BACKGROUND INFORMATION - St Mary's University College

Specification and ConditionsforNetwork Hardware RefreshOne hard copy marked ‘Network Hardware Refresh’ to be returned complete with all the requisite supporting information to: The Finance OfficerSt Mary’s University CollegeNO LATER than 12 NOON on FRIDAY 1st AUGUST 2014Dear Sir or Madam,Network Hardware Refresh – St Mary’s University CollegeThe College invites you to submit an offer for the supply of the above equipment, for which a budget of ?93,000 (inclusive of VAT) has been agreed by the College Finance Committee.This document, detailing the required specification and associated conditions, consists of the following sections: TOC \o "1-1" \h \z \u 1BACKGROUND INFORMATION PAGEREF _Toc392748069 \h 22INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS PAGEREF _Toc392748070 \h 53EVALUATION CRITERIA PAGEREF _Toc392748071 \h 74FORMS AND DECLARATIONS PAGEREF _Toc392748072 \h 275EQUIPMENT COSTINGS PAGEREF _Toc392748073 \h 346CHECKLIST PAGEREF _Toc392748074 \h 38Two other documents must be considered in conjunction with this one, the spreadsheetSMUCB_Network_Refresh_DR_scoresheet.xlsxand the College’s standard Terms and Conditions for equipment purchase. The documentation is all available at note that you must return a signed hard copy of each form within Part REF _Ref392574724 \r \h 4 ‘ REF _Ref392574764 \h FORMS AND DECLARATIONS’, return a signed hard copy of the completed equipment costings at Part REF _Ref392487043 \r \h 5, and return a signed hard copy of the appropriate column of the spreadsheet (see REF _Ref392487083 \r \h 3.1), along with an electronic copy of the spreadsheet. Please note the Notification of Intent to Tender to be returned by Friday 18th July 2014. The closing date for return of tenders is Friday 1st August 2014 at 12noon to:The Finance OfficerSt Mary’s University College191 Falls RoadBelfastBT12 6FEUnder no circumstances will late tenders be considered.The College is not obliged to accept the lowest or any tender.Yours sincerelyDr David MaleyComputing Services ManagerBACKGROUND INFORMATIONST MARY’S UNIVERSITY COLLEGESt Mary’s University College (subsequently referred to as “the College”) has roughly 1000 students and 160 staff on its single campus on the Falls Road in Belfast. The Mission of the College is to make a distinctive contribution of service and excellence, in the Catholic tradition, to higher education in Northern Ireland.The website gives further background details of the College.The College maintains an IT infrastructure to support its learning, teaching, assessment, administration, management and quality improvement. The College recognises the strategic importance of this infrastructure to fulfilling its objectives, and is committed to making a commensurate long-term investment in maintaining and developing this infrastructure in accordance with its requirements. Investment in the previous two years involved firstly the replacement of the main server farm, and secondly the SAN. Funding is now available to replace the network infrastructure, which currently has capacity for the connection of around 800 hard-wired devices.OBJECTIVES BEHIND THE INVITIATION TO TENDER (ITT)The proposed project involves a technology refresh of the College’s network infrastructure, at the heart of which is an Ethernet switching fabric that is now mostly over 10 years old (although there have been periodic additions of new switches as need has dictated). The existing Cisco network equipment has proved very reliable in operation and much of the College business is now carried over it, but the majority of switches are well past the date up to which they were supported by the manufacturer.The main objectives for the refresh are to significantly improve the following:Resilience. Although the existing equipment has been very reliable, the network design has a single point of failure which can now be mitigated by technologies introduced since it was installed in 2002.Support. The majority of switches are well past the date up to which they were supported by the manufacturer; the College considers unsupported IT equipment to be an unacceptable risk, especially since some companies now sell switches with lifetime warranties.Speed. Currently desktop connections are 100MB/s, and edge switches and servers are connected to the core at 1GB/s. It is anticipated that both of these connection speeds will be improved by a factor of ten.Future-proofing. Demand for bandwidth by media-intensive applications and new teaching technologies mean that the present switching architecture is likely to limit teaching and learning activity. The replacement equipment will cater for teaching and learning needs for the foreseeable future.EXISTING ARCHITECTUREEdge switches are currently positioned at nine locations, all in the main building. They are all connected back to the core switch via 1GB fibre links. The existing complement of edge switches is detailed below. switch_locationswitch_idGBModel (Cisco)?portsAdmin28No350048?????Library25No350048?36No?350048?????Finance32Yes2960G48?????Gaeilge26Yes2950G?48?????Humanities22No350048?21No350024?????ICT34Yes2960G48?31No3500?48?29No3500?48?????Resources23No350048?????Science27No350048?????Technology24No350048Switches in Humanities and the Library are currently connected together, whereas all three switches in ICT have individual fibre connections to the core. Other configurations in these locations that provide the required capacity will be considered.Equivalent port capacity to the existing provision is required at each location, except in Humanities and Finance, where 96 ports will be required in each location. With the exception of ports used for uplinks, all ports must be capable of delivering GB to the desktop via copper, and each location is to be capable of connecting at 10GB back to the core layer. Pricing of SFPs should include alternatives for both 1GB and 10GB SFPs.It is required that client devices no longer connect directly to the core layer, and therefore a tenth edge location is to be added in the main server room where the present core is located. This location will require a port capacity of 144.There are currently OM2 fibre connections from each internal edge site back to the main comms room. However, the existing radial design is no longer considered appropriate and it is expected that solutions will eliminate