AP Psychology – Seriously Brief Study Guide

AP Psychology – Seriously Brief Study Guide


I. History of Psychology

a. Structuralists

b. Gestalt Psychologists

c. Psychoanalysis

d. Behavioralists

e. Eclectic school

II. Psychological Perspectives

a. Behavioral approach

b. Psychoanalytic/psychodynamic approach

c. Humanistic approach

d. Biological approach

e. Evolutionary approach

f. Cognitive approach

g. Socio-cultural approach

III. Research Methodology

a. False consensus effect

b. Hindsight bias

c. Subfields of psychology

i. Basic psychology

ii. Applied psychology

d. Descriptive studies

i. Naturalistic observation

ii. Surveys

iii. Case Studies

e. Correlational studies

i. Correlation coefficient r represents degree to which two variables co-occur

ii. Cannot establish cause-effect

iii. Illusory correlation

f. Experimental studies

i. Only way to establish cause

ii. Random sampling from population of interest

iii. Random assignment to experimental groups

iv. Counterbalancing – subjects serve as own controls

v. Confounding variables

vi. Placebo effect

vii. Single blind studies

viii. Double blind studies

ix. Participant bias

x. Experimenter bias

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