Outline Patterns for the Problem Solving Essay

Outline Patterns for the Problem Solving Essay

Review current edition of Stephen Reid text book The Prentice Hall Guide for College Writers


Pattern 1: Problem Solving Pattern

I.  Introduction

A. Attention Getter

B. Background, interesting information: startling statistics, facts, quotation, personal experience, anecdote

C. Lead-in to thesis

D. Thesis: Introduce problem and establish your approach (cause/effect or solution based)

II. Identify and demonstrate the problem

A. Current Condition or current policy showing why it is ineffective

B. Weakness of current condition

C. Explore causes and effects of the problem that the current condition does not solve

III. Present Solution(s)

IV. Answer possible objections, costs, drawbacks, counterarguments

V. Conclusion: implementation of plan; call to action


Pattern 2: Point-by-Point

I. Introduction (see Pattern 1)

II. The overall problem: identify and demonstrate

III. One part of the problem, solution, evidence, answers to possible objections, feasibility

IV. Second part of the problem, solution, evidence, answers to possible objections, feasibility

V.  Third part of the problem, solution, evidence, answers to possible objections, feasibility

VI. Conclusion: implementation of plan; call to action


Pattern 3: Alternative Pattern

I. Introduction (see Pattern 1)

II. The problem: identify and demonstrate

III. Alternative solution 1: why it’s not satisfactory

IV.  Alternative solution : why it’s not satisfactory

V.  Alternative solution 3: why it is best: give evidence, objections, feasibility

VI. Conclusion: implementation of plan


Pattern 4:Step-by-Step Pattern

I. Introduction

II. The problem: identify and demonstrate

III. Plan for implementing the solution or how solution has worked in the past

A. Step one: reasons and evidence showing why this step is necessary and feasible

B. Step two: reasons and evidence showing why this step is necessary and feasible

C. Step two: reasons and evidence showing why this step is necessary and feasible

IV. Conclusion

Classroom Brainstorm List of Topics (approved)

Prostitution Prescription Drugs Gun Rights

Society Genetic Engineering FDA Food Labeling

Auto tuning Homeless Bullying

Domestic Abuse Child Abuse Immigration

Govt. Assistance Programs Texting and Driving Divorce

Boy Scouts Govt. Spending Religion

AIDs/Needles Domesticating Exotic Animals Subsidized Crops

* If you’d like to choose a topic that is not on this list, please see Mrs. Kiester


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