6308 at the State Police office and I believe she stated that I needed to speak with Major Peyton, however he was not in.


December 7, 2008 – December 9, 2008 (around that time)

Spoke with Jacqueline at Senator Mitch McConnell’s office (502) 582-6304 and gave her a brief history of the terror, torment and torture I have been living with for the past five years. It was “strange” to me that the first comment she made to me was, “Didn’t you have a complaint against the Census Bureau in 2000.” I told her, “yes” and I won that complaint (it was as if someone had already contacted Mitch McConnell’s office to warn them that I would be calling and to try to detour them from assisting me. The reason this was strange to me that she would make this comment is that I did not give her a social security number and my telephone number and address has changed numerous times since 2000).

“Brief history of complaint with the Census Bureau

is that it is not to be discussed, but it was settled”

Jacqueline then told me that I needed to talk to Patrick Smith because he was the person that she stated I talked to when I had the problems at the Census Bureau in the year 2000. I thought this was strange because I did not speak to Mitch McConnell’s office in the year 2000 about the Census Bureau, as I had an attorney regarding this issue.

December 7, 2008 – December 9, 2008 (around that time) it was around 9:30 a.m.

I spoke with Patrick Smith at Senator Mitch McConnell’s office (502) 582-6304 and gave him a brief history of the terror, torment and torture I have been living with for the past five years. I told him that I feared for my life, as I have been tortured for the past two (2) years. He seemed to think it was funny and chuckled a little as he spoke with me and then stated, “We cannot assist you.” I told him to give me the telephone number for the Washington Office.

December 7, 2008 – December 9, 2008 (around that time)

I spoke with a receptionist at Senator Mitch McConnell’s Washington office (202) 224-2541 and gave her a brief history of the terror, torment and torture I have been living with for the past five years. . I told her that I feared for my life, as I have been tortured for the past two (2) years. She connected me with Robert Secaur.

December 7, 2008 – December 9, 2008 (around that time)

I spoke with Robert Secaur at Senator Mitch McConnell’s Washington office (202) 224-2541 and gave him a brief history of the terror, torment and torture I have been living with for the past five years. I told him that I feared for my life, as I have been tortured for the past two (2) years. He stated, “We cannot assist you, you have to talk with the Louisville office.” I told him of my experience with the Louisville office and every other office in Kentucky.”

December 8, 2008 – December 11, 2008 (around that time)

I called back and spoke with the receptionist at Senator Mitch McConnell’s Washington office (202) 224-2541 and told her of my experience with Robert Secaur and told her that I do fear for my life as I have been tortured by the corrupt officials for the past two (2) years and she connected me with Kelly Crayton and I left a voice mail message for her.

December 8, 2008 – December 12, 2008 (around that time)

Called and left two (2) additional graphic voice mail messages for Kelly Crayton on two separate days giving a brief history of the terror, torment and torture I have been living with for the past five years. . I told her that I feared for my life, as I have been tortured for the past two (2) years by officials in Kentucky.

December 17, 2008 (sometime between 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.)

Called and spoke with young female that answers at the Washington Office (202) 224-3541, she stated Kelly stepped out. I told her that I had not heard from Kelly and she stated she was sending her an email. I called back approximately 1 hour later and was told Kelly was out ill. I told the Receptionist that this is a life and death issue and asked to speak with someone else and she refused to allow me to speak with anyone else and disconnected my call.

December 17, 2008 (3:00 p.m)

After being disconnected I immediately called back and no one answered (202) 224-3541 the telephone rang and rang. I contacted my carrier, “Insight Communications” and they stated that they were able to reach the line and was told that Mitch McConnell’s Office was blocking my telephone calls.



February 2008 (approximately February 16, 2008)

I received a call from the new AT&T asking me to sign up. They offered me a package deal that included telephone (voice mail, unlimited long distance, call waiting & call return) and the internet. I told them “yes” I wanted this service. I was told that I would be connected in approximately three days, however they did not connect me.

February 21, 2008 – 6:30 p.m.

AT&T called (left message for me to contact them)

February 2008 (sometime around the last of February)

I received a letter from AT&T telling me contact them by March 5, 2008 regarding the service that I ordered. I called 1-800-477-4459 and was told that I needed to call the AT&T Local Portability Group at 1-888-899-6631.

March 1, 2008 - 4:40pm

I called AT&T Local Portability Group at 1-888-899-6631 and I was told that it was not a working number.

March 3, 2008 (the week of March 3rd)

I called AT&T 1-800-477-4459 and was told to call another number. When I called the number the person I spoke with told me that I would need to pay a $50 deposit. When I ask to pay it by check they told me I needed to pay by debit/credit card. I told her that I could not do this until Friday.

