Pharaoh Hound Club of America

Pharaoh Hound Club of AmericaAnnual Board Meeting, Cape Cod, MASeptember 12, 2014Members present: Pam Haig, Sheila Hoffman, Linda Witt, Robert Newman, Denise Gentile, Meredith Wille, Jane Hodnett; joined while in progress: Stephen Sipperly and Dominic Carota, AKC Delegate; absent: Rita Sacks The meeting was called to order at 3:00 pm by president, Robert Newman.Recording Secretary Report (Sheila): Sheila moved to approve minutes as published from the February and July board conference call meetings. Motion seconded by Linda. Unanimously approved.Sheila moved to approve new members applications published in the last newsletter for Tina Mortonson and Lezli Crowe (Lincoln, CA) and Martin Del Prince (Louisville, KY). Motion seconded by Denise. Unanimously approved.The PHCA currently has a total of 115 members (125 last year) and 1 member club. We need to keep in mind ideas for keeping club records now that we have yahoo list and emails. It is getting increasingly difficult to keep up with various topics as some comments are on emails and others are on the yahoo list. Please use the yahoo list for your main form of board correspondence unless you need to send an attachment. Also, in your replies, please clean up message threads so that only the relevant topics are addressed and sign your name. Remember that Darlene Dimor is now editor for the club newsletter. Be sure to thank her and supply her with your committee reports and other information that is needed for inclusion in the newsletter.Corresponding Secretary Report (Rita): Since January 1, 2014, I have received 18 e-mail inquiries and 12 telephone inquiries for Pharaoh Hounds. In reply, I sent out Breed Brochures, copies of the Code of Ethics and PHCA Breeders Lists. I also received requests from several judges for copies of the PHCA Illustrated Guide which I sent to them. I still have never heard from any of our PHCA breeders on the list whether the information I have sent out has resulted in any sales for them. It would be nice to know.We have not yet seen final proofs for the planned AKC Complete Dog Book. They are at least a year behind in their project.Treasurer report (Jane): Jane distributed financial report updated through the end of August. Treasury balance is $33,188.91 of which $14,532.91 is in the rescue fund.Rescue Committee (Pam): As usual, there have been lots of false reports on dogs that turned out to be mixed breeds. This last year we had two senior dogs in need of help; which were successfully re-homed thanks to Darci Kunard.Robert Newman was able to place two in Southern California.Sheila Hoffman picked up a former rescue (from the Florida group four years ago) who had started showing behavioral problems including biting on three separate occasions. The adoptive owners were no longer able to care for her. After discussion among the rescue committee and then the board of directors, the majority agreed it was in the best interest of all for this dog to be euthanized which was carried out.Currently we have a three year old recently neutered male who is being fostered by Laura Lockwood Staub in Indiana. This dog was bred by someone who appears to have obtained two dogs just to breed them. We do know the pedigree behind him and no breeder responsibility is expected. We are looking for and screening potential homes. Fortunately, he has a good temperament although he is not good with cats.Health Committee (Stephen): Slowly, member replies to the on-line health survey for the year are coming in. We will send out a mass email reminder to the membership around November 1st and again on December 1st.Education committee (Rita): I.The AKC Meet the Breeds in Orlando, FL will be held December 13-14, 2014. Laurie Laventhall will be in charge assisted by various PHCA members. II.The AKC Meet the Breeds in New York City will not be held in the Fall this year but will, instead, take place during the Westminster KC show in February 2015. (This is a terrible idea placing a real hardship on those in charge of the booth.) Special thanks to Stephen Sipperly and Dominic Carota for accommodating us by taking charge of the booth.III.Judges Education Seminars. We were not able to provide presenters and dogs for two seminar requests this summer. We simply did not have both and manpower and available dogs in the regions holding the events.The Advanced Hound and Herding Breeds Institute for Judges is scheduled for December 9-12, 2014 in Orlando, FL. PHCA has been invited to participate. I have submitted a list of possible presenters to AKC but have not heard back from them who they have selected. They have informed us that the Pharaoh Hound seminar is scheduled for Tuesday, December 9th from 11 am to 12:30 pm. Hands-on is scheduled from 1:30 to 2:30 pm. Unfortunately, they are requesting 6-8 dogs for hands-on which will be difficult to supply because it is early in the week and dogs may not have arrived. They simply don't get it...ours is not a high population breed.IV.I composed a proposed PHCA Mentors Test which I sent to the Education Committee for additions, changes, corrections, etc. The proposed test was approved by all with the exception of Libby Leone, who did not respond. We already have the PHCA Judges Education Mission Statement on our website which is followed by Breed Mentor Application Criteria and Breed Mentor Conduct Requirements. Under Breed Mentor Application Criteria, Item 7 is redundant. Item 8 becomes Item 7 and the Requirements for the PHCA Mentors Test is inserted. The following is the complete, updated material that should, pending Board