Theme Essay Deduction Rubric (Please staple to the front ...

Theme Essay Deduction Rubric (Please staple to the front of your essay)

When the following items are NOT INCLUDED, the point deductions in ( ) are made.

Writer: ____________________________________________


Title and author is not in thesis (-5)

Thesis statement of theme and

Answer to the prompt is not in

the intro (-10)

Is not at least three body paragraphs (-10)

No catchy opener (-2)

Does not have topic sentences/transitions for each

body paragraph which relates back to

thesis (-5)

Does not reconnect with thesis at the end of

each body paragraph (-2)

Does not use at least one direct quote per

body paragraph (-5)

Quotes are not properly punctuated and/or the

context for the quote is not established (-2)

Does not use sufficient evidence from the

novel/play in each body to support thesis. (–10)

Does not have logical and cohesive body

paragraph flow/ Does not fits the order established

in intro (-5)

Does not have an original title (-2)

Characters’ names are not spelled correctly (-5)

MLA is not used format (-5)

Does not avoid contract errors (-1 per error)




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