the current single point of failure at the core that is inherent in this design. The successful solution is therefore expected to require the installation of a substantial number of new fibre runs. The cost of these will be borne by the College, although the cost will be taken into account when assessing proposals.A suggested design is provided (Appendix 1), and suppliers are free to suggest their own designs, although the cost impact of any design in terms of additional fibre installation will be taken into account.The core switch currently comprises the following components:1 x Cisco Catalyst 4506 Series Chassis 2 x Power Supply1 x Cisco 4500 Series V Supervisor2 x 6 x 1GB Cisco fibre port blade2 x 48-port 100MB blade1 x 48-port 1GB bladeAs stated above, it is no longer desirable to have client devices connecting directly to the core layer. Therefore the new core layer will only be required to provide 1GB/10GB connectivity over fibre to each edge device location. The ports connecting to edge locations should ideally be capable of accommodating a mixture of 1GB and 10GB SFPs in any combination.It is expected that the successful solution will include a significantly-improved degree of resilience over the existing configuration, and that this will include a substantial degree of redundancy in the core layer. The proposed design in Appendix 1 provides this.INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERSCompletion and Submission of Tender DocumentationThe documents completed as directed should be returned as hard copy responses as follows:A hard copy of your Tender must be hand delivered to the address below before 12 noon on the closing date. An electronic copy of the spreadsheet must also be returned by that date.Envelopes or packages should not bear any marks indicating the identity of the Tenderer, it should however clearly identify the Tender reference, ‘Network Hardware Refresh’ and should be returned toThe Finance OfficerSt Mary’s University College191 Falls RoadBelfastBT12 6FETo arrive no later than 12 noon on Friday 1st August 2014Tenderers are advised that hand delivered Tenders can only be accepted during normal office hours, that is between 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. Late Tenders will not be considered.All submissions must be in the English LanguageTenders must be fully compliant with the requirements detailed in the Tender documentation.Tenderers may also be rejected if the required information is not given at the time of tendering.Costs and ExpensesTenderers will not be entitled to claim from the College any costs or expenses which may be incurred in preparing their Tender whether or not it is successful.Terms & ConditionsThe College’s standard terms and conditions for the purchase of goods will apply. These are included as part of the tender documentation.Period of ValidityTenderers are required to keep their Tenders valid for acceptance for a period of thirty days from the closing date.ConfidentialityAll information provided by the Tenderer is confidential and the College will not divulge information to third parties without the prior written consent of the Tenderer subject to the Freedom of Information Declaration below ( REF _Ref392485094 \r \h 2.10).Official AmendmentsIf it is necessary for the College to amend the Tender documentation in any way, prior to receipt of Tenders, all Tenderers that have submitted their Notification of Intent to Tender will be advised simultaneously. If deemed appropriate, the deadline for receipt of tenders will be extended.CanvassingAny tenderer who directly or indirectly canvasses any official of the College concerning the award of contract or who directly or indirectly obtains or attempts to obtain information from such an official concerning the proposed or any other Tender will be disqualified. This should not deter any Tenderer seeking clarification in relation to the Tender.Assumptions Tenderers must not make assumptions that the College has experience of their organisation or their service provision even if on a current or previous contract. Tenderers will only be evaluated on the information provided in their pliance Tenders must be submitted in accordance with these instructions. Failure to comply may result in a Tender being rejected by the College.Freedom of Information ActThe Tenderer should treat the Tender documents as private and confidential between themselves and the College. However, tenderers are advised that the College as a public body will be obliged to disclose information in response to a request under the Freedom of Information Act. Conflict of InterestTenderers must confirm in their proposals that there would be no conflict or perceived conflict of interest in relation to their servicing this contract. Tenderers must complete the “Conflict of Interest Declaration” contained in Part REF _Ref392574724 \r \h 4 ‘ REF _Ref392574764 \h FORMS AND DECLARATIONS’ identifying any potential conflicts of interest.ClarificationAny clarification questions to be submitted before 5pm on Friday 25th July 2014. Answers will be posted on the SMUCB website: Please ensure that you monitor this webpage regularly for answers to clarifications.Answers will also be e-mailed to Tenderers that have submitted their Notification of Intent to Tender.EVALUATION CRITERIAMETHODOLOGYSt Mary’s University College is committed to following procurement processes which achieve value for money and at the same time are equitable and transparent. Within the following sections, requirements are listed as either Mandatory (MR), Informational (IR) or Desirable (DR). No importance should be attached to the order in which the requirements are listed.MR is a mandatory requirement. A solution that does not meet all mandatory requirements will not be acceptable. Suppliers must indicate that their solution(s) meet all mandatory requirements, and the College may ask for further information on how any given requirement is satisfied by the proposed solution. Failure in a tender to provide relevant information in answer to DRs and IRs will prevent the evaluation from being conducted properly, and hence lead to the exclusion of the tender. Assessment of the quality of the tender will be based on the responses to these requirements, and will strongly influence the selection process.The College will undertake to treat all information provided by the supplier in