CAT BEHAVIOR PROFILE - Bloomington, Indiana


Cat’s Name: ______________________________ Age: ________

Sex: Female _____ Male _____ Spayed _____ Neutered _____

Declawed? Yes _____ No _____

How long has your cat lived with you? _________________

Where did you get your cat?

Breeder____ Pet Shop ____ Shelter ____ Family/Friend____ Stray I kept____

Cat lived primarily: Inside _____ Outside _____ Both _____

Why are you surrendering your cat?

_____ Moving _____ Too many pets _____ Can’t Afford

_____ Destructive _____ House-soiling _____ Landlord Won’t Allow

_____ No time for cat _____ Allergies _____ Aggression

_____ Other (please explain): _____________________________________________________

If aggression, please describe the behavior/circumstances: ____________________________


How does your cat respond to the following?

| |Likes Them |Tolerates Them |Avoids Them |Is Aggressive |Don’t Know |

|Visitors | | | | | |

|Children | | | | | |

|Cats | | | | | |

|Dogs | | | | | |

If you checked “Is Aggressive” on any of the above, please describe the behavior:



Has your cat ever bitten anyone? Yes _____ No _____

If yes, did the bite break the skin? Yes _____ No _____

| |Yes |No |Don’t Know |

|Will your cat let you groom her? | | | |

|Will your cat let you trim her nails? | | | |

|Has your cat seen a veterinarian in the past year? | | | |

Name of veterinarian/clinic ______________________________________________________

Does your cat have any medical problems? Yes _____ No _____ Don’t know _____

If yes, please explain: __________________________________________________

Please describe any behavior problems your cat has: ______________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Other comments: ____________________________________________________________



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