Cause and Effect: You tell me the cause of the following

Cause and Effect:

What is the cause of each of the following?

1) Separation of Church and State

2) Freedom of the Press

3) Direct Representation

4) Intolerable Acts

5) Proclamation line of 1763

6) Boston Tea Party

7) The writing of the Federalist Papers

8) Growing Tobacco in the Virginia Colony

9) Specie Circular

10) Hawley-Smoot Tariff

11) Geneva Accords

12) NASA

13) US declares war on Spain (1898)

14) South Secedes from the Union

15) Emancipation Proclamation

16) North ends Reconstruction

17) Bay of Pigs invasion

18) Good Neighbor Policy

19) Voting Rights Act

20) Teddy Roosevelt becomes President

21) Pure Food and Drug Act

22) Pendleton Act – Civil Service Exams

23) Albany Congress

24) 1st Continental Congress

25) Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

26) Bill of Rights

27) Outlawing the education of slaves

28) War Powers Act

29) Public Opinion turned against the Vietnam War

30) Bombing of Pearl Harbor

31) OPEC oil embargo

32) Progressive reforms

33) Social Security

34) Berlin Airlift

35) SDS’ focus changed from Civil Rights to Anti-War protests

36) Creation of the Interstate Commerce Commission

37) Vietnamization

38) Southern Manifesto

39) Turning away from indentured servitude towards slavery

40) Dominion of New England

41) 15th Amendment


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