S and E Program Proforma - Weebly

EDN 558

HASS Program

|Subject/Unit/Depth Study |Focus Question/s |Year level |

|History/The Ancient to the Modern World/The Asia-Pacific World/ The Polynesian Expansion |What were the causes and effects of Polynesian settlement on Easter |8 |

|across the Pacific |Island (Rapa Nui)? | |

|Rationale |Assumed knowledge and skills (dot points) |School & Classroom Context (dot points) |

|This unit was designed to introduce Year 8 students to the Pacific region of Polynesia. |Students have completed a two week Overview of the Ancient to the Modern |A Midwest District High School - IPS |

|Students living in inland Western have little connection with the Pacific region, unlike |World. |Year 8 |

|their counterparts on the Eastern seaboard of Australia. The over-arching focus question is|Students are learning paragraph and essay writing skills in their Year 8 |29 students - 17 girls – 12 boys – 10 indigenous, 15 |

|What were the causes and effects of Polynesian settlement on Easter Island (Rapa Nui)? Each|English Class |on IEP’s, 1 hearing impaired |

|lesson will pose a sub-question to be explored in order to understand and explain the focus|Students have some experience in Year 7 of reading, viewing, interpreting|3 x 60min HASS lessons per week |

|question. |and analysing texts |1 hour homework per week |

|The giant statues of Easter Island present a mystery to even the modern day scholars. This |Students are familiar with using computers to research information on the|Internet access restricted to designated computer room|

|fascination with the unexplained will provide a ‘hook’ for encouraging the students to |internet |Half the students have no internet access at home |

|learn more about the statues and the way of life on Easter Island prior to and |Students have experience in using Word and PowerPoint on the school |HASS classes are conducted in both the designated HASS|

|post-European discovery. Although the time allocated to learning about this topic is |computers |room and the Yr 8 Home room |

|limited, it is planned to give students an insight into the origins of Rapa Nui settlement,|It is assumed that students have no prior knowledge about Polynesia or |HASS room and Yr 8 Home room have Smartboards |

|their cultural beliefs and achievements, and the events that eventually led to the demise |moai |Method of Inquiry Learning to be used in teaching this|

|of that culture. | |topic |

|The unit addresses the Content descriptor of Historical Knowledge and Understanding through| |Students attending this school come from five |

|the Depth Study, The Asia-Pacific World / The Polynesian Expansion across the Pacific. | |different towns from 40 to120kms away. It is mainly a |

|It incorporates use of the components of the Historical Skills descriptor; Chronology, | |farming and mining region. |

|terms and concepts, Historical questions and research, Analysis and use of sources, | | |

|Perspectives and interpretations, Explanation and communication. | | |

|Historical Understanding key concepts include; evidence, continuity and change, cause and | | |

|effect, perspectives, empathy, significance and contestability. | | |

|The Cross Curricular priority is Sustainability. | | |

|General Capabilities include Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking, Intercultural | | |

|Understanding, Ethical Understanding and Personal and social capability. | | |

|Evaluation is formative by observations of the students’ participation in class, their | | |

|co-operation with others during group-work, a multiple choice quiz and a source analysis | | |

|during the 12 lessons and summative by way of an investigation on the moai (giant statues) | | |

|of Easter Island. | | |

|Links to Australian Curriculum: Concepts, Content, Skills (specific and targeted) |

|The cultural achievements of ONE Polynesian society, such as the moai constructed on Easter Island (ACDSEH067) |

|Investigating the construction of the moai on Easter Island, the techniques used to make and transport them, and theories about their meaning |

|Program |

|Week |Link to AC |Stage of Inquiry |Teaching and Learning Activities |Resources |Evaluation |

| |skills/content/ | | | | |

| |concepts | | | | |

| |Historical Knowledge|Tuning In |What do we know about Easter Island? Where is Easter Island? |Whiteboard, Whiteboard markers, Whiteboard eraser |Formative: - observation |

|1 |& Understanding | |Start lesson by showing an image of the moai or giant statues of Easter Island. Ask |Interactive whiteboard & computer |of student engagement with|

| |The cultural | |students if they can identify what the image is of, and lead into a discussion of what the|A3 laminated image of moai |the set tasks, |

