LHS Social Studies - Mr. Black - World History


The Industrial Revolution

Lesson 4.3 The Second Industrial Revolution pg. 237


Key Terms

Henry Bessemer

Alfred Nobel

Michael Faraday


Thomas Edison

interchangeable parts

assembly line

Orville and Wilbur Wright

Guglielmo Marconi




germ theory

Louis Pasteur

Robert Koch

Florence Nightingale

Joseph Lister

urban renewal

mutual-aid society

Academic Vocabulary


Science and Technology Change Industry: p.237

1. Identify Cause and Effect As you read “Science and Technology Change Industry,” use this graphic organizer to list the inventions and new methods under causes, and then record the effects of each one.


2. Integrate Information From Diverse Sources  Reread “The Bessemer Process Transforms Steel,” then study the chart. How did steel production change between 1880 and 1910? Why did industrialized countries begin to measure their success by their steel output? Cite evidence to support your response.

3. Draw Conclusions Why was Michael Faraday’s dynamo essential to later inventions, such as the light bulb, and new industrial processes? Cite evidence from the text to support your answer.

Lesson 4.3 part 2: The Second Industrial Revolution

Advances in Transportation and Communication: pg.238

4. Draw Inferences  Why did industrialized nations build transcontinental railroads? How did expanding railroads affect the economy and people’s way of life?

5. Draw Conclusions  Explain the evolution of the automobile. Why did Henry Ford become the leader in the automobile industry? Cite textual evidence to support your response.

6. Identify Cause and Effect How did advances in communication impact the world and the economy during the Industrial Revolution? Which inventions continue to impact business and society?

The Rise of Big Business: pg.239

7. Determine Central Ideas How did big businesses emerge?

8. Draw Inferences  Why were Alfred Krupp’s, John D. Rockefeller’s and Andrew Carnegie’s companies considered monopolies? How did forming monopolies benefit industry leaders?

9. Explain an Argument Why was there a debate over the growth of big business? Explain both sides of the argument. Cite textual evidence to support your response.

10. Cite Evidence Why was it difficult to regulate large corporations and monopolies? Cite textual evidence to support your response.

Better Medicine, Nutrition, and Health: pg.240

11. Identify Cause and Effect Why did the population in Europe more than double during the 19th century? How was this rapid growth in population different from previous population explosions? Cite evidence from the text to support your response.

12. Identify Supporting Details What was the germ theory? How did Louis Pasteur’s work help prove the theory and impact later advances in medicine?

13. Identify Cause and Effect Identify some of the medical advances during the late 1800s. What impact did these medical advances have on human life?

City Life Changes: pg241

14. Compare and Contrast How did Paris look before George Haussmann redesigned it? What was the effect of the new design?

15. Draw Conclusions Why was the spread of disease a problem in industrial cities in the mid-1800s? What changes did people make to try to stop epidemics?

16. Compare and Contrast Why did the poor live closer to city centers than the middle class did? How might the middle and upper classes have experienced city life differently than the working class did?

The Working Class Wins New Rights: pg.242

17. Draw Conclusions Why was it important that workers won the right to organize unions? How did this right affect working conditions?

18. Determine Central Ideas What reform had the British coal miners won by 1909 in Britain? What reforms did Germany and other Western governments pass in the early 1900s? How did these changes affect workers? Cite textual evidence to support your response.


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