The Mayor and Councillors - Weddin Shire

The Mayor and Councillors

Weddin Shire Council


Dear Councillors

I wish to report as follows:

1. Purpose of the Meeting

This extra-ordinary meeting has been held annually for many years prior to the setting of the estimates. The main purpose of the meeting is to determine priorities particularly for capital projects and also certain revenue funded projects, and to determine various works programmes for the following year.

Under the 1993 Local Government Act, Council is required to determine multiple (3 year) programmes to assist in better management of its assets. Accordingly the Directors have been requested to include three year programmes where applicable.

The consideration of rate levels and the prioritising of capital and optional works now will assist staff in formulating the draft budget and management plan to be presented to the May Meeting. Never-the-less the draft budget may still be amended by Council at the May meeting. It is then required to be placed on public exhibition for 28 days, following which it is able to be adopted after consideration of any submissions from the public. It may be possible to present the 2007/2008 Management Plan for adoption to the June Ordinary Council Meeting, otherwise a special meeting will be required.

Any councillor who wishes to discuss the format of the meeting is welcome to contact me beforehand.

For Information

2. Budget for 2007/2008

The new Minister for Local Government has not announced his determination of the maximum permissible rate increase for 2007/2008. The figure for 2006/2007 was 3.6% which raised an additional amount of $51,000 in the General Fund.

Interest rates have risen slightly but are reasonably stable at the moment and little change in the return on investments is anticipated for 2007/2008 unless the financial markets are affected by world events.

Administration items which will impact on next year’s budget are staffing for economic development, tourism and information technology, and the continued need for assistance to prepare and update policies and procedures under the Department’s Good Governance guidelines. Federal government assistance has been received for the library extension, and the re-design is currently in hand.

Engineering items of significance include the new depot in South Street. Salaries will be partly offset by income from the RTA contracting system provided the works are profitable. At this stage it will still be possible to continue to allocate the roads component of the FAGs grant (ie the RLR Program) entirely to roads. The very welcome Roads to Recovery Programme provides additional funding for resealing and reconstruction works.

New legislation on natural resources and liquid trade waste is demanding more time of Environmental Services staff, as is the increased attention to heritage and development control. Other important items are management plans for waste depots, upgrading programmes for swimming pools, and the implementation of the strategic business plan for the sewer scheme.

Staff appear to be eligible for Federal wage increases which are not known in advance, and wage increases will have to be estimated for the time being.

Council’s reserves now stand at $4.18M despite a programme of reallocation and utilization. However this money has been allocated to specific projects so there is no available ‘pot’ of money which can be drawn on to finance new projects except for those listed in the reserves, unless the reserves are reallocated by resolution. This places some constraints on budgeting but results in better financial management.

At this stage it is not known how many optional projects will be able to be funded.

RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that:

i) Council adopt the maximum rates increase allowed under rate-pegging legislation (when announced), and

ii) the draft budget for 2007/2008 be prepared with a balanced outcome and utilisation of transfers from reserves for nominated projects.

3. Objectives for 2007/2008

In preparing the management plan and budget for 2007/2008, it will assist Council to identify and keep in mind the major objectives for the year. These are the areas where resources should be concentrated before other less critical activities are considered. Comments on objectives identified by staff are as follows:

Completion of approved projects: there are a number of projects which are either not commenced or not completed, and have already had funding allocated, being:

• South Street depot (construction in progress)

• Community Hub including CTC, library extension, exhibition area and conference rooms (design in progress)

• Grenfell Tip Management Plan (acquisition now finalized)


• review of policy and procedures to comply with the Department of Local Government’s Good Governance criteria,

• the alliances are not producing significant savings but have improved efficiency by joint projects and networking.


• some upgrading of the Burrangong Street premises may be required, particularly if the dental surgery is relocated,

• preliminary work has commenced for a medical centre, possibly on a greenfields site,

• the dwelling in Dagmar Street requires internal upgrading and it may be time to consider a new dwelling.

Economic Development:

• the combined staffing arrangement is working reasonably well and will be retained,

• the Economic Development Strategy needs to be continued, with ongoing funding for Country Week, Open Days and various incentives,

• the new city – country alliance may open up new opportunities,

• the old bank building may be able to be put to better use if the dental surgery is relocated.

• if pending sales proceed there will be a need for additional industrial land: now may be an opportune time to purchase.

Heritage and Tourism:

• there will be no further Main Street heritage grant funds until 2008/2009,

• a grant of $10,000 for a shire-wide heritage study (adopted at Council’s February meeting) is available for 2007/2008: Council’s required contribution is also $10,000.

• grant applications will continue for O’Brien’s Hill and the Railway Station.

Roads and Streets:

• the Roads to Recovery Programme will provide $402,000 in 2007/2008,

• the roads component of the FAGs grant (RLR Programme) will provide approximately $710,000 in 2007/2008.

• a discussion on ward votes follows separately.

It is Council’s decision as to how it allocates its funds. However the increasing use of Council’s rate revenue to fund works which could be funded from grants (ie FAGs) is adding to pressure on the available funds and limiting the number of other projects which could be attempted. It should be noted that the Roads to Recovery programme, which has to be spent on roads, almost doubles the available funds for this work. It is strongly suggested that Council consider its funding allocations and take a more strategic approach to this responsibility.

For Information

4. Review of Ward Votes

Over a period of time Council has made changes to the funding for various ward works programmes. Some of these changes are now absorbing additional funds and are reducing Council’s ability to carry out other possibly more important projects. It is timely to review the changes.

• ward votes have been maintained at a level mainly based on historical grounds,

• in recent years, a number of activities which used to be funded from the ward vote, have received separate funding

eg village streets (M & R) $18,000

village streets (construction) $12,000

gravel resheeting(RLR) $70,000

total vote 2006/2007 $100,000

• in addition to these votes, large resealing programmes have been carried out under the annual RLR or RtR Programmes,

• also in recent years, there has been a trend for all routine maintenance of sealed roads to be charged to the RLR Programme,

• the effect of the above activities has been to drastically reduce expenditure against the ward votes, and to shift the expenditure to other programmes or votes,

• in general terms, the main expenditure against the ward votes has occurred when an upgrading or reconstruction work has been carried out.

Following is a summary table of Ward Votes and Expenditures over the current and previous five (5) financial years.

Summary of Ward Votes and Expenditures


| | |($1,000s) |

| | |A, B, C Wards |D, E Wards |

|2006/07 |Vote |507 |129 |

| |Spent 2/07 |233 |62 |

| |Carryover 2/07 |548 |49 |

|2005/06 |Vote |516 |134 |

| |Spent |399 |167 |

| |Carryover |282 |-18 |

|2004/05 |Vote |501 |130 |

| |Spent |527 |122 |

| |Carryover |165 |14 |

|2003/04 |Vote |483 |125 |

| |Spent |408 |117 |

| |Carryover |144 |7 |

|2002/03 |Vote |477 |125 |

| |Spent |440 |123 |

| |Carryover |124 |1 |

|2001/02 |Vote |465 |122 |

| |Spent |478 |125 |

| |Carryover |83 |-3 |

|Average |Vote |488 |127 |

|2001/2006 |Spent |450 |131 |

| |Carryover |160 |0 |


The purpose of this report is threefold:

i) to make councilors aware of the effects of recent decisions,

ii) to signal a return to conventional costing procedures, where the ward vote provides the basis for routine maintenance,

iii) to ensure that Council’s expenditure from revenue is maintained at a level which satisfies its obligations under the RtR Programmes,

iv) to show that funding of the rural wards has been very adequate, but funding of the town wards has been restricted, tending on inadequate.