| |achievements of the | |students know about Easter Island. Their ideas and knowledge to be written up on the |Blank map of Polynesian Triangle from |contribution to discussion|

| |Rapa Nui including | |whiteboard as a table of What do we know? and What do we want to find out? Students to | |topics, and working with |

| |the building of Moai| |copy this down into their workbooks. |with a list of the place names. |others |

| | | |Use Google Earth to take students on a fly-over sight-seeing tour of Easter Island |Blank outline map of Easter Island & list of | |

| |========== | |Mapping Exercise – The Polynesian Triangle & Easter Island |features |Formative: - completion of|

| | | |Pair and share with 1 student completing a map of the Polynesian Triangle and the other | |Polynesian Triangle & |

| |Inquiry Question |Finding out |completing a map of Easter Island. The students will be given blank maps of each and a |Class set of atlases and detailed maps of Polynesian|Easter Island maps |

| |What were the causes| |list of island names and important geographic features to label. |Triangle & Easter Island as a reference | |

| |and effects of | | |Coloured pencils or textas |================ |

| |contact between | |1.2 When was Easter Island settled and by whom? When did Europeans first discover Easter |Student workbooks |Formative: - observation |

| |societies in this |========== |Island? |========================== |of student engagement with|

| |period? | |Ask students for their ideas on who the first Easter Island settlers were and how they |National Geographic Islands and People article |the set tasks and |

| | | |arrived. Show images of Hokule’a, the great replica Polynesian voyaging canoe. Read as a |sourced from |contribution to discussion|

| |Historical Concept |Finding Out |class the National Geographic article Islands and People. Start a Glossary of Rapa Nui | and Glossary |

| |Cause & Effect | |terms on the whiteboard. Students to copy the glossary into their workbooks as a table to |cyclopedia/island | |

| | | |be added to in future lessons. |A3 laminated images of Hokule’a |Formative: - completion of|

| |Historical Skill | |Read a class handout about the European visitors to the island from 1722 onwards. Discuss |sourced from Island timeline |

| |Sequence historical | |as a class the observations made by Roggeveen, Gonzales and Cook about the moai and the | | |

| |events, developments|Gathering |island features and population. What was the effect of European discovery on the |A3 laminated images of drawings of Easter Islanders | |

| |and periods. |information |islanders? As a class create a timeline on the whiteboard to show the sequence of events |by early European visitors | |

| |========= | |from the first arrivals on Easter Island in 700 CE, the arrival of the first Europeans in |Blank timeline worksheet | |

| | | |1772 until the annexation by Chile in 1888. Students then complete the timeline worksheet |Prepared handout on the European | |

| |Historical Knowledge| |and glue it into their workbooks. |discoverers/visitors to Easter Island |================ |

| |& Understanding | | |sourced from |Formative: - observation |

| |The cultural |Sorting out |1.3 Investigate the construction of the moai or giant statues. | student engagement with|

| |achievements of the | |Read as a class p232-233 of Pearson 8 History section on Moai. Read illustrated class |_island/ |the set tasks and |

| |Rapa Nui including | |handout sheet on moai materials and types. Show PPT slideshow of moai. |============================= |contribution to discussion|

| |the building of Moai| |Write up as a list on the whiteboard the materials used and the different types of moai – |Whiteboard etc |topics |

| | | |ahu, moai and moai with pukoa (hats or topknots), the eyes of moai. Add these terms to |Pearson Year 8 History textbooks– class set of texts| |

| | |========== |Glossary. |pp 232-233 | |

| | | |Use the interactive whiteboard lesson materials from CyArk to view a map of the island and|PPT slideshow of moai images | |

| | |Finding out |investigate the features of selected Rapa Nui moai using the 3D viewer. |Illustrated handout sheet adapted from | |

| | | |Students to complete a data sheet on selected moai with name and facts | and | |

| | |Gathering | | |

| | |information | |ai/ | |

| | | | |Interactive whiteboard & computer | |

| | | | |Resource materials from | |

| | |Going further | | | |

| | | | |Data sheet templates adapted from | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |aa_year8_Angkor_angkorpedia_research_template.pdf | |