March 7, 2008

Called AT&T Local Portability Group at 1-888-899-6631 so that I could pay the $50 deposit and was told that they could not take it over the phone by debit card and that I would have to go to Check Cashing Corp of Kentucky at 1825 W. Broadway and must use my telephone number 502-774-4305 but to add 002 at the end of my telephone number and pay with cash because all they take is cash. I went there to pay the $50 deposit and when I got back I called AT&T back to find out when my service would be turned on and they told me before 12:00 midnight. I also asked them about the internet service and they said I needed to pay a $75 deposit with a debit card. I gave the guy my information on the phone and he said that I would receive a modem in the mail.

March 8, 2008

Service from AT&T was not turned on, so I called them back. I was then told that I needed to pay them $500 for an old bill. I told them that I did not owe them $500 dollars and told them I wanted the money that I paid them back. They told me it was take 30 days and then someone else said I would get the $50 back in a week. I did not get any information on the $75 deposit because when I was put on hold my telephone was disconnected. (Note: I found out at a later date from my bank, that though I paid AT&T, my bank account was showing money being taken out of my account by Bell South.)

I also talked to a Ms. Hockett at 1-888-757-6500 with AT&T who stated that 1-866-472-1919 and 1-800-477-4459 are not her numbers and that they were outside vendors. Ms. Hockett gave me another contact person named Evette at 1-888-321-2375 regarding getting a refund on the internet service.

For the record one of the AT&T agents told me when she put my name in the computer it pulled up Brittany Reed at 1501 South 36th Street, and the social security number 404-35-4902, but her account was closed April 14, 2006. Someone else told me when she put my name in the computer it pulled up Rebecca.****







Last of February 2008 - March 3, 2008 (around that time)

Ordered service from Vonage 1-800-425-8517 and was charged $39.95 by check. Vonage stated that I would need to call Insight at 1-888-440-8510 and when I called them the number was not a working number.

March 7, 2008

Called Vonage back and told them that the Insight number did not work. The person that I talked to gave me other companies with DSL Service because you have to have a land line DSL service to use Vonage. The companies given to me were as follows:

1-888-862-7863, 1-888-336-3318, – 1-888-744-6477, Net Zero – 1-800-638-9376. None of them could provide service with Vonage.

The only company left was Insight and they stated that I owed them money that I did not owe, therefore I could not use Vonage and I am trying to the $39.95 that I paid them returned to my account.

One of the people I spoke with at Vonage was John at 1-888-440-8510. He stated that his direct line and extension was 1-800-936-0367, ext. 1729.

April 2008 (week of April 7, 2008)

Spoke with someone from Vonage and they are refusing to return my money to my account and have extorted the $39.95.

May 2008

Found out from 5th third bank that Vonage had taken approximately $35 more dollars from my account stating that I have a web account, which is not true. I have found fraud charges with 5th third bank regarding Vonage.


January 4, 2005

I called 911 for Police to take a police report regarding the harassing communication.

D. Minniear, Jr., 6th Division came out at 6:10 pm and told me that he would take a Police Report and did not take a Police Report.

January 5, 2005

I called the 6th Division to report more harassing communication and I spoke with Joyce and she took the report, she gave me report number 0501000513/Harassing Communication. I asked her D. Minniear, Jr. had taken a report and she gave me the number to check on it. When I called records (502) 574-2050, he had not taken a report. I called Joyce back and she added the new complaint with the old one. Joyce told me that Detective Lancaster would be doing the investigation.

January 2005 (sometime between January 6 – January 10th)

I contacted Detective Lancaster (502) 574-2187 to find out when they were going to do an investigation and he was extremely rude and asks me, “What did I want them to do.” He then “hung up” on me at 11:10 am.

January 2005 same day I spoke with Detective Lancaster (between January 6 – January 10th 2005

I asked to speak with Chief White and I was told to speak with Lieutenant Dale Thompson, he came to the telephone put me on hold and he did not come back to the telephone.

January 7, 2005

I called and ask for the Chief White’s office and spoke with Lieutenant Linda Pettick. I told Linda about the problems aforementioned regarding the Louisville Metro Police and that they refused to take a report. Linda stated that they could not get involved if it is federal and that I would have to get an attorney to get them off of my telephone line. Therefore for the record, no one is investigating.

May 2005

Called to speak with Chief White and again spoke with Lieutenant Linda Pettick. She stated that they could not assist me.

June 6, 2005

I called 574-2111 and ask for Chief White’s Office. I was transferred to Linda Pettick. She listened to what I had to say and stated that she would get back with me. I called her back, however she had already left for the day.

June 7, 2005

I asked Linda Pettick if I could speak with Chief White and she stated that she had to speak with Major Riggs. She stated that Major Riggs was not going to allow me to speak with Chief White and that I would have to speak with Major Riggs. I asked to speak with him and she stated that he was in a meeting. I called later in the day and asked for him, however he was never available.