It is recommended that:-

i) the report be accepted,

ii) the rural ward vote be held constant for 2007/2008 with all the incremental increase being allocated to the town ward vote.

5. Review of Other Reports

It would be appropriate before proceeding to prioritise the various projects, that the associated reports by the other Directors be considered so that Councillors have access to the relevant background information.

RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that standing orders be suspended and parts of the reports by the Directors be here considered, where applicable to project prioritising.

6. Prioritising of Works

As for last year, the projects have been classified into three categories, being:

“A” - high priority, must be included.

“B” - medium priority, very desirable to include if funds permit.

“C” - low priority, could be included in a future programme.

Projects in category “B” were then further prioritised. In previous years the available funding has not permitted the inclusion of many (if any) projects in category “B”, nor any category ‘C’ projects. Eight “B” category projects were funded this year, and a further three were completed subsequently.

This procedure seemed to assist Council in considering and prioritising the large number of projects competing for funding in previous years, and a similar procedure has been adopted for this year.

Please note that the estimates shown are generally tentative only, and it may be necessary to alter some of these figures when preparing the draft budget.

a) Continuing Projects

The following table (Table 1) shows projects considered for 2006/2007 which are re-submitted for consideration in 2007/2008. The projects are listed in their categories and priority order (where applicable) as determined by Council for 2006/2007, however these should be reviewed and can be changed if desired. The tentative estimates have been altered where appropriate.


• where funding was available in 2006/2007 and is anticipated to be unspent, a carryover has been indicated;

• where a contribution is available from grants or landowners, the figure given is the net cost to Council and is marked by an Asterisk*;

• categories as suggested by staff are shown in the right hand column;

• a number of operational items have been recommended for “Deletion” either because they have become accepted practice or are no longer required.

• projects should not be included in Category A unless considered “High Priority”. If this is done, these projects may absorb the available funding at the expense of possibly more worthy projects.

• the projects marked as “Comp” are anticipated to be completed by 30 June 2007.

RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that Council review the categories of the projects in Table 1 and determine any changes.

Table 1 - Continuing Projects

Category A

|Item |Project Description |Tentative Estimate |Rec’d |

| | | |Category |

|A1 |Office IT Equipment - provision for replacement |40,000 |A |

|A2 |Council Chambers - replace A/C (plus carryover) |3,000 |A |

|A3 |Council Chambers - renovate meeting room (Comp or carryover) |Nil |A |

|A4 |Council Chambers - install alarms, emergency lighting (carryover) |Nil |A |

|A5 |Council Chambers - repaint (external), repair (internal) |Nil |A |

| |(Comp or carryover) | | |

|A6 |Consultancy for policies, etc (carryover) |Nil |A |

|A7 |Plant replacement – as per program (plus carryover) |290,000 |A |

|A8 |Depot - develop South Street (ex reserves) |Nil |A |

|A9 |OH &S Officer - (shared) (plus carryover) |10,000 |A |

|A10 |Bushfire Equipment (net) |*70,000 |A |

|A11 |Caragabal Country Club (loan) (ex reserves) (Comp) |Nil |Delete |

|A12 |Environmental Services - septic tanks (carryover) |Nil |A |

|A13 |Heritage - Local Building Fund |*8,200 |A |

|A14 |Main/George Street Heritage Fund 2006/08 (Comp) |Nil |Delete |

|A15 |Lawn Cemetery beam (carryover) |Nil |A |

|A16 |Library – local special projects (annual grant) |*Nil |A |

|A17 |Library – purchase books |17,000 |A |

|A18 |Library equipment |3,000 |A |

|A19 |Library extensions/renovations Stage 2 (ex reserves) |*Nil |A |

|A20 |Grenfell Pool - recycling tank (carryover) |*Nil |A |

|A21 |Quandialla Pool Subsidy |17,000 |A |

|A22 |Quandialla Pool - upgrade (OHS) (reserves) |Nil |A |

|A23 |Quandialla Pool - pump repairs (Comp) |Nil |Delete |

|A24 |Quandialla Pool - recycling tank (carryover) |Nil |A |

|A25 |Museum Advisory Officer (shared) |2,000 |A |

|A26 |Parks and Gardens - extra Operational |10,000 |A |

|A27 |Grenfell Streets - Construction (plus carryover) |45,000 |A |

|A28 |Grenfell Streets - Kerb and gutter (plus carryover) |*15,000 |A |

|A29 |Grenfell approaches, including K & G (Comp) |Nil |Delete |

|A30 |Grenfell footpaving (plus carryover) |*6,000 |A |

|A31 |Grenfell Treeplanting |10,000 |A |

|A32 |George Street Plan (ex reserves) |Nil |A |

|A33 |Industrial Subdivision – contingency, survey |5,000 |A |

|A34 |Industrial Area - drainage improvement (carryover) |Nil |A |

|A35 |Taxi - replace (06/07) (ex reserves) (Comp) |Nil |Delete |

|A36 |Economic Development Promotions eg. Open Days, Country Week. |25,000 |A |

|A37 |Local Development - assistance (plus carry over) |10,000 |A |

|A38 |Assistance to development - BMP (reserves) (Not required) |Nil |Delete |

| | | | |

|A/S1 |Sewerage Treatment Works - develop s64 plans (carryover) |Nil |A |

|A/S2 |Sewer Mains extensions (plus carryover) |10,000 |A |

|A/S3 |Sewer Pipe – rehabilitate (plus carryover) |50,000 |A |

|A/S4 |Sewerage Treatment Works – rehabilitate (plus carryover) |10,000 |A |

Category B

|Item |Project Description |Tentative Estimate|Rec’d |

| | | |Category |

|B1 |Doctors Surgery (Weddin Street) renovations (carryover) |Nil |Delete |

| |(Not required) | | |

|B2 |Grenfell Tip – improvements (internal loan) (ex reserves) |Nil |B |

|B3 |Prepare DCP’s (plus carryover) |5,000 |B |

|B4 |Council Chambers - replace chairs (carryover) |Nil |B |

|B5 |Taylor Park - continuation of improvements (plus carryover) |15,000 |B |

|B6 |Village Streets – reconstruction (plus carryover) |12,000 |B |

|B7 |Recycling - upgrade collection points (carryover) |Nil |B |

|B8 |Main Street - Lawson Festival Plaques (carryover) |10,000 |B |

|B9 |Grenfell Streets - additional |30,000 |B |

|B10 |Grenfell K & G (extra) |*5,000 |B |

|B11 |Town map signs |7,500 |B |

|B12 |Lawson Oval - repaint grandstand |10,000 |B |

|B13 |Main Street - bead lighting (progressive replacement) |5,000 |B |

|B14 |Lawson Bust - sound system |7,000 |B |

|B15 |Other buildings - install alarms, emergency lighting |10,000 |B |

|B16 |Swimming Pool - disabled facilities (hoist) |10,000 |B |

|B17 |Grenfell Pool - retop pump room floor (Comp) |Nil |Delete |

|B18 |Caravan Park - new fence (east) (Comp) |Nil |Delete |

|B19 |Telephone system (Comp) |Nil |Delete |

|B20 |Railway Park complex – improvements |*70,000 |B |

|B21 |SES – provision for personnel vehicle |*10,000 |B |

|B22 |Village tips (operations)-remediation of old Caragabal |10,000 |C |

|B23 |O’Briens Hill (stage 1) - toilets (seeking grant) |*70,000 |B |

|B24 |Grenfell Pool - blankets |27,000 |B |

|B25 |Grenfell Pool - replace turnstiles |3,000 |C |

|B26 |Pound upgrading (provision) |10,000 |B |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|B/S1 |Effluent recycling - switchboard, chlorinator |50,000 |B |