reply to this ITT as “Commercial in Confidence” and will not disclose it to a third party.The College will evaluate all responses to this ITT and reserves the right to seek clarification if necessary from either of the contacts nominated by the supplier under the general requirements in Section REF _Ref384200760 \r \h 3.2.Achieving value for money involves evaluating on both price and quality. Tenders will be evaluated to ascertain the most economically advantageous using the following criteria:The estimated total cost of ownership of the equipment over our expected lifetime of 10 yearsThe degree to which the proposed solution meets the current and the projected future needs of the CollegeThe College has identified four options for the specification of the kit supplied. These four permutations result from two aspects of the specification:Interswitch connectivity at 10GB or 1GBSwitches do or do not have PoEIdeally the College would like the first of these options in each case, but is aware that this may not be possible within the given budget. Therefore suppliers may provide a cost for any of these four options:Option 1. Switches have PoE and connectivity is at 10GB.Option 2. Switches have no PoE and connectivity is at 10GB. Option 3. Switches have PoE and connectivity is at 1GB.Option 4. Switches have no PoE and connectivity is at 1GB.The College will look first at the prices provided for Option 1. If one or more prices come within the budget, the competition will be run based on those prices and that option. Suppliers who have not made an offer for that option will be excluded. If no price for Option 1 falls within the budget, the prices for Option 2 will be considered and the same process applied. This will continue through the options in ascending order until a price falls within the budget. If no price for any option falls within the budget then the exercise will be deemed void.If one of the options is triggered, evaluation will be based on these weightings:CriteriaWeightingModel that is the most economically advantageous to the College. Total cost of ownership will be calculated as the sum of the purchase price, the estimated lifetime maintenance cost and the estimated fibre installation cost (this last figure will only be included if any supplier proposes a solution that requires additional cabling installation). 55The range and quality of the technical solution as regards to meeting the College’s current and future needs (assessed on the basis of the DR responses).45Points for TCO will be awarded as follows: denote the price of the lowest TCO quotation for the withinbudget option by L. The points awarded to a TCO quotation of price N will be55 * L/NPoints for quality and future-proofing will be awarded as indicated in the accompanying spreadsheet, based on the explanation below. Individual Desirable Requirements can be designated Proportional or Outright. Outright DRs are allornothing – the question is answered yes or no, and full points or no points are awarded. Proportional DRs by contrast have some fraction of the points available awarded to each supplier.Desirable Requirements that are scored proportionally are scored on a relative basis. For example, there are five points available for the number of 10GB uplinks on each core device above the MR of 12. Denote the highest number of 1/10GB uplinks by H, and the lowest number of 1/10GB uplinks by L (L will be at least 12 due to the MR). The points awarded to a quotation offering N 1/10GB uplinks in total will be5 * (N – L)/(H – L)In the case of some quality attributes, a lower value indicates a more desirable switch. For example, “What is the power consumption of the switch with ten ports powered?” In this case the formula used will be5 * (H – N)/(H – L)The accompanying spreadsheet “SMUCB_Network_Refresh_DR_scoresheet.xlsx” indicates whether a lower value or higher value is more desirable in column E “assessment basis” of the sheet “Scoring Basis for Quality”. The figure in parentheses following each DR in column B indicates the maximum points available, i.e. the relative desirability.The total points for DRs will be adjusted by a factor of 45/[maximum possible DR score].Suppliers must complete column E (headed “Your Response”) of the sheet “Evaluation” in the “DR_scoresheet.xlsx” spreadsheet i.e. the range Evaluation!E4:E29.The values provided by each supplier will be pasted directly into a sheet constructed like the example provided, “Evaluation Example”. In the example, five suppliers have tendered and the best quality is offered by Supplier E, who scored 27.1 out of 45.The College reserves the right not to make an award if it judges that no tender meets the requirements at an acceptable cost.Our current timetable for this procurement is:Return of responses byNoon on Friday 1st August 2014Notification of selected supplierMonday 4th August 2014Equipment delivered byMonday 15th September 2014GENERAL REQUIREMENTSMRThe supplier must provide the name, email and fax number of a contact person with their organisation:-In the sales division, authorised to discuss and provide clarification regarding such items as level of maintenance contracts, spares holdings etc. and the costings associated with them.In the technical division, authorised to provide answers to technical queries which may arise e.g. due to College personnel unfamiliarity with the equipment etc.MRThe supplier must provide details of two reference sites, to which the supplier is providing a similar service. Contact details must be provided, together with indication of whether the College may approach the contact directly or through the supplier. MRThe supplier must state the level of manufacturer’s accreditation obtained. This statement should also include a reference to the number of certified engineers within the company and their level of certification.MRAll active components specified as part of the solution must have a product life expectancy of a minimum of 6 years from the date of supply. To this end the original product(s) release date(s) and their time scale of availability for both purchase and repair etc. must be stated by the supplier and the statement warranted in writing by the manufacturer. This warranty must accompany the supplier's response to this tender.DR (5)In what year was the equipment first sold?MRAll costs must be quoted in GB pounds sterling, excluding VAT, and presented