Bio 4 - Study Guide 4

Bio 1 - Study Guide Final

Chapter 1 – Introduction: Biology

Why Study Science? What are the 5 reasons Jared Diamond says everyone should study science? What is the scientific method? What is the difference between a hypothesis, theory and a law? Science does what to possibilities? What is evolution? Why is Intelligent Design or Creationism not usually taught in science classes? What are the seven properties of life? What is the smallest unit of life? Are Viruses alive? What are the two types of cells discussed in class? Know the two different hierarchies in biology.

Chapter 2 – Chemistry, Water and pH

Know the parts of an atom. Where are they each located? What charge do they have? What is their mass? Know how to read a periodic table. What is CHNOPS? What is an atomic number mean? Mass number? What are isotopes? How are radioactive isotopes used? How do you make an atom “happy”? What are the different types of bonding? Know the examples from class. What are the seven properties of water given in class? What causes water to have all these properties? What is acid precipitation? What causes it? What types of damage does it do?

Chapter 3 - Macromolecules

What is a monomer? Polymer? What is dehydration synthesis? Hydrolysis? Know why the different functional groups are important? Know the four macromolecules discussed in class. What is a simple sugar (monosaccharide? Disaccharide?) and complex sugars (Polysaccharide?) Know the examples given in class. What do all lipids have in common? What are the functions of lipids? What is a saturated fat? Unsaturated fat? Partially hydrogenated fat (trans?) Phospholipids? Steroids? What are anabolic steroids? What do they mimic? What damage can be caused by long term abuse? What is a protein made of? What types of bonds are formed? Know the 4 levels of structure seen in proteins? What are their shapes and what bonds are involved? What are the functions of proteins? What are nucleic acids? What are they made of? What are their functions?

Chapter 31 – Animal Digestion and Nutrition

Know the following terms: undernourished, overnourished, and malnourished. What is the nutritional requirement for you? Know the different essential nutrients discussed in class. (amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals). How many amino acids are essential? Why? What is the difference between fat soluble and water soluble vitamins? Know which type or which? Know the examples for the essential minerals given in class. Know the food pyramid. Know the difference between the sources for simple and complex carbohydrates. What is the difference between glycemic load and glycemic index? What are the ideal numbers for each? How do you read a nutrition label? Where is the initial and main site for macromolecule digestion?

Chapter 4 – The Cell

What is the cell theory? What limits cell size? What are the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells? What are the two theories on how eukaryotic cells evolved? Know the following organelles and their functions: nucleus, nucleolus, cytoplasm, rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, lysosomes, vacuoles/vesicles, mitochondrion, chloroplast,. What is the endomembrane system? What organelles make this up? What is its function?

Chapter 5 – Membrane Structure and Function

Know the Fluid Mosaic Model. What are the four main components of a membrane and what are their functions? Know the following definitions: diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion, active transport, concentration gradient, osmolality (hyperosmotic, isosmotic, hypoosmotic). Know what happens to plant and animal cells when they gain and lose water (crenate, turgid, etc). What is endocytosis (phagocytosis, pinocytosis, receptor mediated)? Exocytosis?

Chapter 8 – An Introduction to Metabolism

What is energy? What does the word metabolism mean? What are catabolic and anabolic pathways? What is the difference between potential and kinetic energy? What are the laws of thermodynamics? What are endergonic and exergonic reactions? What is ATP? What is actually happening when we move energy around by ATP? What is an enzyme? What do they actually do? What is activation energy? What is an active site? Substrate? What is an induced fit? What is enzyme inhibition? What are the two types of inhibitors? Know the examples given.

Notes – Controlling the Internal Environment

What is homeostasis? What are the four ways to gain and/or lose heat? Know their definitions and an example. What is an ectotherm? Endotherm? Poikilotherm? Homeotherm? What are the ways animals regulate temperature (vasoconstriction, vasodialation, behavior, counter-current heat exchanger, evaporative cooling, hair and feathers) What part of the body (brain) controls thermoregulation? What is torpor? Hibernation? Aestivation?

Chapter 7 – Cellular Respiration

Know the cellular respiration equation.. Know the steps of cellular respiration. Where are each located? What do they produce? Know what the following produce: glycolysis, the transition phase, The Krebs Cycle, ETC and Oxidative Phosphorylation? . How many ATP does one Glucose molecule produce? What is fermentation? Know the two types and where they occur.

Chapter 8 – Photosynthesis, Chapter 25 – Plant Parts

What are autotrophs? What organisms make sugar through photosynthesis? Know the photosynthesis equation. What does the light reaction produce? What does the Calvin Cycle produce? What is Photorespiration? What is the greenhouse effect? What are the causes? What are the ecological effects of global warming? What can we do to reduce this?

Chapter 13 – The Molecular Basis of Inheritance

What is DNA? Know the history of the search for the genetic material: Griffith (transformation), Avery, McCarty, and MacLeod, Hershey-Chase (bacteriophages), Chargaff, Watson and Crick, Rosalind Franklin, Meselson-Stahl. What is the structure of DNA? What is the semiconservative model? Know how DNA replicates. Know the following terms: semiconservative, origin of replication, replication fork, complimentary strands. Know the enzyme involved: DNA polymerases. Know the difference between the leading and lagging strand and how they are built. What is proofreading? What are telomeres and telomerase?