|B/S2 |Effluent recycling - back up pump (Comp) |Nil |Delete |

Category C

|Item |Project Description |Tentative Estimate|Rec’d |

| | | |Category |

|C1 |Doctors surgery (Burrangong St) -provision for renovations |50,000 |B |

|C2 |Surgery (Weddin Street) - replace rear fence (Not required) |Nil |Delete |

|C3 |Bush Bursary |3,300 |C |

|C4 |Heritage Trail/walking track |10,000 |B |

|C5 |Rural Heritage Study (whole of shire) |*10,000 |B |

|C6 |Recycling - kerbside pickup, bins |50,000 |C |

|C7 |Old Gasworks - remediation works |30,000 |C |

|C8 |SOE Report - upgrade data sets |10,000 |C |

|C9 |Lawson Park - replace oval fencing |62,500* |C |

|C10 |Top Lawson Park - upgrading/lights |25,000 |C |

|C11 |O’Briens Hill (Stage 2) |25,000 |C |

|C12 |Grenfell Pool - new shelter frame |2,000 |C |

|C13 |Grenfell Pool - Poolies Pal winder |5,800 |C |

|C14 |Arts Out West - contribution |Nil |C |

|C15 |Main Street - total reconstruction |500,000 |C |

|C16 |Emu Creek footbridge |36,000* |C |

|C17 |George Street - landscaping and roadworks |70,000 |C |

|C18 |Caravan Park - new cabin (disabled) |28,000 |C |

|C19 |Caravan Park - replace eastern fence (Comp) |Nil |Delete |

|C20 |Tourism – new sign for Newell Highway |8,000 |Delete |

|C21 |Industrial Land - extend area |75,000 |B |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|C/S1 |Sewerage Treatment Works - provision for extending recycling mains |30,000 |C |

|C/S2 |Sewerage Treatment Works - construct new storage pond |30,000 |C |

b) New Projects

The following table (Table 2) lists either new projects or variations of earlier projects which are submitted for consideration in the 2007/2008 budget.

The categories shown are suggested by staff to facilitate considerations, and these categories need to be confirmed or otherwise determined by Council.

RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that Council determine the applicable category for works in Table 2

Table 2 - New Projects

|Item |Project Description |Ccl funds |Rec’d Category |

|07/08 | | | |

|D1 |Weight of Loads Group – new scales |25,000 |Delete |

|D2 |George Street Plan (See A32) |Nil |Delete |

|D3 |Street Sweeper (Plant fund) |Nil |Delete |

|D4 |Emu Creek – desilt, clean up |10,000 |C |

|D5 |Parks and Gardens – extra (See A26) |Nil |Delete |

|D6 |Bimbi Road – approaches (See A27) |Nil |Delete |

|D7 |Asset Valuation – consultant |10,000 |A |

|D8 |Floodplain Policy (ex reserves) |*10,000 |A |

|D9 |Grenfell – playground equipment |30,000 |C |

|D10 |Grenfell Pool – replace seals and repaint |35,000 |B |

|D11 |Grenfell Pool – replace scum gutter |30,000 |C |

|D12 |Grants for Disabled Shop Access |5,000 |B |

|D13 |Caravan Park – replace cisterns |3,000 |B |

|D14 |Caravan Park – extension to residence |15,000 |C |

|D15 |Grenfell Tip – tyre disposal (See B2) |Nil |Delete |

|D16 |Greenethorpe – recycling station |4,000 |A |

|D17 |Company Dam – desilt |46,400 |C |

c) Determination of Priorities

Work sheets will be available at the Council Meeting which will combine all the projects in Table 1 and Table 2 into the three recommended categories. These sheets will require adjustment wherever Council determines a category different to that suggested in the Tables, but they will help simplify the final process.

In previous years all category “A” projects have been funded, and some (but not all) category “B”: no projects in category “C” have received funding. It is anticipated that the same situation will apply in 2007/2008.

Council has many conflicting interests to consider in setting the relative priorities of these projects. It may be helpful to keep in mind the major objectives for the year, so that resources can be concentrated on these areas.

RECOMMENDATION (i): subject to available funding it is recommended that all projects in category “A” be included in the draft budget;

Council normally determines priorities for category “B” at the meeting by progressive resolutions. As for last year, and if agreed to by Council, the worksheet for category “B” can be prioritised by each councillor, and staff will then collate the worksheets and advise the majority ranking, as a form of preferential voting. The outcome would not be known until the next day but will be included in the minutes, and the worksheets will be retained for inspection if desired.

In anticipation that this procedure will again be acceptable to councillors, a preliminary copy of the worksheet for category B will be forwarded so that councillors may tentatively prioritise (say) 20 projects in advance of the meeting.

RECOMMENDATION (ii): it is recommended that projects in category “B” as prioritised by councillors be included in the draft budget in overall order of priority, as funds permit.

RECOMMENDATION (iii): it is recommended that projects in category “C” be deferred at this stage.

RECOMMENDATION (iv): it is recommended that nominated projects with unexpended funds from the 2006/2007 budget be included in the draft budget by transfers from reserves.



The General Manager

Weddin Shire Council


Dear Sir

I wish to report as follows: -

1. Weddin Shire Council – Estimates Period Ending 30 June 2008.

As part of the process of considering capital expenditure priorities for the forthcoming financial year the following comments have been included in respect of a number of proposals in the administration department:-

Information Technology/Office Equipment

With Council’s Information Technology (IT) needs increasing and forever changing a five year IT Strategic Plan has been developed and is submitted for the consideration of Council. The updated plan will continue to give Council a strategy and definite direction in regard to Council’s IT needs.

The Strategic Plan has proved to be very effective in the past three (3) years in developing our IT equipment. The Plan was further expanded in 2006 to incorporate office equipment. This allowed the specific office equipment requirements of the Engineers and Environmental sections to be included as well as equipment such as the photocopier. From the IT Strategic Plan the amount of Councils allocation will need to increase to $40,000 ($35,000-2006/2007) and as our equipment is now at a satisfactory level it is able to be maintained at $40,000 for the ensuing years.

It is anticipated that an amount of $69,469 will be carried forward to the 2007/2008 financial year. This amount together with the $40,000 allocation which has been provided for the replacement of IT/Office equipment will give an amount of $109,469 available for capital expenditure.

The capital expenditure for the 2007/2008 financial year as detailed is $47,000 which will be funded from internal reserves and leave a balance of $62,469 at the end of the 2007/2008 financial year. It is critical that Councils allocation is maintained at $40,000 to allow us to continue to achieve our strategic objectives over the next five (5) years.