in a set of tables in the format below. If a supplier offers more than one design (i.e. different from that in Appendix 1), a set of tables should be completed for each design.MRThe supplier must quote realistic and achievable delivery times in working days from receipt of the order. MRThe supplier must accept the standard College Terms and Conditions for the supply of goods.MRThe supplier agrees that the College has the right to purchase additional modules at similar or better percentage discount to those quoted by the supplier in replying to this ITT for future phases of this project. While the list price of the equipment will undoubtedly vary as time progress, the level of discount must remain at or be better than that quoted in the ITT. OVERALL REQUIREMENTSMREdge devices must match or exceed the port capacity at each location as set out below, and the stated number of ports must be available for the connection of client devices (i.e. uplink connections must be additional)device_locationportsAdmin48Library96Finance96Gaeilge?48Humanities96ICT144?Server Room144Resources48Science48Technology48MREdge devices must support connection at both 1GB and 10GB over fibre back to the core, and without needing a hardware upgrade to support 10GB. Bonded connections (including 2 x 1GB and 2 x 10GB) must be supported in a similar manner.MREach core device must include at least 12 x 1GB/10GB uplinks, as well as supporting bonded connections (e.g. 2 x 1GB, 2 x 10GB)MRSingle Points of Failure must be eliminated in the chosen design, and therefore the core will consist of a pair of switches located in separate server rooms. In the event of the failure of one switch, the system should continue to operate uninterrupted.MRA centralised Enterprise Network Management System that will facilitate control and configuration of all elements of the switch infrastructure is required. All devices must be capable of management via this unified interface, which should be comparable to CiscoWorks or HP Intelligent Management Centre. For detail, see Section REF _Ref384200730 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 3.7.MRAny software costs involved in using the hardware proposed must be detailed in the submission.DR (5)How many 10GB uplinks are available on each core device?DR (5)How many uplinks are there on each edge device?DR (1)Can the edge devices provide redundant power?DR (1)Is there existing expertise in the use of the proposed equipment in peer HE/FE institutions in NI?DR (1)Does the core offer redundancy apart from the power supply?MRThe fibre optic cables linking the Server Rooms to the various edge locations are to be upgraded using OM3 quality cable and are in the order of 75m to 175m. The fibre optic combination of the core and edge switches must be such as to provide 10 Gigabit reliably over this distance. MRThe supplier will be required to provide training onsite covering essential management, installation and configuration for the successful solution.MRThe proposed solution should offer the potential for energy saving, such as being able to shutdown port power out of hours in accordance with MON REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL SWITCHESThis Section details the requirements common to both the core and edge switches. Where the word switch is used in this section, it is to be taken to mean both the core and edge switches.MRThe switch must conform to open standards. Where proprietary standards or interfaces are used these must be highlighted in the suppliers response under that requirement.MRThe switch must fully inter-operate with the existing legacy Cisco 4506, 2950 and 3550 series switches.MRThe switch ports must support the Spanning Tree Protocol, IEEE 802.1D, which detects and eliminates logical loops in the network where multiple paths exist.MRThe switch must support broadcast storm control on all ports. It must be capable of creating an alarm once the maximum broadcast threshold is reached, automatically blocking broadcast traffic on the affected port until the minimum broadcast threshold traffic is reached.MRAll switches should be Layer 3 capable (Layer 3 capability does not need to be enabled on delivery if there is a cost implication)MRThe switch must support the use of embedded SNMP traps to allow monitoring and management of all ports via a standardsbased SNMP manager. It must, at a minimum, support the four RMON Groups - Alarms, Events, History and Statistics.MRThe switch must support port mirroring analysis on all ports. This process permits the packets on one port to be replicated on another specified port, thus enabling the capture or filtering of packets for analysis. MRWhere several switches are connected together in a stack, it must be possible to apply port mirroring across any port in the stack. MRAll port connections and configurations must be capable of being enabled and disabled via software control.MRThere must be remote management access to the switch via SSH/telnet to the command line interface and/or via https/SSL for GUI management. The supplier should detail which other secure management access protocols are supported.MRThe switch must support filters that can restrict which IP addresses are allowed to have access to the management interface. MRThe switch must be capable of supporting future upgrades, via software and patch download using inband management and without major hardware replacement.MRThe switch must support the backup and restore of the configuration using TFTP.MRThe switch must support IEEE 802.1Q taggingbased VLANs, including dot1q tunnelling. Ports must be capable of being configured for portbased VLAN operation. It must be possible to extend layer 2 VLAN control out to both the core and edge switch ports and across multiple switches when necessary.MRAll switches must be able to support multiple VLANs.MRThe switch must support the Ethernet Class of Service standard, IEEE 802.1p, layer 2 QoS/CoS protocol for prioritisation of traffic.MRThe switch should offer full standardsbased IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation Control Protocol, and support load balancing over trunked/aggregated links for high speed connections. It is envisaged that there will be a requirement for multiple connections to individual servers and other network switches. MRThe switch must support DHCP and the use of DHCP relay.MRThe switch must conform to 19 inch