Chapter 14 - From Gene to Protein

Know the process of protein synthesis. What is transcription? What is translation? What is a triplet code (codon)? What is RNA, mRNA, tRNA, rRNA? Know the genetic pathway: DNA to RNA to Amino Acids. Where does transcription occur? Know the following structures: promoter, TATA box. Know how mRNA is modified before leaving the nucleus. What are introns? Exons? What is translation? Know the effects of substitution, deletion, addition (insertion).

Chapter 9 & 10 – Mitosis and Meiosis

What is binary fission? Know the outcome of mitosis and meiosis. Know how they are different from each other. Know the following structures: tetrad, chromatin, chromosome, chromatids, homologous chromosomes. What is haploid vs. diploid? What is crossing over? What is independent assortment? What controls cell division? What is cancer? Know the different types of sexual and asexual reproduction talked about in class (binary fission, regeneration, fragmentation, budding, hermaphrodites, parthenogenesis). What are the four sources of sexual variation? At what points during meiosis does the potential for genetic variation occur? What is cloning? Stem cells?

Chapter 11 & 12 – Mendelian Genetics & Inheritance

Who is Mendel? What are his 5 laws? Know the following terms: character, allele, dominant, recessive, homozygous, heterozygous, monohybrid, dihybrid, allele, genotype, phenotype, testcross, incomplete dominance, codominance, multiple alleles,, ABO blood groups, Rh factor, amniocentesis, chorionic villi sampling, ultrasound, Genome, Gene Pool. What are the differences between a recessively inherited and a dominantly inherited disease Be able to work genetic problems with the correct genotypic and phenotypic ratios (monohybrid, dihybrid, sex-linked, sex influenced, incomplete dominance, and blood types). What is nondisjunction? Aneuploidy? Be able to do a pedigree

Chapter 16 – 18 Evolution

What is evolution? What is the difference between micro and macroevolution? Who is Darwin? Where did he travel? What did he discover? What was the name of the ship? What was the name of his book? What is speciation? Who is Plato? Cuvier? Catastrophism? Hutton? Gradualism? Lyell? Uniformitarianism? Lamarck? Inheritance of acquired traits? What were the two basic concepts from Darwin’s book? Who was Malthus? What are the 6 pieces of evidence for evolution?

What is the smallest unit that can evolve? Why? What is a species? Population? What is microevolution? Know the Hardy-Weinberg equation and how it is used. What are the 5 assumptions? What are the 5 agents of microevolution? (genetic drift, bottleneck effect, founder’s effect, gene flow, adaptive evolution, Darwinian fitness, female choice) What are the three types of natural selection? (know graphs and how the environment filters out individuals for each) What is a species? What is a ring species? What are the prezygotic and postzygotic isolating mechanisms? What is allopatric and sympatric speciation? What is adaptive radiation? What is punctuated equilibrium? What is gradualism?

Chap 34 – Population Ecology

What is a population? What is density? What are density dependent and density independent factors? What is dispersion? What are the two types of population growth models? What is carrying capacity? What are the two types of opportunistic life histories? What are the characteristics for each? Which is better adapted for an unstable environment? Where do humans fit in? What is ZPG? How can this be achieved? What is the best way to stop many of our environmental problems today?

Chap 30 – Circulation and Respiration

What are the parts of the cardiovascular system? Know the path of blood through the human heart (chambers, valves, vessels). Which carry blood with oxygen? Without oxygen? Know the cardiac cycle (what’s contracting, what valves are open/closed, time, and function). Know the cardiac output. Know cardiac control (SA node, AV node – Why the two nodes?) What is the composition of mammalian blood? Know the factor in blood clotting. Know the different types of cardiac diseases discussed in class. What are the three conditions for respiratory surfaces? What is the difference between aquatic and terrestrial environments? What are the four types of respiratory systems? What is countercurrent gas exchange? What are tracheae? What is a ventilation lungs? What is negative pressure breathing? How is avian respiration different from other animals? What controls breathing?

Chap 29 – The Body Defenses

What is the difference between specific and nonspecific defense mechanisms? What are the two types of innate immunity? What are the different types of barrier defenses in Vertebrates? What are the different types of internal defenses? What are lysozymes? What are the different types of phagocytic white blood cells discussed in class? What is the inflammatory response? What are antimicrobial proteins? What is interferon? Compliment proteins? What are natural killer cells? What is the difference between humoral and cell-mediated immune responses? What are the two types of lymphocytes discussed in class? Know the different structures of B and T cells? What is the difference between the primary and secondary response? What is the difference between helper T cells and cytotoxic T cells? What are plasma B cells and memory B cells? What are antibodies? What is the difference between active and passive immunity? What are the abnormal immune responses discussed in class?

Chap 27 & 26 (part) – Nervous System

Know the overview of the nervous system. Know the structure of neurons (cell body, dendrites, axons, myelin sheaths, schwann cells,, node of Ranvier, synaptic terminals, ganglia, nuclei). What is a reflex? What is a membrane potential? Threshold potential? Action potential? What is an action potential (What is a refractory period?) What is salatory conduction? How do synapses communicate? Know the sections of a vertebrate nervous system (central vs. peripheral, sensory vs. motor, autonomic vs. somatic, sympathetic vs. parasympathetic). Know the parts of the brain discussed in class. What are the five types of sensory receptors? Know examples of each. Know the parts of a single lens eye. How do we focus? What is myopia? hyperopia? Astigmatism? Know the structure of the human ear. What makes up sound? What parts are used for equilibrium? What is chemoreception? Know the tongue.


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