February 17, 2007

Contacted the police to take a police report regarding someone named, “Sandra Griewe, 7911 Southeast 82nd Ave., Unit 35 Portland, Oregon, “ using my home telephone number (502) 774-4305 as her internet number (I do not know this person). When I picked up the report it was incorrect and stated nothing about the aforementioned person. The police officer that I spoke with was John Terence Keeling.

March 26, 2007 – 9:00 a.m.

I was trying to get on the Internet and was continuously unable to access the internet. I called, “People PC” at 1-877-896-3697 and spoke with a guy with a foreign accent (possibly from India***). Instead of him helping me, he seemed to be making my computer problems worse. Ripples like waves started running down my computer. I started receiving a lot of pop up boxes and two of them stated the following: “Haylay.Mr.Dickson” and “Killu.” I consider the the first one to be a sexual comment, “Hey lay Mr. Dickson” and I consider the other to be a threat, “Kill You.” When I tried to get on line I received a message that stated, “The port is already in use.” “Another device is causing conflict with your modem.” My screen eventually went black and I was never able to get on line. The person on the phone from People PC, then stated, “You need to contact your manufacturer, if you want to stop those boxes from popping up on your screen.”

March 2007 (not sure of date)

I spoke with Officer Latham at the 2nd Division, 574-2478 and told him that I wanted to file a police report about February 17, 2007 and March 26, 2007. He told me that he would get back with me and never did.

March 2007 (month of March)

I called repeatedly to make an appointment to come in to their location to file a complaint and no one would return my calls. Called Chief White’s office, he was never available.

March 29, 2007

I went to the 2nd Division location at 3419 Bohne and left the two complaints that I typed with Major Yvette Gentry (a police report was not taken). She stated that she would give them to Officer Latham. (I am typing this entry on April 9, 2007 and to date no one has gotten back with me)

July 3, 2007 – 1:05 p.m.

Came home for lunch. Police car pulled up down on the corner of Algonquin and 23rd Street (approximately four houses from my house). I walked down to the corner to get the tag numbers on the police car. I recognized the officer as he was the officer that took a report that I filed incorrectly and the police dept. would not change it. He was also in the merit board meeting as one of the officers on the review board. His name is “Keeling.” The police car he was in was car number 5931 and the license number was F7351. I called the police dept., I could tell someone was listening in on my home telephone. When I went back out he had left.



July 26, 2007 – 9:06 p.m.

Talking to Officer Williams – telephone blocked

August 10, 2007 - Destruction of Property

I went downtown to the Police dept on 7th and Jefferson and ask to speak with Chief White regarding the LG&E incident on August 9, 2007 (look under the LG&E section on this log, three tape players were destroyed), Linda Pettick and another officer came out. Linda stated that she could not speak with me and Chief White also could not because I filed a lawsuit against them. I told her that I did not ask to speak to her and that I do not have a lawsuit against Chief White and when I spoke with Washington I was told to go to my local police dept. Officer Montfort came out and stated that he would give the report to the 1st division. He gave me a card, but did not give me a report number. I do not think he even took a report as he did not write anything down. I ask for his rank and he refused to give me the information.

I also went to LG&E’s Risk Management on August 10, 2007 and spoke with Julie Stethen. I gave her a 44 page log, which included LG&E problems (damaged and intercepted electrical appliances) and a 90 minute tape. I told her about the damaged taped players and gave her a brief synopsis of what was on the log and the tape. Julie stated that she would have someone contact me regarding the damaged items.

August 10, 2007 – 12:05 a.m.

LG&E came by at 12:05 a.m., I did not let him in due to it being 12:05 in the morning. I told him to come back the next day, but he did not. He was in an LG&E truck.

August 13, 2007

Monday August 13, 2007 or Tuesday a voice mail message was left at home for me by Sarah stating that she was with LG&E’s Risk Management Department and she left the number

326-5100 ext. 111. I called the number and spoke with Sarah. She stated that I would receive something in the mail in a few days.

August 19, 2007 – 8:40 a.m.

Lights blinked off and on. Power went off and then came back on.

August 21, 2007 – after 7:00 p.m.

I called 326-5100 which is the number Sarah from LG&E left for me on my voice mail, and I had just spoken with her on this number last week. When I called the number I kept getting an outgoing recording stating that it was “Angelina’s Sport’s Bar and Café, located on UPS Drive.” I called the number back to back five times. I then called a sixth time and a man picked up, I asked him was this LG&E’s Risk Management Dept. and he said, “No.” I then asked him what number did I dial and he said 326-5555. I told him that apparently my call had been rerouted and told him that I had lawsuits filed regarding corruption, I then hung up.

After about ten minutes I called the man back and left a voice mail telling him that he is now part of my log and that I have been terrorized, calls rerouted and property destroyed for the past four years and that whoever involved him has now made him part of a lawsuit, and I left my name and telephone number. The man called me back and stated that his name was Chip Sobel. He asked me if I was Connie Marshall that used to do comedy at the Comedy Caravan which is his brother Tom Sobel’s Club on Bardstown Rd. and I said “yes.” He then stated that he did not know what was going on, but whatever it was he did not want to be part of it. He further stated he did not want me to cause any problems for him and that he would not cause any problems for me. I told him that I did not have anything against him, but he is now part of my log and that I have been terrorized after being the victim of a hate crime for the past four years.

