Practical Strategies

Resources on Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic Social Teaching and Social Justice Resources (Websites)

The following list of websites contains a variety of theological, educational and prayer resources that can be used for formation of high school-age youth and parish communities.

US Catholic Conference of Bishops – The primary website for the US Catholic Conference of Bishops offers numerous links concerning Church teaching and issues of faith, including a variety of resources on social justice. ()

Office of Justice, Peace and Human Development – The USCCB committee responsible for sharing the social teaching of the Church, applying Catholic Social Teaching to major domestic and international issues with moral dimensions, advocating on behalf of the poor and vulnerable and empowering US Catholics to act in defense of human life, human dignity and human rights (sdwp)

Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) – The USCCB sub-committee that responds to poverty in the US through education and the provision of grants to community organizations and human development efforts (hd)

Poverty USA - CCHD’s multimedia education center exploring poverty in the United States ()

USCCB Respect Life Program – Resources for prayer, formation and advocacy provided under the guidance of the USCCB’s Committee on Pro-Life Activities (prolife/programs/rlp)

Understanding Caritas In Veritate – resources on the Holy Father’s most recent encyclical (jphd/caritasinveritate)

Recent initiatives offered through the USCCB and other Catholic Institutions:

Catholic Coalition on Climate Change –Initiative providing resources from the USCCB and numerous partners calling Catholics to promote the common good in the effort to protect “the human environment and the natural environment” ()

Catholics Confront Global Poverty – A call to join one million Catholics in confronting global poverty through prayer, education, and advocacy and in living in solidarity with our brothers and sisters around world (sdwp/globalpoverty)

Catholic Teaching on Economic Life – Resources to guide Catholics in analyzing economic life in the light of Catholic Social Teaching and in responding in ways that promote the dignity of all (jphd/economiclife)

Catholic Charities USA - The national office for more than 1700 local Catholic Charities agencies and institutions provides leadership and resources to help Catholics join CCUSA’s efforts to reduce poverty, support families, and empower communities. ()

Campaign to Reduce Poverty in America – CCUSA’s campaign that strives to engage US Catholics in numerous efforts aimed at reducing poverty in half by 2020 (Community)

Catholic Charities in Maryland – ()

Catholic Family Faith - A blog designed to enhance the faith development of the Domestic church, the Catholic family ()

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) – The international relief and development agency of the US Catholic Church provides numerous opportunities and resources that empowers US Catholics to live in solidarity with the global poor. (, in Spanish: es)

CRS Education: Going Global with Youth - Educational & prayer resources appropriate for Catholic youth ministry and education ()

CRS College – Web resources that connect key global issues such as hunger, migration, HIV & AIDS and international poverty to the university classroom and campus ()

Food Fast – CRS’ hunger awareness program rooted in Catholic Social Teaching and designed to foster leadership in young people ()

CRS Fair Trade - CRS’ economic justice program that connects Catholics to the Fair Trade marketplace, specifically CRS’ Fair Trade coffee, chocolate and crafts programs, and provides numerous educational resources on fair trade ()

Operation Rice Bowl – CRS’ Lenten program of prayer, fasting, learning and almsgiving ()

CRS Legislative Advocacy Action Center – CRS’ advocacy center for staying on top of current issues in light of Catholic Social Teaching ()

Center for Ministry Development: The Center for Ministry Development provides numerous resources as well as formational and consultancy opportunities for those serving in pastoral ministry and catechesis with youth, young adults, families and the intergenerational community. ()

Young Neighbors in Action: An integrated service-learning experience for parish and school teams of older youth and adults that provides the experiences, skills and learning needed to make change possible ()

Just 5 Days: An integrated service-learning experience for parish and school teams of middle school youth and adults that provides the experiences, skills and learning needed to make change possible


Center of Concern – A faith-based organization that works to foster social and economic justice, social change and greater commitment to Catholic Social Tradition through analysis, education, advocacy and capacity building. ()

Education for Justice – The Center of Concern’s education resource website aimed at deepening knowledge of the social tradition of our faith and fostering solidarity with those who live in poverty and oppression ()

From Mission to Mission – This Roman Catholic network of laity, religious, priests and ministers who have been involved in cross-cultural ministry, either overseas or domestically, offers resources for continued discernment, including a resource guide for short-term missions titled What About Short-term Mission? ()

H2O Project – The H2O Project's goal is to raise awareness of the global need for clean water, and to equip the newly aware with a simple tool for making a difference. (Give up your sodas. Save someone's life!) The H2O Project does not provide water/drill wells directly, but asks all who participate to send their contributions directly to a water ministry of their choice. Creative educational resources are available. The H2O project partners with Catholic Relief Services and other Catholic organizations. ()

