Saint Mary's Press: The Catholic Bible Publisher for Teens

Symbols in the Book of RevelationUse this sheet for reference as you read the Book of Revelation.Numbers3—greatness (like seven)3?—(half of seven) imperfection, a time of trial, persecution4—the world; the four cardinal points; universality6—(seven minus one) imperfection and failure7—plentitude, perfection, fullness, totality10—a complete number; perfection12—(three times four) eschatological perfection, tribes of Israel, God’s People24—(two times twelve) plenitude of God’s People in the Church42—(number of months in 3? years) trial, persecution666—(seven minus one) total imperfection and complete failure777—(three sevens) absolute perfection and plentitude1,000—multitude, innumerable quantity1,260—(days in 3? years) time of trial, persecution12,000—limitless numbers; members of the Israelites, the People of God144,000—(twelve squared and multiplied by one thousand) limitless, complete; symbol of new People of GodColorswhite—victory, glory, joy, purityred—blood, violence, vengeanceblack—death, harm, faminegreen—death, pestilencescarlet—royalty, bloodshedpurple—royal splendor, luxuryblue—transparency, purityThingsbelt on chest—royalty, priesthoodfull-length robe—priesthoodcrown—royalty, power, victorypalm—victorystar—angel, power, community leadersword—war, judgmenttrumpet—alarm, message, call to attention, liturgygaze—judgmenteyes—wisdom, knowledgehorns—strength, powerwings—mobility, protectionseals—secret, importance, belonginglampstand—the community, Israelgold—quality, preciousness, valueprecious stones—luxury, wealth, beautywhite or gray hair—wisdom, eternityfornication—idolatryPlacesBabylon—city oppressing the People of GodNew Jerusalem—new Zion, new People of Godsea—evilLiving Creaturesangels—messengers of God, personification of God and natural forceshorses—military might, invasion, speedwoman—a nation (Jewish, pagan, Church)lamb—salvation, simplicity, humility, sacrifice of Jesus, Day of the Lordbeast—the Roman Empire, the emperorharlot—Babylon, Romedragon—serpent, Satanlion—bravery, cruelty, king of wild animalsbear—cruelty, strengtheagle—liberty, far-reaching, queen of birdsbull—fortitude, king of domestic animals ................

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