Approximately 20 – 30 minutes later I heard a bamming on my doors. I looked out of the window and I saw two police cars and a police wagon (SUV type). I did not call the police, so I did not answer my doors. They bammed and bammed on my doors. I know my neighbors saw them. If I tried to use my phone they blocked my calls, so that I could not call out.

They stayed out there a very long time and then they left. I called 911 and told them that there were three police cars in front of my house and the police had been bamming on my door. They asked me if I wanted them to send an officer out and I said, “no,” because the ones that were here were corrupt. After I hung up from talking to 911 the police came back and started bamming on my doors and windows. A neighbor called me and he was cut off. They bammed on my windows and doors for a very long time and they finally left. I called a friend and he said he would come over and they cut us off on the phone, however my friend came around because he was concerned when he was cut off.

I later called 911 to find out who the officers were and I was told that the first time they came out it was 8:45 p.m. it was Crick – 234 Adam, Overstreet – 236 Adam, and Sherrard* – 236 Edward. The second time they came out it was 9:34 p.m. it was Crick – 234 Adam and Snow – 234 David. I ask for the Officer in charge and I was told it was Sergeant Kessinger.

For the record, I have learned that Gene Sherrard, Police Chief, 1998 - March 2000 was fired around March 2000 due to a lawsuit filed by Paul Bather (member of Kentucky General Assembly, now deceased) and Sherri Hamilton (Louisville Board of Alderman and currently member of Metro Council) regarding

corruption and racism in the Louisville Metro Police Department.

I do not know if Sherrard* – 236 Edward is related to Gene Sherrard*, however this is an update to this situation in which I found out that Michael Sherrard* retired from the Louisville Metro Police Department in approximately March 2009 and that there are other Sherrard’s* working with the Louisville Metro Police Department.

August 29, 2007 – 9:50 p.m.

A neighbor telephoned me and stated that a van has pulled up with tinted windows and is just sitting in the front of the house next to me which is for sale. I looked out of the window and the van was parked there, shortly after I looked out a car (Lexus, not sure) pulled up. I turned on my porch light and both vehicles sit there for a moment, did a U-turn and pulled off. I suspect the police officers that I reported, due to the fact that when my neighbor called me, after he hung up and I tried to dial out my calls were ‘again” blocked/cut-off. This same thing happened when the aforementioned police were bamming on my doors and windows, previously.

October 5, 2007 @ 3:55 p.m. - Attacked

Tried to get assistance from Major Gentry. Signal coming through telephone that hurt head and caused extreme discomfort. Did not receive any assistance from Major Gentry.

December 12, 2007 – 11:14 a.m.

Bedroom TV beeped on channel 58. I was watching Christina’s Court and getting dressed.

December 15, 2007 – 1:35 p.m.

Living room lights blinking

December 19, 2007

A guy named James called that a neighbor wanted me to meet. We were disconnected several times.

December 19, 2007

I called Daniel Cobble at 499-5249 we were disconnected twice before I reached him on the telephone. When I finally reached him he asked me if I was trying to call him because each time he picked up the first two calls the call disconnected. I told him that it was me trying to call him but the corrupt officials kept disconnecting me.

December 19, 2007

I called Jackie Franks and we talked without any disconnections. As soon as I told her that I was going to read her the letter that was sent to me from Washington, we were disconnected. She called me back approximately 7 or 8 times and I called her back and each time we said “hello” and begin to talk, we were disconnected. This went on throughout the day.

December 19, 2007

I called 911 to report the disconnects and I was disconnected.

December 19, 2007 – 7:41 p.m.

Call came in from 574-3763 and stated they were the police dept. and they were disconnected. They called back and were disconnected.

December 19, 2007 – 8:16 p.m.

Call came in from 574-3766 and stated that they were the police department and they were disconnected. They called back and were disconnected. They called back again and told me that I was hanging up on them, however they were being disconnected by some of the corrupt officials that also includes police officers.

December 19, 2007 – 7:30 p.m.

Someone was knocking at the door. I opened the door and a male police officer walked in my house. I told him that do to all the corrupt police officers that had been showing up at my house that I did not want police at my house. I started naming the police that I filed a complaint against and when I got to the name of “Snow”, I noticed that the police officer in my house had a badge on with the name of Snow. I stated, “you are one of the police that I have a complaint against, what are you doing at my home?” He stated that he did not realize that he was at my house and walked back out of the door.