racking standards to fit into existing rack systems.IRPlease provide the dimensions of the proposed edge and core switch models.MRThe switch must support automatic filtering and management of IP multicast traffic via IGMP snooping, to allow IP multicast traffic to be sent to only those end stations which request it.MRIt is expected that all switches will be connected via redundant links for fault tolerance operation. The method of this connection may be either fibre cables or stacking modules. The “intelligence” of the switch must be such that in the event of a failure occurring in the primary link, it will automatically switch over to the secondary link, “simultaneously” informing the Network Management System (NMS) that this switchover has taken place.DR (3)Reliability of equipment is important to the College. Suppliers are asked to provide figures for Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) for the configurations of the solution that they propose. DR (1)Does the switch support enhanced mirroring capabilities, including enabling one-to-many, many-to-one and many-to-many mirroring for traffic analysis?DR (1)Does the switch offer an alternative solution to spanning tree protocol for loop protection in the network? The supplier should list alternative loop protection features that are supported.ADDITIONAL CORE SWITCH REQUIREMENTSIRThe supplier should provide details of the switch model proposed:Make, model numberOS version/feature setNumber of interface slots in each of the core switchesDetail of hardware configurationNumber of free interface slots if any, once the configuration is builtThe processor throughput performance in millions of packets per second (MPPS)The backplane switching capacity in Gigabits per second (Gbps)MRThe switch must contain a primary power supply source (PSU) which has the capacity to provide power for a totally populated switch under maximum load conditions.MREach core device must include a redundant power supply providing uninterrupted operation on failure of the primary.MRThe switch should offer fieldreplaceable, hot-swappable fans and power supplies.MRThe switch must be capable of deployment in a network with support for a minimum of 24,000 Medium Access Control (MAC) addresses in its address tables.DR (5)How many MAC addresses can the core switch hold in its address table?MRThe switch should have the capacity for at least 10,000 entries in its IPv4 routing table.DR (8)How many entries can be stored in the IPv4 routing table of the switch?MRThe supplier shall confirm that the switch supports at minimum the following IP routing protocols:OSPFRIPVRRPIRThe suppliers shall state all other IP routing protocols supported by their solutions.MRThe core switches must support network virtualization technologies which enable them to pool resources and operate as a single virtual switch.MRThe supplier shall confirm that the switch supports transmission of H.323 and SIP traffic.MRThe supplier shall confirm that the switch supports IP multicasting, including:using Sparse Mode Protocol Independent Multicast - PIM-SM ;IGMPReal Time Protocol – RTPMRThe suppliers are asked to provide details of the IP traffic management and QoS features supported on the proposed platforms to support dedicated bandwidth for timecritical applications. The supplier must detail the QoS features supported.IRThe impact on the performance of the switch when Quality of Service mechanisms are used should be stated.MRThe switch must support the ability to filter packets by port, address or application per interface and to log all of these activities.MRThe switch must support diagnostic and troubleshooting capabilities via the administrative interface. At a minimum it must support TraceRoute and Ping features. IRThe supplier must state which tools additional to REF _Ref384638706 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 3.5.17 are supported and supplied with the appliance.MRThe switch must be capable of supporting dual images to facilitate in-service software upgrades. It must be possible to download new software images while retaining the old image. The solution should also allow easy swapping between these images during deployment without adversely affecting the operation of the switch.MRThe switch must support automatic time and date configuration using Network Time Protocol.MRDuring the lifetime of the switch, it is expected that support for IP version 6 will be required. The supplier shall confirm the support for IP version 6 on the proposed switch platform(s) and summarise the roadmap, with timescales, for its development.MRThe switch must support dual IP stacks for simultaneous IPv4 and IPv6 forwarding.MRThe supplier shall confirm that the switch will support network traffic collection (e.g. netflow, sflow, ipfix etc.), an application that tracks the IP traffic that is routed through the device to support traffic analysis and network monitoring. These traffic statistics should be capable of being exported to a network management data collector. The supplier should state the version of network traffic collection supported and any limitations on exporting the data to a third party collector.MRLogs must be capable of being stored locally. Suppliers must detail the size of logs that can be stored locally.MRThe system must support the transmission of log files to a syslog server.DR (1)It is desirable that the switch should offer a CPU protection mechanism as well as rate limiting capabilities.ADDITIONAL EDGE SWITCH REQUIREMENTSIRThe supplier should provide details of the 48-port switch model proposed. These details must include:Make, model numberOS version/feature setThe processor throughput performance in millions of packets per second (MPPS)The backplane switching capacity in Gigabits per second (Gbps)MRHalf and Full Duplex switching on all UTP ports.MRThe switch must support 10/100/1000Mbps autonegotiation on all UTP ports and must also have the capability of manual speed configuration under port setup.MRThe switch must fully inter-operate with the existing ISA and Fortigate firewalls.MRThe switch must be capable of deployment in a network with support for a minimum of 16,000 Medium Access Control (MAC) addresses in its address tables.DR (5)How many MAC addresses can the edge switch hold in its address table?MRThe switches must be of a type that can be connected together in a stack and that the resultant