| | |Finding out |2.1 The Moai were made long before modern methods of lifting and transport. How were moai |Whiteboard etc. |Formative: - observation |

|2 |Historical Skills | |moved around Easter Island? |Interactive whiteboard |of student engagement with|

| |Use evidence from | |Start by asking students for their ideas about how the statues might have been moved. |YouTube, slideshow images and podcast resources from|the set tasks and |

| |sources to support | |Write up suggestions on the whiteboard. Discuss some of these theories and show some | to discussion|

| |historical |Gathering |images of the different methods. Read as a class the handout sheet on different moving |and/bloch-text?source=news_easter_island_story |topics |

| |narratives and |Information |theories. Play YouTube clip (1 minute) of animation of how the statues moved. Play audio |Coloured pencils or textas | |

| |explanations | |podcast (12 minutes) from National Geographic about the latest theory on the movement of |Student workbooks | |

| | | |the statues. Accompany the audio with a visual slideshow of moai images. Play Youtube clip|Handout sheet of Moai moving theories from | |

| |Historical Concept | |(1 minute) from National Geographic of the scientists' re-creation of the statue | | |

| |Contestability |Sorting out |‘walking’. |YouTube video BBC Easter Island Mysteries of a Lost | |

| | | |Students to discuss and create a Plus Minus Interesting chart on the whiteboard for the |World. ================================ | |

| |=========== | |theory that the moai ‘walked’. Copy this into their workbooks and draw sketches in their |Whiteboard etc. | |

| |Inquiry Question | |workbooks of moving the moai. |Interactive whiteboard | |

| |What key beliefs and| |Commence viewing of BBC video Easter Island Mysteries of a Lost World in 15 minute |Butcher’s paper | |

| |values emerged and | |segments over the next 4 lessons as it’s an hour long and some students have poor |Coloured pencils/ textas |============== |

| |how did they | |concentration spans. |Handout sheets on theories of meaning of the moai | |

| |influence societies?| | |and why they were destroyed sourced from |Formative: - observation |

| | |========== |2.2 What are some of the theories about the meaning of the moai? Why were they destroyed | student engagement with|

| |Historical Concept | |by the islanders? |g/the-easter-island-heads/ |the set tasks, |

| |Contestability | |Divide students into groups of 4 to brainstorm their theories of the meaning of the moai. |and |contribution to discussion|

| | | |Provide a large sheet of butcher’s paper for each group to draw a web map or concept map |Teacher provided PPT presentation on the |topics, and working with |

| | |Gathering |of their theories. |environmental issues of living on Easter Island and |others in a co-operative |

| |============ |Information |Discuss some of the theories about the meaning of the moai (eg: representations of dead |deforestation prior to 1722 |group |

| | | |ancestors or chiefs) with the students. Class handout sheet of some theories to be read as| | |

| |Historical Skill | |a group. All of the moai were toppled by the islanders. Several theories to be presented |================================ | |

| |Identify the motives| |on PPT slideshow together with information on environmental issues. Any new terms to be |Interactive whiteboard | |

| |and actions of | |added to the Glossary. |Butcher’s paper | |

| |people at the time |Communicating |Continue viewing of BBC video Easter Island Mysteries of a Lost World (15 mins) |Coloured pencils/ textas | |

| | | | |PPT slides with information from ships log of | |

| |Historical Concepts |========== |2.3 Imagine you are a Rapa Nui islander in 1722. What were your living conditions like? |Roggeveen sourced from |================ |

| |Empathy | |Who were your Gods? What was your reaction to the arrival of a strange ship with white men|: - observation |

| |Perspectives | |on it? Were you frightened or angered by the strangers, or welcoming of them? How did you |-and-info/history/ship-logs-and-journals/jacob-rogge|of student engagement with|

| |Evidence |Gathering |communicate? |veen-1722/ |the set tasks, |

| | |information |Revisit the information in lesson 1.2 extending the information provided by the European | |contribution to discussion|

| | | |visitors to Rapa Nui by viewing PPT summary of ships logs information about the islanders | |topics, and working with |

| | |Going Further |from Roggeveen. Students in groups of 4 to brainstorm on butcher’s paper and then | |others in a co-operative |