A female officer named “Merkashaft” (something like that) in a separate car walked up to my door and stood on the outside and stated, “I just wanted to know if you were alright.” I told her that I was fine and she looked as if she was grabbing something behind her back. I had my storm door cracked and did not let her in and explained that I already had charges filed against corrupt police officers and Snow was one of them. She then left.

December 19, 2007 - 8:40 p.m.

Someone named Sargeant Cooper showed up at my door, I did not ask for a police officer and I did not answer my door. He left and then left and later came back and was knocking on my door and stated, “You ask us to come” outside of my door, however I did not ask any police officers to come to my door and I did not answer my door.

December 22, 2007 – 3:30 - Attacked

Talking to Tonya and signals coming through telephone. I cannot hear but can feel, signal causes extreme discomfort to my heard. Tonya heard clicks on her telephone.

December 24, 2007 – 11:41 a.m

I was talking to my daughter, “Tonya” and was disconnected.

December 25, 2007 – 12:45 p.m. - Attacked

Signals coming through telephone, hurt head

March 13, 2008, 6:10 a.m.

Called 911 to speak with a Manager regarding the police coming to my house when I called regarding an emergency and ask for the fire dept. Spoke with Bobby a Supervisor. I ask him when the head person would be in because I specifically stated when I called 911 not to send the police to my house, due to the high degree of corruption and this was not a police issue. Bobby stated that he understood and that he would give my message to Angela Downs when she came in at 8:00 a.m. (For the record the police that came to my door was an asian looking man, small built and a white female small built. I think the man was a little shorter than the woman and both of them had dark hair. (not sure of the day that they came but it was a few days before or the same morning of March 13, 2008).

March 13, 2008 – 8:15 a.m. - Attacked

Called Angela Downs – signals coming thru phone that hurt head and caused severe discomfort – and we were cut off. I tried to call her back, but could not reach her the first time. Called her back a second time and left message on her voice mail telling her that I would contact the manager.

March 14, 2008 (not sure of date)

I called Debbie Fox, Metro Safe Communications Director, tele # 574-7484, regarding police showing up when I called 911 for the fire dept. regarding a possible gas problem, due to the fact that the police or constantly turning off electricity in my home and have routinely turned off my furnace. This time I could not get the furnace back on which could have caused an explosion.

When I called Debbie Fox, a message came on the phone while I was talking to her that stated, “If you’d like to make a call please hang up and dial again.” Therefore, I knew the call was being intercepted by the corrupt officials. I ask Debbie if she heard the message and she said she also heard the message that came on the phone.

March 31, 2008 – 8:55 a.m. - Destruction of Property

Playing cd on small tape player in my bedroom. Cd was stopped over and over again (it was dragged and stopped so many times that it is now scratched and I just purchased it).

March 31, 2008 – 10:45 p.m.

Trying to call out on my telephone long distance. I am trying to call media sources, Al Sharpton, Congressional Black Caucus and other officials for assistance and trying to leave them voice mail messages. My telephone is cut off each time I try to make my long distance calls. I finally get fed up with the corrupt interference with my long distance service and I call 911. I told them that their corrupt police officers are blocking my telephone again. I told her about the letter from Washington, the letter from my Councilwoman and that I had lawsuits filed regarding the corruption. I told her several times not to send anyone to my house. She kept asking me for my address and I told her, but I told her over and over again not to send any police to my house.

Approximately 45 minutes later I heard bamming on my front door and a flash light was being shined in my face when I looked out of the door.. The lady on the phone kept telling me to open my door and I told her that I was not because I did not tell her to send any police to my house. I hung up on her and called 911 back and asked who the police officers were at my door and they would not give me any information or car numbers, so I hung up. I saw one of the policemen and he was white, about 5’9”, had brown hair and looked to be in his 30’s however he kept shining a flashlight in my face when I looked out of my front door.

I called again to find out who they were and was told it was 233 Baker, 236 David and 238 (person sd there is no letter for this one). I ask who the boss of these police were and was told to call 574-2478, which is the Bohne Ave Police Dept. I called and left a message for the 2nd and 3rd shift Supervisor.

March 31, 2008 11:15 p.m.

I received a call form Officer Kessinger and I told him what occurred. I gave him the car numbers and I when I gave him 238 (this is the one that the lady sd did not have a letter), he stated, “What was he doing there?” He then stated that he would have a talk with them. I told him that I was contacting the merit board.

April 2, 2008 – 4:00 a.m.

High frequency sound coming from radio. I am listening to WLOU, it is an AM station.

April 2, 2008 – 6:10 a.m.

Tape player turned off and then turned back on.

April 2, 2008 – 7:25 a.m.

Dryer squealing – high pitched squeal – coming from dial

April 12, 2008 – 12:00 a.m. – 1:00 a.m.

Trying to call long distance, tele calls being rerouted. Called 911 to report that the police were again rerouting my calls, also taped one of the calls giving the message that my call was “blocked.” I told 911 not to send any police to my house and some of this is taped.

April 12, 2008 – 1:00 a.m.

