Cause and Effect Writing checklist 

Student Name:   Hour:

Parent Signature:  

Directions: Have an adult read your paper and fill out the following checklist for your paper. They should mark each box after they have addressed each element. Draw a check (() if the paper has the component and an (X) if it doesn’t.

Paper Components Checklist:


← The introduction offers a BRIEF summary of the issue. Last sentence in the intro is the claim.

← The writer has a clear claim which identifies cause and effects of an issue. Highlight in red.

Body Paragraph(s): ( one cause and one effect)

← The essay has two solid body paragraphs. One discusses causes of the issue, the other discusses effects.

← Each body paragraph begins with a topic sentence related to the subject of the paragraph.

← The body paragraph(s) contain transition words (See examples in writer’s toolbox)

o Please highlight all transition words used in green

Conclusion Paragraph:

← The conclusion begins with a rewritten claim ( issue is described , but with different words. Do not add new information. Perhaps suggest a solution )

← Does NOT use a forbidden conclusion (“This is why”, “So now you can see”, etc.)


← The writing is clear, easy to understand, and convincing

← Every sentence begins with a capital letter.

o Do NOT start a sentence with “and, so, then, but, like, ”

← Every sentence ends with punctuation.

← Complete sentences are used, no run-ons or fragments

← The essay does not contain distracting errors

← Capital letter at the start of each sentence

← Complete sentences, no run-ons or fragments

← Spelling is mostly correct

← Punctuation at the end of each sentence

← Typed format (See example in packet)

← Heading (Name, date, hour) on the left

← Title centered at the top of the page under the heading, (12 pt font, not underlined)

o Cause and Effect Essay ( or something creative)

← Double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt font

Literary Essay Writing PEER Editing checklist 

Student Name:   Hour:

Parent Signature:  

Directions: Have another student read your paper and fill out the following checklist for your paper. They should mark each box after they have addressed each element. Draw a check (() if the paper has the component and an (X) if it doesn’t.

Paper Components Checklist:


← The introduction offers a BRIEF summary of the book.

← The title and author of the book are presented with the title underlined or italicized

← The author has a clear claim which identifies the conflict in the story

Body Paragraph(s):

← The essay has three solid examples and/or quotes from the story

← Quotes are properly punctuated with “quotation marks” around only the dialogue.

← Each body paragraph begins with a topic sentence related to the subject of the paragraph and to the conflict of the paper

← The body paragraph(s) contain transition words (See examples in writer’s toolbox)

o Please highlight all transition words used

Conclusion Paragraph:

← The conclusion begins with a rewritten claim (conflict is re-stated in a different way)

← Does NOT use a forbidden conclusion (“This is why”, “So now you can see”, etc.)


← The writing is clear, easy to understand, and convincing

← Every sentence begins with a capital letter.

o Do NOT start a sentence with “and, so, then, but”

← Titles and names are capitalized.

← Every sentence ends with punctuation.

← Complete sentences are used, no run-ons or fragments

← The essay does not contain distracting errors

← Capital letter at the start of each sentence

← Complete sentences, no run-ons or fragments

← Spelling is mostly correct

← Punctuation at the end of each sentence

← Direct quotes use “quotation marks”

← Typed format (See example in packet)

← Heading (Name, date, hour) on the left

← Title centered at the top of the page under the heading, (12 pt font, not underlined)

o Firegirl Literary Essay

← Double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt font


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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