The development of the Strategic Plan has allowed Council to take a more systematic and planned approach to our IT/Office Equipment needs within the confines of the budget. It is imperative that council continue to direct financial resources to this area as it will enable us to keep up to date with the latest trends in information technology and office equipment as well as enabling us to operate in a much more efficient and effective environment.

Grenfell Library Development - Stage 2

An amount of $697,929 has been transferred by Council to internal reserves for the extensions and refurbishment of the library. This amount together with the Library Capital Development Grant of $345,600 (which will be transferred to external reserves when it is received) gives a total of $1,043,529 funding for the project to date.

As Councillors are aware Design West Architects of Cowra are currently preparing the draft plans and construction of the Library will definitely occur in the 2007/2008 financial year.

Weddin Shire Open Days/Trade Expo Campaign

Council resolved at the February 2007 meeting to proceed with the Open Days/Trade Expo Campaign in 2007 with a budget of $19,500 of which $4,500 is to be funded from internal reserves.

With the transfer of $3,498 from Open Days uncompleted works list there is currently a balance of $33,616.53 in this reserve. It is again proposed to allocate $25,000 to this fund which would then leave a balance in the reserve account of $58,616.53 which would be available in the 2007/2008 financial year. The Open Days/Trade Expo, Country Week and any other Economic Development initiatives could then be funded directly from this Economic Development Fund.

It was also resolved that representations be made to the Department of State and Regional Development seeking further funding to assist in offsetting the costs. This application will be submitted in due course for funding on a $ for $ basis.

Local Development Assistance

With Weddin Shire experiencing an increase in economic development in the last few years and Council instigating strategies and policies to encourage this activity an amount of $20,000 has been allocated for Local Development Assistance with $10,000 to be funded from reserves in 2007/2008. This will leave an additional amount of $52,707 in reserves to be utilised if the need arises.

While this allocation is a great assistance to developers Councillors should be mindful that if the level of new and existing development is maintained any assistance over and above the $72,707 which will be available from working funds and reserves will have to be funded from other sources.

Valuation of Assets at Fair Value

The Department of Local Government have advised that the valuation of non current assets at ‘fair value’ will be introduced in a staged approach as follows:-

2006/2007 - Water and Sewerage

2007/2008 - Property, Plant and Equipment, Land, Buildings and Other

2008/2009 - Roads, Bridges, Footpaths and Drainage

‘Fair Value’ is the best estimate of the price reasonably obtainable in the market at the date of valuation. The Department are recommending that the valuation occur every 3-5 years therefore after the initial three (3) years the requirement or need to allocate resources to undertake the valuation process will be substantially reduced.

The valuation of Councils assets at ‘fair value’ will require external assistance to value the assets as well as assisting with the internal restructure of Councils assets register.





The General Manager

Weddin Shire Council


Dear Sir

I report as follows on these matters: -

1. RTA State and National Highway Works Program

The RTA has indicated that Council will continue to be awarded the new Contract for Maintenance works on the Mid Western Highway and the Newell Highway for the next two Financial Years, with the contract price for routine maintenance services being $226,163 per annum. There will also be separate works orders.

As in the previous year, the breakup is likely to be:

Routine Maintenance Services $226,163

Provision Services Work Orders (Reseals and Heavy Patching) $590,000


Additional Services such as extra resealing, rehabilitation and extra heavy patching have not been included in the contract. The Heavy patching works will be part of the Provisional Services in the contract.

As the need arises, Council actively submits Works Proposal to the RTA for specific works and carries out the work under RTA Work Orders, which further boosts the income (and expenditure) from the RTA.

The RTA has also indicated that it will not commit any funding in 2007/2008 in rehabilitation works on the Newell Highway. It is hoped that funds will be made available for some rehabilitation works on SH6, particularly west of Caragabal.

RECOMMENDATION: that Council adopt the proposed 2007/2008 Works Program for RTA State and National Highways.

2. Regional Roads Block Grant

|Proposals and Locations |2007/2008 |2008/2009 |2009/2010 |2010/2011 |2011/2012 |2012/2013 |

|a) Maintenance |$330,000 |$335,000 |$350,000 |$350,000 |$350,000 |$350,000 |

|b) MR239 - Young Road | | | | | | |

|i) Weddin Street from Rose Street to Railway Line - | | | | | | |

|Rehabilitate full width and primer seal. | | | | | | |

|ii) Weddin Street from Rose Street to roundabout - | | | | | | |

|rehabilitation full width and primer seal. | | | | | | |

| |$100,000 | |Completed | | | |

|iii) Weddin Street - Rose Street to Railway - | | | | | | |

|reseal. |$27,000 | | | | | |

|iv) Weddin Street - Rose Street to roundabout - | | | | | | |

|reseal | |$27,000 |Completed | | | |

|c) Holy Camp Road (MR398) Bimbi Road intersection | |Completed | | | | |

|d) MR398 Bimbi Road extend culverts and widen |$80,000 |$85,000 |$90,000 |$100,000 |$100,000 |$100,000 |

|pavement repair program. | | | | | | |

|e) MR237 rehabilitation and widen |$73,000 |$120,000 |$110,000 |$115,000 |$120,000 |$117,000 |

|2 km | | | | | | |

|f) MR 398 Bimbi Bridge |$10,000 |$68,000* |$105,000* |$105,000* |$120,000 |$140,000 |

|Total |$620,000 |$635,000 |$655,000 |$670,000 |$690,000 |$707,000 |

Proposals for the Regional Roads are based on the current 2006/2007 funding levels increased by approximately 2.5% (based on previous years increase).

*subject to RTA subsidy.

RECOMMENDATION: that Council adopt the proposed 2007/2008 Works Program for the Regional roads Block Grant and note the proposals for 2008/2009, 2009/2010, 2010/2011, 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 for future programs.

3. Rural Local Roads Program (FAG)

Proposals for Rural Local Roads are based on current 2006/2007 funding levels increased by approximately 1.04 % per annum.

As in previous years, Council’s emphasis continues to be placed on widening grain haulage routes and school bus routes, such as Caragabal-Quandialla Road, Bimbi-Quandialla Road and Sandy Creek Road. When completely widened, these roads would be suitable for B-Double routes.

The following comments are made with respect to the proposed programme.

i) It has been brought to Council’s attention there is a requirement under the Roads to Recovery Guidelines for Council to expend its own funds for road maintenance which will be greater than the Roads to Recovery annual funding.

In previous years Council has used the Financial Assistance Grant to fund general maintenance, edge patching and routine patching (totalling $230,000 in 2006/2007). However, the FAG is a grant and therefore is not deemed to be from Council funds.

Accordingly, this component of the Rural Local Roads Program has been reduced to $20,000 in 2007/2008, with a slight increase in future years, so as to comply with the Roads to Recovery Guidelines.