Police were at my house bamming on my door. I peeked out and saw at least two police cars. Later, I called to find out who they were and was told that they were 215 Adam and his name was Delong and 215 David and his name was Dison. Again, I made it clear that I was only calling to get me reporting that the police were again cutting off and blocking my calls and this was explained to the 911 operator.

June 18, 2008 – 5:00 p.m. - Threatened

Receiving threats on my phone saying that, “I need to stop talking.” Also calls being cut off and rerouted. When I contacted my carrier, I was told that I needed to call AT&T Annoyance Call Bureau 1-800-348-8727. When I called that number I never got a person but a voice mail message stated that I needed to file a police report and one of the numbers stated the only way I could get a subpoena was with a police report.

I called 574-7111 and was told to go to Bohne Ave. Police Dept to file a report, because I did not want the police to come to my house. I also called 574-2478 which is that location and was told to just drive over there and call them when I got there. Elizabeth (another lady that has been tortured by corrupt political officials) and I drove over to the Bohne Ave police dept. at approximately 5:15 p.m. (it is only 5 minutes away). When we got there I called on my cell phone which is 415-5951. I was told that they would dispatch someone.

When Elizabeth and I arrived at the Bohne Ave. Police Dept., there was a white man & woman standing in the parking lot. An officer arrived and spoke with them and then walked over to my car and I said your name is “Crick” I do not want to talk to you. I told him that my name was Connie Marshall and that he was one of the police that were at my house bamming on my door. He then said, “I got to go I can’t be near you.”

Another white couple (older) drove up and the other two people left. They went over to the police building and called on the telephone connected to the building for a police officer. They then stated that the police told them to go and wait for them on the corner or two blocks from their house.

Elizabeth and I were still waiting for the police to come and had been there since around 5:15 p.m.

I called 574-7111 again at 6:07 p.m. and they said someone was already dispatched, named Miracle 234 Baker. We saw two (2) police cars go by and no one stopped. We called back again at 6:54 p.m. and again were told a car was dispatched and a male officer stated, “We just found a dead body on Campbell Street” (I thought to myself why was he telling me this, this should be confidential police info.) A young black girl and her friends drove up and went to the police building to use the telephone attached to the outside of the building and when she finished I told her to let me talk to the police officer.

I spoke with someone named Vince that stated that no one had been dispatched to come to meet us at the Bohne Ave. police dept. I told him that apparently we had been lied to when the lady told us twice that a car was on its way. When I told him of my disgust of the way we had been treated, I was told to talk to Sgt. Kessinger and/or Sgt Massey. When I spoke with one of them, they appeared to blame the dispatcher. I then spoke with Doug Hamilton** Manager at 574-3640 and also left a message for female on Barret Ave, who is a Manager.

After arriving at the Bohne Ave. Police dept at 5:15 p.m. and waiting until 7:20 p.m. for a police officer, being lied to about the dispatch twice, we finally left and did not get to file a report.

July 8, 2008 – Telephone Call & Bohne Ave. Police Dept.

I received a call on Tuesday, July 8, 2008 at 8:55 a.m. The caller ID stated, Unknown Caller. When I picked up the ringing telephone a recording was on my phone and I heard the following message, “If you’d like to make a call, please hang up and dial again, if you need assistance hang up and dial your operator.”

After I hung up the telephone, the phone went “dead.” There was not dial tone. I contacted Global my telephone carrier that day, July 8, 2008 and they told me they would send someone out the next day by 1:00 p.m. I went home from work on July 9, 2008 and waited and no one came.

I contacted Global that day regarding my service still not working and they stated the guy would not be there until the next day because they had a lot of telephones out. I asked her why she didn’t tell me that in the beginning. The next day July 10, 2008 my telephone still did not work. I was then told that I had to pay 37.50 for them to come inside my house. I told her that I was supposed to already have inside maintenance, but they told me that I did not. On July 11, 2008 I paid the 37.50, which I did not owe for inside maintenance(one of the people I talked to was a guy name Drey). On July 12, 2008 the guy came out in an AT&T truck to my house and switched lines in the box on the side of my house and also did something to a second box connected to the other side of my house. He then came in and changed a box inside my bedroom.

(again the telephone was working until I received the incoming call from the unknown number on July 8, 2008)

July 10, 2008 (around 4:30 p.m. or 5:00 p.m) - Threatened

After going to Rev. Coleman’s (a Civil Right’s Worker who incidentally died of having several seizures) wake I went to the Bohne Avenue Police Dept. – 2nd Division to again attempt to file a complaint regarding the identity theft, everything in this 74 page log, and threats on my life (being told on my telephone on more than one occasion by a white man that “I need to stop talking.”). When I got there I was told to contact the fraud unit or the telephone reporting unit. The telephone numbers were handwritten for me & I contacted both of the aforementioned again on the telephone at the Bohne Ave Police Dept, as I have previously done and the fraud unit told me that I had to first file a report at Bohne Ave. The telephone reporting unit, again, told me that I needed to file a report at Bohne Ave. because it was over her head. The following occurred at the Bohne Ave Police Dept.

