Five Year School Improvement Plan

Five-Year School Improvement Plan

Sample Christian School

MISSION STATEMENT The mission of STaemmplepClehrisBtiaanpStcihsotol School

is to prepare our students academically and spiritually

for a life of service to Jesus Christ

Submitted May 2012

Dr. ---, Administrator and Chairman School Improvement Committee 1

Table of Contents


School Improvement: Introduction.....................................................................p. 3 Administration, Faculty and Staff...................................................................... p. 5 History of SCS............................................................................................ p. 8 Duties and Functions of the School Improvement Committee...................................... p.7 Early School Improvement Days........................................................................p. 9 Sample Christian School Organizational Chart..........................................................p.11 School Profile Overview................................................................................ p.12


Demographics............................................................................................ p.14 Student Achievement.................................................................................... p. 23 Survey and Interviews................................................................................... p. 40 Spiritual Indicators...................................................................................... p. 39 Professional Indexes................................................................................... p. 38


Mission Core Beliefs and Vision.......................................................................p. 78 Mission Statement....................................................................................... p. 78 Core Beliefs.............................................................................................. p. 80 Vision..................................................................................................... p. 81 Our Philosophy..........................................................................................p. 81 School Expectations......................................................................................p. 92


Strategic Action Plan.................................................................................. p.102 Goals 1-11....................................................................................... pp 102-110


Introduction to the School Improvement Plan

The following School Improvement Plan describes the current status of Sample Christan School and provides a five year plan to ensure the school's viability in the future. The plan was created by the School Improvement Committee in collaboration with Sample Christian School's faculty and administration.

The guiding goals of Sample Christian's "School Improvement Plan" are as follows:

To identify the school's mission and vision To focus on improved student achievement To improve teacher effectiveness To analyze organizational development and flow To profile the school using the following data:

Demographics Student achievement scores Student, parent, and teacher surveys Spiritual indicators Professional indexes School features To clearly state the academic and spiritual beliefs To identify the curriculum initiatives To communicate the data found in research To assess strengths and weaknesses To maintain and improve the school's strengths To devise a plan of action to address weaknesses To guide the school to its goals To improve the school in every facet To apply the School Improvement Committee's research in a positive way to enhance the school program. To ensure the spiritual and academic vitality of the school To provide a framework for the school's future financial viability


The Five Year Plan for 2012-2017

In order for any organization to know where it is going, a written plan of action is critical. This plan, known here as the Five Year Improvement Plan, is a map that charts the direction of Sample Christian School for the next five years. While the school seeks long term stability and growth long beyond the five year range, the following provides a blueprint for the immediate future. The future for Sample Christian School is bright with promise; only the Lord knows what is in store for us, but we are excited that we will likely be in new facilities during the next five years at a new location. Within this time span, some important decisions will be made that will affect the future of the ministry for many years to come. This is an exciting time in the history of Sample Christan School.

Sample Christain School is a school that seeks to please the Lord in every facet of its operation from the academic integrity of the classroom to the benefit package of its employees. Our organization, in order to please Christ, must do all to the glory of God. It is our goal as administration and faculty to one day hear the Lord say the words "well done" concerning this ministry.

All suggested improvements are with this end in mind, recognizing the admonition in scripture that "unless the Lord build the house they labor in vain that build it."

Dr. ---, Administrator and Chairman of the School Improvement Committee Mr. ---, Vice Principal


Administration and Faculty


Dr. Pastor

Dr. Administrator

Mr. Vice Principal


Mrs. Kindergarten 3 Years Old

Mrs. Kindergarten 4 Years Old

Mrs. Kindergarten Supervisor/ Kindergarten Teacher-- 4 Years Old

Mrs. Kindergarten Teacher--5 Years Old

Miss Kindergarten 5

Miss First Grade Teacher

Miss Second Grade

Miss Third Grade Teacher



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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