The effect of this will be that more ward funds than in previous years will have to be used to fund road maintenance works. The other effect will be that extra funds will be freed up to fund longer length projects in the program, which will further increase efficiency.

ii) Reseals to remain at $73,000 as Council carried out a significant amount of reseals as part of the Roads to Recovery Programme.

iii) It is proposed to continue the programme spread over three years of gravelling and resealing Nowlans Road southerly from the existing seal up to the new Ben Hall Caves turnoff. This section of road has given Council problems each time that heavy rain occurs and the gravelling and sealing of this road will significantly reduce maintenance costs on this road.

iv) It is proposed to continue the programme of widening and strengthening Gambarra Road, in a southerly direction.

v) Gravel resheeting $100,000. This has been increased from $65,000 in 2006/2007 because there are still a large number of roads in the Shire which are in urgent need for a gravel resheet, particularly in ‘B’ and ‘C’ wards. It is proposed to allocate these funds on a needs basis.

In the event that the drought breaks, a number of roads, which are performing satisfactorily in the current dry conditions, are likely to “go to pieces”. If this is the case and FAG funds for resheeting are not sufficient, provision will have to be made for extra gravel resheeting using ward funds.

vi) Caragabal-Quandialla Road - it is proposed to complete the widening of this road based on $65,000 per km. This will allow an assessment of this road for B-Double use. Project completion is proposed for 2009/2010.

vii) Sandy Creek Road - it is proposed to continue widen shoulders in 2007/2008, westerly as part of the widening of the total length of the road. Project completion is proposed for 2009/2010.

viii) Bimbi-Quandialla Road - it is proposed to widen the remainder of the shoulders easterly, from the recently widened section. Ultimately this road will be sufficiently wide to carry B-doubles safely. It should be noted that the unwidened shoulders are structurally unsound and constitute a high maintenance cost to Council after large rain events. The project is planned to be completed in 2008/2009.

ix) Driftway Road - Council will recall a petition requesting Driftway Road to be strengthened and widened as part of Council’s Forward Works programme. It is felt that it would be appropriate for Council to continue to widen and strengthen the current roads which have been targetted by Ward Councillors and the Director Engineering so as to bring them up to B-Double standard prior to commencing the widening of other roads. It may be possible that Driftway Road Project could be allocated funds when the Bimbi-Quandialla Road and Caragabal-Quandialla Road is totally widened, possibly commencing in 2008/2009.

x) It is possible that the Caragabal Quandialla Level Crossing will be required to be funded in 2007/2008. The estimated cost is of the order $100,000 based on the Quandialla level crossing contribution by Council. If this is the case Council may have to consider funding the works by review of the RLR (FAG) Program.

xi) Lynchs Road has not been included in the 2006/2007 programme for strengthening and widening as funds are not available, based on Council’s priorities. However, Lynchs Road will be considered in a future programme.

xii) Pinnacle Road - it is proposed to continue the widening and strengthening of Pinnacle Road for 0.5km continued from the existing widening. Ward funds could be used to extend the work further in 2007/2008.


1. Widen, strengthen and reseal involves removing existing shoulder material to a depth of 100 mm, tyning existing bitumen and gravel spreading as required. Win load haul and spread 125 mm of gravel preparing and seal.

2. Widen shoulders and reseal involves removal of existing shoulder material to a depth of 150 mm. Win, load and place gravel in shoulders, prepare and seal.

RECOMMENDATION: that Council adopt the proposed 2007/2008 Works Program for the Rural Local Program (FAG) and note the proposals for 2008/09, 2009/2010, 2010/2011, 2011/12 and 2012/13 for future programs.

|Proposals & Location |Estimate |2007/08 |2008/09 |2009/10 |2010/11 |2011/12 |2012/13 |

|2) Edge patching & routine patching. | |$10,000 |$10,000 |$10,000 |$15,000 |$15,000 |$15,000 |

|3) Reseals | |$73,000 |$80,000 |$90,000 |$100,000 |$100,000 |$110,000 |

|4) Caragabal/Quandialla Rd, widen, shoulders & |$65,000/km |$89,000 |$80,000 |$90,000 |Completed |Completed | |

|seal | | |Reseal |Reseal | | | |

|5) Old Young Rd - widen shoulders and reseal |$45,000/km | | |$100,000 |$100,000 |$100,000 |$100,000 |

|6.5 km | | | | | | | |

|6) Gambara Road |$65,000/km |$42,000 |$70,000 |$90,000 |Completed | | |

| | |(0.5 km) | |Reseal | | | |

|7) New Forbes Rd – reconstruct selected |$45,000/km | | | | | | |

|substandard locations | | | | | | | |

|8) Bewleys Rd - widen strengthen and reseal |$35,000/km | | | | | | |

|12.5 km (1) | | | | | | | |

|9) Adelargo Rd - widen, shoulders |$50,000/km |Completed | | | | | |

|10) Gerrybang Rd - widen, shoulders and reseal |$45,000/km | | |$39,000 |$100,000 |$200,000 |$200,000 |

|8.8 km | | | | | | | |

|11) Back Piney Range Rd - widen, shoulders & |$45,000/km | | | | | | |

|reseal 13.5 km | | | | | | | |

|12) Nowlans Road - form gravel and seal - from |$50,000/km |$100,000 |$60,000 |$30,000 |No further works| | |

|Gannons to caves turnoff 4 km | | |incl. 1km reseal|Reseal | | | |

|13) Ballendene Rd - widen, shoulders and reseal|$45,000/km | | | |$45,000 |$107,000 |$80,000 |

|7 km (2) | | | | | | | |

|14) Sandy Creek Rd - widen, shoulders & reseal |$55,000/km |$172,000 |$190,000 |$50,000 |Completed | | |

|17.1 km (2) | | | |Reseal | | | |

|15) Bimbi-Quandialla - widen, shape and reseal |$50,000/km |$50,000 |$25,000 |Completed | | | |

|6 km | | |Reseal | | | | |

|16) Lynchs Road |$45,000/km | | | | | | |

|17) Tyagong Hall Road - widen, shoulders and |$45,000/km | | | | | | |

|reseal 5 km | | | | | | | |

|18) Pinnacle Rd from MR No 236 widen, shoulders|$45,000/km |$27,000 |$49,000 |$69,000 |$162,000 |$61,000 |$78,000 |

|and reseal | | | | | | | |

|19) Gravel resheeting on shire needs basis. | |$100,000 |$100,000 |$100,000 |$100,000 |$110,000 |$120,000 |

|20) Driftway Road |$50,000/km | |$35,000 |$50,000 |$119,000 |$79,000 |$100,000 |

|Overheads |8.5% |$57,000 |$60,000 |$62,000 |$64,000 |$67,000 |$70,000 |

|Totals | |$730,000 |$759,000 |$790,000 |$820,000 |$854,000 |$888,000 |

4. Plant Replacement Program

The Plant Replacement Program for 2007/2008, 2008/2009, 2009/10, 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 is attached.

It is proposed to investigate the purchase of a second hand superdog so as to further increase Council’s efficiency for gravel cartage. A further report will be submitted to Council on the indicative costs of a secondhand superdog.

The provision of a street sweeper was previously suggested by a Councillor. This item has been included in the Plant Replacement Programme in 2011/2012.

Council will be aware that, in the interim, Council has been hiring the Cowra Shire Council street sweeper once or twice per year to sweep the Grenfell streets at about $1,100 per day. There is a benefit in this by this Council resource sharing with another Council.

It should be noted that there is a local contractor who has a broom and bobcat and who is contracted by Council to sweep the necessary streets/intersections/gutters throughout the Weddin Shire Council when required.