At first I was told by Officer Bates that they would not take a complaint. As I was persistent, he finally told me that Officer Bentley could take the complaint and took him aside to speak with him before he took the complaint. The only complaint that he would take was regarding the threats on my home phone (which he called harassing communications) and the report of my telephone being sabotaged and out of order since July 8, 2008.

When I asked him to take the complaint regarding the identity theft, he told me that he did not know if I was telling the truth and that he could not take it. After I filed the aforementioned complaint, report #8008050747, I went home to get the evidence regarding the identity theft.

When I went back to the Bohne Ave – 2nd division, I saw Major Gentry. She proceeded to tell me that she was not going to take a report regarding the identity theft. I showed her a copy of my birth certificate and how it had been changed and she said, “ well that’s a copy.” I stated, “ I figured you would say that.” I took out the original and showed it to her. She stated, “that’s not a real birth certificate,” She then told me that I needed to talk to the fraud unit, I told her that I already called them when I first arrived at Bohne Ave. and they told me to file a report. She then told me that I needed to contact the Telephone Reporting Unit and I told her that I already talked to them and they say it is over their head. Major Gentry then told me that she was not going to take the report and told me that I had to get out of the office.

I went outside and called 574-7111 (police) and 911. I was told that they would dispatch someone. I waited outside in 90 degree weather for One hour and ten minutes and called 574-7111 and 911 and was told someone was dispatched and to wait and no one came. Officer Bates came out and told me that Major Gentry said that I had to leave the premises.

I called 911 back and they told me that no one was coming to take the report. I asked them why they didn’t tell me that at first as I had been sitting outside for One hour and ten minutes. They said, “well if Major Gentry says that she is not taking a report they cannot go over her head.” They told me to contact Chief White’s office and I spoke with Sheila. She told me someone would call me back on Friday, July 11, 2008. I told her that I would be at Rev. Coleman’s funeral, so she said they would call me at 2:00p.m. I did not receive a call and I tried to call Sheila in Chief White’s Office, there was no answer so I left a message on her voicemail.

Later that evening, Officer Clark and Officer Roof came to my house and when I asked them to come in they would not. Elizabeth (a lady who has also had problem with being terrorized in Ky) and I were sitting on my front porch. The dispatched officer’s told us that they were told not to take a report.

During the time that I was at Bohne Ave. police dept. there were two bail bondsmen from out of state there, I asked for their telephone number because they arrived when I first got to the Bohne Ave police dept and they were still there when I went home to get the other evidence and they were there when I was told to leave the inside and outside premises by Major Gentry and________ .

EXHIBIT 16 - Note: this is the actual handwriting of the bail bondsman


July 2008 (Sat. & Sunday) - Threatened

TV & Radio being turned off. Tried to use telephone signals coming through hurt head. Threatened of telephone when trying to call out. Someone picks up and states, “you need to stop talking.”

July 2008 (not sure of date) 1:15 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Radio and TV was being turned off several times. Each time I said “turn it off” they would turn off my picture on the TV or the sound on the radio. They can hear and see me in my home, they have apparently attached an illegal device to my home. I repeatedly called 574-7111 and 911 to report what was going on – because I wanted it on tape - and told them not to send a police officer, because the police and my local F.B.I. were doing it.

They sent a police officer (two that I saw & possibly a third). I took pictures of the two that came and taped them bamming on my door. They left and I called to report them. I called 911 and she said that they had not dispatched any police officers. I called 574-7111 and a man stated he dispatched them & 911 was incorrect. I talked to a woman & I told her not to send any police to my house.

July 2008 (not sure of date) but same day 2:10 p.m.

The previous two came back bamming on my door. Their license number was F7089. One was white and one was black. The white police officer stated, “I have a warrant and then stated that I had to leave my house sometime.” I did not answer my door, as I did not have any warrants. Again, when I called and asked who they were they refused to give me their car numbers are any identifying information.



September 12, 2008 – 6:30 p.m.

Policeman at door. I did not answer the door

October 13, 2008 (morning or afternoon)

Three policemen at my front door, one black male, one white male and one black female that looked liked Major Gentry. I saw two police cars. I did not answer my door. I called 911 and 574-7111 to find out who they were and I was told that they only showed one police car.

October 13, 2008 – 6:15 p.m.

Three white policemen at my house. I called 911 and 574-7111 and was told that they only showed 233 Charlie. I did not answer the door.

January or February 2009

Police Officer John Terrence Keeling at my door. I did not answer but I called to report him. Two days later my front door lock had to be replaced.

April 21, 2009 (between 11:00 a.m. – 2:20 a.m.)