approval, replace what is currently on our website. The Education Committee, comprised of myself, Sheila Hoffman, Pam Haig, Laurie Laventhall, Marie Henke and Libby Leone are approved Mentors already.? Sheila suggested "grandfathering in" Stephen and Dominic since they have already conducted numerous PHCA seminars and AKC Meet the Breeds events and meet all the qualifications.? I agreed as did the rest of the Committee (Mentors). Rita put forth a motion/recommendation that the Board approve this addition. In the future, all other additions to the Mentors group will happen as a result of the Mentors Test and all stated requirements. Motion was seconded by Jane and unanimously approved.A copy of the completed proposal as it would appear inserted into our Mission Statement, Breed Mentor Application Criteria and Breed Mentor Conduct Requirements which are already on our website was provided and sent to the board members. (The one typographical error I found on the website has been corrected in the material).Additional discussion around the cost of shipping the Meet The Breeds display ensued. It was $668 to ship the display from NY to FL last year. We need to keep this in mind when the display cannot be moved by a member. We discussed putting a cap on annual shipping cost so it can be budgeted but this was tabled for review at the next meeting so some board members could investigate other shipping options that maybe more economical.Ways & Means (Sheila)-We still have Mugs, Pins, and Crate tags available. Plus magnets, tiles and mouse pads from the Café Press store.Be sure to check out other items available on the PHCA store. There is a link on the PHCA website front page.Audit : Jane sent ahead all the materials needed for the audit to be conducted over the National weekend. Lew Hoffman, Dominic Carota and Robert Newman reviewed the materials. There were a few clarifications needed from Jane which Robert was to address with her so the audit could be completed.Awards (Sheila) – We have about 25 medallions (plus what is leftover this year) remaining. Time to reorder?? Sheila has requested updated pricing and the board will review at the next meeting.This year we have 5 Dual Titlist, 1 Versatility Awards, 1 ROM, 1 TCSheila is working on getting the awards qualification criteria updated and adding some of the new venues to a misc. category. Old Business:Eastern and Western Specialties for 2015 will be held as previously approved.Two proposals were received for the 2015 National. The proposal accepted by previous ballot was for Chino, CA, April 25-27 with Robert Newman coordinator. The National will be held on Friday as an independent with Patricia Gilbert judging. The Western will be on Saturday in conjunction with the Lake Mathews KC, judge Robin Riel. Sunday will be a supported entry with the Lake Mathews KC. The tentative schedule plans for a specialty lure course on Saturday afternoon, Awards banquet Saturday evening, potential education seminar by the Gilberts, obedience and rally classes Friday afternoon, and the annual board meeting Thursday afternoon. There will only be agility offered if someone can locate a close all-breed trial willing to have the PHCA support the Pharaoh Hound entry.We need to ensure we are grooming new board members to hold offices and head up or work on committee. The committee composition and activities need to be updated the beginning of each year. The nominating committee has completed their task for this year and Sheila will mail out the notice to the membership in October.AKC Delegate Report (Dominic):Please see below for a summary of the September Delegate’s meeting held in Newark NJ. The next meeting will be held in Florida during December in conjunction with the Eukanuba National Championships. What is currently happening at AKC? New opportunities for participation with AKC registered dogs were created in a variety of areas. There are now two new Performance event titles to acknowledge higher levels of achievement – the Grand Field Champion title for Pointing breeds and the Retriever Master Hunter Lifetime Achievement title. In response to requests for the ability to create special events, starting January 1, 2015, Agility clubs may host special events in which a club proposes a unique mix ofregular AKC classes.On the legislative front, AKC Government Relations - led by Sheila Goffe - is developing two new programs to increase their visibility with legislators. They plan to award approximately 50 AKC Legislator of the Year Awards for federal and state legislators across the country who play an important role in supporting responsible dog ownership, and protecting the rights of responsible dog owners and breeders.In addition, AKC Government Relations is developing a law school outreach program for future legislators and policymakers. Law schools are one of the primary training grounds for future state and congressional lawmakers. AKC is collaborating with other groups, such as the AVMA and Cat Fanciers Association, to develop writing contests, a speakers bureau, and other outreach to this important segment. Understanding the critical importance of grassroots legislative efforts, the AKC developed the Canine Legislative Support Fund Educational Grants program in support of clubs’ educational and advocacy initiatives to help protect the future of responsible dog owners and breeders. The AKC is attempting to fuel a positive, engaging, and educational conversation with their many constituents through “AKC Communicates”. “AKC Communicates” is emailed every Friday. WOOFipedia?, the consumer website for everyday