Funds are currently available in the plant fund for the purchase of a grader to replace PI.4052, which was approved for replacement previously (subject to funds). Tenders will shortly be called for the replacement of Grader PI.4052.

Council will be aware that ward funds are not being expended at a sufficient rate. Whilst the drought is not helping the works program, extra works cannot be undertaken with the current plant available. The Roads to Recovery Program ($402,000 pa) over the last six (6) years has also impinged dramatically on the Works Program.

In order to address this issue, it is proposal to not trade the current grader PI.4052 for twelve (12) months, and to use this grader for such works as gravel resheeting, table drain maintenance, assisting another grader with shoulder widening etc. Staffing levels may have to be increased by one to two so as to match the plant requirements.

RECOMMENDATION: that the amount of $280,000 be set aside as the indicative requirement for plant replacement in 2007/2008 and note the proposals for 2008/2009, 2009/2010, 2010/11 and 2011/2012.

Council Plant Replacement Programme

|Plant # |Item Details |Rego No. |Date |User/Purpose |2007/2008 |2008/2009 |2009/2010 |2010/2011 |2011/2012 |

| | | |Purchased | |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |

|1000 | | | | | | | | | |

|PASSENGE| | | | | | | | | |

|R | | | | | | | | | |

|VEHICLES| | | | | | | | | |

|1074 |Sedan-Holden Commodore Exec |AD 84 ZJ |03/05/05 |T Lobb (GM) |6,000 |6,000 |6,000 |6,000 |6,000 |

|1075 |Sedan-Holden Commodore Exec |AE 51 KQ |03/05/05 |C Earl (DES) |6,000 |6,000 |6,000 |6,000 |6,000 |

|1076 |Sedan-Holden Commodore Exec |AE 50 KQ |03/05/05 |P Johnson (Works E) |6,000 |6,000 |6,000 |6,000 | |

|1077 |Sedan-Holden Commodore Exec |AD 27 YQ |15/06/05 |W Twohill (DE) |6,000 |6,000 |6,000 |6,000 |6,000 |

|1078 |Sedan-Holden Commodore Exec |AG 01 NK |29/09/05 |Ben Gibbons |6,000 |6,000 |6,000 |6,000 | |

|1079 |Sedan-Holden Commodore Exec |AF 80 JC |29/09/05 |N Perera (Contracts E) |6,000 |6,000 |6,000 |6,000 | |

|1080 |Sedan-Holden Commodore Exec |AG 11 NK |19/10/05 |G Carroll (DCS) |6,000 |6,000 |6,000 |6,000 |6,000 |

|1081 |Sedan-Holden Commodore Exec |AG 00 NK |29/09/05 |J Montgomery (O'seer) |6,000 |6,000 |6,000 |6,000 |6,000 |

|2000 | | | | | | | | | |

|UTILITIE| | | | | | | | | |

|S | | | | | | | | | |

|2063 |Utility-ToyotaHilux DualCab TrayTop |ZAM 543 |23/01/04 |B Butler | |7,000 | | |7,000 |

|2064 |Utility-ToyotaHilux ExtraCab TrayTop |ZDP 250 |04/02/04 |L Howell | |7,000 | | |7,000 |

|2066 |Utility-ToyotaHilux Tray Top |AA 16 UH |14/10/04 |H Hunter (workshop) | |7,000 | | |7,000 |

|2067 |Utility-ToyotaHilux ExtraCab TrayTop |AC 25 MK |15/12/04 |Traffic Control (prev D | |7,000 | | |7,000 |

| | | | |Pipe) | | | | | |

|2068 |Utility-ToyotaHilux ExtraCab 4x4 |AC 26 MK |20/12/04 |M Martens (NWO) | |7,000 | | |7,000 |

|2069 |Utility-ToyotaHilux ExtraCab Tipper |AB 74 AI |15/12/04 |A Hewen(sanitation) |7,000 |7,0000 |7,000 |7,000 |7,000 |

|2070 |Utility-ToyotaHilux Workmate Tipper |AH 06 JN |04/01/06 |Works/Traffic |7,000 |7,000 |7,000 |7,000 |7,000 |

|2071 |Utility-ToyotaHilux DualCab TrayTop |AH 08 JN |06/01/06 |K Abbott |7,000 | |7,000 |7,000 |7,000 |

|2072 |Utility-ToyotaHilux WorkmateTrayTop |AH 26 VM |22/12/05 |D Pipe (storeman) |7,000 | |7,000 |7,000 |7,000 |

|2073 |Utility-ToyotaHilux ExtraCab TrayTop |AH 25 VM |22/12/05 |K Joyce |7,000 |7,000 | | |7,000 |

|2074 |Utility-ToyotaHilux DualCab TrayTop |AI 25 FZ |11/01/06 |G Birch |7,000 | |7,000 | |7,000 |

|3000 | | | | | | | | | |

|TRUCKS | | | | | | | | | |

|3244 |Truck-Toyota Dyna 1.4t Tipper |VXR 428 |12/07/99 |L Howell | | |20,000 | | |

|3245 |Truck-Toyota Dyna 1.4t Tipper |VXR 427 |12/07/99 |K Douglass | | |20,000 | | |

|3249 |Truck-Toyota Dyna 2t Tipper |WRY 568 |29/08/00 |Parks & Gardens | | |27,000 | | |

|3542 |Truck-Mitsubishi 5t Tip |WDH 301 |18/03/99 |P Taylor | |70,000 | | | |

|3826 |Truck-Garbage Compactor (OLD) |UOU 665 |05/08/88 |Standby for PI 3948 | | | | |90,000 |

|3924 | Prime Mover-Kenworth | | |Heavy Plant Transport | | | | | |

|3933 | Low Loader-Rocklea |B 81462 |15/02/79 | (with P3924) | | | | |50,000 |

|3948 |Truck-Garbage Compactor |VRW 863 |29/03/99 |A Hewen | | | | | |

|3949 |Fire Engine- Dennis |  |  |  | | | | | |

|3950 |Truck-Iveco 11.5t Tipper |ZBU 128 |30/12/03 |B Lennane | | | | | |

|3951 |Truck-Iveco 11.5t Tipper |ZBU 406 |21/01/04 |D Troy | | | | | |

|4000 | | | | | | | | | |

|PLANT | | | | | | | | | |

|4047 | Grader-Allis Chalmers DD |AWX 953 |21/01/70 |(orange) | | | | | |

|4052 | Grader-Caterpillar 12G |UDQ 896 |22/03/96 |K Abbott | | | | | |

|4053 | Grader-Caterpillar 12H |QZY 120 |02/07/97 | B Butler |130,000 |, | | | |

|4058 | Tractor-Massey Ferguson |ELH 826 |21/04/67 | (Proline) | | |60,000 | | |

|4059 | Backhoe-Case 580 Super K |QDT 910 |22/02/93 |various operators | | | | | |

|4066 | Tractor-International 574 |MXY 980 |20/08/84 |Slasher (red) |50,000 | | | | |