stack can be managed as an integral unit using a single IP address. Stacking must support at least four switches.DR (3)The supplier must detail the maximum number of switches that can be supported in the stack.MREach switch or in the case of a stack, diverse stack members, should connect at Layer 2 back to diverse core switches using a single logical port channel.MRThe switch must support non-blocking, full wire speed switching, with support for cut through and/or storeandforward switching modes on all ports.DR (1)The switch should be available with or without full standardsbased IEEE 802.3at on any port, which will support standard PoE+ devices without the need for user configuration.DR (7)Doe the switch contain a degree of intelligent power management so that power consumption is reduced if power is not required on all ports?DR (7)What is the power consumption of the switch with ten ports powered?MRThe switch must include a method to allow end station/user authentication to the network. At a minimum the switch must support,802.1XMAC based authenticationDR (3)The switch should include a QoS feature including multiple hardware queues for the prioritisation of network traffic. IRThe supplier should detail which QoS queues are supported.MRThe switch must support converged applications. The switch must be capable of automatically configuring the shared port on the switch with the correct VLAN and QoS settings to allow simultaneous connection of IP phones and staff PCs.DR (3)It is desirable that the switch supports failsafe stacking, i.e. the proposed solution will offer bi-directional failsafe stacking with dedicated stacking ports and cables and shortest path first failover between stacked switches for sub-second failover in the event of a stack fault.DR (1)It is desirable that the switch stack supports hot-swapping of switches within a stack. It should be possible to remove the faulty switch and insert the new switch without disrupting the operation of the stack. The solution should also be capable of automatically downloading the appropriate software and configuration to the newly inserted switch. DR (1)It is desirable that the switch supports hardware based mechanisms to effect Denial of Service (DoS) protection. The switch should automatically block common network attacks, notifying the management station, and automatically returning the port back to normal operation once the attack is removed. The supplier should detail what DoS features are supported.DR (1)It is desirable that the switch supports features to eliminate certain spoofing scenarios such as DHCP snooping and ARP inspection.DR (1)It is desirable that the switch should offer a wide variety of security features, the supplier should list the additional security features provided on the switch that are not covered WORK MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTSMRA centralised ‘Enterprise’ network management system, produced by the manufacturer of the switches, must be provided and costed. The centralised NMS must be capable of managing all the active components in the proposal including tasks such as software updating, configuring, monitoring and logging activity, receiving alarms, event traps and aiding fault diagnosis.MRThe NMS must include full graphical representation of all proposed network devices.MRThe NMS must run on either Windows Server 2008R2, Windows Server 2012 or a Linux-based platform.IRA brief description of the proposed NMS should be given.DR (1)The NMS must provide a high degree of remote access capability. Staff in different locations must be able to securely access the centralised NMS on a daily basis.IRThe supplier should detail what is required on the remote PC to permit access as specified in DR REF _Ref384728204 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 3.7.5.MRThe NMS must be capable of restricting remote access to only selected users.DR (1)The NMS should be capable of providing an audit trail of configuration changes.WARRANTY PERIODMRThe supplier must provide a warranty period of a minimum of ten years, in general from the date of delivery of the equipment, during which time any faulty devices must be fixed or replaced. IRThe warranty must take the form of either 8 hour or next day, on-site hardware replacement. Reporting of faults will be between 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday.MRDuring the Warranty Period, there must be integral helpdesk telephone support, via which any member of the College network team may call and be immediately be put in contact with the appropriate supplier's expert with regard to a particular piece of equipment or, where appropriate, switched to or be put in contact with, the appropriate expert of the manufacturer.IRDuring the Warranty Period there must be a procedure in place to allow the College to return faulty equipment. The supplier must provide a full description of the Warranty Returns Process. Details must include descriptions of the fault reporting and tracking systems and procedures and should detail the relevant escalation procedures for each stage of the returns process.MAINTENANCE SERVICEThe maintenance service detailed below will apply to the hardware and software support of the core switches and to the software support of the edge switches. MRThe College will be responsible for maintaining the software configurations and upgrades.MRThe supplier must provide a help desk that can be contacted by telephone during normal working hours so that faults can be reported, advice can be obtained and the progress of faults can be monitored. At a minimum this reporting system must be available between 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. The minimum requirement is that it must be possible to report a fault by telephone and that this report be acknowledged within 30 minutes.MRFor core switches there must be a maximum 8 hour or next day on-site hardware replacement if this is not already covered by the warranty.MRIf a fault cannot be repaired within the specified maintenance period, then the faulty equipment must be replaced by equipment which will allow the system to operate to its normal specification and capacity. Hardware service may be restored by repair, or sub-module, or whole unit replacement as appropriate to the circumstances. Replacement parts shall become the property of the College if the removed equipment is not returned