dog owners with over one million users a month; their new content syndication with Vet Street, Pet 360, Best in Show Daily, ShowSight and Canine Chronicle are also part of this communication platform. The AKC Facebook page continues to do well with now over 2.1 million fans.No rule changes were voted on that Delegate’s Meeting however all Committee Positions were voted on. The nominees for the 2019 Class of AKC Board of Directors are as follows:Dr. Carmen L. Battaglia, German Shepherd Dog Club of America, Dr. Thomas M. Davies, Springfield Kennel Club, Steven D. Gladstone, Waterloo Kennel Club and Dr, Gregory J. Pavenza, Elm City Kennel Club. There are four candidates for the three positions available.Financial Update Year to date revenues are about $38 million, about $1 million less than last year. AKC has kept costs less than last year by about $300,000, to a total of about $34 million. So net operating profit is approximately $4 million year to date, but this is less than last year. Dog-related revenues are about the same. It is about $32 million of $38 million worth of revenue. The “extras” essentially aren't selling well. They are down about 1.4 million, that is to say royalties, sponsorships, advertising. It is consistent with the recovery in which the AKC is still recovering. It is also consistent with the role of sponsorships in the future. That has been dwindling as people have moved towards social media.Lure Coursing and the Herding, Earthdog and Coursing Committee Update. Due to the high demand for CAT Judges the HEC Committee was asked to come with guidelines for a new CAT Evaluator program including mentoring and exam type, length and content. Our recommendations were submitted to AKC Staff for review and comment. Discussed the need for an on-line judge’s seminar to lower costs and increase participation in all regions of the country. AKC Staff indicated they are working on this issue but it will take some time to get on-line seminars in all AKC venues fully loaded and up and running. No estimate was given for completion of this initiative. The hotly debated issue of what constitutes a handicapped dog in the sport of Lure Coursing was tabled as the Veterinary Consult was not in attendance at this meeting. Before being tabled, I voiced my strong objection to allowing 3-legged dogs run in a Lure Coursing Trial or CAT. To date AKC Lure Coursing is up 2% in entries over 2013 and the CAT is up 8% in entries over 2013. Parent Club Committee Update. Discussed the definition of a low entry breed which now stands as any breed with less than 3500 dogs in conformation each year. Confirmed the AKC Policy that Parent Clubs have complete control over their AKC Standard. Discussed the need for Judges to get back to proficiency at the breed level. Due to the limited amount of Group and All Breed Judges it was ascertained that 100 Judges nationally judge 80% of the Groups. CGC Titles for 2014 stand at 22,667 which is up by 2300 dogs since 2013.The Pharaoh Hound Club America is one of 60 Parent Clubs that have donated, sponsored and/or participated in the AKC Pet Disaster Trailer Project. To date about $500,000 has been raised plus at $250.000 Grant from AKC’s Humane Fund.Parent Club Committee Update Continued Meet the Breeds” will be held at the AKC Eukanuba’s National Championship in Florida during December. Also, “Meet The Breeds” will be held in conjunction with Westminster Kennel Club in New York during February.Parent Clubs now have a designated Legislative Liaison.Discussed a Special Designation and Honor Roll for Breeders of Merit who perform all health testing as recommended by their parent club. Discussed additional ways to prompt breeders to become members of their parent clubs. For example, 77% of Golden Retriever Breeders are not affiliated with their parent club. New Business:We will start taking National proposals for 2016 to be held in the center of the country, 2017 in the East and 2018 back in the West. Proposals for 2016 are due by December 1, 2014. We will send out a mass-email notice to the membership on this. Standardizing trophies for specialties – Pam brought plates from the Whippet specialty to show as an option to consider. These are nice china plates with colored rings for the placement colors with high quality decals of that year’s logo. Pam will check out pricing for these. We discussed whether to continue the medallions for placements. All board members should bring their ideas and pricing for the next board meeting.Denise will take over legislative liaison for the PHCA and post relative information to the club Facebook page and newsletter. Stephen, as health committee chairmen, will conduct a monthly review of the AKC litter classified adds for any obvious discrepancy on claims concerning health testing and parent club membership.We need to add our CHIC requirements to the public section of the website.Meredith moved that we stop sending out membership cards to new or renewed members. Stephen seconded. Unanimously approved.Sheila will put together a “To Do” list for the board from the last two year’s minutes so we are sure things are not dropped and someone is assigned to complete projects.Discussion communication issues in the past few months. We all need to be aware that not all emails sent out are received by the recipient. If you have emailed twice with no reply, please pick up the phone and call them.Pam moved to adjourn the meeting, Stephen seconded the motion. It was unanimously approved and the meeting was adjourned at 6:28 PM. ................

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