| | | |role-play this scenario for the rest of the class. | |group |

| | | |Continue viewing of BBC video Easter Island Mysteries of a Lost World (15 mins) | | |

| | |Finding out |3.1 Introduction to Investigation assignment on the moai. |Printed copy of the investigation assignment task |Formative: - observation |

|3 |Inquiry Question | |Students are required to complete an Investigation assignment on the Moai of Rapa Nui. |for each student |of student engagement with|

| |Which significant |Gathering |This is to be presented as a poster. Students may prepare their work on the computer, |Printed copy of Assessment Rubric for each student |the set tasks. |

| |people, groups and |Information |print off their text and illustrations, cut them out and glue onto A2 coloured card |Bibliography Framework template sourced from | |

| |ideas from this | |(provided for each student at a later lesson). The poster must include a title and the | |

| |period have | |student’s name. |resource-gallery-templates.html |Multiple Choice & short |

| |influenced the world| |Students may choose to investigate one or more aspects of the moai | |answer quiz |

| |today? | |Materials, size, construction methods & tools used to make moai |Handout sheet of suggested resources – websites, | |

| | | |How the moai were moved – 2 different theories |library books |Summative task explained. |

| | | |The meaning of the moai – what did they represent, why were some on platforms, why did | |(Task specifications and |

| | | |some have “hats” and why were they toppled or destroyed |PPT slideshow on moai in museums around the world. |assessment rubric on a |

| | | |Restoration of the moai since the 1980’s including those damaged by the tsunami in 1960 |Sourced from |separate page) |

| | | |Moai in museums around the world and how they are assisting the research and conservation | |

| | | |of moai on Rapa Nui |seum_and_exhibition/audio_description_tour/hoa_hakan| |

| | | |On a separate sheet of paper the students must provide a reference list or bibliography of|anaia.aspx | |

| | |Finding out |the sources they used for their information. Students will be given two in-class lessons |And | |

| | | |to research, plan, layout and present their assignment, plus homework time. | |

| | | |Allow time for students to ask questions about the assignment. |ts/easter_island_stone_figure.html | |

| | |Gathering |Discuss location of resources for research – Library Books, Encyclopaedias, Internet. |And |=============== |

| | |Information |Handout sheet of suggested websites and books in the school library to be given to each |: - observation |

| | | |student, along with the bibliography framework template for recording the resources used. |ts/ |of student engagement with|

| | |Sorting Out |Removal of moai from Easter Island | |the set tasks. |

| |Historical Concepts | |Teacher led presentation of information about moai that are in collections of Museums |Multiple Choice & short answer quiz sheets prepared |Observation of students’ |

| |Perspectives | |around the world, specifically the British Museum (Hoa Hakananais), the Smithsonian Museum|by teacher from above sources |skills at searching for |

| |Evidence | |of Natural History, and the Musee du quai Branly (Paris) plus others. | |and processing of |

| |Cause & Effect | |Multiple choice and short answer quiz on about moai that are in collections of museums | |information on the |

| |Ethical | |around the world. Opinion “ethics” question -“Is it right for museums around the world to | |internet |

| |understanding | |have moai in their collections?” Students to write a short answer justifying their reasons| | |

| | | |for why they think this. To be completed in class. | |Formative: - multiple |

| | | |Completion of viewing of BBC video Easter Island Mysteries of a Lost World (15 mins) | |choice and short answer |

| | | | | |quiz |

| | |Gathering |3.2 Research period in the Computer Room | | |

| |=========== |Information |Students are to commence their research into their chosen aspect of the moai. |============================ |================ |

| | | |Any new terms for the Glossary to be given to the teacher | |Formative: - observation |

| |Historical Skills |Reflecting | |Computer room to be booked prior to the lesson |of student engagement with|

| |Use evidence from | |3.3 Research period in the Computer Room | |the set tasks. |

| |sources to support |========== |Students are to complete their research into their chosen aspect of the moai and commence |============================= |Observation of students’ |

| |historical | |layout of their assignment on A2 coloured poster card. | |skills at searching for |