after repair.MRIt is expected that the supplier should have spares in stock to replace any faulty component.MRThe College will require the OS software on all switch equipment to be maintained at the latest working release of the relevant licence. The supplier should have procedures in place to allow College networking staff access to these images.MRThe supplier should have procedures in place to notify College networking staff on the availability of the relevant OS software and patch updates.MRThe supplier must provide a satisfactory description of the fault management process. Details must include descriptions of the fault reporting and tracking systems and procedures and should detail the relevant escalation procedures for each stage of the fault resolution.DR (5)If purchased in August 2014, in what month of what year would a maintenance contract be required (i.e. for how long is maintenance provided under the terms of the warranty)?FORMS AND DECLARATIONSFORM OF TENDERCONTRACT FOR: Network Hardware RefreshTO:St Mary’s University College191, Falls Road, Belfast, BT12 6FEHaving examined the specification and documentation for the above equipment, I/We offer to supply the above equipment in conformity to the said documentation, for the price(s) as set out in our return, which is in the format prescribed by Part REF _Ref392575746 \r \h 5 of the tender documentation. We certify that our solution meets all the stated Mandatory Requirements.This tender remains open for consideration for 1 (one) month from the date fixed for lodgements of tenders.We understand and agree that St Mary’s University College, Belfast are not bound to accept the lowest or any tender it may receive.Signed ____________________________________ on behalf ofSuppliers Name FORMTEXT [Enter text here] Address FORMTEXT [Enter text here] Date FORMTEXT [Enter text here] This tender must be signed only by those members of the contracting firm entitled to sign on behalf thereof.NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO TENDERSuppliers should note that this form must be returned duly signed;TO:Finance OfficerSt Mary’s University College191, Falls Road, Belfast, BT12 6FEor by e-mail to by Friday 18th July 2014.TENDER FOR: Network Hardware RefreshWe confirm that we are in receipt of your Invitation to Tender.We shall submit a Tender Package not later than the deadline for receipt ofTenders and accept that if submitted late we will be excluded from the competition.Signed ____________________________________ on behalf ofSuppliers Name FORMTEXT [Enter text here] Address FORMTEXT [Enter text here] E-mail FORMTEXT [Enter text here] Date FORMTEXT [Enter text here] EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY CONTRACT CONDITION1.The Supplier shall comply with all applicable fair employment, equality of treatment and anti-discrimination legislation, including, in particular, the Employment (Northern Ireland) Order 2002, the Fair Employment and Treatment (Northern Ireland) Order 1998, the Sex Discrimination (Northern Ireland) Order 1976 and 1998, the Equal Pay Act (Northern Ireland) 1970, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, the Race Relations (Northern Ireland) Order 1997, the Employment Relations (Northern Ireland) Order 1999 and the Employment Rights (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 and shall use his best endeavours to ensure that in his employment policies and practices and in the delivery of the services required of the Supplier under this agreement he has due regard to the need to promote equality of treatment and opportunity betweenPersons of different religious beliefs or political opinions;Men and women or married and unmarried persons;Persons with and without dependants (including women who are pregnant or on maternity leave and men on paternity leave);Persons of different racial groups (within the meaning of the Race Relations (Northern Ireland) Order 1997);Persons with and without a disability (within the meaning of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995);Persons of different ages; andPersons of differing sexual orientation2.The Supplier shall take all reasonable steps to ensure the observance of the provisions of the above clause (1) by all servants, agents, employees, consultants and sub-Suppliers of the Supplier.SIGNED BY _______________________________________________________Duly authorised To sign for FORMTEXT [Enter text here] FAIR EMPLOYMENT (NORTHERN IRELAND) Act 1989Section 41 of the Fair Employment (NI) Act 1989 (“the Act”) provides Inter alia that a public authority shall not accept an offer to execute any work or supply any goods or services where the offer is made by an unqualified person in response to an invitation by the public authority to submit offers. Section 41 also provides that the public authority shall take such steps as are reasonable to secure that no work is executed or goods or services supplied for purposes of such contracts as are mentioned above by an unqualified person.An unqualified person is either an employer who, having been in default in the circumstances specified in Section 28 (1) of the Act, has been served with a notice by the Fair Employment Commission stating that he is not qualified for the purposes of Sections 41 to 43 of the Act, or an employer who, by reason of connections with an employer on whom has been served a notice to that effect, has also been served a notice to that effect.Mindful of the Act, the College has decided that it shall be a condition of tendering that a Supplier shall not be an unqualified person for the purposes of Section 41 to 43 of the Act.Suppliers are therefore asked to complete and return the form endorsed hereon, with their tender, to confirm that they are not unqualified persons and to undertake that no work shall be executed or goods or services supplied by an unqualified person for the purposes of any contract with the College to which Section 41 of the Act applies.I/We hereby declare that we are/we are not unqualified for the purposes of the Fair Employment (Northern Ireland) Act 1989.I/We undertake that no works shall be executed or goods or services supplied by any unqualified person for the purposes of any contract with the College to which Section 41 of the Act applies.SIGNED BY _______________________________________________________Duly authorised To sign for FORMTEXT [Enter text