Habitat for Humanity – Habitat for Humanity is the nonprofit, ecumenical Christian ministry founded on the conviction that every man, woman and child should have a decent, safe and affordable place to live. They often provide powerful experiences for work camps, service days and ongoing volunteer services. There are now numerous educational programs as well. ()

JustFaith – Just Faith Ministries develops workshops and programs aimed at empowering a greater commitment to social justice and social ministry in both individuals and communities. ()

Justice Walking – JustFaith Ministries’ process designed for youth, suitable for parish or school groups (JW123.html)

Justice for Immigrants Campaign – This Catholic-based network and campaign provides resources on comprehensive immigration reform for organizers, educators, parish leaders, policymakers, media and immigrants. ()

The International Samaritan - Founded by Jesuit priest, Fr. Don Vettese, International Samaritan strives to build good communities for the people living in and around city garbage dumps. Garbage dump dwellers are some of the poorest people in the world. They offer overseas service learning experiences which integrate service, companionship, reflection and advocacy. (missions/)

Maryknoll Office of Global Concerns – A resource site representing the Maryknoll Sisters, Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers, Maryknoll Lay Missioners and the Maryknoll Affiliates brings the Maryknoll experience to education, advocacy, and policymaking. ()

Mexican American Catholic College: MACC is a faith formation center whose mission is “to empower and educate leaders for service in a culturally diverse Church and society by offering a bi-literate, multicultural formation program that can lead to a BA and an MA degree in Catholic Pastoral Ministry.” Numerous resources are available including RESPETO, a Latino Youth Leadership Formation program. ()

Network – This Catholic leader in education, lobbying, and community organizing provides numerous tools and opportunities to get involved in efforts that foster social transformation. ()

Office of Justice & Peace, St. Paul/Minneapolis – A comprehensive resource site on Catholic Social Teaching sponsored by the Archdiocese of St. Paul/Minneapolis contains numerous links, quotes, and assorted educational and parish resources. ()

Pax Christi USA – The US section of Pax Christi International, the Catholic peace movement, commits itself to peace education and promotion of the gospel values of peacebuilding. ()

Praying Pelican Missions - Praying Pelican Missions provides unique short-term missions focusing not simply on “doing for” others, but on fostering relationships and partnerships between groups from North America and local churches and communities in Belize, Jamaica and Mexico.  ()

UK Catholic Agency for Overseas Development – The official overseas relief and development agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales provides numerous educational resources for children, youth and adults. (.uk/resources)

Catholic Social Justice Resources - Books

Recommended books for learning more about Catholic Social Teaching:

Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, Washington, DC: USCCB, 2004.

Cipolle, S. B. Service Learning and Social Justice: Engaging Students in Social Change. Lanham, MD:

Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2010.

DeBerri, Edward P. & James E. Hug. Catholic Social Teaching: Our Best Kept Secret (Fourth Revised and Expanded Edition). New York: Orbis Books & Washington DC: Center of Concern, 2004.

Feely, Sr. Katherine, SND. Engaging Faith in the World: Exploring Catholic Social Teaching and Global Solidarity. Washington, DC: NCEA Secondary Schools Department, 2007.

Fourre, Connie. Journey to Justice: Transforming Hearts and Schools with Catholic Social Teaching. Washington, DC: NCEA, 2003.

Himes, Kenneth R. OFM. Responses to 101 Questions on Catholic Social Teaching. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2001

Hogan, John P. Credible Signs of Christ Alive: Case Studies from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. Washington, DC: USCCB, 2003.

Kammer, SJ, Fred. Doing Faithjustice: An Introduction to Catholic Social Thought. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2004.

Korgen, Jeffry Odell. My Lord and My God: Engaging Catholics in Social Ministry. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2007.

-----. Solidarity Will Transform the World: Stories of Hope from Catholic Relief Services. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2007.

Massaro, Thomas, S.J. Living Justice: Catholic Social Teaching in Action. Franklin, WI: Sheed & Ward, 2000.

McKenna, Kevin. A Concise Guide to Catholic Social Teaching. Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press, 2002.

Prevallet, Elaine. Toward a Spirituality for Global Justice: A Call to Kinship. Louisville, KY: Sowers Books, 2005.

Thompson, J. Milburn. Justice & Peace: A Christian Primer, 2nd ed. Revised and Expanded. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Press, 2003.

Windley-Daoust, Jerry. Primary Source Readings in Catholic Social Justice. Winona, MN: St. Mary’s Press, 2007.