| |narratives and |Gathering |Any new terms for the Glossary to be given to the teacher |Computer room to be booked prior to the lesson |and processing of |

| |explanations |information | |A2 coloured card |information on the |

| | | | | |internet |

| | |Sorting out | | | |

| | |========== | | | |

| | |Gathering | | | |

| | |Information | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Sorting out | | | |

| |Historical Skills |Sorting out |4.1 Source Analysis on moai |Source analysis test from Pearson History 8 teacher |Summative: – Source |

|4 |Analysis and use of |Communicating |Students to complete an in-class source analysis task on the moai. Following this task, |resource |analysis task, |

| |sources | |students can complete the layout of their assignment on A2 coloured poster card and hand |A2 coloured card |worth 15 marks |

| | |========= |it in to the teacher for assessment. | | |

| |=========== | |More terms for the Glossary to be added to list. |=============================== |Summative: - Investigation|

| | |Communicating | |Container with each student's name on a separate |of the moai poster worth |

| |Historical Skills |Reflecting |4.2 Presentation of posters to the class |piece of paper (raffle ticket style) |50 marks. (task |

| |Use a range of | |By selection of "drawing names out of a hat" 8 students are to make a brief presentation | |specifications and |

| |communication forms | |of their poster to the class stating what aspect of the moai they researched and one fact |A4 sheets of paper with each student's name to be |assessment rubric on a |

| |(oral, graphic, | |that they found interesting. All posters then to be spread out on display with a separate |attached to their poster for positive comments / |separate page) |

| |written) to | |sheet of paper for 1 positive anonymous comment to be written by each of the other class |feedback on their posters by other class members. |================ |

| |communicate about | |members about each poster. Allow 10 minutes for students to browse the posters and write | |Formative: - observation |

| |the past. | |their comments. After this, draw another 8 names "out of the hat" and those students are | |of student engagement with|

| |=========== | |to collect their posters and read out the positive feedback from their peers. Allow | |the set tasks, |

| |Inquiry Question | |reflective group discussion on the posters and the feedback process. Posters are to be | |contribution to discussion|

| |Which significant |========== |retained by the teacher for final assessment. | |topics, and working with |

| |people, groups and | | |=============================== |others in a co-operative |

| |ideas from this | |4.3 Reflection on decline of Rapa Nui society and legacy of the Moai |Whiteboard etc |group |

| |period have | |The collapse of Easter Island society has been portrayed as an example of what could |Interactive whiteboard | |

| |influenced the world|Going further |happen on a global scale if countries and economies continue to destroy their natural | Lessons |================ |

| |today? | |environments and habitats with overpopulation and unsustainable practices. |from the Past - Easter Island | |

| | |Reflecting |View a YouTube video (11 mins) of a theory of the collapse of Easter Island's economy | |Formative: - observation |

| |Historical Knowledge| |through deforestation |Handout sheet with table of possible explanations |of student engagement with|

| |& Understanding |Acting |Teacher presents other possible explanations for Easter Island's decline. Students to |for Easter Island's decline with columns for ranking|the set tasks, |

| |Theories of the | |consider these on a handout sheet and rank them from most to least plausible, justifying |most to least plausible and why. |contribution to discussion|

| |decline of Rapa Nui,| |their ranking | |topics, and working with |

| |such as | |Class to discuss how the environment has shaped human history and how humans have affected|Butcher's paper |others in a co-operative |

| |deforestation and | |the environment. In groups of 4, students rewrite the history of Easter Island by posing | |group |

| |unsustainable | |"what if" questions by means of a concept map on butcher's paper |Prepared Glossary booklet for each student | |

| |practices. | |What if the moai had never been built? | | |

| | | |What if the trees had not all been destroyed? | | |

| |Historical Skills | |Students may devise their own "what if" questions. | | |

| |Explain the causes | |Groups then present their revised history of Easter Island to the rest of the class for | | |

| |and effects of | |discussion and reflection. | | |

| |events and | | | | |

| |developments | |Final presentation of the Rapa Nui Glossary by teacher, using the terms learned over the | | |

| | | |past 4 weeks and contributed to by the class. Glossary given out to the students as a | | |

| | | |small booklet. Reflective class discussion about this learning journey. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |


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