Cleaning my house and had my cd player playing and the music kept stopping and starting on each cd that I played. Every time I stated, “now do it again.” They would stop my music. I called 911 several times and kept getting funny beeps on my telephone which is a cell phone 322-3449.

April 21, 2009 – 1:10 p.m.

At 1:10 p.m., having trouble with cell phone, calls not going through. I was riding down 23rd street, which is the street that I live on, when I got down to 23rd and Burwell, I saw a parked police car on the corner of 23rd. I looked in the car and saw John Terrence Keeling. The car number was 5931. I called the police, 911 and Marsha Moorman at Human Relations and told them that I will be filing a stalking charge against him. (note: I have been to the Merit Board regarding him and other corrupt police and nothing is done. As a matter of fact he has a seat on the Merit Board and they are aware of the crimes he has committed against me, and have even allowed him to sit on the Merit Board when the complaint that I have filed is about him.

May 16, 2009 – (between 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.

I called my daughter Tracy, she is local but opted to have a different area code for her telephone number. Her tele number is (859) 368-3638. When I called her I reached a man mumbling on the tele. He stated, “Do you miss your grandchildren.” “Do you want to see your grandchildren again?” I stated, “What did you say? I can just barely hear you.” Either he hung up or I hung up. I tried to telephone my daughter several time, but the call would not go through. I think the message stated, “this caller cannot receive messages at this time.”

May 16, 2009 – 11:04 a.m.

Received a call from my daughter, Tracy’s telephone number, she is local but opted to have a different area code for her telephone number. Her tele number is (859) 368-3638. When I answered the call a man was mumbling on the tele. He stated, “Do you miss your grandchildren.” “Do you want to see your grandchildren again?” I hung up and I tried to telephone my daughter several time, but the call would not go through. I think the message stated, “This caller cannot receive messages at this time.”

I tried to telephone my daughter several times on Saturday May 16, 2009 and Sunday, May 17, 2009, On Saturday, the message stated, “This caller cannot receive messages at this time.” On Sunday, I was able to leave messages and left messages for my daughter. On Monday, May 18, 2009 I called several times and finally reached my daughter and told her my experience with her telephone. I asked her if she received my messages and she stated, “No” My daughter than stated that she was having problems with her telephone on Saturday, May 16, 2009 and Sunday, May 17, 2009 and that she would contact Cricket. Incidentally, on Friday, May 15, 2009 her tele was working.

May 19, 2009

Cricket turned off my daughter’s telephone. Her telephone was off for approximately four days. She had to purchase a new tele. from Cricket, but she is still using the same telephone number (859) 368-3638.

Note: my daughter’s cell phone and my cell phone are through Cricket

May 18, 2009

Called Police at 911 or 574-7111 regarding the incident with my daughter’s telephone on May 16, 2009. I spoke with an older 911 Male Operator, I think the name begin with an “H” (need to find name) and – as I do not want Policeman at my house due to the degree of corruption on the Police force – I told him to have someone meet me at the White Castle Hamburger Restaurant to take a report on 7th and Algonquin, as it is only a 3 – 5 minute drive from my home. Due to past experiences waiting for the police and no one showing up, I ask him if he could call me when an officer was dispatched. He told me that someone would call me when they could dispatch an officer.

I waited for approximately 2 hours for someone to call me so that I could meet them at White Castle and no one called. I called 911 or 574-7111 again and spoke with Officer Vermillion and he stated that whomever I spoke with did not record that anyone was supposed to be dispatched. He told me that he would dispatch an Officer and told me to drive to White Castle.

I picked up Elizabeth (another lady having problems with corruption in Ky.) and we drover to White Castle. When I arrived a Police car was in the parking lot waiting for us. I drove over to the car and it was John Terrence Keeling. I stated, “They sent you to take my report.” He stated, “If you want a report taken, I am supposed to take it.” Due to all of the previous problems that I have had with this officer and pending complaints against him, I know this was done purposely by the Louisville Metro Police. We stood outside White Castle and he took the report and gave me the report number

80-09-035522. He further stated that Detective Scotty Frank would do the investigation. I spoke with Personnel and they stated that Scotty Frank was not listed as a Detective.

I called to find out why they sent Keeling, as the Police are aware of my many complaints regarding this officer. I was told to contact Doug Hamilton** at 574-3652. I called him several times and he never returned my calls. I spoke with another man at this number, possibly “Vince” not sure of name. He told me to contact Debbie Fox. I called her at 547-7484 and left several messages on her voice mail. She returned my call and left a message. I have called her back approximately three times, however I am only getting her voice mail.

For the record, I have learned that Doug Hamilton,** Police Chief, 1990 – 1998 was ____________ due to a lawsuit filed by Paul Bather (member of Kentucky General Assembly, now deceased) and Sherri Hamilton (Louisville Board of Alderman and currently member of Metro Council) regarding corruption and racism in the

Louisville Metro Police Department.





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