|4067 | Toyota Forklift |UCA 215 |03/11/95 | Workshop/Depot | | | |45,000 | |

|4069 |Tractor-Ford 3000 |UJL 710 |01/08/96 |Caragabal - A Riding | | | | | |

|4070 | Roller-Cat 613/Grid |QFZ 655 |08/01/94 |N Hockings | | | | | |

|4071 | Roller-Case W.152 |UCA 214 |21/04/94 |small roller (orange) | | | |60,000 | |

|4073 |Roller-Pacific Vib.Smooth V12D |s/n 568 |30/08/77 |drawn roller | | | | | |

|4075 | Roller-Coates Cushroll |  |18/07/78 |drawn roller | | | | | |

|4076 | Roller-Coates "Crushpactor '72 |  |25/11/80 |drawn roller | | | | | |

|4082 | Case-Vibromax S/P Smooth |RVH 118 |31/07/91 | T Berry | |100,000 | | | |

|4083 | Dynapac S/P Padfoot |TRJ 163 |29/05/95 |S Taylor | | | |100,000 | |

|4092 |Inter A056 Tractor&Slasher (slasher |(was QEQ |27/07/93 | Caragabal (Record only)| | | | | |

| |exists,tractor not) |803) | | | | | | | |

|4093 |Shibaura Mower CM274 |WEY 663 |17/09/99 |Parks & Gardens (red) | |70,000 | | | |

|4094 |Backhoe/loader- Case 580 SLE |XFR 665 |02/04/01 |G Dumbrell | | | |130,000 | |

|4095 |Tractor-John Deere 601098A |20655C |31/05/02 |  | | | | | |

|4096 |Multi-tyred Roller- Multipac VP2400 |XZJ 136 |28/05/02 |  | | | | | |

|4097 |Toro Groundsmaster 228D mower,outfront |YVT 154 |12/09/03 |Parks & Gardens | | | | | |

|4098 |Patching machine- Isuzu |ZAV 542 |22/12/03 |  | | | | | |

|4099 |Tip Compactor- Cat 518C |  |06/02/04 |  | | | | | |

|4100 |Roller, rubber-tyred- Bomag BW20 |55114C |16/07/04 |  | | | | | |

|4101 |Wheel Loader- Volvo L60E |AE 04 NK |20/05/05 |G Birch | | | | | |

| |Superdog (second hand) | | | | | |50,000 | | |

| |Sewer Cleaner (second hand) | | | |7,000 | | | | |

| |Paint Sprayer | | | |8,000 | | | | |

| |Slide on Water Tank | | | | |15,000 | | | |

| |Second Hand Street Sweeper | | | | | | | |100,000 |

| | | | | |294,000 |359,000 |280,000 |420,000 |374,000 |

5. Proposed Construction Schedules for Grenfell - 2007/08, 2008/09, 2009/10 and 2010/2011

The following future kerb and gutter, road shoulder and footpath programme for Grenfell is proposed as follows, subject to available funds:

|Rank |Description of Works |Street |Kerb & Guttering|Footpath |

|1. |Warraderry St (west side) from South St to Rose St (120 m) | | |$14,400 |

|2. |Melyra St (south side) from Alexandra St to Dalton St and Dalton St west side from Melyra St to |$15,500 |$16,275 | |

| |Emu Creek (155 m) | | | |

|3. |Wood St (west side) Young St to Rose St 260 m |$26,000 |$26,000 | |

|4. |North St (north side) from showground to Forbes St |$6,400 |$8,400 | |

|5. |Weddin St (east side) from Rose St (102 m x 1.2 m wide) | | |$12,300 |

|6. |South St (north side) from East St to Warraderry St (120 m) | | |$14,400 |

|7. |Warraderry Street (side) from Rose Street to Young Street (254 m) (west side) | | |$15,240 |

|8. |Warraderry Street (side) from Young Street to Camp Street (263 m) (west side) | | | |

| | | | |$15,800 |

|9. |Forbes Street (west side) from North Street northerly to end (200 m) |$20,000 |$21,000 | |

|10. |Parkes Street (west side) from Emu Creek Lodge northerly for 120 m |$5,000 |$12,600 | |

|11. |Lane behind Dalton Street (West Side 200 m x 4 m x $12 - $9,600) |$9,600 | | |

|12. |Murrays Lane (510 m x 3.6 m x $14 = $25,700, 510 - 860 m (Young Road)= $33,600, clear trees = | | | |

| |$7,000) |$66,300 | | |

|13. |Melyra Street (north side) from Brundah Street to Alexandra Street |$14,500 |$30,000 | |

|14. |Brundah Street (east side) from No. 12 to Melyra Street |$52,000 |$13,700 | |

|15. |East Street (east side) between North Street and Melyra Street (189 m x 1.2 m) | | |$22,700 |

|16. |Tyagong Street (west side) from Grafton Street to Camp Street |$5,000 |$13,200 | |

|17. |Tyagong Street (west side) from Grafton Street to Melyra Street |$5,500 |$14,200 | |

|18. |Alexandra Street (west side) from Melyra Street northerly to end 93 metres |$4,000 |$98,000 | |

|19. |Lane between Camp Street and Melyra Street (Warraderry Street and East Street) 246 m x 4 m |$10,000 | | |

|20. |North Street (south side) from lane just west of Tyagong Street 215 m kerb and gutter and road |$7,000 |$25,000 | |

| |shoulder. | | | |

|21. |Bogolong Street (east side) from Melyra Street to North Street (189 m x 1.2 m) | | |$22,700 |

|22. |North Street (south side) from Alexandra Street to Dalton Street 103 m kerb and gutter and road |$3,000 |$12,000 | |

| |shoulders. | | | |

|23. |North Street (south side) from Cross Street opposite Clarice Johnson carpark to Bogolong Street ( |$1,800 |$6,000 | |

| |51m kerb and gutter and road shoulders). | | | |

|24. |Sullivan Street (east side) from North Street northerly to creek crossing 138 m kerb and gutter |$4,200 |$16,000 | |

| |and road shoulders. | | | |

| |North Street (north side) from Sullivan Street easterly (52m kerb and gutter and road shoulders). |$1,600 |$6,100 | |

|25. |East Street (east side) from Camp Street to Melyra Street (249 m x 1.2 m) | | |$30,000 |

|26. |Lane between Melyra Street and North Street (construction seal parallel to Bogolong Street to East|$15,000 | | |

| |Street) 193 m x 5 m | | | |

|27. |Brundah Street (east side) between Camp Street and SH6 (122 m) |$9,000 |$28,400 | |

|28. |Brundah Street (east side) between Camp Street and Young Street 126 m |$3,800 |$14,700 | |

|29. |Brundah Street (east side) between Young Street and Graincorp (140 m) |$4,200 |$16,300 | |

|30. |Brundah Street (west side) between Young Street and South Street (400 m) |$12,000 |$46,400 | |

It may also be appropriate for Council to consider the paving/repaving of the footpaths so as to improve access to existing shop and to upgrade footpaths generally from a safety point of view. This project has been considered under new projects totalling $600,000.

RECOMMENDATION: that Council refer the construction schedule to the Town Works Committee for determination.

6. Shire Roads and Gravel Resheeting Program (FAG)

The priorities of gravel resheeting are shown in the attached list, as compiled by Council’s Engineers inspections and lists approved previously by Council.

Regravelling of existing gravel Shire Roads is imperative in the maintenance of those roads. It is recommended that $100,000 be allocated between A, B and C Wards on a needs basis to continue to catch up on regravelling works so as to maintain the existing infrastructure.

