Archdiocese Letterhead

September 15, 2005

Dear beloved in Christ of the Diocese of Toledo and the Midwest,

Greetings in the name of our Lord, God, and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is with great joy that I greet you as the first bishop of the Diocese of Toledo and the Midwest. Orthodoxy is entering into a dynamic stage of its life in this country. This comes as no accident, as the Church is the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic faith. It comes by way of well-educated priests and laity.

In order for us to stay on course, it will require the administration of our churches to be well-equipped with knowledge and, more importantly, a well-guided spiritual life.

With this in mind, I ask you to respect and follow these guidelines:

a. Mandatory parish council workshops (by deanery), and

b. Parish Council elections/ appointments which adhere to the attached standards

I trust that all pastors will implement and support these guidelines and will send in the approved ballot after their General Assembly for my blessing based on these standards. These standards are intended to safeguard the church so that those called upon to assist the pastor as their father in Christ, in doing the work of the Church, are men and women of the Church with a proper understanding of the church’s mission.

I am looking forward to visiting, praying, and worshipping with you in the near future. May God continue to reward you as we do Christ’s work in His Holy Church.

Yours unworthy father in Christ,



Bishop of Toledo and the Diocese of the Midwest


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