here] CERTIFICATE RELATING TO BONA FIDE TENDERExplanatory Note to TenderersThe College has decided to ask all Tenderers at the time of tendering to certify that they have not engaged in practices which the College would regard as incompatible with bona fide competitive tendering. Accordingly, you should complete the attached CertificateCERTIFICATE RELATING TO BONA FIDE TENDERST MARY’S UNIVERSITY COLLEGETENDER FOR: Network Hardware Refresh The essence of tendering is that the College shall receive bona fide competitive tenders from all firms tendering. In recognition of this principle, we certify that this is a bona fide tender intended to be competitive, and that we have not fixed or adjusted the amount of the Tender by or under or in accordance with any agreement or arrangement with any other person.We also certify that we have notcommunicated to a person other than the person calling for these tenders the amount or approximate amount of the proposed tender or details of the submission;entered into any agreement or arrangement with any other person that he/she shall refrain from tendering or as to the amount of any tender to be submitted;offered or paid or given or agreed to pay or give any sum of money or valuable consideration directly or indirectly to any person for doing or having done or causing or having caused to be done in relation to any other Tender or proposed Tender for the said work any act or thing of the sort described above.We undertake that we will not do any of the acts mentioned in paragraphs 2a, 2b or 2c above at any time before the date and hour specified for the return of this Tender.In this certificate the word “person” includes any person and anybody or association, corporate or unincorporate and “any agreement or arrangement” includes any such transaction, formal or informal and whether legally binding or not.Signed as in Tender: __________________________________For and on behalf of: FORMTEXT [Enter text here]Date: FORMTEXT [Enter text here]Applicants should be aware that information provided in the completed tender and contractual documents could be disclosed in response to a request under the Freedom of Information Act. No information provided by the applicants will be accepted “in confidence” and the College accepts no liability for loss as a result of any information disclosed in response to a request under the Freedom of Information Act.CONFLICT OF INTEREST DECLARATIONPlease complete where appropriate.I/We warrant that :-There would be no conflict or perceived conflict of interest in relation to the personnel or type of work involved in this contract.*There could be a possible conflict or perceived conflict of interest in relation to FORMTEXT [Enter text here] and their involvement in this contract.*Please explain what the possible conflict or perceived conflict of interest may be and who it relates to and how it could have an adverse effect on this contract. FORMTEXT [Enter text here] *Delete as AppropriateSigned ________________________________________________Blocked Capitals FORMTEXT [Enter text here] for and behalf of FORMTEXT [Enter text here] Date FORMTEXT [Enter text here] DATA PROTECTION DECLARATIONThe information on this form is covered by the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998.Your signature to the form is deemed to be an authorization by you to allow the College to process and retain the information for the purposes stated.I ON BEHALF OF THE COMPANY, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION GIVEN HERE IN IS TRUE AND ACCURATE AND UNDERTAKE TO NOTIFY THE COLLEGE IN WRITING OF ANY CHANGES WHICH MAY AFFECT THIS APPLICATION.Warning The College reserves the right that, should it be advised that the information supplied by an applicant, either in this questionnaire or any other supporting documents or evidence, is not correct, to disqualify and/or reject the application. No further correspondence will be entered into, nor will the College give any reasons for rejecting such an application.Signed ByOn Behalf of FORMTEXT [Enter text here] Date FORMTEXT [Enter text here] EQUIPMENT COSTINGSOption 1. Switches have PoE and connectivity is at 10GB.DescriptionPart PriceQuantityTotal(ex VAT)Section ACore SwitchSection BEdge Switch with PoESection CNMS and Software costsSection DConnectivity at 10GB using multimode fibreSeparately itemise SFPs, stacking modules etc., as well as itemising cables & connectors, and insert total cost in this rowSection EHardware and software (incl NMS) maintenance cost per annumGrand Total:Option 2. Switches have no PoE and connectivity is at 10GB. DescriptionPart PriceQuantityTotal(ex VAT)Section ACore SwitchSection BEdge SwitchSection CNMS and Software costsSection DConnectivity at 10GB using multimode fibreSeparately itemise SFPs, stacking modules etc., as well as itemising cables & connectors, and insert total cost in this rowSection EHardware and software (incl NMS) maintenance cost per annumGrand Total:Option 3. Switches have PoE and connectivity is at 1GB.DescriptionPart PriceQuantityTotal(ex VAT)Section ACore SwitchSection BEdge Switch with PoESection CNMS and Software costsSection DConnectivity at 1GB using multimode fibreSeparately itemise SFPs, stacking modules etc., as well as itemising cables & connectors, and insert total cost in this rowSection EHardware and software (incl NMS) maintenance cost per annumGrand Total:Option 4. Switches have no PoE and connectivity is at 1GB.DescriptionPart PriceQuantityTotal(ex VAT)Section ACore SwitchSection BEdge SwitchSection CNMS and Software costsSection DConnectivity at 1GB using multimode fibreSeparately itemise SFPs, stacking modules etc., as well as itemising cables & connectors, and insert total cost in this rowSection EHardware and software (incl NMS) maintenance cost per annumGrand Total:CHECKLISTAll to be completed and returned with the Tender Submission by Friday 1st August 2014, with exception of the Notification of Intent to Tender which is to be returned by Friday 18th July 2014.Incomplete or missing documents may result in the application not being considered.Notification of Intent to Tender Form of TenderEquality of OpportunityFair EmploymentBonafide TenderConflict of InterestData Protection DeclarationEquipment CostingsQuality Evaluation (hard copy and electronic copy)Appendix 1. Network Design ................

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