Proposed Ward Road Resheeting for 2007/2008

‘A’ Ward

|Stewarts Road |3.00 km |

|Bald Hills Road |1.00 km |

|Total |4.00 kms |

4.00 km @ $8,000/km = $32,000

‘B’ Ward

|Adelargo Road |3.00 km |

|Greenethorpe - Wirega Road |1.50 kms |

|Total |4.50 km |

4.50 @ $8,000/km = $36,000

‘C’ Ward

|Nowlans Road |3.00 kms |

|Stockroute |1.0 km |

|Total |4.0 kms |

4.0 @ $8,000/km = $32,000

Future Ward Works 2008/2009 onwards.

|‘A’ Ward | |

|Priority 1 |Kms |

|Boundary Road |1.90 |

|Stewarts Road |8.91 |

|Hunters Road |5.00 |

|Bald Hills Road |8.70 |

|Barkers Road |6.50 |

|Bradfords Road |1.86 |

‘B’ Ward

|Priority 1 |Kms | |

|Adams Ln |1.02 | |

|Gerrybang Rd |1.00 | |

|Adelargo Rd |14.98 | |

|Greenethorpe Wirega Rd |12.60 | |

|Borehams Rd |3.50 | |

|Quondong Rd |3.60 | |

|Dodds Ln |2.38 | |

|Brown’s Ln |2.00 | |

|McKays Rd |3.00 | |

|Wheatleys Rd |5.45 | |

‘C’ Ward

|Priority 1 |Kms |

|Arramongong Rd |1.715 |

|Nowlan’s Rd |20.23 |

|Stock Route (north end) |10.50 |

|Berendebba Ln |6.40 |

|Napiers Rd |5.97 |

|Grimms Ln |8.57 |

|Holy Camp Rd |3.74 |

|Maddens Ln |5.76 |

|Eurabba Lane |0.76 |

RECOMMENDATION: that Council adopt the priorities of gravel resheeting for 2007/2008 and $100,000 be allocated between A, B & C Wards on regravelling works as noted during recent inspections.

7. Roads to Recovery, R2.56

The Roads to Recovery Programme for 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008 will continue, totalling $402,000.

It is proposed to carry out $402,000 the following works:-

• Reseals in Grenfell $100,000

• Greenethorpe - Gambarra Road widen 2 km $100,000

• Reseals – Caragabal (completes village reseals) $10,000

• Reseals – Rural Roads $150,000

• Improve causeway Gerrybang Road $42,000

• Reseals – Greenethorpe (complete reseals) $10,000


RECOMMENDATION: that Council carry out the following works in 2007/2008 under the Roads to Recovery Programme:

• Reseals in Grenfell $100,000

• Greenethorpe - Gambarra Road widen 2 km $100,000

• Reseals – Caragabal (completes village reseals) $10,000

• Reseals – Rural Roads $150,000

• Improve causeway Gerrybang Road $42,000

• Reseals – Greenethorpe (complete reseals) $10,000




The General Manager

Weddin Shire Council

PO Box 125


Dear Sir

I wish to report to Council as follows:-


The majority of works proposed are continuations of on-going programs approved in the past with adjustments where necessary due to altered priorities or costing adjustments.

1. Sewerage Treatment Works

• Development Section 64 Plans under the Environmental Assessment and Planning Act - this is required to be completed (A/S1)

• Replace the ageing rotator arms on the aeration ponds (8 in total) - $16,000.00 (A/S4)

For Council’s Information

2. Garbage Tips:

Ongoing improvements and remediation of village tips in line with Management Plans.

Grenfell Waste Depot - Ongoing upgrading with the goal of compliance with legislation (B2).

- Continue recycling at ‘drop off” points (B2)

Greenethorpe Recycling Station -

Contributions to community operating costs ($4,000.00) to assist in sustaining the current level of service (D16).

Old Caragabal Tip - remediation as outlined in Councils Landfill Environmental Plans

- work to rehabilitate and fence to site

Amount of $2,000 submitted for improvement of recycling collection point (B7).

For Council’s Information

3. Swimming Pools:


Reapply paint to the pool and replace seals ($65,000.00) (D10) –

• repainting of the pool is required every 5 years and pool needs to be blast back to bear concrete

• replace the seals to maximise water retention during the swimming season.

Replace the scum gutters located in the deep end of the pool – to comply with current safety requirements ($30,000.00) (D11).

Complete disabled facilities by purchasing and installing a disabled hoist - required for pool accreditation and OH&S purposes ($10,000.00) (B16).

Replacement of old turnstiles required ($3,000.00) (B25).

Replacement of pool blankets. The increased usage of this facility in previous seasons when the blankets had been used shows that patrons will use swim if the water temperature is appropriate and maintained ($27,000.00). The local community has undertaken fund raising to assist with the purchase of these pool blankets (B24).


Continue with required OH&S works at Quandialla (A22).

For Council’s Information

4. Caravan Park:

Install a new cabin that has the capability for disabled people to use ($28,000.00) (C18).

Replace the ageing cisterns in the amenity block – to increase reliability and reduce ongoing maintenance costs ($3,000.00) (D13).

Modification of the cottage at the Grenfell Caravan Park into a three bedroom residence ($10,000.00) – to improve potential rental returns (D14).

For Council’s Information

5. Animal Control:


To construct a new pound for the containment of cats & dogs as required by the Companion Animals Act. The current structure is inadequate and Council has received two adverse reports from the RSPCA to date - $30,000.00 financed over three years ($10,000.00 per year). The new structure is to be of concrete and masonry construction to RSPCA standards, with full separation of cats & dogs as required by legislation (B26).

For Council’s Information

6. Council Buildings:


Continue progressive replacement of ageing air conditioners – commencing with the 2 systems in the main administration office area ($3,000.00 + carryover) and reduce reliance on gas heaters (A2).

For Council’s Information


Undertake a whole of shire heritage study – Council to match grant received from the Heritage Office (grant money is $10,000.00) – Council contribution to be $10,000.00. This will expedite the cataloging and assessment of heritage items within the shire and contribute to the conservation of items of importance (C5).


• Continue with conservation.

• Continue with the Heritage Assistance Program. (A13)

• Start to implement works as outlined in the O’Brien’s Hill master plan (B23). This work is dependent on $ for $ grants from the Heritage Office or elsewhere.

7. Planning


- Develop new DCP in line with Dept of Planning requirements – each lot of land must only be affected by a single DCP (B3)

State of Environment Reporting

Several Councils in this area are looking at a new template so that cross boundary information will be in a similar format. This will lead to “bulk” gathering of data such as soil, vegetation, biodiversity, endangered species etc.

The amount of $10,000 is requested for gathering / purchasing information either stand alone or in partnership with surrounding Councils. Again the overall cost to Council may possibly be reduced with a cooperative approach to data gathering for SOE Reports (C8).

Joint tendering for consultants may also be of benefit to Council.

For Council’s Information

8. Community Development

Establish an annual seeding grant to improve access at commercial premises within the shire ($5,000.00 per year). Small grants of up to $500.00 to be given to commercial business – to respond in a proactive manner to pressures being assured within the community (D12).



Environmental Services


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