Additional prayer resources in print:

Ballenger, Barbara (ed.). Prayers without Borders: Celebrating Global Wisdom. Baltimore, MD: Catholic Relief Services, 2004.

Leach, Michael & Susan Perry (eds.). A Maryknoll Book of Prayer. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Press, 2003.

McGinnis, James. Praying for Peace Around the Globe. Liguori, MO: Liguori Publications, 2009.

Millar, Peter. Our Hearts Still Sing. Glasgow, UK: Wild Goose Publications, 2004.

O’Donohue, John. To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings. New York: Doubleday, 2008.

Parachin, Victor M. (ed.). Prayers from Around the World and Across the Ages. Chicago: ACTA Publications, 2004.

Roundtable Association of Diocesan Social Action Directors. Living God’s Justice: Reflections and Prayers. Cincinnati: Ave Maria Press, 2006.

Social Justice Resources – Sample List of Films

(Films should always be previewed in advance of showing any audience for ratings, age-appropriateness and development of proper reflection tools for use during or after the film. In some cases, it may be more appropriate to show clips or small portions of certain film rather than showing them in their entirety. For USCCB Movie Reviews, see movies.)

Babette's Feast (Eucharist, community, common good, hunger, human dignity)

Bella (human dignity, respect for life, Hispanic community, responsibility, hope, family)

Crash (migration, poverty, common good, solidarity, trafficking, human dignity, human rights & responsibility)

Dying To Live: A Migrant's Story (UND Institute for Latino Studies documentary on migration)

Earth (care of creation, environmental justice, solidarity with all creation)

Entertaining Angels (Dorothy Day, poverty, peacebuilding, solidarity, option for the poor)

Eyes on the Prize (PBS documentary on the Civil Rights movement, discrimination, human dignity, human rights and responsibility, common good, participation)

Food Inc. (sustainability, food, human rights and responsibility, care for creation, solidarity, common good)

Freedom Writers (education/youth, poverty, gangs/peacebuilding, solidarity, human dignity, human responsibility)

Gandhi (Gandhi, India, political responsibility, human rights, human dignity, peacebuilding)

Hotel Rwanda (Africa, genocide, human dignity, human rights & responsibility, political responsibility, forgiveness, solidarity)

Life and Debt (Jamaica, poverty, World Bank, human rights & responsibility, economic justice)

Line in the Sand: Stories from the US/Mexico Border (CRS) (immigration, human dignity, common good, human rights & responsibility, poverty, dignity of work, solidarity)

Lives for Sale (Maryknoll/PBS) (trafficking, migration, human dignity, human rights & responsibility)

The Long Walk Home (Civil Rights Movement, discrimination, human dignity, human rights & responsibility, common good, dignity of work, forgiveness, solidarity)

Lost Boys of Sudan (Africa, Sudan, genocide, rights of children, human dignity, human rights &

Responsibility, participation)

Millions (ethics, human dignity, human responsibility, faith, solidarity)

Mission, The (South America, evangelization, Eucharist, human dignity, human rights & responsibility)

Namesake, The (India, solidarity, call to family, poverty/materialism, faith, human dignity)

Paper Clips (dignity of youth, holocaust, common good, human responsibility, solidarity)

Pay It Forward (service, family, common good, participation, human responsibility)

Planet Earth (Discovery) (stewardship, common good, human responsibility)

Precious (poverty, abuse, family, human dignity, human rights & responsibility,

Pursuit of Happiness, The (poverty, human dignity, human rights & responsibility, common good, family, hope, empowering women & adolescents)

Romero (El Salvador, Oscar Romero, poverty, human dignity, Eucharist, human rights & responsibility, solidarity)

Roots (historic miniseries that focused on slavery, human dignity, human rights & responsibility, common good, solidarity)

Schindler's List (holocaust, war, Jewish studies, human dignity, human rights & responsibility, dignity of work)

School Ties (human dignity, human rights and responsibility, respect for religious freedom, solidarity)

Slumdog Millionaire (India, poverty, human dignity, violence of poverty, women’s issues, hope, respect for religious freedom)

Soloist, The (homelessness, US poverty, mental illness, human dignity, rights and responsibilities, common good, advocacy)

Strangers No Longer (USCCB) (Catholic teaching on migration, human dignity, poverty)

Visitor, The (immigration, human dignity, community, human rights & responsibility, solidarity)

Wall-E (stewardship & environment, pollution, human responsibility, common good, connection to future generations)

Water of Life (Catholic Relief Services) (sacramentality of water, stewardship, human rights & responsibility, solidarity, common good)


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